THE Medical Mafia & THE Narrative
A Jewish philosopher of the "elite" heralding the future.
Revised 10-20
If you take nothing else away from this essay remember this: Do not submit to being injected with the coming vaccine for Covid 19 and encourage everyone you know and care about to wake up and stop trusting the popular “authorities” on this matter. This could be one of the biggest public health disasters in the history of the world, and that is putting it mildly. The “problem” itself will pale in comparison to the “solution”, which is likely to kill millions and those who survive will be branded and tracked, like cattle, for the remainder of their lives. All of this will be explained later. The proponents of this scheme are paid handsomely to promote a grand “narrative” which includes the myth that vaccines are always “safe and effective” and the “science” behind them is beyond reproach.
The “narrative” also presumes that the state should mass vaccinate, ostensibly to protect citizens from a dangerous “pandemic”. This supposition (similar to the water fluoridation scheme) is fraught with logical errors and outright fraud. Read the information we have provided and think for yourself. It’s your body, your health and your FREEDOM we are trying to protect.
Many livelihoods and even vast fortunes depend upon people not questioning things portrayed to be sacrosanct and beyond debate. Could it be that there are a handful of millionaires and billionaires who will profit magnificently off of the sickness, misery and DEATH that would come in the wake of a worldwide vaccination scheme such as the one planned for Covid 19? Could it be that ruthless profiteers working for the medical-pharmaceutical complex do not want their victims to know the truth because it would (and should) cut into their profit and expose them for what they are: murderous criminal psychopaths? We believe the answer to both of those questions is YES. This is no "conspiracy theory". This is hard truth.
Italian doctor says Covid 19 is a de-population agenda
By Federal law, due to intense lobbying and bribery of politicians by pharmaceutical conglomerates, Americans, and particularly children, are already appallingly over vaccinated. Rather than improving health, this program has progressively weakened and sickened one generation after the next. Cancer, obesity, allergies, psychological problems, and other diseases are rampant among adults. The number of mandated childhood vaccines has more than quadrupled since the 1960s and so has autism, attention deficit disorder, allergies and a host of other childhood developmental disorders. Parents who object to having their children injected with these chemical concoctions come up against a brick wall of disinformation and denial. They may be scolded -- told that they are selfish and putting others “at risk” for refusing vaccinations. They may be patronized by their doctor who, instead of providing information on the pros and cons of vaccines will regurgitate the propaganda that they are “safe and effective” and therefore must be given. Some of them are told that their child cannot attend school, or they may be guilty of a crime if they do not allow the chemicals to be injected into their young children. This reluctance of parents to allow the state to poison their children has even been termed “vaccine hesitancy”. In recent years young doctors are actually trained on how to overcome “vaccine hesitancy”! All of this is evidence of a tyrannical agenda – a medical mafia holding us and our children hostage.
Those who object to vaccines are even labeled “anti-vaxxers”. Do the psycho-linguists ever run out of weaponized words? No, they never do. If someone objected to taxation without representation would they be labeled an “anti-taxxer”, as if to even consider it is a thought crime? There is no logic behind these slur words. They are like a barrage of bullets in a massive war of disinformation. It is psychological warfare.
Any thinking person should realize that when phrases, such as “vaccine hesitancy”, “safe and effective”, “anti-vaxxer”, and even the extremely suspect term “vaccine deployment” are used, it is evidence of a broad AGENDA. We believe the coerced and forced vaccine agenda is EVIL. Doctors attend medical school and receive much excellent training in a number of areas related to their profession, but they receive very little training on the efficacy and the numerous side effects of vaccines. Instead, they are routinely given a vaccine schedule published by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and told that it must be followed. Most of them dutifully follow the schedule, believing that it is for the good of their patients and knowing that if they do not follow it they could be faced with legal trouble. Young doctors fresh out of medical school naturally trust that the information they have been given by the CDC is backed by solid science but oftentimes it is not. (website for the National Vaccine Compensation Program)
In 1986 the Supreme Court ruled that vaccine manufacturers could not be directly sued for damages. Lawyers for the industry had plied the court with the argument that liabilities would be so great that the pharmaceutical companies would simply stop producing vaccines if they could not be given immunity from lawsuits. The Supreme Court then compromised, basically proclaiming vaccines as “unavoidably unsafe”. They devised a scheme by which 75 cents of the cost of each vaccine would go toward a fund for the victims of vaccines. A special entity called “the Vaccine Court” was established to hear the injury cases. As of 2018 FOUR BILLION dollars worth of settlements had quietly (with no media attention) been awarded to the victims of vaccine injury by this court!
This alone demolishes the claim that “vaccines are safe and effective”. Meanwhile, the vaccine manufacturers have enjoyed near zero liability for the misery, sickness and death caused by their products. They have rolled out more and more vaccines and lobbied to make them mandatory. Because of the carte blanche given to them by the Supreme Court pharmaceutical companies have little motivation to thoroughly test their products for safety. Further, there is NO testing for the side effects of combined vaccines, again because the manufacturers are immune from lawsuits! Thus, billions of dollars flow into the coffers of big pharma from the “business” of injecting poisons, masquerading as “inoculations” into the human body – particularly of babies and young children. This is an outrage. The scheme really amounts to a WAR against humanity. In a sane world the pushers of this agenda would be tried and convicted of a treasonous conspiracy. They would be imprisoned or executed. Obviously, this is not a sane world. It is a world run by big business and big money.
Those who object to vaccines are even labeled “anti-vaxxers”. Do the psycho-linguists ever run out of weaponized words? No, they never do. If someone objected to taxation without representation would they be labeled an “anti-taxxer”, as if to even consider it is a thought crime? There is no logic behind these slur words. They are like a barrage of bullets in a massive war of disinformation. It is psychological warfare.
Any thinking person should realize that when phrases, such as “vaccine hesitancy”, “safe and effective”, “anti-vaxxer”, and even the extremely suspect term “vaccine deployment” are used, it is evidence of a broad AGENDA. We believe the coerced and forced vaccine agenda is EVIL. Doctors attend medical school and receive much excellent training in a number of areas related to their profession, but they receive very little training on the efficacy and the numerous side effects of vaccines. Instead, they are routinely given a vaccine schedule published by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and told that it must be followed. Most of them dutifully follow the schedule, believing that it is for the good of their patients and knowing that if they do not follow it they could be faced with legal trouble. Young doctors fresh out of medical school naturally trust that the information they have been given by the CDC is backed by solid science but oftentimes it is not. (website for the National Vaccine Compensation Program)
In 1986 the Supreme Court ruled that vaccine manufacturers could not be directly sued for damages. Lawyers for the industry had plied the court with the argument that liabilities would be so great that the pharmaceutical companies would simply stop producing vaccines if they could not be given immunity from lawsuits. The Supreme Court then compromised, basically proclaiming vaccines as “unavoidably unsafe”. They devised a scheme by which 75 cents of the cost of each vaccine would go toward a fund for the victims of vaccines. A special entity called “the Vaccine Court” was established to hear the injury cases. As of 2018 FOUR BILLION dollars worth of settlements had quietly (with no media attention) been awarded to the victims of vaccine injury by this court!
This alone demolishes the claim that “vaccines are safe and effective”. Meanwhile, the vaccine manufacturers have enjoyed near zero liability for the misery, sickness and death caused by their products. They have rolled out more and more vaccines and lobbied to make them mandatory. Because of the carte blanche given to them by the Supreme Court pharmaceutical companies have little motivation to thoroughly test their products for safety. Further, there is NO testing for the side effects of combined vaccines, again because the manufacturers are immune from lawsuits! Thus, billions of dollars flow into the coffers of big pharma from the “business” of injecting poisons, masquerading as “inoculations” into the human body – particularly of babies and young children. This is an outrage. The scheme really amounts to a WAR against humanity. In a sane world the pushers of this agenda would be tried and convicted of a treasonous conspiracy. They would be imprisoned or executed. Obviously, this is not a sane world. It is a world run by big business and big money.
When faced with the fact that childhood autism has increased in direct proportion to the number of vaccines given to children pharmaceutical company representatives will always DENY any correlation. They would say there are no studies that prove a correlation, when in fact there are many studies. In the 1970s only one child in a thousand had autism. Today (in 2020), it is at best one in forty. If this trend continues in less than a decade the majority of children, born healthy, will become autistic. Meanwhile, the “safe and effective” mantra is force fed into human consciousness by relentless advertising and government propaganda. Slick magazines from pharmaceutical companies are distributed weekly to doctors. They promote FAITH in a so-called “science” that has become like a religion – something that is beyond debate. Some doctors will become indignant when questioned on the matter of vaccines because to admit that they COULD be unsafe would require them to rethink what they were taught in medical school, and even radically adjust their medical practice. For most doctors, this would simply be too much trouble. Even worse, they may be ordered by their hospitals and/or corporate medical practices to follow the CDC schedule, or else risk a lawsuit or even unemployment.
The number of children with autism has increased by 2500% since the 1970s, in direct proportion to the increase in vaccines given to babies.
A doctor who follows the CDC schedule for vaccines cannot be sued for malpractice! However, if that doctor does NOT follow the schedule he could be found legally liable if the patient (by some slim chance) becomes ill with whatever disease the vaccine is supposed to inoculate against. Most doctors are afraid to take on the risk of bucking the system. After all, if a doctor has second thoughts about injecting poisons into young children he could be found guilty of a CRIME! These days it is up to US to protect ourselves, because the “authorities” (TV spokespeople, Federal representatives, governors, media-celebrated “scientists” etc.) are motivated to protect themselves and their personal bottom line. Their “success” depends upon how well they play the game and conform to “the narrative”. If your doctor cannot engage in a rational, up front discussion on the pros and cons of vaccines perhaps it is time to find another doctor. Perhaps it is time to move if you live in a county or state that forces you or your children to be injected with multiple poisons. Some states allow for religious or philosophical exemptions to vaccine injections and some do not. The vaccine manufacturers are hard at work lobbying political representatives to make vaccines mandatory everywhere. They would prefer a medical tyranny, because it would be more profitable for them. When you vote, make sure that the candidate you vote for is in favor of your freedom to choose whether or not to be vaccinated.
Research scientist Dr. Judy Mikovits exposes
the global vaccine agenda and those who will profit from it. She says "millions will die" from the Covid 19 vaccine, which will not be adequately tested. She exposes Dr. Anthony Fauci as a fraud, and a front man for big pharma. A must see video. ![]()
How many times have you been encouraged by doctors, employers, drug stores etc. to “get the flu shot”. Discussion as to whether or not it is effective against all strains of the virus, or if it has side effects or if it could even CAUSE you to get the flu are glossed over. This writer unknowingly took a flu shot a decade and a half ago and came down with a terrible flu virus. It took ten days of misery to recover. Since that time no shot – and no flu! Boosting the immune system by natural means is a far better plan. If the truth be told the many side effects of vaccines generally outweigh the benefits. Aside from the possibility that a vaccine may cause the recipient to contract a disease, vaccines can also cause the recipient, even with no apparent symptoms, to “shed” a virus to others. This phenomenon is more evidence running contrary to the “safe and effective” claim of vaccine manufacturers. We strongly suggest that you view the Dr. Judy Mikovits interview (to the left) to hear the truth from a research scientist in regard to vaccine safety in general, and this Covid 19 so-called “pandemic” in particular.
Most doctors and pharmacists probably know very little about vaccine side effects, nor would they tend to do independent investigations, because they are busy and trust the “authorities” at the CDC, WHO (World Health Organization) and the government on the matter of safety. The public in general is primed by propaganda to believe that anyone who questions this “narrative” is a “conspiracy theorist”. After all, who else would delve into the possibility that the CDC and the WHO have been compromised by big corporations whose priority is PROFIT, not human health? Medical professionals may not know that many vaccines contain aluminum and mercury as catalysts to activate the virus within the vaccine so that it will (supposedly) jump-start the body’s immune response. They contain formaldehyde to preserve the virus and they may also contain human or animal fetal tissue which can cause undesirable reactions. Formaldehyde is a chemical routinely used to preserve dead bodies in a morgue. Aluminum, mercury and formaldehyde are all POISONS. It is criminal to inject babies and young children with multiple shots containing these chemicals and metals. This can and does often cause physical problems, learning disabilities, autism, developmental problems, mental retardation, and in worst case scenarios even paralysis and death. Millions of babies born healthy have been damaged for LIFE by the CDC mandated vaccines. Millions of adults have suffered from asthma, arthritis, diabetes, epilepsy, dementia, alzheimers, and other diseases because of vaccines.

cdc_admits_in_court_that_they_have_no_evidence_that_vaccines_do_not_cause_autism.pdf |
This writer has two grandchildren who were born healthy but became autistic after receiving the state mandated vaccines. What are the odds that BOTH of them would become autistic? Nobody else in the family had ever been autistic. View the video next to this paragraph of a couple who had TRIPLETS and ALL THREE of them became autistic after receiving their mandated childhood vaccines. What gut wrenching story – and yet the vaccine pushers would still deny any connection because they are damn LIARS. Just like heartless, conscious-less warmongers, ALL they are interested in is PROFIT and they don’t care one iota about the sickness and death that their products are causing. The mandating of vaccines IS a war against the people.
Young couple with triplets. All three of their babies became autistic
after receiving the CDC mandated vaccines. A heartbreaking story. |
A former neighbor of this writer, who was in his early eighties -- as happy and healthy a gentleman as one could know – who mowed his own grass, cut wood, went on vacations in a camper with his wife and had no major health problems decided several years ago to get a flu shot. Within three weeks he was DEAD. None of these examples are coincidences. They are all evidence that vaccines are dangerous, and again, if you are stupid enough to roll up your sleeve and take the Covid 19 shot, you have been forewarned. It may cause you to get cancer later on, affect your cognitive ability, turn you into a GMO or even KILL you, miserably.
Contrary to industry hype, a vaccine by itself does not produce immunity. The theory of using a foreign agent to bolster immunity supposes that by inoculating a subject with a tiny bit of an undesirable virus the BODY itself will then mount an immune response by producing an abundance of antibodies that should fight off the more dangerous enemy, which would be a larger exposure to the given pathogen. This is also presumed to work if the pilot virus is less dangerous than the one being inoculated against, as in cowpox used as a catalyst to inoculate against smallpox. This then leads to the theory of “herd immunity” which presumes that if 95% or so of a population can be inoculated, an epidemic can be prevented. This string of presuppositions is the argument used to promote a vaccine worldwide for Covid 19. However, it is quite possible that the so-called "vaccine" will not work that way at all. This injection may include DNA altering elements, a “contact tracing” bio-mechanism that can be scanned with a cell phone (to affirm the victim's "immunity passport"). This will be in the form of a gel, injected along with the vaccine, and comprised of nano-particles which reassemble, grow and actually become a part of the body. Unlike a microchip, this contract tracing mechanism will be impossible to remove. The vaccine will also contain the usual poisons such as aluminum, mercury and formaldehyde. This may sound like some grim science fiction, but it is exactly how far down the rabbit hole we have gone as a nation and a world. Even if one is willing to trust a medical mafia and the government, overlook all evidence to the contrary, and accept that a vaccine is “safe” it usually takes six years or more of testing for the FDA to approve one. How are “they” going to do that in only a year with this upcoming Covid 19 "vaccine"? Would YOU want to be a guinea pig for the testing? Would you put your trust in corporations that have already sickened and killed MILLIONS in third world countries where they have “tested” their products on unsuspecting populations?
Rarely to be found in the propaganda mill are the golden nuggets of truth that good old soap, clean water, proper hygiene, adequate diet, nutritional supplements, and sanitary sewer systems do far more to prevent pandemics than vaccines. There has been no middle ages style “black plague” since soap, water and sewer systems. Big pharma wants to take credit for eradicating polio and smallpox with vaccines but this was due mostly to improved personal hygiene, nutrition and public sanitation. The vaccine manufacturers invest millions in propaganda to convince the public that good health is even derived from their inoculations. You may remember that the cigarette industry spent millions to convince the public that cigarettes are safe, don’t cause cancer and in their heyday, were even good for your health! It also took at least a half century for leaded gasoline and leaded paint to be banned for consumer use in the United States, but only after many thousands of children had suffered mental retardation and death from lead poisoning. Let these examples serve as a lesson. Industry will DENY that there is a problem as long as profit exceeds liabilities. Sickness and death means nothing to profiteers and investors unless it affects their “bottom line”.
The Covid 19 planned-demic is the most massive “problem, reaction, solution” scheme ever devised. The sheer scope of this war against humanity is something that is difficult to grasp because it is so monumentally evil. You must realize that there are people behind this agenda who literally have no empathy for others. They are akin to serial killers who feel no remorse or guilt as they inflict pain and death on others. This, unfortunately, is the type of individual who tends to succeed and go “up the ladder” in corporate hierarchies. Also, it is criminal psychopaths such as these who form a worldwide cartel that is capable, as we have seen, to issue commands down their pyramidal hierarchies so that the entire system works in “lockstep” toward an agenda. Here’s how it works: First, by worldwide television, radio, internet and print propaganda, and corporate commands to doctors to inflate death statistics, the public is convinced that a “pandemic” exists. Secondly, the public reacts with irrational fear based upon the propaganda (which inflates the statistics), and thirdly the “solution” of mass vaccination is proposed so that people can feel “safe” again. How many millions of people do you think would gladly role up their sleeves right now for a shot? This is the classic “Hegelian dialectic” at work on a grand scale. Any knowledgeable Christian should be able to see this for what it is: an incredible deception and a SCAM. The Bible addresses the issue of false security here:
I Thessalonians 5:2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. 5:3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. 5:4 But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.
Contrary to industry hype, a vaccine by itself does not produce immunity. The theory of using a foreign agent to bolster immunity supposes that by inoculating a subject with a tiny bit of an undesirable virus the BODY itself will then mount an immune response by producing an abundance of antibodies that should fight off the more dangerous enemy, which would be a larger exposure to the given pathogen. This is also presumed to work if the pilot virus is less dangerous than the one being inoculated against, as in cowpox used as a catalyst to inoculate against smallpox. This then leads to the theory of “herd immunity” which presumes that if 95% or so of a population can be inoculated, an epidemic can be prevented. This string of presuppositions is the argument used to promote a vaccine worldwide for Covid 19. However, it is quite possible that the so-called "vaccine" will not work that way at all. This injection may include DNA altering elements, a “contact tracing” bio-mechanism that can be scanned with a cell phone (to affirm the victim's "immunity passport"). This will be in the form of a gel, injected along with the vaccine, and comprised of nano-particles which reassemble, grow and actually become a part of the body. Unlike a microchip, this contract tracing mechanism will be impossible to remove. The vaccine will also contain the usual poisons such as aluminum, mercury and formaldehyde. This may sound like some grim science fiction, but it is exactly how far down the rabbit hole we have gone as a nation and a world. Even if one is willing to trust a medical mafia and the government, overlook all evidence to the contrary, and accept that a vaccine is “safe” it usually takes six years or more of testing for the FDA to approve one. How are “they” going to do that in only a year with this upcoming Covid 19 "vaccine"? Would YOU want to be a guinea pig for the testing? Would you put your trust in corporations that have already sickened and killed MILLIONS in third world countries where they have “tested” their products on unsuspecting populations?
Rarely to be found in the propaganda mill are the golden nuggets of truth that good old soap, clean water, proper hygiene, adequate diet, nutritional supplements, and sanitary sewer systems do far more to prevent pandemics than vaccines. There has been no middle ages style “black plague” since soap, water and sewer systems. Big pharma wants to take credit for eradicating polio and smallpox with vaccines but this was due mostly to improved personal hygiene, nutrition and public sanitation. The vaccine manufacturers invest millions in propaganda to convince the public that good health is even derived from their inoculations. You may remember that the cigarette industry spent millions to convince the public that cigarettes are safe, don’t cause cancer and in their heyday, were even good for your health! It also took at least a half century for leaded gasoline and leaded paint to be banned for consumer use in the United States, but only after many thousands of children had suffered mental retardation and death from lead poisoning. Let these examples serve as a lesson. Industry will DENY that there is a problem as long as profit exceeds liabilities. Sickness and death means nothing to profiteers and investors unless it affects their “bottom line”.
The Covid 19 planned-demic is the most massive “problem, reaction, solution” scheme ever devised. The sheer scope of this war against humanity is something that is difficult to grasp because it is so monumentally evil. You must realize that there are people behind this agenda who literally have no empathy for others. They are akin to serial killers who feel no remorse or guilt as they inflict pain and death on others. This, unfortunately, is the type of individual who tends to succeed and go “up the ladder” in corporate hierarchies. Also, it is criminal psychopaths such as these who form a worldwide cartel that is capable, as we have seen, to issue commands down their pyramidal hierarchies so that the entire system works in “lockstep” toward an agenda. Here’s how it works: First, by worldwide television, radio, internet and print propaganda, and corporate commands to doctors to inflate death statistics, the public is convinced that a “pandemic” exists. Secondly, the public reacts with irrational fear based upon the propaganda (which inflates the statistics), and thirdly the “solution” of mass vaccination is proposed so that people can feel “safe” again. How many millions of people do you think would gladly role up their sleeves right now for a shot? This is the classic “Hegelian dialectic” at work on a grand scale. Any knowledgeable Christian should be able to see this for what it is: an incredible deception and a SCAM. The Bible addresses the issue of false security here:
I Thessalonians 5:2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. 5:3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. 5:4 But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.
Dr. Joseph Mercola on the CDC, WHO the Covid 19 vaccine
Covid 19 may be thought of as a dry run for the coming “mark of the beast” global satanic coup. Just as billions of brainwashed humans will submit to a vaccine they believe will “save” them from sickness, and then later woefully regret having taken it as they are sickened and dying, at some date in the not too distant future billions of humans will be convinced to receive “the mark of the beast” and then worship Satan, which marks them for an eternity in HELL. This is the trial run. Are you going to fall for the satanic deception that will condemn your very soul? We sincerely pray that you do not. If you are still reading, we thank God that he has given you a desire to seek the TRUTH. |
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has invested billions of dollars in corporations that manufacture vaccines. It has also invested billions in the WHO, in order to CONTROL it from behind the scenes. This is an appalling conflict of interest since the WHO should operate on the basis of legitimate scientific research, and not by the orders of an oligarch with a profit and eugenics motive. Following in the footsteps of the eugenics loving Rockefeller Foundation the Gates foundation is responsible for foisting mass vaccination schemes on third world nations, particularly in Africa and India where it is easy to bribe and get permission from public officials. These programs have been a disaster. Millions have suffered ill health, sterility, paralysis and DEATH while Gates and his criminal conspirators have raked in billions of dollars in profit. In the last two decades, since he made it his mission to vaccinate the world, Bill Gates’ personal wealth has doubled. Who would be stupid enough to trust the World Health Organization, knowing that Bill Gates is directing it from behind the scenes? At last, officials in India have come to their senses and realized how badly they’d been scammed by making a deal with the devil. They have withdrawn from the Gates program. Pharmaceutical corporations routinely use third world nations as testing grounds for their vaccines because they can get away with it. Mass media does not touch these stories, lest it bite the hand that feeds them advertising revenue. A preponderance of TV commercials are for two industries that are hell bent on destroying the planet and culling humanity: pharmaceuticals and telecommunications. These industries are collectively worth TRILLIONS of dollars.
Upon the advice of “experts” (con men) the governments of these poor nations had mandated vaccines for the people and the governments had paid for them. The profit was enormous and Gates’ personal net worth thus went up by tens of $billions. Subsequently India withdrew from the Gates program after seeing the damage that had been done. Will the many thousands of victims of this scam be compensated for their suffering? Of course not. Will the plutocrats, executives and slick salesmen behind such programs be punished for the sickness and death they have caused? No, they will not (in this world). The Covid 19 fake “pandemic” is the catalyst by which these same diabolical conspirators plan to convince the entire world to “roll up its sleeve” so as to be injected with their poisons.
The vaccine king Bill Gates has taken the torch of the Rockefeller dynasty, which is not so famous for offering men in India a pittance for getting sterilized. Gates’ father was the President of Planned Parenthood and apparently drilled into his son’s brain the idea that there are too many “useless eaters” and therefore something must be done to rid the world of them so as to “save the planet”. He apparently also injected his son’s brain with the idea that the “elite” are more worthy of life than average working folks and particularly poor people in third world nations. Gates does not vaccinate his own children because he knows the risks but he does not want YOU to know the risks. Does that sound just a bit hypocritical? This is the double minded thinking of “elites” devoid of conscience or empathy, who live their lives in a bubble of luxury, blissfully disconnected from the misery and death they inflict on others. These “elites” also suffer from a grandiose “entitlement complex” if not a "god complex". They believe they have the right to "play God"! Gates, behaving like a spoiled tyrant, has proclaimed that “life cannot return to normal until everyone on the planet has been largely vaccinated.” Who appointed him to decide the fate of humanity? Think carefully about that. The answer is spiritual and indicative of who he is working for and who he has sold his soul to. He and others like him are “anti-human”.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is now the biggest contributor to the World Health Organization bestowing more money yearly than any nation, even the United States! Thankfully, President Trump recently stopped U.S. funding to the WHO because he does not like the way it is being run. The President of the WHO is a criminal and simply does what he is told (by Gates and his co-conspirators). The Gates Foundation has also invested heavily in pharmaceutical stocks as he intends to rake in many more tens of billions of dollars from the misery he his chemical war machine will inflict on humanity. If the mission of the WHO is to promote human health perhaps it may view its affiliation with a billionaire eugenicist as a major conflict of interest, but it does not. Most people assume that foundations are used for benign purposes. That simply is not the case. Today’s foundations are a primarily tools to protect and expand the wealth of the super-rich. They use their foundations as personal tax loopholes, and yet still maintain control of the money. Foundations are directed by their owner’s agents to invest in “charitable causes” (broadly defined) that will contribute in one way or another to businesses owned and controlled by the foundation owner.
The sly multi-billionaire Warren Buffett, who must harbor the same resentment toward the world’s “useless eaters” as Gates, has contributed several billion dollars to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The last thing these plutocrats are interested in is promotion of good health. Their agenda is to cull the human herd and to enslave the survivors of the cull to a miserable technocracy run by a heartless, soul-less, conscious-less artificial intelligence system programmed by communists. This is what WE as Christians MUST OPPOSE and this is the bottom line agenda that “elite” anti-humans discuss in yearly private meetings which take place in heavily guarded, far flung five star luxury outposts where press coverage is NOT allowed. “They” can prevent reporters from covering these meetings because among them are the oligarchs and chief executives who control mass media. When news does slip out it is usually because someone in attendance had a change of heart about murdering 9/10 of the world’s people. Even then, the truth is only exposed in dribs and drabs on the Internet. The masses still remain unaware of the living hell “the elite” have planned for them. These secretive summits occur at least yearly in the Bilderberger meetings at luxury hotels, the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Chatham House and Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) meetings, and various other venues for globalists at the top of the financial food chain.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is now the biggest contributor to the World Health Organization bestowing more money yearly than any nation, even the United States! Thankfully, President Trump recently stopped U.S. funding to the WHO because he does not like the way it is being run. The President of the WHO is a criminal and simply does what he is told (by Gates and his co-conspirators). The Gates Foundation has also invested heavily in pharmaceutical stocks as he intends to rake in many more tens of billions of dollars from the misery he his chemical war machine will inflict on humanity. If the mission of the WHO is to promote human health perhaps it may view its affiliation with a billionaire eugenicist as a major conflict of interest, but it does not. Most people assume that foundations are used for benign purposes. That simply is not the case. Today’s foundations are a primarily tools to protect and expand the wealth of the super-rich. They use their foundations as personal tax loopholes, and yet still maintain control of the money. Foundations are directed by their owner’s agents to invest in “charitable causes” (broadly defined) that will contribute in one way or another to businesses owned and controlled by the foundation owner.
The sly multi-billionaire Warren Buffett, who must harbor the same resentment toward the world’s “useless eaters” as Gates, has contributed several billion dollars to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The last thing these plutocrats are interested in is promotion of good health. Their agenda is to cull the human herd and to enslave the survivors of the cull to a miserable technocracy run by a heartless, soul-less, conscious-less artificial intelligence system programmed by communists. This is what WE as Christians MUST OPPOSE and this is the bottom line agenda that “elite” anti-humans discuss in yearly private meetings which take place in heavily guarded, far flung five star luxury outposts where press coverage is NOT allowed. “They” can prevent reporters from covering these meetings because among them are the oligarchs and chief executives who control mass media. When news does slip out it is usually because someone in attendance had a change of heart about murdering 9/10 of the world’s people. Even then, the truth is only exposed in dribs and drabs on the Internet. The masses still remain unaware of the living hell “the elite” have planned for them. These secretive summits occur at least yearly in the Bilderberger meetings at luxury hotels, the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Chatham House and Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) meetings, and various other venues for globalists at the top of the financial food chain.
The lockdown, the “social distancing” agenda, and orders to wear masks cause people to forfeit a piece of their humanity so as to feel “safe”. This inhuman agenda is designed to prevent normal social interaction and get people used to the dictates of a satanic oligarchy. It is abnormal, irritating, humiliating and depressing. People enjoy social interaction. They like to see other people’s faces so as to gauge their reactions. They like to gather together, shake hands, wink, smile, tell jokes, and discuss things. The wearing of masks in public is dehumanizing. It is psychologically damaging to schoolchildren who will be raised up in an environment where they must view each other at an uncomfortable distance through plastic shields and be isolated from each other on playgrounds marked off with grids. This is setting them up to be emotionally disconnected from others, narcissistic, and dependent upon computer technology for interaction. Online interactions would be constantly monitored and recorded by the deep state biblical "beast" system. Besides that, the "narrative" that we all need to be wearing masks to protect ourselves and others is completely FALSE. View the video to the right for evidence.
Interview of Dr. Philip Rancourt, Ph.D., a
research scientist who proves masks don't work. |
Bill Gates at a TED talk, revealing that vaccines would
"do a really good job" (at reducing world population). Regarding the face masks and "social distancing" mandates: The psychological void due to reduced face to face interaction will be filled with de-humanizing technology (computers, cell phones etc.) Public spaces as well are being marked off and outfitted with plastic corrals where people can be herded like cattle.
Cell phones and computers outfitted with microwave-emitting routers are dangerous and addictive. They break down the blood-brain barrier and will cause memory loss and ultimately brain cancer, dementia, Alzheimers and damage to the pineal gland.
Vigilantes who can't think logically and whose minds are saturated with the “programming” of mass media are chiding others in public who dare NOT to wear a mask. These vigilante idiots are unaware that wearing a mask is BAD for their health. Masks inhibit oxygen intake and prohibit the nose and mouth from naturally expelling toxins. Instead, the mask accumulates toxins which are recycled back into the respiratory system, increasing the likelihood of disease. When are we, collectively, going to wake up and realize that all of this CRAP is total insanity, and it is being foisted upon us by diabolical, criminal minded anti-human psychopaths who happened to control “the narrative” and are waging WAR against humanity.
Because it is generally unprofitable to corporations and does not support the hidden eugenicist agenda of “elites”, there is very little mainstream discussion of how good nutrition, vitamins, herbal supplements, home grown gardens, regular vigorous exercise, sweating out toxins during exercise or in saunas, and other non-invasive measures (ionic foot baths, for example) do a far BETTER job at preventing disease, and just as importantly have NO dangerous side effects like vaccines. Also not discussed in controlled mainstream propaganda is the fact that childhood diseases such as measles and mumps naturally cause the body to produce immunity against disease. Vaccines cannot guarantee immunity. This is why there are “booster shots”. Natural immunity from childhood diseases does not need a “booster”.
Psalm 139:14 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.
Every minute of every day a normal person’s body naturally fights off dozens, maybe even hundreds, of viruses. We are for the most part totally unaware of it. Sometimes if a virus begins to get the upper hand the body will react with a “cold” symptoms and a higher temperature (to kill the virus), a stopped up and/or runny nose, a cough, tiredness, aches and pains, etc. In worst cases, if body pH is too acidic and/or the immune system has been compromised by toxins, stress, poor diet or sleep deprivation a virus such as the flu will multiply rapidly and it will take more time for the body to mount a defense and eradicate it. This natural response to disease is DESIGNED (by our Creator) to protect us. For thousands of years human bodies have been fighting off disease naturally, without vaccines and yet we are led by big pharma propaganda to believe that we are likely to contract a host of diseases unless jacked up by a vaccine shot. We are even told that vaccines promote good health. How can injecting poisons into one’s body promote good health? Lately citizens in every nation on earth have been encouraged and even ordered by state and local autocrats to “stay at home”, “wear a mask” and practice “social distancing”. All of this is BAD advice. To follow this will WEAKEN people’s immune systems rather than helping to prevent the spread of disease. Some of these little dictators may not know any better but the instigators of the COVID 19 planned-demic damn well know it. Their interest is NOT in promoting good health. It is in enslaving, sickening and killing people. Immunity is like a muscle. If it is not exercised it will weaken.
A growing number of brave doctors who take the Hippocratic Oath seriously are beginning to question why our children, in particular, need to be injected with an ever increasing array of vaccines. A few concerned researchers are asking why vaccine manufacturers cannot be sued. They are asking why billions of dollars of compensation from the “Vaccine Injury Fund” have been quietly handed out to the parents of children who have been irreversibly damaged by vaccines if vaccines are “safe and effective”. Why has this compensation for vaccine injury not been reported on the news? Why do government authorities and the pharmaceutical industry spokespeople persistently deny any connection between vaccines and children with autism – a percentage of damaged children that grows in direct proportion to the number of vaccines mandated by law? Why have many people contracted the flu immediately after receiving the very vaccine that was supposed to prevent the flu? Why are elderly people dying soon after receiving a vaccine shot? Are these questions not worth asking, or should we simply shut up and believe the pharmaceutical company sales representatives, their slick magazines, their multi-million dollar television commercials and dishonest “authorities” from the CDC, the WHO and the government? Could it be that the “narrative” has been steered all along by a profit motive and even worse a global eugenics motive and that this is the reason for ever-increasing vaccinations of otherwise healthy people. Is this not an EVIL agenda that benefits the wealthy FEW at the expense of the MANY victims? We think that is exactly the problem. It is a narrow-minded LOVE of MONEY and POWER with no regard for what is moral and beneficial to humanity. It is, in fact, an anti-human agenda. Here is what the President of the National Vaccine Information Center had to say about it:
Because it is generally unprofitable to corporations and does not support the hidden eugenicist agenda of “elites”, there is very little mainstream discussion of how good nutrition, vitamins, herbal supplements, home grown gardens, regular vigorous exercise, sweating out toxins during exercise or in saunas, and other non-invasive measures (ionic foot baths, for example) do a far BETTER job at preventing disease, and just as importantly have NO dangerous side effects like vaccines. Also not discussed in controlled mainstream propaganda is the fact that childhood diseases such as measles and mumps naturally cause the body to produce immunity against disease. Vaccines cannot guarantee immunity. This is why there are “booster shots”. Natural immunity from childhood diseases does not need a “booster”.
Psalm 139:14 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.
Every minute of every day a normal person’s body naturally fights off dozens, maybe even hundreds, of viruses. We are for the most part totally unaware of it. Sometimes if a virus begins to get the upper hand the body will react with a “cold” symptoms and a higher temperature (to kill the virus), a stopped up and/or runny nose, a cough, tiredness, aches and pains, etc. In worst cases, if body pH is too acidic and/or the immune system has been compromised by toxins, stress, poor diet or sleep deprivation a virus such as the flu will multiply rapidly and it will take more time for the body to mount a defense and eradicate it. This natural response to disease is DESIGNED (by our Creator) to protect us. For thousands of years human bodies have been fighting off disease naturally, without vaccines and yet we are led by big pharma propaganda to believe that we are likely to contract a host of diseases unless jacked up by a vaccine shot. We are even told that vaccines promote good health. How can injecting poisons into one’s body promote good health? Lately citizens in every nation on earth have been encouraged and even ordered by state and local autocrats to “stay at home”, “wear a mask” and practice “social distancing”. All of this is BAD advice. To follow this will WEAKEN people’s immune systems rather than helping to prevent the spread of disease. Some of these little dictators may not know any better but the instigators of the COVID 19 planned-demic damn well know it. Their interest is NOT in promoting good health. It is in enslaving, sickening and killing people. Immunity is like a muscle. If it is not exercised it will weaken.
A growing number of brave doctors who take the Hippocratic Oath seriously are beginning to question why our children, in particular, need to be injected with an ever increasing array of vaccines. A few concerned researchers are asking why vaccine manufacturers cannot be sued. They are asking why billions of dollars of compensation from the “Vaccine Injury Fund” have been quietly handed out to the parents of children who have been irreversibly damaged by vaccines if vaccines are “safe and effective”. Why has this compensation for vaccine injury not been reported on the news? Why do government authorities and the pharmaceutical industry spokespeople persistently deny any connection between vaccines and children with autism – a percentage of damaged children that grows in direct proportion to the number of vaccines mandated by law? Why have many people contracted the flu immediately after receiving the very vaccine that was supposed to prevent the flu? Why are elderly people dying soon after receiving a vaccine shot? Are these questions not worth asking, or should we simply shut up and believe the pharmaceutical company sales representatives, their slick magazines, their multi-million dollar television commercials and dishonest “authorities” from the CDC, the WHO and the government? Could it be that the “narrative” has been steered all along by a profit motive and even worse a global eugenics motive and that this is the reason for ever-increasing vaccinations of otherwise healthy people. Is this not an EVIL agenda that benefits the wealthy FEW at the expense of the MANY victims? We think that is exactly the problem. It is a narrow-minded LOVE of MONEY and POWER with no regard for what is moral and beneficial to humanity. It is, in fact, an anti-human agenda. Here is what the President of the National Vaccine Information Center had to say about it:
Dr. Joseph Mercola interviews Barbara L. Fisher.
They agree that this Covid 19 vaccine could be the worst public health crisis in human history. |
What we have now is 69 doses of 16 vaccines that the Federal Government is saying all the children should have from day of birth to age 18. Back when my children were receiving vaccines in the late 70s to 80s it was 23 doses of 7 vaccines, so we’ve had a tripling of the numbers of doses of vaccines that children are now getting and in that time period as this dramatic escalation of the child vaccination schedule has occurred what have we seen? Have we seen children be healthier? Just the opposite! We have an epidemic of chronic disease and disability. One child in six in America is now learning disabled. One in nine with asthma, one in fifty with autism, one in 400 developing diabetes, millions more with inflammatory bowel disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, epilepsy – epilepsy is on the rise. 30% of young adults have been diagnosed as having a mental illness, anxiety disorder, bipolar, schizophrenic. This is the worst public health report card in the history of this country, and it has coincided perfectly with the tripling of the number of vaccines. Barbara Loe Fisher, Author and President of the National Vaccine Information Center
The pharmaceutical/vaccine industry does not exist to protect your health. It exists to make money. The business of allopathic medicine, which employs the use of drugs, vaccines and radical surgery is far more profitable than natural, herbal, non-invasive, homeopathic remedies and preventive measures such as vitamin supplements, a diet of natural foods and exercise. The allopathic medical system of the U.S. was foisted on America by billionaire monopolist John D. Rockefeller and the American Medical Association, which he funded. Rockefeller and his descendants are heavily invested in the pharmaceutical industry and have used the A.M.A. to belittle and marginalize homeopathic medicine. The Sephardic “Jewish” Rockefeller, a monopolist bully and unrepentant destroyer of thousands of small businesses in America, was once quoted as saying “competition is a sin”. The A.M.A. would label as a “quack” any doctor not following Rockefeller’s prescribed methods of treatment. Further, Rockefeller and his descendants gave strings attached grants to medical schools, being sure to steer the training toward their business goals, which was to sell as much product as possible at the highest possible price. What this agenda has accomplished is to turn doctors into drug and vaccine pushers for big pharma and hospitals into money making factories, charging crushing fees that can scarcely be afforded by anyone without medical insurance. You can be sure that the Rockefellers also have their hand in the insurance business and the hospital business as do millions of others in the “investment class” – the .1%ers who are simply looking for a return on their money, who look the other way at the deleterious effects of their investments. Anyone who has a conscience should NOT invest in agendas that harm humanity. Sadly, many wealthy people accumulate and supplement their fortunes by “putting their conscience in the freezer” as former money launderer for the “elite” Ronald Bernard would say. His revealing videos are posted elsewhere on this site.
The Grim Reaper of Profit,
psychopath John D. Rockefeller, Sr. "Father" of the modern allopathic, profit-driven medical complex which emphasizes drugs, vaccines and radical surgery as opposed to homeopathic, natural remedies. |
True to Rockefeller’s philosophy, the primary agenda of today’s vaccine lords is to roll out and sell as much “product” as possible and to squash all alternatives, even those proven to be safe and effective in treating disease, with minimal side effects, over centuries of use. The Food and Drug Administration has actually used military forces to shut down businesses producing alternative herbal products. Factories and stores have been raided, assets seized and owners arrested for the “crime” of offering alternatives to the allopathic medical monopoly. Lobbies for big pharma work to pass laws to squash homeopathic remedies while at the same time lobbying to have THEIR vaccines mandated by law. Foisting a mass vaccination scheme on a state or a nation assures that YOU, the taxpayer, will PAY for your own slow death so money grubbers devoid of conscious can get huge returns on their investment. This is a study in “disaster capitalism”, a heinous system not based upon natural need, but upon FORCED needs written into law coerced by lobbying, bribery and the infiltration of “agents” for the corporate oligarchy embedded in the political system. Investors in the “solution” to a CREATED “problem” (such as a vaccine for Covid 19) will stand to profit magnificently from something that the people would not ever need and certainly would not want if they could comprehend the full truth about it, and how the public has been massively scammed. All too few are capable of comprehending it because they have been programmed by media and state mandated “education” which has been carefully crafted to support the goals of the .1% investment class.
“Problem, reaction, solution” schemes similar to Covid 19 have been used over the centuries, particularly in bogus wars designed to benefit the central bankers and the military-industrial complex, and pre-designed “revolutions” made to appear as spontaneous righteous uprisings of the people. The French Revolution, in which millions of white Franks died, was instigated by Zionist “Jews” who had infiltrated the Masonic lodges. The revolution was run by the mastermind Adam Weishaupt, a “Jew” trained to be a rabbi, who was a Rothschild agent. The result was that France was in ruins and the Rothschilds were able to buy up entire swaths of the nation and essentially take control of it through their central banking mechanism. The Rothschilds (formerly Bauer) are Ashkenazi “Jews”. So is George Soros (real name Gyorgy Schwartz) who is a Hungarian “Jew” and funds communist agitation through Antifa and other Marxist-communist groups. The recent riots throughout America in the wake of the death of one formerly unknown black man are instigated and funded by “Jew” oligarchs like Soros. These events also demonstrate the power of mass media (largely owned and controlled by Ashkenazi “Jews”) to stir up agitation of the masses with a “narrative” that causes under-educated people to abandon all logical thinking and to applaud riotous heathens who smash store windows, steal merchandise and set fires as if they are justified in doing so because of some media fueled, trumped up “trigger event”.
“Problem, reaction, solution” schemes similar to Covid 19 have been used over the centuries, particularly in bogus wars designed to benefit the central bankers and the military-industrial complex, and pre-designed “revolutions” made to appear as spontaneous righteous uprisings of the people. The French Revolution, in which millions of white Franks died, was instigated by Zionist “Jews” who had infiltrated the Masonic lodges. The revolution was run by the mastermind Adam Weishaupt, a “Jew” trained to be a rabbi, who was a Rothschild agent. The result was that France was in ruins and the Rothschilds were able to buy up entire swaths of the nation and essentially take control of it through their central banking mechanism. The Rothschilds (formerly Bauer) are Ashkenazi “Jews”. So is George Soros (real name Gyorgy Schwartz) who is a Hungarian “Jew” and funds communist agitation through Antifa and other Marxist-communist groups. The recent riots throughout America in the wake of the death of one formerly unknown black man are instigated and funded by “Jew” oligarchs like Soros. These events also demonstrate the power of mass media (largely owned and controlled by Ashkenazi “Jews”) to stir up agitation of the masses with a “narrative” that causes under-educated people to abandon all logical thinking and to applaud riotous heathens who smash store windows, steal merchandise and set fires as if they are justified in doing so because of some media fueled, trumped up “trigger event”.
It should be obvious to any thinking person that the death of one random black man does not justify rampant vandalism and looting, particularly of small neighborhood businesses. It does not justify the outlandish mayhem to the point of vagrants commandeering several blocks of a major city (as in Seattle with “Chaz”) under the incredible delusion that it can somehow be a self-sufficient “autonomous zone”. This kind of madness is stoked by incessant media “coverage” with “commentary” by socialist-communist so-called “experts” who are paid to “interpret” the event for the sake of the TV addicted masses who are swayed into precisely the reaction desired by communists. The formula of “problem, reaction, solution” works like a charm, every time because of enforced ignorance and little to no training in our socialist programming centers (schools) on how to THINK for oneself and even less on lessons learned by studying history, particularly the history of communist infiltration and takeover. Meanwhile, big pharma is planning to shoot you up with a poison in order to sicken, control and ultimately kill you -- because satanic “elites” have deemed that there are too many people on the planet. That, our friends, is the REAL NEWS, which will be IGNORED by big media, which is the propaganda arm of the corporate-fascist (increasingly communist) state.
Rather than take the vaccine it would be better to move to a county with a constitutionally-minded Sheriff, and/or take completely to heart what great American patriot Patrick Henry said: “Give me liberty or give me death”. How much abuse from a corporate-fascist system run by psychopaths does it take before a revolution is in order? The kind of creepy techno-tyranny that has been in planning for many years by “elites” would be a fate worse than death for anyone who truly loves and cherishes freedom. Millions of citizens in China are already enduring such a fate in their dystopian cities, where there are almost as many cameras as people and all of them are tied into a centralized database outfitted with state of the art artificial intelligence. Every move by each citizen slave is analyzed and sifted to reveal the faintest hint of rebellion against a stifling array of rules. All money is digitized and people are required to possess a cell phone or at least a debit card in order to buy anything. Cash is GONE. Infractions of any of a host of nagging, stomach grinding laws will result in a fine and debit, in real time, from the citizen’s bank account. A citizen-slave who jaywalks, for instance, will be fined almost immediately, since the act will be picked up on a camera and the citizen will be identified by biometric data which is fed to the A.I. driven supercomputer which then determines the violation and levies the fine. If ever there was a “Matrix” this is it. Those citizens who can perceive their dilemma say that it is worse than being in PRISON. This is the system that the .01% global elite would like to impose on America. “They” would not subject themselves to the same rules, because they are above the laws they impose on everyone else. They are despicable traitors who are literally financing hell on earth. The Covid 19 bogus "pandemic" is their latest move on the global chessboard to force tyranny upon the entire world.
As far as billionaire globalists and their agents in government are concerned, the people are enemy number one. These eugenicist warmongers have already proven that they will do anything to hang on to their wealth, status and power. Their crimes against humanity are far worse than any publicized serial killer, and righteous retribution is in order. The Bundys, Gacys, DeAngelos, and other serial killers' crimes pale in comparison. They may have killed tens or dozens of people, but psychopaths in the .1% investment class kill MILLIONS with their schemes. They are never found guilty and punished for this, because they have hijacked the system and use it to commit their crimes by proxy. What scares them the most is that the people are far more numerous, and for what it’s worth we still have guns, but guns without knowledge of WHO the enemy is are useless. Knowledge of the TRUTH is what is needed for this war, because it is a war on the mind and very consciousness of humanity.
Rather than take the vaccine it would be better to move to a county with a constitutionally-minded Sheriff, and/or take completely to heart what great American patriot Patrick Henry said: “Give me liberty or give me death”. How much abuse from a corporate-fascist system run by psychopaths does it take before a revolution is in order? The kind of creepy techno-tyranny that has been in planning for many years by “elites” would be a fate worse than death for anyone who truly loves and cherishes freedom. Millions of citizens in China are already enduring such a fate in their dystopian cities, where there are almost as many cameras as people and all of them are tied into a centralized database outfitted with state of the art artificial intelligence. Every move by each citizen slave is analyzed and sifted to reveal the faintest hint of rebellion against a stifling array of rules. All money is digitized and people are required to possess a cell phone or at least a debit card in order to buy anything. Cash is GONE. Infractions of any of a host of nagging, stomach grinding laws will result in a fine and debit, in real time, from the citizen’s bank account. A citizen-slave who jaywalks, for instance, will be fined almost immediately, since the act will be picked up on a camera and the citizen will be identified by biometric data which is fed to the A.I. driven supercomputer which then determines the violation and levies the fine. If ever there was a “Matrix” this is it. Those citizens who can perceive their dilemma say that it is worse than being in PRISON. This is the system that the .01% global elite would like to impose on America. “They” would not subject themselves to the same rules, because they are above the laws they impose on everyone else. They are despicable traitors who are literally financing hell on earth. The Covid 19 bogus "pandemic" is their latest move on the global chessboard to force tyranny upon the entire world.
As far as billionaire globalists and their agents in government are concerned, the people are enemy number one. These eugenicist warmongers have already proven that they will do anything to hang on to their wealth, status and power. Their crimes against humanity are far worse than any publicized serial killer, and righteous retribution is in order. The Bundys, Gacys, DeAngelos, and other serial killers' crimes pale in comparison. They may have killed tens or dozens of people, but psychopaths in the .1% investment class kill MILLIONS with their schemes. They are never found guilty and punished for this, because they have hijacked the system and use it to commit their crimes by proxy. What scares them the most is that the people are far more numerous, and for what it’s worth we still have guns, but guns without knowledge of WHO the enemy is are useless. Knowledge of the TRUTH is what is needed for this war, because it is a war on the mind and very consciousness of humanity.
Oprah Winfrey reveals what she really thinks about old white people. Could this be just a little bit "racist". Nope. Not according to "the narrative", which seeks always to extol blacks and bash whites. This is evidence of the psyop employed by "elites" to pit one race against another, and to draw attention off of themselves (and one race in particular which predominates among "elites") as the true culprits behind all of the problems we face.
According to author and researcher James Corbett, in Corbett Report #1554, June 10, 2020 (available at in 2009 Bill Gates, David Rockefeller and Warren Buffett sent out invitations for a group of billionaires to meet with them at the Rockefeller University campus. This meeting included eugenicists like Ted Turner, Oprah Winfrey and others who have been on record stating that the human population needs to be reduced, “to save the planet”, of course. Oprah is on record saying that “old white people just need to die” (see the video to the left). Turner, who hails from Atlanta, Georgia, is on record saying that the world’s population needs to be reduced to around 500 million. The world population is now around 8 billion. “Terrible Ted’s” sentiment is echoed on the Georgia Guidestones, a monument erected in secret by globalists. We can only guess, but since Turner is from Georgia perhaps he had something to do with this. The globalist eugenics agenda, already well underway, would bring about a 95% reduction in human population, worldwide. How do “they” plan to do this? Could it be that "they" are already doing it? To put it bluntly, Gates, the Rockefellers, Buffett, Turner, and a host of others in the .01% oligarchy of mass serial killers are hell bent on murdering 7-1/2 billion people as soon as possible to make the world safe for their class/kind and to enslave everyone else in a hellish techno-tyranny, such as what has already been implemented in dystopian Chinese cities.
This 2009 gathering of billionaires was supposed to be a secret meeting, but just like the monumental secret meeting of multi-millionaires at Jekyll Island, Georgia in 1910 in which a diabolical plan to restructure and privatize the entire money system of the U.S. was hatched (so that “Jewish” central bankers and their allied private banks could create money out of NOTHING and charge interest on it) the 2009 meeting and its agenda was discovered after the fact. The Rockefeller, Gates, Buffet meeting was devoted to robust discussion of ideas on how “they” may use their vast wealth and resources to bring about a planetary eugenics program and at the same time increase their own investment portfolios and control over the human herd. That they wish to rule the planet as gods would not be an understatement. No depth of hell is too low for these anti-human creatures and we believe that hell is exactly where Yahweh, God will dispatch their dark souls upon their physical termination. What is amazing is that many people consider these men (and a few women) to be role models of “success”, even “saviours” with noble intentions to “save” humanity from the threat of sure death by a virus which, quite by mistake (of course) got out of a lab in Wuhan, China. If this were fiction it would make a great movie. Unfortunately it is not fiction. The fact that people are walking around in masks, scared to get to close to anyone, and worried sick about getting infected with this over-rated virus is a testament to the power of mass media over the collective consciousness. An evil SPELL of disinformation has been cast over millions of people. If television were eliminated, the spell could perhaps be broken. Evil such as this can only be advanced by mass deception and mass media is the perfect tool for deception. The Coronavirus “narrative” is one of the biggest swindles in human history!

rockefeller_foundation_-_scenarios_for_the_future_of_technology_and_international_development.pdf |
Not surprisingly, since now deceased eugenicist Sephardic “Jewish” “philanthropist” David Rockefeller was in attendance at the aforementioned meeting, the very next year, in 2010, the Rockefeller Foundation came out with a report entitled “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development”. This report, dedicated by Judith Rodin, President of the Rockefeller Foundation, and Peter Schwartz, Cofounder and Chairman of the Global Business Network, (both “Jews”) is a bold blueprint for the future, in the form possible scenarios of how future events on planet earth MAY unfold, and what the Rockefeller Foundation must do to nurse them forward – since it is impossible for these devilish busybodies with too much money and too much time on their hands to refrain from meddling in human affairs. Commandments such as this will NOT be heeded by their KIND:
I Peter 4:15 But let none of you suffer as a murderer, or as a thief, or as an evildoer, or as a busybody in other men’s matters.
In the Rockefeller Foundation report is an especially revealing section entitled “Lockstep”, with a sub-caption that reads “A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback”. Afterwards are several pages that aside from a slightly off kilter timeline, read like the very SCRIPT for events happening right now (in 2020-21). Written from a future perspective, as a historical report it says “The pandemic blanketed the planet”, and “The pandemic also had a deadly effect on economies: International mobility of both people and goods screeched to a halt, debilitating industries like tourism and breaking global supply chains. Even locally, normally bustling shops and office buildings sat empty for months, devoid of both employees and customers.” All of that is happening right NOW. The so-called “pandemic” has devastated small business and local economies. However, big business, declared as “essential” has mostly remained intact. The so-called “essential” businesses are primarily those run by huge corporations. In other words, fast food restaurants like McDonalds are “essential”. The businesses deemed by governors and local authorities as “non-essential” are primarily “mom and pop” operations, many of which will suffer immensely and go bankrupt because of the Covid 19 planned-demic. The legacy of John D. Rockefeller, the destroyer of tens of thousands of small businesses in the late 1800s continues today under the tyranny of his descendants and like minded plutocrats. Their corporate monopolies will grab up an even larger market share of America, thus pushing the nation into more top-down control, corporate consolidation, private-public partnerships (i.e. FASCISM) less self-sufficiency and more dependence upon the corporate monopolists for everyday needs.
The Rockefeller report even PRAISES communist China’s response to the “pandemic”, saying “China’s government was the only one that took extreme measures to protect its citizens from risk and exposure.” These measures implemented by the Chinese government included screwing doors shut to imprison people in their apartments, and spraying streets with toxic chemicals, ostensibly to kill the virus. China’s response, though admired by conscious-less globalists like the Rockefellers was devastating to the Chinese citizens who had to suffer under it.
Everything in the “Lockstep” scenario revealed in the 2010 Rockefeller Foundation report has come to pass. Could they possibly be THAT “prophetic”? NO, but they are that powerful. The reason the events described in the Rockefeller report are happening is because the Rockefeller dynasty and their rich, well connected co-conspirators MADE them happen. The future never unfolds randomly. It is designed by those who have the ability to move pieces on the global chessboard. It would be naïve to think that the Rockefellers and their billionaire class, literally in command of trillions of dollars of investment capital, do not have the resources to bring about the hellish dystopian “future” that they so desire for all of humanity. They unfortunately have more power than governments because they control politicians with “donations” (bribery), lobby groups and Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) that influence policy and force laws to be passed that support their anti-Christian, anti-republic, pro-communist, pro-satanic, eugenic and trans-humanist agendas. If any of the above methods of coercion fail they resort to mass media character assassinations and outright murder. This “secret government” by agents for the banking-military-industrial-financial oligarchy is nothing new. This is what a former president (and pawn for international “Jewish” bankers) had to say about it -- and this was over a century ago! You can be sure that the problem is much worse now than it was in Wilson's day:
Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the U.S., in the field of commerce and manufacturing, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it. Woodrow Wilson, 1856-1924, 28th U.S. President, from his book The New Freedom, 1913
The Rockefeller-Gates et al eugenics program began as a pseudo-science in the late 19th century, and was propounded by Teddy Roosevelt and various other notables of wealth and influence. It proposes that the rich and powerful had risen to their position in life because their genes made them “better human beings” and they deserved to propagate so as to have “good children with good genes” and that the poor were poor because they had “bad genes” which need to be eliminated in order to improve the human gene pool. Logically, this argument holds no water as a little digging will prove that the rich do not often achieve their wealth by creativity, honest inventiveness and hard work. Usually their wealth is inherited and their success assured by family ties and/or their psychopathy renders them capable of doing “anything it takes” to amass and hold a fortune. They also have family “connections” (such as Gates, whose mother was on the board of directors of IBM) that give them a huge head start toward wealth accumulation. As the saying goes, “Nothing succeeds like success.” There have on the other hand been many people born poor and disadvantaged who have achieved success and done much good for the world, but their thinking does not fit neatly into the globalist-satanic order, thus they are marginalized or marked for extinction. The New World Order does not want independent thinkers. It wants flesh and blood robots who will follow orders and serve the “elite” in perpetuity. In fact, if "they" could do away with humans altogether and train A.I. to take our place "they" would do so. The psychopathy of the satanic "elite" knows no bounds.
I Peter 4:15 But let none of you suffer as a murderer, or as a thief, or as an evildoer, or as a busybody in other men’s matters.
In the Rockefeller Foundation report is an especially revealing section entitled “Lockstep”, with a sub-caption that reads “A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback”. Afterwards are several pages that aside from a slightly off kilter timeline, read like the very SCRIPT for events happening right now (in 2020-21). Written from a future perspective, as a historical report it says “The pandemic blanketed the planet”, and “The pandemic also had a deadly effect on economies: International mobility of both people and goods screeched to a halt, debilitating industries like tourism and breaking global supply chains. Even locally, normally bustling shops and office buildings sat empty for months, devoid of both employees and customers.” All of that is happening right NOW. The so-called “pandemic” has devastated small business and local economies. However, big business, declared as “essential” has mostly remained intact. The so-called “essential” businesses are primarily those run by huge corporations. In other words, fast food restaurants like McDonalds are “essential”. The businesses deemed by governors and local authorities as “non-essential” are primarily “mom and pop” operations, many of which will suffer immensely and go bankrupt because of the Covid 19 planned-demic. The legacy of John D. Rockefeller, the destroyer of tens of thousands of small businesses in the late 1800s continues today under the tyranny of his descendants and like minded plutocrats. Their corporate monopolies will grab up an even larger market share of America, thus pushing the nation into more top-down control, corporate consolidation, private-public partnerships (i.e. FASCISM) less self-sufficiency and more dependence upon the corporate monopolists for everyday needs.
The Rockefeller report even PRAISES communist China’s response to the “pandemic”, saying “China’s government was the only one that took extreme measures to protect its citizens from risk and exposure.” These measures implemented by the Chinese government included screwing doors shut to imprison people in their apartments, and spraying streets with toxic chemicals, ostensibly to kill the virus. China’s response, though admired by conscious-less globalists like the Rockefellers was devastating to the Chinese citizens who had to suffer under it.
Everything in the “Lockstep” scenario revealed in the 2010 Rockefeller Foundation report has come to pass. Could they possibly be THAT “prophetic”? NO, but they are that powerful. The reason the events described in the Rockefeller report are happening is because the Rockefeller dynasty and their rich, well connected co-conspirators MADE them happen. The future never unfolds randomly. It is designed by those who have the ability to move pieces on the global chessboard. It would be naïve to think that the Rockefellers and their billionaire class, literally in command of trillions of dollars of investment capital, do not have the resources to bring about the hellish dystopian “future” that they so desire for all of humanity. They unfortunately have more power than governments because they control politicians with “donations” (bribery), lobby groups and Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) that influence policy and force laws to be passed that support their anti-Christian, anti-republic, pro-communist, pro-satanic, eugenic and trans-humanist agendas. If any of the above methods of coercion fail they resort to mass media character assassinations and outright murder. This “secret government” by agents for the banking-military-industrial-financial oligarchy is nothing new. This is what a former president (and pawn for international “Jewish” bankers) had to say about it -- and this was over a century ago! You can be sure that the problem is much worse now than it was in Wilson's day:
Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the U.S., in the field of commerce and manufacturing, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it. Woodrow Wilson, 1856-1924, 28th U.S. President, from his book The New Freedom, 1913
The Rockefeller-Gates et al eugenics program began as a pseudo-science in the late 19th century, and was propounded by Teddy Roosevelt and various other notables of wealth and influence. It proposes that the rich and powerful had risen to their position in life because their genes made them “better human beings” and they deserved to propagate so as to have “good children with good genes” and that the poor were poor because they had “bad genes” which need to be eliminated in order to improve the human gene pool. Logically, this argument holds no water as a little digging will prove that the rich do not often achieve their wealth by creativity, honest inventiveness and hard work. Usually their wealth is inherited and their success assured by family ties and/or their psychopathy renders them capable of doing “anything it takes” to amass and hold a fortune. They also have family “connections” (such as Gates, whose mother was on the board of directors of IBM) that give them a huge head start toward wealth accumulation. As the saying goes, “Nothing succeeds like success.” There have on the other hand been many people born poor and disadvantaged who have achieved success and done much good for the world, but their thinking does not fit neatly into the globalist-satanic order, thus they are marginalized or marked for extinction. The New World Order does not want independent thinkers. It wants flesh and blood robots who will follow orders and serve the “elite” in perpetuity. In fact, if "they" could do away with humans altogether and train A.I. to take our place "they" would do so. The psychopathy of the satanic "elite" knows no bounds.
The Rockefeller Foundation Agenda Exposed
Central bankers, warmongers and ruthless corporate monopolists are not always more intelligent than the masses they rule over with their "beast" system. They are however more diabolical, and motivated by greed, narcissism and insane lust for power over others. Further, the “intelligence” of many of the most influential of “elites” can only be used for evil because that is the way their brains are wired by nature. Many of them are of the Canaanite-Edomite serpent seed-line (explored in great detail in other essays on this site). They are thus “anti-human”. As a result, their “business” does not ever make the a world better place -- it only makes the world more of a hell for the many, while securing a dubious “utopia” for their parasitic collective lording over the wicked system.
The murderous ideas of the “elite” led to forced sterilization laws that were popular in the U.S. in the 1920s and 1930s. The idea lost its popularity when the Nazis shed a bad light on the idea of eugenics. However, the idea never went away and is “all the rage” today among “elites”. Never revealed on American mass media (which is controlled by Zionist “Jews”) is that the Rockefellers quietly carried out eugenics programs in third world countries, such as in India where men were paid a pittance to be sterilized. Wealthy eugenicists like Bill Gates Sr. ran abortion and birth control agencies like Planned Parenthood. He was president of the agency. It is clear that the Bill Gates Jr. apple fell directly under the tree as he inherited his father’s obsession in eliminating the “unfit”, in order to “improve the human gene pool”. According to Dr. Judy Mikovits, in her excellent video interview, (provided above) doctors of death like Anthony Fauci and Richard Gallo murdered an entire generation of black Africans by making them wait for an AIDS vaccine that never materialized, while at the same time withholding life-saving drugs. It is no accident that the sly devil Fauci has been dubbed “the voice of reason” by controlled corporate media to spearhead the U.S. national response to a grossly exaggerated “pandemic”, while millions of fearful citizens bombarded by TV programming anxiously await THE vaccine they believe will save them from sure death. This facet of the “narrative”, relentlessly and incessantly pushed on mainstream media is collapsing, but it needs to be demolished – World Trade Center style. As of later 2020 mainstream media reports that 40% of Americans would NOT want to take the Covid 19 Vaccine (there are probably many more than 40% who are against it). These are the smart ones. We can be sure that big pharma will lobby incessantly to make it mandatory, so as to maximize profit for themselves. There is talk of the government allocating $100 billion dollars to form a task force in order to go DOOR to DOOR, testing Americans for Covid 19 and quarantine, by force if necessary, those who test positive. This is a power grab by tyrants who are obsessed with forcing America into communism. The “pandemic” is FAKE, the statistics given on television are grossly exaggerated, and the figureheads are all lying.
The story of the 2009 secret meeting of billionaires at Rockefeller University of course didn’t get covered by mainstream media, thus echoing the total news blackout of the 1910 secret meeting at Jekyll Island attended by “elite” Wall Street bankers and complicit politicians. The reason news that is REALLY fit to print such as these two events is ignored is because evil agendas work best in secret, in the dark, behind closed doors. Mass media furthers globalist agendas by keeping the masses agitated, distracted and/or “entertained” with a never ending parade of mindless drivel and red herring events. Media distraction and noise keeps people’s minds occupied so they will not investigate things that are extremely important to their health and welfare. If you simply “follow the money” it is obvious that most advertising revenue for TV networks, as well as radio conglomerates, magazines and other MSM comes from the telecommunications and pharmaceutical companies and a host of fortune 500 corporations that are controlled by a handful of .01%ers. Consolidation of wealth and power in the hands of the FEW is the hallmark of this era in human history. They are destroying the planet with their poisons and planning to kill millions so as to achieve their goal of utopia for themselves, and slavery for a human population reduced to a half-billion, constantly surveilled and tracked, bathed in lethal microwaves, poisoned by vaccines and kept imprisoned mega-cities from which there is no escape. They are turning planet earth into a PRISON and this amounts to biblical tribulation See Matthew 24:21-22, quoted below.
Clearly, the solution to the problems highlighted in this essay won’t be solved by political action. They are however going to be solved by the Christian remnant’s strict adherence to God’s commandments and divine intervention, which is 100% sure to happen in due time – but only after tribulation takes place. The political parties are hopelessly mired in corruption. One party may be slightly less evil than the other, but regardless of who is elected president the same problem will persist within the body of government. The body politic is infested with a parasite that works in “lockstep” against the U.S. Constitution and our personal freedom. This list should open the reader's eyes as to what parasite we are referring to:
The story of the 2009 secret meeting of billionaires at Rockefeller University of course didn’t get covered by mainstream media, thus echoing the total news blackout of the 1910 secret meeting at Jekyll Island attended by “elite” Wall Street bankers and complicit politicians. The reason news that is REALLY fit to print such as these two events is ignored is because evil agendas work best in secret, in the dark, behind closed doors. Mass media furthers globalist agendas by keeping the masses agitated, distracted and/or “entertained” with a never ending parade of mindless drivel and red herring events. Media distraction and noise keeps people’s minds occupied so they will not investigate things that are extremely important to their health and welfare. If you simply “follow the money” it is obvious that most advertising revenue for TV networks, as well as radio conglomerates, magazines and other MSM comes from the telecommunications and pharmaceutical companies and a host of fortune 500 corporations that are controlled by a handful of .01%ers. Consolidation of wealth and power in the hands of the FEW is the hallmark of this era in human history. They are destroying the planet with their poisons and planning to kill millions so as to achieve their goal of utopia for themselves, and slavery for a human population reduced to a half-billion, constantly surveilled and tracked, bathed in lethal microwaves, poisoned by vaccines and kept imprisoned mega-cities from which there is no escape. They are turning planet earth into a PRISON and this amounts to biblical tribulation See Matthew 24:21-22, quoted below.
Clearly, the solution to the problems highlighted in this essay won’t be solved by political action. They are however going to be solved by the Christian remnant’s strict adherence to God’s commandments and divine intervention, which is 100% sure to happen in due time – but only after tribulation takes place. The political parties are hopelessly mired in corruption. One party may be slightly less evil than the other, but regardless of who is elected president the same problem will persist within the body of government. The body politic is infested with a parasite that works in “lockstep” against the U.S. Constitution and our personal freedom. This list should open the reader's eyes as to what parasite we are referring to:

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Already, the global population is being culled with tainted foods, fluoridated water, millions of tons of aluminum and other metals routinely sprayed into the sky, glyphosate (used in herbicides), poisonous vaccines especially for children, microwave emitting devices, wars in various places, abortions, disease (much of it created in labs) and a host of other methods hidden in plain sight. This is the UGLY face of the New World Order, which really isn’t new at all. It is simply a tighter, high-tech version of the same old system of control implemented by control freaks and/or psychopaths, a high percentage of them of the bloodline on the list provided above. The good news is that this seed line SHALL, according to prophecy, be eliminated by Yahweh at the end of this earth age, and this surely is a nagging splinter in the mind of those who know it, which is why they are ramping up their schemes in the vain hope that Yahweh, our God could be proven wrong on but one point of prophecy. In other words, their “father the devil”, Satan (who is a created being) thinks he can win against his Creator. This is cosmic insanity. Anyone who sides with Satan is insane. They are in “strong delusion” put upon them by God for refusing to believe the truth. For this delusion they will be damned to hell.
Zechariah 14:20 In that day (when Yahweh God demolishes this wicked system of things and brings in His righteous kingdom) shall there be upon the bells of the horses, HOLINESS UNTO THE LORD; and the pots in the LORD’S house shall be like the bowls before the altar. 14:21 Yea, every pot in Jerusalem and in Judah shall be holiness unto the LORD of hosts: and all they that sacrifice shall come and take of them, and seethe therein: and in that day there shall be no more the Canaanite in the house of the LORD of hosts. (the cursed bloodline will be eliminated, by Yahweh, God)
Zechariah 14:20 In that day (when Yahweh God demolishes this wicked system of things and brings in His righteous kingdom) shall there be upon the bells of the horses, HOLINESS UNTO THE LORD; and the pots in the LORD’S house shall be like the bowls before the altar. 14:21 Yea, every pot in Jerusalem and in Judah shall be holiness unto the LORD of hosts: and all they that sacrifice shall come and take of them, and seethe therein: and in that day there shall be no more the Canaanite in the house of the LORD of hosts. (the cursed bloodline will be eliminated, by Yahweh, God)
One of the chief targets of the war on humanity is the pineal gland which is our connection to the spirit realm. Many people’s pineal glands are becoming calcified which diminishes their ability to feel empathy for others. In the worst case, this would cause psychopathy. Mass psychopathy would certainly tend to propel the world toward a paradigm of pure evil, which is exactly what the New World Order is all about. It IS the “beast” system. The Bible prophesies that this will happen. In the days of Noah, before the great flood we are told that “man’s every thought was evil continually” (Genesis 6:5). This dismal state of affairs on planet earth is due to occur again, just before God wipes the slate clean and begins the millennial reign of Jesus Christ. There is going to be a bumpy ride ahead, to put it mildly:
A German doctor talks about the pineal gland, microwave radiation, melatonin and other matters relevant to human health.
Matthew 24:36-39 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
“They were eating and drinking, marrying, etc.” may sound somewhat mundane but it would not be mentioned by Jesus if it were not significant in some way. The significance is that these are not traditional marriages. They are unions that are an abomination to God, taken to be “normal” in this era of universal apostasy, the great “falling away”. Read your Bible, particularly Romans Chapter 1 and Leviticus Chapter 18.
Futurist technocrats like the “Jews” Ray Kurzweil (former CEO of Google) and Elon Musk (through his companies Neuralink and Space X) are looking forward to interfaces to connect the human mind to computer driven artificial intelligence. Their plan is to replace human thinking with the groupthink of A.I. Why would they want to do THIS? Is it because they are trying to improve humanity? Absolutely not. It is because they are “anti-human”. They wish to ROB their victims of their humanness by blending flesh with hyper-efficient, conscious-less machines. The desire and technical specifications to accomplish this is most likely being fed into THEIR minds, and the minds of the technocrats under their command, by the demonic spirit realm, which they have willingly opened themselves up to. This is a two-edged sword. While it may lead to remarkable “success” and admiration in this world the price is HELL in a realm where time does not exist, whether or not they believe hell exists. It really doesn’t matter what they believe because they will damn well KNOW the truth of God’s word in due time. Once they realize who they have sold their souls to it would be better for them if they had not been born. The following prophecy is quite enlightening with regard to the trans-human agenda of technocrats with non-functioning pineal glands. We believe it could be referring to “flesh” (human character, body and mind) being blended and ultimately replaced with machines:
Matthew 24:21-22 For then (speaking of NOW) shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.
The promoters of human-machine interface technology are possessed with demon spirits driving them to first de-humanize and then DESTROY humanity. This is in perfect alignment with what “their father the devil”, Satan (John 8:43) wants to achieve. Prophecy tells us that in the last days the nations will go mad, (Jeremiah 51:7) and this is by no means an understatement. The nations are indeed being programmed to believe the most outrageous lie of all time, which is to believe that Satan is Yahweh. This constitutes the worst form of madness -- considering the penalty for doing so – eternity in hell. We can be sure that Satan intends to use every form of creepy technology that can be conjured out of corporate labs to achieve his goal of being worshipped as if he were God:
Revelation 13:4-8 And they worshipped the dragon (Satan) which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
When the artificial intelligence created in the secret labs of the “elite” becomes powerful enough to perform most of the labor formerly done by human beings, the satanic bastards plan to flip the “kill switch” and eliminate as many “useless eaters” as possible, so that they may achieve their ultimate utopian dream -- that of a planet inhabited by a half billion humans, confined to “mega-cities”, “trained” for work that cannot be done by robots, in support of their parasitic ruling class of multi-millionaires and billionaires and second-tier technocrats -- who have transitioned their money into whatever digitized unit of denomination is slated for the “great reset”. What is the “kill switch” you say? The microwave antennas that have popped up everywhere are a weapon system. All “they” have to do is turn up the power. Intense microwaves would work in conjunction with the aluminum in vaccines and nano-aluminum particles in the air we breathe. The “chem-trails” we’ve been seeing for years are largely composed of alumimum particles. All “they” have to do is turn up the power. These towers are already equipped with potential amperage that is far in excess of what is needed for telecommunications. There are other methods as well, such as FEMA camps, but we will leave that discussion for another time. Suffice to say that the New World Order agenda is Satanic. The principal players in this are worshipers of Satan, born wicked and to do his work before being dispatched to hell:
Psalm 58:2-4 Yea, in heart ye work wickedness; ye weigh the violence of your hands in the earth. The wicked are estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies. Their poison is like the poison of a serpent: they are like the deaf adder that stoppeth her ear;
“They were eating and drinking, marrying, etc.” may sound somewhat mundane but it would not be mentioned by Jesus if it were not significant in some way. The significance is that these are not traditional marriages. They are unions that are an abomination to God, taken to be “normal” in this era of universal apostasy, the great “falling away”. Read your Bible, particularly Romans Chapter 1 and Leviticus Chapter 18.
Futurist technocrats like the “Jews” Ray Kurzweil (former CEO of Google) and Elon Musk (through his companies Neuralink and Space X) are looking forward to interfaces to connect the human mind to computer driven artificial intelligence. Their plan is to replace human thinking with the groupthink of A.I. Why would they want to do THIS? Is it because they are trying to improve humanity? Absolutely not. It is because they are “anti-human”. They wish to ROB their victims of their humanness by blending flesh with hyper-efficient, conscious-less machines. The desire and technical specifications to accomplish this is most likely being fed into THEIR minds, and the minds of the technocrats under their command, by the demonic spirit realm, which they have willingly opened themselves up to. This is a two-edged sword. While it may lead to remarkable “success” and admiration in this world the price is HELL in a realm where time does not exist, whether or not they believe hell exists. It really doesn’t matter what they believe because they will damn well KNOW the truth of God’s word in due time. Once they realize who they have sold their souls to it would be better for them if they had not been born. The following prophecy is quite enlightening with regard to the trans-human agenda of technocrats with non-functioning pineal glands. We believe it could be referring to “flesh” (human character, body and mind) being blended and ultimately replaced with machines:
Matthew 24:21-22 For then (speaking of NOW) shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.
The promoters of human-machine interface technology are possessed with demon spirits driving them to first de-humanize and then DESTROY humanity. This is in perfect alignment with what “their father the devil”, Satan (John 8:43) wants to achieve. Prophecy tells us that in the last days the nations will go mad, (Jeremiah 51:7) and this is by no means an understatement. The nations are indeed being programmed to believe the most outrageous lie of all time, which is to believe that Satan is Yahweh. This constitutes the worst form of madness -- considering the penalty for doing so – eternity in hell. We can be sure that Satan intends to use every form of creepy technology that can be conjured out of corporate labs to achieve his goal of being worshipped as if he were God:
Revelation 13:4-8 And they worshipped the dragon (Satan) which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
When the artificial intelligence created in the secret labs of the “elite” becomes powerful enough to perform most of the labor formerly done by human beings, the satanic bastards plan to flip the “kill switch” and eliminate as many “useless eaters” as possible, so that they may achieve their ultimate utopian dream -- that of a planet inhabited by a half billion humans, confined to “mega-cities”, “trained” for work that cannot be done by robots, in support of their parasitic ruling class of multi-millionaires and billionaires and second-tier technocrats -- who have transitioned their money into whatever digitized unit of denomination is slated for the “great reset”. What is the “kill switch” you say? The microwave antennas that have popped up everywhere are a weapon system. All “they” have to do is turn up the power. Intense microwaves would work in conjunction with the aluminum in vaccines and nano-aluminum particles in the air we breathe. The “chem-trails” we’ve been seeing for years are largely composed of alumimum particles. All “they” have to do is turn up the power. These towers are already equipped with potential amperage that is far in excess of what is needed for telecommunications. There are other methods as well, such as FEMA camps, but we will leave that discussion for another time. Suffice to say that the New World Order agenda is Satanic. The principal players in this are worshipers of Satan, born wicked and to do his work before being dispatched to hell:
Psalm 58:2-4 Yea, in heart ye work wickedness; ye weigh the violence of your hands in the earth. The wicked are estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies. Their poison is like the poison of a serpent: they are like the deaf adder that stoppeth her ear;
If you detest the stink of the globalist agenda you must do what you can to sound the alarm. Tell others about this website. Please talk to ANYONE who will listen to break free from the deception that has wrapped around the world like a smothering blanket. Encourage them to pray for forgiveness of their sins, and to give their soul to Jesus Christ. Do not count on your immediate family listening to your righteous voice. It is possible they will think you are crazy. Families are torn apart on the matter of hard spiritual truth. Anyone who is not fit to be inhabited by the Holy Spirit of God will simply be incapable of grasping the truth and will have blind obedience to “the authorities” of this wicked world system. It doesn’t matter how much hard evidence and logic you throw their way. They still won’t believe you. Wipe off your feet and continue walking, figuratively. The Holy Spirit will direct you to those few who will actually listen. These are the ones who you will spend eternity with! They are your REAL family.
Luke 12:51-53 Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division: For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three. The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
Luke 12:51-53 Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division: For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three. The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
A medical doctor reveals the truth about vaccines.
Not for the faint hearted: Dr. Rima Laibow discusses the genocidal agenda of the elite, the proposed neo-feudal world, the purpose of vaccines, Codex Alimentarius, GMOs, the pharmaceutical industry as a financial organism, doctors as pill pushers, medical training as brainwashing, nuclear radiation, corporate fascism, and the cycle of death. Here is a quote from the video:
You see, there’s a cartel. I call it the uber cartel. The pharmaceutical-medical industry is one stop on the cycle. The pharmaceutical industry manufactures not only drugs, but agrichemicals. Those agrichemicals are enormously profitable. They poison us, of course, but they’re profitable. They are also the biotech companies. They manufacture the genetically engineered seeds and animals which can withstand lots more of their chemicals so farmers buy lots more of their chemicals, and those chemicals and their GMO foods make us terribly sick, make us infertile and give us cancer, leukemia, and so on. Because natural medicine is being suppressed around the world we are driven into the arms of the pharmaceutical-medical cartel. … It’s a cycle of death. |