Let's Talk About THE Elephant in the Room ... Part II
The Rothschild dynasty has been hell bent on destroying the American constitutional republic since its inception (see photo print of page 180 from Spiridovich below for details). They were the “money power” behind the American Revolution, intended to split the nation into two weaker nations that could more easily be placed under the boot of a Rothschild controlled central bank. They feared that the U.S. would become too powerful and thus be a threat to their global domination. The Rothschilds and their “Committee of 300” terrible Jews were also behind WWI, and WWII, which the U.S. was dragged into, among other things, to steal Palestine for the “Jews”, using the sketchy “Balfour Declaration” as justification. Despite not succeeding in splitting America into two countries during the Civil War the Rothschild hidden hand still got their central bank (the Federal Reserve) in 1913 under the Sephardic Jew agent Woodrow Wilson (Wolfson). Afterwards Wilson is claimed to have admitted:
I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined by country. A great industrial nation is now controlled by its system of credit. We are no longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.
I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined by country. A great industrial nation is now controlled by its system of credit. We are no longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.
A couple decades after Wolfson gave the money system of America to the Rothschilds Franklin D. Roosevelt (derived from Rosenvelt), led America into WWII, proceeding according to the diktats of the Ashkenazi Jew Bernard Baruch, the so-called “lone wolf of Wall Street”, who was not as “lone” as portrayed by the “history” books. Baruch was a yet another “sayanim” agent working for the Rothschild money power. The current U.S. State Department, which churns up war after war, is entirely infested with Jewish sayanim loyal to the Judeo-Zionist world government and the ongoing Rothschild pet project, a homeland for the “Jews”, so-called “Israel”. Jewish infestation of the U.S. State Department has been the norm since Senator Joseph McCarthy the “anti-communist” pointed it out 60+ years ago.
Jewess Barbara L. Specter, with a room full of "Wokies", from a decade or so ago, as European countries are being trampled with aliens, and whites are being disenfranchised. She says that Europe must “learn to be multicultural”, that the transformation “must happen” and that Jews will be playing a “leading role”. This arrogant attitude has been par for the course throughout history as Jews typically are not loyal to the country in which they happen to live.
For being a good patriot and telling the truth about the anti-American communist Jewish agents in government Senator Joseph McCarthy was rejected and vilified by Jewish-controlled media, and his career in politics was ruined. Every war America engages in is designed to benefit the Israeli State (created with Rothschild financing), the Rothschild banking empire and the corporations managed by the Jewish Wall Street investment firms like Blackrock, Vanguard, JP Morgan, Blackstone, I-Shares, State Street, Goldman Sachs, ALL Jewish owned and run firms with the Rothschild dynasty owning the lion’s share of stock. Every war is financed by Rothschild-controlled central banks in each nation involved, lending money to the respective governments at interest – the same incredibly lucrative money-lending enterprise which is mentioned in Part I with regard to Lionel Rothschild, son of Nathan.
The end goal of the Jewish money power is literally to control the world, to own all of the real estate, to breed out the white race so there are no pure-blooded whites remaining, and to reduce the world population down to less than a billion mixed-race, trans-humanized servants who could not possibly conceive of a rebellion, much less carry out one. This idea probably came to the Rothschild autocrat through a conversation with Satan himself, who wishes to be worshiped as if he were God. Who better to worship him than a planet full of dumbed-down, hybridized, trans-humanized automatons?
Nothing can be allowed to get in the way of the overarching Talmudic plan for world domination, and the Jew autocratic system sees to it that no details of the plan are revealed too soon, so as to forestall any chance of a pitchfork rebellion or even a yawning awakening as to the dire “Jewish problem”. This was the reason for the 1976 murder of an outspoken Jew by the name of Harold Wallace Rosenthal. He was a young Congressional Aide in the 1960s-70s to Senator Jacob Javits, D., N.Y., for whom the massive Javits Convention Center in New York City is named. It is so named because Javits was an influential proponent of “open immigration”, which dramatically increased the number of non-white immigrants allowed to enter America. It’s not that Jews like Javits care one iota about these immigrants. It is because Zionist-Talmudic parasites can only survive, thrive and rise to power within a “melting pot” Babylonian system of cultural plurality. In other words, the racial integrity that America had in its early days is a force that naturally works against Jewish-Talmudic-Zionist national and world domination. When you hear the annoying shibboleth of “diversity is our strength”, be aware that it is only a strength for Jews and certainly not for whites, whose ancestors founded the Christian republic of the United States of America and the once great Christian nations of Europe.
As GOD made the rattlesnakes produce noise in order to warn us, so He made the Jews boastful, that they should betray themselves and their deadly danger. The Secret World Government or “The Hidden Hand”, Major. Gen. Count Cherep-Spiridovich, 1926, Reprinted 1999, page 129, The Anti-Bolshevist Publishing Association, 15 East 128th Street, New York City
Young Rosenthal was so exuberant about the Jewish hegemony that he went out on a limb in the late 1970s to brag about it in an interview with a Christian patriot and publisher of a newsletter, Walter White. It was apparently a bit too early at that time for such stark revelations because the Zionist stranglehold on America was not as far advanced as it is today. The Jewish autocracy got wind of this interview and Mr. Rosenthal, who was looking forward to being a very important man in Washington D.C., was permanently hushed up in an airplane crash. His body was found with a few bullets in it, so we may presume that “the hidden hand” Rosenthal loved so much no longer valued him as an asset. As the saying goes, “Loose lips sink ships.” Rosenthal, in the amazing interview downloadable below confirms all of the “scriptures” quoted from the Talmud in Part I and lays all of the cards on the table of how satanic Jews fully intend to own all of the assets of the world and to enslave anyone else permitted to live under their autocratic, dystopian system of tyranny. He also bluntly says that “Jews are god’s chosen people” BUT, “our god is SATAN”. Yes, he actually says THAT! Folks, we are engaged in a spiritual war and yet OUR people don’t realize it. When are Christians going to wake up?
Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.
Nothing can be allowed to get in the way of the overarching Talmudic plan for world domination, and the Jew autocratic system sees to it that no details of the plan are revealed too soon, so as to forestall any chance of a pitchfork rebellion or even a yawning awakening as to the dire “Jewish problem”. This was the reason for the 1976 murder of an outspoken Jew by the name of Harold Wallace Rosenthal. He was a young Congressional Aide in the 1960s-70s to Senator Jacob Javits, D., N.Y., for whom the massive Javits Convention Center in New York City is named. It is so named because Javits was an influential proponent of “open immigration”, which dramatically increased the number of non-white immigrants allowed to enter America. It’s not that Jews like Javits care one iota about these immigrants. It is because Zionist-Talmudic parasites can only survive, thrive and rise to power within a “melting pot” Babylonian system of cultural plurality. In other words, the racial integrity that America had in its early days is a force that naturally works against Jewish-Talmudic-Zionist national and world domination. When you hear the annoying shibboleth of “diversity is our strength”, be aware that it is only a strength for Jews and certainly not for whites, whose ancestors founded the Christian republic of the United States of America and the once great Christian nations of Europe.
As GOD made the rattlesnakes produce noise in order to warn us, so He made the Jews boastful, that they should betray themselves and their deadly danger. The Secret World Government or “The Hidden Hand”, Major. Gen. Count Cherep-Spiridovich, 1926, Reprinted 1999, page 129, The Anti-Bolshevist Publishing Association, 15 East 128th Street, New York City
Young Rosenthal was so exuberant about the Jewish hegemony that he went out on a limb in the late 1970s to brag about it in an interview with a Christian patriot and publisher of a newsletter, Walter White. It was apparently a bit too early at that time for such stark revelations because the Zionist stranglehold on America was not as far advanced as it is today. The Jewish autocracy got wind of this interview and Mr. Rosenthal, who was looking forward to being a very important man in Washington D.C., was permanently hushed up in an airplane crash. His body was found with a few bullets in it, so we may presume that “the hidden hand” Rosenthal loved so much no longer valued him as an asset. As the saying goes, “Loose lips sink ships.” Rosenthal, in the amazing interview downloadable below confirms all of the “scriptures” quoted from the Talmud in Part I and lays all of the cards on the table of how satanic Jews fully intend to own all of the assets of the world and to enslave anyone else permitted to live under their autocratic, dystopian system of tyranny. He also bluntly says that “Jews are god’s chosen people” BUT, “our god is SATAN”. Yes, he actually says THAT! Folks, we are engaged in a spiritual war and yet OUR people don’t realize it. When are Christians going to wake up?
Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.
Listen and/or read the Rosenthal interview for yourself. The Rothschild tribe and a long string of Jewish scoundrels throughout history ARE the actual children of Satan, at war with US, the elect of God and they have been determined to destroy the white race, and particularly white Christians, for thousands of years – and anyone else who gets in the way of their satanic plan!! It is this Cainite-Canaanite-Edomite bloodline, after all, who crucified Jesus Christ, who was also a WHITE man, absolutely, positively NOT the same race as today’s “Jews” as they have brainwashed so many unlearned “Judeo”-Christians to believe. Read the essays “Cain’s Descendants” and “Esau Edom in Jewry” on this website for scriptural proof. |
The rise and decline of nation-states founded by whites, such as ancient Egypt, ancient Israel, Rome, Greece, formerly Christian European nations, South Africa, Australia, and now the U.S. teaches us an important lesson: our white nations can only remain strong and good when there is racial homogeneity and for the most part separation of races. When sovereign white nations decline it is because they are infiltrated and “browned” and yet the Jews always remain separate and apart from the problems they create. Jews are always the foremost proponents of immigration and open borders. During every national decline the sour cream of Edomite-Canaanites, the same bloodline as today’s “Jews”, invariably rises to the top. Canaanite-Edomites, a.k.a. “Edom” or “the house of Esau” (the Bible’s bad “Jews”, like the Pharisees and the Herod bloodline) were on top of the political and religious systems in ancient Israel, when Jesus Christ came on the scene! At that time ancient Israel was a “melting pot” and had suffered a huge influx of Edomites from the kingdom of Idumea to the south. The U.S., likewise, had a huge influx of Ashkenazi Jews in the 1920s and ‘30s, who formed the backbone of the Democratic Party which morphed from the “workingman’s party” to the socialist-communist, globalist-totalitarian party. Perhaps these verses (quoted in Part I) are worth quoting again:
Numbers 33:55-56 (Yahweh prophesying to the Hebrews) But if ye will not drive out the inhabitants of the land (the land of Canaan – the “promised land”) from before you; then it shall come to pass, that those which ye let remain of them shall be pricks in your eyes, and thorns in your sides, and shall vex you in the land wherein ye dwell. Moreover it shall come to pass, that I shall do unto you, as I thought to do unto them.
This “Jewish problem” is as old as the Bible -- even older, though 3,000+ years ago they weren’t known as “Jews”. At that time they were Canaanites, a race of heathen mongrels cursed by God. The Canaanites were descendants of Ham’s cursed (see Genesis 9:18-26) son Canaan and his Cainite wife or wives. The Cainites or Kenites were direct descendants of Cain, who was through the act of “procreation” (as opposed to creation) the literal son of Satan. These antagonists of Jesus were the same type of evil “Jews” who “vex” us today – of Canaanite-Edomite-Hittite-Judeo-Mongol-Turkic-Asiatic stock, with the commonality of corrupted genetics harking back to the days of Adam and Eve, who was “beguiled” by Satan. They are also known as the “Ashkenazi Jews” and the milder variety – “Sephardim”.
“Jewish” activists and infiltrators use “diversity”, “multiculturalism”, “tolerance”, “affirmative action” and psycho-linguistic buzzwords as weapons against us, to brainwash our people into false “narratives”. They use their pooled financial resources to utterly destroy our white nations and suck them dry of assets while rotting them from within morally, physically, intellectually and militarily. In doing so they are able to rule over us with an array of coordinated control mechanisms -- their central banks, their giant multi-trillion dollar investment firms, their small business killing corporate monopolies, anti-American academia, media and Zionist agents (sayanim) planted in key government and corporate posts and of course, MASSIVE immigration to water down the white constituency. These coordinated attacks are like muddy flood waters sneaking under doors in the dead of night. The occupants awake in horror realizing that they are about to be drowned! The plotting and scheming occurs in closed board room meetings, through nagging regulations, through destructive mandates, through the agitation of Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), through lobby groups that hush up any criticism of “Jews”. The Jews elevate other races over whites, with pressure groups such as the ACLU, SPLC and AJC, through “think tanks” (which are always Jewish) that concoct a never ending stream of scams and schemes to defraud, poison and kill us, through bribery and blackmail of key political figures, which includes just about everyone in Congress. This has been happening for a very long time, as we learn from Spiridovich, who speaks of the terrible situation in America a century ago:
Is it better with America (than Britain)? Not the least. Has not Senator Edwin Ladd rightly warned her that she is facing an imminent bankruptcy, as I proved in my “Gentiles Review”, No. 8. Out of 550 members of the American Congress there is none who understands the catastrophic situation or has the courage to tell the truth. Why? Because when Abraham Lincoln wished to prevent the bankruptcy and forthcoming moral, mental, political and financial slavery of his beloved country, a Jew, John Wilkes Booth, obviously an agent of the Hidden Hand, murdered the patriotic President. And no American seems to know this or dares to reveal it. … When another honest president, Garfield said: “Whoever controls the money of a nation, controls that nation” this truth and courage cost him his life! He was shot, as was Lincoln, for the same reason, by the same Hidden Hand! Spiridovich, page 133
Does anyone in their right mind think the situation in America today is any better today? The Zionist parasites have had an additional century to rob and rot this nation from within. Look at the servile dupes and crafty communist agents we’ve had in the White House in the past quarter century: the globalist war mongering, crypto-Jewish Bushs, Sr. and Jr., the “Teflon president” Clinton (a Rothschild descendant), who promised that NAFTA and GATT would be great for America. Perot rightfully called him out, but the “free trade” agreements went on anyway, to the detriment of America. Then there was the closet homosexual, crypto-Jew and communist Obama, long time Rothschild agents like Kissinger, Schumer, Schiff, Pelosi, and now a tottering old pedophile who does whatever his Jew masters tell him to do. This includes embroiling the U.S. in yet another war, so Jewish corporate monopolies can profit, and so the Jewish central bank, the Fed, can pump out billions of dollars in “foreign aid” to give to the Jew Zelensky, who is busy luring white Ukrainians to their death to fulfill the Talmudic mandate to “kill the goyim” and, of course as Jews always do, filling his own pockets with blood money in the process. He has very rapidly become a billionaire and what have the Ukrainian people gained? Many of them have died fighting Russia and many others have had to flee the country with whatever they can carry on their backs.
Jewish central bankers are skilled at conjuring up wars in which a white nation wars against another white nation. There is always some bogus reason provided by their propaganda, but the real reason is that war invariably ends up benefitting Jewish banking cartels and Jewish corporate interests, such as defense contractors who need a steady diet of wars in order to maximize profit. The money lent by the Rothschild’s central banks to governments in order to wage war then becomes “National Debt”, which means it is the responsibility of citizens to pay the interest with their federal taxes. Through the amazing scam of “fractional reserve banking” the Rothschilds and their agents get to create TRILLIONS of dollars literally out of NOTHING, with no actual work! This is precisely why the U.S. has a “national debt” of 20-30 trillion dollars. Where does this incredible sum of money go? Much of this money created out of nothing by the Jewish central bank goes into the coffers of Jewish owned commercial banks and predatory corporations which these days are managed by massive Wall Street investment firms like Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street, J.P. Morgan, I-Shares, etc. Most all of these investment firms and corporations are owned and run by JEWS. It’s a FACT that cannot be denied. Just look at the NAMES of the people running these firms!
Have you noticed that the Jewish race has more millionaires and billionaires than any other race, and that the money just seems to fall into their hands? In the Jewish-parasitic process of attaching usury, fees and a “cut” to every endeavor, the “American Dream” of working hard for a just reward and actually contributing something to one’s community and nation as a whole is LOST. Succeeding in an honest business endeavor is really tough. On the other hand, Jews are famous for making millions and billions of dollars off of SCAMS. Bernie Madoff and Sam Bankman Fried are but small fish in the ocean of world-class Jewish sharks. They got caught, but the vast majority of Jewish scammers do not. People are enslaved into working for paycheck, the value of which plummets due to “inflation” of the money supply by Jewish banksters. The nation steadily goes from having a representative government to being an autocratic slave state run by Zionist-Talmudic “Jews” who believe it is their destiny to rule the world and own everything in it, by any means possible, no matter how dirty, bottom of the barrel nasty and immoral, and that the “goyim” are fit to be their slaves, or even better just DIE, whether it be from a war, tainted water, food loaded with toxins, artificial meat or from poisonous injections proclaimed to be “vaccines”.
War is waged by the Jewish world government against white nations through immigration – legal and illegal. The purpose of Biden’s open border policy is the same as the 1960s Javits immigration bill, only worse because the invasion is much larger, somewhere on the order of 2,000 illegals a day! Some of these people may make good citizens, but many of them are dangerous criminals and drug runners. Thousands of migrant children go missing and end up in the hands of human traffickers who take advantage of the chaotic situation. Furthermore, no town or city is immune to the changing demographics wrought by this invasion. For America and for the kidnapped children there is no upside.
If Zionist-Globalist Jews have their way it will proceed until America the beautiful degenerates into another depressed “third world” country, and a sluggish cog in the Talmudic-Zionist-globalist “New World Order”, “great reset” global gulag, which would be lorded over by JEWISH central bankers and their occasional “gentile front men” – like Jerome Powell, who must basically do as he is told by his Jewish masters. The Federal Reserve is a criminal enterprise from top to bottom. It was established by deception to defraud America of its assets by creating money out of nothing, lending it to the U.S. government at interest so as to provide funding for projects of interest to the Judeo world government (such as war) and to give money to favored Jewish owned corporations so they may expand and monopolize all of lines of trade. Thus wholesome, honest “mom and pop” businesses disappear and the landscape gets dominated by retail Goliath’s like Costco, WalMart, Buckee’s and cyberspace is ruled by Amazon which sells a ridiculous 70% of ALL books that are sold -- period! We have to wonder, if this essay were put in book form, would Amazon sell it?
The Federal Reserve central bank has been run by Jews since its inception. Its stock is held entirely by Jewish dynasties, with a majority of shares held by Rothschild holding companies – but obscured under layer after layer of trust and corporate fronts. Following is a list of the corporate owners of the Fed. All of these banks are tied to the Rothschild dynasty in one way or another:
Numbers 33:55-56 (Yahweh prophesying to the Hebrews) But if ye will not drive out the inhabitants of the land (the land of Canaan – the “promised land”) from before you; then it shall come to pass, that those which ye let remain of them shall be pricks in your eyes, and thorns in your sides, and shall vex you in the land wherein ye dwell. Moreover it shall come to pass, that I shall do unto you, as I thought to do unto them.
This “Jewish problem” is as old as the Bible -- even older, though 3,000+ years ago they weren’t known as “Jews”. At that time they were Canaanites, a race of heathen mongrels cursed by God. The Canaanites were descendants of Ham’s cursed (see Genesis 9:18-26) son Canaan and his Cainite wife or wives. The Cainites or Kenites were direct descendants of Cain, who was through the act of “procreation” (as opposed to creation) the literal son of Satan. These antagonists of Jesus were the same type of evil “Jews” who “vex” us today – of Canaanite-Edomite-Hittite-Judeo-Mongol-Turkic-Asiatic stock, with the commonality of corrupted genetics harking back to the days of Adam and Eve, who was “beguiled” by Satan. They are also known as the “Ashkenazi Jews” and the milder variety – “Sephardim”.
“Jewish” activists and infiltrators use “diversity”, “multiculturalism”, “tolerance”, “affirmative action” and psycho-linguistic buzzwords as weapons against us, to brainwash our people into false “narratives”. They use their pooled financial resources to utterly destroy our white nations and suck them dry of assets while rotting them from within morally, physically, intellectually and militarily. In doing so they are able to rule over us with an array of coordinated control mechanisms -- their central banks, their giant multi-trillion dollar investment firms, their small business killing corporate monopolies, anti-American academia, media and Zionist agents (sayanim) planted in key government and corporate posts and of course, MASSIVE immigration to water down the white constituency. These coordinated attacks are like muddy flood waters sneaking under doors in the dead of night. The occupants awake in horror realizing that they are about to be drowned! The plotting and scheming occurs in closed board room meetings, through nagging regulations, through destructive mandates, through the agitation of Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), through lobby groups that hush up any criticism of “Jews”. The Jews elevate other races over whites, with pressure groups such as the ACLU, SPLC and AJC, through “think tanks” (which are always Jewish) that concoct a never ending stream of scams and schemes to defraud, poison and kill us, through bribery and blackmail of key political figures, which includes just about everyone in Congress. This has been happening for a very long time, as we learn from Spiridovich, who speaks of the terrible situation in America a century ago:
Is it better with America (than Britain)? Not the least. Has not Senator Edwin Ladd rightly warned her that she is facing an imminent bankruptcy, as I proved in my “Gentiles Review”, No. 8. Out of 550 members of the American Congress there is none who understands the catastrophic situation or has the courage to tell the truth. Why? Because when Abraham Lincoln wished to prevent the bankruptcy and forthcoming moral, mental, political and financial slavery of his beloved country, a Jew, John Wilkes Booth, obviously an agent of the Hidden Hand, murdered the patriotic President. And no American seems to know this or dares to reveal it. … When another honest president, Garfield said: “Whoever controls the money of a nation, controls that nation” this truth and courage cost him his life! He was shot, as was Lincoln, for the same reason, by the same Hidden Hand! Spiridovich, page 133
Does anyone in their right mind think the situation in America today is any better today? The Zionist parasites have had an additional century to rob and rot this nation from within. Look at the servile dupes and crafty communist agents we’ve had in the White House in the past quarter century: the globalist war mongering, crypto-Jewish Bushs, Sr. and Jr., the “Teflon president” Clinton (a Rothschild descendant), who promised that NAFTA and GATT would be great for America. Perot rightfully called him out, but the “free trade” agreements went on anyway, to the detriment of America. Then there was the closet homosexual, crypto-Jew and communist Obama, long time Rothschild agents like Kissinger, Schumer, Schiff, Pelosi, and now a tottering old pedophile who does whatever his Jew masters tell him to do. This includes embroiling the U.S. in yet another war, so Jewish corporate monopolies can profit, and so the Jewish central bank, the Fed, can pump out billions of dollars in “foreign aid” to give to the Jew Zelensky, who is busy luring white Ukrainians to their death to fulfill the Talmudic mandate to “kill the goyim” and, of course as Jews always do, filling his own pockets with blood money in the process. He has very rapidly become a billionaire and what have the Ukrainian people gained? Many of them have died fighting Russia and many others have had to flee the country with whatever they can carry on their backs.
Jewish central bankers are skilled at conjuring up wars in which a white nation wars against another white nation. There is always some bogus reason provided by their propaganda, but the real reason is that war invariably ends up benefitting Jewish banking cartels and Jewish corporate interests, such as defense contractors who need a steady diet of wars in order to maximize profit. The money lent by the Rothschild’s central banks to governments in order to wage war then becomes “National Debt”, which means it is the responsibility of citizens to pay the interest with their federal taxes. Through the amazing scam of “fractional reserve banking” the Rothschilds and their agents get to create TRILLIONS of dollars literally out of NOTHING, with no actual work! This is precisely why the U.S. has a “national debt” of 20-30 trillion dollars. Where does this incredible sum of money go? Much of this money created out of nothing by the Jewish central bank goes into the coffers of Jewish owned commercial banks and predatory corporations which these days are managed by massive Wall Street investment firms like Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street, J.P. Morgan, I-Shares, etc. Most all of these investment firms and corporations are owned and run by JEWS. It’s a FACT that cannot be denied. Just look at the NAMES of the people running these firms!
Have you noticed that the Jewish race has more millionaires and billionaires than any other race, and that the money just seems to fall into their hands? In the Jewish-parasitic process of attaching usury, fees and a “cut” to every endeavor, the “American Dream” of working hard for a just reward and actually contributing something to one’s community and nation as a whole is LOST. Succeeding in an honest business endeavor is really tough. On the other hand, Jews are famous for making millions and billions of dollars off of SCAMS. Bernie Madoff and Sam Bankman Fried are but small fish in the ocean of world-class Jewish sharks. They got caught, but the vast majority of Jewish scammers do not. People are enslaved into working for paycheck, the value of which plummets due to “inflation” of the money supply by Jewish banksters. The nation steadily goes from having a representative government to being an autocratic slave state run by Zionist-Talmudic “Jews” who believe it is their destiny to rule the world and own everything in it, by any means possible, no matter how dirty, bottom of the barrel nasty and immoral, and that the “goyim” are fit to be their slaves, or even better just DIE, whether it be from a war, tainted water, food loaded with toxins, artificial meat or from poisonous injections proclaimed to be “vaccines”.
War is waged by the Jewish world government against white nations through immigration – legal and illegal. The purpose of Biden’s open border policy is the same as the 1960s Javits immigration bill, only worse because the invasion is much larger, somewhere on the order of 2,000 illegals a day! Some of these people may make good citizens, but many of them are dangerous criminals and drug runners. Thousands of migrant children go missing and end up in the hands of human traffickers who take advantage of the chaotic situation. Furthermore, no town or city is immune to the changing demographics wrought by this invasion. For America and for the kidnapped children there is no upside.
If Zionist-Globalist Jews have their way it will proceed until America the beautiful degenerates into another depressed “third world” country, and a sluggish cog in the Talmudic-Zionist-globalist “New World Order”, “great reset” global gulag, which would be lorded over by JEWISH central bankers and their occasional “gentile front men” – like Jerome Powell, who must basically do as he is told by his Jewish masters. The Federal Reserve is a criminal enterprise from top to bottom. It was established by deception to defraud America of its assets by creating money out of nothing, lending it to the U.S. government at interest so as to provide funding for projects of interest to the Judeo world government (such as war) and to give money to favored Jewish owned corporations so they may expand and monopolize all of lines of trade. Thus wholesome, honest “mom and pop” businesses disappear and the landscape gets dominated by retail Goliath’s like Costco, WalMart, Buckee’s and cyberspace is ruled by Amazon which sells a ridiculous 70% of ALL books that are sold -- period! We have to wonder, if this essay were put in book form, would Amazon sell it?
The Federal Reserve central bank has been run by Jews since its inception. Its stock is held entirely by Jewish dynasties, with a majority of shares held by Rothschild holding companies – but obscured under layer after layer of trust and corporate fronts. Following is a list of the corporate owners of the Fed. All of these banks are tied to the Rothschild dynasty in one way or another:
Rothschild Banks of London and Berlin
Lazard Brothers Bank of Paris
Israel Moses Seif Bank of Italy
Warburg Bank of Hamburg, Germany and Amsterdam
Lehman Brothers Bank of New York
Kuhn, Loeb and Co. of Germany, and New York
Chase Manhattan (Rockefeller) Bank of New York
Goldman Sachs Bank of New York
Lazard Brothers Bank of Paris
Israel Moses Seif Bank of Italy
Warburg Bank of Hamburg, Germany and Amsterdam
Lehman Brothers Bank of New York
Kuhn, Loeb and Co. of Germany, and New York
Chase Manhattan (Rockefeller) Bank of New York
Goldman Sachs Bank of New York
So, why do Zionist Jews love to flood white nations with immigrants? Non-whites invariably vote themselves into poverty and slavery under Jewish overlords who steal all of the real assets and rule with an iron hand. Look around the world at the condition of non-white nations in general. They embrace whichever regime gives them the most outrageous promises and occasional STUFF, and in America that would be the Jewish-run Democratic Party, which has morphed into a front for communism, a system that makes grand promises of spreading the wealth, but in reality is a cover for Jewish bankers and monopolists who would own everything and use the government to oppress and enslave the people. Though perhaps slightly less corrupt, the Republican Party is still largely controlled by rich Jews, so we cannot expect that it will provide any lasting solutions to the problem of a wicked system run by Spiridovich’s “hidden hand” of Jewish autocrats.
This Zionist-Satanic domination of nations and the formation of a world system of enslavement was in a nutshell the dream of Meyer Amschel Rothschild, remember? He dreamed of a day in which stinking, pathologically materialistic Jews like him would own everything and the “goyim” would own NOTHING. Is this not the same goal as the Jew-globalist Klaus Schwab’s “Great Reset”? – “You (Goyim) will own nothing, and you WILL be happy.” If one group owns nothing, then obviously somebody would have to own everything! How could you (non-Jew) be happy owning nothing, knowing quite well that your natural ENEMY, who has no redeeming qualities whatsoever and is literally the spawn of Satan owns everything? Well … firstly, the citizen slaves would largely be kept from knowing WHO controls them, because Jewish sayanim “fact checkers” would concrete over the truth and brand as “conspiracy theory” anything that exposes the Jews as the destroyers of white nations. Abe Foxman, former head of the ADL, believed that the New Testament should be banned as “hate speech”! This should serve as an example of how insane, toxic and manipulative these anti-Christ Jews are.
Confirmed here: https://birthofanewearthblog.com/adl-president-abraham-foxman-speech-about-destruction-of-white-race-jewish-world-domination/
The whole “fact checker” idea itself is a bunch of nonsense because these know-nothing HACKS are simply CENSORS working for the Jewish money power. Jews in positions of influence would, if they could pull it off in America, make it a crime to speak out about the “Jewish problem”, as did the Russian Jewish communist dictator Josef Stalin who made “anti-Semitism” a crime punishable by DEATH. Owning nothing (while the Jews own everything) perhaps the “goyim” would be “happy” on heavy drugs and/or being trans-humanized into Borg-like creatures, like the Star-Trek movie featuring “The Borg”, programmed for acceptance and compliance, with forced injections of an endless series of “vaccines” loaded with lipid-nano-particle graphene oxide fluid circuitry that self-assembles when powered by 5G microwaves, and forthwith is radioed commands from the A.I. supercomputer beast. This is the HELL that the satanic international Jew psychopath has envisioned for a world of goyim slaves.
Psalm 58:3-4 The wicked are estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies. Their poison is like the poison of a serpent: they are like the deaf adder that stoppeth her ear;
This master plan, you may have concluded by now, is absolute pure satanic EVIL, which can only be promulgated by a RACE of monsters who themselves are the embodiment of SATAN himself. They are literally the descendants of Satan! Let that sink in. These are not good people. They are NEVER going to be good because they are “vessels of wrath” literally born to do evil and suffer the wrath of God when Jesus Christ returns. These perverts rape young children held as sex slaves. They especially enjoy raping innocent white children. They are the sex and slave traffickers of the world and always have been. The Jew Jeffrey Epstein and his Jewess helpmate Ghislane Maxwell, whose father happened to be an Israeli Mossad agent, are recent examples. This pair of miscreants routinely lured innocent young children into their net of “sex” torture on Epstein’s private island and there are many, many more like them and the bastards* usually get away with it because their racial kin in the judicial system, media, intelligence agencies and police forces cover for them. Epstein was murdered, we think (though how can anyone but an “insider” be 100% sure he wasn’t whisked away somewhere), because under interrogation he may have spilled the beans on many high profile pedophiles who had used his services. It happened to leak out that Prince Andrew had used Epstein’s “services” and he got a swift boot to the rear end and a royal demotion from the queen. May this pedophile live in infamy, and when he dies face God to account for his miserable life – but there are many more of these secret perverts in high places. Their perversions can be used as a hook to reel them in should they go astray from the plans of the Judeo-Mongol secret world government. At any rate, like Harold Rosenthal, Jeffrey Epstein had become more of a liability than an asset and had to be permanently silenced.
Deuteronomy 23:2 A bastard* shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the LORD.
*Strong’s Concordance 4464 – mamzer; from an unused root meaning to alienate; a mongrel, i.e. born of a Jewish father and a heathen mother
Hebrews 12:6-8 For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth. If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not? But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards*, and not sons.
*Strongs 3541 – nothos; of uncertain affin.; a spurious or illegitimate son
On the other hand, a perfect example of the Edomite-Canaanite bastards going scot free would be the “Dancing Israelis” of 911 fame, who were seen in a truck with a mural silk screened on the side of it depicting the Twin Towers with a plane crashing into them and flames shooting out, just PRIOR to the event actually happening!!!!! These highly suspicious characters were detained by NYC police and questioned but because they were Jews they got a free pass and were swiftly extradited to Israel. Frustrating isn’t it. Jews can literally get away with anything and no doubt they immensely enjoy it. These same Jews were later seen on Israeli TV bragging about their escapade. Another curious 911 fact is that there were NO Jews in the Twin Towers on the day that they were demolished. What are the odds that ALL of them didn’t go to work on that Tuesday? The “goyim” apparently “didn’t get the memo” and had to DIE most horribly, thus once again fulfilling the Talmudic mandate that “even the best of the goyim should be killed”.
The Edomite-Canaanite-Khazarian-Ashkenazi, a.k.a. Judeo-Mongol bloodline is unrivaled at the skill of murdering people who stand in their way. A case in point is the infamous “Clinton body count”. The victims were all people who were intimately familiar with the Clintons’ nefarious criminal activities. Bill Clinton once flippantly remarked in regard to someone he did not like “Why don’t we just kill him.” Over one hundred close Clinton associates died very suspiciously. The list includes secret service agents who guarded Clinton during his years as Arkansas governor while having motel trysts with prostitutes. It also includes several people who were “suicided”. There was even one guy, a black United Nations official, who was due to testify a couple days later in court against Bill Clinton. He had a freak accident during a gym workout when his throat was crushed by the barbell he was lifting! Happens all the time, right?
Hillary Clinton is Jewish and so is Bill Clinton who is related by blood to the Rothschilds through his biological father, as was Abraham Lincoln, whose fate was the same as other “renegade” kin who didn’t fully agree with old Meyer Amschel’s death wish. “Honest” Abe, a secret Rothschild descendant, was far from being the saint that is portrayed in school textbook history. On the one hand he was a tyrant, responsible for the murder of close to a million southerners – but on the other hand he circumvented the Rothschild banking dynasty by having the U.S. Treasury produce “greenbacks” in order to finance the Civil War. He wanted to keep the entire United States together, rather than see it split into two or more separate nations. It was for this “rebellion” against the Judeo-Mongol secret world government that he was assassinated. The deed was carried out by a Jewish “sayanim”: Rothschild agent James Wilkes Booth who was also a Mason. The Masonic order is an incubator for willing servants of the money power.
The Rothschilds have inserted their serpentine bloodline in various places where it can work to gain them more power and riches. Once this is accomplished, the secret descendant can be promoted into a position of power and billed by Zionist-controlled media as a “self-made man”. This descendant gets all the free passes, financial assistance and freak good luck necessary for a successful career in politics. Though not a Jew, but to illustrate this strategy of insertion with someone everybody is familiar with, President Jimmy Carter was, in fact, the biological son of old Joe Kennedy, who bragged that he would put two sons into the White House! And so he did. Just look at the incredible difference between Jimmy and his “redneck” brother Billy (of “Billy’s Beer” fame) and judge for yourself. Could they possibly have exactly the same parents? Spiridovich puts forth the clues in a similar “mystery” that occurred a couple centuries ago with regard to Napolean III:
The King Louis of Holland, brother of Napoleon I, disliked his wife – Hortense – and he admits it many times in his “Documents Historiques”. From 1802 to 1807 they only lived together four months … never actually cohabited together, because they were repulsive to each other … Hortense distributed her affections somewhat promiscuously …
Who was the real father of Napolean III?
“All is darkness and mystery,” say the historians. As always they overlook the “Tigers” in the Zoo! …
On April 20th, 1808, the future Napolean III was born in the very den of the Rothschilds in their hotel in the rue Cerutti, now rue Lafitte, at No. 17.
Surely [the father was not] the decrepit King of Holland.
Was it one of the young Rothschilds, the youngest of whom Jacob (James) was then 16 years old, his brother Karl, 20 years, or the 31 years old Nathan, who constantly rushed from Frankfurt to London through Paris-Dunkerk. Nathan personified the type of an “itinerant jeweler and moneylender”, described by Mrs. Nesta Webster in her “World Revolution”.
The Rothschilds have been the greatest smugglers of sensual “love,” as well as goods. They have with satanic design poisoned the French and English aristocracy by infusing into their veins as much Jewish blood as possible. Since 1798 Nathan was constantly travelling between Frankfort and Paris. How could this re-incarnation of Satan, watching day and night what was going on in France (which Amschel granted to his beloved Benjamin-James) neglect such a chance to “create” his own “Napoleonide”! …
The young devils had been ordered by Amschel to have their own French Emperor, and above all to humiliate the very “anti-semitic” Napolean I.
Hortense was the easiest woman to conquer. Her revenues were never sufficient to pay her debts and expenses. And she sought to seek the aid of the Jewish usurers. And she constantly appealed to the Rothschilds. The Jewish blood of Napoleon III soon revealed itself. Thus, he hated all studies, except German (Yiddish). This is confirmed by the Abbe Bertrand, his teacher. …
And in his features Napoleon III had nothing “Napoleonic.” He looked as if a Rothschildian!
Spiridovich, pages 150-152
Certainly a fascinating book could be written documenting how “Jewish” (Canaanite-Edomite) blood flows in the veins of many “royals”, politicians and others in positions of power who are commonly believed to be Caucasian “English”, “Russian”, “American”, “French”, “Australian”, “South African”, etc. This would go a long way toward explaining WHY these “representatives” in government and others in the corporate world are devils in disguise, whose loyalty and affections gravitate toward the secret Judeo-Zionist global autocracy, and not toward their respective sovereign nations or the constitutions thereof. This would explain their lack of moral compass, their love of money and their treachery. The quote from Spiridovich above illustrates that this is a long-standing problem and THE key factor in world history, going back centuries –millennia, in fact, because the Bible documents it. Our main thesis is that there is a bloodline flowing down through human history that is genetically programmed for evil and when all is said and done to further the ambition of Satan himself who wishes to be worshipped as if he were God. They are at work, whether they realize it or not, building the “beast” system whereby the red carpet can be rolled out for “their father the devil.” Meanwhile …
The assassinations carried out by Rothschild agents is the stuff of legends: Napolean I and II, a few Christian Russian Czars, and the entire family of Czar Alexander, Presidents Lincoln, Garfield, Harding, and Kennedy, Congressman Louis McFadden, (outspoken critic of the Fed in the 1930s), Congressman James Traficant (who had the guts to say that “Israel has a powerful stranglehold on America) to name a just a few. Traficant was framed and imprisoned for his views on Israel. When he got out and was putting his life back together again he had a freak “accident” in which a tractor he used on his farm flipped over backward when he engaged the gear and crushed him to death! What did these political figures have in common? They attempted to fight against the Rothschild Zionist-Talmudic Ashkenazi-Jewish Edomite-Canaanite global money power.
Psalm 58:3-4 The wicked are estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies. Their poison is like the poison of a serpent: they are like the deaf adder that stoppeth her ear;
This master plan, you may have concluded by now, is absolute pure satanic EVIL, which can only be promulgated by a RACE of monsters who themselves are the embodiment of SATAN himself. They are literally the descendants of Satan! Let that sink in. These are not good people. They are NEVER going to be good because they are “vessels of wrath” literally born to do evil and suffer the wrath of God when Jesus Christ returns. These perverts rape young children held as sex slaves. They especially enjoy raping innocent white children. They are the sex and slave traffickers of the world and always have been. The Jew Jeffrey Epstein and his Jewess helpmate Ghislane Maxwell, whose father happened to be an Israeli Mossad agent, are recent examples. This pair of miscreants routinely lured innocent young children into their net of “sex” torture on Epstein’s private island and there are many, many more like them and the bastards* usually get away with it because their racial kin in the judicial system, media, intelligence agencies and police forces cover for them. Epstein was murdered, we think (though how can anyone but an “insider” be 100% sure he wasn’t whisked away somewhere), because under interrogation he may have spilled the beans on many high profile pedophiles who had used his services. It happened to leak out that Prince Andrew had used Epstein’s “services” and he got a swift boot to the rear end and a royal demotion from the queen. May this pedophile live in infamy, and when he dies face God to account for his miserable life – but there are many more of these secret perverts in high places. Their perversions can be used as a hook to reel them in should they go astray from the plans of the Judeo-Mongol secret world government. At any rate, like Harold Rosenthal, Jeffrey Epstein had become more of a liability than an asset and had to be permanently silenced.
Deuteronomy 23:2 A bastard* shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the LORD.
*Strong’s Concordance 4464 – mamzer; from an unused root meaning to alienate; a mongrel, i.e. born of a Jewish father and a heathen mother
Hebrews 12:6-8 For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth. If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not? But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards*, and not sons.
*Strongs 3541 – nothos; of uncertain affin.; a spurious or illegitimate son
On the other hand, a perfect example of the Edomite-Canaanite bastards going scot free would be the “Dancing Israelis” of 911 fame, who were seen in a truck with a mural silk screened on the side of it depicting the Twin Towers with a plane crashing into them and flames shooting out, just PRIOR to the event actually happening!!!!! These highly suspicious characters were detained by NYC police and questioned but because they were Jews they got a free pass and were swiftly extradited to Israel. Frustrating isn’t it. Jews can literally get away with anything and no doubt they immensely enjoy it. These same Jews were later seen on Israeli TV bragging about their escapade. Another curious 911 fact is that there were NO Jews in the Twin Towers on the day that they were demolished. What are the odds that ALL of them didn’t go to work on that Tuesday? The “goyim” apparently “didn’t get the memo” and had to DIE most horribly, thus once again fulfilling the Talmudic mandate that “even the best of the goyim should be killed”.
The Edomite-Canaanite-Khazarian-Ashkenazi, a.k.a. Judeo-Mongol bloodline is unrivaled at the skill of murdering people who stand in their way. A case in point is the infamous “Clinton body count”. The victims were all people who were intimately familiar with the Clintons’ nefarious criminal activities. Bill Clinton once flippantly remarked in regard to someone he did not like “Why don’t we just kill him.” Over one hundred close Clinton associates died very suspiciously. The list includes secret service agents who guarded Clinton during his years as Arkansas governor while having motel trysts with prostitutes. It also includes several people who were “suicided”. There was even one guy, a black United Nations official, who was due to testify a couple days later in court against Bill Clinton. He had a freak accident during a gym workout when his throat was crushed by the barbell he was lifting! Happens all the time, right?
Hillary Clinton is Jewish and so is Bill Clinton who is related by blood to the Rothschilds through his biological father, as was Abraham Lincoln, whose fate was the same as other “renegade” kin who didn’t fully agree with old Meyer Amschel’s death wish. “Honest” Abe, a secret Rothschild descendant, was far from being the saint that is portrayed in school textbook history. On the one hand he was a tyrant, responsible for the murder of close to a million southerners – but on the other hand he circumvented the Rothschild banking dynasty by having the U.S. Treasury produce “greenbacks” in order to finance the Civil War. He wanted to keep the entire United States together, rather than see it split into two or more separate nations. It was for this “rebellion” against the Judeo-Mongol secret world government that he was assassinated. The deed was carried out by a Jewish “sayanim”: Rothschild agent James Wilkes Booth who was also a Mason. The Masonic order is an incubator for willing servants of the money power.
The Rothschilds have inserted their serpentine bloodline in various places where it can work to gain them more power and riches. Once this is accomplished, the secret descendant can be promoted into a position of power and billed by Zionist-controlled media as a “self-made man”. This descendant gets all the free passes, financial assistance and freak good luck necessary for a successful career in politics. Though not a Jew, but to illustrate this strategy of insertion with someone everybody is familiar with, President Jimmy Carter was, in fact, the biological son of old Joe Kennedy, who bragged that he would put two sons into the White House! And so he did. Just look at the incredible difference between Jimmy and his “redneck” brother Billy (of “Billy’s Beer” fame) and judge for yourself. Could they possibly have exactly the same parents? Spiridovich puts forth the clues in a similar “mystery” that occurred a couple centuries ago with regard to Napolean III:
The King Louis of Holland, brother of Napoleon I, disliked his wife – Hortense – and he admits it many times in his “Documents Historiques”. From 1802 to 1807 they only lived together four months … never actually cohabited together, because they were repulsive to each other … Hortense distributed her affections somewhat promiscuously …
Who was the real father of Napolean III?
“All is darkness and mystery,” say the historians. As always they overlook the “Tigers” in the Zoo! …
On April 20th, 1808, the future Napolean III was born in the very den of the Rothschilds in their hotel in the rue Cerutti, now rue Lafitte, at No. 17.
Surely [the father was not] the decrepit King of Holland.
Was it one of the young Rothschilds, the youngest of whom Jacob (James) was then 16 years old, his brother Karl, 20 years, or the 31 years old Nathan, who constantly rushed from Frankfurt to London through Paris-Dunkerk. Nathan personified the type of an “itinerant jeweler and moneylender”, described by Mrs. Nesta Webster in her “World Revolution”.
The Rothschilds have been the greatest smugglers of sensual “love,” as well as goods. They have with satanic design poisoned the French and English aristocracy by infusing into their veins as much Jewish blood as possible. Since 1798 Nathan was constantly travelling between Frankfort and Paris. How could this re-incarnation of Satan, watching day and night what was going on in France (which Amschel granted to his beloved Benjamin-James) neglect such a chance to “create” his own “Napoleonide”! …
The young devils had been ordered by Amschel to have their own French Emperor, and above all to humiliate the very “anti-semitic” Napolean I.
Hortense was the easiest woman to conquer. Her revenues were never sufficient to pay her debts and expenses. And she sought to seek the aid of the Jewish usurers. And she constantly appealed to the Rothschilds. The Jewish blood of Napoleon III soon revealed itself. Thus, he hated all studies, except German (Yiddish). This is confirmed by the Abbe Bertrand, his teacher. …
And in his features Napoleon III had nothing “Napoleonic.” He looked as if a Rothschildian!
Spiridovich, pages 150-152
Certainly a fascinating book could be written documenting how “Jewish” (Canaanite-Edomite) blood flows in the veins of many “royals”, politicians and others in positions of power who are commonly believed to be Caucasian “English”, “Russian”, “American”, “French”, “Australian”, “South African”, etc. This would go a long way toward explaining WHY these “representatives” in government and others in the corporate world are devils in disguise, whose loyalty and affections gravitate toward the secret Judeo-Zionist global autocracy, and not toward their respective sovereign nations or the constitutions thereof. This would explain their lack of moral compass, their love of money and their treachery. The quote from Spiridovich above illustrates that this is a long-standing problem and THE key factor in world history, going back centuries –millennia, in fact, because the Bible documents it. Our main thesis is that there is a bloodline flowing down through human history that is genetically programmed for evil and when all is said and done to further the ambition of Satan himself who wishes to be worshipped as if he were God. They are at work, whether they realize it or not, building the “beast” system whereby the red carpet can be rolled out for “their father the devil.” Meanwhile …
The assassinations carried out by Rothschild agents is the stuff of legends: Napolean I and II, a few Christian Russian Czars, and the entire family of Czar Alexander, Presidents Lincoln, Garfield, Harding, and Kennedy, Congressman Louis McFadden, (outspoken critic of the Fed in the 1930s), Congressman James Traficant (who had the guts to say that “Israel has a powerful stranglehold on America) to name a just a few. Traficant was framed and imprisoned for his views on Israel. When he got out and was putting his life back together again he had a freak “accident” in which a tractor he used on his farm flipped over backward when he engaged the gear and crushed him to death! What did these political figures have in common? They attempted to fight against the Rothschild Zionist-Talmudic Ashkenazi-Jewish Edomite-Canaanite global money power.
Rothschild agents even tried to kill President Andrew Jackson a couple times, but fortunately failed. Old warrior Jackson rightfully proclaimed that the bankers were “a den of vipers” and that he would “rout them out by the eternal God.” Under 7th U.S. President, Jackson there was NO national debt!! Imagine that! His tombstone reads “I killed the bank”, which he considered to be his greatest accomplishment. It probably tops the accomplishments of any president, before or after him. The bank he killed was the second Rothschild attempt at installing a central bank to rule America. For 75 years after Jackson’s presidency America had no central bank. Then in 1913 the Federal Reserve leech was installed to transfer the wealth of America into the hands of Rothschild, their Committee of 300 and their corporate monopolist brethren. Thomas Jefferson nailed the problem in the following quote from over two centuries ago. Everything he “prophesied” has proven to be true today under the heel of the Jewish owned Federal “Reserve”:
Congressman James Traficant speaking the kind of truth that got him killed: that "Israel" (the Jewish money power) has a "powerful stranglehold on the American government".
I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. 3rd President of the U.S., Thomas Jefferson, 1802
Let’s return for a moment to the global “pandemic” scam. Catherine A. Fitts is a righteous soul who in her younger days worked for the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) as a treasurer under the Bush, Jr. regime, but escaped from the dark side and now does internet interviews and publishes a top notch financial newsletter, The Solari Report. She tells us that the REAL reason for the “lockdowns” during the fake “pandemic” was to destroy as much small business as possible in order that their market shares could be absorbed by bigger businesses. This constitutes an historic pattern of big bad sharks, i.e. Jewish-owned corporations, eating smaller fish -- mostly “gentile” owned small businesses. The flimsy justification for this lockdown scam was derived from Dr. “I AM the science” Fauci’s theory that in the midst of the phony “pandemic” it was somehow safer to go into a Wal-Mart or Target and walk around with a stupid mask on than to go into a smaller, “mom and pop” business and sit down for lunch.
Fauci is a Jesuit and 33rd degree Mason and we believe, judging from his facial features and short stature, a crypto-Jew. He is beyond any doubt a stone cold psychopath. The fascist lockdown SCAM was enforced by communist-style government mandates coupled with hysterical media reports and remarkably most people went along with it out of raw FEAR! It was a marvel to see how otherwise intelligent people dutifully fell in line and just went along with the bogus “science”. A fight against tyranny has never been won by compliance. Now, just as easily as the phony pandemic was foisted upon the nation and the world -- now that the hype has petered out and lost its momentum, Biden can put us all at ease and declare without apology that “the pandemic is over” – when there never was a pandemic in the first place! It was mass murder by injection and an asset stripping operation all along. The aftershocks of this crime against humanity will continue for many years as the mortality rate rises.
The fact that such a massive crime could be pulled off illustrates that this government is not by any means one “of the people”, nor is it a “democracy”, and for damn sure not the constitutional republic designed by the “founding fathers” but rather it has devolved into a corporate fascist autocracy, run by criminal psychopaths for the benefit of the Judeo-Mongol world government at the top of the economic food chain and to the detriment of the MANY working people who were deprived of life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness and even the ability to make a living in many cases! The “pandemic” was simply another nasty war of the Jewish money power against the people -- of the entire world! The “Covid 19 pandemic” is perfect proof that there IS a secret world government. There were a couple African leaders who resisted deployment of the death shots in their nations and they were swiftly assassinated and replaced with compliant puppets. Such is the power of this world government. Murder is just a tool to “get the job done”, the “job” being to absorb the wealth of the world and to make all of the remaining “goyim” slaves – as the W.E.F. says: “You will own nothing, …”.
Everything about the so-called “pandemic” was based on fraudulent “science” that anyone with a functioning brain could easily debunk. The government “lockdown” reaction to the “problem” was unscientific and unconstitutional -- but what is being done about it? Are any of the criminals behind this robbery of health, wealth and many lives being investigated? Actually, they ARE, by patriots behind the scenes who are working very hard to bring lawsuits against some of those responsible, but you will not hear about this on the corrupt and despicable mainstream media which functions to make damn sure that all of the operatives behind the scam-demic remain unrevealed and unpunished. The Democrat-Communists are currently, as this is being written, too busy hounding Trump over nonsense than to go after the criminal syndicate that has killed our people with death shots and has been siphoning trillions of dollars out of the Federal trough for well over a century.
The fact that such a massive crime could be pulled off illustrates that this government is not by any means one “of the people”, nor is it a “democracy”, and for damn sure not the constitutional republic designed by the “founding fathers” but rather it has devolved into a corporate fascist autocracy, run by criminal psychopaths for the benefit of the Judeo-Mongol world government at the top of the economic food chain and to the detriment of the MANY working people who were deprived of life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness and even the ability to make a living in many cases! The “pandemic” was simply another nasty war of the Jewish money power against the people -- of the entire world! The “Covid 19 pandemic” is perfect proof that there IS a secret world government. There were a couple African leaders who resisted deployment of the death shots in their nations and they were swiftly assassinated and replaced with compliant puppets. Such is the power of this world government. Murder is just a tool to “get the job done”, the “job” being to absorb the wealth of the world and to make all of the remaining “goyim” slaves – as the W.E.F. says: “You will own nothing, …”.
Everything about the so-called “pandemic” was based on fraudulent “science” that anyone with a functioning brain could easily debunk. The government “lockdown” reaction to the “problem” was unscientific and unconstitutional -- but what is being done about it? Are any of the criminals behind this robbery of health, wealth and many lives being investigated? Actually, they ARE, by patriots behind the scenes who are working very hard to bring lawsuits against some of those responsible, but you will not hear about this on the corrupt and despicable mainstream media which functions to make damn sure that all of the operatives behind the scam-demic remain unrevealed and unpunished. The Democrat-Communists are currently, as this is being written, too busy hounding Trump over nonsense than to go after the criminal syndicate that has killed our people with death shots and has been siphoning trillions of dollars out of the Federal trough for well over a century.
The media focus on Trump is also a smokescreen for quiet advances of the federal government toward the cashless, CBDC enslavement scheme, which also receives NO coverage on mainstream media. One podcast we happened to stumble upon revealed that many U.S. national parks will no longer accept cash! These parks will only accept digital payments with credit or debit cards or phone apps. Cash is supposed to be “legal tender for all debts public and private”. It says so on the front left side of the dollar bill but that doesn’t matter. The government can ignore its own rules. Interestingly, you could even go to Sri Lanka and their national parks would accept U.S. cash dollars as payment! This is evidence that an insidious plan to eliminate cash is under foot in America. Cash represents financial freedom. It cannot be tracked, traced and controlled by the Judeo-Mongol secret world government, which would prefer that all American citizens be slaves to Klaus Schwab’s satanic-totalitarian “great reset”.
Meanwhile, are the State Department, the FBI, the Justice Dept., the CIA, the FDA, or any of a myriad of “alphabet agencies” doing anything at all about the poisoning of America and the theft of our assets by Wall Street during the unconstitutional lockdowns? Of course not! Why? Because they are all infiltrated and controlled by the Jewish money power which is ruled by a secret Rothschild autocrat and his Committee of 300 Satanic spawn. The United States has been under this Zionist boot for a century and a half, at least! Consider this quote from the pre-eminent American journalist, John Swinton, from 1880!! He was the guest of honor and was addressing the National Press Club in New York. Someone had offered him a toast to the “independent press”, which enraged Swinton. He rightfully scolded the press club, and angered many attendees with the following speech:
There is no such thing, at this date in the world’s history, in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions and if you did you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinion out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things. And any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper in twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone. The business of the journalist is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of mammon and to sell his country and his race (the white race) for daily bread. You know it and I know it. And what folly is this toasting an independent press? We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks. They pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes. John Swinton, addressing the National Press Club in New York, NY, 1880.
How much worse is the problem with “journalism”, “news” and “advertising” today, more than one hundred and forty years later? It is so incredibly AWFUL that the evening “news”casters (spell casters) and the very director of the Center for Disease Control would tell you, with a straight face, that a POISON that is carcinogenic and can actually alter your God-given DNA is “safe and effective” and implore viewers to go get their shots, in order to do their patriotic duty, to protect their loved ones, to prevent the spread of a lethal virus (if indeed it was/is and virus), at any rate no worse than the common flu – whatever it took to bully the unknowing and naïve with fear tactics and guilt trips. And WHY? Because sickness and DEATH of the “goyim” was the primary objective from the beginning of the scam-demic, under orders from the current Rothschild autocrat, the Jewish central banks, the Jewish think tanks and the chain of command with Jews and “shabbaz goy” psychopathic criminals at every critical juncture.
Meanwhile, are the State Department, the FBI, the Justice Dept., the CIA, the FDA, or any of a myriad of “alphabet agencies” doing anything at all about the poisoning of America and the theft of our assets by Wall Street during the unconstitutional lockdowns? Of course not! Why? Because they are all infiltrated and controlled by the Jewish money power which is ruled by a secret Rothschild autocrat and his Committee of 300 Satanic spawn. The United States has been under this Zionist boot for a century and a half, at least! Consider this quote from the pre-eminent American journalist, John Swinton, from 1880!! He was the guest of honor and was addressing the National Press Club in New York. Someone had offered him a toast to the “independent press”, which enraged Swinton. He rightfully scolded the press club, and angered many attendees with the following speech:
There is no such thing, at this date in the world’s history, in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions and if you did you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinion out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things. And any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper in twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone. The business of the journalist is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of mammon and to sell his country and his race (the white race) for daily bread. You know it and I know it. And what folly is this toasting an independent press? We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks. They pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes. John Swinton, addressing the National Press Club in New York, NY, 1880.
How much worse is the problem with “journalism”, “news” and “advertising” today, more than one hundred and forty years later? It is so incredibly AWFUL that the evening “news”casters (spell casters) and the very director of the Center for Disease Control would tell you, with a straight face, that a POISON that is carcinogenic and can actually alter your God-given DNA is “safe and effective” and implore viewers to go get their shots, in order to do their patriotic duty, to protect their loved ones, to prevent the spread of a lethal virus (if indeed it was/is and virus), at any rate no worse than the common flu – whatever it took to bully the unknowing and naïve with fear tactics and guilt trips. And WHY? Because sickness and DEATH of the “goyim” was the primary objective from the beginning of the scam-demic, under orders from the current Rothschild autocrat, the Jewish central banks, the Jewish think tanks and the chain of command with Jews and “shabbaz goy” psychopathic criminals at every critical juncture.
Rochelle Walensky, head of the CDC says (in so many words)
go get your shots goyim, so you can die. She is Jewish. |
Journalist Harry Vox points out in one of his videos, and this has been confirmed by some top biologists, that the ingredients of the vax poison are designed to affect the reproductive capabilities of Caucasians and Negros, but strangely, not Ashkenazi Jews. That’s one heck of a “coincidence”, we would say. A few decades ago world chess champion Bobby Fischer, who was Jew from Brooklyn, NY, had the following to say about the most satanic of his own race. Fisher, who had a genius IQ, and had suffered being scammed by his own tribe, knew a thing or two:
Jews are destroyers. They are anti-humans. The anti-human Jew hates and wants to destroy all non-Jews. He will destroy even other Jews who are less destructive and evil than he is, if they get in his way. |
My basic thesis is that the Jews are a criminal people, and the Jews completely control the United States, and the Jews are using the United States as a vehicle to take over the world.
There is no United States as people think of it. It’s just a puppet in the Jews’ hands. It’s a plaything for the Jews. The U.S. government and American Jewry are virtually interchangeable. They’re lying bastards. Jews were always lying bastards throughout history. They’re a filthy, dirty, disgusting, vile, criminal people. They’re just unbelievably wicked.
Bobby Fischer, World Chess Champion, from Exposing the Lies of History, Deprogramming 101, Reed T. Sainsbury, 2022, moneytreepublishing.com, available at sacredtruthpublishing@mounet.com
While robber barons like Jeff Bezos (crypto-Jew) and the Waldons (also Jewish through the grandmother) and Bill Gates (a crypto-Jew who looks like Woody Allen, whose father was a Rothschild banker) and let’s not forget the “gatekeepers” of the pandemic “narrative”, banning any posts that ran contrary to the “narrative”: Facebook (run by Jew Zuckerberg) and Google (run by Israeli Jews Brin and Page) and Twitter (now owned by the Jew Elon Musk, who has not exactly kept his promises to stop banning alternative voices) and financial behemoths like Blackrock (run by Jew Larry Fink) and Blackstone (run by Jew Stephen Schwartzman) were raking in billions and billions of “pandemic” give-away dollars, tens of thousands of small businesses were squeezed out of business on a FALSE pretext – many never to reopen. Due to the government mandates, in this medium-sized town we lost a few great family-owned restaurants that had been in business for over a half century! Their working owners and employees became un-employed so the most foul of criminals could get richer. That’s how the game works. There is no one greedier than someone who is already filthy rich. But not to worry. We still have the McDonalds, KFC and Long John Silver’s corporate franchises.
Isaiah 45:5-7 I am the LORD, and there is none else, there Is no God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me: That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the LORD, and there is none else. I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.
The devil’s children are genetically programmed to deceive, destroy and consolidate. They are literally “programmed” by God to do so, serving the negative part of His grand plan. Always remember, as the above scripture indicates, that God is in control of EVERYTHING, even the evil, which is used for the instruction of HIS people, so that we may have the knowledge of good AND evil – to the fullest possible extent. Individual Jews are an enigma, to be sure, but taken as a race their activities are parasitic. Throughout history Jews, as a race, have NOT contributed to the strength, well being, wealth and solidarity of nations, but rather have been a negative force, corrupting, demoralizing and ultimately destroying all of the nations they happened to inhabit while at the same time sucking the wealth out of them.
The “getting” of money is the highest priority for a Jew. Once the “critical mass” of Jews reaches 1-2% the nation is sure to be morphed from a benign kingdom or a constitutional republic into a totalitarian slave state. This is no isolated phenomenon that can be dismissed as an “anomaly”. This process of national destruction by Jew parasites has been repeated time and time again throughout history. This is exactly why Jews have been expelled from so many countries.
Powerful Jews set up their networks on behalf of, and financed by the secret Jewish world government and proceed to work night and day like a colony of termites boring away at the good foundations built by the so-called “gentiles”. This is why treacherous Edomite-Canaanite “Jews” are universally hated – but people are afraid to say anything about them, just like they were in “biblical times”, two to three millennia ago:
Esther 8:17 And in every province, and in every city, whithersoever the king’s commandment and his decree came, the Jews had joy and gladness, a feast and a good day. And many of the people of the land became Jews; (were in accordance with them) for the fear of the Jews (Edomite-Canaanites) fell upon them.
John 7:11-13 Then the Jews sought him (Jesus) at the feast, and said, Where is he? And there was much murmuring among the people concerning him: for some said, He is a good man: others said, Nay; but he deceiveth the people. Howbeit no man spake openly of him for fear of the Jews.
John 19:38 And after this Joseph of Arimathaea, being a disciple of Jesus, but secretly for fear of the Jews, besought Pilate that he might take away the body of Jesus: and Pilate gave him leave. He came therefore, and took the body of Jesus
John 20:19 Then the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, came Jesus and stood in the midst, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you.
There is no United States as people think of it. It’s just a puppet in the Jews’ hands. It’s a plaything for the Jews. The U.S. government and American Jewry are virtually interchangeable. They’re lying bastards. Jews were always lying bastards throughout history. They’re a filthy, dirty, disgusting, vile, criminal people. They’re just unbelievably wicked.
Bobby Fischer, World Chess Champion, from Exposing the Lies of History, Deprogramming 101, Reed T. Sainsbury, 2022, moneytreepublishing.com, available at sacredtruthpublishing@mounet.com
While robber barons like Jeff Bezos (crypto-Jew) and the Waldons (also Jewish through the grandmother) and Bill Gates (a crypto-Jew who looks like Woody Allen, whose father was a Rothschild banker) and let’s not forget the “gatekeepers” of the pandemic “narrative”, banning any posts that ran contrary to the “narrative”: Facebook (run by Jew Zuckerberg) and Google (run by Israeli Jews Brin and Page) and Twitter (now owned by the Jew Elon Musk, who has not exactly kept his promises to stop banning alternative voices) and financial behemoths like Blackrock (run by Jew Larry Fink) and Blackstone (run by Jew Stephen Schwartzman) were raking in billions and billions of “pandemic” give-away dollars, tens of thousands of small businesses were squeezed out of business on a FALSE pretext – many never to reopen. Due to the government mandates, in this medium-sized town we lost a few great family-owned restaurants that had been in business for over a half century! Their working owners and employees became un-employed so the most foul of criminals could get richer. That’s how the game works. There is no one greedier than someone who is already filthy rich. But not to worry. We still have the McDonalds, KFC and Long John Silver’s corporate franchises.
Isaiah 45:5-7 I am the LORD, and there is none else, there Is no God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me: That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the LORD, and there is none else. I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.
The devil’s children are genetically programmed to deceive, destroy and consolidate. They are literally “programmed” by God to do so, serving the negative part of His grand plan. Always remember, as the above scripture indicates, that God is in control of EVERYTHING, even the evil, which is used for the instruction of HIS people, so that we may have the knowledge of good AND evil – to the fullest possible extent. Individual Jews are an enigma, to be sure, but taken as a race their activities are parasitic. Throughout history Jews, as a race, have NOT contributed to the strength, well being, wealth and solidarity of nations, but rather have been a negative force, corrupting, demoralizing and ultimately destroying all of the nations they happened to inhabit while at the same time sucking the wealth out of them.
The “getting” of money is the highest priority for a Jew. Once the “critical mass” of Jews reaches 1-2% the nation is sure to be morphed from a benign kingdom or a constitutional republic into a totalitarian slave state. This is no isolated phenomenon that can be dismissed as an “anomaly”. This process of national destruction by Jew parasites has been repeated time and time again throughout history. This is exactly why Jews have been expelled from so many countries.
Powerful Jews set up their networks on behalf of, and financed by the secret Jewish world government and proceed to work night and day like a colony of termites boring away at the good foundations built by the so-called “gentiles”. This is why treacherous Edomite-Canaanite “Jews” are universally hated – but people are afraid to say anything about them, just like they were in “biblical times”, two to three millennia ago:
Esther 8:17 And in every province, and in every city, whithersoever the king’s commandment and his decree came, the Jews had joy and gladness, a feast and a good day. And many of the people of the land became Jews; (were in accordance with them) for the fear of the Jews (Edomite-Canaanites) fell upon them.
John 7:11-13 Then the Jews sought him (Jesus) at the feast, and said, Where is he? And there was much murmuring among the people concerning him: for some said, He is a good man: others said, Nay; but he deceiveth the people. Howbeit no man spake openly of him for fear of the Jews.
John 19:38 And after this Joseph of Arimathaea, being a disciple of Jesus, but secretly for fear of the Jews, besought Pilate that he might take away the body of Jesus: and Pilate gave him leave. He came therefore, and took the body of Jesus
John 20:19 Then the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, came Jesus and stood in the midst, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you.
To further confirm that there is a long-standing secret Jewish World Government in utter opposition to all national governments, we will quote the “Manifesto to all the Jews of the Universe” printed in the Morning Post of London, on September 6, 1920. This manifesto was commissioned by James Rothschild, III, Jewish world autocrat at that time, who employed Adolphe Cremieux, Grand Master of the Grand Orient of France (Masonic lodge) and Chief of Rothschild’s “Ministry for Foreign Affairs” to write it and get it published:
James Rothschild III (photo to right) |
Manifesto to All Jews of the Universe:
The union which we desire to found will not be a French, English, Irish or German union, but a Jewish one, a Universal one! Other peoples and races are divided into nationalities; we alone have no co-citizens, but exclusively co-religionaries.
A Jew will under no circumstances become the friend of a Christian or a Moslem before the moment arrives, when the light of the Jewish faith, the only religion of reason, will shine all over the world! Scattered amongst other nations, we desire primarily to be and remain immutably Jews. Our nationality is the religion of our fathers and to recognize no other nationality. We are living in foreign lands and we cannot trouble about the ambitions of countries entirely alien to us.
The Jewish teaching must cover the whole earth! No matter, where fate should lead - though scattered all over the earth, you must always consider yourselves members of a chosen race. If you realize that the faith of your forefathers is your only patriotism, - if you recognize that; notwithstanding the nationalities you have embraced, you always remain and everywhere form one and only nation, - if you believe that Jewry only is one and only religious and political truth, - if you are convinced of this, you Jews of the Universe, then come and give ear to our appeal and prove your consent.
Our cause is great and holy, and its success is guaranteed.
Catholicism, our immemorial enemy, is lying in the dust, mortally wounded in the head. The net which Jewry is throwing over the globe of the earth is widening and spreading daily.
The time is near, when Jerusalem will become the house of prayer for all nations and peoples, and the banner of Jewish mono-deity will be unfurled and hoisted on the most distant shores.
Let us avail ourselves of all circumstances. Our might is immense - learn to adopt this might for our cause.
What have you to be afraid of?
The day is not distant when all the riches and treasures of the earth will become the property of the Children of Israel".
Spiridovich, page 168
(Also found at the following URLs if still functioning) http://the-atrocities-perpetrated-against-th.blogspot.com/ AND -- http://www.tayna-net.org/rus/foksman-1998.htm
We should note that this manifesto contains the usual flip-flop Judeo-propaganda designed to confuse the “goyim” as to the actual RACIAL ancestry of Jews. These “Jews” are NOT the “children of Israel”. The children of Israel were WHITE people, Hebrews, who originally migrated from Egypt to the land of Canaan which had been promised to them by God and who established the ancient nation of Israel. The Hebrews were Semites, descended from Noah’s son Shem, from which the word Semite is derived. “Jews” on the other hand are descended from Noah’s grandson Canaan, who had one or more Cainite wives (descended from Cain), through which arose the Canaanites, from which came various subsets such as the Edomites from Idumea south of Judea, who subsequently took over the political and religious systems of ancient Israel, and who later migrated and interbred with Asiatics – Khazars, Turks – and Edomites to form the nation of Khazaria, which was mass converted to the “religion” of Judaism at around 740 AD under the Khazarian King Bulen, from which arose the “synagogue of Satan” revealed in the biblical prophecy of Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 – those who CALL themselves “Jews” and are NOT. During and after the demise of Khazaria these “Jews”, now known as Ashkenazi, migrated to eastern Europe, and in particular Poland, and thus began the modern era in which predatory capitalism under the fake “Jews” overcame monarchies as the predominant force driving world events.
Up to this day, because of “fear of the Jews” even the best of “goyim” reporters have to tiptoe around what they know in their hearts to be true because to reveal the WHO of the equation could elicit the venomous accusation of “anti-Semitism”. It doesn’t matter that the Jews’ ancient ancestors were not Semites. Everyone is so brainwashed with this nonsense, and especially “Judeo-Christians”, that they can’t think logically and will side with the enemy out of fear. Thus, to bring up any critique of the Jews in a typical public venue is a sure route to condemnation because of the intense pre-programming that has been implanted in people’s minds. This programming starts at a very early age, in elementary school and in church by misinformed pastors and their Sunday school teachers. An “anti-Semitic” remark on social media could lead to being banned. This leads to scrambling around to find other smaller venues, which could lead to loss of popularity and loss of income. In a mainstream media venue it could mean blacklisting and permanent unemployment. This is why you will never hear the most popular of Internet “truth tellers”, like Joe Rogan, Alex Jones, or even very likeable hosts like Mike Adams, Ben Armstrong, or Maria Zeee mention the “J” word.
The union which we desire to found will not be a French, English, Irish or German union, but a Jewish one, a Universal one! Other peoples and races are divided into nationalities; we alone have no co-citizens, but exclusively co-religionaries.
A Jew will under no circumstances become the friend of a Christian or a Moslem before the moment arrives, when the light of the Jewish faith, the only religion of reason, will shine all over the world! Scattered amongst other nations, we desire primarily to be and remain immutably Jews. Our nationality is the religion of our fathers and to recognize no other nationality. We are living in foreign lands and we cannot trouble about the ambitions of countries entirely alien to us.
The Jewish teaching must cover the whole earth! No matter, where fate should lead - though scattered all over the earth, you must always consider yourselves members of a chosen race. If you realize that the faith of your forefathers is your only patriotism, - if you recognize that; notwithstanding the nationalities you have embraced, you always remain and everywhere form one and only nation, - if you believe that Jewry only is one and only religious and political truth, - if you are convinced of this, you Jews of the Universe, then come and give ear to our appeal and prove your consent.
Our cause is great and holy, and its success is guaranteed.
Catholicism, our immemorial enemy, is lying in the dust, mortally wounded in the head. The net which Jewry is throwing over the globe of the earth is widening and spreading daily.
The time is near, when Jerusalem will become the house of prayer for all nations and peoples, and the banner of Jewish mono-deity will be unfurled and hoisted on the most distant shores.
Let us avail ourselves of all circumstances. Our might is immense - learn to adopt this might for our cause.
What have you to be afraid of?
The day is not distant when all the riches and treasures of the earth will become the property of the Children of Israel".
Spiridovich, page 168
(Also found at the following URLs if still functioning) http://the-atrocities-perpetrated-against-th.blogspot.com/ AND -- http://www.tayna-net.org/rus/foksman-1998.htm
We should note that this manifesto contains the usual flip-flop Judeo-propaganda designed to confuse the “goyim” as to the actual RACIAL ancestry of Jews. These “Jews” are NOT the “children of Israel”. The children of Israel were WHITE people, Hebrews, who originally migrated from Egypt to the land of Canaan which had been promised to them by God and who established the ancient nation of Israel. The Hebrews were Semites, descended from Noah’s son Shem, from which the word Semite is derived. “Jews” on the other hand are descended from Noah’s grandson Canaan, who had one or more Cainite wives (descended from Cain), through which arose the Canaanites, from which came various subsets such as the Edomites from Idumea south of Judea, who subsequently took over the political and religious systems of ancient Israel, and who later migrated and interbred with Asiatics – Khazars, Turks – and Edomites to form the nation of Khazaria, which was mass converted to the “religion” of Judaism at around 740 AD under the Khazarian King Bulen, from which arose the “synagogue of Satan” revealed in the biblical prophecy of Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 – those who CALL themselves “Jews” and are NOT. During and after the demise of Khazaria these “Jews”, now known as Ashkenazi, migrated to eastern Europe, and in particular Poland, and thus began the modern era in which predatory capitalism under the fake “Jews” overcame monarchies as the predominant force driving world events.
Up to this day, because of “fear of the Jews” even the best of “goyim” reporters have to tiptoe around what they know in their hearts to be true because to reveal the WHO of the equation could elicit the venomous accusation of “anti-Semitism”. It doesn’t matter that the Jews’ ancient ancestors were not Semites. Everyone is so brainwashed with this nonsense, and especially “Judeo-Christians”, that they can’t think logically and will side with the enemy out of fear. Thus, to bring up any critique of the Jews in a typical public venue is a sure route to condemnation because of the intense pre-programming that has been implanted in people’s minds. This programming starts at a very early age, in elementary school and in church by misinformed pastors and their Sunday school teachers. An “anti-Semitic” remark on social media could lead to being banned. This leads to scrambling around to find other smaller venues, which could lead to loss of popularity and loss of income. In a mainstream media venue it could mean blacklisting and permanent unemployment. This is why you will never hear the most popular of Internet “truth tellers”, like Joe Rogan, Alex Jones, or even very likeable hosts like Mike Adams, Ben Armstrong, or Maria Zeee mention the “J” word.
Rabbi admits that Jews are descended from Pharisees
and that they follow the Talmud, not the Bible (thus "Judeo"-Christianity is an oxymoron) |
One internet warrior who comes right out and shouts the truth, and with bravado, is Harry Vox, who is worth a hundred times his weight in gold for his contributions to historical truth. Unfortunately he is an atheist. If he only knew that he and knowledgeable Christians who understand the RACIAL component of the Bible are on the same page with regard to the synagogue of Satan “Jews” then he might delve into God’s Word. We can only pray about that, for him and other meritorious intellectuals who have not entered into their calculation of “reality” the biblical condemnation of the Jews, who are “of (descended from) their father the devil” as Jesus said:
John 8:44 Ye (Jesus referring to the Pharisees) are of (descended from) your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. |
In communist nations an accusation of “anti-Semitism” could bring a jail term. This is a pretty darn good indicator of exactly WHO is behind communism. It’s those you can’t talk about – namely, the Jewish-Talmudic-Zionist autocracy, Spiridovich’s “Judeo-Mongol secret World Government or the Hidden Hand”. Pressure groups like the ACLU, SPLC, AJC, assure that the RACIAL aspect, long described as “the Jewish question” cannot be discussed in public or on mainstream (Jewish controlled) media. Tidbits of truth, like the fact that all mafias are run by Jews aren’t allowed on Jewish media. According to Hollywood it is always the “Italian” Mafia or the “Russian” Mafia. There was a completely disproportionate number of Jews involved in the rollout and promotion of the Covid death shots and government mandates to “deploy” them to as many people as possible, but is any mainstream “truth” peddler going to say that Jews in key positions were the chief perpetrators, and the chief beneficiaries of the scam? Would Alex Jones bring it up? Absolutely not. He would tell you it was the deep state or the Chi-coms but never the JEWS, because they’ll put a knife in his back – and they WILL do it, without a shred of conscience – and they DID do it for his “conspiracy theory” about Sandy Hook. Therefore Jones and most other “truth” sources are “limited hangouts” and anyone who is allowed on Jewish controlled media must dance like a puppet on a string, exactly as did the “journalists” in John Swinton’s era. Today’s mainstream “newscasters” are little more than script readers and the scripts are ALWAYS filtered through the Jewish “editorial” lens, to eliminate truth and replace it with propaganda that fits the Jewish think tank crafted “narrative”, which keeps the secret Jewish-Zionist world government chugging along and free from being exposed.
Investment banker J.P. Morgan was commissioned in the early 1900s to approach the twenty-five biggest newspapers in the U.S. and purchase the editorial rights from them in order to make sure that the Federal Reserve Act was portrayed as a noble endeavor that would “prevent bank failures” and “stabilize the currency”. Nothing could have been further from the truth. It turned out that Morgan was yet another Rothschild agent working to bring America under the heel of the international Jewish money power, the same monster that President Andrew Jackson had successfully defeated 75 years earlier. Everyone at the time believed that Morgan was much wealthier than he actually was. When he died it was found that he only owned around 15% of the stock in his investment firm. The majority of the stock was held by Rothschild banks! We see in this anecdote a pattern, which is that many of the “self-made” millionaires of that era were simply doing the bidding of Jewish money power, helping them to take over America as they had Europe a century earlier.
Investment banker J.P. Morgan was commissioned in the early 1900s to approach the twenty-five biggest newspapers in the U.S. and purchase the editorial rights from them in order to make sure that the Federal Reserve Act was portrayed as a noble endeavor that would “prevent bank failures” and “stabilize the currency”. Nothing could have been further from the truth. It turned out that Morgan was yet another Rothschild agent working to bring America under the heel of the international Jewish money power, the same monster that President Andrew Jackson had successfully defeated 75 years earlier. Everyone at the time believed that Morgan was much wealthier than he actually was. When he died it was found that he only owned around 15% of the stock in his investment firm. The majority of the stock was held by Rothschild banks! We see in this anecdote a pattern, which is that many of the “self-made” millionaires of that era were simply doing the bidding of Jewish money power, helping them to take over America as they had Europe a century earlier.
The ability for someone or some entity to buy the right to dictate what can and cannot be printed in a newspaper proves that most “news” is nothing but propaganda, exactly as John Swinton said in 1880. Though newspapers have waned in importance the same principle applies to television and internet “news”. The secret world government of Zionist Jews made sure during the “pandemic” that the “vaccines” were always billed as “safe and effective” rather than people being informed of the TRUTH, which was that the shots were poisonous and could flat out KILL YOU! Millions of people have died already because of the malfeasance of “newscasters”. Dr. Peter McCullough believes that newscasters and advertisers would be the easiest targets for lawsuits for all of the harm they did in suppressing the truth and promoting disinformation. McCullough is a giant in his field, having published more peer reviewed literature than any other doctor on the planet.
It would be great to see the lying bastards have to pay for their complicity, especially given the fact that these same liars are the ones making millions of dollars and receiving awards for “journalism” while the truth tellers get banned, vilified and called names like “the disinformation dozen”. This is communism in action: good becomes evil and evil becomes good under the heavy boot of the synagogue of Satan, Rothschild money power.
Because of the “pandemic” mandates millions of people either lost their jobs for refusing to take the jab, or they got terribly sick, got cancer and all too many times died because they were convinced to play Russian Roulette with their precious health out of fear of losing a paycheck, from peer pressure, fear of offending family members, or just not fitting in. Were these people aware of the foul, disgusting ingredients in the shots – stuff like aborted fetal cells, nano-particles of aluminum and graphene oxide, wicked looking hydra vulgaris microscopic parasites, hydrogel lipid-nanoparticles that can self-assemble within the body and are designed to reprogram human DNA to make cells function as production factories for toxins that induce cancer and blood “clots” that can be fatal? This is horrific!! It is absolutely satanic. The people didn’t hear about any of this on Jewish controlled “mainstream” media, because the goal from the beginning was to create sickness for profit and for population reduction. The damn bastards consistently LIED, proclaiming that the death shots were “safe and effective”!
Dr. Carrie Madej reveals some of the disgusting
things found in the vaccine vials. |
Why did the U.S. government go along with this genocide? Why would a government want to kill its own citizens? Could it be because they are a liability to the secret Zionist world government and the “books” cannot be balanced unless many goyim die? We are told that “entitlements” such as Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Food Stamps are going to run out of money by 2030 or thereabouts so, of course, the “solution” the Zionist Occupied U.S. Government comes up with is to eliminate as many recipients as possible – but to use big pharma to do the dirty work and mainstream media as the propaganda arm. This is why evil pharmaceutical corporations made $BILLIONS. The “vaccine” manufacturers were the “hit men” for the U.S. government, which in turn is controlled by the secret Jewish world government! This is precisely why the death shots were first administered to the elderly, we were told out of “sympathy”, because they were, so the lying Jewish-controlled media proclaimed, the most vulnerable to getting sick from Covid 19! What a heartless, cruel trick.
Rachel Maddow of MSNBC "guilt tripping", saying not to agonize about the vax. ... Just take it.
The elderly in nursing homes got the shots FIRST because they constituted the biggest drain on the system, with their “entitlements”, which in most cases were EARNED from years and years of hard work. It’s all quite disgusting when you consider how much money is wasted on unnecessary wars and bailouts for “too big to fail” Jewish-owned banks and investment firms. There’s always plenty of money available for the filthy rich Jew parasites and their corporations. The whole idea of something being “too big to fail” is another Talmudic scam using psycho-babble as an “explanation”. There’s no reason that insolvent firms shouldn’t go out of business other than the fact that they are owned and run by JEWS. That’s exactly IT!! The money power protects its own agents, and only allows “gentile”-owned businesses to fail, and the “goyim” to die but their own satanic bloodline to thrive.
Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, Joe Biden, Anthony Bourla (CEO of Pfizer) Rochelle Walensky (head of the CDC), and every single anything-for-a-buck script-reading mainstream newscaster -- the Lester Holts and Rachel Maddows of the world and the late night Jewish comedians like Jimmy Fallon, Stephen Cobert, Seth Myers, Conan O’Brien who lampooned “vaccine deniers”, who denied the truth and promoted these death shots is a traitor to America, a traitor to humanity itself and an accessory to mass murder. All of these operatives should be in prison, but instead they are making six and seven figure salaries. Many people have died already and they will continue to die well into the future as their veins fill with “blood clots” which are the result of the DNA altering time bomb infesting their cells. Truly, this is one of the most horrific evils perpetrated on humanity, but this is what we can expect when the spawn of Satan who follow the diktats of the Talmud and the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion are running the the world. We know “they” are in charge because they are in control of the money that gets funneled into massive projects such as the phony global “pandemic”. Consider the gigantic SCOPE of it! Who but a secret world government of Jewish central bankers has a network comprehensive enough and rich enough to pull off such a scheme?
To be continued
To be continued