Let's Talk About the ELEPHANT in the Room
(that no one wants to talk about) - PART I
Though we are living in an era in which there has been a remarkable explosion of “knowledge”, especially in the digital and bio-tech realms, at the same time there has been a dramatic diminishing of TRUTH, simple JOY, pure SIMPLICITY and genuine HUMAN interaction. Certainly all of the iPhones, iTablets, all too realistic computer games in which even murder can be “simulated”, social media platforms and every other techno-gadget designed to entrap impressionable minds in the web hasn’t made people happier. To the contrary, it seems to have made them meaner and more depressed. The suicide rate of teenagers and young folks in their twenties has skyrocketed! People whose actual lives are devoid of excitement spend countless hours in the digital opium den of Facebook, YouTube, TikTok and other on-line platforms, and chat rooms pursuing a fantasy life that feeds upon clicks, ticks and kudos from cyberspace, and oftentimes from people they barely, if at all know. This is not real human interaction. It is a “digital” substitute, and sometimes a dangerous one when pedophiles and creeps pose as “friends” and lure the innocent into their “net” of deceit. All of this madness delights anti-humans like Bill Gates, who would love to see all face to face interactions filtered through his digital cyberspace portal, all the better to monitor, control and program the citizen slaves.
These social media programs were unleashed by dark and creepy Federal agencies as data gathering tools to build digital dossiers. “Data is the new gold”, so “they” say. The prototype for Facebook was called “Life Log” and this tells us what these platforms are really all about. A multi-billionaire dweeb like Mark Zuckerberg is fabulously wealthy precisely because he is willing to sell YOUR personal data behind your back to the so-called “deep state” intelligence agencies, so they can analyze your habits and your beliefs, for the purpose of keeping you under surveillance, to make sure you are not a “terrorist” – which could be just about anyone who disagrees with the “narrative” of the day. Every time you enter the web it is likely that the sites you visit, every e-mail you send, and every single keystroke is monitored, recorded and sifted through sophisticated A.I. algorithms designed not to enhance life, but to feed the surveillance appetite of “the beast”.
II Timothy 3:7-10 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith. But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men, as theirs also was. But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, charity, patience.
Knowledge that edifies is on the wane because there is a concerted effort to ban and eliminate it, and replace it with fluff that supports, or at least isn’t contrary to the “Big Brother” system of control. Anyone who wants to preserve our precious heritage and REAL unexpurgated history should build a library of physical books. The same folks who dish out all of the "programming" propaganda on television and publish socialist-communist school textbooks are busy adulterating classic books in electronic form (such as on Kindle) to eliminate “inconvenient” content. Little communists in digital sweatshops, and A.I. filters, with a “woke” bias built into the program are busy banning posts and blogs and scrubbing through all on-line content so as to make it conform to one world government, anti-white, “Great Reset” narratives. This is especially true within the most popular social media platforms. The dump truck loads of think tank fascist propaganda on-line and “mainstream” media is loaded with corrosive drivel designed to crush the human spirit, reduce one’s ability to think logically and to prepare one for a life of sickness and slavery, as a cog in the coming “trans-humanist” era.
These social media programs were unleashed by dark and creepy Federal agencies as data gathering tools to build digital dossiers. “Data is the new gold”, so “they” say. The prototype for Facebook was called “Life Log” and this tells us what these platforms are really all about. A multi-billionaire dweeb like Mark Zuckerberg is fabulously wealthy precisely because he is willing to sell YOUR personal data behind your back to the so-called “deep state” intelligence agencies, so they can analyze your habits and your beliefs, for the purpose of keeping you under surveillance, to make sure you are not a “terrorist” – which could be just about anyone who disagrees with the “narrative” of the day. Every time you enter the web it is likely that the sites you visit, every e-mail you send, and every single keystroke is monitored, recorded and sifted through sophisticated A.I. algorithms designed not to enhance life, but to feed the surveillance appetite of “the beast”.
II Timothy 3:7-10 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith. But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men, as theirs also was. But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, charity, patience.
Knowledge that edifies is on the wane because there is a concerted effort to ban and eliminate it, and replace it with fluff that supports, or at least isn’t contrary to the “Big Brother” system of control. Anyone who wants to preserve our precious heritage and REAL unexpurgated history should build a library of physical books. The same folks who dish out all of the "programming" propaganda on television and publish socialist-communist school textbooks are busy adulterating classic books in electronic form (such as on Kindle) to eliminate “inconvenient” content. Little communists in digital sweatshops, and A.I. filters, with a “woke” bias built into the program are busy banning posts and blogs and scrubbing through all on-line content so as to make it conform to one world government, anti-white, “Great Reset” narratives. This is especially true within the most popular social media platforms. The dump truck loads of think tank fascist propaganda on-line and “mainstream” media is loaded with corrosive drivel designed to crush the human spirit, reduce one’s ability to think logically and to prepare one for a life of sickness and slavery, as a cog in the coming “trans-humanist” era.
If the central bankers and their slithering court of technocrats and criminal politicians have their way, “You will own nothing and be happy”. The “happy” part of that equation is questionable, to say the least. The disinformation campaign of those anti-humans in power works relentlessly to marginalize and ban truthful voices and to elevate “approved” “news” sources, which contribute to the tightening of the strait-jacket global slavery system. This system is known by many names: “technocracy”, “globalization”, “corporate fascism”, “neo-feudalism”, “totalitarianism”, “communism”, “the New World Order”, which is not really new, but was put into place in the “modern” era by the Rothschild dynasty and Jewish bankster brethren in the late 1700s! Whatever one may call this “matrix”, it is a system of control of a very FEW cabalistic Satanists over the MANY and is fast becoming the “beast” system prophesied in the book of Revelation – the system in which: |
Revelation 13:16-17 And he (the “beast” – antichrist figurehead) causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
All but a handful of essayists, reporters, bloggers, newscasters and the like tell you the complete truth of exactly WHO are the chief perpetrators of this wicked and oppressive system of control. Most of them dance around this core truth like the proverbial cat on a hot tin roof and skillfully avoid getting to the “meat” of the matter because they are worried that their influence, popularity and income will be cut off – especially if they delve into the racial aspect of the matter. Some of them fastidiously avoid the “J” word and tell you with a straight face that it’s the “Chi-coms” or the “Deep State” or the “Neo-Cons” or the “Democrats” or the “corporate-fascists” or “the globalists” or space aliens that are at the root of all the problems in America and the world. These are “weasel words” and a “cop out”. There is a powerful force, underpinned by an unimaginable hoard of wealth, that controls “modern” world “history” and it has been doing so for a few centuries! In order to uncover this fact it helps to go to a library of actual BOOKS and consult with bygone writers, such as one Major-General Count Cherep-Spiridovich, who cried out his warning a century ago:
The period of 1820 onwards became the age of the Rothschilds, so that by the middle of the century it was a common dictum, there is only one power in Europe, and that is Rothschild. Professor Werner Sombart, The Jews And Modern Capitalism, p. 99 – as quoted in The Secret World Government or “The Hidden Hand”, Major. Gen. Count Cherep-Spiridovich, 1926, Reprinted 1999, page 117, The Anti-Bolshevist Publishing Association, 15 East 128th Street, New York City
We are still living in the “age of Rothschild”, only now it has gone “global”. Americans have been trained to never mention certain so and so’s by name, much less insinuate that “they” are up to no good. It could be bad for one’s career, especially if working in the corporate or political world. One could lose “friends”, become unpopular, even become a persona non grata. This author has lost many “friends” for speaking out about these things. Truth comes at a price. If you care more about popularity and profit you’d best stop reading this now and go back to your fantasy world. Otherwise, you could be reading this for a reason, and that is to learn exactly WHO is in charge, who is steering world history, and who is enslaving the planet, and YOU personally to feed their own insatiable greed and do the work of “their father the devil”. Perhaps you will develop a healthy desire for truth, and to learn what you must do to protect yourself against this formidable enemy.
This writer has never pursued a financial reward for this website. There is no vying for popularity clicks or internet ratings. Delivering this truth is a Christian mission. This project was undertaken out of a love for traditional America, conscience and a directive by God to provide this tiny lifeboat of truth in a raging sea of lies. The sole interest here is in waking up those few genuine God-fearing souls who want to know THE truth and happen to stumble upon this post. The Bible tells us that there will be a “remnant” at the end of this earth age. This remnant will love God and love the truth. We pray that you will be among us.
Revelation 12:13-17 And when the dragon (Satan-Lucifer) saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman (the race-tribe of God’s people, a.k.a. “Christians”) which brought forth the man child. (Jesus Christ) And to the woman (last days Christians) were given two wings of a great eagle (perhaps an allusion to the territorial U.S.), that she might fly into the wilderness, (which was a wilderness at the time this scripture was written, i.e. in that context) into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent. And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood (a flood of aliens into white lands, instigated by Satan’s “tribe”) after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away (overcome, bred out of existence) of the flood. And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth. (some sort of cataclysmic event yet to come) And the dragon (Satan) was wroth (very angry) with the woman, (with Christians) and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, (race, bloodline) which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
If you have not done so already, we implore you to repent of your sins and accept Jesus Christ as your savior, who leads you to truth. Don’t wait. Do it now. If you are a child of God the truth you derive will be used for the good. If you are too proud to repent, if you despise the truth and love robbery, lies and pleasures more than God, if you think that the Bible is bunk, if you think you know better than God, if you simply don’t believe in God then you are quite possibly what the Bible refers to as a “vessel of wrath”, slated to feel the full brunt of God’s vengeance – in due time. In the grand scheme of things it really doesn’t matter what YOU believe, because God is in control of ALL things, even your pitiful life, which has been pre-determined by Him, as follows. God is the “potter” and we are but the “clay”:
Romans 9:20-23 Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus? Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour? What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction: And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he had afore prepared unto glory.
The only way one can fully understand what is going on in this world is in light of biblical scripture, which IS the absolute truth because God, the Creator of heaven and earth, cannot lie. There are other “scriptural” texts, which may contain some truth, but they are not based on absolute truth. Amazingly, some minds are literally “wired” from birth for deception so they naturally will cleave to untruth as a child of God would naturally and happily embrace truth. The “vessels of wrath” will seek out those texts and philosophies that support their notion of a “reality” based on lies. One such text is the Talmud, as we will prove.
Much of what passes as “truth” in these latter days is nothing but “programming” which begins at a very early age, often by mandates promulgated by “think tanks” that use deception to keep a system of psychological enslavement in place. The schools, universities and the entire “mainstream” has been infused with a cancer of un-truth, now known as “woke” philosophy, or “progressivism” formerly known as communism, which is a massive tool and social construct used to indoctrinate people into the system of slavery under super-rich Satanists whose goal is to own, inventory and control the entire world and everyone in it. It is a grand plan, in the works for many centuries, but ultimately it leads them to eternal damnation:
I Timothy 6:9-10 But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
James 5:1-3 Go to now, (take heed) ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you. Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten. Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days.
The chains that bind today’s pitiful human herd are economic, sociologic, legal and technocratic. God tells us that the “love of money is the root of ALL evil”. It is those who love money more than life itself and will do anything to “get” it who have crafted “history” – and this same specific gene pool has been steering the course of history since Jesus Christ was hung on the cross! These are diabolical, ultra-materialists who delight in destruction and death for profit. It would seem, from the increase in suffering and evil that we are living in “the last days”. These are perilous times for many, times in which the ethical and charitable human traits are being replaced with the following:
II Timothy 3:1-7 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
Many will perish, both physically and spiritually because they do not love the truth but would rather embrace “knowledge” based on lies and the temptations of this short life in the flesh. The overlords would love to see you fall prey to their lies and perish. We see now, from the words of second tier creatures who are front men for the hidden autocrats, that there is a “trans-humanist” agenda intending to “evolve” humanity into a combination of flesh with machine. This would be the final coup toward cementing the planetary slave system in place. It would at last fulfill Talmudic “prophecy”, (inspired by Satan) which ultimately is only to fulfill the narcissistic desire of Satan himself, whose goal has always been to be worshiped AS IF he were God. For many millennia Satan has chiefly employed the bloodline he spawned to build an anti-Christ world system that would ultimately fulfill HIS personal goal. That system just so happens to be the “globalization”, “great reset” agenda that is being foisted on the world:
II Thessalonians 2:3-4 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. (pretending to be God).
It is impossible for a created being, namely Hayleal (his actual name), a.k.a. “Satan” to be greater than the Creator, God (Yahweh). Hayleal’s “disciples” (a literal bloodline) have such an exalted opinion of themselves that they think it is their prerogative and right to act as little gods over the rest of us, while in the process destroying everything that God created and replacing it with a hybridized, genetically engineered, fully adulterated, contaminated, “trans-humanist” MESS. It is “they” and their banking and corporate monopolies that are destroying the earth, for the love of MONEY. It is their “father the devil”, who is using them to dumb-down, poison and even genetically re-engineer the human slaves so that they don’t know any better than to worship Hayleal-Satan as if he were God! This is the GRAND agenda driving all of the madness on planet earth. Satan and his disciples can only succeed by reductionism – that is, tainting and ruining that which God created, which was “good” WHEN he created it, but is being weakened, adulterated and rendered toxic and EVIL by sin.
John 8:44-45 Ye (the bloodline spawned by Satan) are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: (his own genetic offspring) for he is a liar, and the father of it. And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.
There is a universal force for “good” and there is a force for “evil”. The force of good is that of God/Yahweh and the force of evil is that of Satan/Hayleal/Lucifer. These forces have AGENTS in human form: the children of God, also known as the “bride of Christ” and “the seed of the woman” on the one side. These are the “elect” God-fearing Christians. On the opposite side of the good-evil spectrum are the “vessels of wrath” or the “seed of the serpent” – literally Satan’s genetic offspring, a bloodline that has infused itself into humanity. Down through history wherever it happens to roam this race of devils destroys that which is good and cultivates evil. These are physical walking, talking human beings and not just “spiritual” constructs as “Judeo-Christianity” and/or Christian Zionism would have you to believe. We are talking about literal bloodlines that naturally work for God and to the contrary those who naturally work for Satan.
Isaiah 5:18-21 Woe unto them that draw iniquity with cords of vanity, and sin as it were with a cart rope: … Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!
Woe unto those “preachers” who believe the lies promulgated by the “seed of the serpent” and convince others of the same. Perhaps they should take a break and study the Bible for themselves so as to as to rid their minds of seminary programming, which has been adulterated by satanic infiltrators. The repetition of this grand theme is deliberate because it is so essential to understanding world history. The evil in this world is underwritten, financed, planned and implemented by the literal descendants of Cain, who himself was the actual son of Satan! The bloodline descended from him has a genetic predisposition to embrace evil and deception as a way of life. This wicked bloodline is at the pinnacle of power NOW, though not for much longer on God’s time scale. Though the “seed” of God is attracted to truth once informed of it, we are still born in sin and prone to temptation, and many fall prey to the “wiles of the devil”. Evil is clever, as God has informed us:
Luke 16:8b … for the children of this world are in their generation (bloodline, race) wiser than the children of light.
With these cosmic odds, it is no wonder that evil has been able to gain the upper hand on planet Earth, but again, only as long as God allows it to flourish, as a gardener would allow weeds (biblical tares), until they are removed from the garden. God has allowed this so that we may have the knowledge of both good and evil, to teach US, His children, a hard lesson which is there is only ONE HOPE for us and that is through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ, the son of God. There is no political hope. There is no scientific hope. There is no hope of a major citizen revolt to overcome the evil system because it is locked in place by sin. There will however be a remnant that remains true to God – in the very last days a few Christian survivors of tribulation in the “wilderness”, having the protection of God, insulated from the satanic-Talmudic global control grid.
In this essay we quote several times from The Secret World Government or “The Hidden Hand”, by Christian Russian writer, Major General Count Cherep-Spiridovich. The book was written a century ago but it highlights the same general problems that plague the world today, and specifically names the perpetrators, which is something all too few books, essays or blogs dare to do, because fully truthful authors cannot hope to sell lots of books. Books that dare to tell the absolute truth are not going to be on the New York Times bestseller lists or recommended by Oprah’s book of the month club. Spiridovich is one of a few God-fearing men who can be trusted. Others include the great church reformer Martin Luther who put out his warning to Christians five centuries ago in a book entitled “The Jews and their Lies”. Another author who dared to reveal the truth was the so-called “anti-Semite” Henry Ford, who was vilified in the early 1920s for publishing "The International Jew, the World's Foremost Problem". Jesus Christ named the perpetrators of evil over 2,000 years ago, in the New Testament.
Unfortunately these warnings have for the most part not been heeded so how could another book or another library of books make any difference in the flow of events, i.e. the snowball of evil picking up speed and rolling down to the inevitable conclusion which is tribulation for God’s people? The good news is that the increase in evil is evidence that the second coming of Jesus Christ is near:
Matthew 24:29-35 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh: So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.
Biblical scripture prophesies that once evil reaches a climax, during the great tribulation, which is fast approaching, Jesus will return to gather his children, will annihilate the wicked satanic bloodline and their “beast” global government system and begin His millennial reign in which the nations will be schooled to embrace a life in accordance with God’s commandments, which is the ONLY way true happiness, justice and sustainability can be possible. History proves that humans are simply incapable of governing themselves well because of SIN. Greedy, power hungry, narcissistic, murderous psychopaths always rise to the top and therefore all political regimes devolve into systems of enslavement, ruled by the spawn of Satan. The Bible also informs us that the “wages of sin” is death, but that eternal life is only possible through Jesus Christ. This means that those who embrace evil as a way of life can ONLY look forward to an eternity in hell despite what they may believe is possible through their “science”. They can forget being cryogenically frozen and having their brains inserted into a clone at a future date or “uploading” their consciousness into a quantum computer. Extended life may be possible, but eternal life is absolutely not possible through “science”.
Romans 6:20-23 For when ye were the servants of sin, ye were free from righteousness. What fruit had ye then in those things whereof ye are now ashamed? for the end of those things is death. But now being made free from sin, and become servants to God, ye have your fruit unto holiness, and the end everlasting life. For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
All of the agendas that are so essential to the globalist “elite” oligarchy are satanic in nature. In the end of this earth age they will LOSE everything and it will be given to God’s “elect”. This reality is the exact opposite of what THEY believe. In the Talmud biblical prophecy is twisted 180 degrees to proclaim that so-called “Jews” will own all the world and everything in it, and conversely, the remaining “goyim” will be their slaves. The problem with that belief system is that it does not come from God, who created everything, even THEM for the day in which he annihilates their KIND. Talmudic philosophy, a pharisaic concoction by the very enemies of Christ, is a prescription to wholeheartedly embrace deception and murder to gain power and riches. Taken to its extreme it is a lust for world government by any means possible. This mental condition comes from Satan-Hayleal-Lucifer, who shall (absolutely, no question) LOSE everything and be dispatched to the “lake of fire” to suffer for his rebellion against God. Those who follow him are slated to a similar fate, because God is absolutely in control of everything, even the evil, which is the negative part of HIS plan, as we learn in these scriptures:
Isaiah 45:5-7 I am the LORD, and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me: That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the LORD, and there is none else. I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.
Proverbs 16:4-6 The LORD hath made all things for himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil. Every one that is proud in heart is an abomination to the LORD: though hand join in hand, he shall not be unpunished. By mercy and truth iniquity is purged: and by the fear of the LORD men depart from evil.
Isaiah 3:9-11 The shew (appearance) of their countenance (face) doth witness against them; and they declare their sin as Sodom, they hide it not. Woe unto their soul! for they have rewarded evil unto themselves. Say ye to the righteous, that it shall be well with him: for they shall eat the fruit of their doings. Woe unto the wicked! it shall be ill with him: for the reward of his hands shall be given him.
Isaiah 14:12-17 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms; That made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; that opened not the house of his prisoners?
Do you see why “they” want to eliminate Christianity and get rid of the Bible, or at least adulterate it, as has been done with almost all of the recent “translations”? The Bible tells the absolute truth, which is NOT good news for the satanic seed line. It all seems so senseless anyway – to own and inventory the entire world and everything in it and create a slave class, even to the point of de-humanizing humans through genetic engineering – and to even go beyond that to replacing humans with artificial intelligence and robots that actually look and feel human. Why? And to what purpose? This agenda is completely and utterly mad! It is antithetical to everything good and to life itself and leads to the misery of absolute slavery or death for the bulk of humanity – even many Jews. It is a house of cards that is bound to fall. For those “Jews” who ventured here out of “morbid curiosity” and think that all Jews would be beneficiaries of this Jewish-Zionist-Talmudic World Economic Forum “Great Reset” plan we have a news flash for you:
The following information is gleaned from a rare book entitled “The Ultimate World Order As Pictured in ‘The Jewish Utopia’”. In this book, author Robert H. Williams quotes from another book written by one Rabbi Michael Higger, copyright 1932. Williams found Rabbi Higger’s book hidden away in the University of Texas library archives within the Abraham I. Schecter Collection of Hebraica and Judaica, which had been presented by the Kallah of Texas Rabbis to the university library. Higger’s book was dated 1939. Mr. Williams copied the Higger book (because he wasn’t allowed to check it out) and published his expose’ in 1959, after spending some time digesting its rather disturbing contents, certainly all the more unsettling to him considering that he was living in the more innocent, baseball, apple pie and Elvis 1950s and not the mass murder, pedophiliac, LGBTQ 2020s where everything against God and country is out in the open.
All but a handful of essayists, reporters, bloggers, newscasters and the like tell you the complete truth of exactly WHO are the chief perpetrators of this wicked and oppressive system of control. Most of them dance around this core truth like the proverbial cat on a hot tin roof and skillfully avoid getting to the “meat” of the matter because they are worried that their influence, popularity and income will be cut off – especially if they delve into the racial aspect of the matter. Some of them fastidiously avoid the “J” word and tell you with a straight face that it’s the “Chi-coms” or the “Deep State” or the “Neo-Cons” or the “Democrats” or the “corporate-fascists” or “the globalists” or space aliens that are at the root of all the problems in America and the world. These are “weasel words” and a “cop out”. There is a powerful force, underpinned by an unimaginable hoard of wealth, that controls “modern” world “history” and it has been doing so for a few centuries! In order to uncover this fact it helps to go to a library of actual BOOKS and consult with bygone writers, such as one Major-General Count Cherep-Spiridovich, who cried out his warning a century ago:
The period of 1820 onwards became the age of the Rothschilds, so that by the middle of the century it was a common dictum, there is only one power in Europe, and that is Rothschild. Professor Werner Sombart, The Jews And Modern Capitalism, p. 99 – as quoted in The Secret World Government or “The Hidden Hand”, Major. Gen. Count Cherep-Spiridovich, 1926, Reprinted 1999, page 117, The Anti-Bolshevist Publishing Association, 15 East 128th Street, New York City
We are still living in the “age of Rothschild”, only now it has gone “global”. Americans have been trained to never mention certain so and so’s by name, much less insinuate that “they” are up to no good. It could be bad for one’s career, especially if working in the corporate or political world. One could lose “friends”, become unpopular, even become a persona non grata. This author has lost many “friends” for speaking out about these things. Truth comes at a price. If you care more about popularity and profit you’d best stop reading this now and go back to your fantasy world. Otherwise, you could be reading this for a reason, and that is to learn exactly WHO is in charge, who is steering world history, and who is enslaving the planet, and YOU personally to feed their own insatiable greed and do the work of “their father the devil”. Perhaps you will develop a healthy desire for truth, and to learn what you must do to protect yourself against this formidable enemy.
This writer has never pursued a financial reward for this website. There is no vying for popularity clicks or internet ratings. Delivering this truth is a Christian mission. This project was undertaken out of a love for traditional America, conscience and a directive by God to provide this tiny lifeboat of truth in a raging sea of lies. The sole interest here is in waking up those few genuine God-fearing souls who want to know THE truth and happen to stumble upon this post. The Bible tells us that there will be a “remnant” at the end of this earth age. This remnant will love God and love the truth. We pray that you will be among us.
Revelation 12:13-17 And when the dragon (Satan-Lucifer) saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman (the race-tribe of God’s people, a.k.a. “Christians”) which brought forth the man child. (Jesus Christ) And to the woman (last days Christians) were given two wings of a great eagle (perhaps an allusion to the territorial U.S.), that she might fly into the wilderness, (which was a wilderness at the time this scripture was written, i.e. in that context) into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent. And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood (a flood of aliens into white lands, instigated by Satan’s “tribe”) after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away (overcome, bred out of existence) of the flood. And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth. (some sort of cataclysmic event yet to come) And the dragon (Satan) was wroth (very angry) with the woman, (with Christians) and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, (race, bloodline) which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
If you have not done so already, we implore you to repent of your sins and accept Jesus Christ as your savior, who leads you to truth. Don’t wait. Do it now. If you are a child of God the truth you derive will be used for the good. If you are too proud to repent, if you despise the truth and love robbery, lies and pleasures more than God, if you think that the Bible is bunk, if you think you know better than God, if you simply don’t believe in God then you are quite possibly what the Bible refers to as a “vessel of wrath”, slated to feel the full brunt of God’s vengeance – in due time. In the grand scheme of things it really doesn’t matter what YOU believe, because God is in control of ALL things, even your pitiful life, which has been pre-determined by Him, as follows. God is the “potter” and we are but the “clay”:
Romans 9:20-23 Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus? Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour? What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction: And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he had afore prepared unto glory.
The only way one can fully understand what is going on in this world is in light of biblical scripture, which IS the absolute truth because God, the Creator of heaven and earth, cannot lie. There are other “scriptural” texts, which may contain some truth, but they are not based on absolute truth. Amazingly, some minds are literally “wired” from birth for deception so they naturally will cleave to untruth as a child of God would naturally and happily embrace truth. The “vessels of wrath” will seek out those texts and philosophies that support their notion of a “reality” based on lies. One such text is the Talmud, as we will prove.
Much of what passes as “truth” in these latter days is nothing but “programming” which begins at a very early age, often by mandates promulgated by “think tanks” that use deception to keep a system of psychological enslavement in place. The schools, universities and the entire “mainstream” has been infused with a cancer of un-truth, now known as “woke” philosophy, or “progressivism” formerly known as communism, which is a massive tool and social construct used to indoctrinate people into the system of slavery under super-rich Satanists whose goal is to own, inventory and control the entire world and everyone in it. It is a grand plan, in the works for many centuries, but ultimately it leads them to eternal damnation:
I Timothy 6:9-10 But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
James 5:1-3 Go to now, (take heed) ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you. Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten. Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days.
The chains that bind today’s pitiful human herd are economic, sociologic, legal and technocratic. God tells us that the “love of money is the root of ALL evil”. It is those who love money more than life itself and will do anything to “get” it who have crafted “history” – and this same specific gene pool has been steering the course of history since Jesus Christ was hung on the cross! These are diabolical, ultra-materialists who delight in destruction and death for profit. It would seem, from the increase in suffering and evil that we are living in “the last days”. These are perilous times for many, times in which the ethical and charitable human traits are being replaced with the following:
II Timothy 3:1-7 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
Many will perish, both physically and spiritually because they do not love the truth but would rather embrace “knowledge” based on lies and the temptations of this short life in the flesh. The overlords would love to see you fall prey to their lies and perish. We see now, from the words of second tier creatures who are front men for the hidden autocrats, that there is a “trans-humanist” agenda intending to “evolve” humanity into a combination of flesh with machine. This would be the final coup toward cementing the planetary slave system in place. It would at last fulfill Talmudic “prophecy”, (inspired by Satan) which ultimately is only to fulfill the narcissistic desire of Satan himself, whose goal has always been to be worshiped AS IF he were God. For many millennia Satan has chiefly employed the bloodline he spawned to build an anti-Christ world system that would ultimately fulfill HIS personal goal. That system just so happens to be the “globalization”, “great reset” agenda that is being foisted on the world:
II Thessalonians 2:3-4 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. (pretending to be God).
It is impossible for a created being, namely Hayleal (his actual name), a.k.a. “Satan” to be greater than the Creator, God (Yahweh). Hayleal’s “disciples” (a literal bloodline) have such an exalted opinion of themselves that they think it is their prerogative and right to act as little gods over the rest of us, while in the process destroying everything that God created and replacing it with a hybridized, genetically engineered, fully adulterated, contaminated, “trans-humanist” MESS. It is “they” and their banking and corporate monopolies that are destroying the earth, for the love of MONEY. It is their “father the devil”, who is using them to dumb-down, poison and even genetically re-engineer the human slaves so that they don’t know any better than to worship Hayleal-Satan as if he were God! This is the GRAND agenda driving all of the madness on planet earth. Satan and his disciples can only succeed by reductionism – that is, tainting and ruining that which God created, which was “good” WHEN he created it, but is being weakened, adulterated and rendered toxic and EVIL by sin.
John 8:44-45 Ye (the bloodline spawned by Satan) are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: (his own genetic offspring) for he is a liar, and the father of it. And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.
There is a universal force for “good” and there is a force for “evil”. The force of good is that of God/Yahweh and the force of evil is that of Satan/Hayleal/Lucifer. These forces have AGENTS in human form: the children of God, also known as the “bride of Christ” and “the seed of the woman” on the one side. These are the “elect” God-fearing Christians. On the opposite side of the good-evil spectrum are the “vessels of wrath” or the “seed of the serpent” – literally Satan’s genetic offspring, a bloodline that has infused itself into humanity. Down through history wherever it happens to roam this race of devils destroys that which is good and cultivates evil. These are physical walking, talking human beings and not just “spiritual” constructs as “Judeo-Christianity” and/or Christian Zionism would have you to believe. We are talking about literal bloodlines that naturally work for God and to the contrary those who naturally work for Satan.
Isaiah 5:18-21 Woe unto them that draw iniquity with cords of vanity, and sin as it were with a cart rope: … Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!
Woe unto those “preachers” who believe the lies promulgated by the “seed of the serpent” and convince others of the same. Perhaps they should take a break and study the Bible for themselves so as to as to rid their minds of seminary programming, which has been adulterated by satanic infiltrators. The repetition of this grand theme is deliberate because it is so essential to understanding world history. The evil in this world is underwritten, financed, planned and implemented by the literal descendants of Cain, who himself was the actual son of Satan! The bloodline descended from him has a genetic predisposition to embrace evil and deception as a way of life. This wicked bloodline is at the pinnacle of power NOW, though not for much longer on God’s time scale. Though the “seed” of God is attracted to truth once informed of it, we are still born in sin and prone to temptation, and many fall prey to the “wiles of the devil”. Evil is clever, as God has informed us:
Luke 16:8b … for the children of this world are in their generation (bloodline, race) wiser than the children of light.
With these cosmic odds, it is no wonder that evil has been able to gain the upper hand on planet Earth, but again, only as long as God allows it to flourish, as a gardener would allow weeds (biblical tares), until they are removed from the garden. God has allowed this so that we may have the knowledge of both good and evil, to teach US, His children, a hard lesson which is there is only ONE HOPE for us and that is through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ, the son of God. There is no political hope. There is no scientific hope. There is no hope of a major citizen revolt to overcome the evil system because it is locked in place by sin. There will however be a remnant that remains true to God – in the very last days a few Christian survivors of tribulation in the “wilderness”, having the protection of God, insulated from the satanic-Talmudic global control grid.
In this essay we quote several times from The Secret World Government or “The Hidden Hand”, by Christian Russian writer, Major General Count Cherep-Spiridovich. The book was written a century ago but it highlights the same general problems that plague the world today, and specifically names the perpetrators, which is something all too few books, essays or blogs dare to do, because fully truthful authors cannot hope to sell lots of books. Books that dare to tell the absolute truth are not going to be on the New York Times bestseller lists or recommended by Oprah’s book of the month club. Spiridovich is one of a few God-fearing men who can be trusted. Others include the great church reformer Martin Luther who put out his warning to Christians five centuries ago in a book entitled “The Jews and their Lies”. Another author who dared to reveal the truth was the so-called “anti-Semite” Henry Ford, who was vilified in the early 1920s for publishing "The International Jew, the World's Foremost Problem". Jesus Christ named the perpetrators of evil over 2,000 years ago, in the New Testament.
Unfortunately these warnings have for the most part not been heeded so how could another book or another library of books make any difference in the flow of events, i.e. the snowball of evil picking up speed and rolling down to the inevitable conclusion which is tribulation for God’s people? The good news is that the increase in evil is evidence that the second coming of Jesus Christ is near:
Matthew 24:29-35 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh: So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.
Biblical scripture prophesies that once evil reaches a climax, during the great tribulation, which is fast approaching, Jesus will return to gather his children, will annihilate the wicked satanic bloodline and their “beast” global government system and begin His millennial reign in which the nations will be schooled to embrace a life in accordance with God’s commandments, which is the ONLY way true happiness, justice and sustainability can be possible. History proves that humans are simply incapable of governing themselves well because of SIN. Greedy, power hungry, narcissistic, murderous psychopaths always rise to the top and therefore all political regimes devolve into systems of enslavement, ruled by the spawn of Satan. The Bible also informs us that the “wages of sin” is death, but that eternal life is only possible through Jesus Christ. This means that those who embrace evil as a way of life can ONLY look forward to an eternity in hell despite what they may believe is possible through their “science”. They can forget being cryogenically frozen and having their brains inserted into a clone at a future date or “uploading” their consciousness into a quantum computer. Extended life may be possible, but eternal life is absolutely not possible through “science”.
Romans 6:20-23 For when ye were the servants of sin, ye were free from righteousness. What fruit had ye then in those things whereof ye are now ashamed? for the end of those things is death. But now being made free from sin, and become servants to God, ye have your fruit unto holiness, and the end everlasting life. For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
All of the agendas that are so essential to the globalist “elite” oligarchy are satanic in nature. In the end of this earth age they will LOSE everything and it will be given to God’s “elect”. This reality is the exact opposite of what THEY believe. In the Talmud biblical prophecy is twisted 180 degrees to proclaim that so-called “Jews” will own all the world and everything in it, and conversely, the remaining “goyim” will be their slaves. The problem with that belief system is that it does not come from God, who created everything, even THEM for the day in which he annihilates their KIND. Talmudic philosophy, a pharisaic concoction by the very enemies of Christ, is a prescription to wholeheartedly embrace deception and murder to gain power and riches. Taken to its extreme it is a lust for world government by any means possible. This mental condition comes from Satan-Hayleal-Lucifer, who shall (absolutely, no question) LOSE everything and be dispatched to the “lake of fire” to suffer for his rebellion against God. Those who follow him are slated to a similar fate, because God is absolutely in control of everything, even the evil, which is the negative part of HIS plan, as we learn in these scriptures:
Isaiah 45:5-7 I am the LORD, and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me: That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the LORD, and there is none else. I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.
Proverbs 16:4-6 The LORD hath made all things for himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil. Every one that is proud in heart is an abomination to the LORD: though hand join in hand, he shall not be unpunished. By mercy and truth iniquity is purged: and by the fear of the LORD men depart from evil.
Isaiah 3:9-11 The shew (appearance) of their countenance (face) doth witness against them; and they declare their sin as Sodom, they hide it not. Woe unto their soul! for they have rewarded evil unto themselves. Say ye to the righteous, that it shall be well with him: for they shall eat the fruit of their doings. Woe unto the wicked! it shall be ill with him: for the reward of his hands shall be given him.
Isaiah 14:12-17 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms; That made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; that opened not the house of his prisoners?
Do you see why “they” want to eliminate Christianity and get rid of the Bible, or at least adulterate it, as has been done with almost all of the recent “translations”? The Bible tells the absolute truth, which is NOT good news for the satanic seed line. It all seems so senseless anyway – to own and inventory the entire world and everything in it and create a slave class, even to the point of de-humanizing humans through genetic engineering – and to even go beyond that to replacing humans with artificial intelligence and robots that actually look and feel human. Why? And to what purpose? This agenda is completely and utterly mad! It is antithetical to everything good and to life itself and leads to the misery of absolute slavery or death for the bulk of humanity – even many Jews. It is a house of cards that is bound to fall. For those “Jews” who ventured here out of “morbid curiosity” and think that all Jews would be beneficiaries of this Jewish-Zionist-Talmudic World Economic Forum “Great Reset” plan we have a news flash for you:
The following information is gleaned from a rare book entitled “The Ultimate World Order As Pictured in ‘The Jewish Utopia’”. In this book, author Robert H. Williams quotes from another book written by one Rabbi Michael Higger, copyright 1932. Williams found Rabbi Higger’s book hidden away in the University of Texas library archives within the Abraham I. Schecter Collection of Hebraica and Judaica, which had been presented by the Kallah of Texas Rabbis to the university library. Higger’s book was dated 1939. Mr. Williams copied the Higger book (because he wasn’t allowed to check it out) and published his expose’ in 1959, after spending some time digesting its rather disturbing contents, certainly all the more unsettling to him considering that he was living in the more innocent, baseball, apple pie and Elvis 1950s and not the mass murder, pedophiliac, LGBTQ 2020s where everything against God and country is out in the open.

the-ultimate-world-order_..._1957.pdf |
Within Williams’ expose of Rabbi Higger’s stark revelations we see the entire diabolical plan of top Zionist-Talmudic “Jewry” unraveled. We read about the plans of Zionists for their “liberal dupes”, we see how rabbis utterly misinterpret biblical scripture (as did the ancient Pharisees, whom Jesus condemned to hell), and how non-conforming “Jews” will perish at the hands of “elite” Zionists. Rabbi Higger reveals how powerful Jews will take control of all money, all real estate and all LIFE, and if that is not enough, the autocrats plan to weed out those “Jews” who are not tall and handsome! We imagine that the “Jewish” type they plan to engineer, to replace Caucasians with a counterfeit off “white” race would be akin to a Bernard Baruch, Franklin D. Roosevelt’s handler, who was 6’4” tall (hook nose notwithstanding) or perhaps a smirking Netanyahu or a sneaky Fidel Castro (yes he was/is a “Jew”—if he is still alive) or even perhaps a tall, artful Art Garfunkle. On the female side perhaps it would be a Sharon Stone, Sandra Bullock or Paula Abdul type. Yes, she is Jewish, as are many entertainers. As for the short, chubby or ugly “Jews” (like Marty Feldman or Jason Alexander) – they’re toast in the Jewish utopia. Well … maybe there’s a slot for a Kissinger clone because what he lacks in stature and looks he more than compensates for in pure evil. Let us not forget that it was he who “trained” Mr. “We need a great reset”, the Jew Klaus Schwab in how to take over the world by deception and infiltration with generous contributions from every Fortune 500 corporation on the planet, all of which are controlled by millionaire-billionaire Jews.
Uncensored history proves that the richest of Jews have never suffered a second thought in exterminating the “lesser brethren” of their tribe if it furthers the grandiose plan for Jewish-Zionist world domination. This is what their “Holocaust” was all about: it was the deliberate killing of a couple hundred thousand non-Zionist Jews to jack up the persecution myth, and to frighten many of the lesser-brethren to flee to Rothschild-owned and created, pet project “Israel” to serve as cannon fodder and antagonize the Arab world. This move on the global chessboard also furthers the MYTH that Judeo-Mongol-Asiatics were somehow fulfilling biblical prophecy, which completely fools millions of dull minded, unlearned “Judeo”-Christians who can’t shake off their childhood peach fuzz programming that today’s “Jews” are “God’s chosen people”, despite all of the obvious and outrageous evil perpetrated against “the goyim” by Jews. Folks, get real! These imposters are NOT the same race as the white Judeans who resided in ancient Israel, thus they are NOT fulfilling the biblical prophecies of a return of God’s people to the “Holy Land”. They do, however, fulfill prophecy with regard to the synagogue of Satan, the beast system and tribulation. Count Spiridovich provides this outstanding insight in his book:
The “Jewish Peril” is the acid test of intelligence for every Christian. Who does not recognize the Jews as Satanists, as CHRIST HIMSELF declared, is not a wise Christian. The Secret World Government or “The Hidden Hand”, Spiridovich, page 58.
This is corroborated in a more recent quote from Harold Wallace Rosenthal, who will be discussed in more detail later. Mr. Rosenthal was a young Jew who worked as a congressional aide in the 1970s. He was asked in a 1976 interview to explain why Jews insist that they are God’s “chosen people”. To this he replied:
We are a chosen people. Most Jews do not like to admit it but our god is Lucifer and we Jews are his chosen people. Lucifer is very much alive.
These preceding quotes reveal the driving force behind the “New World Order”. It is the realization of the promises of the Talmud, which is basically international communism -- a world in which ultra-rich Jews own and manage everything on the planet and everyone else is a pitiful slave, owning nothing and having no control over anything, not even their own bodies. Communism was invented by Talmudic Jews to wage war against and take over sovereign nations. Global communism is their ultimate goal. And to think that the proponents of this wicked plan are “God’s (Yahweh’s) chosen people!!!? -- Absolutely preposterous!!, but this is what many so-called “Christians” believe. Let’s take a look at the plans these so-called “chosen people” have in mind for us and the world at large:
1928: On page 572, June 1st, in the Rothschild publication, Le Review de Paris, a letter from Karl Marx to Baruch Levy is reproduced, an extract of which reads as follows: The Jewish people as a whole will be its own messiah. It will obtain world dominion by the dissolution of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, the annihilation of monarchy, by the establishment of a world republic in which the Jews everywhere will exercise the privilege of citizenship. In this New World Order the children of Israel (fake “Jews”, claiming to be biblical “Israel”), will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition. The governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will fall without difficulty into the hands of the Jews. It will then be possible for the Jewish rulers to abolish private property and everywhere to make use of the resources of the state. Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled in which when the messianic time is come the Jews will have all the property of the whole world in their hands. Andrew Carrington Hitchcock, from the book, The Synagogue of Satan, 2006, transcribed from a video by the same name, at 1:00.
Do “Judeo-Christians” have any idea of all the evil caused by the synagogue of Satan “Jews” who control Wall Street mega investment firms and banks, control big media, control Fortune 500 corporations, control all socialist-communist governments, design and finance wars, depressions and other de-population schemes aimed primarily at white people? Do they know that these Jewish parasites have stolen the wealth of our nation right under our noses, with their usury, fractional reserve banking, corporate monopolization, and pump and dump schemes? Do they know that the Jews have lowered the moral tone of the nation to the bottom of the barrel, have polluted the minds of our children with pornography, filth and socialist propaganda, have poisoned our land, food, water and air, have gotten us into war after war so our young people can get maimed and die while they sit back and reap billions and billions of dollars in profits? No, these “Judeo”-Christians don’t have a clue because they are too lazy to delve into the truth or because no one has ever taken the time to tell them, especially not their preachers, who are motivated by mammon more than God. Denominational and evangelical “Christianity” has been infiltrated and is compromised to the hilt. Who are the infiltrators? This anecdote from Count Spiridovich answers that question and illustrates a long standing problem with “preachers”, which is far worse today, a century later, if it were possible:
The notorious Otto Kahn (Jewish), partner in every sense of the “Anglo-German-American” bankers, who according to Mr. S. Gompers, wished to drown his country in an ocean of blood, also a partner of the Warburgs (German Jewish central bankers who created the Reichbank) mentioned by The British Guardian in the article “Warburgs: International Crooks” proves how right CHRIST is. Otto Kahn gave a tip of $25,000 to one clergyman. Then some 100,000 other clergymen began to think: “If reverend so and so received $25,000, why could I not have the same reward, if I would never denounce the Jewish crimes.” And the 100,000 clergymen became “pro-Jewish” … The sympathy of each of them cost but 25 cents. Cheap! Spiridovich, page 19
No wonder church attendance has been on the wane for decades. It’s just so BORING sitting there listening to the same old rehashed gruel Sunday after Sunday. Today’s preachers cannot and will not preach absolute TRUTH, which is by a country mile more interesting and edifying than half-truth, or truth that is eliminated for the sake of the so-called “chosen people”. 99.9% of preachers will not delve into the racial aspect of scripture because they love seeing the collection plates fill up. They know that the richer members of their congregations want to write off the donations on their federal tax return. Thus, these preachers love the 501C3 tax exempt status more than God. This is especially true of the extremely profitable mega churches, which have devolved into Baal temples with crypto Jew cult personalities like Joel Osteen, who removed the cross behind his pulpit so as not to “offend” anyone, or shabbaz goy tools like the “purpose driven” Rick Warren preaching the gospel of materialism to packed houses the size of football stadiums. Osteen looks exactly like a younger version of the old rock and roller Jerry Lee Lewis, known for the 1950’s hit song, “Great Balls of Fire”. The song catapulted Lewis into stardom with overt sexual innuendo, thus “pushing the envelope” of immorality, which is a subversive Jewish tactic. Osteen, meanwhile, lives in a mansion worth about $7 million dollars, the booty awarded to those who preach a Talmudic-cabbalistic doctrine as opposed to the following of God’s commandments and preaching salvation through Jesus Christ. Jerry Lee Lewis, incidentally, once made the statement that he is surely going to hell. Why can’t he repent? We will guess it’s because he can’t bring himself to do it. Could it be because he is of the wrong seed, as is pied piper Osteen, leading his humongous flock off of a spiritual cliff?
Matthew 5:20 For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.
Uncensored history proves that the richest of Jews have never suffered a second thought in exterminating the “lesser brethren” of their tribe if it furthers the grandiose plan for Jewish-Zionist world domination. This is what their “Holocaust” was all about: it was the deliberate killing of a couple hundred thousand non-Zionist Jews to jack up the persecution myth, and to frighten many of the lesser-brethren to flee to Rothschild-owned and created, pet project “Israel” to serve as cannon fodder and antagonize the Arab world. This move on the global chessboard also furthers the MYTH that Judeo-Mongol-Asiatics were somehow fulfilling biblical prophecy, which completely fools millions of dull minded, unlearned “Judeo”-Christians who can’t shake off their childhood peach fuzz programming that today’s “Jews” are “God’s chosen people”, despite all of the obvious and outrageous evil perpetrated against “the goyim” by Jews. Folks, get real! These imposters are NOT the same race as the white Judeans who resided in ancient Israel, thus they are NOT fulfilling the biblical prophecies of a return of God’s people to the “Holy Land”. They do, however, fulfill prophecy with regard to the synagogue of Satan, the beast system and tribulation. Count Spiridovich provides this outstanding insight in his book:
The “Jewish Peril” is the acid test of intelligence for every Christian. Who does not recognize the Jews as Satanists, as CHRIST HIMSELF declared, is not a wise Christian. The Secret World Government or “The Hidden Hand”, Spiridovich, page 58.
This is corroborated in a more recent quote from Harold Wallace Rosenthal, who will be discussed in more detail later. Mr. Rosenthal was a young Jew who worked as a congressional aide in the 1970s. He was asked in a 1976 interview to explain why Jews insist that they are God’s “chosen people”. To this he replied:
We are a chosen people. Most Jews do not like to admit it but our god is Lucifer and we Jews are his chosen people. Lucifer is very much alive.
These preceding quotes reveal the driving force behind the “New World Order”. It is the realization of the promises of the Talmud, which is basically international communism -- a world in which ultra-rich Jews own and manage everything on the planet and everyone else is a pitiful slave, owning nothing and having no control over anything, not even their own bodies. Communism was invented by Talmudic Jews to wage war against and take over sovereign nations. Global communism is their ultimate goal. And to think that the proponents of this wicked plan are “God’s (Yahweh’s) chosen people!!!? -- Absolutely preposterous!!, but this is what many so-called “Christians” believe. Let’s take a look at the plans these so-called “chosen people” have in mind for us and the world at large:
1928: On page 572, June 1st, in the Rothschild publication, Le Review de Paris, a letter from Karl Marx to Baruch Levy is reproduced, an extract of which reads as follows: The Jewish people as a whole will be its own messiah. It will obtain world dominion by the dissolution of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, the annihilation of monarchy, by the establishment of a world republic in which the Jews everywhere will exercise the privilege of citizenship. In this New World Order the children of Israel (fake “Jews”, claiming to be biblical “Israel”), will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition. The governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will fall without difficulty into the hands of the Jews. It will then be possible for the Jewish rulers to abolish private property and everywhere to make use of the resources of the state. Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled in which when the messianic time is come the Jews will have all the property of the whole world in their hands. Andrew Carrington Hitchcock, from the book, The Synagogue of Satan, 2006, transcribed from a video by the same name, at 1:00.
Do “Judeo-Christians” have any idea of all the evil caused by the synagogue of Satan “Jews” who control Wall Street mega investment firms and banks, control big media, control Fortune 500 corporations, control all socialist-communist governments, design and finance wars, depressions and other de-population schemes aimed primarily at white people? Do they know that these Jewish parasites have stolen the wealth of our nation right under our noses, with their usury, fractional reserve banking, corporate monopolization, and pump and dump schemes? Do they know that the Jews have lowered the moral tone of the nation to the bottom of the barrel, have polluted the minds of our children with pornography, filth and socialist propaganda, have poisoned our land, food, water and air, have gotten us into war after war so our young people can get maimed and die while they sit back and reap billions and billions of dollars in profits? No, these “Judeo”-Christians don’t have a clue because they are too lazy to delve into the truth or because no one has ever taken the time to tell them, especially not their preachers, who are motivated by mammon more than God. Denominational and evangelical “Christianity” has been infiltrated and is compromised to the hilt. Who are the infiltrators? This anecdote from Count Spiridovich answers that question and illustrates a long standing problem with “preachers”, which is far worse today, a century later, if it were possible:
The notorious Otto Kahn (Jewish), partner in every sense of the “Anglo-German-American” bankers, who according to Mr. S. Gompers, wished to drown his country in an ocean of blood, also a partner of the Warburgs (German Jewish central bankers who created the Reichbank) mentioned by The British Guardian in the article “Warburgs: International Crooks” proves how right CHRIST is. Otto Kahn gave a tip of $25,000 to one clergyman. Then some 100,000 other clergymen began to think: “If reverend so and so received $25,000, why could I not have the same reward, if I would never denounce the Jewish crimes.” And the 100,000 clergymen became “pro-Jewish” … The sympathy of each of them cost but 25 cents. Cheap! Spiridovich, page 19
No wonder church attendance has been on the wane for decades. It’s just so BORING sitting there listening to the same old rehashed gruel Sunday after Sunday. Today’s preachers cannot and will not preach absolute TRUTH, which is by a country mile more interesting and edifying than half-truth, or truth that is eliminated for the sake of the so-called “chosen people”. 99.9% of preachers will not delve into the racial aspect of scripture because they love seeing the collection plates fill up. They know that the richer members of their congregations want to write off the donations on their federal tax return. Thus, these preachers love the 501C3 tax exempt status more than God. This is especially true of the extremely profitable mega churches, which have devolved into Baal temples with crypto Jew cult personalities like Joel Osteen, who removed the cross behind his pulpit so as not to “offend” anyone, or shabbaz goy tools like the “purpose driven” Rick Warren preaching the gospel of materialism to packed houses the size of football stadiums. Osteen looks exactly like a younger version of the old rock and roller Jerry Lee Lewis, known for the 1950’s hit song, “Great Balls of Fire”. The song catapulted Lewis into stardom with overt sexual innuendo, thus “pushing the envelope” of immorality, which is a subversive Jewish tactic. Osteen, meanwhile, lives in a mansion worth about $7 million dollars, the booty awarded to those who preach a Talmudic-cabbalistic doctrine as opposed to the following of God’s commandments and preaching salvation through Jesus Christ. Jerry Lee Lewis, incidentally, once made the statement that he is surely going to hell. Why can’t he repent? We will guess it’s because he can’t bring himself to do it. Could it be because he is of the wrong seed, as is pied piper Osteen, leading his humongous flock off of a spiritual cliff?
Matthew 5:20 For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.
The tax-exempt status gimmick, surely struck into the IRS code by Jews, assures that “Judeo”-Christian clergymen stay contained within well-defined boundaries in their sermons, which means they must ignore a good part of biblical scripture and never, but ever criticize the “Jews”. WHY? Because the “Jews” are “God’s chosen people”, of course! For those of us who know the truth it’s enough to make you pull your hair out. To step outside of the 501-C3 box -- to uncover the so-called “chosen people” myth, or to say that Jesus Christ was actually a white man and not a “Jew”, like today’s Asiatic-Mongol-Ashkenazi and Sephardic “Jews” and/or to preach against the gay “lifestyle”, or against race mixing, all condoned and relentlessly pushed by Talmudic “Jews” -- and to delve into the racial aspect of God’s Word is a guaranteed career killer for denominational preachers, who are doing no good whatsoever in fighting this evil world system run by Jews who are literally “of their father the devil”.
A rabbi lecturing that Jews follow the Talmud and not the Bible, and that Jews are descended from the Pharisees.
These “Jews” are the same racial stock as the Pharisees, their ancient kinfolk. Jesus said that unless your righteousness exceeded that of the Pharisees you would in no case go to heaven. Perhaps these preachers would be better off being postmen or auto mechanics and preaching as a side gig, without the pressure of conforming to 501-C3 denominationalism. Then maybe they could go out on a limb and preach the TRUTH. They SHALL be held to account by God, when they finally answer to Him and try to provide justification for what they have done in this life:
James 3:1 My brethren, be not many masters, knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation.
James 3:1 My brethren, be not many masters, knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation.

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World history is like a game of Chess on a global chessboard. The Talmudic-Zionist “think tank” planners are grand masters of deception, which they have elevated to an art form – and this is not a compliment. It is simply an observation of how IT is. The Bible tells us that they, the serpent seed line, are “wiser than the children of light” (Luke 16:8). Their instruction manual is the Talmud and the more compact Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, both of which are blueprints for Jewish-Zionist world domination using every deception, trick and scam could be devised out of the minds of people under satanic possession. Therefore we, brethren in Christ, must be “wise as serpents” (but not be LIKE serpents) in order to survive the coming tribulation put upon us by the synagogue of Satan false Jews. Here is God’s commandment in scripture. Incidentally, there is only one type of “church” that is a synagogue. This is a big clue as to who is NOT a sheep:
Matthew 10:16-17 Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. But beware of men: for they will deliver you up to the councils, and they will scourge you in their synagogues;
We can feel the nagging discomfort of the Zionist-Talmudic plan in a myriad of ways every day, for example, in the weaponization of language. When one has to constantly be on guard for fear of “offending” someone or uttering some truth that runs contrary to a Jewish think tank “narrative” then this is a sure sign of oppression. Thoughts of TRUTH are being quashed in order to cement SLAVERY in place – to create “thought crimes”. The slave masters are those you cannot talk about. That is why we constantly hear “they” did this and “they” did that. Most of the time the “they” boils down to certain manipulators who, to quote Count Spiridovich are “Christ haters and mankillers”. Consider the environment of the average white person, especially a white male, and even more so a white male Christian who must daily be exposed to narratives that are contrary to his very heritage and existence. The Bible, which reveals ALL truth, speaks of this particular satanic agenda:
Micah 2:1-3 Woe to them that devise iniquity, and work evil upon their beds! when the morning is light, they practise it, because it is in the power of their hand. And they covet fields, and take them by violence; and houses, and take them away: so they oppress a man and his house, even a man and his heritage. Therefore thus saith the LORD; Behold, against this family do I devise an evil, from which ye shall not remove your necks; neither shall ye go haughtily: for this time is evil. (The “family”/race of evildoers shall perish in the end of the age.)
There’s a lot of “meat” in this scripture. They “covet fields” is interesting for the fact that the lion’s share of the agricultural land in America is owned by corporations, which in turn are owned by Jewish Wall Street investment firms. Crypto Jew Bill Gates alone owns 700,000 acres of prime farmland. He is not going to do anything good with it. His actual motive is to prevent traditional farming so he can pursue his disgusting fake meat and GMO projects and poison people or starve them to death. It was the iniquity of compound interest and boom and bust scams, all engineered by Jewish bankers, that caused many smaller farmers to lose their land during the 1930s Great Depression era and afterward. Now “they” are after the houses, first by inflation which causes residential real estate to be priced out of reach of the average middle class family, and now by raising interest rates, ostensibly to “curb inflation”. The motive of the bastards is always the opposite of what they say. Raising interest rates only makes it extremely difficult for families to buy homes but it is of benefit to Jewish firms flush with investment capital, like Blackstone, that buys up entire neighborhoods in one fell swoop. These firms can also borrow money from the Fed at bargain basement interest rates while the average Joe must feel the full brunt of usury.
Easily 25% of the residential real estate purchased in America in the last two years (under the Biden regime) was bought by corporations that will turn around and rent the houses, with draconian leases crafted by Jewish lawyers, containing ten or fifteen pages worth of small print. Rental is a form of slavery already, but renting from one of these corporations would be a nightmare. The purchase of single family homes by corporations is communism coming in through the back door. In a rental situation hard earned money goes into the pockets of landlords and cannot be used to build personal equity. In communist countries, ALL of the real estate is owned by the government, but the government is in turn owned by the banksters and oligarchs. This is exactly what Baruch Levy was saying in his letter to Karl Marx. (See the full quote above):
It will then be possible for the Jewish rulers to abolish private property and everywhere to make use of the resources of the state. Levy to Marx, partial quote
Matthew 10:16-17 Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. But beware of men: for they will deliver you up to the councils, and they will scourge you in their synagogues;
We can feel the nagging discomfort of the Zionist-Talmudic plan in a myriad of ways every day, for example, in the weaponization of language. When one has to constantly be on guard for fear of “offending” someone or uttering some truth that runs contrary to a Jewish think tank “narrative” then this is a sure sign of oppression. Thoughts of TRUTH are being quashed in order to cement SLAVERY in place – to create “thought crimes”. The slave masters are those you cannot talk about. That is why we constantly hear “they” did this and “they” did that. Most of the time the “they” boils down to certain manipulators who, to quote Count Spiridovich are “Christ haters and mankillers”. Consider the environment of the average white person, especially a white male, and even more so a white male Christian who must daily be exposed to narratives that are contrary to his very heritage and existence. The Bible, which reveals ALL truth, speaks of this particular satanic agenda:
Micah 2:1-3 Woe to them that devise iniquity, and work evil upon their beds! when the morning is light, they practise it, because it is in the power of their hand. And they covet fields, and take them by violence; and houses, and take them away: so they oppress a man and his house, even a man and his heritage. Therefore thus saith the LORD; Behold, against this family do I devise an evil, from which ye shall not remove your necks; neither shall ye go haughtily: for this time is evil. (The “family”/race of evildoers shall perish in the end of the age.)
There’s a lot of “meat” in this scripture. They “covet fields” is interesting for the fact that the lion’s share of the agricultural land in America is owned by corporations, which in turn are owned by Jewish Wall Street investment firms. Crypto Jew Bill Gates alone owns 700,000 acres of prime farmland. He is not going to do anything good with it. His actual motive is to prevent traditional farming so he can pursue his disgusting fake meat and GMO projects and poison people or starve them to death. It was the iniquity of compound interest and boom and bust scams, all engineered by Jewish bankers, that caused many smaller farmers to lose their land during the 1930s Great Depression era and afterward. Now “they” are after the houses, first by inflation which causes residential real estate to be priced out of reach of the average middle class family, and now by raising interest rates, ostensibly to “curb inflation”. The motive of the bastards is always the opposite of what they say. Raising interest rates only makes it extremely difficult for families to buy homes but it is of benefit to Jewish firms flush with investment capital, like Blackstone, that buys up entire neighborhoods in one fell swoop. These firms can also borrow money from the Fed at bargain basement interest rates while the average Joe must feel the full brunt of usury.
Easily 25% of the residential real estate purchased in America in the last two years (under the Biden regime) was bought by corporations that will turn around and rent the houses, with draconian leases crafted by Jewish lawyers, containing ten or fifteen pages worth of small print. Rental is a form of slavery already, but renting from one of these corporations would be a nightmare. The purchase of single family homes by corporations is communism coming in through the back door. In a rental situation hard earned money goes into the pockets of landlords and cannot be used to build personal equity. In communist countries, ALL of the real estate is owned by the government, but the government is in turn owned by the banksters and oligarchs. This is exactly what Baruch Levy was saying in his letter to Karl Marx. (See the full quote above):
It will then be possible for the Jewish rulers to abolish private property and everywhere to make use of the resources of the state. Levy to Marx, partial quote

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Then there is the matter of our white heritage, which is fast disappearing. WHO exactly is behind an agenda to miscegenate, decimate and eliminate the white race and even the memory of it through massive immigration of non-whites into white nations, through abortion and “birth control”, through pervasive “social engineering” designed to encourage whites to mate with non-whites (practically every commercial advertisement on television promotes race mixing, in case you haven’t noticed), to attempt to make white people ashamed of their great accomplishments, to remove statues of great white historical figures only to replace them with statues of black leaders or weird “new age” “art” and to induce a “guilt complex” for things which 99.9% of whites or their ancestors had absolutely nothing to do with – such as slavery and so-called “oppression” of blacks and other “minorities”. There is even a bill being proposed in California to pay “reparations” to blacks for slavery. This bill would cost $100 billion, which is a few times the entire state budget. What the hell? There was no slavery of blacks in California. This illustrates the kind of madness that is possible in a territory that is now 70% non-white, run by a Jewish governor (Newsome) like a socialist-communist banana republic. It is slap in the face to white people who must endure having this s__t flung at them by the insane “left”, which is a tool of the Jewish oligarchy. The same half black district attorney that indicted Donald Trump in the Stormy Daniels affair, which means absolutely nothing to the average American, plans to run for president on the Democratic ticket. This “progressive” idiot would probably push for nationwide reparations if he had his way. He is yet another tool of the Jewish oligarchy. Jewish banker Jacob Schiff established the NAACP in 1913 and Jews have run it for most of its history. Jews are experts at stirring up racial animosity and have done so in nation after nation as a tool to weaken the nation’s fabric to pave the way for a political coup.
The Jewish-Zionist controlled and occupied government and Jewish owned and run corporations give “minorities” every possible advantage while oppressing white people. The Jewish-owned and run mass media runs propaganda reels night and day to lambast and destroy white culture and traditional values which kept this nation strong and free in the early days. The Jews have replaced it with an alien, anti-Christian, unconstitutional, Talmudic culture of filth and degeneracy. We constantly hear the nagging exhortations to practice “tolerance” and “acceptance” of men having sex with men and women having sex with women, and to endure the antics of black thugs who pillage and plunder without punishment but at the same time horrific discrimination against heterosexual white people is allowed without a peep from their “news” (propaganda) agencies. If a white cop kills a black person who is breaking the law it becomes hysterical national news for weeks, but if a black cop kills a white person for no reason at all, then the story is buried as was the fatal shooting of a white woman by a black Somalian cop for no reason in Minneapolis a few years ago. The story was quickly buried. This cop was a “minority hire”, as the City of Minneapolis has gone “woke” and bends over backward to fill its racial quotas – as proscribed by the Zionist overlords at the ACLU. The Jews in control of big media are working to create racial animosity, which is a strategy in their agenda to destroy white nations. It was “Jewish” slave traders who brought black Africans to the United States in the first place so if anyone should have a guilt complex over slavery it should be the descendants of those Jewish traders – but we doubt “they” feel one ounce of guilt. Their lies go on and on like a parade of smirking, evil clowns.
The Jewish-Zionist controlled and occupied government and Jewish owned and run corporations give “minorities” every possible advantage while oppressing white people. The Jewish-owned and run mass media runs propaganda reels night and day to lambast and destroy white culture and traditional values which kept this nation strong and free in the early days. The Jews have replaced it with an alien, anti-Christian, unconstitutional, Talmudic culture of filth and degeneracy. We constantly hear the nagging exhortations to practice “tolerance” and “acceptance” of men having sex with men and women having sex with women, and to endure the antics of black thugs who pillage and plunder without punishment but at the same time horrific discrimination against heterosexual white people is allowed without a peep from their “news” (propaganda) agencies. If a white cop kills a black person who is breaking the law it becomes hysterical national news for weeks, but if a black cop kills a white person for no reason at all, then the story is buried as was the fatal shooting of a white woman by a black Somalian cop for no reason in Minneapolis a few years ago. The story was quickly buried. This cop was a “minority hire”, as the City of Minneapolis has gone “woke” and bends over backward to fill its racial quotas – as proscribed by the Zionist overlords at the ACLU. The Jews in control of big media are working to create racial animosity, which is a strategy in their agenda to destroy white nations. It was “Jewish” slave traders who brought black Africans to the United States in the first place so if anyone should have a guilt complex over slavery it should be the descendants of those Jewish traders – but we doubt “they” feel one ounce of guilt. Their lies go on and on like a parade of smirking, evil clowns.
Joe Biden babbling about the terrible problem of "white supremacism", to the amusement of Zionist Jews in the audience.

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Consider the ridiculous accusation that “white supremacism”, is the worst problem facing America, as proclaimed by traitor, Joe Biden, whose Jewish-Zionist party cheated him into office by stuffing ballot boxes and miscounting votes – and who to our knowledge has never done anything good for this country but has pocketed $millions from the ruination of America ordered by his Jewish handlers. Perhaps one reason that “sleepy Joe” does exactly as he is told is because Jews have videos of him having sex with children. His presidential cabinet is stuffed as full of Zionist Jews as a tin of sardines.
We believe there is such a thing as “racial supremacism”, but it is NOT to be found among white people. JEWISH supremacism is carefully hidden behind an iron curtain of psycho-bullying and disinformation. To utter the truth about this important matter in public will get one branded as a “hater” or heaven forbid, an “anti-Semite” – though today’s “Jews” technically aren’t “Semites”!! Their ancestry is Cainite-Canaanite-Asiatic-Edomite. Only white people are true Semites, a word derived from Shem, as in “Shem-ite” Shem, a white man, was the son of Noah, who was a white man. The Jews, on the other hand ARE “Edom”, slated for annihilation by God in the end of the age! The Jewish Encyclopedia from 1925 comes right out and admits it! |
1925: This year’s Jewish Encyclopedia states of the existence of Ashkenazi Jews that represent approximately 90% of world Jewry with the startling admission that the so-called “enemy of the Jews” Esau also known as “Edom”, in Genesis 36:1 now actually represents the Jewish race, when on page 42 of Volume V it is stated that “Edom is in modern Jewry”. Andrew Carrington Hitchcock, 2006, from recording entitled Synagogue of Satan Fake Jews, from the book by the same name. |

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Being Edom brings with it a heavy curse which is that at the end of this earth age, they will be “devoured” and “there shall not be any remaining” of them. Thus for all of their bluster and their appropriation of the wealth of the world by deceit – it will all be for naught because they will not keep any of it, and it will all be given to “Jacob”, representing the white bloodline of true “Israel”. This vengeance by God on our nagging, conniving and despicable enemy is an amazing thing to look forward to, and we can count on it because God cannot lie, and prophecy comes from Him.
Obadiah 1:17-18 But upon mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness; and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions. And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them; and there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau; for the LORD hath spoken it.
Every tactic of the Zionist-Talmudic program is destructive as opposed to constructive because the race spawned by Satan can only deceive, counterfeit and destroy. Our people are destroyed for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6). The lies and spiders web of intimidation of our crafty enemy are so thick that coping with it is like trying to gasp for breath and find one’s way in a house that is on fire. WHO, indeed, are the real supremacists? What is THEIR inspiration? Consider these enlightening quotes from their Talmud, the “holy book” of Judaism, written by the so-called “chosen people” at the behest of Satan, their ancient forefather:
Kill the most honest of the goyim.
Abod, Zarah 26b
He who sheds the blood of the goyim is offering a sacrifice to God.
Jalqut Simeoni
The goyim are not humans. They are beasts.
Baba Mezia 114b
If a Jew finds an object lost by a goyim it does not have to be returned.
Baba Mezia 24a
Jews may use lies to circumvent a goyim.
Baba Kamma 113a
Goyim girls are in a state of niddah (filth) from birth.
Abodah Zarah 36b
A Jew need not pay a goyim the wages owed him for work
Sanhedron 57a
Jehovah created the goyim in human form so that the Jew would not have to be served by beasts. The goyim is consequently an animal in human form, and condemned to serve the Jew day and night.
Midrasch Talpioth
When a Jew murders a goyim, there will be no death penalty. What a Jew steals from a goyim he may keep.
Sanhedrin 57a
A Jewish man is obligated to say the following prayer every day: “Thank you god for not making me a goyim, a woman or a slave”.
Menahoth 43b-44a
Goyim prefer sex with cows.
Abodah Zarah 22a-22b
To communicate anything to a goyim about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.
Libbre David 37
When a Jew has a goyim in his clutches, another Jew may go to the same goyim, lend him money and in turn deceive him, so that the goyim shall be ruined. For the property of a goyim, according to our law, belongs to no one, and the first Jew that passes has first right to seize it.
Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 156
A Jew may do to a non-Jewess what he can do. He may treat her as he treats a piece of meat.
Hadarine 20 B; Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 348 A
The “synagogue of Satan” – those who CALL themselves “Jews” but are not, embraced the Talmud from the beginning, because it suited their NATURE as follows:
History proves and the Jewish Encyclopaedia confirms it, that the so-called German, Russian, Polish and Eastern Jews are Mongols, who accepted the Jewish Talmud, which is not the creed given to Moses. The Talmud seems more like the by-laws of a gang of murderers than a religion, yet it is strictly followed by the so-called “Jews”. Spiridovich, page 4
If the above quotes from the Talmud are insufficient to get the point across here’s corroboration from old man Rothschild himself, founder of the Ashkenazi-Jewish dynasty that has been ruling the world since the late 1700s:
When death approached, old Amschel called together his children, in Frankfort, and having read the satanic Talmud, he proclaimed: “Remember my children, that all the Earth must belong to us, Jews, and that the Gentiles being mere excrements of animals, must possess nothing”. Spiridovich, Page 94
You have to love Spiridovich, and in general “old books” of ACTUAL un-expunged history, because they reveal long lost tidbits and anecdotes of insight that have been meticulously weeded out of establishment history books and Internet search engines so as to protect the satanic Jew from exposure and righteous criticism. Meyer Amschel was quite the hypocrite in accusing Gentiles of being “excrements of animals”, judging from his personal grooming habits. Spiridovich provides this interesting comparison between the Causasian Alexander I, King of Prussia and the Mongol-Edomite-Canaanite Rothschild and son Nathan:
A. Rappaport, a Jew, narrates about Alexander I: Alexander did not spare himself. Like Peter the Great, he rose at five o’ clock in the morning. Every subject, no matter to what class he belonged, was admitted to his presence, and all petitions were received …” He was extremely particular as to cleanliness, moral and physical. In this he was the exact opposite to the Rothschilds, of whom Amschel never changed his clothes and underwear, until they fell to pieces. Nathan Rothschild II, began to change his clothes, but never took a bath or changed his underwear as long as it would hang together. Spiridovich, page 111
Let us wrap up these revealing quotes with more recent ones from the World Economic Forum, led by Klaus Schwab, a terrible Jew, who was trained by arch Zionist and criminal warmonger Henry Kissinger:
“We need a great reset” (the WE he speaks of is not US) “You will own nothing, and you will be happy.” From the World Economic Forum website circa 2018
This last quote was posted on the W.E.F. website a few years ago until it was removed for lack of general enthusiasm. Apparently the “goyim” internet surfers who came upon this were less than delighted with the Zionist plan to defraud them of everything and lock them in a “smart city” prison for life. Quite obviously it echoes the sentiment of stinky old Meyer Amschel Rothschild as the W.E.F. is simply another Talmudic-Zionist tool for world domination by those who are “chosen” by Satan to do his dirty work.
Consider this warning from the Old Testament in which God specifically instructed the ancient Hebrews (who were white) to drive the Canaanites (ancestors of today’s “Jews”) out of the “promised land” of Canaan:
Numbers 33:55-56 But if ye will not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you; then it shall come to pass, that those which ye let remain of them shall be pricks in your eyes, and thorns in your sides, and shall vex you in the land wherein ye dwell. Moreover it shall come to pass, that I shall do unto you, as I thought to do unto them.
It looks like God was right, as always. Our ancient ancestors failed to do as God commanded and now WE are dealing with the problem. Are the “Jews” not “vexing” us in the land in which we now dwell? We must in all fairness allow the possibility that not all members of the Cainite-Edomite-Mongol bloodline that spawned the Talmud are completely on board with the filth that it promulgates as “scripture” and how to live a “righteous” life according to Satan. This author has known “Jews” that appear to have little to no knowledge of what is written in the Talmud and seem to be unaware of the nefarious activities of their high echelon kin who make up the secret world government. These Jews would be looked down on by the “elite” Jews as “the lesser brethren”. Sephardic Jews, especially, are considered by the meaner Ashkenazi breed to be inferior stock and in Israel are actually referred to as “niggers”.
Some popular Internet Jew bloggers like “Brother” Nathanial and Naomi Wolf and earlier writers such as Myron Fagan, Benjamin Freedman (see download below this paragraph) and Jack Bernstein, author of "An American Jew in Racist-Supremacist Israel" -- who was assassinated by the Mossad for challenging the ADL to a debate on national TV -- actually express outrage at the activities of their evil racial kin for indeed, there are seismic rifts of dissent within the “tribe”, which the autocrats are always attempting to hammer out with fear, intimidation, and occasionally murder, and the promotion of a “persecution” complex -- such as the flapping old worn tire of the “Holocaust”, which gets a retread year after tiresome year because it is so profitable to the whining Jews, in the form of undeserved reparations payments, such as the payments Germany was forced to dole out to “Holocaust survivors” after WWII, and continuing to this day! There were not six million Jews in all of Europe during WWII. Way more than the number of Jews who were actually resident in Germany under the Nazi government have received life-long payments for “suffering”. The regime was financed by Wall Street Jewish bankers in the first place! Amazing the scams these wicked creatures come up with. No other race could pull it off, or would have the “hutzpah” to do so.
Obadiah 1:17-18 But upon mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness; and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions. And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them; and there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau; for the LORD hath spoken it.
Every tactic of the Zionist-Talmudic program is destructive as opposed to constructive because the race spawned by Satan can only deceive, counterfeit and destroy. Our people are destroyed for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6). The lies and spiders web of intimidation of our crafty enemy are so thick that coping with it is like trying to gasp for breath and find one’s way in a house that is on fire. WHO, indeed, are the real supremacists? What is THEIR inspiration? Consider these enlightening quotes from their Talmud, the “holy book” of Judaism, written by the so-called “chosen people” at the behest of Satan, their ancient forefather:
Kill the most honest of the goyim.
Abod, Zarah 26b
He who sheds the blood of the goyim is offering a sacrifice to God.
Jalqut Simeoni
The goyim are not humans. They are beasts.
Baba Mezia 114b
If a Jew finds an object lost by a goyim it does not have to be returned.
Baba Mezia 24a
Jews may use lies to circumvent a goyim.
Baba Kamma 113a
Goyim girls are in a state of niddah (filth) from birth.
Abodah Zarah 36b
A Jew need not pay a goyim the wages owed him for work
Sanhedron 57a
Jehovah created the goyim in human form so that the Jew would not have to be served by beasts. The goyim is consequently an animal in human form, and condemned to serve the Jew day and night.
Midrasch Talpioth
When a Jew murders a goyim, there will be no death penalty. What a Jew steals from a goyim he may keep.
Sanhedrin 57a
A Jewish man is obligated to say the following prayer every day: “Thank you god for not making me a goyim, a woman or a slave”.
Menahoth 43b-44a
Goyim prefer sex with cows.
Abodah Zarah 22a-22b
To communicate anything to a goyim about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.
Libbre David 37
When a Jew has a goyim in his clutches, another Jew may go to the same goyim, lend him money and in turn deceive him, so that the goyim shall be ruined. For the property of a goyim, according to our law, belongs to no one, and the first Jew that passes has first right to seize it.
Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 156
A Jew may do to a non-Jewess what he can do. He may treat her as he treats a piece of meat.
Hadarine 20 B; Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 348 A
The “synagogue of Satan” – those who CALL themselves “Jews” but are not, embraced the Talmud from the beginning, because it suited their NATURE as follows:
History proves and the Jewish Encyclopaedia confirms it, that the so-called German, Russian, Polish and Eastern Jews are Mongols, who accepted the Jewish Talmud, which is not the creed given to Moses. The Talmud seems more like the by-laws of a gang of murderers than a religion, yet it is strictly followed by the so-called “Jews”. Spiridovich, page 4
If the above quotes from the Talmud are insufficient to get the point across here’s corroboration from old man Rothschild himself, founder of the Ashkenazi-Jewish dynasty that has been ruling the world since the late 1700s:
When death approached, old Amschel called together his children, in Frankfort, and having read the satanic Talmud, he proclaimed: “Remember my children, that all the Earth must belong to us, Jews, and that the Gentiles being mere excrements of animals, must possess nothing”. Spiridovich, Page 94
You have to love Spiridovich, and in general “old books” of ACTUAL un-expunged history, because they reveal long lost tidbits and anecdotes of insight that have been meticulously weeded out of establishment history books and Internet search engines so as to protect the satanic Jew from exposure and righteous criticism. Meyer Amschel was quite the hypocrite in accusing Gentiles of being “excrements of animals”, judging from his personal grooming habits. Spiridovich provides this interesting comparison between the Causasian Alexander I, King of Prussia and the Mongol-Edomite-Canaanite Rothschild and son Nathan:
A. Rappaport, a Jew, narrates about Alexander I: Alexander did not spare himself. Like Peter the Great, he rose at five o’ clock in the morning. Every subject, no matter to what class he belonged, was admitted to his presence, and all petitions were received …” He was extremely particular as to cleanliness, moral and physical. In this he was the exact opposite to the Rothschilds, of whom Amschel never changed his clothes and underwear, until they fell to pieces. Nathan Rothschild II, began to change his clothes, but never took a bath or changed his underwear as long as it would hang together. Spiridovich, page 111
Let us wrap up these revealing quotes with more recent ones from the World Economic Forum, led by Klaus Schwab, a terrible Jew, who was trained by arch Zionist and criminal warmonger Henry Kissinger:
“We need a great reset” (the WE he speaks of is not US) “You will own nothing, and you will be happy.” From the World Economic Forum website circa 2018
This last quote was posted on the W.E.F. website a few years ago until it was removed for lack of general enthusiasm. Apparently the “goyim” internet surfers who came upon this were less than delighted with the Zionist plan to defraud them of everything and lock them in a “smart city” prison for life. Quite obviously it echoes the sentiment of stinky old Meyer Amschel Rothschild as the W.E.F. is simply another Talmudic-Zionist tool for world domination by those who are “chosen” by Satan to do his dirty work.
Consider this warning from the Old Testament in which God specifically instructed the ancient Hebrews (who were white) to drive the Canaanites (ancestors of today’s “Jews”) out of the “promised land” of Canaan:
Numbers 33:55-56 But if ye will not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you; then it shall come to pass, that those which ye let remain of them shall be pricks in your eyes, and thorns in your sides, and shall vex you in the land wherein ye dwell. Moreover it shall come to pass, that I shall do unto you, as I thought to do unto them.
It looks like God was right, as always. Our ancient ancestors failed to do as God commanded and now WE are dealing with the problem. Are the “Jews” not “vexing” us in the land in which we now dwell? We must in all fairness allow the possibility that not all members of the Cainite-Edomite-Mongol bloodline that spawned the Talmud are completely on board with the filth that it promulgates as “scripture” and how to live a “righteous” life according to Satan. This author has known “Jews” that appear to have little to no knowledge of what is written in the Talmud and seem to be unaware of the nefarious activities of their high echelon kin who make up the secret world government. These Jews would be looked down on by the “elite” Jews as “the lesser brethren”. Sephardic Jews, especially, are considered by the meaner Ashkenazi breed to be inferior stock and in Israel are actually referred to as “niggers”.
Some popular Internet Jew bloggers like “Brother” Nathanial and Naomi Wolf and earlier writers such as Myron Fagan, Benjamin Freedman (see download below this paragraph) and Jack Bernstein, author of "An American Jew in Racist-Supremacist Israel" -- who was assassinated by the Mossad for challenging the ADL to a debate on national TV -- actually express outrage at the activities of their evil racial kin for indeed, there are seismic rifts of dissent within the “tribe”, which the autocrats are always attempting to hammer out with fear, intimidation, and occasionally murder, and the promotion of a “persecution” complex -- such as the flapping old worn tire of the “Holocaust”, which gets a retread year after tiresome year because it is so profitable to the whining Jews, in the form of undeserved reparations payments, such as the payments Germany was forced to dole out to “Holocaust survivors” after WWII, and continuing to this day! There were not six million Jews in all of Europe during WWII. Way more than the number of Jews who were actually resident in Germany under the Nazi government have received life-long payments for “suffering”. The regime was financed by Wall Street Jewish bankers in the first place! Amazing the scams these wicked creatures come up with. No other race could pull it off, or would have the “hutzpah” to do so.

facts_are_facts_-_freedman_-_1954_revelationoutpost_annotation.pdf |
There was indeed a “Holocaust”, but it was the mass murder of around 40-60 million WHITE Russian orthodox Christians during the Zionist coup, better known as the Russian Bolshevik (communist) revolution, an horrific bloodbath that began in 1917 and lasted until around 1945. The instigators and financiers of this satanic bloodbath were JEWS, with names like Jacob Schiff, Wall Street financier from Kuhn, Loeb and Company (a Jewish firm, as are all of them) – who contributed millions of dollars in gold to stoke the death machine, and chief operatives like Trotsky (real name Bronstein), Stalin (Duganovich), Lenin (Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov). In regard to that mass murder there can be no accusation that this writer is a “Holocaust Denier” -- another term illustrating how the Jews use language as a weapon against us. This semantic trick was used again with the absolutely ridiculous term “vaccine denier” – as if to know damn well that something is a poison and to NOT want to take it makes one a bad person! Do you see how absurd this is?, but because of the Trojan Horse, brainwashing device in everyone’s living room, the elephantine power of “Jewish” controlled media, “they” get away with it!! The truth, is that the second historical event, blown all out of proportion by Jewish media and “history” – the one every student MUST learn about in high school -- was a cover for the first, which was stuffed into the Orwellian “memory hole”. The extermination of 60 million white Russians by Jewish communists was the REAL Holocaust, controlled and financed behind the scenes by the Rothschild Ashkenazi Jewish banking dynasty. All of those white Russian Christians died so that Zionist Jews could take over Russia and turn it into a vast concentration camp. It took eighty years for Russia to halfway recover from it, and now Russia appears to be more sovereign than America. Putin had the guts to expel many of the Jewish oligarchs! Why can’t WE do the same? Why? Because Jews control the government in America, and everyone else in the world knows it. The Russian writer Spiridovich, who covers every angle of the Jewish problem, tells us precisely WHY these white Russians were killed during the true holocaust:
The reason why so many persons are being killed is not because of their counter-revolutionary activity, but is nothing more or less than the deliberate murder of the intelligent Aryan classes in order to substitute the Asiatics. Spiridovich, page 3
Are not white people being replaced in America and Europe in the 2020s? For those of you who are “older” does this seem like the same America you knew as children? You'd have to be blind not to see the difference. Just go to any large grocery store, walk around and study the people. Pure whites are disappearing. History “repeats itself”, because there is constant current that runs through it, and this is it:
The world since 1815 has practically been ruled by the Occult Jewish Dynasty of Rothschilds, who are as Rulers of Germany, Austria, England, France, Italy, the United States, and now (this was written 100 years ago! – ed.) they rule Russia through their pro-consuls, the Jews, Bronstein (alias Trotsky); Apfelbaum (Zinoviev); Rosenfeld (Kamenev), etc. Spiridovich, page 113
We see, from the actions of the so-called “deep state” government and the fact that the U.S. Federal Government consistently works against the desires of American citizens, and particularly white citizens, that the diktats of the Talmud are being followed to the letter. The American federal government is infested with Zionist Jew “sayanim” who secretly work for the international Jewish (Rothschild) money power. This has been the case in America for at least a century and a half, from the Civil War all the way up to this grim day when millions of “goyim” are dying from yet another holocaust – a bio-weapon of mass destruction -- injected into fearful people who trusted that “science” rather than God would save them from a phony “pandemic”, which generally was no worse than a typical flu outbreak. The tactics of this scam were numerous, and included blaming deaths from the “vaccine” on “Covid”, blaming deaths from bad drugs such as Remdesevir (Fauci’s favorite) on “Covid”, and blaming deaths from the common flu on “Covid” so that the statistics could be falsified to justify declaring a “pandemic”. If there was an actual “Covid” virus it has NEVER been isolated!! Where’s the proof? Some of the symptoms could actually have been caused by microwave radiation, especially in tandem with the nano-particules of metals injected into the body with the so-called “vaccines”.
The Covid 19 holocaust and multi-trillion dollar asset stripping operation was financed by Jewish investment banking firms, like Blackrock and Vanguard, which own majority stock shares in big pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson. Propaganda to “get the shot” to “protect your loved ones” was relentlessly blasted out on Jewish-controlled mainstream media. A controlling interest of stock in major television networks is owned by the same Jewish-controlled Wall Street investment firms. And who controls those firms from behind the scenes? Who on earth would have trillions of dollars of investment capital to dump into Blackrock and Vanguard? Hmmm. Let’s follow the clues: What was accomplished by all of this: MASS MURDER, and the stealing of assets of the “goyim” which is something the Rothschilds and their satanic, dynastic brethren are very good at. They have been at the mass murder and asset stripping game for centuries. The so-called “pandemic” was a killer of small businesses that were forced by ridiculous un-scientific mandates to shut down so that their market shares could be absorbed by Jewish billionaires and their rapacious corporations. The rich Jews got richer by billions and trillions of dollars as the middle class of America was defrauded.
The reason why so many persons are being killed is not because of their counter-revolutionary activity, but is nothing more or less than the deliberate murder of the intelligent Aryan classes in order to substitute the Asiatics. Spiridovich, page 3
Are not white people being replaced in America and Europe in the 2020s? For those of you who are “older” does this seem like the same America you knew as children? You'd have to be blind not to see the difference. Just go to any large grocery store, walk around and study the people. Pure whites are disappearing. History “repeats itself”, because there is constant current that runs through it, and this is it:
The world since 1815 has practically been ruled by the Occult Jewish Dynasty of Rothschilds, who are as Rulers of Germany, Austria, England, France, Italy, the United States, and now (this was written 100 years ago! – ed.) they rule Russia through their pro-consuls, the Jews, Bronstein (alias Trotsky); Apfelbaum (Zinoviev); Rosenfeld (Kamenev), etc. Spiridovich, page 113
We see, from the actions of the so-called “deep state” government and the fact that the U.S. Federal Government consistently works against the desires of American citizens, and particularly white citizens, that the diktats of the Talmud are being followed to the letter. The American federal government is infested with Zionist Jew “sayanim” who secretly work for the international Jewish (Rothschild) money power. This has been the case in America for at least a century and a half, from the Civil War all the way up to this grim day when millions of “goyim” are dying from yet another holocaust – a bio-weapon of mass destruction -- injected into fearful people who trusted that “science” rather than God would save them from a phony “pandemic”, which generally was no worse than a typical flu outbreak. The tactics of this scam were numerous, and included blaming deaths from the “vaccine” on “Covid”, blaming deaths from bad drugs such as Remdesevir (Fauci’s favorite) on “Covid”, and blaming deaths from the common flu on “Covid” so that the statistics could be falsified to justify declaring a “pandemic”. If there was an actual “Covid” virus it has NEVER been isolated!! Where’s the proof? Some of the symptoms could actually have been caused by microwave radiation, especially in tandem with the nano-particules of metals injected into the body with the so-called “vaccines”.
The Covid 19 holocaust and multi-trillion dollar asset stripping operation was financed by Jewish investment banking firms, like Blackrock and Vanguard, which own majority stock shares in big pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson. Propaganda to “get the shot” to “protect your loved ones” was relentlessly blasted out on Jewish-controlled mainstream media. A controlling interest of stock in major television networks is owned by the same Jewish-controlled Wall Street investment firms. And who controls those firms from behind the scenes? Who on earth would have trillions of dollars of investment capital to dump into Blackrock and Vanguard? Hmmm. Let’s follow the clues: What was accomplished by all of this: MASS MURDER, and the stealing of assets of the “goyim” which is something the Rothschilds and their satanic, dynastic brethren are very good at. They have been at the mass murder and asset stripping game for centuries. The so-called “pandemic” was a killer of small businesses that were forced by ridiculous un-scientific mandates to shut down so that their market shares could be absorbed by Jewish billionaires and their rapacious corporations. The rich Jews got richer by billions and trillions of dollars as the middle class of America was defrauded.
For the benefit of those who can’t shake the belief that historical events like a worldwide “pandemic” are random occurrences or perhaps due to an unintentional “lab leak”, think: WHO alone has the power to pull off such an event globally, an incredible feat which would require coordination among agent provocateurs planted in all of the nations affected. Logically it would have to be an entity that has financial assets beyond compare, in other words, it has to possess the money to “convince” by any means possible (typically bribery and blackmail), the politicians of many nations to go along with the plan. It seems logical to assume it is the group which was already in control of world finance in the 1800s, because extreme wealth does not disappear, despite propaganda to the contrary -- it only increases! The perpetrators would be that group which considers its members to be “international citizens”, that is not loyal to any country in which they happen to reside, and who consistently work toward world government ruled by THEM.
The above multi-billionaires, Gates, Bezos, Zuckerberg and Musk, are either outright Jews or crypto-Jews
The Roman Catholics and the Protestants can be good Englishmen or Americans, but, … as Sir Alfred Mond proved, a Jew cannot be a good Englishman (or American): a Jew is always a Jew, i.e., a satanist and a mankiller, as long as he does not drop the Talmud, which preaches hatred of the gentiles, which Catholic or Protestant creeds do NOT teach. A million times it has been proved that the Jews do not care about the country in which they live. Every great man from Diodor to Ernest Renan confirmed this. Spiridovich, page 136
This tribe of Ashkenazi infiltrators has always spoken Yiddish wherever they happened to settle. Yiddish was the language of the Khazars, not Judeans. These latter day Ashkenazi so-called “Jews” are planted in ALL of the great cities of the world, and “they” control the central banks of the world, own and control most of the Fortune 500 corporations, and utterly dominate the mainstream media. “They” control Hollywood, own the primary “news” agencies like Reuters and U.P.I., and fill a disproportionate share of government posts and influential N.G.O.s (Non Governmental Organizations). If you take a good hard look at the problem you see that a JEW sits at every critical juncture pulling strings to make bad things happen – for profit and more control over the “goyim”, to fulfill the “prophecies” of their Talmud.
There would also have to be a command structure, and there most certainly is. It begins at the Rothschild’s Bank of International Settlements in Basil, Switzerland, which in turn controls the central banks of the world, which in turn supply billions and trillions of dollars created out of nothing to the commercial banks, which in turn loan money (again created out of nothing) to their favored mostly Jewish owned and run mega-corporations at low interest rates while citizen slaves pay much higher rates of interest on everything from credit cards to home mortgages. Everything with this tribe of Judeo-Mongol-Talmudist-Zionist-Satanists is a skimming operation and a swindle. They are master infiltrators and parasites. None of them (in the higher echelon) perform any actual “work” that contributes to the success and sovereignty of nations, or the betterment of humanity or the world, but rather their existence is entirely destructive to Western nations and culture, because they are hell bent on achieving their “New World Order” global government for “their father the devil”.
The fairly recent term “disaster capitalism” describes the way in which these “Jews” do “business”. WE could easily do without them running things because WE “goyim” do all of the real work!! Without millions of dutiful, motivated, at work on time wage slaves contributing their brain power and labor the entire stinking edifice of Zionist Jewish overlords, ruled by a Rothschild autocrat would collapse. If the masses of victims of “public education” had received real instruction in actual history, this vile race of vipers would probably get exterminated or kicked out of America, as has happened MANY times before in history, for the same general reasons. When “Jews” get the upper hand, sovereign nations are weakened and destroyed, their native populations impoverished and the “Jew” ends up with all of the businesses, the land and the money, which was in no way “earned”. It is stolen with usury and a vast array of financial scams known only to the Jews. The Jew John D. Rockefeller once bragged “I have ways of making money that you know nothing about.” There you have it. This is why “Jews” have been expelled from many nations throughout history. Here is a list of these expulsions:
This tribe of Ashkenazi infiltrators has always spoken Yiddish wherever they happened to settle. Yiddish was the language of the Khazars, not Judeans. These latter day Ashkenazi so-called “Jews” are planted in ALL of the great cities of the world, and “they” control the central banks of the world, own and control most of the Fortune 500 corporations, and utterly dominate the mainstream media. “They” control Hollywood, own the primary “news” agencies like Reuters and U.P.I., and fill a disproportionate share of government posts and influential N.G.O.s (Non Governmental Organizations). If you take a good hard look at the problem you see that a JEW sits at every critical juncture pulling strings to make bad things happen – for profit and more control over the “goyim”, to fulfill the “prophecies” of their Talmud.
There would also have to be a command structure, and there most certainly is. It begins at the Rothschild’s Bank of International Settlements in Basil, Switzerland, which in turn controls the central banks of the world, which in turn supply billions and trillions of dollars created out of nothing to the commercial banks, which in turn loan money (again created out of nothing) to their favored mostly Jewish owned and run mega-corporations at low interest rates while citizen slaves pay much higher rates of interest on everything from credit cards to home mortgages. Everything with this tribe of Judeo-Mongol-Talmudist-Zionist-Satanists is a skimming operation and a swindle. They are master infiltrators and parasites. None of them (in the higher echelon) perform any actual “work” that contributes to the success and sovereignty of nations, or the betterment of humanity or the world, but rather their existence is entirely destructive to Western nations and culture, because they are hell bent on achieving their “New World Order” global government for “their father the devil”.
The fairly recent term “disaster capitalism” describes the way in which these “Jews” do “business”. WE could easily do without them running things because WE “goyim” do all of the real work!! Without millions of dutiful, motivated, at work on time wage slaves contributing their brain power and labor the entire stinking edifice of Zionist Jewish overlords, ruled by a Rothschild autocrat would collapse. If the masses of victims of “public education” had received real instruction in actual history, this vile race of vipers would probably get exterminated or kicked out of America, as has happened MANY times before in history, for the same general reasons. When “Jews” get the upper hand, sovereign nations are weakened and destroyed, their native populations impoverished and the “Jew” ends up with all of the businesses, the land and the money, which was in no way “earned”. It is stolen with usury and a vast array of financial scams known only to the Jews. The Jew John D. Rockefeller once bragged “I have ways of making money that you know nothing about.” There you have it. This is why “Jews” have been expelled from many nations throughout history. Here is a list of these expulsions:
Carthage 250
Visigoth Spain 612 Italy 612 France 1182 Germany 1182 Bavaria 1276 England 1290 France 1306 Switzerland 1348 Saxony 1349 Hungary 1360 Belgium 1370 Slovakia 1380 Germany 1394 France 1394 Austria 1420 Netherlands 1444 Spain 1492 Italy 1492 Lithuania 1495 Portugal 1496 Prussia 1510 Italy 1540 Bavaria 1551 Austria 1559 Netherlands 1582 Hungary 1582 Kiev 1619 Ukraine 1648 Poland 1648 Lithuania 1656 Oran (Africa) 1669 Russia 1727 Slovakia 1744 Livonia 1744 Moravia 1745 Bordeaux 1761 Warsaw 1775 Alsace 1789 Russia 1804 Bremen 1820 Austria 1843 Prussia 1843 Romania 1866 Russia 1884 Moscow 1891 Bavaria 1919 Germany 1939 |
There haven’t been recent expulsions because the Jews have monopolized all of the major sources of “information” and employ pressure groups to punish anyone who dares to criticize them in a public forum – such as former Senator Joe McCarthy and filmmaker/actor Mel Gibson, who relented and cut some scenes out of his blockbuster movie “Passion of the Christ” because it made the Jews look bad. Gibson had to finance the entire project himself because Jewish movie business financiers wouldn’t lend him any money. People are largely unaware of “the Jewish question” because their minds have been filled with propaganda. A huge problem in America is that most of the “news”, “information” and “education” the public is exposed to, is filtered through Jewish hands, because Jews absolutely control the mainstream television and radio media, the giant Internet sites, the movie studios, and the book, newspaper and magazine publishing businesses. Anyone who can grasp the magnitude of what is revealed here is a rare breed who has the fortitude to sift through an earthquake’s worth of misinformation rubble to find rare nuggets of truth. The vast majority of people, the Joe and Jane six packs of the world, so to speak, don’t want to be bothered with research and do not have a clue. They prefer to park their butts in front of the Jewish brainwashing tube for their daily dose of "programming". They bask in the ease of believing fantasies, and therefore they are in denial of the truth. They are being fattened for the slaughter. The number of “us”, who value the truth and know at least the bare essentials of it, is growing, but not fast enough. Again, we quote the visionary Spiridovich:
The Rothschilds never invented anything useful to humanity; never created an industry from the first. They started work with enormous capital and they kept for themselves all benefits. Any means were good for them, if they were materially advantageous. The Rothschilds have been the backbone of all political and financial happenings since 1770. Their name ought to be mentioned on each page of the history of every country. The authors, teachers, lecturers and politicians, who do not speak of them, must be considered dupes, hypocrites or criminally ignorant. Spiridovich, page 55.
The Rothschilds were not only financiers. They later on became industrial magnates and merchants as well. Their immense capital, like millions of leeches, is attached to every human effort. Spiridovich, page 116
All of “us”, particularly in the struggling and fast disappearing middle class are burdened our entire lives with paying interest on just about everything. This would comprise some of the “leeches” Spiridovich is talking about -- interest attached to vehicle loans, student loans, credit cards, mortgages, business loans, and practically everything you buy in a store. The stores themselves are financed with business loans, the truckers who bring the food to the grocery stores are paying interest on vehicle loans, and the government itself is paying interest on all of the trillions of dollars lent to it by the Jewish central bank, the “Federal Reserve”, which is neither Federal nor does it need any reserves, because it creates money out of nothing in the form of debt. DEBT is its only “product”. The IRS, established on the heels of the “Fed” in 1913 collects taxes that people believe are earmarked for new government services but in truth federal taxes only go toward payment of the INTEREST on the federal debt owed to the “Fed”. If the usury of the Jewish bankers isn’t bad enough there are various fees and other taxes – business licenses, state and local taxes, personal property and real estate taxes, all of which only increase – never decrease. The natural resources that God gave us such as water and air should be free, but most people must pay for water. There is now a push to allot citizens a certain carbon footprint and tax for any emissions above a certain level – thus taxing the air. The amazing thing about this scam is that just like the Covid scam it is based on bogus “science”. Carbon is necessary for plant life and is not harmful. By eminent domain the secret global government octopus has already taken prime farmland in Iowa and other surrounding states in order to erect facilities to actually suck carbon out of the air to liquefy it and store it in giant underground tanks! This anti-life, “deep state” endeavor is called The Midwest Regional Carbon Initiative. The world government bastards are, therefore, working to destroy the food supply by depriving plants of the carbon dioxide they need for growth! Does it get any more evil than that?
There are even more “leeches”: There are “boom and bust” cycles to jack up the price of stocks to entice smaller investors, and when the price is at its peak the “insiders” sell off their shares and “pull the plug”, so to speak, and the “goyim” (unsuspecting middle class investors) hang on a bit longer only to see their stocks rapidly plummet in value. These small investors then sell in a “panic” and the rich “capitalists”, always flush with liquid investment capital, turn around and buy the distressed stock back at pennies on the dollar, whereupon the prices rise up again. Their gain is always at the expense of the smaller investors, who are like plucked chickens, victims of a legal, but de facto criminal enterprise. This has been a favorite trick of Jew “capitalist” combines for centuries. Here is a thorough description of how the boom/bust plundering scheme worked 150-200 years ago by late 1800s author L.B. Woolfolk who tracks the pillage and plunder of the Jewish-run East India Trading Company, precursor to the 19th century City of London banking empire of the Rothschild dynasty and its swamp of wealthy Jew capitalists:
The grand Money Kings had such advantages in their immense capital and in their perfect organization, that in commercial crises, often originated, and always manipulated by them, they managed systematically to break down rival companies, and buy them out, and to rob and plunder the minority stockholders ; until, in the end, these organized capitalists got into their own hands and very cheap, all, or the greater part of the stock of the various companies, manufacturing, mercantile and shipping, that originated in steam manufactures . They thus reduced to a system and a science the art of crushing rival companies, and freezing out minority stockholders . Their whole career was a systematic course of treachery, fraud and plunder, without a parallel in history . They advanced step by step, always causing a boom in every new enterprise that enlisted much outside capital, and always managing to operate seasons of business disaster, in which they lost a few hundred thousands by falling prices, a loss which they were abundantly able to stand, while making many millions by getting cheap the stock of broken corporations and the stock sold by minority stockholders. L.B. Woolfolk, The Great Red Dragon, 1890, page 10, under Chapter II, Rise of the Money Power, Second Era
The Rothschilds never invented anything useful to humanity; never created an industry from the first. They started work with enormous capital and they kept for themselves all benefits. Any means were good for them, if they were materially advantageous. The Rothschilds have been the backbone of all political and financial happenings since 1770. Their name ought to be mentioned on each page of the history of every country. The authors, teachers, lecturers and politicians, who do not speak of them, must be considered dupes, hypocrites or criminally ignorant. Spiridovich, page 55.
The Rothschilds were not only financiers. They later on became industrial magnates and merchants as well. Their immense capital, like millions of leeches, is attached to every human effort. Spiridovich, page 116
All of “us”, particularly in the struggling and fast disappearing middle class are burdened our entire lives with paying interest on just about everything. This would comprise some of the “leeches” Spiridovich is talking about -- interest attached to vehicle loans, student loans, credit cards, mortgages, business loans, and practically everything you buy in a store. The stores themselves are financed with business loans, the truckers who bring the food to the grocery stores are paying interest on vehicle loans, and the government itself is paying interest on all of the trillions of dollars lent to it by the Jewish central bank, the “Federal Reserve”, which is neither Federal nor does it need any reserves, because it creates money out of nothing in the form of debt. DEBT is its only “product”. The IRS, established on the heels of the “Fed” in 1913 collects taxes that people believe are earmarked for new government services but in truth federal taxes only go toward payment of the INTEREST on the federal debt owed to the “Fed”. If the usury of the Jewish bankers isn’t bad enough there are various fees and other taxes – business licenses, state and local taxes, personal property and real estate taxes, all of which only increase – never decrease. The natural resources that God gave us such as water and air should be free, but most people must pay for water. There is now a push to allot citizens a certain carbon footprint and tax for any emissions above a certain level – thus taxing the air. The amazing thing about this scam is that just like the Covid scam it is based on bogus “science”. Carbon is necessary for plant life and is not harmful. By eminent domain the secret global government octopus has already taken prime farmland in Iowa and other surrounding states in order to erect facilities to actually suck carbon out of the air to liquefy it and store it in giant underground tanks! This anti-life, “deep state” endeavor is called The Midwest Regional Carbon Initiative. The world government bastards are, therefore, working to destroy the food supply by depriving plants of the carbon dioxide they need for growth! Does it get any more evil than that?
There are even more “leeches”: There are “boom and bust” cycles to jack up the price of stocks to entice smaller investors, and when the price is at its peak the “insiders” sell off their shares and “pull the plug”, so to speak, and the “goyim” (unsuspecting middle class investors) hang on a bit longer only to see their stocks rapidly plummet in value. These small investors then sell in a “panic” and the rich “capitalists”, always flush with liquid investment capital, turn around and buy the distressed stock back at pennies on the dollar, whereupon the prices rise up again. Their gain is always at the expense of the smaller investors, who are like plucked chickens, victims of a legal, but de facto criminal enterprise. This has been a favorite trick of Jew “capitalist” combines for centuries. Here is a thorough description of how the boom/bust plundering scheme worked 150-200 years ago by late 1800s author L.B. Woolfolk who tracks the pillage and plunder of the Jewish-run East India Trading Company, precursor to the 19th century City of London banking empire of the Rothschild dynasty and its swamp of wealthy Jew capitalists:
The grand Money Kings had such advantages in their immense capital and in their perfect organization, that in commercial crises, often originated, and always manipulated by them, they managed systematically to break down rival companies, and buy them out, and to rob and plunder the minority stockholders ; until, in the end, these organized capitalists got into their own hands and very cheap, all, or the greater part of the stock of the various companies, manufacturing, mercantile and shipping, that originated in steam manufactures . They thus reduced to a system and a science the art of crushing rival companies, and freezing out minority stockholders . Their whole career was a systematic course of treachery, fraud and plunder, without a parallel in history . They advanced step by step, always causing a boom in every new enterprise that enlisted much outside capital, and always managing to operate seasons of business disaster, in which they lost a few hundred thousands by falling prices, a loss which they were abundantly able to stand, while making many millions by getting cheap the stock of broken corporations and the stock sold by minority stockholders. L.B. Woolfolk, The Great Red Dragon, 1890, page 10, under Chapter II, Rise of the Money Power, Second Era
Practicing the same tactics honed to a science a century and a half ago by Jewish owned East India Trading Co., multi-billionaires (most of them Jewish) got a trillion dollars richer during the Covid scamdemic – and this was just during the first nine months of the lockdowns! Meanwhile, the middle class was defrauded of about the same sum. By the end of the “pandemic” the Jewish millionaire-billionaire robber-barons had pocketed at least two trillion dollars stolen from the American middle class. As it was a century+ ago in Count Spiridovich and L.B. Woolfolk’s day, it’s the “whos”, it’s “they” – the ones you can’t talk about who are always the beneficiaries of these grand scams. Their very existence is indeed like millions of leeches sucking the lifeblood out of us.
When you think back on all of the “education” you received in public or private school, college, a university, post-graduate work, seminars, lectures, at church and so on, how often have you come across THIS information, which is the very KEY to understanding world history? It’s all meticulously hidden under piles of stinking propaganda because the serpent bloodline that controls this planet does not want you to know how they have kept you impoverished and enslaved since the day you were born – how they have secretly conscripted you into a clever system of DEBT slavery. This usurious system cannot last much longer. It is unsustainable because there has to come a point, in the near future, at which the mountains of debt generated out of nothing through the banking systems would simply become un-payable. Foreclosures would skyrocket. Defaults on all kinds of loans will soar. Business failures would be rampant and people would be thrown to the streets, en masse!! They are already on the streets. Just look at the increases in homeless populations throughout the country, and it would seem that the majority of these homeless people are white, thus unfortunately fulfilling Thomas Jefferson’s prophetic quote, from 1802.
The “economy”, which must continuously grow in order to feed the beast is on the verge of collapse, and the entire system, run by Jewish banker parasites and their allied Jewish corporate monopolies, would be finished, only to devolve into chaos. This is why “they” intend to “reset” it into an even worse system – one which must vigorously be resisted. We will cover the mechanics of that later.
For things cannot continue to go on as they have been going for the past generation. The reign of Shylock has brought the world up short against a veritable reducto ad absurdum! The chief outcome of the Era which has reached its climax in the great war (WWI) has been the creation of a host of Jew millionaires, every one of whom can control the lives and labours of thousands of Christians more effectually than if he were driving them in chained gangs. In the olden days it used to be said that “if a man will not work, neither shall he eat.” Now the law has gone forth “if a man have not money he shall not eat, labour he never so hard or long.” And the money is not reaped by the labourer but by the conjurors of the Tribe which has “fathomed all the secrets which lie hid in money.” And so long as Demos honours wealth and the power of wealth Shylock with his conquering Tribe will continue to rule, and will easily cheat foolish Demos by labeling his rule “Democracy.”
Democracy or Shylocracy, 1919, Harold Sherwood Spencer, pages 62-63, sacredtruthpublishing@mounet.com, ISBN 1-58840-500-1
In the current debt based money system many people work and work most of their lives and are never able to accumulate much of anything. They go to their grave with very little to pass on to the next generation while the usurers and monopolists get richer. The grandmasters of this scheme, the Rothschild dynasty which has been scamming humanity since the mid 1700s, has accumulated a gargantuan hoard of filthy lucre somewhere on the order of two to five hundred trillion dollars. Where do “they” get their inspiration for this rape of humanity? This parable provides the answer:
Luke 4:5-8 And the devil, taking him (Jesus) up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it. If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine. And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.
Rothschild’s network of central banking systems were set up to steal the wealth of the world. Satan did, after all, offer to give Jesus all of the kingdoms of the world if He would but bow down and worship him. Jesus naturally refused the offer, but the bloodline Satan/Lucifer/Hayleal spawned through Cain, the Cainite-Canaanite-Edomites, a bloodline that resides in modern Jewry, and particularly Ashkenazi Jewry, jumped at the opportunity, and Satan has delivered the kingdoms of the world to THEM. This was within Satan’s purview only because it was permitted by God. Thus all of these worldly kingdoms, from Nimrod’s empire, to the ancient Greek and Roman empires to the British and American empires (and the forthcoming Chinese empire, underwritten by the Judeo-Mongol world government) are Satanic in nature. The chief drivers of these kingdoms, from the central bank scions down through the pyramidal hierarchies of sayanim, are super-materialists, only concerned with THIS world. They suffer from a spiritual disability, which is that they simply cannot conceive of an afterlife, much less that their KIND is slated for an eternity in hell. Just listen to spokesmen-“philosophers” like the Israeli Jewish homosexual Yuval Noah Harrari (Klaus Schwab’s philosopher-sidekick), claim that the Bible is “fake news”. “Yuval”, incidentally, was a descendant of Cain. The means by which this Canaanite bloodline has acquired this wealth and power is in utter contradiction to God’s commandments, but “they”, literally, were born genetically predisposed to do the work of “their father the devil”. Their minds are “programmed” for evil. This is the big WHY behind the parade of senseless death and destruction of world history. The serpent seed line always has to be stirring up trouble because they are driven by their nature to destroy. Their character is described as follows in the Bible:
Jude 1:12-13 These are spots in your feasts of charity, when they feast with you, feeding themselves without fear: clouds they are without water, carried about of winds; trees whose fruit withereth, without fruit, twice dead plucked up by the roots; Raging waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame; wandering stars, to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness for ever.
Jewish writers themselves admit to their own character flaws:
We Jews, we are the destroyers and will remain the destroyers. Nothing you can do will meet our demands and needs. We will forever destroy because we want a world of our own. From the book You Gentiles, Maurice Samuel, 1924
I hardly exaggerate. Jewish life consists of two elements: Extracting money and protesting.
Nahum Goldman, former President of the World Jewish Congress, in The Jewish Paradox, 1978
As for the “lesser brethren” -- those average Jews who may be your acquaintances -- there are a myriad of tactics used by the “elite” Jews to throw them under the bus, to keep the “tribe” in line so to speak, and it is accomplished through FEAR. The Rothschilds, for example, have killed their own close kin for stepping out on a limb, away from the diktats of dynasty founder, Meyer Amschel and whoever happens to be the current dynasty autocrat. How much less then do these satanic Jew-Mongol psychopaths care about their “lesser brethren” and “the goyim”, which they consider to be lower than the excrement of animals:
James-Nathan revolted against the tyranny of Alphonse Rothschild IV, and was compelled to commit “suicide”. His throat was cut. The same happened with the grandson of Lionel, Nathaniel Rothschild in London in 1923, who was also found with his throat cut … Beloved execution of the Rothschilds. Spiridovich, page 129.
We would also note that this “tradition” of murdering kinfolk who are less than enthusiastic about the family plan for world domination continues to this day, as evidenced by the death of one Amschel Mayor James Rothschild, son of Victor Rothschild, at the age of 41, in 1996. He was found in a hotel hanging from a bathroom towel rack by the belt of his terry-cloth bathrobe. Police detectives determined that it was impossible for him to have died in this manner, but rather than having world media make a fuss about what could have been a huge, front page story his suspicious death was swiftly swept under the carpet and no real criminal investigation was conducted. Apparently, under orders from someone, crypto-Jew media kingpin Rupert Murdoch told his staff to ignore the story as much as possible, but in the event it was mentioned to say that Amschel Mayor James “died of a heart attack”. Such is the power of the Rothschild dynasty over media and government. In the late 1800s the dynasty purchased the Reuters news agency in Europe because they were getting too much “bad press”, and felt the need to control the “news”. They have been doing so ever since, not only in Europe but in America and the rest of the world as well. The problem with young Amschel M. James was that he was more interested in tending to the fruit trees on his vast estate than he was in usurious scamming of the goyim, mass murder and world domination. Thus, he wasn’t evil enough to follow in the footsteps of his ancestors, like for example Lionel Rothschild, a grandson of stinking old Amschel Mayor Rothschild. Spiridovich quotes from a now very rare book entitled “The Rothschilds: The Financial Rulers of Nations”, Reeves, pp. 205-207:
The direction of old Mayer Amschel of Frankfort, that his sons should always remain united, were carried out to their fullest possible extent, by the practice of intermarriage. The control of the London branch was confided exclusively to Lionel. (This was because he was the most satanic of the family. – Spiridovich elucidates) Lionel concentrated his thoughts exclusively on the consolidation of the immense fortune. Great prudence marked his enterprises. In the negotiation of foreign loans Lionel was particularly active, as this business, at once lucrative and comparatively free from risk, was one which he preferred before all others. During his lifetime his firm was interested in the issue of no less than eighteen Government loans, amounting in the aggregate to seven hundred million dollars (hundreds of billions in today’s dollars - ed). To enter into the details of these transactions would be to give the history of Europe for the last fifty years. Spiridovich, page 128
Democracy or Shylocracy, 1919, Harold Sherwood Spencer, pages 62-63, sacredtruthpublishing@mounet.com, ISBN 1-58840-500-1
In the current debt based money system many people work and work most of their lives and are never able to accumulate much of anything. They go to their grave with very little to pass on to the next generation while the usurers and monopolists get richer. The grandmasters of this scheme, the Rothschild dynasty which has been scamming humanity since the mid 1700s, has accumulated a gargantuan hoard of filthy lucre somewhere on the order of two to five hundred trillion dollars. Where do “they” get their inspiration for this rape of humanity? This parable provides the answer:
Luke 4:5-8 And the devil, taking him (Jesus) up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it. If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine. And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.
Rothschild’s network of central banking systems were set up to steal the wealth of the world. Satan did, after all, offer to give Jesus all of the kingdoms of the world if He would but bow down and worship him. Jesus naturally refused the offer, but the bloodline Satan/Lucifer/Hayleal spawned through Cain, the Cainite-Canaanite-Edomites, a bloodline that resides in modern Jewry, and particularly Ashkenazi Jewry, jumped at the opportunity, and Satan has delivered the kingdoms of the world to THEM. This was within Satan’s purview only because it was permitted by God. Thus all of these worldly kingdoms, from Nimrod’s empire, to the ancient Greek and Roman empires to the British and American empires (and the forthcoming Chinese empire, underwritten by the Judeo-Mongol world government) are Satanic in nature. The chief drivers of these kingdoms, from the central bank scions down through the pyramidal hierarchies of sayanim, are super-materialists, only concerned with THIS world. They suffer from a spiritual disability, which is that they simply cannot conceive of an afterlife, much less that their KIND is slated for an eternity in hell. Just listen to spokesmen-“philosophers” like the Israeli Jewish homosexual Yuval Noah Harrari (Klaus Schwab’s philosopher-sidekick), claim that the Bible is “fake news”. “Yuval”, incidentally, was a descendant of Cain. The means by which this Canaanite bloodline has acquired this wealth and power is in utter contradiction to God’s commandments, but “they”, literally, were born genetically predisposed to do the work of “their father the devil”. Their minds are “programmed” for evil. This is the big WHY behind the parade of senseless death and destruction of world history. The serpent seed line always has to be stirring up trouble because they are driven by their nature to destroy. Their character is described as follows in the Bible:
Jude 1:12-13 These are spots in your feasts of charity, when they feast with you, feeding themselves without fear: clouds they are without water, carried about of winds; trees whose fruit withereth, without fruit, twice dead plucked up by the roots; Raging waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame; wandering stars, to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness for ever.
Jewish writers themselves admit to their own character flaws:
We Jews, we are the destroyers and will remain the destroyers. Nothing you can do will meet our demands and needs. We will forever destroy because we want a world of our own. From the book You Gentiles, Maurice Samuel, 1924
I hardly exaggerate. Jewish life consists of two elements: Extracting money and protesting.
Nahum Goldman, former President of the World Jewish Congress, in The Jewish Paradox, 1978
As for the “lesser brethren” -- those average Jews who may be your acquaintances -- there are a myriad of tactics used by the “elite” Jews to throw them under the bus, to keep the “tribe” in line so to speak, and it is accomplished through FEAR. The Rothschilds, for example, have killed their own close kin for stepping out on a limb, away from the diktats of dynasty founder, Meyer Amschel and whoever happens to be the current dynasty autocrat. How much less then do these satanic Jew-Mongol psychopaths care about their “lesser brethren” and “the goyim”, which they consider to be lower than the excrement of animals:
James-Nathan revolted against the tyranny of Alphonse Rothschild IV, and was compelled to commit “suicide”. His throat was cut. The same happened with the grandson of Lionel, Nathaniel Rothschild in London in 1923, who was also found with his throat cut … Beloved execution of the Rothschilds. Spiridovich, page 129.
We would also note that this “tradition” of murdering kinfolk who are less than enthusiastic about the family plan for world domination continues to this day, as evidenced by the death of one Amschel Mayor James Rothschild, son of Victor Rothschild, at the age of 41, in 1996. He was found in a hotel hanging from a bathroom towel rack by the belt of his terry-cloth bathrobe. Police detectives determined that it was impossible for him to have died in this manner, but rather than having world media make a fuss about what could have been a huge, front page story his suspicious death was swiftly swept under the carpet and no real criminal investigation was conducted. Apparently, under orders from someone, crypto-Jew media kingpin Rupert Murdoch told his staff to ignore the story as much as possible, but in the event it was mentioned to say that Amschel Mayor James “died of a heart attack”. Such is the power of the Rothschild dynasty over media and government. In the late 1800s the dynasty purchased the Reuters news agency in Europe because they were getting too much “bad press”, and felt the need to control the “news”. They have been doing so ever since, not only in Europe but in America and the rest of the world as well. The problem with young Amschel M. James was that he was more interested in tending to the fruit trees on his vast estate than he was in usurious scamming of the goyim, mass murder and world domination. Thus, he wasn’t evil enough to follow in the footsteps of his ancestors, like for example Lionel Rothschild, a grandson of stinking old Amschel Mayor Rothschild. Spiridovich quotes from a now very rare book entitled “The Rothschilds: The Financial Rulers of Nations”, Reeves, pp. 205-207:
The direction of old Mayer Amschel of Frankfort, that his sons should always remain united, were carried out to their fullest possible extent, by the practice of intermarriage. The control of the London branch was confided exclusively to Lionel. (This was because he was the most satanic of the family. – Spiridovich elucidates) Lionel concentrated his thoughts exclusively on the consolidation of the immense fortune. Great prudence marked his enterprises. In the negotiation of foreign loans Lionel was particularly active, as this business, at once lucrative and comparatively free from risk, was one which he preferred before all others. During his lifetime his firm was interested in the issue of no less than eighteen Government loans, amounting in the aggregate to seven hundred million dollars (hundreds of billions in today’s dollars - ed). To enter into the details of these transactions would be to give the history of Europe for the last fifty years. Spiridovich, page 128
This Rothschild heiress (1933-2014) displays a pendant showing exactly who the dynasty’s power and wealth comes from. She was the financier for construction of a pyramid in California to house Anton LeVey’s Church of Satan. LeVey, author of “The Satanic Bible” was an Ashkenazi Jew.
Count Spiridovich goes on:
At the death of this father Nathan Rothschild II, Lionel could not maintain his power because his uncles suspected him of being “de-satanized” and because of the extraordinary satanic capacities of his uncle James, who thereupon became the World Autocrat, and World Assassin -- Rothschild, III. Spiridovoch, page 129 There is much to be garnered from this information. First, notice how very early on the Rothschild dynasty became lenders to nations, because they determined that it was the most profitable of all enterprises. Nations can always pay the interest on such loans because the money is extracted from the working people by taxation. In the U.S., for example, the IRS is the debt collector for the Jewish-owned Federal Reserve. Both of these unconstitutional agencies were founded in 1913 under the dupe, Sephardic Jew President Woodrow Wilson, whose “alter-ego” (handler) was Ashkenazi Jewish Rothschild agent Edwin Mandel House. The “central banking” idea evolved from Lionel Rothschild’s government loan business, nearly two centuries ago. |
Notice also that Rothschild dynasty structure always includes an autocrat, who sits at the top of their mountainous heap of ill-gotten gain, dictating how the family fortune is to be used and consolidated so as to increase the power of investment. The capital is further increased when other rich Jews throw their investments into the pot, knowing that they are sure to get a healthy return. The autocrat would be the most satanic of the bunch, chosen by “The Committee of 300”, leaders of the secret Jewish world government -- someone who “can get the job done”, has no conscience and naturally seeks the best investments – no matter who has to starve and die in the process. This is Satanism in action. The autocrat is subject to being replaced if he softens and becomes less satanic. The Jewish dynasties are always headed by men and the women are given dowries and usually intermarry into other Jewish dynasties. That way all of the money is kept within the tribe.
We would ask: is there any reason not to assume that this “tradition” does not continue to this day? Internet bloggers always want to know WHO is behind the wars, the revolutions, the depressions, and globally coordinated events such as the so-called “pandemic” scam. Could it possibly be the current hidden Rothschild family autocrat – someone thoroughly infused with the spirit of Satan? Could this be Catherine Austin Fitts’ “Mr. Global”? This is certainly food for thought. America’s richest family, the Rockefellers, have a family autocrat. Until a couple years ago it was obviously David Rockefeller, a man who was greedy, conniving and anti-American to his untimely death at 101. He had seven heart transplants at the hospital operating room set up in his personal mansion. He probably thought he could live to the ripe age of 150 to continue on his path of destroying America and making it a cog in the Jew World Order. We may presume that his body has been cryogenically frozen so that he can be “resurrected” at some future date to have his serpentine brain transplanted into a cloned body. Why not? He could afford it.
It is beyond any doubt though that the Rothschilds are still the pre-eminent world financial power, because they have been around a century longer than the Rockefeller clan. They could crush the Rockefellers in a heartbeat if Rocky ever stepped out of line with the Talmudic-Zionist plan for world conquest. To put it in Spiridovich’s words:
And the Rothschilds and the “300” are 200 times richer and meaner, than are the Rockefellers. Spiridovich, page 37
And what is “the 300”? Again, to quote Spiridovich:
300 of the worst Jews, satanists, compose the Hidden Hand. The invisible Judeo-Mongol world government is headed since 1770 by the dynasty of Rothschild. The Count the provides this quote: I have glimpsed into hell (Russia). The Jews are in control. Lenin spent his last days crawling on all-fours round the room and shouting, repeatedly: “God save Russia and kill the Jews. 90% of the important posts in the Soviet Government are held by Jews”. Sir Percival Phillips, Daily Mail, London, Spiridovich, page 23
In 1992 researcher/historian Dr. John Coleman published a book entitled “Conspirators’ Hierarchy, The Story of the Committee of 300”, which discusses the various conquests of the Judeo-Mongol world government, although regrettably he doesn’t describe it as such. Though he provides names, dates and details he fails to mention that it’s primarily JEWS who are behind all of the trouble, so despite his book full of valuable information he is doing us a disservice by dancing around the RACIAL aspect of the matter. On the other hand, it is doubtful he could have gotten his book published if he had mentioned it, because Jews control most of the publishing houses and book promotion – so, what’s a writer to do? It’s either not mention the Jews and get a wider readership, or mention them and be like this post – only read by a few absolute truth seekers here and there. We can only hope that posts like this operate like a “slow burn” and get wider distribution by word of mouth, so to speak. Spread the word around, please.
A brief recap on Rocky: though they may be worth a couple trillion dollars, the Rockefellers will always be agents of the Rothschilds. Rumors of a rivalry between the Rockefellers and Rothschilds are unfounded. Grim reaper look alike John D. Rockefeller got his seed capital to monopolize the old fields of America from the Rothschilds, who used American banks, such as the bank of Cleveland, as a front. The Rothschilds recognized him as a fellow satanic Jew who could “get the job done”, because he fit the prerequisite of being evil, greedy and murderous enough to do it. The Rockefeller dynasty of vampire capitalists has been sucking the blood out of America ever since. Any doubt of this should be assuaged with the following quote from David Rockefeller, the former family autocrat:
Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as “internationalists” and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure, one world if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it. David Rockefeller from a speech at a Bilderberg meeting in Baden-Baden Germany, 1991
One other fact that can be garnered from this historical foray is that the Jewish Talmudic-satanic system is NOT democratic, and it is the opposite of a constitutional republic. With Zionist-globalist Jews it always boils down to one person, the chief autocrat, and his Committee of 300 terrible Jews who call the shots, who make the final decision, who direct grand agendas from behind the scenes. There is nothing out in the open about this. It is a secret government, behind closed doors, and it definitely does not involve a voting process from the billions of “goyim” who are affected by the “disaster capitalism” of these billionaire-trillionaire Jew parasites controlling the world. Your vote counts about as much as a fart in the breeze in such a system. Presidents, prime ministers and other heads of state are chosen in advance for their willingness to “go along with the plan”. When a scumbag pedophile like Joe Biden becomes president, it is not due to a popular vote. It is because he can be bribed and blackmailed to do anything the Jewish autocratic system tells him to do. It is this autocratic system that leads to enslavement of the people, using various tools of economic conquest, such as socialism, communism, progressivism, capitalism leading to monopolization of all trade. The “isms” are all indications of Jewish conquest, at the behest of the Jewish world government autocrat, with orders flowing down through their spider’s web of control.
Knowing a thing or two about world history helps in putting this huge puzzle together. What was one of the first orders of business a couple centuries ago for the Rothschild dynasty? . . . Have you guessed it yet? …… It was to infiltrate, weaken and destroy the WHITE European monarchies, and in particular the Russian orthodox Christian monarchy, because it had the power to get rid of the Jew parasite! After the demise of the Khazarian empire, from the 1200s onward, millions of Ashkenazi “Jews” (latter day converts to Judaism-Talmudism) flooded into Russia and eastern Europe. From this slithering swamp of synagogue of Satan (Revelation 2:9 and 3:9) “Jews” emerged the revolutionaries who killed a few Russian czars and fomented bloodbaths such as the French, Russian and American Revolutions. These activities can always be traced back to the “money power” of Rothschild. For example, the Jewish Rothschild agent Adam Weishaupt, who was trained to be a rabbi, was financed by the Rothschilds for the purpose of infiltrating the Masonic Lodges of France, using them as a springboard for the “French” revolution. There was nothing “French” about it. It was “Jewish” to the core and designed to disable the monarchy, only to replace it with a far worse despotic system of rule under the Rothschild money power.
Though on the “blue lodge” level Masonry may be fairly benign -- a gathering place for men seeking to escape from their wives for a little dithering in Kabbalistic ritualism (mystic Talmudic Judaism), at the upper levels the order hosts some truly dangerous individuals, who are Satanists and “sayanim” – agent-infiltrators for the Jewish money power. Upper level rituals literally require the worship of Lucifer.
To be continued in Part II
We would ask: is there any reason not to assume that this “tradition” does not continue to this day? Internet bloggers always want to know WHO is behind the wars, the revolutions, the depressions, and globally coordinated events such as the so-called “pandemic” scam. Could it possibly be the current hidden Rothschild family autocrat – someone thoroughly infused with the spirit of Satan? Could this be Catherine Austin Fitts’ “Mr. Global”? This is certainly food for thought. America’s richest family, the Rockefellers, have a family autocrat. Until a couple years ago it was obviously David Rockefeller, a man who was greedy, conniving and anti-American to his untimely death at 101. He had seven heart transplants at the hospital operating room set up in his personal mansion. He probably thought he could live to the ripe age of 150 to continue on his path of destroying America and making it a cog in the Jew World Order. We may presume that his body has been cryogenically frozen so that he can be “resurrected” at some future date to have his serpentine brain transplanted into a cloned body. Why not? He could afford it.
It is beyond any doubt though that the Rothschilds are still the pre-eminent world financial power, because they have been around a century longer than the Rockefeller clan. They could crush the Rockefellers in a heartbeat if Rocky ever stepped out of line with the Talmudic-Zionist plan for world conquest. To put it in Spiridovich’s words:
And the Rothschilds and the “300” are 200 times richer and meaner, than are the Rockefellers. Spiridovich, page 37
And what is “the 300”? Again, to quote Spiridovich:
300 of the worst Jews, satanists, compose the Hidden Hand. The invisible Judeo-Mongol world government is headed since 1770 by the dynasty of Rothschild. The Count the provides this quote: I have glimpsed into hell (Russia). The Jews are in control. Lenin spent his last days crawling on all-fours round the room and shouting, repeatedly: “God save Russia and kill the Jews. 90% of the important posts in the Soviet Government are held by Jews”. Sir Percival Phillips, Daily Mail, London, Spiridovich, page 23
In 1992 researcher/historian Dr. John Coleman published a book entitled “Conspirators’ Hierarchy, The Story of the Committee of 300”, which discusses the various conquests of the Judeo-Mongol world government, although regrettably he doesn’t describe it as such. Though he provides names, dates and details he fails to mention that it’s primarily JEWS who are behind all of the trouble, so despite his book full of valuable information he is doing us a disservice by dancing around the RACIAL aspect of the matter. On the other hand, it is doubtful he could have gotten his book published if he had mentioned it, because Jews control most of the publishing houses and book promotion – so, what’s a writer to do? It’s either not mention the Jews and get a wider readership, or mention them and be like this post – only read by a few absolute truth seekers here and there. We can only hope that posts like this operate like a “slow burn” and get wider distribution by word of mouth, so to speak. Spread the word around, please.
A brief recap on Rocky: though they may be worth a couple trillion dollars, the Rockefellers will always be agents of the Rothschilds. Rumors of a rivalry between the Rockefellers and Rothschilds are unfounded. Grim reaper look alike John D. Rockefeller got his seed capital to monopolize the old fields of America from the Rothschilds, who used American banks, such as the bank of Cleveland, as a front. The Rothschilds recognized him as a fellow satanic Jew who could “get the job done”, because he fit the prerequisite of being evil, greedy and murderous enough to do it. The Rockefeller dynasty of vampire capitalists has been sucking the blood out of America ever since. Any doubt of this should be assuaged with the following quote from David Rockefeller, the former family autocrat:
Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as “internationalists” and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure, one world if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it. David Rockefeller from a speech at a Bilderberg meeting in Baden-Baden Germany, 1991
One other fact that can be garnered from this historical foray is that the Jewish Talmudic-satanic system is NOT democratic, and it is the opposite of a constitutional republic. With Zionist-globalist Jews it always boils down to one person, the chief autocrat, and his Committee of 300 terrible Jews who call the shots, who make the final decision, who direct grand agendas from behind the scenes. There is nothing out in the open about this. It is a secret government, behind closed doors, and it definitely does not involve a voting process from the billions of “goyim” who are affected by the “disaster capitalism” of these billionaire-trillionaire Jew parasites controlling the world. Your vote counts about as much as a fart in the breeze in such a system. Presidents, prime ministers and other heads of state are chosen in advance for their willingness to “go along with the plan”. When a scumbag pedophile like Joe Biden becomes president, it is not due to a popular vote. It is because he can be bribed and blackmailed to do anything the Jewish autocratic system tells him to do. It is this autocratic system that leads to enslavement of the people, using various tools of economic conquest, such as socialism, communism, progressivism, capitalism leading to monopolization of all trade. The “isms” are all indications of Jewish conquest, at the behest of the Jewish world government autocrat, with orders flowing down through their spider’s web of control.
Knowing a thing or two about world history helps in putting this huge puzzle together. What was one of the first orders of business a couple centuries ago for the Rothschild dynasty? . . . Have you guessed it yet? …… It was to infiltrate, weaken and destroy the WHITE European monarchies, and in particular the Russian orthodox Christian monarchy, because it had the power to get rid of the Jew parasite! After the demise of the Khazarian empire, from the 1200s onward, millions of Ashkenazi “Jews” (latter day converts to Judaism-Talmudism) flooded into Russia and eastern Europe. From this slithering swamp of synagogue of Satan (Revelation 2:9 and 3:9) “Jews” emerged the revolutionaries who killed a few Russian czars and fomented bloodbaths such as the French, Russian and American Revolutions. These activities can always be traced back to the “money power” of Rothschild. For example, the Jewish Rothschild agent Adam Weishaupt, who was trained to be a rabbi, was financed by the Rothschilds for the purpose of infiltrating the Masonic Lodges of France, using them as a springboard for the “French” revolution. There was nothing “French” about it. It was “Jewish” to the core and designed to disable the monarchy, only to replace it with a far worse despotic system of rule under the Rothschild money power.
Though on the “blue lodge” level Masonry may be fairly benign -- a gathering place for men seeking to escape from their wives for a little dithering in Kabbalistic ritualism (mystic Talmudic Judaism), at the upper levels the order hosts some truly dangerous individuals, who are Satanists and “sayanim” – agent-infiltrators for the Jewish money power. Upper level rituals literally require the worship of Lucifer.
To be continued in Part II