The "Pyramid Scheme" of $Debt$
Proof that the crime of central banking and financing of war pays. Waddensdon Manor in Buckingham, England built from 1874 - 1889 for Baron Ferdinand de Rothschild as a weekend residence. It is one of MANY Rothschild mansions, and is currently overseen by the "4th Baron" Jacob Rothschild. The Rothschild fortune, in the trillions of dollars, was built on the slow death of Christian nations by debt and wars created by central banks under the command of the Rothschild's "City of London" financial empire.
"Annuit Coeptis" - Announcing Our Enterprise (the looting of America through debt) leading to "Novus Ordo Seclorum" - The New World Order, a "global" financial system controlled by parasitic international bankers. They lend money created out of THIN AIR to the government at interest and place the debt created on the shoulders of the people. It is then termed "National Debt". A "federal" tax through the IRS, the collection agency of the bankers, is levied on the people to collect the interest, most of which is forwarded back to the criminal bankers (through their network of banks owning shares in the Federal Reserve system) as PURE PROFIT.
Thanks to the research of Margrit Kennedy from Germany we now have statistical, mathematical proof that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Her economic study revealed that 70% of the people of Germany pay out more interest than they receive from investment. The high 80-89% group, close to the top of this pyramid, receive about as much interest as they pay out and the top 90-100% receive more interest than they pay out. However, the 80-89 percentile group pays more interest to the top 10% group than they receive from the top group. If broken down further, the bottom 9% of the top 10% pay more interest to the 1% at the very top of the pyramid than they receive from them. Even within the top 1% group of the wealthy, the lower .9% of that group pays more interest to the top .1% group than they receive from them and if we were to go even deeper into this scheme, out of that .1% group, the lower .09% pay more interest to the super-wealthy .01% than they receive from them. Thus, the flow of interest moves inexorably upward to the top of the pyramid where reside the few billionaire/trillionaire dynasties who do not pay out any interest at all and their astronomical wealth is based upon their ability to extract interest from the lower 99.9999999 percent of humanity! Thomas Edison obviously had a grasp on the mathematics of it when he opined: "Interest is an invention of the devil". |
Though Ms. Kennedy's study was only for the nation of Germany the same general situation exists all over the planet, and is undoubtedly worse in poorer nations, because there is barely one square foot of land mass on planet earth that isn't in some way or another owned or under the boot of a mortgage owned by banks under the umbrella of the international bankers and corporate monopolists at the top of this pyramid scheme of debt. Extrapolated to the United States what this means is that the poorest 80% of American citizens pay about $1,500,000,000,000 (that's 1.5 trillion dollars) in interest to the richest 10% every year! Can you imagine how much the top .01% get in interest from everyone else below them? Can you count the individual grains of sand on the beach?
It also turns out that the lower one drops back into the economic trenches toward the working class base of the pyramid, the higher the percentage of income that gets gobbled up by interest. This is because those at the very bottom of the pyramid (unless being supported on some form of welfare) are giving up the lion's share of their income to those economic classes over top of them. When interest paid on a mortgage, car loan, credit cards, other credit lines, taxes and so forth is added up it could amount to a whopping 50% or more of a family's income! It also so happens that everything one could buy at that economic level is way more expensive because of the interest attached to it. Interest is attached to nearly everything. It accounts for about 25% of food prices, and up to 75% in the cost of a house. If one were to actually pay off a house over 30 years the mortgage interest paid would be two to three times the original cost of the house.
What is wrong with this picture? Though some of us may think, due to a lifetime of “academic” indoctrination and mass media brainwashing that somehow things are better now than they were, say, in the dark ages of Europe, the reality is that most of us (through no fault of our own) find ourselves in peasant status -- paying what amounts to "tribute" to corporate behemoths, rather than the visible, puffed-up aristocratic landowners of yesteryear. Today, the owners of these money sucking behemoths are mostly hidden from view, and they prefer it that way, for reasons not too difficult to imagine.
How is it possible that THIS horrendous inequality became a fact of life in these "modern" times? The germ of the idea began centuries ago in banks, which were originally just storage facilities for precious metals, operating somewhat like today's pawnbrokers. The “bankers” of that bygone era would charge customers a small fee for their theft-proof storage of coins and precious metals. When someone made a "deposit" into such a facility they would be issued a redeemable "certificate" by the owner of the storage facility. This might have been called a "gold certificate" or "silver certificate".
The certificates were in short order used as real money for all types of transactions because they were easier to carry around than bulky gold or silver coins, and less obvious, since someone walking down the street with pockets bulging from coins might be a tempting target for thieves. Observing how valuable the certificates themselves had become, bankers began to make "loans" of these certificates for a fee. The fee (interest) collected from the borrower was pure profit, with very little work, assuming the debtor paid it back by returning the borrowed certificate(s) along with the interest payment, which was a good part of the time. Since there was virtually no cost in printing up a certificate nothing of any real value was lost from the banker’s perspective if the customer didn't repay, because the precious metals were still safely in the bank vault! On the other hand, if the borrower chose not to repay, then his reputation with the banker would be tarnished and the banker would be unlikely to make another loan to him. He would probably even alert his banker peers to avoid that customer as well. Today, we call this assessment of peasant class ability to repay a "credit rating". A low credit rating results in the “high risk” borrower paying higher interest (if he or she can get a loan at all) than someone with a higher credit rating, who is a lower risk from the banker perspective.
At first the bankers were probably a bit shy about issuing certificates in excess of what was actually backed by precious metals in their vaults, because of the remote possibility that a majority of the certificate bearers would come in on the same fateful day and want to redeem their certificates for their gold or silver that was being stored in the banker’s vault. Astute observation of patron trends, however, proved that there was virtually NO chance that this would happen and bankers then began issuing more paper certificates than the gold and silver backing stored in their facility. No one was regulating this, so it was perfectly easy to get away with it. Though there was no backing for these extra certificates, they still had almost the same purchasing power -- at least in the beginning of this nefarious and secretive enterprise.
It also turns out that the lower one drops back into the economic trenches toward the working class base of the pyramid, the higher the percentage of income that gets gobbled up by interest. This is because those at the very bottom of the pyramid (unless being supported on some form of welfare) are giving up the lion's share of their income to those economic classes over top of them. When interest paid on a mortgage, car loan, credit cards, other credit lines, taxes and so forth is added up it could amount to a whopping 50% or more of a family's income! It also so happens that everything one could buy at that economic level is way more expensive because of the interest attached to it. Interest is attached to nearly everything. It accounts for about 25% of food prices, and up to 75% in the cost of a house. If one were to actually pay off a house over 30 years the mortgage interest paid would be two to three times the original cost of the house.
What is wrong with this picture? Though some of us may think, due to a lifetime of “academic” indoctrination and mass media brainwashing that somehow things are better now than they were, say, in the dark ages of Europe, the reality is that most of us (through no fault of our own) find ourselves in peasant status -- paying what amounts to "tribute" to corporate behemoths, rather than the visible, puffed-up aristocratic landowners of yesteryear. Today, the owners of these money sucking behemoths are mostly hidden from view, and they prefer it that way, for reasons not too difficult to imagine.
How is it possible that THIS horrendous inequality became a fact of life in these "modern" times? The germ of the idea began centuries ago in banks, which were originally just storage facilities for precious metals, operating somewhat like today's pawnbrokers. The “bankers” of that bygone era would charge customers a small fee for their theft-proof storage of coins and precious metals. When someone made a "deposit" into such a facility they would be issued a redeemable "certificate" by the owner of the storage facility. This might have been called a "gold certificate" or "silver certificate".
The certificates were in short order used as real money for all types of transactions because they were easier to carry around than bulky gold or silver coins, and less obvious, since someone walking down the street with pockets bulging from coins might be a tempting target for thieves. Observing how valuable the certificates themselves had become, bankers began to make "loans" of these certificates for a fee. The fee (interest) collected from the borrower was pure profit, with very little work, assuming the debtor paid it back by returning the borrowed certificate(s) along with the interest payment, which was a good part of the time. Since there was virtually no cost in printing up a certificate nothing of any real value was lost from the banker’s perspective if the customer didn't repay, because the precious metals were still safely in the bank vault! On the other hand, if the borrower chose not to repay, then his reputation with the banker would be tarnished and the banker would be unlikely to make another loan to him. He would probably even alert his banker peers to avoid that customer as well. Today, we call this assessment of peasant class ability to repay a "credit rating". A low credit rating results in the “high risk” borrower paying higher interest (if he or she can get a loan at all) than someone with a higher credit rating, who is a lower risk from the banker perspective.
At first the bankers were probably a bit shy about issuing certificates in excess of what was actually backed by precious metals in their vaults, because of the remote possibility that a majority of the certificate bearers would come in on the same fateful day and want to redeem their certificates for their gold or silver that was being stored in the banker’s vault. Astute observation of patron trends, however, proved that there was virtually NO chance that this would happen and bankers then began issuing more paper certificates than the gold and silver backing stored in their facility. No one was regulating this, so it was perfectly easy to get away with it. Though there was no backing for these extra certificates, they still had almost the same purchasing power -- at least in the beginning of this nefarious and secretive enterprise.
Seeking to wring ever more profit from the scam, deeper analysis of customer habits revealed that probably not one in twenty, thirty or forty depositors would be coming back to redeem their certificates at any given time, so it was perfectly safe, mathematically speaking, to print and lend out 10, 20, even 30 or 40 times as many silver or gold certificates as were actually backed by the valuable coins and precious metals in storage! With this realization usury's demon child of "fractional reserve banking" was born and soon afterward its younger sister "inflation". Bankers were on their way to becoming very, very rich at the expense of everyone else who did actual physical work for a living. William Paterson, who was to found the Bank of England in 1694, described the scam quite honestly when he stated, “The bank hath the benefit of interest on all debt which it creates out of nothing.”
"Inflation" resulted from the proliferation of un-backed gold and silver certificates that quickly flooded the market. Simply put, the trading value of each individual paper certificate was inverse to the number of certificates in existence.
The loose law of "supply and demand" dictates that as a market is flooded with anything of value (be it wood stoves, pumpkins or gold certificates) the more the value (or price) of that item is driven downward. This downward movement in value of the paper certificates, due to their increasing availability, meant that it took ever more of them with the passage of time to purchase something of fixed value, and thus the "currency" was "inflating".
Inflation of the currency has been a nagging problem throughout the lifetime of almost everyone reading this essay. The dollar you hold in your hand today is probably going to be worth 90 to 95 cents in purchasing power a year from now, unless the unthinkable happens: namely “deflation”, a situation in which the value of paper currency actually increases over time due to unavailability. This was the situation in India (2016-2017) since much of their paper currency has been withdrawn from circulation. Never mind the fact that many people in that country are actually starving and dying because of it, but the government central planners thought it would be a great idea so as to tap into the “underground economy” (which was evading taxes by using cash) and to force consumers to use trackable credit cards instead. But … let’s get back again to the 17th century, in which the modern incarnation of this money madness began.
Paterson's privately-owned Bank of England came about because he was able to pool funding from some of the wealthiest aristocrats in England, by guaranteeing them great profit for the use of their disposable wealth as backing in this less than meritorious but perfectly legal venture. It was dishonest because "the people" still had confidence, and "faith" that each paper certificate was backed by precious metals – which of course, they were not, just as the dollar isn’t backed by gold in Fort Knox. There isn’t enough gold on the planet to back even a fraction of the paper (or electronic) dollars in existence, and there probably isn’t much, if any gold in Fort Knox either. Chances are it’s all in Rothschild vaults.
But … back again to the late 1600s and early 1700s -- all along the way the devil was sitting on the bankers' shoulders, whispering in their ears sweet temptations to stretch the limits of mathematical probability and credit was, of course, overextended until the bearers of the gold and silver certificates began to suspect that something was amiss, that the bankers weren't so honest after all, that their paper was losing value, and that they might be best off returning to the bank, and quickly, to redeem their certificates for the actual gold and silver they had deposited with the banker.
The last thing the bankers and their well-heeled backers needed was an angry mob of disenfranchised peasants pounding on the bank doors, demanding to have their certificates redeemed, so at this historical juncture was born another demon child to the unholy marriage of bankers and aristocrats: the "lobby group".
Knowing full well that their humongous scam may cost them life and limb the British bankers appealed to the King of England, William of Orange, to proclaim their certificates as "legal tender" for all debts public and private, and the king saved their necks by doing so AND by "chartering" their bank, essentially putting it under government protection, backed by the military force of the kingdom. The paper certificates then became "as good as gold", by LAW, and the bank could henceforth NOT be forced to redeem any paper certificates with gold or silver! This also gave the bank carte blanche ability to print what was now "currency" without limit and without the need for actual backing in gold or silver! This, our friends, is exactly what the Federal Reserve, the privately owned U.S. central bank does – every day. They create electronic dollars out of thin air and lend them to the U.S. government, and the banks, AND charge interest for it! If these dollars were issued by the Treasury, as prescribed by the Constitution, there would be NO interest attached. The Federal Reserve is completely unconstitutional, and it is theft on a grand scale.
So, it came to be that the government of England was involved in the banking scam, but it proved to be of benefit to the kingdom and its court because now it was possible for the king's men to obtain all of the funds they would ever need by borrowing them from the bank rather than directly taxing the people! This was a great boon to imperialistic expansion, and pet (not yet termed) "pork" projects because the public was generally incapable of understanding the mathematical cause of inflation, whereas direct taxation for all of the funds needed by government would have been painfully obvious to the peasant class and might very well have stirred up a revolution against the kingdom and the oligarchy of bankers and related aristocrats. Also summoned at this fateful historical juncture was the scourge of "national debt".
The loose law of "supply and demand" dictates that as a market is flooded with anything of value (be it wood stoves, pumpkins or gold certificates) the more the value (or price) of that item is driven downward. This downward movement in value of the paper certificates, due to their increasing availability, meant that it took ever more of them with the passage of time to purchase something of fixed value, and thus the "currency" was "inflating".
Inflation of the currency has been a nagging problem throughout the lifetime of almost everyone reading this essay. The dollar you hold in your hand today is probably going to be worth 90 to 95 cents in purchasing power a year from now, unless the unthinkable happens: namely “deflation”, a situation in which the value of paper currency actually increases over time due to unavailability. This was the situation in India (2016-2017) since much of their paper currency has been withdrawn from circulation. Never mind the fact that many people in that country are actually starving and dying because of it, but the government central planners thought it would be a great idea so as to tap into the “underground economy” (which was evading taxes by using cash) and to force consumers to use trackable credit cards instead. But … let’s get back again to the 17th century, in which the modern incarnation of this money madness began.
Paterson's privately-owned Bank of England came about because he was able to pool funding from some of the wealthiest aristocrats in England, by guaranteeing them great profit for the use of their disposable wealth as backing in this less than meritorious but perfectly legal venture. It was dishonest because "the people" still had confidence, and "faith" that each paper certificate was backed by precious metals – which of course, they were not, just as the dollar isn’t backed by gold in Fort Knox. There isn’t enough gold on the planet to back even a fraction of the paper (or electronic) dollars in existence, and there probably isn’t much, if any gold in Fort Knox either. Chances are it’s all in Rothschild vaults.
But … back again to the late 1600s and early 1700s -- all along the way the devil was sitting on the bankers' shoulders, whispering in their ears sweet temptations to stretch the limits of mathematical probability and credit was, of course, overextended until the bearers of the gold and silver certificates began to suspect that something was amiss, that the bankers weren't so honest after all, that their paper was losing value, and that they might be best off returning to the bank, and quickly, to redeem their certificates for the actual gold and silver they had deposited with the banker.
The last thing the bankers and their well-heeled backers needed was an angry mob of disenfranchised peasants pounding on the bank doors, demanding to have their certificates redeemed, so at this historical juncture was born another demon child to the unholy marriage of bankers and aristocrats: the "lobby group".
Knowing full well that their humongous scam may cost them life and limb the British bankers appealed to the King of England, William of Orange, to proclaim their certificates as "legal tender" for all debts public and private, and the king saved their necks by doing so AND by "chartering" their bank, essentially putting it under government protection, backed by the military force of the kingdom. The paper certificates then became "as good as gold", by LAW, and the bank could henceforth NOT be forced to redeem any paper certificates with gold or silver! This also gave the bank carte blanche ability to print what was now "currency" without limit and without the need for actual backing in gold or silver! This, our friends, is exactly what the Federal Reserve, the privately owned U.S. central bank does – every day. They create electronic dollars out of thin air and lend them to the U.S. government, and the banks, AND charge interest for it! If these dollars were issued by the Treasury, as prescribed by the Constitution, there would be NO interest attached. The Federal Reserve is completely unconstitutional, and it is theft on a grand scale.
So, it came to be that the government of England was involved in the banking scam, but it proved to be of benefit to the kingdom and its court because now it was possible for the king's men to obtain all of the funds they would ever need by borrowing them from the bank rather than directly taxing the people! This was a great boon to imperialistic expansion, and pet (not yet termed) "pork" projects because the public was generally incapable of understanding the mathematical cause of inflation, whereas direct taxation for all of the funds needed by government would have been painfully obvious to the peasant class and might very well have stirred up a revolution against the kingdom and the oligarchy of bankers and related aristocrats. Also summoned at this fateful historical juncture was the scourge of "national debt".
If we fast forward about a century to the late 1700s along comes an even hungrier and more devious breed of profiteer, the Turkic-Asiatic-Mongol-Edomite-Canaanite "Ashkenazi" Rothschild clan and others of the same so-called “Jewish” species, whose ancestors hailed from the "lost" kingdom of Khazaria. Founder of this modern banking dynasty, Mayer A. Rothschild, ingratiated himself with British aristocracy and managed to make a substantial fortune through finance and gold trading for the moneyed elite.
Nathan Rothschild, son of patriarch Mayer, can be credited (pun intended) with taking the scam one step further by realizing that the gathering of "intelligence" was of vast importance in tapping into financial opportunity. With his resources he was able to put together an international courier service, capable of bringing him up to date news on events occurring at some distance from England. His couriers were, unfortunately, swifter than the royal couriers!
Nathan Rothschild, the most intelligent and devious of the five Rothschild brothers, gained control of the Bank of England through the deception of pretending that Napolean had won, which instigated panic selling of bank stocks. At the same time he used his secret agents to buy those stocks at bargain basement prices. Once the dust had settled his already substantial fortune became many times greater as the stocks rose back up in value.
Using advance knowledge of the defeat of Napolean by Wellington (when everyone else believed Napolean would win) enabled Rothschild, seen hanging his head low in feigned sorrow for England's impending doom, to purchase ALL of the national debt of England at "pennies on the pound". There was a very real fear that a napoleanic victory would be bad news for England, in that it may very well have been the next target of Napolean’s army. This event would have decimated and devalued British royal assets and wiped out the national debt obligations held by the owners of the Bank of England. Therefore, the shareholders of this debt were clamoring to sell off their "shares" (financial stake in the national debt) and Nathan Rothschild (son of patriarch Mayer), unknown to them, was more than happy to gobble them up, using his secret "agents" to quietly purchase the debt obligations. This is because Rothschild had the "intelligence" to know, in advance of the king's couriers, that Napolean had in fact been defeated by Wellington!
The vast reach of the "City of London" (Rothschild) banking cartel in the 1800s.
This masterful stroke of deception enabled Rothschild to purchase nearly the entire British national debt at a bargain basement price, which thus made him and his tribe of ruthless money-grubbers, for all intents and purposes, the sole owners of the Bank of England. Having control of the nation's bank also made him master of the nation. This “master card” position was proclaimed by his father in the following maxim, which can be extrapolated to apply to ANY nation under the boot of a privately-owned "Jewish" central bank:
Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not what puppet sits on the throne of England! Paraphrased: Give me control of the money and I don’t care who writes the laws. Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild, late 1700s
Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not what puppet sits on the throne of England! Paraphrased: Give me control of the money and I don’t care who writes the laws. Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild, late 1700s
British royalty and Anglo-Saxon nobility were undoubtedly glad that Napolean didn't win, but at the same time weren't too thrilled about losing control of their bank. It was at that juncture that an unholy alliance was formed between the Yiddish speaking Ashkenazi bankers, headed by Rothschild, and the aristocrats of England, who decided "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em". This alliance made possible vast investment in the Bank of England, which proceeded to spread its tentacles of accumulation far and wide, and henceforth was the atomic engine driving "British Imperialism". The "British" part of that term was questionable at best, as the people of England probably didn’t have a clue as to WHO was behind “their” imperialism. A century and a half later this same phenomenon, driven by the same “Jewish” bankers, became known as "American Imperialism". The next phase of this may very well be "Chinese Imperialism", given the amount of investment capital that is being thrown their way by "Jewish" firms like Goldman Sachs.
A complex bureaucracy of devilishly "creative" investment houses sprouted around the Bank of England, and this financial district become the richest square mile on the planet, known as the "City of London". This "city" of gold (so to speak) in the core of greater London, has its own mayor and it is an independent nation like the Vatican. The “City of London” banking district does not have to adhere to the laws of England! It is so powerful that when the Queen of England comes to visit “The City” she follows behind the mayor in the procession, which symbolizes who holds the real power of the throne. Likewise, if a symbolic procession were to take place in America the president of the U.S. would follow behind the Chairman of the Federal Reserve System because it is he (or she) who controls the U.S. money supply, and it is in turn managed by the City of London banking fraternity.
Primed by fertilizing investment from the alien “mother ship” (the Bank of England) smaller world-class banks, insurance companies, and every imaginable type of investment house sprouted around it. It was this phenomenal cancerous growth of financial activity which Baptist preacher and author J.B. Woolfolk investigated in the late 1800s, and wrote about in his book “The Great Red Dragon”. He determined at that time that the “City of London” bankers owned and controlled "half the wealth of the world" through their worldwide holdings of profitable national, state and municipal debt, corporate debt and corporate assets! Obviously anyone who had a stake in this global counterfeiting and robbery scheme was destined to get rich, and stay rich. The Rothschild dynasty, owners of the Bank of England, were destined by far to be the richest family ever on planet Earth though they make every possible effort to obscure this fact and remain out of the limelight. The Rothschilds own and control the European Reuters news agency, as well as having a controlling interest in United Press International and the major U.S. television networks, and they make darn sure that their name is never mentioned in mainstream “news” reports. “News” for the most part is propaganda overseen by the banking oligarchy. Any mainstream "reporter" who steps out on a limb and opposes the aims of the banking oligarchy will soon be unemployed, or perhaps (like rogue tribesman Andrew Breitbart) terminated.
A complex bureaucracy of devilishly "creative" investment houses sprouted around the Bank of England, and this financial district become the richest square mile on the planet, known as the "City of London". This "city" of gold (so to speak) in the core of greater London, has its own mayor and it is an independent nation like the Vatican. The “City of London” banking district does not have to adhere to the laws of England! It is so powerful that when the Queen of England comes to visit “The City” she follows behind the mayor in the procession, which symbolizes who holds the real power of the throne. Likewise, if a symbolic procession were to take place in America the president of the U.S. would follow behind the Chairman of the Federal Reserve System because it is he (or she) who controls the U.S. money supply, and it is in turn managed by the City of London banking fraternity.
Primed by fertilizing investment from the alien “mother ship” (the Bank of England) smaller world-class banks, insurance companies, and every imaginable type of investment house sprouted around it. It was this phenomenal cancerous growth of financial activity which Baptist preacher and author J.B. Woolfolk investigated in the late 1800s, and wrote about in his book “The Great Red Dragon”. He determined at that time that the “City of London” bankers owned and controlled "half the wealth of the world" through their worldwide holdings of profitable national, state and municipal debt, corporate debt and corporate assets! Obviously anyone who had a stake in this global counterfeiting and robbery scheme was destined to get rich, and stay rich. The Rothschild dynasty, owners of the Bank of England, were destined by far to be the richest family ever on planet Earth though they make every possible effort to obscure this fact and remain out of the limelight. The Rothschilds own and control the European Reuters news agency, as well as having a controlling interest in United Press International and the major U.S. television networks, and they make darn sure that their name is never mentioned in mainstream “news” reports. “News” for the most part is propaganda overseen by the banking oligarchy. Any mainstream "reporter" who steps out on a limb and opposes the aims of the banking oligarchy will soon be unemployed, or perhaps (like rogue tribesman Andrew Breitbart) terminated.
In the late 1700s, five sons were born to Mayer Rothschild and his wife Guttle Schnapper (her maiden name) each of whom was strategically placed in other European countries for the purpose of gaining control of their money supplies by establishing central banks. The "central bank" is a union of national government with a "chartered" privately-owned bank, which receives protection from the government. The government in turn derives most of the funds it needs for operation and expansion from the central bank, which reduces the need for dramatic increases in taxation, though the effect upon the clueless masses is the same. Naturally, the driving force behind “imperialistic” expansion would be the "Jewish" central bankers, who get to issue more and more loans to the government, while directing operations from behind the scenes and collecting interest on the many ventures they have forced the government to participate in. They are able to impose their will with well-placed bribes, grants and contracts and the financing of "shabbos goy" candidates who will put their own conscious in the freezer in deference to their hidden "Jewish" masters. Chief among the ventures of "Jewish" banking oligarchs is war. Many times, central banks will make government loans subject to their representatives being placed in key political positions. Such representatives are certain to be traitors to the people they are supposed to represent. Money, power, deceit and treachery all go hand in hand as "the love of money is the root of ALL evil."
When a central bank is established, the government is henceforth obligated to borrow the funds it “needs” from the bank AT INTEREST. The bankers, who "create the moneys from nothing" (as Paterson stated) are the recipients of the "interest" (which comes from taxation) extracted from the "peasant" population. Adding insult to injury, even greater hidden "taxation" results from the “inflation” that ensues as national debt balloons. All nations with central banks have a national debt which is always increasing and never gets paid off, but the "interest" payments from taxation still flow inexorably upward to those at the top of the pyramid scheme of debt. Reveling in the evil genius of this wicked system of theft, in the 1800s, Rothschild agents proclaimed:
The few who understand the system will either be so interested in its profits or be so dependent upon its favours that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantage that capital derives from the system, will bear its burdens without complaint, and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical (in opposition) to their interests. The Rothschild brothers of London writing to associates in New York, 1863.
At this point, our readers should be able to visualize that the owners of the central banks are sitting at the very top of the financial pyramid, because they are able to 1) create loans out of thin air, and 2) are able to direct the governments under their control to extract the interest payments from the national population through federal taxation. Those who are "interested in its profits or dependent upon its favours" as Rothschild stated above are, let's say, at the top 5-10% of the financial pyramid, being those who receive more interest than they pay out. Naturally, they are not physically or spiritually inclined to "rock the boat" and will, in fact, do everything in their power to support, or at least not oppose, the very heinous system that keeps the majority of the people underwater, under debt, and under the thumb of bankers. This is a fact as sure as "death and taxes".
Likewise, career politicians who have been "groomed" under the guiding hand of the financial elite will do nothing to change it, and in fact will secretly work against the people who elected them, instead working for the corporate-fascist-monopolist structure that is enslaving their nation. That makes these politicians traitors to their nation, but you will never hear about this on "Jewish"-controlled mainstream media or in the "academic" world, which is similarly controlled. Most major politicians in America are traitors, whether Republican or Democrat. If a politician attempts to work against the central bank mechanism his opponent will be heavily funded in the next election. That politician may even meet with an untimely demise, or simply be politically blacklisted.
Extreme wealth has an extreme corrupting influence. Everything sinful is “sugarcoated” as "permissible" in order that the super-wealthy may maintain their massive hoards of ill-gotten gain. Satan is counting on his top disciples (the gene pool that is his) to make the earth "ready" for his advent. Afterward, this wicked financial system and those who profited off of it will meet their final end at the hand of God:
James 5:1-6 Go to now, (listen up) ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you. Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten. Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days (The last days are NOW). Behold, the hire of the labourers who have reaped down your fields, which is of you kept back by fraud, crieth: and the cries of them which have reaped are entered into the ears of the Lord of sabaoth. Ye have lived in pleasure on the earth, and been wanton; ye have nourished your hearts, as in a day of slaughter. Ye have condemned and killed the just; he doth not resist you.
When a central bank is established, the government is henceforth obligated to borrow the funds it “needs” from the bank AT INTEREST. The bankers, who "create the moneys from nothing" (as Paterson stated) are the recipients of the "interest" (which comes from taxation) extracted from the "peasant" population. Adding insult to injury, even greater hidden "taxation" results from the “inflation” that ensues as national debt balloons. All nations with central banks have a national debt which is always increasing and never gets paid off, but the "interest" payments from taxation still flow inexorably upward to those at the top of the pyramid scheme of debt. Reveling in the evil genius of this wicked system of theft, in the 1800s, Rothschild agents proclaimed:
The few who understand the system will either be so interested in its profits or be so dependent upon its favours that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantage that capital derives from the system, will bear its burdens without complaint, and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical (in opposition) to their interests. The Rothschild brothers of London writing to associates in New York, 1863.
At this point, our readers should be able to visualize that the owners of the central banks are sitting at the very top of the financial pyramid, because they are able to 1) create loans out of thin air, and 2) are able to direct the governments under their control to extract the interest payments from the national population through federal taxation. Those who are "interested in its profits or dependent upon its favours" as Rothschild stated above are, let's say, at the top 5-10% of the financial pyramid, being those who receive more interest than they pay out. Naturally, they are not physically or spiritually inclined to "rock the boat" and will, in fact, do everything in their power to support, or at least not oppose, the very heinous system that keeps the majority of the people underwater, under debt, and under the thumb of bankers. This is a fact as sure as "death and taxes".
Likewise, career politicians who have been "groomed" under the guiding hand of the financial elite will do nothing to change it, and in fact will secretly work against the people who elected them, instead working for the corporate-fascist-monopolist structure that is enslaving their nation. That makes these politicians traitors to their nation, but you will never hear about this on "Jewish"-controlled mainstream media or in the "academic" world, which is similarly controlled. Most major politicians in America are traitors, whether Republican or Democrat. If a politician attempts to work against the central bank mechanism his opponent will be heavily funded in the next election. That politician may even meet with an untimely demise, or simply be politically blacklisted.
Extreme wealth has an extreme corrupting influence. Everything sinful is “sugarcoated” as "permissible" in order that the super-wealthy may maintain their massive hoards of ill-gotten gain. Satan is counting on his top disciples (the gene pool that is his) to make the earth "ready" for his advent. Afterward, this wicked financial system and those who profited off of it will meet their final end at the hand of God:
James 5:1-6 Go to now, (listen up) ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you. Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten. Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days (The last days are NOW). Behold, the hire of the labourers who have reaped down your fields, which is of you kept back by fraud, crieth: and the cries of them which have reaped are entered into the ears of the Lord of sabaoth. Ye have lived in pleasure on the earth, and been wanton; ye have nourished your hearts, as in a day of slaughter. Ye have condemned and killed the just; he doth not resist you.
If anyone wonders why the “imperialistic” British empire felt it necessary to continue expanding and taking over nation after nation, it is for this simple reason, memorialized by American General Smedley Butler in a small book he wrote entitled: "War Is A Racket." Yes, it turns out that war is perhaps THE most profitable enterprise of all for central bankers because war requires governments to borrow HUGE sums of money from the central bank, (which in the U.S. is the Federal Reserve) and each dollar, pound, frank, ruble, yen or whatever comes at interest, which is then extracted from the people through taxation and deposited directly into the deep pockets of the parasitic oligarchy which owns the bank. In other words, millions of men in the prime of life have died on gruesome battlefields so that satanic bankers and their "elite" brethren warmongers may profit! Oh, but they're "fighting for freedom", “fighting to eliminate weapons of mass destruction” or "fighting for democracy". Yeah. Sure. Would you be interested in some prime swampland in Florida?
The Bank of International Settlements (BIS) in Basel, Switzerland. This is the central bank of central banks, the nexus of Rothschild control of the money systems of the world. Not surprisingly, it is shaped like a boot, reminiscent of George Orwell's boot of "big brother" stomping down on humanity.
Could all of this be why in the 1930s upstanding, honest, God-fearing Congressman Louis McFadden declared America's central bank (the Fed) to be "the mother of all conspiracies"? But, that's jumping ahead a half century or so. Ever since the days of British imperialism it has been the secret goal of the "City of London" bankers, under the guiding hand of Rothschild and fellow tribesmen to establish a central bank in every nation on earth, and to have them all linked together to one supreme central bank, which happens to be “The Bank of International Settlements” in Basil, Switzerland. The B.I.S. is owned by none other than the Rothschilds, who still control the modern era's first central bank: The Bank of England.
Having extended their global reach to such an extent that the manpower of Britain was tired, worn out, and insufficient to carry out the constant imperialistic escapades forced upon them by the voracious bankers, Rothschild and their City of London brethren in crime cast their wicked gaze across the Atlantic Ocean to a young nation, teeming with fresh, virile "human resources" who could serve as the enforcement arm of their worldwide banking empire. Rothschild agent Nelson Biddle tried to get a central bank established in the U.S. in the mid-1800s but president Andrew Jackson stopped him, exclaiming, and rightfully so, that the bankers were "a den of vipers", and emphasized how he really felt with "I will rout you out, by the eternal God!" And "rout them out" he did – at least for several decades. Hooray for Jackson! This victory was short lived.
President Andrew Jackson, staunch
foe of central bankers, eulogized on the U.S. $20 bill, despite the fact that he fiercely opposed fiat, paper money created by bankers and lent to government at interest. This is the ultimate irony, and a posthumous "slap in the face" to Jackson, who would have been appalled. |
Undeterred by Jackson’s noble effort the moneyed parasites of the "City of London" wormed their way back into the "body" of America, and not too long after his death Jackson's worst nightmare was realized. In 1913 the Federal Reserve central bank usurped the United States government, by taking control of the money supply, thus making it mandatory for the government to borrow all of the funds it required, with interest attached, which was to be extracted from the too trusting American public through "progressive" taxation of their income. The bankers also assumed a major role in directing the affairs of government. Formerly, any new money was "coined" (created without interest attached) by the U.S. Treasury, as mandated by the Constitution. Obviously, the former system was magnitudes better for middle America than its clandestine replacement: putting control of the nation's money in the hands of satanic foreign bankers who shared NONE of the ideals of the predominantly Christian population of America. President John F. Kennedy, upon learning of the treachery, tried his best to reverse the financial juggernaut in his attempt to bypass the Fed by having interest free currency printed by the U.S. Treasury.
J.F.K. got assassinated for his trouble. His son, J.F.K. Jr. was going to reveal WHO killed his father in his magazine “George” and he died in a plane crash. Congressman Louis McFadden, who gave a scathing speech in Congress in the 1930s exposing the banking scam, died at the age of 60 from suspicious causes. There have been other suspicious deaths and political “assassinations” of character for the same reason. Do you get the idea? We can be 100% sure the murders of the Kennedys, McFadden and others were commissioned through subterranean channels by central bankers in order to protect their massive criminal syndicate. Here are a few quotes from McFadden regarding the Federal Reserve:
We have in this country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks, hereinafter called the FED. They are not government institutions. They are private monopolies which prey upon the people of these United States for the benefit of themselves and their foreign customers. |
Congressman Louis McFadden,
1876-1936, an American hero. He gave a long, scathing speech in Congress exposing the Federal Reserve banking scam, and met with an untimely death the age of 60. He was probably poisoned. |
The Federal Reserve (Banks) are one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever seen. There is not a man within the sound of my voice (he was speaking before Congress) who does not know that this Nation is run by the International Bankers.
The tabloids had it right on this one,
whatever method was used to cause J.F.K. Junior's plane to crash. |
Some people think the Federal Reserve Banks are U.S. government institutions. They are not ... they are private credit monopolies which prey upon the people of the U.S. for the benefit of themselves and their foreign and domestic swindlers, and rich and predatory money lenders. The sack of the United States by the Fed is the greatest crime in history. Every effort has been made by the Fed to conceal its powers, but the truth is the Fed has usurped the government. It controls everything here and it controls all our foreign relations. It makes and breaks governments at will.
Quotes from Congressman Louis McFadden's monumental speech before Congress on June 10, 1932, in the midst of the Great Depression. |
"Progressive taxation", another scheme foisted on America by central bankers, is one of the ten planks of communism, per Karl Marx, author of the Communist Manifesto. This federal tax, which rises as one’s income goes up, makes it impossible for anyone outside of the "elite" tribe of Jewish international bankers to get rich enough to be a threat to their financial hegemony. Communism and monopolist capitalism are but facets of the same scheme. Both systems were invented by Rothschild and their City of London criminal cartel as tools to bring the wealth of the world into their hands.
In communist countries all production and assets are owned and controlled by a handful of super-capitalist-monopolists and everyone else has no rights and no private property. At the top of this squirming heap of parasites are the central bankers, who are the chief contributors to communist regimes. David Rockefeller (a crypto Sephardic "Jew"), whose family dynasty owns shares in the Federal Reserve, once admitted that he preferred dealing with communist regimes because “the communists pay their bills” – that is, they pay the international bankers come hell or high water, no matter how much pain has to be inflicted on the population in order to extract the money.
Those at the top of the pyramid scheme of debt, owing to their association with the "City of London" clan can hide the bulk of their assets in "foundations" which are exempt from any taxation! These financial assets may, however, still be used by their owners to incentivize for social and political change in directions desired by the financial oligarchy. A few decades ago Nelson Rockefeller, whose yearly income was certainly at least in the tens of millions, bragged that he paid NO taxes! How is this possible? It is because he was able to hide his income in family foundations, and also hide some of his hoard in offshore tax havens -- a favorite tactic of the super-rich for shielding their assets from national taxation. As the "Jewess" Leona Helmsley (wife of the owner of the Empire State Building) once said, "Taxes are for the little people".
The Federal Reserve Act was sponsored by Rothschild "City of London" agents such as J.P. Morgan, New Jersey Senator Nelson Aldrich, Jacob Schiff, Paul Warburg, Rockefeller, et al. It was passed into law on New Year's Eve of 1913 when most U.S. congressmen had gone home for the holidays, leaving only a skeleton crew of despicable traitors at the helm of the nation. The way in which this heinous legislation was passed is indicative of the all-around deceitfulness of the banking oligarchy. America, home of the free and the brave, now had one foot in the grave.
It has been said that the United States could never be conquered from without because of the natural geographic protection afforded by oceans on both sides of the country, and relatively friendly nations to the north and south (at least they aren’t likely to declare war against us). But alas, the war has been waged from within, by satanic, conniving psychopaths, mostly related by blood, who both envied, hated, and subsequently used our nation to conquer much of the rest of the world, and in the process establish a central bank in each nation subdued by our military. General Butler revealed this fact back in the 1920s in his book “War Is A Racket”.
This truth is quite a bit different than the "mainstream" historical fantasy that has been force-fed down America's collective throat -- lies such as: 1) we had to go to war because of "weapons of mass destruction" or 2) we must prevent the spread of communism or 3) we must prevent the spread of nazism or 4) we must protect our "allies" overseas, 5) we must topple such and such dictator and replace his regime with "democracy" (which really means rule by bankers).
It shouldn't come as too much of a surprise that the very dictators "we" are obligated to conquer are invariably "enabled" by international bankers in the first place! The fancy term for this maneuver is the "Hegelian dialectic", which is to create the very problems for which you intend to provide a predetermined "solution" later. The "solution" will amount to a development which magnificently favors international banking's agenda, such as to establish yet another central bank in the nation formerly ruled by the propped-up puppet dictator. The last few wars engaged in by the imperialistic U.S. resulted in establishment of a Rothschild-controlled central bank in each conquered nation. The latest victim was Libya. Libya's Gaddafi (also spelled Khadafy or Khadafi) intended to establish his own central bank in northern Africa, and he had the gold backing to do it! We wonder where that gold is now. Most likely, it is stored in Rothschild vaults along with all of the Fort Knox gold. The next victims will probably be Syria, Iran or North Korea because these nations are currently lacking a Rothschild-controlled central bank. There has been much establishment saber rattling lately regarding North Korea.
War is one obvious evil but by no means does the wicked "work" of financial tyrants stop there. Biologists have determined that parasites inject toxins into their hosts, making the "environment" more suitable to the survival and proliferation of the parasite. Likewise, international financier parasites and others on the so-called "Illuminati" level, close to the top of the pyramid, have seen to it that philosophical and spiritual "toxins" are injected into the "body" of host nations, so that their nefarious schemes go undetected by the public, which vastly outnumbers them, and could mount a "pitchfork rebellion" IF (and that's a really big if) they could only conceive of how badly they have been brainwashed and scammed. Unfortunately, bankers are as skilled at mass deception as a Montana cowboy is skilled at rounding up a huge herd of cattle. The “tribe” of parasites even has a disparaging word for those "human resources" being rounded up and corralled in their psychological barbed-wire fences of debt and misinformation: "goyim", which in this context means "human cattle".
Upon gaining control of the money supply it was in short order that control was gained over the academic establishment, through federal mandates over primary and secondary education curriculum, plus a proliferation of "strings attached" grants to universities, all of which was designed to repaint history to suit the banking oligarchy and steer students in directions desired by the financial parasites: toward socialism, communism, secular humanism, corporate monopolization, feminization, obliteration of white history and all concepts running contrary to healthful, life-giving traditional biblical morality. In no way was self-sufficiency and small business encouraged. Added to this was infiltration of major church denominations toward the aim of reducing the threat of pure Christianity which informs us that today's satanic, antichrist "Jews" are NOT the "chosen people" of God, but are the very enemy of God's people.
Supremacist "Jews", agents for the banking oligarchy, also gained tight-fisted control of the media which spews forth an ever-worsening fire hose stream of violence, depravity, immorality, thus "programming" our youth at an early age to embrace the very ideas that will lead to their own self-destruction and slavery to the matrix of evil. So “dumbed down” are OUR people that many have been trained to reject the TRUTH, and accuse anyone who attempts to open their eyes to the truth of being a “conspiracy theorist”, a “white supremacist” (but never any other kind of supremacist), a “hater”, a “homophobe”, an “anti-Semite” – whatever it takes to squash discussion of or dissent against the vile treachery that is destroying our nation. The term, “conspiracy theorist” incidentally, was invented by a CIA think tank during the Bush administration in order to stifle worthwhile discussion of the central banker instigated Iraq war.
When an enemy is clearly identifiable, such as in the days of old when soldiers would line up and charge madly to battle on an open field, there could be NO doubt as to WHO the battle was to be fought against. But when the enemy is hidden under layer upon layer of corporate or governmental bureaucracy, and uses the “sorcery” of propaganda and mass “programming” to brainwash entire populations into thinking thoughts and believing lies that are 180 degrees contrary to common sense and survival, then there is a real problem. There's no warfare like psychological warfare. This is the dilemma of our age. Thumb twitching adolescents glued to video games should be learning how to garden, shoot a rifle, split wood, build a house and dig an outhouse. These are skills that would aid them in being independent of the system, not dependent upon it like bees in a hive. The oligarchy prefers that YOU remain stupid and utterly dependent upon their satanic corporate-monopolist system – their pyramid scheme of debt. That way, you can be a “debt slave”.
Communism, socialism, capitalism, feminism, fascism, nazism, sexual "freedom", democracy, restrictive "environmentalism" and any other ideas that run contrary to biblical morality and national well-being are toxic and serve only to benefit the super-rich "Jewish" overlords while sickening the public "body" which receives little to no benefit. Though the super-rich ruling class can get away with living reprobate lives, as many of them do, suffering very little financial penalty for their depravity, the average Joe may very well be ruined for life by following in their amoral footsteps. Regretfully, the dog-eat-dog corporate culture tends to encourage treachery in the workplace and punish biblical morality. What does it take to get ahead in today's corporate world, or get ahead in a communist-styled bureaucracy? Do "nice guys" finish first, or last? How many Hollywood movies have you seen that extol clever "white collar" criminals and make their victims look stupid?
Jeremiah 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?
The top .01% of the pyramid scheme of debt has had a very long time to perfect its modus-operandi, which is to use every available resource in assuring their continued control and rape of the planet, which is fueled by their mastery over the money systems of the world. Tactics employed even extend to far-reaching deceptions, carried out over centuries. One such deception is that the Zionists occupying and controlling the Israeli state are descended from the ancient Israelite Hebrews and therefore must be protected at all costs, because the Bible says that to protect them will bring a blessing upon the protector -- no matter what kind of atrocities they commit against their neighbors. This misconception immobilizes “Judeo-Christians”, and renders them incapable of knowing WHO their enemy truly is! They believe it is anyone other than the very one who is destroying our nations!
In communist countries all production and assets are owned and controlled by a handful of super-capitalist-monopolists and everyone else has no rights and no private property. At the top of this squirming heap of parasites are the central bankers, who are the chief contributors to communist regimes. David Rockefeller (a crypto Sephardic "Jew"), whose family dynasty owns shares in the Federal Reserve, once admitted that he preferred dealing with communist regimes because “the communists pay their bills” – that is, they pay the international bankers come hell or high water, no matter how much pain has to be inflicted on the population in order to extract the money.
Those at the top of the pyramid scheme of debt, owing to their association with the "City of London" clan can hide the bulk of their assets in "foundations" which are exempt from any taxation! These financial assets may, however, still be used by their owners to incentivize for social and political change in directions desired by the financial oligarchy. A few decades ago Nelson Rockefeller, whose yearly income was certainly at least in the tens of millions, bragged that he paid NO taxes! How is this possible? It is because he was able to hide his income in family foundations, and also hide some of his hoard in offshore tax havens -- a favorite tactic of the super-rich for shielding their assets from national taxation. As the "Jewess" Leona Helmsley (wife of the owner of the Empire State Building) once said, "Taxes are for the little people".
The Federal Reserve Act was sponsored by Rothschild "City of London" agents such as J.P. Morgan, New Jersey Senator Nelson Aldrich, Jacob Schiff, Paul Warburg, Rockefeller, et al. It was passed into law on New Year's Eve of 1913 when most U.S. congressmen had gone home for the holidays, leaving only a skeleton crew of despicable traitors at the helm of the nation. The way in which this heinous legislation was passed is indicative of the all-around deceitfulness of the banking oligarchy. America, home of the free and the brave, now had one foot in the grave.
It has been said that the United States could never be conquered from without because of the natural geographic protection afforded by oceans on both sides of the country, and relatively friendly nations to the north and south (at least they aren’t likely to declare war against us). But alas, the war has been waged from within, by satanic, conniving psychopaths, mostly related by blood, who both envied, hated, and subsequently used our nation to conquer much of the rest of the world, and in the process establish a central bank in each nation subdued by our military. General Butler revealed this fact back in the 1920s in his book “War Is A Racket”.
This truth is quite a bit different than the "mainstream" historical fantasy that has been force-fed down America's collective throat -- lies such as: 1) we had to go to war because of "weapons of mass destruction" or 2) we must prevent the spread of communism or 3) we must prevent the spread of nazism or 4) we must protect our "allies" overseas, 5) we must topple such and such dictator and replace his regime with "democracy" (which really means rule by bankers).
It shouldn't come as too much of a surprise that the very dictators "we" are obligated to conquer are invariably "enabled" by international bankers in the first place! The fancy term for this maneuver is the "Hegelian dialectic", which is to create the very problems for which you intend to provide a predetermined "solution" later. The "solution" will amount to a development which magnificently favors international banking's agenda, such as to establish yet another central bank in the nation formerly ruled by the propped-up puppet dictator. The last few wars engaged in by the imperialistic U.S. resulted in establishment of a Rothschild-controlled central bank in each conquered nation. The latest victim was Libya. Libya's Gaddafi (also spelled Khadafy or Khadafi) intended to establish his own central bank in northern Africa, and he had the gold backing to do it! We wonder where that gold is now. Most likely, it is stored in Rothschild vaults along with all of the Fort Knox gold. The next victims will probably be Syria, Iran or North Korea because these nations are currently lacking a Rothschild-controlled central bank. There has been much establishment saber rattling lately regarding North Korea.
War is one obvious evil but by no means does the wicked "work" of financial tyrants stop there. Biologists have determined that parasites inject toxins into their hosts, making the "environment" more suitable to the survival and proliferation of the parasite. Likewise, international financier parasites and others on the so-called "Illuminati" level, close to the top of the pyramid, have seen to it that philosophical and spiritual "toxins" are injected into the "body" of host nations, so that their nefarious schemes go undetected by the public, which vastly outnumbers them, and could mount a "pitchfork rebellion" IF (and that's a really big if) they could only conceive of how badly they have been brainwashed and scammed. Unfortunately, bankers are as skilled at mass deception as a Montana cowboy is skilled at rounding up a huge herd of cattle. The “tribe” of parasites even has a disparaging word for those "human resources" being rounded up and corralled in their psychological barbed-wire fences of debt and misinformation: "goyim", which in this context means "human cattle".
Upon gaining control of the money supply it was in short order that control was gained over the academic establishment, through federal mandates over primary and secondary education curriculum, plus a proliferation of "strings attached" grants to universities, all of which was designed to repaint history to suit the banking oligarchy and steer students in directions desired by the financial parasites: toward socialism, communism, secular humanism, corporate monopolization, feminization, obliteration of white history and all concepts running contrary to healthful, life-giving traditional biblical morality. In no way was self-sufficiency and small business encouraged. Added to this was infiltration of major church denominations toward the aim of reducing the threat of pure Christianity which informs us that today's satanic, antichrist "Jews" are NOT the "chosen people" of God, but are the very enemy of God's people.
Supremacist "Jews", agents for the banking oligarchy, also gained tight-fisted control of the media which spews forth an ever-worsening fire hose stream of violence, depravity, immorality, thus "programming" our youth at an early age to embrace the very ideas that will lead to their own self-destruction and slavery to the matrix of evil. So “dumbed down” are OUR people that many have been trained to reject the TRUTH, and accuse anyone who attempts to open their eyes to the truth of being a “conspiracy theorist”, a “white supremacist” (but never any other kind of supremacist), a “hater”, a “homophobe”, an “anti-Semite” – whatever it takes to squash discussion of or dissent against the vile treachery that is destroying our nation. The term, “conspiracy theorist” incidentally, was invented by a CIA think tank during the Bush administration in order to stifle worthwhile discussion of the central banker instigated Iraq war.
When an enemy is clearly identifiable, such as in the days of old when soldiers would line up and charge madly to battle on an open field, there could be NO doubt as to WHO the battle was to be fought against. But when the enemy is hidden under layer upon layer of corporate or governmental bureaucracy, and uses the “sorcery” of propaganda and mass “programming” to brainwash entire populations into thinking thoughts and believing lies that are 180 degrees contrary to common sense and survival, then there is a real problem. There's no warfare like psychological warfare. This is the dilemma of our age. Thumb twitching adolescents glued to video games should be learning how to garden, shoot a rifle, split wood, build a house and dig an outhouse. These are skills that would aid them in being independent of the system, not dependent upon it like bees in a hive. The oligarchy prefers that YOU remain stupid and utterly dependent upon their satanic corporate-monopolist system – their pyramid scheme of debt. That way, you can be a “debt slave”.
Communism, socialism, capitalism, feminism, fascism, nazism, sexual "freedom", democracy, restrictive "environmentalism" and any other ideas that run contrary to biblical morality and national well-being are toxic and serve only to benefit the super-rich "Jewish" overlords while sickening the public "body" which receives little to no benefit. Though the super-rich ruling class can get away with living reprobate lives, as many of them do, suffering very little financial penalty for their depravity, the average Joe may very well be ruined for life by following in their amoral footsteps. Regretfully, the dog-eat-dog corporate culture tends to encourage treachery in the workplace and punish biblical morality. What does it take to get ahead in today's corporate world, or get ahead in a communist-styled bureaucracy? Do "nice guys" finish first, or last? How many Hollywood movies have you seen that extol clever "white collar" criminals and make their victims look stupid?
Jeremiah 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?
The top .01% of the pyramid scheme of debt has had a very long time to perfect its modus-operandi, which is to use every available resource in assuring their continued control and rape of the planet, which is fueled by their mastery over the money systems of the world. Tactics employed even extend to far-reaching deceptions, carried out over centuries. One such deception is that the Zionists occupying and controlling the Israeli state are descended from the ancient Israelite Hebrews and therefore must be protected at all costs, because the Bible says that to protect them will bring a blessing upon the protector -- no matter what kind of atrocities they commit against their neighbors. This misconception immobilizes “Judeo-Christians”, and renders them incapable of knowing WHO their enemy truly is! They believe it is anyone other than the very one who is destroying our nations!
Ample proof is available, that today's “Jews” (the predominant race of central bankers and corporate monopolists) are NOT descended from the ancient Israelites! They are, rather, for the most part descended from the latter day, Turko-Mongol-Asiatic-Edomite-Canaanite converts to Pharisaism-Judaism: the Khazars. A far smaller percentage are descended from migrants from the long defunct city of Carthage, who found their way into Spain and France to form the "Sephardim" branch of "Jewry". The incessantly reinforced "chosen people" deception alone is worth billions upon billions of dollars in handouts from thoroughly duped "Judeo-Christian" churches and mandated U.S. government aid, without which this inflatable, Rothschild-created nation would fizzle out and die. Isn't it amazing how mainstream media and academia never dares to question the presence of "dual citizens" in high federal government positions, whose loyalty to America obviously plays a weak "second fiddle" to their rabid ambition to make the Israeli state the center of the universe. The only type of dual citizen we know of in government is U.S.-Israeli. Can you imagine the woeful screeching and howling that would erupt from powerful "watchdog" lobby groups (like AIPAC) and "Jewish"-controlled media if there was a U.S.-German or U.S.-Russian dual citizen occupying a high government post? The hypocrisy of the "Jewish"-dominated ruling tribe is as foul as a fart in a crowded elevator.
Another deep deception, which we will term the "Holohoax", is elevated to the status of a false religion by being endlessly and mercilessly memorialized in Hollywood movies by Spielberg and other "Jewish"-Zionist tribalists, as well as being constantly reinforced (ad nauseum) in mainstream magazines, books, newspapers and the Internet. This massive myth is forcibly maintained by LAW in some "crown" nations -- those solidly under the boot of the “Jewish” City of London bankers. To deny the "Holohoax" in those slave state nations is a CRIME which carries a prison term! See "Mass Migration the Greatest Hoax" for details on this extreme perfidy. The "Jewish" deception industry is working night and day to bring similar “hate” legislation to the U.S. which would make it a CRIME to speak the truth. This and all other tyrannical legislation must be resisted. We are already creeping dangerously close to utter totalitarianiam.
Friends, think about it -- if something IS the truth would government need to pass a law making it illegal to DENY it? Clearly, anyone with a shred of cerebral matter would know that the TRUTH does not need to have a "great wall" of intimidation erected around it. No such wall is erected around the Bible but the same profiteers of evil who wish to legislate pure historical truth out of existence are hard at work making you disbelieve your Bible, which IS the absolute truth because it is THE word of God Almighty! Without the Bible and Jesus Christ we'd all have drowned in a sea of lies long long ago. The Bible informs us that “… the love of money is the root of ALL evil” (I Timothy 6:10). Could there be any doubt about this?
Even the spiritually stunted may perceive on some level that the paradigm shift to evil is guided by someone or something that has lived for many centuries. To put it bluntly, simultaneous movements of wealth concentration and diminished morality are being guided by none other than Satan (as the Bible reveals) who wishes to be worshiped as God. This has been his desire since long, long before Adam and Eve, and he has steered reprobate humanity in that direction for thousands of years, through his many antichrist "agents", his gene pool in fact, the chief of whom happen to be the ones who sit at the top of the worldwide pyramid of debt.
I John 2:18 Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; …
Every spiritual tactic of the adversary's army of antichrists leads to a moment in the not too distant future when "THE antichrist", a man fully possessed by the spirit of Satan, will proclaim himself to be God, with all of the fanfare and hoopla that can be drummed up by his genetic disciples in control of global media. This individual will be descended from Cain through the Canaanite-Edomite bloodline, which is found today within Ashkenazi and/or Sephardic Jewry. This unveiling of the antichrist will take place in Jerusalem, which is intended to be the seat of the one-world, satanic government being put together now with Rothschild financing and political support. It is termed "the beast" and "mystery Babylon" in the book of Revelation.
Revelation 13:8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, (THE antichrist) whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. (The MANY unrepentant, unsaved will worship Satan and go to hell for doing so.)
According to prophecy there will be plagues and earthquakes, a "flaming mountain" crashing into the sea and events that have never been seen before and will never be seen again. There will be a great “tribulation”. This tribulation is being directed primarily against the white race by the satanic seed line, anti-Christ so-called "Jewish" species. There has been and will be much collateral damage in other races as well. One quarter, and then one third of humanity will die, and then, Jesus Christ will return to set up His righteous kingdom which will begin with His “millennial reign”, a time in which the remnant of humanity will be taught to conform to God, by God's "elect" saints who were "called" and "chosen" by Him for eternal life. Before Jesus Christ returns there will be a house-cleaning, so to speak. It is not too difficult to imagine exactly who will be swept away in this cataclysm. Those who have found themselves at the top of the pyramid may also be quite worried about the "twofold children of hell" they are creating out of the "human resources" they have used and abused in their takeover of the planet, or else their current "security" and propaganda measures wouldn't be so frantic.
Matthew 23:15 Woe unto you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.
Another deep deception, which we will term the "Holohoax", is elevated to the status of a false religion by being endlessly and mercilessly memorialized in Hollywood movies by Spielberg and other "Jewish"-Zionist tribalists, as well as being constantly reinforced (ad nauseum) in mainstream magazines, books, newspapers and the Internet. This massive myth is forcibly maintained by LAW in some "crown" nations -- those solidly under the boot of the “Jewish” City of London bankers. To deny the "Holohoax" in those slave state nations is a CRIME which carries a prison term! See "Mass Migration the Greatest Hoax" for details on this extreme perfidy. The "Jewish" deception industry is working night and day to bring similar “hate” legislation to the U.S. which would make it a CRIME to speak the truth. This and all other tyrannical legislation must be resisted. We are already creeping dangerously close to utter totalitarianiam.
Friends, think about it -- if something IS the truth would government need to pass a law making it illegal to DENY it? Clearly, anyone with a shred of cerebral matter would know that the TRUTH does not need to have a "great wall" of intimidation erected around it. No such wall is erected around the Bible but the same profiteers of evil who wish to legislate pure historical truth out of existence are hard at work making you disbelieve your Bible, which IS the absolute truth because it is THE word of God Almighty! Without the Bible and Jesus Christ we'd all have drowned in a sea of lies long long ago. The Bible informs us that “… the love of money is the root of ALL evil” (I Timothy 6:10). Could there be any doubt about this?
Even the spiritually stunted may perceive on some level that the paradigm shift to evil is guided by someone or something that has lived for many centuries. To put it bluntly, simultaneous movements of wealth concentration and diminished morality are being guided by none other than Satan (as the Bible reveals) who wishes to be worshiped as God. This has been his desire since long, long before Adam and Eve, and he has steered reprobate humanity in that direction for thousands of years, through his many antichrist "agents", his gene pool in fact, the chief of whom happen to be the ones who sit at the top of the worldwide pyramid of debt.
I John 2:18 Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; …
Every spiritual tactic of the adversary's army of antichrists leads to a moment in the not too distant future when "THE antichrist", a man fully possessed by the spirit of Satan, will proclaim himself to be God, with all of the fanfare and hoopla that can be drummed up by his genetic disciples in control of global media. This individual will be descended from Cain through the Canaanite-Edomite bloodline, which is found today within Ashkenazi and/or Sephardic Jewry. This unveiling of the antichrist will take place in Jerusalem, which is intended to be the seat of the one-world, satanic government being put together now with Rothschild financing and political support. It is termed "the beast" and "mystery Babylon" in the book of Revelation.
Revelation 13:8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, (THE antichrist) whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. (The MANY unrepentant, unsaved will worship Satan and go to hell for doing so.)
According to prophecy there will be plagues and earthquakes, a "flaming mountain" crashing into the sea and events that have never been seen before and will never be seen again. There will be a great “tribulation”. This tribulation is being directed primarily against the white race by the satanic seed line, anti-Christ so-called "Jewish" species. There has been and will be much collateral damage in other races as well. One quarter, and then one third of humanity will die, and then, Jesus Christ will return to set up His righteous kingdom which will begin with His “millennial reign”, a time in which the remnant of humanity will be taught to conform to God, by God's "elect" saints who were "called" and "chosen" by Him for eternal life. Before Jesus Christ returns there will be a house-cleaning, so to speak. It is not too difficult to imagine exactly who will be swept away in this cataclysm. Those who have found themselves at the top of the pyramid may also be quite worried about the "twofold children of hell" they are creating out of the "human resources" they have used and abused in their takeover of the planet, or else their current "security" and propaganda measures wouldn't be so frantic.
Matthew 23:15 Woe unto you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.
The Knesset, which is the Israeli Supreme Court building, is the intended location for one-world government headquarters. Construction of this building was funded by the Rothschild dynasty. On top of the building is a pyramid that looks exactly like the pyramid on the dollar bill, only that pyramid is capped, whereas the one on the dollar bill is not capped because when the dollar bill was designed the "enterprise" of enslaving the entire world with debt was incomplete.
The capped pyramid on the Knesset symbolizes completion of the plan, assuming the satanists at the top of the pyramid scheme of debt achieve their global totalitarian government. (There are more photos of the Knesset in "The Truth About Israel" essay on this website.) The symbolism couldn't be any more blatant! This is what one "revisionist" historian (truth-teller) defines as "revelation of the method". The clues are not unlike the clues of a cocky common criminal, smugly confident in the belief that he will never get caught, but at the same time wanting desperately to be admired for his skill in carrying out the crime! Sounds childish, doesn't it? The psychologists would call it "narcissism" or "sociopathy". It used to be called "psychopathy" until the p.c. phenomenon, driven by global usurers, hit the psychology business. The satanic international bankers, creators of the pyramid scheme of debt, want someone (anyone who figures it out) to admire them for their incredible criminal enterprises, constructed right under our noses through lies and deceptions honed to a fine art. They are as insane as they are pathetically materialistic and satanic. They are truly the scum of the earth, deceitful parasites and "vessels of wrath" fit only to be cast in hell by Yahweh God, as they will be in due time.
Romans 9:22-23 What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction: And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy (the "elect", Christians), which he had afore prepared unto glory.
How much money is $2,000,000,000,000 (two trillion dollars)? The population of the U.S. is around 300,000,000, so it amounts to about $42,000 for every person in the nation. This astronomical sum was simply GIVEN to banking institutions that were already worth many billions of dollars by our Zionist-controlled central bank (The Fed) in the early 2000s "bailout" scam. The bailout then became "monetized", which means it was added to the national debt, the interest of which is earmarked to be paid by the American people through taxation. The inflation that results from this "quantitative easing", to use Ben Bernanke's arcane terminology, will decrease the dollar's purchasing power over time and will slowly starve those who are on a "fixed income". Does the tribe of gold-plated thieves at the top of the pyramid of debt feel a shred of shame about any of this? No, not at all. They are without conscience because they are “of their father the devil” and "laughing all the way to their bank", elated to have once again raped America, land of the sheep and the slaves. Their Talmudic/satanic/kabbalistic "morality" is 180 degrees opposite from traditional Christian morality. They are conscious-less parasites, whose absolute demise is right around the corner.
Psalm 58:3 The wicked are estranged (hostile and alien) from the womb: they go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies.
In a sane world, the banking institutions proclaimed as "too big to fail" should have been allowed to fail naturally, as do overextended businesses at the bottom of the interest pyramid, which receive little to no help from the government. This atrocious bailout scheme was carried out because the "Jewish" financial oligarchy which owns the private central bank of the U.S. (the Fed) controls the Federal Government, despises small business, has enslaved the people of this and other nations with debt, and loves pyramid-structured, bureaucratic, corporate-fascist monopolies, and especially those owned by their racial brethren, because the banker-gangsters can always count on their own tribe members to work in lockstep with their plans for world domination. It is literally in their "blood" to do so. What they do is "inimical" to the best interests of OUR nation, the Germanic, Anglo-Saxon, Celtic, Nordic, Slovokian, Gothic and other branches of the white race ("inimical" as proclaimed by the Rothschild Brothers' letter from the late 1800s letter -- quoted above). High finance contributes nothing to the general welfare of the greater population, concentrates wealth in fewer and fewer hands and is parasitic in every possible way.
In a sane world, any money "created from nothing" should be given to millions of American citizens, interest free, as would be the case in a fair and equitable "social credit" system. Economics professors should know that the people will spend the money on all kinds of products and services, which would be a great boon to business, thus creating more jobs, which would generate even more spending, more production, more income and a better world for nearly everyone involved. Can you imagine the cartwheel-turning happiness that would abound from being freed from the Edomite-Canaanite-"Jewish" oligarchy's stranglehold of debt? But, NO, we are under the boot of a SATANIC system of debt slavery! It is also a "sorcery" which casts a spell of ignorance upon the great masses of "goyim" who are incapable of understanding how they are being fleeced. All of the so-called "quantitative easing" bailout money went to the very interest-sucking vampires whose satanic brethren created most of the world's major problems in the first place. The money then flows inexorably upward to the top of the great pyramid of debt so it can be used to fund even more nefarious projects for the devils in human flesh who lord over this grim planet.
Revelation 18:23 ... for thy merchants (central bankers, corporate oligarchs) were the great men of the earth: for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived. (written from a future perspective, looking back on it as an accomplished fact)
Romans 9:22-23 What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction: And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy (the "elect", Christians), which he had afore prepared unto glory.
How much money is $2,000,000,000,000 (two trillion dollars)? The population of the U.S. is around 300,000,000, so it amounts to about $42,000 for every person in the nation. This astronomical sum was simply GIVEN to banking institutions that were already worth many billions of dollars by our Zionist-controlled central bank (The Fed) in the early 2000s "bailout" scam. The bailout then became "monetized", which means it was added to the national debt, the interest of which is earmarked to be paid by the American people through taxation. The inflation that results from this "quantitative easing", to use Ben Bernanke's arcane terminology, will decrease the dollar's purchasing power over time and will slowly starve those who are on a "fixed income". Does the tribe of gold-plated thieves at the top of the pyramid of debt feel a shred of shame about any of this? No, not at all. They are without conscience because they are “of their father the devil” and "laughing all the way to their bank", elated to have once again raped America, land of the sheep and the slaves. Their Talmudic/satanic/kabbalistic "morality" is 180 degrees opposite from traditional Christian morality. They are conscious-less parasites, whose absolute demise is right around the corner.
Psalm 58:3 The wicked are estranged (hostile and alien) from the womb: they go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies.
In a sane world, the banking institutions proclaimed as "too big to fail" should have been allowed to fail naturally, as do overextended businesses at the bottom of the interest pyramid, which receive little to no help from the government. This atrocious bailout scheme was carried out because the "Jewish" financial oligarchy which owns the private central bank of the U.S. (the Fed) controls the Federal Government, despises small business, has enslaved the people of this and other nations with debt, and loves pyramid-structured, bureaucratic, corporate-fascist monopolies, and especially those owned by their racial brethren, because the banker-gangsters can always count on their own tribe members to work in lockstep with their plans for world domination. It is literally in their "blood" to do so. What they do is "inimical" to the best interests of OUR nation, the Germanic, Anglo-Saxon, Celtic, Nordic, Slovokian, Gothic and other branches of the white race ("inimical" as proclaimed by the Rothschild Brothers' letter from the late 1800s letter -- quoted above). High finance contributes nothing to the general welfare of the greater population, concentrates wealth in fewer and fewer hands and is parasitic in every possible way.
In a sane world, any money "created from nothing" should be given to millions of American citizens, interest free, as would be the case in a fair and equitable "social credit" system. Economics professors should know that the people will spend the money on all kinds of products and services, which would be a great boon to business, thus creating more jobs, which would generate even more spending, more production, more income and a better world for nearly everyone involved. Can you imagine the cartwheel-turning happiness that would abound from being freed from the Edomite-Canaanite-"Jewish" oligarchy's stranglehold of debt? But, NO, we are under the boot of a SATANIC system of debt slavery! It is also a "sorcery" which casts a spell of ignorance upon the great masses of "goyim" who are incapable of understanding how they are being fleeced. All of the so-called "quantitative easing" bailout money went to the very interest-sucking vampires whose satanic brethren created most of the world's major problems in the first place. The money then flows inexorably upward to the top of the great pyramid of debt so it can be used to fund even more nefarious projects for the devils in human flesh who lord over this grim planet.
Revelation 18:23 ... for thy merchants (central bankers, corporate oligarchs) were the great men of the earth: for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived. (written from a future perspective, looking back on it as an accomplished fact)
This is a simplification, but it is basically on point.
We will round out this essay with an anecdote. It is about a man who is personally worth many billions, and perhaps trillions of dollars. He is probably the second richest person in the world, but he is never, ever mentioned in mainstream media, which his family largely controls. This man owned a penthouse in New York with a magnificent view of the World Trade Center. On September 1, 2001 he made it a point to be at this penthouse, on the balcony, so he could personally witness the biggest event in New York history, the demolition of the Twin Towers. Yes, we say "demolition" because that's exactly what it was. It was a controlled series of explosions, made to seem like an act of terrorism so that the "War On Terror" could be justified in the mass mind, which is “programmed” by so-called “news”.
Remember, wars are the most profitable “business” of all to the banksters who propagandize for and finance ALL of them. Each war requires incredible amounts of funding, most of which must be lent to the governments involved from central banks, which in turn collect interest from the people of the nation, who are forced to sacrifice their “human resources” (their offspring) for the war effort. International "Jewish" bankers always finance BOTH sides of every war they create so they are sure to profit no matter who wins.
Like the "dancing Israelis" who were seen celebrating as the great buildings come down and who were later interviewed and praised on Israeli TV, this multi-billionaire "Jewish" oligarch was also enjoying the event in his own subdued blue blood way, probably with a glass of expensive wine from one of his wineries in hand and his high class woman friend at his side. This “work” of “terror” was the culmination of some very extensive planning on the part of his "agents" and he was proud of their accomplishment and wanted to sit on the balcony, to enjoy watching the "little people" jumping out of windows as the great buildings collapsed into a huge pile of rubble.
This is the type of conscious-less, satanic creature found at the top of that pyramid of debt. His personal holdings are so extensive that all hunger on the planet could easily be eliminated if he would let go of a ton or two of his gold hoard for the purpose. But, that won’t happen. He is one of the kings of the earth who pulls the strings of government and whips easily tempted politicians in line to serve in the interest-sucking pyramid scheme of debt that has the world wrapped in chains. This is what the twin scams of interest and fractional reserve banking have wrought in these "modern" times. This system of evil is what Jesus Himself will utterly destroy when He returns to set up His kingdom!
Revelation 18:9-11 And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her when they shall see the smoke of her burning. Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas that great city Babylon, (the end times "megalopolis" of Jerusalem) that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come. And the merchants of the earth (billionaires and trillionaires, mostly of one particular bloodline) shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more.
Revelation 18:9-11 And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her when they shall see the smoke of her burning. Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas that great city Babylon, (the end times "megalopolis" of Jerusalem) that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come. And the merchants of the earth (billionaires and trillionaires, mostly of one particular bloodline) shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more.
In "The Pyramid Scheme of Debt" we cover the mechanics of usury and central banking, which for any person with a good soul should in itself arouse a feeling of outrage. We have not, however, covered what has been LOST because of this satanic plague on humanity. No longer can men enter into endeavors simply for the joy of work. They must spend the better part of their lives in the pursuit of money, everything must be done in a hurry and always with an eye toward, "production", making a living, getting a profit, getting ahead, getting more stupid toys and junk.
This attitude, encouraged by the parasitic criminal system of "capitalism" naturally produces a bland, ugly cookie-cutter world where, until "retirement" (if it can be achieved) a man can no longer be free to build his own house, tend his own land, and create art and things of lasting beauty. The great poet Ezra Pound captures the agony of all this in Canto XLV (video above) where he exposes unbridled usury for the crime against humanity that it truly is. Click on arrow to see the video.
The following video of a former highly placed servant in the so-called "Illuminati" (a code word for the oligarchic secret world government) reveals the precise mechanics of the worldwide empire of usury, from the capstone of the pyramid, the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) in Basel, Switzerland, down to the bottom layer, "where all of the real value lies" which is being systematically robbed by the financial parasites at the top. According to Mr. Bernard, only 8,000 people "run the world" and "misery is their business model". He says this global economic system is the "wet dream of psychopaths". The wickedness that exists at the top layer is almost beyond imagination and is confirmation of what the Bible has been telling us all along.
Bernard says that the following entities constitute a virtual "triad" of control over the planet: 1) the City of London financial complex, 2) the Washington D.C. military industrial complex, and 3) the Vatican spiritual complex. Each of these entities is a sovereign territory unto itself, meaning it does not adhere to the laws of the nation in which it is located. Though the rulers of these domains may each think that they rule the world the apex of control resides with the Bank of International Settlements (the BIS) in Switzerland.
If the Ronald Bernard video below doesn't play (either because of a deficiency in the site builder or algorithmic tampering) try any one of the following links. This is a very important video:
The following video of a former highly placed servant in the so-called "Illuminati" (a code word for the oligarchic secret world government) reveals the precise mechanics of the worldwide empire of usury, from the capstone of the pyramid, the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) in Basel, Switzerland, down to the bottom layer, "where all of the real value lies" which is being systematically robbed by the financial parasites at the top. According to Mr. Bernard, only 8,000 people "run the world" and "misery is their business model". He says this global economic system is the "wet dream of psychopaths". The wickedness that exists at the top layer is almost beyond imagination and is confirmation of what the Bible has been telling us all along.
Bernard says that the following entities constitute a virtual "triad" of control over the planet: 1) the City of London financial complex, 2) the Washington D.C. military industrial complex, and 3) the Vatican spiritual complex. Each of these entities is a sovereign territory unto itself, meaning it does not adhere to the laws of the nation in which it is located. Though the rulers of these domains may each think that they rule the world the apex of control resides with the Bank of International Settlements (the BIS) in Switzerland.
If the Ronald Bernard video below doesn't play (either because of a deficiency in the site builder or algorithmic tampering) try any one of the following links. This is a very important video:
The "BIS" is owned by the central banks of the world (which in turn are owned by "Jewish" dynasties, such as the Rothschild, Rockefeller, Oppenheimer, Lazard, Goldman, Sachs, Schiff, Warburg, etc.) and its financial power is based upon the "monetization" of the world's slaves, (that's us folks) who are given a "value" tied to a number, such as the SSN. For instance, the "value" of a typical Hollander, says Bernard, is 500,000 euros. That is how much the average a person is likely to contribute to the world financial system in his or her lifetime, through taxes, mortgage payments, other loan payments, labor, etc. Each "human resource" has a stock certificate tied to his or her person, and these certificates are traded on the N.Y. Stock Exchange! Much more is exposed, though we would respectfully disagree with Mr. Bernard's contention of "choice" with regard to one's exit (and specifically his finding of a conscience and exit) from the top layer of the satanic system. It is Yahweh God who calls His own to Him, and not the reverse. It is not a matter of our free will or "choice". We can forgive Bernard for this because, though he knows much about the workings of the financial system, He is still seeking the absolute truth, which can only be found in God's word. Otherwise, this is a very interesting and revealing video. Regarding "free will":
Romans 3:10-12 As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God. They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one.
Romans 8:28-29 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the
firstborn among many brethren.
Romans 9:11 (For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth;)
Revelation 18:23 (looking back from the end of the age) ... for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.
We greatly look forward to the elimination of this satanic system by God, who will use HIS people "Jacob-Israel" to do so.
Romans 3:10-12 As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God. They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one.
Romans 8:28-29 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the
firstborn among many brethren.
Romans 9:11 (For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth;)
Revelation 18:23 (looking back from the end of the age) ... for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.
We greatly look forward to the elimination of this satanic system by God, who will use HIS people "Jacob-Israel" to do so.
The following videos were originally posted with this essay but they can no longer be accessed herein, perhaps due to the algorithm that flags and pulls any videos deemed, in Orwellian fashion, to be "offensive" or "hate speech". YouTube is owned by "big brother" Google, which in turn is owned and run by Zionist "Jews" who in turn answer to the conscious-less psychopaths at the top of the financial food chain. The "Jewish"-controlled ADL and a plethora of other NGOs (which generally tend to be left leaning) are regularly consulted in regard to what is deemed inappropriate for YouTube viewers and many videos with themes running contrary to mainstream propaganda are pulled without explanation. Fortunately there are other platforms popping up to combat YouTube's hegemony, such as Bitchute and Brighteon.
In the above video comedian Jim Carrey steps way out on a proverbial limb in an attempt to shine a spotlight on the satanic conspiracy. Given the late night TV forum and Carrey's reputation as an insane funny man most of the audience will believe that he is only joking. Only a few will "get it". Carrey even alludes to the fact that talk show hosts, such as Kimmel, Letterman and Fallon are employed to make light of matters that should be considered with utmost seriousness, such as the theft of our heritage and national wealth by satanic usurers. Meanwhile, the bulk of our people are kept mentally drugged and under what amounts to mass hypnosis (which is all part of the sorcery referred to in Rev. 18:23). How much more will it take before OUR people wake up and realize that we are being herded like cattle to the slaughter by the usurous satanists Carrey refers to as "The Illuminutty".
Related books, references, audio and video:

the_protocols_a_study_--_winrod.pdf |

war_is_a_racket_-_butler.pdf |

central_banks_owned_by_the_rothschild_dynasty.pdf |

secrets_of_the_federal_reserve_-_mullins.pdf |

the_great_red_dragon_-_-_l.b._woolfolk_1890.pdf |

the_standard_jewish_encyclopedia_1966_on_the_identity_of_edom.pdf |