Template for Action
First published 8-2021
Anyone who mandates vaccines without informed consent has violated international treaties … If you are an elected official, or an appointed official, and you’ve taken an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States you have violated that oath and under that oath and the Constitution, that’s treason … and treason is punishable by death. … These people are criminally culpable. They have violated a biological weapons convention treaty. They have violated informed consent with the Declaration of Helsinki. They have violated the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights treaty. They have violated the Nuremberg Code. Physicians in the United States who have not read the package inserts to obtain the information about the drugs are violating their Hippocratic Oath, but wait a minute: there’s really nothing on those package inserts. They say that they are intentionally blank, so had they [looked at] them they would see they were intentionally blank and they don’t have informed consent to give to the patients. Dr. Richard Fleming, MD, PhD, JD, interviewed by Mike Adams on brighteon.com
We set up this nation on a construct of our Creator gave us unalienable rights: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We’re now in a place where the state is giving us those rights and deciding when we get them or not depending on compliance, and compliance to an agenda which is to get injected or not and if we don’t comply to that agenda, then we are literally going to be subject to a second class citizen status or worse. Scott Kesterson, preacher
We have no idea what’s happening to the DNA. We don’t know if it’s causing birth defects, if it’s causing mutations of your genetics – but we do know that the shot was designed to be a genetic modification technology -- that it goes in and it erases and damages the fingerprint – your individual fingerprint that came to you from God. At the point in time when your daddy’s sperm and your mamma’s egg came together and that spark of life happened – that DNA combination – there’s no other combination like that anywhere on the planet, now or in the past. That’s God’s fingerprint of you, and naming you as part of God’s family at that moment in time of conception. And this is a shot that goes in and modifies your genetics. So, I feel in my heart that the people who say they are Christian but yet they bow to fear, they bow to – the inconvenience -- they bow to “I’ve got a job, I’ve got to travel, I need to see my grandkids”. Fill in the blank on the excuse, rather than turning it over to God. Dr. Sherry Tenpenny, on Tru News interview entitled “200,000 vaccinated people have died within a week”.
This document was composed in response to an ill-informed public official’s call to make “vaccinations” mandatory for people within his jurisdiction. There are a large number of citizens who do not want to be guinea pigs for a poisonous DNA altering serum masquerading as a “vaccine” nor do they want to submit to frequent invasive nose swabs as punishment for non-compliance. This exposé could be used as a template for YOUR particular situation, to send to people in positions of power so that they may have critical information in hand, and hopefully act in the best interest of the people they claim to represent. Just fill in the blanks. No one of sane mind should want to be an accessory in bringing this nation one step closer to a tyranny that invades body, mind and soul – one that operates at the whim of despicable criminals in high places to the detriment, suffering and death of average citizens.
We set up this nation on a construct of our Creator gave us unalienable rights: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We’re now in a place where the state is giving us those rights and deciding when we get them or not depending on compliance, and compliance to an agenda which is to get injected or not and if we don’t comply to that agenda, then we are literally going to be subject to a second class citizen status or worse. Scott Kesterson, preacher
We have no idea what’s happening to the DNA. We don’t know if it’s causing birth defects, if it’s causing mutations of your genetics – but we do know that the shot was designed to be a genetic modification technology -- that it goes in and it erases and damages the fingerprint – your individual fingerprint that came to you from God. At the point in time when your daddy’s sperm and your mamma’s egg came together and that spark of life happened – that DNA combination – there’s no other combination like that anywhere on the planet, now or in the past. That’s God’s fingerprint of you, and naming you as part of God’s family at that moment in time of conception. And this is a shot that goes in and modifies your genetics. So, I feel in my heart that the people who say they are Christian but yet they bow to fear, they bow to – the inconvenience -- they bow to “I’ve got a job, I’ve got to travel, I need to see my grandkids”. Fill in the blank on the excuse, rather than turning it over to God. Dr. Sherry Tenpenny, on Tru News interview entitled “200,000 vaccinated people have died within a week”.
This document was composed in response to an ill-informed public official’s call to make “vaccinations” mandatory for people within his jurisdiction. There are a large number of citizens who do not want to be guinea pigs for a poisonous DNA altering serum masquerading as a “vaccine” nor do they want to submit to frequent invasive nose swabs as punishment for non-compliance. This exposé could be used as a template for YOUR particular situation, to send to people in positions of power so that they may have critical information in hand, and hopefully act in the best interest of the people they claim to represent. Just fill in the blanks. No one of sane mind should want to be an accessory in bringing this nation one step closer to a tyranny that invades body, mind and soul – one that operates at the whim of despicable criminals in high places to the detriment, suffering and death of average citizens.
White House staff were NOT mandated to take the "vaccine" and yet Biden is pushed for mandatory death shots for rank and file citizens. This is clearly a war against the American people, and in fact people everywhere
since this was a globalist project. |
If this sounds like hyperbole consider the situation RIGHT NOW in Australia, where the entire continent is on lockdown and police are even going door to door and injecting people with the “vaccine” on the flimsy premise that it is “for their protection”. There is NO freedom of choice remaining for these people. Australia is fast slipping into communism, which never goes well for the people who are stripped of all their wealth, deprived of due process, and as often as not killed or simply starved to death. Did you hear about this on the evening “news”? Did you hear that in the Philippines police have actually shot and killed citizens for not wearing a mask, or even not wearing one properly? In that nation “vaccination” is now compulsory and anyone who disagrees must leave the island, and quickly.
Did you see even one report on television “news” about the massive demonstrations that have taken place recently in London to protest mask and social distancing mandates? Of course you didn’t, because any newsworthy story that does not fit “the narrative” of the conspirators is ignored and outright CENSORED. The censors are employed by very powerful people who are the arch enemies of all sovereign nations, who wish to scrap what little is left of the U.S. Constitution in favor of fascism (a collusion of big business with big government) which leads to communism (in which the two have merged and an oligarchy of the un-elected owns and controls everything and everyone), which leads to the death of sovereign nations and the "New World Order" of global communism, underpinned with a total surveillance "technocracy", the total elimination of privacy and a cashless money system. Fortunately, truthful information of great importance still manages to slip through if one knows where to look for it. If it didn’t, you wouldn’t be reading this material.
Stew Peters, a competent news reporter who values the truth, interviews a veteran of the Australian Navy on the grim situation in Australia. This is the kind of reporting that will NEVER be seen on mainstream media, which ignores extremely important news such as this while spewing a steady stream of disinformation on behalf of big pharma, big tech and other corporate-fascist and communist interests.
Oppressive regimes can only succeed when the truth is quashed and truth tellers are marginalized, threatened and punished. Hopefully you do not want a medical techno-tyranny in America, but don’t think “It can’t happen here”. In fact, it is already happening. If you support the _________ proposal to mandate “vaccination” on _________ you are helping to dig us deeper into a totalitarian slave state abyss -- a grim open air prison in which all of the good principles of our precious Constitution are scrapped and relegated to the Orwellian “memory hole”. In its place would be a central planning nightmare that crushes all freedom for average citizens and puts all life and death decisions in the hands of oligarchs and the moneyed “elite” and even unbending, inhumane artificial intelligence systems. View the video below if you want to see exactly what this nightmare looks like.
China's Dystopian Digital Dictatorship
Some governors, many politicians and apparently __________ put their blind trust in the Center for Disease Control to deliver truthful information, but did you know that the CDC is a “captured” agency? Despite the principles upon which it may have been founded it is now a front for the pharmaceutical industry. In fact, the CDC operates as a for profit corporation. What an egregious hypocrisy that the CDC owns many patents on vaccines!
How, we may ask, can it operate in the best interests of the people? The CDC and all of the other big “health” agencies are actually working in “lockstep” to promote the narrative that there is a terrible “pandemic” and we are all in danger and could die, and the only “salvation” is the wonderful “vaccine” that will protect us from this terrible ravaging “Covid-19” virus. Every piece of this argument (i.e., the “narrative”) is a bald faced LIE.

rokkey_felloows_fndation_reprt_from_2010_laying_out_pan_demic_scenario_as_if_they_were_planning_it.pdf |
Please download and read this document published by the Rockefeller Foundation in 2010. Somehow computer hackers rendered it un-downloadable so we copied and reposted it. This is not the complete report, but it contains section entitled “Lockstep” that lays out a scenario that is eerily similar to the basic events that have unfolded over the last year and a half in regard to the Covid-19 so-called “pandemic.” Could the “think tank” at the Rockefeller foundation have been that “prophetic”? No, the think tank schemers are not prophets, but they are very good at crafting and implementing long-range agendas. History does not just happen. It is planned years in advance by those in power who mostly work behind the scenes. The front men and women are a puppet show, bought and paid for by the ultra-wealthy and only providing lip service to the people who “elect” them to office. Multi-billion dollar foundations, non-governmental organizations and various other pressure groups owned and controlled by the .01% class have an incredible amount of influence over what happens in America and the world and they do not hesitate to use their wealth and power to enrich and further empower their owners and agents at the expense of the vast majority of people on the planet.
A gaggle of globalist eugenicists who (quite tongue in cheek) called themselves "The Good Club". The tall man is Bill Gates' father. Also present is David Rockefeller who died recently at 101 years of age. He had seven heart transplants, performed at his own private operating room within his mansion, so he could continue his reign of evil for a few additional decades. He also drank expensive human breast milk due to digestive difficulties that run within his family. Also present are currency crasher and Rothschild agent George Soros and Mr. Ted, the "mouth of the south", "lets reduce the population of the planet to 500 million" Turner.
The facts prove that there never was a Covid-19 “pandemic”. A pandemic, in the traditional sense, is an event in which the overall death count goes UP significantly. In the Middle Ages, when the black plague ravaged Europe there were millions more deaths per year than usual. When Covid-19 hit America and other nations, there were NOT more deaths than usual. There was NO significant rise in overall deaths in 2020 and early 2021 over the same time periods in 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016 and on back. The “pandemic” narrative was INVENTED by criminal masterminds in order to push the “vaccine” agenda – for profit, control and genocide. The illusion that there is a “pandemic” was based upon the number of subjects who had simply tested positive with the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test, which was chosen by the perpetrators because of its tendency to produce false positives. By the dark magic and nightly hysteria of mainstream media, millions of people who were NOT sick at all, but got a positive test result constituted “proof” of a “pandemic”. This numerical sleight of hand has caused untold misery to millions of people while dramatically increasing the wealth and power of the chief participants in the scam.
The actual death count from presumed Covid-19 cases was also padded by shifting death counts from flu, pneumonia, bronchitis, and other respiratory illnesses into the Covid column in statistical reports. The lockstep news media then proclaimed that “almost no one is dying from the flu anymore”, floating the lie that the wearing of masks and “social distancing” was preventing the transmission of flu viruses. This claim is preposterous. People were still dying in the same numbers as previous years from the flu, pneumonia and other respiratory illnesses but those truthful statistics were simply ignored by media. Furthermore, flip flopping Fauci went from saying that cloth masks provide very little protection to mandating that masks be worn for protection against Covid-19. Viruses are very small and can go through the mask mesh like a mosquito through a chain link fence. The mask mandates and social distancing measures are not about health. They are psychological tools for creating PANIC leading to CONTROL and SUBMISSION. The primary weapons in this war of big pharma, big tech and big government against the people are psychological.
The wildly inaccurate PCR test is like a rigged breathalyzer indicating a subject to be “over the legal limit” when all he did was drink one beer a few days earlier. The PCR test is entirely unreliable as a diagnostic tool but it was the basis for the declaration of a “Public Health Emergency of International Concern”, the acronym of which is PHEIC, pronounced “fake”. Can we fluff this wordplay off as coincidence, or is it actually a taunt by the enemies of humanity? In one of his books Klaus Schwab, president of the ultra-elite World Economic Forum stated that COVID 19 is an acronym for Certificate of Vaccination I.D. (identification) A.I. (artificial intelligence). The number 1 represents the letter A and the number 9 represents the letter I (9th in the alphabet). In this we see the ultimate trans-humanist goal that is being pursued by the perpetrators of what amounts to the most diabolical, broad scale crime against humanity in the history of the world. The inventor of the original PCR test, Nobel Prize winner Kary Mullis, proclaimed (before his untimely and suspicious death in late 2019) that his test was for scientific analysis only and should NOT have been used to diagnose whether or not a person is infected with a contagious virus. Mullis, who knew from the get-go that the criminal elite would use his test to push the “pandemic” narrative, challenged Fauci to a debate anytime, anywhere, on the subject of Covid 19. This surely would have made a complete fool out of Fauci. The debate never happened because Fauci is the chief spokesman of the big pharma and big tech cabal and no one must know what a reprehensible fraud, phony and criminal he is.
It was Bill Gates and Fauci who claimed that a modified version of Mullis’ original PCR test was the “gold standard” in testing for Covid-19. They were LYING because the PCR test was, according to Mullis, never meant to be a diagnostic tool. A person could be perfectly healthy with NO symptoms and still test positive. A positive test result means nothing other than some live and dead viral matter was detected. It does not mean that the test subject is sick or contagious. Furthermore, the “cycle threshold” (sample amplification rate) of the test will only give accurate scientific results if set at 25 or below. Anything over that produces a lot of “noise”. Nevertheless, in order to produce as many false positives as possible this threshold was set as high as 45 in the original Covid 19 swab tests!! This is like turning the volume on a guitar amplifier up to 10, throwing the cord on the floor and proclaiming that the resulting hum, hiss and static coming out of the amp is music.
Dr. Mullis’ scientific test was modified (rigged) by one phony “professor-doctor” Christian Drosten for the sole purpose of justifying and driving the “pandemic” narrative. Without all of the millions of false positives from his modified PCR test there would have been NO “pandemic”. Drosten and other chief perpetrators in this monumental scam are currently being sued by an international consortium of lawyers headed by Reiner Fuellmich (licensed to practice law in Germany and California) on behalf of clients who have been financially damaged, even ruined because of the knee-jerk government mandates justified by the so-called “pandemic”. Attorney Thomas Renz, on behalf of America’s Frontline Doctors has also filed for an injunction against the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to halt emergency use authorization for the so-called “vaccines”. Meanwhile the unnecessary, damaging mandates continue. These mandates are great for the corporations manufacturing masks and administering Drosten PCR tests. They are great for humongous on-line corporations like Amazon, and they have been extremely profitable for so-called “essential” businesses, which it turns out are mostly huge multi-national corporations, but they are not so great for everyone else.
The actual death count from presumed Covid-19 cases was also padded by shifting death counts from flu, pneumonia, bronchitis, and other respiratory illnesses into the Covid column in statistical reports. The lockstep news media then proclaimed that “almost no one is dying from the flu anymore”, floating the lie that the wearing of masks and “social distancing” was preventing the transmission of flu viruses. This claim is preposterous. People were still dying in the same numbers as previous years from the flu, pneumonia and other respiratory illnesses but those truthful statistics were simply ignored by media. Furthermore, flip flopping Fauci went from saying that cloth masks provide very little protection to mandating that masks be worn for protection against Covid-19. Viruses are very small and can go through the mask mesh like a mosquito through a chain link fence. The mask mandates and social distancing measures are not about health. They are psychological tools for creating PANIC leading to CONTROL and SUBMISSION. The primary weapons in this war of big pharma, big tech and big government against the people are psychological.
The wildly inaccurate PCR test is like a rigged breathalyzer indicating a subject to be “over the legal limit” when all he did was drink one beer a few days earlier. The PCR test is entirely unreliable as a diagnostic tool but it was the basis for the declaration of a “Public Health Emergency of International Concern”, the acronym of which is PHEIC, pronounced “fake”. Can we fluff this wordplay off as coincidence, or is it actually a taunt by the enemies of humanity? In one of his books Klaus Schwab, president of the ultra-elite World Economic Forum stated that COVID 19 is an acronym for Certificate of Vaccination I.D. (identification) A.I. (artificial intelligence). The number 1 represents the letter A and the number 9 represents the letter I (9th in the alphabet). In this we see the ultimate trans-humanist goal that is being pursued by the perpetrators of what amounts to the most diabolical, broad scale crime against humanity in the history of the world. The inventor of the original PCR test, Nobel Prize winner Kary Mullis, proclaimed (before his untimely and suspicious death in late 2019) that his test was for scientific analysis only and should NOT have been used to diagnose whether or not a person is infected with a contagious virus. Mullis, who knew from the get-go that the criminal elite would use his test to push the “pandemic” narrative, challenged Fauci to a debate anytime, anywhere, on the subject of Covid 19. This surely would have made a complete fool out of Fauci. The debate never happened because Fauci is the chief spokesman of the big pharma and big tech cabal and no one must know what a reprehensible fraud, phony and criminal he is.
It was Bill Gates and Fauci who claimed that a modified version of Mullis’ original PCR test was the “gold standard” in testing for Covid-19. They were LYING because the PCR test was, according to Mullis, never meant to be a diagnostic tool. A person could be perfectly healthy with NO symptoms and still test positive. A positive test result means nothing other than some live and dead viral matter was detected. It does not mean that the test subject is sick or contagious. Furthermore, the “cycle threshold” (sample amplification rate) of the test will only give accurate scientific results if set at 25 or below. Anything over that produces a lot of “noise”. Nevertheless, in order to produce as many false positives as possible this threshold was set as high as 45 in the original Covid 19 swab tests!! This is like turning the volume on a guitar amplifier up to 10, throwing the cord on the floor and proclaiming that the resulting hum, hiss and static coming out of the amp is music.
Dr. Mullis’ scientific test was modified (rigged) by one phony “professor-doctor” Christian Drosten for the sole purpose of justifying and driving the “pandemic” narrative. Without all of the millions of false positives from his modified PCR test there would have been NO “pandemic”. Drosten and other chief perpetrators in this monumental scam are currently being sued by an international consortium of lawyers headed by Reiner Fuellmich (licensed to practice law in Germany and California) on behalf of clients who have been financially damaged, even ruined because of the knee-jerk government mandates justified by the so-called “pandemic”. Attorney Thomas Renz, on behalf of America’s Frontline Doctors has also filed for an injunction against the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to halt emergency use authorization for the so-called “vaccines”. Meanwhile the unnecessary, damaging mandates continue. These mandates are great for the corporations manufacturing masks and administering Drosten PCR tests. They are great for humongous on-line corporations like Amazon, and they have been extremely profitable for so-called “essential” businesses, which it turns out are mostly huge multi-national corporations, but they are not so great for everyone else.

2021_lwsuit_against_dhhs_from_amerikas_frntlne_docs_regarding_the_va_xxxxx_scam.pdf |
The contrived, fascist idea of certain businesses being “non-essential” was used as a WEAPON against small business, for the benefit of big business. Tens of thousands of small “mom and pop” restaurants, stores, shops and service establishments were shut down and bankrupted by government mandates. For example, 70 percent of the restaurants in San Francisco went out of business because of “social distancing” and mask mandates justified by the “pandemic”.
Junk food giant McDonalds however stayed in operation because it was considered “essential”. Apparently it is essential that people continue to consume toxic non-biodegradable fries and harden their arteries with greasy sausage patties and burgers but they would have been in mortal “danger” eating at a local mom and pop restaurant. Tyranny is never based on logic.
The preventive measures mandated by government were extremely more damaging than the mythological Covid-19 virus. Never before in the history of America have there been such lockdowns, even in response to the most virulent of flu epidemics. It turns out that whatever strain of virus was dubbed “Covid-19”, it was no worse than a common cold or flu. Most people have already contracted and recovered from it with their God-given natural immunity and the majority of them had little to no symptoms. Obviously people would much rather work and risk catching a weak virus with a death rate of around .05% than not work, not be able to pay their bills, go bankrupt, and end up homeless. In the midst of the lockdowns our downtowns across America were like scenes from a post-apocalyptic movie. This entirely unnecessary agenda put great stress on small businesses, and it was all based on a FALSE premise, that there was a “pandemic”, which there was NOT. It was all a damn LIE repeated over and over on television, radio, in the newspapers and magazines. In this we see proof of what Hitler’s propaganda minister, Goebbels said: “If you repeat a lie often enough people will believe it”. It is likely that this madness will go on and on until a large number of people wake up, learn the bitter truth and refuse to comply with tyrannical dictates.
Nationwide, the draconian lockdowns caused as much business failure, unemployment, and misery as the Great Depression of the 1930s – probably more. This was all executed with clockwork precision, according to a master plan, because this is a scientific and psychological WAR against the people, conceived and perpetrated by Big Pharma, Big Tech, the Davos/Bilderberg groups, Wall Street and City of London banking interests -- i.e. "The Money Power". The depressions and repressions of yesteryear were all events designed by the money power (explained in The Pyramid Scheme of Debt) to attack and destroy small business so that multi-national corporations, humongous investment firms and banks may absorb a greater market share of everything and literally take over the world. During the phony “pandemic” trillions of dollars of wealth flowed upward from the pockets of the poor and middle class into the hands of the super wealthy. In fact, the middle class was defrauded of more assets during this “pandemic” than the 2006-7 recession. The lockdowns were an entirely new tool of oppression. As one on-line commentator put it, it was “an asset stripping operation” from the start. The “pandemic” brought together a worldwide collusion of criminals and profiteers in pharmaceutical corporations, big tech corporations, huge online corporations, investment firms, mainstream media, and government agencies.
[This is] a large scale organized crime racketeering, money laundering operation. The government is laundering money into the hands of big pharma while big pharma is funding the FDA and funding the politicians, and the CDC, which owns patents on some of the earlier corona viruses, is probably receiving royalties of some kind on all of this, and key people like Walenski, director of the CDC, her husband -- his company received millions of dollars in National Institute of Health grant money approved by Fauci, and so on. This is an incestuous money laundering racket with the cost being borne by the people, because the vaccine companies have legal immunity from indemnification from lawsuits, but the people then have to bear their own medical costs from the adverse reactions long-term effects, long term blood clot inflammation effects. … This is beyond insidious. This is beyond criminal. It is perhaps the most diabolical attack on humanity that has ever been waged on this planet… Mike Adams, Brighteon.com, in an interview of Dr. Richard Fleming.
In the year and half after the phony “pandemic” was announced tens of thousands of small businesses shut their doors forever while Jeff Bezos’ fortune increased from about 100 billion dollars to 160 billion dollars! His fortune continues to rise even higher as this is being written. The billionaires of the world increased their net wealth by a staggering two trillion dollars!! They made sure to invest their hoards in stocks that would benefit from the “pandemic” theme. These opportunistic money grubbers are on track to own and control everything in the world. Do you think this is a good thing? It doesn’t bode very well for the average citizen who is on a fast track to SLAVERY. The chains of this slavery are electronic, economic and medical. Have you been informed of this by mainstream media? NO of course not. You will not hear any of this truth from over 95% of media because it is owned by just six mammoth corporations working in "lockstep", which in turn are owned and controlled by hard core investors and oligarchs who use deception, omission and outright LIES to control the citizen slaves. Why won’t they tell you the truth? Because it doesn’t pay them dividends! Crime, such as this scamdemic is MUCH more profitable. Trillions of dollars have been siphoned from the dwindling middle class by the criminal perpetrators behind this monumental, global SCAM.
One such criminal, who has stuffed millions of dollars into his pockets is Christian Drosten, who retooled the Mullis PCR test. The jacked up Drosten PCR test, which was the chief driver of the “pandemic” narrative, detects both live and dead viral matter and thus cannot prove that a subject testing positive is infected and sick, much less that the subject is contagious. The recent un-scientific notion (a cog in the narrative) that the asymptomatic are contagious is contrary to basic long proven science. It is of great interest to note that at the end of 2021 the Drosten PCR test will be withdrawn because, after all of the misery it caused, the CDC now admits (without apology) that the test is inaccurate. It will be replaced with an array of other tests waiting in the wings. These replacement tests will undoubtedly be used to support the ever-morphing narrative of the criminal cabal raking in obscene profits from the contrived “pandemic” while ripping off, sickening and killing average Americans. This is a multifaceted WAR of big pharma, big tech, big business, and big government against the people. It is the most broad scale, diabolical attack on humanity in the history of the world.
The PCR test led to the “pandemic” myth which in turn led to the “warp speed” rollout of untested, dangerous so-called “vaccines” under the guise of “emergency use authorization”. “Emergency Use” does NOT equal “approval”. It does not guarantee safety or “effectiveness” unless we are talking about it being effective as a bio-weapon. It usually takes ten to fifteen years to legitimately test a vaccine. This simply cannot be done in one or two years! In actuality, the testing is taking place NOW on millions of unwitting victims who have not been told that they are guinea pigs for a humongous, diabolical experiment. Here are two screen captures proving that the Pfizer corporation began its study on April 29, 2020 (when the “vaccines” were first released to test subjects) and that the study will not be completed until January 31, 2023!
The preventive measures mandated by government were extremely more damaging than the mythological Covid-19 virus. Never before in the history of America have there been such lockdowns, even in response to the most virulent of flu epidemics. It turns out that whatever strain of virus was dubbed “Covid-19”, it was no worse than a common cold or flu. Most people have already contracted and recovered from it with their God-given natural immunity and the majority of them had little to no symptoms. Obviously people would much rather work and risk catching a weak virus with a death rate of around .05% than not work, not be able to pay their bills, go bankrupt, and end up homeless. In the midst of the lockdowns our downtowns across America were like scenes from a post-apocalyptic movie. This entirely unnecessary agenda put great stress on small businesses, and it was all based on a FALSE premise, that there was a “pandemic”, which there was NOT. It was all a damn LIE repeated over and over on television, radio, in the newspapers and magazines. In this we see proof of what Hitler’s propaganda minister, Goebbels said: “If you repeat a lie often enough people will believe it”. It is likely that this madness will go on and on until a large number of people wake up, learn the bitter truth and refuse to comply with tyrannical dictates.
Nationwide, the draconian lockdowns caused as much business failure, unemployment, and misery as the Great Depression of the 1930s – probably more. This was all executed with clockwork precision, according to a master plan, because this is a scientific and psychological WAR against the people, conceived and perpetrated by Big Pharma, Big Tech, the Davos/Bilderberg groups, Wall Street and City of London banking interests -- i.e. "The Money Power". The depressions and repressions of yesteryear were all events designed by the money power (explained in The Pyramid Scheme of Debt) to attack and destroy small business so that multi-national corporations, humongous investment firms and banks may absorb a greater market share of everything and literally take over the world. During the phony “pandemic” trillions of dollars of wealth flowed upward from the pockets of the poor and middle class into the hands of the super wealthy. In fact, the middle class was defrauded of more assets during this “pandemic” than the 2006-7 recession. The lockdowns were an entirely new tool of oppression. As one on-line commentator put it, it was “an asset stripping operation” from the start. The “pandemic” brought together a worldwide collusion of criminals and profiteers in pharmaceutical corporations, big tech corporations, huge online corporations, investment firms, mainstream media, and government agencies.
[This is] a large scale organized crime racketeering, money laundering operation. The government is laundering money into the hands of big pharma while big pharma is funding the FDA and funding the politicians, and the CDC, which owns patents on some of the earlier corona viruses, is probably receiving royalties of some kind on all of this, and key people like Walenski, director of the CDC, her husband -- his company received millions of dollars in National Institute of Health grant money approved by Fauci, and so on. This is an incestuous money laundering racket with the cost being borne by the people, because the vaccine companies have legal immunity from indemnification from lawsuits, but the people then have to bear their own medical costs from the adverse reactions long-term effects, long term blood clot inflammation effects. … This is beyond insidious. This is beyond criminal. It is perhaps the most diabolical attack on humanity that has ever been waged on this planet… Mike Adams, Brighteon.com, in an interview of Dr. Richard Fleming.
In the year and half after the phony “pandemic” was announced tens of thousands of small businesses shut their doors forever while Jeff Bezos’ fortune increased from about 100 billion dollars to 160 billion dollars! His fortune continues to rise even higher as this is being written. The billionaires of the world increased their net wealth by a staggering two trillion dollars!! They made sure to invest their hoards in stocks that would benefit from the “pandemic” theme. These opportunistic money grubbers are on track to own and control everything in the world. Do you think this is a good thing? It doesn’t bode very well for the average citizen who is on a fast track to SLAVERY. The chains of this slavery are electronic, economic and medical. Have you been informed of this by mainstream media? NO of course not. You will not hear any of this truth from over 95% of media because it is owned by just six mammoth corporations working in "lockstep", which in turn are owned and controlled by hard core investors and oligarchs who use deception, omission and outright LIES to control the citizen slaves. Why won’t they tell you the truth? Because it doesn’t pay them dividends! Crime, such as this scamdemic is MUCH more profitable. Trillions of dollars have been siphoned from the dwindling middle class by the criminal perpetrators behind this monumental, global SCAM.
One such criminal, who has stuffed millions of dollars into his pockets is Christian Drosten, who retooled the Mullis PCR test. The jacked up Drosten PCR test, which was the chief driver of the “pandemic” narrative, detects both live and dead viral matter and thus cannot prove that a subject testing positive is infected and sick, much less that the subject is contagious. The recent un-scientific notion (a cog in the narrative) that the asymptomatic are contagious is contrary to basic long proven science. It is of great interest to note that at the end of 2021 the Drosten PCR test will be withdrawn because, after all of the misery it caused, the CDC now admits (without apology) that the test is inaccurate. It will be replaced with an array of other tests waiting in the wings. These replacement tests will undoubtedly be used to support the ever-morphing narrative of the criminal cabal raking in obscene profits from the contrived “pandemic” while ripping off, sickening and killing average Americans. This is a multifaceted WAR of big pharma, big tech, big business, and big government against the people. It is the most broad scale, diabolical attack on humanity in the history of the world.
The PCR test led to the “pandemic” myth which in turn led to the “warp speed” rollout of untested, dangerous so-called “vaccines” under the guise of “emergency use authorization”. “Emergency Use” does NOT equal “approval”. It does not guarantee safety or “effectiveness” unless we are talking about it being effective as a bio-weapon. It usually takes ten to fifteen years to legitimately test a vaccine. This simply cannot be done in one or two years! In actuality, the testing is taking place NOW on millions of unwitting victims who have not been told that they are guinea pigs for a humongous, diabolical experiment. Here are two screen captures proving that the Pfizer corporation began its study on April 29, 2020 (when the “vaccines” were first released to test subjects) and that the study will not be completed until January 31, 2023!
The Pfizer study is entitled “A Phase 1/2/3 Placebo-Controlled, Randomized, Observer-Blind, Dose Finding Study to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability, Immunogenicity, and Efficacy of SARS-COV-2 RNA Vaccine Candidates Against Covid-19 in Healthy Individuals.” What all of this gobbledygook means is that 1) some of the shots contain nothing but a saline solution, 2) recipients don’t know whether they got the real shot or the placebo, 3) various chemical cocktails are being tried to see how the test subjects react to them. Unfortunately, for as many as 500,000 Americans, the reaction has been DEATH. For even more it has meant blood clots, septic shock, kidney failure, sterilization, children born with birth defects, Bells palsy, uncontrollable tremors, loss of the use of digits and limbs, limbs having to be amputated because of the blood clotting. The list of grisly “side effects” goes on and on. Truly, this is a monumental CRIME against humanity. It is a WAR of criminal parasites against 99.9% of humanity!
The vials of poison are purchased by the federal government to the tune of tens of BILLIONS of taxpayer dollars, so that pharmaceutical giants and greedy investors can reap massive profits off of the ensuing misery. The masterminds of this scam knew long beforehand that if millions of people could be scared to death by incessant, “lockstep” media hype their ability to think logically would be crushed and they would rush to get the “protection” ostensibly provided by the “vaccine”. They knew that MANY would die from the injections, but “they” did not care. This author has personally lost two friends who died shortly after receiving a “vaccine”. Of course their untimely deaths could have been due to some underlying medical condition. But when an individual is healthy one day, gets a shot in the arm, and then is dead a week or two later that is somewhat suspicious – wouldn’t you think? The use of “plausible deniability” surrounding the ill effects of these so-called “vaccines” is EPIC and bolstered with the awesome power and dark spells of disinformation cast by controlled media. All of the mainstream “news” (spell) casters are reading from the SAME unwavering script. These videos illustrate how television "programming" works to hammer "the narrative" (misinformation/LIES) into the minds of viewers:
The vials of poison are purchased by the federal government to the tune of tens of BILLIONS of taxpayer dollars, so that pharmaceutical giants and greedy investors can reap massive profits off of the ensuing misery. The masterminds of this scam knew long beforehand that if millions of people could be scared to death by incessant, “lockstep” media hype their ability to think logically would be crushed and they would rush to get the “protection” ostensibly provided by the “vaccine”. They knew that MANY would die from the injections, but “they” did not care. This author has personally lost two friends who died shortly after receiving a “vaccine”. Of course their untimely deaths could have been due to some underlying medical condition. But when an individual is healthy one day, gets a shot in the arm, and then is dead a week or two later that is somewhat suspicious – wouldn’t you think? The use of “plausible deniability” surrounding the ill effects of these so-called “vaccines” is EPIC and bolstered with the awesome power and dark spells of disinformation cast by controlled media. All of the mainstream “news” (spell) casters are reading from the SAME unwavering script. These videos illustrate how television "programming" works to hammer "the narrative" (misinformation/LIES) into the minds of viewers:
The battle plan from the very beginning was to get a needle in everyone’s arm. It was never about health or safety. The inducements have become progressively more aggressive and ridiculously transparent – from incessant media fear mongering, to bribery with free beer, free donuts, free pancakes, free tickets to sports events, hundred dollar checks, and even guns in West Virginia. When these enticements become ineffective government and work place mandates such as ___________ get enacted. If this madness isn’t stopped it will eventually evolve into the police or Federal agents going door to door with needles in hand, as they are doing NOW in Australia, Brazil and Argentina, and will be doing here in America soon if people don’t wake up to what is really happening, resist and fight against this EVIL.
The vaccine agenda is in no way about protecting the public from a “pandemic”. It is about control of the many by the FEW megalomaniacs at the top of the government bureaucracies and financial food chain, and the greedy investors who go along with it because it is easy money. It is about ushering in a brutal, invasive, all-encompassing scientific tyranny. It leads to a world in which “vaccine passports” will be required in order to travel, in order to work, even to buy groceries. This has already begun. Some airlines are forbidding passengers who do not have proof of “vaccination”. Some sports and music events will not allow the un-“vaccinated” to attend. Some corporations are demanding that their employees get “vaccinated” or risk losing their jobs. This writer spoke with someone the other day who quit his job at a big corporate business because the mask and vaccine mandates at his workplace had become so onerous. Precious freedom of CHOICE as to what one puts into his or her own body is rapidly disappearing. Does anyone have a problem with this? Do YOU have a problem with this? A mandatory vaccine scheme with proof of “vaccination” by some method is the symptom of an evil, oppressive, jack boot tyranny and even worse could be the last stepping stone before the “mark of the beast”, in biblical prophecy, in which one is required to sell their soul to the devil in order to buy and sell:
Revelation 13:16-18 And he (the antichrist) causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number [is] Six hundred three score and six.
The vaccine agenda is in no way about protecting the public from a “pandemic”. It is about control of the many by the FEW megalomaniacs at the top of the government bureaucracies and financial food chain, and the greedy investors who go along with it because it is easy money. It is about ushering in a brutal, invasive, all-encompassing scientific tyranny. It leads to a world in which “vaccine passports” will be required in order to travel, in order to work, even to buy groceries. This has already begun. Some airlines are forbidding passengers who do not have proof of “vaccination”. Some sports and music events will not allow the un-“vaccinated” to attend. Some corporations are demanding that their employees get “vaccinated” or risk losing their jobs. This writer spoke with someone the other day who quit his job at a big corporate business because the mask and vaccine mandates at his workplace had become so onerous. Precious freedom of CHOICE as to what one puts into his or her own body is rapidly disappearing. Does anyone have a problem with this? Do YOU have a problem with this? A mandatory vaccine scheme with proof of “vaccination” by some method is the symptom of an evil, oppressive, jack boot tyranny and even worse could be the last stepping stone before the “mark of the beast”, in biblical prophecy, in which one is required to sell their soul to the devil in order to buy and sell:
Revelation 13:16-18 And he (the antichrist) causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number [is] Six hundred three score and six.
Maybe you are not a fan of biblical scripture, but consider this: In a bid to make sure everyone complies with New World Order “vaccine” mandates, Bill Gates, in league with M.I.T. is developing an implantable quantum dot micro-needle vaccine delivery system which would include an individual’s I.D. mark and vaccination records. It requires an enzyme called Luciferace in order to work. This “mark” cannot be removed with a knife and it will alter a person’s DNA. It so happens that the vanity patent for this technology is WO-060606. In this we see Gates and his development team poking fun at God, the Bible and anyone who submits to this “mark”. Clearly the motivation to develop such a system comes from a place of extreme spiritual darkness.
A decade ago to lay groundwork for what is happening today the World Health Organization changed its definition of “pandemic” from an event that causes mass death, to an event in which many people simply test positive for a virus. We may ask: who controls the WHO? Why, once again, it is none other than multi-billionaire so-called “philanthropist” Bill Gates, its biggest contributor through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Gates dictates the WHO’s agenda from behind the scenes. This is a man who has doubled his already gargantuan fortune by switching his focus from computers to vaccines. A more egregious example of “the fox guarding the henhouse” could not be found.
The World Health Organization and Gates’ sister public-private partnership, the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations (GAVI) are battering rams for the myth that vaccines work better than our God-given immune system, and that no other remedy will work, even drugs or treatments that have been used successfully for decades. Gates wants almost everyone in the world shot up with these DNA altering serums loosely called “vaccines”. He claims that “normalcy can only return when everyone is largely vaccinated”. This, we can be sure, would not apply to him, his family and his fellow oligarchs and filthy rich technocrats who aren’t going to have their spiritually corrupted DNA tampered with. “Normalcy” doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of returning as long as criminal psychopaths are in control. Since they are devoid of a conscience and cannot feel empathy they experience no guilt or remorse about the sickness, misery and death they will cause while attempting to retool God’s creation. These people should be tried under a Nuremberg II Code for their crimes against humanity. This is not as far-fetched as it sounds. There are many competent attorneys who are pursuing that very goal.
Meanwhile, the scam marches on. In order to facilitate the “vaccine” rollout all other drugs which could have been used against respiratory illnesses were mysteriously withdrawn from market, made difficult to obtain and even proclaimed to be unsafe and illegal by Dr. Fauci and his team of co-conspirators. Doctors were threatened that they could no longer prescribe Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin because the CDC had all of a sudden proclaimed them to be unsafe. The ONLY drug that Fauci would allow prior to the “vaccine” rollout for the treatment of a presumed case of Coronavirus was Remdesevir, a drug that is the LEAST safe of all the alternatives.
Fauci knew quite well that Remdesevir had been tested on Ebola patients and the tests proved that within days of its prescription the drug could cause terrible side effects such as hypotension, kidney failure, sepsis and multiple organ failure. Many subjects in the Ebola tests DIED from having Remdesevir prescribed to them. So what did Fauci do? He mandated that Remdesevir was the ONLY drug that could be used for treatment of Covid 19! The U.S. then bought up all of the available stockpiles of the drug and doctors, operating under Fauci’s orders, prescribed it to hundreds of thousands of patients. The thousands of deaths that resulted from this were then classified as “Covid” deaths, which were used to further push the “pandemic” narrative. This alone makes Fauci a mass murderer, a medical Charles Manson if you will (who, like Manson, uses other people to do his bidding), but Fauci is much worse than Manson, and those deaths will prove to be but a fraction of the deaths that can be attributed to his actions.
Equally egregious was the use of ventilators, mostly on elderly patients in hospitals. This procedure netted hospital corporations a cool $39,000 bonus per patient from Medicare and Medicaid. The only downside was that nearly 90% of the intubated patients DIED. Many of them would not have died were it not for their lungs being blown up like balloons by an unnecessary and unwarranted procedure. Not to worry though. Their deaths were also blamed on Covid-19 and no one was indicted for MURDER, which they would have been in a sane word. But, the world has gone mad. Are you beginning to see that a massive criminal conspiracy is afoot, the likes of which has never been seen before in the history of the mankind?
Bill Gates and his big-pharma co-conspirators literally murdered tens of thousands of people in the “decade of vaccines” from 2010-2019 testing their dangerous serums on dirt poor Third World nations like India, and in African nations where public officials can easily be bribed into doing the wrong thing, such as mandating dangerous experimental vaccines on children. Many of those human guinea pigs who didn’t die were paralyzed for life, rendered sterile, or contracted a host of other debilitating conditions as a result of the POISON that was injected into their bodies. Like serial killer John Wayne Gacy tricking his victims into putting on handcuffs, millions of Americans have been tricked out of stupid, blind trust into being test subjects for a variety of experiments, some unfortunately aimed at interfacing the human body with digital technology. Multi-billionaire Elon Musk is also in on this trans-humanist bandwagon with his Neuralink (digital brain interface) and SpaceX Corporation, which intends to blanket the planet with dangerous 5G radiation -- a key component of the global control grid planned for the citizen slaves. This is truly the stuff of nightmares.
Gates has proclaimed that he wants to install an “operating system” into every human being. This would help to facilitate a cashless, all digital money system – the wet dream of central banking oligarchs and corporate control freaks. This idea is already being tested in western Africa where GAVI and MasterCard have teamed up to develop a cashless system with the human body itself replacing cell phones and credit/debit cards as the interface with the digital money system. Once this beastly system is perfected in the Third World the technocrats want to foist it on Western nations. This in all likelihood would lead directly into the dismal end times scenario in which no one can buy or sell without a certain “mark”, as stated in Revelation 13:17. This is an era of evil completely out in the open.
Big pharma is poisoning millions right now with their experimental spike protein generating, toxic mRNA injections. Some die quickly from the poisons in these shots -- suspicious ingredients like aluminum nano-particles, aborted fetal cells, ethylene glycol, graphine oxide, Luciferase and hydrogel, a creation of DARPA – the secretive Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. The vast majority of doctors don’t have the slightest clue what’s in these shots. They didn’t read the inserts, and they don’t want YOU to read them either because it makes their job more difficult. Sometimes, the inserts are intentionally left blank! According to Dr. Richard Fleming, MD, PhD, JD, these doctors are violating their Hippocratic Oath which requires that patients are duly informed of the risks before receiving an injection. If the patient gets extremely sick or dies because of a Pfizer, Astrazeneka, Moderna or Johnson and Johnson shot, whatever doctor or facility administered it should be liable for damages if there was no informed consent!
One thing that makes these “vaccines” so lucrative for the drug companies is that they are NOT liable for damages when people get sick and die from their “vaccines”! Congress gave them blanket immunity from lawsuits in 1978. This is one of the most dangerous, fascist pieces of legislation ever passed because it removes any incentive for adequate safety testing of “vaccine” products. Thus, the millions of people whose health and lives have been ruined by these experimental shots must pay their own medical bills or seek relief from “The Vaccine Court”, a compensation fund paid for with a slight tax on each vaccine dose. Up to 2021 the fund has awarded 5 billion dollars in damages to only about 1% of the victims. It is very difficult to provide undeniable proof of injury and this is why so few victims are able to tap into the fund. If the vaccine manufacturers themselves had been made liable they’d all be out of business, which would be just as well considering that the big pharma is infested with wicked criminals who haven’t the slightest concern about human health.
For any wishful thinker who is still willing to take a chance on one of these experimental so-called “vaccines” bear in mind that if someone happens to drop one of the vials and it breaks a Hazmat team is required to clean it up!! The vials are meticulously guarded and tracked to prevent the appropriation of samples, which could be analyzed in independent labs. It is beyond atrocious that these mystery serums are being injected into the arms of millions of human beings!! “They” really don’t want you or your doctor to know what’s in these randomized shots! The distribution scheme is a classified secret only known to the conspirators at the top. Most doctors have been trained to follow the CDC guidelines no matter how little sense they make, and to parrot the “safe and effective” mantra come hell, high water or untimely death of more and more patients. This is chilling. Some of these doctors are going to come to an epiphany one day soon and realize that they have been complicit in mass murder. Such a realization may very well lead to an uptick in MD suicides out of unbearable guilt.
Most of the victims of this great global experiment won’t die right away. The slow kill mechanism was designed into the “vaccines”, which reprogram cells to produce unnatural “spike proteins” that can attach themselves to the inside of capillaries, and like an obstruction in a pipe cause micro blood clots which can lead to swelling, cancer, kidney failure, internal bleeding, multiple organ failure, and a host of other nasty illnesses ending in premature death. Others will be severely debilitated when their blood cells start to clump together and/or are aggregated with strange fibers and metallic substances. Some will literally become magnetic from the graphine oxide component of the shot. Even objects that are not attracted to normal magnets will stick to their bodies. This weird and frightening phenomenon is obtusely termed “magnetofection”.
The World Health Organization and Gates’ sister public-private partnership, the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations (GAVI) are battering rams for the myth that vaccines work better than our God-given immune system, and that no other remedy will work, even drugs or treatments that have been used successfully for decades. Gates wants almost everyone in the world shot up with these DNA altering serums loosely called “vaccines”. He claims that “normalcy can only return when everyone is largely vaccinated”. This, we can be sure, would not apply to him, his family and his fellow oligarchs and filthy rich technocrats who aren’t going to have their spiritually corrupted DNA tampered with. “Normalcy” doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of returning as long as criminal psychopaths are in control. Since they are devoid of a conscience and cannot feel empathy they experience no guilt or remorse about the sickness, misery and death they will cause while attempting to retool God’s creation. These people should be tried under a Nuremberg II Code for their crimes against humanity. This is not as far-fetched as it sounds. There are many competent attorneys who are pursuing that very goal.
Meanwhile, the scam marches on. In order to facilitate the “vaccine” rollout all other drugs which could have been used against respiratory illnesses were mysteriously withdrawn from market, made difficult to obtain and even proclaimed to be unsafe and illegal by Dr. Fauci and his team of co-conspirators. Doctors were threatened that they could no longer prescribe Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin because the CDC had all of a sudden proclaimed them to be unsafe. The ONLY drug that Fauci would allow prior to the “vaccine” rollout for the treatment of a presumed case of Coronavirus was Remdesevir, a drug that is the LEAST safe of all the alternatives.
Fauci knew quite well that Remdesevir had been tested on Ebola patients and the tests proved that within days of its prescription the drug could cause terrible side effects such as hypotension, kidney failure, sepsis and multiple organ failure. Many subjects in the Ebola tests DIED from having Remdesevir prescribed to them. So what did Fauci do? He mandated that Remdesevir was the ONLY drug that could be used for treatment of Covid 19! The U.S. then bought up all of the available stockpiles of the drug and doctors, operating under Fauci’s orders, prescribed it to hundreds of thousands of patients. The thousands of deaths that resulted from this were then classified as “Covid” deaths, which were used to further push the “pandemic” narrative. This alone makes Fauci a mass murderer, a medical Charles Manson if you will (who, like Manson, uses other people to do his bidding), but Fauci is much worse than Manson, and those deaths will prove to be but a fraction of the deaths that can be attributed to his actions.
Equally egregious was the use of ventilators, mostly on elderly patients in hospitals. This procedure netted hospital corporations a cool $39,000 bonus per patient from Medicare and Medicaid. The only downside was that nearly 90% of the intubated patients DIED. Many of them would not have died were it not for their lungs being blown up like balloons by an unnecessary and unwarranted procedure. Not to worry though. Their deaths were also blamed on Covid-19 and no one was indicted for MURDER, which they would have been in a sane word. But, the world has gone mad. Are you beginning to see that a massive criminal conspiracy is afoot, the likes of which has never been seen before in the history of the mankind?
Bill Gates and his big-pharma co-conspirators literally murdered tens of thousands of people in the “decade of vaccines” from 2010-2019 testing their dangerous serums on dirt poor Third World nations like India, and in African nations where public officials can easily be bribed into doing the wrong thing, such as mandating dangerous experimental vaccines on children. Many of those human guinea pigs who didn’t die were paralyzed for life, rendered sterile, or contracted a host of other debilitating conditions as a result of the POISON that was injected into their bodies. Like serial killer John Wayne Gacy tricking his victims into putting on handcuffs, millions of Americans have been tricked out of stupid, blind trust into being test subjects for a variety of experiments, some unfortunately aimed at interfacing the human body with digital technology. Multi-billionaire Elon Musk is also in on this trans-humanist bandwagon with his Neuralink (digital brain interface) and SpaceX Corporation, which intends to blanket the planet with dangerous 5G radiation -- a key component of the global control grid planned for the citizen slaves. This is truly the stuff of nightmares.
Gates has proclaimed that he wants to install an “operating system” into every human being. This would help to facilitate a cashless, all digital money system – the wet dream of central banking oligarchs and corporate control freaks. This idea is already being tested in western Africa where GAVI and MasterCard have teamed up to develop a cashless system with the human body itself replacing cell phones and credit/debit cards as the interface with the digital money system. Once this beastly system is perfected in the Third World the technocrats want to foist it on Western nations. This in all likelihood would lead directly into the dismal end times scenario in which no one can buy or sell without a certain “mark”, as stated in Revelation 13:17. This is an era of evil completely out in the open.
Big pharma is poisoning millions right now with their experimental spike protein generating, toxic mRNA injections. Some die quickly from the poisons in these shots -- suspicious ingredients like aluminum nano-particles, aborted fetal cells, ethylene glycol, graphine oxide, Luciferase and hydrogel, a creation of DARPA – the secretive Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. The vast majority of doctors don’t have the slightest clue what’s in these shots. They didn’t read the inserts, and they don’t want YOU to read them either because it makes their job more difficult. Sometimes, the inserts are intentionally left blank! According to Dr. Richard Fleming, MD, PhD, JD, these doctors are violating their Hippocratic Oath which requires that patients are duly informed of the risks before receiving an injection. If the patient gets extremely sick or dies because of a Pfizer, Astrazeneka, Moderna or Johnson and Johnson shot, whatever doctor or facility administered it should be liable for damages if there was no informed consent!
One thing that makes these “vaccines” so lucrative for the drug companies is that they are NOT liable for damages when people get sick and die from their “vaccines”! Congress gave them blanket immunity from lawsuits in 1978. This is one of the most dangerous, fascist pieces of legislation ever passed because it removes any incentive for adequate safety testing of “vaccine” products. Thus, the millions of people whose health and lives have been ruined by these experimental shots must pay their own medical bills or seek relief from “The Vaccine Court”, a compensation fund paid for with a slight tax on each vaccine dose. Up to 2021 the fund has awarded 5 billion dollars in damages to only about 1% of the victims. It is very difficult to provide undeniable proof of injury and this is why so few victims are able to tap into the fund. If the vaccine manufacturers themselves had been made liable they’d all be out of business, which would be just as well considering that the big pharma is infested with wicked criminals who haven’t the slightest concern about human health.
For any wishful thinker who is still willing to take a chance on one of these experimental so-called “vaccines” bear in mind that if someone happens to drop one of the vials and it breaks a Hazmat team is required to clean it up!! The vials are meticulously guarded and tracked to prevent the appropriation of samples, which could be analyzed in independent labs. It is beyond atrocious that these mystery serums are being injected into the arms of millions of human beings!! “They” really don’t want you or your doctor to know what’s in these randomized shots! The distribution scheme is a classified secret only known to the conspirators at the top. Most doctors have been trained to follow the CDC guidelines no matter how little sense they make, and to parrot the “safe and effective” mantra come hell, high water or untimely death of more and more patients. This is chilling. Some of these doctors are going to come to an epiphany one day soon and realize that they have been complicit in mass murder. Such a realization may very well lead to an uptick in MD suicides out of unbearable guilt.
Most of the victims of this great global experiment won’t die right away. The slow kill mechanism was designed into the “vaccines”, which reprogram cells to produce unnatural “spike proteins” that can attach themselves to the inside of capillaries, and like an obstruction in a pipe cause micro blood clots which can lead to swelling, cancer, kidney failure, internal bleeding, multiple organ failure, and a host of other nasty illnesses ending in premature death. Others will be severely debilitated when their blood cells start to clump together and/or are aggregated with strange fibers and metallic substances. Some will literally become magnetic from the graphine oxide component of the shot. Even objects that are not attracted to normal magnets will stick to their bodies. This weird and frightening phenomenon is obtusely termed “magnetofection”.
You don't have to be an expert to see that there is something horribly wrong with the blood cells to the right. This is what happens to the blood of some people who have received the "vaccine". The long metallic looking objects in the lower left could be graphine oxide, the component that is making people magnetic. This photo is from an interview with Dr. Jane Ruby on the Stew Peters show at StewPeters.tv
It has been extrapolated from the Vaccine Adverse Events Recording System (VAERS) and other adverse event tracking databases that as many as 500,000 Americans have already died as a result of being injected with the Pfizer, AstraZeneka, Moderna or Johnson & Johnson gene altering, magnetofecting poisons. The numbers recorded on the VAERS site are only a fraction of the actual events, conservatively 10% but most likely as little as 1% of actual cases, because most doctors cannot be bothered with taking the extra time to record the adverse reactions, or they have never even heard about the VAERS site! This ignorance is appalling. Further, VAERS and other similar digital databases are being tampered with by someone so as to minimize reports of the adverse reactions caused by the injections. There are moles on big pharma’s payroll installed in key positions to minimize statistical reports so that the death shots can continue unabated. Beginning at this time (mid 2021) and in the coming few years there WILL be a real “pandemic”. Every possible diversion, deception and red herring will be used by big media to provide cover and plausible deniability for the pharmaceutical industry and to blame these deaths on anything but the true cause: the “vaccine” poisons!
Some extremely valuable health advice on how
to deal with the "shedding" of spike proteins |
Meanwhile, American mainstream media and government continue to ignore the increasing sickness and death and shamelessly push for more and more “vaccination”, so that Biden can reach for his illusive target of 70%. Thus far only around 30 to 40% have received the death shot. That is still a staggering 100 million people! In short order those who did not receive a placebo will be going around “shedding” spike proteins and sickening those with whom they have close contact. This is going to put incredible strain on the medical system and eventually the entire infrastructure of the nation.
It will be the fruition of the "predictive programming" of so many post-apocalyptic movies. The 60-70% who are justifiably hesitant, and/or smell a rat and will not be easily swayed to be poisoned, so we can expect that the criminal conspirators will try to ram it down their throats by making the non-“vaccinated” second class citizens, deprived of rights because they refused to submit.
This is communism in action. Remember: all rights in a constitutional republic come from GOD. Under communism all rights come from the STATE which can grant or deny rights based upon compliance with state-sponsored dictates that come down the chain of command from oligarchs. It's time for Americans to wake up and smell the coffee. Study what is happening in Australia and New Zealand and hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. Don't ever give up your guns, as they did in those two countries. Globalist multi-billionaires are diabolical psychopaths drunk on POWER and they will stop at nothing to implement their "great reset" and "New World Order". Meet with your local law enforcement and sheriffs and talk to them about what is going on. Surely, most of them are not on board with a scientific global tyranny run by madmen in league with the devil.
Trust for the medical establishment is now at an all time low. Trust of mainstream media is also at an all time low. More and more people are waking up and seeking truthful information from internet sources, a grab bag ranging from limited hangouts to no holds barred, all things revealed sites. The big platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Patreon, Tik Tok, etc. are USELESS when it comes to revealing truth because they quickly ban any posts or videos that run contrary to the “narrative” of big pharma, big tech and big government. They are being paid millions dollars to keep a lid on the truth. Why do you think Mark Zuckerberg is so rich? He is an agent of the government running what amounts to an Orwellian “Ministry of Truth”. It's the same story with multi-billionaires Sergey Brin and Larry Page, "founders" of Google. If you know what's good for you don't use it as a search engine.
The 24-7 mainstream media propaganda has convinced too many already that these deadly serums are “safe and effective”. Even according to the vastly unreported VAERS statistics there have been more deaths from these injections than all other vaccines combined over the last 20 years! On the other hand, profit to investors from the Pfizer, Astrazeneka, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson serums has EXCEEDED profits from all other vaccines combined!! This is astounding news, utterly ignored by the criminally negligent mainstream media. Every other vaccine that proved to be even 10,000 times less dangerous was quickly withdrawn from market. The H1N1 vaccine, for example, was taken off the market after only 56 deaths!! Why aren’t these dangerous “vaccines” stopped NOW? This is why:
A massive experiment on humanity is taking place, underwritten by the murderous criminal psychopaths who are using the “pandemic” excuse to launder billions of dollars out of government coffers. There are varying types of shots. Some of them are placebos, so that the recipient can heedlessly go around saying “I got the shot and I feel just fine”. This would give confidence to his or her friends and acquaintances that it’s alright to take the shot because nothing bad will happen. Some of the shots on the other hand contain gene altering, spike protein generating mRNA and/or graphine oxide and hydrogel, which can self-assemble as an antenna for receiving microwave signals, which can then be employed to induce reactions in the body and brain. Like the bulls that could be stopped in their tracks with a radio transmitter in scientist Thomas Delgado’s experiments several decades ago human beings could be programmed from afar like automatons. Yes, the technology really is that advanced and it is by no means being used for the betterment of humanity. It is now a tool of enslavement. Even worse is the transhumanist agenda. The anti-human globalist psychopaths want to merge flesh and blood with digital technology, to create a new species – “human 2.0”. Listen to interviews and talks by Dr. Carrie Madej for more insight into this satanic atrocity. The Bible alludes to this in scripture such as this:
Matthew 24:21-22 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: (because of trans-humanist, DNA altering, 5G control grid interfacing technology) but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.
The scope of the terminator technology being tested NOW on humanity is beyond what most people can comprehend. It is like something out of a nail biting science fiction thriller. You may have heard that some “vaccine” recipients can put metallic objects up to their body and they will stick. Their bodies HAVE become magnetic! This is NOT a myth. The graphine oxide and other metallic nano-particles in these experimental injections ARE actually magnetic. Others have demonstrated after getting the injection that parts of their body glow in the dark. This could be from the “Luciferace” component. Aside from the obvious creepiness of the name, Luciferace was designed to be an ingredient in a “quantum dot tattoo” “vaccine” scheme proposed by Gates and company. It is a method by which, after injection with an array of micro-needles literally modeled after snake fangs, the body can be scanned by a cell phone to authenticate vaccine status. Aside from the horror of this being an experiment on how humans may be branded like cattle these ingredients are POISONS that do not under any circumstances belong in the human body, and the effects to those who have been injected with them will be debilitating if not deadly. Prior to death they will be the walking dead, as portrayed in much of the Hollywood “predictive programming”, such as the spate of zombie movies in the last couple decades.
There is agreement among brave, front line, truth telling doctors/PhDs like Michael Yeaden (former V.P. of Pfizer), Judy Mikovits (who worked with Fauci), Joseph Mercola, Carrie Madej, David Martin, Sucharit Bhakdi, Roger Hodgkinson, Deloris Cahill, Vernon Coleman, Astrid Stuckelberger, Sherry Tenpenny, Jane Ruby, Peter McCullough, Richard Fleming, Byron Bridle, attorneys like Robert Kennedy, Jr., Reiner Fuellmich, and Thomas Renz, and groups like America’s Frontline Doctors -- that in the coming few years hundreds of millions will suffer and die from these so-called “vaccines”. This suits the globalist-eugenicists just fine because they want to dramatically reduce the human population. “They” have been dropping the clues for a half century at least but almost no one has been paying attention. Consider the bogus “commandment” on the Georgia Guidestones to reduce world population down to 500 million “in harmony with nature”. This should be taken seriously, because globalist-psychopaths (like the ones who sponsored and erected the monument) will stop at nothing to remake the world in the image of their father the devil. The mass death also constitutes a sacrifice to their god and master, Satan. If you don’t believe this then do so at your own peril. In due time God SHALL erase ALL doubt, and ALL will come to account for what they did and did not do, and what they believed and did not believe in this life.
Meanwhile, the big “investors” who will profit magnificently from the “pandemic” simply do not care that their investment will cause suffering and death. These hard-boiled, greed-addled warmongers only care about a return on their investment. Such profiteers are worse than the serial killers profiled on shows like “Very Scary People”. Instead of killing dozens, these investors will contribute to the murder of BILLIONS. The WAR against humanity they are funding has gone from the traditional battlefield to inside the human body. To cover the genocide with a thin veneer of plausible deniability the coming increase in deaths will be blamed on everything BUT the true cause of death which is the so-called “vaccines”. You will hear daily reports about “The Delta Variant” or the Lambda variant, or the Epsilon variant, which in turn will be used to justify even more poisonous injections into the arms of frightened and cowering citizens in the form of “booster” shots. Compromised government officials will goose step along with the death march because money will be stuffed into their pockets or they will be promised lucrative jobs in “the private sector” when their government gig is over.
The governor of Tennessee has just signed an order authorizing the use of quarantine camps to separate the un-“vaccinated” from the “vaccinated”, based upon assessments gathered from phone calls! He doesn’t really have the legal authority to do this, but the ignorant will fall into his trap. What was his motivation? Certainly it was not the truth or anything remotely resembling science. Could it be that lucrative incentives from some agent of big pharma was the motivation? This is speculation, but it is well within the realm of possibility because, after all, “the love of money IS the root of all evil” – proven time and time again especially with regard to not so trustworthy political figures who are motivated by personal gain, rather than a desire to serve those who elected them to office.
We are now living under the boot of a diabolical criminal cabal because “academic” indoctrination and media “programming” has rendered many incapable of simple observation and basic logical thinking. There are even members of this writer’s own family who cannot grasp the truth because they refuse to believe such coordinated evil exists. It takes a lot of time and research to understand the full scope of this monstrous agenda. Most people do not have the time or ability to do their own research. Most people would rather sink into a couch and absorb a bunch of mindless drivel from that brainwashing box in the living room. Meanwhile, atrocious crimes are being committed in plain sight but people have been “programmed” to think “nothing to see here, move along”. Indeed, this IS “The Matrix”.
Did you know that right now pregnant mothers who have dutifully received their “vaccination” for Covid 19 are delivering babies born with blood clots, some of them with heavy menstrual bleeding, which is an attempt by their fragile bodies to reject the spike protein poison that was floating around in the mother’s body. Many in this latest generation of children will be sterile as a result of these shots, and particularly spike protein transfer from mothers and other loved ones but that fits perfectly with the goals of eugenicist-“elites”, past and present, like Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum, the Rockefellers (long time eugenicists), Ted Turner (who publically stated that world population needs to be reduced to 500 million), Jacques Costeau (same sentiments as Turner), Prince Phillip (who said he wanted to be reincarnated as a virus) and of course Bill Gates Sr. (who helped found Planned Parenthood) and Junior, who admitted in a TED talk ten or so years ago that VACCINES could be used to help reduce world population. The video of this is easy to find.
Gates is so smug and transparent it’s nauseating. It is amazing anyone can believe this narcissistic psychopath is a “philanthropist”. He built a “back door” into his DOS and Windows operating systems so that spooks from the intelligence agencies could gain access to everything on your computer. Did you know that? That is one big reason why he is so rich. Gates is a traitor to America and a danger to all of humanity. Mark Zuckerberg, another evil, backstabbing traitor, set up Facebook as an information gathering tool for government spooks. Originally, it was a CIA project, called “Lifelog.” Don’t use Facebook and Twitter, Tik Tok, LinkedIn or any other popular social media site. It’s the same story with all of them. Let them go. There are other forums that are secure and not tapped into by the deep state. Better yet, meet face to face with people. Gates, Zuckerberg et al are anti-humans who want all human interactions to be filtered through their digital portals. They are tyrannical control freaks if not demonically possessed.
Speaking of possessed individuals, many of the “elites” in support of the New World Order agendas attend heavily guarded Bilderberger and World Economic Forum meetings where they plot and scheme the future of the planet behind closed doors, minus media presence. Every now and then someone who still has a scrap of conscience leaks tidbits of what goes on in these meetings, which is largely discussion on how to build a global, neo-feudalist, scientific slave state with THEM owning and controlling everything and the bulk of humanity owning nothing, and having no say in anything of importance. The powerful “they” are hell bent on a global reduction in population down to less than one billion, which they believe they can easily manage and control with a smothering blanket of surveillance and artificial intelligence (like China), while “they” get to live in luxury, engage in every sin imaginable without consequence and lord over the masses like petty little gods. Many of them are adrenochrome injecting pedophiles and sexual deviants of some stripe, and/or they participate in satanic ritual sacrifice. These people move about in rarified circles, never to mingle with the common man. With a current world population of seven billion how many will need to die in order for the goal of the Bilderbergers to be achieved? You do the math. What better tool to accomplish depopulation than a serum that programs the human body itself to generate lethal spike proteins, which can be transmitted to the un“vaccinated” by saliva, sweat, blood and other bodily fluids.
This is communism in action. Remember: all rights in a constitutional republic come from GOD. Under communism all rights come from the STATE which can grant or deny rights based upon compliance with state-sponsored dictates that come down the chain of command from oligarchs. It's time for Americans to wake up and smell the coffee. Study what is happening in Australia and New Zealand and hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. Don't ever give up your guns, as they did in those two countries. Globalist multi-billionaires are diabolical psychopaths drunk on POWER and they will stop at nothing to implement their "great reset" and "New World Order". Meet with your local law enforcement and sheriffs and talk to them about what is going on. Surely, most of them are not on board with a scientific global tyranny run by madmen in league with the devil.
Trust for the medical establishment is now at an all time low. Trust of mainstream media is also at an all time low. More and more people are waking up and seeking truthful information from internet sources, a grab bag ranging from limited hangouts to no holds barred, all things revealed sites. The big platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Patreon, Tik Tok, etc. are USELESS when it comes to revealing truth because they quickly ban any posts or videos that run contrary to the “narrative” of big pharma, big tech and big government. They are being paid millions dollars to keep a lid on the truth. Why do you think Mark Zuckerberg is so rich? He is an agent of the government running what amounts to an Orwellian “Ministry of Truth”. It's the same story with multi-billionaires Sergey Brin and Larry Page, "founders" of Google. If you know what's good for you don't use it as a search engine.
The 24-7 mainstream media propaganda has convinced too many already that these deadly serums are “safe and effective”. Even according to the vastly unreported VAERS statistics there have been more deaths from these injections than all other vaccines combined over the last 20 years! On the other hand, profit to investors from the Pfizer, Astrazeneka, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson serums has EXCEEDED profits from all other vaccines combined!! This is astounding news, utterly ignored by the criminally negligent mainstream media. Every other vaccine that proved to be even 10,000 times less dangerous was quickly withdrawn from market. The H1N1 vaccine, for example, was taken off the market after only 56 deaths!! Why aren’t these dangerous “vaccines” stopped NOW? This is why:
A massive experiment on humanity is taking place, underwritten by the murderous criminal psychopaths who are using the “pandemic” excuse to launder billions of dollars out of government coffers. There are varying types of shots. Some of them are placebos, so that the recipient can heedlessly go around saying “I got the shot and I feel just fine”. This would give confidence to his or her friends and acquaintances that it’s alright to take the shot because nothing bad will happen. Some of the shots on the other hand contain gene altering, spike protein generating mRNA and/or graphine oxide and hydrogel, which can self-assemble as an antenna for receiving microwave signals, which can then be employed to induce reactions in the body and brain. Like the bulls that could be stopped in their tracks with a radio transmitter in scientist Thomas Delgado’s experiments several decades ago human beings could be programmed from afar like automatons. Yes, the technology really is that advanced and it is by no means being used for the betterment of humanity. It is now a tool of enslavement. Even worse is the transhumanist agenda. The anti-human globalist psychopaths want to merge flesh and blood with digital technology, to create a new species – “human 2.0”. Listen to interviews and talks by Dr. Carrie Madej for more insight into this satanic atrocity. The Bible alludes to this in scripture such as this:
Matthew 24:21-22 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: (because of trans-humanist, DNA altering, 5G control grid interfacing technology) but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.
The scope of the terminator technology being tested NOW on humanity is beyond what most people can comprehend. It is like something out of a nail biting science fiction thriller. You may have heard that some “vaccine” recipients can put metallic objects up to their body and they will stick. Their bodies HAVE become magnetic! This is NOT a myth. The graphine oxide and other metallic nano-particles in these experimental injections ARE actually magnetic. Others have demonstrated after getting the injection that parts of their body glow in the dark. This could be from the “Luciferace” component. Aside from the obvious creepiness of the name, Luciferace was designed to be an ingredient in a “quantum dot tattoo” “vaccine” scheme proposed by Gates and company. It is a method by which, after injection with an array of micro-needles literally modeled after snake fangs, the body can be scanned by a cell phone to authenticate vaccine status. Aside from the horror of this being an experiment on how humans may be branded like cattle these ingredients are POISONS that do not under any circumstances belong in the human body, and the effects to those who have been injected with them will be debilitating if not deadly. Prior to death they will be the walking dead, as portrayed in much of the Hollywood “predictive programming”, such as the spate of zombie movies in the last couple decades.
There is agreement among brave, front line, truth telling doctors/PhDs like Michael Yeaden (former V.P. of Pfizer), Judy Mikovits (who worked with Fauci), Joseph Mercola, Carrie Madej, David Martin, Sucharit Bhakdi, Roger Hodgkinson, Deloris Cahill, Vernon Coleman, Astrid Stuckelberger, Sherry Tenpenny, Jane Ruby, Peter McCullough, Richard Fleming, Byron Bridle, attorneys like Robert Kennedy, Jr., Reiner Fuellmich, and Thomas Renz, and groups like America’s Frontline Doctors -- that in the coming few years hundreds of millions will suffer and die from these so-called “vaccines”. This suits the globalist-eugenicists just fine because they want to dramatically reduce the human population. “They” have been dropping the clues for a half century at least but almost no one has been paying attention. Consider the bogus “commandment” on the Georgia Guidestones to reduce world population down to 500 million “in harmony with nature”. This should be taken seriously, because globalist-psychopaths (like the ones who sponsored and erected the monument) will stop at nothing to remake the world in the image of their father the devil. The mass death also constitutes a sacrifice to their god and master, Satan. If you don’t believe this then do so at your own peril. In due time God SHALL erase ALL doubt, and ALL will come to account for what they did and did not do, and what they believed and did not believe in this life.
Meanwhile, the big “investors” who will profit magnificently from the “pandemic” simply do not care that their investment will cause suffering and death. These hard-boiled, greed-addled warmongers only care about a return on their investment. Such profiteers are worse than the serial killers profiled on shows like “Very Scary People”. Instead of killing dozens, these investors will contribute to the murder of BILLIONS. The WAR against humanity they are funding has gone from the traditional battlefield to inside the human body. To cover the genocide with a thin veneer of plausible deniability the coming increase in deaths will be blamed on everything BUT the true cause of death which is the so-called “vaccines”. You will hear daily reports about “The Delta Variant” or the Lambda variant, or the Epsilon variant, which in turn will be used to justify even more poisonous injections into the arms of frightened and cowering citizens in the form of “booster” shots. Compromised government officials will goose step along with the death march because money will be stuffed into their pockets or they will be promised lucrative jobs in “the private sector” when their government gig is over.
The governor of Tennessee has just signed an order authorizing the use of quarantine camps to separate the un-“vaccinated” from the “vaccinated”, based upon assessments gathered from phone calls! He doesn’t really have the legal authority to do this, but the ignorant will fall into his trap. What was his motivation? Certainly it was not the truth or anything remotely resembling science. Could it be that lucrative incentives from some agent of big pharma was the motivation? This is speculation, but it is well within the realm of possibility because, after all, “the love of money IS the root of all evil” – proven time and time again especially with regard to not so trustworthy political figures who are motivated by personal gain, rather than a desire to serve those who elected them to office.
We are now living under the boot of a diabolical criminal cabal because “academic” indoctrination and media “programming” has rendered many incapable of simple observation and basic logical thinking. There are even members of this writer’s own family who cannot grasp the truth because they refuse to believe such coordinated evil exists. It takes a lot of time and research to understand the full scope of this monstrous agenda. Most people do not have the time or ability to do their own research. Most people would rather sink into a couch and absorb a bunch of mindless drivel from that brainwashing box in the living room. Meanwhile, atrocious crimes are being committed in plain sight but people have been “programmed” to think “nothing to see here, move along”. Indeed, this IS “The Matrix”.
Did you know that right now pregnant mothers who have dutifully received their “vaccination” for Covid 19 are delivering babies born with blood clots, some of them with heavy menstrual bleeding, which is an attempt by their fragile bodies to reject the spike protein poison that was floating around in the mother’s body. Many in this latest generation of children will be sterile as a result of these shots, and particularly spike protein transfer from mothers and other loved ones but that fits perfectly with the goals of eugenicist-“elites”, past and present, like Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum, the Rockefellers (long time eugenicists), Ted Turner (who publically stated that world population needs to be reduced to 500 million), Jacques Costeau (same sentiments as Turner), Prince Phillip (who said he wanted to be reincarnated as a virus) and of course Bill Gates Sr. (who helped found Planned Parenthood) and Junior, who admitted in a TED talk ten or so years ago that VACCINES could be used to help reduce world population. The video of this is easy to find.
Gates is so smug and transparent it’s nauseating. It is amazing anyone can believe this narcissistic psychopath is a “philanthropist”. He built a “back door” into his DOS and Windows operating systems so that spooks from the intelligence agencies could gain access to everything on your computer. Did you know that? That is one big reason why he is so rich. Gates is a traitor to America and a danger to all of humanity. Mark Zuckerberg, another evil, backstabbing traitor, set up Facebook as an information gathering tool for government spooks. Originally, it was a CIA project, called “Lifelog.” Don’t use Facebook and Twitter, Tik Tok, LinkedIn or any other popular social media site. It’s the same story with all of them. Let them go. There are other forums that are secure and not tapped into by the deep state. Better yet, meet face to face with people. Gates, Zuckerberg et al are anti-humans who want all human interactions to be filtered through their digital portals. They are tyrannical control freaks if not demonically possessed.
Speaking of possessed individuals, many of the “elites” in support of the New World Order agendas attend heavily guarded Bilderberger and World Economic Forum meetings where they plot and scheme the future of the planet behind closed doors, minus media presence. Every now and then someone who still has a scrap of conscience leaks tidbits of what goes on in these meetings, which is largely discussion on how to build a global, neo-feudalist, scientific slave state with THEM owning and controlling everything and the bulk of humanity owning nothing, and having no say in anything of importance. The powerful “they” are hell bent on a global reduction in population down to less than one billion, which they believe they can easily manage and control with a smothering blanket of surveillance and artificial intelligence (like China), while “they” get to live in luxury, engage in every sin imaginable without consequence and lord over the masses like petty little gods. Many of them are adrenochrome injecting pedophiles and sexual deviants of some stripe, and/or they participate in satanic ritual sacrifice. These people move about in rarified circles, never to mingle with the common man. With a current world population of seven billion how many will need to die in order for the goal of the Bilderbergers to be achieved? You do the math. What better tool to accomplish depopulation than a serum that programs the human body itself to generate lethal spike proteins, which can be transmitted to the un“vaccinated” by saliva, sweat, blood and other bodily fluids.
Albert Bourla, President of Pfizer asked point blank "did you get the shot ... when are you going to get it?" See how he reacts.
The movers and shakers in this kill shot initiative are the worst of the worst -- slithering prevaricators like French Jewish billionaire Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer, who was asked point blank by a young CNBC news reporter if he had gotten the Pfizer shot. He squirmed, gulped, stuttered, hemmed and hawed saying he was "not on the front lines" and to "trust science" but never would admit to having received his company's "vaccine". If you think that people like him, or any other powerful public figure cheer leading for mass "vaccination" has actually gotten the shot (and not a placebo) think again. They know quite well that these injections are dangerous. They are DECEIVING YOU. They believe they are better than you and not subject to the misery and death they have planned for the brainwashed masses.
Once released under emergency use authorization the poisonous “vaccines” were first pushed on the elderly in nursing homes, because, after all, the old folks “were in the most danger from Covid-19”. Many of them died soon after receiving the shot. As horrific as it sounds this was of benefit to the government, which no longer has to pay their Social Security and Medicare or Medicaid benefits. The “vaccines” are now being forced upon the working class, the middle class, wage slaves to big corporations, wage slaves in government posts – anyone who can be bullied, threatened with job termination or otherwise “re-educated” (communist style) to believe that good health is only possible with an injection and that the body’s God-given, God-designed immune system cannot possibly be effective in fighting disease. The propagandists for big pharma would have you believe that God’s design was somehow flawed and needs to be helped along by Mickey Mouse “science”. This is utter nonsense and it is the polar opposite of truth.
Natural immunity is ALWAYS better than a shot, and it lasts forever. Once the immune system has fought against a virus it will remember, and even if a “variant” comes along that is different by a factor of 5, 10, even 20%, the immune system will recognize it as an invader and destroy it. This is very good news for the un-“vaccinated” who already have immunity to whatever cold or flu virus(es) have been re-labeled as Covid-19 and it should put their minds at ease about the so-called “delta variant” hyped in the hysterical reports of newscasters and lying so-called “experts” on big media. It is far more likely that this “delta variant” is a smokescreen for the fact that more and more people are having terrible reactions and DYING from the so-called “vaccines”.
As for Covid-19 – the actual virus has never been isolated in a lab! It was not isolated in China and it has not been isolated here in the United States. You can search far and wide but you will not find one scrap of proof that a Covid-19 virus even exists! What does exist is a synthetic bio-weapon. The mRNA ingredient in the Pfizer, AstraZeneka, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson shots are based upon a Chinese computer model of a presumption of what the Covid-19 virus would look like if it were isolated. This mRNA cocktail reprograms the body’s cells to replicate this presumption in the form of “spike proteins” which, in theory (according to “them”) cause the body’s immune system antibodies and especially T cells to launch an attack upon the actual virus (which, as said before, doesn’t exist). Unfortunately, these spike proteins do not result from a natural immune response. They are synthetic. They will adhere to the surface of cells, and once there the immune system will attack them viciously, break them open which renders them even more toxic, punch holes in the cells while attacking the spike proteins and end up destroying the cells that were supposed to be protected. This massive cellular destruction leads to organ failure. The spike proteins can also become lodged on the inner walls of capillaries causing micro blood clots, aneurisms and internal bleeding. Simply put, the mRNA programs the body’s immune system to attack the body itself. Unfortunately once the cells are "programmed" to produce spike proteins there is no way to stop the process, except death. There is no OFF switch.
Spike proteins are a “gain of function” bio-weapon developed in clandestine labs to cause premature death. The criminals behind this genocide knew what would happen long beforehand and it perfectly fits “their” master agenda for global depopulation. This is a hard pill to swallow, but it is the truth. It is time for people who value life and freedom to wake up and fight against these serial killers and their globalist-technocratic agenda. They must be fought with bombs of TRUTH and with NON-COMPLIANCE. Do not take these shots yourself (if still “unvaccinated”) and tell whoever will listen not to submit. Do not allow your children to be “vaccinated” with this poison. Your life and health is more important than anything you must give up in order to resist being poisoned by these criminal psychopaths.
Natural immunity is ALWAYS better than a shot, and it lasts forever. Once the immune system has fought against a virus it will remember, and even if a “variant” comes along that is different by a factor of 5, 10, even 20%, the immune system will recognize it as an invader and destroy it. This is very good news for the un-“vaccinated” who already have immunity to whatever cold or flu virus(es) have been re-labeled as Covid-19 and it should put their minds at ease about the so-called “delta variant” hyped in the hysterical reports of newscasters and lying so-called “experts” on big media. It is far more likely that this “delta variant” is a smokescreen for the fact that more and more people are having terrible reactions and DYING from the so-called “vaccines”.
As for Covid-19 – the actual virus has never been isolated in a lab! It was not isolated in China and it has not been isolated here in the United States. You can search far and wide but you will not find one scrap of proof that a Covid-19 virus even exists! What does exist is a synthetic bio-weapon. The mRNA ingredient in the Pfizer, AstraZeneka, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson shots are based upon a Chinese computer model of a presumption of what the Covid-19 virus would look like if it were isolated. This mRNA cocktail reprograms the body’s cells to replicate this presumption in the form of “spike proteins” which, in theory (according to “them”) cause the body’s immune system antibodies and especially T cells to launch an attack upon the actual virus (which, as said before, doesn’t exist). Unfortunately, these spike proteins do not result from a natural immune response. They are synthetic. They will adhere to the surface of cells, and once there the immune system will attack them viciously, break them open which renders them even more toxic, punch holes in the cells while attacking the spike proteins and end up destroying the cells that were supposed to be protected. This massive cellular destruction leads to organ failure. The spike proteins can also become lodged on the inner walls of capillaries causing micro blood clots, aneurisms and internal bleeding. Simply put, the mRNA programs the body’s immune system to attack the body itself. Unfortunately once the cells are "programmed" to produce spike proteins there is no way to stop the process, except death. There is no OFF switch.
Spike proteins are a “gain of function” bio-weapon developed in clandestine labs to cause premature death. The criminals behind this genocide knew what would happen long beforehand and it perfectly fits “their” master agenda for global depopulation. This is a hard pill to swallow, but it is the truth. It is time for people who value life and freedom to wake up and fight against these serial killers and their globalist-technocratic agenda. They must be fought with bombs of TRUTH and with NON-COMPLIANCE. Do not take these shots yourself (if still “unvaccinated”) and tell whoever will listen not to submit. Do not allow your children to be “vaccinated” with this poison. Your life and health is more important than anything you must give up in order to resist being poisoned by these criminal psychopaths.
Screen shot of statistical forecast, published a few years ago by deagel.com, a website that analyzes weapons systems. Notice that their forecast for the population of the U.S. is 100 million in 2025. How was this reduction to be achieved and who, within the military industrial complex had the "inside information" long before the "pandemic" which led to the mass vaccination scheme, which is leading to mass death? Incidentally, this scary forecast was removed from Deagel's website after it gained significant attention from "conspiracy theorists". Regrettably in the coming years we will see the fruition of this diabolical plan by satanic globalists to de-populate the planet.
Perhaps it would be good to take a slight detour and consider what God Himself has to say about the wealthy “capitalists” who knowingly invest in pharmaceutical stocks because there is a lot of money to be made -- because, after all, governments are footing the bill with our tax dollars! It’s easy money for these investors but the average working citizen does not have any choice about what his tax dollars are spent on. Millionaires and billionaires devoid of conscience will reap millions and billions more filthy lucre in profits from mass death, sickness, unemployment, homelessness and the collapse of western civilization occurring at warp speed because of this diabolical “pandemic” scheme. The investors in Pfizer, whose multi-billion dollar profit has already exceeded expectations, are happier than fat pigs at a slop trough. It will be terrible indeed for these lost souls when they come face to face with God. What will they say when they have to account for their crimes against humanity? “Well, Lord, I made a good return on my investment in pharmaceutical stocks. …”
James 5:1-3 Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you. Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten. Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days.
Speaking of wealthy investors, Dr. David Martin, in an interview on the Stew Peters Show, revealed the following:
Let’s take this out of the risk of hyperbole and give it to you in the criminal’s own words. The person I am now going to quote is the veterinarian – not physician -- who was responsible on February 6th and 7th of 2020 to control the message that this pathogen came from a bat somewhere in China, right, this is the story and we have, in Fauci’s e-mails, we have Peter Daszik on the record stating that we need a cover story that distances him (Fauci) and the Chinese from this particular pathogen, and that’s in public record, that’s not my opinion. Let’s listen to his words in 2015, because this is the criminal indicting himself:
(Dr. Martin then reads a quote from Peter Daszik, in a 2015 e-mail to Anthony Fauci): We need to increase public understanding of the need for medical countermeasures such as a pan coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media. And the economics will follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process.
Dr. Martin: Now, Stew, I’m not going out on a limb. That’s not a public health statement. That is a mercenary of death.
Peters: Death for profit.
Martin: And what does he say? Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process. So this is Anthony Fauci’s guy.
Peters: Let’s identify those investors. Who specifically is he talking about?
Martin: He’s talking about the investors in Moderna, in Pfizer, and in NIAID and CDC. Remember that NIAID and CDC, as much as we pretend that these are public organizations, they are what we call regulatory capture. They are the front. Think of them as the r & d shop for the Modernas and for the Pfizers and for the AstraZenekas and for Johnson & Johnson …
Consider this little known prophecy from the book of Revelation, when God looks back from the future at this time in history, when deception is rampant:
Revelation 18:23-24 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.
Today’s “merchants” include the massive predatory corporations behind this incredible fraud and genocide. Is it not “sorcery” the way “they” managed to convince the world that there is a “pandemic”, when there was none? Is it not “sorcery” when “they” lobbied the governments of the world to pay them billions upon billions of dollars for vials of poison to inject into millions of human beings as an “experiment”? Is it not “sorcery” when “they” use “their” lockstep media to push an agenda that is good for a handful of greedy, satanic plutocrats and the investment class, but an outright disaster to those who will suffer sickness and death, not to mention those millions who have lost their jobs, lost their businesses, lost their homes -- many of whom are now living on the streets, or in fringe areas of cities, wondering how they will survive from one day to the next. Is it not sorcery when big Internet sites, like YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook routinely remove videos and posts that tell the TRUTH so as to skillfully steer a narrative of UNTRUTH?
Perhaps things are not as bad in the smaller towns and cities as in a big city like Los Angeles or San Francisco where the tents of the homeless are lining the streets and where crack needles and piles of human feces are commonplace but there is a growing problem everywhere. People are stressed out, unhappy and exhausted. Many people are unable to pay the rent or the mortgage because their livelihood has been stolen from them. The problem is only going to get worse as the corporate predators gobble up more wealth at the expense of the middle and lower classes. The corporate cartels and Wall Street investment firms will use their ill-gotten gain and leverage to further defraud, poison and decimate the people. There is no end to their greed and no limit to their arrogance. Like spoiled children they will nag, harass, lobby and bribe until they get their way, but that will not bring true happiness to their wicked souls because they suffer from demonic possession and “strong delusion” which is put upon them by God, so that they may never embrace the truth. They are on a fast track to hell:
II Thessalonians 2:10-12 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be DAMNED who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
I am sorry if you or anyone you know has been scared into taking the shot. Hopefully, prayerfully, you had the placebo, or perhaps with enough prayer God will remove the poison from your body. Dr. Richard Fleming has a protocol that may help. View his website flemingmethod.com. If you are un"vaccinated" drink pine needle tea, take vitamin D, zinc and vitamin C to strengthen your immune system, especially against those around you who may be "shedding" spike proteins. And whatever your personal situation happens to be, why not do the right thing and oppose any effort by any public official, or entity to mandate this “vaccination” on anyone or any group. These days people are so confused and beaten down by propaganda and senseless mandates, some would probably throw their hands up and say “Alright – I’ll take the shot” because it is easier, short term, to placate the corporate-globalist beast than to put up a fight. On the long term, this could have grave consequences for their health and for the health of those around them. We must resist this evil however and whenever possible.
Thank you for reading. Trust God and spread the truth!
James 5:1-3 Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you. Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten. Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days.
Speaking of wealthy investors, Dr. David Martin, in an interview on the Stew Peters Show, revealed the following:
Let’s take this out of the risk of hyperbole and give it to you in the criminal’s own words. The person I am now going to quote is the veterinarian – not physician -- who was responsible on February 6th and 7th of 2020 to control the message that this pathogen came from a bat somewhere in China, right, this is the story and we have, in Fauci’s e-mails, we have Peter Daszik on the record stating that we need a cover story that distances him (Fauci) and the Chinese from this particular pathogen, and that’s in public record, that’s not my opinion. Let’s listen to his words in 2015, because this is the criminal indicting himself:
(Dr. Martin then reads a quote from Peter Daszik, in a 2015 e-mail to Anthony Fauci): We need to increase public understanding of the need for medical countermeasures such as a pan coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media. And the economics will follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process.
Dr. Martin: Now, Stew, I’m not going out on a limb. That’s not a public health statement. That is a mercenary of death.
Peters: Death for profit.
Martin: And what does he say? Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process. So this is Anthony Fauci’s guy.
Peters: Let’s identify those investors. Who specifically is he talking about?
Martin: He’s talking about the investors in Moderna, in Pfizer, and in NIAID and CDC. Remember that NIAID and CDC, as much as we pretend that these are public organizations, they are what we call regulatory capture. They are the front. Think of them as the r & d shop for the Modernas and for the Pfizers and for the AstraZenekas and for Johnson & Johnson …
Consider this little known prophecy from the book of Revelation, when God looks back from the future at this time in history, when deception is rampant:
Revelation 18:23-24 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.
Today’s “merchants” include the massive predatory corporations behind this incredible fraud and genocide. Is it not “sorcery” the way “they” managed to convince the world that there is a “pandemic”, when there was none? Is it not “sorcery” when “they” lobbied the governments of the world to pay them billions upon billions of dollars for vials of poison to inject into millions of human beings as an “experiment”? Is it not “sorcery” when “they” use “their” lockstep media to push an agenda that is good for a handful of greedy, satanic plutocrats and the investment class, but an outright disaster to those who will suffer sickness and death, not to mention those millions who have lost their jobs, lost their businesses, lost their homes -- many of whom are now living on the streets, or in fringe areas of cities, wondering how they will survive from one day to the next. Is it not sorcery when big Internet sites, like YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook routinely remove videos and posts that tell the TRUTH so as to skillfully steer a narrative of UNTRUTH?
Perhaps things are not as bad in the smaller towns and cities as in a big city like Los Angeles or San Francisco where the tents of the homeless are lining the streets and where crack needles and piles of human feces are commonplace but there is a growing problem everywhere. People are stressed out, unhappy and exhausted. Many people are unable to pay the rent or the mortgage because their livelihood has been stolen from them. The problem is only going to get worse as the corporate predators gobble up more wealth at the expense of the middle and lower classes. The corporate cartels and Wall Street investment firms will use their ill-gotten gain and leverage to further defraud, poison and decimate the people. There is no end to their greed and no limit to their arrogance. Like spoiled children they will nag, harass, lobby and bribe until they get their way, but that will not bring true happiness to their wicked souls because they suffer from demonic possession and “strong delusion” which is put upon them by God, so that they may never embrace the truth. They are on a fast track to hell:
II Thessalonians 2:10-12 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be DAMNED who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
I am sorry if you or anyone you know has been scared into taking the shot. Hopefully, prayerfully, you had the placebo, or perhaps with enough prayer God will remove the poison from your body. Dr. Richard Fleming has a protocol that may help. View his website flemingmethod.com. If you are un"vaccinated" drink pine needle tea, take vitamin D, zinc and vitamin C to strengthen your immune system, especially against those around you who may be "shedding" spike proteins. And whatever your personal situation happens to be, why not do the right thing and oppose any effort by any public official, or entity to mandate this “vaccination” on anyone or any group. These days people are so confused and beaten down by propaganda and senseless mandates, some would probably throw their hands up and say “Alright – I’ll take the shot” because it is easier, short term, to placate the corporate-globalist beast than to put up a fight. On the long term, this could have grave consequences for their health and for the health of those around them. We must resist this evil however and whenever possible.
Thank you for reading. Trust God and spread the truth!
Here are some documents that may be your "get out of jab free" card. You would need to tailor the form to your specific situation. To the greatest extent possible we need to resist a tyranny that is making people choose between receiving a deathly injection of poison or losing their source of income.

vaccine-exemption-full-military-.doc |

vaccine-exemption-practical-side-supporting-document.doc |

vaccine-exemption-religious-practical-supporting-documents.doc |

vaccine-exemption-religious-side-supporting-document.doc |
taiwanenglishnews.com/pharmaceutical-factory-on-fire-after-explosion-2-injured/Factory that manufactured Hydroxychloroquine mysteriously explodes (to protect big pharma profits and NWO agenda) -- Click to see story.