Let's Talk About THE Elephant in the Room ... Part III
Protocol No. 5 -- Our kingdom will be distinguished by a despotism of such magnificent proportions as to be at any moment and in every place in a position to wipe out any goyim who oppose us by deed or word. … We shall so wear down the goyim that they will be compelled to offer us international power of a nature that by its position will enable us without any violence gradually to absorb all the state forces of the world and to form a super-government. Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, 1905, translated by Victor Marsden. (The “elders” are Spiridovich’s Committee of 300)
Klaus Schwab, founder and head of the World Economic Forum, who fancies himself king of the universe.
The pompous German Jew Klaus Schwab, founder and head of the World Economic Forum, funded by every Fortune 500 corporation on the planet, has bragged that the WEF has injected its “Young Global Leaders” into the ministries of nearly every national government in the world, and also into key corporate positions worldwide. This infiltration of governments is an accomplishment that Schwab is especially proud of. These are high profile agents, comprising a massive Trojan Horse, trained to dismantle national sovereignty, break down borders, dilute the white race, fast track A.I. at the expense of humans, promote trans-humanism, achieve goals of “sustainability” which includes killing off as many humans as possible, and at the bottom of it all promote the secret (but fast emerging) world government ruled by the “hidden hand” of the always behind the scenes Rothschild-Judeo-Mongol-Zionist money power. Bill Gates, Emanuel Macron, Jeff Bezos, Gavon Newsome, Joe Biden, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Justin Trudeau, Emmanual Macron, Angela Merkel, Albert Bourla (CEO of Pfizer) and thousands of others high up in the political and corporate world in over 150 nations were either trained by Schwab and his band of Great Reset “progressives” or they have close ties with the World Economic Forum and attend its meetings on a regular basis. This is very bad news for any nation that wishes to keep its borders intact and remain sovereign and FREE. This is really bad news for humanity at large because these people are on a mission to eliminate personal freedoms and force the entire world into social credit, surveillance state, hive mind, with them as the administrators.
The WEF is simply a formalized and globalized extension of what the synagogue of Satan has been doing for centuries: impoverishing, demoralizing and rotting nations from within and absorbing all of the wealth in the process. All of the grandiose ideas Schwab and his gang come up with are merely window dressing for their deep seated desire to destroy everything good in order to “build back better” into an iron-fisted autocracy and steal all of the assets of the planet for themselves and their masters, Spiridovich’s “300” terrible Jews and their king despot. This is a very long-standing, but ever evolving problem in human history. Here is an example from over two hundred years ago:
In his travel diary in 1816 Nicholas (soon to be Czar of Russia) wrote: … The general ruination of the peasantry is attributed to the Jews. They exploit to the utmost the unfortunate population. They are everything; and they are so tricky in squeezing and cheating the people. They are regular LEECHES, who suck up everything and completely exhaust this province (Poland). Spiridovich, page 156, quoting from “The Court of Russia” by Mr. E.A. Brayley Hodgets
The Jewish money power vampire of this era gorges itself on the lifeblood of “host” nations through usury, fractional reserve banking, “disaster capitalism” which includes wars for profit, the deliberate sickening of the population for profit and culling, the monopolization of major lines of trade, and the deliberate destruction of small business. This short list is by no means all-inclusive. The phenomenon of “Jews” (and their ancient ancestors) reaping dividends through fees, tariffs, mark-ups, trade routes, usury and other money matters, as opposed to actual invention and production is as old as the Old Testament when the word “Canaanite” was synonymous with “merchant”. A character flaw of these Jews is that they are greedy beyond compare and possess barely a scrap of ethics or morality in their dealings with other races, and even with others in their own race, if they happen to get in the way.
This author remembers one old Jew – not a friend, but an acquaintance -- who bragged, without being asked, that his parents had taught him how to “tip the scales” while weighing produce, in order to cheat customers at his parents’ grocery store. He offered this anecdote with a grin on his face and without one shred of guilt as if it was a perfectly normal way of doing business. Jews also have the Babylonian Talmud to guide them, with its “scriptures” on how to deal with non-Jews – which is to cheat them in every way possible and to feel no remorse in defrauding, sickening, raping and killing them, because according to the Talmud all non-Jews are subhuman. The secret world government of the Jews is destructive to small business and promotes the very antithesis to free enterprise: centralized economies planned from top to bottom. Jews are the “central planners” of the world. The W.E.F. is a spearhead in the global coup of the Jewish-Zionist money power.
The communist central planning model is a recipe for suffering and failure for everyone except those at the very top of the scheme and yet it gets imposed time and time again because it appeals to the nature of the serpent seed line Canaanite-Edomite “Jew”, who has no problem with an autocracy as long as they can be on the receiving end of it. Further, the idea of “getting” money by ones wits through the use of mathematical schemes, bribery, blackmail and graft, rather than “making” money through actual invention and work, and especially physical work, is a further motivation for the Jew, as Ford elucidated a century ago:
The essence of the Jewish Idea in its influence on the labor world is the same as in all other departments – the destruction of real values in favor of fictitious values. The Jewish philosophy of money is not to “make money”, but to “get money”. The distinction between these two is fundamental. That explains Jews being “financiers” instead of “captains of industry”. It is the difference between “getting” and “making”. … It doesn’t matter what he does, so long as the income is satisfactory. He has no illusions, sentiments or affections on the side of work. It is the “geld” that counts. He has no attachment for the things he makes, for he doesn’t make any; he deals in the things which other men make and regards them solely on the side of their money-making value. “The joy of creative labor” is nothing to him, not even an intelligible saying. The International Jew, Henry Ford and William J. Cameron, (1920-1922) Historical Reprint Series, Copyright 2022, sacredtrutpublishing@mounet.com
Historically white people detest tyrants, dislike arbitrary rules and regulations and are happier making their own decisions in a “free enterprise” system operating according to basic traditional Christian moral principles of fairness and performing honest work for fair compensation. White people, when left alone to work in accordance with biblical commandments, are remarkable for their achievements. The success of the early United States, the greatest industrial nation in history, one republic under GOD, is proof of that. Jews, and especially satanic international Jewry, on the other hand naturally do their utmost to rid host nations of Christian morality because it is an impediment to their domination through an autocratic hierarchy and corporate, pyramid model of control which exploits “human resources”. Communism is basically the same system as monopolist capitalism, in which ALL of the business is controlled by the oligarchs at the top of the pyramid and the majority of people are living from paycheck to paycheck. Those oligarchs tend to be Jewish. No matter how much the Jews try to obfuscate it, this is a FACT that cannot be overlooked because it is key to understanding the overriding problem. Economic devastation, war, revolution, recessions, depressions, famine and death has been the Jewish modus operandi throughout the modern age – practiced first in the nations of Europe when the Rothschild led “City of London” bankers became more powerful than the monarchies that were forced into borrowing money from them – and then in Russia, South Africa, Australia and now in America which is being trampled and robbed without mercy as you read this. For some startling statistics of the condition of the American people view the following video:
The WEF is simply a formalized and globalized extension of what the synagogue of Satan has been doing for centuries: impoverishing, demoralizing and rotting nations from within and absorbing all of the wealth in the process. All of the grandiose ideas Schwab and his gang come up with are merely window dressing for their deep seated desire to destroy everything good in order to “build back better” into an iron-fisted autocracy and steal all of the assets of the planet for themselves and their masters, Spiridovich’s “300” terrible Jews and their king despot. This is a very long-standing, but ever evolving problem in human history. Here is an example from over two hundred years ago:
In his travel diary in 1816 Nicholas (soon to be Czar of Russia) wrote: … The general ruination of the peasantry is attributed to the Jews. They exploit to the utmost the unfortunate population. They are everything; and they are so tricky in squeezing and cheating the people. They are regular LEECHES, who suck up everything and completely exhaust this province (Poland). Spiridovich, page 156, quoting from “The Court of Russia” by Mr. E.A. Brayley Hodgets
The Jewish money power vampire of this era gorges itself on the lifeblood of “host” nations through usury, fractional reserve banking, “disaster capitalism” which includes wars for profit, the deliberate sickening of the population for profit and culling, the monopolization of major lines of trade, and the deliberate destruction of small business. This short list is by no means all-inclusive. The phenomenon of “Jews” (and their ancient ancestors) reaping dividends through fees, tariffs, mark-ups, trade routes, usury and other money matters, as opposed to actual invention and production is as old as the Old Testament when the word “Canaanite” was synonymous with “merchant”. A character flaw of these Jews is that they are greedy beyond compare and possess barely a scrap of ethics or morality in their dealings with other races, and even with others in their own race, if they happen to get in the way.
This author remembers one old Jew – not a friend, but an acquaintance -- who bragged, without being asked, that his parents had taught him how to “tip the scales” while weighing produce, in order to cheat customers at his parents’ grocery store. He offered this anecdote with a grin on his face and without one shred of guilt as if it was a perfectly normal way of doing business. Jews also have the Babylonian Talmud to guide them, with its “scriptures” on how to deal with non-Jews – which is to cheat them in every way possible and to feel no remorse in defrauding, sickening, raping and killing them, because according to the Talmud all non-Jews are subhuman. The secret world government of the Jews is destructive to small business and promotes the very antithesis to free enterprise: centralized economies planned from top to bottom. Jews are the “central planners” of the world. The W.E.F. is a spearhead in the global coup of the Jewish-Zionist money power.
The communist central planning model is a recipe for suffering and failure for everyone except those at the very top of the scheme and yet it gets imposed time and time again because it appeals to the nature of the serpent seed line Canaanite-Edomite “Jew”, who has no problem with an autocracy as long as they can be on the receiving end of it. Further, the idea of “getting” money by ones wits through the use of mathematical schemes, bribery, blackmail and graft, rather than “making” money through actual invention and work, and especially physical work, is a further motivation for the Jew, as Ford elucidated a century ago:
The essence of the Jewish Idea in its influence on the labor world is the same as in all other departments – the destruction of real values in favor of fictitious values. The Jewish philosophy of money is not to “make money”, but to “get money”. The distinction between these two is fundamental. That explains Jews being “financiers” instead of “captains of industry”. It is the difference between “getting” and “making”. … It doesn’t matter what he does, so long as the income is satisfactory. He has no illusions, sentiments or affections on the side of work. It is the “geld” that counts. He has no attachment for the things he makes, for he doesn’t make any; he deals in the things which other men make and regards them solely on the side of their money-making value. “The joy of creative labor” is nothing to him, not even an intelligible saying. The International Jew, Henry Ford and William J. Cameron, (1920-1922) Historical Reprint Series, Copyright 2022, sacredtrutpublishing@mounet.com
Historically white people detest tyrants, dislike arbitrary rules and regulations and are happier making their own decisions in a “free enterprise” system operating according to basic traditional Christian moral principles of fairness and performing honest work for fair compensation. White people, when left alone to work in accordance with biblical commandments, are remarkable for their achievements. The success of the early United States, the greatest industrial nation in history, one republic under GOD, is proof of that. Jews, and especially satanic international Jewry, on the other hand naturally do their utmost to rid host nations of Christian morality because it is an impediment to their domination through an autocratic hierarchy and corporate, pyramid model of control which exploits “human resources”. Communism is basically the same system as monopolist capitalism, in which ALL of the business is controlled by the oligarchs at the top of the pyramid and the majority of people are living from paycheck to paycheck. Those oligarchs tend to be Jewish. No matter how much the Jews try to obfuscate it, this is a FACT that cannot be overlooked because it is key to understanding the overriding problem. Economic devastation, war, revolution, recessions, depressions, famine and death has been the Jewish modus operandi throughout the modern age – practiced first in the nations of Europe when the Rothschild led “City of London” bankers became more powerful than the monarchies that were forced into borrowing money from them – and then in Russia, South Africa, Australia and now in America which is being trampled and robbed without mercy as you read this. For some startling statistics of the condition of the American people view the following video:
People are getting poorer. Statistical proof.
Nations known as “Crown Colonies”, such as Canada, Australia and New Zealand, have long been controlled by the “British” Crown, which is only a front for the “City of London” banking cartel, owned by the Rothschild dynasty and related Jewish dynasties. One has only to delve into truthful histories, such as “The Great Red Dragon” by L.B. Woolfolk, published in 1890, “The International Jew” by Henry Ford, Sr. and William J. Cameron, published in 1920-22, and of course Spiridovich in his 1926 book, and other rare books like Democracy or Shylocracy, published in 1919 to see that the Rothschilds, their pool of wealthy Jewish investors and their agents were the “money kings” who ruled the world at that time, and we believe they STILL rule the world, from behind the scenes of course, like a spider at the edge of a gigantic web. It’s rather interesting that the Internet is also called “The Worldwide Web” since it is the vehicle by which all of the citizen slaves can be interconnected and plugged into their proposed “beast” all-digital banking system which intends to enslave the entire world.
Count Spiridovich’s book is packed full of information about the financial scams of 19th and early 20th centuries, and when we consider today’s scams we see the exact same patterns of economic destruction that were practiced then, only today’s attacks on the “goyim” are augmented with sophisticated electronic technology and bio-engineering that is created in labs owned and directed by Jewish-run corporations, which in turn have a majority of their stock shares under management by giant Jewish-run investment firms like Blackrock and Vanguard. The stock in these giant Wall Street investment firms is largely owned by secret trust funds, which in turn are owned by – you guessed it – the same rotten, satanic, Talmudic Jewish dynasties that controlled the world in Spiridovich’s day, a century ago!! “They” haven’t gone away! “They” have simply “re-branded” themselves and pull their levers of control from behind the scenes using Wall Street, government agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), think tanks and “progressive” (communist) groups like the W.E.F. as a front. Bobby Fischer, a rare Jew in opposition to the system, nailed the problem several decades ago:
There is no United States as people think of it. It’s just a puppet in the Jews’ hands. It’s a plaything for the Jews. The U.S. government and American Jewry are virtually interchangeable. They’re lying bastards. Jews were always lying bastards throughout history. They’re a filthy, dirty, disgusting, vile, criminal people. They’re just unbelievably wicked. Bobby Fischer, Chess grandmaster
To paraphrase activist/historian H. Vox, “the government holds you down while the corporations perform the rape”. This is how “fascism”, a collusion of big government with big money banks and corporations works and Rothschild and their vast network of “sayanim” are experts at it and have been doing it for a few centuries in the “modern” era. They are the “merchants” of this day and age, deceiving the people of the world for un-deserved gain, as prophesied here:
Revelation 18:23 (prophecy regarding the fall of mystery Babylon, and the merchant sorcerers-deceivers, who are “Edom”, to be annihilated by God at the end of the age) And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.
What specifically are the “sorceries” alluded to in the above verse? Books could be written on this subject alone, but for one example consider the ability of the World Health Organization and World Economic Forum global “merchants” and their “merchant” allies in mainstream media, “health” agencies and big pharma to convince around 70% of the people on the planet that there is a “pandemic” and then to offer a poison as the only line of defense against it, while at the same time burying any alternative treatments. How about the ability of these merchant-sorcerers to conceal the fact that this was a mass murder scheme from the beginning, but to blame the death of millions on anything OTHER than the true cause which was the so-called “vaccine” poison, and lethal drugs like Remdesevir. It was a sorcery to convince millions upon millions of people that a poison was a prophylactic and then to even PROFIT off of it! It is “sorcery” that the dealers of all kinds of dangerous and lethal shots and drugs can extract billions of dollars from governments to mandate their administration to children, so as to create a market for sickness and death at a later date. We could go on and on but you get the point. Profit driven corporations routinely use Madison Ave. (Jewish) advertising firms to convince the public to buy into products and schemes that they absolutely would not want if they were taught the truth about them rather than being fed a bunch of dangerous dis-information on the “tel a lie vision”. The “sorceries” have been in practice for a very long time by these “merchants” of death and the ideas for the next war, depression, revolution, and mass murder scheme always flow downward, in autocratic fashion, from the Judeo-Zionist world government – i.e. the top core of international, central bankers to the governments and corporations under their command.
Prior to the rise of the Rothschild dynasty and their City of London banking empire there was the rise and fall of the Venetian banking empire of the 1400s-1600s. It collapsed under the weight of its usury, currency devaluation, un-payable debts and fraud at every level. We will frequent a guess that the wealthy Jews knew of the impending collapse, squeezed as much profit as possible out of the dying system (as they are doing now), and scurried away like rats with bags of loot on their backs. Next on the world stage entered the rapacious East India Trading Company, also run by Jews. Through this the Jew merchant-sorcerers once again grew fatter and richer through the relentless plunder of India and the decimation of small business. These old systems of economic conquest morphed into the current debt-based, central banking system and corporate monopolies of control by the same breed of financial parasites.
The usurious, fractional reserve banking system of Canaanites (ancient ancestors of today’s “Jews”) was implemented as far back as 700 BC in the kingdom of Babylon, which conquered ancient Israel and carted many of her people off to Babylon as slaves. Modern Babylonian style banking is for all intents and purposes a COUNTERFEITING SCAM -- a “money for nothing” scheme employing USURY (the taking of interest) and “fractional reserve” sleight of hand in which actual backing by physical assets (such as gold) is unnecessary for up to 90% of loans granted. This fraud is enabled by law!!! It is an incredible loophole, crafted by Jewish bankers, which enables them to literally float the bulk of their loans out of nothing, with no backing whatsoever and then charge interest on these loans. If anyone else but a banker did this it would be a crime for which they would go to prison! The Jewish money power has always used bribery, blackmail, assassinations and war to hijack the governments of the world into adopting debt based economies under a Jewish owned central bank, in which all money comes into existence from interest bearing loans, rather than being created out of national treasuries as it should be. The U.S. Constitution says that all money should come from the Treasury, NOT from bank loans, but Jewish bankers have no use for a Constitution. Our schools and universities teach nothing about this ruinous scam, which is the driving force behind the demoralization, decline and fall of nations. For not teaching about this money for nothing SCAM these institutions and the “professors” are either criminally ignorant, being bribed to whitewash history, and/or under some form of duress not to reveal the truth.
Extreme wealth such as what the Rothschilds and their Talmudic-Zionist brethren had accumulated by the late 1700s through their loans to European nations simply does not disappear. It flows down through history like volcanic magma, torching everything in its path and gathering the debris into its molten blob. So, we must conclude that we are living in yet another deadly phase of the “age of Rothschild” only it is hidden from view behind layer after steaming layer of corporate and trust fund obfuscation and a compliant and/or subversive academia and controlled media that knows basically what the problem is, but cannot ever mention it for “fear of the Jews”. The chief perpetrators of this evil probably have nightmares about a pitchfork rebellion or a simple bullet to the head so they want to make damn sure that nothing of their nefarious enterprises is taught in any high school or university, all the way up to doctorial programs in so-called “economics”, a “science” based on charts and graphs of false premises, which renders the simple truth yawningly complex – quite on purpose. The people must be kept in the dark in order for the vast array of Jewish scams and schemes to work.
James 5:1-3 Go to now, (take heed) ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you. Your riches are corrupted, (because your extreme wealth was derived from deception, fraud and outright theft and murder) and your garments are motheaten. Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days.
The Rothschilds and their kin going by other names, such as Lambert, Sassoon, Oppenheimer, Schiff and other multi-billion and trillion dollar “Jewish” dynasties such as Kuhn, Loeb, Lazard, Warburg, Seif and Rockefeller have parked their gargantuan hoards of wealth in giant Wall Street investment firms which in turn own majority shares of stock in Fortune 500 corporations, almost all of which are owned and controlled by Jews. These corporations constitute the richest and most powerful business monopolies on the planet. They are the biblical “merchants” of the last days. Majority stock ownership gives the Jewish dynasties the power to control the goliath corporate cartels from behind the scenes and ram nagging mandates and agendas down everyone’s throat. All of these Talmudic-Zionist agendas are in utter contradiction to traditional biblical principles and commandments and are therefore satanic. Primary agendas include “diversity” mandates that work specifically against white people, massive, unfettered immigration of non-whites into white nations, LGBTQ and affirmative action agendas in contradiction to traditional Christian values, and every single war, “boom and bust” cycle, financial panic, recession and depression that the U.S. (and every other modern nation for that matter) has ever suffered from, all of which brings poverty, disease, destruction and death upon the people, while putting billions upon billions of dollars in the pockets of fat, greasy Jewish bankers and their ever grasping, unethical brethren in the “private sector” of corporate monopolies.
A relatively small amount of this ill-gotten gain trickles down to traitorous government officials who give away national sovereignty, grant special favors to foreign entities, give concessions to corporate entities, and basically screw the people in exchange for bribes. In Washington D.C. (the district of criminals) this is called “pay for play”. The moneyed “elite” long ago determined that politicians can be bought “dirt cheap” and the return on such “investment” is substantial. It has come out recently that the “business” of the Biden crime family since his term under Obama as Vice President has been influence peddling, the selling the sovereignty and assets of America in return for money deposited into the accounts of dummy corporations in which members of the Biden family are stockholders receiving “dividends”. These corporations don’t manufacture anything. They don’t provide a service. They don’t do “s___t”. They are nothing but money laundering schemes. It is truly sickening that our nation has sunk so low as to install a despicable old, pedophiliac money grubbing, shabbaz goy CRIMINAL into the highest office in the land. The reason this criminal has gotten away with his escapades is that he receives the full support of the secret Judeo-Zionist world government and conversely, this is why we cannot get good men (or women) into high offices. If they are not on board with the billionaire globalist Jews and their front group, the World Economic Forum, they cannot get into office. At the present time we notice that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is not even being allowed to participate in debates conducted by the Democratic party, even though he is by far the best option the party WOULD have to offer, if it wasn’t so riddled with corruption and under Zionist control. If by some small chance he did get elected it is doubtful that he would last very long. He would probably meet the same fate as his uncle, JFK.
The hand twisting and outright bribery that goes on in Washington, D.C. is almost beyond belief. Pfizer actually installed lobbyists in D.C. whose job was to push for vaccine mandates!!! What kind of a person would work at such a job? This would have to be someone who has zero empathy, is greedy beyond compare and couldn’t care less about who would suffer sickness or death as a result of such mandates. They might as well be selling rat poison as a “cure” for cancer. Isn’t it interesting how the “vaccine” death shot was applauded and pushed relentlessly by nearly every big corporation, many of which required their employees to get the shot or lose their job! The executives pushing the mandates were no better than the D.C. lobbyists. They were just “following orders” from corporate headquarters and didn’t give a rat’s behind if their employees lived or died!! The only thing that is important to people of this stripe is their financial compensation. Many of them are already filthy rich and could very easily have said “No, I’m not doing THAT” but money is their god and so many innocent and fearful people became terribly ill and died because of these psychopaths.
The Jewish dynasties hiding behind layers of plausible deniability had to have been the chief instigators of this mass murder scheme because they are the ones who OWN these criminal corporations! They OWN the mainstream media which relentlessly pushed the poisonous “vaccines”, they OWN the banks that provide financing to the corporate cartels. Through their lobbyists and various pressure groups they control the governments that implemented mandates and small-business destroying shutdowns. It would appear that America is suffering from the EXACT system that Thomas Jefferson warned about more than two centuries ago. This is amazingly prophetic as the number of homeless encampments in our cities increases:
I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. Thomas Jefferson, 1802
The Federal Reserve central bank and all of the other central banks work in tandem and are currency debasing and mass robbery schemes. The Fed central bank of the U.S. creates dollars out of nothing through debt. They do this by simply entering numbers on a computer and calling it a “loan”, and then using that loan to buy U.S. Treasury bonds. These bonds pay a dividend (interest) back to the Fed. The important thing to remember is that these loans are essentially backed by NOTHING. There is not enough gold in the Fed’s “vault” to back loans of trillions upon trillions of dollars to the U.S. Federal Government. There is not enough gold on the entire planet to back all of the debt created out of nothing by the Fed – not even a small fraction! This is why today’s dollar is worth around $.03 when compared to the value of a paper dollar a century ago. Nevertheless, the value of gold and silver has remained fairly constant – despite manipulation of the price by central bankers who can dump gold and/or silver on the market to depress the price or gobble it up to increase the price. Prior to the U.S. going off of the gold standard a person could actually go to a bank and trade a dollar bill for gold or silver coins at par!
Once the Fed issues a loan to the Treasury it then will claim that the treasury bonds it purchased are an “asset” – but the Fed has not been audited so no congressman, senator or president knows for sure what its assets really are. Nor does any politician know how much gold resides in Fort Knox, which at one time, over a century ago, was the backing for the U.S. dollar. It is likely that most of the gold that was in Fort Knox has been stolen by the Judeo-Mongol secret world government agents who see to it that no audit of the gold “reserve” or the Fed’s books takes place. An actual audit of Fort Knox is “above the pay grade” of congressmen, and even the president. Sure, “they” may allow some politician to board the elevator, go down to the vault and view the gold from a distance, but this is not an audit. They may see what looks like a pile of gold, but is actually only lead plated with a thin layer of gold. Nobody but the Rothschild’s Committee of 300 and God knows for sure. This constitutes proof that “they”, the secret Judeo-Zionist world government, has more power than the U.S. government.
Since President Nixon took the dollar off of the gold standard in the early 1970s, it has only been backed by the “good faith” and productivity of the people. “Good faith” means that the people still believe a dollar has value and is not just a fancy scrap of paper or a spreadsheet entry on a computer. The dollar is also backed by WAR, because historically, any time a foreign nation has threatened to drop the dollar as its reserve currency, that nation had to be “convinced” by the U.S. military to resume usage of the dollar for all trade outside of its borders, particularly for oil, which is how the term “petrodollar” was derived .
The dollar’s status as the world’s reserve currency has kept its value much higher than it should be for many decades. Foreign entities such as BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, Saudi Arabia) are now dropping the dollar like a hot potato. BRICS is expanding as this is written and has added even more nations to its roster of dollar droppers. This puts America in a quandary which could lead to exacerbation of the Ukraine situation, as a distraction, and even more “senseless” wars overseas in a mad attempt to preserve the dollar’s reserve currency status. Naturally, the Jews will profit in each phase of this while Americans are sent off to get maimed and die for so-called “national security”, which is code for “Jewish Zionist security”.
Upon receiving a “loan” in dollars from the Fed, the U.S. Treasury can then distribute the money as it pleases, which means that the American people have little to no say in what the money gets used for. It doesn’t help “the people” that the Treasury is now headed by Janet Yellen, a Jewess and former Chairwoman of the Fed. The money will of course mostly be spent on projects that benefit the Judeo-Zionist secret world government. A fraction of these dollars would be printed as bills, which are slowly being phased out. Some of the dollars go toward operating expenses and obligations of the government and some go to “foreign aid”, such as the billions and billions of dollars regularly doled out to Israel, for which America gets little to nothing in return. Racist-supremacist, ultra-Zionist Israel has by far been the biggest recipient of U.S. “foreign aid”, getting as much as every other foreign nation combined, somewhere around $30,000 per year for every Israeli citizen. This is yet another massive rip-off scam concocted by AIPAC, and other Jewish power groups which regularly stuff money into the pockets of traitorous politicians who consistently do the bidding of Jewish interests and ignore the needs of Americans.
Interestingly, there is not a more racist-supremacist nation on the planet than “Israel”. Only “Jews” by birth are allowed citizenship there and non-Jews receive nothing but harassment. This is well documented in Jack Bernstein’s book “The Life of an American Jew in Racist-Supremacist Israel”. Meanwhile, the Jews infesting the American government, the NGOs and other high positions encourage to the hilt the unfettered immigration of every race other than whites into the U.S. This reeks of hypocrisy, but it perfectly fits the agenda of the secret Judeo-Zionist world government which seeks to destroy the white race and morph the barely sovereign U.S. into a cog in the Jew World Order.
As for the monetary line of attack: the unfettered creation of dollars out of nothing produces “inflation”, which is a hidden tax on working people causing the purchasing power of the dollar to drop continuously. Today’s dollar is worth around 1/30 – 1/40 what it was in 1913 when the Federal Reserve Act was passed. In the not too distant future the dollar’s value will drop precipitously and the people will be impoverished by it because wages and entitlements will not rise sufficiently to compensate for the dollar’s dramatic decline in purchasing power. Meanwhile, the Jewish dynasty owners of the Federal Reserve money monster, and the “super class” of corporate moguls and predatory investors directly underneath them will absorb even more of the wealth of America and the world – but that was the plan all along, the Talmudic mandate, echoed in Protocol No. V (quoted above), which is for the Jew “merchants” to own the world and everything in it and for the “goyim” to have nothing and be slaves to the global Jewish super state.
Federal Reserve stock is not traded on the stock exchange and has been closed to any other bidders since 1913. To this day, this criminal enterprise, which made a mockery of the Constitution remains completely in the hands of Talmudic-Zionist Jews. Rothschild is the chief stockholder through banks under their umbrella of control. A list of these banks was provided earlier. The combination of central banking, giant investment firms and corporate monopolies comprises for all intents and purposes the true government of the United States, and for that matter the “global government” or “the beast” as the Bible refers to it. The Bank of International Settlements, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund are at the apex of this money monster.
Revelation 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. (the ultimate goal of the Rothschild Canaanite-Edomite, Judeo-Mongol, Ashkenazi banking monopoly)
The “beast” is a criminal world government of super-wealthy Zionist-Talmudic-Satanic Jews, for themselves and against everyone else, even those “lesser brethren” of their own race they consider “expendable”. Therefore murderous Talmudic schemes that 99.9% of the people are opposed to continue vigorously from era to era, generation to generation, from war to unnecessary war, from the French to Bolshevik revolutions, to the Boer War, World Wars I and II, Korean War, Vietnam War (instigated to maintain the dollar as the reserve currency of Vietnam), Gulf War, to the War In Ukraine, which clearly was caused by NATO’s Jewish State Department controlled antagonism of “the Bear”, Russia, which had no choice but to retaliate. Notice how Jewish-Talmudic-Zionist “mainstream” media paints a lopsided story of Putin as the aggressor and a “war criminal” when behind closed doors “they” know quite well that he had no choice but to retaliate to protect Russia from being utterly absorbed by the Zionist global government beast. In this case, as always, Jews were the instigators and aggressors.
Thanks to the terrible power of our International Banks, we have forced the Christians into wars without number. Wars have a special value for Jews, since Christians massacre each other and make more room for us Jews. Wars are the Jews’ Harvests: The Jew banks grow fat on Christian wars. Over 100-million Christians have been swept off the face of the earth by wars, and the end is not yet. Rabbi Reichorn, speaking at the funeral of Grand Rabbi Simeon Ben-Iudah, 1869
A favorite Talmudic trick is to loudly accuse others of the very thing you are doing! Putin still we believe harbors a nationalist mindset which is worth applauding, but nevertheless it must be beaten out of him, according to the synagogue of Satan, which sees a sovereign Russia as a thorn in their side, i.e. an impediment to their grand global government scheme. “They”, the Zionist Jews in control of NATO, instigated the war in Ukraine, as “they” have all other wars in the modern era. Putin was only reacting to aggressions near the Russian border, as he should have, and this was the “set up”. Jewish world media then proceeded to portray Russia as the aggressor, failing to mention that the Russia had been prodded again and again for a half dozen years or more by Zionist controlled NATO and finally had no choice but to retaliate.
It takes a lot of planning, coordination and gobs of money to get a war going and the only way such massive amounts of “investment capital” can be generated is through central banks creating billions upon billions of dollars out of nothing. Who else can come up with that kind of money? Absolutely no one but agents of the Judeo-Mongol, Canaanite-Edomite, Talmudic-Zionist-satanic secret world government can do it! National governments do not have slush funds set aside for war, however Jewish central bankers are more than happy to float massive loans (created out of nothing) so as to further impoverish the victim nations with interest payments and pile on the “national debt”. War is yet another business venture for the Jews and at the conclusion of each war, no matter who technically “wins”, THEY always end up being the victors, absorbing more wealth and power, while everyone else involved suffers, physically, mentally, morally and financially and many more die to fulfill the Talmudic mandate to “kill the goyim.” Jewish warmongers might as well be the owners of football teams. It doesn’t matter who wins. It only matters that the goyim get to pay for the “entertainment” and that the Jews get to profit off of it.
It’s a head scratcher how the U.S. Federal Government can conjure billions of dollars from the Fed genie to literally give away to Ukraine when it is home to a bunch of dangerous bio-tech, chemical weapons manufacturing plants tied in with the Biden crime family. We’d be surprised if any of that give-away money goes to help the suffering Ukrainian people, but for damn sure it goes into the coffers of U.S. defense contractors and into Zelensky’s personal bank account. This corrupt jokester, former Ukrainian television star, very recently became a billionaire! But, of course – he’s a JEW, and if there’s one truism to be garnered in this essay it is that Jews are naturally gifted at getting money for nefarious services rendered, especially from corrupt governments (like the U.S.) run by Jews. There is no problem as far as Congress is concerned in funding THAT so-called “foreign aid”, but there is nothing but pocket change available to secure the southern border of the U.S., which is like a giant sieve with a million illegal immigrants pouring into our country every month, and the current regime in Washington doing little to nothing to stop the INVASION. Why? Because the invasion IS the agenda since Biden’s Ashkenazi Jewish handlers are hell bent on destroying America, the last bastion of freedom, to make it a cog in their Jew World Order supranational government beast. The agenda is outrageously obvious. This flood of illegal immigrants is not about charity for the poor and disadvantaged as some lame brain bleeding hearts may believe. Democrat-Zionists want open borders because they count on most of the new arrivals voting them into office so they can “finish the job” of communizing America. In fact, Biden plans to run for office again on the catch phrase “Let’s finish the job”. The Zionist United Nations is further bolstering the plan by giving these illegal immigrants debit cards and cell phones, with strings attached: to go and work where they say and to vote as they say. We can be certain that this is a massive, diabolical scheme to garner votes for the democrat-communist party, which can only gain power by CHEATING. Meanwhile, rank and file natural born Americans who work for a living get nothing but taxes and wages that consistently lose value because of inflation.
There is no United States as people think of it. It’s just a puppet in the Jews’ hands. It’s a plaything for the Jews. The U.S. government and American Jewry are virtually interchangeable. They’re lying bastards. Jews were always lying bastards throughout history. They’re a filthy, dirty, disgusting, vile, criminal people. They’re just unbelievably wicked. Bobby Fischer, Chess grandmaster
To paraphrase activist/historian H. Vox, “the government holds you down while the corporations perform the rape”. This is how “fascism”, a collusion of big government with big money banks and corporations works and Rothschild and their vast network of “sayanim” are experts at it and have been doing it for a few centuries in the “modern” era. They are the “merchants” of this day and age, deceiving the people of the world for un-deserved gain, as prophesied here:
Revelation 18:23 (prophecy regarding the fall of mystery Babylon, and the merchant sorcerers-deceivers, who are “Edom”, to be annihilated by God at the end of the age) And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.
What specifically are the “sorceries” alluded to in the above verse? Books could be written on this subject alone, but for one example consider the ability of the World Health Organization and World Economic Forum global “merchants” and their “merchant” allies in mainstream media, “health” agencies and big pharma to convince around 70% of the people on the planet that there is a “pandemic” and then to offer a poison as the only line of defense against it, while at the same time burying any alternative treatments. How about the ability of these merchant-sorcerers to conceal the fact that this was a mass murder scheme from the beginning, but to blame the death of millions on anything OTHER than the true cause which was the so-called “vaccine” poison, and lethal drugs like Remdesevir. It was a sorcery to convince millions upon millions of people that a poison was a prophylactic and then to even PROFIT off of it! It is “sorcery” that the dealers of all kinds of dangerous and lethal shots and drugs can extract billions of dollars from governments to mandate their administration to children, so as to create a market for sickness and death at a later date. We could go on and on but you get the point. Profit driven corporations routinely use Madison Ave. (Jewish) advertising firms to convince the public to buy into products and schemes that they absolutely would not want if they were taught the truth about them rather than being fed a bunch of dangerous dis-information on the “tel a lie vision”. The “sorceries” have been in practice for a very long time by these “merchants” of death and the ideas for the next war, depression, revolution, and mass murder scheme always flow downward, in autocratic fashion, from the Judeo-Zionist world government – i.e. the top core of international, central bankers to the governments and corporations under their command.
Prior to the rise of the Rothschild dynasty and their City of London banking empire there was the rise and fall of the Venetian banking empire of the 1400s-1600s. It collapsed under the weight of its usury, currency devaluation, un-payable debts and fraud at every level. We will frequent a guess that the wealthy Jews knew of the impending collapse, squeezed as much profit as possible out of the dying system (as they are doing now), and scurried away like rats with bags of loot on their backs. Next on the world stage entered the rapacious East India Trading Company, also run by Jews. Through this the Jew merchant-sorcerers once again grew fatter and richer through the relentless plunder of India and the decimation of small business. These old systems of economic conquest morphed into the current debt-based, central banking system and corporate monopolies of control by the same breed of financial parasites.
The usurious, fractional reserve banking system of Canaanites (ancient ancestors of today’s “Jews”) was implemented as far back as 700 BC in the kingdom of Babylon, which conquered ancient Israel and carted many of her people off to Babylon as slaves. Modern Babylonian style banking is for all intents and purposes a COUNTERFEITING SCAM -- a “money for nothing” scheme employing USURY (the taking of interest) and “fractional reserve” sleight of hand in which actual backing by physical assets (such as gold) is unnecessary for up to 90% of loans granted. This fraud is enabled by law!!! It is an incredible loophole, crafted by Jewish bankers, which enables them to literally float the bulk of their loans out of nothing, with no backing whatsoever and then charge interest on these loans. If anyone else but a banker did this it would be a crime for which they would go to prison! The Jewish money power has always used bribery, blackmail, assassinations and war to hijack the governments of the world into adopting debt based economies under a Jewish owned central bank, in which all money comes into existence from interest bearing loans, rather than being created out of national treasuries as it should be. The U.S. Constitution says that all money should come from the Treasury, NOT from bank loans, but Jewish bankers have no use for a Constitution. Our schools and universities teach nothing about this ruinous scam, which is the driving force behind the demoralization, decline and fall of nations. For not teaching about this money for nothing SCAM these institutions and the “professors” are either criminally ignorant, being bribed to whitewash history, and/or under some form of duress not to reveal the truth.
Extreme wealth such as what the Rothschilds and their Talmudic-Zionist brethren had accumulated by the late 1700s through their loans to European nations simply does not disappear. It flows down through history like volcanic magma, torching everything in its path and gathering the debris into its molten blob. So, we must conclude that we are living in yet another deadly phase of the “age of Rothschild” only it is hidden from view behind layer after steaming layer of corporate and trust fund obfuscation and a compliant and/or subversive academia and controlled media that knows basically what the problem is, but cannot ever mention it for “fear of the Jews”. The chief perpetrators of this evil probably have nightmares about a pitchfork rebellion or a simple bullet to the head so they want to make damn sure that nothing of their nefarious enterprises is taught in any high school or university, all the way up to doctorial programs in so-called “economics”, a “science” based on charts and graphs of false premises, which renders the simple truth yawningly complex – quite on purpose. The people must be kept in the dark in order for the vast array of Jewish scams and schemes to work.
James 5:1-3 Go to now, (take heed) ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you. Your riches are corrupted, (because your extreme wealth was derived from deception, fraud and outright theft and murder) and your garments are motheaten. Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days.
The Rothschilds and their kin going by other names, such as Lambert, Sassoon, Oppenheimer, Schiff and other multi-billion and trillion dollar “Jewish” dynasties such as Kuhn, Loeb, Lazard, Warburg, Seif and Rockefeller have parked their gargantuan hoards of wealth in giant Wall Street investment firms which in turn own majority shares of stock in Fortune 500 corporations, almost all of which are owned and controlled by Jews. These corporations constitute the richest and most powerful business monopolies on the planet. They are the biblical “merchants” of the last days. Majority stock ownership gives the Jewish dynasties the power to control the goliath corporate cartels from behind the scenes and ram nagging mandates and agendas down everyone’s throat. All of these Talmudic-Zionist agendas are in utter contradiction to traditional biblical principles and commandments and are therefore satanic. Primary agendas include “diversity” mandates that work specifically against white people, massive, unfettered immigration of non-whites into white nations, LGBTQ and affirmative action agendas in contradiction to traditional Christian values, and every single war, “boom and bust” cycle, financial panic, recession and depression that the U.S. (and every other modern nation for that matter) has ever suffered from, all of which brings poverty, disease, destruction and death upon the people, while putting billions upon billions of dollars in the pockets of fat, greasy Jewish bankers and their ever grasping, unethical brethren in the “private sector” of corporate monopolies.
A relatively small amount of this ill-gotten gain trickles down to traitorous government officials who give away national sovereignty, grant special favors to foreign entities, give concessions to corporate entities, and basically screw the people in exchange for bribes. In Washington D.C. (the district of criminals) this is called “pay for play”. The moneyed “elite” long ago determined that politicians can be bought “dirt cheap” and the return on such “investment” is substantial. It has come out recently that the “business” of the Biden crime family since his term under Obama as Vice President has been influence peddling, the selling the sovereignty and assets of America in return for money deposited into the accounts of dummy corporations in which members of the Biden family are stockholders receiving “dividends”. These corporations don’t manufacture anything. They don’t provide a service. They don’t do “s___t”. They are nothing but money laundering schemes. It is truly sickening that our nation has sunk so low as to install a despicable old, pedophiliac money grubbing, shabbaz goy CRIMINAL into the highest office in the land. The reason this criminal has gotten away with his escapades is that he receives the full support of the secret Judeo-Zionist world government and conversely, this is why we cannot get good men (or women) into high offices. If they are not on board with the billionaire globalist Jews and their front group, the World Economic Forum, they cannot get into office. At the present time we notice that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is not even being allowed to participate in debates conducted by the Democratic party, even though he is by far the best option the party WOULD have to offer, if it wasn’t so riddled with corruption and under Zionist control. If by some small chance he did get elected it is doubtful that he would last very long. He would probably meet the same fate as his uncle, JFK.
The hand twisting and outright bribery that goes on in Washington, D.C. is almost beyond belief. Pfizer actually installed lobbyists in D.C. whose job was to push for vaccine mandates!!! What kind of a person would work at such a job? This would have to be someone who has zero empathy, is greedy beyond compare and couldn’t care less about who would suffer sickness or death as a result of such mandates. They might as well be selling rat poison as a “cure” for cancer. Isn’t it interesting how the “vaccine” death shot was applauded and pushed relentlessly by nearly every big corporation, many of which required their employees to get the shot or lose their job! The executives pushing the mandates were no better than the D.C. lobbyists. They were just “following orders” from corporate headquarters and didn’t give a rat’s behind if their employees lived or died!! The only thing that is important to people of this stripe is their financial compensation. Many of them are already filthy rich and could very easily have said “No, I’m not doing THAT” but money is their god and so many innocent and fearful people became terribly ill and died because of these psychopaths.
The Jewish dynasties hiding behind layers of plausible deniability had to have been the chief instigators of this mass murder scheme because they are the ones who OWN these criminal corporations! They OWN the mainstream media which relentlessly pushed the poisonous “vaccines”, they OWN the banks that provide financing to the corporate cartels. Through their lobbyists and various pressure groups they control the governments that implemented mandates and small-business destroying shutdowns. It would appear that America is suffering from the EXACT system that Thomas Jefferson warned about more than two centuries ago. This is amazingly prophetic as the number of homeless encampments in our cities increases:
I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. Thomas Jefferson, 1802
The Federal Reserve central bank and all of the other central banks work in tandem and are currency debasing and mass robbery schemes. The Fed central bank of the U.S. creates dollars out of nothing through debt. They do this by simply entering numbers on a computer and calling it a “loan”, and then using that loan to buy U.S. Treasury bonds. These bonds pay a dividend (interest) back to the Fed. The important thing to remember is that these loans are essentially backed by NOTHING. There is not enough gold in the Fed’s “vault” to back loans of trillions upon trillions of dollars to the U.S. Federal Government. There is not enough gold on the entire planet to back all of the debt created out of nothing by the Fed – not even a small fraction! This is why today’s dollar is worth around $.03 when compared to the value of a paper dollar a century ago. Nevertheless, the value of gold and silver has remained fairly constant – despite manipulation of the price by central bankers who can dump gold and/or silver on the market to depress the price or gobble it up to increase the price. Prior to the U.S. going off of the gold standard a person could actually go to a bank and trade a dollar bill for gold or silver coins at par!
Once the Fed issues a loan to the Treasury it then will claim that the treasury bonds it purchased are an “asset” – but the Fed has not been audited so no congressman, senator or president knows for sure what its assets really are. Nor does any politician know how much gold resides in Fort Knox, which at one time, over a century ago, was the backing for the U.S. dollar. It is likely that most of the gold that was in Fort Knox has been stolen by the Judeo-Mongol secret world government agents who see to it that no audit of the gold “reserve” or the Fed’s books takes place. An actual audit of Fort Knox is “above the pay grade” of congressmen, and even the president. Sure, “they” may allow some politician to board the elevator, go down to the vault and view the gold from a distance, but this is not an audit. They may see what looks like a pile of gold, but is actually only lead plated with a thin layer of gold. Nobody but the Rothschild’s Committee of 300 and God knows for sure. This constitutes proof that “they”, the secret Judeo-Zionist world government, has more power than the U.S. government.
Since President Nixon took the dollar off of the gold standard in the early 1970s, it has only been backed by the “good faith” and productivity of the people. “Good faith” means that the people still believe a dollar has value and is not just a fancy scrap of paper or a spreadsheet entry on a computer. The dollar is also backed by WAR, because historically, any time a foreign nation has threatened to drop the dollar as its reserve currency, that nation had to be “convinced” by the U.S. military to resume usage of the dollar for all trade outside of its borders, particularly for oil, which is how the term “petrodollar” was derived .
The dollar’s status as the world’s reserve currency has kept its value much higher than it should be for many decades. Foreign entities such as BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, Saudi Arabia) are now dropping the dollar like a hot potato. BRICS is expanding as this is written and has added even more nations to its roster of dollar droppers. This puts America in a quandary which could lead to exacerbation of the Ukraine situation, as a distraction, and even more “senseless” wars overseas in a mad attempt to preserve the dollar’s reserve currency status. Naturally, the Jews will profit in each phase of this while Americans are sent off to get maimed and die for so-called “national security”, which is code for “Jewish Zionist security”.
Upon receiving a “loan” in dollars from the Fed, the U.S. Treasury can then distribute the money as it pleases, which means that the American people have little to no say in what the money gets used for. It doesn’t help “the people” that the Treasury is now headed by Janet Yellen, a Jewess and former Chairwoman of the Fed. The money will of course mostly be spent on projects that benefit the Judeo-Zionist secret world government. A fraction of these dollars would be printed as bills, which are slowly being phased out. Some of the dollars go toward operating expenses and obligations of the government and some go to “foreign aid”, such as the billions and billions of dollars regularly doled out to Israel, for which America gets little to nothing in return. Racist-supremacist, ultra-Zionist Israel has by far been the biggest recipient of U.S. “foreign aid”, getting as much as every other foreign nation combined, somewhere around $30,000 per year for every Israeli citizen. This is yet another massive rip-off scam concocted by AIPAC, and other Jewish power groups which regularly stuff money into the pockets of traitorous politicians who consistently do the bidding of Jewish interests and ignore the needs of Americans.
Interestingly, there is not a more racist-supremacist nation on the planet than “Israel”. Only “Jews” by birth are allowed citizenship there and non-Jews receive nothing but harassment. This is well documented in Jack Bernstein’s book “The Life of an American Jew in Racist-Supremacist Israel”. Meanwhile, the Jews infesting the American government, the NGOs and other high positions encourage to the hilt the unfettered immigration of every race other than whites into the U.S. This reeks of hypocrisy, but it perfectly fits the agenda of the secret Judeo-Zionist world government which seeks to destroy the white race and morph the barely sovereign U.S. into a cog in the Jew World Order.
As for the monetary line of attack: the unfettered creation of dollars out of nothing produces “inflation”, which is a hidden tax on working people causing the purchasing power of the dollar to drop continuously. Today’s dollar is worth around 1/30 – 1/40 what it was in 1913 when the Federal Reserve Act was passed. In the not too distant future the dollar’s value will drop precipitously and the people will be impoverished by it because wages and entitlements will not rise sufficiently to compensate for the dollar’s dramatic decline in purchasing power. Meanwhile, the Jewish dynasty owners of the Federal Reserve money monster, and the “super class” of corporate moguls and predatory investors directly underneath them will absorb even more of the wealth of America and the world – but that was the plan all along, the Talmudic mandate, echoed in Protocol No. V (quoted above), which is for the Jew “merchants” to own the world and everything in it and for the “goyim” to have nothing and be slaves to the global Jewish super state.
Federal Reserve stock is not traded on the stock exchange and has been closed to any other bidders since 1913. To this day, this criminal enterprise, which made a mockery of the Constitution remains completely in the hands of Talmudic-Zionist Jews. Rothschild is the chief stockholder through banks under their umbrella of control. A list of these banks was provided earlier. The combination of central banking, giant investment firms and corporate monopolies comprises for all intents and purposes the true government of the United States, and for that matter the “global government” or “the beast” as the Bible refers to it. The Bank of International Settlements, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund are at the apex of this money monster.
Revelation 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. (the ultimate goal of the Rothschild Canaanite-Edomite, Judeo-Mongol, Ashkenazi banking monopoly)
The “beast” is a criminal world government of super-wealthy Zionist-Talmudic-Satanic Jews, for themselves and against everyone else, even those “lesser brethren” of their own race they consider “expendable”. Therefore murderous Talmudic schemes that 99.9% of the people are opposed to continue vigorously from era to era, generation to generation, from war to unnecessary war, from the French to Bolshevik revolutions, to the Boer War, World Wars I and II, Korean War, Vietnam War (instigated to maintain the dollar as the reserve currency of Vietnam), Gulf War, to the War In Ukraine, which clearly was caused by NATO’s Jewish State Department controlled antagonism of “the Bear”, Russia, which had no choice but to retaliate. Notice how Jewish-Talmudic-Zionist “mainstream” media paints a lopsided story of Putin as the aggressor and a “war criminal” when behind closed doors “they” know quite well that he had no choice but to retaliate to protect Russia from being utterly absorbed by the Zionist global government beast. In this case, as always, Jews were the instigators and aggressors.
Thanks to the terrible power of our International Banks, we have forced the Christians into wars without number. Wars have a special value for Jews, since Christians massacre each other and make more room for us Jews. Wars are the Jews’ Harvests: The Jew banks grow fat on Christian wars. Over 100-million Christians have been swept off the face of the earth by wars, and the end is not yet. Rabbi Reichorn, speaking at the funeral of Grand Rabbi Simeon Ben-Iudah, 1869
A favorite Talmudic trick is to loudly accuse others of the very thing you are doing! Putin still we believe harbors a nationalist mindset which is worth applauding, but nevertheless it must be beaten out of him, according to the synagogue of Satan, which sees a sovereign Russia as a thorn in their side, i.e. an impediment to their grand global government scheme. “They”, the Zionist Jews in control of NATO, instigated the war in Ukraine, as “they” have all other wars in the modern era. Putin was only reacting to aggressions near the Russian border, as he should have, and this was the “set up”. Jewish world media then proceeded to portray Russia as the aggressor, failing to mention that the Russia had been prodded again and again for a half dozen years or more by Zionist controlled NATO and finally had no choice but to retaliate.
It takes a lot of planning, coordination and gobs of money to get a war going and the only way such massive amounts of “investment capital” can be generated is through central banks creating billions upon billions of dollars out of nothing. Who else can come up with that kind of money? Absolutely no one but agents of the Judeo-Mongol, Canaanite-Edomite, Talmudic-Zionist-satanic secret world government can do it! National governments do not have slush funds set aside for war, however Jewish central bankers are more than happy to float massive loans (created out of nothing) so as to further impoverish the victim nations with interest payments and pile on the “national debt”. War is yet another business venture for the Jews and at the conclusion of each war, no matter who technically “wins”, THEY always end up being the victors, absorbing more wealth and power, while everyone else involved suffers, physically, mentally, morally and financially and many more die to fulfill the Talmudic mandate to “kill the goyim.” Jewish warmongers might as well be the owners of football teams. It doesn’t matter who wins. It only matters that the goyim get to pay for the “entertainment” and that the Jews get to profit off of it.
It’s a head scratcher how the U.S. Federal Government can conjure billions of dollars from the Fed genie to literally give away to Ukraine when it is home to a bunch of dangerous bio-tech, chemical weapons manufacturing plants tied in with the Biden crime family. We’d be surprised if any of that give-away money goes to help the suffering Ukrainian people, but for damn sure it goes into the coffers of U.S. defense contractors and into Zelensky’s personal bank account. This corrupt jokester, former Ukrainian television star, very recently became a billionaire! But, of course – he’s a JEW, and if there’s one truism to be garnered in this essay it is that Jews are naturally gifted at getting money for nefarious services rendered, especially from corrupt governments (like the U.S.) run by Jews. There is no problem as far as Congress is concerned in funding THAT so-called “foreign aid”, but there is nothing but pocket change available to secure the southern border of the U.S., which is like a giant sieve with a million illegal immigrants pouring into our country every month, and the current regime in Washington doing little to nothing to stop the INVASION. Why? Because the invasion IS the agenda since Biden’s Ashkenazi Jewish handlers are hell bent on destroying America, the last bastion of freedom, to make it a cog in their Jew World Order supranational government beast. The agenda is outrageously obvious. This flood of illegal immigrants is not about charity for the poor and disadvantaged as some lame brain bleeding hearts may believe. Democrat-Zionists want open borders because they count on most of the new arrivals voting them into office so they can “finish the job” of communizing America. In fact, Biden plans to run for office again on the catch phrase “Let’s finish the job”. The Zionist United Nations is further bolstering the plan by giving these illegal immigrants debit cards and cell phones, with strings attached: to go and work where they say and to vote as they say. We can be certain that this is a massive, diabolical scheme to garner votes for the democrat-communist party, which can only gain power by CHEATING. Meanwhile, rank and file natural born Americans who work for a living get nothing but taxes and wages that consistently lose value because of inflation.
Despite all of the ongoing assaults as long as America is still hanging by threads of sovereignty and has a scrap of the old Constitution remaining, the international Talmudic-Zionist Jews cannot succeed in putting a cap on their symbolic pyramid. Refer to the back of the dollar bill for a hidden in plain sight decades in advance pronouncement of the Zionist-globalist plan. “Novus Ordo Seclorum” means “New Order of the Ages”, which is the “New World Order”. In the 1930s President Franklin D. Roosevelt (Rosenvelt), a Sephardic Jew controlled by Ashkenazi Jew multi-millionaire Bernard Baruch, commissioned for that very revealing symbol to be put on the back of the dollar bill. Baruch bragged before Congress that it was HE who actually ran the government, and we don’t doubt it, since he was a Rothschild agent.
Biden the pedophile. If he does this in a highly visible
public setting imagine what he does in private. |
While becoming a billionaire and letting his wife pose for the cover of a fashion magazine, president Zelensky has been sacrificing the WHITE Ukrainian people to a lost cause war against Russia. He is simply furthering the satanic-Talmudic agenda to kill the “goyim” and as a side gig supplying poor Ukrainian children to despicable pedophiles like Biden, who has been there several times to “assess” the situation. The Ukraine is a major hub for sex trafficking. Its administration is one of the most corrupt on the planet. The tottering “president” Biden is thoroughly compromised and MUST do the bidding of his Jewish masters because they have the “goods” on him. They most certainly have videos of him having sex with children, which would destroy his political career in a nano-second if he steps out of line. Just look at how he fondles young girls at well-publicized events. If the does THIS in public, imagine what he does in PRIVATE! This is a disgusting atrocity which the late night Jewish comedians joke about, but it is NO joke. It is a national disgrace and it brings on confusion and misery for the children who are subjected to this predatory behaviour. Biden suffers from a spiritual sickness, has no shame, and has no mind of his own. He is completely a tool of the Jewish-Zionist-Talmudic “money power”, as are many career politicians, who persistently vote for agendas that patriotic, God-fearing, working Americans don’t want. The decline of America is evidence of a severe parasitic infection by Jews who are the “synagogue of Satan”.
Revelation 2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. (These Ashkenazi “Jews” are not the same race as the ancient Judeans, but are a mixture of Canaanite-Edomites with Asiatic Turks, hailing from Khazaria, who immigrated to eastern Europe in the 13th through 17th centuries as their “Jewish” nation of Khazaria was invaded and decimated by the Rus and Muslims)
Revelation 3:9 (looking back from a time in the near future) Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. (God loves HIS people, not the satanic so-called “Jews” who currently rule the world. He will destroy them and their wicked global government in due time.)
Obadiah 1:17-18 (looking back from a time in the near future) But upon mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness; and the house of Jacob (a branch of the white race) shall possess their possessions. And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph (a subset of the house of Jacob) a flame, and the house of Esau (a.k.a. “Edom”, descendants of Esau’s Canaanite wives, a bloodline that manifests itself particularly in modern Ashkenazi Jewry) for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them; and there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau; for the LORD hath spoken it. (In other words, the “house of Esau”, which includes the “synagogue of Satan” so-called “Jews” SHALL be destroyed, by God!)
What can WE expect in the coming months and years? First we must take heed of prophecy. God has determined all things, from the beginning to the end and if He says in biblical scripture (Rev. Chapter 13) that there is going to be a “beast” system in which “No man may buy or sell save those who have the mark” then you can be sure that it is going to happen eventually. As the saying goes: Hope for the best, but expect the worst. If you are alive at the very end of this earth age YOU don’t absolutely have to accept the mark of the beast nor do you have to be an active participant in the vehicle by which this is accomplished, which would appear at this time to be the proposed CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) system, run by the Rothschild Bank of International Settlements. The BIS is the central bank of central banks, “settling accounts” between the Rothschild controlled central banks of the world. The central banks are all humongous counterfeiting schemes, operating ABOVE the laws of governments and able to create money out of nothing in the form of DEBT. They, and the Jewish corporate monopolies they fund, comprise Spiridovich’s “Judeo-Mongol secret world government”. They are the banking institutions that Thomas Jefferson warned about in the above quote, and “they” will do anything, no holds barred, to maintain their power over humanity. They are the apex of evil on planet Earth.
We can only hope that Zionist plans can be forestalled and that the next U.S. president is not a globalist, and even better wants to return us to a sound money system. Trump reputedly has implied that he would like to abolish the Fed, and was asked “What would you replace it with,” to which he replied “If you cut out a CANCER, you don’t need to replace it.” It could be that Trump was railroaded into his “Project Warp Speed” because the original plan of the globalists with the Covid “pandemic” scam was to force a couple years worth of lockdowns, which would have completely destroyed the American economy and created such a high level of misery that it would have been far easier to roll out the “universal basic income” (UBI) scheme, coupled with the CBDC slavery system. The way out of that dilemma for Trump, we may theorize, was to release the shots as soon as possible so the lockdowns could be ended. It was a heck of a choice, but perhaps he saw it as the “lesser of two evils”. Perhaps he really didn’t know how awful the “vaccines” were. Only God and Trump know for sure. Judging from the vehemence with which the insane left is hell bent on destroying Trump perhaps he is the real thing – someone who would go head to head with the Fed beast. All he has to do is write an executive order to get the ball rolling on ending the Fed. This is what JFK did with executive order 11110, which got him assassinated. If Trump happens to overcome the vote manipulators and get elected again, we pray he can dodge the bullets.
The central bankers, meanwhile, realize that their current debt based money scheme has to collapse, as did the old Venetian banking system, and they are working feverishly to exacerbate this inevitability by ramping up inflation of the various “paper” (now mostly digital) currencies. In other words “they” are churning out money faster than ever and having their puppets in government spend it like drunken sailors. The master plan, as we said, is to bring about misery through currency devaluation and when people are crying for relief replace the debt-based system with their “solution”: Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). This illustrates the old “Hegelian dialectic” (problem, reaction, solution) scheme, which is to create the very problem that you intend to “solve” with the pre-determined “solution”. For rank and file Americans there is absolutely NO advantage to CBDC and if people get trapped into it they will be enslaved in a “digital prison”.
CBDC is not currency at all in the traditional sense but rather a comprehensive system of control. Once the “gate” is closed, in other words, if cash is eliminated, only BARTER with precious metals, food or some commodity would permit the FREEDOM of transaction without permission from the bankers who would have complete control over the use of THEIR (not the people’s) digital units required for transactions in their CBDC money system. Augustin Carstons, President of the Rothschild’s Bank of International Settlements (BIS) revealed (and we paraphrase), the central bankers would have the technology to keep track of every purchase and sale, of anyone who uses their digital “currency”, down to the penny, and they would also have the power to determine the USE of the “currency” – that is, to establish rules through a strait jacket “social credit system” for citizen slaves, determining in advance what they may or may not buy or sell, or even to limit or freeze their CBDC account for “bad behavior”, which could be just about anything that displeases the techno-tyrants. This is because the proposed CBDC digital money could, in real time, be turned on and off at the flick of a switch. Transactions of the “goyim” slaves would be monitored by an anti-human artificial intelligence algorithm in the hands of, and under the command of the synagogue of Satan, anti-human world bankers, who lust for control over others and wish the entire world to function like a machine. It is imperative that you learn how to survive OUTSIDE of this wicked system, which is the vehicle by which the prophecy regarding “the mark of the beast” is likely to be fulfilled, at least from what we can gather from current evidence.
A massive twenty-five percent of all the dollars now in existence were created during the Biden administration! Every dollar injected into the overall pool of dollars causes ALL dollars to drop in value – at varying rates of decline. Those who get to use the newly created dollars FIRST get the most value out of them. That would be the government, the banks and the corporations borrowing dollars at near zero interest rates. As the newly created dollars filter into the economy and pass from transaction to transaction down the ladder into the hands of the middle class and the poor they get diluted in value. Much of this multi-trillion dollar injection was simply given to so-called “too big to fail” Jewish-owned banks and investment corporations, and of course to projects of value to the Jewish secret world government, such as the War in Ukraine. Meanwhile the middle class and poor are slowly impoverished as their dollars lose value. This phenomenon is quite obvious to anyone who has to buy groceries. The price of everything creeps ever upward and/or the quantities get smaller.
Fed Chairman Jerome Powell’s raising of interest rates in order to “curb inflation” is perhaps based upon his desire to pump up the dollar on the world market. Unfortunately, the Powell plan is only making loans more expensive and it won’t stop the runaway train of inflation. This loss of purchasing power will be especially hard on those with “fixed incomes”, whose standard of living will drop significantly and edge them closer and closer to homelessness and starvation which is the very kind of hook that would entice millions of suffering people into gladly accepting Universal Basic Income (UBI) digital handouts coupled with the CBDC slavery system.
Revelation 2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. (These Ashkenazi “Jews” are not the same race as the ancient Judeans, but are a mixture of Canaanite-Edomites with Asiatic Turks, hailing from Khazaria, who immigrated to eastern Europe in the 13th through 17th centuries as their “Jewish” nation of Khazaria was invaded and decimated by the Rus and Muslims)
Revelation 3:9 (looking back from a time in the near future) Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. (God loves HIS people, not the satanic so-called “Jews” who currently rule the world. He will destroy them and their wicked global government in due time.)
Obadiah 1:17-18 (looking back from a time in the near future) But upon mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness; and the house of Jacob (a branch of the white race) shall possess their possessions. And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph (a subset of the house of Jacob) a flame, and the house of Esau (a.k.a. “Edom”, descendants of Esau’s Canaanite wives, a bloodline that manifests itself particularly in modern Ashkenazi Jewry) for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them; and there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau; for the LORD hath spoken it. (In other words, the “house of Esau”, which includes the “synagogue of Satan” so-called “Jews” SHALL be destroyed, by God!)
What can WE expect in the coming months and years? First we must take heed of prophecy. God has determined all things, from the beginning to the end and if He says in biblical scripture (Rev. Chapter 13) that there is going to be a “beast” system in which “No man may buy or sell save those who have the mark” then you can be sure that it is going to happen eventually. As the saying goes: Hope for the best, but expect the worst. If you are alive at the very end of this earth age YOU don’t absolutely have to accept the mark of the beast nor do you have to be an active participant in the vehicle by which this is accomplished, which would appear at this time to be the proposed CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) system, run by the Rothschild Bank of International Settlements. The BIS is the central bank of central banks, “settling accounts” between the Rothschild controlled central banks of the world. The central banks are all humongous counterfeiting schemes, operating ABOVE the laws of governments and able to create money out of nothing in the form of DEBT. They, and the Jewish corporate monopolies they fund, comprise Spiridovich’s “Judeo-Mongol secret world government”. They are the banking institutions that Thomas Jefferson warned about in the above quote, and “they” will do anything, no holds barred, to maintain their power over humanity. They are the apex of evil on planet Earth.
We can only hope that Zionist plans can be forestalled and that the next U.S. president is not a globalist, and even better wants to return us to a sound money system. Trump reputedly has implied that he would like to abolish the Fed, and was asked “What would you replace it with,” to which he replied “If you cut out a CANCER, you don’t need to replace it.” It could be that Trump was railroaded into his “Project Warp Speed” because the original plan of the globalists with the Covid “pandemic” scam was to force a couple years worth of lockdowns, which would have completely destroyed the American economy and created such a high level of misery that it would have been far easier to roll out the “universal basic income” (UBI) scheme, coupled with the CBDC slavery system. The way out of that dilemma for Trump, we may theorize, was to release the shots as soon as possible so the lockdowns could be ended. It was a heck of a choice, but perhaps he saw it as the “lesser of two evils”. Perhaps he really didn’t know how awful the “vaccines” were. Only God and Trump know for sure. Judging from the vehemence with which the insane left is hell bent on destroying Trump perhaps he is the real thing – someone who would go head to head with the Fed beast. All he has to do is write an executive order to get the ball rolling on ending the Fed. This is what JFK did with executive order 11110, which got him assassinated. If Trump happens to overcome the vote manipulators and get elected again, we pray he can dodge the bullets.
The central bankers, meanwhile, realize that their current debt based money scheme has to collapse, as did the old Venetian banking system, and they are working feverishly to exacerbate this inevitability by ramping up inflation of the various “paper” (now mostly digital) currencies. In other words “they” are churning out money faster than ever and having their puppets in government spend it like drunken sailors. The master plan, as we said, is to bring about misery through currency devaluation and when people are crying for relief replace the debt-based system with their “solution”: Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). This illustrates the old “Hegelian dialectic” (problem, reaction, solution) scheme, which is to create the very problem that you intend to “solve” with the pre-determined “solution”. For rank and file Americans there is absolutely NO advantage to CBDC and if people get trapped into it they will be enslaved in a “digital prison”.
CBDC is not currency at all in the traditional sense but rather a comprehensive system of control. Once the “gate” is closed, in other words, if cash is eliminated, only BARTER with precious metals, food or some commodity would permit the FREEDOM of transaction without permission from the bankers who would have complete control over the use of THEIR (not the people’s) digital units required for transactions in their CBDC money system. Augustin Carstons, President of the Rothschild’s Bank of International Settlements (BIS) revealed (and we paraphrase), the central bankers would have the technology to keep track of every purchase and sale, of anyone who uses their digital “currency”, down to the penny, and they would also have the power to determine the USE of the “currency” – that is, to establish rules through a strait jacket “social credit system” for citizen slaves, determining in advance what they may or may not buy or sell, or even to limit or freeze their CBDC account for “bad behavior”, which could be just about anything that displeases the techno-tyrants. This is because the proposed CBDC digital money could, in real time, be turned on and off at the flick of a switch. Transactions of the “goyim” slaves would be monitored by an anti-human artificial intelligence algorithm in the hands of, and under the command of the synagogue of Satan, anti-human world bankers, who lust for control over others and wish the entire world to function like a machine. It is imperative that you learn how to survive OUTSIDE of this wicked system, which is the vehicle by which the prophecy regarding “the mark of the beast” is likely to be fulfilled, at least from what we can gather from current evidence.
A massive twenty-five percent of all the dollars now in existence were created during the Biden administration! Every dollar injected into the overall pool of dollars causes ALL dollars to drop in value – at varying rates of decline. Those who get to use the newly created dollars FIRST get the most value out of them. That would be the government, the banks and the corporations borrowing dollars at near zero interest rates. As the newly created dollars filter into the economy and pass from transaction to transaction down the ladder into the hands of the middle class and the poor they get diluted in value. Much of this multi-trillion dollar injection was simply given to so-called “too big to fail” Jewish-owned banks and investment corporations, and of course to projects of value to the Jewish secret world government, such as the War in Ukraine. Meanwhile the middle class and poor are slowly impoverished as their dollars lose value. This phenomenon is quite obvious to anyone who has to buy groceries. The price of everything creeps ever upward and/or the quantities get smaller.
Fed Chairman Jerome Powell’s raising of interest rates in order to “curb inflation” is perhaps based upon his desire to pump up the dollar on the world market. Unfortunately, the Powell plan is only making loans more expensive and it won’t stop the runaway train of inflation. This loss of purchasing power will be especially hard on those with “fixed incomes”, whose standard of living will drop significantly and edge them closer and closer to homelessness and starvation which is the very kind of hook that would entice millions of suffering people into gladly accepting Universal Basic Income (UBI) digital handouts coupled with the CBDC slavery system.
Amazing highway from China to Pakistan
The BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, Saudi Arabia) are in the process of abandoning the dollar as the “reserve currency” and adopting the Chinese Yuan instead. Thanks to Jewish investment, China is being put on financial steroids to be a global powerhouse of trade with its Belt and Road Iniative. Wall Street firms like Goldman Sachs have offices in China and have been shifting capital from the U.S.A. eastward for a couple decades. Jews are more than happy to serve as toll collectors along the Chinese trade route, a strategy that harks back to their ancient ancestors who routinely extracted booty from caravans passing through the ancient city of Petra in Edom, home of the Canaanite-Edomites, ancestors of today’s Ashkenazi “Jews”.
According to financial expert Catherine Austin Fitts, since the 1990s there has been steady movement by the money power to abandon America and make China the next predominant world power. What she does not say is that China is being groomed to replace America in that role, while we are being milked dry by Jew parasites and their never-ending financial scams in which the middle class has been defrauded of trillions of dollars of assets, mostly transferred into the coffers of Jewish billionaires and their corporate monopolies. When the parasites shift their operations to China they can then bleed it to death and use its military to fight their wars, as they used the British military in the nineteenth century until it was worn out and exhausted followed by the American military in the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. Now America is worn out, exhausted and in fast decline spiritually, morally and materially. The days of America being the pre-eminent world power and the policeman of the world are coming to an end. Of course, the Jewish money power a.k.a. Spiridovich’s Judeo-Mongol secret world government was behind it all along:
(written in the early 1920s) The International Jewish plan to move their money market to the United States was what the American people did not want. We have the warning of history as to what this means. It has meant in turn that Spain, Venice, Germany or Great Britain received the blame or suspicion of the world for what the Jewish financiers have done. It is a most important consideration that most of the national animosities that exist today arose out of resentment against what Jewish money power did under the camouflage of national names.
“The British did this,” “The Germans did this,” when it was the International Jew who did it, the nations being but the marked spaces on his checker board. Today, around the world the blaming word is heard, “The United States did this. If it were not for the United States the world would be in better shape. The Americans are a sordid, greedy, cruel people.
Why? Because the Jewish money power is centered here and is making money out of both our immunity and Europe’s distress, playing one against the other; and because so many so-called “American business men” abroad today are not Americans at all – they are Jews. The International Jew, Ford and Cameron, pages 17-18
Because of parasitic infestation of Jew-Canaanites into “host” nations, most world empires don’t last more than two centuries and the U.S.A. is a bit overdue. Much to the delight of the real life “Dr. Evil” Klaus Schwab (the Ashkenazi Jew), China, unlike the U.S., is doing a great job in controlling its people. It already has a digital currency, a draconian A.I. driven surveillance system, and is the perfect “poster child” for the Zionist-Talmudic “great reset” agenda which “they”, the “elites” of the Jewish secret world government, represented by Schwab’s W.E.F. wish to force on the entire planet – perhaps using China to get the job done. You can bet that most Chinese people absolutely despise the slavery they’ve been forced into but they have to keep it to themselves because a mere mention of it would result in swift punishment through the social credit score – or worse – a van arriving suddenly to transport the recalcitrant citizen off for “reeducation”. Here is Schwab gushing on China:
So we (the secret world government of Jewish central bankers and Jewish corporations) have to define how the world should look like, which we want to have come out of this transformation period. I respect China’s achievements, which are tremendous over the last over 40 years. I think it’s a role model for many countries. But I think also we should leave it to each country to make its own decision what system it wants to adopt and I think we should be very careful in imposing systems, but the Chinese model is certainly a very attractive model for quite a number of countries. (“attractive” to who, we may ask? That should be obvious. – ed.)
Klaus Schwab, from a television interview, found within New Rebel – Trevergoick, April, 2023
Despite his feigned hesitation to “impose a system” it’s a sure bet that Schwab would love to see the Chinese model of digital hell imposed on America and the entire planet. He will still have HIS life of luxury and couldn’t care less about anyone but himself and his conspiratorial Economic Forum partners and Young Global Leaders. It is advisable to begin learning how to live outside of the wicked global slavery system, because it is coming, whether we like it or not. Our people are unfortunately being “destroyed for lack of knowledge” (due to Jewish propaganda) and these bastards never quit. They have unlimited funding for their evil, of course, because the bankers get to create money out of nothing through debt. Learn how to barter and provide for yourself and your family one step at a time without using digital dollars, and if you must use dollars, do so in CASH as long as it is possible. The use of cash is a rebellion against this beast. Satanic control freaks with their high tech spy machines can’t track and trace cash – only digital transactions. They have no business knowing what you spend your money on, whether it is for a bag of groceries or a gun. Go to flea markets where you can get the best deals and talk to REAL people. Only transact business on the Internet when some item you really need cannot be acquired locally. Accumulate commodities and precious metals that you can barter with in an all-digital dystopian future. If possible buy land with a water source. Get the hell out of big cities! They are already exhibiting major signs of breakdown and are slated to be digital prisons for the slave class. Murders are up. School shootings are up. “Vaccidents” are up. These cities are also enveloped in a thick fog of microwave and electromagnetic radiation which is terrible for human health and making people crazy.
(written in the early 1920s) The International Jewish plan to move their money market to the United States was what the American people did not want. We have the warning of history as to what this means. It has meant in turn that Spain, Venice, Germany or Great Britain received the blame or suspicion of the world for what the Jewish financiers have done. It is a most important consideration that most of the national animosities that exist today arose out of resentment against what Jewish money power did under the camouflage of national names.
“The British did this,” “The Germans did this,” when it was the International Jew who did it, the nations being but the marked spaces on his checker board. Today, around the world the blaming word is heard, “The United States did this. If it were not for the United States the world would be in better shape. The Americans are a sordid, greedy, cruel people.
Why? Because the Jewish money power is centered here and is making money out of both our immunity and Europe’s distress, playing one against the other; and because so many so-called “American business men” abroad today are not Americans at all – they are Jews. The International Jew, Ford and Cameron, pages 17-18
Because of parasitic infestation of Jew-Canaanites into “host” nations, most world empires don’t last more than two centuries and the U.S.A. is a bit overdue. Much to the delight of the real life “Dr. Evil” Klaus Schwab (the Ashkenazi Jew), China, unlike the U.S., is doing a great job in controlling its people. It already has a digital currency, a draconian A.I. driven surveillance system, and is the perfect “poster child” for the Zionist-Talmudic “great reset” agenda which “they”, the “elites” of the Jewish secret world government, represented by Schwab’s W.E.F. wish to force on the entire planet – perhaps using China to get the job done. You can bet that most Chinese people absolutely despise the slavery they’ve been forced into but they have to keep it to themselves because a mere mention of it would result in swift punishment through the social credit score – or worse – a van arriving suddenly to transport the recalcitrant citizen off for “reeducation”. Here is Schwab gushing on China:
So we (the secret world government of Jewish central bankers and Jewish corporations) have to define how the world should look like, which we want to have come out of this transformation period. I respect China’s achievements, which are tremendous over the last over 40 years. I think it’s a role model for many countries. But I think also we should leave it to each country to make its own decision what system it wants to adopt and I think we should be very careful in imposing systems, but the Chinese model is certainly a very attractive model for quite a number of countries. (“attractive” to who, we may ask? That should be obvious. – ed.)
Klaus Schwab, from a television interview, found within New Rebel – Trevergoick, April, 2023
Despite his feigned hesitation to “impose a system” it’s a sure bet that Schwab would love to see the Chinese model of digital hell imposed on America and the entire planet. He will still have HIS life of luxury and couldn’t care less about anyone but himself and his conspiratorial Economic Forum partners and Young Global Leaders. It is advisable to begin learning how to live outside of the wicked global slavery system, because it is coming, whether we like it or not. Our people are unfortunately being “destroyed for lack of knowledge” (due to Jewish propaganda) and these bastards never quit. They have unlimited funding for their evil, of course, because the bankers get to create money out of nothing through debt. Learn how to barter and provide for yourself and your family one step at a time without using digital dollars, and if you must use dollars, do so in CASH as long as it is possible. The use of cash is a rebellion against this beast. Satanic control freaks with their high tech spy machines can’t track and trace cash – only digital transactions. They have no business knowing what you spend your money on, whether it is for a bag of groceries or a gun. Go to flea markets where you can get the best deals and talk to REAL people. Only transact business on the Internet when some item you really need cannot be acquired locally. Accumulate commodities and precious metals that you can barter with in an all-digital dystopian future. If possible buy land with a water source. Get the hell out of big cities! They are already exhibiting major signs of breakdown and are slated to be digital prisons for the slave class. Murders are up. School shootings are up. “Vaccidents” are up. These cities are also enveloped in a thick fog of microwave and electromagnetic radiation which is terrible for human health and making people crazy.
These are the “last days” of a dying world and a dying nation, poisoned by a century and a half of financial scams, treachery and literal poisons in the food, water and air, put there by the usual culprits: Spiridovich’s Judeo-Mongol secret world government and its army of agent-provocateur-psychopaths. If a power “grid” goes down or if water supplies are polluted or shut off it will probably happen in big cities first and people living there are going to be in for depression level hard times. It is very sad, but many who are living on the edge and did not, or could not prepare will die. This is all part of the “Great Reset” agenda which is a front for fulfillment of Meyer Amschel Rothschild’s deathbed wish that Jews take over the world and the gentiles own nothing.
Something strange is happening in Chicago.
This is pure wickedness and must be fought in the glory and power of God, with prayer and deliberate action. The first part of this fight is to learn what is happening, know the enemy, and make your own way as far divorced from the enemy’s system as possible. Wherever you live get to know your neighbors and form associations to protect each other. Stock up on non-perishable food. Learn how to garden and breed animals such as rabbits and chickens for eggs and meat. If you are one of His, GOD will show you the way with inspiration from His Holy Spirit. Everyone’s situation is different so no one can tell YOU exactly how to prepare. Rather, you MUST pray daily to God for guidance so you do not fall into the trap laid by Satan’s hell-bound children.
Mark 13:19-23 (looking ahead to tribulation) For in those days shall be affliction, such as was not from the beginning of the creation which God created unto this time, neither shall be. And except that the Lord had shortened those days, no flesh should be saved: but for the elect’s sake, whom he hath chosen, he hath shortened the days. (Yahweh will make things easier for His people). And then if any man shall say to you, Lo, here is Christ; or, lo, he is there; believe him not: For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders (such as the anti-Christ commanding fire to come down from the sky – Rev. 13:13-14) , to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect. But take ye heed: behold, I have foretold you all things.
The “beast” system advances incrementally and with subtle but dangerous enticements that fool most people into going along with it, or not even noticing it at all until the last door to freedom gets slammed shut and they find themselves locked in the digital prison. Consider the cell phone. It is an amazing “convenience” with the power of a computer and a television in the palm of your hand. It has deliberately been rendered all but indispensable for communication, financial transactions, e-mails, internet surfing, social media, keeping track of appointments, gaming and so on. Many people are literally hooked on their cell phones and some children have actually attacked their parents for taking a cell phone away! The unknown downside is that these devices emit a dangerous level of microwave radiation that entrains the mind, and creates an addiction, like a drug. The manufacturers are well aware of this danger, but BIG telecom is a multi-trillion dollar industry, and BIG money ALWAYS trumps human health in this wicked world, because as scripture says “The love of money is the root of all evil”. The higher you go in the pyramidal corporate hierarchy the less empathy there is to be found. At the top of the financial complex are some of the coldest, most calculating criminal psychopaths on the planet, and no wonder, because they literally have the blood of Lucifer/Satan flowing in their veins.
It has been known since the early 1950s that radiation from radar facilities, television, radio broadcast towers, and electrical power lines is bad for human health, but nothing has been done about it, for the sake of corporate profit. We can now add to those earlier dangers the cell phones, cell towers, routers, satellites beaming microwaves back to earth, and so called “smart” devices, all of which create a virtual “soup” of radiation that perfectly suits the Talmudic-Zionist agenda to “cull the human herd” while at the same time causing sickness, which boosts the market for the medical-pharmacological complex, the lion’s share of which is owned by the same Jews who own nearly everything else though their giant Wall Street investment firms.
A government study was done when rural areas of America were first electrified. The researchers found that everywhere power lines were installed there was more cancer than in the un-electrified areas. This study was, of course, buried for the sake of corporate profit. Corporations that have captured the agencies that are supposed to regulate them can’t be bothered with minor concerns such as who may get cancer or die due to their products or technology. Profit is the only thing that matters. In more recent years, thousands of people have learned the hard truth about microwave emitting devices when they get brain cancer, for example, from holding a phone too close to their head over a period of time. Senator John McCain was one of the victims. He got brain cancer on the side of his head where he usually held his cell phone. Others have gotten breast, testicular or rectal cancer from routinely storing a phone too close to the body. Many more, young people in particular, suffer from depression – because their brains are negatively impacted, and “reprogrammed” by the entrainment of microwave radiation. When you witness people walking down the sidewalk glued to their phone and oblivious to what is going on around them, this is evidence of an electronic addiction. There was one fellow in England who actually walked off a cliff while staring at his cell phone. Look it up. For your health, put your cell phone in airplane mode, or in a metal box unless you absolutely need to use it, or better yet, get rid of it because aside from it being bad for your health it is a tracking device, documenting your location at all times and possibly even recording your activities, even If you think it is off. All of this is possible with the current invasive technology.
One has only to consider how a central banking tyrant with unlimited wealth would want to craft “history” and technology to understand where this world is going. The Jewish banking dynasties, and in particular Rothschild, have controlled the world with DEBT since the late 1700s. It has made them the richest people in the history of mankind. They are fully aware that their centuries old system of enslavement is going to crash. If it were to crash – in other words if their trillions and trillions of fiat money (created out of nothing in the first place) becomes worthless and if the quadrillions of dollars in “derivatives” become un-payable, then chaos would erupt, and out of chaos smaller, independent systems of trade would have to emerge, free from THEIR control. Naturally, these wicked plutocrats want to maintain their death grip on humanity and thus are determined to be ready with a NEW system of control, CBDC, which is given the innocuous name “The Great Reset” – as if merely resetting a giant clock – when in reality they are replacing the chains with a strait jacket.
Central Bankers are now plotting to eliminate all physical cash and to force everyone on the planet to buy and sell ONLY with DIGITAL money, which they (the central bankers) would still get to create out of NOTHING and allot to the citizen slaves as a stipend. The fact that this money is issued by THEM, out of thin air is bad enough, but even worse is that this would not be money at all, in the traditional sense. Real money, such as cash or coin, has no strings attached. You can take cash to a store and buy whatever you need and no one in the government or central banking web knows what you bought, when you bought it and how much you paid for it. This is how it SHOULD be. This is what the drafters of the U.S. Constitution envisioned when they wrote that all money should be coined by the Treasury. They did not intend for all money to come into existence through the DEBT of bank loans from Jewish banking houses. They probably couldn’t have imagined a wicked system in which real money is eliminated and wholly replaced with controllable digital tokens. Over 200 years ago the Ashkenazi-Jewish-Talmudic-Satanic founder of the Rothschild dynasty had a contrary idea. He proclaimed:
Give me control of the money and I care not what puppet sits on the throne of England (it doesn’t matter who controls the government if I have control of the money system) Meyer Amschel Rothschild, late 1700s
U.S. citizens lost a huge chunk of their freedom when in 1913 President Woodrow Wilson (Wolfson, a Marrano Jew) allowed the international bankers to take over the U.S. money supply with a Rothschild controlled central bank, the Federal Reserve. It replaced the U.S. Treasury as the primary source of new money – although banks already had the ability to loan money in excess of what was actually in their “vaults”, through the “fractional reserve” mechanism. The central bank, being the bank of last resort, made it possible for the commercial banks to borrow at a low interest rate and lend at a higher rate, giving them another avenue to make money off of money. Under the central bank system new money through interest bearing debt was exacerbated and fully institutionalized and the dollar steadily decreased in value to the point that now it is worth around 5 cents compared to a 1913 dollar -- the fateful year the Federal Reserve Act was passed. The Fed system is UN-constitutional and yet it has, through bribery, blackmail, propaganda and war continued to exist for over a hundred years, thus making the entire money supply a personal piggy-bank for the Jews who own and run the system. Though routinely described in lofty terms as if it is some essential government agency, this nation, and all other nations on the planet saddled with a central bank could easily do without one, and they should be repudiated, because these “banks” are nothing but parasitic criminal enterprises sucking money out of our pockets through “inflation” and using that money to assure their continued existence.
Central banks also create “boom and bust” cycles in which periods of easy credit for a decade or two are followed by periods of reduced credit and contraction of the money supply which causes an epidemic of personal and business bankruptcies. The Great Depression of the late 1920s and 1930s, for example, was a “bust” cycle in which the overall supply of dollars was severely contracted by the calling in of loans and a near moratorium on the issuance of new loans. This in turn caused an epidemic of personal and business bankruptcies. As the depression ruined small businesses and impoverished the people, rich “insiders” who were informed ahead of time that a contraction was coming, were able to bulk up their liquid assets before the event and then buy up commodities, businesses, real estate etc. at pennies on the dollar during the depression and increase their personal wealth many times over. Jews are always chief beneficiaries of these humongous money manipulation schemes, because they, more so than “genties” are warned in advance through their networks (Kehillas). Through such money manipulations Jews have literally drained the wealth of America and the world into their accounts.
Take the time to read Congressman Louis McFadden’s 1930s speech before Congress on the evils of the Federal Reserve to get a full understanding of what the Federal Reserve is and exactly how it has been destroying America since its inception. Jewish communist Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin) once said that the establishment of a central bank was 90 percent of the communization of a nation. He should know. Communism is a system of tyranny in which the corporate-fascist government owns everything, but the Jewish central bankers and the corporate monopolists who are “above the law” literally OWN the government itself. They run the government as a BUSINESS, using the nation’s people as their SLAVES. A majority of the people, meanwhile, spend their lives working for nothing but bare survival while the fruits of their labor are stolen by the crafty Jews who own the system. But … as bad as the current debt-based system is, CBDC would be even worse.
Already, some 95% or so of transactions are digital so many people, especially younger people, are already conditioned to the idea of “money” being theoretical and untouchable -- nothing but numbers in a computer database. What the younger people seem not to care about is that this digital money can be tracked and traced, down to the penny, and it can also be manipulated. It can also simply disappear. If you buy anything at all with a credit or debit card, or a cell phone, someone in some banking or government agency could determine what you bought, when you bought it, and for how much. It would seem that we are already halfway into the digital gulag. The next step toward complete enslavement is when the USE o the digital “money” or “currency” can be controlled by the issuers of it. This is a dire threat to freedom and MUST be resisted in any way possible. The best way to resist at this time is to use cash as much as possible and only use digital transactions when absolutely necessary.
Central bank digital “currency” would be the ultimate control mechanism for tyrants. As Augustin Carstons, president of the Bank of International Settlements said a few years ago, “We (the central bankers) would have control of the expression of central bank liability (the money) and we would have the technology to enforce that.” This is Orwellian banker-speak for what would be the most horrific system of slavery ever devised. The bankers could then easily starve someone to death for the least infraction of THEIR rules by simply cutting off access to the “digital currency” in their account. The “currency” the bankers propose would by design remain property of the central bank and people would be “allowed” to use it for transactions as long as they remain dutiful, no questions asked, compliant citizen-slaves. Any infraction of the rules could lead to one’s money usage being curtailed, or shut of altogether. This opens to door to abuses that can scarcely be imagined.
Say, for example, another phony, media blitz “pandemic” comes around, and the World Health Organization, controlled by some Zionist asset creep like Gates, determines that everyone on the planet must have a “vaccine” in order to be “protected”, in other words, further trans-humanized, sickened or killed. Then if some citizen-slave refuses to take the shot, because they know damn well it is a poison that could cause cancer or alter their DNA, their digital “currency” could simply be cut off as punishment for non-compliance. Even die-hard liberals are beginning to wake up to the fact that some of these Covid “vaccines” were loaded with terrible ingredients that have caused a major spike in sickness and death. We are not going to delve into a full-blown discussion of that particular as it has been covered elsewhere in this blog. We will say that one goal with the mRNA “vaccine” experimentation is to re-engineer humanity into a new “Borg-Genesis”, Human 2.0 species and at the same time achieve a dramatic “culling of the human herd”. A smaller population of humans would be easier to “manage” by the synagogue of Satan’s Judeo-Mongol, Canaanite-Edomite world government.
The central bankers and technocrats want to inject human bodies with nano-technology capable of interfacing with the Central Bank Digital Currency system, through microwaves, so that the pitiful slave doesn’t even need a debit card or a cell phone to transact business, but the body itself will serve that purpose. One other idea being considered for the interface is an implant under the skin, which is suspiciously similar to this prophecy:
Revelation 13:16-17 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Anything injected into the body or under the skin as a control mechanism constitutes a “branding” and let us be reminded that the Talmud, the “holy” book of the synagogue of Satan, proclaims that the “goyim” are cattle, to be managed or killed at will. If the central bankers and their corporate hierarchy of shysters and shabbaz goy servants (like Augusten Carstons) can do this to YOU then you become THEIR property, and you have no constitutional rights, no dignity, NOTHING but miserable life barely worth living. Again, from Schwab “You will own nothing and you will be happy”. Life under this strait jacket system of scientific tyranny would probably be more like this:
Revelation 9:6 And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.
Truly, we are now living in the era of the birth pangs, so to speak as indicated in Matthew chapter 24, which tells of wars and rumors of wars, many being offended, Christians afflicted, false prophets that shall deceive many, and finally:
Revelation 24:21-22 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.
In “alternative” media, the only place to get actual news, we hear of a two mile long string of RVs along the side of highway 101 in California, occupied by homeless individuals and families who can no longer afford to live in a house or apartment. This is what is happening to America’s former strong middle class. Some of these people have jobs and still can’t afford rent! California is a bellwether for the kind of suffering likely to hit all of America unless this phony unelected “president” can be impeached and we can get someone in office who is not a pawn of the World Economic Forum and a sock puppet for Obama, who once stated that he wouldn’t mind serving a third term if he could do so “from his basement in his jammies”. This would appear to be his third term. Obama IS a communist and was also a “young global leader” hatched from Schwab’s training ground. In cities all over the nation encampments of homeless people are popping up. Most of them are white people.
Revelation 12:14-16 And to the woman (God’s people, Christians) were given two wings of a great eagle, (an allusion to the U.S.) that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, (during tribulation) from the face of the serpent. And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away (marginalized and bred out of existence) of the flood. And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth.(God will “swallow” the flood by some means, possibly disease and death of the invaders, to preserve the few remaining of His remnant people, who have kept themselves pure in the face of this flood.)
The globalist-instigated “flood” of immigrants across the southern border of the United States is fulfillment of the above prophecy. This influx of non-whites is designed to change the fabric of America and “finish the job” (Biden’s words) of making this once great nation a cog in the Jew World Order, satanic global government, and the first “beast” of Revelation. Alternative media reports that these immigrants are being given debit cards and cell phones by the United Nations and they will become a permanent “slave class”, instructed on where to go, where to work and how to vote in order to keep their UBI stipends coming in. Which party do you think will receive the votes? This goes way beyond “cheating” and is literally WAR against America and specifically against the white race, which will continue to be diluted and decimated. On top of it all Biden has the gall to say that “white supremacism” is the most dire threat faced by America!! If this utter falsehood doesn’t make you angry you are not one of us. Biden should not only be impeached. He should be executed for treason. We can think of nothing this despicable influence peddler and criminal has done that is pro-Constitution and pro-American. It is not surprising that in 2017 Biden was lauded by Klaus Schwab as one of the hardest working members of the World Economic Forum. You can see Biden grinning from ear to ear as he is being congratulated by Schwab in this video at 7:15:
Mark 13:19-23 (looking ahead to tribulation) For in those days shall be affliction, such as was not from the beginning of the creation which God created unto this time, neither shall be. And except that the Lord had shortened those days, no flesh should be saved: but for the elect’s sake, whom he hath chosen, he hath shortened the days. (Yahweh will make things easier for His people). And then if any man shall say to you, Lo, here is Christ; or, lo, he is there; believe him not: For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders (such as the anti-Christ commanding fire to come down from the sky – Rev. 13:13-14) , to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect. But take ye heed: behold, I have foretold you all things.
The “beast” system advances incrementally and with subtle but dangerous enticements that fool most people into going along with it, or not even noticing it at all until the last door to freedom gets slammed shut and they find themselves locked in the digital prison. Consider the cell phone. It is an amazing “convenience” with the power of a computer and a television in the palm of your hand. It has deliberately been rendered all but indispensable for communication, financial transactions, e-mails, internet surfing, social media, keeping track of appointments, gaming and so on. Many people are literally hooked on their cell phones and some children have actually attacked their parents for taking a cell phone away! The unknown downside is that these devices emit a dangerous level of microwave radiation that entrains the mind, and creates an addiction, like a drug. The manufacturers are well aware of this danger, but BIG telecom is a multi-trillion dollar industry, and BIG money ALWAYS trumps human health in this wicked world, because as scripture says “The love of money is the root of all evil”. The higher you go in the pyramidal corporate hierarchy the less empathy there is to be found. At the top of the financial complex are some of the coldest, most calculating criminal psychopaths on the planet, and no wonder, because they literally have the blood of Lucifer/Satan flowing in their veins.
It has been known since the early 1950s that radiation from radar facilities, television, radio broadcast towers, and electrical power lines is bad for human health, but nothing has been done about it, for the sake of corporate profit. We can now add to those earlier dangers the cell phones, cell towers, routers, satellites beaming microwaves back to earth, and so called “smart” devices, all of which create a virtual “soup” of radiation that perfectly suits the Talmudic-Zionist agenda to “cull the human herd” while at the same time causing sickness, which boosts the market for the medical-pharmacological complex, the lion’s share of which is owned by the same Jews who own nearly everything else though their giant Wall Street investment firms.
A government study was done when rural areas of America were first electrified. The researchers found that everywhere power lines were installed there was more cancer than in the un-electrified areas. This study was, of course, buried for the sake of corporate profit. Corporations that have captured the agencies that are supposed to regulate them can’t be bothered with minor concerns such as who may get cancer or die due to their products or technology. Profit is the only thing that matters. In more recent years, thousands of people have learned the hard truth about microwave emitting devices when they get brain cancer, for example, from holding a phone too close to their head over a period of time. Senator John McCain was one of the victims. He got brain cancer on the side of his head where he usually held his cell phone. Others have gotten breast, testicular or rectal cancer from routinely storing a phone too close to the body. Many more, young people in particular, suffer from depression – because their brains are negatively impacted, and “reprogrammed” by the entrainment of microwave radiation. When you witness people walking down the sidewalk glued to their phone and oblivious to what is going on around them, this is evidence of an electronic addiction. There was one fellow in England who actually walked off a cliff while staring at his cell phone. Look it up. For your health, put your cell phone in airplane mode, or in a metal box unless you absolutely need to use it, or better yet, get rid of it because aside from it being bad for your health it is a tracking device, documenting your location at all times and possibly even recording your activities, even If you think it is off. All of this is possible with the current invasive technology.
One has only to consider how a central banking tyrant with unlimited wealth would want to craft “history” and technology to understand where this world is going. The Jewish banking dynasties, and in particular Rothschild, have controlled the world with DEBT since the late 1700s. It has made them the richest people in the history of mankind. They are fully aware that their centuries old system of enslavement is going to crash. If it were to crash – in other words if their trillions and trillions of fiat money (created out of nothing in the first place) becomes worthless and if the quadrillions of dollars in “derivatives” become un-payable, then chaos would erupt, and out of chaos smaller, independent systems of trade would have to emerge, free from THEIR control. Naturally, these wicked plutocrats want to maintain their death grip on humanity and thus are determined to be ready with a NEW system of control, CBDC, which is given the innocuous name “The Great Reset” – as if merely resetting a giant clock – when in reality they are replacing the chains with a strait jacket.
Central Bankers are now plotting to eliminate all physical cash and to force everyone on the planet to buy and sell ONLY with DIGITAL money, which they (the central bankers) would still get to create out of NOTHING and allot to the citizen slaves as a stipend. The fact that this money is issued by THEM, out of thin air is bad enough, but even worse is that this would not be money at all, in the traditional sense. Real money, such as cash or coin, has no strings attached. You can take cash to a store and buy whatever you need and no one in the government or central banking web knows what you bought, when you bought it and how much you paid for it. This is how it SHOULD be. This is what the drafters of the U.S. Constitution envisioned when they wrote that all money should be coined by the Treasury. They did not intend for all money to come into existence through the DEBT of bank loans from Jewish banking houses. They probably couldn’t have imagined a wicked system in which real money is eliminated and wholly replaced with controllable digital tokens. Over 200 years ago the Ashkenazi-Jewish-Talmudic-Satanic founder of the Rothschild dynasty had a contrary idea. He proclaimed:
Give me control of the money and I care not what puppet sits on the throne of England (it doesn’t matter who controls the government if I have control of the money system) Meyer Amschel Rothschild, late 1700s
U.S. citizens lost a huge chunk of their freedom when in 1913 President Woodrow Wilson (Wolfson, a Marrano Jew) allowed the international bankers to take over the U.S. money supply with a Rothschild controlled central bank, the Federal Reserve. It replaced the U.S. Treasury as the primary source of new money – although banks already had the ability to loan money in excess of what was actually in their “vaults”, through the “fractional reserve” mechanism. The central bank, being the bank of last resort, made it possible for the commercial banks to borrow at a low interest rate and lend at a higher rate, giving them another avenue to make money off of money. Under the central bank system new money through interest bearing debt was exacerbated and fully institutionalized and the dollar steadily decreased in value to the point that now it is worth around 5 cents compared to a 1913 dollar -- the fateful year the Federal Reserve Act was passed. The Fed system is UN-constitutional and yet it has, through bribery, blackmail, propaganda and war continued to exist for over a hundred years, thus making the entire money supply a personal piggy-bank for the Jews who own and run the system. Though routinely described in lofty terms as if it is some essential government agency, this nation, and all other nations on the planet saddled with a central bank could easily do without one, and they should be repudiated, because these “banks” are nothing but parasitic criminal enterprises sucking money out of our pockets through “inflation” and using that money to assure their continued existence.
Central banks also create “boom and bust” cycles in which periods of easy credit for a decade or two are followed by periods of reduced credit and contraction of the money supply which causes an epidemic of personal and business bankruptcies. The Great Depression of the late 1920s and 1930s, for example, was a “bust” cycle in which the overall supply of dollars was severely contracted by the calling in of loans and a near moratorium on the issuance of new loans. This in turn caused an epidemic of personal and business bankruptcies. As the depression ruined small businesses and impoverished the people, rich “insiders” who were informed ahead of time that a contraction was coming, were able to bulk up their liquid assets before the event and then buy up commodities, businesses, real estate etc. at pennies on the dollar during the depression and increase their personal wealth many times over. Jews are always chief beneficiaries of these humongous money manipulation schemes, because they, more so than “genties” are warned in advance through their networks (Kehillas). Through such money manipulations Jews have literally drained the wealth of America and the world into their accounts.
Take the time to read Congressman Louis McFadden’s 1930s speech before Congress on the evils of the Federal Reserve to get a full understanding of what the Federal Reserve is and exactly how it has been destroying America since its inception. Jewish communist Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin) once said that the establishment of a central bank was 90 percent of the communization of a nation. He should know. Communism is a system of tyranny in which the corporate-fascist government owns everything, but the Jewish central bankers and the corporate monopolists who are “above the law” literally OWN the government itself. They run the government as a BUSINESS, using the nation’s people as their SLAVES. A majority of the people, meanwhile, spend their lives working for nothing but bare survival while the fruits of their labor are stolen by the crafty Jews who own the system. But … as bad as the current debt-based system is, CBDC would be even worse.
Already, some 95% or so of transactions are digital so many people, especially younger people, are already conditioned to the idea of “money” being theoretical and untouchable -- nothing but numbers in a computer database. What the younger people seem not to care about is that this digital money can be tracked and traced, down to the penny, and it can also be manipulated. It can also simply disappear. If you buy anything at all with a credit or debit card, or a cell phone, someone in some banking or government agency could determine what you bought, when you bought it, and for how much. It would seem that we are already halfway into the digital gulag. The next step toward complete enslavement is when the USE o the digital “money” or “currency” can be controlled by the issuers of it. This is a dire threat to freedom and MUST be resisted in any way possible. The best way to resist at this time is to use cash as much as possible and only use digital transactions when absolutely necessary.
Central bank digital “currency” would be the ultimate control mechanism for tyrants. As Augustin Carstons, president of the Bank of International Settlements said a few years ago, “We (the central bankers) would have control of the expression of central bank liability (the money) and we would have the technology to enforce that.” This is Orwellian banker-speak for what would be the most horrific system of slavery ever devised. The bankers could then easily starve someone to death for the least infraction of THEIR rules by simply cutting off access to the “digital currency” in their account. The “currency” the bankers propose would by design remain property of the central bank and people would be “allowed” to use it for transactions as long as they remain dutiful, no questions asked, compliant citizen-slaves. Any infraction of the rules could lead to one’s money usage being curtailed, or shut of altogether. This opens to door to abuses that can scarcely be imagined.
Say, for example, another phony, media blitz “pandemic” comes around, and the World Health Organization, controlled by some Zionist asset creep like Gates, determines that everyone on the planet must have a “vaccine” in order to be “protected”, in other words, further trans-humanized, sickened or killed. Then if some citizen-slave refuses to take the shot, because they know damn well it is a poison that could cause cancer or alter their DNA, their digital “currency” could simply be cut off as punishment for non-compliance. Even die-hard liberals are beginning to wake up to the fact that some of these Covid “vaccines” were loaded with terrible ingredients that have caused a major spike in sickness and death. We are not going to delve into a full-blown discussion of that particular as it has been covered elsewhere in this blog. We will say that one goal with the mRNA “vaccine” experimentation is to re-engineer humanity into a new “Borg-Genesis”, Human 2.0 species and at the same time achieve a dramatic “culling of the human herd”. A smaller population of humans would be easier to “manage” by the synagogue of Satan’s Judeo-Mongol, Canaanite-Edomite world government.
The central bankers and technocrats want to inject human bodies with nano-technology capable of interfacing with the Central Bank Digital Currency system, through microwaves, so that the pitiful slave doesn’t even need a debit card or a cell phone to transact business, but the body itself will serve that purpose. One other idea being considered for the interface is an implant under the skin, which is suspiciously similar to this prophecy:
Revelation 13:16-17 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Anything injected into the body or under the skin as a control mechanism constitutes a “branding” and let us be reminded that the Talmud, the “holy” book of the synagogue of Satan, proclaims that the “goyim” are cattle, to be managed or killed at will. If the central bankers and their corporate hierarchy of shysters and shabbaz goy servants (like Augusten Carstons) can do this to YOU then you become THEIR property, and you have no constitutional rights, no dignity, NOTHING but miserable life barely worth living. Again, from Schwab “You will own nothing and you will be happy”. Life under this strait jacket system of scientific tyranny would probably be more like this:
Revelation 9:6 And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.
Truly, we are now living in the era of the birth pangs, so to speak as indicated in Matthew chapter 24, which tells of wars and rumors of wars, many being offended, Christians afflicted, false prophets that shall deceive many, and finally:
Revelation 24:21-22 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.
In “alternative” media, the only place to get actual news, we hear of a two mile long string of RVs along the side of highway 101 in California, occupied by homeless individuals and families who can no longer afford to live in a house or apartment. This is what is happening to America’s former strong middle class. Some of these people have jobs and still can’t afford rent! California is a bellwether for the kind of suffering likely to hit all of America unless this phony unelected “president” can be impeached and we can get someone in office who is not a pawn of the World Economic Forum and a sock puppet for Obama, who once stated that he wouldn’t mind serving a third term if he could do so “from his basement in his jammies”. This would appear to be his third term. Obama IS a communist and was also a “young global leader” hatched from Schwab’s training ground. In cities all over the nation encampments of homeless people are popping up. Most of them are white people.
Revelation 12:14-16 And to the woman (God’s people, Christians) were given two wings of a great eagle, (an allusion to the U.S.) that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, (during tribulation) from the face of the serpent. And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away (marginalized and bred out of existence) of the flood. And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth.(God will “swallow” the flood by some means, possibly disease and death of the invaders, to preserve the few remaining of His remnant people, who have kept themselves pure in the face of this flood.)
The globalist-instigated “flood” of immigrants across the southern border of the United States is fulfillment of the above prophecy. This influx of non-whites is designed to change the fabric of America and “finish the job” (Biden’s words) of making this once great nation a cog in the Jew World Order, satanic global government, and the first “beast” of Revelation. Alternative media reports that these immigrants are being given debit cards and cell phones by the United Nations and they will become a permanent “slave class”, instructed on where to go, where to work and how to vote in order to keep their UBI stipends coming in. Which party do you think will receive the votes? This goes way beyond “cheating” and is literally WAR against America and specifically against the white race, which will continue to be diluted and decimated. On top of it all Biden has the gall to say that “white supremacism” is the most dire threat faced by America!! If this utter falsehood doesn’t make you angry you are not one of us. Biden should not only be impeached. He should be executed for treason. We can think of nothing this despicable influence peddler and criminal has done that is pro-Constitution and pro-American. It is not surprising that in 2017 Biden was lauded by Klaus Schwab as one of the hardest working members of the World Economic Forum. You can see Biden grinning from ear to ear as he is being congratulated by Schwab in this video at 7:15:
Schwab, Harari, Gates, Malone and Biden in their own words. See Biden, the World Economic Forum pawn at 7:15.
Due to reckless spending during the Biden regime 25% of all the dollars in existence have been injected into the overall pool of dollars during the last year! This is a massive 33% increase!! It means that in a few years the purchasing power of all dollars in existence MUST decline dramatically. The Fed central bank under Jerome Powell, “gentile front man” for the Rothschild money power, has been raising interest rates, ostensibly to “curb inflation”. This stop gap will not work any better than duct tape wrapped around a pipe will permanently stop a leak. No matter what, the dollar will continue to lose value. It doesn’t help that the BRICS nations are dropping the dollar as reserve currency. Many hard working younger people will no longer be able to afford a house because of price inflation and punishing higher interest rates.
Added to that difficulty is that Jewish-owned corporate behemoths like Blackstone will continue on their Pakman rampage to buy up entire neighborhoods at a time, and even pay more than the houses are worth -- because the United States residential real estate market is the only thing the Jews and their corporate monopolies don’t entirely own and control. This absorption of the market would cause prices for residential real estate to rise even more – except in depressed or backwoods areas that do not appeal to the corporate predators. Jews took over the commercial real estate markets and the bulk of the farmland many decades ago. Jews have majority stock ownership in all of the Fortune 500 corporations. They managed to achieve control over major lines of trade a century or more ago. What is their secret? We will aver to Henry Ford, the so-called “anti-Semite” for an explanation:
To make a list of the lines of business controlled by the Jews of the United States would be to touch most of the vital industries of the country – those which are really vital, and those which cultivated habit have been made to seem vital. The theatrical business is exclusively Jewish; play-producing, booking, theater operation are all in the hands of Jews. This accounts for the fact that in almost every production today can be detected propaganda, sometimes glaringly commercial advertisement, sometimes direct political instruction. [and this includes television “programming”, all crafted by Jews, to serve Jewish objectives – ed.]
The motion picture industry; the sugar industry; the tobacco industry; fifty percent or more of the meat packing industry; over sixty percent of the shoemaking industry; most of the musical purveying done in the country; jewelry; grain; cotton; oil; steel; magazine authorship; news distribution; the liquor business; the loan business; these, to name only the industries with national and international sweep, are in control of the Jews of the United States, either alone or in association with Jews overseas. … [and this was in the early 1920s, a century ago!!]
Instances of Jewish prosperity in the United States are commonplace, but prosperity, the just reward of foresight and application, is not to be confounded with control. It would be impossible for any Gentile coalition under similar circumstances to attain the control which the Jews have won, for the reason that there is lacking in the Gentile a certain quality of working-togetherness, a certain conspiracy of objective, and the adhesiveness of intense raciality, which characterizes the Jew. It is nothing to a Gentile that another man is a Gentile; it is next to everything to a Jew that the man at his door is another Jew.
The International Jew, Ford and Cameron, pages 16-17
To set the record straight, Ford WAS a Semite. He was not anti himself! The word “semite” means “descendant of Shem, who was a son of Noah. Noah was a white man, as was Ford. This is a perfect example of how lying Jews have twisted everything around – black becomes white and white becomes black. Jews are descendants of Ham through his son Canaan, who had one or more Cainite (a.k.a. Kenite) wives. He was the progenitor of the Canaanites, a doubly cursed race. Thus, Jews are Hamites and not Semites. It is a shame that easily 99% of Christians believe the lie – especially preachers, who should know better. Here is the scriptural evidence:
Genesis 4:11 And now [art] thou (referring to Cain, son of Satan) cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother’s blood from thy hand;
Genesis 9:24-26 And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto him. (Ham had sexual relations with his mother, Noah’s wife) And he said, Cursed [be] Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren. And he said, Blessed [be] the LORD God of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant.
Canaan was the son of Ham through his illicit union with his mother. Through his Cainite wife (or wives) Canaan was the progenitor of the Canaanites, a tribe that was doubly cursed because they were descended from Cain as well as Canaan. There were several Canaanite tribes, the Amalakites, Hivites, Hittites, Hivites, Amorites, Edomites, etc. The Edomites were descendants of Esau through his Canaanite wives. The various Canaanite tribes intermingled among themselves and with other races. This accounts for the diversity in the appearance of “Jews”. The hook nose, for example, is a Hittite facial feature. Through migration these Canaanites and Edomites found their way into what was to become the “Jewish” nation of Khazaria. Most of today’s Jews, are descended from Khazars, a blend of Canaanite-Edomite and Turkic tribes that migrated into eastern Europe in the centuries following the demise of Khazaria in the 1200s onward. They billed themselves as “Jews” because the khazarian king, Bulen, had converted them to Judaism in the 8th century. Prior to that, in ancient Israel Edomites were called “Jews” because of their residency in Judea. The wicked Herods (for example) were Edomites. It can be seen from the following verse that though Canaan was to be a “servant of servants” for a millennia, this yoke was broken. It was through trade, usury and money manipulation that the Jew (Canaanite-Edomite) gained ascendancy over “Jacob” (forefather of the tribes of Israel – later known as Caucasians).
Genesis 27:40-41 And by thy sword shalt thou live, and shalt serve thy brother; and it shall come to pass when thou shalt have the dominion, that thou shalt break his yoke from off thy neck. And Esau hated Jacob because of the blessing wherewith his father blessed him: and Esau said in his heart, The days of mourning for my father are at hand; then will I slay my brother Jacob. (and it would appear that he has been “slaying” Jacob ever since!)
We hope that this work will reach some preachers so that they may know the truth about the real ancestry of those who call themselves “Jews” and are not.
Around 25% of all real estate transactions in the past couple years have been tight-knit Jewish owned investment corporations buying houses that formerly would have been sold to families. Thus, America will increasingly have a nation of renters, forced to sign airtight leases that even Houdini couldn’t escape from, crafted by fiendish lawyers to enslave tenants in every way possible. If most of the residential real estate in America is owned by corporations America will have, through this “back door” become fully communist, with “the state” -- which is Spiridovich’s Judeo-Mongol world government and its allied corporate monopolies -- owning everything and the people owning nothing.
Before the Jewish investment corporations gobble up the world if at all possible, buy a piece of real estate for the sake of building equity. Rent is money down the drain. If you live in an insane, socialist-communist state like California or Oregon, or a big city like New York, Chicago, L.A. or San Francisco, get out while you can. A half-century ago California was a great place to live and raise a family, but those days are gone. Its cities have become hell-holes due to the stupidity and cupidity of liberals in positions of authority. Because prosecuting attorneys aren’t doing their job -- because they have been bribed by the likes of George Soros (the Ashkenazi-Khazarian Jew) -- many stores have simply closed down. WalMart recently closed down three of its stores in Chicago due to theft and vandalism. If this trend continues there will be an increasing number of “food deserts” in these metropolitan areas, a sure recipe for rioting, which may be part of the master plan to destroy first in order to “rebuild” or as they say “build back better”. We think this means to build a better system of enslavement with “smart cities” a.k.a. “fifteen minute cities” that function like prisons, with everyone under constant surveillance, and trapped within, unable to get out of a certain perimeter. People in these cities would be forced to buy everything on-line, which is part of the total enslavement program. The propaganda surrounding this “reset” to enslavement is so thick you can cut it with a knife and it all starts with Jews and their “think tanks” commissioned by the Jewish banking autocracy.
Another line of attack in the war of the money power against the people is the automation of anything and everything as corporations seek to reduce production costs, and eliminate “the human element” to the greatest extent possible. Millions of workers are being thrown on the streets. The number of homeless people has risen dramatically over the last couple years and this trend will certainly worsen. Even doctors, lawyers, and computer software experts will find themselves without jobs as their professions become infiltrated with A.l. programming that can perform much of the work previously done by humans. Chat GBT, an A.I. program that can write an essay on anything if given a few parameters, could be used to write legal briefs, contracts, case summaries, compile evidence – the possibilities for it are limitless. It is doubtful that Chat GBT has anything resembling a human sense of humor, and perhaps that is a way to tell the difference between real human writing and machine generated writing. There is also going to be a “woke” bias built in because of the programmers. Chat GBT combs through dumpster loads of text and formulates a “style” based upon the amalgamation of its massive data bank. This is not a human thought process. It is high tech parroting and/or plagiarism.
There is also a war against cash. For example, WalMart already has around a half-dozen automated digital only checkout machines for every one machine that accepts cash. The former checkout clerks were let go because the automatic tellers are easier on the corporate bottom line than paying human beings to do the job – although there still has to be at least one clerk around to help customers navigate the aggravating machines. Customers are being “trained” to perform the service of the former checkout clerks, for free. They are also being conditioned to accept the CBDC digital gulag. All of the major corporations are on board with it. Billionaire corporate monopolists like the Waldons (who have Jewish blood through the grandmother) don’t care a hoot about human beings. These W.E.F. globalists only care about PROFIT, and heaping up treasures in this life. Like smelly old Amschel Rothschild, they are “anti-humans”, helping to build Satan’s system of hell on earth. America was a much friendlier and less stressed out nation in the early days before the corporate monopolies and their machines took over everything.
There are some optimists who believe that the A.I. revolution will, after the dust has settled, bring with it a whole new array of jobs for those people displaced by it – as did the former industrial revolution which automated a large number of manufacturing jobs formerly done by people. They will point out that the massive increases in production made prices cheaper for many goods, opening the door to increased consumption which created more jobs on the retail and transport end as well as a need for people to service the machines. We would beg to differ that the agenda is not the same with A.I., because in this “Fourth Industrial Revolution” the central bankers, who set the agenda and provide the financing, wish to create misery and to deliberately destroy jobs so as to replace humans with machines, or to even transform humans into programmable “trans-humans” because this fits the Talmudic goal for the Jewish utopia. This is why Yuval (descendant of Cain) Noah Harari, a mouthpiece for the Jew World Order, and Klaus Schwab’s philosopher-sidekick would dare to say “What do WE need so many humans for?” If there was ever “hate speech” this is it. This Israeli Zionist Jew hates all of humanity.
To make a list of the lines of business controlled by the Jews of the United States would be to touch most of the vital industries of the country – those which are really vital, and those which cultivated habit have been made to seem vital. The theatrical business is exclusively Jewish; play-producing, booking, theater operation are all in the hands of Jews. This accounts for the fact that in almost every production today can be detected propaganda, sometimes glaringly commercial advertisement, sometimes direct political instruction. [and this includes television “programming”, all crafted by Jews, to serve Jewish objectives – ed.]
The motion picture industry; the sugar industry; the tobacco industry; fifty percent or more of the meat packing industry; over sixty percent of the shoemaking industry; most of the musical purveying done in the country; jewelry; grain; cotton; oil; steel; magazine authorship; news distribution; the liquor business; the loan business; these, to name only the industries with national and international sweep, are in control of the Jews of the United States, either alone or in association with Jews overseas. … [and this was in the early 1920s, a century ago!!]
Instances of Jewish prosperity in the United States are commonplace, but prosperity, the just reward of foresight and application, is not to be confounded with control. It would be impossible for any Gentile coalition under similar circumstances to attain the control which the Jews have won, for the reason that there is lacking in the Gentile a certain quality of working-togetherness, a certain conspiracy of objective, and the adhesiveness of intense raciality, which characterizes the Jew. It is nothing to a Gentile that another man is a Gentile; it is next to everything to a Jew that the man at his door is another Jew.
The International Jew, Ford and Cameron, pages 16-17
To set the record straight, Ford WAS a Semite. He was not anti himself! The word “semite” means “descendant of Shem, who was a son of Noah. Noah was a white man, as was Ford. This is a perfect example of how lying Jews have twisted everything around – black becomes white and white becomes black. Jews are descendants of Ham through his son Canaan, who had one or more Cainite (a.k.a. Kenite) wives. He was the progenitor of the Canaanites, a doubly cursed race. Thus, Jews are Hamites and not Semites. It is a shame that easily 99% of Christians believe the lie – especially preachers, who should know better. Here is the scriptural evidence:
Genesis 4:11 And now [art] thou (referring to Cain, son of Satan) cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother’s blood from thy hand;
Genesis 9:24-26 And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto him. (Ham had sexual relations with his mother, Noah’s wife) And he said, Cursed [be] Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren. And he said, Blessed [be] the LORD God of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant.
Canaan was the son of Ham through his illicit union with his mother. Through his Cainite wife (or wives) Canaan was the progenitor of the Canaanites, a tribe that was doubly cursed because they were descended from Cain as well as Canaan. There were several Canaanite tribes, the Amalakites, Hivites, Hittites, Hivites, Amorites, Edomites, etc. The Edomites were descendants of Esau through his Canaanite wives. The various Canaanite tribes intermingled among themselves and with other races. This accounts for the diversity in the appearance of “Jews”. The hook nose, for example, is a Hittite facial feature. Through migration these Canaanites and Edomites found their way into what was to become the “Jewish” nation of Khazaria. Most of today’s Jews, are descended from Khazars, a blend of Canaanite-Edomite and Turkic tribes that migrated into eastern Europe in the centuries following the demise of Khazaria in the 1200s onward. They billed themselves as “Jews” because the khazarian king, Bulen, had converted them to Judaism in the 8th century. Prior to that, in ancient Israel Edomites were called “Jews” because of their residency in Judea. The wicked Herods (for example) were Edomites. It can be seen from the following verse that though Canaan was to be a “servant of servants” for a millennia, this yoke was broken. It was through trade, usury and money manipulation that the Jew (Canaanite-Edomite) gained ascendancy over “Jacob” (forefather of the tribes of Israel – later known as Caucasians).
Genesis 27:40-41 And by thy sword shalt thou live, and shalt serve thy brother; and it shall come to pass when thou shalt have the dominion, that thou shalt break his yoke from off thy neck. And Esau hated Jacob because of the blessing wherewith his father blessed him: and Esau said in his heart, The days of mourning for my father are at hand; then will I slay my brother Jacob. (and it would appear that he has been “slaying” Jacob ever since!)
We hope that this work will reach some preachers so that they may know the truth about the real ancestry of those who call themselves “Jews” and are not.
Around 25% of all real estate transactions in the past couple years have been tight-knit Jewish owned investment corporations buying houses that formerly would have been sold to families. Thus, America will increasingly have a nation of renters, forced to sign airtight leases that even Houdini couldn’t escape from, crafted by fiendish lawyers to enslave tenants in every way possible. If most of the residential real estate in America is owned by corporations America will have, through this “back door” become fully communist, with “the state” -- which is Spiridovich’s Judeo-Mongol world government and its allied corporate monopolies -- owning everything and the people owning nothing.
Before the Jewish investment corporations gobble up the world if at all possible, buy a piece of real estate for the sake of building equity. Rent is money down the drain. If you live in an insane, socialist-communist state like California or Oregon, or a big city like New York, Chicago, L.A. or San Francisco, get out while you can. A half-century ago California was a great place to live and raise a family, but those days are gone. Its cities have become hell-holes due to the stupidity and cupidity of liberals in positions of authority. Because prosecuting attorneys aren’t doing their job -- because they have been bribed by the likes of George Soros (the Ashkenazi-Khazarian Jew) -- many stores have simply closed down. WalMart recently closed down three of its stores in Chicago due to theft and vandalism. If this trend continues there will be an increasing number of “food deserts” in these metropolitan areas, a sure recipe for rioting, which may be part of the master plan to destroy first in order to “rebuild” or as they say “build back better”. We think this means to build a better system of enslavement with “smart cities” a.k.a. “fifteen minute cities” that function like prisons, with everyone under constant surveillance, and trapped within, unable to get out of a certain perimeter. People in these cities would be forced to buy everything on-line, which is part of the total enslavement program. The propaganda surrounding this “reset” to enslavement is so thick you can cut it with a knife and it all starts with Jews and their “think tanks” commissioned by the Jewish banking autocracy.
Another line of attack in the war of the money power against the people is the automation of anything and everything as corporations seek to reduce production costs, and eliminate “the human element” to the greatest extent possible. Millions of workers are being thrown on the streets. The number of homeless people has risen dramatically over the last couple years and this trend will certainly worsen. Even doctors, lawyers, and computer software experts will find themselves without jobs as their professions become infiltrated with A.l. programming that can perform much of the work previously done by humans. Chat GBT, an A.I. program that can write an essay on anything if given a few parameters, could be used to write legal briefs, contracts, case summaries, compile evidence – the possibilities for it are limitless. It is doubtful that Chat GBT has anything resembling a human sense of humor, and perhaps that is a way to tell the difference between real human writing and machine generated writing. There is also going to be a “woke” bias built in because of the programmers. Chat GBT combs through dumpster loads of text and formulates a “style” based upon the amalgamation of its massive data bank. This is not a human thought process. It is high tech parroting and/or plagiarism.
There is also a war against cash. For example, WalMart already has around a half-dozen automated digital only checkout machines for every one machine that accepts cash. The former checkout clerks were let go because the automatic tellers are easier on the corporate bottom line than paying human beings to do the job – although there still has to be at least one clerk around to help customers navigate the aggravating machines. Customers are being “trained” to perform the service of the former checkout clerks, for free. They are also being conditioned to accept the CBDC digital gulag. All of the major corporations are on board with it. Billionaire corporate monopolists like the Waldons (who have Jewish blood through the grandmother) don’t care a hoot about human beings. These W.E.F. globalists only care about PROFIT, and heaping up treasures in this life. Like smelly old Amschel Rothschild, they are “anti-humans”, helping to build Satan’s system of hell on earth. America was a much friendlier and less stressed out nation in the early days before the corporate monopolies and their machines took over everything.
There are some optimists who believe that the A.I. revolution will, after the dust has settled, bring with it a whole new array of jobs for those people displaced by it – as did the former industrial revolution which automated a large number of manufacturing jobs formerly done by people. They will point out that the massive increases in production made prices cheaper for many goods, opening the door to increased consumption which created more jobs on the retail and transport end as well as a need for people to service the machines. We would beg to differ that the agenda is not the same with A.I., because in this “Fourth Industrial Revolution” the central bankers, who set the agenda and provide the financing, wish to create misery and to deliberately destroy jobs so as to replace humans with machines, or to even transform humans into programmable “trans-humans” because this fits the Talmudic goal for the Jewish utopia. This is why Yuval (descendant of Cain) Noah Harari, a mouthpiece for the Jew World Order, and Klaus Schwab’s philosopher-sidekick would dare to say “What do WE need so many humans for?” If there was ever “hate speech” this is it. This Israeli Zionist Jew hates all of humanity.
Anyway, who is this “WE”? The “we” Harari references could ONLY be the Jewish worldwide web of deceivers, or Spiridovich’s “Judeo-Mongol secret world government”, a.k.a. the “Committee of 300” and their corporate underlings, under the current Jew autocrat, gathering the wealth of the planet into their hands by scamming the “goyim” every minute of every day and using them (us) as slaves under directives to build our own prison with them as the administrators. To fight for personal freedom do not shop at any store that discourages the use of cash. It may seem like a small thing, but multiplied by millions and millions of transactions it makes a huge difference in this war against the Zionist beast.
A summary of Schwab's book
"Shaping the Fourth Industrial Revolution" |
Noah Harari asks "What do WE
need so many humans for?" which begs the question which "WE" is he referring to? |
The same “300” of the Hidden hand who are now staging the Second World War against the United States, perhaps in 1926, unless the Americans open their eyes by spreading the message of this book, which exposes the Hidden Hand. (Has the message been spread yet? We have been at it for a century already!! What are YOU going to do? Why not start by letting others know about this website – ed.) There are numberless proofs that the Jews never sought the improvement of any nation, but that their aims were to murder and de-Christianize (Absolutely true! War is murder, and the Covid 19 scamdemic may prove to be the greatest mass murder in all history, a war against humanity promulgated by Jews in positions of power and authority - ed.) They are like worms in the finest apple. “We Jews have spoiled the blood of all races. We have tarnished and broken their power. We have made everything foul, rotten, decomposed, decayed.” Dr. Kurth Munzer, a Jew, in his “The Way to Zion.” Quoted from Spiridovich, page 195
If trends toward a cashless money system continue most of humanity is going to be locked into a digital prison from which there is no escape. This is going to happen to US if our people do not resist it. Once locked into such a system, unable to buy or sell anything the banker’s A.I. algorithm doesn’t approve of, the final trap that gets sprung is that pitiful “lost” souls must worship Satan or have their only means to buy and sell completely cut off. This is a likely scenario for the very tail end of the “great tribulation” and it is why the time to prepare YOUR escape from this wicked system is NOW!!! Heed these words from Christ:
Drilling through ice in Greenland. Proof that global warming is a myth and an agenda. However, there IS climate manipulation through aerial spraying and microwave radiation.
Matthew 24:21-22 (looking back from the end of this earth age) For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: (perhaps because of the satanic “trans-humanist” agenda which actually alters God-given DNA, taking away “the God gene”. No evil is off the table for the descendants of Cain) but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened. (God’s “elect” will be able to survive it, if alive during this time, because God will step in and swiftly put an end to it, and to “them”.)
Luke 21:25-26 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. |
In the mean time, climate crises such as hurricanes, tornados, freak snowstorms and heat waves will become more commonplace, largely because the climate is manipulated by rogue “scientists” deep in the bowels of corporations like Raytheon and Lockheed Martin, under secret directives from someone to blanket the sky with toxic chemicals. The propagandists would either deny that these sprayings are anything other than “contrails” or say that it is a program to “reduce global warming” by blocking sunlight. Certainly, there is climate manipulation taking place, to which we can attribute extreme anomalies in the weather. Additionally, the agenda is to poison everyone down below with particles of aluminum, barium, graphine oxide and other toxic chemicals, because it fulfills the Talmudic agenda to kill the “goyim”. We are being sprayed like bugs by an evil exterminator. This great exterminator has been culling the population of western world and beyond for well over two centuries, through wars, depressions, revolutions, environmental toxins, water fluoridation, “vaccine” death shots, electro-magnetic and microwave radiation and “chem-trails”. Many hundreds of millions of Caucasians have died as a result of this culling program. This is why so many people are having health problems. Just look at the commercials on television for all of the exotic (and toxic) drugs to “treat” a huge list of diseases with contrived, mile-long names that were unknown a century ago. These diseases would not exist if the toxins could be removed from our environment. You could blame the World Economic Forum, which would be pretty close to the mark, but there is an economic power above them and that simply has to be Spiridovich’s Judeo-Mongol world government because only “they” have the financial resources to force the entire world into these anti-human agendas. After all, the Rothschild central banks have been stirring up wars and revolutions for centuries. Who else but “them”, the most powerful of the “synagogue of Satan”, would be ordering such extermination – and profiting every step of the way?
Aside from poisoning people, animals and plants down below, the aluminum in these “chemtrails” also reacts to microwave emissions in the trillions of volts, coming from HAARP and cell phone tower arrays to produce heat which can move clouds and air masses here and there to control the weather. “They” have been engaging in weather manipulation at least since the Lyndon Johnson regime, in the 1960s and most likely decades before then. Johnson even bragged about it. See the introduction to any of Dane Wiggington’s excellent videos at geoengineeringwatch.com, where you can hear the former president ranting that “man will be able to control the weather, and when you control the weather you can control the world!!” Johnson was a crypto-Jew and the first lady, “Lady Bird” was Jewish. When Kennedy was assassinated Johnson immediately proved his loyalty to the Jewish secret world government by rescinding JFK’s executive order 11110, putting control of the money system squarely back into the hands of the Federal Reserve central bank. This was his very first act as president!! In doing this he was committing treason, but that is par for the course. Very few presidents have defied the Jewish money power and when they do there is trouble. Bullets fly and good people die. The Judeo-Mongol world government will do ANYTHING to preserve and increase its grip on the world. Murder to these children of the devil is just “business”. Remember, earlier we revealed how the Rothschilds will even “suicide” their own kin if they prove not to be sufficiently evil to do what “needs to be done”. How much less do they care about the “goyim”.
With executive order 11110 Kennedy had attempted to go circumvent the Fed by having dollars issued directly from the U.S. Treasury, as they should be, according to the Constitution. The Jewish-Zionist international bankers have no regard for constitutions and prefer an autocracy, with them controlling the money systems of the world, and thus controlling everything else, in accordance with Meyer Amschel Rothschild’s basic principle, which was (to repeat), “Give me control of the money and I care not who writes the laws”, which was echoed by Harold Rosenthal in the Walter White interview who said: “With money we (the Jews) can do anything” … and that would obviously include blanketing the entire planet in strange emissions, that are NOT contrails, from jets high overhead. Who has the power to stop them? Is anybody or any government stopping them? NO. Only God almighty has the power, we would say, and He will be doing it very soon and dispatching their corrupted souls to hell.
Under directives from the giant Jewish investment firms -- Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street etc., -- corporations will continue to adulterate the food supply as they have been doing already for many years. Catherine Austin Fitts of the Solari Report terms it “the great poisoning”, which she says began in the late 1990s as a result of the government attempting to “balance the books”, knowing that there was not going to be enough money in the federal budget to pay “entitlements” such as Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, etc. Only Talmudic-Zionist Jews and their gentile front-men born without a conscience could conceive of and carry out such a program of stealth mass murder. Now we have the miserly pedophiliac creep Bill Gates and his artificial meat products sneaking into the food supply. This lab grown meat is a vile concoction loaded with toxic chemicals, sure to make people sick and reduce their lifespan. If you want to live and be healthy do not eat any “impossible burgers” or anything at all that has Gates’ fingerprints on it or his endorsement. He is a mass murderer. He has actually been convicted of mass murder in India for killing tens of thousands of children with his “vaccine” experiments. At least the Indian judiciary can see the truth about Gates the crypto-Jew “philanthropist”, which is more than we can say for the American government which lies about everything.
Aside from poisoning people, animals and plants down below, the aluminum in these “chemtrails” also reacts to microwave emissions in the trillions of volts, coming from HAARP and cell phone tower arrays to produce heat which can move clouds and air masses here and there to control the weather. “They” have been engaging in weather manipulation at least since the Lyndon Johnson regime, in the 1960s and most likely decades before then. Johnson even bragged about it. See the introduction to any of Dane Wiggington’s excellent videos at geoengineeringwatch.com, where you can hear the former president ranting that “man will be able to control the weather, and when you control the weather you can control the world!!” Johnson was a crypto-Jew and the first lady, “Lady Bird” was Jewish. When Kennedy was assassinated Johnson immediately proved his loyalty to the Jewish secret world government by rescinding JFK’s executive order 11110, putting control of the money system squarely back into the hands of the Federal Reserve central bank. This was his very first act as president!! In doing this he was committing treason, but that is par for the course. Very few presidents have defied the Jewish money power and when they do there is trouble. Bullets fly and good people die. The Judeo-Mongol world government will do ANYTHING to preserve and increase its grip on the world. Murder to these children of the devil is just “business”. Remember, earlier we revealed how the Rothschilds will even “suicide” their own kin if they prove not to be sufficiently evil to do what “needs to be done”. How much less do they care about the “goyim”.
With executive order 11110 Kennedy had attempted to go circumvent the Fed by having dollars issued directly from the U.S. Treasury, as they should be, according to the Constitution. The Jewish-Zionist international bankers have no regard for constitutions and prefer an autocracy, with them controlling the money systems of the world, and thus controlling everything else, in accordance with Meyer Amschel Rothschild’s basic principle, which was (to repeat), “Give me control of the money and I care not who writes the laws”, which was echoed by Harold Rosenthal in the Walter White interview who said: “With money we (the Jews) can do anything” … and that would obviously include blanketing the entire planet in strange emissions, that are NOT contrails, from jets high overhead. Who has the power to stop them? Is anybody or any government stopping them? NO. Only God almighty has the power, we would say, and He will be doing it very soon and dispatching their corrupted souls to hell.
Under directives from the giant Jewish investment firms -- Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street etc., -- corporations will continue to adulterate the food supply as they have been doing already for many years. Catherine Austin Fitts of the Solari Report terms it “the great poisoning”, which she says began in the late 1990s as a result of the government attempting to “balance the books”, knowing that there was not going to be enough money in the federal budget to pay “entitlements” such as Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, etc. Only Talmudic-Zionist Jews and their gentile front-men born without a conscience could conceive of and carry out such a program of stealth mass murder. Now we have the miserly pedophiliac creep Bill Gates and his artificial meat products sneaking into the food supply. This lab grown meat is a vile concoction loaded with toxic chemicals, sure to make people sick and reduce their lifespan. If you want to live and be healthy do not eat any “impossible burgers” or anything at all that has Gates’ fingerprints on it or his endorsement. He is a mass murderer. He has actually been convicted of mass murder in India for killing tens of thousands of children with his “vaccine” experiments. At least the Indian judiciary can see the truth about Gates the crypto-Jew “philanthropist”, which is more than we can say for the American government which lies about everything.
The price of grocery store food is rising quickly and it may become unavailable in some places due to “supply chain” issues, which could be due to any number of events staged to look like random accidents, but obviously, to anyone who puts the puzzle pieces together and can see the picture, these are deliberate acts of terrorism by secret world government operatives. There have been over 100 suspicious fires and explosions in American food processing plants in the past year – 50 times as many as usual -- as well as a suspicious increase in train derailments.
Why isn’t the FBI investigating any of this? It is because the Federal Government and all of its agencies are under the thumb of the Jewish central bankers and are told what to investigate and what to ignore. The FBI, run by shabbaz goy traitor Christopher Wray, has been instructed NOT to look into matters of great importance to most Americans, like FOOD, but rather to hammer companies manufacturing vaping products. Prior to this recent spate of terrorism there were only two or three food factory disasters per year. We will propose an educated guess that teams of Jewish “sayanim” infiltrated these plants and carried out the destruction, in the same way as 911, which was an “inside job” done by Jews at all critical junctures, such as, for example, the Israeli firm hired for “asbestos abatement” which was actually installing the explosives for the controlled demolition.
Presidential candidate and author of the best-selling book “The Real Anthony Fauci”, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., revealed the problem with “agency capture”, in which the FDA, ICC, FBI, FCC, etc. are no longer working to protect the people but rather to protect the corporations they are supposed to regulate. Thus, there is NO regulation. Control of these federal government agencies was accomplished a long time ago using old, tried and true Jewish methods of bribery and blackmail. In exchange for “favors” routinely doled out to corporations, bureaucrats in these agencies are promised lucrative six or seven figure salaries in the “private sector” once their gig with the Federal Government is up. Thus, in addition to the satanic schemers who hold the purse strings, self-centered, traitorous, downright greedy sinners are helping put the nails in the coffin of America. This, like it or not, is how the system works and serves as an example of how all governments are the property of Satan, as confirmed by Jesus’ encounter with him in which he asks to be worshiped in return for granting Jesus all the kingdoms of the world, an offer which Jesus, of course, refuses. Read the parable in Matthew 4:1-11.
Although they are called “Jews”, a term which is derived from the word “Judah” these people are not true Judahites but became a mixed or hybridized people, consisting of Edomites, Hittites, Canaanites, Judahites, Babylonians, Ishmaelites, Huns, Khazars, etc. When they migrated to other lands throughout the centuries, they retained their “Jew” or Judahite identity but brought with them the religion of Babylon. Who Is Esau-Edom? Charles A. Weisman, 1991, Weisman Publications, page 14.
The death by a thousand cuts scenario that has been described herein is what Edomite-Canaanite “Jews” (the Rev. 2:9 and 3:9 synagogue of Satan) in particular have been doing to America ever since entering the country. Benjamin Franklin stated 220 years ago that Jews should not be allowed citizenship in America because they are “Asiatics”, parasites and natural destroyers. The standard modus operandi of the Jewish “money power” is to infiltrate and overcome by pooling their assets until domination of a particular line of trade is achieved. They have thus been able to dominate ALL major lines of trade. This is well documented in L.B. Woolfolk’s book The Great Red Dragon, which can be downloaded from this essay. No means of conquest is off the board since the Talmud, a plan for world conquest by deception, is their “spiritual” inspiration, and anyone who would embrace the Talmud and the religion of Judaism is a natural born enemy of God and a “vessel of wrath”, programmed to do the work of their father the devil and after this life spend eternity in hell, despite the fact that “they” don’t believe in hell. The rabbis believe that when “they” can kill off all but a billion or so humans, (a “New Age” satanic “commandment” that was chiseled into the former Georgia Guidestones) the international Zionist Jew will at long last fully enjoy the fruits of their conquest by economic rape and deception that the “learned elders” of the Talmud have promised them. “Their” philosophers, like Noah Harari believe the Jews can then bask in a “trans-humanist era”, served night and day by “their” artificial intelligence enhanced system and mind-controlled, chipped, A.I. sub-human goyim slaves. This, of course, is all a “pipe dream” and they will come short of this goal because God will step in, shorten the days, and swiftly destroy “them” and their wicked system. This SHALL happen in due time, but fairly soon, judging from the signs. Scripture says that the “house of Edom”, who have been busy for millennia destroying everything that is good to replace it with evil, will be annihilated! Praise the Lord! These wicked souls will not be resident in the coming Kingdom of God – only those souls that have the laws of God written in their hearts and minds!!
Hebrews 8:10-11 For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, (after tribulation) saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people: And they shall not teach every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for all shall know me, from the least to the greatest.
Until that glorious time, the coming “day of the Lord” Christians, wake up! Get out of this wicked system to whatever extent possible in your given situation – mentally, physically and spiritually. Accumulate real assets that you could use in an economic collapse for production or barter. Keep your money out of big Wall Street investment accounts which only feed the Jewish beast. Try to achieve whatever level of self-sufficiency you can in your situation. Trust nothing promised to you by the government or politicians. All national governments are controlled by the Judeo-Zionist secret world government, and its central banks. This is precisely why the major agendas always run contrary to what the people want. Retirement accounts may be robbed by Wall Street crooks, especially if systems such as Social Security are “privatized”. Jews will figure out ways to suck them dry of assets, so you may need a way to survive other than total dependence upon a monthly check. Learn valuable skills, like construction, mechanics, gardening and animal husbandry. Acquire and transact in cash, thus denying “them” the ability to track and log your habits. Learn how to barter.
Presidential candidate and author of the best-selling book “The Real Anthony Fauci”, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., revealed the problem with “agency capture”, in which the FDA, ICC, FBI, FCC, etc. are no longer working to protect the people but rather to protect the corporations they are supposed to regulate. Thus, there is NO regulation. Control of these federal government agencies was accomplished a long time ago using old, tried and true Jewish methods of bribery and blackmail. In exchange for “favors” routinely doled out to corporations, bureaucrats in these agencies are promised lucrative six or seven figure salaries in the “private sector” once their gig with the Federal Government is up. Thus, in addition to the satanic schemers who hold the purse strings, self-centered, traitorous, downright greedy sinners are helping put the nails in the coffin of America. This, like it or not, is how the system works and serves as an example of how all governments are the property of Satan, as confirmed by Jesus’ encounter with him in which he asks to be worshiped in return for granting Jesus all the kingdoms of the world, an offer which Jesus, of course, refuses. Read the parable in Matthew 4:1-11.
Although they are called “Jews”, a term which is derived from the word “Judah” these people are not true Judahites but became a mixed or hybridized people, consisting of Edomites, Hittites, Canaanites, Judahites, Babylonians, Ishmaelites, Huns, Khazars, etc. When they migrated to other lands throughout the centuries, they retained their “Jew” or Judahite identity but brought with them the religion of Babylon. Who Is Esau-Edom? Charles A. Weisman, 1991, Weisman Publications, page 14.
The death by a thousand cuts scenario that has been described herein is what Edomite-Canaanite “Jews” (the Rev. 2:9 and 3:9 synagogue of Satan) in particular have been doing to America ever since entering the country. Benjamin Franklin stated 220 years ago that Jews should not be allowed citizenship in America because they are “Asiatics”, parasites and natural destroyers. The standard modus operandi of the Jewish “money power” is to infiltrate and overcome by pooling their assets until domination of a particular line of trade is achieved. They have thus been able to dominate ALL major lines of trade. This is well documented in L.B. Woolfolk’s book The Great Red Dragon, which can be downloaded from this essay. No means of conquest is off the board since the Talmud, a plan for world conquest by deception, is their “spiritual” inspiration, and anyone who would embrace the Talmud and the religion of Judaism is a natural born enemy of God and a “vessel of wrath”, programmed to do the work of their father the devil and after this life spend eternity in hell, despite the fact that “they” don’t believe in hell. The rabbis believe that when “they” can kill off all but a billion or so humans, (a “New Age” satanic “commandment” that was chiseled into the former Georgia Guidestones) the international Zionist Jew will at long last fully enjoy the fruits of their conquest by economic rape and deception that the “learned elders” of the Talmud have promised them. “Their” philosophers, like Noah Harari believe the Jews can then bask in a “trans-humanist era”, served night and day by “their” artificial intelligence enhanced system and mind-controlled, chipped, A.I. sub-human goyim slaves. This, of course, is all a “pipe dream” and they will come short of this goal because God will step in, shorten the days, and swiftly destroy “them” and their wicked system. This SHALL happen in due time, but fairly soon, judging from the signs. Scripture says that the “house of Edom”, who have been busy for millennia destroying everything that is good to replace it with evil, will be annihilated! Praise the Lord! These wicked souls will not be resident in the coming Kingdom of God – only those souls that have the laws of God written in their hearts and minds!!
Hebrews 8:10-11 For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, (after tribulation) saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people: And they shall not teach every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for all shall know me, from the least to the greatest.
Until that glorious time, the coming “day of the Lord” Christians, wake up! Get out of this wicked system to whatever extent possible in your given situation – mentally, physically and spiritually. Accumulate real assets that you could use in an economic collapse for production or barter. Keep your money out of big Wall Street investment accounts which only feed the Jewish beast. Try to achieve whatever level of self-sufficiency you can in your situation. Trust nothing promised to you by the government or politicians. All national governments are controlled by the Judeo-Zionist secret world government, and its central banks. This is precisely why the major agendas always run contrary to what the people want. Retirement accounts may be robbed by Wall Street crooks, especially if systems such as Social Security are “privatized”. Jews will figure out ways to suck them dry of assets, so you may need a way to survive other than total dependence upon a monthly check. Learn valuable skills, like construction, mechanics, gardening and animal husbandry. Acquire and transact in cash, thus denying “them” the ability to track and log your habits. Learn how to barter.
Trump weighs in on "woke".
Stop using cell phones as much as possible. Get off of time-wasting social media platforms that track your every keystroke and build an electronic dossier on you. These platforms are all owned and controlled by corporations run by Jews who prefer a fascist autocracy over a republican form of government. These social media platforms routinely sift through posts and eliminate or ban those that do not fit their “woke” (communist, “progressive”, Zionist) narratives. Though these same censors insist upon “inclusion”, for the goyim, they want to stifle any ideas or news that is not “included” in their false narrative.
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
Contact local farmers who could sell you food when everything available in the mega-store is unsafe, or simply disappears from the shelves. It’s a rough ride ahead, but these are interesting and challenging times to be alive. Keep your head up and trust God above all. If you are one of His “elect” He will protect you through the thick and thin of it. Remember that sometimes challenges are put upon you by God to teach you to be patient and to trust Him rather than your own understanding. And remember the words of God’s prophet Obadiah from the Old Testament, what MUST come to pass because it has been prophesied: and there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau; for the LORD hath spoken it (Obadiah 1:18).
Contact local farmers who could sell you food when everything available in the mega-store is unsafe, or simply disappears from the shelves. It’s a rough ride ahead, but these are interesting and challenging times to be alive. Keep your head up and trust God above all. If you are one of His “elect” He will protect you through the thick and thin of it. Remember that sometimes challenges are put upon you by God to teach you to be patient and to trust Him rather than your own understanding. And remember the words of God’s prophet Obadiah from the Old Testament, what MUST come to pass because it has been prophesied: and there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau; for the LORD hath spoken it (Obadiah 1:18).