Prior to the pandemic narrative taking hold it was well known in medical and scientific circles that disease is NOT transmitted by those who are not sick. Long proven science was thrown out the window to promote a series of sinister agendas pushed by the predator class intent on taking away our constitutional rights and sinking the world into global totalitarianism. This was Phase I of Klaus Schwab’s “Great Reset”, a not so rosy future that his World Economic Forum thinly sugar coated by saying “You will own nothing, and you will be happy.” Turns out that this is a future that no one wants, and so that tagline was swiftly removed from the WEF website (but we saved it, as you can see to the left). From the outset Covid has been a multifaceted war of the .001% oligarchy against the people of the world.
Toward the end of this two year period of Covid madness people began to wake up and realize that the narrative was false in every regard and that 1) the virus itself was no worse than the flu, and probably for the most part a rebranded strain of the flu and the overall recovery rate was 99.95%, 2) the injections for all intents and purposes provided no protection against any disease, and were in fact poisonous. 3) If the so-called “vaccine” had actually worked there would be no need for a “booster”. |
Over a 3 month period 1223 of 42,000 people died after getting injected in Pfizer's study. This is 1 out of every 35, or 3%. Interestingly, the World Economic Forum predicted that 3% would die of Covid, but instead 3% have died from the bioweapon! -- The David Knight Show. Below, an article by Dr. Joseph Mercola provides more details on the Pfizer study.
Because the Covid shots were rolled out under “Emergency Use Authorization”, Pfizer et al were not allowed by law to advertise them. This is why the advertising was conducted by the CDC, which blanketed all forms of media with urgent messages to get vaccinated, and that the vax is “proven 97, 98, 99% safe and effective” – nothing to worry about, even though in a study done by Pfizer just prior to the rollout, 3% of the people who took their Covid 19 vax DIED! Nevertheless, because of “Operation Warp Speed” there was no time for further testing, the death shots were still proclaimed to be safe by the FDA and CDC and the rollout went forward. Later, in the face of Freedom of Information requests for the results of Pfizer’s study, they proclaimed it would take them 75 years to produce the documents! Finally, the study results were pried out of corporate hands. Just look at this gargantuan list of possible side effects from their mRNA concoction. It may have been easier to list those side effects that you could NOT get from their poison:
Advertisers for the death shots used every Madison Avenue psychological ploy available to pressure the unsure and those “on the fence” to give in and get jabbed. They exaggerated the percentage of people who had taken the injections to increase the peer pressure. They provided no information whatsoever about the grim after effects – heart attacks, myocarditis, Bell’s palsy, blood clots, cancer and death. All of these substantial negatives were skillfully swept under the carpet. Corporations mandated that their employees get vaxxed or lose their jobs. The number of people who have died already from these shots is staggering -- millions in America alone. The number of people who will die in the coming years from the side effects will be astronomical, but that was the intent all along. This is mass murder. There are many excellent, truthful journalists on this story but you will not find them on YouTube, Twitter or Facebook. Big media and tech has become an Orwellian "ministry of truth", routinely pulling, burying or ignoring any research or news story that does not fit "the narrative". One bizarre aspect of this narrative is that lately, it seems that when someone dies suddenly the cause of death is never revealed. Journalist Greg Hunter ponders that conundrum in the following interview:
USA Watchdog host Greg Hunter interviews
Elizabeth Eads regarding unexpected deaths apparently caused by Covid shots, deaths that occurred in the Pfizer study (which should have been enough to prevent EUA), and related topics of concern. |
Dr. Jane Ruby interviews a coroner regarding strange never before seen blood clots in the bodies of people who had been "vaccinated".
Truly, the world would have been better off without an “Operation Warp Speed” military style deployment considering that the recovery rate from Covid is nearly 100%. According to Dr. Jane Ruby, who is a registered nurse, has taught nursing, and has worked for the pharmaceutical industry, the death rate for children who have taken the Covid injection is 100 times as great as the death rate from Covid! This means that parents are being encouraged to engage in child sacrifice! How are we any better morally than the ancient Babylonians who sacrificed their young children by fire to Moloch? The mRNA vaccines are a lethal poison that cause the body itself to produce toxic “spike proteins” which destroy cells, cause organ shutdown, and cause cancer.
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Big media has kept the masses in constant fear, and the governments of the world, operating in “lockstep” (like the 2010 Rockefeller Foundation think tank report by the same name -- download above). They imposed mandates so that as many people as possible would submit to the injections because they believed it would protect them from the Covid boogeyman, or out of familial or peer pressure, fear of job loss and the inconvenience of not being able to travel or go to some event without a proof of vaccination card. The entire Covid “global pandemic” agenda has been a multi-faceted WAR of big money corporate and totalitarian interests against the people. It is such a mammoth crime against humanity that most people simply cannot wrap their minds around it. These poor souls suffer from a belief that government is there to protect us and that vaccines are always “safe and effective”, and could not possibly be used as a weapon against them. Consider the following details revealed by a warrior for truth, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.:
Robert F. Kennedy delivers a brilliant speech entitled Government Corruption and the Totalitarian Agenda.
Video of General Smedley Butler, author of War Is A Racket
The main purpose of war today is no different than it was a century ago in General Butler’s day. As succinctly and intelligently stated in the interviews below, retired Colonel Douglas McGregor says the sensible solution to this problem would be for NATO to back out of Ukraine, and particularly for NATO and American military forces to quit nagging and goading Russia by conducting military exercises a stone’s throw from the Russian border. He says that Ukraine needs to return to political neutrality and what Putin wants, for now, is for Ukraine to be a buffer zone between Russia and the NATO block of European nations.
Every time YOU use a debit or credit card or a cell phone to transact business you are helping THEM to build the CBDC, UBI, social credit system and the grim future that comes with it. Your digital transactions are data mined to build a profile of your buying habits. The rules and regulations for CBDCs would not be set by people with any concern at all about your welfare, but rather by the same cabal that has engineered all economic crises, wars, depressions, bloody revolutions and fascist job and business destroying mandates. Under a CBDC system the use of one’s money allotment would be predicated upon your obedience to the rules and regulations of criminal psychopaths. An all-digital, centrally controlled money system is the dream of totalitarians – something that wicked king Nimrod or Herod could not have imagined in their wildest dreams.
"Let's hope people wake up and realize that the logical expression of criminal rule is enslavement." says John Titus. Early in this video are clips of totalitarians Larry Fink, CEO of Blackrock and Augustin Carstens, General Manager of the Bank of International Settlements.
Video of woman having terrible reaction after receiving Moderna's mRNA Covid shot. She will probably die soon from the poisoning.
It may seem a daunting task to fight against such widespread, invasive evil but bear in mind that the perpetrators are FEW and we are MANY. The globalist, technocratic, satanic agenda could be crushed or at least slowed if average people withdrew their support of the system, step by small step. We recommend taking your money out of any banking institution or investment firm that advocates globalist agendas to the detriment of national sovereignty. Bank with small local banks or credit unions. Get your money out of Vanguard, Blackrock, J.P. Morgan, State Street, Goldman Sachs or any other Wall Street behemoth. Buy gold, silver, guns, seeds and storable foods. Keep some cash on hand in case the banks suddenly close their doors and lock accounts. They can and very well may do that on any pretext of an “emergency”. Western banks have, in fact, frozen the accounts of Russians in response to the Ukraine conflict. Under Trudeau's orders Canadian banks closed the accounts of citizens who supported the anti-vax trucker's convoy with their contributions. These are but two examples of egregious totalitarian government overreach. Be careful about crypto-currency. Though it may be a way to transact business free from the prying eyes of the government (and we can’t be sure of that), every “coin” you have would disappear if the Internet goes down. Further, the values of cryptocurrencies fluctuate wildly. Yes, some people will make millions, no doubt. Some people also make millions gambling in a casino. Are you that lucky?
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Financial expert and former Secretary of the Treasury under Bush, Sr., Catherine Austin Fitts interviews Michael Yeadon, former V.P. at Pfizer regarding danger of the vax and ulterior motives of big pharma and the "health" agencies.
Every now and then we have used the word “Jewish”, which is sure to cause agitation among some of our readers. However, it is the absolute truth that the most powerful political force on planet earth at this time is a hidden “Jewish” oligarchy which holds in its hands most of the wealth of the world through its banks, trusts and corporations. The entire wealth of the world is somewhere around $200 trillion (though rapidly increasing due to inflation), and the top ten Wall Street investment firms alone control at least one quarter of that. Blackrock alone manages seven trillion dollars in assets! The chief stockholders in these powerful firms are Zionist, globalist Jews, sometimes referred to as “The Khazarian Mafia”, since these are mostly Ashkenazi “Jews” whose ancestors were Khazarians, and not Judeans as is commonly believed.