Planning for the mass murder of 9-1-1 (which we will use as a concrete example of how Satan's descendants operate) was begun more than twenty years in advance of the event, way back in the 1970’s, and implemented for the purpose of jump starting the never-ending deceptively named "War On Terror". The resulting wars are primarily for the profit of the few plutocrats at the top of the financial food chain, at the expense of the many who pay the costs in loss of life, limb, health, sanity and broken families. Unfortunately, this truth is way beyond the comprehension of the "masses", who will swallow, “hook line and sinker” the incessantly reinforced propaganda that it was a bunch of Arabs under Osama Bin Laden who did 911 for the lamest of reasons: "they envied our freedom". Preposterous! If the propaganda wasn't so despicable it might be laughable. On Sept. 1, 2001 Bin Laden was dying from Marsfan Syndrome, untreated lung complications, and a blood disease, low blood pressure, a wound in his foot and had ordered a dialysis machine.
Major General Count Cherep Spiridovich, 1858-1926, a knowledgeable historian who, at great risk to himself, exposed the world government of the Rothschilds a century ago in the following downloadable book. He met with an untimely demise for his trouble. The agents of Satan do not want their plans for humanity to be revealed.
A war is only a "legalized mass murder." Thus CHRIST pointed out those, who arrange all wars and revolutions, and that their chief cause is Satan's and his sons' "lust of murder." But "Christians" never seem to agree with CHRIST. … Edouard Rothschild 5th in Paris and the 300 Judeo-Mongols, who are composing the World Government (the Hidden Hand), made 100 billions out of this First World War. Of course, not counting their "lust of murder," they are willing to stage a Second World War. They are preparing it against rich America.
Maj. General Count Cherep-Spiridovich, The Secret World Government or “The Hidden Hand”, 1926, page 2, The Anti-Bolshevist Publishing Association, New York, N.Y. Exactly as in Spiridovich's day when the Rothschilds and their "hidden hand" made billions off of WWI, SOMEBODY profited from 911, not just to the tune of $billions$, but rather (in today’s money) probably $trillions$, and it wasn’t the Arab scapegoats. There is NO possible way the Arabs either had the capability or the resources to pull off such a massive, well-coordinated terrorist event even if they had wanted to do it. There is absolutely no way Arabs could have infiltrated from the highest Federal echelons to the municipal and corporate levels, all the way down to the nitty-gritty of getting the waste disposal contract so that independent engineers would be prevented from analyzing the rubble from the World Trade Center towers. This would have lead them to discover that the non-investigators appointed by the government were LYING and the media whores were LYING about the cause of the collapse, which was not at all from the airplanes hitting the towers, but rather it was from bombs and explosive chemicals, strategically planted in the buildings, in advance. Architects had designed these massive structures to withstand the impact of a 747 plane. Furthermore, the nose cone of a commercial airplane, such as the ones that hit the twin towers, is fiberglass which is sufficient to channel air around the body of the plane, but insufficient to penetrate a massive structure of concrete and steel UNLESS the structure had been punctured in advance. This was apparently accomplished a second before impact by missiles which were fired from the planes. The flash of these missiles being fired was witnessed by people viewing the event but the mainstream media (the propaganda arm of the government) didn't report it. |
New York banker and Rothschild agent J.P. Morgan, 1837-1913. He was commissioned in the early 1910s to buy the editorial rights of the 25 largest newspapers in the U.S. in order to control any news in regard to the Federal Reserve proposal (formerly known as the "Aldrich Bill"). The "mainstream" media in America has been controlled ever since. The European press had been seized by Rothschild a half to three quarters of a century before.
The gang of criminals in Washington D.C. in the 1940s knew that Pearl Harbor would be the perfect excuse to get America pulled into World War II, another mass murder to benefit what Spiridovich termed the “Judeo-Mongol” world government. Spiridovich predicted there would be a second World War twenty years in advance -- in the 1920s! One of the results of that great war was that millions of Caucasians stupidly slaughtered each other on deathly battlefields, in the name of "patriotism" and "fighting for their country" which the “Jew” financiers and agents relished as a “culling of the herd”. There is an interview of one Abe Finkelstein, a Jewish rabbi, that confirms the concept. Go to the link below and download the interview. Genocide of the white race is perhaps the number one goal of Zionist "Jews" because only the white race has the potential spirituality (if our people would only repent and turn back to God) and intellect to oppose the satanic activities of the international Zionist power. "Jew" change agents are forever busy pushing “multiculturalism”, “diversity”, “race mixing” and mass immigration in order to breed whites out of existence knowing that a brown-skinned mongrel race without racial identity would make the perfect slaves for a New World Order two-class system, where every "Jew" has 10,000 slaves. This is referred to in Talmudic-Cabalistic circles as the "Pax Judaica". However, unlike the Bible, the "prophecies" of the Talmud are not from God, so they are as bogus as a three dollar bill.
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In his speeches and writings, Netanyahu, whose father was the secretary for Vladimir Jabotinsky, and a leader in his New Zionist Organization, promotes the "war on terror" to be waged against Israel's enemies. The evidence and the motivation for 9/11 all point to the criminal Likud party and their hard-core Zionist supporters in the United States, Britain, Canada, and Australia. It should be obvious that people like Benjamin Netanyahu, Ehud Olmert, Ariel Sharon, and Shimon Peres were involved at the architectural level in the planning of 9/11 in order to bring the United States military into a shooting war in the Middle East. The same Zionist gangsters who support the Likud also support the Republican party ... URL of above video: |
Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli "Likud" Party extremist. Believes that mass murder of innocent people is an acceptable tactic to achieve party objectives.
Isn't it remarkable that this conniving devil received twenty-nine standing ovations in a speech to Congress in 2011. See the video posted to the left for proof. No president of the United States has ever received as many standing ovations for a speech. What does this tell you about WHO controls the U.S. Congress? Does this mean also that the sycophantic applauders of Netanyahu suffer from a convenient delusion, believing that mass murder of innocent citizens is a perfectly normal and logical tactic if you want to achieve objectives, such as another series of wars for profit in which millions more can be coerced into their own murder on grim battlefields? If this is so, it would appear that the federal government of the United States is infested with narcissists at best, and conscious-less sociopathic murderers at worse.
Various artist's renditions of Meyer Amschel Bauer-Rothschild, 1748-1812, one of which seem to have been a bit "caucasianized". He changed his last name to Rothschild, meaning "red shield" in German. He was trained to be a rabbi and infused with "Talmudic poisonous hatred" (according to Spiridovich) against everything Christian.
The Rothschilds never invented anything useful to humanity; never created an industry from the first. They started work with enormous capital and they kept for themselves all the benefits. Any means were good for them, if they were materially advantageous. The Rothschilds have been the backbone of all political and financial happenings since 1770. Their name ought to be mentioned on each page of the history of every country. The authors, teachers, lecturers and politicians, who do not speak of them, must be considered dupes, hypocrites or criminally ignorant. The Secret World Government or "The Hidden Hand" - The Unrepealed in History; Русская версия: Секретное Мировое Правительство, Major-General, Count Cherep-Spiridovich. Page 55, The Anti-Bolshevist Publishing Association, 15 East 128th Street, New York City, 1926
In the years prior to 1794 Meyer Rothschild had slowly ingratiated his way into Prince William's affairs and gained his trust first by helping him engage in his passion for rare coins (Rothschild was a dealer) and then by serving as an agent for William in the renting of his "Hessian warriors" (mercenary troops) for campaigns such as Britain's harassment of the American colonies. The American Colonies, of course, wanted to separate from the British Crown and form a sovereign nation. Historian Count Cherep Spiridovich informs us that upon his death in 1812 Mayer A. Rothschild left his five sons 1 billion Franks. From that incredible nest egg, and based upon its likely increase over time through usury from central bank lending to governments and the multifarious rackets and corporate schemes spawned by central banking, we derive the following conservative figures. Some Internet exposés will suggest that they are worth as much as $200 trillion. Whether the figure is in the low or high trillions, it is still astronomical. More than anyone else in world history, it would appear, Rothschild patriarchs have been more than willing to trade their very souls for riches in this life, thus accepting the offer from Satan that Jesus Christ refused. Read Luke 4:1-13. 1925 - $300 billion 1935 - $500 billion 1946 - $1 trillion 2000 - $4 trillion 2005 - $6.44 trillion 2010 - $10.375 trillion 2015 - $16.709 trillion |
William IX, 1720 - 1785, who became the "Elector of Hesse Cassell". He was the richest prince in all of Europe. World history might have been quite a bit different had William not been so stupidly greedy, hiring a "man of straw", a "cursed soul" as he put it to handle his more repugnant business dealings, such as the renting of the "Hessian warriors" as cannon fodder. Let this be a lesson to anyone who feigns to bargain with the devil. Fate would have it that his entire fortune fell into the hands of the satanist Meyer Amschel Rothschild who used it for his own investments and returned nothing to William, proceeding to use the ill-gotten fortune to implement world government, destruction of white aristocracy, and genocide of the white race.
Amschel Mayor James Rothschild, 1955-1996
Was "suicided" by his own tribe. |
James-Nathan revolted against the tyranny of Alphonse Rothschild IV, and was compelled to commit "suicide". His throat was cut. The same happened with the grandson of Lionel, Nathan Rothschild in London in 1923, who was also found with his throat cut. Beloved execution of the Rothschilds. Spiridovich page 129.
The Rothschild family tradition of "suiciding" independent minded, free thinkers in their midst has by no means abated in more recent times. On July 8th, 1996 41 year old Amschel Mayor James Rothschild, the son of Victor Rothschild, was found dead in a hotel room hanging from the bathroom towel rack by the belt of his terry-cloth bathrobe. A police detective determined that it was impossible for him to have committed suicide in this manner as the towel rack was easily yanked from the wall -- thus his body weight would have caused the attempt at suicide to fail. Perhaps he was already happy with the billions he had inherited and preferred a quiet life with his family, tending to his estate, and furthermore had a distaste for the grand mission charted by patriarch satanist Meyer Amschel Rothschild, to own the entire world and control everyone in it. Needless to say, the perpetrator(s) were never found and the murder remains shrouded in mystery. This should make anyone who reads this happy NOT to have been born into such a wicked family. |
The proposed area for "Eretz (expanded) Israel". With the American military to fight its wars for it this is certainly a possibility. Another facet of the Rothschild plan is to make life as uncomfortable as possible for "lesser brethren Jews" in Europe and elsewhere so they will be induced to move to the Israeli state to help globalists build their one world government, with this geographic area as the center of it. Interestingly, Israeli officials have proclaimed that their nation is a "Jewish state" and therefore very little immigration of non-"Jews" is allowed because if too many non-"Jewish" immigrants are allowed the nation will "cease being 'Jewish'". Meanwhile, hypocritical Zionist "Jews" in western nations are forcing mass immigration of non-whites so those nations will cease being Caucasian!
The Rothschild dynasty has financed the building of the Israeli state from the very beginning. It is intended to be the nexus of the one world government that they desire for planet earth and their god, Satan. This plan dovetails perfectly with biblical prophecy of the end times "beast" system in the book of Revelation. Rothschild also financed the French Revolution, the American Civil War, the Bolshevik Revolution of Russia, the two World Wars of the 20th Century and they most certainly were the hidden financiers behind 911 and the open-ended War on "Terror" spawned from it. These multi-generational Kabbalistic-satanists are responsible for the death of many hundreds of millions of people, most of them Caucasians, though their financing of revolutions and wars and the "trigger events" such as Pearl Harbor and 911 designed to bend "public opinion" in favor of their schemes.
War is the most profitable business on earth if you happen to be a central banker because money can be lent to BOTH sides through central banks and interest collected from the participating governments, which will tax the people to gather the interest payments. |
Literally hundreds of millions of Caucasians have died to usher in the "New World Order" which started in the satanically infused minds of Canaanite-Edomite-Khazarian-Ashkenazi "Jews" like Meyer Amschel Rothschild who stated two and a half centuries ago: "Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws" -- because, of course, whoever has the most money in a closed-loop “capitalist” system is in control of the entire system. The Rothschild dynasty owns more than 50% of the stock of The Federal Reserve, the central bank of the United States. They own the controlling interest of ALL the rest of the world's central banks and they control the "Bank of International Settlements" in Basel, Switzerland. It is the clearing house of all the world's central banks, handling transactions and settling scores between the national central banks. It should be no surprise then that the most recent wars engaged in by the American military were against nations that had not yet established a Rothschild-controlled central bank.
The Bank of International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland. Is it coincidence that it looks like a giant boot? Could this be an architectural representation of George Orwell's proverbial boot of "big brother", stomping down on humanity?
If the world were a Monopoly Board, the Rothschilds and their "City of London", "Committee of 300" Judeo-Mongol, global banking cartel would own all of the higher priced properties, and have red hotels on all of them. Perhaps there is a reason why the designers of this popular board game chose the color red for the hotels. Red is the color of bloodshed and symbolizes communism, which is a Rothschild invention, a tool they use for world conquest, along with all of the other "isms" in their criminal toolbox. Were the creators of the Monopoly game privy to some "insider" information?
Tsar Alexander I of Russia, 1777-1825, the nemesis
of Nathan Mayer Rothschild. The good Christian tsar smelled a rat at the "Congress of Vienna". |
Ironically, Nathan Rothschild was killed by his own brothers at the age of 59 because he intended to commit the "apostasy" of feigning to "convert" to Christianity in order to achieve more riches, connections and power. Thus his insane greed got the best of him and he had little time to enjoy, if it were possible, the mountainous hoard of filthy lucre he had already accumulated and it was inherited mostly by his sons, the most prominent of whom was Lionel Rothschild, who was portrayed as the rich, powerful, despotic "Sidonia" in the novel Coningsby by Rothschild agent Benjamin Disraeli, whose meteoric rise to power in British politics was financed by Lionel Rothschild. In his book Disraeli provides the following information about the structure and intentions of the dynasty: Lionel Rothschild ("Sidonia") assured Disraeli, that the Jews are religious and "essentially monarchical", and, however he said, the Jews are giving funds to undermine every Church and every Government"
(Coningsby, p. 249), from Chapter 144, Spiridovich |
Tsar (or Czar) Nicholas II and family, the last of the Russian Romanov dynasty. He and his entire family (in photo) were murdered on July 16, 1918 by Bolshevik agents financed by Rothschild. Nicholas, born in 1868, was the eldest son of Tsar Alexander III. The painting of the Tsar is circa 1916. The photo of the family was taken in 1918 and seems to portray the angst they were feeling.
The thuggish Lionel Nathan, 1808-1879, eldest son of Nathan Rothschild, known as "Sidonia"
in Disraeli's fawning novel Coningsby. |
Adam Weishaupt, 1748-1830. He founded "The Illuminati" officially on May 1, 1776 (the same year as the American -- so called -- "revolution") in order to put into effect a plan for world domination conceived by megalomaniac Mayer Amschel Rothschild, who financed Weishaupt's infiltration and reorganization of the Masonic Lodges of France. Weishaupt then used the power he had achieved over them to foment the bloody French Revolution. Weishaupt, who was "Jewish" was trained to be a rabbi and was an ardent Satan worshiper. "Illuminati" means "illuminated ones" ("illuminated" that is by Lucifer/Satan, their god).
Banker and Rothschild agent Jacob Schiff (1847-1920) of Kuhn, Loeb and Company in New York. Schiff, who was "Jewish" gave $20 million in gold to Trotsky and others who were sent to Russia to foment the Russian Revolution. He added another $30 million in financing as the revolution proceeded. Schiff spent his childhood in a Rothschild house.
The Rothschild-Weishaupt world government "Illuminati" plan for a "League of Nations" was tried in the early 1900s and failed again but finally in 1947 the United Nations was founded on the pretense that it would unite the nations of the world in an effort to bring peace to the planet. Quite UN-coincidentally the Israeli state was given national status soon afterward, in 1948. The intent of the Rothschilds from its inception was to make this fake, unbiblical "Israel" the seat of their one world government. The true intentions of the U.N. are no less sinister than the original Congress of Vienna plan. The U.N. is a "Trojan horse" on American soil and yet another outfit under the control of the ubiquitous Rothschild City of London, Judeo-Mongol, Committee of 300, international banking cartel. The Rockefellers, who have always been agents for the Rothschilds, donated real estate on Manhattan Island worth almost $50,000,000 to provide a location for the U.N. building.
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