THE Zionist UNI-Party Agenda REVEALED
Published 7-24
It is lamentable that the so-called “Christian” establishment in America either does not know the truth, or has been forbidden by their denominationalism to say it: that there is one particular bloodline of anti-human that is primarily responsible for the perversion, demoralization, poisoning, economic disasters, unnecessary wars, breeding out and communization of our once great white Christian nations. We would be dancing around the absolute truth to pin blame for this phenomenon on the usual stock villains such as the Chi-Coms, the Globalists, the Deep State, the Trilaterals, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilaterals, the Elites, the Royals, Masons, Illuminati, the technocrats, the International Bankers, or a myriad of other toxic entities. While these groups all play key roles in the orchestration of destruction of all that is good, created and condoned by God, and work relentlessly to replace what is good with EVIL, they all have one core characteristic, one driver so to speak. If you dig into all of them you will always find one particular racial type that is in charge, pulling the strings, running the show, and that, our friends, is the Synagogue of Satan so-called “Jew”. If you happened upon this post and are breaking into a sweat we will aver that, yes, not all “Jews” are bad people – or at least they do not appear to be so, if one can judge a book by its cover. We will add that only God can see into the depths men’s hearts and there are plenty of individuals, particularly those in positions of power, who appear to be good, and yet within they are evil:
Matthew 23:25-28 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess. Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also. Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men’s bones, and of all uncleanness. Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.
It is unfortunate that within the body of “Jewry” there just so happens to be a rather high percentage of really bad actors, with a proven track record, who are natural born liars and deceivers, motivated by extreme greed, lust for power and unwavering commitment to doing whatever it takes, no matter how diabolical, traitorous, treacherous and downright evil to achieve domination and to absorb the wealth of the world by stealing it from everyone else. When looked at from 10,000 feet above it would appear that this racial line is genetically programmed to move the world toward a paradigm of global communism, the New World Order, totalitarianism, scientific tyranny, global fascism, the Great Reset, the Fourth Industrial Revolution or for Christians, biblical tribulation – however you may term it.
Matthew 24:21-22 (speaking of the era we are living in now) For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.
Matthew 23:25-28 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess. Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also. Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men’s bones, and of all uncleanness. Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.
It is unfortunate that within the body of “Jewry” there just so happens to be a rather high percentage of really bad actors, with a proven track record, who are natural born liars and deceivers, motivated by extreme greed, lust for power and unwavering commitment to doing whatever it takes, no matter how diabolical, traitorous, treacherous and downright evil to achieve domination and to absorb the wealth of the world by stealing it from everyone else. When looked at from 10,000 feet above it would appear that this racial line is genetically programmed to move the world toward a paradigm of global communism, the New World Order, totalitarianism, scientific tyranny, global fascism, the Great Reset, the Fourth Industrial Revolution or for Christians, biblical tribulation – however you may term it.
Matthew 24:21-22 (speaking of the era we are living in now) For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.
Jewess Barbara Lerner Spectre, one of the architects of mass immigration of non-whites into Europe
The “Jews” have always been at the forefront of every agenda that is destructive to white, Christian nations. This is because the “Jews” (taken as a whole lump) have the effect of being anti-Christ and anti-white. “Jews” are NOT white, though they are often mistaken for being so. They are various shades of off-white, sometimes yellowish or Asiatic in complexion. A “Jew” like Netanyahu may be able to pass as white, but compared to someone who is white the difference in complexion is obvious, because he is NOT a Caucasian.
It was the “Jews” who killed Christ (who was white, and not a “Jew” like today’s “Jews”), and it has been the “Jews” (considered as a whole – notwithstanding individuals who are not in agreement with the plans of “elites”) who have done everything in their power to decimate white populations, through wars, famines, depressions, poisonings, such as the Covid shots, oppressive legalities (a.k.a. lawfare), taxation, rapacious business monopolies and by flooding our once white nations with incompatible aliens who will not embrace our way of life, but will slowly but surely outbreed and replace whites in their own nations.
Benzion & Benjamin Netanyahu (father and son)
Obviously they are not Caucasian. Oftentimes, to seed confusion and deflect blame "Jews" are referred to as "white". |
“Jews” have encouraged this destruction and replacement every step of the way, and plan on ruling over the unruly mass, which can be tricked into slavery, dragging us down with them. This is what rich and powerful “Jews” want, because they have always thrived under conditions of chaos, poverty and national decline.
David Petegorsky of the American Jewish Council laid out the plan in 1948 when he said “Jewish survival can only take place within the framework of a progressive and expanding democratic society, (a "Jewish" ruled "democracy", as Pound, the greatest literary genius of the 20th century revealed) which through its institutions and public policies gives expression to the concept of cultural pluralism.” Thus, from this we may unravel the true meaning of “Jewess” Barbara Lerner Specter’s doublespeak above. When she says “Europe will not survive” what she really means is that “Jews” will not survive if they (the “Jews”) don’t morph Europe into a “democratic” multicultural melting pot, and eliminate white dominance. She also admits that “Jews will be at the center of that transformation – which MUST take place.” From this we see that “Jews” like her are indeed the primary destroyers of our white nations and they relish their role in it.
“Jews” typically make light of Christian morality and they work relentlessly to erase our national pride. They especially detest white unity and have constructed a web of deceit making it OK to disparage whites and even to commit crimes against white people, but if the coin is turned over, it then becomes a “hate crime” – in other words, it is a double crime for a white person to attempt to defend his race against the onslaught of invaders. “Jews” invented the nagging, illogical and ridiculous “hate crime” idea. “Jews” secretly and sometimes not so secretly hate whites, and especially white Christian males, convincing themselves that they are a superior species destined to own the entire world and everything in it.
White people and especially white Christians are the primary obstacle standing in the way of “Jewish” world domination. No other race is feared by the "Jew" as much as the white race. “Jews” have been accomplishing the white subversion and attrition objective by employing every form of deception and dirty trick imaginable, and people swallow their lies, largely because, according to the Christian Zionist establishment, these are “God’s chosen people”. All of the indicators – political, economic, social, psychological, seem to confirm that world domination by this serpentine species is a fait accompli. It has grown slowly over the decades like a cancerous tumor, and sometimes bursts into a flurry of activity that leaves us scratching our heads wondering – "how did THAT happen?"
We can assure you that whatever IT is – whether it is the flooding of our borders with illegal aliens, who are deceptively called “newcomers” or “dreamers”, to make light of a serious, detrimental demographic shift or the poisoning of our bodies with bad food, drugs, and “vaccine” death shots, it is the synagogue of Satan “Jew” species that is always the instigator, financier and prime mover of the agenda.
We can assure you that whatever IT is – whether it is the flooding of our borders with illegal aliens, who are deceptively called “newcomers” or “dreamers”, to make light of a serious, detrimental demographic shift or the poisoning of our bodies with bad food, drugs, and “vaccine” death shots, it is the synagogue of Satan “Jew” species that is always the instigator, financier and prime mover of the agenda.
The decoy and smokescreen mechanisms employed to keep you from knowing this truth are numerous. Take for example the “goy front man” ruse. Jerome Powell, head of the Federal Reserve is one such character. His predecessors, Janet Yellen, Ben Bernanke, Alan Greenspan and Paul Volker were all “Jews”. The Federal Reserve System, a money vampire which has been sucking the financial blood of this nation for well over a century, was shoehorned into law by deceptive “Jews”. Read our essay "The Pyramid Scheme of Debt" for a history of it. It is owned by “Jews” and is essentially run by “Jews” primarily for the benefit of the “Jewish” dynasties that own it. It confers absolutely no benefit to the American people and it (along with its member banks) is the main reason that the dollar is only worth around 1/40th what it was in 1913 when the Fed was established on the promise that it would “help prevent bank failures” -- which it has not accomplished.
All preceding bank failures were, of course, engineered by “Jewish” bankers in order to destroy the competing “gentile” banks. Fed stock is not publically traded and has been in the hands of the same “Jewish” dynasties since its inception in 1913.
Joe Biden, another goy front man decoy (and not a very good one) may be white but his presidential cabinet is stuffed full of “Jews”, at a proportion that is way out of kilter with the percentage of “Jews” in the general population. Many Congressional critters are wholly compromised by the “Jewish” money carrot dangling in front of their faces. Some of them are kept on a short leash by their perversions, which could very well be revealed by “Jewish” controlled mainstream media outlets should they actually do something that may be good for the American people, or at least prevent legislation that is destructive to the nation. With a preponderance of government officials under the thumb of the “Jewish” money power we can only expect America to continue its decline, to become yet another nation that was once good because it was established under Christian constitutional principles, but which is destined for the dust bin of history due to a parasite that has been in the nation killing business for a few millennia, at least. But wait! ... What if the 45 million Christian Zionists who wholeheartedly believe the lies of the “Jews”, especially the really BIG LIE that “Jesus was a ‘Jew’ (same race as today’s “Jews’”) were to wake up? Indeed, that would be a force to be reckoned with. That force could make a difference for the good of the nation. Otherwise, this huge delusional mass falls into the following pitiful category:
II Thessalonians 2:10-12 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; (and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing) because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
In a June, 2024 article entitled “Johnson and Schumer Invite War Criminal and Mass Murderer To Address Congress” white Christian NON-Zionist Chuck Baldwin reveals that most members of Congress are Zionists and they are overjoyed to have a war criminal like Netanyahu address them. He is an all time favorite, having been asked to address the American Congress more times than any other foreign leader – even Winston Churchill, another “Jew”. Unfortunately, the act of fawning at the feet of Zionism is most severe among Republicans, and thus far it is only Democrats who have said they would not attend the event – and only four of them admitted to this, so apparently the Democrat party is nearly as compromised by Zionist-“Jewish” bribery as are the Republicans, who according to Baldwin, are 100% controlled by the Israeli lobby, AIPAC, the America Israel Public Affairs Committee:
Only four members of Congress have thus far said they would not attend the despicable display of disloyalty to their oaths of office, the Bill of Rights and American freedomists from every quarter — and not one of them is a Republican, thus proving what I said in this column last week that the Republican Party is 100% controlled by the Israeli lobby. And no member of Congress is more fanatical in his support of Zionist Israel than House Speaker Michael Johnson — who is a faithful member of a Christian Zionist Southern Baptist Church.
Take careful note of what type of church the speaker of the house, Mike Johnson, attends. Have we not been shouting from the rooftop that “Christian” Zionism, and/or Judeo-Christianity is a false religion? It is not based upon the Word of God, because the Bible tells us who our enemy is, and it is the “synagogue of Satan” "Jew" species which is front and center in all aspects of Zionism. Baldwin goes on to say:
We are to the point that sending evangelicals to Congress is one of the worst things we can do when trying to protect America’s liberties.
Though the creator of this post has no love for either major party, and much less the Democrat Party, it took one of them, a “progressive” (socialist-communist) "Jew" by the name of Bernie Sanders, to tell it like it is regarding the Netanyahu invitation. He said:
Benjamin Netanyahu is a war criminal. He should not be invited to address a joint meeting of Congress.
The ICC (International Criminal Court) is seeking warrants for the arrest of Netanyahu and Yahya Sinwar, the leader of Hamas. The ICC is right. Both of these people are engaged in clear and outrageous violations of international law.
Baldwin makes no bones about the Zionist problem in the U.S. government, saying:
Inviting the Butcher of Gaza, Benjamin Netanyahu, to address Congress is tantamount to inviting Stalin, Hitler, Mao or Pol Pot.
And this invitation to the Israeli mass murderer will be his fourth invitation to address Congress, making him the foreign head of state to address the U.S. Congress more than any other. Winston Churchill addressed the U.S. Congress three times.
What an ignoble indictment against our representatives (from both parties) in Washington, D.C.
Joe Biden, another goy front man decoy (and not a very good one) may be white but his presidential cabinet is stuffed full of “Jews”, at a proportion that is way out of kilter with the percentage of “Jews” in the general population. Many Congressional critters are wholly compromised by the “Jewish” money carrot dangling in front of their faces. Some of them are kept on a short leash by their perversions, which could very well be revealed by “Jewish” controlled mainstream media outlets should they actually do something that may be good for the American people, or at least prevent legislation that is destructive to the nation. With a preponderance of government officials under the thumb of the “Jewish” money power we can only expect America to continue its decline, to become yet another nation that was once good because it was established under Christian constitutional principles, but which is destined for the dust bin of history due to a parasite that has been in the nation killing business for a few millennia, at least. But wait! ... What if the 45 million Christian Zionists who wholeheartedly believe the lies of the “Jews”, especially the really BIG LIE that “Jesus was a ‘Jew’ (same race as today’s “Jews’”) were to wake up? Indeed, that would be a force to be reckoned with. That force could make a difference for the good of the nation. Otherwise, this huge delusional mass falls into the following pitiful category:
II Thessalonians 2:10-12 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; (and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing) because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
In a June, 2024 article entitled “Johnson and Schumer Invite War Criminal and Mass Murderer To Address Congress” white Christian NON-Zionist Chuck Baldwin reveals that most members of Congress are Zionists and they are overjoyed to have a war criminal like Netanyahu address them. He is an all time favorite, having been asked to address the American Congress more times than any other foreign leader – even Winston Churchill, another “Jew”. Unfortunately, the act of fawning at the feet of Zionism is most severe among Republicans, and thus far it is only Democrats who have said they would not attend the event – and only four of them admitted to this, so apparently the Democrat party is nearly as compromised by Zionist-“Jewish” bribery as are the Republicans, who according to Baldwin, are 100% controlled by the Israeli lobby, AIPAC, the America Israel Public Affairs Committee:
Only four members of Congress have thus far said they would not attend the despicable display of disloyalty to their oaths of office, the Bill of Rights and American freedomists from every quarter — and not one of them is a Republican, thus proving what I said in this column last week that the Republican Party is 100% controlled by the Israeli lobby. And no member of Congress is more fanatical in his support of Zionist Israel than House Speaker Michael Johnson — who is a faithful member of a Christian Zionist Southern Baptist Church.
Take careful note of what type of church the speaker of the house, Mike Johnson, attends. Have we not been shouting from the rooftop that “Christian” Zionism, and/or Judeo-Christianity is a false religion? It is not based upon the Word of God, because the Bible tells us who our enemy is, and it is the “synagogue of Satan” "Jew" species which is front and center in all aspects of Zionism. Baldwin goes on to say:
We are to the point that sending evangelicals to Congress is one of the worst things we can do when trying to protect America’s liberties.
Though the creator of this post has no love for either major party, and much less the Democrat Party, it took one of them, a “progressive” (socialist-communist) "Jew" by the name of Bernie Sanders, to tell it like it is regarding the Netanyahu invitation. He said:
Benjamin Netanyahu is a war criminal. He should not be invited to address a joint meeting of Congress.
The ICC (International Criminal Court) is seeking warrants for the arrest of Netanyahu and Yahya Sinwar, the leader of Hamas. The ICC is right. Both of these people are engaged in clear and outrageous violations of international law.
Baldwin makes no bones about the Zionist problem in the U.S. government, saying:
Inviting the Butcher of Gaza, Benjamin Netanyahu, to address Congress is tantamount to inviting Stalin, Hitler, Mao or Pol Pot.
And this invitation to the Israeli mass murderer will be his fourth invitation to address Congress, making him the foreign head of state to address the U.S. Congress more than any other. Winston Churchill addressed the U.S. Congress three times.
What an ignoble indictment against our representatives (from both parties) in Washington, D.C.
Mike Johnson, “Christian” Zionist shabbaz goy
speaker of the house. Johnson lied when he said that Hamas was "baking Israeli babies in ovens". For this and other juicy war propaganda he was rewarded a half million dollars from AIPAC. People like Johnson should not be in government because they are working for the "Jews" and "Israel", NOT for the American people. |
Multi-millionaire “Pastor” John Hagee, a consistent stumper for the synagogue of Satan “Jews”. He is wealthy because he is a Christian Zionist, a.k.a. Judeo-Christian. He is NOT a true Christian who studies and understands biblical truth.

judas_house_speaker_receives_more_than_a_half_million_dollars_from_pro-israel_pac_5-6-24.pdf |
Having studied this problem for decades, plus attending various churches and gatherings, this writer must sadly state that most preachers are entirely befuddled or else in the soul-killing “strong delusion” of denial on the matter of who and what is a “Jew”, and what his role is in the great spiritual war on planet Earth – the war of satanic evil against the good that comes from God. The “good” people mostly don’t have a clue there is a spiritual war going on – a war that involves actual flesh and blood opponents. The most delusional of the purveyors of “truth” in our time, those of the Scofield, John Hagee, “Jew” sycophant school, emphatically instruct their flocks that today’s “Jews” are “God’s chosen people”, and even that they are “better” than us, and therefore we must always support them in everything they do, whether they are butchering innocent Palestinian children, poisoning the water, food and air, ripping us off with their institutionalized counterfeiting through the Fed, or their thieving Wall Street schemes -- because God reputedly will bless us if we bless them by, for example, by showering billions upon billions of dollars on the anti-Christ antagonistic, thorn in the middle east’s side – the Ashkenazi so-called “Jewish” nation of “Israel”.
Without the substantial financial and military support of the U.S. it is certain that the modern Israeli state couldn’t survive for a minute so the “Jewish” lobbyists from AIPAC bribe the hell out of our Congress and state representatives to make sure that "Israel" gets more “foreign aid” than every other nation on the U.S. dole list combined. They should get NOTHING and be forced to stand on their own, but Christian Zionists would be aghast, because it is, after all, considered “The Holy Land”. Bear in mind that most Israeli citizens are New Agers, agnostics, atheists, satanists or adherents of Judaism, which is based upon the Talmud, not the Bible, thus the “Holy Land” moniker is a deception. Did you know that Tel Aviv, Israel is the gay capital of the world? Is that tidbit made known to starry-eyed churchgoers when they embark on their tours of the "Holy Land"? At this time, the only thing “holy” about the Israeli State is the artifacts left over from 2,000 year ago. The Talmud, upon which Judaism is based, coalesced from the opinions of the Pharisees in Jesus’ day, and was subsequently ballooned to a massive tome that provides excuses to engage in every biblical sin, bar none. Following is Jesus’ assessment of the Pharisees who were against everything Jesus taught and who had him crucified -- employing the Romans to do the dirty work, the same way the "Jews" use the U.S. military to do their dirty work in this era. If only our preachers would read and understand what Jesus was saying, and understand that it is equally applicable today, because the descendants of the Pharisees are destroying our nations:
John 8:43-44 Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word. Ye are of (descended from) your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, (referring to their forefather Cain) and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own (the race he spawned): for he is a liar, and the father of it.
The chief barrier to an understanding of why an investment in today’s “Israel” contributes to our own national demise is that Christian Zionists misinterpret Genesis 12:2-3. They think the verse applies to today’s “Jews”. They do not realize that today’s “Jews” are not the “great nation” being referred to in scripture. The regathering of “Jews” to today’s “Israel” is a substitution, like fake meat being passed off as healthful food. The reason that area of the world was chosen by Zionists as a homeland for those who CALL themselves “Jews” (Rev. 2:9 and 3:9) was, in part, because it lends itself to the deception of “Christians” who are too lazy to read the Bible themselves and instead absorb the drivel of their mis-informed pastors and who subsequently become imbued in Christian Zionism -- a FALSE religion. The region of Palestine was also chosen by Zionists because it is at the center of trade routes between Asia, Europe and Africa, and thus worth a lot of $$$ to them. “Jews” are always about the money. Phrases such as “He Jewed me down” would not exist if this were not an actual racial trait of “Jews”. The slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza is basically a land grab, as we will explain later. The great nation being referred to in the following verse would be those nations established by fast dwindling white Christians, who were and are descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. This verse does NOT apply to those descendants of Esau and his Canaanite wives, and other Canaanite strains such as the Hittites and Amorites, intermixed with Asiatic Khazars which is the racial mix mostly comprising the so-called “regathering” seen in today’s Israel. To put it another way, the ancestors of the Ashkenazi “Jews” now living in Israel did not come from that part of the world, so their presence there is not a “regathering” but rather a replacement of the Palestinians who possessed that land for two millennia, after the Caucasian strains migrated to Europe, Russia and elsewhere.
Genesis 12:2-3 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, (descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob) and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.
Without the substantial financial and military support of the U.S. it is certain that the modern Israeli state couldn’t survive for a minute so the “Jewish” lobbyists from AIPAC bribe the hell out of our Congress and state representatives to make sure that "Israel" gets more “foreign aid” than every other nation on the U.S. dole list combined. They should get NOTHING and be forced to stand on their own, but Christian Zionists would be aghast, because it is, after all, considered “The Holy Land”. Bear in mind that most Israeli citizens are New Agers, agnostics, atheists, satanists or adherents of Judaism, which is based upon the Talmud, not the Bible, thus the “Holy Land” moniker is a deception. Did you know that Tel Aviv, Israel is the gay capital of the world? Is that tidbit made known to starry-eyed churchgoers when they embark on their tours of the "Holy Land"? At this time, the only thing “holy” about the Israeli State is the artifacts left over from 2,000 year ago. The Talmud, upon which Judaism is based, coalesced from the opinions of the Pharisees in Jesus’ day, and was subsequently ballooned to a massive tome that provides excuses to engage in every biblical sin, bar none. Following is Jesus’ assessment of the Pharisees who were against everything Jesus taught and who had him crucified -- employing the Romans to do the dirty work, the same way the "Jews" use the U.S. military to do their dirty work in this era. If only our preachers would read and understand what Jesus was saying, and understand that it is equally applicable today, because the descendants of the Pharisees are destroying our nations:
John 8:43-44 Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word. Ye are of (descended from) your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, (referring to their forefather Cain) and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own (the race he spawned): for he is a liar, and the father of it.
The chief barrier to an understanding of why an investment in today’s “Israel” contributes to our own national demise is that Christian Zionists misinterpret Genesis 12:2-3. They think the verse applies to today’s “Jews”. They do not realize that today’s “Jews” are not the “great nation” being referred to in scripture. The regathering of “Jews” to today’s “Israel” is a substitution, like fake meat being passed off as healthful food. The reason that area of the world was chosen by Zionists as a homeland for those who CALL themselves “Jews” (Rev. 2:9 and 3:9) was, in part, because it lends itself to the deception of “Christians” who are too lazy to read the Bible themselves and instead absorb the drivel of their mis-informed pastors and who subsequently become imbued in Christian Zionism -- a FALSE religion. The region of Palestine was also chosen by Zionists because it is at the center of trade routes between Asia, Europe and Africa, and thus worth a lot of $$$ to them. “Jews” are always about the money. Phrases such as “He Jewed me down” would not exist if this were not an actual racial trait of “Jews”. The slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza is basically a land grab, as we will explain later. The great nation being referred to in the following verse would be those nations established by fast dwindling white Christians, who were and are descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. This verse does NOT apply to those descendants of Esau and his Canaanite wives, and other Canaanite strains such as the Hittites and Amorites, intermixed with Asiatic Khazars which is the racial mix mostly comprising the so-called “regathering” seen in today’s Israel. To put it another way, the ancestors of the Ashkenazi “Jews” now living in Israel did not come from that part of the world, so their presence there is not a “regathering” but rather a replacement of the Palestinians who possessed that land for two millennia, after the Caucasian strains migrated to Europe, Russia and elsewhere.
Genesis 12:2-3 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, (descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob) and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.
No one is being “blessed” by the various nefarious activities of Synagogue of Satan “Jews” with their Edomite-Canaanite ancestry. The “investment” in this so-called ally of the U.S. in the Middle East is a waste of billions and billions of dollars, returning nothing but war, misery, expense and decline to the United States of America. Do the twisters of scripture in the Christian Zionist camp condone the wholesale slaughter of Palestinians by Israel, which is being aided and abetted every step of the way by the United Zionist States of America? It would appear that they do support it, because to their thinking “God’s chosen people” are without fault. Thus, they are condoning MURDER, which is unquestionably a SIN. Have they figured out yet that the death toll of Israelis pales in comparison to the outright slaughter of Palestinians? Is America being “blessed” by supporting the merciless Jewish-Zionist takeover of Gaza? Just look around. It appears that America is being cursed economically, socially, spiritually, mentally and physically. Our nation is in fast decline and the “Jew” is at the forefront in all of the curses coming to this nation. Go back up and look at the quote from Barbara Lerner Specter in regard to the “Jewish” agenda for Europe. Most certainly the agenda is exactly the same for the United States as well as Australia, New Zealand and South Africa and it is anti-white, anti-Christ “Jews” in key positions who are the chief instigators.
The flimsiest of excuses are used for the war against the Palestinians, such as “they attacked first”, a deception that is easily dismantled. Netanyahu said it himself: “this is OUR 911”. Anyone who has to the tiniest degree questioned and rejected mainstream “programming” knows that the American 911 destruction of the World Trade Center in New York was a setup from the start, perpetrated by the same general cast of villains. The scheme was concocted by “Jew” oligarchs like the Rockefellers, and “Lucky” Larry Silverstein, an Ashkenazi “Jew”. The masterminds had ample assistance from the CIA and the Israeli Mossad. It was the trigger event for wars of profit, subjugation of peoples, laws clamping down on the freedom of Americans, advancement of the central bank mechanism and the funneling untold profits into the “military industrial complex”, which in turn is owned by powerful Wall Street investment firms like Goldman-Sachs, J.P. Morgan, State Street, Blackrock and Vanguard, all run by “Jews” -- with the majority of stock ownership in the hands of old money “Jewish” (Ashkenazi-Khazarian-Edomite-Canaanite-Cainite-kabbalistic-satanic) dynasties, whose extreme wealth has flowed down through history like stinking sludge in a sewer pipe, fertilizing more vice and corruption than could be written about in a thousand books.
The Israel state was known to brag about how secure their border, a.k.a. “the Iron Dome” is, and yet a ragtag army in pickup trucks was able to penetrate that border, kill around 1,200 “Jews” and take some hostages. This was the equivalent of the planting of mini-atomic bombs within the World Trade Center and killing 3,000 Americans (none of whom were “Jews” -- because, "they got the memo") which was accomplished by an Israeli “asbestos abatement” firm protected from exposure by agents within our own government and a complicit, coordinated, “Jewish” controlled media. The Hamas “terrorists” were allowed, in fact, goaded and financed to enter Israel in order to create the “problem” which would demand a “reaction”. This is the old Hegelian Dialect – create the problems that are to be solved with a predetermined solution – used over and over in fomenting wars for profit. Hamas was allowed to exist, and financially supported through subterranean (“Jewish”) money channels in order to provide the justification for Israel’s blitz of Palestine. From that invasion up to the present, the death of some "lesser brethren Jews”, played up to the hilt on mainstream media, all of which is controlled by Zionist “Jew” operatives, has given Israel the “moral imperative”, actually the flimsy justification depending on how one looks at it, to relentlessly kill, maim torture and destroy a people that they literally believe to be sub-human. The rate of slaughter is 10 to 1, even 100 to 1 of the number of “Jews” who were killed by Hamas, which by no means is representative of all Palestinians, any more than the Ku Klux Klan would be representative of all Americans or the Christian Zionist establishment would be representative of all Christians in the U.S. Nevertheless the “Jews” loudly whine and complain about their death toll, while engaging in genocide, because whining and complaining is something they do expertly. The worst of them are, to put it in George Orwell’s words “the boot stomping down on the face of humanity”.
The flimsiest of excuses are used for the war against the Palestinians, such as “they attacked first”, a deception that is easily dismantled. Netanyahu said it himself: “this is OUR 911”. Anyone who has to the tiniest degree questioned and rejected mainstream “programming” knows that the American 911 destruction of the World Trade Center in New York was a setup from the start, perpetrated by the same general cast of villains. The scheme was concocted by “Jew” oligarchs like the Rockefellers, and “Lucky” Larry Silverstein, an Ashkenazi “Jew”. The masterminds had ample assistance from the CIA and the Israeli Mossad. It was the trigger event for wars of profit, subjugation of peoples, laws clamping down on the freedom of Americans, advancement of the central bank mechanism and the funneling untold profits into the “military industrial complex”, which in turn is owned by powerful Wall Street investment firms like Goldman-Sachs, J.P. Morgan, State Street, Blackrock and Vanguard, all run by “Jews” -- with the majority of stock ownership in the hands of old money “Jewish” (Ashkenazi-Khazarian-Edomite-Canaanite-Cainite-kabbalistic-satanic) dynasties, whose extreme wealth has flowed down through history like stinking sludge in a sewer pipe, fertilizing more vice and corruption than could be written about in a thousand books.
The Israel state was known to brag about how secure their border, a.k.a. “the Iron Dome” is, and yet a ragtag army in pickup trucks was able to penetrate that border, kill around 1,200 “Jews” and take some hostages. This was the equivalent of the planting of mini-atomic bombs within the World Trade Center and killing 3,000 Americans (none of whom were “Jews” -- because, "they got the memo") which was accomplished by an Israeli “asbestos abatement” firm protected from exposure by agents within our own government and a complicit, coordinated, “Jewish” controlled media. The Hamas “terrorists” were allowed, in fact, goaded and financed to enter Israel in order to create the “problem” which would demand a “reaction”. This is the old Hegelian Dialect – create the problems that are to be solved with a predetermined solution – used over and over in fomenting wars for profit. Hamas was allowed to exist, and financially supported through subterranean (“Jewish”) money channels in order to provide the justification for Israel’s blitz of Palestine. From that invasion up to the present, the death of some "lesser brethren Jews”, played up to the hilt on mainstream media, all of which is controlled by Zionist “Jew” operatives, has given Israel the “moral imperative”, actually the flimsy justification depending on how one looks at it, to relentlessly kill, maim torture and destroy a people that they literally believe to be sub-human. The rate of slaughter is 10 to 1, even 100 to 1 of the number of “Jews” who were killed by Hamas, which by no means is representative of all Palestinians, any more than the Ku Klux Klan would be representative of all Americans or the Christian Zionist establishment would be representative of all Christians in the U.S. Nevertheless the “Jews” loudly whine and complain about their death toll, while engaging in genocide, because whining and complaining is something they do expertly. The worst of them are, to put it in George Orwell’s words “the boot stomping down on the face of humanity”.

israeli_developer_planning_dream_beachfront_villas_in_gaza_-_12-28-23.pdf |
The brilliant Dr. Vernon Coleman, a man who has been banned and vilified by Zionist, controlled social media platforms for telling the truth on many matters of vital importance, has revealed the basic motive behind this genocide of Gazans: it is a land and resource grab. Netanyahu and the Zionist elite know there are vast natural gas and oil reserves off the coast of Gaza, worth trillions of dollars. Adding insult to injury rich Israelis are already purchasing beachfront properties in Gaza! Download the article above to read about it. Not to minimize the atrocity of this heinous crime, but it harks back to a scene in the movie “Blazing Saddles” (produced by a “Jew”) in which the bumbling villain, Hedley Lamar, is plotting a land grab, and states “I must have that land … the only thing standing between me and that land is the rightful owners”. So, there you have it. The nation of “Israel” was established in the 1940s by stealing land from the rightful owners and thieving Zionists have been doing so ever since.
The Zionist regime in modern Israel began with the killing of a couple hundred thousand Palestinians from the 1920s to the late 1940s to get the land grab going. It was financed with $billions from the Rothschild dynasty war chest and a sneaky diplomatic sleight of hand that only lying, conniving “Jews” could come up with, namely the Balfour Declaration (Arthur Balfour was a “Jew”), which granted Palestine to the “Jews” as a “homeland” should the Allied powers win WWI. It’s not that the Allies had any real jurisdiction over that part of the world, but little details like that didn’t matter.
The Rothschild financed armies just came into Palestine and took over, and they’ve been implementing the “Eretz Israel” (greater Israel) agenda ever since, using their mass media to cover up the slaughter and theft with misinformation and red herring “news” distractions -- the same way they covered up the mass genocide of 60 million white Christian Russians during the “Bolshevik Revolution” which began in 1917, the death of millions of whites in the Holomodor famine in Ukraine in the 1930s and the genocide of 10 million Christian Armenians in the early 1900s by “Jews” who had wormed their way into Turkey, posing as the “Young Turks” and causing the world to blame real Turks for the genocide, and let’s not forget the most recent global genocide caused by the phony Covid “pandemic”, with “Jews” pulling the levers at all critical junctures and killing tens of millions of people worldwide. Many millions, if not billions, more will die prematurely in the coming years from the slow kill mechanisms of the shots working in tandem with microwave radiation, which powers the graphene oxide self-assembling programmable nanobots designed to wreak havoc on the body. We believe the “technology” behind this was demonically inspired. This evil technology will quite likely fulfill the following prophecy regarding the mark of the beast:
Revelation 16:1-2 And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels, Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth. And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image. |
The proposed borders of “Eretz Israel”. The U.S. Military will be used to help implement this plan because Zionists control the U.S. government.
With all of the overwhelming evidence to the contrary, you preachers out there who think that the “Jews” in today’s Israel or the “Jews” of New York City are the same race as those Judahites (true descendants of Judah) who, along with the other WHITE tribes, established the nation of Israel three millennia ago are flat out WRONG and God is going to hold you accountable (you shall receive “greater condemnation” per James 3:1) if you continue to believe this outrageous lie, and especially if you teach it to others. There are MANY preachers who have received huge financial benefit parroting the lies that “Jesus was a Jew” and that “The Jews are God’s chosen people.” WOE unto you for enriching yourselves by parroting lies:
James 3:1 My brethren, be not many masters, knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation.
Like the United States of America ancient Israel began as a nation mostly of white people, but it was later overcome by Edomite-Canaanites, from the kingdom of Idumea to the south. A Pharisee by the name of John Hyrcanus waged a military campaign against the Idumeans around 100 BC and made the fateful decision to require the men to get circumcised and convert to Pharisaism (the precursor to Judaism) or die. These Edomite immigrants later became known as “Jews” by virtue of their "conversion" and residency in Judea (a part of ancient Israel), and it was subsequently subjugated by them, just as the U.S. has been infiltrated, subjugated, perverted and “browned” in our day by the Trojan Horse tactics of Zionist “Jews” like Alejandro Mayorkis, Secretary of Homeland Security, and Antony Blinkin, Secretary of State, who have eliminated our southern border, allowing the INVASION of up to 30,000,000 potential Democrat-communists from nearly every other non-white nation on the planet. Around 70% of these people are military aged young men. Many of them are criminals who have been released from prisons in their respective countries and sent packing for the U.S., where they have a free reign to rape, pillage and plunder. Some of them belong to “cells” that will erupt into military action when given a signal. Mayorkis, a lying “Jew” if ever there was one, then stands before Congress and proclaims that “the border is secure”. These people lie with a straight face and have absolutely no shame. Mayorkis, Blinkin and Merrick Garland, using the Department of Justice as a weapon against Trump, are all “Ashkenazi” Asiatic “Jews”, with Canaanite-Edomite blood flowing in their veins, whose ancient ancestors were from Khazaria, NOT Judea. In 640 AD Khazaria was decreed by its king, Bulen to be a “Jewish” nation, with the Talmud as its “spiritual” guide.
The Khazarian neo-“Jewish” Empire which existed from around 500 to 1100 AD.
More than half of this territory is now in Ukraine.
More than half of this territory is now in Ukraine.
The Edomite-Canaanites who had infiltrated and corrupted ancient Israel mostly fled the middle east after the Romans sacked Jerusalem in 70 AD and some of their descendants later gravitated eastward to the budding neo-“Jewish” nation of Khazaria, subsequently intermixing with the Turkic Khazars and other Asiatic bloodlines in that region. The nation of Khazaria endured for approximately six centuries until it was overcome by the Rus (ancestors of Russians) from the North. It is worth noting that Ukraine contains about half of the region once known as Khazaria. Could it be that Khazarian-Ashkenazi “Jews” are attempting to regain this former "Jewish" national homeland by stealing it from the white Ukrainians – and using American money and war machinery to do it? Why is it, for example, that “Jews” are taking advantage of a bad situation and coming into Ukraine by the busload to buy up huge tracts of war torn land at pennies on the dollar? Could this be a long sought after “revenge” for the Rus (ancestors of modern Russians and Ukrainians) driving the "Jews" out of Khazaria a millennia ago? It is certainly worth pondering, since Ashkenazi-Khazarian “Jews” have always lived by the motto “Never forgive, never forget.” It appears that "Jewish" "messiah" Chabad leader Menachem M. Schneerson agreed with that sentiment:
As a result of the Rus’ invasion and decimation of Khazaria, from around 900 to 1200 AD many of the NEW “Jews” (this Ashkenazi mixed racial line) migrated northwestward to Eastern Europe, where they reinvented themselves as “the Lost Tribes of Israel”. This deception served them well, since Europe was largely Christian and took these lying phony “Jews” at their word. The Askhenazis mostly kept to themselves, preferring to live in ghettos rather than assimilating into the European nations they came to inhabit. It just wasn’t in their blood. This constitutes a key characteristic of the Ashkenazi “Jewish” bloodline: they do not assimilate. They infiltrate, subvert and dominate, just like their ancestors, the Canaanites, whose very name became synonymous in ancient times with “merchant”. The Canaanites of yesteryear as the Ashkenazi "Jews" of today disdained physical work and gravitated toward the mercantile trades, money lending, financial schemes, exaction of "fees" for anything possible, law and banking. By the late 1700s these so-called “Jews” controlled Europe with their usury, central banking and mercantile monopolies. It was also during this time that the East India Trading Company was formed, which was used to rape India of its wealth and resources. The same general phenomenon has occurred in the United States of America which has been impoverished by rapacious “Jewish” corporate behemoths colluding with “Jews” in government and stealing the wealth of working Americans. The investment firm goliaths like Blackrock, Blackstone and Vanguard are currently gobbling up entire neighborhoods of single family homes, even paying more than what the homes are worth. These houses will be turned into rentals, further exacerbating the enslavement of the”goy”. This is the last asset class available for plunder, the “Jews” having already absorbed most of the farmland and agribusiness corporations, the factories, commercial real estate, the tech sector, the media, mining, and everything else that can be consolidated and monopolized under their umbrella of financial control.
Revelation 2:9 I know they works, and tribulation, and poverty (but thou art rich) [this refers to God’s people, namely Christians] and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews (implying that they are descended from the tribe of Judah), and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
Revelation 3:9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before they feet, (before Christians) and to know that I have loved thee. (God loves HIS people, Christians)
Revelation 2:9 I know they works, and tribulation, and poverty (but thou art rich) [this refers to God’s people, namely Christians] and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews (implying that they are descended from the tribe of Judah), and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
Revelation 3:9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before they feet, (before Christians) and to know that I have loved thee. (God loves HIS people, Christians)
For a historical perspective of how the Ashkenazi “Jew” merchants monopolize and plunder, here is an excerpt from The Great Red Dragon, published in 1890. Bear in mind that the same financial rape and plunder strategy is being used today by Wall Street in collusion with the Zionist controlled U.S. government:
In the great Seven Years' War, continuing from 1757 to 1764, Great Britain dispossessed France of all her colonial possessions. In India, at the same time, through the genius and energy of Clive, the British East India Company laid the foundation of its imperial greatness. Historical authorities date the rise of the East India Company to imperial power at the victory of Plassy, 1757 A.D. In 1764, it was an empire exercising imperial sway in Bengal over a territory containing a population of forty millions, and yielding larger revenues than those of the Austrian empire, at that time the greatest European power. |
In 1764, the British East India Company was the grandest and richest corporation in the world. It was the only corporation which ruled a territorial empire. It was enriched by traffic, by the extension of its trade through the conquest of the trading stations of its Continental rivals and by the wholesale plunder of India. It had been from the first the best investment of capital to be found in the British Islands. Its stock was eagerly taken by all who had the means. The mercantile class took as much stock as they could afford; but, as we know, merchants usually have little more capital than they need for their regular business. The British Landed Aristocracy had large incomes from their estates; and being under a necessity of seeking the best investments, in order to portion their younger children, they made large investments in the East India Company.
But the great Capitalists of that age were the Jews. They were the money holders (as they are today – ed.) They subscribed largely to the stock; and as, in each generation, the stock of the Aristocracy was sold to portion younger children, the Jews, always economical, always full of money, and always in search of the best investments, bought the stock thrown upon the market. Thus it came to pass that the greater part of the stock of the East India Company, and of the other companies afterwards organized out of the dividends of that great company, fell into the hands of the Jews.
The Jews became the great Money Kings of the world. Under the impulse of Jew exactions, the career of the East India Company in India was a continued series of trickery, wrong, exaction, theft, robbery and murder. (reminds us of the Covid scam and "vaccine" mass poisoning - ed.)
In the Eighteenth Century, the Mogul empire was in the last stages of decay ; and the East India Company, in its dealings with the native states and Princes of India, constantly shifted its ground as expediency required, sometimes treating them as independent states, and sometimes, as dependencies of the Mogul empire. It hired its soldiers to one native prince, to enable him to conquer another: it sold its favours on every side; and when the opportunity came, it devoured the treasures and the territory of friends and foes alike. History presents no career of conquest, in which fraud, deceit and rapine were so blended as in the conquest of India by the East India Company.
It was the first example in the history of the world of a trading corporation becoming an imperial power; and its imperial rule was marked by the rapacity, chicane and fraud that characterizes a great corporation in the soulless and conscienceless pursuit of gain. From 1764, the East India Company had control of the grand trade between the Temperate zone and the Tropics. It continued its conquests in India until, in 1857, the date of the Sepoy mutiny, it ruled almost the whole peninsula. The Money Kings who controlled it, possessed an empire compared with which the possessions of the Phoenicians and Carthaginians, and all their predecessors were as nothing, and they attained a domination over industry and trade without a parallel in the annals of the world.
For a long time, the Money Kings raised opium, and indigo, and cotton, and rice and other India products, for their commerce, upon lands owned by Hindoos. They made their profit by putting down prices to the lowest point that would yield subsistence to the Hindoo laborer. They thus kept the Hindoo population on the verge of starvation; so that, during the last forty years, frequent famines have carried off millions of the population. We know from the Irish famines, that a modern famine is not a dearth of food, so much as the lack of means to buy bread. During one of the famines in Ireland, an American vessel entering the harbor of Cork with provisions sent by American charity to the starving Irish, met two vessels sailing out of the harbor laden with food sent from Ireland to a foreign market.
The millions of Hindoos who have perished of hunger, during the last forty years, were the victims of the Money Power putting down prices of labor, and putting up the price of commodities. (such as is happening in America now - ed.) Some Five Million Hindoos Died of Famine before they submitted. But the Money Kings triumphed; transplanted the Hindoos; and opened up grand plantations in the jungle.
They built railroads; founded cities; and now they own cities, railroads and plantations. They own in fee simple a vast empire in India,—an empire of alluvial lands, more extensive than the ancient empires of Nineveh and Babylon in the valleys of the Euphrates and the Tigris—far more extensive than the Egyptian empire in the valley of the Nile—larger than Greece and Macedon combined—wider in extent than Italy—a broader domain than the whole of Great Britain. They find it cheaper to own the land and hire peasants to cultivate it, than to buy the products of free Hindoo labor. And in that wide empire of alluvial lands owned by them in fee simple, extending from the sea to the Himalayas, and from the heart of India into Burmah, those capitalists are now producing opium, and rice, and indigo, and cotton and india rubber, and quinine, and spices, and tea, and cotton and wheat.
All Markets Crushed by India Products. And they throw all these products of a teeming soil and pauper labor upon the markets of the world, making immense profits, and forcing down the price of productions all over the earth to the pauper standard of Hindoo labor. They are now publishing in our papers that they can grow wheat so cheaply upon their jungle lands, that, in competition with them, our Western farmers can only be allowed, in future, fifty cents a bushel for their wheat! Will not Omnipotent Justice blast such wrongdoing ?
By the Competition of their Hindoo Plantations, tilled with Hindoo Ryot labor at five cents a day, they force down the price of Carolina rice and Southern cotton to the same level. Raising products upon their own lands with Hindoo pauper labor—shipping their products upon their own railroads into their own seaport cities—and transporting them in their own ships to their own warehouses in every country—these Money Kings are able to crush down the prices of productions in every country, and force the people of all countries to sell their products at any price they choose to offer.
An Important Fact is learned from the course of the Money Power in India. The Money Kings find it more profitable to own lands and till them with pauper labor, than to buy the products reared by the free natives of the soil. They regard the purchase of cheap lands a good investment. (such as the "Jews" are doing in Ukraine at this time - ed.) They will doubtless continue the purchase of India lands, until they own all the lands of India, and all property of every kind, and the Hindoos become serfs, cultivating their lands, and filling positions in various departments of their service. How can it be otherwise? Every department of industry in that country, except agriculture in part, is in their hands. They have in possession every source of profit. (as do the "Jews" in America - ed.) They and their agents realize all the profits that are made: nobody else makes more than a subsistence. The Money Power has India enveloped in its coils. It is only a question of time when the Serpent will complete the devouring of all its lands and all its property.
India is completely in the coils of the Money Power. The Monster killed five million Hindoos with Famine in order to compel them to become its serfs upon its plantations redeemed from the jungle. And now, under the control of industry in India by the Money Power, half a million Hindoos die of starvation, every year. It is said that, in the wars of Napoleon, waged during twenty years, all over Europe, and in Egypt and Syria, two million men perished. In a time of profound peace, the Money Power, in a single country, destroys as many lives every four years, as Napoleon destroyed in twenty years!"
The Great Red Dragon or London Money Power, L.B. Woolfolk, 1890
But the great Capitalists of that age were the Jews. They were the money holders (as they are today – ed.) They subscribed largely to the stock; and as, in each generation, the stock of the Aristocracy was sold to portion younger children, the Jews, always economical, always full of money, and always in search of the best investments, bought the stock thrown upon the market. Thus it came to pass that the greater part of the stock of the East India Company, and of the other companies afterwards organized out of the dividends of that great company, fell into the hands of the Jews.
The Jews became the great Money Kings of the world. Under the impulse of Jew exactions, the career of the East India Company in India was a continued series of trickery, wrong, exaction, theft, robbery and murder. (reminds us of the Covid scam and "vaccine" mass poisoning - ed.)
In the Eighteenth Century, the Mogul empire was in the last stages of decay ; and the East India Company, in its dealings with the native states and Princes of India, constantly shifted its ground as expediency required, sometimes treating them as independent states, and sometimes, as dependencies of the Mogul empire. It hired its soldiers to one native prince, to enable him to conquer another: it sold its favours on every side; and when the opportunity came, it devoured the treasures and the territory of friends and foes alike. History presents no career of conquest, in which fraud, deceit and rapine were so blended as in the conquest of India by the East India Company.
It was the first example in the history of the world of a trading corporation becoming an imperial power; and its imperial rule was marked by the rapacity, chicane and fraud that characterizes a great corporation in the soulless and conscienceless pursuit of gain. From 1764, the East India Company had control of the grand trade between the Temperate zone and the Tropics. It continued its conquests in India until, in 1857, the date of the Sepoy mutiny, it ruled almost the whole peninsula. The Money Kings who controlled it, possessed an empire compared with which the possessions of the Phoenicians and Carthaginians, and all their predecessors were as nothing, and they attained a domination over industry and trade without a parallel in the annals of the world.
For a long time, the Money Kings raised opium, and indigo, and cotton, and rice and other India products, for their commerce, upon lands owned by Hindoos. They made their profit by putting down prices to the lowest point that would yield subsistence to the Hindoo laborer. They thus kept the Hindoo population on the verge of starvation; so that, during the last forty years, frequent famines have carried off millions of the population. We know from the Irish famines, that a modern famine is not a dearth of food, so much as the lack of means to buy bread. During one of the famines in Ireland, an American vessel entering the harbor of Cork with provisions sent by American charity to the starving Irish, met two vessels sailing out of the harbor laden with food sent from Ireland to a foreign market.
The millions of Hindoos who have perished of hunger, during the last forty years, were the victims of the Money Power putting down prices of labor, and putting up the price of commodities. (such as is happening in America now - ed.) Some Five Million Hindoos Died of Famine before they submitted. But the Money Kings triumphed; transplanted the Hindoos; and opened up grand plantations in the jungle.
They built railroads; founded cities; and now they own cities, railroads and plantations. They own in fee simple a vast empire in India,—an empire of alluvial lands, more extensive than the ancient empires of Nineveh and Babylon in the valleys of the Euphrates and the Tigris—far more extensive than the Egyptian empire in the valley of the Nile—larger than Greece and Macedon combined—wider in extent than Italy—a broader domain than the whole of Great Britain. They find it cheaper to own the land and hire peasants to cultivate it, than to buy the products of free Hindoo labor. And in that wide empire of alluvial lands owned by them in fee simple, extending from the sea to the Himalayas, and from the heart of India into Burmah, those capitalists are now producing opium, and rice, and indigo, and cotton and india rubber, and quinine, and spices, and tea, and cotton and wheat.
All Markets Crushed by India Products. And they throw all these products of a teeming soil and pauper labor upon the markets of the world, making immense profits, and forcing down the price of productions all over the earth to the pauper standard of Hindoo labor. They are now publishing in our papers that they can grow wheat so cheaply upon their jungle lands, that, in competition with them, our Western farmers can only be allowed, in future, fifty cents a bushel for their wheat! Will not Omnipotent Justice blast such wrongdoing ?
By the Competition of their Hindoo Plantations, tilled with Hindoo Ryot labor at five cents a day, they force down the price of Carolina rice and Southern cotton to the same level. Raising products upon their own lands with Hindoo pauper labor—shipping their products upon their own railroads into their own seaport cities—and transporting them in their own ships to their own warehouses in every country—these Money Kings are able to crush down the prices of productions in every country, and force the people of all countries to sell their products at any price they choose to offer.
An Important Fact is learned from the course of the Money Power in India. The Money Kings find it more profitable to own lands and till them with pauper labor, than to buy the products reared by the free natives of the soil. They regard the purchase of cheap lands a good investment. (such as the "Jews" are doing in Ukraine at this time - ed.) They will doubtless continue the purchase of India lands, until they own all the lands of India, and all property of every kind, and the Hindoos become serfs, cultivating their lands, and filling positions in various departments of their service. How can it be otherwise? Every department of industry in that country, except agriculture in part, is in their hands. They have in possession every source of profit. (as do the "Jews" in America - ed.) They and their agents realize all the profits that are made: nobody else makes more than a subsistence. The Money Power has India enveloped in its coils. It is only a question of time when the Serpent will complete the devouring of all its lands and all its property.
India is completely in the coils of the Money Power. The Monster killed five million Hindoos with Famine in order to compel them to become its serfs upon its plantations redeemed from the jungle. And now, under the control of industry in India by the Money Power, half a million Hindoos die of starvation, every year. It is said that, in the wars of Napoleon, waged during twenty years, all over Europe, and in Egypt and Syria, two million men perished. In a time of profound peace, the Money Power, in a single country, destroys as many lives every four years, as Napoleon destroyed in twenty years!"
The Great Red Dragon or London Money Power, L.B. Woolfolk, 1890

woolfolk_the_great_red_dragon_or_the_london_money_power.pdf |
Khazarian Ashkenazi “Jews”, 1878
They can "pass" as white, but they are a mix of Asiatic Khazarians, Canaanite-Edomites and other races in varying proportions. |
We hope you took the time to read the paragraphs above from Woolfolk because they provide the kind of history you will never, ever get in any high school or college course or from any bestselling book purporting to tell the truth while ignoring the elephant in the room. This is because the REAL history of the world has been hidden from you by those who control the publishing houses and the media, the same breed of globalist gangsters who enslaved India with their rapacious, slave driving, murderous corporate monopoly. Notice also WHO owned most of the stock in the East India Company. It would appear that history is repeating itself here in America, which is fast becoming yet another slave colony of the “money kings”, a.k.a. globalist billionaire monopolists of this day. They mostly so happen to be the same cursed race as the “synagogue of Satan” Ashkenazi “Jews” who took over India in the 18th and 19th centuries.
If history teaches any lessons on this taboo subject it is that no matter how much wealth the “Jew” merchants can suck out of the host nation for themselves, they always want more and slavery is, without doubt, one of the most profitable money-making schemes of all. This is one reason why our white nations are being flooded with brown skinned immigrants, by the tens of millions. It is a rinse and repeat of the old East India Trading Company monopolization of the nation of India and the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan which called for the “browning” of Europe in order to create a slave class to be used by the "Jewish" merchants. A variation of that plan is being implemented here in America where a neo-feudalist slave state is emerging.
Wealth is inexorably flowing upward into the pockets of the 1% and particularly the .1 and .01%ers, a large percentage of whom just so happen to be Ashkenazi “Jews” who function as a unit through their secret societies, NGOs, kehillas, think tanks, banks and corporate monopolies. Middle class working people are slipping into poverty and the poor, always one paycheck away from disaster, are losing jobs and ending up on the street. When compared to the America of 50 years ago it is very sad. This is what the “Jew” "merchants" are doing to us. They are like a swarm of locusts devouring a field of crops. "Jews" are, as a whole and notwithstanding a few notable exceptions, a parasitic entity and an anathema to white nations.
Revelation 18:23-24 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived. And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.
Ashkenazi “Jews” in Joe Biden’s Cabinet at a percentage at least 20X higher than their
distribution in the general population. Many of them are "dual citizens" of Israel and the U.S. How
is this even allowed? Where is their allegiance? NOT to the nation they happen to infest.
distribution in the general population. Many of them are "dual citizens" of Israel and the U.S. How
is this even allowed? Where is their allegiance? NOT to the nation they happen to infest.
The waning U.S. may now be described as an Ashkenazi “Jewish” empire with a president and Congress controlled by Zionist so-called “Jews” who have infiltrated key positions in government and business. Klaus Schwab an Ashkenazi “Jew” who created the World Economic Forum, has actually bragged about “penetrating the cabinets” by placing his “Young Global Leaders” in key positions in all of the governments of the world. A short list of familiar names includes Bill and Hillary Clinton, Gavin Newsome, Pete Buttigieg, Nikki Haley, Chelsea Clinton, Lawrence Summers, Jeffrey Zients, Anderson Cooper, George Stephanopoulos, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Sergey Brin, Larry Page, Peter Thiel, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Justin Trudeau and Tony Blair. There are many, many more of these globalist rats working to gnaw away and undermine our national sovereignty. Thousands of treacherous traitors comprising the "deep state" are among them, and many of those were appointed by the communist crypto-"Jew" and homosexual Obama (whose mother was "Jewish").
Ashkenazi Jew Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum. In this interview he admits that his Young Global Leaders "
penetrate the national cabinets". There are MANY of them in high positions in the U.S. government, and other western nations, slowly but surely destroying our good traditions, our heritage and our race. |
Schwab received training and political underwriting from Henry Kissinger, another diabolical Ashkenazi “Jew” who worked relentlessly to destroy America so it could be blended into the “Jew” World Order. The mega lobby group AIPAC (America Israel Public Affairs Committee) through political “contributions” (bribes) assures that the “Jew” merchants always get exactly what they want – whether it be wars, bailouts of “too big to fail” “Jewish”-owned businesses, or a “pandemic” in which “they”, in particular, profit magnificently. AIPAC routinely bribes all important non-“Jewish” politicians. If a patriotic politician refuses the bribe AIPAC with its deep, bulging pockets will, at the very least, finance an opponent to force the anti-Zionist out of office.
Some politicians who are particularly troublesome to the Zionists end up dead, such as JFK who wanted to force AIPAC to register as a foreign agency under FARA (Foreign Agents Registration Act). Many politicians under the thumb of AIPAC have “skeletons in their closets” and will be exposed on “Jewish” media if they stray too far from Zionist objectives and narratives.
Perhaps you have seen or heard the term “Zionist Occupied Government” or ZOG for short. This is the power behind the ceaseless warmongering, empire building and financial rape of third world nations blamed upon the clueless American people. For those of you living in other countries who by “chance”, or divine intervention, came upon this post -- it is not the American people who are behind all of the bloodshed and economic rape of other nations perpetrated by the American military and corporations – though unfortunately many of our people go along with it for a paycheck. In other words, if America is involved in a war in Ukraine it is not average Americans who are the instigators of it. It is the “Jewish” neo-con money power and its “think tanks” (all think tanks are “Jewish”). This was this same power that stirred up the war in Iraq. Some of the chief instigators of that war are shown here, a preponderance of whom just so happen to be Ashkenazi “Jews”:
Perhaps you have seen or heard the term “Zionist Occupied Government” or ZOG for short. This is the power behind the ceaseless warmongering, empire building and financial rape of third world nations blamed upon the clueless American people. For those of you living in other countries who by “chance”, or divine intervention, came upon this post -- it is not the American people who are behind all of the bloodshed and economic rape of other nations perpetrated by the American military and corporations – though unfortunately many of our people go along with it for a paycheck. In other words, if America is involved in a war in Ukraine it is not average Americans who are the instigators of it. It is the “Jewish” neo-con money power and its “think tanks” (all think tanks are “Jewish”). This was this same power that stirred up the war in Iraq. Some of the chief instigators of that war are shown here, a preponderance of whom just so happen to be Ashkenazi “Jews”:
Because of the modern coup of Woolfolk’s “money power” average Americans have no say in government agenda because we no longer have a representative government as prescribed by the Constitution. We have a government crammed full of lying, conniving “Jews” who don’t care one bit what the American people want or need, but rather work in lockstep with the profit-driven “Jewish” controlled central bank, the “Jewish” corporate monopolies and the “neocon”, “Jewish”-controlled “military-industrial complex”. A large part of the problem is that these "Jews" can pass as white, which makes them invisible.
Many working Americans who love this country and hate seeing it go down the toilet are too busy trying to survive as their bank accounts are drained by inflation and their health is failing from “Jewish” poisons in the air, food, water, prescription medications and “vaccine” death shots courtesy of the merchants of death at Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson and Johnson and Astra-Zeneka, all financed and controlled by “Jews”. Most Americans have a hard time getting up off the couch out of earshot of the “Jewish” television “programming” much less are they planning to conquer the world. It is power hungry, greedy Ashkenazi Zionist “Jews” (a.k.a. the synagogue of Satan) who are in control of the wicked corporate-fascist system – period, end of story! One reason for the open border is to bring in people who will work cheap and drive down wages, displace Americans who have been used to a higher standard of living, and eventually replace us altogether so that America will become the world’s largest “banana republic” -- a huge slave colony with worker bees mostly housed in “fifteen minute” prison cities from which they cannot escape and must work for the very system that enslaves them. The history of India under the “Jews” behind the East India Trading Corporation enlightens us to the fact that the only thing that matters to these capitalist pigs is monopolization of any and all trade lines where there is profit to be extracted. It does not matter to “them” how many of the native people need to spend their lives in wage slavery, or worse lose their jobs, starve and die. We are dealing with a RACE that contains within its corpus a breed of psychopathic monsters, devoid of empathy or compassion, who are a turbo cancer on any nation they happen to infiltrate and infect.
Just look at Joe Biden’s presidential cabinet. It is stacked with a staggering 82% Jews, with dual citizenships in Israel and America. How is it that these “dual citizens” are even allowed to “serve” in government? Where is their loyalty? It doesn't take a genius to figure that out. This is a percentage that is 40+ times the percentage of Jews in the general population but Americans are totally unaware of these sneaky traitors steering our once sovereign nation toward globalization, fascism, one war after another and slavery under a totalitarian technocracy ruled by a satanic "elite". Has the media informed anyone of this? Of course not, because the mainstream media is also controlled by Ashkenazi Zionist “Jews”. ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox are all “Jewish” corporations. The giant internet companies such as Google, Facebook, Wikipedia, PayPal, YouTube and Linked In are also “Jewish” run and controlled and the “Jews” with their phony “fact checkers” and rigged internet search engine algorithms work ceaselessly to marginalize and bury the posts of bloggers who tell the TRUTH. Sometimes they go so far as to freeze online accounts or prohibit transactions of popular truth tellers. “They" are able to do this because most of the Internet money platforms are controlled by "Jews". They probably "shadow ban" this site, so do what you can to inform others about it. This is a spiritual war, and these are the tactics of a “race” that is quite literally in league with their father the devil because they are his procreation, whose purpose is ultimately to trick the world into worshiping Satan, in his role as the Antichrist, a word literally meaning “in place of Christ”. This has been prophesied and the world is well on the way to it:
Revelation 13:7-8 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
Just look at Joe Biden’s presidential cabinet. It is stacked with a staggering 82% Jews, with dual citizenships in Israel and America. How is it that these “dual citizens” are even allowed to “serve” in government? Where is their loyalty? It doesn't take a genius to figure that out. This is a percentage that is 40+ times the percentage of Jews in the general population but Americans are totally unaware of these sneaky traitors steering our once sovereign nation toward globalization, fascism, one war after another and slavery under a totalitarian technocracy ruled by a satanic "elite". Has the media informed anyone of this? Of course not, because the mainstream media is also controlled by Ashkenazi Zionist “Jews”. ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox are all “Jewish” corporations. The giant internet companies such as Google, Facebook, Wikipedia, PayPal, YouTube and Linked In are also “Jewish” run and controlled and the “Jews” with their phony “fact checkers” and rigged internet search engine algorithms work ceaselessly to marginalize and bury the posts of bloggers who tell the TRUTH. Sometimes they go so far as to freeze online accounts or prohibit transactions of popular truth tellers. “They" are able to do this because most of the Internet money platforms are controlled by "Jews". They probably "shadow ban" this site, so do what you can to inform others about it. This is a spiritual war, and these are the tactics of a “race” that is quite literally in league with their father the devil because they are his procreation, whose purpose is ultimately to trick the world into worshiping Satan, in his role as the Antichrist, a word literally meaning “in place of Christ”. This has been prophesied and the world is well on the way to it:
Revelation 13:7-8 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.

The only problem with this chart is that it refers to "Jews" as "Semites", which technically they are not. They are descended from Edomites, Amalakites, Hittites and other Canaanite tribes which later in history interbred with the Asiatic Khazars which by royal decree in 740 AD became known as "Jews". Thus
they call themselves "Jews" (implying descent from Judeans) and are not. Rev. 2:9 & 3:9.
they call themselves "Jews" (implying descent from Judeans) and are not. Rev. 2:9 & 3:9.
Consider the major candidates for U.S. president in 2024: all of them are financed and controlled by Zionist “Jews”. A vote for Trump, Biden (replaced by Harris as of 7-24-24) or Kennedy offers no real prospect of eradicating the “deep state” parasite from government, though we would allege that if you are going to vote, Trump is probably the lesser of the two evils (Kennedy being a “spoiler”) because he seems to love the American people and they, for the most part, love him. If all he accomplishes is to close the border that would be better than anything the democrats have to offer. Zionist “Jews” on the other hand have always secretly hated America, and hated its constitution and institutions established by whites, considering themselves to be a superior species of human. The “Jewish” elites have been pushing for totalitarian global government run by them ever since the Scribes and Pharisees formulated their anti-God, anti-Christ, anti-Bible “Tradition of the Elders” which subsequently became the Talmud of Judaism. At this time the “synagogue of Satan” has infiltrated all nations and looks forward to supremacy over the peoples of the planet, a dream that will be very short lived, because God will swiftly put an end to it.
Matthew 15:6b-9 Thus have ye (Jesus addressing the Edomite-Canaanite scribes and Pharisees) made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition. Ye hypocrites, well did Esaias prophesy of you, saying, This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. |
The major television networks are all “Jewish” owned and controlled and this is where the majority of older Americans and a lot of lower middle class and poor people receive their “news”. This “news” propaganda summarily ignores any reports that do not support Zionist narratives (agendas) such as the current genocide of Palestinians. Without the support of big “Jewish” money and media coverage the three major presidential candidates, Trump, Biden and to a lesser degree, Kennedy would get nowhere in politics. Have you ever heard of Vandana Shiva? He was the inventor of e-mail at the age of 15! Imagine that. He is apparently a very intelligent individual. He is younger than Biden, Trump and Kennedy. Shiva, who was born in India and came here as a boy, is nevertheless a free-spirited, assimilated American, and a presidential candidate who is utterly opposed to Zionism, and not afraid to say so. Thus you will NOT hear about him anywhere on “Jewish”-controlled media. However, you will hear a lot from Vivek Ramaswami or “Vivek the Snake” as Shiva calls him. Vivek is also Indian, but he is one of Schwab’s “Young Global Leaders” and he is from an upper caste in India, as opposed to Shiva, who came from a lower caste, and thus can fully relate to oppressed people here in America. Ramaswami is AIPAC graded, stamped and approved, in other words he is on board with Zionism, and so as a reward for his loyalty he is often allowed air time to express his views – none of which run against the prevailing “Jewish”-Zionist hot wind.
In the early 1960s President John F. Kennedy tried to force AIPAC, formerly known as the "American Zionist Council", to register as a foreign entity under FARA – the Foreign Agents Registration Act, but he was unsuccessful in reigning in the beast because “someone” murdered him before he could zap the AIPAC parasite. His death was blamed on a “lone gunman” by the name of Lee Harvey Oswald, who was subsequently killed by Jack Ruby (Rubenstein), a “Jew”. This assured that Oswald couldn’t reveal the names of his sponsors. What’s interesting is that bullets came at JFK’s body from various angles, so “someone” beyond the “lone gunman” wanted to make sure the job got done. “Revisionist” historians have uncovered that there were at least five assassins on the job in Dallas in November of 1963. We can be 100% sure that it was some entity or entities tied in with the “Jewish” Zionist power structure. Kennedy also wanted to abolish the CIA, which he called a “rogue agency” and fire the secret cross-dressing mulatto J. Edgar Hoover, head of the FBI, who used his agency as Merrick Garland has used the Justice Department against Trump – as a weapon against people he didn’t like, as much as to pursue actual criminals.
AIPAC is the most powerful lobby in Washington, routinely stuffing the pockets of traitorous politicians (almost all of them) who go along with everything desired by the billionaire Zionist “elite” while throwing a bone once in a while to the American people. Bribery is an "investment" that pays great dividends -- in other words, millions invested in political scumbags can return billions in special favors, concessions, contracts, approvals for dangerous products (such as Covid shots). Any politician who does not bow down to AIPAC and the “Jewish” Gestapo at the ADL (Anti Defamation League of B'nai B'rith) will not get selected – excuse us -- elected, to office. Candidates the Zionist “Jews” do not like will be opposed by a “Jewish” sponsored candidate who receives vastly more financial backing. The majority of contributions to the major political parties come from rich “Jews” – especially the Democrat-Communist party which is 70% financed by “Jews” and thus always has more of a war chest than the Republican Party. Why is this so? Because, per capita, “Jews” have more money than other races. This is an undeniable and long-standing fact. Go back up and re-read the Woolfolk quote regarding the stockholders of East India Trading Corporation. Moneyed “Jews” have been defrauding us “goyim” for a very long time, and we would assert that the bulk of “Jewish” wealth was accumulated through usury, financial fraud, political arm-twisting, deception, assassinations, proxy wars, mercantile consolidation and monopolization, etc. The .01%ers among them look forward to the day when they will possess all the wealth of the world and their Talmud and the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion justify that the means (no matter how wrong and unjustified to the "gentile" mind) justify the end. This is nothing new. Below we have a supporting quote from the “father of Zionism” Theodore Herzl, from over a century ago:
In the early 1960s President John F. Kennedy tried to force AIPAC, formerly known as the "American Zionist Council", to register as a foreign entity under FARA – the Foreign Agents Registration Act, but he was unsuccessful in reigning in the beast because “someone” murdered him before he could zap the AIPAC parasite. His death was blamed on a “lone gunman” by the name of Lee Harvey Oswald, who was subsequently killed by Jack Ruby (Rubenstein), a “Jew”. This assured that Oswald couldn’t reveal the names of his sponsors. What’s interesting is that bullets came at JFK’s body from various angles, so “someone” beyond the “lone gunman” wanted to make sure the job got done. “Revisionist” historians have uncovered that there were at least five assassins on the job in Dallas in November of 1963. We can be 100% sure that it was some entity or entities tied in with the “Jewish” Zionist power structure. Kennedy also wanted to abolish the CIA, which he called a “rogue agency” and fire the secret cross-dressing mulatto J. Edgar Hoover, head of the FBI, who used his agency as Merrick Garland has used the Justice Department against Trump – as a weapon against people he didn’t like, as much as to pursue actual criminals.
AIPAC is the most powerful lobby in Washington, routinely stuffing the pockets of traitorous politicians (almost all of them) who go along with everything desired by the billionaire Zionist “elite” while throwing a bone once in a while to the American people. Bribery is an "investment" that pays great dividends -- in other words, millions invested in political scumbags can return billions in special favors, concessions, contracts, approvals for dangerous products (such as Covid shots). Any politician who does not bow down to AIPAC and the “Jewish” Gestapo at the ADL (Anti Defamation League of B'nai B'rith) will not get selected – excuse us -- elected, to office. Candidates the Zionist “Jews” do not like will be opposed by a “Jewish” sponsored candidate who receives vastly more financial backing. The majority of contributions to the major political parties come from rich “Jews” – especially the Democrat-Communist party which is 70% financed by “Jews” and thus always has more of a war chest than the Republican Party. Why is this so? Because, per capita, “Jews” have more money than other races. This is an undeniable and long-standing fact. Go back up and re-read the Woolfolk quote regarding the stockholders of East India Trading Corporation. Moneyed “Jews” have been defrauding us “goyim” for a very long time, and we would assert that the bulk of “Jewish” wealth was accumulated through usury, financial fraud, political arm-twisting, deception, assassinations, proxy wars, mercantile consolidation and monopolization, etc. The .01%ers among them look forward to the day when they will possess all the wealth of the world and their Talmud and the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion justify that the means (no matter how wrong and unjustified to the "gentile" mind) justify the end. This is nothing new. Below we have a supporting quote from the “father of Zionism” Theodore Herzl, from over a century ago:
Victoria Nuland and her husband Robert Kagan, wealthy Ashkenazi-Khazar Jews
(photos from a decade+ ago). They are architects of war and big supporters of Israel’s
genocidal war against Palestine. John McCain (L), deceased, was and Lindsay Graham (R)
IS a career puppet doing service to “Jewish” Zionists in return for financial reward.
Graham has much to lose if his sexual proclivities were ever revealed so he is easily
kept on the Zionist leash. "Kagan" means king in the Khazarian language.
(photos from a decade+ ago). They are architects of war and big supporters of Israel’s
genocidal war against Palestine. John McCain (L), deceased, was and Lindsay Graham (R)
IS a career puppet doing service to “Jewish” Zionists in return for financial reward.
Graham has much to lose if his sexual proclivities were ever revealed so he is easily
kept on the Zionist leash. "Kagan" means king in the Khazarian language.
But … apologists may say, look at all of the beneficial businesses established by “Jews” that have helped to make America a great nation. To that we would reply that the “Jewish” approach to business has historically been for rich “Jews” to pool their wealth so as to establish giant monopolies (formerly termed “combinations”), and then to use their control to force commodity prices down in order to squeeze gentile firms out of business. The gentile businesses are then bankrupted, absorbed into the collective and prices are jacked back up again. This is what happened in India under its slavery to the East India Trading Corporation, and also in Europe in the 18th and 19th centuries, which is the reason so many white Europeans fled to America, which at the time was still not absorbed into the Zionist collective. In the 19th Century it was common knowledge that there was one supreme power in Europe, and that was the Rothschild (Ashkenazi-"Jewish") banking dynasty. By no means have they gone away. They are just as active today as investors in giant Wall Street firms, but maintaining a low profile. In “The Great Red Dragon”, L.B. Woolfolk documents how “Jewish” firms were slowly but surely gobbling up all lines of business in America in the late 19th century through their monopolization of trade, price manipulations and huge flow of investment capital through proxy banks from the City of London, center of power for the “Jewish” bankers in Europe. This was almost a century and a half ago! A century later we find that “Jewish” owned and run firms like Blackrock and its subsidiary iShares, Vanguard and State Street, J.P. Morgan, Goldman-Sachs, etc. have gained control of Wall Street and own controlling shares in almost all (if not all) of the “Fortune 500” corporations!
Historically, “Jews” worm their way into government and through nepotism bring other “Jews” and compliant minorities (minority “hires”) in with them so as to win special favors through government action, eventually achieving “fascism”, a tight collusion of big government with big business, which inadvertently works against small, independent businesses and working people. The final stage of the parasitic infection is communism in which the state owns everything and a certain small group of people (mostly "Jewish" oligarchs) own and control the state. Cuba is an illustration of this phenomenon. Fidel Castro, the chief architect of communism in Cuba was, you guessed it, an Ashkenazi “Jew”, who received support from Zionists in the United States. Incidentally, he is the biological father of Justin Trudeau, another communist. As we say, “It’s in the blood”.
Under a Zionist-fascist regime there is a “revolving door” between high government and high corporate positions. This keeps all of the money in the same hands and works extract even more wealth from the host nation by harassing small businesses and reducing the wages of working people relative to the value of the currency. Perfect examples of this tactic are the “Too Big To Fail” super-scams with trillions of dollars in government “bailouts” ONLY for “Jewish” Wall Street banks which SHOULD have been allowed to fail, as well as the “lockdowns” during the phony Covid “pandemic” in which small businesses were nagged with ridiculous “social distancing” and masking mandates, which caused many of them to close down, while so-called “essential” businesses (which of course were “Jewish” owned and controlled “big box” stores), were allowed to stay open – based upon bogus “science” pronouncing that it was somehow safer to shop in a big box store than smaller shops and restaurants. “Jewish” misinformation tool Dr. Anthony Fauci has recently admitted that the “social distancing” mandates were not in the least based on scientific evidence and were just a guess on how to deal with the “pandemic” problem. He knew this all along, and is just another lying “Jew”. As we have consistently maintained on this site there was NO “pandemic” and therefore there should have been NO totalitarian “response” tactics. Without doubt and in retrospect the nagging mandates were NOT to protect people from sickness, but rather they were a war waged by Zionists on “gentile” small businesses as well as being a communist-style demoralization agenda to weaken and confuse citizens. Some of these demoralized citizens are still, to this day, walking around in public with masks on! This is beyond stupid. It is psychosis induced by the psychological
During the Covid era a staggering one trillion dollars ($1000 billion) in wealth was extracted from the lower and middle classes of America and flowed into the pockets of the top 10%, and mostly the top .01% super wealthy, many of whom just so happen to be “Jewish” billionaire oligarchs. Their massive gains were predicated on the big LIE that there was a “pandemic” and the only response to it was a “vaccine”, another big lie. Nine NEW billionaires were minted in America alone, receiving steaming heaps of filthy lucre for their supporting roles in implementing the scamdemic agenda. One of the new multi-billionaires was Albert Bourla, the French CEO of the Pfizer Corporation. Bourla is also “Jewish” and has strong ties to Israel and Zionism. We think the world would truly be better off without “big pharma” which rakes in billions of dollars by selling their poisons to big government and then lobbying for mandates to force people to get injected with them so as to profit even more from ensuing sickness, where even more toxic drugs are needed to treat the symptoms of the sickness caused by big pharma in the first place! The deaths from the pharmaceutical poisons were conveniently blamed on “Covid” -- a flu-like illness which kills almost no one.
On the economic side, a rise in premature deaths reduces government expenditures for beneficiaries of programs such as Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. This "culling of the herd" helps keep the government afloat financially. Thus, "continuity of government" appears to be more important than life itself. It is horrific to think that a national government would do this to their own people, but there is no other logical explanation for it. The people behind this murderous agenda are devoid of a conscience, and are happy to kill the “Goy”, exactly as their Talmud prescribes:
During the Covid era a staggering one trillion dollars ($1000 billion) in wealth was extracted from the lower and middle classes of America and flowed into the pockets of the top 10%, and mostly the top .01% super wealthy, many of whom just so happen to be “Jewish” billionaire oligarchs. Their massive gains were predicated on the big LIE that there was a “pandemic” and the only response to it was a “vaccine”, another big lie. Nine NEW billionaires were minted in America alone, receiving steaming heaps of filthy lucre for their supporting roles in implementing the scamdemic agenda. One of the new multi-billionaires was Albert Bourla, the French CEO of the Pfizer Corporation. Bourla is also “Jewish” and has strong ties to Israel and Zionism. We think the world would truly be better off without “big pharma” which rakes in billions of dollars by selling their poisons to big government and then lobbying for mandates to force people to get injected with them so as to profit even more from ensuing sickness, where even more toxic drugs are needed to treat the symptoms of the sickness caused by big pharma in the first place! The deaths from the pharmaceutical poisons were conveniently blamed on “Covid” -- a flu-like illness which kills almost no one.
On the economic side, a rise in premature deaths reduces government expenditures for beneficiaries of programs such as Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. This "culling of the herd" helps keep the government afloat financially. Thus, "continuity of government" appears to be more important than life itself. It is horrific to think that a national government would do this to their own people, but there is no other logical explanation for it. The people behind this murderous agenda are devoid of a conscience, and are happy to kill the “Goy”, exactly as their Talmud prescribes:
Extermination of the Christians is a necessary sacrifice. Yalkut 245c
Tob shebbe goyyim harog - Even the best of the Goyim (Gentiles) should be killed. Zohar, Shemoth
It is appalling that millions have been hoodwinked into believing in a false religion called "Judeo-Christianity", an oxymoron if ever there was one. As we see from the quotes above Talmudic Judaism is diametrically opposed to biblical Christianity. Any pastor who preaches that "The Jews are God's chosen people" is lying -- whether it is intentional or not. It is time that these preachers get their heads out of the sand, wake up and realize WHO specifically is destroying western nations by changing the racial demographic and creating a mixed-race slave class to serve themselves.
Tob shebbe goyyim harog - Even the best of the Goyim (Gentiles) should be killed. Zohar, Shemoth
It is appalling that millions have been hoodwinked into believing in a false religion called "Judeo-Christianity", an oxymoron if ever there was one. As we see from the quotes above Talmudic Judaism is diametrically opposed to biblical Christianity. Any pastor who preaches that "The Jews are God's chosen people" is lying -- whether it is intentional or not. It is time that these preachers get their heads out of the sand, wake up and realize WHO specifically is destroying western nations by changing the racial demographic and creating a mixed-race slave class to serve themselves.
Bill Gates, crypto "Jew", Jeff Bezos, crypto "Jew", Mark Zuckerberg, "Jew", Elon Musk, crypto "Jew".
All of them are multi-billionaire oligarchs. "Jews" are the richest race on the planet.
All of them are multi-billionaire oligarchs. "Jews" are the richest race on the planet.

Bill Gates as a young man. He sure looks "Jewish"
Let’s go back over a hundred years and review the overarching “Jewish” plan for world domination laid out in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, a document that proves its authenticity daily by the very fact that every wicked scheme it advocates is taking place before our eyes:
Protocol V. #11: We must so direct the education of the GOYIM communities that whenever they come upon a matter requiring initiative they may drop their hands in despairing impotence. The strain which results from freedom of actions saps the forces when it meets with the freedom of another. From this collision arise grave moral shocks, disenchantments, failures. BY ALL THESE MEANS WE SHALL SO WEAR DOWN THE "GOYIM" THAT THEY WILL BE COMPELLED TO OFFER US INTERNATIONAL POWER OF A NATURE THAT BY ITS POSITION WILL ENABLE US WITHOUT ANY VIOLENCE GRADUALLY TO ABSORB ALL THE STATE FORCES OF THE WORLD AND TO FORM A SUPER-GOVERNMENT.
Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, 1905
Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, 1905
When boiled down to its essence, the “Jewish” Zionist way of doing “business” is to corrupt the “state” through bribery and the insertion of Zionist agents in key positions, such as Schwab’s “Young Global Leaders” and then to use the power of the captured state to expand “Jewish” business monopolies in any way possible, whether it be with war, depressions, recessions, bailouts, lockdowns or mandates to force consumption of poisonous “Jewish” “services” or products. The “Jews” also use “lawfare”, such as laws against “anti-Semitism” and "Holocaust denial" to intimidate and punish citizens who rightfully object to the obvious “Jewish” takeover of their nation. Zionist “Jews” wish to go “global” with this attack on humanity, eliminating national borders and combining all nations into one cancerous super-state. This is the biblical “beast” -- a global government controlled, of course, by “them” and used to steal the wealth of the world from everyone else, so that “you will have nothing and be happy” (W.E.F. mantra) but wealthy Zionist “Jews” will own everything and each “Jew” will have 2800 gentile slaves. This satanic “prophecy” is actually IN the Talmud! The plan includes herding everyone but high ranking Zionists into fifteen minute slave cities where they would be imprisoned in high rise rental unit cells with no ability to accumulate wealth, with their health and well-being entirely dependent upon the state, and its business monopolies, which they would be forced to work for. Thus, this race of serpents with satanic blood in their veins is slowly but surely creating hell on earth, which means “tribulation” for the "goy" and in particular, Christians.
Regarding current events, can you really blame today’s college students for protesting the mass slaughter of Palestinians? Unlike the vile Zionist warmongers these young people still have a conscience and they have seen the truth thanks to social media apps like TikTok, which may get banned in the U.S. because, according to Zionists, it allows the “Chi-Coms” to get into the heads of our youth and spy on America – as if that wasn’t happening already because Israeli spies are quite proficient at stealing American technology and military secrets and selling them to China. Israeli Mossad agents have been doing this for decades as well as colluding with China so it can replace the U.S. as the enforcement arm of the “Jewish” world government. The real problem with TikTok is that it is allowing too much truth to sneak past the gatekeepers of the “Jewish”-controlled propaganda machine.
On ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox et al we see “Jewish” students complaining that they don’t feel safe anymore. They say they agree with the principle of “free speech” but there must be limits put on speech because any speech that is hurtful to them must be eliminated. In other words, any speech that runs against “Jewish” think tank narratives must be eliminated. Thus, these “Jews” do not really believe in free speech. They believe in protecting themselves at the expense of everyone else’s freedom to speak the truth. Therefore, we expect that Zionist “Jews” will push and push for laws in America prohibiting any form of “anti-Semitism”, with fines, penalties and even jail time for expressing the truth about the Orwellian “Jewish” boot stomping on the West. These atrocious laws have already been put in place in many European countries, where engaging in “wrongspeak” can bring a prison term. For example: Ursula Haverbeck, a 95 year old woman in Germany was recently sentenced to prison for "Holocaust denial"!! E. Michael Jones, Catholic author of the book "The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and It Impact on World History" had this to say on that matter in a recent on-line interview:
There is no freedom of speech in Germany. Germany is the classic example of the people that internalize the commands of their oppressors. There’s no reason in the world why a 95 year old lady should be jailed for her opinions on a historical issue. This is a scandal. It discredits the entire German judicial system. Why don’t they understand that? And, I’m talking to the Germans, if you keep doing that … you are discrediting your own system. You’ve backed the wrong horse. The American empire is going down. You were conquered by the Americans who oppose this ruthless form of social engineering. It’s time to get rid of the Holocaust narrative. What’s happening now is you’ve got a situation where the younger generation are becoming fans of Hitler! … This is an example of basically the German students sticking their thumb in the eyes of their teachers because their teachers have succumbed to social engineering.
There is no freedom of speech in Germany. Germany is the classic example of the people that internalize the commands of their oppressors. There’s no reason in the world why a 95 year old lady should be jailed for her opinions on a historical issue. This is a scandal. It discredits the entire German judicial system. Why don’t they understand that? And, I’m talking to the Germans, if you keep doing that … you are discrediting your own system. You’ve backed the wrong horse. The American empire is going down. You were conquered by the Americans who oppose this ruthless form of social engineering. It’s time to get rid of the Holocaust narrative. What’s happening now is you’ve got a situation where the younger generation are becoming fans of Hitler! … This is an example of basically the German students sticking their thumb in the eyes of their teachers because their teachers have succumbed to social engineering.
Though we do not entirely agree with Jones' views, tainted by his Catholicism (because the Catholic church is severely corrupted by "Jewish" Talmudic infiltration) he is 100% correct in pointing a finger at the hidden enemy of humanity who goes so far as to JAIL an elderly person for telling the truth. World history is like a pendulum that swings back and forth from left to right. Cracks in the totalitarian Zionist facade are beginning to show. An enemy that engages in outrageous tactics, like sentencing an elderly woman to prison for denying a phony "Jewish" narrative, is by its own gross action causing an equal and opposite reaction, which is, as Jones says, "you've got a situation where the younger generation are becoming fans of Hitler." This is because Hitler (who himself was part "Jewish") made it known to the world exactly WHO the enemy is. This is precisely why he has been vilified non-stop for the past 80 years!
Moving a bit west, a man in England was recently thrown in jail for printing bumper stickers that said “It’s OK to be white” – more on that story later. Americans should vigorously oppose “hate speech” laws, because they constitute one of the chief underpinnings of outright communism -- a system where the government owns and controls everything and the "Jewish" oligarchy owns the government and if you protest that, you will be punished.
Moving a bit west, a man in England was recently thrown in jail for printing bumper stickers that said “It’s OK to be white” – more on that story later. Americans should vigorously oppose “hate speech” laws, because they constitute one of the chief underpinnings of outright communism -- a system where the government owns and controls everything and the "Jewish" oligarchy owns the government and if you protest that, you will be punished.
… ”Jews” exist all over the world although most people don´t know about them. It is well known that Jews spread across the whole world after AD 70 when Jerusalem fell to Titus the Roman General. People might not know it but you will find Jewish communities all across Asia, Europe and America and there is a wealth of information about them. They might look like Chinese, Indian and Persian people since they were mixed into the local population. But they still claim that they are ”Jewish”. It is said in Jewish prophecy that the Jews must work hard to make it possible for *Moschiach to arrive. If the Jews want to fulfill prophecy and rule all the nations across the world they must first take control over the nations. … So called “crypto-Jews” have existed all across Asia for thousands of years.
*Moschiach is the coming "Jewish" messiah. Christians may know him better as The Antichrist, spoken of in the following scripture:
Revelation 13:5-8 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
Revelation 13:16-18 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, (referring perhaps to the CBDC scheme, or some equivalent cashless monetary control slavery system) or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
Anyone who worships this Moschiach a.k.a. THE Antichrist is destined for HELL, period. This master deceiver comes FIRST and then Jesus Christ returns afterward. This is already a time of great deception, and it will only get worse until this wicked system, built by the devil's children, is destroyed.
Let’s be clear: ALL communist regimes in history have been ruled by “Jews”, and all of them had laws to punish “anti-Semitism”. For example, when the communists took over Russia in 1917, 90% of the top government positions were held by “Jews”. In America the percentage of “Jews” in government posts, many of them dual citizens of Israel and America, is already nearly that high. The main thing these infiltrators and their subservient shabbaz goy servants ask themselves when proposing legislation, or the next war, is “Is it good for the Jews”, or in the subservient “goyim” mind, “Will it win the approval of the Zionist “Jews” at AIPAC who are showering me with “donations” and making me rich? Will it keep them from exposing my perversions?” These bought and paid for traitors don’t give a damn about what the American people want and despite what they may say when stumping for votes, their actions prove their disloyalty to America. The Talmudic playbook for the subjugation of white nations, through the terrible power of the purse, has been honed to an art, over many centuries. Theodore Herzl, the “father of Zionism” had this to say a century ago regarding "Jewish" power:
*Moschiach is the coming "Jewish" messiah. Christians may know him better as The Antichrist, spoken of in the following scripture:
Revelation 13:5-8 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
Revelation 13:16-18 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, (referring perhaps to the CBDC scheme, or some equivalent cashless monetary control slavery system) or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
Anyone who worships this Moschiach a.k.a. THE Antichrist is destined for HELL, period. This master deceiver comes FIRST and then Jesus Christ returns afterward. This is already a time of great deception, and it will only get worse until this wicked system, built by the devil's children, is destroyed.
Let’s be clear: ALL communist regimes in history have been ruled by “Jews”, and all of them had laws to punish “anti-Semitism”. For example, when the communists took over Russia in 1917, 90% of the top government positions were held by “Jews”. In America the percentage of “Jews” in government posts, many of them dual citizens of Israel and America, is already nearly that high. The main thing these infiltrators and their subservient shabbaz goy servants ask themselves when proposing legislation, or the next war, is “Is it good for the Jews”, or in the subservient “goyim” mind, “Will it win the approval of the Zionist “Jews” at AIPAC who are showering me with “donations” and making me rich? Will it keep them from exposing my perversions?” These bought and paid for traitors don’t give a damn about what the American people want and despite what they may say when stumping for votes, their actions prove their disloyalty to America. The Talmudic playbook for the subjugation of white nations, through the terrible power of the purse, has been honed to an art, over many centuries. Theodore Herzl, the “father of Zionism” had this to say a century ago regarding "Jewish" power:
"When we sink, we become a revolutionary proletariat, the subordinate officers of all revolutionary parties: at the same time, when we rise, there rises also or terrible power of the purse". Theodore Herzl
"The purse" is the City of London Ashkenazi "Jewish" "money power" recognized by L.B. Woolfolk in his 1890 book "The Great Red Dragon" -- read the excerpt quoted above). |
If TikTok survives the onslaught of Zionist condemnation in America it will only be because it is subsumed under the umbrella of “Jewish” Zionist control. In other words, it will be bought out with “Jewish” money and the blessing of the Zionist controlled U.S. Government, and it will be used as a propaganda tool as are all of the other “Jewish” owned social media platforms. It will ban any videos that question “Jewish” supremacist Zionist narratives.
The reason TikTok and other smaller on-line venues have been embraced by young people is because they allow truth to seep through Zionist-fascist gatekeepers -- truth such as the wholesale slaughter of Palestinians by the Israeli army. Billionaire “Jews” control Fascistbook, Jew Tube, Joogle, and even Twitter (now X), which only cracks open a door to free speech. Ultimately, it will close that door and be no better than it was before, because billionaire Musk has had to bend a knee to the Zionist money power or else … He is, after all, a “Jew” and a front man for the “Jewish” money power, which has allowed him to accumulate his great wealth. He could just as easily be stripped of his wealth or meet with a freak accident.
Acts 9:17-18 And Ananias went his way, and entered into the house; and putting his hands on him said,
Brother Saul, the Lord, even Jesus, that appeared unto thee in the way as thou camest, hath sent me, that thou mightest receive thy sight, and be filled with the Holy Ghost. And immediately there fell from his eyes as it had been scales: and he received sight forthwith, and arose, and was baptized.
How can America fight against this parasite that is ravaging our once free republic? Would it make a difference if the 45 million “Christian” Zionists (a.k.a. Judeo-Christians) who do not read or understand their Bibles – especially the racial component of scripture -- could be snapped out of the satanic spell that has blinded them to the truth? It would indeed make a huge difference! If the scales would fall off of the eyes of their preachers and they would receive the spiritual revelation as to who and what is a “Jew”, and who is in the “synagogue of Satan” perhaps they could be proclaiming to their “flocks” that perverse, anti-Christ Zionist “Jews” are not our friends, they are in fact “chosen” by their father the devil, to do his dirty work and they are the number one ENEMY of America and have been from the very beginning. They are far worse than any external enemy. They are the enemy that works from the inside out, ravaging the body of our former republic, filling it with “intellectual” toxins and economic cancers and turning our erstwhile “One Nation Under God” into a modern day slave state with a moral temper no better than Sodom and Gomorrah. Furthermore, “Jews” are not “Semites”. White people are the true pure-blooded Semites because the word Semite is derived from the name Shem, who was one of Noah’s sons. Noah was a white man, as was Shem.” Jews” are a mixture of races, with a varying Edomite-Canaanite (cursed by God) component. Ham, another of Noah’s sons, had a son by incest (with his own mother, Noah's wife). That son was named Canaan. He was the forefather of the Canaanites whose descendants later became known as “Jews”.
Acts 9:17-18 And Ananias went his way, and entered into the house; and putting his hands on him said,
Brother Saul, the Lord, even Jesus, that appeared unto thee in the way as thou camest, hath sent me, that thou mightest receive thy sight, and be filled with the Holy Ghost. And immediately there fell from his eyes as it had been scales: and he received sight forthwith, and arose, and was baptized.
How can America fight against this parasite that is ravaging our once free republic? Would it make a difference if the 45 million “Christian” Zionists (a.k.a. Judeo-Christians) who do not read or understand their Bibles – especially the racial component of scripture -- could be snapped out of the satanic spell that has blinded them to the truth? It would indeed make a huge difference! If the scales would fall off of the eyes of their preachers and they would receive the spiritual revelation as to who and what is a “Jew”, and who is in the “synagogue of Satan” perhaps they could be proclaiming to their “flocks” that perverse, anti-Christ Zionist “Jews” are not our friends, they are in fact “chosen” by their father the devil, to do his dirty work and they are the number one ENEMY of America and have been from the very beginning. They are far worse than any external enemy. They are the enemy that works from the inside out, ravaging the body of our former republic, filling it with “intellectual” toxins and economic cancers and turning our erstwhile “One Nation Under God” into a modern day slave state with a moral temper no better than Sodom and Gomorrah. Furthermore, “Jews” are not “Semites”. White people are the true pure-blooded Semites because the word Semite is derived from the name Shem, who was one of Noah’s sons. Noah was a white man, as was Shem.” Jews” are a mixture of races, with a varying Edomite-Canaanite (cursed by God) component. Ham, another of Noah’s sons, had a son by incest (with his own mother, Noah's wife). That son was named Canaan. He was the forefather of the Canaanites whose descendants later became known as “Jews”.
I Thessalonians 2:14-15 For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which in Judaea are in Christ Jesus: for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews: Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men: (Are the Zionist "Jews" not contrary to all of the good Christian moral and constitutional principals upon which the U.S.A. was founded? Have they not always been so? Have they not always infiltrated, plotted and schemed to build a "state within a state" and to steer sovereign nations, particularly those founded by whites toward debt slavery, moral turpitude, globalization, totalitarianism and communism?)
Genesis 9:24-26 And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto him. (He "saw the nakedness" of his own mother, a euphemism for incest) And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren. And he said, Blessed be the LORD God of Shem (Shem, a white man, was the progenitor of the “Shemites”, shortened to “Semites”)
Noah, in Genesis 9:24-26 (above) is speaking for God, who curses Canaan, which means that Canaan’s offspring was also cursed -- all the way up the present era. This is because Canaan took his wife (or wives) from among the Cainites (a.k.a. Kenites), who were descendants of Cain, who himself was cursed because he was literally the son of Satan! Thus, there is an “alien” bloodline on planet Earth: a literal race of evildoers, scattered all over the planet, who are doubly cursed! If anyone wonders why someone like a George Soros or an anti-humanist like Noah Yuval Harari, or Anton LeVey, Ashkenazi “Jewish” author of the Satanic Bible, or Saul Alinsky, author of “Rules for Radicals”, who dedicated his book to Lucifer, is/was so evil, this is why. The brains of these people (the “aliens” among us) are literally wired for evil. They embrace evil (such as the philosophy of the Talmud, or the Protocols ... of Zion) as a person whose brain is in alignment with the Holy Spirit of God cleaves to the Bible. In other words, the "alien" loves evil, wallows in it and wants to lead YOU into soul-destroying evil. To be “cursed” means that there is no soul redemption for that species of human. These aliens are also known as “vessels of wrath” in scripture, slated for destruction under the coming righteous Kingdom of God:
Romans 9:20-21 Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus? Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour? What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction:
This short study illustrates what we mean by reading, studying and understanding what God’s Word is telling us. Scripture tells us, in the above verse and many others, that some humans are “vessels of wrath” destined because of their genetics to do evil, and thus they cannot be trusted and should not be allowed in positions of power or authority because they will invariably work against the nation they happen to infest – or if they are rich and powerful enough they naturally work toward the sickness, debasement and eradication of humanity itself! These creatures are anti-human, anti-God and anti-Christ. The Christian Byzantine Empire, of which little is known (because the history of it has largely been scrubbed by the vessels of wrath) managed to stay intact a staggering 1,000 years because there were three principles by which it was governed: Do not allow “Jews” in government, do not allow “Jews” in banking, do not allow “Jews” to be educators.
When a national government and powerful institutions become “Jew” infested, national decline is inevitable and all wealth flows into the coffers of the parasite. Why aren’t people aware of this? It’s very simple: “Jews” control the media, the propaganda, the “education” and the government itself. We’ve already named many of them. Research for yourself exactly who controls Google, Facebook, Wikipedia, You Tube, Linked In, the Department of Education, the major TV networks, the radio station monopolies, donates the bulk of money to higher learning institutions, owns and controls the enormous Wall Street investment firms, big pharma, big tech, big telecom, the agribusiness monopolies, etc. Believe what we are revealing, or don’t believe it if you prefer, but can YOU offer a more logical explanation as to why there is so much decay, corruption, wealth inequity, crime, homelessness and general decline in health, wealth and happiness in Western nations? This does not happen spontaneously. There has to be someone or something making it happen.
Genesis 9:24-26 And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto him. (He "saw the nakedness" of his own mother, a euphemism for incest) And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren. And he said, Blessed be the LORD God of Shem (Shem, a white man, was the progenitor of the “Shemites”, shortened to “Semites”)
Noah, in Genesis 9:24-26 (above) is speaking for God, who curses Canaan, which means that Canaan’s offspring was also cursed -- all the way up the present era. This is because Canaan took his wife (or wives) from among the Cainites (a.k.a. Kenites), who were descendants of Cain, who himself was cursed because he was literally the son of Satan! Thus, there is an “alien” bloodline on planet Earth: a literal race of evildoers, scattered all over the planet, who are doubly cursed! If anyone wonders why someone like a George Soros or an anti-humanist like Noah Yuval Harari, or Anton LeVey, Ashkenazi “Jewish” author of the Satanic Bible, or Saul Alinsky, author of “Rules for Radicals”, who dedicated his book to Lucifer, is/was so evil, this is why. The brains of these people (the “aliens” among us) are literally wired for evil. They embrace evil (such as the philosophy of the Talmud, or the Protocols ... of Zion) as a person whose brain is in alignment with the Holy Spirit of God cleaves to the Bible. In other words, the "alien" loves evil, wallows in it and wants to lead YOU into soul-destroying evil. To be “cursed” means that there is no soul redemption for that species of human. These aliens are also known as “vessels of wrath” in scripture, slated for destruction under the coming righteous Kingdom of God:
Romans 9:20-21 Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus? Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour? What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction:
This short study illustrates what we mean by reading, studying and understanding what God’s Word is telling us. Scripture tells us, in the above verse and many others, that some humans are “vessels of wrath” destined because of their genetics to do evil, and thus they cannot be trusted and should not be allowed in positions of power or authority because they will invariably work against the nation they happen to infest – or if they are rich and powerful enough they naturally work toward the sickness, debasement and eradication of humanity itself! These creatures are anti-human, anti-God and anti-Christ. The Christian Byzantine Empire, of which little is known (because the history of it has largely been scrubbed by the vessels of wrath) managed to stay intact a staggering 1,000 years because there were three principles by which it was governed: Do not allow “Jews” in government, do not allow “Jews” in banking, do not allow “Jews” to be educators.
When a national government and powerful institutions become “Jew” infested, national decline is inevitable and all wealth flows into the coffers of the parasite. Why aren’t people aware of this? It’s very simple: “Jews” control the media, the propaganda, the “education” and the government itself. We’ve already named many of them. Research for yourself exactly who controls Google, Facebook, Wikipedia, You Tube, Linked In, the Department of Education, the major TV networks, the radio station monopolies, donates the bulk of money to higher learning institutions, owns and controls the enormous Wall Street investment firms, big pharma, big tech, big telecom, the agribusiness monopolies, etc. Believe what we are revealing, or don’t believe it if you prefer, but can YOU offer a more logical explanation as to why there is so much decay, corruption, wealth inequity, crime, homelessness and general decline in health, wealth and happiness in Western nations? This does not happen spontaneously. There has to be someone or something making it happen.
Senator Jacob Javits, 1960s-70s D.NY (left) and Harold Wallace Rosenthal, his congressional aid, (right).
Because of Javits' service to Zionism a gargantuan civic center in NYC was named after him.
See essay on this site entitled "From the Horses Mouth" for all of Rosenthal's admissions
regarding the "Jewish" Zionist-satanic agenda for western nations, and America in particular.
Because of Javits' service to Zionism a gargantuan civic center in NYC was named after him.
See essay on this site entitled "From the Horses Mouth" for all of Rosenthal's admissions
regarding the "Jewish" Zionist-satanic agenda for western nations, and America in particular.
The United States of America began, ostensibly, as a Christian, constitutional republic and it has devolved into a corporate fascist monstrosity, often referred to as a "democracy", in which a small class of infiltrators is enriched by doing harm to others through the government and corporations which they now control. Wherever you find the most atrocious, mind-boggling evil you are almost sure to find synagogue of Satan “Jews” as the primary perpetrators and especially the financiers, because without the lubricant of MONEY the wheels of corruption would grind to a stop! This is not, by any means, to say that “Jews” are the only perpetrators of evil because there are plenty of conscious-less psychopaths, sellouts with dollar signs in their eyes and shameless, lying traitors among the “goyim”. Joe Biden is a perfect example of this. What we are saying, though, is that the “synagogue of Satan” serpent species of evildoer is nearly always on top of the schemes, behind the scenes, charting the course, pulling the strings and providing the financing.
“The work that they (Pfizer) do is to make money and kill people.” Michael Chossudovsky
“The work that they (Pfizer) do is to make money and kill people.” Michael Chossudovsky
Let us drill down into some examples of the evil that this species of predator-parasite is capable of. Prolific author and Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa, Michael Chossudovsky, in an interview on Lux Media’s Political Landscape podcast lays out the following details on the Pfizer “vaccine” for Covid. Chossudovsky studied and dissected two reports published by Pfizer. One was a 2-1/2 month study of the effects of the so-called “vaccine” and the other was a financial report. The financial report indicated a record profit of $100.3 billion dollars in 2022, and Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla confirms that it was the highest revenue in their history. He goes on to say “Our patients have a positive perception of Pfizer”. This statement underscores the insouciance of Bourla and the profit at all costs agenda of the corporation itself.
Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer, squirming, mumbling and lying regarding his decision not to take Pfizer's Covid shot - of course, because he knew it was a poison, but didn't mind having the vile concoction injected into billions of people, knowing that it could either kill them or cause serious health problems. Notice how flippant he is about this mass murder agenda and his exemption from it. This is the kind of satanic creature we are dealing with.
Pfizer’s own report indicates that from mid December 2020 to February, 2021 there was NO benefit from taking their “vaccine” and in fact the report unequivocably confirms MANSLAUGHTER. Chossudovsky states that despite the terrible results of the study they gave themselves the green light to continue manufacturing and selling the so-called “vaccine”.
What I can say about this second report is that it documents very carefully the mortality and morbidity related to the Pfizer vaccine. As I said, it’s an internal, confidential document … it’s all over the Internet but what it demonstrates over that period of mid December to the end of February, 2021, unequivocably it confirms manslaughter. Now, when I say it confirms manslaughter that means homicide – involuntary homicide. But the moment Pfizer decides to launch, to continue with this vaccine after March 1, 2021, then it becomes an act of MURDER. And that’s what they did. They had this particular study that they conducted. They classified all the adverse events. The mortality is very, very detailed. And if you look at that report, which in effect provides a very limited perspective on the impacts of the vaccine because most of the impacts, depending on the age group, will come six or nine months later or even several years later. … The report indicated that if you continue to market this “vaccine” you’re KILLING PEOPLE.
What is the logic, Chossodovsky rhetorically asks – “the logic is MONEY”. He answers “Money is fed by mortality.”
Michel Chossudovsky, Professor of Economics (emeritus) at the University of Ottawa, Founder and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), Montreal, Editor of Global Research. He has served as economic adviser to governments of developing countries and has acted as a consultant for several international organizations. He is a contributor to the Encyclopaedia Britannica. He can be reached at, see also
The inescapable conclusion Chossoduvsky arrives at is that Pfizer’s record profits were based on millions of acts of HOMICIDE, all over the world, and the Pfizer study was only for three months! The “vaccine” poison is often a “slow kill”, and death may occur six months, or even a few years later, thus providing Pfizer with “plausible deniability” for even more disease and death. IF the “Jewish” CEO, Albert Bourla and the board of directors, chief scientists (like Tal Zaks, “Jew”) and others involved in development of the poison and all of the other “Jews” in pivotal positions at the FDA and elsewhere regarding the deployment of this weapon against humanity, had one shred of conscience this poison would have been withdrawn from the market as soon as it was known to be KILLING people. Thus, to state it bluntly: millions of people had to DIE in order for Pfizer and all of the other chief players and investors in the scamdemic to rake in millions and billions of dollars in blood money. Topping it off, there was the application of FEAR in order to convince gullible people to take the shot:
In 2018 and 2019 a very bizarre thing happened. The U.S. Government reclaimed the patent from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill and the Department of Health and Human Services at the National Insitute of Health. [They] took that UNC Chapel Hill patent for infectious replication deficient Coronavirus and reclaimed title and interest to it. They changed the definition of an “adverse event” following vaccination in 2018 and 2019 so that legally there was no “adverse event”. If you got the shot and fell over dead that was not (considered) an adverse event. They said on September 18th, 2019 that by September 20 of 2020 the world would accept the universal vaccine. They said there was going to be an accidental or deliberate release of a lethal respiratory pathogen. They knew it was deadly. They knew it was going to kill people. The motivation was: we have a commercially interested group of sociopaths who want to make money while killing people. That’s the bottom line. This is when it stops being fun. This is when it gets hard. This is the Valley Forge. We’ve got a long campaign in front of us. What I would highly advise: get used to using cash, and make sure you have a lot of it on hand. And where do we go after this? Start depositing good will all over the place. … The only way the globalists win is if you give in to fear. … So don’t worry. They can’t take what you don’t give them. So don’t give them anything. We the people can say NO!
Dr. David Martin, founder of MCam, Greg Reese show, from InfoWars, 6-24, see
It is appalling that national governments shelled out billions of dollars to Pfizer to purchase enough doses to “vaccinate” (poison) every person on the planet at least twice!! The uptake worldwide of at least one dose was around 70% according to Professor Chossoduvsky. It would appear from that statistic that as many as 4.9 billion people had at least one shot. In a communist country, like Cuba, every citizen was forced to take the death shot. We will vouch that in the United States "vaccination" for Covid was promoted vigorously and continuously on all major media, along with relentless fear mongering regarding the phony “pandemic”. Those who could not fathom that the government or media would ever lie in order to coerce them into a chemical minefield succumbed to the propaganda in droves and dutifully took the shot as well as donning the face diaper and chiding others for not doing so. Some of them are STILL wearing masks to this day (mid-year 2024)! Apparently they are frozen in fear having been traumatized by the likes of criminal psychopaths like Fauci, Wallenski, Burks, Biden, the “elite” Hollywood death peddlers and six-figure media puppet dis-information agents who read scripts, dispensing corporate-fascist propaganda for their bloated, undeserved salaries.
Let’s be clear. This is not a vaccine. Vaccines will keep you from getting a disease. Whatever this shit is causes heart problems, cancer, and actually allows the virus to spread easily through the population. I know people who never had any health problems starting to develop all kinds of blood flow problems especially in their legs. This is a death shot plain and simple. I have relatives who have taken it, so it is really hard to tell them that. Most doctors won’t tell the truth about it. They are afraid to lose their medical license. Comment from Rumble in response to video on Pfizer whistleblower, 6-24
Luke 21:25-27 (Jesus Christ prophesying on our era) And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.
One reason men’s hearts are failing is that they succumbed to the fear mongering and propaganda of the synagogue of Satan and its fear-mongering minions and took the jab. The too-trusting and the fearful fell for the murderous scam for an array of reasons. They did it to protect themselves from the Covid boogeyman. They did it because propagandists like CFR Director Rochelle Walensky (Jewish) and Anthony Fauci (crypto Jew), and Joe Biden (puppet of “Jews”) laid on their heavy guilt trips, implying that it was a DUTY of good Americans to take the shot so as not to kill their elderly grandmother or their co-workers. If the guilt trips didn’t achieve compliance, people submitted to the poison because they would literally lose their job if they didn’t take it!
The latter of these reasons is especially onerous because on the one hand the Pfizer death cult was raking in record profits while classes of people from government officials, to hospital administrators to medical doctors, to Joe Workingman down in the trenches had to decide whether to go along with the scam, or else lose a job and not be able to pay their mortgage or even in a worst case scenario not be able to afford food for their family. Many of the people who submitted to the mandates, the fear, the peer and family pressure or guilt trips are now DEAD. If they are still alive their lives may be shortened or their health or mental soundness may be adversely affected unless they were fortunate enough to have received an injection from a weak batch, and/or decided after the first shot not to have any more. The “boosters” seem to have been even more toxic. Surely everyone reading this knows of someone who suspiciously met their demise shortly after taking the shot or even more so, the booster.
The horror stories are all over the Internet of people who succumbed to myocarditis, blood clots, heart attacks, neurological problems, facial paralysis, cancer, and a host of other medical conditions from the "vaccine" poison. There are heart wrenching stories, such as one about a quadruple amputee whose limbs had turned black because of the shots. So that we may compare and contrast, the buffoonish CEO at Pfizer, Albert Bourla is a billionaire because of the sickness and death of millions! A “vessel of wrath” such as this, a Zionist “Jew” alien and adherent of the satanic Talmud is devoid of a human conscience and therefore has no problem killing the “goyim” for profit. In fact, the Talmud provides ample “justification” for mass murder of non-Jews, and this seems to dovetail with the fact that “Jews” were to be found at all critical junctures in the Covid scamdemic. Again, for your convenience, here are some passages from that unholy tome:
Even the best of the Goyim should be killed. Soferim 15, Rule 10
If a Jew murders a goy there will be no death penalty. Sanhedrin 57a
When it comes to a Gentile in peace times, one may harm him indirectly, for instance, by removing a ladder after he had fallen into a crevice. Shulkan Arukh, Yoreh De ‘ah, 158, Hebrew Edition only
Those employers who forced their employees to submit to the injection were an accessory to the sickness and mass murder agenda. Do they feel any guilt or remorse for this? Did it ever occur to them in the midst of the “pandemic” psy-op that they could be killing people by forcing them to take the shot – or were they willfully ignorant because of the relentless fear mongering and the looming shadow of the Covid grim reaper? Is it that they were just greedy? What about the reprobate doctors who got bonuses for dispensing the poison? Did they not swear to the Hippocratic Oath, which is to do no harm to others? In looking back it is remarkable to think that such an evil agenda could be coordinated and implemented worldwide, but unfortunately this is the kind of world we live in -- one that is ruled by a serpent race spawned by "their father the devil".
What I can say about this second report is that it documents very carefully the mortality and morbidity related to the Pfizer vaccine. As I said, it’s an internal, confidential document … it’s all over the Internet but what it demonstrates over that period of mid December to the end of February, 2021, unequivocably it confirms manslaughter. Now, when I say it confirms manslaughter that means homicide – involuntary homicide. But the moment Pfizer decides to launch, to continue with this vaccine after March 1, 2021, then it becomes an act of MURDER. And that’s what they did. They had this particular study that they conducted. They classified all the adverse events. The mortality is very, very detailed. And if you look at that report, which in effect provides a very limited perspective on the impacts of the vaccine because most of the impacts, depending on the age group, will come six or nine months later or even several years later. … The report indicated that if you continue to market this “vaccine” you’re KILLING PEOPLE.
What is the logic, Chossodovsky rhetorically asks – “the logic is MONEY”. He answers “Money is fed by mortality.”
Michel Chossudovsky, Professor of Economics (emeritus) at the University of Ottawa, Founder and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), Montreal, Editor of Global Research. He has served as economic adviser to governments of developing countries and has acted as a consultant for several international organizations. He is a contributor to the Encyclopaedia Britannica. He can be reached at, see also
The inescapable conclusion Chossoduvsky arrives at is that Pfizer’s record profits were based on millions of acts of HOMICIDE, all over the world, and the Pfizer study was only for three months! The “vaccine” poison is often a “slow kill”, and death may occur six months, or even a few years later, thus providing Pfizer with “plausible deniability” for even more disease and death. IF the “Jewish” CEO, Albert Bourla and the board of directors, chief scientists (like Tal Zaks, “Jew”) and others involved in development of the poison and all of the other “Jews” in pivotal positions at the FDA and elsewhere regarding the deployment of this weapon against humanity, had one shred of conscience this poison would have been withdrawn from the market as soon as it was known to be KILLING people. Thus, to state it bluntly: millions of people had to DIE in order for Pfizer and all of the other chief players and investors in the scamdemic to rake in millions and billions of dollars in blood money. Topping it off, there was the application of FEAR in order to convince gullible people to take the shot:
In 2018 and 2019 a very bizarre thing happened. The U.S. Government reclaimed the patent from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill and the Department of Health and Human Services at the National Insitute of Health. [They] took that UNC Chapel Hill patent for infectious replication deficient Coronavirus and reclaimed title and interest to it. They changed the definition of an “adverse event” following vaccination in 2018 and 2019 so that legally there was no “adverse event”. If you got the shot and fell over dead that was not (considered) an adverse event. They said on September 18th, 2019 that by September 20 of 2020 the world would accept the universal vaccine. They said there was going to be an accidental or deliberate release of a lethal respiratory pathogen. They knew it was deadly. They knew it was going to kill people. The motivation was: we have a commercially interested group of sociopaths who want to make money while killing people. That’s the bottom line. This is when it stops being fun. This is when it gets hard. This is the Valley Forge. We’ve got a long campaign in front of us. What I would highly advise: get used to using cash, and make sure you have a lot of it on hand. And where do we go after this? Start depositing good will all over the place. … The only way the globalists win is if you give in to fear. … So don’t worry. They can’t take what you don’t give them. So don’t give them anything. We the people can say NO!
Dr. David Martin, founder of MCam, Greg Reese show, from InfoWars, 6-24, see
It is appalling that national governments shelled out billions of dollars to Pfizer to purchase enough doses to “vaccinate” (poison) every person on the planet at least twice!! The uptake worldwide of at least one dose was around 70% according to Professor Chossoduvsky. It would appear from that statistic that as many as 4.9 billion people had at least one shot. In a communist country, like Cuba, every citizen was forced to take the death shot. We will vouch that in the United States "vaccination" for Covid was promoted vigorously and continuously on all major media, along with relentless fear mongering regarding the phony “pandemic”. Those who could not fathom that the government or media would ever lie in order to coerce them into a chemical minefield succumbed to the propaganda in droves and dutifully took the shot as well as donning the face diaper and chiding others for not doing so. Some of them are STILL wearing masks to this day (mid-year 2024)! Apparently they are frozen in fear having been traumatized by the likes of criminal psychopaths like Fauci, Wallenski, Burks, Biden, the “elite” Hollywood death peddlers and six-figure media puppet dis-information agents who read scripts, dispensing corporate-fascist propaganda for their bloated, undeserved salaries.
Let’s be clear. This is not a vaccine. Vaccines will keep you from getting a disease. Whatever this shit is causes heart problems, cancer, and actually allows the virus to spread easily through the population. I know people who never had any health problems starting to develop all kinds of blood flow problems especially in their legs. This is a death shot plain and simple. I have relatives who have taken it, so it is really hard to tell them that. Most doctors won’t tell the truth about it. They are afraid to lose their medical license. Comment from Rumble in response to video on Pfizer whistleblower, 6-24
Luke 21:25-27 (Jesus Christ prophesying on our era) And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.
One reason men’s hearts are failing is that they succumbed to the fear mongering and propaganda of the synagogue of Satan and its fear-mongering minions and took the jab. The too-trusting and the fearful fell for the murderous scam for an array of reasons. They did it to protect themselves from the Covid boogeyman. They did it because propagandists like CFR Director Rochelle Walensky (Jewish) and Anthony Fauci (crypto Jew), and Joe Biden (puppet of “Jews”) laid on their heavy guilt trips, implying that it was a DUTY of good Americans to take the shot so as not to kill their elderly grandmother or their co-workers. If the guilt trips didn’t achieve compliance, people submitted to the poison because they would literally lose their job if they didn’t take it!
The latter of these reasons is especially onerous because on the one hand the Pfizer death cult was raking in record profits while classes of people from government officials, to hospital administrators to medical doctors, to Joe Workingman down in the trenches had to decide whether to go along with the scam, or else lose a job and not be able to pay their mortgage or even in a worst case scenario not be able to afford food for their family. Many of the people who submitted to the mandates, the fear, the peer and family pressure or guilt trips are now DEAD. If they are still alive their lives may be shortened or their health or mental soundness may be adversely affected unless they were fortunate enough to have received an injection from a weak batch, and/or decided after the first shot not to have any more. The “boosters” seem to have been even more toxic. Surely everyone reading this knows of someone who suspiciously met their demise shortly after taking the shot or even more so, the booster.
The horror stories are all over the Internet of people who succumbed to myocarditis, blood clots, heart attacks, neurological problems, facial paralysis, cancer, and a host of other medical conditions from the "vaccine" poison. There are heart wrenching stories, such as one about a quadruple amputee whose limbs had turned black because of the shots. So that we may compare and contrast, the buffoonish CEO at Pfizer, Albert Bourla is a billionaire because of the sickness and death of millions! A “vessel of wrath” such as this, a Zionist “Jew” alien and adherent of the satanic Talmud is devoid of a human conscience and therefore has no problem killing the “goyim” for profit. In fact, the Talmud provides ample “justification” for mass murder of non-Jews, and this seems to dovetail with the fact that “Jews” were to be found at all critical junctures in the Covid scamdemic. Again, for your convenience, here are some passages from that unholy tome:
Even the best of the Goyim should be killed. Soferim 15, Rule 10
If a Jew murders a goy there will be no death penalty. Sanhedrin 57a
When it comes to a Gentile in peace times, one may harm him indirectly, for instance, by removing a ladder after he had fallen into a crevice. Shulkan Arukh, Yoreh De ‘ah, 158, Hebrew Edition only
Those employers who forced their employees to submit to the injection were an accessory to the sickness and mass murder agenda. Do they feel any guilt or remorse for this? Did it ever occur to them in the midst of the “pandemic” psy-op that they could be killing people by forcing them to take the shot – or were they willfully ignorant because of the relentless fear mongering and the looming shadow of the Covid grim reaper? Is it that they were just greedy? What about the reprobate doctors who got bonuses for dispensing the poison? Did they not swear to the Hippocratic Oath, which is to do no harm to others? In looking back it is remarkable to think that such an evil agenda could be coordinated and implemented worldwide, but unfortunately this is the kind of world we live in -- one that is ruled by a serpent race spawned by "their father the devil".
Jewish agents in the Covid mass murder for profit war against humanity
Peter McCullough, an admirable doctor who was at the top of his profession in 2019 at the beginning of the “pandemic” gave an excellent testimony in a church regarding his experience during the height of the Covid madness. This good doctor was stripped of his medical license and all of his credentials, without, in most cases, being given any reason at all. He speaks of how he received termination notices from doctors who were formerly his friends, even classmates in medical school, and how they could not look him in the eye, and would hang their heads low while doing it, appearing to be overcome with a satanic spirit of fear while handing him his termination papers. He, on the other hand, describes how he would go from event to event to tell the truth about Covid and how it should be treated. He would pray before each speaking engagement and the Holy Spirit of God would speak for him. McCullough believes there was a satanic agenda to strip him of his medical license and honors because he had done what any good doctor should do, if at all possible: he developed a successful protocol for treating Covid, flu-like symptoms which proved to be a viable alternative to the “vaccine” poison, which of course means that no “vaccine” would have been necessary at all. This benign treatment apparently offended the consortium of murderous evildoers who wanted sickness and death so they could make tons of filthy lucre.
McCullough was deemed guilty of spreading “misinformation”, as were other good doctors such as Mercola, Madej, Tenpenny, Merrit, Cahill, Ardis, Coleman, Ruby, some of whom were among the “disinformation dozen” according to “Jewish” controlled mainstream and social media. You know that a tyranny has taken hold when someone is telling the TRUTH out of the goodness of their heart, and it is deemed “misinformation”. The adversary fought hard against the good doctors who were attempting to warn people NOT to take the death shot. If you go online and search "Disinformation Dozen" the screen will be loaded with sites that tow the establishment line, proclaiming that the truth-tellers were not to be trusted and that they were hampering efforts to deal with the "pandemic". One such site was the "Center for Countering Digital Hate" (CCDH). Clearly, this reprehensible bully group is the brainchild of some "synagogue of Satan" "vessels of wrath" because only their species could deem it "HATE" when good people are telling the TRUTH.
McCullough was deemed guilty of spreading “misinformation”, as were other good doctors such as Mercola, Madej, Tenpenny, Merrit, Cahill, Ardis, Coleman, Ruby, some of whom were among the “disinformation dozen” according to “Jewish” controlled mainstream and social media. You know that a tyranny has taken hold when someone is telling the TRUTH out of the goodness of their heart, and it is deemed “misinformation”. The adversary fought hard against the good doctors who were attempting to warn people NOT to take the death shot. If you go online and search "Disinformation Dozen" the screen will be loaded with sites that tow the establishment line, proclaiming that the truth-tellers were not to be trusted and that they were hampering efforts to deal with the "pandemic". One such site was the "Center for Countering Digital Hate" (CCDH). Clearly, this reprehensible bully group is the brainchild of some "synagogue of Satan" "vessels of wrath" because only their species could deem it "HATE" when good people are telling the TRUTH.

the_center_for_countering_digital_hate_--_disinformation_dozen.pdf |
Micah 2:1 Woe to them that devise iniquity, and work evil upon their beds! when the morning is light, they practise it, because it is in the power of their hand.
It is refreshing to know that vile creatures, such as the ones at the CCDH, SHALL be held to account when they come before God to be judged for the misery they have caused in this short life - to be accessories to a despicable and diabolical money-making scheme to defraud people of their health, wealth and happiness and then, with blustering "hutzpah", to accuse good, God-fearing people of "hate" when they attempt to fight against the evil:
Romans 9:21-22 Hath not the potter (God) power over the clay, (His creation) of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour? What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction ...
Doctor McCullough justifiably concludes that something this big had to have been directed by Satan. We would agree with this, but would add that Satan does his dirty work through his human agents and those primary agents happen to be the synagogue of Satan, who are his procreation -- those who call themselves “Jews” and are not (because they are not descended from the tribe of Judah). These wicked creatures had their fingerprints all over this mass poisoning. If any of THEM were seen taking a shot, you can be sure it was a placebo. Study the lists we have provided throughout this post for confirmation of their involvement. At every critical juncture, it would seem, there was a “Jew” in charge. Those “gentile” doctors who went along were overcome by a satanic spirit of fear, and according to McCullough, had taken the “vaccine” themselves and were recommending it to their patients, many of whom died because of their doctor’s inability to discern the TRUTH!
Isaiah 5:20-21 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!
Some of these “vaccine” pushing doctors DIED for kowtowing to EVIL. Some of the "lucky" ones made a lot of money in kickbacks from big pharma. How can these doctors sleep at night knowing that they were injecting poison into their patients' veins? At the same time, many young healthy athletes were dying suddenly. During the testimony McCullough makes the observation that when these young people died there was never any mention on mainstream media of HOW they died, and especially of the fact that they died soon after taking the injection. Their sudden death was expected (by the media whores) to be accepted as normal – something that happens every day. Obviously, to anyone with a shred of common sense, this is a LIE. Covering up the cause of death or blaming it on “Covid” was an essential part of the scam because IF people had been informed by media that they could DIE from taking the poison, they would not have done so. When the media, corporations and government agencies all work in “lockstep” to promote an agenda that is injurious to human health, you can be sure that criminal totalitarianism is flexing its muscles. Since Zionist “Jews” are the ONLY group that has admitted to, and published confirmation that they desire to destroy all sovereign nations and establish a global government, and according to spokesman Klaus Schwab, have placed their agents into key positions in all national governments, it is obvious that they were the primary movers and shakers behind this global war against humanity. No other racial group could have done it.
It is refreshing to know that vile creatures, such as the ones at the CCDH, SHALL be held to account when they come before God to be judged for the misery they have caused in this short life - to be accessories to a despicable and diabolical money-making scheme to defraud people of their health, wealth and happiness and then, with blustering "hutzpah", to accuse good, God-fearing people of "hate" when they attempt to fight against the evil:
Romans 9:21-22 Hath not the potter (God) power over the clay, (His creation) of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour? What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction ...
Doctor McCullough justifiably concludes that something this big had to have been directed by Satan. We would agree with this, but would add that Satan does his dirty work through his human agents and those primary agents happen to be the synagogue of Satan, who are his procreation -- those who call themselves “Jews” and are not (because they are not descended from the tribe of Judah). These wicked creatures had their fingerprints all over this mass poisoning. If any of THEM were seen taking a shot, you can be sure it was a placebo. Study the lists we have provided throughout this post for confirmation of their involvement. At every critical juncture, it would seem, there was a “Jew” in charge. Those “gentile” doctors who went along were overcome by a satanic spirit of fear, and according to McCullough, had taken the “vaccine” themselves and were recommending it to their patients, many of whom died because of their doctor’s inability to discern the TRUTH!
Isaiah 5:20-21 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!
Some of these “vaccine” pushing doctors DIED for kowtowing to EVIL. Some of the "lucky" ones made a lot of money in kickbacks from big pharma. How can these doctors sleep at night knowing that they were injecting poison into their patients' veins? At the same time, many young healthy athletes were dying suddenly. During the testimony McCullough makes the observation that when these young people died there was never any mention on mainstream media of HOW they died, and especially of the fact that they died soon after taking the injection. Their sudden death was expected (by the media whores) to be accepted as normal – something that happens every day. Obviously, to anyone with a shred of common sense, this is a LIE. Covering up the cause of death or blaming it on “Covid” was an essential part of the scam because IF people had been informed by media that they could DIE from taking the poison, they would not have done so. When the media, corporations and government agencies all work in “lockstep” to promote an agenda that is injurious to human health, you can be sure that criminal totalitarianism is flexing its muscles. Since Zionist “Jews” are the ONLY group that has admitted to, and published confirmation that they desire to destroy all sovereign nations and establish a global government, and according to spokesman Klaus Schwab, have placed their agents into key positions in all national governments, it is obvious that they were the primary movers and shakers behind this global war against humanity. No other racial group could have done it.
When you scrub away the pretentious gobbledygook from the above quote, such as "stakeholder paradigm" and "join State and non-State governance systems" what the WEF proposes with its stakeholder think-tankism is iron-fisted technocratic feudalism, run by the absolute worst people on the planet. It is, unfortunately, a paradigm that has existed for most of human history, except enhanced this time around with oppressive technology for surveillance and control of the digital controllable "money" for the slaves. The very dynasties who achieved their great wealth through usury, robbery, murder and inheritance and who never did an honest day's work in their lives would be in charge. It is worth fighting to preserve what little freedom we the people have left before this form of "tribulation" by Satan's children takes hold.
Chess grandmaster Fischer was Jewish, but not a Talmudic
racist-supremacist Zionist. He was not happy about being ripped off by his own tribe, and recognized the nature of his race. |
As always, we will allow that some Jews have no knowledge or role in the nefarious activities of the “synagogue of Satan” species. “The lesser brethren” as they are called by the arrogant powerful “Jews” are caught between a rock and a hard spot. Some of them have even been used as collateral damage, in order to justify the agendas of powerful Zionists.
Many Israeli “Jews”, for example, hate Netanyahu and want him out of office but he is a sociopath, master manipulator and mass murderer who will do anything to stay in power, and he has the backing of Zionist billionaire-trillionaire “Jewish” dynasties as well as the Zionist-controlled American government, which will stand on its head and twirl around like a top to please the “Jewish” globalist establishment, while summarily ignoring rather critical matters such as the State Department sponsored invasion of the U.S. by millions of illegal “immigrants”, a large percentage of whom happen to be dangerous criminals and military aged men – 25-35 years of age. The very fact that this invasion is being allowed is a pretty good indicator that our own government, which has been captured by an enemy, is behind it and the purpose of it to to change the racial demographic of America to create a slave class that will vote "democrat", every time, so that America devolves to a one party system of total control by the few who control THE de facto communist party. If you listen to commentators like Naomi Wolf, “Brother” Nathanial Kapner or Celeste Solum, and erstwhile truth tellers like the late Myron Fagan and chess grandmaster Bobby Fischer you realize that not all “Jews” are on board with the anti-God, anti-human, technocratic one-world prison planet agenda of the synagogue of Satan globalist “Jews” who are moving the world toward biblical tribulation. These few radicals against “Jewish” Zionist world domination appear to have a conscience and disagree with the mass slaughter of humanity by the .01% “global elite”, a rather large, out of proportion percentage of whom just so happen to be “Jews”. This metric is indeed unfortunate for the bulk of Jewry and especially those who may "have a heart".
“Jews” as a whole are only .6 - .7% of the world population, and the George Soros’s, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Warburgs, Oppenheimers, Lazards, Bloombergs, Zuckerbucks, Lamberts, Goldmans, Sachs, Lazards, Sassoons, etc., among them use middle class Jews as a SHIELD to protect them and their diabolical schemes of world domination through evil from exposure. This is a “protection racket” in which anyone who disagrees with “Jewish” hegemony is routinely dubbed an “anti-Semite” – taken to mean that the critic is against ALL “Jews”, no matter what. This makes absolutely no logical sense and it is tantamount to holding all White people responsible for the crimes of criminals who just so happen to be White or all Hispanics responsible for criminals who happen to be Hispanic. But, to put it in the words of “Jewish” Satanist Saul Alinsky (author of “Rules for Radicals”) and "Jewess" Hillary Clinton’s college mentor: It’s not about facts or logic; and it’s not about winning a rational debate. What it IS about with these deceivers is getting knee-jerk reactions from illogical, emotional buzzwords such as “anti-Semite”, “xenophobe”, “hater”, “homophobe”, “white supremacist” or “pandemic”. No one, especially a person in a position of power, wants to be accused of “anti-Semitism” because it is a career killer – though a dissection of the term proves that it is a carefully weaponized word, like “Nazi” which immediately and quite effectively shuts down the logical thinking process in most people. Mr. Alinsky, by the way, dedicated his book "Rules for Radicals" to Lucifer, in case there are any doubts as to his innate spirituality:
For those readers who value logic and truth more than public perception, “Jews” are not actually Semites. Pure blooded white people are the actual Semites and they would not (with the exception of depressed, brainwashed self-haters) be anti-themselves. Thus, if white people, in particular, were thinking logically instead of falling into psychological traps laid by lying anti-Christ “Jews” the term anti-Semite would carry no weight at all. Accusations of “anti-Semitism” could be laughed off. We would challenge any “Jew” to prove that white people are not Semites and/or to prove that “Jews” are largely descendants of Semites -- rather than them being descendants of Khazars, whose ancestors were Japhethites, Hamites and Canaanites, all the way back in time to Cain, the world’s first murderer:
John 8:43-44 Why do ye (the “Jew” Pharisees in opposition to Jesus) not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word. Ye are of (descended from) your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, (because he killed his own brother, Abel) and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: (of his own descendants/race) for he is a liar, and the father of it.
For the sake of cementing the propaganda into the collective consciousness, the “Jews” lording over the planet and oppressing the “goyim” in every way possible really don’t care about who is and who isn’t a Semite. The truth doesn’t matter to them, because (as the Bible tells us) they are natural born liars. They base their “truth” on whatever lies they are able to force feed into public acceptance to their advantage. Their tactic in this and so many other tricks, mind games and illusions is to repeat the same old psycho-babble buzzwords and phrases over and over and over, ad nauseum until they are accepted, as opined Alinsky, in “the court of public opinion” which generally has little or nothing to do with actual truth. Here’s how you can tell that a big lie is beginning to develop cracks. If repeating it over and over and over doesn’t work, then wicked “Jews” will call for LAWS be passed to punish people for exposing their lies and telling the truth. Extremely oppressive “hate speech” laws have already been passed in European nations, like England and Germany. These laws enforce a jail term for racial “hate” and “anti-Semitism”. Freedom of speech is completely out the window. You can bet that Zionist “Jews” and their bought and paid for puppets in U.S. Congress will try to get such laws passed in America if the people do not cry out against it. Give this careful consideration. If the U.S. government passes such laws, freedom of speech in America is dead. At this time the government is using major media and Internet sites to marginalize, ban and shadow ban sites and personalities who provide truthful information.
A United Kingdom citizen by the name of Sam Melia was recently convicted and is serving a two year sentence in prison simply for distributing stickers saying “hateful” things like “It’s OK to be white”. Melia is a family man with one young daughter and another child on the way. The UK police raided his home and found lots of bumper stickers, none of which in itself constituted a crime, but his “intent”, according to a judge, was to stir up racial division and animosity, and thus he was found guilty and convicted as an example to other whites not to go against the painfully obvious white replacement agenda, which has been promoted for nearly a century in books written by "Jews":
John 8:43-44 Why do ye (the “Jew” Pharisees in opposition to Jesus) not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word. Ye are of (descended from) your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, (because he killed his own brother, Abel) and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: (of his own descendants/race) for he is a liar, and the father of it.
For the sake of cementing the propaganda into the collective consciousness, the “Jews” lording over the planet and oppressing the “goyim” in every way possible really don’t care about who is and who isn’t a Semite. The truth doesn’t matter to them, because (as the Bible tells us) they are natural born liars. They base their “truth” on whatever lies they are able to force feed into public acceptance to their advantage. Their tactic in this and so many other tricks, mind games and illusions is to repeat the same old psycho-babble buzzwords and phrases over and over and over, ad nauseum until they are accepted, as opined Alinsky, in “the court of public opinion” which generally has little or nothing to do with actual truth. Here’s how you can tell that a big lie is beginning to develop cracks. If repeating it over and over and over doesn’t work, then wicked “Jews” will call for LAWS be passed to punish people for exposing their lies and telling the truth. Extremely oppressive “hate speech” laws have already been passed in European nations, like England and Germany. These laws enforce a jail term for racial “hate” and “anti-Semitism”. Freedom of speech is completely out the window. You can bet that Zionist “Jews” and their bought and paid for puppets in U.S. Congress will try to get such laws passed in America if the people do not cry out against it. Give this careful consideration. If the U.S. government passes such laws, freedom of speech in America is dead. At this time the government is using major media and Internet sites to marginalize, ban and shadow ban sites and personalities who provide truthful information.
A United Kingdom citizen by the name of Sam Melia was recently convicted and is serving a two year sentence in prison simply for distributing stickers saying “hateful” things like “It’s OK to be white”. Melia is a family man with one young daughter and another child on the way. The UK police raided his home and found lots of bumper stickers, none of which in itself constituted a crime, but his “intent”, according to a judge, was to stir up racial division and animosity, and thus he was found guilty and convicted as an example to other whites not to go against the painfully obvious white replacement agenda, which has been promoted for nearly a century in books written by "Jews":
Piling on the punishment, Melia was at first allowed to see both his wife and daughter in visitation but then, suddenly was not allowed to see or even speak with his daughter, and his wife was instructed not to even talk about the daughter in conversations with him! There was such a public outcry over this judicial overreach that the order was rescinded and he was once again allowed to see and speak with both his wife and daughter. This illustrates that we are dealing with an enemy that perverts our legal systems, using our laws as weapons against us. This is the kind of warfare against our KIND we will have to deal with as the synagogue of Satan deliberately floods our nations with aliens who have no respect for our heritage and, if unchecked, will surely lead our nations down the road to third world status and global communism. Amazingly, even this phenomenon is spoken of in biblical scripture:
Micah 2:1-2 Woe to them that devise iniquity, and work evil upon their beds! when the morning is light, they practise it, because it is in the power of their hand. And they covet fields, (think Gaza and Ukraine) and take them by violence; and houses, and take them away: so they oppress a man and his house, even a man and his heritage.
Micah 2:1-2 Woe to them that devise iniquity, and work evil upon their beds! when the morning is light, they practise it, because it is in the power of their hand. And they covet fields, (think Gaza and Ukraine) and take them by violence; and houses, and take them away: so they oppress a man and his house, even a man and his heritage.
Sam Melia (R) and some of the stickers that landed him in prison for two years. So much for "freedom of speech" in Great Britain. Is this draconian censorship coming to America? Probably, if people don't stand up against the Zionist "Jew" totalitarians running the country. The Bible, our letter from God, speaks of these satanic oppressors, and in fact they DO oppress our very heritage! (Micah 2:1-1)
We need not get too deep into the travesty of justice that has been experienced by Trump because it is all over the news. However, an important point to remember is that non-white prosecutors and judges are using their power, under the direction of a “Jewish” attorney general, who has the blessing of a “Jewish” controlled executive branch to go after the main political opponent to the current “progressive” (communist) regime. They are using the law as a weapon, something unheard of in America until NOW, charging the political opponent with made up crimes, that no one else would ever be charged with – unless they were a major threat to the "progressive" deep state of Obama appointees. We also cannot rule out the possibility that all of this could be “theater” functioning as “reverse psychology”, and that Trump has been selected for the next phase of the Zionist agenda for America. It would seem that a sizeable chunk of the mainstream media has actually turned against Biden, which is unusual because the media typically extols Democrats, no matter how stupid and worthless they are, and media routinely disparages Republicans. There must be limits to big media trying to pull the wool over the public’s eyes because even a child can see that Biden is losing his mental facilities and is unfit to be president, besides being an utterly shameless traitor who has damn near ruined the country by refusing to close the border – and even blaming Republicans for it! There is an OBVIOUS agenda behind this.
In America, what the democrat-communist party has been plotting and scheming for is a one party (uni-party) system modeled after the old Soviet Union. This is precisely why Zionist puppet president Joe Biden reversed Trump’s border policies and has allowed millions of aliens to flood into the United States. The goal of the Marxist left is to make these people into dutiful democrats by offering them money and perks through extreme left leaning NGOs like Jewish Family Services, Catholic Family Services and Lutheran Family Services. These corrupt agencies have received billions of dollars from the corrupt Federal Government, the State Department in particular, to move as many aliens into the U.S. as possible. The plan is to overwhelm the dwindling white majority so that the Republican Party has little to no chance of winning, especially in a national or state election. There are, however, some wild cards the Marxist left didn’t count on, such as the shift of Hispanics and blacks toward the right. Also, the “lawfare” against Trump appears to be failing, because even now former democrats, blacks and Hispanics are remembering that life was better under the Trump administration and under Biden inflation has been raging, good jobs are scarce, real estate prices are outrageous and interest rates are making home ownership nearly impossible for the majority of younger people. They are looking for a break. In his speeches Trump has said “let’s make this vote too big to rig”, and that’s how it will have to play out because the Democrats WILL cheat in every way possible and they cheated Biden into office the last time. Anyone who doubts this has done NO research on the matter or else cannot think logically. This time, one has to wonder what kind of person would vote for someone in serious cognitive decline, with a son who is a worthless criminal, and a lackluster “diversity hire” vice president. A Harris presidency would, like Biden’s, be another total disaster. It would be controlled lock stock and barrel by the same anti-Christ, anti-white Zionist “Jews” who would further eradicate whatever good is left in America and turn it into another communist hell-hole.
There is a saying that goes “If you put lipstick on a pig, it still looks like a pig” and that aptly applies to Biden, who has never had any redeeming qualities, has no charisma, is an influence peddling con man and is completely controlled by Zionist Jews. Most people who care about America would agree: He needs to go. However, anyone else the Democrats come up with would be equally repulsive, whether it is “Big Mike”, or Newsome, who has ruined California, which has one quarter of the homeless people in the U.S., and operates like a slave colony, with millions of disenfranchised middle class and poor working people who can barely afford a place to rent (many are living in their cars) and a small class of millionaires and billionaires who are pampered by Newsome, while he makes lame promises to the underclass. No longer is the Democrat Party the party of the people. It is now the party of the big rich, taking that dishonor from the Republican Party, which is fast becoming the party of the working people by default. In 2021 Newsome was criticized for California being “business unfriendly” and in response he pointed to “all the new billionaires in his state” and added that the richest people are “doing pretty damn well”. They are his friends and all he cares about. California is a perfect example of the Marxist dictum on how to usher in communism, which is to “grind the middle class between the millstones of taxation and inflation”. If you want to see what the U.S. would look like under a ham-fisted, corrupt “progressive” (socialist-communist) tyranny just look at California. Incidentally, Governor Newsome is “Jewish”. Are you surprised? This guy stays into power because the poor people have been conditioned into voting democrat, thinking that repeating the same mistake again and again will yield better results. It will not.
A new audit conducted by the Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Inspector General (OIG), found that California improperly claimed billions of dollars in federal reimbursements to pay for the health care of illegal aliens enrolled in the state’s Medicaid program. Whether intentional or accidental, the state must repay the federal government a whopping $52.7 million. It may also be required to pay back money the federal government has given California in previous years.
Medicaid, which pays the health care costs of individuals below a certain income level, is jointly run by the federal government and the states. States submit a Quarterly Medicaid Statement of Expenditures to claim Federal reimbursement for each quarter. The federal government reimburses states a certain percentage of the total expenditures, which is calculated on multiple criteria designed to determine the share fairly attributable to the state versus the federal government. However, under the laws governing Medicaid, the federal government will only reimburse states for the emergency treatment of illegal aliens; in general, it will not reimburse for non-emergency care of illegal aliens. California must use state dollars to pay for non-emergency Medicaid services provided to illegal aliens. …
As of now, California has not disputed the audit’s findings and is working on methods to return the funds seamlessly. What remains to be seen is whether these improper reimbursement claims extend to prior years, which could require California to return billions more to the federal government.
California Improperly Used Federal Medicaid Dollars to Pay for Illegal Aliens, June 3, 2024, Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), Hannah Davis, State and Local Analyst,
We see that on Newsome’s watch the Federal Government determined that the state of California had violated Federal law by giving illegal aliens billions of dollars in non-emergency Medicaid payments. The money, it may be said, is the liability of American taxpayers, so this appropriation of funds for non-citizens is illegal, unconstitutional and traitorous. It is especially egregious in California with its humongous population of homeless people – most of whom are legal, white citizens. But this is just what can be expected from players on the world stage who are at heart, anti-American, anti-white, anti-God and anti-Christ -- who do whatever they want as long as it makes money or secures them more power -- until they get caught, or preferably booted out of office. Why would California want to give medical services to people who came across the border illegally? It is because California is run by the same "Jew" Zionists who run everything else. They have admitted to wanting a world of their own, and a pluralistic society of compliant slaves, which requires white replacement. Do you get the picture? Don’t take OUR word for it. The satanic species, who is “of (descended from) their father the devil” has been announcing their anti-white agenda for a very long time. The fact that "Jews" have been using every means possible to destroy our white nations is routinely fluffed off as "conspiracy theory" -- even though "they" have admitted to it, over and over and over:
In America, what the democrat-communist party has been plotting and scheming for is a one party (uni-party) system modeled after the old Soviet Union. This is precisely why Zionist puppet president Joe Biden reversed Trump’s border policies and has allowed millions of aliens to flood into the United States. The goal of the Marxist left is to make these people into dutiful democrats by offering them money and perks through extreme left leaning NGOs like Jewish Family Services, Catholic Family Services and Lutheran Family Services. These corrupt agencies have received billions of dollars from the corrupt Federal Government, the State Department in particular, to move as many aliens into the U.S. as possible. The plan is to overwhelm the dwindling white majority so that the Republican Party has little to no chance of winning, especially in a national or state election. There are, however, some wild cards the Marxist left didn’t count on, such as the shift of Hispanics and blacks toward the right. Also, the “lawfare” against Trump appears to be failing, because even now former democrats, blacks and Hispanics are remembering that life was better under the Trump administration and under Biden inflation has been raging, good jobs are scarce, real estate prices are outrageous and interest rates are making home ownership nearly impossible for the majority of younger people. They are looking for a break. In his speeches Trump has said “let’s make this vote too big to rig”, and that’s how it will have to play out because the Democrats WILL cheat in every way possible and they cheated Biden into office the last time. Anyone who doubts this has done NO research on the matter or else cannot think logically. This time, one has to wonder what kind of person would vote for someone in serious cognitive decline, with a son who is a worthless criminal, and a lackluster “diversity hire” vice president. A Harris presidency would, like Biden’s, be another total disaster. It would be controlled lock stock and barrel by the same anti-Christ, anti-white Zionist “Jews” who would further eradicate whatever good is left in America and turn it into another communist hell-hole.
There is a saying that goes “If you put lipstick on a pig, it still looks like a pig” and that aptly applies to Biden, who has never had any redeeming qualities, has no charisma, is an influence peddling con man and is completely controlled by Zionist Jews. Most people who care about America would agree: He needs to go. However, anyone else the Democrats come up with would be equally repulsive, whether it is “Big Mike”, or Newsome, who has ruined California, which has one quarter of the homeless people in the U.S., and operates like a slave colony, with millions of disenfranchised middle class and poor working people who can barely afford a place to rent (many are living in their cars) and a small class of millionaires and billionaires who are pampered by Newsome, while he makes lame promises to the underclass. No longer is the Democrat Party the party of the people. It is now the party of the big rich, taking that dishonor from the Republican Party, which is fast becoming the party of the working people by default. In 2021 Newsome was criticized for California being “business unfriendly” and in response he pointed to “all the new billionaires in his state” and added that the richest people are “doing pretty damn well”. They are his friends and all he cares about. California is a perfect example of the Marxist dictum on how to usher in communism, which is to “grind the middle class between the millstones of taxation and inflation”. If you want to see what the U.S. would look like under a ham-fisted, corrupt “progressive” (socialist-communist) tyranny just look at California. Incidentally, Governor Newsome is “Jewish”. Are you surprised? This guy stays into power because the poor people have been conditioned into voting democrat, thinking that repeating the same mistake again and again will yield better results. It will not.
A new audit conducted by the Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Inspector General (OIG), found that California improperly claimed billions of dollars in federal reimbursements to pay for the health care of illegal aliens enrolled in the state’s Medicaid program. Whether intentional or accidental, the state must repay the federal government a whopping $52.7 million. It may also be required to pay back money the federal government has given California in previous years.
Medicaid, which pays the health care costs of individuals below a certain income level, is jointly run by the federal government and the states. States submit a Quarterly Medicaid Statement of Expenditures to claim Federal reimbursement for each quarter. The federal government reimburses states a certain percentage of the total expenditures, which is calculated on multiple criteria designed to determine the share fairly attributable to the state versus the federal government. However, under the laws governing Medicaid, the federal government will only reimburse states for the emergency treatment of illegal aliens; in general, it will not reimburse for non-emergency care of illegal aliens. California must use state dollars to pay for non-emergency Medicaid services provided to illegal aliens. …
As of now, California has not disputed the audit’s findings and is working on methods to return the funds seamlessly. What remains to be seen is whether these improper reimbursement claims extend to prior years, which could require California to return billions more to the federal government.
California Improperly Used Federal Medicaid Dollars to Pay for Illegal Aliens, June 3, 2024, Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), Hannah Davis, State and Local Analyst,
We see that on Newsome’s watch the Federal Government determined that the state of California had violated Federal law by giving illegal aliens billions of dollars in non-emergency Medicaid payments. The money, it may be said, is the liability of American taxpayers, so this appropriation of funds for non-citizens is illegal, unconstitutional and traitorous. It is especially egregious in California with its humongous population of homeless people – most of whom are legal, white citizens. But this is just what can be expected from players on the world stage who are at heart, anti-American, anti-white, anti-God and anti-Christ -- who do whatever they want as long as it makes money or secures them more power -- until they get caught, or preferably booted out of office. Why would California want to give medical services to people who came across the border illegally? It is because California is run by the same "Jew" Zionists who run everything else. They have admitted to wanting a world of their own, and a pluralistic society of compliant slaves, which requires white replacement. Do you get the picture? Don’t take OUR word for it. The satanic species, who is “of (descended from) their father the devil” has been announcing their anti-white agenda for a very long time. The fact that "Jews" have been using every means possible to destroy our white nations is routinely fluffed off as "conspiracy theory" -- even though "they" have admitted to it, over and over and over:
The historical mission of our world revolution is to rearrange a new culture of humanity to replace the previous social system. This conversion and re-organization of global society requires two essential steps: firstly, the destruction of the old established order, secondly, design and imposition of the new order. The first stage requires the elimination of all frontier borders, (shabbaz goy Biden, with his Zionist “Jewish” cabinet and a AIPAC driven Congress, has accomplished this in the U.S. in his term as president – ed.) nationhood and culture, public policy ethical barriers and social definition, only then can the destroyed old system elements be replaced by the imposed system elements of our new order. The first task of our world revolution is DESTRUCTION.
All social strata and social formations created by traditional society must be annihilated, (promotion of LBGTQ and pedophilia, disparagement of Christian morality, promotion of divorce, theft, filth, child trafficking and degeneracy) individual men and women must be uprooted from their ancestral environment, torn out of their native milieus, no tradition of any type shall be permitted to remain as sacrosanct, traditional social norms must only be viewed as a disease to be eradicated, the ruling dictum of the new order is; nothing is good so everything must be criticized and abolished, everything that was, must be gone.
After destruction of the old order, construction of the new order is a larger and more difficult task. We will have torn out the old limbs from their ancient roots in deep layers, social norms will be lying disorganized and anarchic so they must be blocked against new cultural forms and social categories naturally re-emerging. The general masses will have been first persuaded to join as equals in the first task of destroying their own traditional society and economic culture, (common citizens brainwashed into accepting and promoting the Judeo-Marxist-communist paradigm) but then the new order must be forcibly established through people again being divided and differentiated only in accordance with the new pyramidal hierarchical system of our imposed global monolithic new world order.
Nahum Goldman, Founder of the World Jewish Congress, in “The Spirit of Militarism”, 1915
Clearly what “Jewish” intellectuals like Goldman have been promoting for the last century is pure evil. There is no way to sugarcoat it and it is exactly the plan that is taking place in America right now. Despite the grim situation here in the U.S. and the boot licking subservience of Congress and the presidency to the racist-supremacist Zionists, over in Eastern Europe a refreshing spirit of resistance has burst forth which we hope and pray will inspire similar action in other western countries, and particularly in the U.S.
In December 2023 white Polish nationalist Grzegorz Braun committed the extraordinarily gutsy act of grabbing a fire extinguisher and using it to extinguish the candles on a Menorah set ablaze in the Polish Parliament building in celebration of Hannukah, which is a “JEWISH” holiday. The Polish parliament swiftly condemned his act (because of their subservience to “Jewish” Zionists) but Braun defended his act saying:
There can be no place for acts of racist, tribal, wild, Talmudic worship on the premises of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland! … Those who take part in acts of satanic worship should be ashamed. ... In fact I am restoring normalcy and balance, putting an end to acts of Satanic, Talmudic and racist triumphalism.
In an interview, in English, on the Internet podcast “Redacted” (to be found on Braun says he simply refers to facts and he “cannot accept celebration of racist, tribal cult in the middle of our society, of our political system.”
All social strata and social formations created by traditional society must be annihilated, (promotion of LBGTQ and pedophilia, disparagement of Christian morality, promotion of divorce, theft, filth, child trafficking and degeneracy) individual men and women must be uprooted from their ancestral environment, torn out of their native milieus, no tradition of any type shall be permitted to remain as sacrosanct, traditional social norms must only be viewed as a disease to be eradicated, the ruling dictum of the new order is; nothing is good so everything must be criticized and abolished, everything that was, must be gone.
After destruction of the old order, construction of the new order is a larger and more difficult task. We will have torn out the old limbs from their ancient roots in deep layers, social norms will be lying disorganized and anarchic so they must be blocked against new cultural forms and social categories naturally re-emerging. The general masses will have been first persuaded to join as equals in the first task of destroying their own traditional society and economic culture, (common citizens brainwashed into accepting and promoting the Judeo-Marxist-communist paradigm) but then the new order must be forcibly established through people again being divided and differentiated only in accordance with the new pyramidal hierarchical system of our imposed global monolithic new world order.
Nahum Goldman, Founder of the World Jewish Congress, in “The Spirit of Militarism”, 1915
Clearly what “Jewish” intellectuals like Goldman have been promoting for the last century is pure evil. There is no way to sugarcoat it and it is exactly the plan that is taking place in America right now. Despite the grim situation here in the U.S. and the boot licking subservience of Congress and the presidency to the racist-supremacist Zionists, over in Eastern Europe a refreshing spirit of resistance has burst forth which we hope and pray will inspire similar action in other western countries, and particularly in the U.S.
In December 2023 white Polish nationalist Grzegorz Braun committed the extraordinarily gutsy act of grabbing a fire extinguisher and using it to extinguish the candles on a Menorah set ablaze in the Polish Parliament building in celebration of Hannukah, which is a “JEWISH” holiday. The Polish parliament swiftly condemned his act (because of their subservience to “Jewish” Zionists) but Braun defended his act saying:
There can be no place for acts of racist, tribal, wild, Talmudic worship on the premises of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland! … Those who take part in acts of satanic worship should be ashamed. ... In fact I am restoring normalcy and balance, putting an end to acts of Satanic, Talmudic and racist triumphalism.
In an interview, in English, on the Internet podcast “Redacted” (to be found on Braun says he simply refers to facts and he “cannot accept celebration of racist, tribal cult in the middle of our society, of our political system.”
Grzegorz Braun a Polish national hero for fighting against "Jewish" supremacy.
Braun, who referred to Hannukah as a “satanic holiday” made national headlines and became an overnight sensation in Poland because Poles are fed up with having their government run by alien zealots who are a cancer to white nations. He received a record 115,000 votes in his district and became the newest member of European parliament. Of course, the “Jews” attempted their same old worn out smear tactic by calling him an “anti-Semite” but the white Polish people aren’t buying it. Braun responded to that charge by terming his act “Judeo-realism”, which is a clear opposition to “Jewish” idealism and “Jewish” racial supremacism. He jokes about having to sign 1000s of fire extinguishers for those who admire his bravery and support his bold statement! Amazingly, Braun received very little backlash and was not charged with any crime or punished due to immunity he possessed while serving as a Polish government official. We doubt the outcome would have been the same in America, which is clearly dominated by “Jewish” Zionists as we see here:
December, 2023 Menorah lighting ceremony in the Capitol, symbolic of “Jewish” supremacy over America. Rabbi Levi Shemtov, center, lights the U.S. Capitol Menorah as House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries D. NY, (left), Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell R. Ky., Ashkenazi Jewish Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer D, NY and “Christian”-Zionist House Speaker Mike Johnson R. La. look on.
These politicians serve Israel and "Jewish" causes more than they serve America.
These politicians serve Israel and "Jewish" causes more than they serve America.
No other “religion” receives a similar billing in the U.S. Capitol, though the U.S. was founded by Christians and Christianity is still (albeit in its corrupted form) the number one religion in America. The first order of business is for Christians, in particular, is to realize that there is an alien living among us, and pretending to be like us (many of them change their names to “anglicize” them) but they secretly hate us and want us bred out of existence. This alien currently has its “hidden hand” on all of the levers of power: government, banking, business, education, religion, media, technology, manufacturing, natural resources, etc. The first step toward resistance is to realize exactly WHO the enemy is, as did MP (member of parliament) Grzegorz Braun in Poland. Then, we must make it known to others of our KIND what this enemy is doing to us and to our nation, form support groups and hope for the best but prepare for the worst.
Matthew 24:21-22 (Jesus prophesying on the current era) For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.
Though it may seem that the Zionists are winning their war to control the United States and the planet through EVIL, they will not triumph for very long. Biblical scripture, which is the TRUTH and which SHALL come to pass has told Christians exactly what is going to happen. The race pro-created by Satan (because he cannot create life from scratch, only God can do that) will eventually be eradicated:
Obadiah 1:17-18 But upon mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness; and the house of Jacob (referring to white Christians) shall possess their possessions. And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau (forefather of the Edomites of Idumea. He took Canaanite women for wives) for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them; and there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau; for the LORD hath spoken it. (Esau was the forefather of the Edomites, who resided in Idumea before moving north to Israel and becoming known as "Jews". See the map above. Also note that the bulk of today's "Jewry" came from the erstwhile kingdom of Khazaria, a "melting pot" racial mix that incorporated the Edomite-Canaanite bloodline.)
Jesus Christ will soon be setting up His righteous millennial kingdom. Afterward will come the eternal Kingdom of God on Earth. In the meantime we can expect that evil will come to a climax, and then in the twinkling of an eye, the satanic World Order will be miserably destroyed. Praise the Lord!
Revelation 22:12-15 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.
Matthew 24:21-22 (Jesus prophesying on the current era) For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.
Though it may seem that the Zionists are winning their war to control the United States and the planet through EVIL, they will not triumph for very long. Biblical scripture, which is the TRUTH and which SHALL come to pass has told Christians exactly what is going to happen. The race pro-created by Satan (because he cannot create life from scratch, only God can do that) will eventually be eradicated:
Obadiah 1:17-18 But upon mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness; and the house of Jacob (referring to white Christians) shall possess their possessions. And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau (forefather of the Edomites of Idumea. He took Canaanite women for wives) for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them; and there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau; for the LORD hath spoken it. (Esau was the forefather of the Edomites, who resided in Idumea before moving north to Israel and becoming known as "Jews". See the map above. Also note that the bulk of today's "Jewry" came from the erstwhile kingdom of Khazaria, a "melting pot" racial mix that incorporated the Edomite-Canaanite bloodline.)
Jesus Christ will soon be setting up His righteous millennial kingdom. Afterward will come the eternal Kingdom of God on Earth. In the meantime we can expect that evil will come to a climax, and then in the twinkling of an eye, the satanic World Order will be miserably destroyed. Praise the Lord!
Revelation 22:12-15 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.