Death by Injection
Published May-June 2021
The aristocracy (white upper class of the 19th century), which enjoyed by law the labor of the workers, was interested in seeing that the workers were well fed, healthy, and strong. We (the international Zionist Jew) are interested in just the opposite - in the diminution, the KILLING OUT OF THE GOYIM. (non-Jew) Our power is in the chronic shortness of food and physical weakness of the worker because by all that this implies he is made the slave of our will, and he will not find in his own authorities either strength or energy to set against our will. Hunger creates the right of capital to rule the worker more surely than it was given to the aristocracy by the legal authority of kings. Protocol III, 6, Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, circa 1905

protocols_of_zion.pdf |
Whether you call it “globalization”, “international communism”, “the great reset”, “the 4th industrial revolution”, “The New World Order”, “the technotronic era” or the biblical “beast” system it all amounts to the same hell on earth where a relative few in possession of the money, the resources, the technology and the levers of control lord over the de-humanized masses. The more opposition to this evil is removed, the more we degenerate into a slave state. An informed, healthy and morally grounded citizenry is the chief impediment to the advance of every agenda pushed by the .001% class through their corporate monopolies and controlled government entities. In the middle of the cross hairs of this criminal world order is the United States of America, a once predominantly Christian nation with a Constitution and biblical principles of morality, and in particular the white middle class which was once healthy and formed the backbone of America but is now systematically being destroyed in favor of even more corporate monopolization and top down control -- the very disease that is killing our nation. Consider all of the small and medium sized businesses that have been forced to shut down due to measures taken ostensibly to combat the “pandemic”. These measures are so blatant, as well as being based upon so many false premises, that we believe a new class of informed citizens simply has to arise out of sheer frustration. These citizens rightfully hate everything the world order stands for and they are fighting against it with TRUTH by alerting others, and learning the skills they will need to survive the coming tribulation. Is this enough to turn the tide against the perpetrators? When is God going to put an end to the satanic plan? Only God knows.
Matthew 24:36-27 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
The Protocols quote above foreshadows the genocidal agenda we are faced with now. Anyone who can stomach reading through the Protocols will see that they provide a basic outline for all major events that have happened in the last century and are happening now. History does not just happen by chance. Wars, revolutions, depressions, major terrorist events and phony pandemics happen because they are crafted and carried out by criminal masterminds from behind the scenes. All of the resources they control are brought into the equation. In this essay we provide evidence of a continuous thread of malfeasance which clearly points to one particular breed of perpetrators as the movers toward the satanic paradigm of the end times. Whether it is a war fought with guns and bombs, a bloody revolution, a brutal recession/depression or this phony “pandemic” these same perpetrators are always the ones who come out on top once the dust has settled. Many people will die so that these anti-human creatures may profit and gain more power over us. They function as do parasites in nature which continue to suck the blood and vital fluids from the host until the host dies. It is of vast importance that those of us who have come out of their matrix of dis-information do whatever we can to wake up our brethren and fight against the enemy’s lies with truth. Unfortunately, many people, even in our own families, will not wake up. This is to be expected. Matthew’s prophecy illustrates how we shall be divided:
Matthew 24:38-41 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, (business as usual) until the day that Noe entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left.
The lockdown, mass injection scheme is a war of the .001% class against the middle class, and especially the white middle class. This pandemic is not recognized as a war against the people -- at least not yet. Despite the nagging mainstream rhetoric, it wasn’t a virus that caused the lockdowns and the massive loss of middle class businesses and jobs. It was tyrants within government motivated by Jewish corporate and NGO money who used the “pandemic” theme as an excuse to “flex their muscles” and exercise unwarranted power over the people. In other words, these politicians were not working to protect you from a ravaging disease because there never was a Covid 19 “pandemic”. That narrative was only the excuse. It was the “justification” used to implement the diabolical plan of “elites” to defraud the middle class of assets. In that sense, it was similar to the Great Depression of the 1930s and following “recessions” such as the one that began in 2006-7.
When have politicians ever shut down America over a flu outbreak? Answer: Never, not once! Anyone with a grain of spiritual intelligence and/or common sense should smell a rat. The governors and mayors implementing lockdowns were working for their masters to create a situation in which many small to middle class businesses could be destroyed. From the start the “pandemic” was designed to benefit corporate monopolies. It is also a mass murder! The money power hates free enterprise and small business and loves corporate consolidation because it is easier to control by the autocrats at the top of the financial pyramid. For decades the mysterious “they” have been calling for a dramatic reduction in the human population – down to a manageable level of less than a billion, who can then be enslaved by an invasive scientific tyranny for which the “vaccine” agenda was designed.
Revelation 21:7-8 He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son. But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
Instead of the guns and bombs of a WWI or WWII and the numerous smaller wars this so-called “pandemic” is a psychological war waged with fear, deception and illusion, all of which we would say amounts to sorcery. The people behind this are sorcerers, whose ultimate destination is hell, where they will reside for eternity. Meanwhile they will do incredible damage to the planet and decimate the human population. This war against humanity uses the relentless fear mongering of top-down controlled media corporations operating as one seamless unit in order to render people unable to think logically, because they are scared to death by bogus statistics and “news” hype. This causes them to embrace a “cure” that will be far worse than the phony “pandemic”. With the fear mongering used as a catalyst, traditional war machinery has been replaced with needles and lethal injections.
Matthew 24:36-27 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
The Protocols quote above foreshadows the genocidal agenda we are faced with now. Anyone who can stomach reading through the Protocols will see that they provide a basic outline for all major events that have happened in the last century and are happening now. History does not just happen by chance. Wars, revolutions, depressions, major terrorist events and phony pandemics happen because they are crafted and carried out by criminal masterminds from behind the scenes. All of the resources they control are brought into the equation. In this essay we provide evidence of a continuous thread of malfeasance which clearly points to one particular breed of perpetrators as the movers toward the satanic paradigm of the end times. Whether it is a war fought with guns and bombs, a bloody revolution, a brutal recession/depression or this phony “pandemic” these same perpetrators are always the ones who come out on top once the dust has settled. Many people will die so that these anti-human creatures may profit and gain more power over us. They function as do parasites in nature which continue to suck the blood and vital fluids from the host until the host dies. It is of vast importance that those of us who have come out of their matrix of dis-information do whatever we can to wake up our brethren and fight against the enemy’s lies with truth. Unfortunately, many people, even in our own families, will not wake up. This is to be expected. Matthew’s prophecy illustrates how we shall be divided:
Matthew 24:38-41 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, (business as usual) until the day that Noe entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left.
The lockdown, mass injection scheme is a war of the .001% class against the middle class, and especially the white middle class. This pandemic is not recognized as a war against the people -- at least not yet. Despite the nagging mainstream rhetoric, it wasn’t a virus that caused the lockdowns and the massive loss of middle class businesses and jobs. It was tyrants within government motivated by Jewish corporate and NGO money who used the “pandemic” theme as an excuse to “flex their muscles” and exercise unwarranted power over the people. In other words, these politicians were not working to protect you from a ravaging disease because there never was a Covid 19 “pandemic”. That narrative was only the excuse. It was the “justification” used to implement the diabolical plan of “elites” to defraud the middle class of assets. In that sense, it was similar to the Great Depression of the 1930s and following “recessions” such as the one that began in 2006-7.
When have politicians ever shut down America over a flu outbreak? Answer: Never, not once! Anyone with a grain of spiritual intelligence and/or common sense should smell a rat. The governors and mayors implementing lockdowns were working for their masters to create a situation in which many small to middle class businesses could be destroyed. From the start the “pandemic” was designed to benefit corporate monopolies. It is also a mass murder! The money power hates free enterprise and small business and loves corporate consolidation because it is easier to control by the autocrats at the top of the financial pyramid. For decades the mysterious “they” have been calling for a dramatic reduction in the human population – down to a manageable level of less than a billion, who can then be enslaved by an invasive scientific tyranny for which the “vaccine” agenda was designed.
Revelation 21:7-8 He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son. But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
Instead of the guns and bombs of a WWI or WWII and the numerous smaller wars this so-called “pandemic” is a psychological war waged with fear, deception and illusion, all of which we would say amounts to sorcery. The people behind this are sorcerers, whose ultimate destination is hell, where they will reside for eternity. Meanwhile they will do incredible damage to the planet and decimate the human population. This war against humanity uses the relentless fear mongering of top-down controlled media corporations operating as one seamless unit in order to render people unable to think logically, because they are scared to death by bogus statistics and “news” hype. This causes them to embrace a “cure” that will be far worse than the phony “pandemic”. With the fear mongering used as a catalyst, traditional war machinery has been replaced with needles and lethal injections.
The rollout of Covid 19 "vaccines" coincides with a dramatic rise in deaths. This is true in all countries.
The number of deaths attributed to Covid 19, a phantom disease which is probably just a strain of the flu, is minuscule compared to how many will die from the “vaccine”. The above graph illustrates that the “vaccine” is actually causing death, not preventing it. The same upward trend in deaths has occurred in all nations administering the shots. A defect of the fearful (re-read Rev. 21:7-8 above) who feel they must get injected for their own protection is that they have put their trust in grievous “authorities” to tell them the truth. You can be sure that any “authority” who is given air time on mainstream media is someone who has no moral compass and is willing to lie for a paycheck. Some of the “newscasters” are probably just stupid and uninformed, but they are still reading from the same script, written by “think tanks” working for the Jewish money power – the same bankers who designed all of the wars of the past century and used their central banks to finance both sides. These merciless vultures also contrive to bring about “boom and bust cycles” in which the value of real estate or some commodity is ramped up and then suddenly brought low. Wealthy Jews always seem to know in advance when the bubble will burst, which leaves all of the dupes to their scheme in the red. This is what happened in 2006-7, when the real estate bubble burst. Many middle class investors lost their life savings in the stock market. The mortgage of many home buyers was suddenly upside down. Many of them simply walked away from their houses, and the banks seized them. All of the money the buyers had invested in their mortgages simply evaporated but the banks lost nothing because the mortgages had been created out of thin air. That event, just like this “pandemic” event, was designed to defraud the middle class of assets.
The mainstream media, the academics, the doctors, the reporters and government bureaucrats who support the pandemic narrative are complicit in what may also end up being the worst mass murder of all times. It is a marvel that anyone could put their trust in a shameless con man like Fauci but this is a testament to the power of mainstream media to craft a “reality” built upon layers of deception. Anyone who claims to be a Christian should be aware of the prophetic warning that those who do not love and embrace the truth will take lies to be truth. A true Christian, someone filled with the Holy Spirit of God should quickly be able to size up a Gates, Fauci, Biden or Klaus Schwab and know that person is a damned liar.
II Thessalonians 2:10-12 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
When someone you know dismisses a truthful report as being “conspiracy theory” they are suffering from a meme that has been injected into their mind through psychological programming. They are the victims of strong delusion. A disdain for truth will eventually lead to eternal damnation, which is no laughing matter. The simple-minded and un-Godly are suckered by the lies of their day and the celebrated con men who profit from lying. It is truly amazing how every single newscast on television embraces the same monolithic “narrative”, that 1) there is a terrible virus that is ravaging the country and the world, and 2) the ONLY possible solution to the problem is for everyone on earth to get injected with the “vaccine”. This monolithic narrative does not allow for any deviation from that basic theme. We can be quite sure that the same type of propaganda was used prior to our nation’s entry into every bogus, banker instigated war, i.e. that there was no “solution” other than war so you should send your sons off to die.
In this present psychological war of the .001% parasite class against the people there is no “official” credence given to beneficial drugs such as Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, proven for years to be successful in fighting corona-type viruses. There is no mention that one’s God-given immune system can be strengthened with zinc, vitamin D, vitamin C, magnesium, iodine and an avoidance of junk food, fluoridated water and microwave radiation. “They” would have you believe that your immune system is ineffective and the only way to achieve immunity is through their vaccinations! Immunity through your own immune system is far superior and unlike vaccine induced immunity, does not wear off nor does it need a second shot or a “booster”. It is likely that most people already have a natural immunity to whatever strain of flu is being called “Covid 19”. Thus, there is no need at all for a vaccine! This viewpoint however runs contrary to “the narrative” which insists that there is a terrible pandemic and the only path to “herd immunity” is for the majority of the people on the planet to be injected. If people would simply turn off their televisions and look around them for proof of a pandemic they would find no compelling evidence. Television is the greatest brainwashing device ever invented. People believe what they see on TV to be more real than reality!
A discussion fastidiously avoided in Jewish controlled mainstream media is the fact that this fluid they are injecting into people’s arms is not even a “vaccine”! It does not work anything like a traditional vaccine which deliberately introduces a weakened version of a virus so that the immune system may have a reaction, and produce antibodies which would be primed to fight a stronger form of the virus. This Pfizer, Astrazeneka, Johnson & Johnson or Moderna injection is actually “gene therapy”. This is a grand experiment, allowed to take place under the guise of “emergency use authorization”. One main ingredient of the injection is an mRNA variant, which causes each cell it affects to express a protein spike. Some of the cells will express this spike on the cell body. This spike is an infrastructure which would allow the cell to be used later as an interface for nanotechnology (such as hydrogel), which in turn would allow the human body to be connected to “the Internet of things”. This human to machine interface is a major goal of the experiment, i.e. the mechanics upon which the “trans-humanist era” of madmen like Klaus Schwab or Ray Kurzweil may be ushered in. It would be used to create a personal ID for a cashless money system and allow for continuous “health” monitoring by an A.I. driven surveillance system. Any human being whose body has been implanted with this mechanism is on the way, in our opinion, to becoming less human and/or a mind controlled slave – if not dead. The following scripture prophesies just that:
Matthew 24:21-22 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.
The mainstream media, the academics, the doctors, the reporters and government bureaucrats who support the pandemic narrative are complicit in what may also end up being the worst mass murder of all times. It is a marvel that anyone could put their trust in a shameless con man like Fauci but this is a testament to the power of mainstream media to craft a “reality” built upon layers of deception. Anyone who claims to be a Christian should be aware of the prophetic warning that those who do not love and embrace the truth will take lies to be truth. A true Christian, someone filled with the Holy Spirit of God should quickly be able to size up a Gates, Fauci, Biden or Klaus Schwab and know that person is a damned liar.
II Thessalonians 2:10-12 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
When someone you know dismisses a truthful report as being “conspiracy theory” they are suffering from a meme that has been injected into their mind through psychological programming. They are the victims of strong delusion. A disdain for truth will eventually lead to eternal damnation, which is no laughing matter. The simple-minded and un-Godly are suckered by the lies of their day and the celebrated con men who profit from lying. It is truly amazing how every single newscast on television embraces the same monolithic “narrative”, that 1) there is a terrible virus that is ravaging the country and the world, and 2) the ONLY possible solution to the problem is for everyone on earth to get injected with the “vaccine”. This monolithic narrative does not allow for any deviation from that basic theme. We can be quite sure that the same type of propaganda was used prior to our nation’s entry into every bogus, banker instigated war, i.e. that there was no “solution” other than war so you should send your sons off to die.
In this present psychological war of the .001% parasite class against the people there is no “official” credence given to beneficial drugs such as Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, proven for years to be successful in fighting corona-type viruses. There is no mention that one’s God-given immune system can be strengthened with zinc, vitamin D, vitamin C, magnesium, iodine and an avoidance of junk food, fluoridated water and microwave radiation. “They” would have you believe that your immune system is ineffective and the only way to achieve immunity is through their vaccinations! Immunity through your own immune system is far superior and unlike vaccine induced immunity, does not wear off nor does it need a second shot or a “booster”. It is likely that most people already have a natural immunity to whatever strain of flu is being called “Covid 19”. Thus, there is no need at all for a vaccine! This viewpoint however runs contrary to “the narrative” which insists that there is a terrible pandemic and the only path to “herd immunity” is for the majority of the people on the planet to be injected. If people would simply turn off their televisions and look around them for proof of a pandemic they would find no compelling evidence. Television is the greatest brainwashing device ever invented. People believe what they see on TV to be more real than reality!
A discussion fastidiously avoided in Jewish controlled mainstream media is the fact that this fluid they are injecting into people’s arms is not even a “vaccine”! It does not work anything like a traditional vaccine which deliberately introduces a weakened version of a virus so that the immune system may have a reaction, and produce antibodies which would be primed to fight a stronger form of the virus. This Pfizer, Astrazeneka, Johnson & Johnson or Moderna injection is actually “gene therapy”. This is a grand experiment, allowed to take place under the guise of “emergency use authorization”. One main ingredient of the injection is an mRNA variant, which causes each cell it affects to express a protein spike. Some of the cells will express this spike on the cell body. This spike is an infrastructure which would allow the cell to be used later as an interface for nanotechnology (such as hydrogel), which in turn would allow the human body to be connected to “the Internet of things”. This human to machine interface is a major goal of the experiment, i.e. the mechanics upon which the “trans-humanist era” of madmen like Klaus Schwab or Ray Kurzweil may be ushered in. It would be used to create a personal ID for a cashless money system and allow for continuous “health” monitoring by an A.I. driven surveillance system. Any human being whose body has been implanted with this mechanism is on the way, in our opinion, to becoming less human and/or a mind controlled slave – if not dead. The following scripture prophesies just that:
Matthew 24:21-22 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.
Dr. Byram Bridle says that "we screwed up". We didn't realize that the spike protein was toxic. The "vaccine" gets the body to manufacture the spike protein. If it gets into circulation then it can cause damage to the cardiovascular system and cross the blood brain barrier. It can accumulate in the spleen, the bone marrow, the liver, and the ovaries. It can cause blood clotting, bleeding, heart problems, neurological damage and infertility. The spike protein can be transferred through breast milk, thus infecting the infant. Infants of "vaccinated women" have exhibited bleeding disorders. If a vaccinated person donates blood the recipient could be infected. "We are inadvertently inoculating them with a toxin", says Dr. Bridle.
The spike protein generated by the mRNA could also be recognized by the immune system as an invader. With each injection of mRNA the cells are tricked into to producing more spike proteins which eventually would cause the immune system (specifically T cells) to go into overdrive and attack the cells upon which this spike protein is attached. This is why the second shot tends to be more deadly that the first. It is the “straw that breaks the camel’s back”, so to speak. The spike proteins, upon attack by the immune system can also punch holes in the cells and allow cellular contamination to take place. This in turn could cause organ failure, cancer and death. An over-excitation of the immune system is called “immune dependent enhancement”, which causes killer lymphocytes to attack the body rather than protecting it. If the spike protein interface were to work (which is the trans-humanist crowd’s goal) the body could then receive “instructions” via microwaves to produce other chemicals which could be used to control people like robots or kill them. The main agendas of the “vaccine” are 1) interface with the “matrix” hive mind and 2) mass murder. These agendas explain why “elites” are so hell bent on billions receiving the shot. This shot is a sinister stealth weapon in which mass murder may be committed from afar while the perpetrators remain anonymous, protected by layer upon layer of “plausible deniability”.
Other suspicious ingredients in the shots like aluminum, aborted fetal cells, animal cells, formaldehyde and chemicals with mile-long names are poisons that can cause of host of reactions like numbness, paralysis, sterilization, uncontrollable tremors, Bell’s palsy, mental impairment, prion disease and death. The following videos will help the reader to grasp the mechanics and effects of the injection as well as the sinister "vaccine passport" agenda:
Former Pfizer VP for Allergy and Respiratory denounces the demonstrably false propaganda from governments regarding Covid 19, including the lie of dangerous variants and the totalitarian potential for vaccine passports.
Interview of microbiologist Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, MD, who strongly advises NOT to take the Covid gene based "vaccine", He also discusses vaccine passports and related matters.
Tucker Carlson reveals some startling statistics
on mainstream media, of all places. This is similar to the VAERS statistic to the right. |
The money power will go to any length to coerce and force nearly everyone to get the shot. They have fast tracked the “vaccine passport” idea, which is a tool to limit the mobility of those who refuse to submit. This is a scheme that only benefits an oppressive, psychopathic minority. The money power lusts for a cashless transaction system which is tied into the mass injection scheme. With this system in place one could be prohibited from transacting business unless certain criterion are met – such as getting the next deathly “vaccine” that comes along. This quite obviously is not about protecting people’s health against a “pandemic”. The people behind this scheme are psychopathic tyrants of the worst stripe. They are the same breed as those who funded and instigated the Bolshevik Revolution which caused the death of 60 to 100 million Russians from 1917 to 1945. The difference is that now they do not have to conduct mass executions via primitive, hands on, bloody methods. They can entice the sheep to their own slaughter and all the while blame the deaths on the “next variant” of Covid. Already, the CDC has admitted that the death toll following the experimental Covid injections is now at 4,647 which is more than 22 years worth of vaccine deaths recorded on the Vaccine Adverse Events Recording System (VAERS)! Only about 1% of the "events" are ever entered into VAERS, so you do the math.
The following chart, which was pulled from the Internet several months ago because it was getting more attention than Deagel had anticipated or wanted, predicts that the U.S. population will go from 327 million in 2017 to 100 million in 2025. We believe that, a site that tracks military weaponry, had inside information. They knew in advance that by some means 2/3 of the American population was slated for extermination.

the_depopulation_smoking_gun_--_deagle_forecast_revisited.pdf |
Discussion of various people who have died within days or hours after getting the Covid 19 injection.
BBC presenter, 44, dies from a blood clot after receiving the Astrazeneka "vaccine".
Even with the severe under-reporting of the Vaccine Adverse Reactions Reporting System (VAERS) we have actual statistics of people dying from the Pfizer, Johnson and Johnson, Moderna and Astrazeneka shots. Only about 1% of these “adverse reaction events” get reported on VAERS, so the death count is 100 times worse than what the site indicates. The site is also way behind in its reporting. Deaths occurring now and submitted to the site may not get tabulated for a couple months. The enemy will lie, cheat, stall and obfuscate whenever and wherever possible in order to keep people from the truth about these lethal shots. Were it not for the U.S. Federal Government’s “Emergency Use Authorization”, which allows for the release of untested and unproven medical interventions, it is certain that these poisons would be quickly withdrawn from use. Even more amazing is that since these concoctions are termed “vaccines” the corporations manufacturing them are not subject to lawsuits in the U.S. for harm caused by their products – unless, as German lawyer Reiner Fuellmich says, it can be proven that they meant to cause harm. Otherwise, they are scot free to use an uninformed public as guinea pigs for their massive experiment to gather data for the trans-humanist ambitions of madmen. This all may seem like dismal science fiction but unfortunately it is now reality.
Big media exercises "plausible deniability". Kansas woman dies after getting Covid 19 injection, but "medical authorities" say it's "too early" to tell what caused her death. In other words, media cannot possibly blame the injection, because that would be contrary to the "narrative" that "vaccines are safe and effective".
Dr. Peter McCullough says "all roads lead to the vaccine". Stakeholders want mandatory vaccination -- WHY? (Could it be for a long sought after eugenics program?) Americans are feeling a great deal of tension because they want to go to work and know that they could die from the "vaccine" if their employer tries to force it on them. Children 12 years old are told they can go around their parents and get the shot!!
A bit of good news is that German lawyer Reiner Fuellmich and a consortium of several hundred lawyers are working now to bring prosecution against some key players in the Covid scheme. One of the culprits, Prof. Dr. Christian Drosten, is responsible for marketing his version of the PCR test, claiming it to be an accurate method of determining if one is infected with Covid 19. Since Covid 19 has never been isolated, he modeled his test on a computer. He deliberately designed it to exhibit a preponderance of false positives. The World Health Organization (controlled by Bill Gates, who has invested a fortune in vaccine development) quickly adopted the Drosten test because it was the perfect tool to promote the “pandemic” narrative. Fuellmich says that results from this test were used as a basis for the lockdowns, business closures and financial damage to millions of people and thus it was a CRIME, for which Dr. Drosten should be punished. The original test, designed by Nobel Prize winner Kary Mullis, was meant solely for scientific research. It should not have been used to determine whether someone has a viral infection or not since it detects both live and dead viral matter. Further, the “cycle threshold” was set so high that it would not in any case have produced accurate results. We provide more on Mr. Mullis later.
These statistics from India tell the story of a “cure” that is far worse than the disease. The situation is the same in every nation where people are receiving the Covid 19 gene therapy injection.
I Thessalonians 5:3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
How is it possible to hide these truths from so many people? This is how: ALL major media – TV, Internet, magazines, newspapers – is controlled by one particular race of perpetrators working in unison toward the same goals. They all belong to the same clubs, the same synagogues, the same secret societies. Furthermore, all major internet sites are controlled by the same breed, or by someone who has been compromised in some fashion so that any deviation from the plan will result in swift “exposure”, character assassination and/or death. “They” are using their mega internet sites (Facebook, YouTube, Patreon, Twitter etc.) and search engines to ban, remove or marginalize any videos or posts that run contrary to their pandemic and vaccine narrative. In other words, the Jew Zuckerburg uses his team of cyber sniff dogs and A.I. algorithms to pull any posts or videos that reveal truthful information about the “scam-demic”. Such posts are deemed a “violation of community standards”. Whose “community standards” are they violating? This would be the “standards” of the international Zionist, globalist Jews who hate the truth and are using the “pandemic” to gather $trillions in assets into their collective, while at the same time killing off the “goyim” (in accordance with the Protocols), with the intent of enslaving those who remain to their dystopian nightmare surveillance state technocracy.
On this site we have proven through biblical scripture that the chief perpetrators are genetically pre-disposed to embrace an autocracy in which the most devious schemers in the collective (like a Netanyahu or a Kissinger) rise to the top and formulate a master plan, and all of the little cogs in the machine grind out their assigned role because at the end of the day they will realize profit and perks for doing so. Zuckerbergs and Musks don’t become multi-billionaires because they are geniuses and have great business ideas. They are willing accomplices in a long train of crime against humanity by the international Zionist Jewish collective. The amount of money thrown at these two alone in grants and seed capital is staggering. A “gentile” would never, ever get propped up like these two. Amazon, the stock of which is largely owned by mammoth investment fund corporations like the Jewish-run Blackrock, lost an incredible amount of money for ten years before it started turning a profit. We believe that the investors wanted to create the Amazon monstrosity in order to destroy small business, and it most certainly has done that. A staggering 70% of all book sales worldwide, for example, are transacted on Amazon. This means that Amazon also has the power to censor any books that are tapped as in opposition to Jewish supremacy. Bezos, who may be a crypto Jew, was a willing accomplice, and for playing along he became a multi-billionaire. Many of these front men are merely figureheads for the financiers who run the collective.
The Jewish autocratic approach squashes any notion of individuality, of free enterprise, of small independent business, of “do unto others as you would have them do unto you” morality, of charity, of fairness, of reasonable profit, of news that actually reports the truth, of democracy, of the rule of law, of a bill of rights, or any other philosophy that works for good and for the benefit of ALL. The autocratic method does not embrace the idea that a rising tide raises all ships. The autocracy celebrates destruction of the host nation. It works solely for the elevation of a subgroup within one particular race to the detriment of all others. Their Talmud proclaims that all other races are sub-human. If people of all colors and stripes were aware of this evil plot they may be less likely to embrace corrosive leftist philosophies that are a symptom of Jewish infiltration.
The ultimate plan of the Jewish collective is to gather the entire wealth of the world into their coffers. It is primarily being held by bankers, investment funds and corporate monopolists with a little bit of the spoils going to the boot-licking shabez-goy class of money grubbers and the “lesser brethren” of the tribe who dutifully follow orders. Almost everyone else ends up at the short end of the stick, with no property, no assets and chained to the system for survival. The Covidocracy has, just like a mammoth engineered depression, destroyed a big chunk of the American middle class while the multi-millionaires and billionaires increased their personal wealth by more than a trillion dollars. Be reminded that a rather high percentage of these billionaires just so happen to be Jews and if any one of them happens to be a “gentile” (like a Warren Buffet) he is one greedy S.O.B. whose god is money and by default would be in support of the Zionist plan. To go against it (as did Trump to a certain extent) can be extremely costly if not suicidal.
Matthew 6:24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
The Jewish collective engineered the “pandemic” to steal from you, destroy you and make you a slave to THEM. The Jewish-controlled media works like hell to convince you that black is white and white is black, that bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter. Many of these control freaks attend the Bilderberg and World Economic Forum meetings where wars and phony pandemic scenarios get hatched. Many of them belong to other secret and semi-secret societies that grease the wheels of their long train of crime. It is their predisposition to operate as a racial UNIT that gives them their power. This runs in utter contradiction to the white man’s general desire to be a self-sufficient individual in control of his own destiny. The Jew is willing to sacrifice individuality in order to gain wealth through being a part of the collective. Jewish propaganda works to convince everyone that the Jewish way is the only way, and that self determination and national sovereignty is inferior to totalitarianism. Look at the quote below from David Rockefeller for confirmation.
I Thessalonians 5:3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
How is it possible to hide these truths from so many people? This is how: ALL major media – TV, Internet, magazines, newspapers – is controlled by one particular race of perpetrators working in unison toward the same goals. They all belong to the same clubs, the same synagogues, the same secret societies. Furthermore, all major internet sites are controlled by the same breed, or by someone who has been compromised in some fashion so that any deviation from the plan will result in swift “exposure”, character assassination and/or death. “They” are using their mega internet sites (Facebook, YouTube, Patreon, Twitter etc.) and search engines to ban, remove or marginalize any videos or posts that run contrary to their pandemic and vaccine narrative. In other words, the Jew Zuckerburg uses his team of cyber sniff dogs and A.I. algorithms to pull any posts or videos that reveal truthful information about the “scam-demic”. Such posts are deemed a “violation of community standards”. Whose “community standards” are they violating? This would be the “standards” of the international Zionist, globalist Jews who hate the truth and are using the “pandemic” to gather $trillions in assets into their collective, while at the same time killing off the “goyim” (in accordance with the Protocols), with the intent of enslaving those who remain to their dystopian nightmare surveillance state technocracy.
On this site we have proven through biblical scripture that the chief perpetrators are genetically pre-disposed to embrace an autocracy in which the most devious schemers in the collective (like a Netanyahu or a Kissinger) rise to the top and formulate a master plan, and all of the little cogs in the machine grind out their assigned role because at the end of the day they will realize profit and perks for doing so. Zuckerbergs and Musks don’t become multi-billionaires because they are geniuses and have great business ideas. They are willing accomplices in a long train of crime against humanity by the international Zionist Jewish collective. The amount of money thrown at these two alone in grants and seed capital is staggering. A “gentile” would never, ever get propped up like these two. Amazon, the stock of which is largely owned by mammoth investment fund corporations like the Jewish-run Blackrock, lost an incredible amount of money for ten years before it started turning a profit. We believe that the investors wanted to create the Amazon monstrosity in order to destroy small business, and it most certainly has done that. A staggering 70% of all book sales worldwide, for example, are transacted on Amazon. This means that Amazon also has the power to censor any books that are tapped as in opposition to Jewish supremacy. Bezos, who may be a crypto Jew, was a willing accomplice, and for playing along he became a multi-billionaire. Many of these front men are merely figureheads for the financiers who run the collective.
The Jewish autocratic approach squashes any notion of individuality, of free enterprise, of small independent business, of “do unto others as you would have them do unto you” morality, of charity, of fairness, of reasonable profit, of news that actually reports the truth, of democracy, of the rule of law, of a bill of rights, or any other philosophy that works for good and for the benefit of ALL. The autocratic method does not embrace the idea that a rising tide raises all ships. The autocracy celebrates destruction of the host nation. It works solely for the elevation of a subgroup within one particular race to the detriment of all others. Their Talmud proclaims that all other races are sub-human. If people of all colors and stripes were aware of this evil plot they may be less likely to embrace corrosive leftist philosophies that are a symptom of Jewish infiltration.
The ultimate plan of the Jewish collective is to gather the entire wealth of the world into their coffers. It is primarily being held by bankers, investment funds and corporate monopolists with a little bit of the spoils going to the boot-licking shabez-goy class of money grubbers and the “lesser brethren” of the tribe who dutifully follow orders. Almost everyone else ends up at the short end of the stick, with no property, no assets and chained to the system for survival. The Covidocracy has, just like a mammoth engineered depression, destroyed a big chunk of the American middle class while the multi-millionaires and billionaires increased their personal wealth by more than a trillion dollars. Be reminded that a rather high percentage of these billionaires just so happen to be Jews and if any one of them happens to be a “gentile” (like a Warren Buffet) he is one greedy S.O.B. whose god is money and by default would be in support of the Zionist plan. To go against it (as did Trump to a certain extent) can be extremely costly if not suicidal.
Matthew 6:24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
The Jewish collective engineered the “pandemic” to steal from you, destroy you and make you a slave to THEM. The Jewish-controlled media works like hell to convince you that black is white and white is black, that bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter. Many of these control freaks attend the Bilderberg and World Economic Forum meetings where wars and phony pandemic scenarios get hatched. Many of them belong to other secret and semi-secret societies that grease the wheels of their long train of crime. It is their predisposition to operate as a racial UNIT that gives them their power. This runs in utter contradiction to the white man’s general desire to be a self-sufficient individual in control of his own destiny. The Jew is willing to sacrifice individuality in order to gain wealth through being a part of the collective. Jewish propaganda works to convince everyone that the Jewish way is the only way, and that self determination and national sovereignty is inferior to totalitarianism. Look at the quote below from David Rockefeller for confirmation.

rockefeller_foundation_2010_report_-_contains_lockstep_pandemic_scenario.pdf |
In 2010 the Jewish-controlled Rockefeller Foundation came out with a report in which a section entitled “Lockstep” predicted the “pandemic” in amazing detail. After reading it, an intelligent reader could not help but come to the conclusion that the Rockefeller clan and their ilk had much to do with designing and implementing the “pandemic”. It would seem that “they” love to announce their intentions well in advance. These people think like criminal psychopaths. They cannot help but brag so that their schemes may be admired by fellow criminals of the tribe for their sheer audacity and evil. This is “hutzpah” in action. This mental defect is also the trademark of serial killers who crave attention, want to be admired for their success as criminals. They often leave clues to taunt the police. The Rockefellers, Rothschilds, and other Jewish dynasties are far worse than a lone John Wayne Gacy, Joseph DeAngelo, Dennis Rader or Ted Bundy, who can only kill dozens. Jewish dynasties have killed millions by financing wars and revolutions, and now they will kill millions more with lethal injections, all the while using their controlled media to deny that their “vaccines” had anything at all to do with the deaths. Come back to this essay in a year or so and see if that isn’t true.
In order to implement a lockstep program the criminal cartel must function like an octopus, with tentacles on all of the levers of control which at this late date in history Zionist-Talmudic Jews have mostly secured. The chief players in the scam-demic are in control of the pharmaceutical corporations, they are embedded in key government positions, they control the flow of information through giant Internet search engines and sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google, Wikipedia and YouTube. They control the flow of money through giant Wall Street firms and Internet sites like PayPal. They run all of the major television networks: ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox; they are in charge of the WHO, the CDC, and other “health” agencies. They control the Ford, Carnegie, Rockefeller and other major foundations. Jews control the world’s largest financial services firms – multi-trillion dollar investment investment corporations like Blackrock, Blackstone, State Street, Fidelity and Vanguard, and since the late 1700s Jews have controlled the central banks and major commercial banks of the world. The aforementioned investment firms control over 20 trillion dollars worth of investment capital, which gives them an amazing amount of control over policies, priorities and agendas. The bulk of what they promote is antithetical to health, freedom and national sovereignty. The entire wealth of the world is around 200 trillion dollars. These firms have more wealth and power than entire nations.
If you dig just a little bit you’ll find that most of the people in charge of ALL Fortune 500 corporations, either by stock ownership or by position as CEOs and managers are Jews. These corporations are largely held by mammoth investment funds. Blackrock, controlled by the Jew Larry Fink (who may be the most powerful man in the world) manages 6.5 trillion dollars worth of investments which means they have substantial control over the American and world economy. This should bring home the point that this world is no longer controlled by sovereign nations. It is controlled by Jewish-run mega-corporations which view governments as a nuisance. This is exactly why the middle class is dying and the multi-millionaire class is rising. This is why we no longer have a government that represents the people. It works to please its corporate masters.
In order to implement a lockstep program the criminal cartel must function like an octopus, with tentacles on all of the levers of control which at this late date in history Zionist-Talmudic Jews have mostly secured. The chief players in the scam-demic are in control of the pharmaceutical corporations, they are embedded in key government positions, they control the flow of information through giant Internet search engines and sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google, Wikipedia and YouTube. They control the flow of money through giant Wall Street firms and Internet sites like PayPal. They run all of the major television networks: ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox; they are in charge of the WHO, the CDC, and other “health” agencies. They control the Ford, Carnegie, Rockefeller and other major foundations. Jews control the world’s largest financial services firms – multi-trillion dollar investment investment corporations like Blackrock, Blackstone, State Street, Fidelity and Vanguard, and since the late 1700s Jews have controlled the central banks and major commercial banks of the world. The aforementioned investment firms control over 20 trillion dollars worth of investment capital, which gives them an amazing amount of control over policies, priorities and agendas. The bulk of what they promote is antithetical to health, freedom and national sovereignty. The entire wealth of the world is around 200 trillion dollars. These firms have more wealth and power than entire nations.
If you dig just a little bit you’ll find that most of the people in charge of ALL Fortune 500 corporations, either by stock ownership or by position as CEOs and managers are Jews. These corporations are largely held by mammoth investment funds. Blackrock, controlled by the Jew Larry Fink (who may be the most powerful man in the world) manages 6.5 trillion dollars worth of investments which means they have substantial control over the American and world economy. This should bring home the point that this world is no longer controlled by sovereign nations. It is controlled by Jewish-run mega-corporations which view governments as a nuisance. This is exactly why the middle class is dying and the multi-millionaire class is rising. This is why we no longer have a government that represents the people. It works to please its corporate masters.
An in-depth discussion of giant investment fund manager Blackrock, whose CEO and entire board of directors is Jewish.

blackrock_--_the_jewish_question.pdf |
From the interview above: They have 5 percent of Apple, 5 percent of Exxon Mobile, 6 percent of Google, 7 percent of Berkshire Hathaway. The list goes on and on, 7 percent of Petro China.
They own they own $58 billion worth of Microsoft, $54 billion worth of Apple. $45 billion dollars worth of Amazon, $26 billion worth of Johnson and Johnson. $24 billion worth of Facebook. $22 billion worth of Alphabet (parent of Google). $22 billion worth of Exon.
They are the second largest shareholder of AT&T, which now includes Turner Broadcasting, HBO, CNN and Warner Brothers. It's like this one company now -- might as well make it all simple. Walt Disney Company, which includes ABC, Fox News A & E, ESPN, Lucasfilm and Marvel. Blackrock is the second largest shareholder. Comcast Charter Communications, 21st Century Fox, which is now owned by Disney. Thompson, Reuters. CBS Dish Network. Viacom. Right. We're talking about the Blackrock with with Vioxx. I mean, and we've talked about the CEO of Viacom and how this is all blending together. And if you're wondering why BlackRock is the second largest shareholder for a lot of these positions, it's because, as I said, the first is often Vanguard.
They own they own $58 billion worth of Microsoft, $54 billion worth of Apple. $45 billion dollars worth of Amazon, $26 billion worth of Johnson and Johnson. $24 billion worth of Facebook. $22 billion worth of Alphabet (parent of Google). $22 billion worth of Exon.
They are the second largest shareholder of AT&T, which now includes Turner Broadcasting, HBO, CNN and Warner Brothers. It's like this one company now -- might as well make it all simple. Walt Disney Company, which includes ABC, Fox News A & E, ESPN, Lucasfilm and Marvel. Blackrock is the second largest shareholder. Comcast Charter Communications, 21st Century Fox, which is now owned by Disney. Thompson, Reuters. CBS Dish Network. Viacom. Right. We're talking about the Blackrock with with Vioxx. I mean, and we've talked about the CEO of Viacom and how this is all blending together. And if you're wondering why BlackRock is the second largest shareholder for a lot of these positions, it's because, as I said, the first is often Vanguard.
And the list of powerful Jews goes on and on: The Pfizer CEO, Albert Bourla is a Jew, as is Alex Gorsky, the CEO of Johnson and Johnson. If the CEO isn’t Jewish, he is what they would call a “gentile front man” because you can always be sure that the board of directors is controlled by Jews, and the company is funded mostly by Jewish money. And speaking of boards of directors: Blackrock’s is entirely Jewish!! and yet the company pretends to promote an aggressive campaign of diversity within its ranks. This simply means that whites will be exempt from higher positions in the corporation, but Jews will get a free pass.
And let’s not forget that all major radio stations, newspapers, magazines – essentially ALL major media – is controlled by Jews. Could it be America is going to hell in a hand basket because it has a racial problem? Hmmm. Without a blood, “spiritual” connection it would be nigh unto impossible to pull off a worldwide lockstep “pandemic” mass vaccination scheme, in an environment that allows for NO alternative viewpoints, and when such viewpoints arise to assure they are swiftly marginalized, “fact checked”, banned, lambasted, branded as “conspiracy theory” and crushed. No race other than the Jews could pull off such a mammoth project, because quite obviously they occupy all of the key positions of power. This is a truly horrific situation that will result in the untimely death of millions, while the chief perpetrators will rake in trillions in blood money. This has been a wicked world for centuries but never in the long life of this writer has such a coordinated campaign of deathly lies been foisted on the people. Most of the people are still in the dark about this war against them. The “stakeholders” in this scheme want nothing more than to jab a needle in your arm so you can be a guinea pig in their grand trans-humanist experiment. Your death would be of no consequence to these devils. It is your duty as a free citizen NOT to let this happen! We must fight like hell against this evil.
The layers of deception are simply mind-boggling. Covid 19 has proved to be no worse than the common flu and the death rate according to official statistics, is around .05%. Virtually no one under the age of 80 dies from Coronavirus, according to the official statistics. There was absolutely NO legitimate reason to shut down ANY businesses. There was no reason to implement the mask and social distancing mandates. This had never been done during flu outbreaks, no matter how bad they were. This wasn’t done during previous scaremongering events like Avian Flu, Swine Flu etc. Because of the shutdowns the phony pandemic has been just great for BIG business and horrible for those small to medium sized businesses declared by government stooges as “non-essential”. The hypocricy of declaring the junk food McDonalds franchise as “essential” while forcing tens of thousands of mom and pop small restaurants to close down is truly sickening. Many of these small businesses were deprived of income for so long that they will never reopen, which means that the Jewish owned corporate cartels will absorb more market share. All of this was by design. It is a tried and true method, honed over the centuries by the Jews. It is of great interest to note that in their time, 3,000 years ago, the word Canaanite was synonymous with “merchant”. The Canaanites were to a large degree the ancient ancestors of today’s Jews. The Canaanites, in turn, were descended from Canaan and his Cainite wife or wives. Thus, the main perpetrators of evil on planet earth are descended from Cain. And who was Cain descended from? This very interesting question is answered in or essays "Cain's Descendants" and "Esau Edom in Jewry". These people, who are in stark opposition to God's people, are chief among the last days merchant-sorcerers. They are absolutely devoid of conscience and desire to remake the world in the image of their father the devil. The following prophecy looks back from the future to this evil day.
Revelation 18:23-24 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived. And in her (that particular bloodline) was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.
And let’s not forget that all major radio stations, newspapers, magazines – essentially ALL major media – is controlled by Jews. Could it be America is going to hell in a hand basket because it has a racial problem? Hmmm. Without a blood, “spiritual” connection it would be nigh unto impossible to pull off a worldwide lockstep “pandemic” mass vaccination scheme, in an environment that allows for NO alternative viewpoints, and when such viewpoints arise to assure they are swiftly marginalized, “fact checked”, banned, lambasted, branded as “conspiracy theory” and crushed. No race other than the Jews could pull off such a mammoth project, because quite obviously they occupy all of the key positions of power. This is a truly horrific situation that will result in the untimely death of millions, while the chief perpetrators will rake in trillions in blood money. This has been a wicked world for centuries but never in the long life of this writer has such a coordinated campaign of deathly lies been foisted on the people. Most of the people are still in the dark about this war against them. The “stakeholders” in this scheme want nothing more than to jab a needle in your arm so you can be a guinea pig in their grand trans-humanist experiment. Your death would be of no consequence to these devils. It is your duty as a free citizen NOT to let this happen! We must fight like hell against this evil.
The layers of deception are simply mind-boggling. Covid 19 has proved to be no worse than the common flu and the death rate according to official statistics, is around .05%. Virtually no one under the age of 80 dies from Coronavirus, according to the official statistics. There was absolutely NO legitimate reason to shut down ANY businesses. There was no reason to implement the mask and social distancing mandates. This had never been done during flu outbreaks, no matter how bad they were. This wasn’t done during previous scaremongering events like Avian Flu, Swine Flu etc. Because of the shutdowns the phony pandemic has been just great for BIG business and horrible for those small to medium sized businesses declared by government stooges as “non-essential”. The hypocricy of declaring the junk food McDonalds franchise as “essential” while forcing tens of thousands of mom and pop small restaurants to close down is truly sickening. Many of these small businesses were deprived of income for so long that they will never reopen, which means that the Jewish owned corporate cartels will absorb more market share. All of this was by design. It is a tried and true method, honed over the centuries by the Jews. It is of great interest to note that in their time, 3,000 years ago, the word Canaanite was synonymous with “merchant”. The Canaanites were to a large degree the ancient ancestors of today’s Jews. The Canaanites, in turn, were descended from Canaan and his Cainite wife or wives. Thus, the main perpetrators of evil on planet earth are descended from Cain. And who was Cain descended from? This very interesting question is answered in or essays "Cain's Descendants" and "Esau Edom in Jewry". These people, who are in stark opposition to God's people, are chief among the last days merchant-sorcerers. They are absolutely devoid of conscience and desire to remake the world in the image of their father the devil. The following prophecy looks back from the future to this evil day.
Revelation 18:23-24 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived. And in her (that particular bloodline) was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.

expulsions_of_jews_since_250_a.d..pdf |
This same monopolization theme (a brutal feudalism) occurred in Europe in “The Dark Ages”. During that time period the Jew merchants, with their usury and financial trickery, had managed to get most of the business, the farms, and the money into their hands. The situation got so bad that the defrauded peasants appealed to royalty for relief and Jews were expelled from many countries (see PDF list above). Unfortunately, there are no longer people in the white race who have the power of kings to make that happen. Reread the quote at the beginning of this essay. In other words, who, other than God almighty, has the power to eject the parasite? Thus, the scam-demic is causing yet another massive transfer of wealth upward, into the hands of multi-millionaires and billionaires (mostly Jewish "merchants") who produce nothing useful themselves and profit mostly off of holding and trading “paper”, arranging business consolidations, usury, derivatives, vulture capitalism, disaster capitalism, sickness and death by injection and a host of other toxic, unproductive asset stripping schemes. This is not the same America as it was a century, half-century or even a couple decades ago. America was built by working people who produced useful products and sold them at a fair price. It was a land built upon Christian principles of fairness and charity that provided reasonable opportunity for all, and freedom from an overbearing government. Because of the parasite and corrosive Jewish ideas we have devolved into an atheistic fascist state, which is a blending of big government with big corporations predominantly controlled by Jews. The government is using the corporations to carry out tyrannical dictates such as mask requirements and vaccine passports and the corporations are using the government to squash small business. It is a marriage made in hell. The same race that brought Europe to its knees in the dark ages has done it again in our time.
We shall create an intensified centralization of government in order to grip in our hands all the forces of the community. We shall regulate mechanically all the actions of the political life of our subjects by new laws. These laws will withdraw one by one all the indulgences and liberties which have been permitted by the GOYIM, and our kingdom will be distinguished by a despotism of such magnificent proportions as to be at any moment and in every place in a position to wipe out any GOYIM who oppose us by deed or word. Protocol No. 5, item 1.
We shall create an intensified centralization of government in order to grip in our hands all the forces of the community. We shall regulate mechanically all the actions of the political life of our subjects by new laws. These laws will withdraw one by one all the indulgences and liberties which have been permitted by the GOYIM, and our kingdom will be distinguished by a despotism of such magnificent proportions as to be at any moment and in every place in a position to wipe out any GOYIM who oppose us by deed or word. Protocol No. 5, item 1.
Nurse says that 100% of the patients on the Covid Ward in her hospital had received both shots of the "vaccine". Could this possibly be a coincidence?
The “pandemic” myth is disproven by the fact that almost no one dies from Covid 19. They are, however, dying from other causes attributed to Covid 19. In the video to the left we see a nurse revealing that ALL patients on the Covid ward in her hospital had both “vaccine” shots. If any of them happens to die what do you suppose will be listed as the cause of death? Certainly not the shot because it is sacrosanct. Big Pharma must be protected at all costs.
The Covid 19 strain has never been isolated, so how can it be proven that anyone at all has died from it? In the chart below we see that reported deaths were mostly misattributions to other respiratory illnesses such as the flu and pneumonia. Now, a year later, the deaths attributed to Covid will be very likely be due to severe side effects of the injection. |
Table pulled from Johns Hopkins University website proves deception used in generating Covid numbers. Notice that all of a sudden deaths are down in all categories except Covid. This table was subsequently removed.
Remember those woeful television news reports with nurses complaining that they couldn’t keep up with the influx of Covid patients. They were faked! Independent reporters actually went to some of the hospitals in question and found them to be almost empty!! Nurses were actually getting laid off!! If there had been a real pandemic nurses would have been coming out of retirement to lend a hand. The inflated death statistics posted on every evening newscast were designed to instill fear for the purpose of promoting the vaccine “solution”. Overall death statistics were actually the same as in previous years, but curiously, according to official statistics, very few people were dying anymore from the common respiratory illnesses. The media pundits later had an explanation for this. They proclaimed that the wearing of masks, social distancing and hand wipes had helped reduce other those illnesses to a minimum. What a joke.
The masks are ineffective in preventing the passage of ANY virus because viruses are extremely small and will readily go through the mesh – like a mosquito through a chain link fence, to use an analogy. People were still getting the flu and pneumonia in the same numbers as previous years; it’s just that those numbers for common respiratory illnesses had been shifted to the Covid column. This shady accounting even went to the point of hospital administrators ordering doctors to classify almost all deaths as Covid 19 deaths. This helped further the “pandemic” narrative and put money in the pockets of stockholders of medical corporations. Elderly patients were put on ventilators, which resulted in the death of nearly 90% of them!! This is atrocious. It is murder!! Much of this happened during New York governor Andrew Cuomo’s watch. Cuomo was also a king of lockdowns doing his part to destroy a huge chunk of small business in his state. Thus he and all of the other governors and media kings who participated are criminal accomplices to destruction of the middle class if not accessories to murder for pushing the “vaccines” in every way possible.
If Covid 19 had truly been a “pandemic” the overall death count would have risen dramatically. There would have been people dead and dying on the streets. People in your family would have died from it. Some of your friends and acquaintances would be dying. This simply has not been the case to early and mid 2021. However, in the coming months and years we expect to see a dramatic uptick in sickness and death, but it will be caused by the “vaccine”, which is weapon. You can be 100% sure that the coming wave of deaths will NOT be blamed on Pfizer, Astrazeneka, Johnson & Johnson or Moderna, but rather they will be attributed to “long haul Covid” or some new strain of Covid such as the "Indian variant" which was renamed "the Delta variant" (or whatever else the agents of disinformation come up with). The sickness and death by injection will also be blamed on the relaxing of restrictions such as mask wearing, social distancing and lockdowns. It will be blamed on the people for not following orders. This in turn will be used as justification for re-implementing those measures in order to further destroy middle class businesses and transfer more wealth into the pockets of Jewish billionaires and their political and corporate lapdogs.
The masks are ineffective in preventing the passage of ANY virus because viruses are extremely small and will readily go through the mesh – like a mosquito through a chain link fence, to use an analogy. People were still getting the flu and pneumonia in the same numbers as previous years; it’s just that those numbers for common respiratory illnesses had been shifted to the Covid column. This shady accounting even went to the point of hospital administrators ordering doctors to classify almost all deaths as Covid 19 deaths. This helped further the “pandemic” narrative and put money in the pockets of stockholders of medical corporations. Elderly patients were put on ventilators, which resulted in the death of nearly 90% of them!! This is atrocious. It is murder!! Much of this happened during New York governor Andrew Cuomo’s watch. Cuomo was also a king of lockdowns doing his part to destroy a huge chunk of small business in his state. Thus he and all of the other governors and media kings who participated are criminal accomplices to destruction of the middle class if not accessories to murder for pushing the “vaccines” in every way possible.
If Covid 19 had truly been a “pandemic” the overall death count would have risen dramatically. There would have been people dead and dying on the streets. People in your family would have died from it. Some of your friends and acquaintances would be dying. This simply has not been the case to early and mid 2021. However, in the coming months and years we expect to see a dramatic uptick in sickness and death, but it will be caused by the “vaccine”, which is weapon. You can be 100% sure that the coming wave of deaths will NOT be blamed on Pfizer, Astrazeneka, Johnson & Johnson or Moderna, but rather they will be attributed to “long haul Covid” or some new strain of Covid such as the "Indian variant" which was renamed "the Delta variant" (or whatever else the agents of disinformation come up with). The sickness and death by injection will also be blamed on the relaxing of restrictions such as mask wearing, social distancing and lockdowns. It will be blamed on the people for not following orders. This in turn will be used as justification for re-implementing those measures in order to further destroy middle class businesses and transfer more wealth into the pockets of Jewish billionaires and their political and corporate lapdogs.
The scam-demic was always, from the outset, a psychological war designed to instill fear, political and peer pressure and corporate mandates so that people would line up for an injection of poison, to fulfill the population reduction scheme of “elites” with a god complex, like Bertrand Russell, and a few decades later Ted Turner, George Soros, David Rockefeller, and his friend Bill Gates, Senior. These people have a long history of involvement in eugenics schemes. The “utopia” desired by the international "elite" requires that the world population be reduced to less than one billion slaves controlled with the most invasive scientific tyranny ever devised. These “vaccines” contain nano-particles of self-assembling metals, i.e. “hydrogel”, an invention of DARPA, the Defense Advance Research Projects Agency. DARPA is a secretive government entity that works not for “defense” of the nation but rather the implementation of a totalitarian slave state. “They” want to make it psychologically impossible for the GOYIM to criticize the JEW money power with its proverbial boot on our neck.
Top row, L to R, George Soros, David Rockefeller, Bill Gates Senior and Ted Turner. The last three are known for supporting eugenics programs or stating in public that dramatic population reduction is needed. Bill Gates Jr. took up where his father left off.
From the World Economic Forum website. Due to less than desirable reactions from the public this was subsequently pulled from the site.
Bertrand Russell’s philosophy from well over a half century ago is echoed today by the Jew Klaus Schwab, head of the World Economic Forum who thinly sugarcoats the Jewish supremacist plot by saying “You will own nothing, and you will be happy”. If anyone is happy with the hell on earth these Jews are constructing it may result from an actual lobotomy from the hydrogel interface or prion disease caused by the “vaccines”. Schwab is a creepy trans-humanist technocrat who pontificates about a “great reset” which will make the world more “inclusive” (allowing an equal voice to sexual deviants and perverts of all stripes) and “sustainable” (code for continuity of Jewish rule) and “diverse” (to disenfranchise whites). He actually looks forward to a post-human era where flesh and blood is blended with machine.
Control freaks with a god complex like Schwab and his Silicon Valley counterparts like Ray Kurzweil look forward to a bifurcation of humanity -- a time when they can “upload” their consciousness into the cloud, achieve eternal life, tap into the cloud knowledge base and rule as gods over the mentally controlled “golem” who live only to serve the Jew trans-humanist creeps. It is an understatement to say that these technocrats are selfish, delusional and outright crazy. There are some Jews, like Nathanial Kapner, who disagree with the Jewish-supremacist plan. These are the ones who are real individuals, willing to buck the tribal autocracy.
As advanced planning for the scam-demic the World Health Organization ever so quietly changed its definition of “pandemic” from an event that causes actual sickness and mass death to an event characterized by many people simply testing positive for a virus. Whether or not they are actually sick was of no consequence. With the faulty Drosten PCR test the perpetrators were able to justify the pandemic narrative. This narrative is like an evil spell that must be maintained at all costs – even to the point of marginalizing, threatening, firing, banning and even eliminating the doctors, nurses, scientists and journalists who provide contrary, truthful information to the public. The “pandemic” narrative is the lynchpin upon which this entire asset-stripping, murderous agenda rests. The PCR test, with an amplification factor (a.k.a. cycle threshold) set too high, was specifically chosen by the WHO to generate inflated results. It naturally produced an abundance of false positives. In other words, people who had NO symptoms were proclaimed to be infected with Covid 19 simply because the test had detected inactive and/or dead viruses in their swab sample, which were “amplified” by a factor of around 40 to give the illusion of sickness. Never mind that at any given time your body is home to trillions of viruses, all of them being dealt with efficiently, behind the scenes by your God-given immune system, a marvel of “engineering” that scientists are far from fully understanding:
Psalm 139:14 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.
To single out the illusive Covid 19 virus as a terrible killer is absurd. Freedom of Information Act requests for proof that it has been isolated have all come up empty-handed. “They” can’t even prove that a Covid 19 virus exists! In other words, the “vaccine” is a Quixotic concoction swinging its sword at a phantom. All of those millions of PCR tests administered by doctors and nurses jamming contaminated swabs up nostrils were detecting any old corona virus debris. The test detects dead viral matter as well as live viruses. Further, the swabs themselves were suspect. Some of them contained strange fibers and nano-particles, which could very well have been designed to deliberately implant people with a nano-tech tracking mechanism or even give them a dose of the mRNA conction. Sometimes those swabs were jammed so far up the nose of the subject that the blood brain barrier was penetrated! We hope our readers take this as a warning and refuse to be tested.
Psalm 139:14 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.
To single out the illusive Covid 19 virus as a terrible killer is absurd. Freedom of Information Act requests for proof that it has been isolated have all come up empty-handed. “They” can’t even prove that a Covid 19 virus exists! In other words, the “vaccine” is a Quixotic concoction swinging its sword at a phantom. All of those millions of PCR tests administered by doctors and nurses jamming contaminated swabs up nostrils were detecting any old corona virus debris. The test detects dead viral matter as well as live viruses. Further, the swabs themselves were suspect. Some of them contained strange fibers and nano-particles, which could very well have been designed to deliberately implant people with a nano-tech tracking mechanism or even give them a dose of the mRNA conction. Sometimes those swabs were jammed so far up the nose of the subject that the blood brain barrier was penetrated! We hope our readers take this as a warning and refuse to be tested.
Strange fibers in test swabs and masks and morgellons disease
Covid test swabs up close. News report claims test fibers packed dangerous DARPA hydrogel and lithium.
Flawed as the Drosten PCR test is, in order for it to give a reasonable result the cycle threshold should have been set at 20 (not 40), but that would never have provided the false positives needed to justify the “pandemic” narrative. Never mind that the vast majority of the test subjects had NO symptoms. It’s really very simple. If you don’t have symptoms, then you are not sick and you are highly unlikely to be contageous. The notion of people who simply test positive (from a bogus test) but are not sick being shunned as carriers of a deadly disease is ridiculous. Thus, perfectly healthy people are treated like leapers.
Nobel Prize winning Ph.D. Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR test, proclaimed that his test should never have been used for Covid testing. Mr. Mullis, the good guy, was the polar opposite of the shameless, bald-faced liar and crypto-Jew and Jesuit Anthony Fauci. Mullis said that he would be happy to debate Fauci anytime, anywhere, an offer that was, not surprisingly, refused. We theorize that Mullis’ outspokenness and high profile may have accelerated his death at the age of 70, while still in good health. Assassination is the way that big pharma deals with intractable opponents who may have the intelligence and influence to snap people out of the Covid19 delusion.
Nobel Prize winning Ph.D. Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR test, proclaimed that his test should never have been used for Covid testing. Mr. Mullis, the good guy, was the polar opposite of the shameless, bald-faced liar and crypto-Jew and Jesuit Anthony Fauci. Mullis said that he would be happy to debate Fauci anytime, anywhere, an offer that was, not surprisingly, refused. We theorize that Mullis’ outspokenness and high profile may have accelerated his death at the age of 70, while still in good health. Assassination is the way that big pharma deals with intractable opponents who may have the intelligence and influence to snap people out of the Covid19 delusion.
Dr. Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR test for which he received a Nobel Prize. The test was intended for scientific study, not as a diagnostic tool. It will detect both live and dead viral matter so it cannot prove whether one is infected with a virus or not. Mullis was an outspoken adversary of Fauci, who he said he would debate anytime, anywhere. Fauci, of course, never took him up on the offer. Mullis died suspiciously at the age of 70.
Dr. Vernon Coleman explains that the PCR test is no good for detecting Covid 19, but is very good at keeping us in our homes under house arrest.
In the near future, because of the possibility of spike protein transmission (a.k.a. viral shedding of the spike protein) it is those who have dutifully received their injections who may very well be a danger to the un-“vaccinated”, thus we will need to do our best to avoid being around them. Already many un-vaccinated pregnant women who live and/or work in proximity to others who were vaccinated are having miscarriages. The spike protein is getting transmitted by some means from the vaccinated to the un-vaccinated. This is not without precedent because “self-spreading” vaccines have been used on livestock and fowl in order to more quickly produce herd immunity. If this injection is self-spreading that makes it all the more efficient as a eugenics tool. |
A massive, worldwide event like a fake “pandemic” must be planned well in advance. Planning for the 911 “terrorist” attack on the World Trade Center, for example, was begun in the late 1970s. All the way back in 1953 Jewish philosopher Bertrand Russell, author of the book "Why I Am Not a Christian", was suggesting the use of vaccines as a control mechanism. Russell certainly would have been high enough in the globalist pecking order to know beforehand what was being planned for humanity. The enemy always smugly announces their intentions beforehand, as if doing so somehow legitimizes their actions. Then they can reason (as do psychopaths) that “we told you what we were going to do, and you didn’t resist so apparently you are in agreement with it”. Atheists, agnostics and Satanists with a mindset like Russell have carefully infiltrated and crafted the anti-Christ paradigm that is smothering this nation and the world. They have shifted the educational system from teaching real science and real skills to Marxist social engineering in order to make students obey orders and believe the lies of government and corporations. They have further marginalized white students by ramming critical race theory down their throats. They are slowly killing our children by making them wear masks, which smother them and raise the carbon dioxide level around their mouth and nose to a dangerous level. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, a molecular biologist, has said that he would be unable to work in a room with such a high carbon dioxide level. Since our “natural aristocracy” (look back at the Protocols quote) is long gone and replaced with a stream of money grubbing, selfish traitors, our people are being destroyed through lack of knowledge, exactly as the Bible forwarned in Hosea 4:6.
The people, under our guidance, have annihilated the aristocracy, who were their one and only defense and foster mother for the sake of their own advantage which is inseparably bound up with the well-being of the people. Nowadays, with the destruction of the aristocracy the people have fallen into the grips of merciless money grinding scoundrels who have laid a pitiless and cruel yoke upon the necks of the workers. Protocol No. 3, item 6.
It is easy to find quotes from each decade announcing the intentions of the enemy to abolish freedom and self-determination for the masses in order to craft a technocracy and “utopia” for themselves. How about this quote from Jewish international banker David Rockefeller, delivered at a Bilderberg conference in Baden Baden Germany in 1991. We see here an admission that the media has been tightly controlled since the 1940s.
We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. … It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march toward a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.
Consider this announcement in 1995 from Dr. Pierre Gilbert, an accessory to socialist President Francis Mitterand of France. Here we see the theme of mandatory vaccinations proposed in order to control the people. He also “predicts” the nano-technology that would be used as an interface:
The people, under our guidance, have annihilated the aristocracy, who were their one and only defense and foster mother for the sake of their own advantage which is inseparably bound up with the well-being of the people. Nowadays, with the destruction of the aristocracy the people have fallen into the grips of merciless money grinding scoundrels who have laid a pitiless and cruel yoke upon the necks of the workers. Protocol No. 3, item 6.
It is easy to find quotes from each decade announcing the intentions of the enemy to abolish freedom and self-determination for the masses in order to craft a technocracy and “utopia” for themselves. How about this quote from Jewish international banker David Rockefeller, delivered at a Bilderberg conference in Baden Baden Germany in 1991. We see here an admission that the media has been tightly controlled since the 1940s.
We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. … It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march toward a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.
Consider this announcement in 1995 from Dr. Pierre Gilbert, an accessory to socialist President Francis Mitterand of France. Here we see the theme of mandatory vaccinations proposed in order to control the people. He also “predicts” the nano-technology that would be used as an interface:
In the biological destruction there are the organized tempests on the magnetic fields. What will follow is the contamination of the bloodstreams of mankind creating intentional infections. This will be enforced by laws that will make vaccination mandatory, and these vaccines will make it possible to control people. The vaccines will have liquid crystals that will become hosted in the brain cells, which will become micro-receivers of electromagnetic fields where waves of very very low frequencies will be sent. And through these low frequency waves people will be unable to think, you’ll be turned into a zombie. Don’t think of this as an hypothesis. This has been done. Think of Ruanda. |
French Dr. Pierre Gilbert, 1995, speaking of mandatory
vaccines to inject control mechanisms in people. |
Dr. Gilbert predicts the use of low frequencies to excite the “liquid crystals” hosted in the brain cells. Whether it is low frequencies or the gigahertz frequencies of 5G doesn’t matter. The intent in either case is remote control of the human body and brain. The liquid crystals he refers to now have a name: It is “hydrogel”, an invention of DARPA, the clandestine Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. Hydrogel is a self-assembling array of nano-particles that can theoretically interface with the spike protein and act as a transmitter and/or receiver of microwaves, and in particular the 5G millimeter wave, gigahertz frequencies that will bombard city dwellers in particular from all directions. The globalist plan also calls for corralling the bulk of humanity into mega-city prisons where their every move, utterance and change in blood pressure will be monitored by sophisticated A.I. driven surveillance systems. Though there may be some pockets of refuge here and there the sponsors of this evil want to make sure not one square inch of the planet is free from the microwave transmissions of tens of thousands of satellites currently being launched by corporations like Space X, controlled by the Jew Elon Musk.
Two thousand years ago the Bible prophesied that a wicked system would arise during the great tribulation of the last days. It will be a satanic system controlled by The Antichrist. The Bible says that there will come a time when no one will be able to buy or sell without receiving a “mark” granted only when one pledges their soul to Satan. To receive this mark is a sure ticket to hell. Considering today’s nightmarish technology and humanity’s unhealthy addiction to digital transactions and devices, we are well on the way to that end times scenario. You can be sure that the chief proponents of this agenda already belong to their father the devil, both genetically and spiritually. Though much technology is good in that it makes our lives easier and more pleasant, we have arrived at a point in history where technology is no longer developed or used for the good of mankind. Today’s advanced technology is used by massive corporations and governments for control over the people, and “sustainability” of the corporate-fascist hegemony, the technocratic neo-feudalist system of billionaires, i.e. "the beast system". In no way does the average individual derive any benefit from today’s invasive surveillance and control systems. The innocent “gee-whiz” days of science are gone.
Revelation 13:4 And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?
Revelation 13:15 And he (Satan and/or the Anti-Christ figurehead) had power to give life unto the image of the beast, (probably by some holographic imagery) that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
The people in this soon to be realized prophecy cannot make war with the “beast” because they are slaves to the satanic system. If anyone believes “it can’t happen here” in the U.S. consider the technocratic totalitarianism of China, where there are almost as many surveillance cameras as people, all of which are hooked to a system in which A.I. algorithms can identify people by their facial features, the top of their head, by their gait, or by voice recognition. Fines are levied in real time for any infraction of a strict set of rules. Every citizen has a “social credit score” which determines what privileges that person is granted or denied. For anyone who loves freedom this would be a living hell. Even Chinese people are complaining that it is like living in a prison. Bear in mind that Silicon Valley corporations are more than happy to “partner” with communist governments if there is profit to be made. Much of the technology used by the communist Chinese government to enslave their population was developed there! Those firms have also “partnered” with the CIA the NSA and DARPA. They are yearning to bring the same high tech nightmare to America. It has already been partially installed. The Jews running these tech firms couldn’t care less about freedom, liberty, democracy, privacy or anything else for the good of the American people. They are more than happy to sell us all down the river. All they care about is profit, power and a sumptuous life in this earth age. Just like their ancient ancestors, the scribes and Pharisees, they will easily lay burdens upon YOU, if they can be exempt from the same burdens. They will, however, experience the wrath of God when their gig on this planet is over. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God (Hebrews 10:31).
Matthew 23:1-4 Then spake Jesus to the multitude, and to his disciples, Saying, The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat: All therefore whatsoever they bid you observe, that observe and do; but do not ye after their works: for they say, and do not. For they bind heavy burdens and grievous to be borne, and lay them on men’s shoulders; but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers.
Matthew 5:20 For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.
Two thousand years ago the Bible prophesied that a wicked system would arise during the great tribulation of the last days. It will be a satanic system controlled by The Antichrist. The Bible says that there will come a time when no one will be able to buy or sell without receiving a “mark” granted only when one pledges their soul to Satan. To receive this mark is a sure ticket to hell. Considering today’s nightmarish technology and humanity’s unhealthy addiction to digital transactions and devices, we are well on the way to that end times scenario. You can be sure that the chief proponents of this agenda already belong to their father the devil, both genetically and spiritually. Though much technology is good in that it makes our lives easier and more pleasant, we have arrived at a point in history where technology is no longer developed or used for the good of mankind. Today’s advanced technology is used by massive corporations and governments for control over the people, and “sustainability” of the corporate-fascist hegemony, the technocratic neo-feudalist system of billionaires, i.e. "the beast system". In no way does the average individual derive any benefit from today’s invasive surveillance and control systems. The innocent “gee-whiz” days of science are gone.
Revelation 13:4 And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?
Revelation 13:15 And he (Satan and/or the Anti-Christ figurehead) had power to give life unto the image of the beast, (probably by some holographic imagery) that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
The people in this soon to be realized prophecy cannot make war with the “beast” because they are slaves to the satanic system. If anyone believes “it can’t happen here” in the U.S. consider the technocratic totalitarianism of China, where there are almost as many surveillance cameras as people, all of which are hooked to a system in which A.I. algorithms can identify people by their facial features, the top of their head, by their gait, or by voice recognition. Fines are levied in real time for any infraction of a strict set of rules. Every citizen has a “social credit score” which determines what privileges that person is granted or denied. For anyone who loves freedom this would be a living hell. Even Chinese people are complaining that it is like living in a prison. Bear in mind that Silicon Valley corporations are more than happy to “partner” with communist governments if there is profit to be made. Much of the technology used by the communist Chinese government to enslave their population was developed there! Those firms have also “partnered” with the CIA the NSA and DARPA. They are yearning to bring the same high tech nightmare to America. It has already been partially installed. The Jews running these tech firms couldn’t care less about freedom, liberty, democracy, privacy or anything else for the good of the American people. They are more than happy to sell us all down the river. All they care about is profit, power and a sumptuous life in this earth age. Just like their ancient ancestors, the scribes and Pharisees, they will easily lay burdens upon YOU, if they can be exempt from the same burdens. They will, however, experience the wrath of God when their gig on this planet is over. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God (Hebrews 10:31).
Matthew 23:1-4 Then spake Jesus to the multitude, and to his disciples, Saying, The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat: All therefore whatsoever they bid you observe, that observe and do; but do not ye after their works: for they say, and do not. For they bind heavy burdens and grievous to be borne, and lay them on men’s shoulders; but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers.
Matthew 5:20 For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.