Neo-Feudalism & the Anti-Human Agenda
Proverbs 21:6-7 The getting of treasures by a lying tongue is a vanity tossed to and fro of them that seek death. The robbery of the wicked shall destroy them; because they refuse to do judgment.
As we slide into the year 2024 the change going on in America, and in the West in general, is so staggering that trying to keep track of it all is about as easy as juggling a half dozen rotten onions. Nevertheless, when viewed from a distance this paradigm shift has one common feature: those things that are highly financed, promoted and mandated by some “consensus” from on high all contribute to global government, a loss of privacy and slavery for most people and those things that are marginalized, ignored and stamped out do not. The alphabet agencies, lobby groups and world forums are marching in “lockstep” to use the term from the 2010 Rockefeller Foundation report. “Esteemed” plutocrat and world gadfly David Rockefeller once stated that “a supranational government led by international bankers is surely preferable to auto-determination of the masses”. Unfortunately that IS the kind of “government” we actually have -- one that is run by super rich for the super rich. It is not “preferable” to 99.9% of the people and is an abomination to God, who shall (and that’s an absolute) put an end to it relatively soon.
Proverbs 21:6-7 The getting of treasures by a lying tongue is a vanity tossed to and fro of them that seek death. The robbery of the wicked shall destroy them; because they refuse to do judgment.
As we slide into the year 2024 the change going on in America, and in the West in general, is so staggering that trying to keep track of it all is about as easy as juggling a half dozen rotten onions. Nevertheless, when viewed from a distance this paradigm shift has one common feature: those things that are highly financed, promoted and mandated by some “consensus” from on high all contribute to global government, a loss of privacy and slavery for most people and those things that are marginalized, ignored and stamped out do not. The alphabet agencies, lobby groups and world forums are marching in “lockstep” to use the term from the 2010 Rockefeller Foundation report. “Esteemed” plutocrat and world gadfly David Rockefeller once stated that “a supranational government led by international bankers is surely preferable to auto-determination of the masses”. Unfortunately that IS the kind of “government” we actually have -- one that is run by super rich for the super rich. It is not “preferable” to 99.9% of the people and is an abomination to God, who shall (and that’s an absolute) put an end to it relatively soon.
How the Rockefeller family "modernized" medicine, and
made it exorbitantly profitable for oligarchs like themselves. |
Luke 16:13-15 No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. (money, wealth, worldliness) And the Pharisees also, who were covetous, heard all these things: and they derided him. And he said unto them, Ye are they which justify yourselves before men; but God knoweth your hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God. |
The gap between those “elite” running the planet and everyone else is now a Grand Canyon sized chasm. The agendas and goals of the .001%ers are really terrible for the human race and the planet in general. “They” would prefer to see 9/10 of us die and those who remain under their boot relegated to absolute servitude, under constant surveillance, and prevented by any means possible from engaging in any independence from their system of control. Some of these super-rich overlords literally believe themselves to be a different superior species to the average human. If they do have any “superiority” it is only in their ability to deceive. However, deceivers are oftentimes the most deceived of people. They fully believe the big lie the serpent tempted Eve with in the garden, that “ye can be as gods”, and thus not accountable to God. What these creatures do not realize is that their hubris will be snuffed out in a heartbeat when they come before God Almighty to be judged. They are “vessels of wrath”, destined for the depths of hell for eternity when God with great wrath, holds their souls to account:
Romans 9:20-23 Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus? Hath not the potter (God) power over the clay (human beings), of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour? What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction: (He puts up with their wickedness for a time) And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, (those who love God, Christians) which he had afore prepared unto glory, (God’s children will spend eternity with Jesus Christ, under his perfect government, in a new world free from the sin that has ruined this world).
Thus, the heaven of the super-rich “elites” is NOW and it is relatively SHORT on God’s timeline:
Matthew 19:23-24 Then said Jesus unto his disciples, Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven. And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.
Today’s neo-feudalist tyrants want you believe as they do: that there is no absolute morality, that anything is possible and do-able because when one dies that soul simply ceases to exist, or floats around blissfully and aimlessly in the vastness of space. This is a LIE designed to get you to give in to their satanic belief system, and this is how they justify their reprobate lifestyles. There are only two options at death: presence in the kingdom of God or a dispatch to hell for an eternity of unimaginable suffering. There will be MANY who go to hell because they deny God and Christ, and FEW who make it to the eternal kingdom of God. Perhaps we should put an emphasis on the word “eternity” because this is an unimaginably “long” period of time, “time” without end. It is really an absence of “time” in never-ceasing torment – in the absence of God, forever and ever without any option of redemption. If anyone chooses not to grasp this as the absolute truth, then it is to their own eternal peril.
I John 2:22 Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.
All of the anti-God, anti-freedom, anti-nation and anti-human movements advanced in this day are born of the desperate desire, spearheaded primarily by one particular gene pool, to achieve power, profit and control over the entire planet and to build a dubious utopia for themselves, relegating what remains of humanity to absolute slavery. These rebels against the Almighty God believe if it were possible, (which it is not) to prove God wrong on some point – on any point at all – then “their father the devil” will usurp God. They even believe that if evil can be ramped up to the maximum then their own “redemption” would be possible through EVIL! Of course, this is utterly insane but it is actual Talmudic philosophy visible every day in its effects – war, suffering, poverty, sickness, homelessness, pollution, corruption, anti-human genetic engineering. These vessels of wrath with minds literally wired for evil “reason” that they must by all means hasten the coming of their “messiah” by enhancing evil in this world, which they believe would fulfill certain prophecies – because their messiah (THE anti-Christ, imbued with the spirit of Satan) will come when evil has reached a climax and he will pretend for a short time to solve the world’s problems, but that will be a massive deception. Most assuredly he will come BEFORE Jesus Christ returns, and many will be fooled into thinking that this Antichrist “messiah” is Jesus Christ Himself.
II Thessalonians 2:8-9 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, (Jesus comes after the Antichrist) and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders …
The deranged thinking of the planetary overlords is a nagging challenge WE must deal with daily as we struggle to survive against their wicked system of things. They cannot leave us alone to live our lives in peace and are always grasping for more, more, more as they steal from everyone else and remake the world in the image of “their father the devil”. These antichrists are busy night and day building their modern, high-tech equivalent of the ancient Tower of Babel.
I John 2:18-19 Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time. They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.
Unfortunately these antichrist busybodies have the money, and the power to push satanic agendas because they and their ancestors have stolen hundreds of trillions of dollars through usury, fractional reserve banking, corporate monopolization and a multitude of other wealth extortion scams, over centuries! They have infiltrated national governments throughout the world. Klaus Schwab, head of the World Economic Forum, brags that he has inserted his “Young Global Leaders” in cabinet or ministerial positions in nearly all of the nations of the world. This includes globalists and/or totalitarians such as Trudeau, Macron, Clinton and Obama. His list also includes ungodly billionaires like Gates, Bezos, Bourla (Pfizer C.E.O.) and Musk whose fortunes increased dramatically during the “pandemic” while the middle class was locked down and robbed. Biden (whose administration is secretly run by Obama and thousands of Obama appointees) has close ties with the W.E.F. and has proven his loyalty by giving speeches at its meetings.
Schwab’s right hand man and “philosopher” is Israeli Jew Yuval Noah Harari, who boldly proclaims that “we can become gods” and that “the Bible is fake news” and that “the Bible can be re-written with artificial intelligence.” Ultimately antichrists such as these in high places will lead a world of lost souls to think that Satan himself (whose spirit inhabits the body of a man) is Christ, when in fact he is THE Anti-Christ. This event is not that far off. For that brief moment in time “the dragon, Satan and the devil” will achieve the worship he has craved for all of the millennia since God kicked him and his fallen angels out of heaven. He can at last pretend to be God. Afterward this satanic system of things will be miserably and utterly destroyed and Satan will be dispatched to the abyss to suffer torment for one-thousand years, at which time he is released to tempt the people of the world once more, for a brief time, and then he and the false prophet will be thrown into the pit for eternity and the perfect kingdom of Jesus Christ will endure forever. Do you want to be a part of this righteous eternal kingdom or would you rather throw that away for the temptations of this evil world – for a very short season of sin? That should be a “no-brainer”.
Despite what the various popular and powerful antichrists may say, whether they are “progressives”, “socialists”, “Marxist-Communists”, “globalists” or outright “Satanists”, God’s Word is still absolute truth and we can be sure that when sin and evil has reached a climax this hopelessly corrupt “global” system of things will be destroyed. How do we know that “It is the last time”? (John 2:18) In America, for example, sins against God are literally celebrated. America exports this agenda to other nations. Foreign aid will not be doled out unless the recipient nation agrees to promote the very sins that are demoralizing and destroying America: sexual immorality, homosexuality and race mixing. This “social-programming” can be seen in America on practically every TV commercial and sitcom. It is taught in elementary schools and colleges. Kindergarteners have been treated to vile abominations like “Drag Queen Story Hour”. Just when you think it can’t get any worse, it does. People who have true Christian morals are made fun of. Many of our “national leaders” turn out to be perverts – cheaters, rapists, pedophiles. Even church leaders fall into this category. Pope Francis has actually sanctioned the marriage of homosexuals even though the Bible expressly prohibits such a union! Is this pope a Christian? Apparently, he is not. This leader of a billion Catholics is an antichrist. These are signs that we are nearing the end of this earth age. Following is a sample of the morality that is required by God, and the result of NOT adhering to it. When the land is “defiled” with immorality it will finally “vomiteth” out its inhabitants. Do not believe anyone who says that commandments in the Old Testament were done away with in the New. That is a lie. Prohibitions such as these still apply and entire nations will, as they have in the past, pay the price for violating them:
Leviticus 18:20-30 Moreover thou shalt not lie carnally with thy neighbour’s wife, to defile thyself with her. And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech, (referring to child sacrifice, which is still taking place in secret circles) neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I am the LORD. Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. (referring to homosexuality) Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: (race mixing) neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it is confusion. Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things: for in all these the nations are defiled which I cast out before you: And the land is defiled: therefore I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it, and the land itself vomiteth out her inhabitants. Ye shall therefore keep my statutes and my judgments, and shall not commit any of these abominations; neither any of your own nation, nor any stranger that sojourneth among you: (For all these abominations have the men of the land done, which were before you, and the land is defiled;) That the land spue not you out also, when ye defile it, as it spued out the nations that were before you. For whosoever shall commit any of these abominations, even the souls that commit them shall be cut off from among their people. Therefore shall ye keep mine ordinance, that ye commit not any one of these abominable customs, which were committed before you, and that ye defile not yourselves therein: I am the LORD your God.
Abominations such as the constant promotion of LGBTQ and race mixing agendas, the slow but sure acceptance of pedophilia, apologetically labeling these vile perverts as “minor attracted persons”, the mass killing by injections of poisons with “vaccines”, the filling of the air with cancer causing microwave radiation, the dragging of nations into one senseless war after another, the “global warming” scam, the “climate change” scam, the nation killing border “crisis”, the ridiculous demonization of carbon dioxide – which is essential for life itself, the formation of a digital “currency” slavery system, the insane push toward the merger of man with machine, known as “trans-humanism” – all of these agendas are built upon outrageous, mountainous heaps of lies. They are agendas designed to INCREASE the evil and suffering in this world in accordance with Talmudic, satanic, anti-Christ philosophy. Anyone who lives and loves a lie and enjoys designing and implementing these agendas is surely a “vessel of wrath” slated for hell.
I Corinthians 6:9-10 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
There is only ONE morality that is approved by God and that is the morality that HE established from the beginning as read in scripture. This morality has not been done away with. It has rather been IGNORED by a world that thinks God’s word doesn’t matter anymore – a world given over to the devil. Any “morality” other than that which was established by God is FALSE, leading to “strong delusion” which leads to damnation of souls and the death of nations. The new age of “enlightenment” is a total scam. It promises everything and will deliver nothing but misery. Just about anything dubbed as “permissible” and “necessary” in this new age of false “enlightenment” is teaching designed to lead souls to hell, which is the goal of the adversary, Satan, who has NO love for his followers and only uses them and their energy and intelligence toward his goal. Let’s take a glimpse at how bad things are at the present time and how much God’s sacred commandments have been abandoned in favor of the satanic agenda:
II Timothy 3:1-7 This know also, that in the last days (which is now) perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, (narcissistic) covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, (sociopaths, psychopaths) trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, (lacking restraint, uncontrolled) fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, (the government is riddled with them) heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; (pedophiles, sexual deviants, voyeurs) Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.(agnostic, atheistic and satanic intellectuals)
There is certainly no lack of intelligent people in leadership positions in America. However, unless they are grounded in Christian morals they will lead the nation astray until the land vomits out its inhabitants. Most nations and empires only last a couple centuries. They may start out with noble and good intentions and slowly but surely the parasitism and moral rot sets in. Instead of working FOR the nation’s people the government gets taken over by grasping con men and oligarchs who use it to build an empire for themselves. The United States government is riddled with parasites and traitors whose agenda is to fundamentally change America from a one republic under God into a totalitarian, socialist-communist government run by central bankers and corporate monopolies, all owned and run by Zionists. For example, when Obama (a Jewish homosexual – his mother was Jewish) became president he promised that he would “fundamentally change” America. The kind of “change you can count on” he was touting was never truly defined, but brainwashed, rank and file democrats swallowed it hook line and sinker. Obama’s rise to prominence was funded by the multi-billion dollar Jewish-Zionist Pritzker dynasty of Chicago. We are now suffering under what amounts to the third term of Obama, and Biden is his puppet. During Obama’s official terms as president he appointed his loyalists to a few thousand high government posts. Trump in his first term did not get rid of these “progressives” and they worked against him the entire time. You may notice that a rather large percentage of these appointees just so happen to be Jews. Their percentage in government is much higher than the percentage of Jews to be found in the general population. Historically a government top heavy with Jews and communism go hand in hand. It is a historical FACT, beyond argument. For example, the communist government of Russia in the early 20th century was 9/10 Jewish, as were many eastern bloc nations. This constitutes the “deep state” that we hear so much about, but is rarely defined. The Obama appointed socialist-communists have, for the most part, not retired. Many of them are still occupying those positions, or they have moved to other equally or more powerful posts.
Joshua 23:13b … but they shall be snares and traps unto you, and scourges in your sides, and thorns in your eyes, until ye perish from off this good land which the LORD your God hath given you.
Even though Trump adheres to Zionist views and is a supporter of the Israeli state, he was relentlessly nagged and stymied by these entrenched “progressives” in his first term as president. This is because Trump is not an “insider”, not a Jew, and is a “wild card” who may actually care about the people of America to a certain extent. These same entrenched antichrist, anti-constitutionalists are still nagging him with a barrage of lawsuits, or “lawfare” (warfare using the law as a weapon). If Trump jumps through all of the hoops of fire and becomes elected president, if he does not get rid of ALL of the Obama appointees and replace them with conservatives who have some regard for the U.S. Constitution then his second term will not be no better than the first. Here is a brief list of some of the Obama loyalists who need to be vomited OUT of government. As in the former Soviet Union, a high percentage of them are Jewish:
Romans 9:20-23 Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus? Hath not the potter (God) power over the clay (human beings), of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour? What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction: (He puts up with their wickedness for a time) And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, (those who love God, Christians) which he had afore prepared unto glory, (God’s children will spend eternity with Jesus Christ, under his perfect government, in a new world free from the sin that has ruined this world).
Thus, the heaven of the super-rich “elites” is NOW and it is relatively SHORT on God’s timeline:
Matthew 19:23-24 Then said Jesus unto his disciples, Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven. And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.
Today’s neo-feudalist tyrants want you believe as they do: that there is no absolute morality, that anything is possible and do-able because when one dies that soul simply ceases to exist, or floats around blissfully and aimlessly in the vastness of space. This is a LIE designed to get you to give in to their satanic belief system, and this is how they justify their reprobate lifestyles. There are only two options at death: presence in the kingdom of God or a dispatch to hell for an eternity of unimaginable suffering. There will be MANY who go to hell because they deny God and Christ, and FEW who make it to the eternal kingdom of God. Perhaps we should put an emphasis on the word “eternity” because this is an unimaginably “long” period of time, “time” without end. It is really an absence of “time” in never-ceasing torment – in the absence of God, forever and ever without any option of redemption. If anyone chooses not to grasp this as the absolute truth, then it is to their own eternal peril.
I John 2:22 Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.
All of the anti-God, anti-freedom, anti-nation and anti-human movements advanced in this day are born of the desperate desire, spearheaded primarily by one particular gene pool, to achieve power, profit and control over the entire planet and to build a dubious utopia for themselves, relegating what remains of humanity to absolute slavery. These rebels against the Almighty God believe if it were possible, (which it is not) to prove God wrong on some point – on any point at all – then “their father the devil” will usurp God. They even believe that if evil can be ramped up to the maximum then their own “redemption” would be possible through EVIL! Of course, this is utterly insane but it is actual Talmudic philosophy visible every day in its effects – war, suffering, poverty, sickness, homelessness, pollution, corruption, anti-human genetic engineering. These vessels of wrath with minds literally wired for evil “reason” that they must by all means hasten the coming of their “messiah” by enhancing evil in this world, which they believe would fulfill certain prophecies – because their messiah (THE anti-Christ, imbued with the spirit of Satan) will come when evil has reached a climax and he will pretend for a short time to solve the world’s problems, but that will be a massive deception. Most assuredly he will come BEFORE Jesus Christ returns, and many will be fooled into thinking that this Antichrist “messiah” is Jesus Christ Himself.
II Thessalonians 2:8-9 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, (Jesus comes after the Antichrist) and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders …
The deranged thinking of the planetary overlords is a nagging challenge WE must deal with daily as we struggle to survive against their wicked system of things. They cannot leave us alone to live our lives in peace and are always grasping for more, more, more as they steal from everyone else and remake the world in the image of “their father the devil”. These antichrists are busy night and day building their modern, high-tech equivalent of the ancient Tower of Babel.
I John 2:18-19 Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time. They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.
Unfortunately these antichrist busybodies have the money, and the power to push satanic agendas because they and their ancestors have stolen hundreds of trillions of dollars through usury, fractional reserve banking, corporate monopolization and a multitude of other wealth extortion scams, over centuries! They have infiltrated national governments throughout the world. Klaus Schwab, head of the World Economic Forum, brags that he has inserted his “Young Global Leaders” in cabinet or ministerial positions in nearly all of the nations of the world. This includes globalists and/or totalitarians such as Trudeau, Macron, Clinton and Obama. His list also includes ungodly billionaires like Gates, Bezos, Bourla (Pfizer C.E.O.) and Musk whose fortunes increased dramatically during the “pandemic” while the middle class was locked down and robbed. Biden (whose administration is secretly run by Obama and thousands of Obama appointees) has close ties with the W.E.F. and has proven his loyalty by giving speeches at its meetings.
Schwab’s right hand man and “philosopher” is Israeli Jew Yuval Noah Harari, who boldly proclaims that “we can become gods” and that “the Bible is fake news” and that “the Bible can be re-written with artificial intelligence.” Ultimately antichrists such as these in high places will lead a world of lost souls to think that Satan himself (whose spirit inhabits the body of a man) is Christ, when in fact he is THE Anti-Christ. This event is not that far off. For that brief moment in time “the dragon, Satan and the devil” will achieve the worship he has craved for all of the millennia since God kicked him and his fallen angels out of heaven. He can at last pretend to be God. Afterward this satanic system of things will be miserably and utterly destroyed and Satan will be dispatched to the abyss to suffer torment for one-thousand years, at which time he is released to tempt the people of the world once more, for a brief time, and then he and the false prophet will be thrown into the pit for eternity and the perfect kingdom of Jesus Christ will endure forever. Do you want to be a part of this righteous eternal kingdom or would you rather throw that away for the temptations of this evil world – for a very short season of sin? That should be a “no-brainer”.
Despite what the various popular and powerful antichrists may say, whether they are “progressives”, “socialists”, “Marxist-Communists”, “globalists” or outright “Satanists”, God’s Word is still absolute truth and we can be sure that when sin and evil has reached a climax this hopelessly corrupt “global” system of things will be destroyed. How do we know that “It is the last time”? (John 2:18) In America, for example, sins against God are literally celebrated. America exports this agenda to other nations. Foreign aid will not be doled out unless the recipient nation agrees to promote the very sins that are demoralizing and destroying America: sexual immorality, homosexuality and race mixing. This “social-programming” can be seen in America on practically every TV commercial and sitcom. It is taught in elementary schools and colleges. Kindergarteners have been treated to vile abominations like “Drag Queen Story Hour”. Just when you think it can’t get any worse, it does. People who have true Christian morals are made fun of. Many of our “national leaders” turn out to be perverts – cheaters, rapists, pedophiles. Even church leaders fall into this category. Pope Francis has actually sanctioned the marriage of homosexuals even though the Bible expressly prohibits such a union! Is this pope a Christian? Apparently, he is not. This leader of a billion Catholics is an antichrist. These are signs that we are nearing the end of this earth age. Following is a sample of the morality that is required by God, and the result of NOT adhering to it. When the land is “defiled” with immorality it will finally “vomiteth” out its inhabitants. Do not believe anyone who says that commandments in the Old Testament were done away with in the New. That is a lie. Prohibitions such as these still apply and entire nations will, as they have in the past, pay the price for violating them:
Leviticus 18:20-30 Moreover thou shalt not lie carnally with thy neighbour’s wife, to defile thyself with her. And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech, (referring to child sacrifice, which is still taking place in secret circles) neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I am the LORD. Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. (referring to homosexuality) Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: (race mixing) neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it is confusion. Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things: for in all these the nations are defiled which I cast out before you: And the land is defiled: therefore I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it, and the land itself vomiteth out her inhabitants. Ye shall therefore keep my statutes and my judgments, and shall not commit any of these abominations; neither any of your own nation, nor any stranger that sojourneth among you: (For all these abominations have the men of the land done, which were before you, and the land is defiled;) That the land spue not you out also, when ye defile it, as it spued out the nations that were before you. For whosoever shall commit any of these abominations, even the souls that commit them shall be cut off from among their people. Therefore shall ye keep mine ordinance, that ye commit not any one of these abominable customs, which were committed before you, and that ye defile not yourselves therein: I am the LORD your God.
Abominations such as the constant promotion of LGBTQ and race mixing agendas, the slow but sure acceptance of pedophilia, apologetically labeling these vile perverts as “minor attracted persons”, the mass killing by injections of poisons with “vaccines”, the filling of the air with cancer causing microwave radiation, the dragging of nations into one senseless war after another, the “global warming” scam, the “climate change” scam, the nation killing border “crisis”, the ridiculous demonization of carbon dioxide – which is essential for life itself, the formation of a digital “currency” slavery system, the insane push toward the merger of man with machine, known as “trans-humanism” – all of these agendas are built upon outrageous, mountainous heaps of lies. They are agendas designed to INCREASE the evil and suffering in this world in accordance with Talmudic, satanic, anti-Christ philosophy. Anyone who lives and loves a lie and enjoys designing and implementing these agendas is surely a “vessel of wrath” slated for hell.
I Corinthians 6:9-10 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
There is only ONE morality that is approved by God and that is the morality that HE established from the beginning as read in scripture. This morality has not been done away with. It has rather been IGNORED by a world that thinks God’s word doesn’t matter anymore – a world given over to the devil. Any “morality” other than that which was established by God is FALSE, leading to “strong delusion” which leads to damnation of souls and the death of nations. The new age of “enlightenment” is a total scam. It promises everything and will deliver nothing but misery. Just about anything dubbed as “permissible” and “necessary” in this new age of false “enlightenment” is teaching designed to lead souls to hell, which is the goal of the adversary, Satan, who has NO love for his followers and only uses them and their energy and intelligence toward his goal. Let’s take a glimpse at how bad things are at the present time and how much God’s sacred commandments have been abandoned in favor of the satanic agenda:
II Timothy 3:1-7 This know also, that in the last days (which is now) perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, (narcissistic) covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, (sociopaths, psychopaths) trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, (lacking restraint, uncontrolled) fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, (the government is riddled with them) heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; (pedophiles, sexual deviants, voyeurs) Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.(agnostic, atheistic and satanic intellectuals)
There is certainly no lack of intelligent people in leadership positions in America. However, unless they are grounded in Christian morals they will lead the nation astray until the land vomits out its inhabitants. Most nations and empires only last a couple centuries. They may start out with noble and good intentions and slowly but surely the parasitism and moral rot sets in. Instead of working FOR the nation’s people the government gets taken over by grasping con men and oligarchs who use it to build an empire for themselves. The United States government is riddled with parasites and traitors whose agenda is to fundamentally change America from a one republic under God into a totalitarian, socialist-communist government run by central bankers and corporate monopolies, all owned and run by Zionists. For example, when Obama (a Jewish homosexual – his mother was Jewish) became president he promised that he would “fundamentally change” America. The kind of “change you can count on” he was touting was never truly defined, but brainwashed, rank and file democrats swallowed it hook line and sinker. Obama’s rise to prominence was funded by the multi-billion dollar Jewish-Zionist Pritzker dynasty of Chicago. We are now suffering under what amounts to the third term of Obama, and Biden is his puppet. During Obama’s official terms as president he appointed his loyalists to a few thousand high government posts. Trump in his first term did not get rid of these “progressives” and they worked against him the entire time. You may notice that a rather large percentage of these appointees just so happen to be Jews. Their percentage in government is much higher than the percentage of Jews to be found in the general population. Historically a government top heavy with Jews and communism go hand in hand. It is a historical FACT, beyond argument. For example, the communist government of Russia in the early 20th century was 9/10 Jewish, as were many eastern bloc nations. This constitutes the “deep state” that we hear so much about, but is rarely defined. The Obama appointed socialist-communists have, for the most part, not retired. Many of them are still occupying those positions, or they have moved to other equally or more powerful posts.
Joshua 23:13b … but they shall be snares and traps unto you, and scourges in your sides, and thorns in your eyes, until ye perish from off this good land which the LORD your God hath given you.
Even though Trump adheres to Zionist views and is a supporter of the Israeli state, he was relentlessly nagged and stymied by these entrenched “progressives” in his first term as president. This is because Trump is not an “insider”, not a Jew, and is a “wild card” who may actually care about the people of America to a certain extent. These same entrenched antichrist, anti-constitutionalists are still nagging him with a barrage of lawsuits, or “lawfare” (warfare using the law as a weapon). If Trump jumps through all of the hoops of fire and becomes elected president, if he does not get rid of ALL of the Obama appointees and replace them with conservatives who have some regard for the U.S. Constitution then his second term will not be no better than the first. Here is a brief list of some of the Obama loyalists who need to be vomited OUT of government. As in the former Soviet Union, a high percentage of them are Jewish:
Cabinet Members and Key Advisors Under Biden Administration:
National Security Adviser - Jake Sullivan: Obama’s Deputy Assistant and Director of Policy.
Secretary of State - Antony Blinken: Obama’s Deputy National Security Advisor (2013-2015) and Deputy Secretary of State (2015-2017).
Secretary of Homeland Security - Alejandro Mayorkas: Obama Director of US Citizenship and Immigration Services. He also managed staffing the DoJ Criminal Division
Director of National Intelligence - Avril Haines: Was Obama’s Deputy Director of the CIA then Deputy National Security Advisor. Biden promoted her to DNI in 2021.
Ambassador to the United Nations - Linda Thomas-Greenfield: Obama’s Director General of the Foreign Service and Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs.
Administrator, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) - Samantha Power: Obama’s transition team for the State Department and his UN Ambassador (2013-2017)
Deputy Secretary of State - Wendy Sherman: Obama’s Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs. Retired July 2023 and replaced by Victoria Nuland (acting)
Economic Policy and Financial Oversight
Director, National Economic Council (replaced in 2023 by the Vice Chair of the Federal Reserve, Lael Brainard.) - Brian Deese: Obama's senior White House advisor, acting director of the Office of Management and Budget, and deputy director of the National Economic Council. Subsequently. Deese was Global Head of Sustainable Investing at BlackRock before joining the Biden administration.
Secretary of the Treasury - Janet Yellen: Obama’s Chairman of the Federal Reserve and Biden’s appointment as Secretary of the Treasury.
Chair, Council of Economic Advisers - Cecilia Rouse: Obama member of the Council of Economic Advisors promoted to the Chair by Biden in 2021. Replaced by Jared Bernstein in March 2023, she will be President of the Brookings Institute in 2024.
Deputy Secretary of the Treasury - Adewale "Wally" Adeyemo: A Nigerian, Obama’s Deputy National Security Advisor for International Economics and deputy director of the National Economic Council, then head of the Obama Foundation.
Member, Council of Economic Advisers - Jared Bernstein: VP Biden economic advisor during Obama years, then Biden appointed him Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors.
Chair, Securities and Exchange Commission - Gary Gensler: Obama Chair of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission then Chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission in 2021
Attorney General - Merrick Garland: Obama nominee for Justice of the Supreme Court after death of Antonin Scalia. Senate refused to vote on his nomination. Biden then made Garland U.S. Attorney General in 2021.
Secretary of Agriculture - Tom Vilsack: Obama Secretary of Agriculture, appointed by Biden in 2021.
Secretary of Veterans Affairs - Denis McDonough: Obama’s Deputy National Security Advisor, then Chief of Staff. Biden appointed him in 2021.
Director, Office of Science and Technology Policy - Eric Lander: Obama’s advisor on science and tech. Elevated to Cabinet in 2021. He resigned in 2022 for bullying, replaced by Alondra Nelson.
Deputy Attorney General - Lisa Monaco: Obama Homeland Security Advisor, appointed by Biden to Deputy Attorney General in 2021.
Associate Attorney General - Vanita Gupta: Obama Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights. promoted by Biden to Associate Attorney General in 2021.
Surgeon General - Dr. Vivek Murthy: Obama’s (and Trump’s) Surgeon General, reappointed by Biden in 2021.
Chairperson, Council on Environmental Quality - Brenda Mallory: Obama General Counsel of the EPA, then promoted by Biden to Chair of Council on Environmental Quality.
White House Aides
Chief of Staff - Ron Klain: Obama Ebola Response Coordinator. Replaced by Jeff Zients, Obama Director of OMB and Director of the National Economic Council.
Director, Domestic Policy Council - Susan Rice: Obama’s National Security Advisor and UN Ambassador
Special Presidential Envoy for Climate - John Kerry: Obama’s Secretary of State.
National Climate Adviser - Gina McCarthy: Obama Administrator of the EPA.
Director, Office of Legislative Affairs - Louisa Terrell: Was Obama’s Legislative Aide
Counsel to the President - Dana Remus: Obama Deputy Assistant and Deputy Counsel for Ethics, then general counsel for the Obama Foundation and Michelle Obama.
Comptroller General of the US - Gene Dodero (appointed by Obama and still in office)
National Security Adviser - Jake Sullivan: Obama’s Deputy Assistant and Director of Policy.
Secretary of State - Antony Blinken: Obama’s Deputy National Security Advisor (2013-2015) and Deputy Secretary of State (2015-2017).
Secretary of Homeland Security - Alejandro Mayorkas: Obama Director of US Citizenship and Immigration Services. He also managed staffing the DoJ Criminal Division
Director of National Intelligence - Avril Haines: Was Obama’s Deputy Director of the CIA then Deputy National Security Advisor. Biden promoted her to DNI in 2021.
Ambassador to the United Nations - Linda Thomas-Greenfield: Obama’s Director General of the Foreign Service and Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs.
Administrator, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) - Samantha Power: Obama’s transition team for the State Department and his UN Ambassador (2013-2017)
Deputy Secretary of State - Wendy Sherman: Obama’s Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs. Retired July 2023 and replaced by Victoria Nuland (acting)
Economic Policy and Financial Oversight
Director, National Economic Council (replaced in 2023 by the Vice Chair of the Federal Reserve, Lael Brainard.) - Brian Deese: Obama's senior White House advisor, acting director of the Office of Management and Budget, and deputy director of the National Economic Council. Subsequently. Deese was Global Head of Sustainable Investing at BlackRock before joining the Biden administration.
Secretary of the Treasury - Janet Yellen: Obama’s Chairman of the Federal Reserve and Biden’s appointment as Secretary of the Treasury.
Chair, Council of Economic Advisers - Cecilia Rouse: Obama member of the Council of Economic Advisors promoted to the Chair by Biden in 2021. Replaced by Jared Bernstein in March 2023, she will be President of the Brookings Institute in 2024.
Deputy Secretary of the Treasury - Adewale "Wally" Adeyemo: A Nigerian, Obama’s Deputy National Security Advisor for International Economics and deputy director of the National Economic Council, then head of the Obama Foundation.
Member, Council of Economic Advisers - Jared Bernstein: VP Biden economic advisor during Obama years, then Biden appointed him Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors.
Chair, Securities and Exchange Commission - Gary Gensler: Obama Chair of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission then Chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission in 2021
Attorney General - Merrick Garland: Obama nominee for Justice of the Supreme Court after death of Antonin Scalia. Senate refused to vote on his nomination. Biden then made Garland U.S. Attorney General in 2021.
Secretary of Agriculture - Tom Vilsack: Obama Secretary of Agriculture, appointed by Biden in 2021.
Secretary of Veterans Affairs - Denis McDonough: Obama’s Deputy National Security Advisor, then Chief of Staff. Biden appointed him in 2021.
Director, Office of Science and Technology Policy - Eric Lander: Obama’s advisor on science and tech. Elevated to Cabinet in 2021. He resigned in 2022 for bullying, replaced by Alondra Nelson.
Deputy Attorney General - Lisa Monaco: Obama Homeland Security Advisor, appointed by Biden to Deputy Attorney General in 2021.
Associate Attorney General - Vanita Gupta: Obama Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights. promoted by Biden to Associate Attorney General in 2021.
Surgeon General - Dr. Vivek Murthy: Obama’s (and Trump’s) Surgeon General, reappointed by Biden in 2021.
Chairperson, Council on Environmental Quality - Brenda Mallory: Obama General Counsel of the EPA, then promoted by Biden to Chair of Council on Environmental Quality.
White House Aides
Chief of Staff - Ron Klain: Obama Ebola Response Coordinator. Replaced by Jeff Zients, Obama Director of OMB and Director of the National Economic Council.
Director, Domestic Policy Council - Susan Rice: Obama’s National Security Advisor and UN Ambassador
Special Presidential Envoy for Climate - John Kerry: Obama’s Secretary of State.
National Climate Adviser - Gina McCarthy: Obama Administrator of the EPA.
Director, Office of Legislative Affairs - Louisa Terrell: Was Obama’s Legislative Aide
Counsel to the President - Dana Remus: Obama Deputy Assistant and Deputy Counsel for Ethics, then general counsel for the Obama Foundation and Michelle Obama.
Comptroller General of the US - Gene Dodero (appointed by Obama and still in office)
What do these bureaucrats have in common? They got installed in leadership positions because will take orders from Obama and they have no problem selling out America. Some of them, as we have seen on TV, can lie with a straight face. They are all schooled in “globalization”, which leads to the death of sovereign nations. They would tell Congress, for example, (as did the traitorous Cuban Jew Mayorkas) that “the border is secure” when a flood of 10,000 migrants a day is streaming across it. They would flippantly remark that people are better off financially as the middle class is being ravaged by inflation. Today’s young people are by no means better off financially. Most of them cannot afford homes because they have been priced out of reach and interest rates have been deliberately pumped up to force them to pay tribute to corporate landlords. This is modern feudalism. How is this current system any different from the feudalism of the dark ages except for the technological updates? The current president, a senile old man, proclaims with a straight face that the worst problem facing America is “white supremacism”. There IS a certain supremacism but is sure isn’t white. The sad truth is that the white race is being replaced to create a rootless slave class which the “elite” are grooming to serve “them” in perpetuity. Meanwhile, the deceivers would have you believe that there are “more jobs than ever” when the corporations are fast-tracking robotics and artificial intelligence systems to replace humans with machines. Way back in 1981 the director of the CIA, an old codger by the name of William Casey admitted in a meeting “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” We hate to say it, but that goal has largely been accomplished.
“There’s not a dime’s worth of difference between the Republicans and Democrats”. Barry Goldwater, 1960s presidential candidate
The vast majority of Americans believe that there is a major difference between the Republican and Democratic parties. The fact is that both of these entrenched parties are controlled by the same Zionist “money power” and elections, such as the upcoming one, are like grand boxing matches sucking the public into rooting for one heavyweight fighter or another. It really is a vote for the lesser of two evils, because the one thing we can be sure of is that both candidates are beholden to the Zionist money power. This author witnessed the female Republican candidate on television in a debate saying “We should stop giving billions of dollars to Israel”, a sane proposal since Israel is nothing but a parasite on America. Very soon afterward she flipped 180 degrees in favor of propping up Israel. The Jewish Koch brothers who are helping fund her campaign must have tapped her on the shoulder and advised her that her career in politics would be finished if she didn’t get with the Zionist program.
“There’s not a dime’s worth of difference between the Republicans and Democrats”. Barry Goldwater, 1960s presidential candidate
The vast majority of Americans believe that there is a major difference between the Republican and Democratic parties. The fact is that both of these entrenched parties are controlled by the same Zionist “money power” and elections, such as the upcoming one, are like grand boxing matches sucking the public into rooting for one heavyweight fighter or another. It really is a vote for the lesser of two evils, because the one thing we can be sure of is that both candidates are beholden to the Zionist money power. This author witnessed the female Republican candidate on television in a debate saying “We should stop giving billions of dollars to Israel”, a sane proposal since Israel is nothing but a parasite on America. Very soon afterward she flipped 180 degrees in favor of propping up Israel. The Jewish Koch brothers who are helping fund her campaign must have tapped her on the shoulder and advised her that her career in politics would be finished if she didn’t get with the Zionist program.
It is impossible to get and keep an important seat in Washington, D.C. without being a Zionist. Just ask former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, who had someone from AIPAC come are around to her office offering her a brown envelope – a bribe to assure that she vote for anything that Israel and the Zionists want. She thought this was outrageous and un-American, refused to be bribed, but she didn’t last long in Washington. Political candidates promise American citizens the sun, moon and stars and put on a great show but when installed in office basically serve the same old masters, the central banks, the Wall Street investment firms, the giant Jewish-owned corporations, and let’s not forget -- the Israeli state with its so called “chosen people”. That which does NOT serve this control matrix is marginalized, ignored and trodden underfoot.
Performing this ritual of subservience to Israel and Zionism
is a prerequisite for becoming president in the United States of America. |
Because Dr. Vandana Shiva, an independent presidential candidate that you probably have never heard of, emphatically and truthfully declares that Washington DC is controlled by Zionists, he has NO chance of getting mainstream media coverage, thus he has almost no chance of getting on a ballot and precisely zero chance of getting elected president. He also says, quite accurately, that there are 70 million “Christian Zionists” who are a huge part of the problem with politics in America. As long as these people swallow the “chosen people” myth believing that “Jesus was a Jew” (that He was, somehow, the exact same race as today’s mixed-race Jews descended from Canaanite-Edomites – which HE is NOT!) then this enormous blob of constituents will be no threat to the criminal, murderous regime of Zionists. These misinformed “Christians”, steeped in the lies of Zionists, would support the U.S. sending troops to prop up and expand the Israeli State and would, by default, turn a blind eye to the mass murder of Palestinians. Do they not believe God’s commandment “Thou shalt not kill?” Trying to convince these people that Jesus was, in fact, a Judean and a white man and that today’s “Israel” is a counterfeit of ancient Israel is like banging your head against a wall. The programming runs very deep and begins in early childhood. Almost all of the preachers and pastors are programmed with erroneous Scofield theology. Cyrus Scofield was a con man who was financed by Jews in his day to pollute and corrupt the Bible with footnotes that hammer out the “Jesus was a Jew” and “chosen people” myths, in contradiction to what a straight reading of scripture actually teaches.
Though Vandana Shiva -- who was the inventor of e-mail, at the age of 15! -- and many other great and good minds past and present, may offer real solutions to problems nagging America, he will not get within a country mile of the Oval Office. The controllers of big government do not want to solve problems. They only want to create problems for the people in order to provide pre-determined “solutions” that invariably benefit their parasite class, which consists largely of billionaires and trillionaires and their corporate brethren. A very high percentage of these oligarchs so happen to be Jewish. The government thus becomes more oppressive with each passing year and let’s not forget, deeper in debt to the central bankers at the privately owned Federal Reserve.
Though Vandana Shiva -- who was the inventor of e-mail, at the age of 15! -- and many other great and good minds past and present, may offer real solutions to problems nagging America, he will not get within a country mile of the Oval Office. The controllers of big government do not want to solve problems. They only want to create problems for the people in order to provide pre-determined “solutions” that invariably benefit their parasite class, which consists largely of billionaires and trillionaires and their corporate brethren. A very high percentage of these oligarchs so happen to be Jewish. The government thus becomes more oppressive with each passing year and let’s not forget, deeper in debt to the central bankers at the privately owned Federal Reserve.
The Federal Reserve Script for Totalitarianism
Who owns the Fed? The stock is privately owned by the same Jewish dynasties that owned it at its inception – Rothschild, Rockefeller, Schiff, Lazard, Seif, Sachs, Warburg, Goldman,Oppenheimer, Bleichroder. The stock has been solely in their hands since 1913! Former Fed chairman Alan Greenspan, a Jew, said in a 60 Minutes television interview with journalist Mike Wallace that “the Fed is an independent agency” and that the federal government “cannot overrule actions that we take”. We take that to mean that the Federal Reserve RUNS the government and uses it as a tool to advance Zionism and Jewish supremacist agendas which naturally leads to communism and totalitarianism.
The national debt now, in early 2024, stands at around $35,000,000,000 ($35 trillion dollars) and the value of the dollar is plummeting due to rampant money creation, to finance a plethora of projects that are of NO benefit to the American people, but of great benefit to Zionists, globalists and warmongering stockholders who value mammon more than God and despise human freedom. With the BRICS nations pushing to replace the dollar (still hanging on as the world’s “reserve currency”) with a Chinese, gold-backed Yuan Americans are in for a rude awakening. Because the parasites will not stop feeding from the host until the host dies we are destined to experience inflation, depression, poverty, sickness and a death spiral that will make the great depression of the 1930s look like a walk in the park. If the dollar (or whatever “the money” may be called) goes “all-digital” we will have reached the point at which it is a short ride to the terminus when “No man may buy or sell save those who have the mark”. If you are alive at that time you will need to barter outside of the system in order to survive without literally worshiping Satan:
Greenspan and Bernanke, former Fed Chairmen (both Jewish) prove that the "Federal" Reserve is above the Federal Government which cannot overrule actions it takes, nor does the Fed have to reveal to Congress what the money it creates out of nothing is used for, or where it goes.
Revelation 13:6-8 (looking back from the future at coming events) And he (the Anti-Christ, personification of Satan) opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
One bright spot in this field of darkness is that there is a tug of war between the central bank (the Fed) and the commercial banks. The Fed wants to be the “lender of last resort”, which means it would have to put all of the 4,700 banks in America out of business, or else reduce the number of banks down to just a few and make deals with them, in order to achieve its ultimate goal as the sole issuer of Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). It is impossible for the Fed to micro-manage thousands of banks so we are now witnessing the phenomenon of consolidation by elimination. Dirty tricks conceived in the minds of the usual “pricks” and “thorns” are being used to accomplish this. Those big banks that have not been blessed as “too big to fail”, a.k.a. “protected” are destined to suffer insolvency. The Fed is going to make this happen with the powerful tools and tricks at its disposal. It will stop at nothing because its owners and managers are driven by dark forces.
Big non-Fed bankers are certainly balking at the prospect of being forced into subservience to the Fed – or bankrupted by the Fed’s predatory monopolization schemes. They love to create money out of nothing through various loans, such as mortgages, business loans, credit cards, auto loans, etc. and charge interest on the debt they create out of nothing. This is a big issue that big egos will need to hammer out before an all digital slavery system can be implemented. Meanwhile, we should transact as much business as possible in CASH, deal only with smaller banks which are generally better run than the reckless big banks, and transact as little business as possible with credit and debit cards and absolutely don’t use your phone to transact business. Better yet, use cell phones as little as possible if you value your privacy. They are tracking devices, recording at all times where you go, who you talk to and what you say. If more people would follow these simple steps it would be more difficult for the bankers to spring their CBDC trap on the people.
Being forced to use an all digital “currency” is the worst of all possible systems. It is inescapable SLAVERY -- a mechanism of TOTAL control by the FEW over the many. Central Bank Digital so called “currency” would be a programmable token (not “money”) and it’s very USE would be determined by the central banking oligarchy, and enforced with artificial intelligence systems. It would be tied in to a “social credit” rating system like the one now used in China to keep citizens reeled in, oppressed and subservient to the psychopathic totalitarians at the top. You don’t have to take our word for it. Go look up a John Titus video entitled “Larry and Carstens’ Excellent Pandemic” and hear a general manager from the Bank of International Settlements (the central bank of central banks) admit to it. Cue up the video to 4:15:
One bright spot in this field of darkness is that there is a tug of war between the central bank (the Fed) and the commercial banks. The Fed wants to be the “lender of last resort”, which means it would have to put all of the 4,700 banks in America out of business, or else reduce the number of banks down to just a few and make deals with them, in order to achieve its ultimate goal as the sole issuer of Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). It is impossible for the Fed to micro-manage thousands of banks so we are now witnessing the phenomenon of consolidation by elimination. Dirty tricks conceived in the minds of the usual “pricks” and “thorns” are being used to accomplish this. Those big banks that have not been blessed as “too big to fail”, a.k.a. “protected” are destined to suffer insolvency. The Fed is going to make this happen with the powerful tools and tricks at its disposal. It will stop at nothing because its owners and managers are driven by dark forces.
Big non-Fed bankers are certainly balking at the prospect of being forced into subservience to the Fed – or bankrupted by the Fed’s predatory monopolization schemes. They love to create money out of nothing through various loans, such as mortgages, business loans, credit cards, auto loans, etc. and charge interest on the debt they create out of nothing. This is a big issue that big egos will need to hammer out before an all digital slavery system can be implemented. Meanwhile, we should transact as much business as possible in CASH, deal only with smaller banks which are generally better run than the reckless big banks, and transact as little business as possible with credit and debit cards and absolutely don’t use your phone to transact business. Better yet, use cell phones as little as possible if you value your privacy. They are tracking devices, recording at all times where you go, who you talk to and what you say. If more people would follow these simple steps it would be more difficult for the bankers to spring their CBDC trap on the people.
Being forced to use an all digital “currency” is the worst of all possible systems. It is inescapable SLAVERY -- a mechanism of TOTAL control by the FEW over the many. Central Bank Digital so called “currency” would be a programmable token (not “money”) and it’s very USE would be determined by the central banking oligarchy, and enforced with artificial intelligence systems. It would be tied in to a “social credit” rating system like the one now used in China to keep citizens reeled in, oppressed and subservient to the psychopathic totalitarians at the top. You don’t have to take our word for it. Go look up a John Titus video entitled “Larry and Carstens’ Excellent Pandemic” and hear a general manager from the Bank of International Settlements (the central bank of central banks) admit to it. Cue up the video to 4:15:
Now in order for our money system, CBDC in particular, (to function – ed) for the general use, we tend to establish equivalence with cash, and there is a huge difference there. For example, in cash we don’t know for example who is using a $100 bill today, we don’t know who is using a 100 peso bill today. A key difference with the CBDC is the central bank will have absolute control on the rules and regulations that will determine the use of that expression of central bank liability, and also we will have the technology to enforce that. Augustin Carstens, General Manager, Bank of International Settlements, at a conference of bankers in August, 2020.
Augusten Carstens, General Manager and totalitarian
troll from the Central Bank of Central Banks, the Rothschild's Bank of International Settlements |
For your convenience we pulled a section of the video so you can hear Mr. Carstons himself glorify the Central Bank Digital Currency control mechanism, which allows people like him to know everything that you buy and sell:
Discussion of CBDC and the psychopaths who are calling for it
The term “central bank liability” in the above quote from Carstens is banker-speak for “money”. The “technology” that Carstens speaks of would be artificial intelligence algorithms capable of drilling down into specific personal and business accounts and cutting the “money” on and off in accordance with how well the citizen slave or business entity is complying with the rules and regulations of the totalitarian state run by central BANKERS who want to manage the WORLD as if they were managing a corporate chicken farm. This is the opposite of freedom as we have known it and if there is anything worth fighting against it is THIS totalitarian beast run by Satanists and psychopaths. At the present time, people can use cash to transact business and the bankers do not have a clue as to how it is being used, nor should the bastards, and thank God for that! Even credit or debit can now be used without any regulation by bankers. This is business as we know it in a world that hasn’t yet gone totally insane. The banker-totalitarians are mentally ill control-freaks who are scared to death of an uprising against their criminal cartel and elaborate system of theft and want to clamp down as much as possible to forestall such an event. They want more control than they already have. They want a global gulag with total control of the planet by THEM, the most despicable, devious, criminal, thieving humans on the planet. No tactic of oppression is beyond consideration for these monsters, no matter how abhorrent. We must fight against this with the tools at our disposal, chief of which is the use of CASH whenever and wherever possible.
An increasing number of Americans are cognizant after the last stolen “election” that presidents are in fact selected – not “elected”. Who does this “selecting” should be rather obvious if you have read to this point. Despite the absolute certainty that there was cheating at the ballot box in 2020 the knee jerk reaction of the Marxist-communists (ultra left leaning Democrats) is that the worn out sock puppet won fair and square. This perfectly fits the Stalinesque ideology, “It’s not how people vote that counts. It’s who counts the votes.” Meyer Amschel Rothschild, richest man in the world in the late 1700s said (to paraphrase) “Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.” The Zionist-Marxist “deep state” blob controlled by central bankers at the Fed wants figureheads who will serve “them” and the welfare of average Americans absolutely does not figure into that equation. The people have NO say in anything the runaway federal government does. This is because it is not a “representative” government. It is a government run by oligarchs -- primarily those central bankers at the Fed. When has public outcry against never ending wars in far flung places like Germany, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Ukraine and now Israel and Iran ever made a difference in government agenda? Answer: never. Representative government is an illusion, particularly as long as thousands of top government posts are occupied by “progressive” communists who take marching orders from Obama, a tool of the bankers. Unless these parasites can be flushed out no president (even Trump) has a chance of making America “great again”. Amazingly, this natural degradation was perfectly foreseen two centuries ago by the founders of this nation.
An increasing number of Americans are cognizant after the last stolen “election” that presidents are in fact selected – not “elected”. Who does this “selecting” should be rather obvious if you have read to this point. Despite the absolute certainty that there was cheating at the ballot box in 2020 the knee jerk reaction of the Marxist-communists (ultra left leaning Democrats) is that the worn out sock puppet won fair and square. This perfectly fits the Stalinesque ideology, “It’s not how people vote that counts. It’s who counts the votes.” Meyer Amschel Rothschild, richest man in the world in the late 1700s said (to paraphrase) “Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.” The Zionist-Marxist “deep state” blob controlled by central bankers at the Fed wants figureheads who will serve “them” and the welfare of average Americans absolutely does not figure into that equation. The people have NO say in anything the runaway federal government does. This is because it is not a “representative” government. It is a government run by oligarchs -- primarily those central bankers at the Fed. When has public outcry against never ending wars in far flung places like Germany, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Ukraine and now Israel and Iran ever made a difference in government agenda? Answer: never. Representative government is an illusion, particularly as long as thousands of top government posts are occupied by “progressive” communists who take marching orders from Obama, a tool of the bankers. Unless these parasites can be flushed out no president (even Trump) has a chance of making America “great again”. Amazingly, this natural degradation was perfectly foreseen two centuries ago by the founders of this nation.
Great statesmen like Jefferson, Franklin, Madison, Hancock, etc. designed America to be a “constitutional republic”, which means rule by LAW, with the assumption of a largely homogeneous Christian populace, which is what the U.S. had at that time. Former president James Madison said that the Constitution would only work in a Christian nation. This is one huge reason why every possible tactic has been used by the enemy to de-Christianize America. Control of the money system by Jewish bankers for two centuries has caused this nation to degenerate into an iron-fisted fascist empire run by multi-billionaire tyrants. How else would they have been able to pull off the Covid scam to depopulate the planet and strip people of their wealth?
These monsters are hell bent on destroying national sovereignty, eliminating any middle class anywhere on the planet, doing away with freedom, stealing all of the assets, and establishing their satanic global government, the first “beast” in the book of Revelation. When “they” proclaim noble sounding notions like “equality” and “equity” what “they” mean is for everyone but “them” to be equally POOR – except for those who can work in some essential role FOR their system, so as to make it even more top heavy and ruthlessly oppressive. The people may finally come to realize this when they are stripped of all wealth, living paycheck to paycheck, or worse yet are on a subsistence Universal Basic Income (UBI) dole in which the USE of the “money” is controlled by algorithms designed by satanic central bankers.
During the “middle ages” and/or “dark ages” there were basically two classes of people in Europe: the aristocrats who owned all of the land and had most of the wealth in their hands and the peasants who had no choice but to reside on that land and pay “tribute” to their landlords. This is why many of our ancestors came to America. They were so fed up and weary of that oppressive system that they would rather take a chance in an unknown, undeveloped wilderness where there was hope of a better life through hard work than endure a lifetime of slavery. At this time, however, the same race of parasites that infected Europe several centuries ago have wormed their way into and ravaged America and the percentage of “tribute” has been jacked up even higher due to the rapaciousness of corporate monopolization. In every case prices are raised to maximum profitability and the well-being of the average citizen counts for nothing.
Exactly as predicted by Jefferson there are more and more homeless people because the private banks and corporations have taken over. Many people are simply too poor to afford rent. Though some of the homeless may suffer from mental illness, drug addiction or alcoholism others could have been your next door neighbor who lost their job and hit rock bottom. It is appalling that the average price of a one bedroom apartment in corporate-owned complexes, even in a small city, is around $1200 a month. People who are one paycheck short of homelessness are increasingly choosing to rent a room in boarding houses where this expense can be cut in half. Many others are living with their parents, in their vehicle, in a tent or in a dilapidated vacant house with no water, electricity or heat. Some of these people have jobs, but their pittance of a salary is not enough to get a roof over their head. This is horrific in a land that possesses so much in natural resources -- but the super-rich, greedy control freaks want to hog ALL of it. It is in their nature to do so, because they are natural born parasites destined for hell. The only “heaven” they will ever have is NOW.
This same pattern of squeezing the middle class to oblivion has happened time and time again for the past two millennia in many nations and the same predator parasites are always the cause of it. It is thus no coincidence that the primary perpetrators of national poverty have been expelled from many nations. In the process of working their massive wealth extraction schemes to defraud the “peasants” they always cry “persecution” and deflect righteous criticism by labeling anyone who tells the truth an anti-Semite, though “they”, in fact, are not Semites. This is psychological warfare, which is the weaponization of words re-tooled to mean the opposite of what they originally meant. The perpetrators we speak of are of mixed blood, lineage that traces back to the Khazars and even further back to the Canaanite-Edomites, and on back a few millennia more to Noah’s grandson Canaan, who had a Kenite wife, or wives. These Kenites were descended from CAIN, son of the devil, literally. True “Semites” on the other hand are descended from Noah’s son Shem and would NOT include those who are of “the synagogue of Satan” revealed in the Bible in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9. Could this be why “they” want to corrupt and even ban the Bible, because according to them it is “hate speech”? If there’s one thing these creatures hate it is the TRUTH which is revealed to those who study the Bible and pray that the truth be revealed to them through the Holy Spirit of God. The Bible is God’s gift to his children, our anchor in the hurricanes of un-truth.
During the “middle ages” and/or “dark ages” there were basically two classes of people in Europe: the aristocrats who owned all of the land and had most of the wealth in their hands and the peasants who had no choice but to reside on that land and pay “tribute” to their landlords. This is why many of our ancestors came to America. They were so fed up and weary of that oppressive system that they would rather take a chance in an unknown, undeveloped wilderness where there was hope of a better life through hard work than endure a lifetime of slavery. At this time, however, the same race of parasites that infected Europe several centuries ago have wormed their way into and ravaged America and the percentage of “tribute” has been jacked up even higher due to the rapaciousness of corporate monopolization. In every case prices are raised to maximum profitability and the well-being of the average citizen counts for nothing.
Exactly as predicted by Jefferson there are more and more homeless people because the private banks and corporations have taken over. Many people are simply too poor to afford rent. Though some of the homeless may suffer from mental illness, drug addiction or alcoholism others could have been your next door neighbor who lost their job and hit rock bottom. It is appalling that the average price of a one bedroom apartment in corporate-owned complexes, even in a small city, is around $1200 a month. People who are one paycheck short of homelessness are increasingly choosing to rent a room in boarding houses where this expense can be cut in half. Many others are living with their parents, in their vehicle, in a tent or in a dilapidated vacant house with no water, electricity or heat. Some of these people have jobs, but their pittance of a salary is not enough to get a roof over their head. This is horrific in a land that possesses so much in natural resources -- but the super-rich, greedy control freaks want to hog ALL of it. It is in their nature to do so, because they are natural born parasites destined for hell. The only “heaven” they will ever have is NOW.
This same pattern of squeezing the middle class to oblivion has happened time and time again for the past two millennia in many nations and the same predator parasites are always the cause of it. It is thus no coincidence that the primary perpetrators of national poverty have been expelled from many nations. In the process of working their massive wealth extraction schemes to defraud the “peasants” they always cry “persecution” and deflect righteous criticism by labeling anyone who tells the truth an anti-Semite, though “they”, in fact, are not Semites. This is psychological warfare, which is the weaponization of words re-tooled to mean the opposite of what they originally meant. The perpetrators we speak of are of mixed blood, lineage that traces back to the Khazars and even further back to the Canaanite-Edomites, and on back a few millennia more to Noah’s grandson Canaan, who had a Kenite wife, or wives. These Kenites were descended from CAIN, son of the devil, literally. True “Semites” on the other hand are descended from Noah’s son Shem and would NOT include those who are of “the synagogue of Satan” revealed in the Bible in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9. Could this be why “they” want to corrupt and even ban the Bible, because according to them it is “hate speech”? If there’s one thing these creatures hate it is the TRUTH which is revealed to those who study the Bible and pray that the truth be revealed to them through the Holy Spirit of God. The Bible is God’s gift to his children, our anchor in the hurricanes of un-truth.
Ephesians 6:10-18 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;
In some European countries at this time proclaiming the truth can be dangerous. The enemies of God endeavor to get laws passed in the host nation to label truthful criticism as “hate speech”, which may in a worst case scenario carry a prison term. Since America doesn’t have those particular laws YET the Zionist government uses the Jewish controlled media and internet giants to do the dirty work of censorship. “They” use gate keepers and “fact checkers” (deplorable hacks who have no regard for actual facts) and A.I. laced with the opinions of “woke” programmers to filter out the truth so that lies may persist, keep people in the dark and benefit the parasite class. Hungarian Jew George Soros and the Gates foundation have been funding many of these “fact checkers”. Could this be because the Ashkenazi Khazar Soros’ and crypto-“Jew” Gates’ are criminals whose reputations need about ten coats of whitewashing – and it is still insufficient to cover their moral turpitude? In this neo-feudalist system the people are anything but enlightened. They are immersed in a hot cauldron of lies, cooked up by rich, depraved, wicked people in high places.
In some European countries at this time proclaiming the truth can be dangerous. The enemies of God endeavor to get laws passed in the host nation to label truthful criticism as “hate speech”, which may in a worst case scenario carry a prison term. Since America doesn’t have those particular laws YET the Zionist government uses the Jewish controlled media and internet giants to do the dirty work of censorship. “They” use gate keepers and “fact checkers” (deplorable hacks who have no regard for actual facts) and A.I. laced with the opinions of “woke” programmers to filter out the truth so that lies may persist, keep people in the dark and benefit the parasite class. Hungarian Jew George Soros and the Gates foundation have been funding many of these “fact checkers”. Could this be because the Ashkenazi Khazar Soros’ and crypto-“Jew” Gates’ are criminals whose reputations need about ten coats of whitewashing – and it is still insufficient to cover their moral turpitude? In this neo-feudalist system the people are anything but enlightened. They are immersed in a hot cauldron of lies, cooked up by rich, depraved, wicked people in high places.
Street art in Melbourne, Australia
Ezra Pound, the great 20th century poet and mentor to a few Nobel Prize winners (Ernest Hemingway, T.S. Eliot and James Joyce) was imprisoned with dangerous psychopaths at St. Elizabeth’s mental hospital in NYC in the 1940s for his outspoken stance on WWII. On European, not American, radio he railed against the “filth” in high places who had planned and executed WWII to enrich their central banks and corporate monopolies, and to destroy different branches of the white race, while “they” stood back and gloated at the carnage. It was essentially a “civil war” with brother fighting and killing brother. The Ukraine war is the same thing: whites killing whites, with Jews pulling the strings to make it happen.
Vladamir Zelensky was able to sacrifice a couple hundred thousand white Ukrainians to Russia while accumulating a billion dollars in personal assets. “Not a bad day’s work” he would probably say. Surprise, surprise: He is a Jew. At this time it is likely that Zelensky is on the way out, pockets stuffed with filthy lucre, and Ukraine is being run by Victoria Nuland (see list above). She is Jewish, a war-mongering psychopath, and more than happy to throw a hundred thousand more whites into the war meat grinder – if any more suicidal troops can be found.
Victoria Nuland, Secretary of State for Political Affairs, Biden Administration
In his younger days Mr. Pound couldn’t understand why so many of his good and talented friends had to die for NOTHING in WWII and he set off to find out WHY, carrying on research in a half dozen languages. Since he was popular enough to steer public opinion against that war he was a thorn in the side to the Jewish central bankers and their fellow Zionists who had instigated it. Pound was apprehended and literally put in a cage outside in the elements until deported to America and imprisoned for a dozen years. He was never charged with an actual crime! This serves as an example of how corrupt the Zionist controlled U.S. government was at that time, three quarters of a century ago! Can you possibly imagine how corrupt it is NOW? The government goons who imprisoned Pound would not let him stand trial because he said that if brought to court he would stand by every single statement he had ever made. Because Pound was a righteous genius no one in the bureaucracy had to guts to stand up against him in a debate or a courtroom. Initially “they” said he would never get out. Thanks to the efforts of historian Eustace Mullins he was eventually released, old, tired and worn out from a life of fighting against the Zionist beast.
Pound found a young protégé in Eustace Mullins, who visited him regularly in the asylum. He paid Mullins a stipend to sift through materials in the Library of Congress to fully research and document Pound’s hunch that the Federal Reserve was behind the mass murder of WWII. Mullins literally lived in the Library of Congress for a year in an abandoned storage closet and wasted no time in getting to work. Pound had sensed that Mullins was uniquely suited for this task, since he had a photographic memory and the natural ability to “speed-read”. His unique system, witnessed by a friend of this author, was to flip through the pages forward and then backward and then skip through a few sections. He could read a book in a half hour to an hour, and retain the information! In this way he was able to go through hundreds and hundreds of books and mentally process the data, to arrive at the conclusion that the Fed was nothing but a giant, usurious scam, hidden under layer upon layer of institutionalized obfuscation, shielded by government and media silence and cover ups.
The product of Pound’s mentorship, Mullins’ 1950s book “The Secrets of the Federal Reserve”, proved what Pound had been proclaiming in his rants on European radio. This great work was swiftly condemned as “hate speech” because, though not specifically revealing it, Mullins was too close to mentioning the race that established this institution of mass theft in the first place, and who has consistently run and profited from it ever since. Years later in an interview Mullins remarked in his soft-spoken way that “it robs from everybody all the time”, which is perfectly true at the very least because of inflation – which results from the injection of more and more dollars into the money system. The Fed also throws money at “too big to fail” banks and individuals it wishes to reward for “service” in building a one world government monstrosity. Why would “they” want to do this? It is because they are condemned souls, genetically programmed for evil, as were their ancient ancestors in Jesus’ day. Jesus had this to say about them:
John 8:43-44 Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word. Ye are of (literally descended from) your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, (a reference to Cain, son of Satan) and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: (of his own descendants) for he is a liar, and the father of it.
Mullins could not get his book published by ANY publishing house in the 1950s!! He had to publish it himself! This is strong evidence that all publishing was controlled at that time by Jews. That control has not been relinquished, only tightened and made more onerous, and includes books, magazines, newspapers, radio, television, movies, the Internet and any other form of “mainstream” media. Now we arrive two-thirds of a century later and the people are generally no more educated as to the cause of the national debt and the phenomenon of inflation, recession, depression and the consolidation of wealth than they were in Mullins’ day. Those same perpetrators also control the primary, secondary and university "educational” systems to make sure that students are programmed for a life of slavery serving the Zionist-supremacist system that keeps them down. If anyone takes a course in “economics”, as this author did decades ago, they will be treated to a banquet of bunkum, adorned with complex charts and graphs, deliberately designed to obfuscate and confuse. Only many years after this standard university “education” did this author learn how the system actually works, thanks to pioneers like Mullins and others who followed in his footsteps. The massive federal, banking and private sector criminal cartel wants the American people to remain ignorant so that “they” can continue sucking the life and wealth out of us.
Mullins used to joke that unlike the celebrated writers Joyce, Eliot and Hemingway, who all got Nobel Prizes after being mentored by Pound, he was still awaiting his prize. Unlike them, Mullins was unwilling to kowtow to the socialist sentiments of his day, which was (and still is) a prerequisite for worldly “success”. The material, whether it be music, a book, a video, a play, a movie – if it supports traditional American values it will be swept under a carpet but if it supports the Zionist-socialist-communist-woke-progressive, anti-Christian, anti-constitution, anti-America, sexual perversity paradigm then it is put on a fast track for promotion and financial reward. Thus, when a producer comes out with a movie like “Brokeback Mountain” celebrating homosexuality (which is condemned by God), it gets rave reviews. The star of that movie subsequently committed suicide. We believe that if he had valued God more than mammon and had turned down that soul-killing acting role he might still be alive. His conscious apparently couldn’t bear the burden of the label that stuck with him like a stench long after the movie.
Because his many books reveal too much truth Mullins had about as much chance of getting a Nobel Prize as the anti-Zionist Vandana Shiva has of becoming U.S. president in 2024. For years Mullins was followed around and intimidated by FBI agents who treated him as if he were a criminal. Being the perfect southern gentlemen, full of good humor, he even approached the agents from time to time inviting them to join him for a cup of coffee! Mullins was truly the grandfather of so-called “conspiracy theorists”, a term which itself is derogatory because it carries with it the stigma of being a far-fetched idea entertained only by crazy people. This term was invented by some Jewish “think tank” in the 1960s to deflect criticism from the bogus Warren Commission report on the JFK assassination in which the true perpetrators were never exposed. You can bet your bottom dollar that the assassination was ordered by central bankers who saw Kennedy as an impediment to their criminal enterprise of creating money out of nothing, lending it to the Federal Government, whereupon it becomes “national debt”, and even charging interest on that debt created out of NOTHING. The “service” their IRS provides is to collect the interest on the debt from the American people and give it to the Jewish central bankers at the Fed. The IRS does not fund government services as is universally supposed.
When the government needs more money it simply borrows it from the Fed. This is a recipe for all kinds of malfeasance because the government MUST do what the Fed wants, or else not get the money. The Federal Reserve and the IRS were both established at the same time, in 1913-14 and by the same perpetrators, a who’s who of early 20th century Zionists, like the Jew Paul Warburg, who wrote the Federal Reserve Act, patterning it after the German Reichbank and the Jew Jacob Schiff of Kuhn Loeb and Company who established the IRS. He also established the NAACP in order to use blacks as pawns to further goals of the Jewish money power. The first NAACP president was a Jew by the name of Springarn.The Sephardic Jewish Rockefellers also had a hand in the Fed and own stock in it to this day, but the chief stockholders, calling the shots, are the Ashkenazi Jewish Rothschilds who have been in the create money out of nothing central banking business since the late 1700s. God, in his infinite wisdom, for our edification addressed this phenomenon and others like it down through human history:
Isaiah 5:18-21 Woe unto them that draw iniquity with cords of vanity, and sin as it were with a cart rope: (this addresses the Talmudic notion that ramping up the evil in the world will speed the coming of the messiah) That say, Let him make speed, and hasten his work, that we may see it: and let the counsel of the Holy One of Israel draw nigh and come, that we may know it! Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!
Central bankers are now plotting to replace cash with controllable digital “currency”, which is not “money” at all but rather a control system in which all purchases and sales can be tracked and accounts of citizens can be docked or even rendered inaccessible if they do not comply with regulations put in place by the banker overlords. This “fiat money” scam is two staged since cash, which is paper and has no intrinsic value, is already a counterfeit of real money such as gold and silver coins. Historically, in every nation in which it has been substituted for gold and silver coins paper money has always died a slow death due to “inflation” – an increase of the money supply. The U.S. is now suffering from a high rate of inflation, which is devaluing the dollar. The media may claim that inflation is no longer a problem when it goes from say 15% down to 5%, but it is still happening, just like a car moving down the highway and going from 60 mph down to 20 mph. Regardless of the rate of speed, it is still moving unless it is stalled or parked.
Governments always borrow more and more money from the central bank so the criminals tied in with the government can enrich themselves. Thus, over a couple centuries cash eventually returns to the value of the paper it is printed on, which is zero. Digital “money” works the same way. The value of each digital unit is the inverse to the number of them in existence. Because the debt based money systems of the world are ALL on the verge of failure, in order to maintain their iron fisted control over the planet’s people, the Rothschild consortium of central bankers are fervently working to replace these fiat systems with a new system that they believe will be failsafe: Central Bank Digital Currency, the most oppressive control mechanism ever conceived in the minds of satanic, psychopathic totalitarians. It will inevitably lead to the following scenario:
Revelation 13:16-18 And he (the Antichrist) causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. (the end result of the CBDC scheme) Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
The merger of parasitic central banks and corporate monopolies with federal government is a vast, ever evolving criminal enterprise that is rife with real conspiracies against the people, who are kept immersed in clever deceptions that can only be fully unraveled by those who love God and have opened their eyes to the TRUTH. Communist-totalitarian systems are built brick by lying brick, and it always turns out to be the same RACE of people who end up on top running and profiting from these wicked systems. Is this some kind of anomaly, occurring only by thousands of one in a million chances or is it possible that some people are just plain EVIL because of their very genetics? As the saying goes, if a man goes to one or two bars and gets kicked out, then perhaps it could be the fault of the bartenders. If he goes to a hundred bars and gets kicked out of all of them, then it’s HIS fault! Humor aside, Jesus told us that there are two basic seed-lines in the parable of the “wheat” and the “tares”. The “field” is the world. The tares are destined, by their blood/genetics to do evil and the enemy is Satan who sowed them! Perhaps this is representative of the “hate speech” that the devil’s workers would love to have banned, because they truly hate hearing the truth about themselves – that their reign of terror will end on the day of the Lord, at the great harvest of souls by God. The tares (the race spawned by Satan) will be gathered and BURNED:
Matthew 13:24-30 Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field: But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way. But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also. So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares? He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up? But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.
John 8:43-44 Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word. Ye are of (literally descended from) your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, (a reference to Cain, son of Satan) and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: (of his own descendants) for he is a liar, and the father of it.
Mullins could not get his book published by ANY publishing house in the 1950s!! He had to publish it himself! This is strong evidence that all publishing was controlled at that time by Jews. That control has not been relinquished, only tightened and made more onerous, and includes books, magazines, newspapers, radio, television, movies, the Internet and any other form of “mainstream” media. Now we arrive two-thirds of a century later and the people are generally no more educated as to the cause of the national debt and the phenomenon of inflation, recession, depression and the consolidation of wealth than they were in Mullins’ day. Those same perpetrators also control the primary, secondary and university "educational” systems to make sure that students are programmed for a life of slavery serving the Zionist-supremacist system that keeps them down. If anyone takes a course in “economics”, as this author did decades ago, they will be treated to a banquet of bunkum, adorned with complex charts and graphs, deliberately designed to obfuscate and confuse. Only many years after this standard university “education” did this author learn how the system actually works, thanks to pioneers like Mullins and others who followed in his footsteps. The massive federal, banking and private sector criminal cartel wants the American people to remain ignorant so that “they” can continue sucking the life and wealth out of us.
Mullins used to joke that unlike the celebrated writers Joyce, Eliot and Hemingway, who all got Nobel Prizes after being mentored by Pound, he was still awaiting his prize. Unlike them, Mullins was unwilling to kowtow to the socialist sentiments of his day, which was (and still is) a prerequisite for worldly “success”. The material, whether it be music, a book, a video, a play, a movie – if it supports traditional American values it will be swept under a carpet but if it supports the Zionist-socialist-communist-woke-progressive, anti-Christian, anti-constitution, anti-America, sexual perversity paradigm then it is put on a fast track for promotion and financial reward. Thus, when a producer comes out with a movie like “Brokeback Mountain” celebrating homosexuality (which is condemned by God), it gets rave reviews. The star of that movie subsequently committed suicide. We believe that if he had valued God more than mammon and had turned down that soul-killing acting role he might still be alive. His conscious apparently couldn’t bear the burden of the label that stuck with him like a stench long after the movie.
Because his many books reveal too much truth Mullins had about as much chance of getting a Nobel Prize as the anti-Zionist Vandana Shiva has of becoming U.S. president in 2024. For years Mullins was followed around and intimidated by FBI agents who treated him as if he were a criminal. Being the perfect southern gentlemen, full of good humor, he even approached the agents from time to time inviting them to join him for a cup of coffee! Mullins was truly the grandfather of so-called “conspiracy theorists”, a term which itself is derogatory because it carries with it the stigma of being a far-fetched idea entertained only by crazy people. This term was invented by some Jewish “think tank” in the 1960s to deflect criticism from the bogus Warren Commission report on the JFK assassination in which the true perpetrators were never exposed. You can bet your bottom dollar that the assassination was ordered by central bankers who saw Kennedy as an impediment to their criminal enterprise of creating money out of nothing, lending it to the Federal Government, whereupon it becomes “national debt”, and even charging interest on that debt created out of NOTHING. The “service” their IRS provides is to collect the interest on the debt from the American people and give it to the Jewish central bankers at the Fed. The IRS does not fund government services as is universally supposed.
When the government needs more money it simply borrows it from the Fed. This is a recipe for all kinds of malfeasance because the government MUST do what the Fed wants, or else not get the money. The Federal Reserve and the IRS were both established at the same time, in 1913-14 and by the same perpetrators, a who’s who of early 20th century Zionists, like the Jew Paul Warburg, who wrote the Federal Reserve Act, patterning it after the German Reichbank and the Jew Jacob Schiff of Kuhn Loeb and Company who established the IRS. He also established the NAACP in order to use blacks as pawns to further goals of the Jewish money power. The first NAACP president was a Jew by the name of Springarn.The Sephardic Jewish Rockefellers also had a hand in the Fed and own stock in it to this day, but the chief stockholders, calling the shots, are the Ashkenazi Jewish Rothschilds who have been in the create money out of nothing central banking business since the late 1700s. God, in his infinite wisdom, for our edification addressed this phenomenon and others like it down through human history:
Isaiah 5:18-21 Woe unto them that draw iniquity with cords of vanity, and sin as it were with a cart rope: (this addresses the Talmudic notion that ramping up the evil in the world will speed the coming of the messiah) That say, Let him make speed, and hasten his work, that we may see it: and let the counsel of the Holy One of Israel draw nigh and come, that we may know it! Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!
Central bankers are now plotting to replace cash with controllable digital “currency”, which is not “money” at all but rather a control system in which all purchases and sales can be tracked and accounts of citizens can be docked or even rendered inaccessible if they do not comply with regulations put in place by the banker overlords. This “fiat money” scam is two staged since cash, which is paper and has no intrinsic value, is already a counterfeit of real money such as gold and silver coins. Historically, in every nation in which it has been substituted for gold and silver coins paper money has always died a slow death due to “inflation” – an increase of the money supply. The U.S. is now suffering from a high rate of inflation, which is devaluing the dollar. The media may claim that inflation is no longer a problem when it goes from say 15% down to 5%, but it is still happening, just like a car moving down the highway and going from 60 mph down to 20 mph. Regardless of the rate of speed, it is still moving unless it is stalled or parked.
Governments always borrow more and more money from the central bank so the criminals tied in with the government can enrich themselves. Thus, over a couple centuries cash eventually returns to the value of the paper it is printed on, which is zero. Digital “money” works the same way. The value of each digital unit is the inverse to the number of them in existence. Because the debt based money systems of the world are ALL on the verge of failure, in order to maintain their iron fisted control over the planet’s people, the Rothschild consortium of central bankers are fervently working to replace these fiat systems with a new system that they believe will be failsafe: Central Bank Digital Currency, the most oppressive control mechanism ever conceived in the minds of satanic, psychopathic totalitarians. It will inevitably lead to the following scenario:
Revelation 13:16-18 And he (the Antichrist) causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. (the end result of the CBDC scheme) Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
The merger of parasitic central banks and corporate monopolies with federal government is a vast, ever evolving criminal enterprise that is rife with real conspiracies against the people, who are kept immersed in clever deceptions that can only be fully unraveled by those who love God and have opened their eyes to the TRUTH. Communist-totalitarian systems are built brick by lying brick, and it always turns out to be the same RACE of people who end up on top running and profiting from these wicked systems. Is this some kind of anomaly, occurring only by thousands of one in a million chances or is it possible that some people are just plain EVIL because of their very genetics? As the saying goes, if a man goes to one or two bars and gets kicked out, then perhaps it could be the fault of the bartenders. If he goes to a hundred bars and gets kicked out of all of them, then it’s HIS fault! Humor aside, Jesus told us that there are two basic seed-lines in the parable of the “wheat” and the “tares”. The “field” is the world. The tares are destined, by their blood/genetics to do evil and the enemy is Satan who sowed them! Perhaps this is representative of the “hate speech” that the devil’s workers would love to have banned, because they truly hate hearing the truth about themselves – that their reign of terror will end on the day of the Lord, at the great harvest of souls by God. The tares (the race spawned by Satan) will be gathered and BURNED:
Matthew 13:24-30 Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field: But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way. But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also. So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares? He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up? But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.
White supremacy is a "bane on our existence" according to traitor Joe. Notice the audience reaction. This is shameful.
Hungarian uprising of the 1950s was an anti-Jewish pogrom. The Hungarians realized specifically who was causing their misery.
Despite the many real problems that are never truly remedied, deceivers and puppets installed in high positions, like traitor Joe, make our blood boil by boldly asserting that the worst problem facing America is “white supremacism”! This is preposterous! How many “white supremacists” do you know personally? Is it one, two – none? Behind the smokescreen we find that the actual supremacists are those who proclaim they are “chosen” by their G-d (this is not a typo) and this gives them a ticket to lie, rob, pillage, plunder, murder and to absorb the entire wealth of the world, which means they must steal it from everyone else. This phenomenon is never revealed in the mainstream “news” that they control. The white race, the salt of the earth, is unfortunately being replaced to suit the diktats of this predator-parasite that wants a rootless homogenized “blended” slave class to serve “them” in perpetuity. This Coudenhove Kalergi plan has been in execution for several generations. Codenhove was of Jewish-Japanese descent.
Job stealing A.I., the coming robot class and fleets of self-driving Ubers are financed by the same race of “tares” sucking off of the central bank teat. Who really wants to stand in line at WalMart so as to feed money into their inhuman auto-teller machines? Has any normal, everyday person asked for this? NO. Most people prefer interaction with a real person at a cash register. The only people calling for anti-human automation is those who are going to feed their insatiable appetite for profit while the middle class loses jobs, is dehumanized, and slides into poverty. Meanwhile, the front men puppet-apologists would have you believe that there are “more jobs than ever” while corporations fast-tracking robotics and artificial intelligence systems intend to replace humans with machines wherever possible. This can only burden our cities with more homeless people. Like our ancestors who came to 18th to 20th century America for a better life the time is fast approaching when those who wish to survive and maintain their very humanity will need to escape from the coming “Fifteen Minute City” prisons to the “wilderness” and EXIT from the Jewish-Zionist-Supremacist system of enslavement, now euphemistically called “The Great Reset”. People who want to be free need to learn basic, low tech or no tech skills that lead to self-sufficiency and wherever possible build networks of like-minded people, to flee from the “flood” of the “serpent” (Satan). What is this flood, barely if ever mentioned by preachers? It is explained in the following scripture:
Revelation 12:14-15 And to the woman (God’s children, Christians) were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent. And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood (of aliens, such as the current southern border invasion of America, sponsored and paid for by the U.N. and this administration which is funded by the Fed) after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood. (to be deceived and/or destroyed, particularly by replacement and race mixing) And the earth helped the woman, (God’s children, Christians) and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon (Satan) cast out of his mouth. (This event is yet to come and we can only guess as to what form it will take, but it will be phenomenal.)
Revelation 12:14-15 And to the woman (God’s children, Christians) were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent. And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood (of aliens, such as the current southern border invasion of America, sponsored and paid for by the U.N. and this administration which is funded by the Fed) after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood. (to be deceived and/or destroyed, particularly by replacement and race mixing) And the earth helped the woman, (God’s children, Christians) and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon (Satan) cast out of his mouth. (This event is yet to come and we can only guess as to what form it will take, but it will be phenomenal.)
This was formerly on the World Economic Forum
website. If you were to own nothing, who do you suppose would own everything? |
The overlords of the global gulag are skilled at using others as wage slaves to build it for them, because they do not have the skill or creativity to do so. What they do have though is a mountain of MONEY to motivate others to do what “they” want so they can maintain CONTROL over everyone and everything. Today’s intelligent and somewhat morally grounded young person is thus in a dilemma: some of the best paying jobs available in engineering, for example, are in creation of technology that is used to enslave humanity and even to merge man with machine, if it were possible! This is exactly what Elon Musk the multi-billionaire Jew is doing with his Neuralink corporation. Numerous test monkeys have died from having chips inserted into their brains, and we understand that “the human trials have begun”. This testing process is cruel and barbaric to say the least and it reveals the true character of Musk. He isn’t as brilliant as everyone thinks he is, but he is very skilled at feeding off of the government money trough. The money ultimately comes from the Federal Reserve, which creates it out of nothing, in the form of earmarked loans to the government, to be used a grants for preferred capitalists, like Musk. We the people pay the interest with our taxes and suffer higher and higher prices so that billionaire anti-humans like Musk, Gates, Zuckerberg, Bezos, the Koch brothers, Bloomberg and an assortment of other “bergs” and Borgs can absorb the wealth of nations and leave everyone else with little to nothing.
This, of course, is exactly the plan of mastermind Klaus Schwab. He had it displayed on the World Economic Forum website, as if the peasants he despises would be more than happy to give up everything for pontificating creeps like him: “You will own nothing and you will be happy”, is what it said. It is some sort of unwritten satanic prerequisite that these bastards must always state their intentions beforehand, but usually these clear warnings are ignored or fluffed off as “conspiracy theory” by their controlled media.
The world has been declining into a de-humanization paradigm for decades particularly since the advent of the worldwide “web”, (like a spider’s web) which pulls people away from face to face interaction and entraps them into a fantasy world of clicks and kudos from a computer screen which displays IMAGES of humans, which is a counterfeit of face to face interaction. Now, with A.I. infiltrating the digital realm how does anyone know for sure whether they are interacting with a real person or not? We have entered the era of the “deep fake”, when it is possible to see a video of some public figure, for example, saying things that he never actually said. Scammers are using A.I. voice generation programs to fake hostage situations in order to demand money, for example, from the parents of a son or daughter whose pleading voice has been faked. It has been predicted that in a few years over 90% of what is on the internet will be generated by artificial intelligence with the use of programs such as Chat GBT to create content. How are we to know what is written by real people and what is not? Look for winks, nods, puns, rhymes, jokes, references that only a real person would conceive and comprehend -- unique and creative uses of words and phrases. Anything written by A.I. is probably going to be as dry as a bleached bone in the desert. When A.I. written fluff starts referencing other A.I. hoopla it’s going to get really bad, perhaps as unintelligible as the instructions in English provided for some gadget made in China – and yet self-absorbed totalitarians like Harari believe that A.I. can be used to rewrite the Bible! He is delusional, with his eyes and mind blinded by his extreme hubris.
II Thessalonians 2:11-12 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
How can some program designed by computer programmers paid by some nefarious corporation ever achieve actual human thought, much less divine wisdom? It is for certain though that mad scientists incorporated will continue in vain trying to improve on God’s creation. The “large language models” used for this are simply giant steaming data hoppers, sifting through libraries and online gobs of text and pulling out responses based upon certain rules and grammatical generalizations – like pulling trash out of a dumpster. A.I. is not “thinking”, nor is Sophia the humanoid robot “thinking”. “She” is spouting off responses derived from a big database, which was fed to “her” by “her” woke programmers.
The “singularity” that we hear so much about hasn’t happened either. Though machines cannot truly “think”, they can certainly mimic thinking all day long, by virtue of vast databases of canned responses to likely scenarios. This leads to a dangerous trend as we proceed into the new dark ages. Lazy humans will not exercise their brains enough to learn how to truly think. People have already become so reliant upon computer technology that they can barely add, subtract, multiply or do simple algebra without calculators. They cannot write without grammar and spelling checkers, and now they don’t have to write at all with Chat GBT which can spew out articles, essays and school papers. This is a sure impediment to actual thinking. In the 1990s writers like Michael Hoffman were bemoaning the slow but steady degradation of education to “least common denominator” standards, in preparation for a sunshine and lollipop melting pot of inclusivity, equity, diversity and universal dullness. Hoffman notes that in the 1800s and early 1900s children were learning things in grade school that are now considered college subject matter.
The totalitarians of the browned up global gulag do not want you or your children to THINK. Thinking is dangerous to the totalitarians at the top of the economic ladder. They want compliant slaves who wouldn’t dream of an uprising. They even want us to merge our minds with A.I., to become a “collective” like “the Borg”. We are referencing the Star Trek movie featuring the half human, half machine “Borg” species on a cube-shaped ship that plows through the universe absorbing all planets and races into its hive -- a thinly disguised sci-fi allegory for high tech communism. Though assumed to be science fiction thrillers, movies such as this serve as “predictive programming” – many years in advance of when the actual agenda is rolled out by the totalitarian psychopaths.
The world has been declining into a de-humanization paradigm for decades particularly since the advent of the worldwide “web”, (like a spider’s web) which pulls people away from face to face interaction and entraps them into a fantasy world of clicks and kudos from a computer screen which displays IMAGES of humans, which is a counterfeit of face to face interaction. Now, with A.I. infiltrating the digital realm how does anyone know for sure whether they are interacting with a real person or not? We have entered the era of the “deep fake”, when it is possible to see a video of some public figure, for example, saying things that he never actually said. Scammers are using A.I. voice generation programs to fake hostage situations in order to demand money, for example, from the parents of a son or daughter whose pleading voice has been faked. It has been predicted that in a few years over 90% of what is on the internet will be generated by artificial intelligence with the use of programs such as Chat GBT to create content. How are we to know what is written by real people and what is not? Look for winks, nods, puns, rhymes, jokes, references that only a real person would conceive and comprehend -- unique and creative uses of words and phrases. Anything written by A.I. is probably going to be as dry as a bleached bone in the desert. When A.I. written fluff starts referencing other A.I. hoopla it’s going to get really bad, perhaps as unintelligible as the instructions in English provided for some gadget made in China – and yet self-absorbed totalitarians like Harari believe that A.I. can be used to rewrite the Bible! He is delusional, with his eyes and mind blinded by his extreme hubris.
II Thessalonians 2:11-12 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
How can some program designed by computer programmers paid by some nefarious corporation ever achieve actual human thought, much less divine wisdom? It is for certain though that mad scientists incorporated will continue in vain trying to improve on God’s creation. The “large language models” used for this are simply giant steaming data hoppers, sifting through libraries and online gobs of text and pulling out responses based upon certain rules and grammatical generalizations – like pulling trash out of a dumpster. A.I. is not “thinking”, nor is Sophia the humanoid robot “thinking”. “She” is spouting off responses derived from a big database, which was fed to “her” by “her” woke programmers.
The “singularity” that we hear so much about hasn’t happened either. Though machines cannot truly “think”, they can certainly mimic thinking all day long, by virtue of vast databases of canned responses to likely scenarios. This leads to a dangerous trend as we proceed into the new dark ages. Lazy humans will not exercise their brains enough to learn how to truly think. People have already become so reliant upon computer technology that they can barely add, subtract, multiply or do simple algebra without calculators. They cannot write without grammar and spelling checkers, and now they don’t have to write at all with Chat GBT which can spew out articles, essays and school papers. This is a sure impediment to actual thinking. In the 1990s writers like Michael Hoffman were bemoaning the slow but steady degradation of education to “least common denominator” standards, in preparation for a sunshine and lollipop melting pot of inclusivity, equity, diversity and universal dullness. Hoffman notes that in the 1800s and early 1900s children were learning things in grade school that are now considered college subject matter.
The totalitarians of the browned up global gulag do not want you or your children to THINK. Thinking is dangerous to the totalitarians at the top of the economic ladder. They want compliant slaves who wouldn’t dream of an uprising. They even want us to merge our minds with A.I., to become a “collective” like “the Borg”. We are referencing the Star Trek movie featuring the half human, half machine “Borg” species on a cube-shaped ship that plows through the universe absorbing all planets and races into its hive -- a thinly disguised sci-fi allegory for high tech communism. Though assumed to be science fiction thrillers, movies such as this serve as “predictive programming” – many years in advance of when the actual agenda is rolled out by the totalitarian psychopaths.
The satanic “elite” are very skilled at bait and switch counterfeits of what is generally taken to be necessary and good. They set up scenarios to fool people into investing in something that they believe is absolutely necessary, safe, effective, and good, but is actually completely the opposite. For example, the recent so-called “pandemic” was not a pandemic at all because death statistics were falsified by shifting normal flu deaths into the “Covid” column in statistical reports. Nevertheless, as many as 70% of the people believed the fear-mongering of the “authority” con men (and women) and acted based upon that fear for their health by taking the shots. They were too trusting and didn’t do their own research. They believed that mainstream news sources were telling the truth, which they NEVER do!! Thus, millions of fearful people were tricked into being poisoned, oftentimes by their own doctors who themselves were fooled!
"The Borg" from Star Trek, representative of "hackable"
humans under a trans-human, totalitarian regime. |
A chief goal in the Covid scamdemic was literally to kill as many people as possible in order to reduce expenditures for “entitlements” such as Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. The “pandemic” was also a wealth extraction scheme of great benefit to Wall Street “insiders”. From 2019 to late 2021 billionaires got two trillion dollars richer because of the small businesses that were, by government mandates, tricked into shutting down, which thus steered market shares upward toward corporate goliaths like Target, Costco, Amazon and WalMart. A counterfeit of “science” was used as “bait” to get small business owners to OBEY mandates that made absolutely no sense in a medical context so that the super-rich could STEAL business from them. Eventually the mandates had to be lifted because people were no longer buying the bogus “science”. However, by that time the two trillion dollars of wealth had flowed from the middle class into the pockets of scamming, greedy billionaires.
Many new billionaires, particularly in the pharmaceutical business, were hatched, as if we need any more of these conscious-less robber barons. Not only was this outright grand THEFT from the middle class business closures. It was the theft of billions of dollars in government grants that were doled out to pharmaceutical giants and upstarts (like Moderna) to create a lethal concoction literally designed to KILL people. It was a war against the people! Many of the vaccine vials had to be destroyed after the “pandemic” petered out. One could say “what a colossal waste”, but this was the outcome desired by the “elites” who routinely run roughshod over “the people” to gather more wealth into their hands. Covid is a perfect example of raw feudalism and totalitarianism in action. It is a collusion of big business with big government. Average working people have NO say when schemes like this are hatched to keep profit flowing into the hands of the .001%er economic parasites who are in the “business” of fleecing the people, in every possible way.
The so-called “health” experts like Fauci (crypto-Jew) and CDC Director Rochelle Walensky (Jewess) lied repeatedly to us with a straight face day after day on television that the “virus” would only spread in smaller mom and pop establishments, deemed “non-essential”, but there was (apparently) no danger of transmission in the giant box stores. This utter nonsense had nothing to do with science and everything to do with tyranny. Equally appalling were the mask mandates pushed on the people, depriving young children of seeing facial cues which is an essential part of their social learning process. A whole generation will suffer because of this. The masks, which were purported to protect health were in fact damaging to health as people re-inhaled their own toxic exhalations and breathed in dangerous fibers from the masks themselves. Many of the masks were made in China, not likely to be the most trustworthy source for medical supplies. The shots that were supposed to protect from “Covid” were a poison that has already killed millions, and will kill millions more in the future. This was not health care by any stretch of the imagination. It was democide (death by government). Threats are already being floated by psychopaths, like the ever smirking Gates, that there is going to be another event that is going to “get people’s attention this time”. Keep your eyes open and pray for the truth. Brace yourself for the next global “pandemic” scam that will be brought to you, probably in 2025, by the usual suspects: the World Economic Forum and the World “Health” Organization, big pharma and its criminal business partners -- hell bent on reducing the global population by 9/10. These satanic psychopaths are also hoping to use this as a pretext for a “universal health care” system in which every nation must sign on and respond to the next “pandemic” by taking measures dictated by WHO and WEF.
Many new billionaires, particularly in the pharmaceutical business, were hatched, as if we need any more of these conscious-less robber barons. Not only was this outright grand THEFT from the middle class business closures. It was the theft of billions of dollars in government grants that were doled out to pharmaceutical giants and upstarts (like Moderna) to create a lethal concoction literally designed to KILL people. It was a war against the people! Many of the vaccine vials had to be destroyed after the “pandemic” petered out. One could say “what a colossal waste”, but this was the outcome desired by the “elites” who routinely run roughshod over “the people” to gather more wealth into their hands. Covid is a perfect example of raw feudalism and totalitarianism in action. It is a collusion of big business with big government. Average working people have NO say when schemes like this are hatched to keep profit flowing into the hands of the .001%er economic parasites who are in the “business” of fleecing the people, in every possible way.
The so-called “health” experts like Fauci (crypto-Jew) and CDC Director Rochelle Walensky (Jewess) lied repeatedly to us with a straight face day after day on television that the “virus” would only spread in smaller mom and pop establishments, deemed “non-essential”, but there was (apparently) no danger of transmission in the giant box stores. This utter nonsense had nothing to do with science and everything to do with tyranny. Equally appalling were the mask mandates pushed on the people, depriving young children of seeing facial cues which is an essential part of their social learning process. A whole generation will suffer because of this. The masks, which were purported to protect health were in fact damaging to health as people re-inhaled their own toxic exhalations and breathed in dangerous fibers from the masks themselves. Many of the masks were made in China, not likely to be the most trustworthy source for medical supplies. The shots that were supposed to protect from “Covid” were a poison that has already killed millions, and will kill millions more in the future. This was not health care by any stretch of the imagination. It was democide (death by government). Threats are already being floated by psychopaths, like the ever smirking Gates, that there is going to be another event that is going to “get people’s attention this time”. Keep your eyes open and pray for the truth. Brace yourself for the next global “pandemic” scam that will be brought to you, probably in 2025, by the usual suspects: the World Economic Forum and the World “Health” Organization, big pharma and its criminal business partners -- hell bent on reducing the global population by 9/10. These satanic psychopaths are also hoping to use this as a pretext for a “universal health care” system in which every nation must sign on and respond to the next “pandemic” by taking measures dictated by WHO and WEF.

disease-x_to_be_leaked_in_2025-pdf.pdf |
Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Luke 17:1-2 Then said he unto the disciples, It is impossible but that offences will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come! It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the
sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.
What kind of people rise to power in totalitarian regimes? They are the scum of the earth. As you may expect, many of these individuals are imbued with the spirit of evil (they are possessed by demons) and are reprobate not just in their jobs, but also in their personal lives. For many years young children were trafficked to Epstein Island to be used as sex slaves for multi-millionaire and billionaire clients of Epstein. This criminal sex ring, not the only one by any means, was hushed up for years. How many of the perpetrators of these horrific assaults on children have actually been punished by the injustice system? These sick and demented perverts torture young children for their own personal pleasure and they rarely get punished for it nor do the traffickers. It is one of the “perks” for being a high-ranking member of the fascist-totalitarian oligarchy. We doubt that Epstein died in prison, as reported. He was probably quietly removed by his friends in high places. How is it that the guards in the maximum security, high rise NYC prison, who were supposed to keep him under constant surveillance, on a “suicide watch” were not present and the video cameras just so happened to be turned off when he “died” in his cell? What are the chances? Where is his body? Why was this news swept under the carpet as quickly as it was broadcast? Are we really to believe that the Zionist Jew Epstein isn’t laying low at some far-flung resort until the public forgets his name? Who really knows – and that’s just the way the system operates. Whatever “news” is reported by the smooth-talking Walter Crankcases of the ‘60s and ‘70s on up to the Lester Dolts of 2020s cannot be trusted. These “newscasters” are six figure spell-casters -- propaganda agents, working for the oligarchy that pays them their bloated salaries. If you are aghast by this rest assured that anyone who lives in sin without remorse, like Epstein and his regular customers -- Bill Clinton, Prince Andrews, Bill Gates, David Copperfield, Stephen Hawking (of all people!) and all of the other names in Epstein’s “little black book”, and anyone who would apologize or cover up for them -- is given over, by God, to “strong delusion”. They may not pay the price for their sins in this life, but they surely will in the afterlife, so don’t envy them their lifetime “get out of jail free” card. The Bible’s condemnation of such people IS absolute truth from God despite the many ways that the “elite” wish to bury it under their piles of “philosophical”, “New Age”, luciferian rubbish. Those who live in strong delusion, especially those perverts who torture young children, are most certainly damned to the lowest pits hell because they take pleasure in unrighteousness:
II Thessalonians 2:7-12 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, (Strongs 2722 -- have, hold fast, retain, stay, withhold) until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, (referring to the Anti-Christ) whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
Luke 17:1-2 Then said he unto the disciples, It is impossible but that offences will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come! It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the
sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.
What kind of people rise to power in totalitarian regimes? They are the scum of the earth. As you may expect, many of these individuals are imbued with the spirit of evil (they are possessed by demons) and are reprobate not just in their jobs, but also in their personal lives. For many years young children were trafficked to Epstein Island to be used as sex slaves for multi-millionaire and billionaire clients of Epstein. This criminal sex ring, not the only one by any means, was hushed up for years. How many of the perpetrators of these horrific assaults on children have actually been punished by the injustice system? These sick and demented perverts torture young children for their own personal pleasure and they rarely get punished for it nor do the traffickers. It is one of the “perks” for being a high-ranking member of the fascist-totalitarian oligarchy. We doubt that Epstein died in prison, as reported. He was probably quietly removed by his friends in high places. How is it that the guards in the maximum security, high rise NYC prison, who were supposed to keep him under constant surveillance, on a “suicide watch” were not present and the video cameras just so happened to be turned off when he “died” in his cell? What are the chances? Where is his body? Why was this news swept under the carpet as quickly as it was broadcast? Are we really to believe that the Zionist Jew Epstein isn’t laying low at some far-flung resort until the public forgets his name? Who really knows – and that’s just the way the system operates. Whatever “news” is reported by the smooth-talking Walter Crankcases of the ‘60s and ‘70s on up to the Lester Dolts of 2020s cannot be trusted. These “newscasters” are six figure spell-casters -- propaganda agents, working for the oligarchy that pays them their bloated salaries. If you are aghast by this rest assured that anyone who lives in sin without remorse, like Epstein and his regular customers -- Bill Clinton, Prince Andrews, Bill Gates, David Copperfield, Stephen Hawking (of all people!) and all of the other names in Epstein’s “little black book”, and anyone who would apologize or cover up for them -- is given over, by God, to “strong delusion”. They may not pay the price for their sins in this life, but they surely will in the afterlife, so don’t envy them their lifetime “get out of jail free” card. The Bible’s condemnation of such people IS absolute truth from God despite the many ways that the “elite” wish to bury it under their piles of “philosophical”, “New Age”, luciferian rubbish. Those who live in strong delusion, especially those perverts who torture young children, are most certainly damned to the lowest pits hell because they take pleasure in unrighteousness:
II Thessalonians 2:7-12 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, (Strongs 2722 -- have, hold fast, retain, stay, withhold) until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, (referring to the Anti-Christ) whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
Now let’s pry open the “national security” can of worms. Most Americans assume this refers to security for the American people. However, this often cited excuse for NOT revealing information has nothing to do with protection of the average citizen in a physical nation, but rather the shielding fascist-totalitarians from the light of exposure. Calling it “Zionist security” or “Jewish security” would be more to the point. For example, the Pfizer corporation came out with a study in February, 2021 which proved that their “vaccine” was not in the least “safe and effective” as they had proclaimed, but rather was astoundingly less safe than “taking a chance” and letting the body’s God-given immune system do its job. To put it bluntly, the shots wreak havoc on a person’s immune system, and very likely led to a variety of nasty illnesses, such as spontaneous abortions, cardiac disorders, cancers, blood clots and sudden DEATH because they were a concoction of poisons.

the_summer_of_dying_suddenly.pdf |
Pfizer tried to hide their study from a barrage of freedom of information requests, and at first the requestors were told that the document would remain under lock and key for some 60 years due to “national security”! Of course, this was ridiculous, as are so many other criminal activities hidden under the national security cloak. Eventually under much pressure the Pfizer study was released. By that time, millions more had died from the poison jabs. This serves as an example of the fusion of big government and multi-billion dollar corporations. The CEO of Pfizer, Albert Bourla, just so happens to be a big Zionist Jew with strong ties to Israel, so he can get away with murder. The criminal Pfizer Corporation has paid around $5 billion in fines for fraudulent business practices over the past decade, but to them this is simply the cost of doing business. Killing people for profit IS their business. How can anyone trust these wicked corporations and their psychopathic CEOs? People trust these enemies of humanity because they are fearful and do not pray for the truth, thus their “hearts fail them for fear” (Luke 21:26), which includes being motivated by fear to choose a “cure” that’s 100 times worse than the “disease”. When faced with choices like these pray for guidance from God rather than falling for the fear tactics and false advertising of the adversary.

pfizer_knew_it_was_killing_people_since_2021_in_secret_report_ethan_huff_9-19-23_b.pdf |

pfizer_study_--_5.3.6-postmarketing-experience_--_a.k.a._secret_pfizer_report_from_february_2021.pdf |
Isaiah 13:9 Behold, the day of the LORD cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it.
Revelation 11:18 And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.
W: They don’t want to change their behavior. They want to be able to find a way to steal from the underclass as much as possible without the underclass complaining or revolting and control how they spend their money and control their financial and other behavior so that they can maintain their place on the top. So what we’re having is the engineering of a neo-feudal society where you have the small upper class and a massive underclass that the upper class can manipulate and control and do whatever they want with as long and they see fit. And so, I think that is the ambition of a lot of these various initiatives we’re seeing for unprecedented control and surveillance are aimed at, and the goal is to use technology, whether it’s A.I. or any of these other emerging technologies to get people to do that because obviously there’s so much more of us than of them and so in order to scale what they want to scale, in order to deal with the huge difference in size between their class and our class – they need these emerging technologies. They need A.I., and that’s why I see A.I. as a largely negative thing because the people who want to do this are the ones setting it up, and programming it, and deciding what its objectives are.
P: Wow. OK, um, that takes a big shift, because I definitely buy into a bad system of incentives, I do, but then I try and imagine a scenario whereby there are a group of people who are looking at us peasants and thinking they need to control us and the best way to do it is to essentially eviscerate the middle class and …
W: But they’ve been doing that, and the money has been going up.
P: But I sometimes wonder, is it just bad incentives, poor governments, election cycles mean that they have to keep …
W: Who designs those incentives and prevents them from being changed? … In the next couple of years there are going to be these events, whether it’s Covid or 911 or whatever – they’re not going to be the same as those, but they’re going to be these big events that generate a lot of fear and panic and mainstream media is going to be traumatizing people with it and they they’re going to sell a particular solution and when it comes for the Internet and the financial system, they’re going to make “the enemy” privacy, a hundred percent, and the solution is going to be digital IDs and programmable, surveilable money. It doesn’t have to be CBDCs by the way….
Journalist Whitney Webb, interviewed by Peter McCormick in a video entitled “The End of the World as We know It”, 2024
Many inventions, systems, processes and technologies financed by the parasite class are not created for our benefit but rather to further the enslavement of humanity, despite whatever the advertisers and apologists may say. If this oppressive technology developed over the past few decades could simply disappear, life on planet earth would certainly be simpler and more joyful and people would exhale a sigh of relief and embrace the freedom of release from the enemy’s matrix of control. Have you ever had the electricity go off in your home and all of a sudden feel a certain peace that comes from release of the grip imposed by the relentless flow of power through the cables and the air itself, by the noise of the television and the hum of motors, by the noisy “connectivity” that is like a ball and chain on our bodies and minds? Then you may understand the concept of true freedom.
Consider the cell phone, a device that has become inextricably woven into people’s lives. These phones are data gathering devices and the data gets sifted and sorted by A.I. to build dossiers on the people using them. No one seems to know or care much about this intrusion into privacy, nor their emission of dangerous microwave radiation, which over time can cause sickness, cancer and even “entrainment” of the mind – like a drug addiction, fusing humans with the device. This however is of great benefit to “medical” establishment stockholders who profit from sickness and death. They do not profit from wellness. The fact that the medical establishment was transformed from benign homeopathic system to a profit-driven allopathic system by John D. Rockefeller, the “most hated man in America”, in his day should give you a clue. While he was busy depriving people of real health care he continued to use homeopaths as his personal doctors! Thus he was not only a mean and greedy bastard, but a hypocrite as well. Today’s corporate medical complex works hand in hand with other branches of the control matrix to assure that profit comes first and human health comes LAST. This is precisely why there is no sane, healthful regulation on microwave emitting devices and the proliferation of death ray towers everywhere you look. This is not for “greater connectivity” as the telecom advertisers proclaim. It is for control and genocide.
Microwave radiation interacts with graphine oxide that was loaded into the Covid shots, and probably into ALL “vaccines”. Microwave excitation of graphine oxide within the body can be lethal. Graphene oxide is being sprayed into the sky in “chemtrails”. It is in much of the food. Sadly, every restaurant, doctor’s office, main street, and shopping mall is loaded with people who appear to interact more with their cell phones than with the other people around them. They are literally addicted to their phones and are being slowly poisoned by them, and the engineers who design these devices are incentivized not to worry about the health effects of what they are creating and the rapid descent into totalitarianism. The investors would tell you that “data is the new gold”. We will tell you that data gathering feeds the corporate beast which is clamping a lid on all human freedom and privacy as we enter the New Luciferian Age of “enlightenment”. What is this enlightenment that is being bestowed upon humanity by the controllers? The answer lies in the word “enLIGHTened” itself:
II Corinthians 11:13-15 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.
Satan, the devil, who may appear as an “angel of light” is the driving force behind the tsunami of change. He is preparing the world for his advent as “the messiah”, a.k.a. the “Anti-Christ” who is going to come and pretend to wipe away all of the world’s problems (created by his workers in the first place) in return for worship, which is a ticket to hell for those lost souls who worship him. The prefix “anti” in this case means “in place of”. Many will be fooled into thinking that this “anti”-Christ is the real Christ and will go to hell because of it. Around 70% of the people were fooled into taking at least one Covid shot. What percentage are going to be fooled into worshiping the Antichrist? It will be a high percentage because, the gate to destruction is WIDE and the way to life is NARROW, and “few there be who find it.”
Matthew 7:13-14 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
Revelation 13:4-8 (from God’s future perspective, looking back) And they worshipped the dragon (Satan, a.k.a. “the dragon”, Rev. 2:20) which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
Every agenda forced upon humanity at this time through Satan’s agents is an attempt to replace all of the things of God with counterfeits -- phony reproductions of what is real, like fiat and then CBDC “currency” and a replacement of actual physical reality with a cyberspace fantasyland. Instead of living real lives in the beautiful world that God created, a world with amazing plants, animals, sunshine, clean air, sparkling streams, rivers, majestic mountains, using the marvelous bodies that God created for us, the world Satan’s agents are designing is a “Metaverse” in which conscious human beings are reduced to acting out their lives through an “avatar” that interacts solely within the digital fantasy world. It would appear that the “predictive programming” of the movie “the Matrix” where thousands upon thousands of bodies are kept in semi-consciousness in cocoons, hooked up to wires and tubes so that they may be used as “batteries” powering a world taken over by machines -- with their minds enslaved in a dream world designed by an “architect” is not that different from the grim future envisioned by the satanic psychopaths on top of the global control pyramid. The movie is not at all prophetic because the producer and scriptwriters were “in the loop”, so to speak, knowing the plan of the oligarchs in advance. Their job was to dress it up and market it as “science fiction”. Hollywood is controlled by the same Jewish money power that controls everything else.
How many people do you know who don’t seem to “have a life” and feel compelled to spend hour upon hour staring into a computer screen, posting their activities on-line so as to receive an adrenaline jolt of approval from a bunch of fellow enslaved humans who themselves are not “living” as God intended, but rather are enveloped in a fantasy world? This “worldwide web” (like a spider’s web) that has been woven around humanity is not designed to make people smarter, more informed, more prosperous, or freer. It is an enslavement system. The kind of stuff that passes for “information” on this “web” is largely laced with half-truths and lies that lead not to edification but rather to deterioration of minds and moral debasement. The amount of pornography on the web is staggering and in no way does it lead to moral enrichment. Those things that most people “know” to be truth are insertions into their minds – “programming” designed to confuse and incapacitate so that no real understanding of how this world actually works is possible. God is not the author of this mass confusion, as we see here:
I Corinthians 14:33 For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.
If God is NOT the author of confusion then that leaves only one alternative: the adversary, Satan. Wouldn’t confusion be yet another tool used by the devil to make opposition to his system of human oppression as difficult as possible? When the Bible itself is condemned by a certain race of vipers as “hate speech”, we know for sure exactly who the enemy is and that we are living in the “last days”. W.E.F. leader Klaus Schwab’s right hand man, so-called “philosopher” and “prophet” Yuval Noah Harari says the Bible needs to be rewritten by artificial intelligence! He says (because he is a “synagogue of Satan” Jew and a homosexual) that the Bible is hate speech. He vehemently disagrees with God’s absolute morality and his condemnation of “tares” like him. What is really dangerous is that Harari is the bestselling author in the world -- which is no great surprise, because all of the big publishing houses and outlets are owned and run by antichrist Jews, his “philosophical” brethren. These tares, “children of the wicked one” are as outrageous as they are blasphemous.
Matthew 13:38-39 The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one; (a literal bloodline) The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels.
Revelation 11:18 And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.
W: They don’t want to change their behavior. They want to be able to find a way to steal from the underclass as much as possible without the underclass complaining or revolting and control how they spend their money and control their financial and other behavior so that they can maintain their place on the top. So what we’re having is the engineering of a neo-feudal society where you have the small upper class and a massive underclass that the upper class can manipulate and control and do whatever they want with as long and they see fit. And so, I think that is the ambition of a lot of these various initiatives we’re seeing for unprecedented control and surveillance are aimed at, and the goal is to use technology, whether it’s A.I. or any of these other emerging technologies to get people to do that because obviously there’s so much more of us than of them and so in order to scale what they want to scale, in order to deal with the huge difference in size between their class and our class – they need these emerging technologies. They need A.I., and that’s why I see A.I. as a largely negative thing because the people who want to do this are the ones setting it up, and programming it, and deciding what its objectives are.
P: Wow. OK, um, that takes a big shift, because I definitely buy into a bad system of incentives, I do, but then I try and imagine a scenario whereby there are a group of people who are looking at us peasants and thinking they need to control us and the best way to do it is to essentially eviscerate the middle class and …
W: But they’ve been doing that, and the money has been going up.
P: But I sometimes wonder, is it just bad incentives, poor governments, election cycles mean that they have to keep …
W: Who designs those incentives and prevents them from being changed? … In the next couple of years there are going to be these events, whether it’s Covid or 911 or whatever – they’re not going to be the same as those, but they’re going to be these big events that generate a lot of fear and panic and mainstream media is going to be traumatizing people with it and they they’re going to sell a particular solution and when it comes for the Internet and the financial system, they’re going to make “the enemy” privacy, a hundred percent, and the solution is going to be digital IDs and programmable, surveilable money. It doesn’t have to be CBDCs by the way….
Journalist Whitney Webb, interviewed by Peter McCormick in a video entitled “The End of the World as We know It”, 2024
Many inventions, systems, processes and technologies financed by the parasite class are not created for our benefit but rather to further the enslavement of humanity, despite whatever the advertisers and apologists may say. If this oppressive technology developed over the past few decades could simply disappear, life on planet earth would certainly be simpler and more joyful and people would exhale a sigh of relief and embrace the freedom of release from the enemy’s matrix of control. Have you ever had the electricity go off in your home and all of a sudden feel a certain peace that comes from release of the grip imposed by the relentless flow of power through the cables and the air itself, by the noise of the television and the hum of motors, by the noisy “connectivity” that is like a ball and chain on our bodies and minds? Then you may understand the concept of true freedom.
Consider the cell phone, a device that has become inextricably woven into people’s lives. These phones are data gathering devices and the data gets sifted and sorted by A.I. to build dossiers on the people using them. No one seems to know or care much about this intrusion into privacy, nor their emission of dangerous microwave radiation, which over time can cause sickness, cancer and even “entrainment” of the mind – like a drug addiction, fusing humans with the device. This however is of great benefit to “medical” establishment stockholders who profit from sickness and death. They do not profit from wellness. The fact that the medical establishment was transformed from benign homeopathic system to a profit-driven allopathic system by John D. Rockefeller, the “most hated man in America”, in his day should give you a clue. While he was busy depriving people of real health care he continued to use homeopaths as his personal doctors! Thus he was not only a mean and greedy bastard, but a hypocrite as well. Today’s corporate medical complex works hand in hand with other branches of the control matrix to assure that profit comes first and human health comes LAST. This is precisely why there is no sane, healthful regulation on microwave emitting devices and the proliferation of death ray towers everywhere you look. This is not for “greater connectivity” as the telecom advertisers proclaim. It is for control and genocide.
Microwave radiation interacts with graphine oxide that was loaded into the Covid shots, and probably into ALL “vaccines”. Microwave excitation of graphine oxide within the body can be lethal. Graphene oxide is being sprayed into the sky in “chemtrails”. It is in much of the food. Sadly, every restaurant, doctor’s office, main street, and shopping mall is loaded with people who appear to interact more with their cell phones than with the other people around them. They are literally addicted to their phones and are being slowly poisoned by them, and the engineers who design these devices are incentivized not to worry about the health effects of what they are creating and the rapid descent into totalitarianism. The investors would tell you that “data is the new gold”. We will tell you that data gathering feeds the corporate beast which is clamping a lid on all human freedom and privacy as we enter the New Luciferian Age of “enlightenment”. What is this enlightenment that is being bestowed upon humanity by the controllers? The answer lies in the word “enLIGHTened” itself:
II Corinthians 11:13-15 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.
Satan, the devil, who may appear as an “angel of light” is the driving force behind the tsunami of change. He is preparing the world for his advent as “the messiah”, a.k.a. the “Anti-Christ” who is going to come and pretend to wipe away all of the world’s problems (created by his workers in the first place) in return for worship, which is a ticket to hell for those lost souls who worship him. The prefix “anti” in this case means “in place of”. Many will be fooled into thinking that this “anti”-Christ is the real Christ and will go to hell because of it. Around 70% of the people were fooled into taking at least one Covid shot. What percentage are going to be fooled into worshiping the Antichrist? It will be a high percentage because, the gate to destruction is WIDE and the way to life is NARROW, and “few there be who find it.”
Matthew 7:13-14 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
Revelation 13:4-8 (from God’s future perspective, looking back) And they worshipped the dragon (Satan, a.k.a. “the dragon”, Rev. 2:20) which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
Every agenda forced upon humanity at this time through Satan’s agents is an attempt to replace all of the things of God with counterfeits -- phony reproductions of what is real, like fiat and then CBDC “currency” and a replacement of actual physical reality with a cyberspace fantasyland. Instead of living real lives in the beautiful world that God created, a world with amazing plants, animals, sunshine, clean air, sparkling streams, rivers, majestic mountains, using the marvelous bodies that God created for us, the world Satan’s agents are designing is a “Metaverse” in which conscious human beings are reduced to acting out their lives through an “avatar” that interacts solely within the digital fantasy world. It would appear that the “predictive programming” of the movie “the Matrix” where thousands upon thousands of bodies are kept in semi-consciousness in cocoons, hooked up to wires and tubes so that they may be used as “batteries” powering a world taken over by machines -- with their minds enslaved in a dream world designed by an “architect” is not that different from the grim future envisioned by the satanic psychopaths on top of the global control pyramid. The movie is not at all prophetic because the producer and scriptwriters were “in the loop”, so to speak, knowing the plan of the oligarchs in advance. Their job was to dress it up and market it as “science fiction”. Hollywood is controlled by the same Jewish money power that controls everything else.
How many people do you know who don’t seem to “have a life” and feel compelled to spend hour upon hour staring into a computer screen, posting their activities on-line so as to receive an adrenaline jolt of approval from a bunch of fellow enslaved humans who themselves are not “living” as God intended, but rather are enveloped in a fantasy world? This “worldwide web” (like a spider’s web) that has been woven around humanity is not designed to make people smarter, more informed, more prosperous, or freer. It is an enslavement system. The kind of stuff that passes for “information” on this “web” is largely laced with half-truths and lies that lead not to edification but rather to deterioration of minds and moral debasement. The amount of pornography on the web is staggering and in no way does it lead to moral enrichment. Those things that most people “know” to be truth are insertions into their minds – “programming” designed to confuse and incapacitate so that no real understanding of how this world actually works is possible. God is not the author of this mass confusion, as we see here:
I Corinthians 14:33 For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.
If God is NOT the author of confusion then that leaves only one alternative: the adversary, Satan. Wouldn’t confusion be yet another tool used by the devil to make opposition to his system of human oppression as difficult as possible? When the Bible itself is condemned by a certain race of vipers as “hate speech”, we know for sure exactly who the enemy is and that we are living in the “last days”. W.E.F. leader Klaus Schwab’s right hand man, so-called “philosopher” and “prophet” Yuval Noah Harari says the Bible needs to be rewritten by artificial intelligence! He says (because he is a “synagogue of Satan” Jew and a homosexual) that the Bible is hate speech. He vehemently disagrees with God’s absolute morality and his condemnation of “tares” like him. What is really dangerous is that Harari is the bestselling author in the world -- which is no great surprise, because all of the big publishing houses and outlets are owned and run by antichrist Jews, his “philosophical” brethren. These tares, “children of the wicked one” are as outrageous as they are blasphemous.
Matthew 13:38-39 The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one; (a literal bloodline) The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels.
The word “hate” has been seized upon and forged to mean any “thought crime” that is in opposition to the criminal activities Satan’s gene pool being exposed. The chief beneficiaries of this wicked and oppressive system hate having the light of truth shine on their activities because good people would be repulsed and may at least back away from participating in their scams, or buying books by antichrists like Harari. They may be motivated to pull their electronic “money” out of the stock market or the banks and exchange it for real commodities such as silver, gold, an emergency food supply and other real things with intrinsic value.
The entire money system is an utter SCAM woven into our national ethos. The criminal “elite” have, without the knowledge of 99.9% of the people, crafted for themselves the ability to issue loans from nothing and then charge interest on these loans. The only “product” of the all-powerful Federal Reserve is debt! This monster bank, owned entirely by banks which in turn are owned by Jewish dynasties, is the chief cause of the U.S. “national debt”, but no one in mainstream media will ever tell you that because that media is owned by the same dynasties. You could watch television for days, months, years and only hear the most insipid references to the Fed, even though it trumps the federal government in power.
In the 2020s western citizens are numbed beyond frustration with the speed at which our once great nations are being destroyed. Some 20 million migrants have come across the southern border of the United States with an open invitation from the outrageously traitorous Biden administration, and thousands more are sneaking in every day. The federal government is bending over backwards to ASSIST them in coming in. Federal border patrol agents are instructed NOT to do anything to keep them out, but rather to assist them so they do not get hurt coming in. This is high treason!! Agents from Texas have erected barbed wire barriers to prevent their passage and federal agents come along later and cut open the barriers. It is quite possible that civil war could erupt since the Supreme Court just ruled 5 to 4 that Texas had no right to stop this outright invasion of America! Texans are fed up, as they should be, witnessing the rapid destruction of their towns and cities, and our nation, aided and abetted by globalist bureaucrats who want to destroy America so that it can become a cog in the Neo-Feudalist, Jew World Order. These illegals are given cell phones and debit cards loaded with money, and in California are eligible for free health care while American citizens have to pay for it. It appears that WE are being replaced. The Biden administration hopes to quickly naturalize these people and turn them into democrats so that they can steal another election and turn the U.S. into a one-party communist hell hole.
Who is behind this? Who is financing it? Could it possibly be the same breed of perpetrators that have spearheaded and led every other communist revolution? Could it be the same “money power” that was behind the mass genocide of WWII and every other war in modern history? You can bet on it. Biden, the perfect puppet and lifetime traitor, only does what he is told by his aforementioned “handler”. This open border setup has been called a “crisis”, which is a gross misuse of the word. A crisis is something unexpected, like a tornado that sweeps in and reduces a town to rubble. The situation at the southern border of the U.S. is an INVASION that was PLANNED far in advance by enemies of America and of freedom and life itself. If one were to leave the front door of their house wide open and put a sign out front reading “come on in and take anything you want” and thieves enter the house, vandalize it, and remove anything of value this is not really a “crisis”. It is a natural reaction. The people coming over that border are not at the root of the problem. They are opportunists, as is nearly everyone else. They have been invited by the Zionist-fascist administration, with assistance from the Trojan Horse U.N. and of course the Fed Central Bank to “come on in”, and get their piece of America. In the end, they may wish they hadn’t come here to feed off of a rotting corpse. They will be used for WAR cannon fodder and less than minimum wage corporate slavery.
Revelation 13:4b …Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?
At its founding this nation was largely populated by white Christians who lived in accordance with God’s commandments, valued hard work and honesty, and put God above government. In the last decade most of the statues honoring great white men have been removed – but not those statues honoring other races. The demands of those who hate America and what it stood for become more outrageous by the minute. There are ungodly activists NOW demanding that the Statue of Liberty be removed! These people are appallingly ignorant and probably have no idea what they are fighting for. These Marxist-communist ideas are “floated” to test the waters and see what people are willing to put up with. Many people are so numb to “the change” and so busy trying to keep their heads above water financially that there is little resistance to this communist, fascist-totalitarian takeover. Communists and antichrists erode the foundations of nations and demoralize the people until the nation degenerates into an oligarchy ruled by bankers and the people become slaves to them. It is a system built on deception and wickedness in high places, which is the opposite of the freedom that comes from hard work, creativity and invention. Today’s “woke” generation has no idea what freedom is, much less how to protect it. They are erecting their own prison. According to our national anthem, America was intended to be “One nation under God, indivisible, with freedom and justice for all”.
The U.S. Constitution was written largely by God-fearing men and it was understood by them that it would not function with a non-Christian population. Warnings about this phenomenon have been ongoing for well over a century and a half. From year to year, decade to decade writers have tackled the problems spoken of in this essay, hoping to “wake people up”, to “get a reaction”, to generate “outrage leading to positive change”, and yet the problems persist and only gets worse. Why aren’t our so-called “Christian” preachers delving into these subjects? Could it be that they value mammon more than God? If you are one of those preachers now is the time to stop preaching fluff and get your flock ready for what is coming. You are going to receive greater judgment from God because you have greater responsibility to tell the TRUTH, no matter how difficult and unpopular it is.
James 3:1 My brethren, be not many masters, knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation.
The “falling away” to a satanic system is one of steady consolidation and monopolization which leads to homogenization of thought which amounts to mental enslavement, followed by physical enslavement. The central bankers and their corporate brethren do not want independent thinkers or businesses. They definitely do not want Bible believing Christians who will stand up for Christ. A consolidated brainwashed blob of serfs is easier for them to control and thus every effort is made to increase consolidation and uniformity of thought. For example, the crypto-Jew and globalist Bill Clinton relaxed a regulation during his term as president that opened the door to monopolization of all American radio stations. Prior to this deregulation it was only possible for one business entity to own a handful of radio stations. Before Clinton there were a great many independent radio stations and thousands of station programmers. Due to Clinton’s action around 95% of American radio is now controlled by the corporate giants Clear Channel and Cumulus. Profitability for the executives at the top of this control matrix was dramatically increased because they were able to FIRE thousands of programmers and replace them with a single programmer for each hundred or so stations. The result was a degradation of art and information. “Hit” songs are manufactured by the incessant repetition of playlists and deals made with programmers. True originality of style and content is jettisoned in favor of cookie-cutter palaver. The vast majority of creative material by independent artists has no chance of airtime because it doesn’t fit the corporate mold. Further, the “news” and “information” allowed on radio has to pass through the p.c. “woke” filter and invariably supports, or at least does not ruffle the feathers of corporate-fascist Zionist beast. “Independent” artists had to turn online to YouTube and Spotify to get their songs heard for a pittance, while teen “idol” Taylor Swift, whose following amounts to a cult, becomes a billionaire, selling more product than the Beatles. Her music is SAFE to tyrants, because it is emotional and non-controversial. Gone are songs like Steppewolf’s “Monster” or Guthrie’s anti-war protest “Alice’s Restaurant”, a 20+ minute long song that actually got airplay in the 1960s! A song like that has NO chance of airplay on today’s cookie-cutter corporate radio. This alone illustrates what gets lost in the process of corporate monopolization and control of everything by a few billionaires and trillionaires at the top of the financial pyramid. Everyone gets squished under the big brother boot of consolidation and conformity so that the enemy can absorb the wealth of the world.
We can only hope, with the publication of these materials, that at least a few souls will wake up and reject the “programming” in favor of the truth of God’s word, the Bible. We pray that you will embrace Jesus Christ as your Savior so that your name may be written in the “book of life” and you will be with us in God’s eternal kingdom. Peace be with you and thank you for reading. The Bible is not “fake news”. It is absolute truth from God, the Creator of heaven and earth!
Old Testament prophecy: Isaiah 66:22-24 For as the new heavens and the new earth, which I will make, shall remain before me, saith the LORD, so shall your seed (race, bloodline) and your name remain. And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the LORD. And they shall go forth, and look upon the carcases of the men that have transgressed against me: for their worm shall not die, neither shall their fire be quenched; and they shall be an abhorring unto all flesh.
Parallel New Testament prophecy: Revelation 21:7-8 He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son. But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
The entire money system is an utter SCAM woven into our national ethos. The criminal “elite” have, without the knowledge of 99.9% of the people, crafted for themselves the ability to issue loans from nothing and then charge interest on these loans. The only “product” of the all-powerful Federal Reserve is debt! This monster bank, owned entirely by banks which in turn are owned by Jewish dynasties, is the chief cause of the U.S. “national debt”, but no one in mainstream media will ever tell you that because that media is owned by the same dynasties. You could watch television for days, months, years and only hear the most insipid references to the Fed, even though it trumps the federal government in power.
In the 2020s western citizens are numbed beyond frustration with the speed at which our once great nations are being destroyed. Some 20 million migrants have come across the southern border of the United States with an open invitation from the outrageously traitorous Biden administration, and thousands more are sneaking in every day. The federal government is bending over backwards to ASSIST them in coming in. Federal border patrol agents are instructed NOT to do anything to keep them out, but rather to assist them so they do not get hurt coming in. This is high treason!! Agents from Texas have erected barbed wire barriers to prevent their passage and federal agents come along later and cut open the barriers. It is quite possible that civil war could erupt since the Supreme Court just ruled 5 to 4 that Texas had no right to stop this outright invasion of America! Texans are fed up, as they should be, witnessing the rapid destruction of their towns and cities, and our nation, aided and abetted by globalist bureaucrats who want to destroy America so that it can become a cog in the Neo-Feudalist, Jew World Order. These illegals are given cell phones and debit cards loaded with money, and in California are eligible for free health care while American citizens have to pay for it. It appears that WE are being replaced. The Biden administration hopes to quickly naturalize these people and turn them into democrats so that they can steal another election and turn the U.S. into a one-party communist hell hole.
Who is behind this? Who is financing it? Could it possibly be the same breed of perpetrators that have spearheaded and led every other communist revolution? Could it be the same “money power” that was behind the mass genocide of WWII and every other war in modern history? You can bet on it. Biden, the perfect puppet and lifetime traitor, only does what he is told by his aforementioned “handler”. This open border setup has been called a “crisis”, which is a gross misuse of the word. A crisis is something unexpected, like a tornado that sweeps in and reduces a town to rubble. The situation at the southern border of the U.S. is an INVASION that was PLANNED far in advance by enemies of America and of freedom and life itself. If one were to leave the front door of their house wide open and put a sign out front reading “come on in and take anything you want” and thieves enter the house, vandalize it, and remove anything of value this is not really a “crisis”. It is a natural reaction. The people coming over that border are not at the root of the problem. They are opportunists, as is nearly everyone else. They have been invited by the Zionist-fascist administration, with assistance from the Trojan Horse U.N. and of course the Fed Central Bank to “come on in”, and get their piece of America. In the end, they may wish they hadn’t come here to feed off of a rotting corpse. They will be used for WAR cannon fodder and less than minimum wage corporate slavery.
Revelation 13:4b …Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?
At its founding this nation was largely populated by white Christians who lived in accordance with God’s commandments, valued hard work and honesty, and put God above government. In the last decade most of the statues honoring great white men have been removed – but not those statues honoring other races. The demands of those who hate America and what it stood for become more outrageous by the minute. There are ungodly activists NOW demanding that the Statue of Liberty be removed! These people are appallingly ignorant and probably have no idea what they are fighting for. These Marxist-communist ideas are “floated” to test the waters and see what people are willing to put up with. Many people are so numb to “the change” and so busy trying to keep their heads above water financially that there is little resistance to this communist, fascist-totalitarian takeover. Communists and antichrists erode the foundations of nations and demoralize the people until the nation degenerates into an oligarchy ruled by bankers and the people become slaves to them. It is a system built on deception and wickedness in high places, which is the opposite of the freedom that comes from hard work, creativity and invention. Today’s “woke” generation has no idea what freedom is, much less how to protect it. They are erecting their own prison. According to our national anthem, America was intended to be “One nation under God, indivisible, with freedom and justice for all”.
The U.S. Constitution was written largely by God-fearing men and it was understood by them that it would not function with a non-Christian population. Warnings about this phenomenon have been ongoing for well over a century and a half. From year to year, decade to decade writers have tackled the problems spoken of in this essay, hoping to “wake people up”, to “get a reaction”, to generate “outrage leading to positive change”, and yet the problems persist and only gets worse. Why aren’t our so-called “Christian” preachers delving into these subjects? Could it be that they value mammon more than God? If you are one of those preachers now is the time to stop preaching fluff and get your flock ready for what is coming. You are going to receive greater judgment from God because you have greater responsibility to tell the TRUTH, no matter how difficult and unpopular it is.
James 3:1 My brethren, be not many masters, knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation.
The “falling away” to a satanic system is one of steady consolidation and monopolization which leads to homogenization of thought which amounts to mental enslavement, followed by physical enslavement. The central bankers and their corporate brethren do not want independent thinkers or businesses. They definitely do not want Bible believing Christians who will stand up for Christ. A consolidated brainwashed blob of serfs is easier for them to control and thus every effort is made to increase consolidation and uniformity of thought. For example, the crypto-Jew and globalist Bill Clinton relaxed a regulation during his term as president that opened the door to monopolization of all American radio stations. Prior to this deregulation it was only possible for one business entity to own a handful of radio stations. Before Clinton there were a great many independent radio stations and thousands of station programmers. Due to Clinton’s action around 95% of American radio is now controlled by the corporate giants Clear Channel and Cumulus. Profitability for the executives at the top of this control matrix was dramatically increased because they were able to FIRE thousands of programmers and replace them with a single programmer for each hundred or so stations. The result was a degradation of art and information. “Hit” songs are manufactured by the incessant repetition of playlists and deals made with programmers. True originality of style and content is jettisoned in favor of cookie-cutter palaver. The vast majority of creative material by independent artists has no chance of airtime because it doesn’t fit the corporate mold. Further, the “news” and “information” allowed on radio has to pass through the p.c. “woke” filter and invariably supports, or at least does not ruffle the feathers of corporate-fascist Zionist beast. “Independent” artists had to turn online to YouTube and Spotify to get their songs heard for a pittance, while teen “idol” Taylor Swift, whose following amounts to a cult, becomes a billionaire, selling more product than the Beatles. Her music is SAFE to tyrants, because it is emotional and non-controversial. Gone are songs like Steppewolf’s “Monster” or Guthrie’s anti-war protest “Alice’s Restaurant”, a 20+ minute long song that actually got airplay in the 1960s! A song like that has NO chance of airplay on today’s cookie-cutter corporate radio. This alone illustrates what gets lost in the process of corporate monopolization and control of everything by a few billionaires and trillionaires at the top of the financial pyramid. Everyone gets squished under the big brother boot of consolidation and conformity so that the enemy can absorb the wealth of the world.
We can only hope, with the publication of these materials, that at least a few souls will wake up and reject the “programming” in favor of the truth of God’s word, the Bible. We pray that you will embrace Jesus Christ as your Savior so that your name may be written in the “book of life” and you will be with us in God’s eternal kingdom. Peace be with you and thank you for reading. The Bible is not “fake news”. It is absolute truth from God, the Creator of heaven and earth!
Old Testament prophecy: Isaiah 66:22-24 For as the new heavens and the new earth, which I will make, shall remain before me, saith the LORD, so shall your seed (race, bloodline) and your name remain. And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the LORD. And they shall go forth, and look upon the carcases of the men that have transgressed against me: for their worm shall not die, neither shall their fire be quenched; and they shall be an abhorring unto all flesh.
Parallel New Testament prophecy: Revelation 21:7-8 He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son. But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.