The Real "Supremacists"
Note: The words “Jew”, “Jews” and “Jewish” are in quotes throughout this essay because, contrary to the widespread deception, today’s “Jews” are NOT descended from the ancient tribe of Judah, nor are they Semites (pure-blooded descendants of Noah’s son Shem). They are largely the descendants of the ancient Canaanite-Edomites, a.k.a. “Edom”. The false impression that these “Jews” are “God’s chosen people” has been worth billions upon billions of dollars to “Jewish” causes in the form of “foreign aid”, corporate support, handouts from “Judaized” (corrupted) western churches and wars of aggression fought by U.S. troops where our finest sons and daughters get to die for the benefit of the Israeli state Zionist parasite.
The Israeli state is not true “Israel” because it is not a prophetic re-gathering of the tribe of Judah, or any of the other twelve tribes of Israel for that matter but it is, rather, a re-gathering of the descendants of Canaanite-Edomites whose lineage began with Cain, his descendants the Cainites and later Ham’s son Canaan who took a Cainite woman (or women) as a wife, siring the Canaanites who subsequently absorbed the genetics of fallen angels. Among the Canaanite tribes were the Rephaim, Amalakites, and Edomites, all particularly corrupt, mean spirited and satanic in nature. The Canaanite-Edomites were later known as Chaldeans, Babylonians, Carthagenians, Khazars and still later Ashkenazim and Sephardim “Jews”. They have, ironically, returned to what was once known as “the land of Canaan”. The land of Canaan was also the very land “promised” to the ancient Hebrews who were instructed by God to annihilate the Canaanites upon entry because they would prove to be nothing but trouble. Our ancient ancestors ignored God and did not complete the task. So, here we are today, with the descendants of Canaanites in control of the world and with us as slaves (though many of us don’t realize it) under the boot of “Jewish”-supremacist tyranny, slowly being genocided. God was RIGHT and our ancient fair skinned Hebrew ancestors were WRONG in not following God’s clear command to vanquish our natural enemy.
The belief that these so-called “Jews” are “God’s chosen people” has won the United States of America nothing but WRATH from God, since it is based upon a gross misinterpretation of biblical scripture. The vast majority of denominationalism and evangelism in America is a corruption of Christianity which claims that we, in America, have a “Judeo-Christian” heritage, which we do NOT. The brave, hard working men and women who came to the North American wilderness and built this nation were CHRISTIANS, period -- not “Judeo-Christians”. The very term “Judeo-Christian” is a ridiculous oxymoron because Talmudic Judaism (the religion of “Jews”) is in no way compatible with the pure Christianity of the Bible. Judaism is based upon the Talmud, which is the very antithesis of the Bible. If you believe that “the ‘Jews’ gave us our religion” and that “Jesus was a ‘Jew’” you have been grossly deceived. Many of our people are in “strong delusion”. It is time to wake up to the truth.
II Thessalonians 2:10-12 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness (and by the unlimited seduction of evil) in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, (because they did not welcome the truth) that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: (those who refuse the truth will be hard-wired to lies) That they all might be DAMNED who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. (Damnation is a ticket to hell.)
Our premise is that the majority of what is wrong with America today can be attributed to “Jewish” usury, “Jewish” tribal nepotism, “Jewish” corporate consolidation of all major lines of business, “Jewish” promotion of white genocide through forced immigration and miscegenation, rapacious ”Jewish” financial schemes, “Jewish” financing of Marxist-Communist agendas, “Jewish” promotion, financing and implementation of every possible vice, “Jewish”-controlled secret societies for infiltration of government and business, “Jewish” controlled media, “Jewish” controlled academia, the wholesale ramming of satanic “Jewish” philosophies down our collective throats, and overall “Jewish” parasitism aided by a despicable “shabez goy” class of servile (but well-compensated) “gentile” administrators and bureaucrats.
The belief system of Judaism proclaims that “Jews” are not to work on their holy day and considers that lighting candles for their “religious” ceremonies would be “work”. Therefore, they must use a so-called “gentile” for the task. Such a person would be a “shabez goy”, who in the broader sense is a willing servant for the “Jews”. A “shabez goy” is every bit as dangerous to America as the “Jew” parasite because he looks like one of us, but is a wretch who is willing to sell his soul to the devil so as to enjoy notoriety, a high salary and all of the material comforts that come with it. The government, academia and the corporate world are riddled with them. The most prominent of “shabez goy” traitors are high level Masons, Skull and Bonesmen, or members of other “elite” NGOs pushing for one-world government such as the World Economic Forum, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group or the Council on Foreign Relations. Though they may be very rich and powerful, they are but tools of the “Jew” oligarchs who run the system.
“Jewish” supremacism and every foul act and piece of propaganda that goes along with it threatens to condemn white culture and the white race itself to the Orwellian “memory hole” and in fact the most rabid, foaming at the mouth “Jewish” supremacists do not even hide the fact that they wish commit genocide against us. Consider the following verbal assault from a former (now retired) Harvard University “Jewish” college professor, who in the ultimate irony speaks of white supremacism, when he is as unrestrained as an attack dog in his “Jewish” supremacist viewpoint. He and other hoity-toity “academic” supremacist “Jews” like him can get away with this blather because Harvard University wouldn’t dare fire him – WHY? Because most of the contributors to university coffers are wealthy “Jews”. If a white professor attempted to speak his mind about the “Jews” he’d be fired.
The Israeli state is not true “Israel” because it is not a prophetic re-gathering of the tribe of Judah, or any of the other twelve tribes of Israel for that matter but it is, rather, a re-gathering of the descendants of Canaanite-Edomites whose lineage began with Cain, his descendants the Cainites and later Ham’s son Canaan who took a Cainite woman (or women) as a wife, siring the Canaanites who subsequently absorbed the genetics of fallen angels. Among the Canaanite tribes were the Rephaim, Amalakites, and Edomites, all particularly corrupt, mean spirited and satanic in nature. The Canaanite-Edomites were later known as Chaldeans, Babylonians, Carthagenians, Khazars and still later Ashkenazim and Sephardim “Jews”. They have, ironically, returned to what was once known as “the land of Canaan”. The land of Canaan was also the very land “promised” to the ancient Hebrews who were instructed by God to annihilate the Canaanites upon entry because they would prove to be nothing but trouble. Our ancient ancestors ignored God and did not complete the task. So, here we are today, with the descendants of Canaanites in control of the world and with us as slaves (though many of us don’t realize it) under the boot of “Jewish”-supremacist tyranny, slowly being genocided. God was RIGHT and our ancient fair skinned Hebrew ancestors were WRONG in not following God’s clear command to vanquish our natural enemy.
The belief that these so-called “Jews” are “God’s chosen people” has won the United States of America nothing but WRATH from God, since it is based upon a gross misinterpretation of biblical scripture. The vast majority of denominationalism and evangelism in America is a corruption of Christianity which claims that we, in America, have a “Judeo-Christian” heritage, which we do NOT. The brave, hard working men and women who came to the North American wilderness and built this nation were CHRISTIANS, period -- not “Judeo-Christians”. The very term “Judeo-Christian” is a ridiculous oxymoron because Talmudic Judaism (the religion of “Jews”) is in no way compatible with the pure Christianity of the Bible. Judaism is based upon the Talmud, which is the very antithesis of the Bible. If you believe that “the ‘Jews’ gave us our religion” and that “Jesus was a ‘Jew’” you have been grossly deceived. Many of our people are in “strong delusion”. It is time to wake up to the truth.
II Thessalonians 2:10-12 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness (and by the unlimited seduction of evil) in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, (because they did not welcome the truth) that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: (those who refuse the truth will be hard-wired to lies) That they all might be DAMNED who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. (Damnation is a ticket to hell.)
Our premise is that the majority of what is wrong with America today can be attributed to “Jewish” usury, “Jewish” tribal nepotism, “Jewish” corporate consolidation of all major lines of business, “Jewish” promotion of white genocide through forced immigration and miscegenation, rapacious ”Jewish” financial schemes, “Jewish” financing of Marxist-Communist agendas, “Jewish” promotion, financing and implementation of every possible vice, “Jewish”-controlled secret societies for infiltration of government and business, “Jewish” controlled media, “Jewish” controlled academia, the wholesale ramming of satanic “Jewish” philosophies down our collective throats, and overall “Jewish” parasitism aided by a despicable “shabez goy” class of servile (but well-compensated) “gentile” administrators and bureaucrats.
The belief system of Judaism proclaims that “Jews” are not to work on their holy day and considers that lighting candles for their “religious” ceremonies would be “work”. Therefore, they must use a so-called “gentile” for the task. Such a person would be a “shabez goy”, who in the broader sense is a willing servant for the “Jews”. A “shabez goy” is every bit as dangerous to America as the “Jew” parasite because he looks like one of us, but is a wretch who is willing to sell his soul to the devil so as to enjoy notoriety, a high salary and all of the material comforts that come with it. The government, academia and the corporate world are riddled with them. The most prominent of “shabez goy” traitors are high level Masons, Skull and Bonesmen, or members of other “elite” NGOs pushing for one-world government such as the World Economic Forum, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group or the Council on Foreign Relations. Though they may be very rich and powerful, they are but tools of the “Jew” oligarchs who run the system.
“Jewish” supremacism and every foul act and piece of propaganda that goes along with it threatens to condemn white culture and the white race itself to the Orwellian “memory hole” and in fact the most rabid, foaming at the mouth “Jewish” supremacists do not even hide the fact that they wish commit genocide against us. Consider the following verbal assault from a former (now retired) Harvard University “Jewish” college professor, who in the ultimate irony speaks of white supremacism, when he is as unrestrained as an attack dog in his “Jewish” supremacist viewpoint. He and other hoity-toity “academic” supremacist “Jews” like him can get away with this blather because Harvard University wouldn’t dare fire him – WHY? Because most of the contributors to university coffers are wealthy “Jews”. If a white professor attempted to speak his mind about the “Jews” he’d be fired.
Dr. Ignatiev does not believe his agenda is controversial. He says:
“The goal of abolishing the white race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed white supremacists.” Thus does he put whites on notice. If they oppose their abolition, they are “white supremacists.” According to Dr. Ignatiev, “The key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the white race.” “Make no mistake about it,” he says, “We intend to keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as ‘the white race’ is destroyed – not ‘deconstructed’ but destroyed.” What “social construct” will be left? A black one? An Hispanic one? Muslim? Asian? What about Jewish? |
The European Union Times, Harvard Professor: “Abolish the White Race”, Posted by Jacques Martin on August 28th, 2009,
Psychopathic, Edomite-Canaanite “Jews” like Ignatiev believe, because their Talmudic, rabbinical “spiritual” leaders tell them so, (and because their species is genetically pre-dispositioned) that they are destined to own and control the entire planet no matter what treachery, crimes and mass murders they must commit to reach that goal. Because of their alien nature they do not think of these crimes as sins, because their species does not possess a human conscience. You may term it “psychopathy”, “sociopathy”, “severe narcissism” or whatever, but a two legged being that looks human and yet is capable of plotting boom and bust cycles, depressions, revolutions, wars, riots, “crisis events” and every other scam and swindle known to man for profit, and political gain, without one shred of guilt or remorse, simply is not a human being, and that is what racist-supremacist anti-Christ “Jews” do naturally. That is WHO they are. That is their “business”. They are genetically programmed for infiltration, meanness and deception as well as acquisition through parasitism. That is because they are, as Jesus told us “Of (the offspring of) their father the devil.” “Jews” like Ignatiev are descended from Canaanite-Edomites, such as the Pharisees Jesus was addressing here:
John 8:44-45 Ye are of (descended from) your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, (referring to Cain, the son of Satan) and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: (his own offspring, or seed) for he is a liar, and the father of it. And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.
The B’nai B’rith is the most powerful Masonic group in the U.S. and its membership is entirely “Jewish”. It is also in control of the Anti Defamation League (ADL), which has an army of “Jewish” lawyers whose “work” is to squash any resistance to “Jewish” supremacism and “Jewish” criminal activities. These alien creatures, as we are inclined to define them, do not think that treachery against our white nations is wrong. They simply do it, because it is their nature as a parasitic species to do so. They are, to put it in biblical terminology, “vessels of wrath fitted to destruction” (Romans 9:22) or, if not of the “Jewish” species (i.e. shabez goy) simply are “goats”, who have been given over to “strong delusion” (see quote from II Thessalonians above). Their souls are slated for rejection by God.
Matthew 25:31-33 When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory: And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats: And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left. … 25:41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:
Is wealth, power, notoriety and luxury in this relatively short flesh existence “worth it” if it means spending an eternity in hell? Of course not, but there are two-legged creatures on this planet whose role is genetically pre-determined to work evil. They are "programmed" NOT to believe there is a such thing as eternal death in hell. The Bible assures us most emphatically that hell exists, and it is where the enemies of God will go after this short existence in the flesh. The "tares", "goats", "dogs", "beasts" and/or "vessels of wrath" fulfill the negative part of God's plan. It is not possible for God's children to experience “good AND evil” without this component. What the "Judaized" do not want to teach their congregations is that God created evil for our instruction:
Isaiah 45:5-7 I am the LORD, and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me: That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the LORD, and there is none else. I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.
Isaiah 55:8-9 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Canaanite-Edomite “Jews” are here on earth scripturally speaking to be “pricks in our eyes” and “thorns in our sides” -- to provide God’s children with the painful “knowledge (experience) of good AND evil” which is the penalty for the original sin of Adam and Eve in the “garden” planted by God. That “garden” was prepared by God for the Adamic, white race. Yes, when you really understand what God is telling us in His word it may sound fantastic, like some strange otherworldly fiction, but it is more real than what commonly passes as “reality”. THIS world system is nothing but one giant illusion, a substitute for our once joyful independence, hawked by “Jew” oligarchs and their Zio-puppet advertising agents as the good “life”, when it is really slow death in a huge open air debtors’ prison.
Our white nations have become enslaved to a parasitic money system invented by the Babylonian-Chaldean-Edomite ancestors of today’s “Jews”. Throughout history, whenever and wherever the parasite enters, that kingdom or nation has the life sucked out of it and becomes but a shadow of its former glory, where the hollow-eyed living dead wander the streets picking up cigarette butts and begging for their next fix, where paper money, titles, instruments, policies, derivatives, stocks, contracts and corporate monstrosities have replaced family farms, gardens, and honest homegrown businesses. When the parasite enters into the body of a nation all of the real assets somehow end up in the hands of the “Jews”, who always seem live well while the hassled and bedraggled working class poor, trapped in dirty, dangerous cities try with little success to stay on top of their bills. Most of our people go to their graves without any assets to pass on to their descendants. This is because the “Jew” has stolen all of their labor.
A system in which debt is created out of thin air by a parasite class and then lent into existence as money with an interest obligation attached is both grossly unfair and unsustainable and it is doomed to perish when Jesus Christ wipes the slate clean on planet earth. God has permitted this for now, so that we may be “educated” to the full extent as to what constitutes EVIL.
Any one of us, if put in the Garden of Eden without memory of what we have experienced in this life, would sin, just as did Adam and Eve, so there is no point is any of us thinking we are better than our ancient patriarchs. God’s ways and His plans are oftentimes beyond our full comprehension but remember, the Bible is telling us the complete truth, if only OUR people would take to heart what God has revealed to us and not fall prey to the incredible deceptions of this rehashed satanic-Babylonian system of things, the “mystery Babylon” that has its death grip on our white nations. Though the words used to describe it may change from one century to the next, the system remains the same. It is not based upon natural, benign industry coupled with a good work ethic. It is based upon every evil that can be conceived of in the minds of two-legged devils, and among those evils is “race baiting”. Consider this in light of the 2017 event in Charlottesville, Virginia which we will discuss in more detail later:
We must realize that our party's most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negros. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.
Israel Cohen, (a “Jewish” writer) A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century, 1912. Also in the Congressional Record, Vol. 103, p. 8559, June 7, 1957,
Communism, which is now deceptively referred to as “progressivism”, is ALWAYS sponsored and guided by wealthy, powerful “Jews” like George Soros (Gyorgy Schwartz). It is a worldwide plague of horrific ideas that employs extreme deception, the deliberate pitting of one race or class against another and acts of extreme violence to achieve its aims. Though the phenomenon of “Jewish” supremacism, the guiding force behind communism, is very real you will never read or hear a peep about it on television, radio, newspapers, from the magazines, from the government or in the institutions of “higher learning” because they are all part of the problem. You will only see the heads of shabez goy media whores bobbing as they PARROT catch phrases like “white supremacist”, “white nationalist”, “hate speech” baaaak baaaak, “white supremacist”, “white nationalist” “white violence” baaaaak. This utterly lopsided “report” from the mainstream propaganda machine is brought daily into our living rooms courtesy of “Jewish” supremacists who own and/or control ALL major media outlets, all big publishing houses, AND, if that is not bad enough, they control the “academic” institutions of this nation through their multi-billion dollar tax exempt foundations. They also control the U.S. government and the governments of every other nation through well-compensated and/or bribed “agents” planted in key government and corporate posts. Satan takes care of his own species – at least for now -- until he and his descendants and disciples are cast into the fires of hell. At this time, he “walketh about” the planet as a lion “seeking whom he may devour”. This is at the root of our suffering.
I Peter 5:6-11 Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world. But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you. To him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.
The U.S. military has been USED and abused for the past century to enforce the will of “Jewish” supremacist oligarchs on smaller nations, whose natural born leaders, “men of the people” are ousted or assassinated to bring in shabez goy replacements in government and “Jewish” owned multi-national corporate monopolies which supplant national and local business and industry. This process, according to “Jewish” thought control doublespeak is “making the nation safe for democracy”. Before the parasite overcame America our nation was “one republic under God”, as proclaims the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag, but our people have been indoctrinated to believe the U.S. was a “democracy” from the beginning.
You will not find the word “democracy” in the U.S. Constitution because a “democracy” is NOT a “republic”. The United States of America was in the past a “republic” but it has been slowly transformed, as Benjamin Franklin warned, to suit the “Jews”. A “democracy” is a “Jewish” supremacist slave state controlled by “Jewish” international central bankers and “Jewish” owned banks and corporate monopolies. At this time, this is what imperialist America IS. We predict that once America is used up (as was the “British” empire) the “Jew” parasite will have fully infected China and it will become the next “imperialist” state. The world should not blame the average American citizen for this phenomenon because he does not have a clue that it even exists. He would proclaim with great agitation that writings such as this are the “paranoid” ramblings of a “conspiracy theorist”. This is because the average American has been taught nothing but LIES his entire life. If he ever wakes up it will only be because God has given him the desire to know and love TRUTH. Are you still reading? If so, there is eternal hope for YOU!
The “iron curtain” has been closing over America a very long time, since at least the mid to late 1800s. At that time “Jew” merchants formed “combinations” (gigantic hoards of wealth) and usurped most of the major lines of trade, squashed “gentile”-owned local banks, infiltrated the government and impoverished the American people with waves of artificially created “boom and bust” economic cycles. The “Great Red Dragon” by J.B. Woolfolk, written in the 1890s, charts the progression of this exploitation. (You can download the book below). All of the stores in New York City, for instance, were established by “gentiles”, but in the last half of the 19th century all of the business mysteriously ended up in the hands of “Jews”. How exactly this happened is a study in methods devoid of conscience -- how to undersell until the competition goes broke and then raise prices back up again, how to infiltrate in order to learn secrets and sabotage competitors, how to ruin the competition by monopolizing commodities essential to their manufacturing process, how to employ government as a tool to squash competition and defraud consumers, and on and on. There has not been a “free market” in America for well over a century, as prices are set by oppressive “Jew” merchants whose business practices are inherently deceitful:
Hosea 12:7 He is a merchant, the balances of deceit are in his hand: he loveth to oppress.
We experienced the last “bust” (called a “recession”) in 2006-2007 when the real estate market suddenly crashed and homeowners saw their houses plummet in value anywhere from 20-80% depending upon the local market. $2 trillion dollars worth of real estate equity was “lost” in America. This was not a natural “free market” occurrence. The “boom” was created by “Jewish” bankers who first made it easy even for those with insufficient income to get a loan, and then once real estate prices were sufficiently bloated, like a hog being fattened for the slaughter, they changed the rules, making it far more difficult to obtain a mortgage. As a result of this maneuver, an entire class of people, now considered “high risk” could not get a real estate loan. Sellers who had seen their house prices rise and rise for years no longer had willing buyers. Real estate values plummeted. Then the vultures swooped in for the kill.
John 8:44-45 Ye are of (descended from) your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, (referring to Cain, the son of Satan) and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: (his own offspring, or seed) for he is a liar, and the father of it. And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.
The B’nai B’rith is the most powerful Masonic group in the U.S. and its membership is entirely “Jewish”. It is also in control of the Anti Defamation League (ADL), which has an army of “Jewish” lawyers whose “work” is to squash any resistance to “Jewish” supremacism and “Jewish” criminal activities. These alien creatures, as we are inclined to define them, do not think that treachery against our white nations is wrong. They simply do it, because it is their nature as a parasitic species to do so. They are, to put it in biblical terminology, “vessels of wrath fitted to destruction” (Romans 9:22) or, if not of the “Jewish” species (i.e. shabez goy) simply are “goats”, who have been given over to “strong delusion” (see quote from II Thessalonians above). Their souls are slated for rejection by God.
Matthew 25:31-33 When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory: And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats: And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left. … 25:41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:
Is wealth, power, notoriety and luxury in this relatively short flesh existence “worth it” if it means spending an eternity in hell? Of course not, but there are two-legged creatures on this planet whose role is genetically pre-determined to work evil. They are "programmed" NOT to believe there is a such thing as eternal death in hell. The Bible assures us most emphatically that hell exists, and it is where the enemies of God will go after this short existence in the flesh. The "tares", "goats", "dogs", "beasts" and/or "vessels of wrath" fulfill the negative part of God's plan. It is not possible for God's children to experience “good AND evil” without this component. What the "Judaized" do not want to teach their congregations is that God created evil for our instruction:
Isaiah 45:5-7 I am the LORD, and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me: That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the LORD, and there is none else. I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.
Isaiah 55:8-9 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Canaanite-Edomite “Jews” are here on earth scripturally speaking to be “pricks in our eyes” and “thorns in our sides” -- to provide God’s children with the painful “knowledge (experience) of good AND evil” which is the penalty for the original sin of Adam and Eve in the “garden” planted by God. That “garden” was prepared by God for the Adamic, white race. Yes, when you really understand what God is telling us in His word it may sound fantastic, like some strange otherworldly fiction, but it is more real than what commonly passes as “reality”. THIS world system is nothing but one giant illusion, a substitute for our once joyful independence, hawked by “Jew” oligarchs and their Zio-puppet advertising agents as the good “life”, when it is really slow death in a huge open air debtors’ prison.
Our white nations have become enslaved to a parasitic money system invented by the Babylonian-Chaldean-Edomite ancestors of today’s “Jews”. Throughout history, whenever and wherever the parasite enters, that kingdom or nation has the life sucked out of it and becomes but a shadow of its former glory, where the hollow-eyed living dead wander the streets picking up cigarette butts and begging for their next fix, where paper money, titles, instruments, policies, derivatives, stocks, contracts and corporate monstrosities have replaced family farms, gardens, and honest homegrown businesses. When the parasite enters into the body of a nation all of the real assets somehow end up in the hands of the “Jews”, who always seem live well while the hassled and bedraggled working class poor, trapped in dirty, dangerous cities try with little success to stay on top of their bills. Most of our people go to their graves without any assets to pass on to their descendants. This is because the “Jew” has stolen all of their labor.
A system in which debt is created out of thin air by a parasite class and then lent into existence as money with an interest obligation attached is both grossly unfair and unsustainable and it is doomed to perish when Jesus Christ wipes the slate clean on planet earth. God has permitted this for now, so that we may be “educated” to the full extent as to what constitutes EVIL.
Any one of us, if put in the Garden of Eden without memory of what we have experienced in this life, would sin, just as did Adam and Eve, so there is no point is any of us thinking we are better than our ancient patriarchs. God’s ways and His plans are oftentimes beyond our full comprehension but remember, the Bible is telling us the complete truth, if only OUR people would take to heart what God has revealed to us and not fall prey to the incredible deceptions of this rehashed satanic-Babylonian system of things, the “mystery Babylon” that has its death grip on our white nations. Though the words used to describe it may change from one century to the next, the system remains the same. It is not based upon natural, benign industry coupled with a good work ethic. It is based upon every evil that can be conceived of in the minds of two-legged devils, and among those evils is “race baiting”. Consider this in light of the 2017 event in Charlottesville, Virginia which we will discuss in more detail later:
We must realize that our party's most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negros. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.
Israel Cohen, (a “Jewish” writer) A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century, 1912. Also in the Congressional Record, Vol. 103, p. 8559, June 7, 1957,
Communism, which is now deceptively referred to as “progressivism”, is ALWAYS sponsored and guided by wealthy, powerful “Jews” like George Soros (Gyorgy Schwartz). It is a worldwide plague of horrific ideas that employs extreme deception, the deliberate pitting of one race or class against another and acts of extreme violence to achieve its aims. Though the phenomenon of “Jewish” supremacism, the guiding force behind communism, is very real you will never read or hear a peep about it on television, radio, newspapers, from the magazines, from the government or in the institutions of “higher learning” because they are all part of the problem. You will only see the heads of shabez goy media whores bobbing as they PARROT catch phrases like “white supremacist”, “white nationalist”, “hate speech” baaaak baaaak, “white supremacist”, “white nationalist” “white violence” baaaaak. This utterly lopsided “report” from the mainstream propaganda machine is brought daily into our living rooms courtesy of “Jewish” supremacists who own and/or control ALL major media outlets, all big publishing houses, AND, if that is not bad enough, they control the “academic” institutions of this nation through their multi-billion dollar tax exempt foundations. They also control the U.S. government and the governments of every other nation through well-compensated and/or bribed “agents” planted in key government and corporate posts. Satan takes care of his own species – at least for now -- until he and his descendants and disciples are cast into the fires of hell. At this time, he “walketh about” the planet as a lion “seeking whom he may devour”. This is at the root of our suffering.
I Peter 5:6-11 Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world. But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you. To him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.
The U.S. military has been USED and abused for the past century to enforce the will of “Jewish” supremacist oligarchs on smaller nations, whose natural born leaders, “men of the people” are ousted or assassinated to bring in shabez goy replacements in government and “Jewish” owned multi-national corporate monopolies which supplant national and local business and industry. This process, according to “Jewish” thought control doublespeak is “making the nation safe for democracy”. Before the parasite overcame America our nation was “one republic under God”, as proclaims the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag, but our people have been indoctrinated to believe the U.S. was a “democracy” from the beginning.
You will not find the word “democracy” in the U.S. Constitution because a “democracy” is NOT a “republic”. The United States of America was in the past a “republic” but it has been slowly transformed, as Benjamin Franklin warned, to suit the “Jews”. A “democracy” is a “Jewish” supremacist slave state controlled by “Jewish” international central bankers and “Jewish” owned banks and corporate monopolies. At this time, this is what imperialist America IS. We predict that once America is used up (as was the “British” empire) the “Jew” parasite will have fully infected China and it will become the next “imperialist” state. The world should not blame the average American citizen for this phenomenon because he does not have a clue that it even exists. He would proclaim with great agitation that writings such as this are the “paranoid” ramblings of a “conspiracy theorist”. This is because the average American has been taught nothing but LIES his entire life. If he ever wakes up it will only be because God has given him the desire to know and love TRUTH. Are you still reading? If so, there is eternal hope for YOU!
The “iron curtain” has been closing over America a very long time, since at least the mid to late 1800s. At that time “Jew” merchants formed “combinations” (gigantic hoards of wealth) and usurped most of the major lines of trade, squashed “gentile”-owned local banks, infiltrated the government and impoverished the American people with waves of artificially created “boom and bust” economic cycles. The “Great Red Dragon” by J.B. Woolfolk, written in the 1890s, charts the progression of this exploitation. (You can download the book below). All of the stores in New York City, for instance, were established by “gentiles”, but in the last half of the 19th century all of the business mysteriously ended up in the hands of “Jews”. How exactly this happened is a study in methods devoid of conscience -- how to undersell until the competition goes broke and then raise prices back up again, how to infiltrate in order to learn secrets and sabotage competitors, how to ruin the competition by monopolizing commodities essential to their manufacturing process, how to employ government as a tool to squash competition and defraud consumers, and on and on. There has not been a “free market” in America for well over a century, as prices are set by oppressive “Jew” merchants whose business practices are inherently deceitful:
Hosea 12:7 He is a merchant, the balances of deceit are in his hand: he loveth to oppress.
We experienced the last “bust” (called a “recession”) in 2006-2007 when the real estate market suddenly crashed and homeowners saw their houses plummet in value anywhere from 20-80% depending upon the local market. $2 trillion dollars worth of real estate equity was “lost” in America. This was not a natural “free market” occurrence. The “boom” was created by “Jewish” bankers who first made it easy even for those with insufficient income to get a loan, and then once real estate prices were sufficiently bloated, like a hog being fattened for the slaughter, they changed the rules, making it far more difficult to obtain a mortgage. As a result of this maneuver, an entire class of people, now considered “high risk” could not get a real estate loan. Sellers who had seen their house prices rise and rise for years no longer had willing buyers. Real estate values plummeted. Then the vultures swooped in for the kill.
Historian Henry Adams
The investment firms and “insider” parasite-investment class got to scoop up many foreclosed properties and bankrupted businesses for pennies on the dollar exactly as they had done during the great depression of the early 1930s, and every other artificially created depression before. “Jews” have been profiting from large scale, cyclical swindles such as these for a very long time. It is this type of dirty “business” that inspired the great historian Henry Adams (1838-1913), who was the descendant of two presidents, to say “I detest the Jews, and everything connected with them, and I live only and solely with the hope of seeing their demise, with all their accursed Judaism. I want to see all of the lenders at interest taken out and executed.” If you don’t agree with Adams, perhaps you will take Napolean’s word for it. He said: Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency; their sole object is gain. Since “Jews” are in control of ALL of the major banks and investment firms this should give us a glimpse into the character of the alien among us.
Adams would be appalled to see how completely corrupt everything has become now that “Jews” and the Judeo-Masonic-Zionist shabbez goy upper class have have usurped 90% of America’s wealth. If you wonder “Are ALL Jews involved in this program” the answer is that a very large percentage of “Jews”, if not actively involved are by no means in opposition to “Jews” owning and controlling 90% of the material world. They will simply go along with it because they are materialists by nature. A decade ago there was a young “Jewish” writer at the L.A. times, one Joel Stein, who wrote an article entitled “How Jewish Is Hollywood”, in which he brags “As a proud Jew, I want America to know about our accomplishment. Yes, we control Hollywood … I don’t care if Americans think we’re running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street or the government. I just care that we get to keep running them.” Thus Stein reveals the essence of “Jewish” supremacism. "Jews" don’t care about the HOW they amass wealth and power. They only care about how much and how quickly they can attain it. There is no "moral" component to their lust for acquisition. Henry Ford put it quite well when he said that a “gentile” sets about to “earn” a living, but the “Jew” sets about to “get” a living. For that truthful statement, Mr. Ford was branded an “anti-Semite”. If only he had known that “Jews” are NOT Semites. They are Canaanite-Edomites whose lineage traces back to Cain who was literally the son of Satan.
One may rightfully ask: “Are there good ‘Jews’”? Let us put that proposition to the test. “Jews” who would step out on a limb to fight against their own tribal-racial zeitgeist are like a few needles in a big haystack. The late Myron Fagan and Arthur Koestler were two such “radical” (to their own tribe) “Jews”. Henry Makow and Nathanial Kapner also provide “limited hangouts” of truth on their websites, but they will not touch upon the genetic “enmity” between the two dominant humanoid species on planet earth: the “seed of the woman” and the “seed of the serpent” (Genesis 3:15). This extremely important and fascinating matter is covered in detail in other essays on this site such as “Did Cain’s Descendants Survive the Great Flood”.
At least 70% of all political contributions to both the Democratic and Republican political parties come from “Jews”. This alone is sure to skew government policy in their direction. The Federal Reserve mass counterfeiting scheme is completely run by “Jews” and it is 100% owned by “Jewish” dynasties (read “The Pyramid Scheme of Debt” and “Rothschild Zionism …” for details). The major banks and Wall Street investment firms, like Goldman Sachs, are completely owned and controlled by “Jews”. Powerful lobby and political pressure groups like AIPAC, the ADL and SPLC are entirely controlled and mostly staffed by “Jews”. As such, they promote agendas that are contrary to a free, prosperous, healthy, racially homogeneous Christian America.
Speaking of the presumably “non-profit” Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) -- It appears that they have amassed such a bulging surplus of loot that they are obliged to hide some of it in offshore tax havens like the Cayman Islands. Is this appropriate and legal for a “non-profit” business? In 2015 the SPLC admitted to having $328 million in assets, which, again, is rather a large war chest for a “non-profit” organization. It would appear that the SPLC is PROFITING magnificently. How do they get away with this? Would a non-Jewish run non-profit get away with this? NO, because the “Jewish” controlled media would shame them to death. A “Jewish” run non-profit however – well, they’re “special”, because after all, they’re “chosen” and they’re fighting “hate”. The “business” of the SPLC is to roam the universe and seek out “hate” wherever they can find it, except in D.C. pedophile rings and the boardrooms of Zionist warmongers, which doesn’t qualify as “hate”. We can be sure, though, if the SPLC could sue Jesus Christ for the “hate” of proclaiming that the ancient ancestors of the “Jew” lawyers at the SPLC were “of their father the devil” you best believe they would. With contributors like J.P. Morgan and Co. and Apple Computer, whose CEO will match any contribution of employees donating to the SPLC, how can they fail to PROFIT – err, we mean – fight “hate”. We suggest your boycott Apple Computer and other corporations known to support hateful operations like the SPLC and the ACLU, speaking of which …
The “Jewish” run American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) stomps about the earth like a roaring lion harassing small businessmen, such as the baker in Colorado who refused to bake a wedding cake for two homosexuals, because it was against his Christian religion to do so. Never mind that those spoiled rotten sodomite-faggots (who give homosexuals a bad name) could easily have gone somewhere else for their cake. They had to make a big deal out of it because they were whining babies who didn’t get their way and the ACLU was more than happy to take this case to court and completely RUIN the poor Christian baker’s small business. And what was “accomplished” by this? Was America made a better place for this? Had the baker been a homosexual refusing to bake a cake for a Christian heterosexual couple we can be sure the SPLC would NOT have offered their legal services. This is because the ACLU is patently anti-Christian, satanic and is working to promote everything that is wrong in America and squash everything that is good. This is what Canaanite-Edomite “Jews” do, because it is in their very genes to work EVIL. “The wicked are born estranged from the womb, speaking lies …” See Psalm 58:2-4 quoted below.
Fortunately, in this one case justice was eventually served when the Supreme Court weighed in on the matter. To quote the following article: "In this landmark 7-2 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Colorado applied its discriminatory 'gay mafia' law in a hostile manner, failing to respect the individual freedoms of a baker who didn’t want to be compelled to engage in pro-gay speech (which violates his religious beliefs)". Hooray for this victory, but the war is by no means over. Battles like this will have to be fought over and over and over against Marxist-liberal bigots who proclaim themselves to be "tolerant" and yet have ZERO tolerance for views they do not share -- mainly if those view happen to be even marginally Christian.
One may rightfully ask: “Are there good ‘Jews’”? Let us put that proposition to the test. “Jews” who would step out on a limb to fight against their own tribal-racial zeitgeist are like a few needles in a big haystack. The late Myron Fagan and Arthur Koestler were two such “radical” (to their own tribe) “Jews”. Henry Makow and Nathanial Kapner also provide “limited hangouts” of truth on their websites, but they will not touch upon the genetic “enmity” between the two dominant humanoid species on planet earth: the “seed of the woman” and the “seed of the serpent” (Genesis 3:15). This extremely important and fascinating matter is covered in detail in other essays on this site such as “Did Cain’s Descendants Survive the Great Flood”.
At least 70% of all political contributions to both the Democratic and Republican political parties come from “Jews”. This alone is sure to skew government policy in their direction. The Federal Reserve mass counterfeiting scheme is completely run by “Jews” and it is 100% owned by “Jewish” dynasties (read “The Pyramid Scheme of Debt” and “Rothschild Zionism …” for details). The major banks and Wall Street investment firms, like Goldman Sachs, are completely owned and controlled by “Jews”. Powerful lobby and political pressure groups like AIPAC, the ADL and SPLC are entirely controlled and mostly staffed by “Jews”. As such, they promote agendas that are contrary to a free, prosperous, healthy, racially homogeneous Christian America.
Speaking of the presumably “non-profit” Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) -- It appears that they have amassed such a bulging surplus of loot that they are obliged to hide some of it in offshore tax havens like the Cayman Islands. Is this appropriate and legal for a “non-profit” business? In 2015 the SPLC admitted to having $328 million in assets, which, again, is rather a large war chest for a “non-profit” organization. It would appear that the SPLC is PROFITING magnificently. How do they get away with this? Would a non-Jewish run non-profit get away with this? NO, because the “Jewish” controlled media would shame them to death. A “Jewish” run non-profit however – well, they’re “special”, because after all, they’re “chosen” and they’re fighting “hate”. The “business” of the SPLC is to roam the universe and seek out “hate” wherever they can find it, except in D.C. pedophile rings and the boardrooms of Zionist warmongers, which doesn’t qualify as “hate”. We can be sure, though, if the SPLC could sue Jesus Christ for the “hate” of proclaiming that the ancient ancestors of the “Jew” lawyers at the SPLC were “of their father the devil” you best believe they would. With contributors like J.P. Morgan and Co. and Apple Computer, whose CEO will match any contribution of employees donating to the SPLC, how can they fail to PROFIT – err, we mean – fight “hate”. We suggest your boycott Apple Computer and other corporations known to support hateful operations like the SPLC and the ACLU, speaking of which …
The “Jewish” run American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) stomps about the earth like a roaring lion harassing small businessmen, such as the baker in Colorado who refused to bake a wedding cake for two homosexuals, because it was against his Christian religion to do so. Never mind that those spoiled rotten sodomite-faggots (who give homosexuals a bad name) could easily have gone somewhere else for their cake. They had to make a big deal out of it because they were whining babies who didn’t get their way and the ACLU was more than happy to take this case to court and completely RUIN the poor Christian baker’s small business. And what was “accomplished” by this? Was America made a better place for this? Had the baker been a homosexual refusing to bake a cake for a Christian heterosexual couple we can be sure the SPLC would NOT have offered their legal services. This is because the ACLU is patently anti-Christian, satanic and is working to promote everything that is wrong in America and squash everything that is good. This is what Canaanite-Edomite “Jews” do, because it is in their very genes to work EVIL. “The wicked are born estranged from the womb, speaking lies …” See Psalm 58:2-4 quoted below.
Fortunately, in this one case justice was eventually served when the Supreme Court weighed in on the matter. To quote the following article: "In this landmark 7-2 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Colorado applied its discriminatory 'gay mafia' law in a hostile manner, failing to respect the individual freedoms of a baker who didn’t want to be compelled to engage in pro-gay speech (which violates his religious beliefs)". Hooray for this victory, but the war is by no means over. Battles like this will have to be fought over and over and over against Marxist-liberal bigots who proclaim themselves to be "tolerant" and yet have ZERO tolerance for views they do not share -- mainly if those view happen to be even marginally Christian.

gay_mafia_handed_huge_defeat.pdf |
Another opinion on the ruling:

colorado_baker_--_supreme_court_ruling_opinion.pdf |
Bear in mind that there would be no such thing in America as homosexual marriages were it not for supremacist “Jewry” desiring it. Why do they do this? One reason is that it is simply an extension of the “work” that was done by “Jews” in the 1960s to promote the “sexual revolution”, “open marriages” and “alternative lifestyles” which was an attack on Christian, Bible-based morality. Another reason is that there are many homosexuals within “Jewry”, products of serial pedophile rabbis and a “homo-erotic” culture that encourages an excess of, shall we say, “male bonding”. The main reason though is to inject a poison into traditional white culture so as to rot it from within, because the number one goal of “supremacist” Jewry is to wipe out the white race.
There is a war on planet Earth between two contrary species: the seed of the woman (represented by pure-blooded “Adamite” whites) and the seed of the serpent (represented by Edomite-Canaanite “Jewry”). One side wages a nasty, dirty fight using tactics only “their father the devil” could approve of, and the other side is mostly unaware of this epic, centuries-long war because our natural enemy, the “Jew”, is in control of 99% of the information that reaches our eyes and ears. That is why you, as a white Christian MUST copy and distribute materials such as this to OUR people. God is only going to help us through this tribulation (which is only going to get worse from here on out) when we, as a people, turn back to Him. No other "strategy" is going to work for our people.
Given the proof we have provided thus far (and more to come), WHY do so many people have such a difficult time even considering that “Jews” are like “pricks in our eyes” and “thorns in our sides” -- that they are “vexing” us in every possible way and are the chief troublemakers behind the decline of America? We think it is because the people have been overcome by an insidious “sorcery”. The most powerful “merchants” in the world are “Jews”. They own almost all of the banks, and the lion’s share of business in America and everywhere else in the world. They even have legal bully groups (mentioned in the proceeding paragraphs) to enforce their tyranny with court action and threats of severe financial penalty for non-compliance with the dictates of the “Jewish”-communist collective. What does the Bible have to say about these “merchants” of the end times?
Revelation 18:23 (looking back from the future) And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.
Could it be that those people who believe the “Jews” are “God’s chosen people” are suffering from the sorcery of “Jews”? Could it be that those preachers who haven’t realized that the term “Judeo-Christian” is an oxymoron are suffering from a mental disease, put upon them by sorcerers – a disease that prohibits them from discerning the truth? They hold the Bible in their hand every Sunday but don’t realize that in its pages God says that whatever is “esteemed” among men is “abomination” to Him. In other words, if it is popular with the world, you’d best believe it is WRONG. The mathematics of this is evident in Jesus’ words:
Matthew 7:13-14 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
Luke 16:14-15 And the Pharisees also, who were covetous, heard all these things: and they derided him. And he said unto them, Ye are they which justify yourselves before men; but God knoweth your hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God.
“Jewish” newspaper writer Joel Stein bragged that the Hollywood “entertainment” (propaganda) machine is totally controlled by “Jews” as are the major television networks. Movie studios, newspapers, radio stations, giant Internet sites, department stores, fast food franchise chains, pharmaceutical corporations – you name it – almost all owned and controlled by “Jews”. We can add that unfortunately most of our church denominations are controlled by anti-Christ “Jew” sorcerers. Pastors of these churches would generally have no problem marrying a mixed race couple. Even the pope has come out of the closet (so to speak) and he now endorses homosexual marriage. These are perfect examples of “abomination in the sight of God”, because God clearly states that such things are sinful. If you belong to a “church” that turns a blind eye to any of the following, or tells you that any of this is permissible by God, get OUT of it. It is working AGAINST God, and for Satan:
Romans 1:24-32 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
Protestant mainstream denominational churches, and particularly Catholic churches controlled by crypto-“Jews”, are major pushers of the “diversity” agenda. Catholic refugee resettlement groups routinely bring Haitians, Somalians and other brown and black refugees to America. Why would they go out of their way to import an invasive species from the interior of Africa, of all places in the world, to America while doing little to nothing to assist whites who could easily assimilate and make a contribution? Once in America these low IQ beasts proceed to rape white women, steal, riot, stir up trouble and live off of welfare at our expense. Thus, the Catholic church, and any Protestant denomination that assists in this process is aiding and abetting the enemy. You can be sure that the “Jew” who has wormed his way into the religious establishments is behind these efforts because diversity is THEIR strength, not OURS.
Does racial purity mean anything? It most certainly does because it is impossible to have a “nation” unless there is one predominant racial group. The only way to hold together a diverse Babylonian hodgepodge of races crammed into a geographic area is with a government TYRANNY. Racist supremacist “Jews” love a tyranny, because invariably THEY and their shabbez goy sycophant class of traitors will be running it. All communist tyrannies have been commanded by “Jews” at the top levels. A communist tyranny is a horrific system of government that steals everything from the people in order that a handful of “elites” may live as kings, but again, the “Jew” would have no problem with that as long as he is on the receiving end of the SCAM. “Jewish” supremacism in full bloom inevitably equals communist totalitarianism.
Now we are in the latter phase of the mortification, when the emboldened parasite tests the waters to see if we mind having our white history deleted. Our churches COULD be a potent force against this attack by “Jewish” supremacists but instead of resisting the devil that is rushing to remove statues of great white men from our public squares today’s oxymoronic “Judeo-Christian” churches practically worship the “Jews” and bestow millions in donations upon their bastard Israeli state -- a counterfeit of true Israel. This subject is covered in “The Truth About Israel” and “Was Jesus A ‘Jew’” essays on this website.
Henry Adams would decry that the Zionist controlled U.S. Federal Government doles out over $20 billion dollars worth of “aid”, military equipment and loan guarantees to the Israeli state every year while many of our white citizens are underemployed, unemployed, starving and losing their homes to foreclosure. Mr. Adams knew full well, as we should, that there is absolutely nothing wrong with hating such ungodly vampires, as God hates them. God says we should not HELP them either, which is exactly what the U.S. government and the “Judeo-Christian” churches are doing! SHAME on them for siding with the enemy!
II Chronicles 19:2 … Shouldest thou help the ungodly, and love them that hate the LORD? therefore is wrath upon thee from before the LORD. (“Jews” do NOT love Jesus. They hate Him.)
Malachi 1:1-3 The burden of the word of the LORD to Israel by Malachi. I have loved you, saith the LORD. Yet ye say, Wherein hast thou loved us? Was not Esau Jacob’s brother? saith the LORD: yet I loved Jacob, And I hated Esau, and laid his mountains and his heritage waste for the dragons of the wilderness. (Esau was a grandson of Abraham. He took Canaanite women as wives, forever tainting his descendants with the satanic bloodline/genetics. He is the patriarch of many of today’s “Jews”).
Banker J.P. Morgan, a high profile shabez goy agent for the “Jewish”-Zionist-Kabbalistic-Luciferian Rothschild dynasty, helped put the final nails in the coffin of our former “republic under God” when, in 1910, he purchased the editorial rights to the largest newspapers in the land in order to assure that there was no negative press in regard to the proposed Federal Reserve Act. This Trojan Horse legislative tome was written by Paul Warburg, scion of the “Jewish”-German Warburg banking dynasty. It was the single most damaging single piece of legislation ever perpetrated on America, turning over our very money supply, without reservation, to “Jewish” banking oligarchs, most of them Europeans. They could then use the dollar itself as a powerful weapon against our nation.
Woodrow Wilson, a Marrano Jew who passed as white, whose family name had been changed from Wolfson to Wohlson and then to Wilson, was promoted to the Oval Office because he knew nothing about the central banking scam and could be counted on to be a perfect pawn for his banker brethren in crime. For this, there are bridges, roads and schools named after him. And don’t worry. If there are any statues of Woodrow Wilson, they will not be a target of Antifa because Wolfson was working for the “Jewish” takeover of America. The only statues that would be targeted by communist-“Jewish”-supremacists would be those of WHITE men who were NOT pawns for international “Jewish” bankers.
During the Wolfson administration, a traitorous skeleton crew of congressmen and senators gathered, on Christmas Eve of 1913, to assure passage of the “Federal” “Reserve” Act. The “Fed” is neither “Federal” nor does it retain any “reserves” because counterfeiters don’t need reserves. All of the patriotic representatives who would certainly have voted AGAINST the Federal Reserve Act had gone home for the holidays. The alien “Jew” devil now had America by the throat. This meant that the"Jewish" international bankers owning and managing the Federal Reserve could create billions upon billions of dollars of DEBT obligations out of absolutely NOTHING through the “fractional reserve” banking mechanism (explained in the Pyramid Scheme of Debt) and use that hoard of counterfeited capital for whatever they so desired.
What the “Jewish” oligarchy desired was to steal all of our real property and industry, take over the government, retool academia to conform with “Jewish” supremacist philosophy, infiltrate the religious establishments and replace Christianity with Zionist Talmudic Judaism, and by propaganda and stealth disenfranchise and reduce the population of pure-blooded Caucasians with genocidal bogus wars, revolutions, and government sanctioned “diversity”, “multicultural” and “affirmative action” mandates so as to reach their final goal: to rule over a fully mongrelized world, devoid of racial integrity (except for the supremacist “Jew’s” own dubious pedigree) with the most oppressive scientific tyranny in all of human history, featuring a centralized global banking system and a one-world currency as the superglue to hold the whole rotten Babylonian house of cards together. (See “The End Game Explained” for more details.)
The book of Revelation prophesies that at the height of the satanic tyranny no one will even be able to buy or sell without a certain “mark”, which would require that the recipient worship Satan/Lucifer. Bear in mind that this would only be possible if all cash is confiscated by government and the citizen slaves are forced to use electronic cards, chip implants, or whatever tyrannical, invasive method is devised by the oligarchy’s technocrats for transactions in the planned global currency system. The “money” (electronic credits) of the world’s slaves would be denominated in some pre-determined unit (probably not the dollar) which would decided upon by the satanic “Jewish” banking oligarchy. At this time, the dollar is the pre-eminent (reserve) currency on the planet, but its demise is being planned, as is the destruction of “imperialist” America, the 20th and early 21st century war machine of the united “Jewish” oligarchy. The next war machine of the “Jew” oligarchy will probably be China.
Revelation 13:15-18 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
In the very last days of this earth age it will still be possible to survive without accepting the mark and worshiping Satan, but it will require barter, and will take place in “the wilderness”, wherever that may be, in accordance with the following prophecy:
Reveleation 12:6 And the woman (representing the people of God, the “elect”) fled into the wilderness, (which could refer to America, the place where white Europeans fled in the 17th-21st centuries to escape the tyranny of the “Jewish” oligarchy in Europe, and/or it could be any other place where white Christians can safely sojourn until the end of the age) where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days (3.45 years – a year was not always 365 days. It used to be 360 days, in which case we derive exactly 3.5 years of this tribulation).
The one-world empire is graphically represented in scripture by the feet of clay and iron of the “image” from King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream in Chapter 2 of the book of Daniel. The “image” with a head of gold, arms of silver and belly of brass crumbles into the “chaff of the summer threshingfloors”, representing the end of this wicked earth age which has been dominated by the various satanic kingdoms of man, and always administered in their periods of decline by the satanic Cainite-Canaanite-Edomite bloodline. The feet of iron mixed with clay also illustrates that “diversity” is NOT a “strength” as the masses are being programmed to believe. It is nothing but instability and weakness. The alien “Jew” parasite however prefers such a system because it allows him to maintain his own serpent seed line racial “integrity”, while virtually making it a crime for whites to practice homogeneity. The Jewish control of academia, publishing and mass media assures that this hypocrisy, which should be obvious, will not be detected by the citizen slaves.
It is well hidden, but also extremely hypocritical that the “Jewish” Israeli state demands to remain a racially homogeneous nation, while “Jews” are without exception at the forefront of the diversification and mulattoization of white nations, in whatever form it takes, whether it be “refugee resettlement”, the bringing in of “guest workers”, “welfare for minorities”, “affirmative action”, “church charity” – the overall process represented by today’s BIG buzzwords “diversity” and “multiculturalism” which spells GENOCIDE against the white race. This juggernaut of deception is to be expected from a species of born deceivers who are the natural enemies of pure blooded Adamite-Caucasians. A mixed race society is unstable and chaotic in every way, as was the ancient kingdom of Babylon which was broken up by God. We have only to view the daily news reports to know without a doubt that America is riddled with chaos and instability. The very word “Babylon” means confusion by mixing!
A half-century after J.P. Morgan’s 1910 coup over the American press the greatest historian America has ever NOT known (because he is eschewed by “Jewish” controlled “academia” and ignored by “Jewish” controlled mass media) Mr. Eustace Mullins, was set on a path to discover the truth by the great poet Ezra Pound. Pound was a literary genius who was fluent in seven languages and was the mentor of formerly unknown writers such as Ernest Hemingway, William Butler Yeats and T.S. Eliot, all of whom received accolades and Nobel Prizes for their work while Pound rotted in prison. Through meticulous and voluminous research Pound uncovered the Federal Reserve conspiracy in the 1920s. For his great patriotic service to America and his attempt to sound an alarm he was tortured by the “allies” in Italy and subsequently imprisoned at the high security St. Elizabeth’s mental hospital in New York for the “crime” of revealing on Italian radio stations that WWII was plotted and financed by “Jewish” central bankers and an assortment of despicable shabez goy traitors. It was the ultimate irony. Pound was branded a “traitor” by the Zionist-controlled American government under Franklin D. Roosevelt, a “crypto-Marrano “Jew”, whose family name was changed from Rosenvelt so as to “pass” as being gentile. Marrano “Jews” are of the Sephardim or Sepharvim branch of “Jewry”, whose ancestors were Edomites from the ancient Carthagenian empire.
Thus, we see that “Jews” are quite skilled in perpetrating “role reversals” and clever excuses to hide their deceptions and crimes. With trademark Madison Avenue and Hollywood-style incantations unique to the Edomite-Canaanite species they go from being the offspring of the devil (as Jesus told us) to “God’s chosen people” and at the same time they convince the masses that decent, law-abiding patriots, like Ezra Pound, are “traitors”. They accuse anyone (other than a “Jew”) who they don’t like of being an “anti-Semite” when they are not Semites at all! The “Jews” are descended from Canaanites, NOT the tribe of Judah. Many descendants of the tribe of Judah, the true “Judahites” migrated to Europe, and particularly Germany.
The “Jews” also broadcast with shrill insistence that they are a “persecuted” people though they are the richest and most pampered race/species on the planet. “Jews” are, however, the very worst of persecutors. A little bit of power brings out their worst traits. They are generally devoid of empathy. One has only to read of the vile atrocities committed by “Jews” in charge of Soviet gulags or “Jew” commandants of Nazi POW camps (and yes, there were some “Jews” in charge of them) to learn the truth of how utterly cruel they can be if no one is watching. Down through the centuries, there have also been numerous reports of “Jewish” ritual murder, a practice that harks all the back to their Moloch-worshipping child sacrificing Canaanite days.
Eustace Mullins who was introduced to Ezra Pound by a quirk of fate, made regular visits to him at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital and was “handed the torch” so as to bring to completion the research begun by Pound. For doing this important work Pound gave Mullins a small stipend. Mullins himself was a gifted researcher and writer with the uncanny ability to pour through massive amounts of material in a fraction of the time it would take most researchers to do so. He was able to be completely truthful because he worked by himself, carving out a living as best he could for over a half century with lectures and independent book sales, without being tied to “Jewish” academia, “Jewish” sponsorship and “Jewish” book peddlers, and "Jewish" editors. Mullins had to work on his own because he was eventually “blacklisted” by the “Jews” who even in the late 1940s and early 1950s controlled ALL of the big media outlets and publishing houses in America. Despite being blacklisted, he achieved a large following on the Internet. This is because what he had to say is the TRUTH as opposed to historical fantasies perpetrated by a parade of hack historian clowns under “Jewish” sponsorship. This is what Mullins had to say about the situation in America in the 1960s:
Now, when we say that Americans are being held in mental bondage, what do we mean? We mean that every newspaper, radio station, television station, magazine and stage and screen play has been edited by Jewish agents to remove any reference to their crimes and to keep the gentile masses in a condition of sleep. This would be a fantastic statement, if we did not have at hand the annual reports of the organizations which perform this censorship. Foremost is the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, with the American Jewish Committee and the American Jewish Congress as other important agents of censorship.
These groups issue annual reports in which they document the fact that their agents check every public presentation of any kind, written or staged, and delete any references to Jewish misdeeds. As a writer, I have followed the ADL operations closely for twenty years. If I submit a story to the Saturday Evening Post, an ADL staff member, whose salary is paid by the magazine, checks the story for any reference to Jewish activities, and also checks a blacklist to see if my name is there as a critic of the Jews. Even if the story contains no reference to the Jews, it is rejected because my name is on the Jewish blacklist, and I must be prevented first, from earning any money from my writings, and second, from reaching an audience.
If I submit a manuscript to a publishing house, it is again checked first for references to the Jews, and second, to see if its author is on the Jewish blacklist. In this manner, the Jews prevent any gentile writer from reaching the public if he is known to be indifferent or hostile to their goals, if he has refused to become a member of the shabez goy class. Any publication which rejects Jewish censorship is either driven out of business, or taken over by Jewish financial interests. A book which is published by gentiles who are not of the shabez goy class is ignored by the book review departments of mass publications, and bookstores refuse to stock it, for their stocks are reviewed monthly by traveling ADL agents who enter the store incognito, inspect the stock, and if any publication is found which mentions the Jews, the proprietor is threatened with various weapons, lawsuits, government action or financial revenge.
Supremacist “Jews” managed to gain control of the organs of public opinion because members of their species control the central banks, which dole out easy financing to their brethren businessmen, so that they may first undersell, harass to death, drive out of business and then absorb all of the major “gentile” businesses and then through powerful lobby groups gain control of “gentile” governments through infiltration, bribery, and the promotion of weak-willed, narcissistic “shabez goy” traitors to influential posts. Then, they turn around and use their tightly controlled media to make it appear as if whites still have ownership, control and a voice, which for the most part we do not. That is why, if you agree with what has been exposed in this piece, you should give copies of it to people who are interested in the truth – your brothers and sisters in Christ. Do not, as the Bible warns you, “throw pearls before swine” who will turn and “rend you”.
Matthew 7:6 Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.
Perfect examples of the shabez goy “elite” traitor class are Tony Blair, Angela Merkel, the Dulles brothers, the Bush family, Al Gore, John McCain, John Kerry, Joe Biden and a never ending supply of state governors, senators, congressmen and mayors. Others, like the Clintons and Obama are crypto-“Jews” who are considered to be “white” or “black” but have Canaanite-Edomite blood flowing in their veins. According to the late Christian scholar Bertrand Comparet there are “Jews” in Ireland who are members of the Irish-Catholic Kennedy family. In one of his fascinating lectures Comparet says that there was a radio announcer in the 1960s who visited Ireland and interviewed some of the “Jewish” Kennedys. He came back to the U.S. and revealed what he had discovered on the air. That was his last radio gig. This should give you an idea of the long-standing power “Jews” have over radio, TV, newspapers, magazines, the Internet and all other media in America.
Openly “Jewish” politicians like Diane Feinstein and Chuck Schumer are always promoting gun control and open borders while themselves living in secure gated communities, with guns on their nightstands and bodyguards surrounding their mansions. They are the most hypocritical race on the planet. They are a species of natural born deceivers who have no moral problem subjecting everyone else to inconveniences and tribulations that they themselves would NEVER submit to.
President Dwight D. Eisenhower, a Swedish “Jew” had the blood of 2.5 million white Russian refugees on his hands with his clandestine “Operation Keelhaul”, which forced them to “repatriate” to communist Russia and face sure execution. He easily could have opened America’s doors to these white refugees, but chose not to. You won’t read about this in any textbooks or see it covered in TV documentary exposés because “Jews” control the educational and media establishment. Eisenhower was simply carrying out the secret desire of his serpent seed species, to commit genocide against as many whites as possible while he had his hands on the levers of power.
There is a war on planet Earth between two contrary species: the seed of the woman (represented by pure-blooded “Adamite” whites) and the seed of the serpent (represented by Edomite-Canaanite “Jewry”). One side wages a nasty, dirty fight using tactics only “their father the devil” could approve of, and the other side is mostly unaware of this epic, centuries-long war because our natural enemy, the “Jew”, is in control of 99% of the information that reaches our eyes and ears. That is why you, as a white Christian MUST copy and distribute materials such as this to OUR people. God is only going to help us through this tribulation (which is only going to get worse from here on out) when we, as a people, turn back to Him. No other "strategy" is going to work for our people.
Given the proof we have provided thus far (and more to come), WHY do so many people have such a difficult time even considering that “Jews” are like “pricks in our eyes” and “thorns in our sides” -- that they are “vexing” us in every possible way and are the chief troublemakers behind the decline of America? We think it is because the people have been overcome by an insidious “sorcery”. The most powerful “merchants” in the world are “Jews”. They own almost all of the banks, and the lion’s share of business in America and everywhere else in the world. They even have legal bully groups (mentioned in the proceeding paragraphs) to enforce their tyranny with court action and threats of severe financial penalty for non-compliance with the dictates of the “Jewish”-communist collective. What does the Bible have to say about these “merchants” of the end times?
Revelation 18:23 (looking back from the future) And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.
Could it be that those people who believe the “Jews” are “God’s chosen people” are suffering from the sorcery of “Jews”? Could it be that those preachers who haven’t realized that the term “Judeo-Christian” is an oxymoron are suffering from a mental disease, put upon them by sorcerers – a disease that prohibits them from discerning the truth? They hold the Bible in their hand every Sunday but don’t realize that in its pages God says that whatever is “esteemed” among men is “abomination” to Him. In other words, if it is popular with the world, you’d best believe it is WRONG. The mathematics of this is evident in Jesus’ words:
Matthew 7:13-14 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
Luke 16:14-15 And the Pharisees also, who were covetous, heard all these things: and they derided him. And he said unto them, Ye are they which justify yourselves before men; but God knoweth your hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God.
“Jewish” newspaper writer Joel Stein bragged that the Hollywood “entertainment” (propaganda) machine is totally controlled by “Jews” as are the major television networks. Movie studios, newspapers, radio stations, giant Internet sites, department stores, fast food franchise chains, pharmaceutical corporations – you name it – almost all owned and controlled by “Jews”. We can add that unfortunately most of our church denominations are controlled by anti-Christ “Jew” sorcerers. Pastors of these churches would generally have no problem marrying a mixed race couple. Even the pope has come out of the closet (so to speak) and he now endorses homosexual marriage. These are perfect examples of “abomination in the sight of God”, because God clearly states that such things are sinful. If you belong to a “church” that turns a blind eye to any of the following, or tells you that any of this is permissible by God, get OUT of it. It is working AGAINST God, and for Satan:
Romans 1:24-32 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
Protestant mainstream denominational churches, and particularly Catholic churches controlled by crypto-“Jews”, are major pushers of the “diversity” agenda. Catholic refugee resettlement groups routinely bring Haitians, Somalians and other brown and black refugees to America. Why would they go out of their way to import an invasive species from the interior of Africa, of all places in the world, to America while doing little to nothing to assist whites who could easily assimilate and make a contribution? Once in America these low IQ beasts proceed to rape white women, steal, riot, stir up trouble and live off of welfare at our expense. Thus, the Catholic church, and any Protestant denomination that assists in this process is aiding and abetting the enemy. You can be sure that the “Jew” who has wormed his way into the religious establishments is behind these efforts because diversity is THEIR strength, not OURS.
Does racial purity mean anything? It most certainly does because it is impossible to have a “nation” unless there is one predominant racial group. The only way to hold together a diverse Babylonian hodgepodge of races crammed into a geographic area is with a government TYRANNY. Racist supremacist “Jews” love a tyranny, because invariably THEY and their shabbez goy sycophant class of traitors will be running it. All communist tyrannies have been commanded by “Jews” at the top levels. A communist tyranny is a horrific system of government that steals everything from the people in order that a handful of “elites” may live as kings, but again, the “Jew” would have no problem with that as long as he is on the receiving end of the SCAM. “Jewish” supremacism in full bloom inevitably equals communist totalitarianism.
Now we are in the latter phase of the mortification, when the emboldened parasite tests the waters to see if we mind having our white history deleted. Our churches COULD be a potent force against this attack by “Jewish” supremacists but instead of resisting the devil that is rushing to remove statues of great white men from our public squares today’s oxymoronic “Judeo-Christian” churches practically worship the “Jews” and bestow millions in donations upon their bastard Israeli state -- a counterfeit of true Israel. This subject is covered in “The Truth About Israel” and “Was Jesus A ‘Jew’” essays on this website.
Henry Adams would decry that the Zionist controlled U.S. Federal Government doles out over $20 billion dollars worth of “aid”, military equipment and loan guarantees to the Israeli state every year while many of our white citizens are underemployed, unemployed, starving and losing their homes to foreclosure. Mr. Adams knew full well, as we should, that there is absolutely nothing wrong with hating such ungodly vampires, as God hates them. God says we should not HELP them either, which is exactly what the U.S. government and the “Judeo-Christian” churches are doing! SHAME on them for siding with the enemy!
II Chronicles 19:2 … Shouldest thou help the ungodly, and love them that hate the LORD? therefore is wrath upon thee from before the LORD. (“Jews” do NOT love Jesus. They hate Him.)
Malachi 1:1-3 The burden of the word of the LORD to Israel by Malachi. I have loved you, saith the LORD. Yet ye say, Wherein hast thou loved us? Was not Esau Jacob’s brother? saith the LORD: yet I loved Jacob, And I hated Esau, and laid his mountains and his heritage waste for the dragons of the wilderness. (Esau was a grandson of Abraham. He took Canaanite women as wives, forever tainting his descendants with the satanic bloodline/genetics. He is the patriarch of many of today’s “Jews”).
Banker J.P. Morgan, a high profile shabez goy agent for the “Jewish”-Zionist-Kabbalistic-Luciferian Rothschild dynasty, helped put the final nails in the coffin of our former “republic under God” when, in 1910, he purchased the editorial rights to the largest newspapers in the land in order to assure that there was no negative press in regard to the proposed Federal Reserve Act. This Trojan Horse legislative tome was written by Paul Warburg, scion of the “Jewish”-German Warburg banking dynasty. It was the single most damaging single piece of legislation ever perpetrated on America, turning over our very money supply, without reservation, to “Jewish” banking oligarchs, most of them Europeans. They could then use the dollar itself as a powerful weapon against our nation.
Woodrow Wilson, a Marrano Jew who passed as white, whose family name had been changed from Wolfson to Wohlson and then to Wilson, was promoted to the Oval Office because he knew nothing about the central banking scam and could be counted on to be a perfect pawn for his banker brethren in crime. For this, there are bridges, roads and schools named after him. And don’t worry. If there are any statues of Woodrow Wilson, they will not be a target of Antifa because Wolfson was working for the “Jewish” takeover of America. The only statues that would be targeted by communist-“Jewish”-supremacists would be those of WHITE men who were NOT pawns for international “Jewish” bankers.
During the Wolfson administration, a traitorous skeleton crew of congressmen and senators gathered, on Christmas Eve of 1913, to assure passage of the “Federal” “Reserve” Act. The “Fed” is neither “Federal” nor does it retain any “reserves” because counterfeiters don’t need reserves. All of the patriotic representatives who would certainly have voted AGAINST the Federal Reserve Act had gone home for the holidays. The alien “Jew” devil now had America by the throat. This meant that the"Jewish" international bankers owning and managing the Federal Reserve could create billions upon billions of dollars of DEBT obligations out of absolutely NOTHING through the “fractional reserve” banking mechanism (explained in the Pyramid Scheme of Debt) and use that hoard of counterfeited capital for whatever they so desired.
What the “Jewish” oligarchy desired was to steal all of our real property and industry, take over the government, retool academia to conform with “Jewish” supremacist philosophy, infiltrate the religious establishments and replace Christianity with Zionist Talmudic Judaism, and by propaganda and stealth disenfranchise and reduce the population of pure-blooded Caucasians with genocidal bogus wars, revolutions, and government sanctioned “diversity”, “multicultural” and “affirmative action” mandates so as to reach their final goal: to rule over a fully mongrelized world, devoid of racial integrity (except for the supremacist “Jew’s” own dubious pedigree) with the most oppressive scientific tyranny in all of human history, featuring a centralized global banking system and a one-world currency as the superglue to hold the whole rotten Babylonian house of cards together. (See “The End Game Explained” for more details.)
The book of Revelation prophesies that at the height of the satanic tyranny no one will even be able to buy or sell without a certain “mark”, which would require that the recipient worship Satan/Lucifer. Bear in mind that this would only be possible if all cash is confiscated by government and the citizen slaves are forced to use electronic cards, chip implants, or whatever tyrannical, invasive method is devised by the oligarchy’s technocrats for transactions in the planned global currency system. The “money” (electronic credits) of the world’s slaves would be denominated in some pre-determined unit (probably not the dollar) which would decided upon by the satanic “Jewish” banking oligarchy. At this time, the dollar is the pre-eminent (reserve) currency on the planet, but its demise is being planned, as is the destruction of “imperialist” America, the 20th and early 21st century war machine of the united “Jewish” oligarchy. The next war machine of the “Jew” oligarchy will probably be China.
Revelation 13:15-18 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
In the very last days of this earth age it will still be possible to survive without accepting the mark and worshiping Satan, but it will require barter, and will take place in “the wilderness”, wherever that may be, in accordance with the following prophecy:
Reveleation 12:6 And the woman (representing the people of God, the “elect”) fled into the wilderness, (which could refer to America, the place where white Europeans fled in the 17th-21st centuries to escape the tyranny of the “Jewish” oligarchy in Europe, and/or it could be any other place where white Christians can safely sojourn until the end of the age) where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days (3.45 years – a year was not always 365 days. It used to be 360 days, in which case we derive exactly 3.5 years of this tribulation).
The one-world empire is graphically represented in scripture by the feet of clay and iron of the “image” from King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream in Chapter 2 of the book of Daniel. The “image” with a head of gold, arms of silver and belly of brass crumbles into the “chaff of the summer threshingfloors”, representing the end of this wicked earth age which has been dominated by the various satanic kingdoms of man, and always administered in their periods of decline by the satanic Cainite-Canaanite-Edomite bloodline. The feet of iron mixed with clay also illustrates that “diversity” is NOT a “strength” as the masses are being programmed to believe. It is nothing but instability and weakness. The alien “Jew” parasite however prefers such a system because it allows him to maintain his own serpent seed line racial “integrity”, while virtually making it a crime for whites to practice homogeneity. The Jewish control of academia, publishing and mass media assures that this hypocrisy, which should be obvious, will not be detected by the citizen slaves.
It is well hidden, but also extremely hypocritical that the “Jewish” Israeli state demands to remain a racially homogeneous nation, while “Jews” are without exception at the forefront of the diversification and mulattoization of white nations, in whatever form it takes, whether it be “refugee resettlement”, the bringing in of “guest workers”, “welfare for minorities”, “affirmative action”, “church charity” – the overall process represented by today’s BIG buzzwords “diversity” and “multiculturalism” which spells GENOCIDE against the white race. This juggernaut of deception is to be expected from a species of born deceivers who are the natural enemies of pure blooded Adamite-Caucasians. A mixed race society is unstable and chaotic in every way, as was the ancient kingdom of Babylon which was broken up by God. We have only to view the daily news reports to know without a doubt that America is riddled with chaos and instability. The very word “Babylon” means confusion by mixing!
A half-century after J.P. Morgan’s 1910 coup over the American press the greatest historian America has ever NOT known (because he is eschewed by “Jewish” controlled “academia” and ignored by “Jewish” controlled mass media) Mr. Eustace Mullins, was set on a path to discover the truth by the great poet Ezra Pound. Pound was a literary genius who was fluent in seven languages and was the mentor of formerly unknown writers such as Ernest Hemingway, William Butler Yeats and T.S. Eliot, all of whom received accolades and Nobel Prizes for their work while Pound rotted in prison. Through meticulous and voluminous research Pound uncovered the Federal Reserve conspiracy in the 1920s. For his great patriotic service to America and his attempt to sound an alarm he was tortured by the “allies” in Italy and subsequently imprisoned at the high security St. Elizabeth’s mental hospital in New York for the “crime” of revealing on Italian radio stations that WWII was plotted and financed by “Jewish” central bankers and an assortment of despicable shabez goy traitors. It was the ultimate irony. Pound was branded a “traitor” by the Zionist-controlled American government under Franklin D. Roosevelt, a “crypto-Marrano “Jew”, whose family name was changed from Rosenvelt so as to “pass” as being gentile. Marrano “Jews” are of the Sephardim or Sepharvim branch of “Jewry”, whose ancestors were Edomites from the ancient Carthagenian empire.
Thus, we see that “Jews” are quite skilled in perpetrating “role reversals” and clever excuses to hide their deceptions and crimes. With trademark Madison Avenue and Hollywood-style incantations unique to the Edomite-Canaanite species they go from being the offspring of the devil (as Jesus told us) to “God’s chosen people” and at the same time they convince the masses that decent, law-abiding patriots, like Ezra Pound, are “traitors”. They accuse anyone (other than a “Jew”) who they don’t like of being an “anti-Semite” when they are not Semites at all! The “Jews” are descended from Canaanites, NOT the tribe of Judah. Many descendants of the tribe of Judah, the true “Judahites” migrated to Europe, and particularly Germany.
The “Jews” also broadcast with shrill insistence that they are a “persecuted” people though they are the richest and most pampered race/species on the planet. “Jews” are, however, the very worst of persecutors. A little bit of power brings out their worst traits. They are generally devoid of empathy. One has only to read of the vile atrocities committed by “Jews” in charge of Soviet gulags or “Jew” commandants of Nazi POW camps (and yes, there were some “Jews” in charge of them) to learn the truth of how utterly cruel they can be if no one is watching. Down through the centuries, there have also been numerous reports of “Jewish” ritual murder, a practice that harks all the back to their Moloch-worshipping child sacrificing Canaanite days.
Eustace Mullins who was introduced to Ezra Pound by a quirk of fate, made regular visits to him at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital and was “handed the torch” so as to bring to completion the research begun by Pound. For doing this important work Pound gave Mullins a small stipend. Mullins himself was a gifted researcher and writer with the uncanny ability to pour through massive amounts of material in a fraction of the time it would take most researchers to do so. He was able to be completely truthful because he worked by himself, carving out a living as best he could for over a half century with lectures and independent book sales, without being tied to “Jewish” academia, “Jewish” sponsorship and “Jewish” book peddlers, and "Jewish" editors. Mullins had to work on his own because he was eventually “blacklisted” by the “Jews” who even in the late 1940s and early 1950s controlled ALL of the big media outlets and publishing houses in America. Despite being blacklisted, he achieved a large following on the Internet. This is because what he had to say is the TRUTH as opposed to historical fantasies perpetrated by a parade of hack historian clowns under “Jewish” sponsorship. This is what Mullins had to say about the situation in America in the 1960s:
Now, when we say that Americans are being held in mental bondage, what do we mean? We mean that every newspaper, radio station, television station, magazine and stage and screen play has been edited by Jewish agents to remove any reference to their crimes and to keep the gentile masses in a condition of sleep. This would be a fantastic statement, if we did not have at hand the annual reports of the organizations which perform this censorship. Foremost is the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, with the American Jewish Committee and the American Jewish Congress as other important agents of censorship.
These groups issue annual reports in which they document the fact that their agents check every public presentation of any kind, written or staged, and delete any references to Jewish misdeeds. As a writer, I have followed the ADL operations closely for twenty years. If I submit a story to the Saturday Evening Post, an ADL staff member, whose salary is paid by the magazine, checks the story for any reference to Jewish activities, and also checks a blacklist to see if my name is there as a critic of the Jews. Even if the story contains no reference to the Jews, it is rejected because my name is on the Jewish blacklist, and I must be prevented first, from earning any money from my writings, and second, from reaching an audience.
If I submit a manuscript to a publishing house, it is again checked first for references to the Jews, and second, to see if its author is on the Jewish blacklist. In this manner, the Jews prevent any gentile writer from reaching the public if he is known to be indifferent or hostile to their goals, if he has refused to become a member of the shabez goy class. Any publication which rejects Jewish censorship is either driven out of business, or taken over by Jewish financial interests. A book which is published by gentiles who are not of the shabez goy class is ignored by the book review departments of mass publications, and bookstores refuse to stock it, for their stocks are reviewed monthly by traveling ADL agents who enter the store incognito, inspect the stock, and if any publication is found which mentions the Jews, the proprietor is threatened with various weapons, lawsuits, government action or financial revenge.
Supremacist “Jews” managed to gain control of the organs of public opinion because members of their species control the central banks, which dole out easy financing to their brethren businessmen, so that they may first undersell, harass to death, drive out of business and then absorb all of the major “gentile” businesses and then through powerful lobby groups gain control of “gentile” governments through infiltration, bribery, and the promotion of weak-willed, narcissistic “shabez goy” traitors to influential posts. Then, they turn around and use their tightly controlled media to make it appear as if whites still have ownership, control and a voice, which for the most part we do not. That is why, if you agree with what has been exposed in this piece, you should give copies of it to people who are interested in the truth – your brothers and sisters in Christ. Do not, as the Bible warns you, “throw pearls before swine” who will turn and “rend you”.
Matthew 7:6 Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.
Perfect examples of the shabez goy “elite” traitor class are Tony Blair, Angela Merkel, the Dulles brothers, the Bush family, Al Gore, John McCain, John Kerry, Joe Biden and a never ending supply of state governors, senators, congressmen and mayors. Others, like the Clintons and Obama are crypto-“Jews” who are considered to be “white” or “black” but have Canaanite-Edomite blood flowing in their veins. According to the late Christian scholar Bertrand Comparet there are “Jews” in Ireland who are members of the Irish-Catholic Kennedy family. In one of his fascinating lectures Comparet says that there was a radio announcer in the 1960s who visited Ireland and interviewed some of the “Jewish” Kennedys. He came back to the U.S. and revealed what he had discovered on the air. That was his last radio gig. This should give you an idea of the long-standing power “Jews” have over radio, TV, newspapers, magazines, the Internet and all other media in America.
Openly “Jewish” politicians like Diane Feinstein and Chuck Schumer are always promoting gun control and open borders while themselves living in secure gated communities, with guns on their nightstands and bodyguards surrounding their mansions. They are the most hypocritical race on the planet. They are a species of natural born deceivers who have no moral problem subjecting everyone else to inconveniences and tribulations that they themselves would NEVER submit to.
President Dwight D. Eisenhower, a Swedish “Jew” had the blood of 2.5 million white Russian refugees on his hands with his clandestine “Operation Keelhaul”, which forced them to “repatriate” to communist Russia and face sure execution. He easily could have opened America’s doors to these white refugees, but chose not to. You won’t read about this in any textbooks or see it covered in TV documentary exposés because “Jews” control the educational and media establishment. Eisenhower was simply carrying out the secret desire of his serpent seed species, to commit genocide against as many whites as possible while he had his hands on the levers of power.

eisenhowersholocaust.pdf |
Today, the “Jew” power elite and the shabez goy traitor class of politicians and executives in “charity” organizations bend over backwards to inject as many black Somalis, Muslim Arabs, Mexicans, and other brown or black skinned “refugees” as possible into the body of America, hand them a welfare check, encourage them to have as many babies as possible so that they can get a bigger check, turn a blind eye when they rape and kill white women, give them low interest rate loans for businesses, give them housing through HUD and protect them with legal action so that they may assist the “Jew” devil in making Caucasians a minority in America. We are probably already a minority because a large percentage of the American population is mixed race. Many can “pass” for white, but have Negro, American Indian, or Hispanic blood. As such, they cannot be relied upon to support issues that are important to pure-blooded Caucasians. Meanwhile, the black and brown skinned immigrants to America are sure to breed like rabbits and slowly choke us out in the nation founded by our WHITE ancestors. What is THAT going to be like? What is it like right now as you read this? Just take a look at our rapidly browning cities and the quality of life for most people in them for a glimpse at the future of America. Just look at some of the YouTube videos of what is happening in Europe and South Africa. It is appalling what the “Jew” devil behind “multiculturalism” is doing to our white nations.
Jewish supremacists are pulling the levers of power
through their political pawns (such as Angela Merkel) who underwrite the genocide of white Europeans by allowing the mass immigration of a veritable army of hostile Arabs. As a result of this, rapes and other crimes have skyrocketed and entire sections of European cities have become "no go zones" where even police are afraid to venture |
White genocide through race mixing is not a recent phenomenon. It happened in ancient Egypt over 2,500 years ago as whites intermarried with black Nubians who had been brought in as slaves and later in India which suffered a similar fate. Both Egypt and India are now backwater, mulatto, dirt poor, third world nations. ALL white nations are now experiencing fulfillment of Jesus’ parable about the good seed planted by God and the “tares” planted by the devil (Matthew 13). This phenomenon is also the prophetic “flood” spewed out of the serpent’s mouth so as to overcome God’s people, true Israel. It is a multicultural funfest and free for all for the “mixed multitude” but “tribulation” for us as they nibble away at and destroy our nations like pests chewing away at a garden:
Revelation 12:15-17 And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman (representative of the seed of the woman, pure-blooded whites, true Israel), that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood. And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon (that “old dragon”, Satan) cast out of his mouth. (this would indicate that some supernatural event designed by God to save his elect from being completely genocided) And the dragon was wroth (extremely angry) with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
Have you ever wondered why politicians come and go from decade to decade and make wonderful promises but things only seem to get worse in America? It is because these politicians must promise to serve the supremacist “Jew” first in order to get elected and then once in office they must implement programs that benefit the “Jew”-Zionists or else risk getting vilified or even “suicided” or assassinated by a so-called “lone nut” who is never alone, because he is always part of a “Jewish” conspiracy. Without “Jewish” support it is virtually impossible to get elected to a major office in America. In the meantime supremacist Zionist “Jews” are literally KILLING America with their economic parasitism, imperialistic war machine, and open door immigration mandates and government has morphed into one grinding, gargantuan machine to protect the very vampire parasites who are bleeding us dry. Russian commentators, who have the benefit of being able to view us from outside of our Zionist environment have this to say:
The Russian view is simple: the West is ruled by a gang of thugs [Jewish supremacist Zionists and their shameless shabez goy administrators - ed.] supported by an infinitely lying and hypocritical media while the general public in the West has been hopelessly zombified. The authority of the so-called “western values” (democracy, rule of law, human rights, etc.) in Russia is now roadkill. Russia Is Ready for War -- Mood on Prime-Time TV is Grim, Russia Insider (Relentless Bunk Detectors), April 9, 2018,
To put it bluntly Canaanite-Edomite “Jews” are the driving force behind most of the nagging hassles we must endure on a daily basis: oppressive PC mandates, opprobrious “hate speech” agendas, racial quotas, political boondoggles wasting billions and sometimes trillions of dollars, constantly rising food prices, tangled webs of time-consuming, irritating bureaucratic regulation, street violence drummed up by propaganda, wars designed to cull our populations, a flood of incompatible aliens into our lands, leftist-Marxist academic indoctrination for our children -- filth, pornography, dangerous street drugs, and subliminal, as well as obvious propaganda spewed forth from “Jewish” owned mainstream media and Internet outlets 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, year after grueling year.
The preceding short list is what the “Jew” serpent seed species has brought to America. Mullins said “they give the illusion of providing goods and services, but in fact provide NO goods and services”. Why, exactly, does America need a central bank? WHY, you ask? Because it opens the door wide to every other form of parasitism and evil practiced by the “Jews”. White Congressman Louis McFadden said in a speech before Congress that the Federal Reserve central bank was the “mother of all conspiracies”. Not long after his monumental speech he was poisoned to death. Josef Stalin, who was one of THEM said that “nine tenths of the communization of a nation is the establishment of a central bank”. A central bank, like the Federal Reserve, is a “service” ONLY to the supremacist oligarchy of “Jews”, their racial brethren in crime, and the servile shabbez goy class of lap dog traitors who get to live in luxury for throwing their countrymen to the wolves. Perhaps this is why Benjamin Franklin wanted to EXCLUDE “Jews” from America. His sound advice was ignored to our great peril. This is what Franklin had to say:
I fully agree with General Washington, that we must protect this young nation from an insidious influence and impenetration. That menace, gentlemen, is the Jews. In whatever country Jews have settled in any great number, they have lowered its moral tone; depreciated its commercial integrity, have segregated themselves and have not been assimilated; have sneered at and tried to undermine the Christian religion upon which that nation was founded by objecting to its restrictions; have built up a state within a state; and when opposed have tried to strangle that country to death financially … they are vampires, and vampires do not live on vampires. They cannot live only amongst themselves. (unless they live off of “foreign aid” handouts like the Israeli state – ed.) They must subsist on Christians (“Judeo-Christians” in “strong delusion” who stupidly give them donations – ed.) and other people not of their race. If you do not exclude them from these United States in the Constitution, in less than 200 years they will have swarmed here in such great numbers that they will dominate and devour the land, and change our form of government, for which we Americans have shed our blood, given our lives, our substance, and jeopardized our liberty. (The Jew has already changed our form of government from a republic to a “democracy”, rapidly morphing into a "progressive" technocracy, with communist China as the role model - ed.)
If you do not exclude them, in less than 200 years our descendants will be working in the fields to furnish them substance, while they will be in the counting houses rubbing their hands. (“Jews” own all of the major banks, which are “counting houses”.) I warn you, gentlemen, if you do not exclude the Jews for all time, your children will curse you in your graves. Jews, gentlemen are Asiatics, let them be born where they will or how many generations they are away from Asia, they will never be otherwise. Their ideas do not conform to an American’s, and will not even though they live among us ten generations. A leopard cannot change its spots. Jews are Asiatics, are a menace to this country if permitted entrance, and should be excluded by this Constitutional Convention. (The Khazars, ancestors of today’s Ashkenazi “Jews” were originally an Asiatic tribe which mixed with Edomite-Canaanites and Babylonian-Canaanites in the kingdom of Khazaria from approximately 600 – 1200 AD - ed).
Source: Maxims of George Washington, A.A. Appleton & Co., a quote from Benjamin Franklin, recorded in “Chit Chat Around the Table During Intermissions” from the Diary of Charles Cotesworth Pickney (1746-1825) of South Carolina. He attended the convention as a delegate and recorded some of the outstanding addresses and discourses which he published in his diary. Should anyone think this quote from Franklin is false, consider this: 200+ years later everything Franklin warned in regard to the “Jews” has become a reality in America.
Occasionally political events come to a boiling head and erupt in manufactured violence, such as what occurred in Charlottesville, Virginia in August of 2017. We will delve into the particulars of that event shortly and prove that it was orchestrated by “Jews” and shabbez goy at the choke points of power for the purpose of creating intense conflict with the overarching goal of further communizing the United States of America. Communism is the bitter fruit of “Jewish” supremacism, but is isn’t called “communism” any more. “Jewish” controlled mainstream media and publishing now terms it “progressivism” because that sounds more benign, akin to calling Satan Lucifer, which makes him sound like a god of light as opposed to being the ultimate evil spirit. According to former Congressional aide Harold Rosenthal (who worked for “Jewish” Senator Jacob Javits, sponsor of an “Open Immigration Bill” in the 1970s) Lucifer IS in fact the God of the “Jews”. You can download an interview of Rosenthal below.
Isaiah 56:10-12 (applies to today’s Judeo-Christian clergymen) His watchmen are blind: they are all ignorant, they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber. Yea, they are greedy dogs which can never have enough, (because they are more concerned with their salaries and lifestyle than truth) and they are shepherds that cannot understand: (because they are in “strong delusion” in regard to the Word of God) they all look to their own way, every one for his gain, from his quarter. Come ye, say they, I will fetch wine, and we will fill ourselves with strong drink; and to morrow shall be as this day, and much more abundant (and they aren’t the least bit worried about their standing with God and think they will always be able to live “the high life”).
The “Jews” exposed in this essay are not by any stretch of the imagination “God’s chosen people” as is proclaimed by “shabez goy” clergymen in “strong delusion” who are “the blind leading the blind” in various “Judeo-Christian” churches. The major denominations have been infiltrated and programmed by a long train of Zionist-Talmudic infiltrators to reject two seed line truth. They would prefer you to believe that all races are the same, except (oddly, because it contradicts the theory that “all races are the same”) that the “Jew” species is special, even “chosen by God” and does not need Jesus to get to heaven. According to the corrupt theory of “dispensationalism” time is chopped up into eight “dispensations” and we can expect to be “raptured” to heaven prior to the “tribulation administration”, during which time the “Jews” will be reformed so that they too can enjoy heaven. All of that nonsense is heresy for a number of reasons. First, there is no “rapture”. The word is not in the Bible. Secondly, God’s “elect” WILL have to be honed to perfection in the fires of “tribulation”, learning to put their entire trust in God for protection and then they will be gathered by Jesus and his angels (read Matthew 24:29-31) and thirdly, the “Jews” are not going to get a special pass. Notwithstanding the possibility of the occasional needle in a haystack, they are “vessels of wrath, fitted to destruction” (Romans 9:22).
The anti-Christ “Jew” aliens among us ARE as Jesus informed us (if our people would only read and better yet comprehend OUR book, the Bible) Satan’s chosen people. Did you get that? They are OF (meaning descended from) their “father” the devil, just as Jesus told us in John 8:44. The supremacist “Jews” we highlight in this essay are descendants of the cursed ancient Canaanites and particularly the Edomites who were the very enemies of God’s people, the Hebrews of “biblical” times, who were WHITE people. Thus, the people of the tribe of Judah, specifically, were white. King Herod and his court were non-white Edomites. Herod, if you will remember, killed off all of the high priests of Judea and replaced them with a succession of worthless reprobate Edomites. He also had all the children aged two and under in Bethlehem and the general vicinity killed in the hopes that he would kill Jesus Christ.
Matthew 2:16 Then Herod, when he saw that he was mocked of the wise men, was exceeding wroth, and sent forth, and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem, and in all the coasts thereof, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had diligently enquired of the wise men.
This should prove what a monster Herod was, which is typical of his species today, busy plotting depressions, genocidal wars and revolutions for profit and seizure of power. The descendants of Edomite-Canaanites are the ENEMY, every bit as much now as they were in Jesus’ day, and even before, when they attacked our ancient ancestors without cause as they were attempting to migrate to the “promised land”. If you fast forward two millennia the “Jews” were butchering Christians in Russia in the real “holocaust” in which 60-150,000,000 of our people, Caucasian Christians, DIED, and for what? To usher in the “communist” (i.e. “Jewish” supremacist) revolution so that supremacist “Jews”, under the auspices of the satanic Rothschild dynasty, could seize all of the assets in that great land and eradicate Christianity. In 1918, 95% of the top posts in the communist government of the U.S.S.R. were held by “Jews”. What are the odds, considering that “Jews” were only a few percent of the Russian population? The lesson to be learned is that as “the leaven of the Pharisees” it only takes a little bit to turn the entire loaf. “Jews” comprise only 2-3% of the American population but that is more than enough “leaven” for our nation to be destroyed from within.
Matthew 16:11-12 How is it that ye (Jesus’ disciples) do not understand that I spake it not to you concerning bread, (He wasn’t talking about bread) that ye should beware of the leaven of the Pharisees (their false teachings) and of the Sadducees? Then understood they how that he bade them not beware of the leaven of bread, but of the doctrine of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees.
Revelation 12:15-17 And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman (representative of the seed of the woman, pure-blooded whites, true Israel), that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood. And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon (that “old dragon”, Satan) cast out of his mouth. (this would indicate that some supernatural event designed by God to save his elect from being completely genocided) And the dragon was wroth (extremely angry) with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
Have you ever wondered why politicians come and go from decade to decade and make wonderful promises but things only seem to get worse in America? It is because these politicians must promise to serve the supremacist “Jew” first in order to get elected and then once in office they must implement programs that benefit the “Jew”-Zionists or else risk getting vilified or even “suicided” or assassinated by a so-called “lone nut” who is never alone, because he is always part of a “Jewish” conspiracy. Without “Jewish” support it is virtually impossible to get elected to a major office in America. In the meantime supremacist Zionist “Jews” are literally KILLING America with their economic parasitism, imperialistic war machine, and open door immigration mandates and government has morphed into one grinding, gargantuan machine to protect the very vampire parasites who are bleeding us dry. Russian commentators, who have the benefit of being able to view us from outside of our Zionist environment have this to say:
The Russian view is simple: the West is ruled by a gang of thugs [Jewish supremacist Zionists and their shameless shabez goy administrators - ed.] supported by an infinitely lying and hypocritical media while the general public in the West has been hopelessly zombified. The authority of the so-called “western values” (democracy, rule of law, human rights, etc.) in Russia is now roadkill. Russia Is Ready for War -- Mood on Prime-Time TV is Grim, Russia Insider (Relentless Bunk Detectors), April 9, 2018,
To put it bluntly Canaanite-Edomite “Jews” are the driving force behind most of the nagging hassles we must endure on a daily basis: oppressive PC mandates, opprobrious “hate speech” agendas, racial quotas, political boondoggles wasting billions and sometimes trillions of dollars, constantly rising food prices, tangled webs of time-consuming, irritating bureaucratic regulation, street violence drummed up by propaganda, wars designed to cull our populations, a flood of incompatible aliens into our lands, leftist-Marxist academic indoctrination for our children -- filth, pornography, dangerous street drugs, and subliminal, as well as obvious propaganda spewed forth from “Jewish” owned mainstream media and Internet outlets 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, year after grueling year.
The preceding short list is what the “Jew” serpent seed species has brought to America. Mullins said “they give the illusion of providing goods and services, but in fact provide NO goods and services”. Why, exactly, does America need a central bank? WHY, you ask? Because it opens the door wide to every other form of parasitism and evil practiced by the “Jews”. White Congressman Louis McFadden said in a speech before Congress that the Federal Reserve central bank was the “mother of all conspiracies”. Not long after his monumental speech he was poisoned to death. Josef Stalin, who was one of THEM said that “nine tenths of the communization of a nation is the establishment of a central bank”. A central bank, like the Federal Reserve, is a “service” ONLY to the supremacist oligarchy of “Jews”, their racial brethren in crime, and the servile shabbez goy class of lap dog traitors who get to live in luxury for throwing their countrymen to the wolves. Perhaps this is why Benjamin Franklin wanted to EXCLUDE “Jews” from America. His sound advice was ignored to our great peril. This is what Franklin had to say:
I fully agree with General Washington, that we must protect this young nation from an insidious influence and impenetration. That menace, gentlemen, is the Jews. In whatever country Jews have settled in any great number, they have lowered its moral tone; depreciated its commercial integrity, have segregated themselves and have not been assimilated; have sneered at and tried to undermine the Christian religion upon which that nation was founded by objecting to its restrictions; have built up a state within a state; and when opposed have tried to strangle that country to death financially … they are vampires, and vampires do not live on vampires. They cannot live only amongst themselves. (unless they live off of “foreign aid” handouts like the Israeli state – ed.) They must subsist on Christians (“Judeo-Christians” in “strong delusion” who stupidly give them donations – ed.) and other people not of their race. If you do not exclude them from these United States in the Constitution, in less than 200 years they will have swarmed here in such great numbers that they will dominate and devour the land, and change our form of government, for which we Americans have shed our blood, given our lives, our substance, and jeopardized our liberty. (The Jew has already changed our form of government from a republic to a “democracy”, rapidly morphing into a "progressive" technocracy, with communist China as the role model - ed.)
If you do not exclude them, in less than 200 years our descendants will be working in the fields to furnish them substance, while they will be in the counting houses rubbing their hands. (“Jews” own all of the major banks, which are “counting houses”.) I warn you, gentlemen, if you do not exclude the Jews for all time, your children will curse you in your graves. Jews, gentlemen are Asiatics, let them be born where they will or how many generations they are away from Asia, they will never be otherwise. Their ideas do not conform to an American’s, and will not even though they live among us ten generations. A leopard cannot change its spots. Jews are Asiatics, are a menace to this country if permitted entrance, and should be excluded by this Constitutional Convention. (The Khazars, ancestors of today’s Ashkenazi “Jews” were originally an Asiatic tribe which mixed with Edomite-Canaanites and Babylonian-Canaanites in the kingdom of Khazaria from approximately 600 – 1200 AD - ed).
Source: Maxims of George Washington, A.A. Appleton & Co., a quote from Benjamin Franklin, recorded in “Chit Chat Around the Table During Intermissions” from the Diary of Charles Cotesworth Pickney (1746-1825) of South Carolina. He attended the convention as a delegate and recorded some of the outstanding addresses and discourses which he published in his diary. Should anyone think this quote from Franklin is false, consider this: 200+ years later everything Franklin warned in regard to the “Jews” has become a reality in America.
Occasionally political events come to a boiling head and erupt in manufactured violence, such as what occurred in Charlottesville, Virginia in August of 2017. We will delve into the particulars of that event shortly and prove that it was orchestrated by “Jews” and shabbez goy at the choke points of power for the purpose of creating intense conflict with the overarching goal of further communizing the United States of America. Communism is the bitter fruit of “Jewish” supremacism, but is isn’t called “communism” any more. “Jewish” controlled mainstream media and publishing now terms it “progressivism” because that sounds more benign, akin to calling Satan Lucifer, which makes him sound like a god of light as opposed to being the ultimate evil spirit. According to former Congressional aide Harold Rosenthal (who worked for “Jewish” Senator Jacob Javits, sponsor of an “Open Immigration Bill” in the 1970s) Lucifer IS in fact the God of the “Jews”. You can download an interview of Rosenthal below.
Isaiah 56:10-12 (applies to today’s Judeo-Christian clergymen) His watchmen are blind: they are all ignorant, they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber. Yea, they are greedy dogs which can never have enough, (because they are more concerned with their salaries and lifestyle than truth) and they are shepherds that cannot understand: (because they are in “strong delusion” in regard to the Word of God) they all look to their own way, every one for his gain, from his quarter. Come ye, say they, I will fetch wine, and we will fill ourselves with strong drink; and to morrow shall be as this day, and much more abundant (and they aren’t the least bit worried about their standing with God and think they will always be able to live “the high life”).
The “Jews” exposed in this essay are not by any stretch of the imagination “God’s chosen people” as is proclaimed by “shabez goy” clergymen in “strong delusion” who are “the blind leading the blind” in various “Judeo-Christian” churches. The major denominations have been infiltrated and programmed by a long train of Zionist-Talmudic infiltrators to reject two seed line truth. They would prefer you to believe that all races are the same, except (oddly, because it contradicts the theory that “all races are the same”) that the “Jew” species is special, even “chosen by God” and does not need Jesus to get to heaven. According to the corrupt theory of “dispensationalism” time is chopped up into eight “dispensations” and we can expect to be “raptured” to heaven prior to the “tribulation administration”, during which time the “Jews” will be reformed so that they too can enjoy heaven. All of that nonsense is heresy for a number of reasons. First, there is no “rapture”. The word is not in the Bible. Secondly, God’s “elect” WILL have to be honed to perfection in the fires of “tribulation”, learning to put their entire trust in God for protection and then they will be gathered by Jesus and his angels (read Matthew 24:29-31) and thirdly, the “Jews” are not going to get a special pass. Notwithstanding the possibility of the occasional needle in a haystack, they are “vessels of wrath, fitted to destruction” (Romans 9:22).
The anti-Christ “Jew” aliens among us ARE as Jesus informed us (if our people would only read and better yet comprehend OUR book, the Bible) Satan’s chosen people. Did you get that? They are OF (meaning descended from) their “father” the devil, just as Jesus told us in John 8:44. The supremacist “Jews” we highlight in this essay are descendants of the cursed ancient Canaanites and particularly the Edomites who were the very enemies of God’s people, the Hebrews of “biblical” times, who were WHITE people. Thus, the people of the tribe of Judah, specifically, were white. King Herod and his court were non-white Edomites. Herod, if you will remember, killed off all of the high priests of Judea and replaced them with a succession of worthless reprobate Edomites. He also had all the children aged two and under in Bethlehem and the general vicinity killed in the hopes that he would kill Jesus Christ.
Matthew 2:16 Then Herod, when he saw that he was mocked of the wise men, was exceeding wroth, and sent forth, and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem, and in all the coasts thereof, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had diligently enquired of the wise men.
This should prove what a monster Herod was, which is typical of his species today, busy plotting depressions, genocidal wars and revolutions for profit and seizure of power. The descendants of Edomite-Canaanites are the ENEMY, every bit as much now as they were in Jesus’ day, and even before, when they attacked our ancient ancestors without cause as they were attempting to migrate to the “promised land”. If you fast forward two millennia the “Jews” were butchering Christians in Russia in the real “holocaust” in which 60-150,000,000 of our people, Caucasian Christians, DIED, and for what? To usher in the “communist” (i.e. “Jewish” supremacist) revolution so that supremacist “Jews”, under the auspices of the satanic Rothschild dynasty, could seize all of the assets in that great land and eradicate Christianity. In 1918, 95% of the top posts in the communist government of the U.S.S.R. were held by “Jews”. What are the odds, considering that “Jews” were only a few percent of the Russian population? The lesson to be learned is that as “the leaven of the Pharisees” it only takes a little bit to turn the entire loaf. “Jews” comprise only 2-3% of the American population but that is more than enough “leaven” for our nation to be destroyed from within.
Matthew 16:11-12 How is it that ye (Jesus’ disciples) do not understand that I spake it not to you concerning bread, (He wasn’t talking about bread) that ye should beware of the leaven of the Pharisees (their false teachings) and of the Sadducees? Then understood they how that he bade them not beware of the leaven of bread, but of the doctrine of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees.
Secretary of the Treasury under Trump, Steven Mnucian and his wife Linda Linton (both Jewish). Jews are always to be found "where the money is" -- and the levers of power.
Today, in America the president, whether it be a Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump or Biden, is invariably surrounded by “Jew” cabinet members and various other “Jewish” “advisors”. The central bank, the “Fed”, has always been controlled by “Jews”. Janet Yellen, Ben Bernanke, Alan Greenspan and Paul Volker, Chairmen/woman of the Fed were all “Jews”. There is now a "gentile front man" chairman, but don't be fooled. Jews still control the money tap. The odds that there were would be four Jews in a row controlling the most powerful institution in America compared with the slim “Jewish” demographic, is around 1 in 6,250,000. This is why things will only get worse for white America. These “Jews” are parasites by nature and cannot possibly work to the good of white America. They will only work to strengthen their ALIEN collective, like the alien cyborg “Borg” of the Star Trek movies. The "Borg" are the ultimate communists.
Isn’t it remarkable how Hollywood movie themes mirror reality, and yet plant the mental seed that it is all just “science fiction”? This is yet another facet of the all-encompassing, thought choking “Jewish” smokescreen of deception. Those things people PRESUME are only fiction or "conspiracy theory" are actually REAL. The “Matrix” (like the movie) is REAL, and the symbolism is easy to decipher once you know who’s who and who’s the “Jew” pulling the levers behind the symbolic "curtain" (such as the curtain hiding the frail old wizard in the classic movie the “Wizard of Oz”).
Caucasians in America and other nations founded by whites, need to wake up and realize the truth that there is no way we can have “Jews” in our midst without conflict because they are a different species than us – an alien species, like the Borg collective or the self-replicating machines in the Matrix which feed off of the energy of the wretched flesh and blood slaves, who spend their entire lives in horrific “fields” of cocoons, in with their brains wired to a computer generated fantasy world.
Unfortunately many of our PC compliant, stupefied citizens, with decades of “Jewish” “academic” and big media “programming” under their belts, are duly infected with a heavy dose Matrix-like “memes” (philosophical viruses). These PC compliant citizens believe, for example, that all of America’s problems are due to straw men such as “white supremacists”, “neo-Nazis” and other intolerant “haters”. The “Jewish” propagandists would have you believe that ONLY whites are capable of “hate”. They would have you believe, and in fact have crafted a legal system whereby only whites are capable of “discrimination”. All of this atrocious nonsense is the result of LIES perpetrated by devious “Jew” devils who spin lies naturally as spiders spin webs. There aren’t enough true “Neo-Nazis” in America to fill a small convention center, let alone the hundreds of thousands that “Jewish”-controlled mainstream media claims are around every street corner. Nor are there many white people who are “supremacists”, since whites have mostly been brainwashed to think that keeping one’s race pure doesn’t matter anymore and all races are the same except for skin color. This is another big FAT LIE pushed by leftist-Marxist “Jews” who, while insisting that their Israeli state remain purely “Jewish” are endeavoring with all their alien collective might to foist a muddy, Babylonian “multicultural”, diversified environment on America and all other white nations because the “Jew” supremacist thrives in a diversified, multicultural environment -- like maggots on a carcass.
The races ARE different, because God made them that way, except for the species typified by today’s abrasive, hateful, neurotic, psychopathic, antichrist “Jew”, who was procreated by Satan, THEIR father the devil, according to Jesus Christ. This fact is scripturally proven herein and in more detail in other essays on this website.
I John 2:18 Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know (we will be able to tell) that it is the last time. (that it is the end of this earth age)
The sad fact is that in these extremely difficult and confusing times, most white people in America are simply trying to keep their heads above water financially because our natural born enemy, the supremacist “Jew”-Canaanite-Edomite parasite has drastically reduced our standard of living since OUR national heyday in the late 1940s and early 1950s. During that “golden age” of America a man with an average job could easily support a family of four. Now, a husband and wife must both work, if they can even find jobs, in order to support a family and belong to the rapidly disappearing, in debt up to their ears, “middle class”. America has almost become a two class country, with 90% of the wealth in the hands of “Jews” and the shabbez goy traitor class. There are more millionaires and billionaires now than ever but most whites go to their graves with NO savings and their real estate in hock to “Jewish” banking monopolies. Is this not indicative of a massive wealth transfer from the middle class to the parasite class? Read “The Pyramid Scheme of Debt” for details on the mechanics of this wealth transfer.
Contrary to the fire hose stream of “Jewish” propaganda whites generally don’t have the time, energy, the knowledge or inclination to be “white nationalists” or “white supremacists” as we struggle day by grueling day to pay mortgages to “Jewish” owned banks and kowtow (for fear of losing employment) to “Jewish” owned corporate behemoths and “Jewish” controlled government entities wrapped in a spider’s web of “Jewish” instigated political correctness agendas designed to hide and perpetuate “Jewish” crime and parasitism upon our hard working and generally good natured white race.
Deuteronomy 28:43-45 The stranger (alien species) that is within thee shall get up above thee very high; and thou shalt come down very low. He shall lend to thee, (“Jews” own and control ALL big banks. They own almost all of the corporate monopolies) and thou shalt not lend to him: he shall be the head, and thou shalt be the tail. Moreover all these curses shall come upon thee, and shall pursue thee, and overtake thee, till thou be destroyed; because thou hearkenedst not unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to keep his commandments and his statutes which he commanded thee: (The “curses” are all outlined in the book of Deuteronomy, Chapter 28, and we are suffering from them now.)
As we plod along in an environment that gets meaner and more oppressive by the day, most of our fellow whites are completely unaware of the alien stranger who, instead of assimilating into our nation, has risen above us and controls nearly every facet of our scrapping existence. Because of constant, long-term programming designed by supremacist “Jews”, whites have been trained to eschew and ignore the sound advice of OUR God who has informed us in scripture of “all things” vital to OUR existence. God has warned us of dangerous and painfully real situations such as in the preceding scripture from the book of Deuteronomy. It was a fact in ancient times when our white ancestors, the Hebrews, ignored the clear commandments of God to eradicate ALL of the Canaanites and it is a fact now, in these last days as the same noxious weed, the descendants of Canaanite-Edomites, increases its choke hold on our nations. The “New World Order” in reality is the “Jew World Order”, the same parasitic, usury-based system of oppression that existed in ancient Babylon, now manifesting itself as “mystery Babylon” and “the beast” one-world satanic government in these, the last days of this Earth age.
II Timothy 3:16-17 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.
There are all kinds of lies floating about in the collective un-consciousness in regard to the content of the Bible. We can assure you that most of these lies were perpetrated by anti-Christ “Jews” and their gentile sidekicks like super-evangelist John Hagee, who are busy like termites nibbling away at the bedrock that once supported this nation, the Bible. There is NO part of the Bible that is obsolete. There is no part of it that is “old fashioned”. God has not changed. He is still the same God that He was 6000 years ago when he created Adam and Eve. His real name is Yahweh, and He is truly an amazing God – and the most powerful entity that has ever been or will ever be for all eternity. He creates light, and darkness, evil and good. He cannot be limited by OUR limited imaginations. Consider this:
Isaiah 45:5-7 I am the LORD, and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me: That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the LORD, and there is none else. I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.
Every single word in the Bible is important because it is ALL God’s word, recorded by His prophets, all of whom were white men and descendants of Adam through Noah, Shem, Eber (forefather of the Hebrews), Abraham, Isaac, Jacob/Israel and Judah (who was not a “Jew”. He was a Judahite). For genealogies consult Genesis 10, Chronicles I, 1,2 and Matthew 1. The New Testament does not make the Old Testament obsolete, nor were ANY of the laws of the Old Testament done away with. The ONLY thing that changed from the Old to the New Testaments was that animal sacrifice was discontinued. This is because Jesus Christ made the ultimate sacrifice on our behalf, thus negating the need for animal sacrifice from that point in time forward. Everything else commanded by God remains the same.
Jesus said that he came to FULFILL the law, not to make it obsolete (Matthew 5:17-20). The Old Testament is not just a random collection of stories to help you fall asleep in your easy chair. They are examples and scenarios of lasting importance, not applicable to just one time period, but applicable to the entire span of OUR white history, from beginning to end. The curses in Deuteronomy Chapter 28 in regard to the ancient Hebrews are every bit as applicable today as they were when our ancient white ancestors ignored and eschewed God’s commandments. Yes, we may live in an era of great and magnificent technology, but otherwise, “there is absolutely nothing new under the sun”. The social and political constructs are basically the same. There are still good people and bad people. There are still evil tyrants who hate truth and love to oppress and those who love truth and freedom. There are those who love God and those who hate God. Most importantly, there is still a war going on between two contrary seed lines: the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent. In this essay we expose the actions of the serpent seed line. It is best to know about this rather than being “destroyed for lack of knowledge”, falling for the same old tricks of our natural enemy, which today has manifested itself in “Jewry”.
Ecclesiastes 1:9-10 The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun. Is there any thing whereof it may be said, See, this is new? It hath been already of old time, which was before us.
These days, in all nations founded by various branches of the Caucasian race, the “Jew” behind the curtain or in the New York City corporate boardroom is clearly the “head” and whites are the “tail” (see Deuteronomy 28:43-45 quoted above). Until what’s left of our people REPENT and pray fervently to OUR God for relief from “Jewish” tyranny, it will only get worse and worse. We are literally being genocided right under our noses as supremacist “Jews” near their ultimate goal which is to rule over a fully mongrelized world of compliant slaves, who are programmed to serve the “master race” (of “Jews”) for life, and even love their servitude as their feeble, vaccine laden, fluoridated minds are stuffed full of fantastic fantasies and the cobwebs of “Jewish” thought control mechanisms. It is already bad enough as we now spend a good part of our lives subject to “Jewish” philosophy (which derives largely from the puerile theories of Freud, Marx, etal), history according to the “Jews” which ranks their incredibly overblown “holocaust” (not the true holocaust of white Christians that occurred in Russia from 1917 to the mid 1940s) as the premier ontological event of all human history, “Judeo-Christianity” (a corruption of true Christianity), irritating “Jewish” bottom of the barrel, bathroom humor spewed from shabbez goy late night TV hosts and unfunny “comedians”, and other “Jewish” so-called “entertainment” which is summarily laced with their satanic cerebral cyanide. This we must endure day in and day out, seven days a week, year after year, like a nightmare that never ends. God even told us this would happen because our ancient ancestors did not wipe out the Canaanites when they had a perfect opportunity to do so:
Numbers 33:55-56 But if ye will not drive out the inhabitants of the land (referring to the Canaanites, from which today’s “Jews” are descended) from before you; then it shall come to pass, that those which ye let remain of them shall be pricks in your eyes, and thorns in your sides, and shall vex you in the land wherein ye dwell. Moreover it shall come to pass, that I shall do unto you, as I thought to do unto them.
Joshua 23:13 Know for a certainty that the LORD your God will no more drive out any of these (Canaanite) nations from before you; but they shall be snares and traps unto you, and scourges in your sides, and thorns in your eyes, until ye perish from off this good land which the LORD your God hath given you.
Pricks in our eyes, thorns in our sides and in our eyes, vexing, snares, traps, scourges – what does all of this mean? This, figuratively speaking, is the effect the Canaanite-Edomite “Jew” children of the devil have upon us, the white people of planet earth. Do you get it? Has your preacher ever preached on or explained the above verses to you? We didn’t think so. The preachers, especially those who went through “Jewish”-controlled seminaries and get a paycheck from a “Jewish” infiltrated church denomination are too comfortable and are afraid to rock the scriptural boat or else they actually believe all of the “Jewish” claptrap because they are in “strong delusion”.
The churches are doing little to nothing to prepare our people for tribulation, which is just around the corner, thanks to the “Jews” making it happen. The road to perdition is WIDE and the road to salvation is NARROW. Has your preacher made that crystal clear to YOU? The Bible informs us that even God’s elect are barely saved which means, quite frankly, that many are not going to make it to the kingdom of heaven. Do you think the coming kingdom of God is REAL, or just a fantasy? We can assure you that it is very real, and in fact it is WAY more real than this system of things, which is wholly based on the deceptions and illusions of Satan who uses the alien species he procreated to implement the all of the madness, chaos and suffering on planet Earth.
I Peter 4:17-19 For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear? Wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to him in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator.
It is as easy for the “Jew”-Canaanite to control the thought processes of millions of Americans because ALL big media, academia and “Judeo-Christian” denominationalism “for fear of the Jews” (Esther 8:17, John 7:13, 19:38, 20:19) is controlled by agents of their species, and indeed, they are different species than us, a species that has “made lies their refuge”, (Isaiah 28:15, quoted below). They lead an existence that is 180 degrees contrary to our generally good work ethic and innate honesty – except of course for the goats, shabbez goy traitors and lazy bums among us.
Throughout the various manifestations of its parasitic history the Edomite-Canaanite-“Jew” has survived and thrived quite well on money scams, fraud, enticements to engage in sin (strip clubs, pornography, gambling houses, the drug trade) and a vast array of financial deceptions and frauds honed to the perfection of pure sludge over the past 6,000+ years. These satanic tactics to overcome the “goyim” are codified in documents like the “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion”, “The Communist Manifesto” and the “bible” of “Jewish” supremacists “The Talmud”, which encourages “Jews” to cheat “gentiles” every chance they get, as well as to debauch our women, steal our property and never repay or apologize. It says that “even the best of the goyim are fit to be killed”. Within its pages is what amounts to a detailed plan to take over the entire planet through the “sorcery” of every conceivable deception, which by no stretch of the imagination is “honest work”. This is why the “merchants” mentioned in the book of Revelation are defined as “sorcerers” (see Revelation 18:23 quoted above). This is the essence of the phrase “with all deceivableness of unrighteousness” in II Thessalonians 2:10. We are being hammered by “deceptions” and “unrighteousness” at every level of our existence and the “Jew” Canaanite-Edomite devil that walks among us is doing the hammering. We are being “destroyed for lack of knowledge”, but you, if you are a child of God, have a DUTY to know and you must endeavor to educate yourself and then educate others. Your faith CAN in the figurative sense move mountains if you are sincere in your love of God and the truth!
Matthew 17:20 … If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.
God’s Word, the Bible is clear and straightforward in its commandments to its people, whereas the “Jews” book, the Talmud is full of loopholes, exceptions, false fronts, apologies, red herrings, legalistic, bureaucratic tangled webs of doublespeak and excuses for every form of perversity, treachery, double cross and backstabbing tactic conceivable in twisted, satanic minds. These sinful practices are but tools to the conscious-less two-legged parasite, designed to suck the lifeblood of our Caucasian nations until they are destroyed. Anyone who endeavors to study and take to heart the filth that is contained in the Talmud will achieve status as a disciple of Satan himself, outfitted for every deception, able to commit any evil without conscious, and to wallow and squeal like a pig in mud reveling in how they have “pulled the wool over our so-called ‘gentile’ eyes”, and “made a killing” in the process. Whatever the “Jew” does, he does to make money, but as Christians know, “the love of money is the root of ALL evil.”
There is no creature on planet earth that loves money more than the “Jew”. This fact has been known for millennia. The knowledge that was lost, however, until recovered in recent centuries is the actual lineage of the “Jew” money-lover, which traces all the way back to Cain, the first murderer. The reason this knowledge was lost is because the “Jew” species is extremely skilled at propaganda and has convinced most of the “Christian” world that they are “God’s chosen people” because of their claim to be descended from the tribe of Judah, a word which happens to sound like “Jew”. That, of course is a complete falsehood, and it doesn’t even make any logical sense. What about the other eleven tribes of Israel? Don’t they count? Why is it that the so-called descendants of one ancient tribe ONLY would be congregating in the land once occupied by TWELVE tribes and this is supposed to complete prophecy? If you were to take twelve pennies out of a small jar until it is empty and then return one of them are you returning ALL of them? Are you beginning to realize the "pretzel" logic of the deceptions perpetrated against us? Do you see just how stupid our “sleeping dog”, “blind watchmen” clergy has become to be preaching such nonsense and how brainwashed and blind their “flocks” have become? Here is what Jesus Christ had to say about the “Jews”, which is completely applicable today, as no part of the Bible will ever become obsolete:
John 8:43-44 Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word. Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: (his own literal descendants) for he is a liar, and the father of it.
This is what Jesus had to say in regard to the Talmudic philosophy (Judaism), which in Jesus’ day was known as the “tradition of the elders” or “the commandments of men” (which were contrary to the commandments of God):
Matthew 15:6-9 … Thus have ye made the commandment of God of none effect (nullified) by your tradition. Ye hypocrites, well did Esaias prophesy of you, saying, This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.
Over the past two hundred years the “Jew” alien species has been able to gather unto themselves probably 90% of the real wealth of America through the underpinning mechanism of central banking usury, the glue of tribal nepotism, corporate monopolization of all lines of business, political intrigue, and subterranean secret society channels (such as their “Jewish”-only Kehilla networks). The control mechanism is extended to so-called “gentiles” in the form of Masonry in the higher degrees, which is essentially Judaism for “gentiles”, and other “elite” secret societies in agreement with the “Jewish”-supremacist program, such as Yale University’s Skull and Bones, which boasts political heavy-hitter alumni like George H.W. Bush and Bush Jr., Al Gore and John Kerry. Our readers may even know, or heaven forbid (for your soul) BE a Mason, but bear in mind that the so-called “blue lodges” are populated with members who are kept in the dark in regard to the more sinister motives of the upper levels. That way, they can ride around town on scooters, dressed in clown suits and run children’s hospitals, which is a perfect smokescreen for the Satanic rituals of the “Scottish Rite” and subterranean skullduggery that takes place as one approaches the 33rd degree of the order in which “pure Luciferianism” is achieved. This was admitted by Albert Pike, a 33rd degree Mason who authored a tome entitled “Morals and Dogma”, considered the “bible” of Masonry.
Aside from being a Satan worshipper, Pike was a lover of debauchery who entertained himself and his friends with week-long jaunts into the country with wagonloads of friends, booze and prostitutes. It is said that the great alcoholic Edgar Allen Poe, who invented the “mystery novel” genre, was murdered by Masons for daring to expose some of the sinister secrets of the organization. Perhaps the Masons drove him to drink. We are sure that such practices have not ceased. Poe is a celebrated alumnus of the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, scene of the “Unite the Right” propaganda event.
With such a massive control mechanism in place, and probing tentacles reaching into every home and every pocket, the rest of us worker bees on the global plantation are for the most part relegated to economic slavery for life, under the boot of the “Jewish” central banking system and its many enforcers including the IRS, a collection agency for the Fed, and the CIA, which gathers “intelligence” for the “Jewish” central bankers and their brethren in international crime. The CIA works in conjunction with the Israeli state “intelligence” agency the Mossad. These two entities were responsible for the planning and implementation of 911, which led to the bogus “War on Terror”, an “enterprise” that was extremely profitable to the “Jewish” oligarchy. Read “The Time of Jacob's Trouble” essay on this site for more details.
Construction of the gargantuan “modern” Babylonian tower of intimidation and control began when the parasite wormed his way into the choke points of power in America a century and a half ago. The problem has escalated in recent years as “Jewish” control freaks ramp up their efforts to close the lid on any possible peep of resistance to THEIR extreme economic and psychological tyranny. Recently this is manifesting itself in censorship of Christian and patriotic “Jew”-wise Internet sites, or the sudden closing of their online bank accounts (such as Paypal) or video accounts on JewTube for "violating community standards" or some other vague excuse, and a ramping up of severely biased mainstream “news” which predominantly reports crimes involving whites and completely ignores the far more numerous crimes committed by blacks, Hispanics and other “minorities”. The Covid 19 global, "pandemic" (not really a pandemic but rather a media blitz) is the crowning achievement of the oligarchy, intended to put the cap on their "beast" system. See our essay on the Scamdemic. If it were a real pandemic like the black plague everyone would know someone who is deathly ill. People would be lying dead on the streets. This is NOT the case, though we cannot put it past the globalist bastards to release a more potent virus the next time around, so as to put the final nail in the coffin of the world economy -- to usher in "the great reset" (global tyranny). Meanwhile, our nation must deal with the "death by a thousand cuts" scenario.
In August of 2017 a black Somalian on-duty police officer in Minneapolis shot and killed a white Australian woman in cold blood as she approached the police car to ask for assistance. There was absolutely NO reason for this officer to shoot the woman. This shocking story was reported for one day and then utterly disappeared from the news. Had a white cop shot a black person the story would have been on top of the news for weeks. The reason nothing more was reported about this incident is because it did not fit the “Jewish” supremacist narrative that would paint all whites as evil supremacists and non-white races as little darlings who must fight an uphill battle against discrimination from whitey. The truth is 180 degrees to the contrary, as whites must fight against all manner of “affirmative action” quotas and “diversity” mandates and must constantly be on guard about saying or doing anything that would “offend” a minority because then the “Jew” legal bullies will step in and make that person’s life miserable. The city of Minneapolis has bent over backward to import as many Somalians as possible, so as to create the multicultural melting pot “paradise” so beloved by Marxist-Communist “Jews”, and starry eyed shabez goy politicians and administrators who wouldn’t dare LIVE in the mess they have created, but would have no problem subjecting poor whites to such a fate.
And of course, absolutely nothing negative whatsoever will ever be said in the mainstream about “Jews” or “Jewish” run organizations and if a “Jew” is involved in something shady (which is most of the time) and it is reported, he will be labeled as “white” as will Hispanics or Arabs who look anything close to “white” so as to heap undeserved shame on the white race. In European countries the race of any perpetrator other than white will not be mentioned or will be referred to in ridiculously oblique terms to protect non-whites from bad publicity. It is supremacist “Jews” in high places who have implemented this heinous system of things with their sorceries. The mathematics of it is: “Jewish” supremacism in full bloom = communist totalitarianism, which = biblical tribulation for God’s people, white Israelite Christians, “the seed of the woman” according to Genesis 3:15.
JERUSALEM (JTA) — Israeli Sephardic leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef in his weekly Saturday night sermon said that non-Jews exist to serve Jews. “Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world; only to serve the People of Israel,” he said during a public discussion of what kind of work non-Jews are allowed to perform on Shabbat. "Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi (rich man) and eat," he said to some laughter. Yosef, the spiritual leader of the Shas Party and the former chief Sephardi rabbi of Israel, also said that the lives of non-Jews are protected in order to prevent financial loss to Jews. "With gentiles, it will be like any person: They need to die, but God will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money. This is his servant. That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew,” said the rabbi, who recently turned 90.
Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, quoted in Jewish Telegraphic Agency article by Marcy Oster, October 18, 2010.
The “Jewish” supremacist secretly, when discussing his triumphs in private or before an audience of like-minded supremacist-psychopaths, would prefer that WE whites have nothing – no real property, no titles to land, no businesses of our own, no guns, no heirloom seeds, no ability to produce our own necessities, no *voice, no religion other than their approved “one world” one-size-fits-all Judeo-satanic belief system -- nothing at all that is OURS exclusively unattached to their usury, graft, taxation, rules, regulations, propaganda and tyranny, and yet they would call some of us “supremacists”, simply for wanting to preserve our heritage and what remains of OUR nation.
In nature, a parasite does not perform “work” in any sense of the word. A parasite only attaches itself to a living organism and sucks the blood and body fluids out of it until the “host” dies. The white people of America have become “hosts” to the “Jewish” parasite and this cleverly hidden parasite is KILLING us, our history and our culture. This is why monuments of great men of OUR race are systematically being removed. Oh, but you say that is because these monuments are “offensive” to some, and a reminder of the “hate” that such men harbored toward minorities, some of whom were “slaves”. How is it going to be when WE whites are the minority? Would THEY, the “Jews” and the mongrels they have trained to have an “entitlement complex” afford the same courtesy of respecting OUR feelings as do the stupid bleeding heart liberals of our race extending a friendly helping hand to other races? Don’t count on it. The brown and black races secretly envy and hate us, and would just as soon see us disappear. That is the bottom line. Just look at what happens to whites in countries that have a majority population of blacks, such as South Africa. Do a simple Internet search for the atrocities that are occurring to our white cousins in South Africa, which are NEVER reported on “Jewish”-controlled media. What if whites were able to behave as animals, screaming and rioting that some statue of Martin Luther King be removed because it “offends” us. Would we get any support whatsoever? NO, not one tiny bit. Jewish supremacism only works ONE way, and that is against whites and white culture. This is because there is a war going on between two different species of human: US (the seed of the woman) and THEM (the seed of the serpent) which is a parasite within the body of our nation that can only, by its very nature defraud and decimate the "host" population until the host either expels the parasite or dies.
Caucasians in America and other nations founded by whites, need to wake up and realize the truth that there is no way we can have “Jews” in our midst without conflict because they are a different species than us – an alien species, like the Borg collective or the self-replicating machines in the Matrix which feed off of the energy of the wretched flesh and blood slaves, who spend their entire lives in horrific “fields” of cocoons, in with their brains wired to a computer generated fantasy world.
Unfortunately many of our PC compliant, stupefied citizens, with decades of “Jewish” “academic” and big media “programming” under their belts, are duly infected with a heavy dose Matrix-like “memes” (philosophical viruses). These PC compliant citizens believe, for example, that all of America’s problems are due to straw men such as “white supremacists”, “neo-Nazis” and other intolerant “haters”. The “Jewish” propagandists would have you believe that ONLY whites are capable of “hate”. They would have you believe, and in fact have crafted a legal system whereby only whites are capable of “discrimination”. All of this atrocious nonsense is the result of LIES perpetrated by devious “Jew” devils who spin lies naturally as spiders spin webs. There aren’t enough true “Neo-Nazis” in America to fill a small convention center, let alone the hundreds of thousands that “Jewish”-controlled mainstream media claims are around every street corner. Nor are there many white people who are “supremacists”, since whites have mostly been brainwashed to think that keeping one’s race pure doesn’t matter anymore and all races are the same except for skin color. This is another big FAT LIE pushed by leftist-Marxist “Jews” who, while insisting that their Israeli state remain purely “Jewish” are endeavoring with all their alien collective might to foist a muddy, Babylonian “multicultural”, diversified environment on America and all other white nations because the “Jew” supremacist thrives in a diversified, multicultural environment -- like maggots on a carcass.
The races ARE different, because God made them that way, except for the species typified by today’s abrasive, hateful, neurotic, psychopathic, antichrist “Jew”, who was procreated by Satan, THEIR father the devil, according to Jesus Christ. This fact is scripturally proven herein and in more detail in other essays on this website.
I John 2:18 Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know (we will be able to tell) that it is the last time. (that it is the end of this earth age)
The sad fact is that in these extremely difficult and confusing times, most white people in America are simply trying to keep their heads above water financially because our natural born enemy, the supremacist “Jew”-Canaanite-Edomite parasite has drastically reduced our standard of living since OUR national heyday in the late 1940s and early 1950s. During that “golden age” of America a man with an average job could easily support a family of four. Now, a husband and wife must both work, if they can even find jobs, in order to support a family and belong to the rapidly disappearing, in debt up to their ears, “middle class”. America has almost become a two class country, with 90% of the wealth in the hands of “Jews” and the shabbez goy traitor class. There are more millionaires and billionaires now than ever but most whites go to their graves with NO savings and their real estate in hock to “Jewish” banking monopolies. Is this not indicative of a massive wealth transfer from the middle class to the parasite class? Read “The Pyramid Scheme of Debt” for details on the mechanics of this wealth transfer.
Contrary to the fire hose stream of “Jewish” propaganda whites generally don’t have the time, energy, the knowledge or inclination to be “white nationalists” or “white supremacists” as we struggle day by grueling day to pay mortgages to “Jewish” owned banks and kowtow (for fear of losing employment) to “Jewish” owned corporate behemoths and “Jewish” controlled government entities wrapped in a spider’s web of “Jewish” instigated political correctness agendas designed to hide and perpetuate “Jewish” crime and parasitism upon our hard working and generally good natured white race.
Deuteronomy 28:43-45 The stranger (alien species) that is within thee shall get up above thee very high; and thou shalt come down very low. He shall lend to thee, (“Jews” own and control ALL big banks. They own almost all of the corporate monopolies) and thou shalt not lend to him: he shall be the head, and thou shalt be the tail. Moreover all these curses shall come upon thee, and shall pursue thee, and overtake thee, till thou be destroyed; because thou hearkenedst not unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to keep his commandments and his statutes which he commanded thee: (The “curses” are all outlined in the book of Deuteronomy, Chapter 28, and we are suffering from them now.)
As we plod along in an environment that gets meaner and more oppressive by the day, most of our fellow whites are completely unaware of the alien stranger who, instead of assimilating into our nation, has risen above us and controls nearly every facet of our scrapping existence. Because of constant, long-term programming designed by supremacist “Jews”, whites have been trained to eschew and ignore the sound advice of OUR God who has informed us in scripture of “all things” vital to OUR existence. God has warned us of dangerous and painfully real situations such as in the preceding scripture from the book of Deuteronomy. It was a fact in ancient times when our white ancestors, the Hebrews, ignored the clear commandments of God to eradicate ALL of the Canaanites and it is a fact now, in these last days as the same noxious weed, the descendants of Canaanite-Edomites, increases its choke hold on our nations. The “New World Order” in reality is the “Jew World Order”, the same parasitic, usury-based system of oppression that existed in ancient Babylon, now manifesting itself as “mystery Babylon” and “the beast” one-world satanic government in these, the last days of this Earth age.
II Timothy 3:16-17 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.
There are all kinds of lies floating about in the collective un-consciousness in regard to the content of the Bible. We can assure you that most of these lies were perpetrated by anti-Christ “Jews” and their gentile sidekicks like super-evangelist John Hagee, who are busy like termites nibbling away at the bedrock that once supported this nation, the Bible. There is NO part of the Bible that is obsolete. There is no part of it that is “old fashioned”. God has not changed. He is still the same God that He was 6000 years ago when he created Adam and Eve. His real name is Yahweh, and He is truly an amazing God – and the most powerful entity that has ever been or will ever be for all eternity. He creates light, and darkness, evil and good. He cannot be limited by OUR limited imaginations. Consider this:
Isaiah 45:5-7 I am the LORD, and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me: That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the LORD, and there is none else. I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.
Every single word in the Bible is important because it is ALL God’s word, recorded by His prophets, all of whom were white men and descendants of Adam through Noah, Shem, Eber (forefather of the Hebrews), Abraham, Isaac, Jacob/Israel and Judah (who was not a “Jew”. He was a Judahite). For genealogies consult Genesis 10, Chronicles I, 1,2 and Matthew 1. The New Testament does not make the Old Testament obsolete, nor were ANY of the laws of the Old Testament done away with. The ONLY thing that changed from the Old to the New Testaments was that animal sacrifice was discontinued. This is because Jesus Christ made the ultimate sacrifice on our behalf, thus negating the need for animal sacrifice from that point in time forward. Everything else commanded by God remains the same.
Jesus said that he came to FULFILL the law, not to make it obsolete (Matthew 5:17-20). The Old Testament is not just a random collection of stories to help you fall asleep in your easy chair. They are examples and scenarios of lasting importance, not applicable to just one time period, but applicable to the entire span of OUR white history, from beginning to end. The curses in Deuteronomy Chapter 28 in regard to the ancient Hebrews are every bit as applicable today as they were when our ancient white ancestors ignored and eschewed God’s commandments. Yes, we may live in an era of great and magnificent technology, but otherwise, “there is absolutely nothing new under the sun”. The social and political constructs are basically the same. There are still good people and bad people. There are still evil tyrants who hate truth and love to oppress and those who love truth and freedom. There are those who love God and those who hate God. Most importantly, there is still a war going on between two contrary seed lines: the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent. In this essay we expose the actions of the serpent seed line. It is best to know about this rather than being “destroyed for lack of knowledge”, falling for the same old tricks of our natural enemy, which today has manifested itself in “Jewry”.
Ecclesiastes 1:9-10 The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun. Is there any thing whereof it may be said, See, this is new? It hath been already of old time, which was before us.
These days, in all nations founded by various branches of the Caucasian race, the “Jew” behind the curtain or in the New York City corporate boardroom is clearly the “head” and whites are the “tail” (see Deuteronomy 28:43-45 quoted above). Until what’s left of our people REPENT and pray fervently to OUR God for relief from “Jewish” tyranny, it will only get worse and worse. We are literally being genocided right under our noses as supremacist “Jews” near their ultimate goal which is to rule over a fully mongrelized world of compliant slaves, who are programmed to serve the “master race” (of “Jews”) for life, and even love their servitude as their feeble, vaccine laden, fluoridated minds are stuffed full of fantastic fantasies and the cobwebs of “Jewish” thought control mechanisms. It is already bad enough as we now spend a good part of our lives subject to “Jewish” philosophy (which derives largely from the puerile theories of Freud, Marx, etal), history according to the “Jews” which ranks their incredibly overblown “holocaust” (not the true holocaust of white Christians that occurred in Russia from 1917 to the mid 1940s) as the premier ontological event of all human history, “Judeo-Christianity” (a corruption of true Christianity), irritating “Jewish” bottom of the barrel, bathroom humor spewed from shabbez goy late night TV hosts and unfunny “comedians”, and other “Jewish” so-called “entertainment” which is summarily laced with their satanic cerebral cyanide. This we must endure day in and day out, seven days a week, year after year, like a nightmare that never ends. God even told us this would happen because our ancient ancestors did not wipe out the Canaanites when they had a perfect opportunity to do so:
Numbers 33:55-56 But if ye will not drive out the inhabitants of the land (referring to the Canaanites, from which today’s “Jews” are descended) from before you; then it shall come to pass, that those which ye let remain of them shall be pricks in your eyes, and thorns in your sides, and shall vex you in the land wherein ye dwell. Moreover it shall come to pass, that I shall do unto you, as I thought to do unto them.
Joshua 23:13 Know for a certainty that the LORD your God will no more drive out any of these (Canaanite) nations from before you; but they shall be snares and traps unto you, and scourges in your sides, and thorns in your eyes, until ye perish from off this good land which the LORD your God hath given you.
Pricks in our eyes, thorns in our sides and in our eyes, vexing, snares, traps, scourges – what does all of this mean? This, figuratively speaking, is the effect the Canaanite-Edomite “Jew” children of the devil have upon us, the white people of planet earth. Do you get it? Has your preacher ever preached on or explained the above verses to you? We didn’t think so. The preachers, especially those who went through “Jewish”-controlled seminaries and get a paycheck from a “Jewish” infiltrated church denomination are too comfortable and are afraid to rock the scriptural boat or else they actually believe all of the “Jewish” claptrap because they are in “strong delusion”.
The churches are doing little to nothing to prepare our people for tribulation, which is just around the corner, thanks to the “Jews” making it happen. The road to perdition is WIDE and the road to salvation is NARROW. Has your preacher made that crystal clear to YOU? The Bible informs us that even God’s elect are barely saved which means, quite frankly, that many are not going to make it to the kingdom of heaven. Do you think the coming kingdom of God is REAL, or just a fantasy? We can assure you that it is very real, and in fact it is WAY more real than this system of things, which is wholly based on the deceptions and illusions of Satan who uses the alien species he procreated to implement the all of the madness, chaos and suffering on planet Earth.
I Peter 4:17-19 For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear? Wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to him in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator.
It is as easy for the “Jew”-Canaanite to control the thought processes of millions of Americans because ALL big media, academia and “Judeo-Christian” denominationalism “for fear of the Jews” (Esther 8:17, John 7:13, 19:38, 20:19) is controlled by agents of their species, and indeed, they are different species than us, a species that has “made lies their refuge”, (Isaiah 28:15, quoted below). They lead an existence that is 180 degrees contrary to our generally good work ethic and innate honesty – except of course for the goats, shabbez goy traitors and lazy bums among us.
Throughout the various manifestations of its parasitic history the Edomite-Canaanite-“Jew” has survived and thrived quite well on money scams, fraud, enticements to engage in sin (strip clubs, pornography, gambling houses, the drug trade) and a vast array of financial deceptions and frauds honed to the perfection of pure sludge over the past 6,000+ years. These satanic tactics to overcome the “goyim” are codified in documents like the “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion”, “The Communist Manifesto” and the “bible” of “Jewish” supremacists “The Talmud”, which encourages “Jews” to cheat “gentiles” every chance they get, as well as to debauch our women, steal our property and never repay or apologize. It says that “even the best of the goyim are fit to be killed”. Within its pages is what amounts to a detailed plan to take over the entire planet through the “sorcery” of every conceivable deception, which by no stretch of the imagination is “honest work”. This is why the “merchants” mentioned in the book of Revelation are defined as “sorcerers” (see Revelation 18:23 quoted above). This is the essence of the phrase “with all deceivableness of unrighteousness” in II Thessalonians 2:10. We are being hammered by “deceptions” and “unrighteousness” at every level of our existence and the “Jew” Canaanite-Edomite devil that walks among us is doing the hammering. We are being “destroyed for lack of knowledge”, but you, if you are a child of God, have a DUTY to know and you must endeavor to educate yourself and then educate others. Your faith CAN in the figurative sense move mountains if you are sincere in your love of God and the truth!
Matthew 17:20 … If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.
God’s Word, the Bible is clear and straightforward in its commandments to its people, whereas the “Jews” book, the Talmud is full of loopholes, exceptions, false fronts, apologies, red herrings, legalistic, bureaucratic tangled webs of doublespeak and excuses for every form of perversity, treachery, double cross and backstabbing tactic conceivable in twisted, satanic minds. These sinful practices are but tools to the conscious-less two-legged parasite, designed to suck the lifeblood of our Caucasian nations until they are destroyed. Anyone who endeavors to study and take to heart the filth that is contained in the Talmud will achieve status as a disciple of Satan himself, outfitted for every deception, able to commit any evil without conscious, and to wallow and squeal like a pig in mud reveling in how they have “pulled the wool over our so-called ‘gentile’ eyes”, and “made a killing” in the process. Whatever the “Jew” does, he does to make money, but as Christians know, “the love of money is the root of ALL evil.”
There is no creature on planet earth that loves money more than the “Jew”. This fact has been known for millennia. The knowledge that was lost, however, until recovered in recent centuries is the actual lineage of the “Jew” money-lover, which traces all the way back to Cain, the first murderer. The reason this knowledge was lost is because the “Jew” species is extremely skilled at propaganda and has convinced most of the “Christian” world that they are “God’s chosen people” because of their claim to be descended from the tribe of Judah, a word which happens to sound like “Jew”. That, of course is a complete falsehood, and it doesn’t even make any logical sense. What about the other eleven tribes of Israel? Don’t they count? Why is it that the so-called descendants of one ancient tribe ONLY would be congregating in the land once occupied by TWELVE tribes and this is supposed to complete prophecy? If you were to take twelve pennies out of a small jar until it is empty and then return one of them are you returning ALL of them? Are you beginning to realize the "pretzel" logic of the deceptions perpetrated against us? Do you see just how stupid our “sleeping dog”, “blind watchmen” clergy has become to be preaching such nonsense and how brainwashed and blind their “flocks” have become? Here is what Jesus Christ had to say about the “Jews”, which is completely applicable today, as no part of the Bible will ever become obsolete:
John 8:43-44 Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word. Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: (his own literal descendants) for he is a liar, and the father of it.
This is what Jesus had to say in regard to the Talmudic philosophy (Judaism), which in Jesus’ day was known as the “tradition of the elders” or “the commandments of men” (which were contrary to the commandments of God):
Matthew 15:6-9 … Thus have ye made the commandment of God of none effect (nullified) by your tradition. Ye hypocrites, well did Esaias prophesy of you, saying, This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.
Over the past two hundred years the “Jew” alien species has been able to gather unto themselves probably 90% of the real wealth of America through the underpinning mechanism of central banking usury, the glue of tribal nepotism, corporate monopolization of all lines of business, political intrigue, and subterranean secret society channels (such as their “Jewish”-only Kehilla networks). The control mechanism is extended to so-called “gentiles” in the form of Masonry in the higher degrees, which is essentially Judaism for “gentiles”, and other “elite” secret societies in agreement with the “Jewish”-supremacist program, such as Yale University’s Skull and Bones, which boasts political heavy-hitter alumni like George H.W. Bush and Bush Jr., Al Gore and John Kerry. Our readers may even know, or heaven forbid (for your soul) BE a Mason, but bear in mind that the so-called “blue lodges” are populated with members who are kept in the dark in regard to the more sinister motives of the upper levels. That way, they can ride around town on scooters, dressed in clown suits and run children’s hospitals, which is a perfect smokescreen for the Satanic rituals of the “Scottish Rite” and subterranean skullduggery that takes place as one approaches the 33rd degree of the order in which “pure Luciferianism” is achieved. This was admitted by Albert Pike, a 33rd degree Mason who authored a tome entitled “Morals and Dogma”, considered the “bible” of Masonry.
Aside from being a Satan worshipper, Pike was a lover of debauchery who entertained himself and his friends with week-long jaunts into the country with wagonloads of friends, booze and prostitutes. It is said that the great alcoholic Edgar Allen Poe, who invented the “mystery novel” genre, was murdered by Masons for daring to expose some of the sinister secrets of the organization. Perhaps the Masons drove him to drink. We are sure that such practices have not ceased. Poe is a celebrated alumnus of the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, scene of the “Unite the Right” propaganda event.
With such a massive control mechanism in place, and probing tentacles reaching into every home and every pocket, the rest of us worker bees on the global plantation are for the most part relegated to economic slavery for life, under the boot of the “Jewish” central banking system and its many enforcers including the IRS, a collection agency for the Fed, and the CIA, which gathers “intelligence” for the “Jewish” central bankers and their brethren in international crime. The CIA works in conjunction with the Israeli state “intelligence” agency the Mossad. These two entities were responsible for the planning and implementation of 911, which led to the bogus “War on Terror”, an “enterprise” that was extremely profitable to the “Jewish” oligarchy. Read “The Time of Jacob's Trouble” essay on this site for more details.
Construction of the gargantuan “modern” Babylonian tower of intimidation and control began when the parasite wormed his way into the choke points of power in America a century and a half ago. The problem has escalated in recent years as “Jewish” control freaks ramp up their efforts to close the lid on any possible peep of resistance to THEIR extreme economic and psychological tyranny. Recently this is manifesting itself in censorship of Christian and patriotic “Jew”-wise Internet sites, or the sudden closing of their online bank accounts (such as Paypal) or video accounts on JewTube for "violating community standards" or some other vague excuse, and a ramping up of severely biased mainstream “news” which predominantly reports crimes involving whites and completely ignores the far more numerous crimes committed by blacks, Hispanics and other “minorities”. The Covid 19 global, "pandemic" (not really a pandemic but rather a media blitz) is the crowning achievement of the oligarchy, intended to put the cap on their "beast" system. See our essay on the Scamdemic. If it were a real pandemic like the black plague everyone would know someone who is deathly ill. People would be lying dead on the streets. This is NOT the case, though we cannot put it past the globalist bastards to release a more potent virus the next time around, so as to put the final nail in the coffin of the world economy -- to usher in "the great reset" (global tyranny). Meanwhile, our nation must deal with the "death by a thousand cuts" scenario.
In August of 2017 a black Somalian on-duty police officer in Minneapolis shot and killed a white Australian woman in cold blood as she approached the police car to ask for assistance. There was absolutely NO reason for this officer to shoot the woman. This shocking story was reported for one day and then utterly disappeared from the news. Had a white cop shot a black person the story would have been on top of the news for weeks. The reason nothing more was reported about this incident is because it did not fit the “Jewish” supremacist narrative that would paint all whites as evil supremacists and non-white races as little darlings who must fight an uphill battle against discrimination from whitey. The truth is 180 degrees to the contrary, as whites must fight against all manner of “affirmative action” quotas and “diversity” mandates and must constantly be on guard about saying or doing anything that would “offend” a minority because then the “Jew” legal bullies will step in and make that person’s life miserable. The city of Minneapolis has bent over backward to import as many Somalians as possible, so as to create the multicultural melting pot “paradise” so beloved by Marxist-Communist “Jews”, and starry eyed shabez goy politicians and administrators who wouldn’t dare LIVE in the mess they have created, but would have no problem subjecting poor whites to such a fate.
And of course, absolutely nothing negative whatsoever will ever be said in the mainstream about “Jews” or “Jewish” run organizations and if a “Jew” is involved in something shady (which is most of the time) and it is reported, he will be labeled as “white” as will Hispanics or Arabs who look anything close to “white” so as to heap undeserved shame on the white race. In European countries the race of any perpetrator other than white will not be mentioned or will be referred to in ridiculously oblique terms to protect non-whites from bad publicity. It is supremacist “Jews” in high places who have implemented this heinous system of things with their sorceries. The mathematics of it is: “Jewish” supremacism in full bloom = communist totalitarianism, which = biblical tribulation for God’s people, white Israelite Christians, “the seed of the woman” according to Genesis 3:15.
JERUSALEM (JTA) — Israeli Sephardic leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef in his weekly Saturday night sermon said that non-Jews exist to serve Jews. “Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world; only to serve the People of Israel,” he said during a public discussion of what kind of work non-Jews are allowed to perform on Shabbat. "Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi (rich man) and eat," he said to some laughter. Yosef, the spiritual leader of the Shas Party and the former chief Sephardi rabbi of Israel, also said that the lives of non-Jews are protected in order to prevent financial loss to Jews. "With gentiles, it will be like any person: They need to die, but God will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money. This is his servant. That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew,” said the rabbi, who recently turned 90.
Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, quoted in Jewish Telegraphic Agency article by Marcy Oster, October 18, 2010.
The “Jewish” supremacist secretly, when discussing his triumphs in private or before an audience of like-minded supremacist-psychopaths, would prefer that WE whites have nothing – no real property, no titles to land, no businesses of our own, no guns, no heirloom seeds, no ability to produce our own necessities, no *voice, no religion other than their approved “one world” one-size-fits-all Judeo-satanic belief system -- nothing at all that is OURS exclusively unattached to their usury, graft, taxation, rules, regulations, propaganda and tyranny, and yet they would call some of us “supremacists”, simply for wanting to preserve our heritage and what remains of OUR nation.
In nature, a parasite does not perform “work” in any sense of the word. A parasite only attaches itself to a living organism and sucks the blood and body fluids out of it until the “host” dies. The white people of America have become “hosts” to the “Jewish” parasite and this cleverly hidden parasite is KILLING us, our history and our culture. This is why monuments of great men of OUR race are systematically being removed. Oh, but you say that is because these monuments are “offensive” to some, and a reminder of the “hate” that such men harbored toward minorities, some of whom were “slaves”. How is it going to be when WE whites are the minority? Would THEY, the “Jews” and the mongrels they have trained to have an “entitlement complex” afford the same courtesy of respecting OUR feelings as do the stupid bleeding heart liberals of our race extending a friendly helping hand to other races? Don’t count on it. The brown and black races secretly envy and hate us, and would just as soon see us disappear. That is the bottom line. Just look at what happens to whites in countries that have a majority population of blacks, such as South Africa. Do a simple Internet search for the atrocities that are occurring to our white cousins in South Africa, which are NEVER reported on “Jewish”-controlled media. What if whites were able to behave as animals, screaming and rioting that some statue of Martin Luther King be removed because it “offends” us. Would we get any support whatsoever? NO, not one tiny bit. Jewish supremacism only works ONE way, and that is against whites and white culture. This is because there is a war going on between two different species of human: US (the seed of the woman) and THEM (the seed of the serpent) which is a parasite within the body of our nation that can only, by its very nature defraud and decimate the "host" population until the host either expels the parasite or dies.
Speaking of having a voice -- the Internet accounts of pro-Christian and pro-American-nationalist businesses and websites are routinely being banned or outright cancelled by “Jewish”-owned outfits like PayPal, Facebook, and Twitter for vague reasons, such as "violation of community standards" or for no reason at all. These “Jewish” controlled Internet entities can and do censor anything they deem as “hate speech”, and the definition is very broad and fuzzy. These Jewish-controlled Internet giants behave as if they were a branch of government, censoring outspoken whites, and particularly at white Christians, so as to prevent US from having a voice. They are overwhelmingly in favor of moving America further into the "left" political spectrum and intent on squashing any resistance from patriots, nationalists and plain folk who want freedom from government tyranny. This is “Jewish” supremacism at work and it is exactly the type of retribution Eustace Mullins was experiencing fifty years ago when he was blackballed from getting a publishing contract and much less any promotion from “Jewish” controlled publishing and distribution monopolies for his excellent, eye opening, patriotic work .
The “Jew” parasite wants to squeeze whatever opposition they cannot control out of business, wants to prevent their critics from having ANY income from their work, and feels not one shred of guilt in doing so because they are imbued with the characteristics of “their father the devil”. With that in mind you should download and distribute the materials on this website freely, and anticipate the day when there is NO free media in America. “Jewish” supremacist control freaks are working non-stop to clamp the lid completely shut on ANY opposition their satanic global tyranny. This vile system IS the prophetic “beast system” in the Book of Revelation. They are oppressing us, stealing our property and attempting to eradicate our heritage:
Micah 2:1-2 Woe to them that devise iniquity, and work evil upon their beds! when the morning is light, they practise it, because it is in the power of their hand. And they covet fields, and take them by violence; and houses, and take them away: so they OPPRESS a man and his house, even a man and his HERITAGE.
Revelation 13:1-4 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, (of humanity) having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy (a gigantic anti-God, anti-Christ political system). And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion (it possesses characteristics of all satanic worldly kingdoms that came before) and the dragon (Satan) gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: (the serpent seed might have been bred out of existence were it not for their resurgence in the kingdom of Khazaria) and all the world wondered after the beast. And they worshipped the dragon (Satan, that old dragon from the garden) which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? (because of the global control mechanisms directed by “Jewish” and shabbez goy “elites”)
Why were monuments such as the one of General Robert E. Lee in Charlottesville, Virginia NOT a problem before the 2017 riots? People of all sizes, shapes and ethnicities passed by these statues on a daily basis barely paying them any mind. Why all of a sudden did statues of white men become a problem? Answer: because the supremacist “Jew” devil decided in secret “think tanks” to launch this form of attack at this time on our white heritage. A big part of the “Jewish”-communist plan to eradicate white history involves the creation of “retooled” emotional buzzwords like “hate”, “racist” and “white supremacist”, which bypass the brain’s logical thought process and intimidate the dim witted among us into thinking that WHITES are the problem when it is really the supremacist “Jew” devil who is the cause of almost all of major social and political problems. We are being “destroyed for lack of knowledge”. Are you willing to step up to the plate and educate yourself about this menace to our very survival as a RACE? Why not begin by forwarding these essays to other WHITE Christians, or those whites who have common sense and a good heart, who will be willing to read and learn and PRAY that God confirm the truth of what is written here.
Hosea 4:6 My people (referring to the true descendants of Jacob-Israel, today’s Caucasians) are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. (God has turned His back, figuratively, on us, because our nations have turned away from Him. The only hope for OUR people is to turn back to God and follow His commandments. This is how He knows we love Him. There is NO political solution because the enemy is in control of the political process. There is only a SPIRITUAL solution.)
“Jewish” tyranny over us, the dwindling Caucasian Christian population of America, is successful because they employ mis-education (academic lies) and mass media memes (like the retooled use of the word “hate”) as weapons against us. These meme spinners are masters of psychological warfare. Guns, bombs, ninjas or special force warriors are powerless against psychological warfare. Unfortunately we are pitted against the very genetic offspring of the father of lies, Satan. Only by being in alignment with God's can we win this war of good against evil -- and we will, but it will take "tribulation" to bring the remnant of our people to repentence. Your own mind is a precious gift from God. Do not let their lies overcome you. Earnestly pray for the truth about these matters and God will give it to you. The alternative is to perish spiritually, emotionally, materially and physically, for believing the lies of the enemy (see II Thessalonians 2:10-12, quoted above).
An integral part of the “Jewish” deception mechanism is that they boldly and incessantly claim to be “God’s chosen people”, a gargantuan LIE which immobilizes 95% of the Christian world, making them incapable of detecting the ENEMY, much less reacting to the enemy's subtle and insidious attacks. They are in “strong delusion” and are USELESS in the spiritual battle against evil. If they don’t snap out of this delusion (by humbly and earnestly praying for the truth) they will be damned. Many “Jews” are descended from the ancient Canaanites and Edomites, who intermarried with the offspring of fallen angels. They are literally the descendants of Satan and his heavenly renegades. They are the “serpent seed-line”. Jesus informed us that we may “know them by their fruits”, and their “fruits” are bitter mental POISON. They have waged a secret war against us ever since Cain (the son of Satan) killed his half brother Abel. If you have not known about this war, it is because your Judaized preacher has not informed you and for damn sure nobody in the academic establishment or on mainstream media is going to tell you nor will you find books in your public or university library, or a corporate-controlled bookstore because the “Jew” has swept them clean of any materials that expose “Jewish” criminality and plots against our nations. Go back and read the quote from Eustace Mullins in regard to “Jewish” censorship. It was written a half century ago, so you can be sure the censorship is far worse today. The censorship now extends to all forms of electronic communication.
There is no way that our species, made up of the various pure-blooded branches of the true Semitic white race (Germanic, Anglo-Saxon, Nordic, Celtic, Baltic, Slovokian, Gothic etc.) can possibly be at peace with, or come to any real agreement with the exploitative, materialistic, jealous, devious, lying species of natural born deceivers within the corpus of “Jewry”. This fact was admitted to many years ago by one of THEIR own writers:
You have not begun to appreciate the real depth of our guilt. We are intruders. We are disturbers. We are subverters. We have taken your natural world, your ideals, your destiny, and played havoc with them. We have been at the bottom not merely of the latest great war (referring to WWI, which was designed, financed and guided by “Jewish” banking oligarchs) but of nearly all your wars, not only of the Russian (referring to the 1917 “Jewish” financed Bolshevik revolution) but of every other major revolution in your history. We have brought discord and confusion and frustration into your personal and public life. We are still doing it. No one can tell how long we shall go on doing it. A Real Case Against the Jews, Marcus Eli Ravage, Century Magazine, January 1928, Vol. 115, No. 3, pp. 346-350. Mr. Ravage was the Rothschilds’ approved biographer. A history of the trillionaire “Jewish”-Zionist Rothschild dynasty can be found on this website.
What Ravage is freely admitting to are the very effects foretold in scripture three thousand years ago, that they (in reference to the Canaanite satanic bloodline which manifests itself in “Jewry”) would be “pricks in our eyes” and “thorns in our sides” and would “vex” us in the land in which we dwell. He was able to brag about “Jewish” tactics because he apparently had nothing to lose. Ravage was probably “set for life” by his benefactors, the trillionaire Rothschilds and “Jews” had already achieved considerable power even in the 1920s. This fact is corroborated in the writings of Henry Ford, who was viciously vilified by the "Jews" of his day because he dared to tell the truth about them and their anti-God, anti-American activities.
The nature of the enemy of God's people is confirmed in biblical scripture which informs us of an enmity (severe opposition) between two contrary “seed-lines” which will span the totality of history in this earth age from the time of Adam and Eve until the second coming of Jesus Christ. Jesus will direct the annihilation of the satanic seed-line on the "day of the Lord". What a great day that will be. In the meantime we can be sure that the "serpent seed" will inflict as much pain and suffering on God's children as they can manage and it is easy for them to do so since, quite appallingly, most of “Christian” (Judeo-Christian) America believes they are “God’s chosen people”! Just about everyone else has been brainwashed since kindergarten to believe that, except for skin color, “all races are the same. What an incredible lie concocted by the enemies of God!! Brainwashed Judeo-Christians never suspects the “Jew” of being evil because, after all, “Jews” have been a “persecuted” people for so long. This, of course, is yet another outrageous lie invented by the "master race" of deceivers. Listen to the following interviews, or read the transcript to understand the enemy's thought process:
Micah 2:1-2 Woe to them that devise iniquity, and work evil upon their beds! when the morning is light, they practise it, because it is in the power of their hand. And they covet fields, and take them by violence; and houses, and take them away: so they OPPRESS a man and his house, even a man and his HERITAGE.
Revelation 13:1-4 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, (of humanity) having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy (a gigantic anti-God, anti-Christ political system). And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion (it possesses characteristics of all satanic worldly kingdoms that came before) and the dragon (Satan) gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: (the serpent seed might have been bred out of existence were it not for their resurgence in the kingdom of Khazaria) and all the world wondered after the beast. And they worshipped the dragon (Satan, that old dragon from the garden) which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? (because of the global control mechanisms directed by “Jewish” and shabbez goy “elites”)
Why were monuments such as the one of General Robert E. Lee in Charlottesville, Virginia NOT a problem before the 2017 riots? People of all sizes, shapes and ethnicities passed by these statues on a daily basis barely paying them any mind. Why all of a sudden did statues of white men become a problem? Answer: because the supremacist “Jew” devil decided in secret “think tanks” to launch this form of attack at this time on our white heritage. A big part of the “Jewish”-communist plan to eradicate white history involves the creation of “retooled” emotional buzzwords like “hate”, “racist” and “white supremacist”, which bypass the brain’s logical thought process and intimidate the dim witted among us into thinking that WHITES are the problem when it is really the supremacist “Jew” devil who is the cause of almost all of major social and political problems. We are being “destroyed for lack of knowledge”. Are you willing to step up to the plate and educate yourself about this menace to our very survival as a RACE? Why not begin by forwarding these essays to other WHITE Christians, or those whites who have common sense and a good heart, who will be willing to read and learn and PRAY that God confirm the truth of what is written here.
Hosea 4:6 My people (referring to the true descendants of Jacob-Israel, today’s Caucasians) are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. (God has turned His back, figuratively, on us, because our nations have turned away from Him. The only hope for OUR people is to turn back to God and follow His commandments. This is how He knows we love Him. There is NO political solution because the enemy is in control of the political process. There is only a SPIRITUAL solution.)
“Jewish” tyranny over us, the dwindling Caucasian Christian population of America, is successful because they employ mis-education (academic lies) and mass media memes (like the retooled use of the word “hate”) as weapons against us. These meme spinners are masters of psychological warfare. Guns, bombs, ninjas or special force warriors are powerless against psychological warfare. Unfortunately we are pitted against the very genetic offspring of the father of lies, Satan. Only by being in alignment with God's can we win this war of good against evil -- and we will, but it will take "tribulation" to bring the remnant of our people to repentence. Your own mind is a precious gift from God. Do not let their lies overcome you. Earnestly pray for the truth about these matters and God will give it to you. The alternative is to perish spiritually, emotionally, materially and physically, for believing the lies of the enemy (see II Thessalonians 2:10-12, quoted above).
An integral part of the “Jewish” deception mechanism is that they boldly and incessantly claim to be “God’s chosen people”, a gargantuan LIE which immobilizes 95% of the Christian world, making them incapable of detecting the ENEMY, much less reacting to the enemy's subtle and insidious attacks. They are in “strong delusion” and are USELESS in the spiritual battle against evil. If they don’t snap out of this delusion (by humbly and earnestly praying for the truth) they will be damned. Many “Jews” are descended from the ancient Canaanites and Edomites, who intermarried with the offspring of fallen angels. They are literally the descendants of Satan and his heavenly renegades. They are the “serpent seed-line”. Jesus informed us that we may “know them by their fruits”, and their “fruits” are bitter mental POISON. They have waged a secret war against us ever since Cain (the son of Satan) killed his half brother Abel. If you have not known about this war, it is because your Judaized preacher has not informed you and for damn sure nobody in the academic establishment or on mainstream media is going to tell you nor will you find books in your public or university library, or a corporate-controlled bookstore because the “Jew” has swept them clean of any materials that expose “Jewish” criminality and plots against our nations. Go back and read the quote from Eustace Mullins in regard to “Jewish” censorship. It was written a half century ago, so you can be sure the censorship is far worse today. The censorship now extends to all forms of electronic communication.
There is no way that our species, made up of the various pure-blooded branches of the true Semitic white race (Germanic, Anglo-Saxon, Nordic, Celtic, Baltic, Slovokian, Gothic etc.) can possibly be at peace with, or come to any real agreement with the exploitative, materialistic, jealous, devious, lying species of natural born deceivers within the corpus of “Jewry”. This fact was admitted to many years ago by one of THEIR own writers:
You have not begun to appreciate the real depth of our guilt. We are intruders. We are disturbers. We are subverters. We have taken your natural world, your ideals, your destiny, and played havoc with them. We have been at the bottom not merely of the latest great war (referring to WWI, which was designed, financed and guided by “Jewish” banking oligarchs) but of nearly all your wars, not only of the Russian (referring to the 1917 “Jewish” financed Bolshevik revolution) but of every other major revolution in your history. We have brought discord and confusion and frustration into your personal and public life. We are still doing it. No one can tell how long we shall go on doing it. A Real Case Against the Jews, Marcus Eli Ravage, Century Magazine, January 1928, Vol. 115, No. 3, pp. 346-350. Mr. Ravage was the Rothschilds’ approved biographer. A history of the trillionaire “Jewish”-Zionist Rothschild dynasty can be found on this website.
What Ravage is freely admitting to are the very effects foretold in scripture three thousand years ago, that they (in reference to the Canaanite satanic bloodline which manifests itself in “Jewry”) would be “pricks in our eyes” and “thorns in our sides” and would “vex” us in the land in which we dwell. He was able to brag about “Jewish” tactics because he apparently had nothing to lose. Ravage was probably “set for life” by his benefactors, the trillionaire Rothschilds and “Jews” had already achieved considerable power even in the 1920s. This fact is corroborated in the writings of Henry Ford, who was viciously vilified by the "Jews" of his day because he dared to tell the truth about them and their anti-God, anti-American activities.
The nature of the enemy of God's people is confirmed in biblical scripture which informs us of an enmity (severe opposition) between two contrary “seed-lines” which will span the totality of history in this earth age from the time of Adam and Eve until the second coming of Jesus Christ. Jesus will direct the annihilation of the satanic seed-line on the "day of the Lord". What a great day that will be. In the meantime we can be sure that the "serpent seed" will inflict as much pain and suffering on God's children as they can manage and it is easy for them to do so since, quite appallingly, most of “Christian” (Judeo-Christian) America believes they are “God’s chosen people”! Just about everyone else has been brainwashed since kindergarten to believe that, except for skin color, “all races are the same. What an incredible lie concocted by the enemies of God!! Brainwashed Judeo-Christians never suspects the “Jew” of being evil because, after all, “Jews” have been a “persecuted” people for so long. This, of course, is yet another outrageous lie invented by the "master race" of deceivers. Listen to the following interviews, or read the transcript to understand the enemy's thought process:
Are the “Jews” a persecuted people? In the mind of the Edomite-Canaanite “Jew” prosecution = persecution. They believe it is unfair for them to have to pay for any of their plots and crimes against the “host” nation because they are "entitled". They are parasites by nature and a parasite feels no guilt or remorse because a parasite does not have what we would call a conscience. If caught red handed with a hand in the cookie jar a person without conscience would DENY what you saw with your own two eyes, and if prosecuted would continue to DENY, and claim to have been “persecuted”. No race has been expelled from more nations than the “Jews”, and always for the same reasons: usury and graft, unfair and rapacious business practices, criminal activities, assorted scams, the promotion of immorality, inability to assimilate and even ritual sacrifice of “gentile” children. Download and read the following for proof of these accusations:

jewish_ritual_murder_-_leese.pdf |
Genesis 3:14-15 And the LORD God said unto the serpent, (that old serpent, the devil, Satan) Because thou hast done this, (procreated the satanic seed-line through Eve who fathered Cain from an illicit union with Satan) thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life: And I will put enmity (extreme animosity) between thee and the woman, and between thy seed (satanic offspring through Cain: the Cainites, Canaan, various branches of Canaanites, Nephalim who bred with Canaanites, and later the Edomite Khazars, who became known as Ashkenazim, and the Carthaginian Edomites, who became known Sephardim “Jews”) and her seed (the descendants of Adam through Seth, Noah, Shem, Eber, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob/Israel, and the twelve Hebrew tribes of Israel, actual “Semites”, later known as Caucasians); it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
Incidentally, if you as a pure-blooded white person are ever accused of “anti-Semitism” reply that you are not anti-yourself, because you ARE a Semite and your accuser is obviously a Canaanite-Edomite which means that the accuser is not Semitic! Let the accuser chew on that.
Genesis 3:14-15 and a wealth of other biblical scripture confirms that there is a walking, talking, humanoid creature that is genetically programmed to serve “their father the devil” whose thinking process (as revealed by Ravage, above) is contrary and indeed baffling and confusing to the thinking of God’s “elect” seed line, who generally cannot by their mental “wiring” conceive of, let alone implement the frauds, crimes, plots, dirty tricks, schemes, Judas-type double crosses and even mass murders that have been the hallmark of the “Jew”-Canaanite devil throughout history. If you think that it is not possible for someone to be born evil consider this scripture:
Psalms 58:2-4 Yea, in heart ye work wickedness; ye weigh the violence of your hands in the earth. The wicked are estranged (alienated, hostile) from the womb: they go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies. Their poison is like the poison of a serpent:
Isaiah 28:15,18 Because ye (the satanic seed line and other anti-Christ “goats” and “dogs”) have said, We have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us: for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves: (this is their “wishful thinking”) … And your covenant with death shall be disannulled, and your agreement with hell shall not stand; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, then ye shall be trodden down by it (a prophecy which also indicates the coming annihilation of the satanic seed line).
Having exposed some key characteristics of the adversary let’s hone in on some “divide and conquer” tactics used by these natural born deceivers to stir up trouble, weaken and communize our white nations. The events in Charlottesville, Virginia on August 12, 2017 illustrate, on a small scale, the kind of treachery the enemy is capable of. Never do “Jews” launch a direct, frontal attack. They do not want to get their own hands dirty. Their attacks are more like a stab in the back by a hired masked thug on a dark night. Their number one “ace in the hole” is that their species owns and controls ALL mainstream media, so once the event is staged they can use their mass media to “spin” the event against us. This enables them to implant “memes” (lasting knee jerk reactions) in the minds of the masses who have been programmed since kindergarten to believe a veritable mountain of “Jewish” lies. Thus, the “Jew” sorcerer can portray black as white, white as black, evil as good, and bitter as sweet, exactly as the prophet Isaiah warned. The word “woe” is not to be taken lightly either, as it indicates that God’s just vengeance will be poured out on these natural born deceiver-sorcerers in due time:
Isaiah 5:20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
Incidentally, if you as a pure-blooded white person are ever accused of “anti-Semitism” reply that you are not anti-yourself, because you ARE a Semite and your accuser is obviously a Canaanite-Edomite which means that the accuser is not Semitic! Let the accuser chew on that.
Genesis 3:14-15 and a wealth of other biblical scripture confirms that there is a walking, talking, humanoid creature that is genetically programmed to serve “their father the devil” whose thinking process (as revealed by Ravage, above) is contrary and indeed baffling and confusing to the thinking of God’s “elect” seed line, who generally cannot by their mental “wiring” conceive of, let alone implement the frauds, crimes, plots, dirty tricks, schemes, Judas-type double crosses and even mass murders that have been the hallmark of the “Jew”-Canaanite devil throughout history. If you think that it is not possible for someone to be born evil consider this scripture:
Psalms 58:2-4 Yea, in heart ye work wickedness; ye weigh the violence of your hands in the earth. The wicked are estranged (alienated, hostile) from the womb: they go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies. Their poison is like the poison of a serpent:
Isaiah 28:15,18 Because ye (the satanic seed line and other anti-Christ “goats” and “dogs”) have said, We have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us: for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves: (this is their “wishful thinking”) … And your covenant with death shall be disannulled, and your agreement with hell shall not stand; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, then ye shall be trodden down by it (a prophecy which also indicates the coming annihilation of the satanic seed line).
Having exposed some key characteristics of the adversary let’s hone in on some “divide and conquer” tactics used by these natural born deceivers to stir up trouble, weaken and communize our white nations. The events in Charlottesville, Virginia on August 12, 2017 illustrate, on a small scale, the kind of treachery the enemy is capable of. Never do “Jews” launch a direct, frontal attack. They do not want to get their own hands dirty. Their attacks are more like a stab in the back by a hired masked thug on a dark night. Their number one “ace in the hole” is that their species owns and controls ALL mainstream media, so once the event is staged they can use their mass media to “spin” the event against us. This enables them to implant “memes” (lasting knee jerk reactions) in the minds of the masses who have been programmed since kindergarten to believe a veritable mountain of “Jewish” lies. Thus, the “Jew” sorcerer can portray black as white, white as black, evil as good, and bitter as sweet, exactly as the prophet Isaiah warned. The word “woe” is not to be taken lightly either, as it indicates that God’s just vengeance will be poured out on these natural born deceiver-sorcerers in due time:
Isaiah 5:20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
Publicity hound and pretender Jason Kessler,
a Jew whose function, apparently, is to make whites look bad. |
The Unite the Right Rally in Charlottesville, Virginia was the brainchild of one Jason Kessler, a criminal sociopath who was arrested in 2017 for assault. He was convicted in 2005 for shoplifting and has numerous traffic violations and citations on his record. According to “Jewish” blogger Henry Makow, Kessler is “Jewish” (notice the Asiatic eyes) but he pretends for the camera to be on the side of disenfranchised whites. This brings us to yet another deception which is that many “Jews” appear to be white, though they do not identify with whites.
We are not white symbolically, we are not white literally … we should not permit ourselves to be lumped together with white America, for that is not where we belong. Jewish Post & Opinion, June 28, 1968, Prof. Leonard J. Fein, political scientist, from a speech at the Reform Rabbis’ meeting at Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
The difference in appearance is often subtle which is why blacks, in particular, think that all “Jews” are whites. This is why “whites” routinely get blamed for “Jewish” misdeeds. Surely you have heard the term “white devil” bantered about. We would submit that 9/10 of the time such a term is used it would be in reference to a “Jew” passing for white. Off camera Kessler supports gun control, loves Obama and the Clintons, and compares Republicans to Jeffrey Dahmer (the mass murderer) which is a rather extreme position, even for a “leftist”.
Strangely, when Kessler applied for a permit to stage the rally, the permit was granted and then it was rescinded, and THEN the “Jewish” run ACLU, of all outfits, came to his defense, filed a court case and won back his permission to hold his rally. This is very unusual, since the ACLU is vehemently opposed to ANY reactionary movements by whites and would never, under normal circumstances, go out on a limb to defend a so-called “white supremacist” but they would defend a crypto-“Jew”. Thus, from the beginning, the rally was a false front, designed to make so-called “white supremacists” look bad and build animosity against whites in other races toward the ultimate goal of fomenting a race war in America. If we have not had a race war yet it is because, as Eustace Mullins once joked, the people have been rendered docile and de-motivated by fluoridated water supplies, and “they can’t object to anything”. We might add that all of the junk that “Jewish”-owned corporate monopolies put in the food doesn’t help the cerebral cortex of our race, or any other race for that matter.
The “Unite the Right” rally brings to mind tactics used by Marxist-communists in Russia in order to foment the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. The “Jew” communists, headed by Lenin and Trotsky (real name Lev Bronstein) and financed by the N.Y. “Jewish” investment banker Jacob Schiff, pitted the Russian working class (proletariat) against the ruling class. As the revolution progressed the satanic “Jew” butchers proceeded to kill the Orthodox Christian Czar and his entire family, and once the communist government was installed the “Jew”-communists murdered many of the very peasants who had supported the revolution in the first place. Early on, compliant citizens who had turned in their guns in order to obey government orders were summarily shot. Friends, let this history be a lesson. Compliance with an evil government run by the spawn of Satan oftentimes results in DEATH. In fact, the number one cause of death on planet earth is death by government – satanic governments that is, run by Satan’s literal children, the Edomite-Canaanite “Jew”.
While the Charlottesville rally was being organized, out of state “talent” agencies such as “Crowds on Demand” were gathering useful psychopaths, stupid angry blacks with an entitlement complex, rabid leftist sodomites and other hate-filled scumbag “actors” and “actresses” to participate. The billionaire Hungarian “Jew” George Soros (name changed from Gyorgy Schwartz), a billionaire high profile Rothschild agent, made sure his “Antifa” were on hand to add to the witches’ brew. As we might expect, Antifa, which stands for “anti-fascist”, is a misnomer since “fascism” technically is a collusion of big business with big government and Soros certainly isn’t against that since most of the big business and big government in the world is controlled by his species. Thanks to the bussing in of groups financed by Satanists like Soros, the extreme leftist constituency outnumbered the so-called “white supremacists” 4 to 1.
Whites were instructed before the rally not to lose their cool no matter how much they were provoked and not to instigate violence against their opponents. They did a masterful job in adhering to that policy. On the other hand, the violent psychopathic leftists (many of whom were being paid $25 to $50 per hour by their “talent” agencies to participate) were doing everything in their power to incite the whites to violence, to the point of throwing feces and balloons filled with urine. This rather startling detail was ignored on ALL of the major “news” networks. WHY is that? 1) Because all of the major news networks are owned and controlled by evil, supremacist, white hating “Jews” and 2) it would not have fit the pre-determined Marxist-communist narrative that “diversity and multiculturalism is wonderful”, “whites are evil”, “Jackson was a racist”, and “statues of evil white men must come down”. The grand agenda, of course, is to slowly but surely obliterate white history, replace it with a false “history” approved by satanic supremacist “Jews” and incite a race war between whites and blacks who are being prodded like cattle by “Jew” agitators who stand back in the shadows and snicker at all of the trouble they are stirring up.
As the rally progressed, and violence was imminent the mayor of Charlottesville, a “Jew” by the name of Michael Signer, who was assisted by a “Black Lives Matter” extreme leftist vice-mayor, and a black police chief instructed the police force to “stand down”. One police officer interviewed afterward said “We wanted to do our job and keep the peace. But these mother******s in charge really want to destroy America”.
Strangely, when Kessler applied for a permit to stage the rally, the permit was granted and then it was rescinded, and THEN the “Jewish” run ACLU, of all outfits, came to his defense, filed a court case and won back his permission to hold his rally. This is very unusual, since the ACLU is vehemently opposed to ANY reactionary movements by whites and would never, under normal circumstances, go out on a limb to defend a so-called “white supremacist” but they would defend a crypto-“Jew”. Thus, from the beginning, the rally was a false front, designed to make so-called “white supremacists” look bad and build animosity against whites in other races toward the ultimate goal of fomenting a race war in America. If we have not had a race war yet it is because, as Eustace Mullins once joked, the people have been rendered docile and de-motivated by fluoridated water supplies, and “they can’t object to anything”. We might add that all of the junk that “Jewish”-owned corporate monopolies put in the food doesn’t help the cerebral cortex of our race, or any other race for that matter.
The “Unite the Right” rally brings to mind tactics used by Marxist-communists in Russia in order to foment the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. The “Jew” communists, headed by Lenin and Trotsky (real name Lev Bronstein) and financed by the N.Y. “Jewish” investment banker Jacob Schiff, pitted the Russian working class (proletariat) against the ruling class. As the revolution progressed the satanic “Jew” butchers proceeded to kill the Orthodox Christian Czar and his entire family, and once the communist government was installed the “Jew”-communists murdered many of the very peasants who had supported the revolution in the first place. Early on, compliant citizens who had turned in their guns in order to obey government orders were summarily shot. Friends, let this history be a lesson. Compliance with an evil government run by the spawn of Satan oftentimes results in DEATH. In fact, the number one cause of death on planet earth is death by government – satanic governments that is, run by Satan’s literal children, the Edomite-Canaanite “Jew”.
While the Charlottesville rally was being organized, out of state “talent” agencies such as “Crowds on Demand” were gathering useful psychopaths, stupid angry blacks with an entitlement complex, rabid leftist sodomites and other hate-filled scumbag “actors” and “actresses” to participate. The billionaire Hungarian “Jew” George Soros (name changed from Gyorgy Schwartz), a billionaire high profile Rothschild agent, made sure his “Antifa” were on hand to add to the witches’ brew. As we might expect, Antifa, which stands for “anti-fascist”, is a misnomer since “fascism” technically is a collusion of big business with big government and Soros certainly isn’t against that since most of the big business and big government in the world is controlled by his species. Thanks to the bussing in of groups financed by Satanists like Soros, the extreme leftist constituency outnumbered the so-called “white supremacists” 4 to 1.
Whites were instructed before the rally not to lose their cool no matter how much they were provoked and not to instigate violence against their opponents. They did a masterful job in adhering to that policy. On the other hand, the violent psychopathic leftists (many of whom were being paid $25 to $50 per hour by their “talent” agencies to participate) were doing everything in their power to incite the whites to violence, to the point of throwing feces and balloons filled with urine. This rather startling detail was ignored on ALL of the major “news” networks. WHY is that? 1) Because all of the major news networks are owned and controlled by evil, supremacist, white hating “Jews” and 2) it would not have fit the pre-determined Marxist-communist narrative that “diversity and multiculturalism is wonderful”, “whites are evil”, “Jackson was a racist”, and “statues of evil white men must come down”. The grand agenda, of course, is to slowly but surely obliterate white history, replace it with a false “history” approved by satanic supremacist “Jews” and incite a race war between whites and blacks who are being prodded like cattle by “Jew” agitators who stand back in the shadows and snicker at all of the trouble they are stirring up.
As the rally progressed, and violence was imminent the mayor of Charlottesville, a “Jew” by the name of Michael Signer, who was assisted by a “Black Lives Matter” extreme leftist vice-mayor, and a black police chief instructed the police force to “stand down”. One police officer interviewed afterward said “We wanted to do our job and keep the peace. But these mother******s in charge really want to destroy America”.
Mayor Signer is an attorney who believes that Trump is a “singular menace to our republic” -- as if this Marxist “Jew” could even conceive of what a “republic” is. His grandfather was active in movements to “liberate the world from Nazism and fascism” so rabble rousing must be a genetic family trait. Signer apparently achieved his status as mayor because he is a Democrat with close ties to Barack Obama and the high profile D.C. activist and pedophile John Podesta. He worked with Podesta at the "Center of American Progress” (“progressivism” = communism) and with Obama’s State Department Transition Team. He obviously has access to generous amounts of funding which he can use to do his part in destroying America so that it may be absorbed into the “Jew World Order” one-world “Jewish”-Canaanite-Babylonian-satanic beast government, or to put it in Star Trek terminology, “The Borg Collective”.
Charlottesville, VA Jewish mayor Michael Signer
The “Nazism” that Signer’s grandfather fought, which is vilified with monotonous regularly in slick mainstream docudramas, was actually an effort on the part of the German people to liberate themselves from the “Jewish” parasite that controlled all of their banks, had usurped most of their businesses and had left them struggling and impoverished in the nation founded by their ancestors. Adolph Hitler was a populist, who promised to free them from the grip of rapacious “Jew” bankers and merchants. He was in favor of a strong, self-sufficient Germany, freed from the “Jewish” parasite, with a state-sponsored benign form of socialism designed to take care of the German people. The acronym NAZI means “National Socialist Party”. Hitler was vehemently opposed to making Germany part of a larger, pan-European or global government scheme.
Hitler’s big oversight was that he was financed by “Jewish” international bankers, like the Warburgs (agents of the Rothschild dynasty) who were using him as a tool for conquest. His big ego prevented him from discerning this at first, but it would seem that he caught on to it later, but obviously too late in the game. Our school history books will not tell you any of these important details because all of the publishing houses are owned by “Jews”, the editors are “Jews”, the academic establishment is controlled by “Jews” and all of the other various gatekeepers are “Jews”. It is these meddling, controlling, lying “Jews” at every juncture who set policy and determine what YOU will read and hear. Their tyranny, especially over the press and media, is pervasive and all-encompassing.
Leftist-Marxist-Satanic “Jews” simply cannot STAND for you to know the truth. They are assisted by butt kissing six-figure “shabez goy” sycophants who are far more interested in material comfort and country club status than historical TRUTH. This would apply to the vast majority of politicians and university professors, such as those flabby, condescending Marxist-communist pusher-apologists at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville who require their students to read and study works that support the Marxist-communist, one-world, diversified, amalgamated “Jewish”-supremacist paradigm.
Naturally, Mayor Signer celebrates Charlottesville’s “diversity”, as do all Marxist-Communist “Jews” because a Babylonian-style racial hodgepodge assures that whites won’t be able to assemble in sufficient numbers to expel the “Jew” parasite and take back our nations. Nor can whites convince the other races, and mixed races among us that there is a “Jewish” problem, because the “Jew” has wormed his way deep into their psyche and controls their thinking. After at least twelve years of “primary education” indoctrination, the injection of mental poisons continues daily through “Jewish”-controlled mass media “news” (such as the way in which the “Unite the Right” rally was mis-reported) and other forms of “entertainment”, such as violent video games and a plethora of misleading, “limited hangout”, censored Internet sites.
Signer was quoted as saying that Charlottesville is “the capital of the resistance”, as if that is a good thing. The “resistance” he refers to is that of greedy, plotting, supremacist “Jews” who believe it is their “g-d”-given destiny to own and control the entire planet and that white people are only a fly in their ointment and that we must be exterminated or bred out of existence in order for them to achieve their total control of the planet. Incidentally, whenever you see “g-d” in an article or essay, you can be sure that a “Jew” wrote it because the name of their “g-d” is unpronounceable, according to Luciferian-Talmudic protocol.
What about the driver of the car that plowed into the crowd and supposedly killed a woman? It turns out that this driver was by no means a “white supremacist” as was reported in synchronism on the “Jew” tube. He was on the leftist side, but became spooked when blacks began hitting his vehicle with baseball bats. During and after the event the “reporter” whores could be heard on television mindlessly parroting the same words, shamelessly “spinning” the event for their “Jew” masters: “white supremacist”, “white supremacist”, “white violence”, “hate”, “hate”, “hate”. This is the “meme” (knee jerk reaction and lasting impression) that the supremacist “Jew” wants implanted in the collective consciousness of the zombie population. They fully intended to stir up confusion and discord because they would LOVE to see a race war. They intended to “intrude” and “subvert” because it is in their very genes to do so, exactly as “Jewish” writer Marcus Ravage revealed a century ago (see his quote above).
How about the girl who “died” when the car reputedly plowed into her? One would think a reasonable person would RUN for his or her life rather than throwing him/herself into the middle of an insane melee like an idiot. That much aside, after she was presumably hit she was seen riding on the hood of another vehicle and holding on as best she could to keep from falling off. Had she been close to death it is unlikely she could have managed such a maneuver. It is far more likely that her “death” was staged, Sandy Hook style, as she was to be USED as a symbol to fit the “Jew”-communist narrative of “whites are evil”, “white supremacism is evil”, “whites are haters and cold-blooded murderers”, and “white history must be obliterated because white heroes were all evil”. The illogic and stupid superficiality of the leftist narrative would be laughable were it not being incessantly drilled into the minds of millions of the walking dead who possess not a single thought that was not placed in their brains by the “Jewish” mind control machine.
What about the “mother” of the girl who was presumably “killed” by the so-called “white supremacist” who “ran over her”? That exact same woman was exposed in Internet videos of the fake Sandy Hook affair, acting up a storm for her producers and directors. You see, she is a professional “crisis actress”, someone who is paid to pretend to be a part of a staged event, such as the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville or the fake massacre of schoolchildren that reputedly took place in Sandy Hook, Connecticut. The elementary school in Sandy Hook had already been CLOSED for two years prior to the “massacre” and had NO students or faculty at that time, because it was an EMPTY building? How then did it happen? Just like a B grade Hollywood movie, that’s how! The school building was merely the SET for the movie. Likewise, the mother of the girl who was reported to have been “run over” by the so-called “white supremacist” was HIRED by a “talent agency” to fulfill a ROLE in the FAKE leftist-Marxist “Jewish” supremacist “news” programming event. If this seems impossible consider how REAL most Hollywood movies appear to be, how the actors and actresses are so convincing, the plots so believable, the special effects so life-like. Compared to a big movie production, it is far LESS expensive to stage something like a Sandy Hook or Charlottesville “crisis event”.
The Sandy Hook affair, incidentally, was designed to provide emotional support to leftist-communists in anticipation of a United Nations vote on small arms control that was to take place soon afterward. Gun control is near the top of the list of “Jewish” supremacist agendas. One of the main reasons we do not have a full fledged communist tyranny in America yet is because of the huge number of privately owned firearms. Do not, under any circumstances, give up your guns. Buy more guns. Force is the ONLY thing the enemy respects. Appeals to charity and reasonableness will not work because the “Jew” supremacist devil is incapable of empathy, charity, kindness, reasonableness, fairness, humility, honesty, ethical behavior, or any other qualities of a human being with a good soul, such as those outlined in this scripture:
Colossians 3:12-15 Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering; Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye. And above all these things put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness. And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.
According to a concerned citizen who attended the Charlottesville rally, and was interviewed on a New Orleans radio station, the police stood around and did absolutely nothing as the feces and urine filled balloons were being thrown at whites who were peacefully marching. Occasionally, the rabid leftists would physically attack a white person but other whites would rapidly come to his defense. The fact that they were fighting back made the leftist crowd “very angry” according to William Finck (, because the Antifa-leftists were not expecting whites to stand up for each other. Finck said that they had no problem defending themselves because many of the leftists were puny sodomites and girls, with only a small number of “tough guys”. During the march, someone from the leftist Antifa crowd threw a canister of tear gas but the wind blew the gas back into their crowd causing them to cough and gag. In response to this small act of divine justice the police suddenly reacted screaming that whites were having an “illegal assembly” and that they would have to leave. Finck said that he and his fellow rally members were forced, by the police, to walk through the dangerous Antifa-leftist crowd, like passing through a gauntlet, while exiting the rally site. The police again did absolutely nothing to protect them as they were insulted, spit on and hit. This was by orders from the “Jewish” supremacist mayor of Charlottesville and his sidekick Black Lives Matter assistant mayor and the black police chief. Many citizens demanded that the three of them be expelled from office for their handling of the affair, and apparent favoritism for the left.
After the rally was over, various high-ranking police officials mirrored the mainstream media lies, proclaiming that all of the problems were due to “right wing violence” and hate filled “white supremacists”. We at know they HAD to do this because if they refused to "schill" for the "Jews" they'd risk losing their jobs for non-compliance. These law enforcement schills are yet another flavor of “shabez goy” traitors to America, cousins to the condescending, leftist-Marxist university professors who “profess” a history scrubbed of ANY references to “Jewish” crimes and treachery, stupid, smiling media whores, and “politically correct” N.Y. Times and Oprah Winfrey endorsed bestselling authors all of whom willingly sell their sorry souls to the devil for their twenty pieces of silver and accolades in the “Jewish”-controlled media circus.
Getting rich in America is easy for those who are willing to adhere like bubblegum on the bottom of a shoe to the “Jewish” narrative thus providing support to the vile, parasitic “Jewish” economic and political system, a rehash of the ancient Babylonian system of oppression. However, as Mullins points out in his book “The Biological Jew” (download available below), that there is a high incidence of alcoholism, drug abuse and homosexuality among this servile “shabez goy” class of sycophants. There is also a high rate of juvenile delinquency among their children. Because they have no backbone, such traitors to their own kind are also despised by their “Jew” sponsors and handlers, who merely use them as tools to perpetuate their death grip on America.
What happened in Charlottesville was small compared to a massive event such as the 1917 Communist Revolution of Russia. It was instigated by “Jews” Lev Bronstein (who changed his name to Leo Trotsky in order to “pass” as white), Vladimir Lenin, and Josef Stalin. To get the “revolution” off to a good start $20,000,000 in pure gold was provided by “Jew” investment banker Jacob Schiff, a Rothschild agent working for the “Jewish” Wall Street investment firm Kuhn Loeb and Company. Schiff later provided another $30,000,000 in financing to put the “nails in the coffin”. Though virtually nothing is taught about this MASSIVE bloodletting in American history classes, with expensive textbooks reviewed and edited by “Jew” editors, this was the ACTUAL holocaust. Between 60 to 150 million white Christians died at the hands of communist “Jews” who had inflamed the working classes into violence against the upper and ruling classes. It was a large scale use of the same “divide and conquer”, rabble rousing tactics used by the “Jew” mayor of Charlottesville in cahoots with “Jewish” controlled media and shabez goy sidekicks. The "Jewish" holocaust is yet to come at the hand of God Almighty!
Many of those brainwashed “useful idiots” in Russia who thought they would achieve a better life for assisting in the “Jew” devil in the so-called “revolution of the proletariat” ended up dead, or if still alive were stripped of what little wealth and property they had before the revolution. All of the land became “collectivized” which meant that “Jew” communist parasites in league with the government were the absolute owners and masters of that great land and anyone else permitted to live became a slave, with no property. Even the children were deemed to be property of the state. They were deemed property of the state. When the "iron curtain", presumably, fell most of the businesses and property fell into the hands of members of the communist party, who magically became “capitalists”. Is such a scenario coming to America, or are white Americans going to resist the increasing “Jewish” tyranny? From the looks of it most whites don't have a clue what is coming, much less that the international "Jew" is the enemy.
We must emphasize that there is a spiritual battle going on, which underpins all of the events outlined in this essay. You must come to know OUR God, Yahweh, and give your life to Him. Learn about Him and obey Him. It is the ONLY way. We cannot hope to prevail without the support of God Himself because this war is being waged by Satan, the master deceiver, and his offspring against us. They do not play by ANY rules other than those of the Talmud and the satanic Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. They consider it virtuous to lie, cheat, steal, vilify, cheate chaos, divide, conquer and kill the "goyim" (non-"Jews", and especially whites). They are capable of evil that would make our stomachs turn. Over thousands of years the satanic bloodline has honed deception and political intrigue to a science. Scripture has informed us of this, and ALL things relative to our survival against the formidable forces of evil:
Luke 16:8 … for the children of this world are in their generation (referring to their bloodline or genetics) wiser (and therefore more devious) than the children of light.
And speaking of devious, in the midst of writing this piece there was a snippet of leftist-Marxist claptrap on N.P.R. (National Propaganda Radio). The words “hate” and “white supremacist” were dripping from the announcer’s lips like dog drool in regard to some other rally that was being planned by disenfranchised whites who are having their nation stolen out from under them by “Jews” and the mixed multitude army being used against us. Immediately following that piece the recently deceased 74 year old director of the 1974 “cult” movie “Texas Chainsaw Massacre” was being eulogized for his “iconic” low budget film that portrays stupid white people wielding a chainsaw as a weapon and dismembering innocents for kicks, a flick which makes white people look really, REALLY bad. We can thank “Jew” promoters and “Jew” film “critics” for assuring that the film became a “classic”. The director, who was 31 when he made the piece of cellulose crap probably got to live the rest of his life in luxury from the proceeds. But, of course, the creation of such bottom of the barrel, bloody, gory satanic trash isn’t “hate”, it’s “AAAAART”, that is if we are to believe National Propaganda Radio schills. However, the act of standing up for one’s own race and heritage, if you happen to be white, is “HAAAAATE”. What a twisted world we live in – a world that will be ruled for a short while longer by Satan and his flesh and blood children who, with their titanic boatload of sorceries turn bitter into sweet, take evil for good and use their control of media and academia to keep the world in "strong delusion".
Let us wrap this up by saying that the only hope for the pure-blooded Caucasians of America and other nations established by whites is that WE as a homogeneous people repent and turn back to God. There is NO political solution because the enemy controls the political process. For those who OBEY God and His commandments He will provide protection from the increasing storm of “Jewish” globalist totalitarianism that is coming upon our nations. The “elect”, those who take their Christianity seriously, can look forward to the next earth age being completely free of the spawn of Satan. Praise the Lord! We are being subjected to this tribulation because of the “original sin” of our patriarchs, Adam and Eve, who desired to have “the knowledge (experience) of good AND evil”, thus condemning all of their descendants to receiving the same “knowledge” which is packaged with a blood red ribbon and delivered to us daily through the descendants of Cain, Canaan, Esau and his Canaanite wives -- namely the “Jews”. Thus, we say, “keep your powder dry” and remain ever watchful and vigilant. Educate your fellow pure-blooded whites to these important truths. In good time, God will provide the opportunity we have been praying for.
Romans 12:19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.
Zechariah 14:20-21 In that day (the day of the Lord) shall there be upon the bells of the horses, HOLINESS UNTO THE LORD; and the pots in the LORD’S house shall be like the bowls before the altar. Yea, every pot in Jerusalem and in Judah shall be holiness unto the LORD of hosts: and all they that sacrifice shall come and take of them, and seethe therein: and in that day there shall be no more the Canaanite in the house of the LORD of hosts. (Satanic “Jews” are descended from Canaanites. They are slated for extermination at the hand of God.)
Obadiah 1:18 And the house of Jacob (the Caucasian nations) shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them; and there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau; for the LORD hath spoken it. (No “Jews”, who are descendants of Esau and his Canaanite wives, will remain.)
Materials referred to in this essay, or related to it:
Hitler’s big oversight was that he was financed by “Jewish” international bankers, like the Warburgs (agents of the Rothschild dynasty) who were using him as a tool for conquest. His big ego prevented him from discerning this at first, but it would seem that he caught on to it later, but obviously too late in the game. Our school history books will not tell you any of these important details because all of the publishing houses are owned by “Jews”, the editors are “Jews”, the academic establishment is controlled by “Jews” and all of the other various gatekeepers are “Jews”. It is these meddling, controlling, lying “Jews” at every juncture who set policy and determine what YOU will read and hear. Their tyranny, especially over the press and media, is pervasive and all-encompassing.
Leftist-Marxist-Satanic “Jews” simply cannot STAND for you to know the truth. They are assisted by butt kissing six-figure “shabez goy” sycophants who are far more interested in material comfort and country club status than historical TRUTH. This would apply to the vast majority of politicians and university professors, such as those flabby, condescending Marxist-communist pusher-apologists at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville who require their students to read and study works that support the Marxist-communist, one-world, diversified, amalgamated “Jewish”-supremacist paradigm.
Naturally, Mayor Signer celebrates Charlottesville’s “diversity”, as do all Marxist-Communist “Jews” because a Babylonian-style racial hodgepodge assures that whites won’t be able to assemble in sufficient numbers to expel the “Jew” parasite and take back our nations. Nor can whites convince the other races, and mixed races among us that there is a “Jewish” problem, because the “Jew” has wormed his way deep into their psyche and controls their thinking. After at least twelve years of “primary education” indoctrination, the injection of mental poisons continues daily through “Jewish”-controlled mass media “news” (such as the way in which the “Unite the Right” rally was mis-reported) and other forms of “entertainment”, such as violent video games and a plethora of misleading, “limited hangout”, censored Internet sites.
Signer was quoted as saying that Charlottesville is “the capital of the resistance”, as if that is a good thing. The “resistance” he refers to is that of greedy, plotting, supremacist “Jews” who believe it is their “g-d”-given destiny to own and control the entire planet and that white people are only a fly in their ointment and that we must be exterminated or bred out of existence in order for them to achieve their total control of the planet. Incidentally, whenever you see “g-d” in an article or essay, you can be sure that a “Jew” wrote it because the name of their “g-d” is unpronounceable, according to Luciferian-Talmudic protocol.
What about the driver of the car that plowed into the crowd and supposedly killed a woman? It turns out that this driver was by no means a “white supremacist” as was reported in synchronism on the “Jew” tube. He was on the leftist side, but became spooked when blacks began hitting his vehicle with baseball bats. During and after the event the “reporter” whores could be heard on television mindlessly parroting the same words, shamelessly “spinning” the event for their “Jew” masters: “white supremacist”, “white supremacist”, “white violence”, “hate”, “hate”, “hate”. This is the “meme” (knee jerk reaction and lasting impression) that the supremacist “Jew” wants implanted in the collective consciousness of the zombie population. They fully intended to stir up confusion and discord because they would LOVE to see a race war. They intended to “intrude” and “subvert” because it is in their very genes to do so, exactly as “Jewish” writer Marcus Ravage revealed a century ago (see his quote above).
How about the girl who “died” when the car reputedly plowed into her? One would think a reasonable person would RUN for his or her life rather than throwing him/herself into the middle of an insane melee like an idiot. That much aside, after she was presumably hit she was seen riding on the hood of another vehicle and holding on as best she could to keep from falling off. Had she been close to death it is unlikely she could have managed such a maneuver. It is far more likely that her “death” was staged, Sandy Hook style, as she was to be USED as a symbol to fit the “Jew”-communist narrative of “whites are evil”, “white supremacism is evil”, “whites are haters and cold-blooded murderers”, and “white history must be obliterated because white heroes were all evil”. The illogic and stupid superficiality of the leftist narrative would be laughable were it not being incessantly drilled into the minds of millions of the walking dead who possess not a single thought that was not placed in their brains by the “Jewish” mind control machine.
What about the “mother” of the girl who was presumably “killed” by the so-called “white supremacist” who “ran over her”? That exact same woman was exposed in Internet videos of the fake Sandy Hook affair, acting up a storm for her producers and directors. You see, she is a professional “crisis actress”, someone who is paid to pretend to be a part of a staged event, such as the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville or the fake massacre of schoolchildren that reputedly took place in Sandy Hook, Connecticut. The elementary school in Sandy Hook had already been CLOSED for two years prior to the “massacre” and had NO students or faculty at that time, because it was an EMPTY building? How then did it happen? Just like a B grade Hollywood movie, that’s how! The school building was merely the SET for the movie. Likewise, the mother of the girl who was reported to have been “run over” by the so-called “white supremacist” was HIRED by a “talent agency” to fulfill a ROLE in the FAKE leftist-Marxist “Jewish” supremacist “news” programming event. If this seems impossible consider how REAL most Hollywood movies appear to be, how the actors and actresses are so convincing, the plots so believable, the special effects so life-like. Compared to a big movie production, it is far LESS expensive to stage something like a Sandy Hook or Charlottesville “crisis event”.
The Sandy Hook affair, incidentally, was designed to provide emotional support to leftist-communists in anticipation of a United Nations vote on small arms control that was to take place soon afterward. Gun control is near the top of the list of “Jewish” supremacist agendas. One of the main reasons we do not have a full fledged communist tyranny in America yet is because of the huge number of privately owned firearms. Do not, under any circumstances, give up your guns. Buy more guns. Force is the ONLY thing the enemy respects. Appeals to charity and reasonableness will not work because the “Jew” supremacist devil is incapable of empathy, charity, kindness, reasonableness, fairness, humility, honesty, ethical behavior, or any other qualities of a human being with a good soul, such as those outlined in this scripture:
Colossians 3:12-15 Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering; Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye. And above all these things put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness. And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.
According to a concerned citizen who attended the Charlottesville rally, and was interviewed on a New Orleans radio station, the police stood around and did absolutely nothing as the feces and urine filled balloons were being thrown at whites who were peacefully marching. Occasionally, the rabid leftists would physically attack a white person but other whites would rapidly come to his defense. The fact that they were fighting back made the leftist crowd “very angry” according to William Finck (, because the Antifa-leftists were not expecting whites to stand up for each other. Finck said that they had no problem defending themselves because many of the leftists were puny sodomites and girls, with only a small number of “tough guys”. During the march, someone from the leftist Antifa crowd threw a canister of tear gas but the wind blew the gas back into their crowd causing them to cough and gag. In response to this small act of divine justice the police suddenly reacted screaming that whites were having an “illegal assembly” and that they would have to leave. Finck said that he and his fellow rally members were forced, by the police, to walk through the dangerous Antifa-leftist crowd, like passing through a gauntlet, while exiting the rally site. The police again did absolutely nothing to protect them as they were insulted, spit on and hit. This was by orders from the “Jewish” supremacist mayor of Charlottesville and his sidekick Black Lives Matter assistant mayor and the black police chief. Many citizens demanded that the three of them be expelled from office for their handling of the affair, and apparent favoritism for the left.
After the rally was over, various high-ranking police officials mirrored the mainstream media lies, proclaiming that all of the problems were due to “right wing violence” and hate filled “white supremacists”. We at know they HAD to do this because if they refused to "schill" for the "Jews" they'd risk losing their jobs for non-compliance. These law enforcement schills are yet another flavor of “shabez goy” traitors to America, cousins to the condescending, leftist-Marxist university professors who “profess” a history scrubbed of ANY references to “Jewish” crimes and treachery, stupid, smiling media whores, and “politically correct” N.Y. Times and Oprah Winfrey endorsed bestselling authors all of whom willingly sell their sorry souls to the devil for their twenty pieces of silver and accolades in the “Jewish”-controlled media circus.
Getting rich in America is easy for those who are willing to adhere like bubblegum on the bottom of a shoe to the “Jewish” narrative thus providing support to the vile, parasitic “Jewish” economic and political system, a rehash of the ancient Babylonian system of oppression. However, as Mullins points out in his book “The Biological Jew” (download available below), that there is a high incidence of alcoholism, drug abuse and homosexuality among this servile “shabez goy” class of sycophants. There is also a high rate of juvenile delinquency among their children. Because they have no backbone, such traitors to their own kind are also despised by their “Jew” sponsors and handlers, who merely use them as tools to perpetuate their death grip on America.
What happened in Charlottesville was small compared to a massive event such as the 1917 Communist Revolution of Russia. It was instigated by “Jews” Lev Bronstein (who changed his name to Leo Trotsky in order to “pass” as white), Vladimir Lenin, and Josef Stalin. To get the “revolution” off to a good start $20,000,000 in pure gold was provided by “Jew” investment banker Jacob Schiff, a Rothschild agent working for the “Jewish” Wall Street investment firm Kuhn Loeb and Company. Schiff later provided another $30,000,000 in financing to put the “nails in the coffin”. Though virtually nothing is taught about this MASSIVE bloodletting in American history classes, with expensive textbooks reviewed and edited by “Jew” editors, this was the ACTUAL holocaust. Between 60 to 150 million white Christians died at the hands of communist “Jews” who had inflamed the working classes into violence against the upper and ruling classes. It was a large scale use of the same “divide and conquer”, rabble rousing tactics used by the “Jew” mayor of Charlottesville in cahoots with “Jewish” controlled media and shabez goy sidekicks. The "Jewish" holocaust is yet to come at the hand of God Almighty!
Many of those brainwashed “useful idiots” in Russia who thought they would achieve a better life for assisting in the “Jew” devil in the so-called “revolution of the proletariat” ended up dead, or if still alive were stripped of what little wealth and property they had before the revolution. All of the land became “collectivized” which meant that “Jew” communist parasites in league with the government were the absolute owners and masters of that great land and anyone else permitted to live became a slave, with no property. Even the children were deemed to be property of the state. They were deemed property of the state. When the "iron curtain", presumably, fell most of the businesses and property fell into the hands of members of the communist party, who magically became “capitalists”. Is such a scenario coming to America, or are white Americans going to resist the increasing “Jewish” tyranny? From the looks of it most whites don't have a clue what is coming, much less that the international "Jew" is the enemy.
We must emphasize that there is a spiritual battle going on, which underpins all of the events outlined in this essay. You must come to know OUR God, Yahweh, and give your life to Him. Learn about Him and obey Him. It is the ONLY way. We cannot hope to prevail without the support of God Himself because this war is being waged by Satan, the master deceiver, and his offspring against us. They do not play by ANY rules other than those of the Talmud and the satanic Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. They consider it virtuous to lie, cheat, steal, vilify, cheate chaos, divide, conquer and kill the "goyim" (non-"Jews", and especially whites). They are capable of evil that would make our stomachs turn. Over thousands of years the satanic bloodline has honed deception and political intrigue to a science. Scripture has informed us of this, and ALL things relative to our survival against the formidable forces of evil:
Luke 16:8 … for the children of this world are in their generation (referring to their bloodline or genetics) wiser (and therefore more devious) than the children of light.
And speaking of devious, in the midst of writing this piece there was a snippet of leftist-Marxist claptrap on N.P.R. (National Propaganda Radio). The words “hate” and “white supremacist” were dripping from the announcer’s lips like dog drool in regard to some other rally that was being planned by disenfranchised whites who are having their nation stolen out from under them by “Jews” and the mixed multitude army being used against us. Immediately following that piece the recently deceased 74 year old director of the 1974 “cult” movie “Texas Chainsaw Massacre” was being eulogized for his “iconic” low budget film that portrays stupid white people wielding a chainsaw as a weapon and dismembering innocents for kicks, a flick which makes white people look really, REALLY bad. We can thank “Jew” promoters and “Jew” film “critics” for assuring that the film became a “classic”. The director, who was 31 when he made the piece of cellulose crap probably got to live the rest of his life in luxury from the proceeds. But, of course, the creation of such bottom of the barrel, bloody, gory satanic trash isn’t “hate”, it’s “AAAAART”, that is if we are to believe National Propaganda Radio schills. However, the act of standing up for one’s own race and heritage, if you happen to be white, is “HAAAAATE”. What a twisted world we live in – a world that will be ruled for a short while longer by Satan and his flesh and blood children who, with their titanic boatload of sorceries turn bitter into sweet, take evil for good and use their control of media and academia to keep the world in "strong delusion".
Let us wrap this up by saying that the only hope for the pure-blooded Caucasians of America and other nations established by whites is that WE as a homogeneous people repent and turn back to God. There is NO political solution because the enemy controls the political process. For those who OBEY God and His commandments He will provide protection from the increasing storm of “Jewish” globalist totalitarianism that is coming upon our nations. The “elect”, those who take their Christianity seriously, can look forward to the next earth age being completely free of the spawn of Satan. Praise the Lord! We are being subjected to this tribulation because of the “original sin” of our patriarchs, Adam and Eve, who desired to have “the knowledge (experience) of good AND evil”, thus condemning all of their descendants to receiving the same “knowledge” which is packaged with a blood red ribbon and delivered to us daily through the descendants of Cain, Canaan, Esau and his Canaanite wives -- namely the “Jews”. Thus, we say, “keep your powder dry” and remain ever watchful and vigilant. Educate your fellow pure-blooded whites to these important truths. In good time, God will provide the opportunity we have been praying for.
Romans 12:19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.
Zechariah 14:20-21 In that day (the day of the Lord) shall there be upon the bells of the horses, HOLINESS UNTO THE LORD; and the pots in the LORD’S house shall be like the bowls before the altar. Yea, every pot in Jerusalem and in Judah shall be holiness unto the LORD of hosts: and all they that sacrifice shall come and take of them, and seethe therein: and in that day there shall be no more the Canaanite in the house of the LORD of hosts. (Satanic “Jews” are descended from Canaanites. They are slated for extermination at the hand of God.)
Obadiah 1:18 And the house of Jacob (the Caucasian nations) shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them; and there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau; for the LORD hath spoken it. (No “Jews”, who are descendants of Esau and his Canaanite wives, will remain.)
Materials referred to in this essay, or related to it:
The Israeli Lobby In America - Expose of AIPAC

central_banks_controlled_by_jewish_oligarchs.pdf |

rich_jewish_cultural_marxists_are_funding_lgtb_movement_and_destruction_of_american_society.pdf |

edomites_phoenicianscanaanites_jews.pdf |

expulsions_of_jews_since_250_ad.pdf |

harold_rosenthal_interview_1976.pdf |

harold_wallace_rosenthal_interview.pdf |

how_the_jew_achieves_control.pdf |

israel_bars_“refugees”_builds_wall—while_jews_support__refugee__invasion_of_europe_-.pdf |

jewish_ritual_murder_-_leese.pdf |

jews__“no_limit”_on_invasion—except_in_israel_-.pdf |

protocols-of-zion.pdf |

rabbi_yosef_non-jews_exist_only_to_serve_jews.pdf |

ravage_-_a_real_case_against_the_jews.pdf |

the_great_red_dragon_-_woolfolk.pdf |

the_standard_jewish_encyclopedia_1966_on_the_identity_of_edom.pdf |

facts_are_facts_-_freedman_-_1954_revelationoutpost_annotation.pdf |

who_are_the_modern_jews.pdf |
Bear in mind when you read any of Mullins' books or listen to his lectures that his knowledge of biblical scripture was not quite up to par with his extensive knowledge of history. He assumed (as do most people) that the modern day "Jews" are descended from the ancient biblical tribe of Judah, which they are not. Nor are the "Jews" Semites, as their spokesmen and apologists vociferously claim. Mullins did not know that their lineage traces back to the Khazars, Canaanites, Edomites, Canaan and Cain. Otherwise, his material is always fascinating and thought provoking and a good starting point for freeing yourself from Zionist state-sanctioned propaganda.

the_biological_jew_-_mullins.pdf |
Following is an interview with a brave young guy, an ex-Marine who has decided to run against Democrat gun control advocate and communist traitor Diane Feinstein for a seat on the U.S. Senate, representing California. This will be a tough fight for him since he is being plastered in "Jewish"-controlled media with the usual worn out "Jewish" epithets for anyone who opposes "Jewish" power in America: anti-Semite, neo-Nazi, white supremacist, and blah blah blah. The fact is, this fellow is tired of hiding behind the usual polite terminology and is coming right out and saying that "the Jews are killing us" (which they are) and that they need to be stopped and he is actually stepping way out on a limb to do something about it. He actually wants to get "Jews" out of government which is a truly great idea. He speaks of the situation in South Africa which is DIRE for whites, who are being brutally tortured and murdered by blacks whose minds have been infected with "Jewish" Zionist-Marxist ideology. He says that the "Jews" have the same program planned for America but they are going to wait until whites are down to about 25% of the population before unleashing the beasts on us. Little also drops some rather astounding statistics, such as the fact that whites are now down to about 25% in the state of California. It was the first state where whites became a minority. Also in this audio there is talk of the gross over-representation of "Jews" in Ivy League schools, such as Harvard, where "Jews" are 70% of the freshman, whereas they are only 2% of the general population, and this is despite the fact that 70% of the top performing high school graduates are white. "Jews" like rapacious kudzu plants are crowding out ALL other races, even Asians, for coveted spots in these schools, and are elevating themselves, through gross nepotism, into the American ruling class with breakneck speed. This can only spell more socialism, more regulation, more debt, more laws and less freedom which any student of history knows eventually leads to full-blown communism. Communism IS Judaism (according to Rabbi Stephen Wise) and the political philosophy of Zionism pervades the U.S. national government because of ham-fisted "Jewish" influence and "Jewish" $$$$. Zionism and Communism are tools that "Jewish" tyrants use to construct their world government. The only problem we find with Patrick Little is that he still apparently believes the Old Testament prophets were "Jews" (which they were not, they were white) and that the New Testament is a new covenant that supersedes the O.T. -- not true either because the two testaments perfectly agree and dovetail with each other if you take time to learn the terminology and STUDY. These facets of the Bible are explained in much detail on this site. Nevertheless, Mr. Little's heart is in the right place and we applaud him for his effort. If you are a Californian, be sure to listen to this and we hope you voted for Mr. Little if you had the opportunity.