California Senator Scott Weiner (the tall one) with some of his chief constituents. He was behind a bill in California to legalize pedophilia.
What good can possibly result from decriminalizing the rape of children? On the other hand, what horrors can result from it?
Our readers may recall the Chicago serial killer John Wayne Gacy, who tortured, raped and killed 33 young men and buried most of the bodies in the crawl space beneath his house. After running out of space there he resorted to chucking the bodies into a nearby river. Could his rape as a young boy by one of his father’s male acquaintances (and abuse by his father as well) have been “consensual”? Or rather is it more likely that this rape was the trauma that caused him to have a split personality: one side as a loveable contractor and political gadfly and the other as a psychopath who used young men for sexual pleasure and then murdered them to hide the evidence. |
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Hollywood, which is on the bloody "cutting edge" of the American zeitgeist, has always been Jewish to the core. If one doesn’t agree with the laments of “gentile” actors like Marlin Brando and Mel Gibson, we have an admission straight from the horse’s mouth. A decade ago there was a young “Jewish” writer at the L.A. times, Joel Stein, who wrote an article entitled “How Jewish Is Hollywood”, in which he brags “As a proud Jew, I want America to know about our accomplishment. Yes, we control Hollywood … I don’t care if Americans think we’re running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street or the government. I just care that we get to keep running them.” So there you have it. All of the major studios and major media corporations are run by Jews. All of the major book and magazine publishing companies are run by Jews. The government is run by Zionist Jews. It’s the same with the Internet: Google, Facebook, Wikipedia, Twitter, YouTube and most other major Internet companies – all run by Jews. This gives them a great deal of “social engineering” power, to the point that the “opinions” that most people hold are not their own. They are skillfully embedded by Jewish propaganda.
L.A. Times writer Joel Stein, about a decade ago when he bragged that Jews were running everything in America.
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Does "white privilege" really exist or is it a vicious myth?
Jews use their tight control over social media, Internet search engines, so-called “news”, academia, television “programming”, book publishing and other information outlets to censor or bury any information that does not fit their “narrative” and to push anything that does. YouTube, ruled by billionaire Jew Mark Zuckerberg, routinely pulls videos that tell the truth about the Covid 19 agenda. Any doctor, nurse or other authority who reveals that the death statistics are false, that Fauci is a fraud, that we are being railroaded into taking a poisonous vaccine – not allowed on YouTube. Without any explanation Google, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, PayPal etc. pull the videos, marginalize in search engines and/or cancel financial accounts of truth tellers like The Last American Vagabond, Crowhouse, Press For Truth, SGT Report, X22 Report, The Dollar Vigilante and others who dare to challenge the lies of big media, though we must lament that none of the above drill completely to the bottom of the rabbit hole -- if they did they'd lose 99% of their popularity. A deep drill is the purpose of this site. We don't care about popularity -- only absolute truth, which is derived from Yahweh God's Word, the Bible.
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Interviews of Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, James Traficant, George Carlin and others on the influence of "Zionists" in government.
Congressman Larry McDonald of Georgia. He should have been president, but was assassinated due to his aversion to the globalist-communist agenda infecting America.
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In the 1930s the rabbi Henry Waton confessed that not only is communism Jewish, but that it is simply a mechanism for Jewish world domination and the subjugation of all non-Jews. It is a fulfillment of the megalomaniacal vision of the Talmud. The diabolical mechanics of it are outlined in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. Here are some quotes from a book written by Waton. Our comments are in brackets: |
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In this video of a World Jewish Congress meeting, downloaded from BitChute (not JewTube) we see the shameless hypocrisy of the speaker who on the one hand denies the staggering influence of Jews in America while on the other hand proposing that anyone who criticizes Jews, for any reason, should be guilty of the crime of anti-Semitism and imprisoned “for a very long time”! The arrogance of it is bone chilling. Notice the crowd of devils all nodding their heads in agreement. This is the enemy plotting and scheming against us. It is communism in action, and communism turns entire nations into prisons run by Jewish supremacists. |
The first president of the United States, George Washington, was well aware of parasitic, nation killing nature of Jews and wanted to prohibit them from becoming American citizens. He wanted to write it into the Constitution! Washington was overruled by others who claimed that the Jews were not at that time a problem. This is one of the biggest political mistakes ever made. A few weeds in a garden may not be a problem, but if the garden is not regularly weeded they most certainly will take over. Jews are the weeds in our national garden and once the percentage of Jews in a white nation reaches around 2% the garden planted by whites will get choked out. This is the situation in the United States in the 2020s. Is it any wonder that the symbol for the Jewish-controlled socialist-communist Democratic Party represents Baphomet (the devil)? The symbols of the Jewish-Talmudic-communist takeover are “in your face” and yet most people have been trained to ignore the obvious.
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The only time we hear about police brutality on television is when it happens to be white on black, which is quite rare. If a black cop happens to harass or kill a white person, it does not get “news” coverage. Television is used by the Jewish media kings to stoke black on white violence and make it appear as if whites are the aggressors and blacks are merely innocent victims of white violence, and “white supremacy”. This is a LIE. Media is routinely used by Jews as a weapon against whites. Consider these statistics of exactly who commits the most murders and against whom. Also read the following booklet and realize how the mainstream (Jewish) "narrative" does not fit the actual statistics:
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This Jewish menorah appears on the White House lawn every Christmas, and yet a nativity scene or a Christian cross are not to be found -- under the guise of “separation of Church and State”, which apparently does not apply to Jews. Surely this is a symbol of Jewish supremacy in the U.S. They have more rights and protection of their civil liberties than white citizens.
The American Constitutional Republic, based upon the ten commandments of God, was designed by whites for a predominantly white, Christian culture, and as President John Adams said “Our form of government is only meant for a MORAL and CHRISTIAN people, it is WHOLLY UNSUITED to any other”. The Talmud, on the other hand, with its thousands upon thousands of arcane “commandments” and spider’s web of loopholes lays out an oppressive, bureaucratic system ruled by autocrats who believe that they, collectively, are god. The constitutional, representative form of government the early American statesmen provided for America is no longer working the way it was designed to because there is no longer a comfortable majority of white Christian people in America. Jews have skillfully wrought this transition by deliberately flooding our nations with non-whites who do not share our values and will not assimilate into our culture. They will, however fear and obey the iron fist of a tyranny and Jewish communists are more than happy to provide that.
Illegal immigration is a huge and growing problem for this country. So is legal immigration, to the extent that the immigrants are nearly all members of minority groups these days. (and this was in 1998) Immigration is changing the complexion and the character of America. We are becoming less European and more middle eastern, African, Asian and Mestizo. I’ve spoken before on other programs about what this non-white immigration is doing to our schools and our cities and our tax burden. Let’s look today at some of the other costs involved. Back before the Second World War we had immigration laws that insured that most immigrants to the United States were Europeans. It was extremely difficult for Asians or Africans or other non-whites to enter the country. Then in the rush of “feel-good egalitarianism” and “Yankee doodle democracy” which were promoted by the media after the war, the members of the liberal elite let themselves be persuaded by the media bosses that our immigration policies were “racist”. What we needed in America was “more diversity”, they decided.
A consistent enemy of white America,
senior senator Chuck Schumer. Regardless of what he says, this is what he's thinking. |
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Many Jews, though they may look white to the uneducated, do not identify as white nor do they truly have white features such as straight noses and a curve between the top of the nose and the forehead, elongated (dolichocephalic) skulls, blue, green or gray eyes, taller stature, thinner lips. Jews are a blend of Canaanite-Edomite, Turkic, Mongolian and other Asiatic bloodlines, sometimes with varying percentages of Hispanic, Asiatic, negroid or white blood. Study their features – the yellowish or darkish off white skin, round (brachycephalic) skulls, kinky dark hair, hooked, aquiline or thin noses that run straight up into the forehead without a curve, receding forehead, large lips, short stature, a gap between the front teeth, an elongated parenthetical plastered on smile, and dark eyes. Since Jews are a mixture of races with a requisite infusion of Canaanite-Edomite genetics, they will of course exhibit such features to varying degrees. The Jewish manner is often irritating, accusative, pushy, full of bluster, exaggeration, complaint and denial. View the video below for some examples of the above characteristics:
"I'm Not White, I'm Jewish" rap song
I Thessalonians 2:15-16 Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men: Forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved, to fill up their sins alway: for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost. Because Jews have absorbed the genetics of many bloodlines they tend to suffer from diseases picked up like dirt on a snowball, from each racial infusion. White people tend not to have these diseases because of a pure bloodline. |
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Benjamin Netanyahu and his father Benzion. George Washington said that Jews are Asiatics and that their ideas do not conform to American ideas.
If you do not exclude them, in less than 200 years (it’s been that long) our descendants will be working in the fields to furnish them substance, while they will be in the counting houses (banks) rubbing their hands. I warn you, gentlemen, if you do not exclude the Jews for all time, your children will curse you in your graves. Jews, gentlemen are Asiatics, let them be born where they will or how many generations they are away from Asia, they will never be otherwise. Their ideas do not conform to an American’s, and will not even though they live among us ten generations. A leopard cannot change its spots. Jews are Asiatics, are a menace to this country if permitted entrance, and should be excluded by this Constitutional Convention.
Source: Maxims of George Washington, A.A. Appleton & Co., a quote from Benjamin Franklin, recorded in “Chit Chat Around the Table During Intermissions” from the Diary of Charles Cotesworth Pickney (1746-1825) of South Carolina. He attended the convention as a delegate and recorded some of the outstanding addresses and discourses which he published in his diary. |
For while the Jew goes about preaching socialism, he will stick together with his own, and after all the riches of Europe have been wasted, the Yid’s bank will still be there. The Antichrist will come and stand over the anarchy.
Fydor Dostoyevski, selected quotes from Diary of a Writer, 1877 *Yiddish is the international language of the Jews. It was the language of the Khazars, later known as Ashkenazi Jews. Russian Jews in Dostoyevski’s day were thus nicknamed “Yids”. |
After the “Bolshevik” revolution the government of Russia under communist Jews became dreadfully all-powerful and the peasants were reduced to absolute poverty. Millions of them starved to death. Land was stolen from the peasant farmers and “collectivized”. The output from the state owned and run farms was entirely insufficient. Millions more were routinely exterminated by Jew psychopaths running death camps, like Genrikh Yagoda – a name you have never heard because of Jewish control of media and publishing. The death toll of white Russians from 1917 to 1945 under communism was somewhere between 60 and 100 million. This was the real holocaust, not taught in American schools because of Jewish censorship. The Jews were able to replace the Russian holocaust with their phony 6 million LIE because of their staggering control of publishing, media, and academic curriculum. The so-called “holocaust” in Germany was a gross exaggeration and a smokescreen to obscure what Jewish mass murderers had done to the white Russian people. Another purpose of this myth was to cause the world to feel sorry for the Jews, which tends to make them immune from criticism (because they supposedly suffered so much). Other races have experienced similar or much greater suffering but they don’t make an industry out of it as have the Jews – because Jews are unrelenting materialists and expert whiners.
David Irving with an intelligent
and thorough exposé of the Holocaust myth. |
Research scientists have proven over and over that Jews were not killed in gas chambers. These facilities were used for the elimination of lice from clothing. One would expect that if so many Jews were exterminated and their bodies buried nearby Auchwitz, Treblinka and other gas chambers that their remains (such as bones) would be easily found. This evidence simply does not exist. To put it bluntly, there was not a terrible Jewish holocaust as Jews would have us believe. Holocaustianity of the Jews amounts to a false religion, which is foisted upon American students from grade school through college. There is even a Holocaust memorial in Washington D.C. This is a testament to influence of Jews on the U.S. government. No student in western schools is ever taught about the REAL holocaust of Russians during and after the communist revolution because Jews are in control the flow of information and they are expert liars and weavers of fantasy.
9/10 of humanity would have to die for globalist-communists to achieve THEIR "utopia", which in every possible way is in opposition to God and HIS plan. He has other plans for their wicked souls.
The Georgia Guidestones and some righteous graffiti.
The recent Covid-19 “pandemic” is a massive, multi-faceted coup by the usual suspects designed to further a worldwide communist tyranny. It is a steamroller plan to squash individual rights, herd people into conformity with troublesome government dictates and force them to be injected with a poisonous vaccine for the planned mass cull of humanity. It has the fingerprint of Jewish oligarchs all over it. Facebook, which is controlled by the Jew Mark Zuckerberg, and You Tube, now controlled by Google, which has the Jew Ray Kurzweil at the helm, routinely censor truthful videos and websites that run contrary to the Jewish mainstream media narrative. |
Corporate media does its utmost to instill fear of sickness and death into the American population. People whose brains are stuffed full of propaganda fear this phony "pandemic" but they should be fearing the SOLUTION and praying to God to protect them from this latest assault on health and freedom. The death statistics from coronavirus trotted out right off the bat in every single newscast are utterly and outrageously false! (see quote from Ron Paul below). They are exaggerated to make it seem as if the most dire threat to human life on the planet is the coronavirus. Though the media prostitutes keep repeating the same lies over and over and over whispers can be heard here and there that the truth is something altogether different. Perhaps a clue could be found in the acronym “COVID 19” which means Certificate of Vaccination Identification, a plan implemented in the year 2019! Are you beginning to get the picture?
People are dying so that big pharma may profit
and the communist paradigm may advance. |
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Anyone who submits to this vaccine is going to be a guinea pig for billionaire globalist Satanists. It usually takes a half dozen years to adequately test a vaccine, and even then all of the long-term side effects cannot be known. Vaccines in general do not have a good track record. The CDC vaccine schedule, mandated by law for babies and young children is causing many of them to develop severe physical and mental problems. The rising percentage of children with autism exactly parallels the increasing use of vaccines. Big pharma does not have a shred of conscience. It is a ruthless money-making machine. As long as the big “they” can continue making billions of dollars the loss of health and life means nothing to the psychopaths running the industry. Further, they can make even more money by marketing drugs to treat the symptoms of health problems caused by their vaccines in the first place! If ever there was a vicious cycle, this is it. A large chunk of the pharmaceutical industry is, incidentally, owned by the Rockefeller dynasty. For the record, they are Jewish! The proof can be found in the book “Our Crowd”, by Stephen Birmingham, a history of Jewish dynastic families of New York, who founded firms like Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers, Macy’s, Levi’s, etc. |
Excellent presentation from 1961 on the danger of communism.
Good information on the nature of communism.
Rosa Koire lays out the U.N. Agenda 30 "sustainable development" plan -- a buzzword for inventory control of ALL of the earth's resources, which would be firmly in the hands of Jewish oligarchs who intend to herd all of the remaining "human resources" (those not culled) into megacity prisons.
Italian doctor says that COVID 19 is not the name of the virus. It is an acronym the name of the PLAN (discussed in our essay).
Whites will be minorities in the nations founded by their ancestors.
Dr. John McArthur discusses the phony "pandemic".
Senators Mike Lee, Ron Johnson and Ted Cruz question the FDA on why hydroxychloroquine is not being approved for general use. We know the answer to that: because the FDA is in the pockets of big pharma which stands to make $billions off of a mandated vaccine.
Dr. Carrie Madej discusses transhumanism and how the COVID vaccine is intended to alter human DNA to create "Human 2.0".