A protester in Connecticut tells it like it is.
This “new normal”, celebrated by newscasters high on glib and low on logic (or else just lying as usual for a paycheck) has gone to the extreme of governors insisting, in fact ordering by decree, that people stay at home unless going to and from work or out to buy groceries. People are being encouraged, even ordered to wear masks in public. So-called “non-essential” businesses have been encouraged to shut down so as to “flatten the curve” and slow the onslaught of the VIRUS so that hospitals aren’t overwhelmed. This means that just about every struggling “mom and pop” operation in the country has to go for an indefinite time without income. How are they going to make it? Given the evil afoot here, perhaps a part of the the master agenda is that they don't make it. It has become un-patriotic not to do one’s part to prevent the spread of this sudden "invisible enemy".
This writer started off believing the hype as did everyone else because totally off the wall events such as Pearl Harbor, 911 or THIS are so deviously clever, planned and executed with such Swiss watch precision and coordinated with the power of secret societies, almighty mainstream media and government mandates, that you cannot help but get caught up in the event until just a little bit of digging reveals that it is yet another insidious tactic of the “global elite” to beat down and communize the masses. Yes, we confess to buying extra toilet paper and stocking up the refrigerator in case of food shortage, or food hoarding, which constitutes a self-fulfilling prophecy. If everyone thinks that other people are going to be hoarding (because the television tells them so) the knee-jerk reaction is to go and get while the gettin’s good, in case shelves go empty. Indeed, big stores like Wal-Mart and Kroger do have empty shelves for the first time that this writer can recollect – and that’s a long time.
Stupid people fighting over toilet paper in Sydney, Australia
The problem with the lying and despicable mainstream media is that ALL of it is controlled by a small handful of plutocrats who use it to promote their own agenda, which is in utter opposition to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for the average individual. “We the people” usually have no desire to infringe on the rights of others and generally want to “live and let live”. Unfortunately, there are some people on this planet who crave absolute power and control over everyone else and they will do anything to achieve it. These are the type of psychopaths who invariably rise high in communist regimes. Unfortunately, these "elites" are in possession of trillions of dollars and have a lot of time on their hands to work their evil. On the other hand, think of the billions of disgruntled, impoverished souls who could awaken from their slumber and terminally dispatch said power elites who create wars for profit -- if they only knew the full extent to which they have been cheated out of wealth, health, happiness and freedom by the satanic bastards.
We believe the COVID 19 virus terror is a “psyop” (psychological operation) a massive smokescreen, and a media WAR implemented on a global scale. It is also a TEST to see how quickly huge populations will submit to a “lock-down” and how much pure bull crap “we the people” will swallow, while being deprived of our rights. It also serves as mass distraction for a very real health threat, which we will discuss later. It is a Bobby Fischer caliper move on the global chessboard, executed by the most diabolical humans on the planet, those who have a monopoly on credit and want to parlay it into iron-fisted control of EVERYTHING and EVERYONE. This is a sterling example of why "the love of money is the root of all evil" (I Timothy 6:10). First, let’s consider a few facts that are contrary to the mass media hype.
Firstly, COVID-type viruses are common and come in hundreds of strains. Many people already have one or more of them and don’t even know it as their immune system is fighting them off. For most people COVID viruses may cause mild discomfort or cold-like symptoms. The flu is actually more dangerous. When an individual’s immunity is compromised by other severe problems like cancerous tumors, diabetes, obesity, infection, etc., then a COVID virus may be enough to deliver a death blow, but that is only because the subject is already in poor health and/or already dying. |
Yet another product for brainwashed people.
Shouldn't we be trusting in GOD? |
Top doctor says big pharma has suffered profit losses because the FDA has rejected many of their toxic drugs. He explains that the Corona Virus is a HOAX and a ploy to roll out a mandatory vaccine to rescue Big Pharma's bottom line. He says Fauci is a fraud and that the mainstream media is completely in bed with the giant pharmaceutical firms. If your immune system is strong, you will not get the virus. If your immune system has been compromised by a reprobate lifestyle, a genetic abnormality, or bad eating habits (like too much sugar) then you will be at risk. This information is not reported by media.
In other words, COVID viruses generally are not lethal by themselves. Secondly, the tests for COVID 19 (touted by mainstream media) are misleading because they only reveal if a subject has one or more COVID viruses in general. These tests do not differentiate between the hundreds of possible COVID virus strains and the tests cannot isolate COVID 19 in particular. Thirdly, there is much discrepancy from one nation to the next as to the percentage of deaths attributed to the COVID 19 virus. One would think the percentage of deaths from the COVID 19 should remain relatively the same from one nation to the next – assuming statistics are compiled honestly and with standardized tests that can zero in on the COVID 19 strain. This is not the case. According to official reports the percentage of deaths attributed to the virus in Italy is 12% while China’s rate is 4%. How would “the authorities” explain the discrepancy? We're sure they'd come up with some lie to cover for it. Fourthly, sick people who were already dying from two, three or more other fatal health problems are having their deaths solely attributed to COVID 19. This is dishonest statistical tampering, which leads to false conclusions which can then be used as propaganda.
Montana doctor speaks on how cause of
death statistics can be inaccurate. |
A cool-headed assessment would lead one to conclude that the master agenda is to create a bogeyman to fill the minds of the masses with irrational fear so that they will do anything to be protected from the threat -- including giving up their God-given freedoms. We believe the human herd is also being conditioned to roll up their sleeves for the coming vaccine that will finally put their minds at ease but kill them slowly. They are being conditioned to be paranoid, to “self-isolate”, to trust “the authorities” for information, and as always (since 911) to reject any so-called “conspiracy theorist” nut who opposes the official corporate-fascist viewpoint. Thus, many poor delusional souls would reject this essay. We are not writing for them. We are writing for those who love God and want to know the truth.
The real virus, in our opinion, is a handful of evil multi-billionaires and their "think tanks" who plot, scheme and carry out this kind of CRAP to make people suffer and so that "they" can profit off of misery. "They" enjoy seeing "the goy" suffer. A symptom of this "virus" is a fear-mongering media controlled in a top-down fashion by the same "tribe" of born deceivers. In other words, all of the major networks report the same "news" (propaganda) sometimes using the very same phrasing. To the uninitiated it all sounds very convincing (which is why so many people are wearing masks) but it is a carefully crafted witches brew of lies mixed in with some truth to make it stick.
What the “elite” who run this planet desire is a world of mind controlled flesh and blood robots to serve them as slaves from birth to death and never question their slavery. Incessant, nagging propaganda is a very useful tool toward that end. In fact, the “elite” would rather have artificial intelligence to serve them if it were possible. Do not doubt the fact that a few satanists in high places possess the resources to make this happen. They are rich beyond your wildest dreams and have their hands on all the levers of control – academia, the banks, governments, scientific labs, factories, the military and police forces, and their army of willing deceivers -- the mainstream media which spews "authoritative" sounding LIES into millions of living rooms – 24-7. |
A nurse speaks anonymously regarding new rules and regulations requiring ALL patients to be treated as if they have Covid 19, until proven otherwise. Death certificates are to list cause of death as Covid 19, even if the patient was dying from other causes. Nurses are forbidden to talk to anyone about this. When you consider the top-down corporate/financial hierarchy it is obvious that the people at the TOP are directing this, for their own nefarious purposes.
It may interest our readers to know that billionaire “elites”, like Bill Gates and his tax exempt Bill and Melinda Gates foundation are HUGE proponents of vaccines. Gates’ focus has shifted from the computer industry to the vaccine industry. In the adjacent video you will see why Gates is so interested in vaccines. He believes that if "we do a really great job” with vaccines WE (referring to the global elite) can reduce the human population. This is how narcissistic psychopaths think and this is what “they” talk about when rubbing shoulders at their ultra secretive Bilderberg, CFR, Trilateral, Chatham House, Davos, and other forums for super rich wolves in sheep’s clothing. These people (if you can call them that) aren’t interested in the health and well being of humanity. The do not love the countries they happen to live in. They are despicable traitorous anti-nationalists who are interested in getting rid of humans, because they do not like humans and because the more of US there are, the more of a threat we are to THEM and their obscenely ostentatious, perverted lifestyles. Communism, corporate fascism and all of the other "isms" are tools "they" use to enslave nations.
Bill Gates pontificating on overpopulation, vaccines and how they could do a "really great job" . . . at population control. In other words, he believes that HE and HIS KIND have more of a right to life than you do. He has no intention of having his own children vaccinated, because he knows that the vaccines will be tainted with metals that will respond to 5G radiation and bring about disease, suffering and death.
Gates beating around the bush, but basically saying that people will need to get vaccinated, en masse, before life can return to normal. He would stand to make many more $billions -- (and so he has, probably doubling his wealth as of 9-21 - editor).
Is it any wonder that a pedophile like the Jew Jeffrey Epstein mysteriously “committed suicide” in a maximum security prison? Is it any wonder that the guards weren’t looking and the cameras had been turned off? He could have exposed hundreds, maybe thousands of fellow scumbags who had used his services. You probably already know some of their names. People who are worth millions, billions and gazillions of dollars surely must live in constant fear of what could happen to them, personally, if the human herd ever grew a brain and realized how a tiny minority of born wicked satanic filthy rich bastards has been ripping us off for centuries with financial scams and reducing our freedoms bit by bit through infiltration of governments, debt based money systems, invasive tech junk, media brainwashing, environmental degradation, and a titanic boatload of other schemes, like THIS one.
Deaths from THE vaccine (and any vaccine for that matter) could, of course, be blamed on anything and everything other than the vaccine. Vaccines loaded with heavy metals and other toxic ingredients are already causing autism in children but big media will never tell you that. Children rarely had autism until the advent of vaccines. Microwave radiation only exacerbates health problems because it breaks down the blood brain barrier, compromises cell walls and weakens immunity. In the next generation, at this rate, nearly half of all boys born will have autism. This writer has grandchildren who are autistic. You probably know someone who has autistic children or perhaps have an autistic child yourself. Do you think the owners and chief executives of the pharmaceutical cartels care? Do you think the masters of big telecom care? No, they do not, because they are greedy self-centered, heartless bastards who are only interested in making gobs money, living in luxury and indulging in sin without remorse. They are being fattened for eternal death, i.e. HELL.
One trend of “globalization” is to “privatize” and monopolize everything in which “capital penetration” is possible: water supplies, land, natural resources, bridges, roads, factories, technology, colleges, medical care and so on. Capital investment is devoid of conscience. It invests in terminator seeds, GMOs, unsafe vaccines, dangerous drugs and war. It will invest in sub-prime mortgages if there is a profit to be made, even though this reckless activity almost crashed the entire financial system in 2007. It will invest in infrastructure for dictatorial communist regimes. It loves communist regimes because, as billionaire oligarch David Rockefeller once said "the communists pay their bills". They will extract the money from their populations one way or another, even if it impoverishes them. Whether or not such a government is good for the people of that nation doesn’t matter to the super-wealthy. They live in a bubble, an alternate "reality" not feeling the pain and suffering they are causing to billions. The only thing that matters to them is the numbers. The COVID 19 scam cannot help but serve as another opportunity for “capital penetration”. As thousands of small businesses die on the vine, investors will gobble them up or otherwise absorb the market, thus consolidating the wealth of the world in even fewer hands.
Indian environmental activist Vandana Shiva discusses the "1% money machine" which she says controls the political machine, Blackrock, Bill Gates, Monsanto, terminator seeds and the suicide of Indian farmers, parasitic schemes for corporate profit, food democracy and other related subjects.
woolfolk_the_great_red_dragon_or_the_london_money_power.pdf | |
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The following words were spoken by Benjamin Franklin and were recorded in the diary of Charles Coteworth Pinckney who, along with Franklin, was a delegate to the 1787 Constitutional Convention at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It is also a prophetic statement:
I fully agree with General Washington, that we must protect this young nation from an insidious influence and impenetration. The menace, gentlemen, is the Jews. |
Wishful thinking aside, Trump may simply be another pawn in the game of dynasties and plutocrats. He has been coerced to inject trillions of dollars of Federal Reserve money (created out of nothing) into the economy which may bring about hyper-inflation so that the American economic system can eventually be crashed and "reset" to a global currency. International bankers have been lusting after a one world monetary system for a very long time because it ramps up their control over the planet. Also, Trump, ideally, should not have imposed quarantine measures, because surely he KNOWS this is a hoax (look at the figures in the chart) but he was apparently forced to do so by those above his pay grade, which would be the Jewish satanic international banking cartel. The Jewish-controlled mainstream media would have attacked him like a pack of rabid dogs had he not acquiesced. The usual foaming at the mouth Marxist-leftists would declare him incompetent or insane and unfit for office. Trump has a heck of a battle on his hands if he is truly fighting for the American people and to keep our nation from becoming a cog in the Jew World Order. Did you notice, also, that the quarantine has mainly affected small businesses. Most of the really big businesses (those belonging to corporate cartels) will remain intact and some have been unaffected or will receive bailouts from the government. The Coronavirus ploy forces undue hardship mostly upon hard-working, self-employed people and works to make them dependent upon the government for survival. This is a heinous communist tactic which leads to even more Federal/corporate fascist/socialist-communist control over people's lives.
7-8000 American die DAILY from the usual causes. The supposed deaths from Coronavirus pale in comparison. It is, therefore, a HOAX.
The traitorous Joe Biden, Democratic party presidential hopeful who gleefully admits that whites are becoming a minority in America but that it is a "strength". Whose "strength" is it? Surely it is not a "strength" for white Americans, whose ancestors founded this nation and whose descendants are watching it die a slow and painful death due to the machinations of globalist Zionist "Jews" and their money grubbing shabbos goy servants like Biden.
Meanwhile in the states, a long line of Zionist, corporate-fascist and/or socialist-communist Jews, like Paul Warberg, Henry Morgenthau, Bernard Baruch, Felix Frankfurter, Herbert Lehman, Louis Brandeis, Harry Dexter White, Alger Hiss, Franklin Roosevelt, Saul Alinsky and his pupil Hillary Clinton, the Rockefeller dynasty, Wolfowitz, Kissinger, Kristol, and Pelosi, Shumer, and Schiff have plotted, scheme by scheme, to turn America communist. It is in their blood to do so and the strategies are ever-changing, like a real mutating virus. Chabad Lubavichers and other powerful Jewish secret societies such as B'nai B'rith exert behind the scenes influence over governments worldwide and look forward to a day (according to the Kaballah) when Zionist Jews reign supreme over planet earth and the mongrelized masses are reduced to slavery, while every Jew has 10,000 personal slaves. Have you noticed how just about every commercial, sitcom and movie promotes race mixing? Have you noticed the streets of your city? Do you see as many white people as you used to? If you’ve been paying attention it should be obvious that the white race is being “genocided”. Read “The Unseen War” essay on this site for more details.
Interview of Robert David Steele who says this is a "media information war" to facilitate insider training, and though this "pandemic" is fake, the next one will be real and 5G microwave technology will be used to advance it. He adds that this "war" was instigated by "elites" like Bill Gates, Fauci, The Rockefeller Foundation and the World Health Organization, which is led by a war criminal. He says the Center for Disease Control (CDC) is in the pockets of big pharma. Trump apparently understands the agenda, and may be doing what he can to work against it. He is taking advance measures to improve procurement processes so people will not have to do without necessities during a real crisis. We believe that whatever he is doing, it will be better than what have resulted if his political opponent, a closet communist, had come to the throne.
Scenes from around the world that you are prohibited from seeing on "elite", synagogue of Satan (Revelation 2:9 and 3:9) controlled mainstream media, which is being used to wage a global, lockstep WAR of DISinformation on the people, to forcefully complete the final stages of their New World Order techno-tyranny. This video also delves into a document unveiled by the Rockefeller Foundation ten years ago. This document describes a scenario that is exactly the same as what is playing out now. Are they psychic? Not at all. Given the financial resources, corporate holdings and worldwide web of DECEIT commanded by Rocky and allied globalist elite scum there is not doubt that this scamdemic was planned (as were Pearl Harbor and 911) many years in advance. The document is available for download below.
Dr. Judy Mikovitz, who was jailed for five years (on NO charges) for standing in the way of Dr. Anthony Fauci and his sidekick, Dr. Gallo, who unfortunately have a major influence on government agenda. She reveals that the motivation of these diabolical doctors is not to provide the best and most economical medical treatments, but to pad their own pockets. She says that already millions have died because of their deliberate withdrawing of older, tried and true remedies from the market in order to push their patented death vaccines.
Valuable discussion on the agenda of wicked "elites" like Bill Gates, Fauci, the World Health Organization, etc., whose desire is to KILL billions of people, not boost their immunity. The plan of the Gates foundation is to use government to FORCE people to submit a dubious COVID vaccine that is actually designed to accelerate DYING, and further to implant people with a tracking device which would allow criminal corporate-technocrats to monitor their every move, and health statistics, in real time. The master agenda is CONTROL, always a favorite of psychopathic tyrants.
rockefeller_foundation_-_scenarios_for_the_future_of_technology_and_international_development.pdf | |
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brazilian_doctor_dies_participating_in_astrazeneca’s_covid-19_vaccine_clinical_trial_10-2020.pdf | |
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