THE Financial Control Grid
Proverbs 21:6-7 The getting of treasures by a lying tongue is a vanity tossed to and fro of them that seek death. The robbery of the wicked shall destroy them; because they refuse to do judgment.
“Pandemic” is the new euphemism for financial coup. Catherine Austin Fitts
“Pandemic” is the new euphemism for financial coup. Catherine Austin Fitts
[in regard to] CBDC (central bank digital currency) in particular for the general use, “we” tend to establish equivalence with cash and there is a huge difference there. For example, in cash, “we” don’t know for example, “we” don’t know who’s using a 100 dollar bill today. “We” don’t know who is using a 1000 peso bill today. A key difference with the CBDC is the central bank will have absolute control on the rules and regulations that will determine the use of that expression of central bank liability (YOUR money), and also “we” will have the technology to enforce that. Agustín Guillermo Carstens, General Manager for the Bank of International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland
The statement above is a quote from the rather rotund manager of the Bank of International Settlements pulled from a Last American Vagabond Video interview of Fitts, in which the clip is played. Here is a link to the video of Carstens, which starts at around 0:25 and is less than a minute long:
The BIS is above the Federal Reserve of the U.S. in the financial pecking order. It is the central bank of central banks, settling accounts between the central banks of the world. It is rare for a banker to tell you the truth, much less an international banker who is a front man for the Rothschild money power. The statement is a bit obtuse, as one would expect, so we will unravel it for you. Firstly, the “we” refers to a very small circle of financial tyrants who are setting themselves up to rule humanity as autocrats. The majority of humans on the planet are to be managed as cattle, as far as they are concerned. Carstens laments, essentially, that at the present time (late 2021) bankers are not all-knowing, all-seeing and all powerful because they cannot track CASH purchases, nor do they YET have the technology in place to control all of the digital money on the planet. However, their contractors (big tech in particular) are working on it and much of the system in already in place.
Right now if you or I go to the grocery store to buy a loaf of bread and some peanut butter with CASH Mr. Carstens cannot track what you did with that cash. This is bothersome to him. He is unaware of that transaction, as he SHOULD be, because in a sane world a corpulent busybody like him has absolutely no damn business knowing what you decide to do with YOUR money! If you buy a hunting rifle from a friend with your cash that you earned through your labor he cannot track that purchase either and this causes him and his fellow banker tyrants great alarm because the thing that “elites” fear the most is that a substantial number of the citizen slaves will one day wake up and realize that the people at the top of the financial pyramid are nothing but parasites, and we’d be far better off without them. This is why Mr. Carstens wants to eliminate cash and replace it with an all digital money system – i.e. Central Bank Digital Currency or CBDC. In that way, he and his fellow banker-parasites will have finally achieved “absolute control” over ALL money and the “expression” thereof, which is to say that “they” would be able to turn your money on or off, like electricity or water from a utility company. They would have the power to determine, with a nasty array of ironclad rules and regulations enhanced and enforced by artificial intelligence (A.I.), what each and every citizen slave is able to do with his “money”, which has gone from simply being a tool for exchange to a control grid of enslavement.
If and/or when that happens, those people who do not have alternatives to CBDC currency will be utterly dependent upon the .001% oligarchy of multi-millionaires, billionaires, and yes, trillionaires who own the money system. They WILL be managed like cattle. An all digital currency system would give the bankers power over ALL transactions, which basically is the power over life itself. If they want to cut your money off, for whatever reason, they could do so. If you committed some “crime” of “wrong think” they could cut your money off. If you made some disparaging remark online about some criminal government official they could cut your money off. How would you obtain food? How would you pay your bills? This is a power that WE the people cannot afford to let these monsters have. We would lose EVERYTHING, including bodily autonomy as they will tie this in with vaccine passports and a never ending list of mandates. They would not hesitate to use them, any more than bankers hesitated to finance wars that have killed hundreds of millions of innocent people. Citizen slaves would be required to “get their shots” or else be penalized. This is why “they” are pushing with all their might for vaccine mandates.
The BIS is above the Federal Reserve of the U.S. in the financial pecking order. It is the central bank of central banks, settling accounts between the central banks of the world. It is rare for a banker to tell you the truth, much less an international banker who is a front man for the Rothschild money power. The statement is a bit obtuse, as one would expect, so we will unravel it for you. Firstly, the “we” refers to a very small circle of financial tyrants who are setting themselves up to rule humanity as autocrats. The majority of humans on the planet are to be managed as cattle, as far as they are concerned. Carstens laments, essentially, that at the present time (late 2021) bankers are not all-knowing, all-seeing and all powerful because they cannot track CASH purchases, nor do they YET have the technology in place to control all of the digital money on the planet. However, their contractors (big tech in particular) are working on it and much of the system in already in place.
Right now if you or I go to the grocery store to buy a loaf of bread and some peanut butter with CASH Mr. Carstens cannot track what you did with that cash. This is bothersome to him. He is unaware of that transaction, as he SHOULD be, because in a sane world a corpulent busybody like him has absolutely no damn business knowing what you decide to do with YOUR money! If you buy a hunting rifle from a friend with your cash that you earned through your labor he cannot track that purchase either and this causes him and his fellow banker tyrants great alarm because the thing that “elites” fear the most is that a substantial number of the citizen slaves will one day wake up and realize that the people at the top of the financial pyramid are nothing but parasites, and we’d be far better off without them. This is why Mr. Carstens wants to eliminate cash and replace it with an all digital money system – i.e. Central Bank Digital Currency or CBDC. In that way, he and his fellow banker-parasites will have finally achieved “absolute control” over ALL money and the “expression” thereof, which is to say that “they” would be able to turn your money on or off, like electricity or water from a utility company. They would have the power to determine, with a nasty array of ironclad rules and regulations enhanced and enforced by artificial intelligence (A.I.), what each and every citizen slave is able to do with his “money”, which has gone from simply being a tool for exchange to a control grid of enslavement.
If and/or when that happens, those people who do not have alternatives to CBDC currency will be utterly dependent upon the .001% oligarchy of multi-millionaires, billionaires, and yes, trillionaires who own the money system. They WILL be managed like cattle. An all digital currency system would give the bankers power over ALL transactions, which basically is the power over life itself. If they want to cut your money off, for whatever reason, they could do so. If you committed some “crime” of “wrong think” they could cut your money off. If you made some disparaging remark online about some criminal government official they could cut your money off. How would you obtain food? How would you pay your bills? This is a power that WE the people cannot afford to let these monsters have. We would lose EVERYTHING, including bodily autonomy as they will tie this in with vaccine passports and a never ending list of mandates. They would not hesitate to use them, any more than bankers hesitated to finance wars that have killed hundreds of millions of innocent people. Citizen slaves would be required to “get their shots” or else be penalized. This is why “they” are pushing with all their might for vaccine mandates.
Hollywood announces the technocracy's plan for humanity.
As creepy World Economic Forum president Klaus Schwab would tell you, “You will own nothing and you will be happy”. We know of no sane person who would be happy owning nothing, and being under the boot of banker psychopaths so the achievement of that paradigm would require some sort of human re-engineering, so as to make humans less human if not semi-conscious like the Borg of the Star Trek movie. This is a grim future, to be sure, and WE, the 99.9%, must fight against this beast whatever way we can, and the best way for most of us to fight is to NOT participate in “their” damned system.
It is not our intention to scare anyone by saying “when”, but the truth is that bankers are already able to literally create money out of nothing (as explained in the Pyramid Scheme of Debt) which gives them a jump start in charting the course of human history. In a rare moment of honesty some three centuries ago banker William Paterson admitted that they (the bankers at the Bank of England) “Hath the benefit of monies created out of nothing”. Bankers and allied investment fund corporations now have tens of trillions of dollars at their disposal, they are incredibly well organized long range planners, and they never give up because they are driven by demons to create a world that only their father the devil could love. This is not a rant. It is absolute spiritual reality. The average working citizen knows absolutely nothing about this diabolical plan for a cashless control grid and thus is ill equipped to do anything about it. With this essay we hope to wake up at least a few souls, though realistically the reach of this expose is limited only to what extends by “word of mouth”. Most people unfortunately will fall right into the trap because they have been programmed to do so. There would be but a few of us who will survive this tribulation, in the “wilderness”, whatever location and/or method is implied by scripture, until Jesus Christ returns and destroys Satan’s system of things. Survival includes remaining faithful to Jesus Christ and following God's commandments to the best of one's ability.
Revelation 12:13-17 And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child (persecution of Christians). And to the woman (Christians) were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent. And the serpent (Satan and the race he spawned) cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood (the invasion of white, formerly Christian nations by other races, replete with “multiculturalism”, “diversity”, “equity”, “empowerment” and all of the other tactics that support the concept of white disenfranchisement and genocide). And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth (a supernatural event or perhaps an extreme terrestrial event yet to occur). And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed (a very small number of Christians who remain apart from the satanic system), which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
Revelation 12:13-17 And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child (persecution of Christians). And to the woman (Christians) were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent. And the serpent (Satan and the race he spawned) cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood (the invasion of white, formerly Christian nations by other races, replete with “multiculturalism”, “diversity”, “equity”, “empowerment” and all of the other tactics that support the concept of white disenfranchisement and genocide). And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth (a supernatural event or perhaps an extreme terrestrial event yet to occur). And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed (a very small number of Christians who remain apart from the satanic system), which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
The international bankers envision a technocratic tyranny a.k.a. “technocracy” that incorporates the worst of both worlds, so to speak – western monopolist capitalism and eastern state controlled communism. If the reader wishes to gain a clearer understanding of what this means just take a look at the life of average Chinese city dwellers. They have no cash, and must buy and/or sell everything through an app on their phone or with a debit card. The communist government can debit their accounts or even turn on or turn off their money for anything deemed an infraction of the rules. These mostly unhappy citizen slaves (study their faces) are kept in line with a dragnet “social credit” system that rates them based upon their subservience to the communist state (run by criminals and mass murderers) and their habits which can be determined largely through what they buy and what they are observed doing, by video cameras mounted just about everywhere.
China's Dystopian Dictatorship
The gargantuan A.I. control grid behind these cameras is trained to recognize over a billion Chinese citizens by their facial features, the top of their head, even their gait! This technology is as amazing as it is frightening, and much of it was designed right here in the U.S. by our traitorous tech firms, who will do anything for money – especially work for communists. This phenomenon is nothing new. WalMart became the biggest retailer in the world by buying almost all of its goods from China. Many of our manufacturers moved their operations to China to take advantage of cheap labor. Expect NO patriotism from the “industrial and tech complex”. To his credit Sam Waldon insisted on buying from American manufacturers, but when the old man passed away his kids quickly abandoned that idea in order to become multi-billionaires. We may speculate that this was due to certain genes inherited from the mother's side.
John Titus takes a deep dive into monetary policy of the Federal Reserve, discussing how the Fed wants to replace the current "two circuit" money system with a one circuit system in which all money would be controlled by the central bank. He analyzes the video of Augusten Carstens mentioned above, as well as Larry Fink of Blackrock stating that democracies are "messy" and that totalitarian regimes are better from a banker's perspective, because they are more predictable. It is little comfort that Blackrock was hired by the Fed to come up with a plan to rescue their collapsing system. This, is the "great reset". Titus also exposes how the phony pandemic is a cover for massive monetary policy re-engineering taking place quietly behind the scenes.
If you follow the money, it all traces back to Blackrock and the Vanguard Group, the two largest asset management firms in the world, which also control Big Pharma. They're at the top of a pyramid that controls basically everything, but you don't hear about their terrifying monopoly because they also own the media.
Blackrock and Vanguard hold large interests in pivotal companies, and Vanguard holds a large share of Blackrock. In turn, Blackrock has been called the "fourth branch of government" by Bloomberg as they are the only private firm that has financial agreements to lend money to the central banking system. (the Federal Reserve - ed.) Aside from world media, the companies controlled by Blackrock and Vanguard span everything from entertainment and airlines to social media and communications. ... Scientific Journal Censorship With Dr. Malone, by Dr. Joseph Mercola,, December 20, 2021 |
Obviously, the big tech firms busy building the matrix of enslavement are NOT your friend. Big tech is the tool of oligarchs who are lusting after a cashless control grid to manage human beings like a rancher manages cattle. It is “they” who are paying for it through the state mechanisms and investment firms they control. The Blackrock and Vanguard investment firms, for example, will invest in anything that brings a good return on investment, and big tech firms that are awarded contracts by governments, even communist governments, are a good investment. Be reminded that oligarch David Rockefeller steered much investment capital from Chase Manhattan Bank (owned by the Rockefeller dynasty) to communist nations. He loved dealing with communists because, he admitted, “they always paid their bills”, because a tyrannical government always has the power to confiscate whatever funding it needs from the citizen slaves in order to pay its financiers. Thus, Wall Street is a driving force in the enslavement of humanity and has been for well over a century. For example, Jacob Schiff, from the Wall Street firm Kuhn, Loeb and Company (a Jewish firm) jump started the Communist Revolution in Russia, bestowing $20 million in gold to the cause. This gold, which today would be worth billions, was given to Trotsky and other lower East Side Jewish thugs transported there to foment the revolution. These days, you may look the world over but not find any natural grass roots agenda crying for a cashless control grid, because such a thing is the antithesis of freedom. Unfortunately the course of history is not determined by “the people” but by what the oligarchy decides to invest in.
How terrible is a cashless control grid? If a Chinese citizen-slave buys a bottle of gin so he can kill the pain of his grim existence for an hour or two, it will cause a reduction in his social credit score, because such a purchase is deemed “irresponsible”. If the citizen slave tries to cross the street before the “walk” sign says he may do so this may also affect his social credit score, in real time, because the system is all intricately liked together through the “internet of things”. If an independent Chinese news reporter uncovers government corruption and tries to expose criminals within the government he will become an target of the state (because he is making the government look bad) and through the social credit system would be effectively under house arrest. If he is lucky enough not to be apprehended, tortured and killed, his money and privileges would be unavailable outside of a narrow radius of his domicile. The system would prevent him from booking trains or flights out of his city. House arrest is an easy matter for A.I.
Chinese Social Credit System Explained
Both eastern and western technocrats and of course central bankers would love to see this system of enslavement “go global”. They have no regard for constitutional principles or personal freedoms. Just look at how Facebook, for example, shamelessly sells the personal information of its millions of subscribers to the government and intelligence agencies. This is one reason why Zuckerberg is so rich. Facebook also routinely bans videos and posts that run contrary to the pandemic and vaccine narrative so as to support big pharma and investors who are profiting from it. Certainly there are substantial kickbacks involved in this. Google tracks every search and possibly even every keystroke so as to amass a huge treasure trove of data to profile any citizen slave who uses a computer. It is also run by Jews (Sergey Brin and Larry Page were the founders), as are most of the major internet firms as well as all of the major Wall Street investment firms and even the big pharma firms at the forefront of the vaccine agenda. It is not "anti-Semitic" to reveal this, because it is the TRUTH, as honest research will reveal. The following key players in the Covid arena just so happen to be members of the tribe. Is this merely "coincidence"? If so, it most certainly is an amazing mathematical anomaly given the fact that said tribe is only 2% of the U.S. population: CDC Director, Rochelle Walensky; CDC Deputy Director, Anne Schuchat; CDC Chief of Staff, Sherry Berger; CDC Chief Medical Officer, Mitchell Wolfe; CDC Director, Washington Office, Jeff Reczek; Covid Czar, Jeff Zients; Covid Senior Adviser, Andy Slavitt; HHS Secretary, Xavier Becerra, HHS Assistant Health Secretary, Rachel Levine; Head of Pfizer, Albert Bourla; Pfizer Chief Scientist, Mikael Dolsten; Moderna Chief Scientist, Tal Zaks; Blackrock CEO, Larry Fink; Blackrock President, Rob Kapito; Vanguard CEO, Mortimer J. Buckley.
Historically, Jews have been the driving force behind communism and a cashless control grid and social credit system are high tech communism. The Silicon Valley technocratic "elite" don’t mind having a CBDC, Chinese style system installed HERE in the U.S. because “they” are going to make $billions and even $trillions doing so. The chief culprits behind this monstrous system believe that somehow they and their families will be immune from it. Their agenda would create two strict classes of people: those who control the system and those whose freedom and very humanity is snuffed out by it. Oligarchs love the idea of a technocratic system of enslavement because they would no longer have to fear a citizen uprising. The web of control would be absolute and have eyes and ears everywhere -- even inside of the human body. This, our friends, sure seems like the “beast” system of Revelation Chapter 13 and it most certainly could lead to a scenario in which “no man may buy or sell save (except) those who have the mark”, because the inspiration for such a system of evil comes from Satan. This “beast” system would also be so powerful that no one would be able to make war with [him] or IT. It is through this system that Satan would be given the power to demand worship on penalty of death, to make war with the saints and to blaspheme God, until our Lord and Savior swiftly puts an end to it. This is what happens at the climax of evil:
Historically, Jews have been the driving force behind communism and a cashless control grid and social credit system are high tech communism. The Silicon Valley technocratic "elite" don’t mind having a CBDC, Chinese style system installed HERE in the U.S. because “they” are going to make $billions and even $trillions doing so. The chief culprits behind this monstrous system believe that somehow they and their families will be immune from it. Their agenda would create two strict classes of people: those who control the system and those whose freedom and very humanity is snuffed out by it. Oligarchs love the idea of a technocratic system of enslavement because they would no longer have to fear a citizen uprising. The web of control would be absolute and have eyes and ears everywhere -- even inside of the human body. This, our friends, sure seems like the “beast” system of Revelation Chapter 13 and it most certainly could lead to a scenario in which “no man may buy or sell save (except) those who have the mark”, because the inspiration for such a system of evil comes from Satan. This “beast” system would also be so powerful that no one would be able to make war with [him] or IT. It is through this system that Satan would be given the power to demand worship on penalty of death, to make war with the saints and to blaspheme God, until our Lord and Savior swiftly puts an end to it. This is what happens at the climax of evil:
Revelation 13:4-7 And they (the deluded people of the world) worshipped the dragon (Satan) which gave power unto the beast: (the system and the figurehead) and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.
There always was a “World Order” of one sort or another because no matter how far you go back in history, even all the way back to OId Testament king Nimrod, there have always been elites, oligarchs and dictators with control systems (such as armies, spies, assassins, secret societies and mystery religions) that robbed the citizen serfs of their labor and their wealth and keep them in fear and perpetual slavery. Do you go to work every day for a corporation or a government entity because you haven’t banked enough money to live off of “investments”? If so, then you are a slave to the current system, and not enjoying the privilege of having your money make money for you, as a "capitalist". Some slaves are rewarded more than others, but most are only a paycheck or two away from homelessness. We would not want to disparage anyone from making the most out of opportunities to improve his lot in life, but it is usually the case that those who are able to amass the most money flourish because they are devoid of empathy, and don’t see any problem with this system of things. Thus they are willfully building the global gulag, as it were. There seems to be a certain lack of empathy, lack of honesty gene that is highly concentrated in one particular group, or tribe. This gene goes all the way back to the ancient Canaanites, and even further back to Canaan and Cain.
Whereas traditionally even slaves had bodily autonomy, the diabolical “Great Reset” technocracy intends to rob the citizen slaves of ALL privacy and even bodily autonomy, not to mention, as always, through taxation, inflation and all types of financial scams, preventing the accumulation of any substantial personal wealth. Even a poor serf in the Middle Ages had the right to determine what or what not to put into his OWN body. He didn’t have to fear some mad lord declaring that he must receive an injection of poison in order to work! How many people already have had their jobs terminated for failure to get "vaccinated" (poisoned). Hundreds of thousands, to be sure. The very idea of it is preposterous and totally flies in the face of the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness which was formerly guaranteed by our U.S. Constitution. It is a marvel to behold the corporate fascists, the Marxist-Communist politicians and the tightly controlled lockstep media (that derives its income from big corporations) in the quest to scare the people into submitting to multiple injections of a POISON that is now well known to cause blood clots and heart attacks and provides little to no protection against the virus it is supposed to inoculate against. Clearly this agenda has absolutely NOTHING whatsoever to do with health and everything to do with the implementation of a control grid with vaccine passports and ultimately a cashless social credit system of enslavement. It is also GENOCIDAL since many people will DIE and have already died as human guinea pigs, believing that they were doing their "patriotic duty" by getting an injection, or two, or three ... They have put their trust in psychopaths and tyrants who sit back and laugh at the ignorance of those who fall for the scam.
According to former Assistant U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Catherine A. Fitts, who quit her job in the late 1990s because she could not stomach the agenda anymore, those who are MOST in favor of mass injections for everyone are the central bankers! Why is this? Because these predominantly Jewish oligarchs want to hook every human being up to their financial control grid through non-removable operating systems installed WITHIN billions of bodies. Big pharma and big tech is helping them achieve this. The “pandemic” from the beginning was a massive hoax designed to induce fear so that the fearful would willingly submit to multiple jabs to “protect” themselves against a disease that was either a phantom or at most no worse than the flu. Manufacturers such as Moderna had already developed their Covid vax BEFORE the pandemic, and were simply waiting for an excuse to deploy it. Yes, we said deploy. That is a military term and this is a war against the people. What was and is really happening is that billions of people throughout the world have become guinea pigs for a grand, diabolical experiment to see how much of a payload of metallic nano-particles can be loaded into the human body before sickness and death occurs. The final goal, as stated by Gates and representatives of Moderna, is to equip humans with an operating system, like a computer. In that way they can be permanently hooked up to a CBDC money system, even from birth.
There always was a “World Order” of one sort or another because no matter how far you go back in history, even all the way back to OId Testament king Nimrod, there have always been elites, oligarchs and dictators with control systems (such as armies, spies, assassins, secret societies and mystery religions) that robbed the citizen serfs of their labor and their wealth and keep them in fear and perpetual slavery. Do you go to work every day for a corporation or a government entity because you haven’t banked enough money to live off of “investments”? If so, then you are a slave to the current system, and not enjoying the privilege of having your money make money for you, as a "capitalist". Some slaves are rewarded more than others, but most are only a paycheck or two away from homelessness. We would not want to disparage anyone from making the most out of opportunities to improve his lot in life, but it is usually the case that those who are able to amass the most money flourish because they are devoid of empathy, and don’t see any problem with this system of things. Thus they are willfully building the global gulag, as it were. There seems to be a certain lack of empathy, lack of honesty gene that is highly concentrated in one particular group, or tribe. This gene goes all the way back to the ancient Canaanites, and even further back to Canaan and Cain.
Whereas traditionally even slaves had bodily autonomy, the diabolical “Great Reset” technocracy intends to rob the citizen slaves of ALL privacy and even bodily autonomy, not to mention, as always, through taxation, inflation and all types of financial scams, preventing the accumulation of any substantial personal wealth. Even a poor serf in the Middle Ages had the right to determine what or what not to put into his OWN body. He didn’t have to fear some mad lord declaring that he must receive an injection of poison in order to work! How many people already have had their jobs terminated for failure to get "vaccinated" (poisoned). Hundreds of thousands, to be sure. The very idea of it is preposterous and totally flies in the face of the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness which was formerly guaranteed by our U.S. Constitution. It is a marvel to behold the corporate fascists, the Marxist-Communist politicians and the tightly controlled lockstep media (that derives its income from big corporations) in the quest to scare the people into submitting to multiple injections of a POISON that is now well known to cause blood clots and heart attacks and provides little to no protection against the virus it is supposed to inoculate against. Clearly this agenda has absolutely NOTHING whatsoever to do with health and everything to do with the implementation of a control grid with vaccine passports and ultimately a cashless social credit system of enslavement. It is also GENOCIDAL since many people will DIE and have already died as human guinea pigs, believing that they were doing their "patriotic duty" by getting an injection, or two, or three ... They have put their trust in psychopaths and tyrants who sit back and laugh at the ignorance of those who fall for the scam.
According to former Assistant U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Catherine A. Fitts, who quit her job in the late 1990s because she could not stomach the agenda anymore, those who are MOST in favor of mass injections for everyone are the central bankers! Why is this? Because these predominantly Jewish oligarchs want to hook every human being up to their financial control grid through non-removable operating systems installed WITHIN billions of bodies. Big pharma and big tech is helping them achieve this. The “pandemic” from the beginning was a massive hoax designed to induce fear so that the fearful would willingly submit to multiple jabs to “protect” themselves against a disease that was either a phantom or at most no worse than the flu. Manufacturers such as Moderna had already developed their Covid vax BEFORE the pandemic, and were simply waiting for an excuse to deploy it. Yes, we said deploy. That is a military term and this is a war against the people. What was and is really happening is that billions of people throughout the world have become guinea pigs for a grand, diabolical experiment to see how much of a payload of metallic nano-particles can be loaded into the human body before sickness and death occurs. The final goal, as stated by Gates and representatives of Moderna, is to equip humans with an operating system, like a computer. In that way they can be permanently hooked up to a CBDC money system, even from birth.
The origin of Covid 19 and the final goal,
Ricardo Delgado, |
What the “vaccine” manufacturers and mainstream “news” reporters will not tell you is that a certain percentage of the shots contain substances that do not belong in the human body, like graphine oxide which can actually self-assemble once injected, to form a receiver/transmitter that can interact with microwave transmissions, and in particular 5G. This is why every city, town and rural area has been blanketed with microwave towers. In order for 5G and the “Internet of Things” to be efficient these transmitters are popping up on every other telephone pole or light post in some cities. They are even putting them under fake manhole covers (as in the Artemis system) and in fake mailboxes. Some microwave towers are designed to look like palm trees or cactus plants. Listen to some videos by Mark David Steel from Gateshead, England, a microwave expert who understands that these transmitters are WEAPONS, operating at frequencies that can cause DNA damage, infertility, cancer and death.
Those who are living in big, densely packed cities where there are multiple microwave transmissions crisscrossing everywhere, are being exposed to a lethal soup of radiation from which there is little to no escape. The ante has been upped with Elon Musk’s Space X endeavor which is launching tens of thousands of satellites in order to beam 5G down to every square inch of the planet. The injection of nano-particles of graphine oxide, aluminum and other substances that will interact with microwave transmissions only exacerbates destruction of the human body and mind. In fact, many of the people who dropped dead in Wuhan, China when “Covid 19” broke out there were actually killed by microwaves, because the 5G grid was being rolled out at the exact same time. Covid 19 was the “cover” for 5G. Now, the Chinese are rolling out 6G. This, of course, was not and will not be reported on mainstream news reports. You must go to “alternative” Internet sites to find the information. Much information that runs contrary to the mainstream approved narrative is swiftly pulled from the Internet or lambasted by so-called “fact checkers”, who are contractors for Facebook, the Gates Foundation and other corporate-fascists seeking to prevent the truth from getting out. These trolls, in their superficial “fact checking” 100% of the time promote the government and big pharma narrative no matter what and never find in favor of truthful “alternative” sources, no matter how well researched and factual.
Fact checkers bought and paid for by Gates Foundation
Dr. Vernon Coleman has revealed the “fact checkers” are a motley hodgepodge of non-scientists whose “qualifications” range from having worked in the porn industry to the promotion of “reality shows” on TV. These people are wholly unqualified to make any scientific pronouncements and their success as “fact checkers” depends upon their willingness tow the line – that is, to LIE for big pharma, big tech, the hospital corporations, the government and Bill Gates, who is following in the footsteps of old John D. Rockefeller, who was "the most hated man in America" until hiring a P.R. agent to improve his reputation. Gates hires "fact checkers" and has spent hundreds of millions of dollars to improve his dismal reputation, which still needs a lot of work because, figuratively speaking, you can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig.
Meanwhile, excellent scientists and doctors who actually care about humanity are made out to be fringe “conspiracy theorists” while the most vile and contemptible of so-called “experts” are put on a pedestal. This is exactly how and why Fauci can get away with banning Ivermectin while promoting a highly toxic drug like Remdesevir and mRNA shots from big pharma. Recently there was a lawsuit filed against a hospital that refused to administer Ivermectin to a patient who had been put on a ventilator and was dying. This patient’s doctor, who was not an employee of the hospital, had prescribed the Ivermectin but it was the hospital’s policy (based upon government guidelines) not to use it. The dying woman’s family took the case to court, and got a judgment in their favor. The judge ordered the hospital to administer the Ivermectin immediately or face a $10,000 per day fine. GOOD! We have truly sunk into an abyss of evil when stupid CDC and hospital policy trumps someone’s life. The judge who made the ruling is a brave soul who should be applauded, but may suffer for doing the right thing. Many people in his position would have feared for their life and ruled in favor of the corporation and big pharma.
The globalists, technocrats, pharma-criminals and trans-humanists are not without a certain graveyard humor in the acronyms and Greek letters chosen for their rollout of sickness and death. Could it be a coincidence that COVID 19 happens to be an acronym for Certificate of Vaccination I.D. A.I. (the letters A and I are numbers 1 and 9 respectively in the alphabet). When the world's lockstep media declared that there was a Covid 19 “pandemic” it was immediately declared a “Public Health Emergency of International Concern” (PHEIC), which just so happens to be pronounced “FAKE”. How about the curious coincidence that the letters of Omicron (the latest “variant” of Covid 19) when rearranged spell “moronic”. Are the perpetrators poking fun at those who fall for the propaganda, as in only a moron would believe that these “variants” are offshoots of the original virus and not what they truly are: bad reactions to the Covid vaccine POISON? How many times can you tell the same lie before people stop believing it? How many more times can “variant” be used as an excuse as young children die from blood clots and heart attacks, as athletes go from running for a touchdown to dropping dead on the field, as formerly healthy working people get the jab and right afterward die from a so-called “breakthrough infection” as old people in nursing homes are dying by the hundreds of thousands right after getting injected? Come on people!!! When are you going to realize that this thing is all PLANNED by psychopaths and is NEVER going to end until millions of people REFUSE to comply? One online pundit posted that the final phase of the never-ending Covid pandemic will be the “Communist Variant”. That about sums it up.
It is truly amazing how the Covid think tanks keep coming up with excuses to explain away the sickness and death from the vaccines. Let us say, for example that someone went to a mad doctor and was prescribed arsenic as a prophylactic, and then dies immediately afterward. Wouldn’t it be logical to assume that the patient died from arsenic poisoning? Well … this sound logic is never applied to the vaccine. If someone dies immediately after getting a Pfizer injection it is deemed a “breakthrough” infection and that person is presumed to have died from an already existing lethal case of Covid, even if he or she was perfectly healthy before getting the injection. The vaccine is presumed to be sacred and cannot possibly be the cause of death, no matter what – that is, if one trusts mainstream media and the medical establishment. The truth is that millions have already died from these injections. This is deliberate mass genocide.
Trans-humanist technocrats such as Ray Kurzweil, Eric Schmidt, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab and Mark Zuckerberg, and Marxist Communists such as Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Bill DeBlasio, Gavon Newsome, and Rothschild henchmen like Augustin Carsons do not care about any rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, such as “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. These are “elitists”. They absolutely do not care about your privacy and your desire to remain anonymous. They do not care one iota about truth. In fact, they do not even care about LIFE itself – except that they wish to preserve their own miserable lives (at the expense of everyone else). The bankers and investors at the top of the financial pyramid will destroy the planet before they will give up their iron grip on it, and they are busy doing so. Look up at the skies when they are spraying us with more graphine oxide, aluminum and parasites and pray to God that this madness is ended soon:
The globalists, technocrats, pharma-criminals and trans-humanists are not without a certain graveyard humor in the acronyms and Greek letters chosen for their rollout of sickness and death. Could it be a coincidence that COVID 19 happens to be an acronym for Certificate of Vaccination I.D. A.I. (the letters A and I are numbers 1 and 9 respectively in the alphabet). When the world's lockstep media declared that there was a Covid 19 “pandemic” it was immediately declared a “Public Health Emergency of International Concern” (PHEIC), which just so happens to be pronounced “FAKE”. How about the curious coincidence that the letters of Omicron (the latest “variant” of Covid 19) when rearranged spell “moronic”. Are the perpetrators poking fun at those who fall for the propaganda, as in only a moron would believe that these “variants” are offshoots of the original virus and not what they truly are: bad reactions to the Covid vaccine POISON? How many times can you tell the same lie before people stop believing it? How many more times can “variant” be used as an excuse as young children die from blood clots and heart attacks, as athletes go from running for a touchdown to dropping dead on the field, as formerly healthy working people get the jab and right afterward die from a so-called “breakthrough infection” as old people in nursing homes are dying by the hundreds of thousands right after getting injected? Come on people!!! When are you going to realize that this thing is all PLANNED by psychopaths and is NEVER going to end until millions of people REFUSE to comply? One online pundit posted that the final phase of the never-ending Covid pandemic will be the “Communist Variant”. That about sums it up.
It is truly amazing how the Covid think tanks keep coming up with excuses to explain away the sickness and death from the vaccines. Let us say, for example that someone went to a mad doctor and was prescribed arsenic as a prophylactic, and then dies immediately afterward. Wouldn’t it be logical to assume that the patient died from arsenic poisoning? Well … this sound logic is never applied to the vaccine. If someone dies immediately after getting a Pfizer injection it is deemed a “breakthrough” infection and that person is presumed to have died from an already existing lethal case of Covid, even if he or she was perfectly healthy before getting the injection. The vaccine is presumed to be sacred and cannot possibly be the cause of death, no matter what – that is, if one trusts mainstream media and the medical establishment. The truth is that millions have already died from these injections. This is deliberate mass genocide.
Trans-humanist technocrats such as Ray Kurzweil, Eric Schmidt, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab and Mark Zuckerberg, and Marxist Communists such as Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Bill DeBlasio, Gavon Newsome, and Rothschild henchmen like Augustin Carsons do not care about any rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, such as “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. These are “elitists”. They absolutely do not care about your privacy and your desire to remain anonymous. They do not care one iota about truth. In fact, they do not even care about LIFE itself – except that they wish to preserve their own miserable lives (at the expense of everyone else). The bankers and investors at the top of the financial pyramid will destroy the planet before they will give up their iron grip on it, and they are busy doing so. Look up at the skies when they are spraying us with more graphine oxide, aluminum and parasites and pray to God that this madness is ended soon:
Revelation 11:18 And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth. ![]()
As super-materialists the “global elite” parasite class care deeply about how much wealth they can squeeze out of the system for themselves and how much power over others they can achieve with as little real work as possible. These are creatures devoid of empathy and a human conscience. They are busy “re-engineering” humanity to adopt their grim anti-human, anti-God philosophy. Perhaps this is why Jesus told us that in the last days it would be “as it was in the days of Noah”. And how was it in the days of Noah? It was a time when “man’s every thought was evil continually”. Look it up. Above is a downloadable PDF version of the Bible. You can search it for all of the scriptures we quote in these essays.
The anti-humans behind the control grid enjoy torturing others, as Fauci enjoyed torturing beagle puppies and young children in heinous experiments testing poisonous drugs like AZT, which was supposed to be a cure for AIDS. In the ‘90s the drug killed way more AIDS victims than it kept alive. At the same time Fauci was suppressing the use of drugs that may have helped his victims. This is his modus operandi. As he did with AIDS, Fauci suppressed the use of good drugs like Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin in order to clear the way for Covid “vaccines”, then declared by the FDA and CDC as the ONLY possible solution to the “pandemic” problem. There would have been no need for a vaccine had those drugs not been suppressed. Millions have died because of this deception. Fauci is a psychopath – a little monster in human skin, but a powerful tool for big pharma and the heartless investment class. Unfortunately in mystery Babylon the Great, an age when all good morality has been eliminated, this is the type of creature that rises to the top. This is evidence that the end IS very near:
Jeremiah 51:6-9 Flee out of the midst of Babylon, and deliver every man his soul: be not cut off in her iniquity; for this is the time of the LORD’S vengeance; he will render unto her a recompence. Babylon hath been a golden cup in the LORD’S hand, that made all the earth drunken: the nations have drunken of her wine; therefore the nations are mad. Babylon is suddenly fallen and destroyed: howl for her; take balm for her pain, if so she may be healed. We would have healed Babylon, but she is not healed: forsake her, and let us go every one into his own country: for her judgment reacheth unto heaven, and is lifted up even to the skies.
Capitalism has always been a dubious system because those who possess large amounts of capital are fully insulated from those who have to endure the deleterious effects of big investment. And “they” CHEAT any which way they can. Capitalism (a system in which capital determines all outcomes) is not free enterprise. In a free enterprise system those who prosper tend to provide the best possible product for the least cost. In a capitalist system big business conspires to destroy smaller businesses any way that it can in order to consolidate and monopolize and then raises the price to whatever the market will bear. In 2020 and 2021 millions of small businesses were destroyed because of the lockdown agenda which declared them to be “non-essential”. This was a rotten PLOY, in no way based upon science, because a lockdown is not going to stop the spread of a virus – even if there was truly a “pandemic”. There was no “pandemic”. The lockdown was a war against small, independent businesses. Big business was then free to gobble up the markets at pennies on the dollar. This tactic was also used by the bankers and corporations during Great Depression of the 1930s. The bankers called in loans and raised interest rates, thus destroying tens of thousands of small businesses. The “insiders”, who knew the depression was coming, were flush with cash when the markets crashed, and were able to gobble up smaller businesses at pennies on the dollar.
Over time, big businesses have gotten bigger and bigger and it is increasingly difficult for smaller operations to survive. We are now to the point, for example, where just six corporations control well over 90% of all media. There are less than a half-dozen banks that do 90% of all private and commercial lending. There are a handful of grocery retailers that sell most of the food. There are only a few car manufacturers that sell the vast majority of vehicles. And most importantly, there are just ten wall street investment firms that are asset managers for an astronomical 20 trillion dollars of investment capital, which is used to strengthen corporate fascism and beat the people into submission. Do you get the point? This is a system in which big corporations, flush with capital, are in league with the government, which does their bidding. These big corporations are kept afloat by massive infusions of capital from Wall Street investment firms that get their investment capital largely multi-millionaires, billionaires and centuries old dynasties who expect the greatest possible return on their investment.
Jeremiah 51:6-9 Flee out of the midst of Babylon, and deliver every man his soul: be not cut off in her iniquity; for this is the time of the LORD’S vengeance; he will render unto her a recompence. Babylon hath been a golden cup in the LORD’S hand, that made all the earth drunken: the nations have drunken of her wine; therefore the nations are mad. Babylon is suddenly fallen and destroyed: howl for her; take balm for her pain, if so she may be healed. We would have healed Babylon, but she is not healed: forsake her, and let us go every one into his own country: for her judgment reacheth unto heaven, and is lifted up even to the skies.
Capitalism has always been a dubious system because those who possess large amounts of capital are fully insulated from those who have to endure the deleterious effects of big investment. And “they” CHEAT any which way they can. Capitalism (a system in which capital determines all outcomes) is not free enterprise. In a free enterprise system those who prosper tend to provide the best possible product for the least cost. In a capitalist system big business conspires to destroy smaller businesses any way that it can in order to consolidate and monopolize and then raises the price to whatever the market will bear. In 2020 and 2021 millions of small businesses were destroyed because of the lockdown agenda which declared them to be “non-essential”. This was a rotten PLOY, in no way based upon science, because a lockdown is not going to stop the spread of a virus – even if there was truly a “pandemic”. There was no “pandemic”. The lockdown was a war against small, independent businesses. Big business was then free to gobble up the markets at pennies on the dollar. This tactic was also used by the bankers and corporations during Great Depression of the 1930s. The bankers called in loans and raised interest rates, thus destroying tens of thousands of small businesses. The “insiders”, who knew the depression was coming, were flush with cash when the markets crashed, and were able to gobble up smaller businesses at pennies on the dollar.
Over time, big businesses have gotten bigger and bigger and it is increasingly difficult for smaller operations to survive. We are now to the point, for example, where just six corporations control well over 90% of all media. There are less than a half-dozen banks that do 90% of all private and commercial lending. There are a handful of grocery retailers that sell most of the food. There are only a few car manufacturers that sell the vast majority of vehicles. And most importantly, there are just ten wall street investment firms that are asset managers for an astronomical 20 trillion dollars of investment capital, which is used to strengthen corporate fascism and beat the people into submission. Do you get the point? This is a system in which big corporations, flush with capital, are in league with the government, which does their bidding. These big corporations are kept afloat by massive infusions of capital from Wall Street investment firms that get their investment capital largely multi-millionaires, billionaires and centuries old dynasties who expect the greatest possible return on their investment.
Late in his life crypto-Jew John D. Rockefeller said “The only thing that makes me happy is dividends on my investments.” He also said “Competition is a sin”. His philosophy was the model for today’s corporate-fascist monopolist capitalism, administered by MBAs with ice in their veins. It is the antithesis of small, homegrown face to face businesses that serve communities and spend profits back into the communities they serve. Rockefeller capitalism on the other hand decimates local communities, transforming them into cookie cutter corporate outposts by blanketing the landscape with franchises which funnel local wealth into the pockets of oligarchs in big cities. Corporations often collude with the government to FORCE a product (like the health insurance required during the Obamacare era) or like a largely unwanted vaccine upon an entire population. The current vaccine scam extorts payment for this product from governments, which in turn pay for it by borrowing from a central bank, which creates the money out of nothing and then charges the government interest on the loan. The interest for this and other central bank loans is then passed on to the citizens who pay the interest with taxation. Never mind the principle. It can only go up until the proposed "great reset". Central bank loans are the number one cause of “national” debt, all of which gets lent into existence out of NOTHING and is mostly used to feed the military-industrial complex and bail out giant Wall Street firms on the verge of bankruptcy. When the going gets rough these firms get declared “too big to fail” whereas small businesses receive no assistance. It is a terrible system -- one only the devil and his spawn could love.
J.D. Rockefeller, the grandfather of modern American monopolist capitalism, had gobbled up 90% of the oil fields in the nation by the late 1890s, put tens of thousands of people out of work, and destroyed many a fine small business. He was financed by the ubiquitous Jewish Rothschild dynasty through the Bank of Cleveland. Unfortunately, lots of the things that bring big returns for investors (microwaves, vaccines, war machinery, toxic chemicals to name a few) work against humanity. The sad state of capitalism in the twenty first century is that if it ever was by accident an engine to improve the quality of life for everyone, it has now fully devolved into the asset stripping operation of an all-powerful, all-encompassing monopoly of elites, their banks, their corporations and their humongous investment firms like Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street, JP Morgan etc. and the government mechanisms they control through powerful lobby groups and bribes. This obsession with capital has made the world insane. “The nations are mad”, so says the prophecy above, which fully applies to this era.
J.D. Rockefeller, the grandfather of modern American monopolist capitalism, had gobbled up 90% of the oil fields in the nation by the late 1890s, put tens of thousands of people out of work, and destroyed many a fine small business. He was financed by the ubiquitous Jewish Rothschild dynasty through the Bank of Cleveland. Unfortunately, lots of the things that bring big returns for investors (microwaves, vaccines, war machinery, toxic chemicals to name a few) work against humanity. The sad state of capitalism in the twenty first century is that if it ever was by accident an engine to improve the quality of life for everyone, it has now fully devolved into the asset stripping operation of an all-powerful, all-encompassing monopoly of elites, their banks, their corporations and their humongous investment firms like Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street, JP Morgan etc. and the government mechanisms they control through powerful lobby groups and bribes. This obsession with capital has made the world insane. “The nations are mad”, so says the prophecy above, which fully applies to this era.
The examples of predatory capitalism could fill a library. “Investments” in war machinery, dangerous chemicals, GMO monstrosities, the opium trade, human trafficking etc. are bad enough but now that nano-tech has been deployed, it has heaped more monstrous inventions to the hit list of things the world could do without, like miniature terminator drones that can swarm through the sky, hone into targets and blow people’s brains out, cell phones that kill sperm, fry brain cells, and cause cancer, and now artificial intelligence systems to control the flow of central bank digital currency so that no one will be able to buy and sell without receiving the mark of the beast.
A.I. driven killer drones. A promo video from 2017.
A cashless system is not going to make the life of the average citizen better, no matter how “they” try to sell it, but be assured that “they” will sell the hell out of it. Truly, this is something only oligarchs, central bankers, tech firms and complicit puppet politicians want. If anyone else plays along it is because they would get a salary for doing so. The manufacture of death shots which are paid for with money created out of nothing by governments riddled with corruption may be a great investment for a Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos but it is a death knell for humanity. The deployment of dangerous microwave towers and antennas blanketing the nations may be great for those who invest in Blackrock and Vanguard, which in turn invest $billions in the telecom industry, but they are dangerous to those whose bodies are assailed by dangerous radiation. Studies have proven that those who live within one half a mile of a microwave tower are several times more likely to get cancer than those who live further away. But then, if they do get cancer then the Rockefeller controlled medical complex will get its cut while killing the patient with toxic drugs and MRI radiation. It is obvious that big investors are at war with the people – all in the name of profit. The love of money IS, as proven time and time again, the root of ALL evil.
The “pandemic” was a multi-faceted asset stripping operation from the start. According to Fitts the Covid 19 war against humanity has spawned another 500 billionaires since 2019. There has been a greater transfer of wealth upward from the poor and the middle class to the wealthy and super wealthy than ever before in history. The World Economic Forum, the Bilderberg Group, the Council on Foreign Relations and Rockefeller’s Trilateral Commission have always been forums in which the richest of the rich rub shoulders and discuss how they may STEAL from everyone outside of their class, with schemes that range from bad to evil. This, historically, is what “elites” do for a living. They STEAL life, liberty, assets and happiness from working people by setting up problem-reaction-solution scenarios and employing narratives that are confusing and diabolical, not easily exposed because all of mainstream media and academia parrots their lies as truth. Therefore, the schemes of the "elite" are not easily resisted by their billions of victims unschooled in this kind of treachery. When the Federal Reserve scheme was being hatched, for example, a Rothschild agent admitted that not one man in 10,000 would understand the cause of inflation. It is the same now, with all too few people understanding that the “pandemic” is a massive, ongoing SCAM that drains the middle class of wealth, and ultimately leads to enslavement through vaccine passports, injections of nano-particles to connect the human body with A.I., a cashless control grid and DEATH for billions who submitted to injections of poison.
The reason the bankers, oligarchs, monopolists and technocrats want to kill off nine tenths of humanity is that the thing these vampires fear the most is the sunlight of TRUTH and long overdue righteous retribution, should the sleeping giant awaken. They are well aware that there are hundreds of millions of private firearms in America, which is why we have been given special attention. This is why leftist-Marxists working for oligarchs want to ban guns – but of course the wealthy socialist-communists would get to keep their personal bodyguards, who have guns. The very people wanting to ban guns would have absolutely no problem in violating their own agenda to protect themselves because the system protects its own. The people at the top are expert liars and hypocrites. One bright spot of hope is that German-American lawyer Reiner Fuellmich has put together a consortium of lawyers who are working on a Nuremberg II trial scenario. They are going after some of the criminals responsible for the “pandemic” scam. Let us pray that they succeed.
The “pandemic” was a multi-faceted asset stripping operation from the start. According to Fitts the Covid 19 war against humanity has spawned another 500 billionaires since 2019. There has been a greater transfer of wealth upward from the poor and the middle class to the wealthy and super wealthy than ever before in history. The World Economic Forum, the Bilderberg Group, the Council on Foreign Relations and Rockefeller’s Trilateral Commission have always been forums in which the richest of the rich rub shoulders and discuss how they may STEAL from everyone outside of their class, with schemes that range from bad to evil. This, historically, is what “elites” do for a living. They STEAL life, liberty, assets and happiness from working people by setting up problem-reaction-solution scenarios and employing narratives that are confusing and diabolical, not easily exposed because all of mainstream media and academia parrots their lies as truth. Therefore, the schemes of the "elite" are not easily resisted by their billions of victims unschooled in this kind of treachery. When the Federal Reserve scheme was being hatched, for example, a Rothschild agent admitted that not one man in 10,000 would understand the cause of inflation. It is the same now, with all too few people understanding that the “pandemic” is a massive, ongoing SCAM that drains the middle class of wealth, and ultimately leads to enslavement through vaccine passports, injections of nano-particles to connect the human body with A.I., a cashless control grid and DEATH for billions who submitted to injections of poison.
The reason the bankers, oligarchs, monopolists and technocrats want to kill off nine tenths of humanity is that the thing these vampires fear the most is the sunlight of TRUTH and long overdue righteous retribution, should the sleeping giant awaken. They are well aware that there are hundreds of millions of private firearms in America, which is why we have been given special attention. This is why leftist-Marxists working for oligarchs want to ban guns – but of course the wealthy socialist-communists would get to keep their personal bodyguards, who have guns. The very people wanting to ban guns would have absolutely no problem in violating their own agenda to protect themselves because the system protects its own. The people at the top are expert liars and hypocrites. One bright spot of hope is that German-American lawyer Reiner Fuellmich has put together a consortium of lawyers who are working on a Nuremberg II trial scenario. They are going after some of the criminals responsible for the “pandemic” scam. Let us pray that they succeed.
Lawyer Reiner Fuellmich, Dr. Deloris Cahill and others in a discussion group focusing on the "pandemic" problem.
Meanwhile, the financial “beast” intends to make the bulk of people on planet earth miserable, mind-controlled automatons possessing not one thought that isn’t put in their brains by state propaganda and A.I. driven microwave mind control. Should any of these miserable souls awaken and see the light they may “seek death and not find it” as scripture indicates: Revelation 9:6 And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them. |
Only those who are able to survive outside of “The Matrix” will have any freedom whatsoever, and they will have to work very hard to secure it, but it will be preferable to being a technocratic, trans-human, genetically altered slave. Thus it is essential for anyone who values freedom to prepare NOW for the inevitable tribulation that is creeping in around us like a flood:
Matthew 24:21-22 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.
There are a few simple things that you could do NOW so as not to inadvertently contribute to your own demise and the slavery of your children and grandchildren. If you have any spare money to invest take it out of large banks and Wall Street stocks. Get your money out of Vanguard, Blackrock, JP Morgan and Bank of America. Invest in homegrown local banks and in community-oriented businesses. Have your checking account at a local credit union. The more WE can de-centralize the less power the globalists have over us. To the greatest extent possible do not buy from Amazon or Wal-Mart. These companies are run by globalist-monopolists intent on destroying as much small business as possible in order to consolidate the wealth of the world into as few hands as possible. Try not to work for corporations that support globalist agendas such as white disenfranchisement, mass immigration, LGBTQXYZ and pedophile nation rotting agendas and other social engineering schemes. Don’t buy any of their “smart” devices. Get rid of the damn cell phone. It is a tracking device and a huge time waster! Every time you use it the microwaves it emits weaken your body and destroy your brain. All of these “smart” devices emit microwaves that are dangerous to your health, and yet addictive. Get rid of Alexas, baby monitors, refrigerators, garage door openers, headsets, Blue Tooths, and vehicles equipped with microwave devices. All of this crap connects you to the web of control and will set you up for cancer in the process.
Matthew 24:21-22 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.
There are a few simple things that you could do NOW so as not to inadvertently contribute to your own demise and the slavery of your children and grandchildren. If you have any spare money to invest take it out of large banks and Wall Street stocks. Get your money out of Vanguard, Blackrock, JP Morgan and Bank of America. Invest in homegrown local banks and in community-oriented businesses. Have your checking account at a local credit union. The more WE can de-centralize the less power the globalists have over us. To the greatest extent possible do not buy from Amazon or Wal-Mart. These companies are run by globalist-monopolists intent on destroying as much small business as possible in order to consolidate the wealth of the world into as few hands as possible. Try not to work for corporations that support globalist agendas such as white disenfranchisement, mass immigration, LGBTQXYZ and pedophile nation rotting agendas and other social engineering schemes. Don’t buy any of their “smart” devices. Get rid of the damn cell phone. It is a tracking device and a huge time waster! Every time you use it the microwaves it emits weaken your body and destroy your brain. All of these “smart” devices emit microwaves that are dangerous to your health, and yet addictive. Get rid of Alexas, baby monitors, refrigerators, garage door openers, headsets, Blue Tooths, and vehicles equipped with microwave devices. All of this crap connects you to the web of control and will set you up for cancer in the process.
Use cash as much as possible and refrain from using debit and credit cards for transactions. Bear in mind that every digital financial transaction is monitored and this data is appropriated by intelligence agencies and corporations in order to create digital profiles of the citizen slaves, so that they may be financially raped in every way possible. And finally, by all means do not submit to their injections, because they intend to alter your DNA, “transhumanize” you, if not simply eliminate as many “useless eaters” as possible. The less you participate in their system on things, the less you are contributing to it. If billions of people stopped using the corporate crap it would reduce their power over us. It is one thing to complain about the world going to hell but if you aren’t lifting a finger to do anything about it then you are a part of the problem.
Who is behind the Coronavirus vaccines?
Fitts has revealed that the people most in favor of mandatory vaccination are the central bankers, such as Mr. Carsons, quoted above. You may ask, “What does banking have to do with vaccines”? Quite a lot, actually, which is why this thing is so well coordinated. Notice how every mainstream newscaster and every democrat-Marxist-communist politician is hell bent on vaccine mandates. Multi-billionaire and mass murderer Bill Gates pontificates that the entire world must be vaccinated for things to return to “normal”, which he knows quite well is a LIE. The Jewish CEO of Pfizer, Albert Bourla, is saying that people who are spreading “misinformation” (i.e. the truth about the dangers of Pfizer’s shots) are criminals, when he, in fact is the REAL criminal. The number one objective for this star studded parade of lies and misinformation is that the injection is a perfect way to get self-assembling metals like graphine oxide into billions of bodies so that the human cattle (the goy) may eventually be equipped with an “operating system” that can interface with 5G microwaves, which deliver information to artificial intelligence super computers for the proposed central bank digital currency financial control grid. Big tech, big pharma, big government and big bankers simply love the idea because they will be able to sop up the remainder of wealth on the planet and enslave everyone outside of their class. There you have the essence of it. It’s all about CONTROL of every nickel and dime on the planet and every remaining “human” (or trans-human) after they kill off 9/10ths of us with their poisons and microwave weapons. This should clear up the idea that this agenda has anything to do with health.
The system of financial enslavement has not yet been perfected and this is why a prototype is being tested in Africa where Master Card and GAVI (the Global Advanced Vaccine Initiative – a Gates criminal front) have teamed up to give the “un-banked” access to financial resources they don't really need (such as debit accounts) where they can deposit their pennies and be one step closer to joining the Borg collective. In order to participate in this “benevolent” corporate program the human guinea pigs will need to receive injections loaded with nano-particles of graphine oxide, aluminum and heavy metals. The lucky ones may receive a placebo so that they can go around saying “I got the vaccine and I feel fine”. The unlucky ones will get the metals, the hydra vulgaris parasites, DARPA designed hydrogel and blood brain barrier penetrating lipid nanoparticles as do many here on the other side of the Atlantic, many of whom get very sick and die because, for example, the graphine oxide molecule is like a miniature razor blade, capable of cutting the inner walls of blood vessels, which in turn causes micro blood clots, leading to heart problems and in worst case scenarios sudden death.
The system of financial enslavement has not yet been perfected and this is why a prototype is being tested in Africa where Master Card and GAVI (the Global Advanced Vaccine Initiative – a Gates criminal front) have teamed up to give the “un-banked” access to financial resources they don't really need (such as debit accounts) where they can deposit their pennies and be one step closer to joining the Borg collective. In order to participate in this “benevolent” corporate program the human guinea pigs will need to receive injections loaded with nano-particles of graphine oxide, aluminum and heavy metals. The lucky ones may receive a placebo so that they can go around saying “I got the vaccine and I feel fine”. The unlucky ones will get the metals, the hydra vulgaris parasites, DARPA designed hydrogel and blood brain barrier penetrating lipid nanoparticles as do many here on the other side of the Atlantic, many of whom get very sick and die because, for example, the graphine oxide molecule is like a miniature razor blade, capable of cutting the inner walls of blood vessels, which in turn causes micro blood clots, leading to heart problems and in worst case scenarios sudden death.
Strange immortal Hydra Vulgaris parasites found in vaccines
Hydra Linneas found in the Covid jab, and what it means
Isn’t it remarkable how the governments of the world are shelling out billions of dollars to criminal corporations like Pfizer, paying no mind to the fact that Pfizer has been fined close to five billion dollars in the U.S. alone since 2000 for healthcare related offenses, government contracting related offenses, safety related offenses, competition related offenses, environment related offenses, off-label or unapproved promotion of medical products, False Claims Act and related offenses, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act violations and more. See for details. This, to the criminals at the helm, is merely a “cost of doing business”. The fact that mass sickness and death has resulted from their malfeasance means nothing to the psychopathic CEO and his managers and the bureaucrats enabling it who will look the other way as long as big pharma keeps stuffing money in their pockets. How disgusting. Corporate fascism is an ugly, dirty business – not for the faint of heart or for anyone who has the tiniest little shred of conscience and human empathy. There have been some small nations that attempted to resist the big pharma war on humanity, such as Tanzania and Burundi. The presidents of these nations, who refused to play along with the Covid scam, resisted implementing lockdown measures and mass vaccinations. For their dedication to the people they were poisoned by "deep state" operatives. Read for details.
At this point we would be remiss if we didn’t mention that it is not just corporate criminals and central bankers who are profiting from the technocratic agenda. It is ANYONE who chooses to invest in the stock of companies like Pfizer, Moderna, Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Tik-Tok, Wikipedia, NBC, CBS, ABC, Fox or any other corporation that is either manufacturing products for enslavement, sickness and death or censoring information to protect the criminal perpetrators. If you have a conscience do not contribute to any corporation that embraces the globalist ideals of depopulation, enslavement and trans-humanism. Invest local and buy local. If everyone who possesses a functioning conscience would stop listening to greedy “shark tank” investment advisors and pull their money out of big pharma and big tech stocks it would make a difference. It could even tip the scales in favor of humanity. If you look the other way and believe that your personal bottom line gratification is more important than concern for the world your children and grandchildren will inherit hell. Even if you are mid-way up the financial pyramid don’t think for a minute that the people on top care one iota about your welfare. Most assuredly they do not. You are just a “human resource” to them, one that can be disposed of like a piece of garbage.
According to Dutch entrepreneur Ronald Bernard, who was in his former life (until his conscience couldn’t bear it any longer) a money launderer for the “elite”, the entire financial system is controlled by around 4,000 super-wealthy individuals, with a core group of around 300. These plutocrats and dynasties are in possession of well over 90% the entire wealth of the world. Most of that wealth is INHERITED, and the inheritors cannot possibly relate to those 99% of humans who must work for a living. At that top of that heap are well known names like Rothschild, Rockefeller, Warburg, Goldman, Sachs, Oppenheimer, Lazard, Schiff – all of which so happen to be Jewish, descended from Canaanites, the cursed “seed of the serpent”. They have parked much of their ill-gotten hoards in trust funds and Wall Street investment firms like Blackrock. The CEO of Blackrock is Jewish, as are many members of the board of directors. This one firm has so much investment capital that it can barely find places to invest all of it, so it has taken to buying up entire middle class neighborhoods in some cities, and even paying more than the asking price because their intention is to perpetually rent these homes. It will bring a steady return on investment for their wealthy clients. The more property Blackrock acquires, the more the value of such real estate rises, until middle class families are completely priced out of the market. This is corporate fascism at work destroying the fabric of America and the American dream and it can only lead to communism.
At this point we would be remiss if we didn’t mention that it is not just corporate criminals and central bankers who are profiting from the technocratic agenda. It is ANYONE who chooses to invest in the stock of companies like Pfizer, Moderna, Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Tik-Tok, Wikipedia, NBC, CBS, ABC, Fox or any other corporation that is either manufacturing products for enslavement, sickness and death or censoring information to protect the criminal perpetrators. If you have a conscience do not contribute to any corporation that embraces the globalist ideals of depopulation, enslavement and trans-humanism. Invest local and buy local. If everyone who possesses a functioning conscience would stop listening to greedy “shark tank” investment advisors and pull their money out of big pharma and big tech stocks it would make a difference. It could even tip the scales in favor of humanity. If you look the other way and believe that your personal bottom line gratification is more important than concern for the world your children and grandchildren will inherit hell. Even if you are mid-way up the financial pyramid don’t think for a minute that the people on top care one iota about your welfare. Most assuredly they do not. You are just a “human resource” to them, one that can be disposed of like a piece of garbage.
According to Dutch entrepreneur Ronald Bernard, who was in his former life (until his conscience couldn’t bear it any longer) a money launderer for the “elite”, the entire financial system is controlled by around 4,000 super-wealthy individuals, with a core group of around 300. These plutocrats and dynasties are in possession of well over 90% the entire wealth of the world. Most of that wealth is INHERITED, and the inheritors cannot possibly relate to those 99% of humans who must work for a living. At that top of that heap are well known names like Rothschild, Rockefeller, Warburg, Goldman, Sachs, Oppenheimer, Lazard, Schiff – all of which so happen to be Jewish, descended from Canaanites, the cursed “seed of the serpent”. They have parked much of their ill-gotten hoards in trust funds and Wall Street investment firms like Blackrock. The CEO of Blackrock is Jewish, as are many members of the board of directors. This one firm has so much investment capital that it can barely find places to invest all of it, so it has taken to buying up entire middle class neighborhoods in some cities, and even paying more than the asking price because their intention is to perpetually rent these homes. It will bring a steady return on investment for their wealthy clients. The more property Blackrock acquires, the more the value of such real estate rises, until middle class families are completely priced out of the market. This is corporate fascism at work destroying the fabric of America and the American dream and it can only lead to communism.
Only a scant few commentators will go all the way to the bottom of the matter to reveal that since the beginning of human history there has been “enmity” between two different branches of humanity: the “seed” of the woman and the “seed” of the serpent, Satan. There is one particular race today which harbors the majority of those who are descended from the serpent. We are not saying that every single person in that particular race is evil, but that this race is way over-represented in positions of power and wealth. They are steering the world toward totalitarianism. You already know many of them because their faces are all over the media, which they control. If you study WHO exactly controls the most powerful financial entities on the planet you will invariably find representatives of this particular race in charge as CEOs, on the boards of directors, as advisors, as managers, as political operatives, as spies, as presidential cabinet members. Whether it be Blackrock, Vanguard, JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, Walt Disney Corporation, Exxon, Mobil, a plethora of other corporations, banks, media corporations, investment firms, NGOs, pressure groups, big religious denominations, secret societies, or government alphabet agencies almost always you will find one or more representatives of this race in top positions. This is no accident. This is the collective consciousness of Satan bending the world to his will, so that one day – in the near future – he may use the woeful system he has created to convince the remaining people of the world (but not the Christian remnant) that he is God, so that the world’s people, beaten into submission and suffering from strong delusion will worship Satan as if he were God. Keep your head up, value the truth as you would life itself and keep yourself separate and apart from this wicked system of things until Jesus Christ returns, puts an end to it all, and transports your soul to the His coming kingdom.