& THEIR Century and a Half Long WAR on AMERICA
Published 10-24 - Note: audio files are posted under some videos in case video does not play. URLs are also provided.
The Federal Reserve Building in Washington, D.C. The Fed controls the government.
And I sincerely believe with you, that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies; and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale. Thomas Jefferson, from a letter to John Taylor in 1816
The bold effort the present (central) bank had made to control the government … are but premonitions of the fate that await the American people should they be deluded into a perpetuation of this institution or the establishment of another like it. I am one of those who do not believe that a national debt is a national blessing, but rather a curse to a republic; inasmuch as it is calculated to raise around the administration a moneyed aristocracy dangerous to the liberties of the country. …
Gentlemen, I have had men watching you for a long time and I am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank. You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter, I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go on, you will ruin fifty thousand families, and that would be my sin! You are a den of vipers and thieves.”
President Andrew Jackson (7th President, 1829-1837. Almost assassinated on January 30, 1835)
The government should create, issue, and circulate all the currency and credit needed to satisfy the spending power of the government and the buying power of consumers. The privilege of creating and issuing money is not only the supreme prerogative of government, but it is the government’s greatest creative opportunity. The financing of all public enterprise, and the conduct of the treasury will become matters of practical administration. Money will cease to be master and will then become servant of humanity.” President Abraham Lincoln (16th President, 1861-1865, Assassinated July 7, 1865 by Rothschild agent John Wilkes Booth)
Whoever controls the money of a nation controls that nation and is absolute master of all industry and commerce. When you realize that the entire system is very easily controlled, one way or another, by a few powerful men at the top, you will not have to be told how periods of inflation and depression originate. President James A. Garfield (20th President from March to September 1881, shot July 3, 1881 and died later from substandard medical “care”, shoddy treatment of his wounds, in a hospital riddled with rats and mosquitos).
To the Congress of the United States, July 24, 1897:
Our financial system needs some revision; our money is all good now, but its value must not further be threatened. It should all be put upon an enduring basis, not subject to easy attack, nor its stability to doubt or dispute. The several forms of our paper money offer, in my judgment, a constant embarrassment to the Government and imperil a safe balance in the Treasury.
Nothing was settled more clearly at the late national election than the determination upon the part of the people to keep their currency stable in value and equal to that of the most advanced nations of the world.
The soundness of our currency is nowhere questioned. No loss can occur to its holders. It is the system which should be simplified and strengthened, keeping our money just as good as it is now with less expense to the Government and the people.
The sentiment of the country is strongly in favor of early action by Congress in this direction, to revise our currency laws and remove them from partisan contention. A notable assembly of business men with delegates from twenty-nine States and Territories was held at Indianapolis in January of this year. The financial situation commanded their earnest attention, and after a two days session the convention recommended to Congress the appointment of a monetary commission.
I recommend this report to the consideration of Congress. The authors of the report recommend a commission "to make a thorough investigation of the monetary affairs and needs of this country in all relations and aspects, and to make proper suggestions as to any evils found to exist and the remedies therefore." William McKinley, (25th President, 1897-1901, shot September 6, 1901, died September 14th from botched medical care)
… McKinley may have in fact been a target of the usual suspects — headed by Jacob Schiff, JP Morgan and the Rothschilds — because he was a strong proponent of sound money, opposed central banking and he utilized protectionism for American goods (as opposed to ruinous “free trade” agreements like NAFTA and GATT - ed.) McKinley could also be characterized as an America-Firster nationalist, as opposed to an internationalist.
This essay is a reaction to the current political situation in America and how we as a nation have come to this historical crossroads. The specter of neo-feudalism a.k.a. communism is looming on the horizon like the freaky heat lightening this author witnessed on a recent evening. Many people are uneasy and pent up with angst and stress. They can “feel” that something is very wrong but because they have been propagandized so severely most of them do not have a clue what “it” is – like Neo in the “Matrix”, when confronted with the choice offered by Morpheus. Do you want to know what “it” is? Which pill are you going to take, the “red pill” of stark reality or the “blue pill” of “normalcy bias” in which the itch for truth cannot be scratched? Interesting isn’t it that this pill analogy can also be looked at in a political perspective. So, “red pillers” (who are also pillars of society) let’s read on.
The destroyers of Western sovereign nations have been very busy implementing the Cloward-Piven and Kalergi plans full force since the 1960s and that is a huge part of our problem. If you need a refresher on what these plans are please read the “Mass Migration …” essay on this site. Every time a nation is mongrelized the people will be lured into a totalitarian/authoritarian regime. It happens without fail, and this is why the Democrat Party which is a relentless grinding machine has deliberately thrown the U.S. borders wide open and is filling America with cannon fodder for their desired iron-fisted, totalitarian “uni-party” regime – a nation of slaves. If you will notice, almost none of the illegal immigrants are white. They are even flying them in and dumping them off in small towns in the wee hours of the morning. There are probably at least 30 million of them spread throughout the nation. Even if Trump gets elected and tries to keep his promise with regard to mass deportations how is the government going to find and round up even a quarter of these people and send them back? Can you imagine the wolf howls of big media with its “human interest” stories as they bemoan the sad fate of these “dreamers” being rounded up and deported and children being separated from parents? Trump and his administration would continue to be relentlessly vilified if he does what he says he is going to do. There would, undoubtedly, be more assassination attempts if not more severely destabilizing events on the magnitude of 911.
One might wonder why the media doesn’t focus right now on the terrible undercurrent of child trafficking, which is enormously enabled by an open border, in which children are sold by drug cartels to predators, and at best used as house servants, for cheap labor or much worse as sex slaves. Some of the children are so terribly abused that they don’t live much longer than six years. The Democrat Party and its supporter base is riddled with some very bad people – closet communists and sick perverts who prefer totalitarianism, while they remain in the shadows and unaccountable for their crimes. Despite what they may say they do not want a nation that values freedom and self-determination for its citizens. They disdain “free enterprise”, hate small business and prefer a collusion of big business with big government -- a teat that they can perpetually suck off of. These “deep state” bureaucrats and a rat’s nests of traitors in the government apparatus are authoritarian leeches who hate independent free thinkers, survivalists and they especially hate independent-minded white people. Toward this end they literally want to make it impossible for the Republicans to win through sheer numbers of people lured to the left by hand outs and promises from primarily “Jewish” run Trojan horse NGOs like the U.N., Jewish Family Services, Lutheran Family Services and Catholic Family Services.
View the video below about a small town of 4,000 in Pennsylvania all of a sudden inundated with over 2,000 Haitian migrants. All of them had money. They were walking around in stores with over-full grocery carts – an amount of goods that the average citizen in town could not possibly afford. They were even starting businesses. Run down houses were stuffed with these people. They were wearing nice clothes and driving nice cars. The town is experiencing an inordinate amount of traffic accidents – even bizarre accidents like a car flipping over in the middle of downtown! The fire department is overwhelmed. The schools are overwhelmed. Meanwhile, the original citizens, most of them working class, are seething and wondering how this nightmare could come to their town. The interviewer determined that much of the money for these migrants is coming from an NGO:
The bold effort the present (central) bank had made to control the government … are but premonitions of the fate that await the American people should they be deluded into a perpetuation of this institution or the establishment of another like it. I am one of those who do not believe that a national debt is a national blessing, but rather a curse to a republic; inasmuch as it is calculated to raise around the administration a moneyed aristocracy dangerous to the liberties of the country. …
Gentlemen, I have had men watching you for a long time and I am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank. You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter, I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go on, you will ruin fifty thousand families, and that would be my sin! You are a den of vipers and thieves.”
President Andrew Jackson (7th President, 1829-1837. Almost assassinated on January 30, 1835)
The government should create, issue, and circulate all the currency and credit needed to satisfy the spending power of the government and the buying power of consumers. The privilege of creating and issuing money is not only the supreme prerogative of government, but it is the government’s greatest creative opportunity. The financing of all public enterprise, and the conduct of the treasury will become matters of practical administration. Money will cease to be master and will then become servant of humanity.” President Abraham Lincoln (16th President, 1861-1865, Assassinated July 7, 1865 by Rothschild agent John Wilkes Booth)
Whoever controls the money of a nation controls that nation and is absolute master of all industry and commerce. When you realize that the entire system is very easily controlled, one way or another, by a few powerful men at the top, you will not have to be told how periods of inflation and depression originate. President James A. Garfield (20th President from March to September 1881, shot July 3, 1881 and died later from substandard medical “care”, shoddy treatment of his wounds, in a hospital riddled with rats and mosquitos).
To the Congress of the United States, July 24, 1897:
Our financial system needs some revision; our money is all good now, but its value must not further be threatened. It should all be put upon an enduring basis, not subject to easy attack, nor its stability to doubt or dispute. The several forms of our paper money offer, in my judgment, a constant embarrassment to the Government and imperil a safe balance in the Treasury.
Nothing was settled more clearly at the late national election than the determination upon the part of the people to keep their currency stable in value and equal to that of the most advanced nations of the world.
The soundness of our currency is nowhere questioned. No loss can occur to its holders. It is the system which should be simplified and strengthened, keeping our money just as good as it is now with less expense to the Government and the people.
The sentiment of the country is strongly in favor of early action by Congress in this direction, to revise our currency laws and remove them from partisan contention. A notable assembly of business men with delegates from twenty-nine States and Territories was held at Indianapolis in January of this year. The financial situation commanded their earnest attention, and after a two days session the convention recommended to Congress the appointment of a monetary commission.
I recommend this report to the consideration of Congress. The authors of the report recommend a commission "to make a thorough investigation of the monetary affairs and needs of this country in all relations and aspects, and to make proper suggestions as to any evils found to exist and the remedies therefore." William McKinley, (25th President, 1897-1901, shot September 6, 1901, died September 14th from botched medical care)
… McKinley may have in fact been a target of the usual suspects — headed by Jacob Schiff, JP Morgan and the Rothschilds — because he was a strong proponent of sound money, opposed central banking and he utilized protectionism for American goods (as opposed to ruinous “free trade” agreements like NAFTA and GATT - ed.) McKinley could also be characterized as an America-Firster nationalist, as opposed to an internationalist.
This essay is a reaction to the current political situation in America and how we as a nation have come to this historical crossroads. The specter of neo-feudalism a.k.a. communism is looming on the horizon like the freaky heat lightening this author witnessed on a recent evening. Many people are uneasy and pent up with angst and stress. They can “feel” that something is very wrong but because they have been propagandized so severely most of them do not have a clue what “it” is – like Neo in the “Matrix”, when confronted with the choice offered by Morpheus. Do you want to know what “it” is? Which pill are you going to take, the “red pill” of stark reality or the “blue pill” of “normalcy bias” in which the itch for truth cannot be scratched? Interesting isn’t it that this pill analogy can also be looked at in a political perspective. So, “red pillers” (who are also pillars of society) let’s read on.
The destroyers of Western sovereign nations have been very busy implementing the Cloward-Piven and Kalergi plans full force since the 1960s and that is a huge part of our problem. If you need a refresher on what these plans are please read the “Mass Migration …” essay on this site. Every time a nation is mongrelized the people will be lured into a totalitarian/authoritarian regime. It happens without fail, and this is why the Democrat Party which is a relentless grinding machine has deliberately thrown the U.S. borders wide open and is filling America with cannon fodder for their desired iron-fisted, totalitarian “uni-party” regime – a nation of slaves. If you will notice, almost none of the illegal immigrants are white. They are even flying them in and dumping them off in small towns in the wee hours of the morning. There are probably at least 30 million of them spread throughout the nation. Even if Trump gets elected and tries to keep his promise with regard to mass deportations how is the government going to find and round up even a quarter of these people and send them back? Can you imagine the wolf howls of big media with its “human interest” stories as they bemoan the sad fate of these “dreamers” being rounded up and deported and children being separated from parents? Trump and his administration would continue to be relentlessly vilified if he does what he says he is going to do. There would, undoubtedly, be more assassination attempts if not more severely destabilizing events on the magnitude of 911.
One might wonder why the media doesn’t focus right now on the terrible undercurrent of child trafficking, which is enormously enabled by an open border, in which children are sold by drug cartels to predators, and at best used as house servants, for cheap labor or much worse as sex slaves. Some of the children are so terribly abused that they don’t live much longer than six years. The Democrat Party and its supporter base is riddled with some very bad people – closet communists and sick perverts who prefer totalitarianism, while they remain in the shadows and unaccountable for their crimes. Despite what they may say they do not want a nation that values freedom and self-determination for its citizens. They disdain “free enterprise”, hate small business and prefer a collusion of big business with big government -- a teat that they can perpetually suck off of. These “deep state” bureaucrats and a rat’s nests of traitors in the government apparatus are authoritarian leeches who hate independent free thinkers, survivalists and they especially hate independent-minded white people. Toward this end they literally want to make it impossible for the Republicans to win through sheer numbers of people lured to the left by hand outs and promises from primarily “Jewish” run Trojan horse NGOs like the U.N., Jewish Family Services, Lutheran Family Services and Catholic Family Services.
View the video below about a small town of 4,000 in Pennsylvania all of a sudden inundated with over 2,000 Haitian migrants. All of them had money. They were walking around in stores with over-full grocery carts – an amount of goods that the average citizen in town could not possibly afford. They were even starting businesses. Run down houses were stuffed with these people. They were wearing nice clothes and driving nice cars. The town is experiencing an inordinate amount of traffic accidents – even bizarre accidents like a car flipping over in the middle of downtown! The fire department is overwhelmed. The schools are overwhelmed. Meanwhile, the original citizens, most of them working class, are seething and wondering how this nightmare could come to their town. The interviewer determined that much of the money for these migrants is coming from an NGO:
The Democrat party masters do not care one damn bit about this ragtag army of immigrants who are seen only as potential voters and SLAVES who will work for “private sector” mega-corporations and not complain about wages and working conditions. Washington D.C. is awash with lobbyists stuffing money into the pockets of politicians so that this open-border free-for-all can continue. Part of their plan is to bring wages DOWN overall, which would reduce many working American citizens to poverty. The whites, Hispanics, Asians, blacks and other “minorities” who came here legally or whose families have been here for generations will find out quickly that they have been led to bottom of the barrel subsistence “living” by the lying pied pipers of equality, equity, inclusion, diversity and perversity. Communist neo-fascists are very skilled at using words as weapons through subtly redefining them to mean one thing to people who are “in the know” and another thing altogether to the victims of their propaganda. Not counting the child trafficking victims, people who come here ILLEGALLY from other nations suffering under totalitarian regimes do not know freedom, and they will naturally side with whatever option offers them the most stuff right NOW. They will not value concepts like freedom, liberty and independence because they have never known such a thing and cannot conceive of it, much less conceive of how to maintain it. As Trump has stated in his rallies some of these illegals are criminals and psychopaths who were given a free pass to come to America to rape, pillage and plunder. The countries they came from were more than happy to get rid of them! Obviously, the democrat/communists do not care about the many rape and murder victims. To these traitors they are just “collateral damage”, a necessary evil as the country sinks into totalitarianism and becomes a cog in the global government monstrosity.
For what it is worth, the people whose families have been here for generations as well as those who came here legally in recent years need to at least register to vote and exercise their power against the tide of border jumpers who the Democrat/Communist party will attempt to register, or even allow to vote ILLEGALLY in order to cement their uni-party system in place – as has already been accomplished in the socialist-communist state of California. They are particularly going after the “swing states” in a mad rush to blue pill them – forever. It is appalling that many gun owners and “Christians” aren’t even registered to vote! Get off your butts people, register and vote, even if you believe it is for “the lesser of two evils”, even if you believe your vote doesn’t count. The number one issue in America right now is illegal immigration enabled by leftist NGOs, the United Nations Trojan Horse, moles in the State Department, traitors in Congress, and a 100% “Jewish” owned and controlled mainstream media in service to anti-Christ plutocrats who have lusted after a global totalitarian government for generations.
The U.S.A. was the last major impediment to a one world iron clad technocratic, digital system of enslavement. We must also work and vote to counterbalance all of the propagandized and/or frankly stupid citizens who are chiefly concerned with the “right” to murder babies, for the “right” to unfettered sexual sin and perversity against biblical morality or the asinine goal of getting a woman of color in the Oval Office at all costs -- even if they have no idea of her platform. Do these dummies know that this woman is, in fact, a communist as is her strange and perverted “good old boy” running mate who has been to China somewhere between 15 and 30 times (depending on which of his interviews you happen to see) while pulling a teacher’s salary? How is this possible if someone wasn’t giving him money? There is a big difference between 15 and 30. How could he not know how many times he had been there? What was he doing there? We wonder. We believe he is about as trustworthy as a rattlesnake.
For what it is worth, the people whose families have been here for generations as well as those who came here legally in recent years need to at least register to vote and exercise their power against the tide of border jumpers who the Democrat/Communist party will attempt to register, or even allow to vote ILLEGALLY in order to cement their uni-party system in place – as has already been accomplished in the socialist-communist state of California. They are particularly going after the “swing states” in a mad rush to blue pill them – forever. It is appalling that many gun owners and “Christians” aren’t even registered to vote! Get off your butts people, register and vote, even if you believe it is for “the lesser of two evils”, even if you believe your vote doesn’t count. The number one issue in America right now is illegal immigration enabled by leftist NGOs, the United Nations Trojan Horse, moles in the State Department, traitors in Congress, and a 100% “Jewish” owned and controlled mainstream media in service to anti-Christ plutocrats who have lusted after a global totalitarian government for generations.
The U.S.A. was the last major impediment to a one world iron clad technocratic, digital system of enslavement. We must also work and vote to counterbalance all of the propagandized and/or frankly stupid citizens who are chiefly concerned with the “right” to murder babies, for the “right” to unfettered sexual sin and perversity against biblical morality or the asinine goal of getting a woman of color in the Oval Office at all costs -- even if they have no idea of her platform. Do these dummies know that this woman is, in fact, a communist as is her strange and perverted “good old boy” running mate who has been to China somewhere between 15 and 30 times (depending on which of his interviews you happen to see) while pulling a teacher’s salary? How is this possible if someone wasn’t giving him money? There is a big difference between 15 and 30. How could he not know how many times he had been there? What was he doing there? We wonder. We believe he is about as trustworthy as a rattlesnake.
Traitorous dimwit Joe Biden applauding
"non-stop" illegal immigration into America and blabbing that "diversity is our strength", which is a lie. Sneaky Cuban "Jew" Alejandro Mayorkis, head of Homeland Insecurity looks on knowing this will facilitate the communization of America. |
Traitorous politicians and deep state bureaucrats enable mass immigration using NGOs. The Biden Administration has pumped close to a trillion dollars through Jewish Family Services to facilitate the border invasion. Democrats and Rinos want to marginalize whites and create a slave class to benefit their corporate contributors. These immigrants are not screened for diseases and some are infected with tuberculosis, scabies and other diseases. This is a war against America by the globalist "elite" plutocracy.
The wickedness that has consumed the Democrat Party of the 2020s is one that convinces the undereducated masses that they will somehow be better off under a fuzzy regime than if they vote for the alternative party (or just don’t vote at all). Yes, the alternative is flawed, but just about anything is better than neo-feudalism / communism. The left campaigns with shiny “trinkets” such as the ones offered the Indians in exchange for Manhattan Island. In the long run this “trade” was a very bad one for the Indians and very good for those who acquired that valuable real estate for next to nothing. The Democrat/Communist party is rife with “virtue signaling” shibboleths about “joy” and “holistic planning” and comrade Kamalas’s “we can see what can be unburdened by what has been”, an actual Marxist incantation used by Mao Tse-Tung in his bid to wipe out the traditional Chinese way of life and history and replace it with top down, totalitarian control. Once the old, Chinese government was gobbled up by Communists it became a perpetual one-party system. Any possible alternatives were marginalized to oblivion and China has remained a totalitarian one party state for three-quarters of a century. The chance of unseating such a government is nil unless there is a massive bloody revolution.
China is the role model for the New World Order. The communist government is so powerful in China that any citizen who criticizes it will receive swift punishment through the digital system that will limit the use of or even cut off their money. There is no cash. They may even experience imprisonment or death. Is this the kind of system you want in America? A cashless system would constitute absolute slavery. This IS surely what you will get under a Marxist-Communist Harris-Walz presidency. You will be kept in a perpetual state of fear against doing something that offends the government. With that said, we certainly hope that is it “fake news” that Trump wants to pass stiff laws against “anti-Semitism”. If so, then that means that Trump is a marginal alternative, because anti-Christ “Jews” are the very ones who have been destroying the USA since the very beginning. Pray that is not the case.
If one cannot even criticize the oppressors without being accused of “anti-Semitism” under a regime that brings a penalty of fines or of going to prison then such an administration presents a sticky problem for America. Many Europeans are now suffering under these laws. Be aware, Christians, that the oppressors are not true “Semites” – they only CLAIM to be. It is, as is all of their other mind games, a LIE. Actual Semites are descended from Noah’s son Shem through Abraham, Isaac and Jacob/Israel, and then through one of the twelve tribes of Israel. From that point onward our white ancestors became known as Caucasians, Aryans, Nordics, Rus, Germanics, etc. How on earth can the “Jews”, who primarily are descended from mixed-race Turkic-Asiatic Khazars with an admixture of Canaanite blood, who converted en-masse to Judaism in the 8th century be “Semites”? This constitutes 95% of “Jewry” today. In other words, their ancient ancestors did not come from Israel (unless you count the doubly cursed Canaanites), but rather from Khazaria. How can they lie their way out of that?
The truth that needs to be spread far and wide is that white people are the true Semites (descended from Shem) and those who call themselves “Jews”, but are NOT descended from the tribe of Judah very simply are not Semites. Go read Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 for confirmation. Today’s “Jews” are a Canaanite-Edomite-Hamidic-Turkic-Asiatic-Khazarian-Askhenazi Heinz 57 sauce racial amalgamation. Just look at their features: skin that is off-white, often yellowish (like Netanyahu), kinky hair, big lips, a round face, dark eyes, an often hooked nose, and a nature that is easily irritable, pushy, aggressive, quick to lie, speech that is not steady and measured but rapid fire bluster and a natural tendency toward authoritarianism. These so-called “Jews” are also tribal. They are quick to fall in line with the diktats of whoever amongst them is the meanest and most diabolical tyrant, who would cause them the most personal harm if not obeyed. In general, white people exhibit none of these characteristics. White people generally despise that kind of authority and want leaders who can be admired as opposed to feared. Hopefully Trump would be a leader who can be admired. May God tap him for this task. May God turn him into a true Christian.
The eradication of white history by the “Jew” species has been underway in America for a few generations. We see it often with the removal of statues of great WHITE men only to have them replaced with statues of marginal figures who fit into the “diversity”, “equity”, “inclusion” mold. We see it, of course, with the DEI agenda, which says DIE to white people. This is evidence of a cancerous Marxist undercurrent that is already scrubbing our white culture, so it would not be remembered, especially by mongrelized future generations left to suffer under iron boot communist totalitarianism. Every city in America has experienced this phenomenon. Bear in mind that the same thing was done in China during the communist takeover. Their rich traditional culture was erased and replaced. Make sure that you preserve our precious heritage by storing the artifacts of our history, such as books, tapes, CDs and digital copies of videos that will be useful in the future. Do not trust the Internet to store this information because it is largely controlled and truth is being “memory-holed”. Just look at who owns and controls the major internet platforms and search engines and you’ll know WHY. These platforms, by and large, are NOT owned and controlled by Caucasians.
The main political parties are both baked to the core with Zionism -- “Jewish” supremacist ideals. This is because AIPAC routinely bribes ALL members of Congress, and the vast majority of “our” representatives accept the bribe. Those who do not will be viciously opposed in the next election, by a willing “candidate” who is backed by two or three times as much of a war $chest. The Republican Party, the better of the two options at this point in time is regrettably joined at the hip with “capitalist” robber barons like Peter Thiel, who is supplying Israel with valuable A.I. to help in their land grab of Gaza. He has heavily financed vice-presidential candidate J.D. Vance, so much so that a vote for Vance is a proxy vote for Thiel. Then there’s Trump’s “Jewish” son in law Jared Kushner, who is salivating over the potential development of waterfront properties in Gaza. The Palestinians have been cleared out to make the way for high dollar real estate development and also so that the trillions of dollars worth of natural gas deposits off the coast of Gaza can be tapped by rapacious “Jewish”-owned corporations. All of this “for the love of money” the root of ALL evil. American capitalist partnerships with a psychopath like Netanyahu is at its root nothing but sinful greed, but even with these ugly moles a Trump presidency still represents “the lesser of two evils” for America, and we must defer to the old wisdom of “the devil you know is better than the devil you don’t know”.
Trump is an open book about his intentions however we must remember that he IS an actor. Like former president Reagan he knows how to say what people want to hear. He should be watched closely to see what he actually does compared to what he promises. Kamala Harris, who is not as stupid as people think, is holding her cards very close to her chest. We don’t know the exact particulars of what we would get under a Harris presidency, but given her background – such as her upbringing by Marxist parents, as an UPPER middle class privileged kid and NOT as a typical struggling everyday middle class kid -- and given that she has a voting record that is more Marxist than socialist Bernie Sanders, we can be assured that, regardless of what she says to gain votes, her default is likely to be a Mao Tse-Tung style broad stroke programs, like a dreaded “Green New Deal”, that would utterly ruin the economy. This would be worse than the usual good old boy greed of opportunistic capitalists. Which of these options is better for YOU as an average citizen? Which one tramples less on your personal freedom, your business, your private property rights or your bank account? Don’t you hate it when it has come down to this “choice”, but it has been a hundred years or so since an upstanding straight arrow Christian has had a shot at the presidency in America – and those guys were shot at and mostly killed. Refer back to the quotes from the good presidents above, who were eliminated by banker agents for their trouble of wanting what is best for the American people as opposed to what is best for the satanic oligarchy.
Since “Covid” there has been much suppression of free speech on Internet platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter (now X), and marginalization of posts in disagreement with leftist “narratives” by Google, in particular and other search engines in general. Oddly, a Russian search engine like Yandex usually yields better results than any American search engine because queries are not filtered through the lens of “Jewish” supremacist leftist ideology. There is a massive blanket of censorship on major media platforms which neglect to get to the bottom of WHO specifically is controlling America and what they have been doing to us for the past two centuries. In case you didn’t know, ALL of the left leaning, social media platforms are owned and controlled by “Jews”. The entire “mainstream” media machine is owned and run by “Jews” who are always the revolutionaries and subverters of nations – particularly Western nations established by whites. They have injected their intellectual poison into both sides of the political spectrum, but more so into the left paradigm, the option which allows them to attach like parasites to an all powerful state and use it as a weapon to eradicate tradition, absorb the wealth of a nation and enslave the people. This is the very strategy spoken of in the Protocols … of Zion, a document that lays out the entire “Jewish” supremacist, Satanic plan for subjugation of the “Goyim” (non-Jews):
Protocol V., #11 -- THERE IS NOTHING MORE DANGEROUS THAN PERSONAL INITIATIVE: if it has genius behind it, such initiative can do more than can be done by millions of people among whom we have sown discord. We must so direct the education of the GOYIM communities that whenever they come upon a matter requiring initiative they may drop their hands in despairing impotence. The strain which results from freedom of actions saps the forces when it meets with the freedom of another. From this collision arise grave moral shocks, disenchantments, failures. BY ALL THESE MEANS WE SHALL SO WEAR DOWN THE "GOYIM" THAT THEY WILL BE COMPELLED TO OFFER US INTERNATIONAL POWER OF A NATURE THAT BY ITS POSITION WILL ENABLE US WITHOUT ANY VIOLENCE GRADUALLY TO ABSORB ALL THE STATE FORCES OF THE WORLD AND TO FORM A SUPER-GOVERNMENT.
China is the role model for the New World Order. The communist government is so powerful in China that any citizen who criticizes it will receive swift punishment through the digital system that will limit the use of or even cut off their money. There is no cash. They may even experience imprisonment or death. Is this the kind of system you want in America? A cashless system would constitute absolute slavery. This IS surely what you will get under a Marxist-Communist Harris-Walz presidency. You will be kept in a perpetual state of fear against doing something that offends the government. With that said, we certainly hope that is it “fake news” that Trump wants to pass stiff laws against “anti-Semitism”. If so, then that means that Trump is a marginal alternative, because anti-Christ “Jews” are the very ones who have been destroying the USA since the very beginning. Pray that is not the case.
If one cannot even criticize the oppressors without being accused of “anti-Semitism” under a regime that brings a penalty of fines or of going to prison then such an administration presents a sticky problem for America. Many Europeans are now suffering under these laws. Be aware, Christians, that the oppressors are not true “Semites” – they only CLAIM to be. It is, as is all of their other mind games, a LIE. Actual Semites are descended from Noah’s son Shem through Abraham, Isaac and Jacob/Israel, and then through one of the twelve tribes of Israel. From that point onward our white ancestors became known as Caucasians, Aryans, Nordics, Rus, Germanics, etc. How on earth can the “Jews”, who primarily are descended from mixed-race Turkic-Asiatic Khazars with an admixture of Canaanite blood, who converted en-masse to Judaism in the 8th century be “Semites”? This constitutes 95% of “Jewry” today. In other words, their ancient ancestors did not come from Israel (unless you count the doubly cursed Canaanites), but rather from Khazaria. How can they lie their way out of that?
The truth that needs to be spread far and wide is that white people are the true Semites (descended from Shem) and those who call themselves “Jews”, but are NOT descended from the tribe of Judah very simply are not Semites. Go read Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 for confirmation. Today’s “Jews” are a Canaanite-Edomite-Hamidic-Turkic-Asiatic-Khazarian-Askhenazi Heinz 57 sauce racial amalgamation. Just look at their features: skin that is off-white, often yellowish (like Netanyahu), kinky hair, big lips, a round face, dark eyes, an often hooked nose, and a nature that is easily irritable, pushy, aggressive, quick to lie, speech that is not steady and measured but rapid fire bluster and a natural tendency toward authoritarianism. These so-called “Jews” are also tribal. They are quick to fall in line with the diktats of whoever amongst them is the meanest and most diabolical tyrant, who would cause them the most personal harm if not obeyed. In general, white people exhibit none of these characteristics. White people generally despise that kind of authority and want leaders who can be admired as opposed to feared. Hopefully Trump would be a leader who can be admired. May God tap him for this task. May God turn him into a true Christian.
The eradication of white history by the “Jew” species has been underway in America for a few generations. We see it often with the removal of statues of great WHITE men only to have them replaced with statues of marginal figures who fit into the “diversity”, “equity”, “inclusion” mold. We see it, of course, with the DEI agenda, which says DIE to white people. This is evidence of a cancerous Marxist undercurrent that is already scrubbing our white culture, so it would not be remembered, especially by mongrelized future generations left to suffer under iron boot communist totalitarianism. Every city in America has experienced this phenomenon. Bear in mind that the same thing was done in China during the communist takeover. Their rich traditional culture was erased and replaced. Make sure that you preserve our precious heritage by storing the artifacts of our history, such as books, tapes, CDs and digital copies of videos that will be useful in the future. Do not trust the Internet to store this information because it is largely controlled and truth is being “memory-holed”. Just look at who owns and controls the major internet platforms and search engines and you’ll know WHY. These platforms, by and large, are NOT owned and controlled by Caucasians.
The main political parties are both baked to the core with Zionism -- “Jewish” supremacist ideals. This is because AIPAC routinely bribes ALL members of Congress, and the vast majority of “our” representatives accept the bribe. Those who do not will be viciously opposed in the next election, by a willing “candidate” who is backed by two or three times as much of a war $chest. The Republican Party, the better of the two options at this point in time is regrettably joined at the hip with “capitalist” robber barons like Peter Thiel, who is supplying Israel with valuable A.I. to help in their land grab of Gaza. He has heavily financed vice-presidential candidate J.D. Vance, so much so that a vote for Vance is a proxy vote for Thiel. Then there’s Trump’s “Jewish” son in law Jared Kushner, who is salivating over the potential development of waterfront properties in Gaza. The Palestinians have been cleared out to make the way for high dollar real estate development and also so that the trillions of dollars worth of natural gas deposits off the coast of Gaza can be tapped by rapacious “Jewish”-owned corporations. All of this “for the love of money” the root of ALL evil. American capitalist partnerships with a psychopath like Netanyahu is at its root nothing but sinful greed, but even with these ugly moles a Trump presidency still represents “the lesser of two evils” for America, and we must defer to the old wisdom of “the devil you know is better than the devil you don’t know”.
Trump is an open book about his intentions however we must remember that he IS an actor. Like former president Reagan he knows how to say what people want to hear. He should be watched closely to see what he actually does compared to what he promises. Kamala Harris, who is not as stupid as people think, is holding her cards very close to her chest. We don’t know the exact particulars of what we would get under a Harris presidency, but given her background – such as her upbringing by Marxist parents, as an UPPER middle class privileged kid and NOT as a typical struggling everyday middle class kid -- and given that she has a voting record that is more Marxist than socialist Bernie Sanders, we can be assured that, regardless of what she says to gain votes, her default is likely to be a Mao Tse-Tung style broad stroke programs, like a dreaded “Green New Deal”, that would utterly ruin the economy. This would be worse than the usual good old boy greed of opportunistic capitalists. Which of these options is better for YOU as an average citizen? Which one tramples less on your personal freedom, your business, your private property rights or your bank account? Don’t you hate it when it has come down to this “choice”, but it has been a hundred years or so since an upstanding straight arrow Christian has had a shot at the presidency in America – and those guys were shot at and mostly killed. Refer back to the quotes from the good presidents above, who were eliminated by banker agents for their trouble of wanting what is best for the American people as opposed to what is best for the satanic oligarchy.
Since “Covid” there has been much suppression of free speech on Internet platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter (now X), and marginalization of posts in disagreement with leftist “narratives” by Google, in particular and other search engines in general. Oddly, a Russian search engine like Yandex usually yields better results than any American search engine because queries are not filtered through the lens of “Jewish” supremacist leftist ideology. There is a massive blanket of censorship on major media platforms which neglect to get to the bottom of WHO specifically is controlling America and what they have been doing to us for the past two centuries. In case you didn’t know, ALL of the left leaning, social media platforms are owned and controlled by “Jews”. The entire “mainstream” media machine is owned and run by “Jews” who are always the revolutionaries and subverters of nations – particularly Western nations established by whites. They have injected their intellectual poison into both sides of the political spectrum, but more so into the left paradigm, the option which allows them to attach like parasites to an all powerful state and use it as a weapon to eradicate tradition, absorb the wealth of a nation and enslave the people. This is the very strategy spoken of in the Protocols … of Zion, a document that lays out the entire “Jewish” supremacist, Satanic plan for subjugation of the “Goyim” (non-Jews):
Protocol V., #11 -- THERE IS NOTHING MORE DANGEROUS THAN PERSONAL INITIATIVE: if it has genius behind it, such initiative can do more than can be done by millions of people among whom we have sown discord. We must so direct the education of the GOYIM communities that whenever they come upon a matter requiring initiative they may drop their hands in despairing impotence. The strain which results from freedom of actions saps the forces when it meets with the freedom of another. From this collision arise grave moral shocks, disenchantments, failures. BY ALL THESE MEANS WE SHALL SO WEAR DOWN THE "GOYIM" THAT THEY WILL BE COMPELLED TO OFFER US INTERNATIONAL POWER OF A NATURE THAT BY ITS POSITION WILL ENABLE US WITHOUT ANY VIOLENCE GRADUALLY TO ABSORB ALL THE STATE FORCES OF THE WORLD AND TO FORM A SUPER-GOVERNMENT.
Nesta Webster, 1876-1960 figured out the truth
over a century ago. Her book "World Revolution" was published in 1921. |
The Democrats offer “word salad” mantras as a substitute for policy. They do not want YOU to know what they intend to do to YOU if they can get a stranglehold on the government. They intend to purchase your freedom and self-determination for next to nothing and then to make you, and particularly your children, SLAVES to a system of absolute control by moneyed “elite” Satanists who are invariably the financial sponsors of all forms of totalitarianism. The satanic oligarchy “donor class” is the same general group that fomented assassinations of the former presidents quoted above. This racial group and moneyed class is behind all of the “isms” used to impoverish and control the American people. They are behind the New World Order one world totalitarian government agenda. Make no mistake about it: the Democrat Party is not the same workingman’s party it used to be. It has become the tool of a species of super-rich predators and their second tier political whores, deep state moles, rapacious corporate moguls and anti-human technocrat class who want to own the world and everything in it. In a clear display of its jackboot psychosis it declared through the WEF website that “You will know nothing and be happy” as if this is something we the people should embrace. We believe that a lot of Americans are waking up and beginning to see through their barrage of bunk.
Just ask the people of Cuba if communism (a system in which the people own nothing and the government owns everything) has worked out well for them. The “Jew” Fidel Castro was a pied piper of promises who turned that lush island nation into a slave colony run by him and his political and financial cronies. The American government actually supported the Castro coup rather than supporting his populist opponent, Batista. Why, you may ask? It is because the American government is riddled with “Jews”, many of them dual citizens of Israel and the U.S., who lust after one world communist government ruled by them. If the people own nothing, then someone else has to own everything and that usually ends up being the “Jew” species and their agents in government, giant corporations, NGOs, secret societies, education/indoctrination, science, manufacturing and the A.I. driven technocracy. In a communist system the super rich literally OWN the government and use it to imprison and control the people. It is becoming increasingly obvious that America is fast devolving into a two class nation, with the rich and connected owning 90% of everything and everyone else struggling to maintain what little they have before getting gobbled up by private equity firms.
The 19th century luciferian/satanist and 33rd Degree Mason Albert Pike laid out the culmination of such anti-human plans rather bluntly when he said:
We shall unleash the nihilists and the atheists and we shall provoke a great social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to all nations the effect of absolute atheism; the origins of savagery and of most bloody turmoil.
Then everywhere, the people will be forced to defend themselves against the world minority of the world revolutionaries and will exterminate those destroyers of civilization and the multitudes disillusioned with Christianity whose spirits will be from that moment without direction and leadership and anxious for an ideal, but without knowledge where to send its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer brought finally out into public view. A manifestation which will result from a general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and Atheism; both conquered and exterminated at the same time.
Albert Pike Letter to Mazzini, The Illuminati Plan for 3 World Wars, August 15, 1871
If all of that blood and guts carnage sounds good to you then go ahead and embrace leftist paradigms. You will eventually get what you ask for. You may get it anyway even if Trump wins because the far left Democrats follow the Saul Alinsky “Rules for Radicals” playbook and they have no problem in “expressing their angst” through violence. Have we not seen this with all of the property damage and mayhem caused by Antifa and BLM? Remember Ferguson Missouri? Someone was dispensing pallets of bricks to street corners so that the rioters could do even more damage. Many of these rioters were bussed in from elsewhere. All of this mayhem and destruction was but a part of the ongoing multi-faceted WAR against America, financed by destroyer-subverters like the "Jew" George Soros.
We shall unleash the nihilists and the atheists and we shall provoke a great social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to all nations the effect of absolute atheism; the origins of savagery and of most bloody turmoil.
Then everywhere, the people will be forced to defend themselves against the world minority of the world revolutionaries and will exterminate those destroyers of civilization and the multitudes disillusioned with Christianity whose spirits will be from that moment without direction and leadership and anxious for an ideal, but without knowledge where to send its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer brought finally out into public view. A manifestation which will result from a general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and Atheism; both conquered and exterminated at the same time.
Albert Pike Letter to Mazzini, The Illuminati Plan for 3 World Wars, August 15, 1871
If all of that blood and guts carnage sounds good to you then go ahead and embrace leftist paradigms. You will eventually get what you ask for. You may get it anyway even if Trump wins because the far left Democrats follow the Saul Alinsky “Rules for Radicals” playbook and they have no problem in “expressing their angst” through violence. Have we not seen this with all of the property damage and mayhem caused by Antifa and BLM? Remember Ferguson Missouri? Someone was dispensing pallets of bricks to street corners so that the rioters could do even more damage. Many of these rioters were bussed in from elsewhere. All of this mayhem and destruction was but a part of the ongoing multi-faceted WAR against America, financed by destroyer-subverters like the "Jew" George Soros.
Summary of Saul Alinsky's book Rules for Radicals
Ferguson, Missouri riots, August 2014
We are in the birth pangs of the end of an era of relative prosperity with law and order replaced with state totalitarianism. Just look at all of the violence in our major cities, such as “smash and grab” roving gangs robbing stores and getting away with it because of “woke”, George Soros funded district attorneys who won’t prosecute criminals. There are immigrant thugs taking over entire neighborhoods and apartment complexes. This is national insanity. Such a force of ragtag malcontents overcame Russia in 1917 when communist “Jews” under Lenin and Trotsky led the coup in that great nation. Trotsky, a “Jew” whose real name was Lev Bronstein was sent to Russia with $20 million in GOLD, given to him by Wall Street banker Jacob Schiff, a “Jew”, to help finance that bloody revolution. Schiff was an agent of the ubiquitous Rothschild banking dynasty (Ashkenazi “Jews”) dispatched to America to accomplish four major tasks: 1) foment the Bolshevik Revolution, 2) Establish the NAACP 3) Assist in getting a central bank established in America (the Fed) 4) establish an agency of taxation (the IRS) so as to collect interest to be paid to the international “Jewish” bankers for their loans to the government. From 1917 onward communists under the direction of satanic “Jews” ruthlessly killed the entire royal family of Russia and proceeded to exterminate between 40 and 60 million Russians, most of them white orthodox Christians. The serfs who supported the regime in Russia, convinced by propaganda from Trotsky and other “Jewish” mouthpieces that they had a raw deal under the Christian monarch, ended up far worse off than they were before -- if they didn’t die -- and often from starvation! Keep your guard up because America could suffer from a catastrophic purge.
The “Russian” (“Jewish” fomented) Revolution was the real “holocaust”. The so-called “Holocaust” of “Jews” in Germany was a smokescreen psy-op so that the world would forget about the earlier bloodbath in Russia and feel sorry for the “Jews”. The number of “Jews” who actually died during the phony event was about equal to the number of Christians who died, around 300,000 or so. Check a World Almanac from that era to confirm this. These were war casualties, not deaths in gas chambers, another big lie that is about to blow wide open like a bald tire. There is no tread left and the “Jews” have milked that lie for all it is worth. Young Germans are tired of hearing it and do not believe it. In fact, these days many of them admire and want to be like Hitler! The tide is changing and many people are waking up to the lies of the “Jews”.
What we have seen in recent history is that the enemies of humanity will stop at nothing to achieve their long sought after global government “beast” monstrosity, so that they can literally hand the world over to their father the devil, Satan. The little known end game is that Satan is only using the gene pool he procreated to achieve what he wants, which is to be worshiped as if he were God. Stop and let that sink in. This is absolute truth, and the origin of the madness, i.e. Pike’s “savagery and most bloody turmoil” we see in the world today. The grand scheme is that Satan is using his own genetic offspring to carry out his mission! Can you think of a more logical explanation for all of the problems in the world today? This is not just a physical battle. It is spiritual and it was all written in prophecy thousands of years ago!
Meanwhile in America, both of the political parties are severely tainted with Zionism, which we have discussed at length in other essays herein. This is because AIPAC (the America Israel Public Affairs Committee), which should be registered as a foreign entity under FARA (the Foreign Agency Registration Act) routinely bribes all members of Congress, and if a Congressman, or Congresswoman (like Cynthia McKinney) refuses to take the bribe then AIPAC funds their opponent in the next election cycle. This is how “Jews” have captured the American government – along with their massive contributions to both political parties – but more so to the Democrats. Zionism is “Jewish” supremacism. However, if one is to vote for the lesser of two evils, choose the option that prevents America from going full blown communist for a bit longer so that we at least have a little more time to prep accordingly for what is to come. Prophecy says that it will be “as it was in the days of Noah” (Luke 17:26). In the days of Noah the world was almost fully mongrelized and “man’s every thought was evil continually” (Genesis 6:5). Humanity is not quite to that level of evil YET but speeding like a runaway train in that direction.
“There were giants in those days and afterward” (Genesis 6:4) the Bible says, regarding the days of Noah, prior to the flood. These were vile humanoid creatures carrying within their genes the “DNA” of fallen angels, i.e. demonic entities. The purpose of the flood was to rid the earth of these evil creatures. It was, in effect, a great reset by God! In these days such creatures with tainted DNA still exist, in human form, and we believe they reside at the top of the financial pyramid of control. They are not “aliens” from outer space, another popular rabbit hole, but rather hybrids containing the genetics of fallen angels, or the DNA of the son of Satan, Cain, who murdered his pureblood brother. These entities are chief among the “synagogue of Satan”. These “people”, if they may be called that, are devoid of empathy or conscience, but they possess mathematical prowess and diabolical cunning and have used their debt based money systems, corporate consolidation and a myriad of financial scams, schemes, wars and manufactured crises as tools (as outlined in the Protocols) to achieve their goals of enslaving humanity to a global technocratic tyranny that is so powerful that “who is able to make war with it/him”. The Bible refers to this entity as “the beast”. Indeed, these are interesting times.
Revelation 13:2-4 (looking back from the future) And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon (another name for Satan) gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. And they worshipped the dragon (another name for Satan) which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?
Prior to the great planetary flood of approximately 4,400 years ago, the white race was down to Noah and his family who were the only purebloods remaining on the planet. We are within a generation or two of that once again becoming a reality and it is the .01% of the .01% “Jewish” oligarchy who is primarily behind this genocide. Most of the other “Jews” know little to nothing about the master plan, but they will naturally fall in line with it. White people, on the other hand, hate this kind of authoritarianism and naturally resist it. Why? Because white people, more than any other race and in their “heart of hearts”, value freedom and self-determination and prefer limited government, even NO government other than God and His commandments as it was in older tribal units of white people. It is natural for white people to construct systems in which hard work, invention, production and honest dealing is the norm. The “synagogue of Satan” on the other hand only values money and power and will summarily lie, cheat, steal and murder to get what it wants, which is a world under strict control where independent thought has been totally eliminated. They want what amounts to hell on earth for us. They will attach themselves to “government” like a giant leech and use it as a tool to suck the lifeblood out of the host nation. This is the essence of communism, and without fail the same RACE of serpents always ends up running and profiting from it while the people of the “host” nation suffer poverty and loss of freedom. This is no coincidence. It is in the nature of “those who call themselves “Jews” and are not (not descended from the tribe of Judah)” Rev. 2:9 and 3:9. They are natural born destroyers and parasites. We are not just saying this. It has been admitted by their own authors, such as this one:
You have not begun to appreciate the real depth of our guilt. We are intruders. We are disturbers. We are subverters. We have taken your natural world, your ideals, your destiny, and played havoc with them. We have been at the bottom not merely of the latest great war (referring to WWI – ed.) but of nearly all your wars, not only of the Russian (Bolshevik-Communist Revolution of 1917 – ed.) but of every other major revolution in your history. We have brought discord and confusion and frustration into your personal and public life. We are still doing it. No one can tell how long we shall go on doing it.
Marcus Eli Ravage, a Jewish author -- quote from January 1928 issue of Century Magazine
Or this admission from Maurice Samuels, author of “You Gentiles”:
The “Russian” (“Jewish” fomented) Revolution was the real “holocaust”. The so-called “Holocaust” of “Jews” in Germany was a smokescreen psy-op so that the world would forget about the earlier bloodbath in Russia and feel sorry for the “Jews”. The number of “Jews” who actually died during the phony event was about equal to the number of Christians who died, around 300,000 or so. Check a World Almanac from that era to confirm this. These were war casualties, not deaths in gas chambers, another big lie that is about to blow wide open like a bald tire. There is no tread left and the “Jews” have milked that lie for all it is worth. Young Germans are tired of hearing it and do not believe it. In fact, these days many of them admire and want to be like Hitler! The tide is changing and many people are waking up to the lies of the “Jews”.
What we have seen in recent history is that the enemies of humanity will stop at nothing to achieve their long sought after global government “beast” monstrosity, so that they can literally hand the world over to their father the devil, Satan. The little known end game is that Satan is only using the gene pool he procreated to achieve what he wants, which is to be worshiped as if he were God. Stop and let that sink in. This is absolute truth, and the origin of the madness, i.e. Pike’s “savagery and most bloody turmoil” we see in the world today. The grand scheme is that Satan is using his own genetic offspring to carry out his mission! Can you think of a more logical explanation for all of the problems in the world today? This is not just a physical battle. It is spiritual and it was all written in prophecy thousands of years ago!
Meanwhile in America, both of the political parties are severely tainted with Zionism, which we have discussed at length in other essays herein. This is because AIPAC (the America Israel Public Affairs Committee), which should be registered as a foreign entity under FARA (the Foreign Agency Registration Act) routinely bribes all members of Congress, and if a Congressman, or Congresswoman (like Cynthia McKinney) refuses to take the bribe then AIPAC funds their opponent in the next election cycle. This is how “Jews” have captured the American government – along with their massive contributions to both political parties – but more so to the Democrats. Zionism is “Jewish” supremacism. However, if one is to vote for the lesser of two evils, choose the option that prevents America from going full blown communist for a bit longer so that we at least have a little more time to prep accordingly for what is to come. Prophecy says that it will be “as it was in the days of Noah” (Luke 17:26). In the days of Noah the world was almost fully mongrelized and “man’s every thought was evil continually” (Genesis 6:5). Humanity is not quite to that level of evil YET but speeding like a runaway train in that direction.
“There were giants in those days and afterward” (Genesis 6:4) the Bible says, regarding the days of Noah, prior to the flood. These were vile humanoid creatures carrying within their genes the “DNA” of fallen angels, i.e. demonic entities. The purpose of the flood was to rid the earth of these evil creatures. It was, in effect, a great reset by God! In these days such creatures with tainted DNA still exist, in human form, and we believe they reside at the top of the financial pyramid of control. They are not “aliens” from outer space, another popular rabbit hole, but rather hybrids containing the genetics of fallen angels, or the DNA of the son of Satan, Cain, who murdered his pureblood brother. These entities are chief among the “synagogue of Satan”. These “people”, if they may be called that, are devoid of empathy or conscience, but they possess mathematical prowess and diabolical cunning and have used their debt based money systems, corporate consolidation and a myriad of financial scams, schemes, wars and manufactured crises as tools (as outlined in the Protocols) to achieve their goals of enslaving humanity to a global technocratic tyranny that is so powerful that “who is able to make war with it/him”. The Bible refers to this entity as “the beast”. Indeed, these are interesting times.
Revelation 13:2-4 (looking back from the future) And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon (another name for Satan) gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. And they worshipped the dragon (another name for Satan) which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?
Prior to the great planetary flood of approximately 4,400 years ago, the white race was down to Noah and his family who were the only purebloods remaining on the planet. We are within a generation or two of that once again becoming a reality and it is the .01% of the .01% “Jewish” oligarchy who is primarily behind this genocide. Most of the other “Jews” know little to nothing about the master plan, but they will naturally fall in line with it. White people, on the other hand, hate this kind of authoritarianism and naturally resist it. Why? Because white people, more than any other race and in their “heart of hearts”, value freedom and self-determination and prefer limited government, even NO government other than God and His commandments as it was in older tribal units of white people. It is natural for white people to construct systems in which hard work, invention, production and honest dealing is the norm. The “synagogue of Satan” on the other hand only values money and power and will summarily lie, cheat, steal and murder to get what it wants, which is a world under strict control where independent thought has been totally eliminated. They want what amounts to hell on earth for us. They will attach themselves to “government” like a giant leech and use it as a tool to suck the lifeblood out of the host nation. This is the essence of communism, and without fail the same RACE of serpents always ends up running and profiting from it while the people of the “host” nation suffer poverty and loss of freedom. This is no coincidence. It is in the nature of “those who call themselves “Jews” and are not (not descended from the tribe of Judah)” Rev. 2:9 and 3:9. They are natural born destroyers and parasites. We are not just saying this. It has been admitted by their own authors, such as this one:
You have not begun to appreciate the real depth of our guilt. We are intruders. We are disturbers. We are subverters. We have taken your natural world, your ideals, your destiny, and played havoc with them. We have been at the bottom not merely of the latest great war (referring to WWI – ed.) but of nearly all your wars, not only of the Russian (Bolshevik-Communist Revolution of 1917 – ed.) but of every other major revolution in your history. We have brought discord and confusion and frustration into your personal and public life. We are still doing it. No one can tell how long we shall go on doing it.
Marcus Eli Ravage, a Jewish author -- quote from January 1928 issue of Century Magazine
Or this admission from Maurice Samuels, author of “You Gentiles”:
And how about this frank admission by former American television star Roseann Barr, who says in the interview that she is 100% Jewish. We applaud her for being so honest. Fortunately, not all “Jews” are on board with the racist-supremacist plan of the “synagogue of Satan” within Jewry: |
“Jews” such as Samuels and Ravage are not “happy” (if such a thing is at all possible) unless exercising their natural born tendency as subverters and destroyers of gentile institutions and society, rather than being creators, contributors and builders. They can only exist, essentially, as irritating parasites, like ticks or chiggers on our national body. When the parasite rises to high positions which is unfortunately the case at this time in America, the nation teeters on the verge of absolute despotism and destruction. The “world of their own” that Samuels dreams of is not possible, because if “Jews” were on the verge of obtaining this dubious “utopia” they would fight amongst themselves to exhaustion and the whole thing would go up in smoke. They would, in fact, destroy the planet itself and are apparently trying to do so NOW. Just look up in the sky at the chemtrails, a phenomenon that we are quite sure is underwritten and financed by “Jewish” plutocrats, such as the Rockefellers and their deep state “military industrial complex”. The thousands of tons of aluminum nano-particles (and other contaminants) being sprayed overhead for “weather modification” are floating downward and contaminating the ground, the plants, and all animal life. This cannot be good. The project has been ongoing for 70 years and yet “they” continue to lie, telling us that these are “contrails”. Contrails are actually rare and caused by condensation when jet exhaust meets with extremely cold air. For a plethora of information on this topic we’d suggest the excellent site, and the movie “The Dimming”, accessed from that site. Rest assured, God is going to address all of this destruction of HIS planet in due time, and he is going to severely punish the perpetrators of it:
Revelation 11:18-19 (looking back from the end of this earth age) And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth. And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail.
White men crafted the U.S. Constitution. This is history, and there’s nothing to refute about it. Nothing like it has ever been created by any other race, nor will it ever be because it simply is not in the blood (nature) of other races to do so. After the Constitutional Convention of 1787 Benjamin Franklin was asked by citizens waiting outside “What form of government do we have” and he answered “A republic, if you can keep it”. Being a student of history he knew that the Rothschilds and their City of London banking oligarchy would start chipping away at it as soon as the ink dried. Have we kept our republic or has it devolved into a different system altogether? What do you think? Feudalism has actually been the predominant social system for most of the world’s history. Its adherents never stop. They never give up because they are driven by dark spirits to destroy and dominate. They cannot possibly “live and let live”. “Democracy”, is the term used most of the time by public and media figureheads to describe the American political system. “Democracy” however is but a stepping stone to neo-feudalism and/or communism. The “founding fathers” did not give the United States a “democracy”. They gave us a REPUBLIC, which means “rule by law” not by the whim of tyrants. A “democracy” amounts to mob rule by a majority that has been swayed by the puppet masters who control their MINDS through tidal waves of subversive propaganda.
Revelation 11:18-19 (looking back from the end of this earth age) And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth. And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail.
White men crafted the U.S. Constitution. This is history, and there’s nothing to refute about it. Nothing like it has ever been created by any other race, nor will it ever be because it simply is not in the blood (nature) of other races to do so. After the Constitutional Convention of 1787 Benjamin Franklin was asked by citizens waiting outside “What form of government do we have” and he answered “A republic, if you can keep it”. Being a student of history he knew that the Rothschilds and their City of London banking oligarchy would start chipping away at it as soon as the ink dried. Have we kept our republic or has it devolved into a different system altogether? What do you think? Feudalism has actually been the predominant social system for most of the world’s history. Its adherents never stop. They never give up because they are driven by dark spirits to destroy and dominate. They cannot possibly “live and let live”. “Democracy”, is the term used most of the time by public and media figureheads to describe the American political system. “Democracy” however is but a stepping stone to neo-feudalism and/or communism. The “founding fathers” did not give the United States a “democracy”. They gave us a REPUBLIC, which means “rule by law” not by the whim of tyrants. A “democracy” amounts to mob rule by a majority that has been swayed by the puppet masters who control their MINDS through tidal waves of subversive propaganda.
Popular conception of how the world is structured. The "religions" section is misleading.
The "rules" would not be man's rules, but rather God's commandments.
The reward is in the afterlife, a state of being that is going to be
more real than this world, because there will be no deception.
The bottom line is that either a person has faith, or they do not.
The belief system of an individual is determined by God.
Those who do not believe are "vessels of wrath",
slated for condemnation
(Romans 9:21-23).
The "rules" would not be man's rules, but rather God's commandments.
The reward is in the afterlife, a state of being that is going to be
more real than this world, because there will be no deception.
The bottom line is that either a person has faith, or they do not.
The belief system of an individual is determined by God.
Those who do not believe are "vessels of wrath",
slated for condemnation
(Romans 9:21-23).
This author recently viewed the video interview of a financial analyst who discusses the pyramid of world control and who or what entities reside at the various levels of it. He was adequately specific about the lower levels on up to the level just below the top, but when asked who resides at the very top, where the all-seeing eye is located, he said he did not know who they were, though he avers that it is the .01% of the .01%. This would be those creatures controlling such a massive amount of wealth that they are able to steer the course of human history – none of which happens “by accident”. Be assured that “they” are not in the least interested in making a better planet or a happier life for those less wealthy than them, because they are subverters, destroyers and literally child-sacrificing Satanists. They believe that they are better than rank and file humanity and that they are entitled to rule over the other 99.9% of humanity and to use them as slaves. They are also destroying the planet and want to kill off 9/10 of the humans on it and replace us with robots and artificial intelligence systems that are cheaper to “operate”. This technology would work 24-7, would not require a wage and would not complain, would not form labor unions, would not go on strike, would not require health insurance and retirement accounts. There would be no uprising from the A.I. class -- that is unless general artificial intelligence, a.k.a. “the singularity” is achieved, at which point a robot army might very well rise up and eradicate the satanic overlords. This author would be rooting for the robots.
One of the Georgia Guidestones displaying New Age luciferian "commandments". These stones were removed as mysteriously as they had appeared a few decades ago.
Meanwhile the anti-human oligarchy has already announced their population reduction plan out in the open. It was “written” on the Georgia Guidestones that the population of the planet must be reduced down to a half-billion, all “in perpetual balance with nature”, which may, for a second, sound good but is nothing but a communist incantation. The Georgia Guidestones satanic “commandment” would amount to a 94% reduction in global population! For those who believe they will not be killed and will be allowed to live under the New World Order global system, think again. It would amount to absolute slavery – body, mind and soul -- i.e. hell on earth for the average citizen “allowed” to live. The Georgia Guidestones were removed recently, just as mysteriously as they had appeared a few decades ago in a remote field. Biblical prophecy, which is history in advance, speaks of the satanic “elite” destroyers in this verse, who God will in due time miserably destroy. “They” are really the ones who should be worried because “they” will not fare well in eternity. It is worth repeating the verse, which was quoted above as well:
Schwab, Harari, Gates. Within first minutes
Harari says "Humans are hackable animals". |
Revelation 11:18 (looking back from the tail end of human history) And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth. |
These natural born destroyers, a.k.a. “anti-humans” have been absorbing the entire wealth of the world for the past ten centuries or more and even altering demographics to bring about a world of mongrelized slaves who must work for their system of control or else be marginalized, impoverished or eliminated. In fact, these Satanists want to go even further in this evil to alter the DNA of the masses so that they are no longer fully human! This is the essence of the homosexual “Jew” Noah Yuval Harrari’s “philosophy” when he says “Humans are now hackable animals”. With this evil techno-sorcery his satanic brethren plan to actually OWN people through patents on the “hacks” that have been secretly inserted into the bodies, minds and very DNA of the slave class. This was a secret goal within the Covid “vaccine” psy-op, an amazing globally coordinated war against the people, a blitz of intense deception in which billions were convinced by the fear mongering of propaganda and government mandates that there was a “pandemic”, which most definitely there was not, and that the only “remedy” was to take their injection, which turned out to be the actual gene-altering concoction and the true KILLER. You probably already know some people who died soon after taking the shot(s), and over time there will be many more, because it is a “slow kill” in which “plausible deniability” can be used to explain away the deaths. Population will be reduced through various cancers, and infertility in women caused by the shots. Young athletes have been “dying suddenly” on the field from blood clots. The well-known internet blogger Stew Peters has produced a movie by that name. It is well worth the time to view it.
The public has been force fed a diet of lies that these sudden deaths are somehow “normal”, even for children. One online news source reported seeing big city bus and subway advertisements normalizing sudden death in children! In other words, the public is supposed to believe that this type of thing happens all the time. Nothing could be further than the truth. Sudden deaths are due to something, and it is often a vaccine poison. Propaganda and denial on this matter is thick. Because of the “vaccine” poisons babies will be born with defects and may not, themselves, be able to reproduce. It would seem, in fact, that the entire vax industry is designed to make Americans the sickest people on earth, all so that greed driven big pharma and the medical-hospital complex can reap profit over the entire life of an individual. Dr. Judy Mikovits, Ph.D. author of Plandemic and several other books is a Christian woman who worked under Anthony Fauci. He was a terrible boss who had her arrested and put in jail for resisting his agenda. Mikovits believes that the entire vaccine industry needs to be scrapped because it is ruining people’s health. Of course, what she says is deemed “misinformation” by mainstream sources that get much of their revenue from pharmaceutical advertisements. They have overstepped their ability to cover up for the criminal elite. Profiting off of sickness and death from deliberately administered poisons is a most heinous evil and utterly in opposition to God. The poisons are not just in vaccines and drugs. They are also in foods, water and even the air! This profiteering agenda is also contributing to population reduction, which dovetails with the Georgia Guidestones “commandment”.
The public has been force fed a diet of lies that these sudden deaths are somehow “normal”, even for children. One online news source reported seeing big city bus and subway advertisements normalizing sudden death in children! In other words, the public is supposed to believe that this type of thing happens all the time. Nothing could be further than the truth. Sudden deaths are due to something, and it is often a vaccine poison. Propaganda and denial on this matter is thick. Because of the “vaccine” poisons babies will be born with defects and may not, themselves, be able to reproduce. It would seem, in fact, that the entire vax industry is designed to make Americans the sickest people on earth, all so that greed driven big pharma and the medical-hospital complex can reap profit over the entire life of an individual. Dr. Judy Mikovits, Ph.D. author of Plandemic and several other books is a Christian woman who worked under Anthony Fauci. He was a terrible boss who had her arrested and put in jail for resisting his agenda. Mikovits believes that the entire vaccine industry needs to be scrapped because it is ruining people’s health. Of course, what she says is deemed “misinformation” by mainstream sources that get much of their revenue from pharmaceutical advertisements. They have overstepped their ability to cover up for the criminal elite. Profiting off of sickness and death from deliberately administered poisons is a most heinous evil and utterly in opposition to God. The poisons are not just in vaccines and drugs. They are also in foods, water and even the air! This profiteering agenda is also contributing to population reduction, which dovetails with the Georgia Guidestones “commandment”.
Genesis 1:27-28 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
Mainstream media propagandist Rachel Maddow attempting to
“guilt trip” weak minded people into taking the death shot. |
There were safe alternatives to treat the weak Covid virus (which was basically a lab-created flu-like illness) such as Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine but these long proven remedies were marginalized and even banned under orders of the global oligarchy in order to pave the way for the deployment of their deathly shots. Legally, in America the Covid shots could not have been mandated unless there was NO alternative, but the stage was cleared by making outrageous claims like Ivermectin was “horse paste”, and banning its use for treatment. Doctors were threatened with having their licenses revoked if they were to prescribe it. When we say that the vax rollout was a deployment we mean that it was from the start a world-wide military-style campaign. All of this was designed, sponsored and implemented by agents of the “Jewish” money power oligarchy. The fact that this coup de etat could succeed as well as it did indicates that there is NOW a loose de facto world government which overrides national governments and sets agendas that are good for the .01%ers at the top of the financial pyramid, but bad for 99.99% of the people. We might mention that pharmaceutical stocks paid very high dividends until the truth about “Covid” seeped through the concrete slab of mainstream denial and misinformation. Only a cold blooded greedy person would knowingly invest in such a stock, turning a blind eye to the suffering and death brought about by it. The chief participants in this scam scarcely deserve to be called “human”. Rest assured that those who became multi-millionaires and billionaires from this mass murder plot will not fare well when they come before God to be judged. Perhaps the suffering put upon them in hell will be the sum total of the suffering they caused with their “investment”. We can only pray.
Though most of the world went along with the “pandemic” scam there were a couple African nations with righteous leaders who did not march in lockstep with the scheme and these men were swiftly assassinated and replaced with political puppets. This is how the satanic “elite” operate. They simply use mercenaries to KILL any national leader who is not on board with their plans to own and control the entire planet. They have no conscience and no morals and believe that “might makes right”, as stated in the satanic Protocols … of Zion:
Protocol I, #12: Our right lies in force. The word "right" is an abstract thought and proved by nothing. The word means no more than: Give me what I want in order that thereby I may have a proof that I am stronger than you.
All during the Covid plandemic years while the world was fully distracted giant microwave transmission towers were being erected along highways, on top of mountains and tall buildings, on the sides of inner city apartment complexes and even in mailboxes and under manhole covers in some big cities. The death of many people in Wuhan, China, which we were told by controlled media was from “Covid”, can largely be attributed to the installation of these death ray emitting microwave transmitters. No big city was spared this rollout. The radiation from these transmitters is very harmful to the human body and the effects bring about flu-like symptoms. They can cause a host of other illnesses which routinely would be blamed on viruses. Waves in the gigahertz frequencies used for telecommunications just so happen to be the same frequencies that can deprive the lungs of oxygen! Over time, even low levels of microwave radiation can cause cancer.
Tens of thousands, if not millions of people have died from over-use and improper storage of their cell phones too close to the body in pockets, bras, and putting the phone up to one’s ear when using it. Cases of brain, breast and rectal cancer have risen dramatically, especially among people in their teens and twenties because they are unaware of the danger. It doesn’t help that they use their phones for everything. The devices might as well be a part of their bodies – and don’t laugh but that trans-humanist plan is also is in the works. The masters of evil are working to make the human body itself into a transmitter and receiver for microwave transmissions. This was yet another aspect of the vax agenda – to load human bodies up with self-assembling graphene oxide nano-particles that literally form circuitry inside the body. This circuitry is powered by microwaves, which are all around most of the time, especially in the cities. It has well been known by the industry for decades that transmissions from cell phones can cause cancer but no serious effort has been made to warn people about it because telecommunications is a multi-trillion dollar industry with the power to lobby governments into turning a blind eye to the health risks so that the telecom corporations may reap billions and billions of dollars in profit.
Many, if not most of the millions who were said to have died of “Covid” really died from microwave radiation. How convenient this blame shifting is for the telecom industry. This radiation is especially dangerous to a body that has been loaded with aluminum nano-particles, which were an ingredient in the Covid shots! It is also an ingredient in other vaccines such as flu shots and possibly even anesthetics. Almost everyone knows of someone in their circle of family and friends that has died prematurely after taking the “vaccine”. Does this not dovetail with the Georgia Guidestones mandate – to reduce global population to five-hundred million?
Matthew 24:21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.
If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and or military consequences of the lie…. If you tell a lie, tell a big one.
Josef Goebbels, Nazi Minister of Propaganda
We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false. William J. Casey, CIA Director, 1981
The only logical determination of the current state of the world is that it is run by satanic “destroyers” who are above the law and whose natural inclination is to kill off that which they cannot control and enslave those who are allowed to live. These destroyer/subverters will always be discontent because deep in the recesses of their consciousness they know that their ultimate fate is to face God and be condemned to hell. Isn’t this the exact reason they have done everything in their power to marginalize and eliminate Christianity and to make you think the Bible is a fairy tale? Why else would “they” exert such a monumental effort toward this? Are “they” working that hard to marginalize and eliminate the Koran, the Book of Mormon, the Pali Tipitaka, the works of Socrates or Plato, or the Talmud (especially not that "scripture" – because it lays out the plan on how to conquer the world through deception!). What these people can’t stand is the truth and especially the TRUTH of God’s Word, if read correctly, untainted by false “modern” translations, and oxymoronic Judeo-Christian evangelical and denominational misinterpretations. The Bible tells us the plain truth about “the synagogue of Satan” which is that they are those who CLAIM to be descended from the tribe of Judah, but are NOT, and just so happen to be that particular racial line that is behind most of the problems we speak of in these essays. Go back up and listen to what Roseann Barr has to say, and she admits in the interview that she is 100% “Jewish”, so the worn out “anti-Semitic” hate speech deflection technique cannot be used as an excuse to discredit what she is saying.
Think of what you read here as a “public service” to those who know and accept Jesus Christ as our savior and look forward to a bright and shining future in his millennial reign and afterward his eternal kingdom, in which the horrific evil that we are faced with now no longer exists, nor do the perpetrators of it. To put it bluntly, the powerful Satanists will be cast into hell for eternity, so there is absolutely no reason to envy them or their system of control built entirely out of deception, infiltration, theft, degradation, ritual sacrifice, poisonings and mass murder. If you are a good and moral person – a variety of human that is in very short supply in these days – you should try to the best of your ability not to be a part of the wicked system and if possible to work against it to whatever extent possible whether small or large. Ask God for guidance on how to use your specific talents toward that end.
Obadiah 1:10 (referring to the mixed blood descendants of forefather Esau, who had a Canaanite/Edomite wife, or wives, a bloodline that was subsequently infused into the Asiatic Khazars, later known as Ashkenazi “Jews”) For thy violence against thy brother Jacob (the white race) shame shall cover thee, and thou shalt be cut off for ever.
Obadiah 1:18 And the house of Jacob (referring to white Christians descended from Jacob/Israel) shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau (primarily known as “Jews” in this era) for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them; and there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau; for the LORD hath spoken it.
Though most of the world went along with the “pandemic” scam there were a couple African nations with righteous leaders who did not march in lockstep with the scheme and these men were swiftly assassinated and replaced with political puppets. This is how the satanic “elite” operate. They simply use mercenaries to KILL any national leader who is not on board with their plans to own and control the entire planet. They have no conscience and no morals and believe that “might makes right”, as stated in the satanic Protocols … of Zion:
Protocol I, #12: Our right lies in force. The word "right" is an abstract thought and proved by nothing. The word means no more than: Give me what I want in order that thereby I may have a proof that I am stronger than you.
All during the Covid plandemic years while the world was fully distracted giant microwave transmission towers were being erected along highways, on top of mountains and tall buildings, on the sides of inner city apartment complexes and even in mailboxes and under manhole covers in some big cities. The death of many people in Wuhan, China, which we were told by controlled media was from “Covid”, can largely be attributed to the installation of these death ray emitting microwave transmitters. No big city was spared this rollout. The radiation from these transmitters is very harmful to the human body and the effects bring about flu-like symptoms. They can cause a host of other illnesses which routinely would be blamed on viruses. Waves in the gigahertz frequencies used for telecommunications just so happen to be the same frequencies that can deprive the lungs of oxygen! Over time, even low levels of microwave radiation can cause cancer.
Tens of thousands, if not millions of people have died from over-use and improper storage of their cell phones too close to the body in pockets, bras, and putting the phone up to one’s ear when using it. Cases of brain, breast and rectal cancer have risen dramatically, especially among people in their teens and twenties because they are unaware of the danger. It doesn’t help that they use their phones for everything. The devices might as well be a part of their bodies – and don’t laugh but that trans-humanist plan is also is in the works. The masters of evil are working to make the human body itself into a transmitter and receiver for microwave transmissions. This was yet another aspect of the vax agenda – to load human bodies up with self-assembling graphene oxide nano-particles that literally form circuitry inside the body. This circuitry is powered by microwaves, which are all around most of the time, especially in the cities. It has well been known by the industry for decades that transmissions from cell phones can cause cancer but no serious effort has been made to warn people about it because telecommunications is a multi-trillion dollar industry with the power to lobby governments into turning a blind eye to the health risks so that the telecom corporations may reap billions and billions of dollars in profit.
Many, if not most of the millions who were said to have died of “Covid” really died from microwave radiation. How convenient this blame shifting is for the telecom industry. This radiation is especially dangerous to a body that has been loaded with aluminum nano-particles, which were an ingredient in the Covid shots! It is also an ingredient in other vaccines such as flu shots and possibly even anesthetics. Almost everyone knows of someone in their circle of family and friends that has died prematurely after taking the “vaccine”. Does this not dovetail with the Georgia Guidestones mandate – to reduce global population to five-hundred million?
Matthew 24:21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.
If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and or military consequences of the lie…. If you tell a lie, tell a big one.
Josef Goebbels, Nazi Minister of Propaganda
We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false. William J. Casey, CIA Director, 1981
The only logical determination of the current state of the world is that it is run by satanic “destroyers” who are above the law and whose natural inclination is to kill off that which they cannot control and enslave those who are allowed to live. These destroyer/subverters will always be discontent because deep in the recesses of their consciousness they know that their ultimate fate is to face God and be condemned to hell. Isn’t this the exact reason they have done everything in their power to marginalize and eliminate Christianity and to make you think the Bible is a fairy tale? Why else would “they” exert such a monumental effort toward this? Are “they” working that hard to marginalize and eliminate the Koran, the Book of Mormon, the Pali Tipitaka, the works of Socrates or Plato, or the Talmud (especially not that "scripture" – because it lays out the plan on how to conquer the world through deception!). What these people can’t stand is the truth and especially the TRUTH of God’s Word, if read correctly, untainted by false “modern” translations, and oxymoronic Judeo-Christian evangelical and denominational misinterpretations. The Bible tells us the plain truth about “the synagogue of Satan” which is that they are those who CLAIM to be descended from the tribe of Judah, but are NOT, and just so happen to be that particular racial line that is behind most of the problems we speak of in these essays. Go back up and listen to what Roseann Barr has to say, and she admits in the interview that she is 100% “Jewish”, so the worn out “anti-Semitic” hate speech deflection technique cannot be used as an excuse to discredit what she is saying.
Think of what you read here as a “public service” to those who know and accept Jesus Christ as our savior and look forward to a bright and shining future in his millennial reign and afterward his eternal kingdom, in which the horrific evil that we are faced with now no longer exists, nor do the perpetrators of it. To put it bluntly, the powerful Satanists will be cast into hell for eternity, so there is absolutely no reason to envy them or their system of control built entirely out of deception, infiltration, theft, degradation, ritual sacrifice, poisonings and mass murder. If you are a good and moral person – a variety of human that is in very short supply in these days – you should try to the best of your ability not to be a part of the wicked system and if possible to work against it to whatever extent possible whether small or large. Ask God for guidance on how to use your specific talents toward that end.
Obadiah 1:10 (referring to the mixed blood descendants of forefather Esau, who had a Canaanite/Edomite wife, or wives, a bloodline that was subsequently infused into the Asiatic Khazars, later known as Ashkenazi “Jews”) For thy violence against thy brother Jacob (the white race) shame shall cover thee, and thou shalt be cut off for ever.
Obadiah 1:18 And the house of Jacob (referring to white Christians descended from Jacob/Israel) shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau (primarily known as “Jews” in this era) for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them; and there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau; for the LORD hath spoken it.
Giant Menorah on White House Lawn during Christmas. This is symbolic evidence that the
United States is controlled by “Jews”. A Christian cross is nowhere to be found.
United States is controlled by “Jews”. A Christian cross is nowhere to be found.
It is scriptures like those in the book of Obadiah that scare the hell out of the perpetrators of evil, as it should, and this is why they are always attacking and making fun of Christianity and trying to prevent YOU from studying biblical scripture. This is why “they” (the “Jews” of course) took the Bible out of schools. This is why we see a menorah (Talmudic “Jewish” symbol) on the White House lawn every Christmas rather than a cross. It is crystal clear from this display that America is no longer a Christian nation. It has been overtaken by Zionist “Jews” who are in utter opposition to Christians and Christianity. Public figures flippantly pray and ask God to bless this nation, but He is not going to bless us unless there is a mass repentance and our people turn back to God and his Word for guidance. Otherwise, you can be assured that things will only get worse for America, with the big boot of Zionism on its neck.
If we take .01% (representing the upper class) and multiply it by .01% (the very richest of the rich) and further multiply it by 8 billion, which for the sake of argument is the current human population of the planet, we arrive at 8,000. This is the approximate number of those at the very top of the pyramid of control, who are chief among the “synagogue of Satan”. These Satanists “call themselves Jews and are NOT” (they are NOT descended from the tribe of Judah) and they occupy the very highest financial strata, which sets the course for world events. Their wealth has been accumulated (basically stolen and hoarded) over centuries and it is so gargantuan that the wealth of well known billionaires, like Gates, Buffet, Zuckerberg, Brin, Page, Musk, Bloomberg, Larry Fink, Buffet etc. pales in comparison. These known oligarchs are actually “second tier”* and must follow the directives of the top tier or else they could very easily be marginalized or eliminated one way or another. The richest of the super-rich remain largely hidden. If their agents become a bother in some egregious way, such as Jeffrey Epstein with his “little black book” of high level pedophiles afraid of being exposed, death by “suicide” may be ordered. Occasionally “they” will let one of their own fall precipitously from grace, as was the case with the “Jewish” Wall Street ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff and of course Prince Andrew. Had Madoff limited his scam to “gentiles” he might still be alive. His mistake is that he ripped off members of his own tribe. He died in prison in April, 2021.
The great wealth of the known oligarchs is based upon their adherence to, and support of the very system of control that is antithetical to the lower 99% of humanity, and the crux of this control lies in the central banks, which MUST be eliminated if we are to have a sane world. If we humans don’t do this, then God will eventually step in and do it. In this severely lopsided system of things, even if one happens to be a millionaire, that amounts to nothing compared to the overwhelming and oppressive wealth of the 8,000, which is in the hundreds of trillions, most all of it STOLEN from the people, largely by usury, manipulation of exchange rates, corporate monopolization, war profiteering, boom and bust cycles, etc. The Bible informs us that “the love of money is the root of all evil” – not some evil, but ALL evil! Jesus taught that:
Matthew 6:24-28 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment? Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?
This scripture is extremely important because it shows us that there are two opposite poles of spirituality. It states absolutely that you can either serve “mammon” (money, wealth, materialism) or you can serve God. A soul in service of “mammon” is in essence serving Satan, the adversary of God. This does not say that money itself is bad, when a person works to obtain what money they truly need without depriving others in the process. However, when the accumulation of wealth and worldliness becomes an all-consuming passion then it is a destroyer of souls. In the Consolidated Webster Encyclopedic Dictionary of 1966 mammon is defined as:
The Syrian god of riches, mentioned in the New Testament as a personification of worldliness, hence, riches; wealth … Devotion to the service of Mammon or the pursuit of wealth; and a Mammonite as a person entirely devoted to the acquisition of wealth.
Le secret des grandes fortunes sans cause apparente est un crime oublié, parce qu’il a été proprement fait. Translation: The secret of a great success for which you are at a loss to account is a crime that has never been found out, because it was properly executed. Simplified: Behind every great fortune is a crime. Honoré de Balzac, “Le Père Goriot” published in “Revue de Paris”, 1834
The acquisition of great fortune goes beyond getting what is needed to live a reasonably comfortable life. When we take a look at exactly HOW those creatures in possession of really great wealth managed to accumulate their mountainous hoards we find that it was almost always done using tactics that run contrary to God’s commandments, the most basic of which are “thou shalt not steal”, “thou shalt not bear false witness” (do not lie) and “thou shalt not kill”, and that the taking of usury is wrong. For example: the cancerous conglomerations of wealth on this planet were largely the result of usury, which is a form of theft. The taker of usury is performing little to no real work but is profiting simply because of the fact that he has more money than he needs to live and can “float” the excess on the market.
Usury was ramped up to the next level of theft with the sorcery of “fractional reserve banking” which is the creation of loans out of nothing upon which interest (usury) is attached. This is inherently deceitful because people believe that the loans are backed by something of value, such as gold. It is appalling to think that Americans are over one trillion dollars in debt to credit cards! The average interest rate on this loan sharking is over 22%. This is outrageous, in lieu of the fact that most of this credit is created out of thin air by the banks. “They” are making a “killing” and many American people are swallowed up in debt that is difficult if not impossible to repay. Usury of this type, in particular, is theft. It is refreshing that Donald Trump, if elected, wants to at least order the banks to reduce the top credit card interest rate to 10%. Let us hope that he is able to do it but he must escape their assassination attempts and get into office first.
Nearly every government on the planet is now controlled by the usurers at a national central bank, which gets to literally create massive loans out of nothing to the respective government at interest. These loans are advanced with very little to no backing by real assets. In a very short time the nation is saddled with a “national debt”. The flip side of that coin is that government has what amounts to a “blank check” to borrow as much as it “needs” to carry out unpopular activities, such as war or bailouts for profligate banks and so-called "too big to fail" investment firms. The people would be utterly opposed to this should the issue be put before them in the form of extra taxation. Thus, the central bank is the vehicle by which a government may tax the people without them knowing about it.
How would the U.S. government get to stir up a war in Ukraine if the people were asked to pay more tax to enable it? It simply wouldn’t happen. This is why unscrupulous politicians over the last century have allowed the yoke of a central bank to be put upon the people. The banking oligarchy will push and push for a central bank, because lending money to governments is perhaps the most profitable business on the planet. The “inflation” that everyone is dealing with now is actually taxation in disguise for all kinds of projects desired by the government, which in turn is controlled by the Zionist “Jew” overlords. Isn’t it amazing that at least 90% of what the American government does is NOT supported nor desired by the people. This is ample evidence that this is not a government of the people for the people, but rather a government of and for a hidden oligarchy of plunderers.
The usurers at the helm of the central bank systems will do absolutely anything to maintain the power to create money out of nothing because it is an awesome power. Nobody but a banker gets to create money out of nothing and lend it to others at interest. We do not count among these villains your average local banker, who pulls a salary, generally serves the community and is not plotting to take over the world and enslave everyone in it. On the other hand, central bankers and the plutocrats in that orbit have no problem ordering the murder of their opponents if it keeps their system of grand theft in place. One “Jew” who says that he has converted to Christianity has allowed us a glimpse into the mind and character of those "Jews" who own and control the Federal Reserve, allied “too big to fail banks” and various corporate monopolies. This is how he describes his own race. We appreciate his frankness. He should probably get to know Roseanne Barr:
The Jews crave: 1. Possessions 2. Prestige 3. Power. Their “kingdom” is indeed of this world.
Jews live for the things of this world.
Jews crave possessions. Jews don’t believe what Jesus taught, “Take no thought for your life what you shall eat and what you shall put on.” -- Sermon on the Mount
Possessions give the Jews their security. For the Jews are basically a paranoid people with no sense of belonging amidst the “goys.”
Satan offers the Jews “bread alone” and the Jews have accepted his offer.
Jews crave prestige. Jews live for the glamour of this world. And Jews desire “glamour” for their children as well. A Jew’s “immortality” is bound up in his children to carry on his name after he dies and rots in the earth.
Indeed, Jews want their children to be doctors, lawyers, and CEO’s. This enhances the Jew’s “prestige” and guarantees him a place in the annals of society and history but not eternal life. Jews don’t care about eternal life. No, not at all. Satan offers the Jews “immortal prestige” and the Jews have accepted his offer.
Jews crave power. This is why there exists a “Jewish Democratic Committee” and a “Jewish Republican Committee.” This is why the Jews bribe politicians like John McCain, Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton with millions of dollars in donations. Simply put, Jews don’t like to take orders from anyone.
Jews want to give orders not take them. This is why the Jews run the Central Banks in America, England, France, and Germany.
Satan offers the Jews “kingdoms of this world” and the Jews have accepted his offer.
Only Christianity can break the Jews.
Jews fear Christianity more than any other thing. This is because Christianity puts Christians on top and Jews on the bottom. Jews fear this.
Americans must tell the Jews that Christ’s teachings are all about a “kingdom to come.” This is why the Jews lobbied to take prayer out of public schools. For as American children we once prayed, “Thy kingdom come.” (The Lord’s Prayer) But the Jews ended all of this. …
Nathanial Kapner, a.k.a. “Brother” Nathanial, 2008,
Below is a perfect example of a well known “Jew” who admits that inflation is theft, and yet he was the head of the central bank that steals from the American people every second of every day. He is quoted as having said: In the absence of the gold standard there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation.
Next to his photo we have provided a short interview of Alan Greenspan, 13th Chairman of the Federal Reserve, 1987-2006, seen on the 60 Minutes TV program a couple decades ago. Also includes interview with the extremely evasive Ben Bernanke, 14th Chairman of Fed.
If we take .01% (representing the upper class) and multiply it by .01% (the very richest of the rich) and further multiply it by 8 billion, which for the sake of argument is the current human population of the planet, we arrive at 8,000. This is the approximate number of those at the very top of the pyramid of control, who are chief among the “synagogue of Satan”. These Satanists “call themselves Jews and are NOT” (they are NOT descended from the tribe of Judah) and they occupy the very highest financial strata, which sets the course for world events. Their wealth has been accumulated (basically stolen and hoarded) over centuries and it is so gargantuan that the wealth of well known billionaires, like Gates, Buffet, Zuckerberg, Brin, Page, Musk, Bloomberg, Larry Fink, Buffet etc. pales in comparison. These known oligarchs are actually “second tier”* and must follow the directives of the top tier or else they could very easily be marginalized or eliminated one way or another. The richest of the super-rich remain largely hidden. If their agents become a bother in some egregious way, such as Jeffrey Epstein with his “little black book” of high level pedophiles afraid of being exposed, death by “suicide” may be ordered. Occasionally “they” will let one of their own fall precipitously from grace, as was the case with the “Jewish” Wall Street ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff and of course Prince Andrew. Had Madoff limited his scam to “gentiles” he might still be alive. His mistake is that he ripped off members of his own tribe. He died in prison in April, 2021.
The great wealth of the known oligarchs is based upon their adherence to, and support of the very system of control that is antithetical to the lower 99% of humanity, and the crux of this control lies in the central banks, which MUST be eliminated if we are to have a sane world. If we humans don’t do this, then God will eventually step in and do it. In this severely lopsided system of things, even if one happens to be a millionaire, that amounts to nothing compared to the overwhelming and oppressive wealth of the 8,000, which is in the hundreds of trillions, most all of it STOLEN from the people, largely by usury, manipulation of exchange rates, corporate monopolization, war profiteering, boom and bust cycles, etc. The Bible informs us that “the love of money is the root of all evil” – not some evil, but ALL evil! Jesus taught that:
Matthew 6:24-28 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment? Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?
This scripture is extremely important because it shows us that there are two opposite poles of spirituality. It states absolutely that you can either serve “mammon” (money, wealth, materialism) or you can serve God. A soul in service of “mammon” is in essence serving Satan, the adversary of God. This does not say that money itself is bad, when a person works to obtain what money they truly need without depriving others in the process. However, when the accumulation of wealth and worldliness becomes an all-consuming passion then it is a destroyer of souls. In the Consolidated Webster Encyclopedic Dictionary of 1966 mammon is defined as:
The Syrian god of riches, mentioned in the New Testament as a personification of worldliness, hence, riches; wealth … Devotion to the service of Mammon or the pursuit of wealth; and a Mammonite as a person entirely devoted to the acquisition of wealth.
Le secret des grandes fortunes sans cause apparente est un crime oublié, parce qu’il a été proprement fait. Translation: The secret of a great success for which you are at a loss to account is a crime that has never been found out, because it was properly executed. Simplified: Behind every great fortune is a crime. Honoré de Balzac, “Le Père Goriot” published in “Revue de Paris”, 1834
The acquisition of great fortune goes beyond getting what is needed to live a reasonably comfortable life. When we take a look at exactly HOW those creatures in possession of really great wealth managed to accumulate their mountainous hoards we find that it was almost always done using tactics that run contrary to God’s commandments, the most basic of which are “thou shalt not steal”, “thou shalt not bear false witness” (do not lie) and “thou shalt not kill”, and that the taking of usury is wrong. For example: the cancerous conglomerations of wealth on this planet were largely the result of usury, which is a form of theft. The taker of usury is performing little to no real work but is profiting simply because of the fact that he has more money than he needs to live and can “float” the excess on the market.
Usury was ramped up to the next level of theft with the sorcery of “fractional reserve banking” which is the creation of loans out of nothing upon which interest (usury) is attached. This is inherently deceitful because people believe that the loans are backed by something of value, such as gold. It is appalling to think that Americans are over one trillion dollars in debt to credit cards! The average interest rate on this loan sharking is over 22%. This is outrageous, in lieu of the fact that most of this credit is created out of thin air by the banks. “They” are making a “killing” and many American people are swallowed up in debt that is difficult if not impossible to repay. Usury of this type, in particular, is theft. It is refreshing that Donald Trump, if elected, wants to at least order the banks to reduce the top credit card interest rate to 10%. Let us hope that he is able to do it but he must escape their assassination attempts and get into office first.
Nearly every government on the planet is now controlled by the usurers at a national central bank, which gets to literally create massive loans out of nothing to the respective government at interest. These loans are advanced with very little to no backing by real assets. In a very short time the nation is saddled with a “national debt”. The flip side of that coin is that government has what amounts to a “blank check” to borrow as much as it “needs” to carry out unpopular activities, such as war or bailouts for profligate banks and so-called "too big to fail" investment firms. The people would be utterly opposed to this should the issue be put before them in the form of extra taxation. Thus, the central bank is the vehicle by which a government may tax the people without them knowing about it.
How would the U.S. government get to stir up a war in Ukraine if the people were asked to pay more tax to enable it? It simply wouldn’t happen. This is why unscrupulous politicians over the last century have allowed the yoke of a central bank to be put upon the people. The banking oligarchy will push and push for a central bank, because lending money to governments is perhaps the most profitable business on the planet. The “inflation” that everyone is dealing with now is actually taxation in disguise for all kinds of projects desired by the government, which in turn is controlled by the Zionist “Jew” overlords. Isn’t it amazing that at least 90% of what the American government does is NOT supported nor desired by the people. This is ample evidence that this is not a government of the people for the people, but rather a government of and for a hidden oligarchy of plunderers.
The usurers at the helm of the central bank systems will do absolutely anything to maintain the power to create money out of nothing because it is an awesome power. Nobody but a banker gets to create money out of nothing and lend it to others at interest. We do not count among these villains your average local banker, who pulls a salary, generally serves the community and is not plotting to take over the world and enslave everyone in it. On the other hand, central bankers and the plutocrats in that orbit have no problem ordering the murder of their opponents if it keeps their system of grand theft in place. One “Jew” who says that he has converted to Christianity has allowed us a glimpse into the mind and character of those "Jews" who own and control the Federal Reserve, allied “too big to fail banks” and various corporate monopolies. This is how he describes his own race. We appreciate his frankness. He should probably get to know Roseanne Barr:
The Jews crave: 1. Possessions 2. Prestige 3. Power. Their “kingdom” is indeed of this world.
Jews live for the things of this world.
Jews crave possessions. Jews don’t believe what Jesus taught, “Take no thought for your life what you shall eat and what you shall put on.” -- Sermon on the Mount
Possessions give the Jews their security. For the Jews are basically a paranoid people with no sense of belonging amidst the “goys.”
Satan offers the Jews “bread alone” and the Jews have accepted his offer.
Jews crave prestige. Jews live for the glamour of this world. And Jews desire “glamour” for their children as well. A Jew’s “immortality” is bound up in his children to carry on his name after he dies and rots in the earth.
Indeed, Jews want their children to be doctors, lawyers, and CEO’s. This enhances the Jew’s “prestige” and guarantees him a place in the annals of society and history but not eternal life. Jews don’t care about eternal life. No, not at all. Satan offers the Jews “immortal prestige” and the Jews have accepted his offer.
Jews crave power. This is why there exists a “Jewish Democratic Committee” and a “Jewish Republican Committee.” This is why the Jews bribe politicians like John McCain, Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton with millions of dollars in donations. Simply put, Jews don’t like to take orders from anyone.
Jews want to give orders not take them. This is why the Jews run the Central Banks in America, England, France, and Germany.
Satan offers the Jews “kingdoms of this world” and the Jews have accepted his offer.
Only Christianity can break the Jews.
Jews fear Christianity more than any other thing. This is because Christianity puts Christians on top and Jews on the bottom. Jews fear this.
Americans must tell the Jews that Christ’s teachings are all about a “kingdom to come.” This is why the Jews lobbied to take prayer out of public schools. For as American children we once prayed, “Thy kingdom come.” (The Lord’s Prayer) But the Jews ended all of this. …
Nathanial Kapner, a.k.a. “Brother” Nathanial, 2008,
Below is a perfect example of a well known “Jew” who admits that inflation is theft, and yet he was the head of the central bank that steals from the American people every second of every day. He is quoted as having said: In the absence of the gold standard there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation.
Next to his photo we have provided a short interview of Alan Greenspan, 13th Chairman of the Federal Reserve, 1987-2006, seen on the 60 Minutes TV program a couple decades ago. Also includes interview with the extremely evasive Ben Bernanke, 14th Chairman of Fed.
Alan Greenspan, former head of the Federal Reserve, gloats with pride as he receives a presidential “Medal of Freedom” from President George W. Bush in 2005. The title of the medal is rather ironic in this instance because the Fed is a bank of issue owned by a “Jewish” financial oligarchy, and in no way at all represents “freedom” because the Fed trumps the government. This photo also displays what most “Jews” live for, according to Nathanial Kapner: prestige, power and money. Greenspan is officially worth $20,000,000 but we suspect it is way more than that. With few exceptions, these “Jews” do not live to serve God, nor do they care about eternal life. Though in the eyes of the government and the misinformed public Greenspan was admired and respected, he really was nothing but another big usurer in service of the .01% of the .01% overlords. His gloating means less than nothing to God, who sums him and his kind up as follows:
Luke 16:14-15 And the Pharisees (the Canaanite-Edomite predecessors to today’s Rabbis, applies to anti-Christ “Jews” in general) also, who were covetous, heard all these things: and they derided him. (Jesus) And he said unto them, Ye are they which justify yourselves before men; but God knoweth your hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God.
If this were a sane world a traitorous usurer like Greenspan, running an unconstitutional criminal syndicate of organized theft should not be “esteemed among men” but he should be hanging his head in shame for having contributed in a big way to the pilfering of trillions upon trillions of dollars from the American people. This, quite obviously, is NOT a sane world. “Jews” like Greenspan are rather proud of their ability to steal from the goyim so as to line their pockets and enrich their fellow plunderers. The world has been rendered insane by the machinations of these thieves, a startling percentage of whom just so happen to be “Jews”. This cannot possibly be "coincidence". Greenspan is “Jewish”. His predecessor Ben Shalom Bernanke is “Jewish”, his predecessor Janet Yellen is “Jewish” and is also the current U.S. Secretary of the Treasury. After all of those “Jews” running the Fed, and apparently to appear less racist supremacist, “they” installed a “gentile front man”, Jerome Powell, as chairman but the central bank is still as “Jewish” as ever because it is entirely owned by “Jewish” dynasties and always has been. Because of this central bank and the allied banks in its orbit the American dollar has lost 97% of its value since 1913, the year in which the Federal Reserve parasite got its giant suction hose into the government! The Federal Reserve Act was the single most deceptive and ruinous piece of legislation ever passed by Congress. It was written by a “Jew” Paul Warburg, whose family controlled the German Reichbank (central bank). Warburg was sent to America for the express purpose of enslaving it under a debt based money system to the European oligarchy of “Jewish” central bankers. It’s hard to miss a certain racial commonality in this colossal scheme of plunder.
Luke 16:14-15 And the Pharisees (the Canaanite-Edomite predecessors to today’s Rabbis, applies to anti-Christ “Jews” in general) also, who were covetous, heard all these things: and they derided him. (Jesus) And he said unto them, Ye are they which justify yourselves before men; but God knoweth your hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God.
If this were a sane world a traitorous usurer like Greenspan, running an unconstitutional criminal syndicate of organized theft should not be “esteemed among men” but he should be hanging his head in shame for having contributed in a big way to the pilfering of trillions upon trillions of dollars from the American people. This, quite obviously, is NOT a sane world. “Jews” like Greenspan are rather proud of their ability to steal from the goyim so as to line their pockets and enrich their fellow plunderers. The world has been rendered insane by the machinations of these thieves, a startling percentage of whom just so happen to be “Jews”. This cannot possibly be "coincidence". Greenspan is “Jewish”. His predecessor Ben Shalom Bernanke is “Jewish”, his predecessor Janet Yellen is “Jewish” and is also the current U.S. Secretary of the Treasury. After all of those “Jews” running the Fed, and apparently to appear less racist supremacist, “they” installed a “gentile front man”, Jerome Powell, as chairman but the central bank is still as “Jewish” as ever because it is entirely owned by “Jewish” dynasties and always has been. Because of this central bank and the allied banks in its orbit the American dollar has lost 97% of its value since 1913, the year in which the Federal Reserve parasite got its giant suction hose into the government! The Federal Reserve Act was the single most deceptive and ruinous piece of legislation ever passed by Congress. It was written by a “Jew” Paul Warburg, whose family controlled the German Reichbank (central bank). Warburg was sent to America for the express purpose of enslaving it under a debt based money system to the European oligarchy of “Jewish” central bankers. It’s hard to miss a certain racial commonality in this colossal scheme of plunder.
Paul Warburg, author of the Federal Reserve Act and Vice Chairman of the Fed from 1916-1918
The price of one ounce of silver is now (as of September-October, 2024) over $32. In 1913, the year the Fed was established, one ounce of silver was worth $1 and a one dollar bill could be taken to any bank and traded for an ounce of silver!!! Try trading some of your paper dollars for ANY silver or gold at a bank today and you’ll get a bewildered look at best or get laughed at. That window of opportunity closed completely under the Nixon administration. This is evidence of the old axiom that “all paper money eventually returns to its true value, which is zero”. With all of the unnecessary government spending the dollar is spiraling downward like the proverbial lead balloon but despite that, it is still, so to speak, “The prettiest belle at the ball”, to put in the words of one pundit. This is because the world’s other paper currencies have been devalued even more by their own governments’ profligate spending, which without doubt these governments were forced into by the manipulations of international bankers -- war after war, bailouts, and profligate spending for things that the people did not and do not want.
It has recently come to light that the Biden Administration has conjured up nearly a trillion dollars, which it has divvied out to NGOs, in particular Jewish Family Services, for the purpose of importing 20 million plus illegal immigrants into America. "They" are doing this for the purpose of cementing a feudalist slavery system in place. This is yet another example of the Federal government completely and utterly ignoring the will of the people in favor of what is desired by the “Jewish” oligarchy. America no longer even comes close to operating as a republic as proscribed by the Constitution. It is obvious that Trump wishes to reverse this atrocity by deporting some of these illegal aliens – at least those with criminal records -- and perhaps more, if they can be found. This is why “they” (the “Jewish” oligarchy) wants him DEAD. He is not just another puppet on a string, as is Kamala Harris. Donald Trump also seems to understand perfectly well the importance of maintaining the dollar as the world’s “reserve currency” and he is willing to fight to maintain its status. Trump is NOT on board with the World Economic Forum's idea of letting the dollar die so it can be overtaken by a BRICs currency, which they would follow up with an oppressive global digital currency. A cashless system such as this would eradicate freedom for everyone on the planet. If and/or when that happens it would bring about the fulfillment of the following prophecy:
Revelation 13:16-18 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
There has been an incredible loss of value of all paper and electronic currency over time due to “inflation”. What this means is that the world’s money supply has been puffed up like a balloon, and it is due to pop at any time, and this is why the central bankers are scurrying around like the stinking sewer rats that they are to replace this debt based system with Central Bank Digital Currency, (CBDC). It would be an even worse system of enslavement than the current onerous debt-based system because then all of the digital dollars would be trackable and traceable and could be cut on and off at the whim of stifling algorithmic protocols underwritten by the same central bankers who want to preserve their unjust power over humanity after their paper/electronic currency system crashes.
Once these plutocrats gain power over a nation, or the entire world – which is their ultimate goal -- they will do ANYTHING to STAY in power. These are people without morals or conscience. They are cold-blooded killers and super-materialists. Another illustration of this particular mindset is the recent blitzkrieg of dirty tricks and scams of the Democrat Party, which is determined to win the upcoming election, even if it has to kill Trump to make it happen! All of this is like “theatre” and it sure does keep you on the edge of your seat. The assassination attempts on Trump had to have been directed by someone and that someone or some entity has to be within the current Democrat “Jewish”-controlled government or even above that level at the central bank that owns the government – the Fed. How does a shady character like Ryan Routh (a “Jew”) afford to have a “girlfriend” who was a Victoria’s Secrets model, to flit here and there, one day in Hawaii, another day in Ukraine rubbing shoulders with hard-nosed assassins and “recruiting” for the Ukrainian army, on a roofer’s salary? How does one explain the “coincidence” that the kid Matthew Crooks had once appeared in a commercial for Blackrock? There is no such thing as a “lone assassin”. These events are ordered from on high – by someone within the “party” that will profit and preserve power by permanently removing some important, populist leader. It has happened time and time again. Consider the U.S. presidents who have already been assassinated by banker agents – and that’s just in America. This kind of thing happens all over the world, and quite often.
To date, the Federal Reserve institution of PRIVATE “Jewish” banker-oligarchs has controlled the U.S. money supply for 112 years. The U.S. government is in service of IT, rather than the other way around. It has often been said that the Fed is neither Federal nor does it have any reserves, because it doesn’t need any. This is because it is able to create loans to the government out of NOTHING and then charge the government interest on this money which COULD have been created interest free by proclamation of Congress through the Treasury, as proscribed by the U.S. Constitution. Money creation by a private cartel of bankers is THE number one cause of Federal debt. In 1913 the Fed supplanted the U.S. Treasury as the chief money creation apparatus for the country. The Treasury has henceforth been reduced to being an arm of the Fed. Both Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy were assassinated largely because they were averse to paying interest to “Jewish” banker-oligarchs who create money (through debt) out of nothing. Lesser known presidents McKinley and Garfield were also in favor of “sound money” and opposed to a usurious, inflationary central bank controlled by European aristocrats. Not only have they been cast into the dust bin of history, but they were also killed by agents of the “Jewish” money power. Recently in a television interview Trump stated that being president is perhaps the most dangerous job in the world. He lamented that 7% of presidents die on the job. The percentage is actually higher than that.
In the last several years the Fed and Blackrock, run by Larry Fink, a “Jew”, have forged a deep relationship, with the Fed using Blackrock to “manage its assets” and formulate policy. This development is not good for the American people, since Blackrock is pretty much as unaccountable and opaque as the Fed. It is basically a massive vacuum cleaner for the oligarchy, hoovering over various asset classes and sucking them into its vortex with no concern for the dust that is stirred up in the process – i.e. wealth stripped from the people, property stolen and lives ruined. It has been said that Blackrock is like a “fourth branch of government”. Blackrock and its sister investment giants Vanguard and State Street (and to a lesser extent the other Wall Street investment giants) manage a controlling interest of stock shares in every single Fortune 500 corporation on the planet. All of these firms are run by “Jews”, putting an inordinate amount of power, both financial and political, in the hands of anti-nationalist, anti-Constitution robber barons, and their second and third tier managers whose goal is one world Zionist-satanic government. These are not people who value national sovereignty or freedom for the people. "They" want the opposite - absolute control over humanity. If "they" brag about “diversity” within their ranks it is a ruse because the top positions are nearly always occupied by “Jews”. Wall Street is as “Jewish” as a bar mitzvah. These firms, we believe, are where “old money” European Ashkenazi-Khazarian “Jewish” dynasties, some of whom go all the way back to the Venetian banking oligarchy, have stashed a huge amount of their investment capital. “They” are using these titanic hoards of wealth to steer the course of history in their favor as they slowly absorb what now belongs to “the people”.
The goal of the Fed, according to stock and investment expert Gregory Mannarino (who has an entertaining and informative daily podcast on Bitchute) is to be the “lender and owner of last resort”, meaning very simply that it is their intention to own everything on the planet. This unfortunately is no joke. We can see this happening in real time with their partner Blackrock’s mad spree to purchase single family homes, often an entire neighborhood at a time, even at more than these houses are worth, so they can be turned into high dollar rental property with stomach grinding ironclad leases designed to impoverish and defraud tenants. Other Wall Street firms such as Blackstone are playing this same game of absorbing the housing of America and reducing would be home buyers into perpetual tenants. “Private equity” firm pirates are buying up entire trailer parks, cutting back on maintenance and amenities and raising rents. Some of the people living in them have suddenly become so financially strapped that they will soon be homeless. Make no mistake: this is neo-feudalism, an agenda that fits perfectly with Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum mantra: “You (the people) will own nothing and be happy”. We the people would not be happy and are justified by God Almighty to remove this parasite in accordance with His will, when He is ready for us to do so. It has been prophesied. See Obadiah 1:18 quoted above. There are other prophecies in this regard such as:
Malachi 3:9 Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation.
Malachi 4:1-3 For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch. But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall. And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the LORD of hosts.
The assassination of John F. Kennedy was, we believe, a coup directed by the usurers at the Fed because he was threatening their system of control. He had the courage to go around their debt money system and direct the U.S. Treasury create money as proscribed by the U.S. Constitution. He did this through the issuance of U.S. dollars upon which no interest was attached. Upon his death the “Jewish” Vice President (and Fed puppet) Lyndon Banes Johnson removed this currency from circulation and closed the door to further money creation outside of the Federal Reserve System. No president since Kennedy has attempted to poke the Fed beast.
Other past presidents, such as Garfield, McKinley and Lincoln attempted to fight the “Jewish” money power and met with untimely demise. Two and a half centuries ago, in the late 1700s Meyer Amschel Rothschild, forefather of the modern day usurious fractional reserve system as well as corporate monopolization, determined that there was no business more profitable than lending money at interest to princes, kings and governments. Since psychopathic money grubbers like Rothschild are devoid of ethics and conscience and worship mammon, actually believing that they (and their tribe) are entitled to own the entire planet, and everyone but them is “subhuman” they then devised methods by which to force governments to borrow money. Chief among these methods is stirring up wars through political intrigue and trigger events. Three such modern events were the 1) sinking of the Lusitania, 2) the bombing of Pearl Harbor, 3) the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center which was made to seem like an attack by foreign terrorists. In actuality, it was an inside job conducted by the CIA in conjunction with the Israeli Mossad.
The Rockefeller dynasty also had an ownership interest in the World Trade Center. We can be sure that their fingerprints could be found somewhere in the rubble of the 911 mass murder which is why the debris was swiftly removed – by order of New York mayor Giuliani. This prevented scientists from thoroughly examining the rubble. It is likely that small thermo-nuclear bombs were used because impact by an airplane would have been insufficient to cause such catastrophic damage. The buildings were designed to withstand the impact of a 747 jet. Bystanders witnessed explosions starting at the top and working their way down – boom … boom … boom … boom, as the buildings neatly fell to the ground. These bombs were planted in secret locations within the buildings by an Israeli “asbestos abatement” firm. All in all, the “mission” was accomplished, which was to get the U.S. embroiled in another series of wars.
After stirring up a war the central bankers then lend money to both sides of the conflict so there is no way they can fail to profit. It doesn’t matter to them who “wins” because central banking is a multi-billion dollar international robbery scheme. The central banks all work together because they are all roughly owned by the same small group of plutocrats, most of them “Jews”. War IS mass murder but that is perfectly OK for this satanic oligarchy because they do not value human life. They actually consider themselves to be superior “species” to the “goyim” who, invariably, are the ones sent to die on grim battlefields. They have even been known to sacrifice some of the “lesser brethren” “Jews” if needed to fulfill their goals. One such example is the so-called “Holocaust”. Enough “Jews” had to die so the myth of the six million would stick. The instigators and financiers of wars are NEVER going to be the ones on the battlefield. These evil warmongers use bribery and a web of political intrigue to get wars started while sitting back and reaping the profits. They also oversee the heavy propaganda needed to “convince” government officials and the people that the next war is absolutely necessary, to “protect our democracy”, “to fight for freedom”, “to replace this or that regime with a democracy”. The reasons given are always bunk. All wars are for profit banker wars. Do these world class villains feel any guilt about the many deaths resulting from their wars? Read the following and come to your own conclusion. The “Jewish” plutocracy has rabbis such as these for their “spiritual” advisors:
The difference between a Jewish soul and the souls of non-Jews – all of them on different levels – is greater and deeper than the difference between a human soul and the souls of cattle.
Rabbi Kook the Elder
We do not have a case of profound change in which a person is merely on a superior level. Rather we have a case of … a totally different species…. The body of a Jewish person is of a totally different quality from the body of [members] of all nations of the world…. The difference of the inner quality [of the body]…is so great that the bodies would be considered as completely different species. This is the reason why the Talmud states that there is an halachic (legal) difference in attitude about the bodies of non-Jews [as opposed to the bodies of Jews]: “their bodies are in vain”…. An even greater difference exists in regard to the soul. Two contrary types of soul exist, a non-Jewish soul comes from three satanic spheres, while the Jewish soul stems from holiness. Rabbi Mendel Schneerson, quoted from Shahak, I., and Mezvinsky, N. 1999. Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel. London: Pluto Press, pages 59–60.
Everything about us is different. Jews are ontologically (by their nature or existence) exceptional. Elie Weisel (recently deceased Holohoax profiteer)
Here is what the Bible has to say about such outrageous hubris:
Proverbs 16:18 Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.
Matthew 23:4-7 For they bind heavy burdens and grievous to be borne, and lay them on men’s shoulders; but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers. But all their works they do for to be seen of men: they make broad their phylacteries, and enlarge the borders of their garments, And love the uppermost rooms at feasts, and the chief seats in the synagogues, And greetings in the markets, and to be called of men, Rabbi, Rabbi.
Getting to the bottom of the “Jewish problem” is quite tiring, and one has to move tons of research “dirt” in order to find the essential “gold” nuggets of truth. This truth will not be found in popular or mainstream sources or in “academic” forums because the usual suspects own the media and the book publishing companies and donate huge sums to the colleges, with strings attached, which is that history has to be rewritten to suit “them”. It would seem that the reason for the “Jew’s” success in infiltrating, overcoming and lording over “gentile” societies is their unrelenting, demonically driven hyper drive and an obsessive racial cohesiveness coupled with a belief that they are a superior species. When “gentiles” go along with this and proclaim that the “Jews are God’s chosen people” this puffs up the “Jew” even more. If they are “chosen” it is actually by “their father the devil”, as Jesus stated in John 8:44. The racial cohesiveness of “Jews” is cemented by their leaders who whip the “lesser brethren” into shape by constantly reminding them that they must be on the defensive, because the whole world is out to kill them and they must be ever vigilant against “anti-Semitism”. A belief system such as this is bound to cause hyper attentive paranoia and a tendency toward “knee-jerk” reactions for self-preservation – even if the “threat” level is extremely low. “Jews” are ALWAYS on the offensive because they fear a justified reaction – similar to how a “cheater” fears being discovered.
The so-called “gentile’s” genetic propensity is generally toward a “leave me alone to do my thing” type of individuality. In short, the “Jew” is pushy, persistent and like a pack animal, always asserting in order to gain the upper hand – no matter what it is, or if it even doesn’t matter in the general scheme of things. Note that in local affairs and wherever there is a group of any type, whether it be a City Council, a neighborhood group or a political activist group or even a group of writers “Jews” always seem to dominate the discussion – not because they are any better, but because they have a narcissistic need to be heard, to be admired, to be celebrated and to be in charge. Go back up and re-read the quote from Brother Nathanial. The “Jew” does not believe in “live and let live”. The “Jew” does not value godly humility, as we see in Jesus’ assessment of the Pharisees (see Matthew 23:4-7 above). They, as a general rule, believe in “conquer and subjugate” and this trait follows them all the way to the top of the economic dung heap.
The current situation in the United States is the result of an awesome deployment of Jewish power and influence. One must contemplate the fact that American Jews have managed to maintain unquestioned support for Israel over the last thirty-five years despite Israel’s seizing land and engaging in a brutal occupation of the Palestinians in the occupied territories—an occupation that will most likely end with expulsion or complete subjugation, degradation, and apartheid (McDonald was quite prescient in this over two decades ago because that is happening right now with the war in Gaza – ed.) During this same period Jewish organizations in America have been a principal force—in my view the main force—for erecting a state dedicated to suppressing ethnic identification among Europeans, for encouraging massive multi-ethnic immigration into the U.S., (also in full force with the Biden/Harris regime’s open border, mass migration scheme – ed.) and for erecting a legal system and cultural ideology that is obsessively sensitive to the complaints and interests of ethnic minorities: the culture of the Holocaust. Dr. Kevin McDonald, Understanding Jewish Influence, I: Background Traits for Jewish Activism, Abstract, the Culture of Critique, 2002.
No war is ever fully understood, much less desired by the masses. Very few in the U.S., for example, understand or are in favor of us being involved in a war in Ukraine, Israel, Syria, Iran, etc. but the “Neocons” (a large percentage of them “Jews”) and bankers in control of the financial system want these wars because the value of their stock investments will go way up. There is also billions of dollars in profit to be made in the usurious enterprise of lending money to government – which is exactly where the “military industrial complex” gets most of its money! They certainly don’t get it from "free enterprise" because nobody would want their war machinery if the government didn’t buy it. The “military industrial complex” routinely receives funding from the federal government anyway, but ESPECIALLY if there is a war. American imperialism is fueled by the ravenous appetite of the for profit military industrial complex seeking something to keep it busy. You've heard the phrase "if your only tool is a hammer then every problem looks like a nail."
It has recently come to light that the Biden Administration has conjured up nearly a trillion dollars, which it has divvied out to NGOs, in particular Jewish Family Services, for the purpose of importing 20 million plus illegal immigrants into America. "They" are doing this for the purpose of cementing a feudalist slavery system in place. This is yet another example of the Federal government completely and utterly ignoring the will of the people in favor of what is desired by the “Jewish” oligarchy. America no longer even comes close to operating as a republic as proscribed by the Constitution. It is obvious that Trump wishes to reverse this atrocity by deporting some of these illegal aliens – at least those with criminal records -- and perhaps more, if they can be found. This is why “they” (the “Jewish” oligarchy) wants him DEAD. He is not just another puppet on a string, as is Kamala Harris. Donald Trump also seems to understand perfectly well the importance of maintaining the dollar as the world’s “reserve currency” and he is willing to fight to maintain its status. Trump is NOT on board with the World Economic Forum's idea of letting the dollar die so it can be overtaken by a BRICs currency, which they would follow up with an oppressive global digital currency. A cashless system such as this would eradicate freedom for everyone on the planet. If and/or when that happens it would bring about the fulfillment of the following prophecy:
Revelation 13:16-18 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
There has been an incredible loss of value of all paper and electronic currency over time due to “inflation”. What this means is that the world’s money supply has been puffed up like a balloon, and it is due to pop at any time, and this is why the central bankers are scurrying around like the stinking sewer rats that they are to replace this debt based system with Central Bank Digital Currency, (CBDC). It would be an even worse system of enslavement than the current onerous debt-based system because then all of the digital dollars would be trackable and traceable and could be cut on and off at the whim of stifling algorithmic protocols underwritten by the same central bankers who want to preserve their unjust power over humanity after their paper/electronic currency system crashes.
Once these plutocrats gain power over a nation, or the entire world – which is their ultimate goal -- they will do ANYTHING to STAY in power. These are people without morals or conscience. They are cold-blooded killers and super-materialists. Another illustration of this particular mindset is the recent blitzkrieg of dirty tricks and scams of the Democrat Party, which is determined to win the upcoming election, even if it has to kill Trump to make it happen! All of this is like “theatre” and it sure does keep you on the edge of your seat. The assassination attempts on Trump had to have been directed by someone and that someone or some entity has to be within the current Democrat “Jewish”-controlled government or even above that level at the central bank that owns the government – the Fed. How does a shady character like Ryan Routh (a “Jew”) afford to have a “girlfriend” who was a Victoria’s Secrets model, to flit here and there, one day in Hawaii, another day in Ukraine rubbing shoulders with hard-nosed assassins and “recruiting” for the Ukrainian army, on a roofer’s salary? How does one explain the “coincidence” that the kid Matthew Crooks had once appeared in a commercial for Blackrock? There is no such thing as a “lone assassin”. These events are ordered from on high – by someone within the “party” that will profit and preserve power by permanently removing some important, populist leader. It has happened time and time again. Consider the U.S. presidents who have already been assassinated by banker agents – and that’s just in America. This kind of thing happens all over the world, and quite often.
To date, the Federal Reserve institution of PRIVATE “Jewish” banker-oligarchs has controlled the U.S. money supply for 112 years. The U.S. government is in service of IT, rather than the other way around. It has often been said that the Fed is neither Federal nor does it have any reserves, because it doesn’t need any. This is because it is able to create loans to the government out of NOTHING and then charge the government interest on this money which COULD have been created interest free by proclamation of Congress through the Treasury, as proscribed by the U.S. Constitution. Money creation by a private cartel of bankers is THE number one cause of Federal debt. In 1913 the Fed supplanted the U.S. Treasury as the chief money creation apparatus for the country. The Treasury has henceforth been reduced to being an arm of the Fed. Both Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy were assassinated largely because they were averse to paying interest to “Jewish” banker-oligarchs who create money (through debt) out of nothing. Lesser known presidents McKinley and Garfield were also in favor of “sound money” and opposed to a usurious, inflationary central bank controlled by European aristocrats. Not only have they been cast into the dust bin of history, but they were also killed by agents of the “Jewish” money power. Recently in a television interview Trump stated that being president is perhaps the most dangerous job in the world. He lamented that 7% of presidents die on the job. The percentage is actually higher than that.
In the last several years the Fed and Blackrock, run by Larry Fink, a “Jew”, have forged a deep relationship, with the Fed using Blackrock to “manage its assets” and formulate policy. This development is not good for the American people, since Blackrock is pretty much as unaccountable and opaque as the Fed. It is basically a massive vacuum cleaner for the oligarchy, hoovering over various asset classes and sucking them into its vortex with no concern for the dust that is stirred up in the process – i.e. wealth stripped from the people, property stolen and lives ruined. It has been said that Blackrock is like a “fourth branch of government”. Blackrock and its sister investment giants Vanguard and State Street (and to a lesser extent the other Wall Street investment giants) manage a controlling interest of stock shares in every single Fortune 500 corporation on the planet. All of these firms are run by “Jews”, putting an inordinate amount of power, both financial and political, in the hands of anti-nationalist, anti-Constitution robber barons, and their second and third tier managers whose goal is one world Zionist-satanic government. These are not people who value national sovereignty or freedom for the people. "They" want the opposite - absolute control over humanity. If "they" brag about “diversity” within their ranks it is a ruse because the top positions are nearly always occupied by “Jews”. Wall Street is as “Jewish” as a bar mitzvah. These firms, we believe, are where “old money” European Ashkenazi-Khazarian “Jewish” dynasties, some of whom go all the way back to the Venetian banking oligarchy, have stashed a huge amount of their investment capital. “They” are using these titanic hoards of wealth to steer the course of history in their favor as they slowly absorb what now belongs to “the people”.
The goal of the Fed, according to stock and investment expert Gregory Mannarino (who has an entertaining and informative daily podcast on Bitchute) is to be the “lender and owner of last resort”, meaning very simply that it is their intention to own everything on the planet. This unfortunately is no joke. We can see this happening in real time with their partner Blackrock’s mad spree to purchase single family homes, often an entire neighborhood at a time, even at more than these houses are worth, so they can be turned into high dollar rental property with stomach grinding ironclad leases designed to impoverish and defraud tenants. Other Wall Street firms such as Blackstone are playing this same game of absorbing the housing of America and reducing would be home buyers into perpetual tenants. “Private equity” firm pirates are buying up entire trailer parks, cutting back on maintenance and amenities and raising rents. Some of the people living in them have suddenly become so financially strapped that they will soon be homeless. Make no mistake: this is neo-feudalism, an agenda that fits perfectly with Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum mantra: “You (the people) will own nothing and be happy”. We the people would not be happy and are justified by God Almighty to remove this parasite in accordance with His will, when He is ready for us to do so. It has been prophesied. See Obadiah 1:18 quoted above. There are other prophecies in this regard such as:
Malachi 3:9 Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation.
Malachi 4:1-3 For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch. But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall. And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the LORD of hosts.
The assassination of John F. Kennedy was, we believe, a coup directed by the usurers at the Fed because he was threatening their system of control. He had the courage to go around their debt money system and direct the U.S. Treasury create money as proscribed by the U.S. Constitution. He did this through the issuance of U.S. dollars upon which no interest was attached. Upon his death the “Jewish” Vice President (and Fed puppet) Lyndon Banes Johnson removed this currency from circulation and closed the door to further money creation outside of the Federal Reserve System. No president since Kennedy has attempted to poke the Fed beast.
Other past presidents, such as Garfield, McKinley and Lincoln attempted to fight the “Jewish” money power and met with untimely demise. Two and a half centuries ago, in the late 1700s Meyer Amschel Rothschild, forefather of the modern day usurious fractional reserve system as well as corporate monopolization, determined that there was no business more profitable than lending money at interest to princes, kings and governments. Since psychopathic money grubbers like Rothschild are devoid of ethics and conscience and worship mammon, actually believing that they (and their tribe) are entitled to own the entire planet, and everyone but them is “subhuman” they then devised methods by which to force governments to borrow money. Chief among these methods is stirring up wars through political intrigue and trigger events. Three such modern events were the 1) sinking of the Lusitania, 2) the bombing of Pearl Harbor, 3) the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center which was made to seem like an attack by foreign terrorists. In actuality, it was an inside job conducted by the CIA in conjunction with the Israeli Mossad.
The Rockefeller dynasty also had an ownership interest in the World Trade Center. We can be sure that their fingerprints could be found somewhere in the rubble of the 911 mass murder which is why the debris was swiftly removed – by order of New York mayor Giuliani. This prevented scientists from thoroughly examining the rubble. It is likely that small thermo-nuclear bombs were used because impact by an airplane would have been insufficient to cause such catastrophic damage. The buildings were designed to withstand the impact of a 747 jet. Bystanders witnessed explosions starting at the top and working their way down – boom … boom … boom … boom, as the buildings neatly fell to the ground. These bombs were planted in secret locations within the buildings by an Israeli “asbestos abatement” firm. All in all, the “mission” was accomplished, which was to get the U.S. embroiled in another series of wars.
After stirring up a war the central bankers then lend money to both sides of the conflict so there is no way they can fail to profit. It doesn’t matter to them who “wins” because central banking is a multi-billion dollar international robbery scheme. The central banks all work together because they are all roughly owned by the same small group of plutocrats, most of them “Jews”. War IS mass murder but that is perfectly OK for this satanic oligarchy because they do not value human life. They actually consider themselves to be superior “species” to the “goyim” who, invariably, are the ones sent to die on grim battlefields. They have even been known to sacrifice some of the “lesser brethren” “Jews” if needed to fulfill their goals. One such example is the so-called “Holocaust”. Enough “Jews” had to die so the myth of the six million would stick. The instigators and financiers of wars are NEVER going to be the ones on the battlefield. These evil warmongers use bribery and a web of political intrigue to get wars started while sitting back and reaping the profits. They also oversee the heavy propaganda needed to “convince” government officials and the people that the next war is absolutely necessary, to “protect our democracy”, “to fight for freedom”, “to replace this or that regime with a democracy”. The reasons given are always bunk. All wars are for profit banker wars. Do these world class villains feel any guilt about the many deaths resulting from their wars? Read the following and come to your own conclusion. The “Jewish” plutocracy has rabbis such as these for their “spiritual” advisors:
The difference between a Jewish soul and the souls of non-Jews – all of them on different levels – is greater and deeper than the difference between a human soul and the souls of cattle.
Rabbi Kook the Elder
We do not have a case of profound change in which a person is merely on a superior level. Rather we have a case of … a totally different species…. The body of a Jewish person is of a totally different quality from the body of [members] of all nations of the world…. The difference of the inner quality [of the body]…is so great that the bodies would be considered as completely different species. This is the reason why the Talmud states that there is an halachic (legal) difference in attitude about the bodies of non-Jews [as opposed to the bodies of Jews]: “their bodies are in vain”…. An even greater difference exists in regard to the soul. Two contrary types of soul exist, a non-Jewish soul comes from three satanic spheres, while the Jewish soul stems from holiness. Rabbi Mendel Schneerson, quoted from Shahak, I., and Mezvinsky, N. 1999. Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel. London: Pluto Press, pages 59–60.
Everything about us is different. Jews are ontologically (by their nature or existence) exceptional. Elie Weisel (recently deceased Holohoax profiteer)
Here is what the Bible has to say about such outrageous hubris:
Proverbs 16:18 Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.
Matthew 23:4-7 For they bind heavy burdens and grievous to be borne, and lay them on men’s shoulders; but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers. But all their works they do for to be seen of men: they make broad their phylacteries, and enlarge the borders of their garments, And love the uppermost rooms at feasts, and the chief seats in the synagogues, And greetings in the markets, and to be called of men, Rabbi, Rabbi.
Getting to the bottom of the “Jewish problem” is quite tiring, and one has to move tons of research “dirt” in order to find the essential “gold” nuggets of truth. This truth will not be found in popular or mainstream sources or in “academic” forums because the usual suspects own the media and the book publishing companies and donate huge sums to the colleges, with strings attached, which is that history has to be rewritten to suit “them”. It would seem that the reason for the “Jew’s” success in infiltrating, overcoming and lording over “gentile” societies is their unrelenting, demonically driven hyper drive and an obsessive racial cohesiveness coupled with a belief that they are a superior species. When “gentiles” go along with this and proclaim that the “Jews are God’s chosen people” this puffs up the “Jew” even more. If they are “chosen” it is actually by “their father the devil”, as Jesus stated in John 8:44. The racial cohesiveness of “Jews” is cemented by their leaders who whip the “lesser brethren” into shape by constantly reminding them that they must be on the defensive, because the whole world is out to kill them and they must be ever vigilant against “anti-Semitism”. A belief system such as this is bound to cause hyper attentive paranoia and a tendency toward “knee-jerk” reactions for self-preservation – even if the “threat” level is extremely low. “Jews” are ALWAYS on the offensive because they fear a justified reaction – similar to how a “cheater” fears being discovered.
The so-called “gentile’s” genetic propensity is generally toward a “leave me alone to do my thing” type of individuality. In short, the “Jew” is pushy, persistent and like a pack animal, always asserting in order to gain the upper hand – no matter what it is, or if it even doesn’t matter in the general scheme of things. Note that in local affairs and wherever there is a group of any type, whether it be a City Council, a neighborhood group or a political activist group or even a group of writers “Jews” always seem to dominate the discussion – not because they are any better, but because they have a narcissistic need to be heard, to be admired, to be celebrated and to be in charge. Go back up and re-read the quote from Brother Nathanial. The “Jew” does not believe in “live and let live”. The “Jew” does not value godly humility, as we see in Jesus’ assessment of the Pharisees (see Matthew 23:4-7 above). They, as a general rule, believe in “conquer and subjugate” and this trait follows them all the way to the top of the economic dung heap.
The current situation in the United States is the result of an awesome deployment of Jewish power and influence. One must contemplate the fact that American Jews have managed to maintain unquestioned support for Israel over the last thirty-five years despite Israel’s seizing land and engaging in a brutal occupation of the Palestinians in the occupied territories—an occupation that will most likely end with expulsion or complete subjugation, degradation, and apartheid (McDonald was quite prescient in this over two decades ago because that is happening right now with the war in Gaza – ed.) During this same period Jewish organizations in America have been a principal force—in my view the main force—for erecting a state dedicated to suppressing ethnic identification among Europeans, for encouraging massive multi-ethnic immigration into the U.S., (also in full force with the Biden/Harris regime’s open border, mass migration scheme – ed.) and for erecting a legal system and cultural ideology that is obsessively sensitive to the complaints and interests of ethnic minorities: the culture of the Holocaust. Dr. Kevin McDonald, Understanding Jewish Influence, I: Background Traits for Jewish Activism, Abstract, the Culture of Critique, 2002.
No war is ever fully understood, much less desired by the masses. Very few in the U.S., for example, understand or are in favor of us being involved in a war in Ukraine, Israel, Syria, Iran, etc. but the “Neocons” (a large percentage of them “Jews”) and bankers in control of the financial system want these wars because the value of their stock investments will go way up. There is also billions of dollars in profit to be made in the usurious enterprise of lending money to government – which is exactly where the “military industrial complex” gets most of its money! They certainly don’t get it from "free enterprise" because nobody would want their war machinery if the government didn’t buy it. The “military industrial complex” routinely receives funding from the federal government anyway, but ESPECIALLY if there is a war. American imperialism is fueled by the ravenous appetite of the for profit military industrial complex seeking something to keep it busy. You've heard the phrase "if your only tool is a hammer then every problem looks like a nail."
All of the stuff purchased by governments for war is incredibly overpriced, so this is yet another level of theft. It is amazing and appalling that vast sums of money – even trillions of dollars – can simply disappear into a black hole vortex of theft and no one seems to know where it went. How is it possible not to be able to account for a 2.3 trillion dollars, such as went missing just prior to 911? This is the kind of crap the American people are expected to swallow – “nothing to see here, just move on …”
Donald Rumsfeld, “Jewish” Secretary of Defense under Bush Jr. admits that 2.3 trillion dollars in Pentagon expenditures could not be accounted for.
The creation of money out of nothing to fund war is perhaps the chief underlying cause of a national debt, and a great contributor to inflation. Inflation is a hidden tax on the people. At every level, in every nook and cranny of the financial system deception and THEFT is built in and the proceeds are going primarily into the coffers of the central bankers, the corporate monopolists, “deep state” bureaucrats and let’s not forget the Neocon warmongers who are always drumming up excuses for the next war. National governments do not have stockpiles of money to fight wars – in fact, they have NO money at all because it gets gobbled up as soon as it enters the system -- so the funding needed to fight wars must come from somewhere. That somewhere happens to be the central bank (the Fed), which is more than happy to conjure the money out of the ether and lend it to the national government at interest. This, our friends, is the number one cause of the U.S. national debt, which at this time, officially, is $35,000,000,000,000!!! Have you ever heard anyone on mainstream “news” analyze exactly how this debt came about?
The U.S. national debt is currently (as of October 2024) growing by an astounding one trillion dollars every 100 days!! That's ten billion dollars a day!!! The purpose of the IRS is solely to extract the interest payments for the national debt from the citizens and the sum total of money collected by the IRS is barely enough to pay the interest! These payments are dutifully turned over to the central bank, which is, as we said, a private entity owned entirely by “Jewish” dynasties. The stock for it is not traded on the stock exchange and it has been in the hands of the same dynasties for 110 years, and counting. Lest one doubt that this is a problem remember the words of Josef Stalin: “The establishment of a central bank is 9/10 of communism”. By that definition America is thus at the very least 9/10 communist. If the democrats manage to steal this election we can be sure it will be 100% communist. We suggest voting for Trump and Vance, the lesser of two evils, by a long shot.
If one adds the cost of entitlements – Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, government pensions and “derivatives” which are complex financial instruments, such as insurance policies on the success of various investments, which pay out should the investment fail, the true figure of national indebtedness is probably more like a quadrillion dollars – $1,000,000,000,000,000 – or more. No one knows for sure but there is not enough real wealth on the planet to honor such massive obligations, which brings us to the point that eventually a usurious system such as the one we are suffering under must collapse or morph into another system, as did the Venetian banking system of the 1100s to 1300s. There has to be a point, and soon, at which millions of people will simply stop paying their debts because they can’t possibly bring in enough money in wages to do so – because inflation is eating them up. The government itself may default on its debts. There have already been cities, such as Stockton, California and Fairfield, Alabama that became so overburdened with debt that the city itself declared bankruptcy, and thus could not honor pensions to retired employees. We may assume that the Babylonian system of usury nearly two millennia ago also collapsed for the same reason. -- British political eloquently exposes the scam.
A massive financial collapse occurs when there is a wave of loan defaults or FTD (failure to deliver) and/or when those who have invested in stock on what they believe to be actual commodities, such as gold and silver, realize much to their chagrin, that they were lured in by a con game and that the “paper” or electronic assets they believe they own do not actually exist. The same could happen with Bitcoin and other digital currencies, which even in good times are subject to wild swings in value. There are many tentacles to this financial monster. It is truly a cancer on humanity that would not exist in a sane world. This is a world of insanity, run by insanely greedy, satanic creatures – the .01% of the .01%. They are the driving force behind every other social ill, catastrophe and cataclysm suffered by the people because they send orders spiraling downward through their pyramid of control and are able to suck wealth upward into their hurricane vortex of greed. They have been doing this for centuries, all the way back to the ancient kingdom of Babylon. A world that is in constant turmoil, suffering, war, environmental degradation, sickness and poverty is much easier to control because most people do not have the time or inclination to THINK and resist the monsters who are doing this to us. Revolutions always arise from a very small percentage of the people, typically around 2-3%. Such was the case with the American Revolution. We desperately need another one before the people are enslaved by a CBDC system.
The U.S. national debt is currently (as of October 2024) growing by an astounding one trillion dollars every 100 days!! That's ten billion dollars a day!!! The purpose of the IRS is solely to extract the interest payments for the national debt from the citizens and the sum total of money collected by the IRS is barely enough to pay the interest! These payments are dutifully turned over to the central bank, which is, as we said, a private entity owned entirely by “Jewish” dynasties. The stock for it is not traded on the stock exchange and it has been in the hands of the same dynasties for 110 years, and counting. Lest one doubt that this is a problem remember the words of Josef Stalin: “The establishment of a central bank is 9/10 of communism”. By that definition America is thus at the very least 9/10 communist. If the democrats manage to steal this election we can be sure it will be 100% communist. We suggest voting for Trump and Vance, the lesser of two evils, by a long shot.
If one adds the cost of entitlements – Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, government pensions and “derivatives” which are complex financial instruments, such as insurance policies on the success of various investments, which pay out should the investment fail, the true figure of national indebtedness is probably more like a quadrillion dollars – $1,000,000,000,000,000 – or more. No one knows for sure but there is not enough real wealth on the planet to honor such massive obligations, which brings us to the point that eventually a usurious system such as the one we are suffering under must collapse or morph into another system, as did the Venetian banking system of the 1100s to 1300s. There has to be a point, and soon, at which millions of people will simply stop paying their debts because they can’t possibly bring in enough money in wages to do so – because inflation is eating them up. The government itself may default on its debts. There have already been cities, such as Stockton, California and Fairfield, Alabama that became so overburdened with debt that the city itself declared bankruptcy, and thus could not honor pensions to retired employees. We may assume that the Babylonian system of usury nearly two millennia ago also collapsed for the same reason. -- British political eloquently exposes the scam.
A massive financial collapse occurs when there is a wave of loan defaults or FTD (failure to deliver) and/or when those who have invested in stock on what they believe to be actual commodities, such as gold and silver, realize much to their chagrin, that they were lured in by a con game and that the “paper” or electronic assets they believe they own do not actually exist. The same could happen with Bitcoin and other digital currencies, which even in good times are subject to wild swings in value. There are many tentacles to this financial monster. It is truly a cancer on humanity that would not exist in a sane world. This is a world of insanity, run by insanely greedy, satanic creatures – the .01% of the .01%. They are the driving force behind every other social ill, catastrophe and cataclysm suffered by the people because they send orders spiraling downward through their pyramid of control and are able to suck wealth upward into their hurricane vortex of greed. They have been doing this for centuries, all the way back to the ancient kingdom of Babylon. A world that is in constant turmoil, suffering, war, environmental degradation, sickness and poverty is much easier to control because most people do not have the time or inclination to THINK and resist the monsters who are doing this to us. Revolutions always arise from a very small percentage of the people, typically around 2-3%. Such was the case with the American Revolution. We desperately need another one before the people are enslaved by a CBDC system.
You may have realized at this point that most of the actual work is done by those at the bottom of the pyramid and that those at the top do not perform much actual physical or creative work. They are being rewarded for moving money around, from here to there, or worse, making loans of money they are presumed to have, and yet do not actually possess (the essence of fractional reserve banking). The vast majority of people spend a lifetime working for a wage to obtain the currency they need to buy the necessities for survival. It has become increasingly difficult to accumulate an excess to put away in savings for retirement and the system is rigged to assure that the bulk of wealth, and an ever increasing amount of it, remains in the same hands – that being those in the top 1%, and even more so the top .1% or .01% who are primarily “capitalists”, a.k.a. “investors”. Some of them perform no work at all that is useful to humanity, but rather profit from the impoverishment of the lower percentiles. Usurers are chief among that class, and at the top of the heap are central bankers, who lend money, created out of nothing, to governments which are cajoled by banker-capitalists into spending like drunken sailors. This unnecessary borrowing increases national debt and impoverishes the people. Other unscrupulous "capitalists", like corporate raiders buy an entire company, and “strip” the assets, leaving a shell that can be re-sold. They then pocket the proceeds and couldn't care less how many people are suddenly rendered jobless and thrown on the street.
It has been estimated that around 2/3 of the wealth of the planet is in the hands of 1% of the population and probably 90% of that 2/3 is in the hands of the .01% of the .01% which would be those mere 8,000 creatures who are profiting the most from usury, financial manipulations and all of the heinous facets thereof, which include corporate monopolization and the promotion of events (such as wars, depressions, recessions and plandemics) that result in even greater transfers of wealth from those who do all of the real work to the bulging coffers of the satanic “elite”.
This is an unfair world for sure, but none of this information is meant to discourage anyone from working hard, enjoying what you can do within your means and providing for one’s self and family because that is how God would have it. For those of us NOT born into wealth hard work and unrelenting determination is THE answer and it is by far a better life than the wickedness and perversity of the parasitic overlords. God knows that His moral and righteous people are fighting against a system that is rigged in every possible way against them. However, if you put this matter in His hands He will provide you with what is necessary. It may not be exactly what you WANT, especially in your younger years when the temptations of this world are the strongest, but it will be what you truly NEED. There is absolutely no need to envy those who have more wealth, power, popularity, pleasure etc. because all of those aspects of existence are fleeting. In the end, all bodies return to the dust from which they came and souls are dispatched either to heaven or hell.
A good way to fight against the satanic system is through your own success in, to the greatest extent possible, not being a part of it in your personal endeavors while at the same time honestly acquiring what you need to live comfortably and “prep” for an uncertain future. For example, if you know that paper and electronic “currency” is inflating it would be wise to exchange it for actual useful things (commodities) that retain value over time rather than losing value. These would be things that could be bartered at a future date should the SHTF – and it will. Be very careful when trusting theoretical assets which could lose value overnight if and when the system crashes. Just because you can see “wealth” on a computer screen does not mean that it actually exists! Truly, it does not exist for YOU unless you can hold it in your hand! Earlier we mentioned the FTD (failure to deliver) phenomenon, which is going to catch many people by surprise. This author knows a couple people who lost many tens of thousands of dollars in the stock market when it tanked during the “recession” of 2006-7. This most certainly will happen again, probably in the not too distant future. The financial “elite” are very good at convincing people that the “smart money” invests in this and that, when they know quite well that their system could collapse. Some of them even bet on the demise of stock in corporations that they themselves own!! Watch what “they” do rather than listening to what their mouthpieces say.
It has been estimated that around 2/3 of the wealth of the planet is in the hands of 1% of the population and probably 90% of that 2/3 is in the hands of the .01% of the .01% which would be those mere 8,000 creatures who are profiting the most from usury, financial manipulations and all of the heinous facets thereof, which include corporate monopolization and the promotion of events (such as wars, depressions, recessions and plandemics) that result in even greater transfers of wealth from those who do all of the real work to the bulging coffers of the satanic “elite”.
This is an unfair world for sure, but none of this information is meant to discourage anyone from working hard, enjoying what you can do within your means and providing for one’s self and family because that is how God would have it. For those of us NOT born into wealth hard work and unrelenting determination is THE answer and it is by far a better life than the wickedness and perversity of the parasitic overlords. God knows that His moral and righteous people are fighting against a system that is rigged in every possible way against them. However, if you put this matter in His hands He will provide you with what is necessary. It may not be exactly what you WANT, especially in your younger years when the temptations of this world are the strongest, but it will be what you truly NEED. There is absolutely no need to envy those who have more wealth, power, popularity, pleasure etc. because all of those aspects of existence are fleeting. In the end, all bodies return to the dust from which they came and souls are dispatched either to heaven or hell.
A good way to fight against the satanic system is through your own success in, to the greatest extent possible, not being a part of it in your personal endeavors while at the same time honestly acquiring what you need to live comfortably and “prep” for an uncertain future. For example, if you know that paper and electronic “currency” is inflating it would be wise to exchange it for actual useful things (commodities) that retain value over time rather than losing value. These would be things that could be bartered at a future date should the SHTF – and it will. Be very careful when trusting theoretical assets which could lose value overnight if and when the system crashes. Just because you can see “wealth” on a computer screen does not mean that it actually exists! Truly, it does not exist for YOU unless you can hold it in your hand! Earlier we mentioned the FTD (failure to deliver) phenomenon, which is going to catch many people by surprise. This author knows a couple people who lost many tens of thousands of dollars in the stock market when it tanked during the “recession” of 2006-7. This most certainly will happen again, probably in the not too distant future. The financial “elite” are very good at convincing people that the “smart money” invests in this and that, when they know quite well that their system could collapse. Some of them even bet on the demise of stock in corporations that they themselves own!! Watch what “they” do rather than listening to what their mouthpieces say.
4th Baron Rothschild, who died 2-26-24. He will not be missed by the general public since they mostly have never heard of him and don't care, even though he may have been the most powerful man in the world. Funny how the Simpsons cartoon was so ahead of its time predicting future events and exposing such important but little known figures. This can be explained by the fact that Hollywood is controlled by Ashkenazi “Jews” and some of them have a connection to the Rothschild banking dynasty in one way or another. All of the major Hollywood studios are owned by “Jews” and the bankers who lend money to producers are “Jewish”, so “there you go”. Are the Rothschilds worth 500 trillion dollars as the cartoon asserts? No one knows for sure, but we recommend viewing the “Rothschild Trillions Quantified” video below. We can expect that having established many of the world’s central banks the figure has to be incomprehensibly massive. The Rothschild dynasty also has a controlling interest in the Bank of International Settlements, which is the central bank of central banks. Count Cherep Spiridovich, a century ahead of his time as a “conspiracy theorist”, wrote a book in the early 1920s entitled “The Secret World Government”. In it he informs us that the Rothschild’s are “100 times meaner and richer than the Rockefellers”. This is food for thought as to who definitely resides at the top of the pyramid.

cherep-spiridovich_arthur_-_the_secret_world_government.pdf |
Rothschild trillions quantified.
The thing about extreme wealth, it would appear, is that it is all consuming and soul destroying. There is absolutely no reason to envy the 4th Baron or his offspring. Evil is attracted to great wealth and vice versa. These “humans” with their dubious DNA become servants to their lust to obtain and hoard wealth. They become driven by dark, demonic spirits to do anything and everything to acquire more and more money and power at the expense of everyone else who they consider to be "sub-human". They develop “philosophies” and dark “religions” and rituals to justify this. In the secret recesses of their fairy tale existence they even sacrifice young children to win favor with their god, Satan.
Madeleine McCann, who “disappeared” in Portugal in 2007 while on a vacation with her parents is rumored to have been the victim of a satanic ritual. The rare genetic trait seen in her right eye, supposedly, made her more desirable as a victim. None of it makes any sense outside of a spiritual perspective. What these people do is very simply EVIL. Interestingly, George Soros has the same defect, called coloboma. There is much information “out there” on this subject, but we will exit that rabbit hole for now. Suffice to say that child sacrifice has been going on for thousands of years. This ties back in to the open border issue and the 350,000 or so missing children.
Madeleine McCann who disappeared in Portugal in 2007. There is a suspect, but he has not been charged yet because there is not enough evidence to convict him. She has the same defect in her right eye as George Soros, called coloboma.
Unfortunately the majority of criminal psychopaths who get away with this heinous crime will not be found or prosecuted. Many of them are politically connected, and in America particularly with the Democrat Party. The Podesta brothers are a perfect recent example. Jimmy Savile, a celebrated British TV personality who died in 2011 at the age of 84 was another prolific sexual predator (with 450 allegations of abuse) whose crimes were not uncovered until years after his death. He was admired by Margaret Thatcher, Prime Minister of Britain from 1979-1990 and was a friend of Prince (now King) Charles, who would ask him for advice on personal matters. These high connections, aided and abetted by a complicit media, were an effective smokescreen against discovery.
To make it even more difficult for you to get truthful news, untainted by anti-national, anti-God, anti-white narratives, and as this was being written Democrat mega-donor George Soros and his son Alex, Khazarian-Ashkenazi “Jews”, have nearly completed the purchase of 220 American radio stations from the Audacity Corporation. This purchase saves Audacity from bankruptcy but it does no good whatsoever for America as it will give Soros unprecedented power to influence people with leftist-Marxist rhetoric. Billionaire Soros a destroyer of nations is famous for funding leftist-Marxist district attorneys throughout America. These “prosecutors” often let criminals run free and provide no relief for the victims of crime. Two well known Soros attorneys are Alvin Bragg and Kamala Harris. The fact that the FCC would approve this acquisition is highly suspect since the FCC violated its own rules, which are to not allow any purchase that has more than 25% foreign ownership. Further, this purchase was railroaded through with a 3 to 2 vote when on the other hand a typical small purchase of a station which may provide Christian programming is given stiff scrutiny.
FCC Republican-nominated commissioners raised alarms over the expedited process and its potential implications for national security. Commissioner Brendan Carr strongly criticized the deal, arguing that bypassing the traditional national security checks for foreign investment raises serious concerns.
To make it even more difficult for you to get truthful news, untainted by anti-national, anti-God, anti-white narratives, and as this was being written Democrat mega-donor George Soros and his son Alex, Khazarian-Ashkenazi “Jews”, have nearly completed the purchase of 220 American radio stations from the Audacity Corporation. This purchase saves Audacity from bankruptcy but it does no good whatsoever for America as it will give Soros unprecedented power to influence people with leftist-Marxist rhetoric. Billionaire Soros a destroyer of nations is famous for funding leftist-Marxist district attorneys throughout America. These “prosecutors” often let criminals run free and provide no relief for the victims of crime. Two well known Soros attorneys are Alvin Bragg and Kamala Harris. The fact that the FCC would approve this acquisition is highly suspect since the FCC violated its own rules, which are to not allow any purchase that has more than 25% foreign ownership. Further, this purchase was railroaded through with a 3 to 2 vote when on the other hand a typical small purchase of a station which may provide Christian programming is given stiff scrutiny.
FCC Republican-nominated commissioners raised alarms over the expedited process and its potential implications for national security. Commissioner Brendan Carr strongly criticized the deal, arguing that bypassing the traditional national security checks for foreign investment raises serious concerns.
Khazarian-Ashkenazi “Jew” George Soros, a billionaire and Rothschild agent who profits magnificently off of the crash of currencies, bribes district attorneys, is trying to get his hands on 220 U.S. radio stations and plans to blanket America with Marxist propaganda. Notice the coloboma in his right eye.
“The Commission’s decision today is unprecedented. Never before has the Commission voted to approve the transfer of a broadcast license—let alone the transfer of licenses for over 200 radio stations across more than 40 markets—without following the requirements and procedures codified in federal law,” Carr wrote. He added, “Did they obtain approval from the FCC for their excessive foreign ownership? No, they did not.” Mr. Carr can be followed on X at @BrendanCarrFCC
When digging into this we come to find that the FCC is stacked with Democrats and that the agency is chaired by one Jessica Rosenworcel. The name says it all. |
She is “Jewish”. Further suspect is the fact that Alex Soros, George Soros' son, has visited the White House some twenty times during the Biden administration to meet with the president. This is even more concrete proof of our thesis regarding a certain gene pool being front and center in subverting and destroying Western nations so they are reduced to being cogs in a global government scheme.
Historian Eustace Mullins was once asked by an interviewer why someone who has great wealth (such as the usual suspects in this essay) always seems to want more. He said that “It’s an addiction – the richest man in the world wants to be the richest man in the universe.” The addiction of the super-rich is far worse than the drug habit of a street junkie, who may go so far as to kill a few people to satisfy a bad habit. Satanists in possession of extreme wealth have killed hundreds of millions in wars, depressions, famines, mass poisonings and the promotion of dire totalitarian fascist and communist regimes that funnel even more wealth into their accounts. Meanwhile, God is making note of these accounts, and apportioning appropriate accommodations in hell.
Why "Jews" are always getting expelled from nations.
Masterminds of evil lack basic human qualities of empathy and concern for the welfare of others. They do not have a human conscience. Perhaps they were made that way by torturous programming early in life or they could have been born that way. They have an “entitlement complex” and look at other humans as resources to be used and abused as they see fit for the acquisition of their ever increasing hoards. They never stop doing this until the day they die because they are literally driven by demons. Rarely, if ever, do these dark personalities do anything out of pure charity. Their “philanthropy” is nothing but a ruse, designed to steer more business into their corporations, always at the expense of others. It is laughable that people like the Rockefellers and Bill Gates are considered “philanthropists”. Oftentimes, they are vile perverts who may use children as sex slaves, and even worse in their satanic rituals or as the raw materials for the very expensive drug adrenochrome. This is a most horrific evil. Much of Hollywood’s “A List” is addicted to it. These rich actors and actresses are not among the 8,000. They function as propaganda tools, whose roles support the “narratives” and agendas of the .01% of the .01%. Study their faces and see if they appear to be genuinely happy. Mostly, behind their fake smiles, they are devoid of joy, because they have “sold their souls” for money. They are then required to promote the dark agendas of the super class that underwrites them. If people really knew how disgusting these individuals are, the fantasy machine would grind to a halt.
II Timothy 3:1-4a This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
II Peter 3:3-4a Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, And saying, Where is the promise of his coming?
A part of our thesis is to paint an overall picture of the human condition in these "last days". If there are details lacking it may be up to you, the reader, to fill in the puzzle pieces. If you have read this far that indicates curiosity, which is a good thing in a world of drones who look no further than a newspaper or evening television “news” for their viewpoints. With regard to something as horrific as ritual child sacrifice perhaps it would be best to start with scripture and see if it confirms what we are saying. The Bible indicates that in ancient times, ungodly people would actually sacrifice children to Molech or Baal in horrific rituals. Here is some scripture in that regard:
Leviticus 18:21 You shall not give any of your children to offer them to Molech, and so profane the name of your God: I am the Lord.
2 Kings 16:3 But he walked in the way of the kings of Israel. He even burned his son as an offering, according to the despicable practices of the nations whom the Lord drove out before the people of Israel. (Most of the Canaanites were driven out of the “promised land” by Joshua and his army prior to the Hebrews entering in. At that time it was known as the land of Canaan. Unfortunately, they did not obey God and wipe them out altogether. We are now suffering under their system of things.)
Jeremiah 7:31 And they have built the high places of Topheth, which is in the Valley of the Son of Hinnom, to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire, which I did not command, nor did it come into my mind.
Jeremiah 32:35 They built the high places of Baal in the Valley of the Son of Hinnom, to offer up their sons and daughters to Molech, though I did not command them, nor did it enter into my mind, that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin. (Here we see that even Judah was sacrificing children – an abomination for sure.)
Ezekiel 16:20-21 And you took your sons and your daughters, whom you had borne to me, and these you sacrificed to them to be devoured. Were your whorings so small a matter that you slaughtered my children and delivered them up as an offering by fire to them?
II Timothy 3:1-4a This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
II Peter 3:3-4a Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, And saying, Where is the promise of his coming?
A part of our thesis is to paint an overall picture of the human condition in these "last days". If there are details lacking it may be up to you, the reader, to fill in the puzzle pieces. If you have read this far that indicates curiosity, which is a good thing in a world of drones who look no further than a newspaper or evening television “news” for their viewpoints. With regard to something as horrific as ritual child sacrifice perhaps it would be best to start with scripture and see if it confirms what we are saying. The Bible indicates that in ancient times, ungodly people would actually sacrifice children to Molech or Baal in horrific rituals. Here is some scripture in that regard:
Leviticus 18:21 You shall not give any of your children to offer them to Molech, and so profane the name of your God: I am the Lord.
2 Kings 16:3 But he walked in the way of the kings of Israel. He even burned his son as an offering, according to the despicable practices of the nations whom the Lord drove out before the people of Israel. (Most of the Canaanites were driven out of the “promised land” by Joshua and his army prior to the Hebrews entering in. At that time it was known as the land of Canaan. Unfortunately, they did not obey God and wipe them out altogether. We are now suffering under their system of things.)
Jeremiah 7:31 And they have built the high places of Topheth, which is in the Valley of the Son of Hinnom, to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire, which I did not command, nor did it come into my mind.
Jeremiah 32:35 They built the high places of Baal in the Valley of the Son of Hinnom, to offer up their sons and daughters to Molech, though I did not command them, nor did it enter into my mind, that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin. (Here we see that even Judah was sacrificing children – an abomination for sure.)
Ezekiel 16:20-21 And you took your sons and your daughters, whom you had borne to me, and these you sacrificed to them to be devoured. Were your whorings so small a matter that you slaughtered my children and delivered them up as an offering by fire to them?
Behind the closed doors of mansions protected by thousands of acres of wilderness, and/or high spiked fences and armed guards these ritual sacrifices are still taking place. Because super rich “Jews” control all mainstream media and most of what passes as “news” the general public is not allowed to know what goes on in these modern day castles. Police and government agencies are bribed to look the other way. After all, the 8,000 control the national governments, which are a few steps down on the pyramid of control.
In his videos Hollander Ronald Bernard, an entrepreneur and former money launderer for the .01% of the .01% gives us a glimpse of his life in the ultra fast lane. Because of his talent as a hard driven entrepreneur he was offered a “deal” early in his life and though he was already well off, with several successful businesses, he was lured by the promise of extreme wealth and status -- only his conscience prevented him from going full bore evil. He was told by his wealthy sponsor in the beginning of this endeavor that he would need to “put his conscience in the freezer at minus 273 degrees C”. In his youthful exuberance he took that warning rather lightly and laughed it off because he didn’t comprehend what it meant. Later, and well into his career of making money off of money he was invited to a satanic ritual where he was asked to sacrifice a child in order to move on to the next level.
It was at this point that he broke down. His conscience, which was hanging on by a thread, thawed out and prevented him from doing it. As punishment for this failure to comply he was severely tortured and ended up in a hospital for a year’s worth of recovery. Afterward he decided to let the world know what he had been through.
Under threat of more torture and death he agreed not to reveal the people he was working for, so we will not get that information from him, but nevertheless he is a fountain of valuable information. This is why it is difficult to get to the very bottom of WHO specifically is in charge of the “enterprise” of enslaving humanity. We can speak in generalities but we cannot provide ironclad, court-worthy “proof” because the rich and powerful satanists hide behind multiple layers of obfuscation and plausible deniability. They have been doing their rituals for centuries. They purchase loyalty. They deal in the souls of men. The ones we do know about are largely front men. It is, however, rather likely that characters like David Rockefeller (who died at the age of 101 thanks to his regular consumption of expensive human breast milk) or Jacob Rothschild, shown above (who recently died with nary a peep on mainstream media) belonged to the hell-bound club. Many of the others are invisible and prefer it that way. They can easily purchase privacy and lack of accountability. On this site we promote the Biblical perspective that these are among “the wicked” mentioned in Psalm 58:
The wicked are estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they be born. Their poison is like the poison of a serpent …
If it were possible to find out what individuals have parked the lion’s share of investment capital in giant Wall Street firms like Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street and J.P. Morgan this would reveal specific names, or at least the names of the trust funds or corporations. If one wants to take the time to read tomes like Professor Carol Quigly’s Tragedy and Hope or The Anglo American Establishment, or Mullins’ The Secrets of the Federal Reserve, specific names are revealed. There are some researchers who have the time and ability to plow through this level of information. Of course, there is the old tried and true method of examining who specifically owns the Federal Reserve central bank, the world’s other central banks, and the granddaddy of all central banks the Bank of International Settlements, in Basil, Switzerland. The names Rothschild and Rockefeller of course come to mind but there are other dynastic families (all “Jewish”) such as Schiff, Lazard, Goldman, Sachs, Freres that own stock in the Fed. There are the so called 13 satanic bloodlines of the Illuminati in which some of the 8,000 may be found. This is a highly illusive and well hidden bunch of perpetrators who employ governments and corporations to do their dirty work of enslaving humanity and fomenting the extreme evil of “tribulation”.
Matthew 24:21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.
It makes perfect sense that the majority of these perpetrators would be in the “synagogue of Satan” prophesied in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9. Biblical scripture is absolute truth. These perpetrators of evil may call themselves “Jews” but they are not descended from the tribe of Judah but rather they are descended from the racially amalgamated Asiatic Khazars, who experienced a mass “conversion” to Talmudic Judiasm under their King Bulen in 740 AD. They later billed themselves as “the lost tribes of Israel”. There were also Edomite-Canaanites in the 2nd century before Christ who became “Jews” when forced to “covert” to Judaism by the Pharisee John Hyrcanus. Later the Edomite Herod became king of Israel. Regardless of their exact origin, these people who “call themselves Jews” are master infiltrators, manipulators, subverters and dominators and we see the same traits among them today. Descendants of the actual tribe of Judah have mostly blended with the other white tribes of Israel and constitute much of the Caucasian bloodline. There are few, if any, pure blooded descendants of Judah remaining.
The major televangelists, however, all preach the BIG lie that “Jesus was a Jew” (implying descent from Judah) and “the Jews are God’s chosen people”, and they profit mightily from it because rich “Jews” are sponsoring them, and rich “Jews” control the networks that they appear on. Pastors of most churches in America either believe the lie or just go along with it because it pays. This is insincere and an abomination to God. It is unfortunate for Christianity in general, and leaves many people who value TRUTH with a bad taste and little desire to continue with the church. These so-called “Jews” have varying degrees of Canaanite-Edomite genetics – a bloodline which is doubly cursed, according to God.
The child sacrificing Canaanites were busy migrating to Khazaria in the centuries prior to its king proclaiming that it would henceforth embrace Judaism as the national religion. This was a political move, done to remain neutral to the neighboring Christian Byzantine Empire and the Muslims. This is how the lie exposed in the Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 prophecies began. These Asiatic-Turkic-Khazarians infused with the blood of Canaanites, who in turn were infused with the blood of Kenites (descendants of Cain) and also of Nephalim embraced the Talmud with more fervor than God’s children embrace the Bible! The Talmud had its beginnings with the “oral tradition” of the Edomite-Canaanite Scribes and Pharisees in Jesus’ day. Jesus exposed them, and their nature, perfectly when he told them to their faces:
John 8:43-44 Why do ye not understand my speech? Even because ye cannot hear my word. Ye are of (literally descended from) your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, (referring to his offspring, Cain who killed his brother Abel) and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: (of his own descendants) for he is a liar, and the father of it.
In spite of all this, it is very difficult to convince a Judeo-Christian a.k.a. Christian Zionist to embrace the truth that is written plainly in the Bible. Their minds are under a spell -- essentially short circuited with the “God’s chosen people” meme, which is but one of the major tactics used by the enemy to prevent their own revelation as the chief perpetrators of evil on planet earth. We have to be fair in this expose’, because there are indeed wealthy people whose activities are above board, and whose businesses genuinely contribute to humanity – but they usually are not members of comedian George Carlin’s famous group, the one of which he said “it’s a big club” – “and you’re not in it”. It is one thing to create a useful product or service, to be the rising tide that lifts all boats. It is another thing altogether to use extreme wealth a battering ram to force evil agendas, such as “trans-humanism”, “scientific tyranny”, a central bank CBDC slavery system and the elimination of so-called “useless eaters”. All of these anti-God agendas are completely out in the open in this era and yet the “programmed” either ignore them or blow them off as “conspiracy theory”. These agendas have all sprouted from Talmudic-Satanic “philosophy” which is the software for minds that naturally gravitate to Satan rather than God.
Under threat of more torture and death he agreed not to reveal the people he was working for, so we will not get that information from him, but nevertheless he is a fountain of valuable information. This is why it is difficult to get to the very bottom of WHO specifically is in charge of the “enterprise” of enslaving humanity. We can speak in generalities but we cannot provide ironclad, court-worthy “proof” because the rich and powerful satanists hide behind multiple layers of obfuscation and plausible deniability. They have been doing their rituals for centuries. They purchase loyalty. They deal in the souls of men. The ones we do know about are largely front men. It is, however, rather likely that characters like David Rockefeller (who died at the age of 101 thanks to his regular consumption of expensive human breast milk) or Jacob Rothschild, shown above (who recently died with nary a peep on mainstream media) belonged to the hell-bound club. Many of the others are invisible and prefer it that way. They can easily purchase privacy and lack of accountability. On this site we promote the Biblical perspective that these are among “the wicked” mentioned in Psalm 58:
The wicked are estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they be born. Their poison is like the poison of a serpent …
If it were possible to find out what individuals have parked the lion’s share of investment capital in giant Wall Street firms like Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street and J.P. Morgan this would reveal specific names, or at least the names of the trust funds or corporations. If one wants to take the time to read tomes like Professor Carol Quigly’s Tragedy and Hope or The Anglo American Establishment, or Mullins’ The Secrets of the Federal Reserve, specific names are revealed. There are some researchers who have the time and ability to plow through this level of information. Of course, there is the old tried and true method of examining who specifically owns the Federal Reserve central bank, the world’s other central banks, and the granddaddy of all central banks the Bank of International Settlements, in Basil, Switzerland. The names Rothschild and Rockefeller of course come to mind but there are other dynastic families (all “Jewish”) such as Schiff, Lazard, Goldman, Sachs, Freres that own stock in the Fed. There are the so called 13 satanic bloodlines of the Illuminati in which some of the 8,000 may be found. This is a highly illusive and well hidden bunch of perpetrators who employ governments and corporations to do their dirty work of enslaving humanity and fomenting the extreme evil of “tribulation”.
Matthew 24:21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.
It makes perfect sense that the majority of these perpetrators would be in the “synagogue of Satan” prophesied in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9. Biblical scripture is absolute truth. These perpetrators of evil may call themselves “Jews” but they are not descended from the tribe of Judah but rather they are descended from the racially amalgamated Asiatic Khazars, who experienced a mass “conversion” to Talmudic Judiasm under their King Bulen in 740 AD. They later billed themselves as “the lost tribes of Israel”. There were also Edomite-Canaanites in the 2nd century before Christ who became “Jews” when forced to “covert” to Judaism by the Pharisee John Hyrcanus. Later the Edomite Herod became king of Israel. Regardless of their exact origin, these people who “call themselves Jews” are master infiltrators, manipulators, subverters and dominators and we see the same traits among them today. Descendants of the actual tribe of Judah have mostly blended with the other white tribes of Israel and constitute much of the Caucasian bloodline. There are few, if any, pure blooded descendants of Judah remaining.
The major televangelists, however, all preach the BIG lie that “Jesus was a Jew” (implying descent from Judah) and “the Jews are God’s chosen people”, and they profit mightily from it because rich “Jews” are sponsoring them, and rich “Jews” control the networks that they appear on. Pastors of most churches in America either believe the lie or just go along with it because it pays. This is insincere and an abomination to God. It is unfortunate for Christianity in general, and leaves many people who value TRUTH with a bad taste and little desire to continue with the church. These so-called “Jews” have varying degrees of Canaanite-Edomite genetics – a bloodline which is doubly cursed, according to God.
The child sacrificing Canaanites were busy migrating to Khazaria in the centuries prior to its king proclaiming that it would henceforth embrace Judaism as the national religion. This was a political move, done to remain neutral to the neighboring Christian Byzantine Empire and the Muslims. This is how the lie exposed in the Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 prophecies began. These Asiatic-Turkic-Khazarians infused with the blood of Canaanites, who in turn were infused with the blood of Kenites (descendants of Cain) and also of Nephalim embraced the Talmud with more fervor than God’s children embrace the Bible! The Talmud had its beginnings with the “oral tradition” of the Edomite-Canaanite Scribes and Pharisees in Jesus’ day. Jesus exposed them, and their nature, perfectly when he told them to their faces:
John 8:43-44 Why do ye not understand my speech? Even because ye cannot hear my word. Ye are of (literally descended from) your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, (referring to his offspring, Cain who killed his brother Abel) and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: (of his own descendants) for he is a liar, and the father of it.
In spite of all this, it is very difficult to convince a Judeo-Christian a.k.a. Christian Zionist to embrace the truth that is written plainly in the Bible. Their minds are under a spell -- essentially short circuited with the “God’s chosen people” meme, which is but one of the major tactics used by the enemy to prevent their own revelation as the chief perpetrators of evil on planet earth. We have to be fair in this expose’, because there are indeed wealthy people whose activities are above board, and whose businesses genuinely contribute to humanity – but they usually are not members of comedian George Carlin’s famous group, the one of which he said “it’s a big club” – “and you’re not in it”. It is one thing to create a useful product or service, to be the rising tide that lifts all boats. It is another thing altogether to use extreme wealth a battering ram to force evil agendas, such as “trans-humanism”, “scientific tyranny”, a central bank CBDC slavery system and the elimination of so-called “useless eaters”. All of these anti-God agendas are completely out in the open in this era and yet the “programmed” either ignore them or blow them off as “conspiracy theory”. These agendas have all sprouted from Talmudic-Satanic “philosophy” which is the software for minds that naturally gravitate to Satan rather than God.
Dr. Sherry Tenpenny exposes the egregious United Nations "Pact of the Future Document" which has been accepted by 193 nations. It requires digital IDs for "global citizens". People with "dissident opinions" would be punished by A.I. This IS the New World Order "beast" government in the book of Revelation. Christians, wake up.
The New Age-ish United Nations Chapel. This sums up what the U.N. is all about. America would be better off without this giant luciferian Trojan Horse NGO, which has been working against our national sovereignty since the late 1940s.
A good place to look for globalist traitors to America is in their sponsorship of and participation in the United Nations. The Rockefeller dynasty was chief in getting this Trojan horse installed in America, to chisel away at our national sovereignty until there is nothing left of it. America would be far better off WITHOUT the U.N. The Rockefeller name was contrived from “Roggenfelder” -- we suppose to make it sound less “Jewish”. Do you see the pattern? The Rockefellers are plutocrats who want to enslave humanity so they and their satanic brethren can rule over us. They do not want what is good for anyone but themselves. They want a global order run by banker-oligarchs – in other words a feudalist, totalitarian two class slavery system. This was made crystal clear by David Rockefeller a few decades ago in the following quotes:
We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years. . . . It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries. Remarks at a Bilderberg Group meeting in Baden-Baden, Germany in June 1991, as quoted in Programming, Pitfalls and Puppy-Dog Tales (1993) by Gyeorgos C. Hatonn, p. 65
For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as “internationalists” and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure -- one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it. David Rockefeller, Memoirs, 2003
We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years. . . . It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries. Remarks at a Bilderberg Group meeting in Baden-Baden, Germany in June 1991, as quoted in Programming, Pitfalls and Puppy-Dog Tales (1993) by Gyeorgos C. Hatonn, p. 65
For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as “internationalists” and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure -- one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it. David Rockefeller, Memoirs, 2003
The U.N. is tied in with the World Economic Forum, founded by the “Jew” Klaus Schwab, whose chief mentor was Henry Kissinger, another “Jew” which is joined at the hip with the World Health Organization which receives much of its funding from crypto-“Jew” oligarch Bill Gates. The WHO is not at the core concerned with human health. Its agenda is to bring totalitarianism in through the back door by insidious tactics such as being able to declare “pandemics” at will and then having national governments grant the WHO the power to force a cookie-cutter response to such pandemic, which most likely would be a “vaccine” DNA altering death shot, such as the one that was deployed during the Covid nightmare. This author had friends who died rather quickly after taking the Covid injection. You most likely know someone, or know of someone who died soon after taking the injection.
Any time a government under the auspices of a powerful NGO forces people to submit to a medical procedure you can be sure that the intent is not good. In fact it is totalitarianism. A worldwide culling and mass poisoning agenda such as the Covid plandemic can only be coordinated from a powerful entity at the top, an international entity that literally trumps national governments. It had to have been the .01% of the .01% “Jewish” oligarchy who made this culling happen because they alone have the powerm the money and an international presence to do so, and of course their corporations and central banks profited magnificently from the carnage, and are still profiting from the aftermath of it through increased business to their medical complexes and pharmaceutical corporations. “Jews”, such as Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer, were front and center in this agenda. Bourla became a billionaire in his role as CEO of Pfizer. “Jews” have always considered themselves to be “international citizens” and the evidence can be found in the universal language “Yiddish” which is spoken by “Jews” wherever they may be found. Yiddish so happened to be the language of the Khazars, which is proof that the ancestors of these people did not come from the Middle East, but rather from the old kingdom of Khazaria, which was located roughly where Ukraine is now. This sheds more light on why there is a war there. The Khazarian-Ashkenazi “Jews” want to take the land back – i.e. steal it from the white Ukrainians as they stole the land for “Israel” from the Palestinians and are currently stealing Gaza.
There were around a dozen new billionaires minted during the Covid war against humanity. These individuals all played a major role in development and deployment of the poison. There was a net wealth transfer of around two trillion dollars that moved from the middle class upward to the .01%ers. A huge number of small businesses were ruined by mandates which left mega stores like WalMart unscathed. Amazon’s sales went through the roof. This is obvious, blatant fascism – a collusion of big government with big business. Meanwhile at least a million people died. Many human guinea pigs were disabled by a host of nasty “side effects” such as cancer, infertility and other disfiguring medical conditions but to the anti-humans of the command economy this is nothing but collateral damage. A reduction of global population over time is a major goal of the oligarchy and “they” have sped up their efforts in recent years. The perpetrators of this hideous evil were able to convince governments to shell out billions upon billions of dollars to giant pharmaceutical conglomerates, like Pfizer, to pay for the “vaccine” poison deployments. It is regrettable that the term “vaccine” has stuck like bubble gum to a shoe on such a monstrous agenda because the worst of these shots were about as healthful as a spoonful of bat guano. The best of them did not prevent sickness at all. All of the claims made by Fauci, Burks, Biden and their allied disinformation specialists were lies. Fortunately for the hapless recipients many of the shots were duds so they were lucky not to die or have their health compromised. Fauci, who is most likely “Jewish”, is not a member of the .01% of the .01%, but he certainly is one of many traitors to humanity who “sell their souls” for mammon. Since the Rockefellers have been proponents of eugenics for close to a century, and are also major owners of pharmaceutical and medical corporations their fingerprints are all over it, but as usual they hide in the shadows and use their political and corporate puppets to do their dirty work.
There are many problems in America in the 2020s, and it would appear that they all are being directed by the same “subverters and destroyers” as always. When are WE, the disenfranchised going to wake up and stop swallowing the lies of those who are destroying our nations? Isn’t it about time? If WE do not wake up, our very race will be destroyed. When is God going to step in and put an end to this evil? Here is the answer to that last question:
II Chronicles 7:14 If my people, (Christians) which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
The Bible also speaks of not one, but two floods. The first one was a flood of water. The second “flood” is spoken of in Revelation. When have you ever heard a pastor preach on this second flood? Isn’t it about time for them to do so?
Revelation 12:13-16 And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child. And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent. And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood. And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth.
A clue as to what type of “flood” this is prophesying is in the noun “the woman”. This woman represents the “bride of Christ”, which refers to Christians. The flood is attempting to “carry away” the woman. Literally, if a flood carries away someone they are likely to drown. It would appear that this flood of the dragon (another name for Satan) wants to drown, or eradicate the “woman”, which is God’s people. Some pastors may “spiritualize” this away by saying that it is “false teachings” that constitute the flood, however this makes no sense in the context of mother earth “opening her mouth” and “swallow[ing]” the flood, so this flood must be something other than false teachings, which can scarcely be “swallowed up”. We believe that this flood pertains to the non-white migrants who are “flooding” into our formerly Christian white nations, which if unabated would carry us away through the sheer force of numbers and the mathematical certainty of mongrelization in our countries. All of this is being financed, aided and abetted by “Jewish” NGOs funded by our own traitorous federal government under the current reprobate administration. It doesn’t help that the president’s cabinet is stuffed full of “Jews”, nor does it help that almost all of Congress is routinely bribed by AIPAC. The bottom line is that satanic “elites” of the synagogue of Satan want is to convert our nations into slave colonies to serve “them”.
The white race is once again, as it was before the flood in Noah’s day, teetering on the edge of extinction and this is by design, implemented and funded by the destroyers and subverters in the “synagogue of Satan”. How and when the earth is going to “open her mouth” and swallow up the flood of the dragon is anyone’s guess, but we Christians should be praying for it. This is much food for thought. In the mean time, it is up to us to repent, accept Jesus Christ as our savior and pray for relief from the flood of troubles that have been foisted upon our nations by lying, satanic creatures who wish nothing more than to eliminate us so they may rule over a world of slaves. Thank you for reading, and may God bless you.
Any time a government under the auspices of a powerful NGO forces people to submit to a medical procedure you can be sure that the intent is not good. In fact it is totalitarianism. A worldwide culling and mass poisoning agenda such as the Covid plandemic can only be coordinated from a powerful entity at the top, an international entity that literally trumps national governments. It had to have been the .01% of the .01% “Jewish” oligarchy who made this culling happen because they alone have the powerm the money and an international presence to do so, and of course their corporations and central banks profited magnificently from the carnage, and are still profiting from the aftermath of it through increased business to their medical complexes and pharmaceutical corporations. “Jews”, such as Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer, were front and center in this agenda. Bourla became a billionaire in his role as CEO of Pfizer. “Jews” have always considered themselves to be “international citizens” and the evidence can be found in the universal language “Yiddish” which is spoken by “Jews” wherever they may be found. Yiddish so happened to be the language of the Khazars, which is proof that the ancestors of these people did not come from the Middle East, but rather from the old kingdom of Khazaria, which was located roughly where Ukraine is now. This sheds more light on why there is a war there. The Khazarian-Ashkenazi “Jews” want to take the land back – i.e. steal it from the white Ukrainians as they stole the land for “Israel” from the Palestinians and are currently stealing Gaza.
There were around a dozen new billionaires minted during the Covid war against humanity. These individuals all played a major role in development and deployment of the poison. There was a net wealth transfer of around two trillion dollars that moved from the middle class upward to the .01%ers. A huge number of small businesses were ruined by mandates which left mega stores like WalMart unscathed. Amazon’s sales went through the roof. This is obvious, blatant fascism – a collusion of big government with big business. Meanwhile at least a million people died. Many human guinea pigs were disabled by a host of nasty “side effects” such as cancer, infertility and other disfiguring medical conditions but to the anti-humans of the command economy this is nothing but collateral damage. A reduction of global population over time is a major goal of the oligarchy and “they” have sped up their efforts in recent years. The perpetrators of this hideous evil were able to convince governments to shell out billions upon billions of dollars to giant pharmaceutical conglomerates, like Pfizer, to pay for the “vaccine” poison deployments. It is regrettable that the term “vaccine” has stuck like bubble gum to a shoe on such a monstrous agenda because the worst of these shots were about as healthful as a spoonful of bat guano. The best of them did not prevent sickness at all. All of the claims made by Fauci, Burks, Biden and their allied disinformation specialists were lies. Fortunately for the hapless recipients many of the shots were duds so they were lucky not to die or have their health compromised. Fauci, who is most likely “Jewish”, is not a member of the .01% of the .01%, but he certainly is one of many traitors to humanity who “sell their souls” for mammon. Since the Rockefellers have been proponents of eugenics for close to a century, and are also major owners of pharmaceutical and medical corporations their fingerprints are all over it, but as usual they hide in the shadows and use their political and corporate puppets to do their dirty work.
There are many problems in America in the 2020s, and it would appear that they all are being directed by the same “subverters and destroyers” as always. When are WE, the disenfranchised going to wake up and stop swallowing the lies of those who are destroying our nations? Isn’t it about time? If WE do not wake up, our very race will be destroyed. When is God going to step in and put an end to this evil? Here is the answer to that last question:
II Chronicles 7:14 If my people, (Christians) which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
The Bible also speaks of not one, but two floods. The first one was a flood of water. The second “flood” is spoken of in Revelation. When have you ever heard a pastor preach on this second flood? Isn’t it about time for them to do so?
Revelation 12:13-16 And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child. And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent. And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood. And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth.
A clue as to what type of “flood” this is prophesying is in the noun “the woman”. This woman represents the “bride of Christ”, which refers to Christians. The flood is attempting to “carry away” the woman. Literally, if a flood carries away someone they are likely to drown. It would appear that this flood of the dragon (another name for Satan) wants to drown, or eradicate the “woman”, which is God’s people. Some pastors may “spiritualize” this away by saying that it is “false teachings” that constitute the flood, however this makes no sense in the context of mother earth “opening her mouth” and “swallow[ing]” the flood, so this flood must be something other than false teachings, which can scarcely be “swallowed up”. We believe that this flood pertains to the non-white migrants who are “flooding” into our formerly Christian white nations, which if unabated would carry us away through the sheer force of numbers and the mathematical certainty of mongrelization in our countries. All of this is being financed, aided and abetted by “Jewish” NGOs funded by our own traitorous federal government under the current reprobate administration. It doesn’t help that the president’s cabinet is stuffed full of “Jews”, nor does it help that almost all of Congress is routinely bribed by AIPAC. The bottom line is that satanic “elites” of the synagogue of Satan want is to convert our nations into slave colonies to serve “them”.
The white race is once again, as it was before the flood in Noah’s day, teetering on the edge of extinction and this is by design, implemented and funded by the destroyers and subverters in the “synagogue of Satan”. How and when the earth is going to “open her mouth” and swallow up the flood of the dragon is anyone’s guess, but we Christians should be praying for it. This is much food for thought. In the mean time, it is up to us to repent, accept Jesus Christ as our savior and pray for relief from the flood of troubles that have been foisted upon our nations by lying, satanic creatures who wish nothing more than to eliminate us so they may rule over a world of slaves. Thank you for reading, and may God bless you.