Misery Is Their Business Model
Almost no one in the so called “middle class”, or what’s left of it, can afford to buy real property in this day and age in any western nation without submitting to a grilling by some financial agent in which the most intimate details of one’s job situation and financial assets must be laid on the table before the bank will grant the funds needed for the purchase – that is, if the buyer peasant even qualifies. During “boom” periods of happy economic expansion and wild speculation just about anyone with a pulse can qualify for a bank loan. During miserable recession or depression “bust” periods loans are far more difficult to obtain. Mind you, it’s the same bankers sitting at the loan desks but someone at the top has passed down a directive to tighten the reigns of credit. We will delve into that later. Generally speaking, there is no way that the average buyer can obtain enough money to buy a house outright without extreme self sacrifice and a long term draconian saving program and, of course the buyer wants the house NOW or else he will have to continue to rent which is not exactly the “American way”, and for many is a dead end, unappealing option. For certain, rent paid is “money down the drain” and home ownership at least will gain the buyer some “equity” over time, unless the real estate market “crashes” and all of the equity suddenly disappears into a financial black hole, which could and in fact does happen from time to time.
Isn’t it amazing, then, if Mr. Buyer gets the good news that he qualifies for a loan the banker-agent has a “magic wand” in his back pocket and can wave that wand and conjure the mortgage out of thin air almost as quick as you can say “abracadabra”. If you think Mr. Banker has something of real value like gold or silver coins or jewelry in his vault as “backing” for ALL of the loans he “floats” to home buyers we can assure you that he does not. He only has a mere fraction, perhaps 5-10% of all the loans he has granted in actual assets and most of those are probably “paper assets”. We would bet you a silver dollar that there is no bulging sack of gold and silver coins or pile of valuable jewelry in his vault as “backing” for his loans. How then is it possible for Mr. Banker to create the other 90-95% of the home mortgage money (which is NOT in the vault as backing) which the buyer MUST pay back to Mr. Banker in full, plus interest?
The big secret of the banking business which will never be taught to you in controlled academia is that a multi-generational cartel of banker-alchemists has crafted for themselves a superpower that other mere mortals don’t possess, namely the ability to conjure debt out of thin air through a shady mechanism they semantically disguise with the phrase “fractional reserve banking” . This money out of nothing “magic” we are referring to is at the root of almost all of the problems of the modern world, for as the Bible says, “the love of money is the root of all evil”, (II Timothy 6:10) and no one loves money more than a banker, and particularly the richest, greediest and most psychopathic of them. This top layer of banker-sorcerers has parlayed their money power into an oppressive world tyranny, though it is not perceived as such because of the pervasive and ubiquitous power of mass media and academic propaganda, which is controlled by them with directives handed down to the lower levels of the pyramid. Having to pay back money that was created from nothing is bad enough but then on top of that “interest” is charged to the mortgagee. Sometimes this interest can be quite substantial, as in the case of credit cards or rip-off car title loan companies which operate on the same principle. Did you ever attempt to learn “double entry bookkeeping” in school and could not quite grasp the “logic” of it? Did you get a sneaking suspicion that there is something inherently fishy about simply writing a number in the plus column and somehow it becomes an asset? If it smells funny to you, then apparently you have a conscience and a brain to go with it. Read on and let’s get to the bottom of the “magic” behind the banking business.
“Fractional reserve” is a deliberately misleading way of saying that the banker is only legally obligated to have a fraction of the money he lends out on hand to back up the loans. In other words, most people who have been trained by academic indoctrination envision that for every million dollars a banker extends in loans, there is a million dollars worth of tangible assets in the bank vault. This simply is not so! A “reserve” of 1/10 is common, which means that the banker could lend out 10 million dollars for every million dollars of so-called “assets” in the bank “vault” -- wherever and however these assets may be kept and denominated. Of course, there is all kinds of “creative” bookkeeping going on in the banking business which would enable Mr. Banker to count many things as “assets” which may be of dubious value. This is particularly true at the central bank level where billions of dollars are routinely given to international scammers who claim to proffer “assets” as collateral which are of no value at all. We are not going to delve deep into the mechanics of such chicanery and fraud because we would never get to the bottom of it all.
It suffices to say that being able to create loans of 10x what one has as “backing” is one heck of an advantage in the business world. How could anyone but the stupidest or greediest of investors fail to make money with odds like that? Even if half of the borrowers defaulted on their loans Mr. Banker still makes money because, if we are speaking of home mortgages, a foreclosure means the banker can seize the house and sell it! He may have to sell it for less than what it is worth in order to unload it quickly but he will still get way more money than what he has ACTUALLY invested, which is probably only about 1/10 of the mortgage amount! If a banker goes out of business it is because he has engaged in such appalling greed and overextension that he has lent perhaps 50 or 100 times as much as actual assets he has in his “vault” and cannot cover the overhead for employee salaries, building upkeep, his own fat salary, his Mercedes, his trophy wife, her BMW, her jewelry and so forth. At that level of overextension there is a very good chance that Mr. Banker juggler might drop his whole pile of balls. This is when the towering Houdini of banker saviors comes in with cape flowing in the wind and bails out poor Mr. overextended Banker. The institution that does this is that most hallowed and revered of financial institutions, known as the “central bank”.
Wall Street bankers, a particularly nasty breed of financial predators, are prone to find themselves drastically overextended and must sometimes go to the “lender of last resort” in order to obtain funds to keep their titanic firms afloat. The central bank of the U.S. is the Federal Reserve System. During the “bust” years of 2006-8 the trillions of dollars of “quantitative easing” a.k.a. “bailout funds” for humongous parasitic Wall Street banks and investment corporations was gifted by “the Fed” to its favorite “too big to fail” financial institutions. Though almost everyone believes it is a “Federal” entity, The Fed is neither a government institution, nor does it have any reserves, because it doesn’t need any. For all intents and purposes it is the biggest counterfeiting scam of all times, having secured through deception and political skullduggery, backstabbing and assassination the legal right to lend U.S. dollars into existence by the billions and trillions and then charge interest to the U.S. government on this money it creates from absolutely NOTHING.
The Federal Reserve is the giant financial parasite that John F. Kennedy wanted to get rid of. Kennedy wanted to do this because he knew the privately owned Fed was killing our REPUBLIC and transforming it into a communist tyranny. He made his intentions clear by bypassing the Fed and, horror of horrors (to the central bankers) printing some money as the Constitution of the United States prescribes it be done – through the Treasury, with NO interest attached. As we said, dollars created by the Fed and its member banks ALWAYS have interest attached. This is the number one reason JFK was assassinated! Kennedy was a REAL threat to the “Jewish” central banking parasites. The perpetrators of that crime of the century, agents for the banking cartel, were never exposed, nor were they punished because the bankers at “the Fed” control the U.S. government and thus control the findings of any “investigation” that threatens to expose them and their crimes against our nation.
John F. Kennedy’s son, JFK Jr. planned to expose the murderers of his father in his magazine “George” and of course he had to be killed too so the criminals could be protected, but it was made out to be an accident. He died in a suspicious plane crash. No justice is ever meted out to the psychopaths at the top of the financial heap because they operate ABOVE the law and control the Federal government. If you doubt this, listen to this interview of former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan who states that “there is no other agency of government that can overrule actions that we take” and that the Fed is an “independent agency” and that “frankly the relationship between the Fed and the government doesn’t matter”. The reason it “doesn’t matter” is because the Federal Reserve is a PRIVATELY owned bank that controls “THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA” which is a for-profit CORPORATION based in the independent geographic territory of Washington, D.C.
Isn’t it amazing, then, if Mr. Buyer gets the good news that he qualifies for a loan the banker-agent has a “magic wand” in his back pocket and can wave that wand and conjure the mortgage out of thin air almost as quick as you can say “abracadabra”. If you think Mr. Banker has something of real value like gold or silver coins or jewelry in his vault as “backing” for ALL of the loans he “floats” to home buyers we can assure you that he does not. He only has a mere fraction, perhaps 5-10% of all the loans he has granted in actual assets and most of those are probably “paper assets”. We would bet you a silver dollar that there is no bulging sack of gold and silver coins or pile of valuable jewelry in his vault as “backing” for his loans. How then is it possible for Mr. Banker to create the other 90-95% of the home mortgage money (which is NOT in the vault as backing) which the buyer MUST pay back to Mr. Banker in full, plus interest?
The big secret of the banking business which will never be taught to you in controlled academia is that a multi-generational cartel of banker-alchemists has crafted for themselves a superpower that other mere mortals don’t possess, namely the ability to conjure debt out of thin air through a shady mechanism they semantically disguise with the phrase “fractional reserve banking” . This money out of nothing “magic” we are referring to is at the root of almost all of the problems of the modern world, for as the Bible says, “the love of money is the root of all evil”, (II Timothy 6:10) and no one loves money more than a banker, and particularly the richest, greediest and most psychopathic of them. This top layer of banker-sorcerers has parlayed their money power into an oppressive world tyranny, though it is not perceived as such because of the pervasive and ubiquitous power of mass media and academic propaganda, which is controlled by them with directives handed down to the lower levels of the pyramid. Having to pay back money that was created from nothing is bad enough but then on top of that “interest” is charged to the mortgagee. Sometimes this interest can be quite substantial, as in the case of credit cards or rip-off car title loan companies which operate on the same principle. Did you ever attempt to learn “double entry bookkeeping” in school and could not quite grasp the “logic” of it? Did you get a sneaking suspicion that there is something inherently fishy about simply writing a number in the plus column and somehow it becomes an asset? If it smells funny to you, then apparently you have a conscience and a brain to go with it. Read on and let’s get to the bottom of the “magic” behind the banking business.
“Fractional reserve” is a deliberately misleading way of saying that the banker is only legally obligated to have a fraction of the money he lends out on hand to back up the loans. In other words, most people who have been trained by academic indoctrination envision that for every million dollars a banker extends in loans, there is a million dollars worth of tangible assets in the bank vault. This simply is not so! A “reserve” of 1/10 is common, which means that the banker could lend out 10 million dollars for every million dollars of so-called “assets” in the bank “vault” -- wherever and however these assets may be kept and denominated. Of course, there is all kinds of “creative” bookkeeping going on in the banking business which would enable Mr. Banker to count many things as “assets” which may be of dubious value. This is particularly true at the central bank level where billions of dollars are routinely given to international scammers who claim to proffer “assets” as collateral which are of no value at all. We are not going to delve deep into the mechanics of such chicanery and fraud because we would never get to the bottom of it all.
It suffices to say that being able to create loans of 10x what one has as “backing” is one heck of an advantage in the business world. How could anyone but the stupidest or greediest of investors fail to make money with odds like that? Even if half of the borrowers defaulted on their loans Mr. Banker still makes money because, if we are speaking of home mortgages, a foreclosure means the banker can seize the house and sell it! He may have to sell it for less than what it is worth in order to unload it quickly but he will still get way more money than what he has ACTUALLY invested, which is probably only about 1/10 of the mortgage amount! If a banker goes out of business it is because he has engaged in such appalling greed and overextension that he has lent perhaps 50 or 100 times as much as actual assets he has in his “vault” and cannot cover the overhead for employee salaries, building upkeep, his own fat salary, his Mercedes, his trophy wife, her BMW, her jewelry and so forth. At that level of overextension there is a very good chance that Mr. Banker juggler might drop his whole pile of balls. This is when the towering Houdini of banker saviors comes in with cape flowing in the wind and bails out poor Mr. overextended Banker. The institution that does this is that most hallowed and revered of financial institutions, known as the “central bank”.
Wall Street bankers, a particularly nasty breed of financial predators, are prone to find themselves drastically overextended and must sometimes go to the “lender of last resort” in order to obtain funds to keep their titanic firms afloat. The central bank of the U.S. is the Federal Reserve System. During the “bust” years of 2006-8 the trillions of dollars of “quantitative easing” a.k.a. “bailout funds” for humongous parasitic Wall Street banks and investment corporations was gifted by “the Fed” to its favorite “too big to fail” financial institutions. Though almost everyone believes it is a “Federal” entity, The Fed is neither a government institution, nor does it have any reserves, because it doesn’t need any. For all intents and purposes it is the biggest counterfeiting scam of all times, having secured through deception and political skullduggery, backstabbing and assassination the legal right to lend U.S. dollars into existence by the billions and trillions and then charge interest to the U.S. government on this money it creates from absolutely NOTHING.
The Federal Reserve is the giant financial parasite that John F. Kennedy wanted to get rid of. Kennedy wanted to do this because he knew the privately owned Fed was killing our REPUBLIC and transforming it into a communist tyranny. He made his intentions clear by bypassing the Fed and, horror of horrors (to the central bankers) printing some money as the Constitution of the United States prescribes it be done – through the Treasury, with NO interest attached. As we said, dollars created by the Fed and its member banks ALWAYS have interest attached. This is the number one reason JFK was assassinated! Kennedy was a REAL threat to the “Jewish” central banking parasites. The perpetrators of that crime of the century, agents for the banking cartel, were never exposed, nor were they punished because the bankers at “the Fed” control the U.S. government and thus control the findings of any “investigation” that threatens to expose them and their crimes against our nation.
John F. Kennedy’s son, JFK Jr. planned to expose the murderers of his father in his magazine “George” and of course he had to be killed too so the criminals could be protected, but it was made out to be an accident. He died in a suspicious plane crash. No justice is ever meted out to the psychopaths at the top of the financial heap because they operate ABOVE the law and control the Federal government. If you doubt this, listen to this interview of former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan who states that “there is no other agency of government that can overrule actions that we take” and that the Fed is an “independent agency” and that “frankly the relationship between the Fed and the government doesn’t matter”. The reason it “doesn’t matter” is because the Federal Reserve is a PRIVATELY owned bank that controls “THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA” which is a for-profit CORPORATION based in the independent geographic territory of Washington, D.C.
Interviews of Alan Greenspan and Ben Bernanke,
former Chairmen of the Federal Reserve System. Greenspan admits that the Fed is an "independent agency" and that the Federal government "cannot overrule actions that we take". Bernanke has a difficult time accounting for a half trillion dollars worth of loans to European central banks. These loans were not disclosed to Congress. Loans such as this are automatically added to the Federal debt of the United States, and the interest on these clandestine loans is paid by us, the taxpayers. |
You may remember from your school geography lessons that Washington, in the “District of Columbia” is not considered to be a state. It is actually an independent political entity and has more in common with The Vatican and The City of London independent territories than any American state. Also in the video we see Greenspan’s successor, the smug Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke who has trouble remembering what happened to a half trillion dollars which was lent to European central banks without congressional authority. Bernanke’s explanation is that the secret loans made by the Fed to foreign banks were allowed by the Federal Reserve Act. In 1913 by political coup the “Fed” took the place of the U.S. Treasury and gathered into its own hands the power of life or death over the dollar and to create as many dollars as IT wants and lend them to whoever and whatever it pleases, even if it is not good for America. Almost nothing the Fed does is good for America. In fact, most of what the Fed does is in support of globalization, against national sovereignty, against the white race, and for world government under a “Jewish”-Zionist collective of satanic psychopaths, the core group of which numbers about 8,000.
Why do none of our so-called “academic institutions” teach that in 1913 “Jewish” Zionist bankers pulled off a MAJOR political coup in the United States in which the power to create new American dollars, from nothing, was appropriated from the U.S. Treasury and given the THEM which is akin to giving the happy baby of loving parents to a pedophile. Since this group of financial parasites are the most villainous, devious and murderous criminals on the planet we must emphatically say that the “Federal Reserve Act” is the single most deplorable piece of legislation ever foisted on the American people if not the biggest Trojan Horse in all of human history. These bankers are against a FREE America and FOR absolute tyranny run by them and their corporate monopolist brethren in crime. The owners of the tyrannical system are ALL “Jews” and most of the major players at the top are “Jews”. The damage they have done to this nation is almost unfathomable, and barely understood because the tyranny is hidden under massive layers of propaganda, cloak and dagger operations and clever public relations hocus pocus smoke and mirrors designed to obfuscate the raw criminality, mass theft and ongoing parasitism of the cancerous “capitalist” money system.
To put it in 1930s Congressman Louis McFadden’s terms the Federal Reserve is “the mother of all conspiracies”. Even back in his era the Fed was so firmly entrenched that McFadden’s fellow congressmen would not listen to his lone SANE voice of reason, even as they would not listen to Congressman Ron Paul’s pleas to “audit the Fed”. McFadden understood the system far better than Ron Paul because he was a banker and a Christian man who sensed the EVIL of it. Lewis McFadden’s fellow congressmen either had NO understanding of the monster or they were typical greasy fingered politicians who had been plied with bribes and/or threats to leave the Fed alone. Congressman McFadden tried to tell them that the Fed was the very CAUSE of the Great Depression and it was a criminal enterprise draining America of its wealth in order to enrich a caste of predatory swindlers, many of them Europeans. He was an unsung American hero whose name is rarely mentioned in today’s history books because the criminals have control over what is taught and have refashioned history to hide themselves and their schemes of mass theft. Because he was such a forceful, knowledgeable and outspoken opponent of the criminal bankers and their system he was assassinated (probably by poison) at the age of 60 when it was starting to become obvious to a few people here and there that the Fed apologists and media whores had lied about its intentions to “stabilize the banking system”. If “stabilize” means to create depressions and wars for profit then we suppose the Fed accomplished its mission.
Federal Reserve monetary expansion fueled the historic “Roaring 20s” period of easy credit and wild, reckless speculation. The money supply of the U.S. was expanded by a whopping 50% over a period of 9 years and then suddenly the “plug was pulled” on credit and many loans were “called in” thereby reducing the overall money supply to even less than it was before the boom. This caused the collapse of thousands of small businesses, a wave of bankruptcies and massive unemployment, misery and even death, by starvation in some cases. One family related to this writer actually lost a baby due to starvation during the great depression. Financial “insiders” who had sold off assets likely to decline in value at the peak of the boom were able to gobble up foreclosed properties and businesses at pennies on the dollar after the crash. Millionaires became multi-millionaires, and multi-millionaires became billionaires. The “mom and pop” era was dying a sudden death and the era of rapacious, soul-less corporate expansionism and monopolization was marching full steam ahead. The middle class, on the other hand, was defrauded, decimated and disillusioned about the American Dream.
Thousands of small farmers lost their farms and bedraggled, impoverished Americans were forced to move to dirty, crowded cities in order to scrape out a living working in factories, many of which were owned by “Jewish” corporate combines. Not only did this boom-bust cycle happen in the 1920s - 1930s, but it had also happened several times before and in each case it was “Jewish” bankers who engineered the events to defraud working Americans of their assets. Because of these boom-bust cycles, which are repeated every 20-25 years, the middle class of America has dwindled dramatically and most of the America’s wealth is now in the hands of 1%ers, and it must be said emphatically that a disproportionate number of those multi-millionaires are “Jews”. In case our readers have not noticed the Wall Street financial district is mostly owned and run by “Jews”. It is the “Jewish” owned Federal Reserve central bank parasite that makes all of this inequity possible. As they have done throughout history the “Jews” enrich their own breed of speculators and bleed the other races dry – in particular, the white race which they are hell bent on destroying.
Malachi 1:1-3 The burden of the word of the LORD to Israel by Malachi. I have loved you, saith the LORD. Yet ye say, Wherein hast thou loved us? Was not Esau Jacob’s brother? saith the LORD: yet I loved Jacob, And I hated Esau, (“Esau” manifests itself today in “Jewry”) and laid his mountains and his heritage waste for the dragons of the wilderness. (“Jacob” manifests itself in the modern Caucasian bloodlines.)
Though appearances can be deceptive “Jews” are not white nor do they consider themselves to be white – unless there is some advantage to be gained by “passing” as white, such as “marrying into money” or into some Caucasian aristocratic bloodline, which is a fait accompli where such dynasties still exist. The “black nobility” is a collection of formerly white aristocratic bloodlines that have miscegenized with “Jews”. Christians must absolutely rid themselves of the myth that today’s “Jews” are “God’s chosen people”, as the "Jews" have TRAINED generation after generation of gullible “Judeo-Christians” to believe. “Jews” are descended from Edomite-Canaanites (the bloodline of Esau), the very people that God hates according to the above scripture! If only our spiritually impoverished churches would get on board with this incredibly important truth then this dire situation of mistaken identity could be corrected, but they have been under “strong delusion” for a very long time. Only a few true Christians here and there can bring themselves to realize the meaning of what is written in black and white in our Bibles:
Revelation 18:23b-24 (looking back from the future) … for thy merchants (this refers mostly to the bloodline which began with white Esau and his Canaanite wives, which controls the world at this time through central banking usury and corporate monopolization) were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived. And in her (because of that wicked bloodline) was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth (Prophets, saints and other good people have been killed throughout history by those evil “merchants”, which would be today’s big bankers and corporate moguls.)
Federal Reserve monetary expansion fueled the historic “Roaring 20s” period of easy credit and wild, reckless speculation. The money supply of the U.S. was expanded by a whopping 50% over a period of 9 years and then suddenly the “plug was pulled” on credit and many loans were “called in” thereby reducing the overall money supply to even less than it was before the boom. This caused the collapse of thousands of small businesses, a wave of bankruptcies and massive unemployment, misery and even death, by starvation in some cases. One family related to this writer actually lost a baby due to starvation during the great depression. Financial “insiders” who had sold off assets likely to decline in value at the peak of the boom were able to gobble up foreclosed properties and businesses at pennies on the dollar after the crash. Millionaires became multi-millionaires, and multi-millionaires became billionaires. The “mom and pop” era was dying a sudden death and the era of rapacious, soul-less corporate expansionism and monopolization was marching full steam ahead. The middle class, on the other hand, was defrauded, decimated and disillusioned about the American Dream.
Thousands of small farmers lost their farms and bedraggled, impoverished Americans were forced to move to dirty, crowded cities in order to scrape out a living working in factories, many of which were owned by “Jewish” corporate combines. Not only did this boom-bust cycle happen in the 1920s - 1930s, but it had also happened several times before and in each case it was “Jewish” bankers who engineered the events to defraud working Americans of their assets. Because of these boom-bust cycles, which are repeated every 20-25 years, the middle class of America has dwindled dramatically and most of the America’s wealth is now in the hands of 1%ers, and it must be said emphatically that a disproportionate number of those multi-millionaires are “Jews”. In case our readers have not noticed the Wall Street financial district is mostly owned and run by “Jews”. It is the “Jewish” owned Federal Reserve central bank parasite that makes all of this inequity possible. As they have done throughout history the “Jews” enrich their own breed of speculators and bleed the other races dry – in particular, the white race which they are hell bent on destroying.
Malachi 1:1-3 The burden of the word of the LORD to Israel by Malachi. I have loved you, saith the LORD. Yet ye say, Wherein hast thou loved us? Was not Esau Jacob’s brother? saith the LORD: yet I loved Jacob, And I hated Esau, (“Esau” manifests itself today in “Jewry”) and laid his mountains and his heritage waste for the dragons of the wilderness. (“Jacob” manifests itself in the modern Caucasian bloodlines.)
Though appearances can be deceptive “Jews” are not white nor do they consider themselves to be white – unless there is some advantage to be gained by “passing” as white, such as “marrying into money” or into some Caucasian aristocratic bloodline, which is a fait accompli where such dynasties still exist. The “black nobility” is a collection of formerly white aristocratic bloodlines that have miscegenized with “Jews”. Christians must absolutely rid themselves of the myth that today’s “Jews” are “God’s chosen people”, as the "Jews" have TRAINED generation after generation of gullible “Judeo-Christians” to believe. “Jews” are descended from Edomite-Canaanites (the bloodline of Esau), the very people that God hates according to the above scripture! If only our spiritually impoverished churches would get on board with this incredibly important truth then this dire situation of mistaken identity could be corrected, but they have been under “strong delusion” for a very long time. Only a few true Christians here and there can bring themselves to realize the meaning of what is written in black and white in our Bibles:
Revelation 18:23b-24 (looking back from the future) … for thy merchants (this refers mostly to the bloodline which began with white Esau and his Canaanite wives, which controls the world at this time through central banking usury and corporate monopolization) were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived. And in her (because of that wicked bloodline) was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth (Prophets, saints and other good people have been killed throughout history by those evil “merchants”, which would be today’s big bankers and corporate moguls.)
Had it not been for the Federal Reserve money machine there is no way the U.S. could have entered into WWI and WWII, or any of the other wars this nation has participated in because the money to pay for war would not have been available otherwise! The central bank is able to generate all of the funds needed for the Zionist warmongers without approval of the people. If the central bank did not exist, then the only way to provide funding for a war would be to gain the confidence of the people of the nation and convince them that war is an absolute necessity and thus they must contribute to it. This would, in most cases, be a very hard sell. The central bank counterfeiting scam literally FORCES working Americans to contribute to the “Jewish” oligarchy’s imperialistic wars whether they like it or not. The people will pay for the interest on the loans from the Fed to the Federal Government through their taxes, which are CONFISCATED from their paychecks. This brings to mind what the son of Paul Warburg, author of the Federal Reserve Act, said before Congress in 1950:
We will have a world government whether you like it or not. The only question is whether that government will be achieved by conquest or consent. Jewish Banker Paul Warburg, Jr. (son of Paul Warburg who wrote the Federal Reserve Act), February 17, 1950, testifying before the U.S. Senate
All of these far flung wars are designed by the “Jewish” central bankers for PROFIT, to achieve their long sought after world government and for other insidious agendas, such as creating what amounts to “civil war” between the American and European branches of the white race. The death toll of whites during WWI and WWII was many millions. Further deaths of whites from starvation and disease followed in the footsteps of war. The goal of war, revolution and mass immigration, all of it instigated by “Jewish” oligarchs, is to “brown” the white nations, so as to create a world of lower I.Q. slaves who can be trained to work in perpetuity for the “Jews” but lack the brains or the motivation to rebel against wicked “Jewish” supremacism. This is the nuts and bolts of the “New World Order”. We can be sure that the “diversity and multiculturalism” agendas being rammed down our throats constantly by mass media, corporate business, government and academia were spawned in the brains of “Jewish” central bankers. Welcome to “Mystery Babylon the Great”, a rehash of the old Babylonian system of things, which has now gone viral, global and high tech.
Revelation 17:1-7 And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters: (It is a “global” entity ruling over the world’s people) With whom the kings of the earth (world leaders) have committed fornication, (these “kings” are all in league with the wicked global entity) and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication. (It has a terrible corrupting influence on all of the world’s people) So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, (the “beast” system is satanic, in utter opposition to God) having seven heads and ten horns. (geographic and/or political divisions of the beast system) And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: (the “woman” is magnificently rich but also corrupt and influenced by “the beast”) And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: (because the wicked system represented by this “mother of harlots” has, for many centuries, routinely persecuted and killed God’s prophets of the “Jacob”/Israel bloodline) and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration. And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns. …
It is not our intention in this essay to go into a full blown analysis of Revelation Chapter 17 but it has been partially quoted to show the spiritual aspect of a global financial system controlled by central bankers in league with Satan. It is a horrific system of things, evil to the core. God has informed us with good reason that “the love of money is the root of ALL evil” (I Timothy 6:10). The final result of a system of things run by financial “sorcerers” who are able to create money out of thin air is that the people of the world will be thoroughly corrupted and steeped in Satanism which will be pushed in every possible way by mass media, academia and government. Everything that was once considered “good” will considered “evil” and “evil” will be considered “good” and finally the “kings” of the New World Order will roll out the red carpet for the “Antichrist” who will proclaim himself to be God, and the delusional people in a world gone stark raving mad will worship him as if he were God!!!
Revelation 13:8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him (the Antichrist), whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
We have said that most of the money in a “fractional reserve” banking system is created out of thin air, which is basically true, except that in the upper echelon of this “beast” financial system there is an assurance that the “money from nothing” is actually backed by something tangible, but much effort is expended in making sure that the mechanics of it remains the deepest of secrets. That something backing the “money from nothing” is YOU and everyone you know who has a federally assigned identification number (such as a Social Security number). As far as the owners of the Federal Reserve System are concerned, you are but a “human resource”, a “commodity”, in fact to be USED by THEM as a slave to THEIR parasitic financial system.
When an American citizen is assigned a Social Security Number at birth, this “human resource” is simultaneously tied to a stock certificate. These stock certificates are actually traded on the N.Y. Stock Exchange! How may these “human resources” be construed as “backing” for the loans granted to the Federal Government? One simple example is WAR. If the “Jews” controlling the central bank want a war, then the “human resource” collateral WILL be employed for that purpose, even if a draft has to be instituted in order to make it happen, such as during the Vietnam era. Not only do imperialistic wars secure more territory for the spread of “democracy” (which is pre-communism) but the “human resources” who do not have to fight will still have to pay taxes which will be appropriated by the central bank collection agency (the IRS) as payment toward interest on the national debt, much of which was accrued to fund wars that the people did not want. Favored corporate monopolies also line up like pigs at a trough for lucrative government contracts in which billions of dollars worth of war machinery, ammunition and accouterments can be sold to the Federal Government at highly inflated prices.
WWI general Smedley Butler in his book “War Is A Racket” shows figures proving that major corporations of his day doubled, tripled and sometimes quadrupled their bottom lines during the war. War, in fact, is the most profitable business on earth. According to revisionist historian Eustace Mullins the Federal Reserve central bank was established so as to “mobilize the credit of the United States” which made it possible to lend money to European nations in order that THEY may enter into war against us, and of course to extend credit to the U.S. government so it would have enough money to pay for war against them. None of this costs the “Jewish” warmongers a dime because they created the money out of NOTHING, and used our ancestors as cannon fodder. It didn’t take long after the Federal Reserve Act was passed for the U.S. to be embroiled in WWI, a war of genocide against the white race since we were hoodwinked into killing our own racial kin in Germany while the “Jews” sat back and watched us die, laughing all the while at our stupidity. WWII also brought about massive genocide of whites, but with all major media in the hands of “Jews” this is not at all the way in which it was portrayed.
We will have a world government whether you like it or not. The only question is whether that government will be achieved by conquest or consent. Jewish Banker Paul Warburg, Jr. (son of Paul Warburg who wrote the Federal Reserve Act), February 17, 1950, testifying before the U.S. Senate
All of these far flung wars are designed by the “Jewish” central bankers for PROFIT, to achieve their long sought after world government and for other insidious agendas, such as creating what amounts to “civil war” between the American and European branches of the white race. The death toll of whites during WWI and WWII was many millions. Further deaths of whites from starvation and disease followed in the footsteps of war. The goal of war, revolution and mass immigration, all of it instigated by “Jewish” oligarchs, is to “brown” the white nations, so as to create a world of lower I.Q. slaves who can be trained to work in perpetuity for the “Jews” but lack the brains or the motivation to rebel against wicked “Jewish” supremacism. This is the nuts and bolts of the “New World Order”. We can be sure that the “diversity and multiculturalism” agendas being rammed down our throats constantly by mass media, corporate business, government and academia were spawned in the brains of “Jewish” central bankers. Welcome to “Mystery Babylon the Great”, a rehash of the old Babylonian system of things, which has now gone viral, global and high tech.
Revelation 17:1-7 And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters: (It is a “global” entity ruling over the world’s people) With whom the kings of the earth (world leaders) have committed fornication, (these “kings” are all in league with the wicked global entity) and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication. (It has a terrible corrupting influence on all of the world’s people) So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, (the “beast” system is satanic, in utter opposition to God) having seven heads and ten horns. (geographic and/or political divisions of the beast system) And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: (the “woman” is magnificently rich but also corrupt and influenced by “the beast”) And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: (because the wicked system represented by this “mother of harlots” has, for many centuries, routinely persecuted and killed God’s prophets of the “Jacob”/Israel bloodline) and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration. And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns. …
It is not our intention in this essay to go into a full blown analysis of Revelation Chapter 17 but it has been partially quoted to show the spiritual aspect of a global financial system controlled by central bankers in league with Satan. It is a horrific system of things, evil to the core. God has informed us with good reason that “the love of money is the root of ALL evil” (I Timothy 6:10). The final result of a system of things run by financial “sorcerers” who are able to create money out of thin air is that the people of the world will be thoroughly corrupted and steeped in Satanism which will be pushed in every possible way by mass media, academia and government. Everything that was once considered “good” will considered “evil” and “evil” will be considered “good” and finally the “kings” of the New World Order will roll out the red carpet for the “Antichrist” who will proclaim himself to be God, and the delusional people in a world gone stark raving mad will worship him as if he were God!!!
Revelation 13:8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him (the Antichrist), whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
We have said that most of the money in a “fractional reserve” banking system is created out of thin air, which is basically true, except that in the upper echelon of this “beast” financial system there is an assurance that the “money from nothing” is actually backed by something tangible, but much effort is expended in making sure that the mechanics of it remains the deepest of secrets. That something backing the “money from nothing” is YOU and everyone you know who has a federally assigned identification number (such as a Social Security number). As far as the owners of the Federal Reserve System are concerned, you are but a “human resource”, a “commodity”, in fact to be USED by THEM as a slave to THEIR parasitic financial system.
When an American citizen is assigned a Social Security Number at birth, this “human resource” is simultaneously tied to a stock certificate. These stock certificates are actually traded on the N.Y. Stock Exchange! How may these “human resources” be construed as “backing” for the loans granted to the Federal Government? One simple example is WAR. If the “Jews” controlling the central bank want a war, then the “human resource” collateral WILL be employed for that purpose, even if a draft has to be instituted in order to make it happen, such as during the Vietnam era. Not only do imperialistic wars secure more territory for the spread of “democracy” (which is pre-communism) but the “human resources” who do not have to fight will still have to pay taxes which will be appropriated by the central bank collection agency (the IRS) as payment toward interest on the national debt, much of which was accrued to fund wars that the people did not want. Favored corporate monopolies also line up like pigs at a trough for lucrative government contracts in which billions of dollars worth of war machinery, ammunition and accouterments can be sold to the Federal Government at highly inflated prices.
WWI general Smedley Butler in his book “War Is A Racket” shows figures proving that major corporations of his day doubled, tripled and sometimes quadrupled their bottom lines during the war. War, in fact, is the most profitable business on earth. According to revisionist historian Eustace Mullins the Federal Reserve central bank was established so as to “mobilize the credit of the United States” which made it possible to lend money to European nations in order that THEY may enter into war against us, and of course to extend credit to the U.S. government so it would have enough money to pay for war against them. None of this costs the “Jewish” warmongers a dime because they created the money out of NOTHING, and used our ancestors as cannon fodder. It didn’t take long after the Federal Reserve Act was passed for the U.S. to be embroiled in WWI, a war of genocide against the white race since we were hoodwinked into killing our own racial kin in Germany while the “Jews” sat back and watched us die, laughing all the while at our stupidity. WWII also brought about massive genocide of whites, but with all major media in the hands of “Jews” this is not at all the way in which it was portrayed.

war_is_a_racket_-_s._butler.pdf |
"Human resources” have been used time and time again for wars desired by the “Jewish” money power, particularly those that help to build the Israeli super state, their number one “pet project”. Wars have also been fought for the benefit of “big oil” and to make sure that the dollar retains its status as the world’s “reserve currency”. There is nothing that the “human resources” can do to prevent this. The soldiers need their paychecks and must follow orders to get it. The insane system is kept chugging along by political Zionists who are “groomed” and bribed into cooperation. Propaganda fills the air and seeps into every living room through television, which is the greatest brainwashing devise ever devised. Citizens whose brains have been softened by “academic” indoctrination, are convinced that the war must be fought to “spread democracy”, “against weapons of mass destruction”, “to rid such as such country of a bad dictator” – when in actuality the people of that nation may love their leader because he is opposed to the “Jewish” oligarchy of financial parasites and warmongers. The wars engaged in by the United States are ALWAYS, and we mean every single time, for ulterior motives and always of benefit to the “Jewish” central bankers and corporate monopolies, no matter which side “wins”. The wage slaves always lose.
Each “human resource” backing the loans to the government -- for which there is a stock certificate tied to an ID number -- is assigned a dollar value in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, which represents what that individual is likely to contribute to the global central banking system over the course of a lifetime through taxes, mortgage payments, loan payments or as a soldier for some war of aggression desired by the central bankers. Thus, the concept portrayed in the “science fiction” Hollywood movie “The Matrix”, of people living in mental fantasy world while in reality being encapsulated in vast, dismal “fields” and used as “batteries” to power the “Matrix” system of enslavement is quite REAL and we are LIVING IN IT. This reality is unfortunately more real than the myth that we are a “free people” abiding by a “Constitution” and a “Bill of Rights” but the shock of this reality would be too much for most people to stomach so they prefer the fantasy. If you think this frame of mind is not possible consider the recent wave of people who are addicted to video games, burying their minds in a fantasy game so as to shield themselves from the “reality” of the world we live in. Perhaps this has happened because the “real world” is but a painful nightmare designed and lorded over by criminal central bankers who are the most wicked and devious tyrants ever to walk the planet. The primary goal of all mass media “entertainment” is to keep the minds of the masses wrapped up in trivialities and fantasy so that they will not have the time or inclination to THINK and realize that they are in the grips of a tyranny imposed upon them by central bankers who have seized control of the money systems of the world, are able to conjure money out of NOTHING, and are using this money to implement global communism which will in turn lead to global satanism and worship of The Antichrist. Young people who are being defrauded of a hopeful future by this usurious financial system are being tricked to vote for socialist-communist figureheads who they think will save them, but rather will squash their last freedoms and reward them with the same misery that can be found in all nations suffering under communism.
The Constitution was for all intents and purposes discarded over a century ago and the final nail hammered into its coffin in 1913 when the Rothschild-Zionist-“Jewish” oligarchy took over the U.S. money system with a secret financial coup. The “Federal Reserve Act” was passed into law on Christmas Eve of 1913 when most of the U.S. congressmen had gone home for the holidays. Those remaining congressmen who voted for it had been bribed by the bankers to vote us into debt slavery. Nevertheless, for over a century the illusion of “freedom”, “justice” and “liberty” has been kept on life support in order that the people of America complacently go about their workaday lives providing the “power” needed to keep the system of enslavement in place. The "power" is provided through millions of loan payments and Federal taxes. Meanwhile, the upper echelon of financial parasites get to live like kings and engage in satanic rituals, whore mongering, pedophilia and even human sacrifice to their god, father and mentor Satan. This is NOT a fantasy. It is absolute reality, and again, for those who have been given the gift to fully understand God’s Word, the Bible, it is obvious that what the Bible actually says dovetails perfectly with what we know about the mechanics of the “New World Order” system. It is symbolically “the whore that sitteth upon many waters”. If you are one of the few who has the heart, mind and soul to grasp this absolute reality then you will comprehend that the vast majority of “human resources” on this planet are in “strong delusion”, and unfortunately this “sea” of delusional souls will worship Satan by default and be damned for it. Read THIS and understand exactly HOW it applies to this modern system of things and the “human resources” unwittingly powering it:
II Thessalonians 2:7-12 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, (this imperfect translation of the KJV actually means will hold back, or prevent) until he be taken out of the way. (and then THE Antichrist comes on the world stage, pushes “the whore” aside, and takes over as emperor of the earth) And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
Today, aside from providing the Zionist controlled U.S. government with all of the money it needs for imperialist wars desired by Zionist “Jewry” the “Fed” also helps keep its member banks solvent by providing them with low to zero rate loans when operating funds get low due to over-extended “fractional reserve” lending practices. Anyone with some mathematical intelligence can readily perceive that a central bank is not a wholesome, beneficial enterprise, especially if it is controlled by people who hate America, love war, feed on misery and death, and are intent on eradicating all nationalism and self-determination in favor of an all-powerful central government tyranny ruled by Satan. Yahweh God, of course, has other plans which shall be realized because biblical prophecy MUST come to pass. Prophecy is a script written by GOD who is ultimately in control of EVERYTHING. Though we may think that we are in control and we have “free will” to do as we please it really is not so. Each soul on this planet has a role and each contributes to the good or evil depending upon the spirit placed within them. God is at all times aware of and in control of every aspect of this vastly complex “theater” of life.
Matthew 10:29-30 Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
The “money power” looks forward to America and the entire planet going full-blown communist, with a twist, which is to merge communist governments with the global banking system and the multi-national corporate cartels. Super "capitalists" have always funded communist regimes, so the two are peas in a pod. Any way you cut it, their plan is to squash everything that is good, sane and healthful because everywhere the “Jew” Edomite achieves absolute control this is the natural outcome. If you wonder why everything is “going to hell in a hand basket” the antichrist “Jew” is the devil's foot soldier – at least on the physical plane. If anyone wonders why everything that is against God’s commandments is being “normalized” and proclaimed as “good” from every rooftop look again to the root cause, which on the spiritual plane is Satan and on the physical plane is Satan’s children, the international “Jewish” collective which owns and controls the global financial system upon which the whore (the apostate church and political system) rides. This global system of evil is basically a rehash of the old Babylonian system of usury, only it has gone “global”.
It is only natural that the bankers at the “Fed” are going to favor corporations and banks run by their “Jewish” kin over “gentile” run businesses. The big “bailout” scheme of the early 2000s was designed to keep “Jewish” controlled investment banks in operation, come hell or high water. Firms not controlled by “Jews” died from lack of capital. Thousands of good small businesses were ruined by the “recession” and were not given the advantage of a “bailout”. (2020 editorial comment: -- Tens of thousands of small businesses are subsequently being ruined by the phoney "pandemic" lockdown strategy). Unemployment in America spiked but Wall Street simply didn’t care nor does it ever care about the misery and damage it causes to middle class working America or homegrown business. Employees at the Goldman Sachs investment bank, which is “Jewish” to the core, were pulling six figure BONUSES while unemployed Americans were scrimping to put the next meal on the table and wade through mountains of bills from “Jewish” owned banks, credit card companies, utilities and monopolies. The amount of money that was conjured out of thin air during the “bailout” by the sorcerers at the “Fed” was enough to pay off ALL of the home mortgages in America! We are talking about many trillions of dollars that was simply given, as low rate, sometimes “forgivable” loans to the most rapacious and parasitic of Wall Street firms -- entities that slowly suck middle America dry so as to enrich the one percent “investment class”, a disproportionately large percentage of whom happen to be “Jews”. Similar schemes of parasitism by the “Jew” money power have taken place time and time again throughout human history, but you will not learn about this from mainstream sources of information because they are ALL controlled by “Jewish” gatekeepers, and a lifetime program of propaganda for the peasants is required in order to keep the fractional reserve usury system of enslavement in place. The chief symptoms of this are monopolist capitalism and communism, different sides of the same coin.
Each “human resource” backing the loans to the government -- for which there is a stock certificate tied to an ID number -- is assigned a dollar value in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, which represents what that individual is likely to contribute to the global central banking system over the course of a lifetime through taxes, mortgage payments, loan payments or as a soldier for some war of aggression desired by the central bankers. Thus, the concept portrayed in the “science fiction” Hollywood movie “The Matrix”, of people living in mental fantasy world while in reality being encapsulated in vast, dismal “fields” and used as “batteries” to power the “Matrix” system of enslavement is quite REAL and we are LIVING IN IT. This reality is unfortunately more real than the myth that we are a “free people” abiding by a “Constitution” and a “Bill of Rights” but the shock of this reality would be too much for most people to stomach so they prefer the fantasy. If you think this frame of mind is not possible consider the recent wave of people who are addicted to video games, burying their minds in a fantasy game so as to shield themselves from the “reality” of the world we live in. Perhaps this has happened because the “real world” is but a painful nightmare designed and lorded over by criminal central bankers who are the most wicked and devious tyrants ever to walk the planet. The primary goal of all mass media “entertainment” is to keep the minds of the masses wrapped up in trivialities and fantasy so that they will not have the time or inclination to THINK and realize that they are in the grips of a tyranny imposed upon them by central bankers who have seized control of the money systems of the world, are able to conjure money out of NOTHING, and are using this money to implement global communism which will in turn lead to global satanism and worship of The Antichrist. Young people who are being defrauded of a hopeful future by this usurious financial system are being tricked to vote for socialist-communist figureheads who they think will save them, but rather will squash their last freedoms and reward them with the same misery that can be found in all nations suffering under communism.
The Constitution was for all intents and purposes discarded over a century ago and the final nail hammered into its coffin in 1913 when the Rothschild-Zionist-“Jewish” oligarchy took over the U.S. money system with a secret financial coup. The “Federal Reserve Act” was passed into law on Christmas Eve of 1913 when most of the U.S. congressmen had gone home for the holidays. Those remaining congressmen who voted for it had been bribed by the bankers to vote us into debt slavery. Nevertheless, for over a century the illusion of “freedom”, “justice” and “liberty” has been kept on life support in order that the people of America complacently go about their workaday lives providing the “power” needed to keep the system of enslavement in place. The "power" is provided through millions of loan payments and Federal taxes. Meanwhile, the upper echelon of financial parasites get to live like kings and engage in satanic rituals, whore mongering, pedophilia and even human sacrifice to their god, father and mentor Satan. This is NOT a fantasy. It is absolute reality, and again, for those who have been given the gift to fully understand God’s Word, the Bible, it is obvious that what the Bible actually says dovetails perfectly with what we know about the mechanics of the “New World Order” system. It is symbolically “the whore that sitteth upon many waters”. If you are one of the few who has the heart, mind and soul to grasp this absolute reality then you will comprehend that the vast majority of “human resources” on this planet are in “strong delusion”, and unfortunately this “sea” of delusional souls will worship Satan by default and be damned for it. Read THIS and understand exactly HOW it applies to this modern system of things and the “human resources” unwittingly powering it:
II Thessalonians 2:7-12 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, (this imperfect translation of the KJV actually means will hold back, or prevent) until he be taken out of the way. (and then THE Antichrist comes on the world stage, pushes “the whore” aside, and takes over as emperor of the earth) And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
Today, aside from providing the Zionist controlled U.S. government with all of the money it needs for imperialist wars desired by Zionist “Jewry” the “Fed” also helps keep its member banks solvent by providing them with low to zero rate loans when operating funds get low due to over-extended “fractional reserve” lending practices. Anyone with some mathematical intelligence can readily perceive that a central bank is not a wholesome, beneficial enterprise, especially if it is controlled by people who hate America, love war, feed on misery and death, and are intent on eradicating all nationalism and self-determination in favor of an all-powerful central government tyranny ruled by Satan. Yahweh God, of course, has other plans which shall be realized because biblical prophecy MUST come to pass. Prophecy is a script written by GOD who is ultimately in control of EVERYTHING. Though we may think that we are in control and we have “free will” to do as we please it really is not so. Each soul on this planet has a role and each contributes to the good or evil depending upon the spirit placed within them. God is at all times aware of and in control of every aspect of this vastly complex “theater” of life.
Matthew 10:29-30 Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
The “money power” looks forward to America and the entire planet going full-blown communist, with a twist, which is to merge communist governments with the global banking system and the multi-national corporate cartels. Super "capitalists" have always funded communist regimes, so the two are peas in a pod. Any way you cut it, their plan is to squash everything that is good, sane and healthful because everywhere the “Jew” Edomite achieves absolute control this is the natural outcome. If you wonder why everything is “going to hell in a hand basket” the antichrist “Jew” is the devil's foot soldier – at least on the physical plane. If anyone wonders why everything that is against God’s commandments is being “normalized” and proclaimed as “good” from every rooftop look again to the root cause, which on the spiritual plane is Satan and on the physical plane is Satan’s children, the international “Jewish” collective which owns and controls the global financial system upon which the whore (the apostate church and political system) rides. This global system of evil is basically a rehash of the old Babylonian system of usury, only it has gone “global”.
It is only natural that the bankers at the “Fed” are going to favor corporations and banks run by their “Jewish” kin over “gentile” run businesses. The big “bailout” scheme of the early 2000s was designed to keep “Jewish” controlled investment banks in operation, come hell or high water. Firms not controlled by “Jews” died from lack of capital. Thousands of good small businesses were ruined by the “recession” and were not given the advantage of a “bailout”. (2020 editorial comment: -- Tens of thousands of small businesses are subsequently being ruined by the phoney "pandemic" lockdown strategy). Unemployment in America spiked but Wall Street simply didn’t care nor does it ever care about the misery and damage it causes to middle class working America or homegrown business. Employees at the Goldman Sachs investment bank, which is “Jewish” to the core, were pulling six figure BONUSES while unemployed Americans were scrimping to put the next meal on the table and wade through mountains of bills from “Jewish” owned banks, credit card companies, utilities and monopolies. The amount of money that was conjured out of thin air during the “bailout” by the sorcerers at the “Fed” was enough to pay off ALL of the home mortgages in America! We are talking about many trillions of dollars that was simply given, as low rate, sometimes “forgivable” loans to the most rapacious and parasitic of Wall Street firms -- entities that slowly suck middle America dry so as to enrich the one percent “investment class”, a disproportionately large percentage of whom happen to be “Jews”. Similar schemes of parasitism by the “Jew” money power have taken place time and time again throughout human history, but you will not learn about this from mainstream sources of information because they are ALL controlled by “Jewish” gatekeepers, and a lifetime program of propaganda for the peasants is required in order to keep the fractional reserve usury system of enslavement in place. The chief symptoms of this are monopolist capitalism and communism, different sides of the same coin.
The "Jew" heavy top management at Goldman Sachs in the early 2000s, from left to right and top to bottom:
Alan Cohen – Executive Vice President and Global Head of Compliance; Edith Cooper – Executive Vice President and Global Head of Human Capital Management; Gary Cohn – President and Chief Operating Officer; Gregory Palm - Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary of the Corporation; Harvey Schwartz - Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer; John Rogers - Executive Vice President, Chief of Staff and Secretary to the Board; John Weinberg - Vice Chairman; Lloyd Blankfein - Chief Executive Officer; Mark Schwartz - Vice Chairman of Goldman Sachs Asia Pacific; Michael Sherwood - Vice Chairman
Alan Cohen – Executive Vice President and Global Head of Compliance; Edith Cooper – Executive Vice President and Global Head of Human Capital Management; Gary Cohn – President and Chief Operating Officer; Gregory Palm - Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary of the Corporation; Harvey Schwartz - Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer; John Rogers - Executive Vice President, Chief of Staff and Secretary to the Board; John Weinberg - Vice Chairman; Lloyd Blankfein - Chief Executive Officer; Mark Schwartz - Vice Chairman of Goldman Sachs Asia Pacific; Michael Sherwood - Vice Chairman
Can you imagine the cartwheel turning happiness that would have ensued in America if the money given to Wall Street financial monstrosities had instead been given to average American homeowners so they could be freed from their mortgage ball and chain? Can you imagine what a great boon to the economy it would have been and how much all facets of the business world would have benefitted -- from “mom and pop” grocery and hardware stores all the way up the ladder to factories, big box stores, malls, etc. But, no, that’s not the way the “Jewish”-Zionist tyranny works. Like parasites in nature, its raison d’etre is self-perpetuation and its business model is human misery for anyone who is not a member of their “tribe”.
Anyone with a functioning brain should be able to perceive that a system in which one small class of counterfeiters is legally enabled to create debt out of thin air and then on top of that demand interest (which was not created) can only lead to one conclusion: that the beneficiaries of such a system will one day own the planet, and indeed, we disdain to say it – “Jewish” central bankers do own the planet. We the people have, through mountains of deceit, treachery, robbery and propaganda been reduced to being tenants on their global plantation, reduced to groveling for crumbs while a collective of alien parasitical creatures steal our labor and live in luxury off of our ignorance.
Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.
We don’t blame your friendly local branch banker for this state of affairs because for the most part he is merely a servant who was trained to do his “job” as a small-time banker agent, for which he gets paid a salary. His “profession”, if you will, is merely a symptom of an enormous ongoing problem that has been plaguing the world for centuries. Martin Luther was writing about the problem in the 1500s and Jesus Christ was throwing the Edomite-Canaanite moneychangers out of His temple 2000 years ago. The problems caused by Satan’s children are as old as humanity. They began when Cain, the son of Satan, killed Abel.
Here in this early 2000s era, if you drive down any street, anywhere, chances are that 90% of the properties you see are saddled with a mortgage and IF the so called “owners” (tenants in the entirety, to use banker deed of trust lingo) of these properties don’t make their mortgage payments then the bank will foreclose and take possession of the property by virtue of having created 90-95% of the mortgage out of absolutely nothing! This “sorcery” is underwritten by the nation’s central bank, i.e. “the lender of last resort” which proclaims as “assets” those “human resources” under its command – “resources” which may be used, abused and fleeced at will by the "Jewish" oligarchs who own and control the system. They may herd their “human resources” into wars and revolutions, or they may enlist them into their corporate armies to do all of the real production work, thus creating all of the “value” -- much of which is whisked away to the top of the financial pyramid. This, our friends is the incredible insanity that has been passed off as being a normal state of affairs by endless reams of propaganda and “academic” conditioning mandated by the same ruling class of money grubbers. That’s “Just the way it is” the apologists, academics and “talking head” TV hosts would say while flashing smug “all knowing” smiles. Indeed, the condition of the world has become as prophesied below and we believe the stink of it wafts upward in heaving billows to God’s celestial realm. As it cannot get much worse, we surmise the end of this wicked world system may come within the lifetime of many people who happen to read this:
Jeremiah 51:6-9 Flee out of the midst of Babylon, and deliver every man his soul: be not cut off in her iniquity; for this is the time of the LORD’S vengeance; he will render unto her a recompence. (payback, retribution, divine judgement) Babylon hath been a golden cup in the LORD’S hand, that made all the earth drunken: the nations have drunken of her wine; therefore the nations are mad. (the following is yet to occur) Babylon is suddenly fallen and destroyed: howl for her; take balm for her pain, if so she may be healed. We would have healed Babylon, but she is not healed: forsake her, and let us go every one into his own country: for her judgment reacheth unto heaven, and is lifted up even to the skies.
Isaiah 13:13-14 Therefore I will shake the heavens, and the earth shall remove out of her place, in the wrath of the LORD of hosts, and in the day of his fierce anger. (major geological and astrophysical events will occur) And it shall be as the chased roe, and as a sheep that no man taketh up: they shall every man turn to his own people, and flee every one into his own land. (prophesying the end of the Mystery Babylon system, race mixing, multiculturalism, diversity, inclusion, usury, mutant capitalism, communism and a new technocratic feudalism). There will be a regrouping of people with others of their own race.
The Bank of International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland is THE central bank of central banks. It is owned by the Rothschild dynasty and its cartel of central banks, all of which are run by “Jews”. It is this “global” bank that engineers long-term “boom and bust” cycles in which a “net”, so to speak, is dropped into the “sea” of potential victim-mortgagees by the lowering of interest rates which entices buyers to purchase homes, buildings, businesses, vehicles, appliances and material stuff (like fish getting trapped in a net). The lowering of interest rates also encourages rampant “speculation” during the “boom” periods which has a tendency to inflate the value of real estate, businesses and commodities over a period of two to three decades. Since the “boom” periods are rather lengthy, younger people have no suspicion that the good years will be followed by a “bust” and a “depression” (which these days is called a “recession”). The public schools and universities will not inform them that this is likely to happen because these institutions are under the sway of the oligarchy which sees to it that information which exposes the central banking SCAM is forbidden. These “academic” (indoctrinational) institutions were put in place to train slaves of the financial oligarchy, not thinking human beings. The entire public school system is a government entity which must adhere to mandates with regard to exactly what is taught and how it is delivered. Anything that is antithetical to the tyranny, such as instruction on how to be independent and self sufficient, is not taught. As this was being written we were coming out of a “recession-depression-bust” period and sliding into another slow “boom” period. Only God Almighty and the “insider” class of “Jewish” financial vampire-parasites and their shabez goy lap dog “insiders” knows for sure when the plug will be pulled again, though we will go way out on a limb and predict somewhere in the vicinity of the year 2024, based only upon statistics of past periods, and not out of any “insider” knowledge. Thus, we can only make an “educated guess” (NOTE: in reviewing this essay in late 2020 it appears the plug has already been pulled with the jackboot pseudo "pandemic" and the ruination of many small businesses declared as "non-essential" or stymied by "social distancing" mandates decreed by power hungry bureaucrats in the pocket of "Jewish" oligarchs. Mammoth corporate monstrosities like Amazon and WalMart have only prospered because of it. Thus more and more business flows into the hands of "Jewish" neo-feudalist corporate cartels.
After they had gathered as many “fish” in their “nets” or to use another analogy “fattened up” the market for a couple decades prior to 2006-8 crash the central bankers then gently nudged up the interest rates and tightened the criteria for obtaining a loan which dramatically reduced the pool of willing and able buyers, which in turn made it more difficult to sell a house (because there were suddenly less available buyers) which in turn caused the value of all real estate all across the land to plummet in proportion to how much speculation had occurred in the local market. Some markets, like Las Vegas, saw real estate values of higher dollar properties drop as much as 75%! How could something like this be due to natural “supply and demand market forces”?
Anyone with a functioning brain should be able to perceive that a system in which one small class of counterfeiters is legally enabled to create debt out of thin air and then on top of that demand interest (which was not created) can only lead to one conclusion: that the beneficiaries of such a system will one day own the planet, and indeed, we disdain to say it – “Jewish” central bankers do own the planet. We the people have, through mountains of deceit, treachery, robbery and propaganda been reduced to being tenants on their global plantation, reduced to groveling for crumbs while a collective of alien parasitical creatures steal our labor and live in luxury off of our ignorance.
Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.
We don’t blame your friendly local branch banker for this state of affairs because for the most part he is merely a servant who was trained to do his “job” as a small-time banker agent, for which he gets paid a salary. His “profession”, if you will, is merely a symptom of an enormous ongoing problem that has been plaguing the world for centuries. Martin Luther was writing about the problem in the 1500s and Jesus Christ was throwing the Edomite-Canaanite moneychangers out of His temple 2000 years ago. The problems caused by Satan’s children are as old as humanity. They began when Cain, the son of Satan, killed Abel.
Here in this early 2000s era, if you drive down any street, anywhere, chances are that 90% of the properties you see are saddled with a mortgage and IF the so called “owners” (tenants in the entirety, to use banker deed of trust lingo) of these properties don’t make their mortgage payments then the bank will foreclose and take possession of the property by virtue of having created 90-95% of the mortgage out of absolutely nothing! This “sorcery” is underwritten by the nation’s central bank, i.e. “the lender of last resort” which proclaims as “assets” those “human resources” under its command – “resources” which may be used, abused and fleeced at will by the "Jewish" oligarchs who own and control the system. They may herd their “human resources” into wars and revolutions, or they may enlist them into their corporate armies to do all of the real production work, thus creating all of the “value” -- much of which is whisked away to the top of the financial pyramid. This, our friends is the incredible insanity that has been passed off as being a normal state of affairs by endless reams of propaganda and “academic” conditioning mandated by the same ruling class of money grubbers. That’s “Just the way it is” the apologists, academics and “talking head” TV hosts would say while flashing smug “all knowing” smiles. Indeed, the condition of the world has become as prophesied below and we believe the stink of it wafts upward in heaving billows to God’s celestial realm. As it cannot get much worse, we surmise the end of this wicked world system may come within the lifetime of many people who happen to read this:
Jeremiah 51:6-9 Flee out of the midst of Babylon, and deliver every man his soul: be not cut off in her iniquity; for this is the time of the LORD’S vengeance; he will render unto her a recompence. (payback, retribution, divine judgement) Babylon hath been a golden cup in the LORD’S hand, that made all the earth drunken: the nations have drunken of her wine; therefore the nations are mad. (the following is yet to occur) Babylon is suddenly fallen and destroyed: howl for her; take balm for her pain, if so she may be healed. We would have healed Babylon, but she is not healed: forsake her, and let us go every one into his own country: for her judgment reacheth unto heaven, and is lifted up even to the skies.
Isaiah 13:13-14 Therefore I will shake the heavens, and the earth shall remove out of her place, in the wrath of the LORD of hosts, and in the day of his fierce anger. (major geological and astrophysical events will occur) And it shall be as the chased roe, and as a sheep that no man taketh up: they shall every man turn to his own people, and flee every one into his own land. (prophesying the end of the Mystery Babylon system, race mixing, multiculturalism, diversity, inclusion, usury, mutant capitalism, communism and a new technocratic feudalism). There will be a regrouping of people with others of their own race.
The Bank of International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland is THE central bank of central banks. It is owned by the Rothschild dynasty and its cartel of central banks, all of which are run by “Jews”. It is this “global” bank that engineers long-term “boom and bust” cycles in which a “net”, so to speak, is dropped into the “sea” of potential victim-mortgagees by the lowering of interest rates which entices buyers to purchase homes, buildings, businesses, vehicles, appliances and material stuff (like fish getting trapped in a net). The lowering of interest rates also encourages rampant “speculation” during the “boom” periods which has a tendency to inflate the value of real estate, businesses and commodities over a period of two to three decades. Since the “boom” periods are rather lengthy, younger people have no suspicion that the good years will be followed by a “bust” and a “depression” (which these days is called a “recession”). The public schools and universities will not inform them that this is likely to happen because these institutions are under the sway of the oligarchy which sees to it that information which exposes the central banking SCAM is forbidden. These “academic” (indoctrinational) institutions were put in place to train slaves of the financial oligarchy, not thinking human beings. The entire public school system is a government entity which must adhere to mandates with regard to exactly what is taught and how it is delivered. Anything that is antithetical to the tyranny, such as instruction on how to be independent and self sufficient, is not taught. As this was being written we were coming out of a “recession-depression-bust” period and sliding into another slow “boom” period. Only God Almighty and the “insider” class of “Jewish” financial vampire-parasites and their shabez goy lap dog “insiders” knows for sure when the plug will be pulled again, though we will go way out on a limb and predict somewhere in the vicinity of the year 2024, based only upon statistics of past periods, and not out of any “insider” knowledge. Thus, we can only make an “educated guess” (NOTE: in reviewing this essay in late 2020 it appears the plug has already been pulled with the jackboot pseudo "pandemic" and the ruination of many small businesses declared as "non-essential" or stymied by "social distancing" mandates decreed by power hungry bureaucrats in the pocket of "Jewish" oligarchs. Mammoth corporate monstrosities like Amazon and WalMart have only prospered because of it. Thus more and more business flows into the hands of "Jewish" neo-feudalist corporate cartels.
After they had gathered as many “fish” in their “nets” or to use another analogy “fattened up” the market for a couple decades prior to 2006-8 crash the central bankers then gently nudged up the interest rates and tightened the criteria for obtaining a loan which dramatically reduced the pool of willing and able buyers, which in turn made it more difficult to sell a house (because there were suddenly less available buyers) which in turn caused the value of all real estate all across the land to plummet in proportion to how much speculation had occurred in the local market. Some markets, like Las Vegas, saw real estate values of higher dollar properties drop as much as 75%! How could something like this be due to natural “supply and demand market forces”?

how_much_did_the_financial_crisis_cost.pdf |
According to the article above some seven trillion dollars worth of real property value simply evaporated into thin air in America alone! This had a dismal “ripple” affect on every other nation that has any dealings with the U.S., which is ALL of them. The suffering and frustration worldwide from this banker instigated “bust” was immense. Many families lost their homes. Many contractors became unemployed and real estate related firms went bankrupt. On the other hand, those who had prior knowledge of the crash and a ready hoard of “investment capital” made out like bandits. They were able to gleefully gobble up foreclosed properties and make themselves even fatter and richer than they were before. The same scenario has been repeated regularly over centuries because vampire capitalists at the top of the financial food chain ENGINEER such events. The “boom and bust” phenomenon is one very good reason, over time why the “Jews” in particular get richer and the middle class slumps into poverty. “Jews” always seem to know when the crash is coming, because it is “Jews” who are behind it. Why? It is because “Jews” own the central banks and all of the big banks orbiting around the central bank. The insider knowledge is passed down through synagogues, kehillas and other secret society channels. The general public on the other hand is comprised of millions of “little fish” swimming about innocently in a “sea” of artificially created wealth unaware of the giant net that looms before them.
The central banking syndicate members who created the 2006-7 “bust” cared not a hoot about all of the suffering they caused. No doubt they had many good laughs over the gullibility of “the goy” because they are for all intents and purposes an “alien” species. They may appear to be “human” but their thought processes are diametrically opposed to our generally “good natured” conscience – even of those with a bare minimum of Christian morality. Most people simply cannot fathom that anyone could be THAT evil. Ex “Illuminati” banker Ronald Bernard, whose videos we have provided under “The Pyramid Scheme of Debt” essay, said that in order to prosper as a high level financial agent he was told by his mentor that he had to “put his conscience in the freezer at minus 100 degrees centigrade.” Because Mr. Bernard’s “freezer” eventually malfunctioned and his conscience thawed out, it became impossible for him to stomach working as a money launderer for the criminal banking cartel anymore. However, Mr. Bernard could not simply “quit” but rather had to endure an “exit strategy” which included severe physical torture after which he spent a year recovering in a hospital from physical injuries and psychological trauma. He was forced to submit to this torture as “insurance” to his former employers that he would not reveal their names or specific ventures, which most certainly were criminal in nature. Why else would the money need to be “laundered”? It’s a wonder he wasn’t murdered. He seems genuine enough and we truly believe his story because it is 100% plausible, though with the caveat that propaganda and “plants” are used regularly to fulfill the Hegelian dialectic of point, counterpoint, in order to achieve a desired “synthesis” of belief in the masses of victim-debtors. If that sounds like gobbledygook you will eventually come to a full understanding if you read enough of our essays.
Robert Welch and his hidden benefactor, "Jewish" multi-millionaire Nelson Rockefeller, who purchased Welch's candy
manufacturing business for far more than it was worth on the condition that Welch, a 32nd degree Mason, establish the
John Birch Society as "controlled opposition" ostensibly against communism, but actually in support of it.
manufacturing business for far more than it was worth on the condition that Welch, a 32nd degree Mason, establish the
John Birch Society as "controlled opposition" ostensibly against communism, but actually in support of it.
This is an interview of Congressman Larry McDonald of Georgia who became the second president of the John Birch Society, after John Welch. McDonald was a firm believer in constitutional principles which put him at odds with globalists, such as the interviewer to the left of him in the video. Though McDonald's answers were straightforward, truthful and insightful the interviewer is attempting to make him out to be a "conspiracy theorist". McDonald died in a plane crash only two weeks after this 1983 interview. It is our belief that this was an assassination (which was unfortunate also for all of the other people on the plane). With his exceptional intelligence, knowledge and charisma we believe he would have become president of the United States, which would have been a major thorn in the side of the global oligarchy.
With the exception of Congressman McDonald, a true patriot and straight shooter, we offer as an example of this “Hegelian Dialectic” that the “John Birch Society” was only intended to be “controlled opposition”. It was commissioned by a big fish in the “Jewish” criminal traitor class, namely Nelson Rockefeller. The Rockefellers are Sephardic “Jews”. Rockefeller used Robert Welch, a 32nd degree Mason, to create the society. It was meant to function like flypaper to keep good but not so bright Americans busy paying dues and warming metal chairs listening to lame speeches and reading watered down books which contain much good information but NEVER touch upon the root cause of communism which is “Jewish” central bankers and their criminal accomplices.
"Jews" not only invented communism, but also predatory capitalism, socialism, fascism, feminism, Zionism, and every other nation rotting “ism” and they are the chief beneficiaries of these cancerous systems wherever they may be found. The spread of the toxic “isms” is financed by THEIR central banks and brethren in the banking and corporate world in order to set their worldwide web of fractional reserve usury firmly in concrete. The central banks, corporate monopolies, captive governments, media conglomerates, controlled “education” systems, secret societies, intelligence agencies, judiciary systems, military and police enforcement systems and spy networks are already in place and ALL controlled by directives issued down the hierarchy of control from "Jews" at the top of the financial pyramid. Many authors call this top level “the Illuminati” which avoids the mention of RACE. There may be many gentiles who work for it, like Ronald Bernard, who USED to work for it (and is Dutch), but we can assure you that at the very top level of it is “Jews” only, and most of them Ashkenazi, which means they are descended from Khazars, who in turn had absorbed much cursed Edomite-Canaanite blood.
We are now living in a global electronic concentration camp, carrying heavy burdens of usury and taxation, suffering from ever rising prices for basic necessities, and relegated from birth to being slaves to a small “Jewish” collective, a modern day “Babylonian priesthood” that controls the world through the sorcery of money creation and manipulation. The John Birch society would teach you nothing of this REALITY and would disdain to even mention the role of the “Jew” in shaping the insane world we live in. This is why the John Birch Society is nothing but “controlled opposition”. None of the materials they offer will even use the word “Jew” and the perpetrators of incredible crimes against humanity are always shielded by the use of ambiguous terms such as “Wall Street”, “investors”, “communists”, “socialists” “Marxists”, “warmongers”, the Illuminati, banksters, etc. which do not identify the RACIAL character of the “beast” that holds us in bondage. Though there are “gentiles” involved they are only used as agents and pawns. They are the "gentile front men" or to use the "Jewish" term the "shabez goy". The ultimate power of the wicked system always rests in the hands of “Jews”. They have admitted to it in their writings, such as this:
PER ME REGES REGNANT. "It is through me that Kings reign." And it was said by the prophets [here the claim is obliquely made that they are the “chosen people” which they are not – ed.] that we were chosen by God Himself to rule over the whole earth. [the god they are actually referring to is Satan, their god – ed.] God has endowed us with genius that we may be equal to our task. Were genius in the opposite camp it would still struggle against us, but even so, a newcomer is no match for the old-established settler: the struggle would be merciless between us, such a fight as the world has never seen. Aye, and the genius on their side would have arrived too late. All the wheels of the machinery of all States go by the force of the engine, which is in our hands, and that engine of the machinery of States is -- Gold. The science of political economy invented by our learned elders [see Matthew 15:1-9 for a condemnation of such "elders" -- whose predecessors were the scribes and Pharisees] has for long past been giving royal prestige to capital. [It is a money-driven system of tyranny – ed.] Protocol V, No. 6, from the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
Thus, the most basic premise of “capitalism” is that those who have the “gold” possess the raw power to rule over whatever they can control with money, which unfortunately is just about everything and everybody in this rotten world – and particularly government. Most governments degenerate rather quickly when under the sway of “capital” in the form of political contributions, bribes, funding of politicians who will promote special interests, media propaganda and the like, all of which was used a century ago to get the Federal Reserve Act passed into law. Banker and Fed proponent J.P. Morgan actually purchased the editorial rights to the largest newspapers in the country in order to assure that the Federal Reserve proposal received nothing but praise and that its true intentions were never mentioned. It was a very corrupt era, but the corruption is far worse today because a government controlled by central bankers opens the door to every possible evil. Everything that the captive United States government does has to be in conformance with the desires of the satanic warmongering psychopaths who control it from behind the scenes. Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan (a "Jew") admitted to the Fed being more powerful than the government in the video interview provided above. The Federal Government has almost no control over the Federal Reserve, other than to rubber stamp appointees desired by the banking oligarchy.
Returning to the former “Illuminati” employee, Ronald Bernard: He relates that his doctors simply could not believe his story as to why and how his injuries were inflicted. Doctors may be intelligent but like almost everyone else they have been “trained” to a certain extent by controlled academia and media to think and behave a certain way which is beneficial to the system. Like any other employee they go to work, go home, pay their mortgages and subject themselves to daily dosages of media programming. For the most part they don’t have the time or inclination to educate themselves as to the financial workings of a satanic globalist-Zionist banking cartel that has taken over the world and uses it’s “human resources” as “batteries” to power its system of tyranny.
The reason why the “mystery Babylon” fractional reserve usury system is so successful is because, as Eustace Mullins stated in one of his lectures, it robs everyone all of the time! It is EVERYWHERE, like AIR. It is “hidden in plain sight” and woven so completely and intricately into our daily lives that it barely raises an eyebrow. Who would think to research such a thing? Who has the time or inclination? Who is going to get PAID to dig into it if almost all media is controlled by the very devils you are trying to expose who will prevent the information from being widely disseminated through their “mainstream” channels? Be assured that only those people who are possessed of a very special love of the truth and Yahweh God who would bother to do it and that love of truth comes from the Holy Spirit! Mr. Bernard, at great personal risk, goes about as far as he can in revealing the structure and operations of “the beast” he once served as a money launderer. He is not to be applauded for his youthful decision to engage in such a “profession”, which he chose out of greed and a desire for status, but on the other hand it took great courage for him to step out on such a shaky limb in order to at least partially uncover one face of the beast. From what he says in his interviews he does not seem to be a Christian, at least not yet, but it would appear that his heart is in the right place.
To state that the most powerful of bankers are heartless bastards is putting it mildly. It was bankers like the Rothschilds and their Wall Street agent Jacob Schiff who financed the Bolshevik/Communist Revolution in Russia which led to the death of up to a hundred million people, many of them Caucasian Russian orthodox Christians. It was Meyer Amschel Rothschild’s agent Adam Weishaupt who fomented the French Revolution by infiltrating and using the Masonic lodges of France as a cover for agent provocateurs. The death toll was in the millions. The Civil War in America, World Wars I and II, Vietnam, the Korean and Gulf Wars were all projects of the Rothschild cartel of central bankers and their political agents. One facet of WWIII (see also "The Secret War" essay) is the mass immigration of ragtag “armies” of Muslims, black Africans, Hispanics and assorted other non-white races into white nations. The plan is to incite them to violence against whites when we are sufficiently outnumbered in our own nations. This would be easy to accomplish because they (en masse) are extremely susceptible to propaganda, not having sufficient knowledge or reasoning ability to filter the truth out of lies and half truths fed to them as “news”, “information”, “schooling” in Cultural Marxism and “entertainment” propaganda. All of this is routinely engineered by “Jewish” bankers through their specially “groomed” political, corporate and bureaucratic agents. Mainstream media, also controlled at the top by “Jewish” bankers and “Jewish” corporate gatekeepers assures that the only “news” that gets covered is that which fails to expose the empire of usury and its schemes.
The end goal of the “Jewish”-Zionist mass migration scheme is to breed out the white race and to engineer a slave race. This would occur through miscegenation and the fact that non-white races tend to breed much faster than whites, who are too worried about “financial security” to have large families. The darker races tend to let nature take its course and aren’t as concerned with “family planning”. Further, ultra-left leaning traitors in our Federal government have rigged the welfare system as an enticement for the darker races to first migrate here and then breed like rabbits. The majority of immigration to America for the last century has been from non-white nations and this is mostly by the design of “Jewish” schemers. When was the last time you were informed of ANY of this from a television “news” or “documentary” program?
As if the flooding of our nations with incompatible aliens isn’t enough the white race has suffered extreme death tolls in the last few centuries. It has been estimated that as many as 300-500 million whites have died unnatural deaths during that period from wars, revolutions, mass starvation, disease, abortion, and other causes -- much of which can be laid on the shoulders of “Jews” in the stratosphere of banking and high finance. This figure does not even count the number of white children that would have been born had so many of our people not died unnatural deaths. The worldwide Caucasian population has dropped from 25% a century ago to only 7% in the early 2000s. It is not our intention to go into a comprehensive history but to provide a brief summary as a sidebar to put today’s events into perspective. Decimation of white bloodlines is not without precedent as the white race was skating on extremely thin ice in Noah’s day, prior to the great flood. The reason Noah (in particular) and his family were chosen by God to survive the flood is because they were pure blooded white Adamites. The matter of how other races survived the flood is revealed in the "Cain's Descendants" essay on this site. Noah had the Holy Spirit of God within him and perfectly followed God’s instructions despite severe ridicule from the ungodly mockers of his era. Given the large size of families in those days it is likely that the world population was in the billions and all of those people, except those “eight (pure Adamite) souls” on the Ark, had varying degrees of the blood of Cain and fallen angels flowing in their veins. This meant that they were all mongrelized “broken cisterns”, (Jeremiah 2:13) incapable of holding the Holy Spirit of God. The Bible tells us that the entire world had declined into a state of pure evil:
Genesis 6:5-8 And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented (sorrowed) the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth (sorrows) me that I have made them. But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.
The white race was also near extinction six centuries later around 1700 BC when Joseph, son of Jacob/Israel was sold into slavery and taken to Egypt. Years later he won great favor with the pharaoh of that era by interpreting his dream and prophesying seven years of plenty followed by seven years of famine. Joseph was made second in command of Egypt and was able to prepare the nation for the great famine by overseeing the storage of enough grain to feed the population during the bad years. Because of his position he was able to give his formerly estranged brothers and their wives a free pass to come to Egypt when the famine set in, and he placed them in their own territory apart from the bulk of the Egyptian population. If this had not happened it is likely they all would have died from starvation. Over the next few centuries in this geographic “incubator” the descendants of the twelve tribes of Jacob/Israel grew to a population of around four million.
Exodus 1:7-14 And the children of Israel were fruitful, and increased abundantly, and multiplied, and waxed exceeding mighty; and the land was filled with them. Now there arose up a new king over Egypt, which knew not Joseph (was in opposition to the Hebrews, and determined to harass and enslave them). And he said unto his people, Behold, the people of the children of Israel are more and mightier than we: Come on, let us deal wisely with them; lest they multiply, and it come to pass, that, when there falleth out any war,
they join also unto our enemies, and fight against us, and so get them up out of the land. Therefore they did set over them taskmasters to afflict them with their burdens. And they built for Pharaoh treasure cities, Pithom and Raamses. But the more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied and grew. And they were grieved because of the children of Israel. And the Egyptians made the children of Israel to serve with rigour: And they made their lives bitter with hard bondage, in morter, and in brick, and in all manner of service in the field: all their service, wherein they made them serve, was with rigour.
The pharaoh of Moses’ day felt threatened by the great population of Hebrews (later to become Israelites), fearing they may try to overcome his kingdom by the force of sheer numbers. As a result they lived under a cruel tyranny and were relegated to slavery. It was during that Pharaoh’s regime that God tapped Moses to lead his people out of Egypt and on a forty year “Exodus” to the land of Canaan, which had been promised to them by God. This was eventually to lead to fulfillment of the “Abrahamic covenant” which was that the pure-blooded white Adamite descendants of Abraham (through Isaac and Jacob) would become great in number and form many nations. Those nations are the predominantly white nations of today, which are rapidly being decimated due to immigration and miscegenization.
Genesis 17:1-4 And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect. And I will make my covenant between me and thee, and will multiply thee exceedingly. And Abram fell on his face: and God talked with him, saying, As for me, behold, my covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many nations. Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee.
"Jews" not only invented communism, but also predatory capitalism, socialism, fascism, feminism, Zionism, and every other nation rotting “ism” and they are the chief beneficiaries of these cancerous systems wherever they may be found. The spread of the toxic “isms” is financed by THEIR central banks and brethren in the banking and corporate world in order to set their worldwide web of fractional reserve usury firmly in concrete. The central banks, corporate monopolies, captive governments, media conglomerates, controlled “education” systems, secret societies, intelligence agencies, judiciary systems, military and police enforcement systems and spy networks are already in place and ALL controlled by directives issued down the hierarchy of control from "Jews" at the top of the financial pyramid. Many authors call this top level “the Illuminati” which avoids the mention of RACE. There may be many gentiles who work for it, like Ronald Bernard, who USED to work for it (and is Dutch), but we can assure you that at the very top level of it is “Jews” only, and most of them Ashkenazi, which means they are descended from Khazars, who in turn had absorbed much cursed Edomite-Canaanite blood.
We are now living in a global electronic concentration camp, carrying heavy burdens of usury and taxation, suffering from ever rising prices for basic necessities, and relegated from birth to being slaves to a small “Jewish” collective, a modern day “Babylonian priesthood” that controls the world through the sorcery of money creation and manipulation. The John Birch society would teach you nothing of this REALITY and would disdain to even mention the role of the “Jew” in shaping the insane world we live in. This is why the John Birch Society is nothing but “controlled opposition”. None of the materials they offer will even use the word “Jew” and the perpetrators of incredible crimes against humanity are always shielded by the use of ambiguous terms such as “Wall Street”, “investors”, “communists”, “socialists” “Marxists”, “warmongers”, the Illuminati, banksters, etc. which do not identify the RACIAL character of the “beast” that holds us in bondage. Though there are “gentiles” involved they are only used as agents and pawns. They are the "gentile front men" or to use the "Jewish" term the "shabez goy". The ultimate power of the wicked system always rests in the hands of “Jews”. They have admitted to it in their writings, such as this:
PER ME REGES REGNANT. "It is through me that Kings reign." And it was said by the prophets [here the claim is obliquely made that they are the “chosen people” which they are not – ed.] that we were chosen by God Himself to rule over the whole earth. [the god they are actually referring to is Satan, their god – ed.] God has endowed us with genius that we may be equal to our task. Were genius in the opposite camp it would still struggle against us, but even so, a newcomer is no match for the old-established settler: the struggle would be merciless between us, such a fight as the world has never seen. Aye, and the genius on their side would have arrived too late. All the wheels of the machinery of all States go by the force of the engine, which is in our hands, and that engine of the machinery of States is -- Gold. The science of political economy invented by our learned elders [see Matthew 15:1-9 for a condemnation of such "elders" -- whose predecessors were the scribes and Pharisees] has for long past been giving royal prestige to capital. [It is a money-driven system of tyranny – ed.] Protocol V, No. 6, from the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
Thus, the most basic premise of “capitalism” is that those who have the “gold” possess the raw power to rule over whatever they can control with money, which unfortunately is just about everything and everybody in this rotten world – and particularly government. Most governments degenerate rather quickly when under the sway of “capital” in the form of political contributions, bribes, funding of politicians who will promote special interests, media propaganda and the like, all of which was used a century ago to get the Federal Reserve Act passed into law. Banker and Fed proponent J.P. Morgan actually purchased the editorial rights to the largest newspapers in the country in order to assure that the Federal Reserve proposal received nothing but praise and that its true intentions were never mentioned. It was a very corrupt era, but the corruption is far worse today because a government controlled by central bankers opens the door to every possible evil. Everything that the captive United States government does has to be in conformance with the desires of the satanic warmongering psychopaths who control it from behind the scenes. Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan (a "Jew") admitted to the Fed being more powerful than the government in the video interview provided above. The Federal Government has almost no control over the Federal Reserve, other than to rubber stamp appointees desired by the banking oligarchy.
Returning to the former “Illuminati” employee, Ronald Bernard: He relates that his doctors simply could not believe his story as to why and how his injuries were inflicted. Doctors may be intelligent but like almost everyone else they have been “trained” to a certain extent by controlled academia and media to think and behave a certain way which is beneficial to the system. Like any other employee they go to work, go home, pay their mortgages and subject themselves to daily dosages of media programming. For the most part they don’t have the time or inclination to educate themselves as to the financial workings of a satanic globalist-Zionist banking cartel that has taken over the world and uses it’s “human resources” as “batteries” to power its system of tyranny.
The reason why the “mystery Babylon” fractional reserve usury system is so successful is because, as Eustace Mullins stated in one of his lectures, it robs everyone all of the time! It is EVERYWHERE, like AIR. It is “hidden in plain sight” and woven so completely and intricately into our daily lives that it barely raises an eyebrow. Who would think to research such a thing? Who has the time or inclination? Who is going to get PAID to dig into it if almost all media is controlled by the very devils you are trying to expose who will prevent the information from being widely disseminated through their “mainstream” channels? Be assured that only those people who are possessed of a very special love of the truth and Yahweh God who would bother to do it and that love of truth comes from the Holy Spirit! Mr. Bernard, at great personal risk, goes about as far as he can in revealing the structure and operations of “the beast” he once served as a money launderer. He is not to be applauded for his youthful decision to engage in such a “profession”, which he chose out of greed and a desire for status, but on the other hand it took great courage for him to step out on such a shaky limb in order to at least partially uncover one face of the beast. From what he says in his interviews he does not seem to be a Christian, at least not yet, but it would appear that his heart is in the right place.
To state that the most powerful of bankers are heartless bastards is putting it mildly. It was bankers like the Rothschilds and their Wall Street agent Jacob Schiff who financed the Bolshevik/Communist Revolution in Russia which led to the death of up to a hundred million people, many of them Caucasian Russian orthodox Christians. It was Meyer Amschel Rothschild’s agent Adam Weishaupt who fomented the French Revolution by infiltrating and using the Masonic lodges of France as a cover for agent provocateurs. The death toll was in the millions. The Civil War in America, World Wars I and II, Vietnam, the Korean and Gulf Wars were all projects of the Rothschild cartel of central bankers and their political agents. One facet of WWIII (see also "The Secret War" essay) is the mass immigration of ragtag “armies” of Muslims, black Africans, Hispanics and assorted other non-white races into white nations. The plan is to incite them to violence against whites when we are sufficiently outnumbered in our own nations. This would be easy to accomplish because they (en masse) are extremely susceptible to propaganda, not having sufficient knowledge or reasoning ability to filter the truth out of lies and half truths fed to them as “news”, “information”, “schooling” in Cultural Marxism and “entertainment” propaganda. All of this is routinely engineered by “Jewish” bankers through their specially “groomed” political, corporate and bureaucratic agents. Mainstream media, also controlled at the top by “Jewish” bankers and “Jewish” corporate gatekeepers assures that the only “news” that gets covered is that which fails to expose the empire of usury and its schemes.
The end goal of the “Jewish”-Zionist mass migration scheme is to breed out the white race and to engineer a slave race. This would occur through miscegenation and the fact that non-white races tend to breed much faster than whites, who are too worried about “financial security” to have large families. The darker races tend to let nature take its course and aren’t as concerned with “family planning”. Further, ultra-left leaning traitors in our Federal government have rigged the welfare system as an enticement for the darker races to first migrate here and then breed like rabbits. The majority of immigration to America for the last century has been from non-white nations and this is mostly by the design of “Jewish” schemers. When was the last time you were informed of ANY of this from a television “news” or “documentary” program?
As if the flooding of our nations with incompatible aliens isn’t enough the white race has suffered extreme death tolls in the last few centuries. It has been estimated that as many as 300-500 million whites have died unnatural deaths during that period from wars, revolutions, mass starvation, disease, abortion, and other causes -- much of which can be laid on the shoulders of “Jews” in the stratosphere of banking and high finance. This figure does not even count the number of white children that would have been born had so many of our people not died unnatural deaths. The worldwide Caucasian population has dropped from 25% a century ago to only 7% in the early 2000s. It is not our intention to go into a comprehensive history but to provide a brief summary as a sidebar to put today’s events into perspective. Decimation of white bloodlines is not without precedent as the white race was skating on extremely thin ice in Noah’s day, prior to the great flood. The reason Noah (in particular) and his family were chosen by God to survive the flood is because they were pure blooded white Adamites. The matter of how other races survived the flood is revealed in the "Cain's Descendants" essay on this site. Noah had the Holy Spirit of God within him and perfectly followed God’s instructions despite severe ridicule from the ungodly mockers of his era. Given the large size of families in those days it is likely that the world population was in the billions and all of those people, except those “eight (pure Adamite) souls” on the Ark, had varying degrees of the blood of Cain and fallen angels flowing in their veins. This meant that they were all mongrelized “broken cisterns”, (Jeremiah 2:13) incapable of holding the Holy Spirit of God. The Bible tells us that the entire world had declined into a state of pure evil:
Genesis 6:5-8 And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented (sorrowed) the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth (sorrows) me that I have made them. But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.
The white race was also near extinction six centuries later around 1700 BC when Joseph, son of Jacob/Israel was sold into slavery and taken to Egypt. Years later he won great favor with the pharaoh of that era by interpreting his dream and prophesying seven years of plenty followed by seven years of famine. Joseph was made second in command of Egypt and was able to prepare the nation for the great famine by overseeing the storage of enough grain to feed the population during the bad years. Because of his position he was able to give his formerly estranged brothers and their wives a free pass to come to Egypt when the famine set in, and he placed them in their own territory apart from the bulk of the Egyptian population. If this had not happened it is likely they all would have died from starvation. Over the next few centuries in this geographic “incubator” the descendants of the twelve tribes of Jacob/Israel grew to a population of around four million.
Exodus 1:7-14 And the children of Israel were fruitful, and increased abundantly, and multiplied, and waxed exceeding mighty; and the land was filled with them. Now there arose up a new king over Egypt, which knew not Joseph (was in opposition to the Hebrews, and determined to harass and enslave them). And he said unto his people, Behold, the people of the children of Israel are more and mightier than we: Come on, let us deal wisely with them; lest they multiply, and it come to pass, that, when there falleth out any war,
they join also unto our enemies, and fight against us, and so get them up out of the land. Therefore they did set over them taskmasters to afflict them with their burdens. And they built for Pharaoh treasure cities, Pithom and Raamses. But the more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied and grew. And they were grieved because of the children of Israel. And the Egyptians made the children of Israel to serve with rigour: And they made their lives bitter with hard bondage, in morter, and in brick, and in all manner of service in the field: all their service, wherein they made them serve, was with rigour.
The pharaoh of Moses’ day felt threatened by the great population of Hebrews (later to become Israelites), fearing they may try to overcome his kingdom by the force of sheer numbers. As a result they lived under a cruel tyranny and were relegated to slavery. It was during that Pharaoh’s regime that God tapped Moses to lead his people out of Egypt and on a forty year “Exodus” to the land of Canaan, which had been promised to them by God. This was eventually to lead to fulfillment of the “Abrahamic covenant” which was that the pure-blooded white Adamite descendants of Abraham (through Isaac and Jacob) would become great in number and form many nations. Those nations are the predominantly white nations of today, which are rapidly being decimated due to immigration and miscegenization.
Genesis 17:1-4 And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect. And I will make my covenant between me and thee, and will multiply thee exceedingly. And Abram fell on his face: and God talked with him, saying, As for me, behold, my covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many nations. Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee.
There were hundreds of thousands of mixed blood, non-whites, termed the “mixed multitude” in scripture, who “tagged along” with the Hebrew (Israelites) during the Exodus to the "promised land" and these “broken cisterns” (not capable of “containing” the Holy Spirit of God) were ripe for apostasy. They were chief among the grumblers about the dietary monotony of the manna from heaven, not appreciating that God had saved them from dehydration, starvation and sure death. God had also provided the great mass of migrants with a lake full of water which miraculously gushed from a rock in the middle of the desert. (See the video to the right for proof.)
In spite of those miracles, the masses still turned away from God to worship, of all stupid things, a golden calf! This may be seen as a precursor to the modern “paradigm” in which we find great masses of people who for all intents and purposes love and worship money more than God. We would suggest that the disgruntled and unappreciative masses of Moses’ day suffered from what we now call an “entitlement complex” similar to that of today’s “mixed multitude” of immigrants to our western nations who have been “trained” by wicked leftists and Marxist-Communist plotters (always coached by “Jews”) to hate whites and yet abandon their own people in order to tap into our welfare system, rape our women, commit violent crimes, claim they are being discriminated against and ironically overcome us through the sheer force of numbers. A specific example of this process in real time would be the state of California, in which whites now only comprise 25% of the population and the state government has degenerated into a full blown socialist, over-regulated, tax and spend, wealth re-distributing, overrun with illegal immigrants “tyranny” which has become so utterly unbearable that many whites are making an “exodus” to other states to escape from it.
Three videos an audio interview and a testimony from a former Californian on the
current condition of California brought about by "liberals" (communists)
current condition of California brought about by "liberals" (communists)
Regarding the ancient Hebrews: God had instructed Moses’ successor the prophet Joshua to wipe out the Canaanites upon entry into the land of Canaan. We need not feel sorry for them because they were literally cursed by God and if allowed to live would prove to be a curse on any nation unlucky enough to be infiltrated by them. We are now suffering the ill effects of our ancient ancestors not following God's precise instructions. The following is a warning to that effect, every bit as applicable today as it was thirty-four centuries ago:
Numbers 33:55 (addressed by God to the Hebrews, in regard to the Canaanites) But if ye will not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you; then it shall come to pass, that those which ye let remain of them shall be pricks in your eyes, and thorns in your sides, and shall vex you in the land wherein ye dwell. (Is this not a perfect description of our “Jewish” oppressors and their financial, socialist-communist tyranny?)
The Canaanites worshiped an array of false gods, engaged in child sacrifice, employed their women as “bait” for passersby by offering them as prostitutes. The money gained from such transactions was then given to their Baal “temples”. The job assigned to Joshua by God -- to eradicate the Canaanites -- was not completed because whites are too soft-hearted and hard-headed, thinking they know better than God. This led to the mixing of white blood with cursed Canaanite and other “mixed multitude” bloodlines and thus the seeds of the decline of Israel and white civilization in general were sown. This also set in motion the process by which the scenario in Matthew 24:36-39 (quoted below) will be realized. It is coming to pass in this era, right before our eyes.
From the Assyrian Invasion of the 700s BC until the time of Jesus most of the pure-blooded Adamite whites (those descended from forefather Jacob/Israel) migrated northwestward to establish the great Christian nations of Europe leaving the land of Israel progressively mongrelized. Jesus Christ came on the scene when the vast majority of those whites descended from the twelve tribes of Israel had long since settled in Europe. Our formerly all white nations and in fact the entire world is once again declining into a state of wickedness in proportion to the degree of mongrelization, exactly as it was prior to the great flood:
Matthew 24:36-39 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. But as the days of Noe (another spelling for Noah) were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man (Jesus Christ) be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, (all kinds of “marriages”, including mixed race and homosexual) until the day that Noe entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
Genesis 6:5-8 And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth (sorrows) me that I have made them. But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.
As the white race is now in decline the “seed of the serpent” (manifested in “Jewry”) has risen to rule over the world, in secret, through a system of enslavement powered by central banking usury, corporate monopolization of all lines of trade, and tight control of all "mainstream" media throughout the world. They are using their “money power” and their mass propaganda perceived as "news" to mold the world in their image, which is in service to and in the spirit of “their father the devil” (John 8:44). To use Mr. Bernard’s words: “misery is their business model”. Bear in mind that we are talking about human looking creatures that have magnificently enriched themselves by engineering wars, revolutions, mass psychological operations (psy-ops like the scamdemic which will lead to a poisonous GMO vaccine and tracking technology) and other catastrophic events in which MILLIONS of people die and millions more suffer physical injury and psychological trauma. Most of this genocide is directed against the WHITE race. What the descendants of Canaanites have constructed is a system of wickedness that works in every possible way to bring about a spiritual condition similar to the days prior to the great flood, when “man’s every thought was evil continually”. It is a system that applauds evil and denigrates good.
Because money has assumed such great importance in people's lives the “god” of a growing number of people on earth is “mammon” (money and material possessions) and they will stoop to ever lower and lower levels of depravity and criminality in order to get it. Confirmation of this reality is available on just about any “news”, crime or forensics television show and even in our own families, which are being split apart over ethical and spiritual matters. In truth, God is separating the "sheep" from the "goats".
Matthew 6:24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. (This is so important that it is repeated in Luke 16.)
The serpent seed central bankers and their corporate brethren impose this paradigm of evil upon the world for PROFIT and even MORE CONTROL over their “human resource” slaves. They have parlayed control over the world’s money systems into a global tyranny over the affairs of each and every institution that would formerly have had the power to expose and/or to punish THEM, namely: judiciary systems, intelligence agencies, police forces, academia, media, military, print media, electronic media, non-governmental agencies (NGOs) and various bureaucracies, now infected with "deep state" traitors. Unless it is a yard sale, home garden or a child’s lemonaid stand you can be sure it is under big brother banker’s control. Indeed this is full blown scientific tyranny, the most far reaching, penetrating, comprehensively oppressive and terrible in all human history. This is the system that has its boot down on your back. This is why you (if you are one of the “elect”, who has been called and chosen by Yahweh God) have always felt that there is “something not quite right” about this world. As a lover of truth you may have great trouble understanding why there is so much evil in the world and why this has to be and who or what is behind it. We are telling you exactly what IT is and WHO is in control of IT. Is it beginning to make sense?
In those fateful years of the 2006-8 “bust” (which was a depression termed by controlled media and academic propaganda as a “recession”) many people who had recently bought their homes watched in resignation and dismay as the value of their “investment” suddenly plummeted anywhere from 25% to a whopping 75%. This in turn caused tens of thousands of buyers to be stuck with “upside down” mortgages, which meant that the amount of money they were obligated to pay back to the bank exceeded the value of the house they had purchased! ALL of their hard-earned equity including the “down payment” on the bank loan had simply vanished into a financial black hole. This didn’t just “happen” because of random market forces. It was plotted by wicked “Jewish”-Canaanite central bankers as a ploy to defraud and fleece their “human resources”. Many of the dazed and duped buyers decided to simply “walk away” from their mortgages and declare bankruptcy and in doing so were further punished by the scheming bankers, who had engineered the “bust” in the first place. This particular writer decided to stick it out and spent the next ten years working to recover equity that had been stolen by the criminals in charge of the debt money system of enslavement.
Those homeowners who abandoned their mortgages had their “credit rating” impugned, meaning that they would be blacklisted by the bankers’ allied “credit agencies”, such as Equifax, TransUnion and Experian. This meant that they would be ineligible to obtain a mortgage loan again for up to seven years. At the same time humongous so called “too big to fail” Wall Street firms that had gone billions and billions of dollars in debt due to their own profligacy were “bailed out” with Fed chairman Ben Bernanke’s generous “quantitative easing” counterfeit money scheme, so that they could stay afloat and continue to rape and pillage America and the rest of the world. Had the trillions of dollars of “bailout” money gone to homeowners like us every mortgage in the nation could have been paid off!! Of course, none of this is fair, honest or good for America’s working people but what else can you expect from a global system of theft run by two-legged consciousless parasites? Nothing but misery can result from the actions of the spawn of Satan.
Revelation 11:18-19 (looking back from the future at events yet to occur) And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth. (examples of this destruction are provided in the next paragraph) And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail.
After the 2006-8 real estate and stock market crash, in the same fashion as all previous banker-instigated crashes, bankers made out like fat hogs at a slop trough, foreclosing on tens of thousands of properties for which the mortgages had been conjured out of thin air by “fractional reserve” sorcery. During the “Great Depression” of the 1930s, and many times before, banker-engineered boom and bust cycles enabled the parasite class of robber barons to steal vast tracts of farmland from middle class and poor Americans by forcing tens of thousands of small farmers into bankruptcy. This was done using the same trick as always: 1) encourage borrowing and speculation by lowering of interest rates and 2) raise interest rates, call in loans and tighten lending restrictions in order to “contract” the money supply and impoverish the victims of the scam. The result of this boom-bust acquisition tactic in the 1800s and early 1900s was the bane of million acre “agribusiness” corporate farms and “capitalist” monstrosities like Monsanto with their secret labs and pigeonholed scientists who tamper with God’s creation. This leads to the production of toxic genetically mutated “GMO” crops, “terminator” seed technology and soil killing chemical fertilizers which further impoverishes small farmers worldwide and sentences “consumers” to eating denatured, poisonous crap “food” which causes ill health, low energy, and various cancers which in turn benefits the medical and pharmaceutical monopolies controlled by the same “Jew” banker serpent seed bastards, their corporate agents and the “parasite class” of investors. They are literally destroying the planet as noted in Revelation 11:18-19, quoted above. We have thus described one particular “cycle of wickedness” in which bad farming methods produce bad food which contributes to bad health which in turn profits the medical-pharmaceutical establishment. The perpetrators of this program of evil will have a very, VERY long time in HELL to review and contemplate their wickedness as they suffer unimaginable torment.
The “Jew” bankers in the Rothschild orbit pulled off the 1800s to early 1900s land grab in the U.S. as they had done in Europe a century before, by encouraging small family farmers to obtain loans in order to expand their farms and buy equipment, fertilizer, supplies etc. and then once Mr. small farmer (by the tens of thousands) was indebted and overextended, they pulled the proverbial rug out from under him by “calling in” the loans (suddenly demanding repayment) or using market manipulation in the big markets, like Chicago or London, to bring the prices of farm goods down to bargain basement levels so that Mr. small farmer couldn’t make enough profit in his business to pay back his loans, which resulted in massive waves of foreclosures which in turn caused many beaten and bedraggled formerly happy and independent folk to migrate to big dirty cities to be used as wage slaves for factory work – in factories owned by, you guessed it, “Jew” capitalist combines. This is yet another cycle of wickedness caused by the “Jew” devils among us, and it is the reason why "Jews" have been expelled from country after country, not because of unjustified "hate" or "anti-Semitism" because their activities are selfish, anti-nationalist and parasitic.
Numbers 33:55 (addressed by God to the Hebrews, in regard to the Canaanites) But if ye will not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you; then it shall come to pass, that those which ye let remain of them shall be pricks in your eyes, and thorns in your sides, and shall vex you in the land wherein ye dwell. (Is this not a perfect description of our “Jewish” oppressors and their financial, socialist-communist tyranny?)
The Canaanites worshiped an array of false gods, engaged in child sacrifice, employed their women as “bait” for passersby by offering them as prostitutes. The money gained from such transactions was then given to their Baal “temples”. The job assigned to Joshua by God -- to eradicate the Canaanites -- was not completed because whites are too soft-hearted and hard-headed, thinking they know better than God. This led to the mixing of white blood with cursed Canaanite and other “mixed multitude” bloodlines and thus the seeds of the decline of Israel and white civilization in general were sown. This also set in motion the process by which the scenario in Matthew 24:36-39 (quoted below) will be realized. It is coming to pass in this era, right before our eyes.
From the Assyrian Invasion of the 700s BC until the time of Jesus most of the pure-blooded Adamite whites (those descended from forefather Jacob/Israel) migrated northwestward to establish the great Christian nations of Europe leaving the land of Israel progressively mongrelized. Jesus Christ came on the scene when the vast majority of those whites descended from the twelve tribes of Israel had long since settled in Europe. Our formerly all white nations and in fact the entire world is once again declining into a state of wickedness in proportion to the degree of mongrelization, exactly as it was prior to the great flood:
Matthew 24:36-39 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. But as the days of Noe (another spelling for Noah) were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man (Jesus Christ) be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, (all kinds of “marriages”, including mixed race and homosexual) until the day that Noe entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
Genesis 6:5-8 And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth (sorrows) me that I have made them. But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.
As the white race is now in decline the “seed of the serpent” (manifested in “Jewry”) has risen to rule over the world, in secret, through a system of enslavement powered by central banking usury, corporate monopolization of all lines of trade, and tight control of all "mainstream" media throughout the world. They are using their “money power” and their mass propaganda perceived as "news" to mold the world in their image, which is in service to and in the spirit of “their father the devil” (John 8:44). To use Mr. Bernard’s words: “misery is their business model”. Bear in mind that we are talking about human looking creatures that have magnificently enriched themselves by engineering wars, revolutions, mass psychological operations (psy-ops like the scamdemic which will lead to a poisonous GMO vaccine and tracking technology) and other catastrophic events in which MILLIONS of people die and millions more suffer physical injury and psychological trauma. Most of this genocide is directed against the WHITE race. What the descendants of Canaanites have constructed is a system of wickedness that works in every possible way to bring about a spiritual condition similar to the days prior to the great flood, when “man’s every thought was evil continually”. It is a system that applauds evil and denigrates good.
Because money has assumed such great importance in people's lives the “god” of a growing number of people on earth is “mammon” (money and material possessions) and they will stoop to ever lower and lower levels of depravity and criminality in order to get it. Confirmation of this reality is available on just about any “news”, crime or forensics television show and even in our own families, which are being split apart over ethical and spiritual matters. In truth, God is separating the "sheep" from the "goats".
Matthew 6:24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. (This is so important that it is repeated in Luke 16.)
The serpent seed central bankers and their corporate brethren impose this paradigm of evil upon the world for PROFIT and even MORE CONTROL over their “human resource” slaves. They have parlayed control over the world’s money systems into a global tyranny over the affairs of each and every institution that would formerly have had the power to expose and/or to punish THEM, namely: judiciary systems, intelligence agencies, police forces, academia, media, military, print media, electronic media, non-governmental agencies (NGOs) and various bureaucracies, now infected with "deep state" traitors. Unless it is a yard sale, home garden or a child’s lemonaid stand you can be sure it is under big brother banker’s control. Indeed this is full blown scientific tyranny, the most far reaching, penetrating, comprehensively oppressive and terrible in all human history. This is the system that has its boot down on your back. This is why you (if you are one of the “elect”, who has been called and chosen by Yahweh God) have always felt that there is “something not quite right” about this world. As a lover of truth you may have great trouble understanding why there is so much evil in the world and why this has to be and who or what is behind it. We are telling you exactly what IT is and WHO is in control of IT. Is it beginning to make sense?
In those fateful years of the 2006-8 “bust” (which was a depression termed by controlled media and academic propaganda as a “recession”) many people who had recently bought their homes watched in resignation and dismay as the value of their “investment” suddenly plummeted anywhere from 25% to a whopping 75%. This in turn caused tens of thousands of buyers to be stuck with “upside down” mortgages, which meant that the amount of money they were obligated to pay back to the bank exceeded the value of the house they had purchased! ALL of their hard-earned equity including the “down payment” on the bank loan had simply vanished into a financial black hole. This didn’t just “happen” because of random market forces. It was plotted by wicked “Jewish”-Canaanite central bankers as a ploy to defraud and fleece their “human resources”. Many of the dazed and duped buyers decided to simply “walk away” from their mortgages and declare bankruptcy and in doing so were further punished by the scheming bankers, who had engineered the “bust” in the first place. This particular writer decided to stick it out and spent the next ten years working to recover equity that had been stolen by the criminals in charge of the debt money system of enslavement.
Those homeowners who abandoned their mortgages had their “credit rating” impugned, meaning that they would be blacklisted by the bankers’ allied “credit agencies”, such as Equifax, TransUnion and Experian. This meant that they would be ineligible to obtain a mortgage loan again for up to seven years. At the same time humongous so called “too big to fail” Wall Street firms that had gone billions and billions of dollars in debt due to their own profligacy were “bailed out” with Fed chairman Ben Bernanke’s generous “quantitative easing” counterfeit money scheme, so that they could stay afloat and continue to rape and pillage America and the rest of the world. Had the trillions of dollars of “bailout” money gone to homeowners like us every mortgage in the nation could have been paid off!! Of course, none of this is fair, honest or good for America’s working people but what else can you expect from a global system of theft run by two-legged consciousless parasites? Nothing but misery can result from the actions of the spawn of Satan.
Revelation 11:18-19 (looking back from the future at events yet to occur) And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth. (examples of this destruction are provided in the next paragraph) And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail.
After the 2006-8 real estate and stock market crash, in the same fashion as all previous banker-instigated crashes, bankers made out like fat hogs at a slop trough, foreclosing on tens of thousands of properties for which the mortgages had been conjured out of thin air by “fractional reserve” sorcery. During the “Great Depression” of the 1930s, and many times before, banker-engineered boom and bust cycles enabled the parasite class of robber barons to steal vast tracts of farmland from middle class and poor Americans by forcing tens of thousands of small farmers into bankruptcy. This was done using the same trick as always: 1) encourage borrowing and speculation by lowering of interest rates and 2) raise interest rates, call in loans and tighten lending restrictions in order to “contract” the money supply and impoverish the victims of the scam. The result of this boom-bust acquisition tactic in the 1800s and early 1900s was the bane of million acre “agribusiness” corporate farms and “capitalist” monstrosities like Monsanto with their secret labs and pigeonholed scientists who tamper with God’s creation. This leads to the production of toxic genetically mutated “GMO” crops, “terminator” seed technology and soil killing chemical fertilizers which further impoverishes small farmers worldwide and sentences “consumers” to eating denatured, poisonous crap “food” which causes ill health, low energy, and various cancers which in turn benefits the medical and pharmaceutical monopolies controlled by the same “Jew” banker serpent seed bastards, their corporate agents and the “parasite class” of investors. They are literally destroying the planet as noted in Revelation 11:18-19, quoted above. We have thus described one particular “cycle of wickedness” in which bad farming methods produce bad food which contributes to bad health which in turn profits the medical-pharmaceutical establishment. The perpetrators of this program of evil will have a very, VERY long time in HELL to review and contemplate their wickedness as they suffer unimaginable torment.
The “Jew” bankers in the Rothschild orbit pulled off the 1800s to early 1900s land grab in the U.S. as they had done in Europe a century before, by encouraging small family farmers to obtain loans in order to expand their farms and buy equipment, fertilizer, supplies etc. and then once Mr. small farmer (by the tens of thousands) was indebted and overextended, they pulled the proverbial rug out from under him by “calling in” the loans (suddenly demanding repayment) or using market manipulation in the big markets, like Chicago or London, to bring the prices of farm goods down to bargain basement levels so that Mr. small farmer couldn’t make enough profit in his business to pay back his loans, which resulted in massive waves of foreclosures which in turn caused many beaten and bedraggled formerly happy and independent folk to migrate to big dirty cities to be used as wage slaves for factory work – in factories owned by, you guessed it, “Jew” capitalist combines. This is yet another cycle of wickedness caused by the “Jew” devils among us, and it is the reason why "Jews" have been expelled from country after country, not because of unjustified "hate" or "anti-Semitism" because their activities are selfish, anti-nationalist and parasitic.

expulsions_of_jews_since_250_a.d..pdf |
The reason so many WHITE people came to America from Europe in the late 1700s to the early 1900s is because most of the property in Europe was in the hands of wealthy landowners (a large percentage of them "Jews") who did not want to sell or if the land was available average “peasant” folk were simply priced out of the market. The same scenario has occurred in or near big American cities like New York, San Francisco, Boston, Los Angeles, Washington, D.C. etc., where speculation fueled by greed has driven urban markets sky high and a single family house in an “average” neighborhood could cost several hundred thousand of dollars, and in some cases as much as a million dollars!
The Rothschild City of London "money power" and their allied “black nobility” parasite class of speculators gobbled up most of the farmland in Europe, leaving the common people with nothing but wage slavery and a hopeless, hand to mouth daily grind. Many of our ancestors came to America to escape from a motherland that had been sucked dry by "Jewish" speculators, only to have the same parasites follow us here to America. It will not be revealed in kosher rubber stamped and approved school textbooks but the 1800s was referred to in Europe as “The Age of Rothschild”. The 1900s might as well have been called the 2nd age of Rothschild because the international banker vampires and their blood sucking brethren did not shrivel up and die. They went “global”. Globalization and monopolization is their business, which creates a miserable dog eat dog environment for anyone who is not in their kosher-kehilla club.
The phenomenon of “Jewish” control and parasitism powered by usury, fractional reserve sorcery and trade combines is nothing new. It has been going on for thousands of years -- since before Jesus Christ -- only before Him the perpetrators of these schemes were not called “Jews”. From approximately 2000 BC up to the time of Jesus they were called “Canaanites”. The Canaanite tribes were the descendants of Noah’s grandson Canaan and his pre-Adamite wife (or wives) who had Cainite blood. In other words, they had inherited forefather Cain’s satanic genetics and propensity toward evil. The matter of how this particular racial stock survived the great flood is covered in our essay “Cain’s Descendants.” In those ancient days, because of their inborn preference for dealing in money and goods the “merchants” were almost exclusively Canaanites! In that era the words “merchant” and “Canaanite” were synonymous!
Despite the passage of thousands of years the character of the Canaanites has not changed. The only difference is that they are now known as “Jews”. They are by far the biggest and most powerful “merchants” of this era, being the owners and controllers of vast corporate and banking monopolies that routinely bully other races out of business and force them to serve as “managers” and employee wage slaves wearing bright colored uniforms stamped with corporate logos. Many people who are forced to “punch a time clock” in order to put food on the table would be much happier being self-employed. Before the “Jewish” corporations conquered main street that’s probably what they would have been doing, either as small business owners, tradesmen, small manufacturers, homesteaders, farmers or ranchers.
“Canaanite” control of commerce brings about a monotonous “cookie cutter” theme of tacky, no stone unturned full tilt commercialism. Like kudzu vines crawling over what was once a healthy forest it invades every main street in every town with gaudy franchises. It fills every strip mall, every mega-mall and especially the hyper-commercialized Internet with annoying, screaming ads, even to the extent that it is impossible to use an I-phone or go to a website without later receiving a crap pile of corporate “pop up” advertisements. A simple inquiry into mortgage rates, for example, will yield dozens, even hundreds of annoying personal phone calls or e-mails. All of this is a symptom of the jack boot “Jewish”-Canaanite way of doing business.
Frankly, our lives would be a lot simpler and less stressful with a truly FREE enterprise as opposed to money-driven monopoly-capitalism which is a “Jewish” invention and a tool to bring all business on the planet into their hands. The "Jewish" way of doing business is completely antithetical to the traditional "easy-going" Caucasian way, which has been razed, bulldozed and buried after generations of "Jewish" monopolization. The effect of "Jewish"-Canaanite blitzkreig mercantilism has changed commerce in ways that can scarcely be contemplated by today's "consumer" slave. This the observation made by Henry Ford a century ago:
Take for example, the persecution which Jew merchants once suffered in England. In older England the merchant class had many easy-going traditions. One tradition was that a respectable tradesman would never seek business but wait for it to come to him. Another tradition was that to decorate one's store window with lights or colors, or to display one's stock of goods attractively in the view of the public, was a contemptible and underhanded method of tempting a brother tradesman's customers away from him. Still another tradition was that it was strictly unethical and unbusinesslike to handle more than one line of goods. If one sold tea, it was the best reason in the world why he should not sell teaspoons. As for advertising, the thing would have been so brazen and bold that public opinion would have put the advertiser out of business. The proper demeanor for a merchant was to seem reluctant to part with his goods. The International Jew, The World's Foremost Problem, p. 32 (PDF download available below)
The “Jewish” capitalist way of doing business (as opposed to free enterprise) sees nothing wrong with monopolies controlling entire lines of trade, such as the few mega corporations selling oil and gasoline products or an Amazon gobbling up a gargantual share of the global retail market. Before Rothschild agents financed the crypto-"Jew" John D. Rockefeller’s personal war against America, there were hundreds of small oil companies serving local markets and competing with each other on a level playing field. Rockefeller believed that “competition is a sin” and with that mantra as a driving force set about with “seed capital” from the Rothschilds to dominate the oil business. Unfortunately he succeeded. By 1900 he controlled about 90% of the oil business in America. He was also “the most hated man in America”, until his public relations agent suggesting giving dimes to little children. The way he went about his domination of the oil business is a study in ruthless, predatory tactics that ruined many good small businesses, put thousands of honest men out of work, served to concentrate the nation’s wealth in fewer hands and by no stretch of the imagination made America a better place. Rockefeller is a “poster child” of predatory capitalism but by no means the only example. The more corporate monopolization we have the more enslaved we become. Capitalism naturally leads to monopolization of trade as surely as democracy leads to communism.
Modern life in general is a three ring circus of distraction and frustration by constant bombardment of bids to buy, buy, BUY and these bids are largely for JUNK that nobody really needs or would have even dreamed of purchasing in foregone eras. The stuff is continuously conjured up for profit and promoted by profit-driven corporations to separate people from their money and keep them enslaved to “consumerism”. This is all the more evidence that “Jewish”-styled predatory capitalism without regard to actual need or sustainability is like a fast growing cancer. A return to the simpler “mom and pop” free enterprise paradigm of small family owned businesses and locally grown food would be like a breath of fresh air. In fact, it would be wonderful. Capitalism is NOT at all the same thing as “free enterprise”. The “capitalist” business model taught in our universities would promote or even FORCE people to buy many things that they would not want in a simpler, sane environment. Life in this modern era of Canaanite corporate monopolies and main street neon emblazoned ticky tacky is stressful because everything is completely and utterly “money driven” and yet almost no one perceives it as such. The masses of “human resource consumers” are like fish swimming around in a big cauldron, unaware that the water surrounding them is slowly being heated to the boiling point.
Revelation 18:23 (looking back from the future and prophesying about this era) And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.
Exodus 17:16 For he said, Because the LORD hath sworn that the LORD will have war with Amalek (forefather of the Amalakites, another cursed Canaanite tribe) from generation to generation.
Tribal divisions of the ancient Canaanites included the “Edomites” (predominant racial stock of the Pharisees and the murderous Herod line), “Rephaim”, “Amalakites” (see Exodus 17:16), “Hittites” (the “hook nosed” tribe), “Amorites”, “Jebusites” (from whom the city of Jerusalem derived its name) the Perizzites, Hivites and others. The Edomite-Canaanite bloodline in particular became known as “Jews” in the few centuries before Christ. Over the ensuing millennia various Canaanite tribes mixed with Asiatic, black and Caucasian bloodlines to varying degrees which is why there is such diversity in the appearance of “Jews”.
The Rothschild City of London "money power" and their allied “black nobility” parasite class of speculators gobbled up most of the farmland in Europe, leaving the common people with nothing but wage slavery and a hopeless, hand to mouth daily grind. Many of our ancestors came to America to escape from a motherland that had been sucked dry by "Jewish" speculators, only to have the same parasites follow us here to America. It will not be revealed in kosher rubber stamped and approved school textbooks but the 1800s was referred to in Europe as “The Age of Rothschild”. The 1900s might as well have been called the 2nd age of Rothschild because the international banker vampires and their blood sucking brethren did not shrivel up and die. They went “global”. Globalization and monopolization is their business, which creates a miserable dog eat dog environment for anyone who is not in their kosher-kehilla club.
The phenomenon of “Jewish” control and parasitism powered by usury, fractional reserve sorcery and trade combines is nothing new. It has been going on for thousands of years -- since before Jesus Christ -- only before Him the perpetrators of these schemes were not called “Jews”. From approximately 2000 BC up to the time of Jesus they were called “Canaanites”. The Canaanite tribes were the descendants of Noah’s grandson Canaan and his pre-Adamite wife (or wives) who had Cainite blood. In other words, they had inherited forefather Cain’s satanic genetics and propensity toward evil. The matter of how this particular racial stock survived the great flood is covered in our essay “Cain’s Descendants.” In those ancient days, because of their inborn preference for dealing in money and goods the “merchants” were almost exclusively Canaanites! In that era the words “merchant” and “Canaanite” were synonymous!
Despite the passage of thousands of years the character of the Canaanites has not changed. The only difference is that they are now known as “Jews”. They are by far the biggest and most powerful “merchants” of this era, being the owners and controllers of vast corporate and banking monopolies that routinely bully other races out of business and force them to serve as “managers” and employee wage slaves wearing bright colored uniforms stamped with corporate logos. Many people who are forced to “punch a time clock” in order to put food on the table would be much happier being self-employed. Before the “Jewish” corporations conquered main street that’s probably what they would have been doing, either as small business owners, tradesmen, small manufacturers, homesteaders, farmers or ranchers.
“Canaanite” control of commerce brings about a monotonous “cookie cutter” theme of tacky, no stone unturned full tilt commercialism. Like kudzu vines crawling over what was once a healthy forest it invades every main street in every town with gaudy franchises. It fills every strip mall, every mega-mall and especially the hyper-commercialized Internet with annoying, screaming ads, even to the extent that it is impossible to use an I-phone or go to a website without later receiving a crap pile of corporate “pop up” advertisements. A simple inquiry into mortgage rates, for example, will yield dozens, even hundreds of annoying personal phone calls or e-mails. All of this is a symptom of the jack boot “Jewish”-Canaanite way of doing business.
Frankly, our lives would be a lot simpler and less stressful with a truly FREE enterprise as opposed to money-driven monopoly-capitalism which is a “Jewish” invention and a tool to bring all business on the planet into their hands. The "Jewish" way of doing business is completely antithetical to the traditional "easy-going" Caucasian way, which has been razed, bulldozed and buried after generations of "Jewish" monopolization. The effect of "Jewish"-Canaanite blitzkreig mercantilism has changed commerce in ways that can scarcely be contemplated by today's "consumer" slave. This the observation made by Henry Ford a century ago:
Take for example, the persecution which Jew merchants once suffered in England. In older England the merchant class had many easy-going traditions. One tradition was that a respectable tradesman would never seek business but wait for it to come to him. Another tradition was that to decorate one's store window with lights or colors, or to display one's stock of goods attractively in the view of the public, was a contemptible and underhanded method of tempting a brother tradesman's customers away from him. Still another tradition was that it was strictly unethical and unbusinesslike to handle more than one line of goods. If one sold tea, it was the best reason in the world why he should not sell teaspoons. As for advertising, the thing would have been so brazen and bold that public opinion would have put the advertiser out of business. The proper demeanor for a merchant was to seem reluctant to part with his goods. The International Jew, The World's Foremost Problem, p. 32 (PDF download available below)
The “Jewish” capitalist way of doing business (as opposed to free enterprise) sees nothing wrong with monopolies controlling entire lines of trade, such as the few mega corporations selling oil and gasoline products or an Amazon gobbling up a gargantual share of the global retail market. Before Rothschild agents financed the crypto-"Jew" John D. Rockefeller’s personal war against America, there were hundreds of small oil companies serving local markets and competing with each other on a level playing field. Rockefeller believed that “competition is a sin” and with that mantra as a driving force set about with “seed capital” from the Rothschilds to dominate the oil business. Unfortunately he succeeded. By 1900 he controlled about 90% of the oil business in America. He was also “the most hated man in America”, until his public relations agent suggesting giving dimes to little children. The way he went about his domination of the oil business is a study in ruthless, predatory tactics that ruined many good small businesses, put thousands of honest men out of work, served to concentrate the nation’s wealth in fewer hands and by no stretch of the imagination made America a better place. Rockefeller is a “poster child” of predatory capitalism but by no means the only example. The more corporate monopolization we have the more enslaved we become. Capitalism naturally leads to monopolization of trade as surely as democracy leads to communism.
Modern life in general is a three ring circus of distraction and frustration by constant bombardment of bids to buy, buy, BUY and these bids are largely for JUNK that nobody really needs or would have even dreamed of purchasing in foregone eras. The stuff is continuously conjured up for profit and promoted by profit-driven corporations to separate people from their money and keep them enslaved to “consumerism”. This is all the more evidence that “Jewish”-styled predatory capitalism without regard to actual need or sustainability is like a fast growing cancer. A return to the simpler “mom and pop” free enterprise paradigm of small family owned businesses and locally grown food would be like a breath of fresh air. In fact, it would be wonderful. Capitalism is NOT at all the same thing as “free enterprise”. The “capitalist” business model taught in our universities would promote or even FORCE people to buy many things that they would not want in a simpler, sane environment. Life in this modern era of Canaanite corporate monopolies and main street neon emblazoned ticky tacky is stressful because everything is completely and utterly “money driven” and yet almost no one perceives it as such. The masses of “human resource consumers” are like fish swimming around in a big cauldron, unaware that the water surrounding them is slowly being heated to the boiling point.
Revelation 18:23 (looking back from the future and prophesying about this era) And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.
Exodus 17:16 For he said, Because the LORD hath sworn that the LORD will have war with Amalek (forefather of the Amalakites, another cursed Canaanite tribe) from generation to generation.
Tribal divisions of the ancient Canaanites included the “Edomites” (predominant racial stock of the Pharisees and the murderous Herod line), “Rephaim”, “Amalakites” (see Exodus 17:16), “Hittites” (the “hook nosed” tribe), “Amorites”, “Jebusites” (from whom the city of Jerusalem derived its name) the Perizzites, Hivites and others. The Edomite-Canaanite bloodline in particular became known as “Jews” in the few centuries before Christ. Over the ensuing millennia various Canaanite tribes mixed with Asiatic, black and Caucasian bloodlines to varying degrees which is why there is such diversity in the appearance of “Jews”.
Jews are descended from a variety of Canaanite tribes which later interbred with
Oriental, Mongol, Negroid and Caucasian bloodlines. This accounts for their diversity in appearance.
Oriental, Mongol, Negroid and Caucasian bloodlines. This accounts for their diversity in appearance.
A large percentage of modern “Jewry” is descended from the Canaanite-Edomites who interbred with the Asiatic Khazars. Babylonian Edomites, and other Canaanites had by various migrations found their way to the “melting pot” nation of Khazaria after the demise of Babylon and the sacking of Judea by the Romans. The kingdom of Khazaria began to coalesce afterward and in its heyday in the 700s-800s A.D. it was a powerful nation, extracting tribute from surrounding nations. A few centuries later after a long decline it was defeated by the Rus (ancestors of modern Caucasian Russians) from the north and the Mongol forces from the east. The nation of Khazaria had completely dissolved by 1200 AD.
More samples of "Jewish" diversity and a pertinent quote.
By royal decree Khazaria became a “Jewish” nation in 740 A.D. so once again a mass of non-Judahites were rubber stamped as being “Jews”. As the nation began its long decline many of these so-called “Jew” Khazars migrated over the Caucasus Mountains and landed in Eastern Europe. Later they became known as the “Ashkenazi Jews”. From the very beginning they were mistaken as being descendants of the Judeans of the Bible, a deception that they promoted to the hilt in order to gain cachet with gullible white European Christians. The cultural, spiritual, political and racial effect of these “Jews” on the white, Christian nations has been catastrophic and has led to the current mass immigration plot, which is a facet of their secret war against the white race. If this immigration isn’t halted Europe as we've known it will be lost. The nation of South Africa has, due to “Jewish” treachery already met its demise and has gone full-blown Marxist-Communist. Whites are regularly butchered in their own homes by low IQ black thugs "programmed" by "Jewish"-led communists to hate all whites, who are accused of "oppressing the black man", when it was white civilization that lifted blacks out of the jungle and gave them the better life they have come to expect (listen to the Patrick Little interview above for grisly details on these murders, all completely ignored by "Jewish"-controlled media).
Blacks in South Africa will find out soon enough how brutal their natural tribalism is when "whitey" is no longer around to manage things. Essential public services, such as municipal water, are now breaking down as the blacks put in charge by “Jews” haven’t the skill or intelligence to maintain the civilization put in place by whites. It appears that the destiny of South Africa is to degenerate to yet another third world hell hole. Once a nation goes communist only a major revolution or an invasion will force a regime change.
The “Jewish” oligarchs, after having obtained power over European governments through central banking usury (the power of “gold” according to the Protocols) have opened the gates wide to a virtual army of invaders who will decimate European nations like locusts on a fruitful field and convert the region into a third world Muslim state which will become a sluggish cog in the “Jew” World Order. Despite the treachery that has been perpetrated against the white race by the “Jews” it has taken centuries for even a handful of Bible believing Christians to straighten out the matter of who’s who (and who's the "Jew"), and though more of us are beginning to awaken to the truth, even at this late date most “Judeo-Christians” still believe that these phony “Jews” are “God’s chosen people.” It is a tragedy born of entrenched institutionalized ignorance of TRUE history. It is in fact "strong delusion" put upon them by God for preferring a LIE over the truth.
... the peoples of Christendom are the very people of God. The "Jews" are not the Israelites of the Bible; they are the Edomite-Canaanites who invaded the Land of Israel and eventually supplanted the true Israelites and assumed their identity -- even as they are doing in all of the nations of Christendom; and they are the ones spearheading every conspiracy to destroy us.
Uncovering the Mysteries of Your Hidden Inheritance, R. Balaicius, 2001, Sacred Truth Ministries, P.O. Box 18, Mountain City, TN 37683, sacredtruthpublishing@mounet.com; another book by same author: God's Chosen People: Who Is? -- Who Isn't?
Blacks in South Africa will find out soon enough how brutal their natural tribalism is when "whitey" is no longer around to manage things. Essential public services, such as municipal water, are now breaking down as the blacks put in charge by “Jews” haven’t the skill or intelligence to maintain the civilization put in place by whites. It appears that the destiny of South Africa is to degenerate to yet another third world hell hole. Once a nation goes communist only a major revolution or an invasion will force a regime change.
The “Jewish” oligarchs, after having obtained power over European governments through central banking usury (the power of “gold” according to the Protocols) have opened the gates wide to a virtual army of invaders who will decimate European nations like locusts on a fruitful field and convert the region into a third world Muslim state which will become a sluggish cog in the “Jew” World Order. Despite the treachery that has been perpetrated against the white race by the “Jews” it has taken centuries for even a handful of Bible believing Christians to straighten out the matter of who’s who (and who's the "Jew"), and though more of us are beginning to awaken to the truth, even at this late date most “Judeo-Christians” still believe that these phony “Jews” are “God’s chosen people.” It is a tragedy born of entrenched institutionalized ignorance of TRUE history. It is in fact "strong delusion" put upon them by God for preferring a LIE over the truth.
... the peoples of Christendom are the very people of God. The "Jews" are not the Israelites of the Bible; they are the Edomite-Canaanites who invaded the Land of Israel and eventually supplanted the true Israelites and assumed their identity -- even as they are doing in all of the nations of Christendom; and they are the ones spearheading every conspiracy to destroy us.
Uncovering the Mysteries of Your Hidden Inheritance, R. Balaicius, 2001, Sacred Truth Ministries, P.O. Box 18, Mountain City, TN 37683, sacredtruthpublishing@mounet.com; another book by same author: God's Chosen People: Who Is? -- Who Isn't?
The Babylonian invasion in the 500s BC left a void in the land of Judea as most Judeans and Benjamites were taken as captives to Babylon. When Persian King Cyrus conquered Babylon and released the Judeans from captivity only 42,000 of them ever returned to Judea. The others, numbering many hundreds of thousands migrated north-westward, over the Caucasus Mountains, joining with millions of their other “Caucasian” cousins descended from the other tribes of Jacob/Israel. Many centuries later, since they had a natural spiritual affinity for the word of God, they were to establish the great Christian nations of Europe -- even though they had completely forgotten that their WHITE Hebrew ancestors were the very ones who had been held captive in Egypt and had migrated with Moses across the Sinai desert to the Promised Land!! It was in their nature as a race to embrace the God of the Bible and to set up their nations in accordance with His commandments. No non-white race has EVER established a Christian nation.
The “Jews” in particular have never established a Christian nation. The current Israeli State is a parasitic collective of descendants of Canaanites which proclaims “Judaism” as the state religion. If it is called “The Holy Land” that is only for the sake of tourist dollars. Ancient Israel, on the other hand, was established by white Hebrews. The United States of America was established by our white “founding fathers” as a Christian constitutional republic. We were once “One republic under God” according to the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. There is no possible way a Judaized, multiculturalized, mongrelized America is going to retain its original Christian character. It has already lost almost all of that good spirit and from now on it will devolve into third world status the more fully the “Jewish”-supremacist program of destruction is implemented. Meanwhile, the Canaanite Israeli State will continue to expand and build, mostly with money leeched from Americans and our European brethren by “Jewish” parasites and shabez goy traitors in government. Delusional churchianity will also bend over backwards to assist in this process. This is all part of the “falling away” of prophecy, yet almost no one knows the full extent of it due to "Jewish" censorship of media, publishing and academia.
II Thessalonians 2:1-4 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
In the few centuries following the Babylonian captivity, many Canaanite-Edomites from the land of Idumea (to the south of Judea) migrated northward into Judea. Once there, they became known as “Jews” simply because they were in the land of “Judea”. The word “Jew” is an abbreviation, a nickname which lumped the Edomites and other Canaanites together with other residents of Judea, much like the term “American” applies to whites, blacks, Hispanics, Asians, or any other racial group that happens to live in America. The white Judeans on the other hand completely lost the nickname “Jews” and assumed new names. None of them, not even true descendants of the tribe of Judah, are known as “Jews” today. The moniker “Jew” had also been stamped indelibly on the Edomites when John Hyrcanus, a white Pharisee, conquered Idumea in 120 BC and forced the Edomite nation to get circumcised and “convert” to Judaism-Pharisaism or die. Being thus “Judaized” and circumcised gave the the Edomite-Canaanites all the more reason later on, when Pharisaism morphed into “Judaism”, to call themselves “Jews”.
Isaiah 65:14-15 Behold, my servants (those who love and follow Yahweh God) shall sing for joy of heart, but ye (the ungodly, those who hate God) shall cry for sorrow of heart, and shall howl for vexation of spirit. And ye shall leave your name for a curse unto my chosen: for the Lord GOD shall slay thee, and call his servants by another name:
The true “chosen” of God are now known as Christians, not “Jews”! The Judeans lost the “Jew” nickname two millennia ago and it is only the descendants of Canaanites who have for the past twenty centuries retained the nickname “Jews”! This is the BIG secret they do not want you to know. "Judeo-Christianity" is an apostate system. It is actually anti-Christian.
Jeremiah 24:9 And I will deliver them (the “Jews”) to be removed into all the kingdoms of the earth for their hurt, to be a reproach and a proverb, a taunt and a curse, in all places whither I shall drive them.
The pure blooded descendants of the tribe of Judah (Judahites) and others descended from the twelve tribes of Israel became known by other names in their dispersions, such as Sacae, Saxa, Skythes, Scythians, Sacans, Saxons, Gaels, Gauls, Goths, Cimbri, Gimiri, Cymry, Cimmerians, Latvians, Jutes, Danes, Germanics, Rus, and as a comprehensive group, owing to their migrations over the Caucasus Mountains, the Caucasians. Many also became “Christians” and from that time forward none of them, not even the true descendants of the tribe of Judah were ever referred to as “Jews”. A remnant of the true Judahite bloodline is found primarily among Germanics.
I John 2:18-19 Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time. They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.
How is anyone supposed to recognize the enemy and antichrist walking among white Christendom if he/she thinks that today’s “Jews” are special creatures adored by God Himself and set above and beyond everyone else for special treatment? Is it any wonder that the mainstream media, which is completely under the sway of “Jewish” moguls puts a variety perverts, traitors, criminals and evangelical snakes on a pedestal while at the same time regularly denigrating the Bible, Christianity, Christians and Jesus Christ? Is it any wonder that mainstream media consistently berates whites, and especially white Christians, elevates the darker races and spews forth a constant stream of propaganda encouraging the mixing of white with black and other races? The reason for this is simple: the “Jews” in command of this usurious, fractional reserve, central banking tyranny wish to decimate the white race and create for themselves a fully mongrelized, lower IQ slave race to serve THEM in perpetuity! They want a rootless, childish, spoiled race that does not have the motivation or mental capacity to rise above the “Jew” World Order. This FACT is admitted to by a “Jewish” rabbi in an extremely unique book (especially for its time) entitled “The Ultimate World Order – As Pictured in the Jewish Utopia” by Robert H. Williams.
In the 1950s Mr. Williams discovered an uncatalogued book in the University of Texas library which had been published in 1932 by the Lord Baltimore Press, Baltimore, Maryland. It was written by one Rabbi Michael Higger and had been gifted to the library in 1939. This book had been intended for the eyes of “Jews” only and though it was not marked “secret” it might as well have been. According to Williams, the text …
… if it is in plain English, it is nevertheless almost safe, for it is largely couched in the esoteric language which all Jewish revolutionaries have used throughout known history, language found even in their Torah, (the Books of Moses) and which Jewish writers imparted to Communist literature. Their use of words which you and I take to mean one thing but which their followers understand as meaning something else, a system which our people little suspect, almost guarantees the security of the document. Here at last is the complete plan of the Zionists, in their own words, for world domination. The author speaks of "the righteous" and "the just". He says they shall inherit the earth. He quotes the Prophets, the Books of Moses, etc. Who would suspect that he had political revolution and total conquest in mind? The Ultimate World Order, 1957, Robert H. Williams, from the introduction.
The “Jews” in particular have never established a Christian nation. The current Israeli State is a parasitic collective of descendants of Canaanites which proclaims “Judaism” as the state religion. If it is called “The Holy Land” that is only for the sake of tourist dollars. Ancient Israel, on the other hand, was established by white Hebrews. The United States of America was established by our white “founding fathers” as a Christian constitutional republic. We were once “One republic under God” according to the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. There is no possible way a Judaized, multiculturalized, mongrelized America is going to retain its original Christian character. It has already lost almost all of that good spirit and from now on it will devolve into third world status the more fully the “Jewish”-supremacist program of destruction is implemented. Meanwhile, the Canaanite Israeli State will continue to expand and build, mostly with money leeched from Americans and our European brethren by “Jewish” parasites and shabez goy traitors in government. Delusional churchianity will also bend over backwards to assist in this process. This is all part of the “falling away” of prophecy, yet almost no one knows the full extent of it due to "Jewish" censorship of media, publishing and academia.
II Thessalonians 2:1-4 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
In the few centuries following the Babylonian captivity, many Canaanite-Edomites from the land of Idumea (to the south of Judea) migrated northward into Judea. Once there, they became known as “Jews” simply because they were in the land of “Judea”. The word “Jew” is an abbreviation, a nickname which lumped the Edomites and other Canaanites together with other residents of Judea, much like the term “American” applies to whites, blacks, Hispanics, Asians, or any other racial group that happens to live in America. The white Judeans on the other hand completely lost the nickname “Jews” and assumed new names. None of them, not even true descendants of the tribe of Judah, are known as “Jews” today. The moniker “Jew” had also been stamped indelibly on the Edomites when John Hyrcanus, a white Pharisee, conquered Idumea in 120 BC and forced the Edomite nation to get circumcised and “convert” to Judaism-Pharisaism or die. Being thus “Judaized” and circumcised gave the the Edomite-Canaanites all the more reason later on, when Pharisaism morphed into “Judaism”, to call themselves “Jews”.
Isaiah 65:14-15 Behold, my servants (those who love and follow Yahweh God) shall sing for joy of heart, but ye (the ungodly, those who hate God) shall cry for sorrow of heart, and shall howl for vexation of spirit. And ye shall leave your name for a curse unto my chosen: for the Lord GOD shall slay thee, and call his servants by another name:
The true “chosen” of God are now known as Christians, not “Jews”! The Judeans lost the “Jew” nickname two millennia ago and it is only the descendants of Canaanites who have for the past twenty centuries retained the nickname “Jews”! This is the BIG secret they do not want you to know. "Judeo-Christianity" is an apostate system. It is actually anti-Christian.
Jeremiah 24:9 And I will deliver them (the “Jews”) to be removed into all the kingdoms of the earth for their hurt, to be a reproach and a proverb, a taunt and a curse, in all places whither I shall drive them.
The pure blooded descendants of the tribe of Judah (Judahites) and others descended from the twelve tribes of Israel became known by other names in their dispersions, such as Sacae, Saxa, Skythes, Scythians, Sacans, Saxons, Gaels, Gauls, Goths, Cimbri, Gimiri, Cymry, Cimmerians, Latvians, Jutes, Danes, Germanics, Rus, and as a comprehensive group, owing to their migrations over the Caucasus Mountains, the Caucasians. Many also became “Christians” and from that time forward none of them, not even the true descendants of the tribe of Judah were ever referred to as “Jews”. A remnant of the true Judahite bloodline is found primarily among Germanics.
I John 2:18-19 Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time. They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.
How is anyone supposed to recognize the enemy and antichrist walking among white Christendom if he/she thinks that today’s “Jews” are special creatures adored by God Himself and set above and beyond everyone else for special treatment? Is it any wonder that the mainstream media, which is completely under the sway of “Jewish” moguls puts a variety perverts, traitors, criminals and evangelical snakes on a pedestal while at the same time regularly denigrating the Bible, Christianity, Christians and Jesus Christ? Is it any wonder that mainstream media consistently berates whites, and especially white Christians, elevates the darker races and spews forth a constant stream of propaganda encouraging the mixing of white with black and other races? The reason for this is simple: the “Jews” in command of this usurious, fractional reserve, central banking tyranny wish to decimate the white race and create for themselves a fully mongrelized, lower IQ slave race to serve THEM in perpetuity! They want a rootless, childish, spoiled race that does not have the motivation or mental capacity to rise above the “Jew” World Order. This FACT is admitted to by a “Jewish” rabbi in an extremely unique book (especially for its time) entitled “The Ultimate World Order – As Pictured in the Jewish Utopia” by Robert H. Williams.
In the 1950s Mr. Williams discovered an uncatalogued book in the University of Texas library which had been published in 1932 by the Lord Baltimore Press, Baltimore, Maryland. It was written by one Rabbi Michael Higger and had been gifted to the library in 1939. This book had been intended for the eyes of “Jews” only and though it was not marked “secret” it might as well have been. According to Williams, the text …
… if it is in plain English, it is nevertheless almost safe, for it is largely couched in the esoteric language which all Jewish revolutionaries have used throughout known history, language found even in their Torah, (the Books of Moses) and which Jewish writers imparted to Communist literature. Their use of words which you and I take to mean one thing but which their followers understand as meaning something else, a system which our people little suspect, almost guarantees the security of the document. Here at last is the complete plan of the Zionists, in their own words, for world domination. The author speaks of "the righteous" and "the just". He says they shall inherit the earth. He quotes the Prophets, the Books of Moses, etc. Who would suspect that he had political revolution and total conquest in mind? The Ultimate World Order, 1957, Robert H. Williams, from the introduction.

the-ultimate-world-order_..._1957.pdf |
We must interject at this juncture and point out that “Jews”, and in particular rabbis may claim to draw spiritual inspiration from “the Books of Moses”, but their inspiration in fact comes from the Babylonian Talmud, which was a compilation of “the tradition of the elders”, which Jesus Christ condemned as being “of none effect”. Today’s “Jews” are practicing “the tradition of the elders” which became “Pharisaism” and then Judaism. Jesus had absolutely nothing good to say about the Pharisees and their “tradition” and in fact condemned them all to hell!
Matthew 5:20 (referring to the Edomite-Canaanite Pharisees) For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 15:6b-9 … Thus have ye (referring to the Edomite-Canaanite Pharisees) made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition. Ye hypocrites, well did Esaias prophesy of you, saying, This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.
Thus, when “Jews” make references to the Bible it is only as a ruse -- a deception which we can fully expect from “the synagogue of Satan”. Their aim always is to throw Christians off track, especially on the matter of what RACE they are descended from. They are behind much of the evil in the world because their race is cursed by God. Had Mr. Williams lived in this 2000s era without doubt he would have been aware of this racial component and his book would have reflected it. It takes time – sometimes centuries -- to unravel the lies and deceptions of the “Jews”. Two more verses from Revelation put the matter of the “Jew’s” true identity to rest. These verses are meticulously avoided in denominational “Judeo-Christian” churches where pastors walk on eggshells "for fear of the Jews” (Esther 8:17, John 7:13, 19:38, 20:19)
Revelation 2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, (implying descent from the tribe of Judah) and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
Revelation 3:9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, (implying descent from the tribe of Judah) and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. (God does not love anti-Christ “Jews”. He loves those who love Him. He loves his called, chosen and faithful, not those who claim to be something they are not and can never be.)
Much to Williams’ amazement and horror the Rabbi Higger set forth a sinister plan to create a slave race to serve the “Jews” and the key component of this plan was race mixing. That agenda is taking place NOW right underneath our noses and white liberals in strong delusion (II Thessalonians 2:10-11) are so amazingly oblivious to it that they are adopting black babies from Africa and rallying to open our borders wide so that we may be overcome all that much faster! This war against the white race is also prophesied as a “flood” against God’s people, the “bride of Christ”, also known as “the woman”. This is prophesied to take place in the end times, which is NOW. Here is the prophecy:
Revelation 12:14-16 And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent. (the “serpent” is another name for Satan and his armies) And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood (of aliens) after the woman (God's people, Christians), that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood. And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth. (God is going to cause some remarkable catastrophic event to occur in order to put an end to the serpent’s flood and save the white Christian remnant from sure destruction.)
Matthew 5:20 (referring to the Edomite-Canaanite Pharisees) For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 15:6b-9 … Thus have ye (referring to the Edomite-Canaanite Pharisees) made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition. Ye hypocrites, well did Esaias prophesy of you, saying, This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.
Thus, when “Jews” make references to the Bible it is only as a ruse -- a deception which we can fully expect from “the synagogue of Satan”. Their aim always is to throw Christians off track, especially on the matter of what RACE they are descended from. They are behind much of the evil in the world because their race is cursed by God. Had Mr. Williams lived in this 2000s era without doubt he would have been aware of this racial component and his book would have reflected it. It takes time – sometimes centuries -- to unravel the lies and deceptions of the “Jews”. Two more verses from Revelation put the matter of the “Jew’s” true identity to rest. These verses are meticulously avoided in denominational “Judeo-Christian” churches where pastors walk on eggshells "for fear of the Jews” (Esther 8:17, John 7:13, 19:38, 20:19)
Revelation 2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, (implying descent from the tribe of Judah) and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
Revelation 3:9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, (implying descent from the tribe of Judah) and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. (God does not love anti-Christ “Jews”. He loves those who love Him. He loves his called, chosen and faithful, not those who claim to be something they are not and can never be.)
Much to Williams’ amazement and horror the Rabbi Higger set forth a sinister plan to create a slave race to serve the “Jews” and the key component of this plan was race mixing. That agenda is taking place NOW right underneath our noses and white liberals in strong delusion (II Thessalonians 2:10-11) are so amazingly oblivious to it that they are adopting black babies from Africa and rallying to open our borders wide so that we may be overcome all that much faster! This war against the white race is also prophesied as a “flood” against God’s people, the “bride of Christ”, also known as “the woman”. This is prophesied to take place in the end times, which is NOW. Here is the prophecy:
Revelation 12:14-16 And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent. (the “serpent” is another name for Satan and his armies) And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood (of aliens) after the woman (God's people, Christians), that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood. And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth. (God is going to cause some remarkable catastrophic event to occur in order to put an end to the serpent’s flood and save the white Christian remnant from sure destruction.)
The appallingly traitorous presidential candidate Joe Biden applauds the great replacement and adds that it is "the source of 'our' strength" -- i.e. a great source of votes for the democratic-communist party.
This symbolic “flood” is not a flood of water, but rather of the non-white races that are “flooding” into our nations as you are reading this. No such mass migration is taking place in lands occupied by black, brown or yellow skinned people. The antichrist “Jews”, descendants of the cursed ancient Canaanites, with their control over money, governments, propaganda and apostate “Judeo-Christian” churches are making this happen, because they are the “serpent’s” genetic offspring, and they are simply doing the work of “their father the devil” who wishes to mongrelize and dumb down the people of the world so that he (Satan) as THE Antichrist may masquerade as God! This fantastic and outrageous scenario parallels perfectly the Talmudic plan for a “Pax Judaica”, a time according to Talmudic lore in which each “Jew” has 10,000 “goyim” as slaves. If the plan strikes you as psychotic and patently EVIL it most certainly is. Be assured that God will put an end to it, and swiftly, when what remains of HIS people turn back to Him and REPENT of their sins, knowing (after trying everything else) that He is the ONLY solution to our many problems.
Meanwhile, white Christians in particular are rapidly descending into a period of great tribulation, at the hands of the “Jew”-Canaanite masterminds, the mongrelized slave race armies they are bringing against us and the stupid, greedy “shabez goy” traitors to their own Caucasian race, many of whom operate within the political, bureaucratic, ecclesiastic and corporate realms.
Matthew 24:21-22 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.
The psychological and spiritual nature of the most evil of “Jews” can be seen in the paranoid, power crazed Canaanite-Edomite King Herod, the one who had all of the young children aged two and under in Bethlehem killed (Matthew 2:16) in a failed attempt to murder the Christ child. He later oversaw the crucifixion of Jesus. King Herod, an Edomite-Canaanite "Jew", was so wicked that he had ALL of the God-fearing Judean Levitical high priests killed and replaced them with scoundrel phonies who only served to accelerate the spiritual decline of ancient Judea. Herod even killed several of his own sons and others in his family (including his first wife) fearing that they may try to depose him from his throne! The emperor Augustus once jokingly proclaimed that “It is better to be Herod’s pig than his son” (Macrobius, Saturnalia, 2:4:11). He said this because Herod, a “Jew”, did not eat pork and so the pig would be safe. Today’s Edomite-Canaanite international bankers and their “Illuminati” agents are every bit as murderous as their ancient kinsman Herod – even more so if it can be imagined, because they arrange for the slaughter of MILLIONS of people (with the number one target being the white race) through wars, (WWI, WWII, Korean War, Vietnam, Persian Gulf, Boer War, etc.) revolutions, (like the “French” and “Russian” revolutions) famines (such as the Holodomor) murderous rampages in the name of God (the Catholic Crusades), bloody genocides directed by rabid Marxist-Communists like what is occurring now in the nation of South Africa and for the past 60 years a "secret war" using microwave technology, GMOs, chem-trails, toxins and poisons in common products to sicken and kill us AND their latest and greatest mass murder scheme, a vaccine to "immunize" against a phony "pandemic". The vaccine will accelerate the death of billions and provide tools for the oligarchy to track the recipients of it. This is a vaccine unlike any other, designed to alter DNA, in effect to de-humanize humanity, which can only assist Satan in his bid to replace God.
The sooner one realizes that there are two main players on the stage of world history: the “seed of the woman” (the Caucasian bloodlines) and “the seed of the serpent” (the Canaanite “Jew” species) the sooner the puzzle pieces of world history will fall into place.
Jeremiah 13:23 Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil.
Consider the following character assessment written by outspoken cleric Martin Luther 500 years ago. It would appear that the "leopard" still has the same spots, even after the passage of many centuries. Luther, unfortunately, did not ever learn that the “Jews” are descended from Canaanites and Khazars and were not descended from the tribe of Judah as they have been claiming for centuries. Further, no true descendant of the tribe of Judah would have been known as a "Jew" in Luther's day (and in this day as well). Had he known this, it would have cleared up his puzzlement as to how the so-called “chosen of God” could be so uniformly evil:
Therefore know, my dear Christians, that next to the Devil, you have no more bitter, more poisonous, more vehement an enemy than a real Jew who earnestly desires to be a Jew. There may be some among them who believe what the cow or the goose believes. But all of them are surrounded with their blood and circumcision. In history, therefore, they are often accused of poisoning wells, stealing children and mutilating them; as in Trent, Weszensee and the like. Of course they deny this. Be it so or not, however, I know full well that the ready will is not lacking with them if they could only transform it into deeds, in secret or openly.
A person who does not know the Devil, might wonder why they are so at enmity with the Christians above all others; for which they have no reason, since we only do good to them. They live among us in our homes, under our protection, use land and highways, market and streets. Princes and government sit by, snore and have their maws open, let the Jews take from their purse and chest, steal and rob whatever they will. That is, they permit themselves and their subjects to be abused and sucked dry and reduced to beggars with their own money, through the usury of the Jews. For the Jews, as foreigners, certainly should have nothing from us; and what they have certainly must be ours. They do not work, do not earn anything from us, neither do we donate or give it to them. Yet they have our money and goods and are lords in our land where they are supposed to be in exile!
If a thief steals ten gulden he must hang; if he robs people on the highway, his head is gone. But a Jew, when he steals ten tons of gold through his usury is dearer than God himself!
Does not their TALMUD and rabbis write that it is no sin to kill if a Jew kills a heathen, but it is a sin if he kills a brother in Israel? It is no sin if he does not keep his oath to a heathen (probably a reference to the Kol Nidre*). Therefore, to steal and rob (as they do with their moneylending) from a heathen, is a divine service ... And they are the masters of the world and we are their servants -- yea, their cattle!
I maintain that in three fables of Aesop there is more wisdom to be found than in all the books of the Talmudists and rabbis and more than ever could come into the hearts of the Jews ...
Should someone think I am saying too much -- I am saying much too little! For I see in their writings how they curse us Goyim and wish as all evil in their schools and prayers. They rob us of our money through usury, and wherever they are able, they play us all manner of mean tricks ... No heathen has done such things and none would do so except the Devil himself and those whom he possesses -- as he possesses the Jews. From “The Jews and their Lies”, Martin Luther
*Kol Nidre -- a talmudic "prayer" that permits a Jew to violate any oath taken during the ensuing year. Thus, if an oath is taken to defend the Constitution of the United States the Jew may do exactly the opposite. This is proof perfect that Jews cannot be trusted in any position of authority.
Matthew 24:21-22 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.
The psychological and spiritual nature of the most evil of “Jews” can be seen in the paranoid, power crazed Canaanite-Edomite King Herod, the one who had all of the young children aged two and under in Bethlehem killed (Matthew 2:16) in a failed attempt to murder the Christ child. He later oversaw the crucifixion of Jesus. King Herod, an Edomite-Canaanite "Jew", was so wicked that he had ALL of the God-fearing Judean Levitical high priests killed and replaced them with scoundrel phonies who only served to accelerate the spiritual decline of ancient Judea. Herod even killed several of his own sons and others in his family (including his first wife) fearing that they may try to depose him from his throne! The emperor Augustus once jokingly proclaimed that “It is better to be Herod’s pig than his son” (Macrobius, Saturnalia, 2:4:11). He said this because Herod, a “Jew”, did not eat pork and so the pig would be safe. Today’s Edomite-Canaanite international bankers and their “Illuminati” agents are every bit as murderous as their ancient kinsman Herod – even more so if it can be imagined, because they arrange for the slaughter of MILLIONS of people (with the number one target being the white race) through wars, (WWI, WWII, Korean War, Vietnam, Persian Gulf, Boer War, etc.) revolutions, (like the “French” and “Russian” revolutions) famines (such as the Holodomor) murderous rampages in the name of God (the Catholic Crusades), bloody genocides directed by rabid Marxist-Communists like what is occurring now in the nation of South Africa and for the past 60 years a "secret war" using microwave technology, GMOs, chem-trails, toxins and poisons in common products to sicken and kill us AND their latest and greatest mass murder scheme, a vaccine to "immunize" against a phony "pandemic". The vaccine will accelerate the death of billions and provide tools for the oligarchy to track the recipients of it. This is a vaccine unlike any other, designed to alter DNA, in effect to de-humanize humanity, which can only assist Satan in his bid to replace God.
The sooner one realizes that there are two main players on the stage of world history: the “seed of the woman” (the Caucasian bloodlines) and “the seed of the serpent” (the Canaanite “Jew” species) the sooner the puzzle pieces of world history will fall into place.
Jeremiah 13:23 Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil.
Consider the following character assessment written by outspoken cleric Martin Luther 500 years ago. It would appear that the "leopard" still has the same spots, even after the passage of many centuries. Luther, unfortunately, did not ever learn that the “Jews” are descended from Canaanites and Khazars and were not descended from the tribe of Judah as they have been claiming for centuries. Further, no true descendant of the tribe of Judah would have been known as a "Jew" in Luther's day (and in this day as well). Had he known this, it would have cleared up his puzzlement as to how the so-called “chosen of God” could be so uniformly evil:
Therefore know, my dear Christians, that next to the Devil, you have no more bitter, more poisonous, more vehement an enemy than a real Jew who earnestly desires to be a Jew. There may be some among them who believe what the cow or the goose believes. But all of them are surrounded with their blood and circumcision. In history, therefore, they are often accused of poisoning wells, stealing children and mutilating them; as in Trent, Weszensee and the like. Of course they deny this. Be it so or not, however, I know full well that the ready will is not lacking with them if they could only transform it into deeds, in secret or openly.
A person who does not know the Devil, might wonder why they are so at enmity with the Christians above all others; for which they have no reason, since we only do good to them. They live among us in our homes, under our protection, use land and highways, market and streets. Princes and government sit by, snore and have their maws open, let the Jews take from their purse and chest, steal and rob whatever they will. That is, they permit themselves and their subjects to be abused and sucked dry and reduced to beggars with their own money, through the usury of the Jews. For the Jews, as foreigners, certainly should have nothing from us; and what they have certainly must be ours. They do not work, do not earn anything from us, neither do we donate or give it to them. Yet they have our money and goods and are lords in our land where they are supposed to be in exile!
If a thief steals ten gulden he must hang; if he robs people on the highway, his head is gone. But a Jew, when he steals ten tons of gold through his usury is dearer than God himself!
Does not their TALMUD and rabbis write that it is no sin to kill if a Jew kills a heathen, but it is a sin if he kills a brother in Israel? It is no sin if he does not keep his oath to a heathen (probably a reference to the Kol Nidre*). Therefore, to steal and rob (as they do with their moneylending) from a heathen, is a divine service ... And they are the masters of the world and we are their servants -- yea, their cattle!
I maintain that in three fables of Aesop there is more wisdom to be found than in all the books of the Talmudists and rabbis and more than ever could come into the hearts of the Jews ...
Should someone think I am saying too much -- I am saying much too little! For I see in their writings how they curse us Goyim and wish as all evil in their schools and prayers. They rob us of our money through usury, and wherever they are able, they play us all manner of mean tricks ... No heathen has done such things and none would do so except the Devil himself and those whom he possesses -- as he possesses the Jews. From “The Jews and their Lies”, Martin Luther
*Kol Nidre -- a talmudic "prayer" that permits a Jew to violate any oath taken during the ensuing year. Thus, if an oath is taken to defend the Constitution of the United States the Jew may do exactly the opposite. This is proof perfect that Jews cannot be trusted in any position of authority.

the_jews_and_their_lies_-_martin_luther.pdf |
The war against America’s good and productive small farmers waged by “Jew” usurers employing “boom and bust” cycles was pure evil and it is why most food in this nation is now produced by soul-less agribusiness conglomerates that care only for profit and control of the food supply for their “Jew” masters, agents and stockholders, while caring not at all for the sustainability of farmlands and the health of the millions who consume their demineralized, toxic “food” products. Former Secretary of Agriculture and erstwhile agribusiness advocate Earl Butz proclaimed in 1974 that “Food is a weapon”. In other words, it is a WEAPON if a famine can be arranged or if the food itself can cause sickness and death, as it does. Butz was also quoted as saying, rather unsympathetically, “Get big or get out” with regard to the survival of small farms in the face of agribusiness expansionism and monopolization. By now his wet dream of complete control of the food industry by merciless hyper profit-driven monopolies has been realized. The notorious Jewish-supremacist homosexual Henry Kissinger, a life-long faithful servant and errand boy for the Rockefeller dynasty also declared in the 1970’s, "If you control the oil you control the country; if you control food, you control the population." With abominable ideas like these percolating in the minds of Washington bureaucrats and their “advisors”, who needs foreign enemies?
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if instead of being taught how to be wage slaves that our students in school could be taught independence and self-sufficiency through gardening and the raising of animals for food? But, alas, the exact opposite has happened. Children are taught to be compliant servants to the “Jew World Order”. As wage slaves, beholden to “money” that constantly loses value due to "inflation", it is not within their meager budgets to buy healthful food (and also because cell phones, video games and other “must have” consumer junk is more important) and further, young people are conditioned to be “consumers” of corporate products in ever more humongous grocery stores, which replaced locally owned and operated “mom and pop” establishments selling healthy local produce many decades ago.
The corporate money-driven culture has also brought us “fast food”, much of which is poisonous to the human body because it is loaded with toxic preservatives, foul grease and fillers that aren’t even food! Someone once did a study on Chicken McNuggets and found to their horror that much of what goes into this “food” isn’t food at all! They may not contain ANY chicken, but rather a chemical ingredient that tastes like chicken, and they may also be loaded with everything from sawdust to strange “fibers” of an undetermined origin. A steady diet of such poison is sure to bring about ill health and premature death. Forget about the FDA doing anything about this because there is a revolving door between that Federal agency and the food monopolies. It is always “the money” that dictates outcomes, not the health and welfare of the “consumer” peasant slave. To the financial “elite” psychopaths who profit from “mystery Babylon” we are just “human resources” -- cattle on their global plantation.
Anyone who loves gardening and pays close attention to cause and effect knows that the organic approach may not produce the biggest yields but chemical fertilizer is like a drug fix. It will spike production, but it also kills the worms and beneficial bacteria and hardens the soil which necessitates the use of more fertilizer and then other chemicals to kill the bugs. Much of the soil of America’s corporate-owned farmland has been rendered “dead” from the overuse of toxic fertilizers and pesticides, a process that has been forcefully encouraged by the Rockefeller dynasty’s agribusiness propaganda agents.
Dynasty forefather John D. Rockefeller Sr. was generously helped along with “seed capital” through the banking agents of his overseas benefactors, the ubiquitous Rothschild dynasty, who recognized John D. as a cold, heartless, ruthless money grubber who would do anything and everything to get the job done -- the job being to rape, pillage, poison and cheat middle America through corporate monopolization, which could subsequently be controlled by THEM. The Rockefellers have always been mere agents for the Rothschild dynasty which could financially crush them at any time should they step out of line with the “Jewish” Talmudic-cabalistic satanic globalization program. For a century and a half “Rocky” has willfully towed the line for the European Rothschild oligarchy and has become the richest family in America by doing so. Incidentally, the Rockefellers are Sephardic “Jews”, as were traitors to America Woodrow Wilson (family name changed from Wolfson and Wohlson), Franklin D. Roosevelt (family name changed from Rosenvelt), Dwight Eisenhower (a Swedish “Jew”) and Obama whose mother was “Jewish”.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if instead of being taught how to be wage slaves that our students in school could be taught independence and self-sufficiency through gardening and the raising of animals for food? But, alas, the exact opposite has happened. Children are taught to be compliant servants to the “Jew World Order”. As wage slaves, beholden to “money” that constantly loses value due to "inflation", it is not within their meager budgets to buy healthful food (and also because cell phones, video games and other “must have” consumer junk is more important) and further, young people are conditioned to be “consumers” of corporate products in ever more humongous grocery stores, which replaced locally owned and operated “mom and pop” establishments selling healthy local produce many decades ago.
The corporate money-driven culture has also brought us “fast food”, much of which is poisonous to the human body because it is loaded with toxic preservatives, foul grease and fillers that aren’t even food! Someone once did a study on Chicken McNuggets and found to their horror that much of what goes into this “food” isn’t food at all! They may not contain ANY chicken, but rather a chemical ingredient that tastes like chicken, and they may also be loaded with everything from sawdust to strange “fibers” of an undetermined origin. A steady diet of such poison is sure to bring about ill health and premature death. Forget about the FDA doing anything about this because there is a revolving door between that Federal agency and the food monopolies. It is always “the money” that dictates outcomes, not the health and welfare of the “consumer” peasant slave. To the financial “elite” psychopaths who profit from “mystery Babylon” we are just “human resources” -- cattle on their global plantation.
Anyone who loves gardening and pays close attention to cause and effect knows that the organic approach may not produce the biggest yields but chemical fertilizer is like a drug fix. It will spike production, but it also kills the worms and beneficial bacteria and hardens the soil which necessitates the use of more fertilizer and then other chemicals to kill the bugs. Much of the soil of America’s corporate-owned farmland has been rendered “dead” from the overuse of toxic fertilizers and pesticides, a process that has been forcefully encouraged by the Rockefeller dynasty’s agribusiness propaganda agents.
Dynasty forefather John D. Rockefeller Sr. was generously helped along with “seed capital” through the banking agents of his overseas benefactors, the ubiquitous Rothschild dynasty, who recognized John D. as a cold, heartless, ruthless money grubber who would do anything and everything to get the job done -- the job being to rape, pillage, poison and cheat middle America through corporate monopolization, which could subsequently be controlled by THEM. The Rockefellers have always been mere agents for the Rothschild dynasty which could financially crush them at any time should they step out of line with the “Jewish” Talmudic-cabalistic satanic globalization program. For a century and a half “Rocky” has willfully towed the line for the European Rothschild oligarchy and has become the richest family in America by doing so. Incidentally, the Rockefellers are Sephardic “Jews”, as were traitors to America Woodrow Wilson (family name changed from Wolfson and Wohlson), Franklin D. Roosevelt (family name changed from Rosenvelt), Dwight Eisenhower (a Swedish “Jew”) and Obama whose mother was “Jewish”.
John Davison Rockefeller, American agent for the Rothschild dynasty, in various poses. Because of his ruthless business practices he earned the title of "most hated man in America". His public relations agent suggested handing out dimes to little children to soften his image. Note the Canaanite-Hittite nose in the photo above.
By the late 1950s the Rockefellers had managed to get the Soviet Union’s collectivized farms addicted to their chemical fertilizers. Along came the communist dictator Nikita Khrushchev who realized that the chemicals were ruining the soil and poisoning the Russian people, who are very health conscious. He wanted to return to traditional, natural farming methods. Khrushchev apparently had not been advised that “No good deed goes unpunished.” His foray into benevolence toward the slave state greatly angered greedy oligarch David Rockefeller, whose dynasty had made billions of dollars in the chemical fertilizer business. Rockefeller’s political power and pull exceeded that of the Russian dictator. When he declared “OUT” Khrushchev was promptly relieved of his post. This is but one of many examples of WHO controls this planet, and how power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. It also serves to prove that “the love of money is the root of ALL evil” (I Timothy 6:10).
David Rockefeller, grandson of John D. He continued the family business of destroying America through ruthless monopolist capitalism and banking usury. The Rockefellers have stock in the Federal Reserve central bank and are still Rothschild agents. The artwork at Rockefeller Center apparently reflected his state of mind. He died recently at 102 years of age, his longevity possibly due to the consumption of expensive human breast milk in his later years.
We do not wish to imply that the Rockefellers no longer have influence, but that the major policy dictates of the Rockefeller Syndicate are handed down by other capos, of whom they continue to be a visible force. Through the person of David Rockefeller, the family is sometimes called "the first family of the Soviet Union." Only he and Dr. Armand Hammer, the moving force behind USTEC, have permanent permission to land their private planes at the Moscow Airport. Others would suffer the fate of KAL 007 [which was shot down over Soviet airspace – ed.] David Rockefeller's most significant trip to the Soviet Union may have been the fateful day when he landed in Moscow, having been told to inform Khrushchev that he was "through." The Russians are very health conscious, and a scientist had sent information to Khrushchev that the use of chemical fertilizers in the Soviet Union presented a threat to the people. Khrushchev then announced a major change in the Soviet farm policy, centering around a reduction in the use of chemicals. This was upsetting to the head of the world's Chemical Fertilizer Trust, David Rockefeller, and he responded with a terse one word command, "Out." Eustace Mullins, Murder By Injection, The Story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America, First Edition, Library of Congress Card Catalog No. 88-060694, Copyright 1988, page 185.

murder_by_injection._eustace_mullins.pdf |
The tainting and demineralization of our soil and deliberate poisoning of our food is a matter that any person concerned about health should take great interest in. There are still alternatives to BIG food and BIG pharma and the healing begins when one realizes that the corporate monstrosities controlling 90% of the business on this planet are not interested in anything but profit, power, control, population reduction and the crafting of a fully mongrelized planetary slave race to serve the “elites”, the most powerful of whom happen to be “Jews". They are the end-times “merchants” who are deceiving the world with their “sorceries”. The corporate monopolization that has the planet wrapped in chains is the direct result of control by central bankers, who prefer monopolies over small, independent “home grown” businesses which are more difficult for them to police and control. Corporate monopolies are run by hard driven “executives” who have been trained and groomed in academic institutions funded with grants from foundations controlled by “merchant” billionaires. Naturally the training is in ruthless “capitalist” methods designed to serve and perpetuate the debt-based money system of the bankers.
The capitalistic “dog eat dog” system encourages a predatory attitude and is a magnet for “sociopaths” and “psychopaths” who have no problem cutting benefits or putting workers on the street if it enhances the corporate bottom line. They also have no problem convincing the “consumer” to buy products that are toxic, dangerous, poorly made and likely to break down, made with slave labor, and in some cases, financial products that are touted as “great investments” but actually designed to lose value.
Five things did Canaan charge his sons: love one another, love robbery, love lewdness, hate your masters, do not speak the truth. Peshachin 11.36, Babylonian Talmud
The capitalistic “dog eat dog” system encourages a predatory attitude and is a magnet for “sociopaths” and “psychopaths” who have no problem cutting benefits or putting workers on the street if it enhances the corporate bottom line. They also have no problem convincing the “consumer” to buy products that are toxic, dangerous, poorly made and likely to break down, made with slave labor, and in some cases, financial products that are touted as “great investments” but actually designed to lose value.
Five things did Canaan charge his sons: love one another, love robbery, love lewdness, hate your masters, do not speak the truth. Peshachin 11.36, Babylonian Talmud
"Jewish" con man Bernie Madoff. He perpetrated the largest ponzi scheme ever, bilking investors out of $65 billion dollars before being caught. Due to the fallout of this massive scam one of his sons and two of his associates committed suicide. He is now serving a life sentence in prison.
Bernie Madoff is a shining example of a convincing psychopath who bilked his investors out of $65 billion dollars with a “pyramid scheme”. He was able to do so because he lacks a conscience and cared nothing for the misery he was going to subject his victims to in order to generate profit for himself. Fortunately, he was caught and imprisoned, but there are many more just like him. They simply haven’t been caught! Most of them will never be charged or punished for their crimes in THIS life and chief among those criminal psychopaths are the “Jews” who sit atop the central banking pyramid of debt, the ones who hate God, hate life, love death, love robbery, profit from human misery and quite unfortunately get to create billions and trillions of dollars out of thin air and then use the money to destroy our western nations. They produce nothing useful. They invent nothing useful. If they appear to do “good” it is only with ulterior motives.
This author personally spent ten years working in order to gain back home equity “lost” (stolen) during the 2006-7 banker engineered “bust”. After the “bust” the mortgage was “upside down” (more money owed on the property than it could have sold for). Sticking it out seemed to be a better option to the financial bloodletting than walking away and so it went. The question many are asking now is when will the next financial bloodletting come, and how bad will it be? [editor's note: This essay was written in mid 2018, and is being edited 11-20. We now know that the bloodletting is the Covid 19 phony "pandemic", which is an excuse for the shutdowns mandated by stupid and/or power crazed government officials. These shutdowns are systematically destroying thousands of businesses (mostly small businesses), while proclaiming most corporate behemoths as "essential". This in turn is causing mass unemployment and making a much larger segment of the population dependent upon government stipends for survival, and this is leading to a Universal Basic Income (UBI) slavery system touted by psychotic global technocrat transhumanists like Claus Schwab of the World Economic Forum (WHO). For more information on this massive, intricately coordinated scam read "The Corona Scamdemic" essay on this site.]
How many of our readers suffered the upside-down mortgage fate in 2006-7 and can understand the frustration of it? How many of you had to lose your house? How many of you profited from the debacle? If you did, perhaps you can put yourself in our shoes and understand that a financial system that pits one class of people against another, whereas one class profits on the undeserved and unexpected loss of another due to the deliberate contraction of the money supply is inherently evil. "Jewish" bankers and their Babylonian system of usury have made extreme inequality possible by encouraging speculation that benefits no one but the already wealthy. They have made the world a miserable place in more ways than can be counted.
How many of our readers suffered the upside-down mortgage fate in 2006-7 and can understand the frustration of it? How many of you had to lose your house? How many of you profited from the debacle? If you did, perhaps you can put yourself in our shoes and understand that a financial system that pits one class of people against another, whereas one class profits on the undeserved and unexpected loss of another due to the deliberate contraction of the money supply is inherently evil. "Jewish" bankers and their Babylonian system of usury have made extreme inequality possible by encouraging speculation that benefits no one but the already wealthy. They have made the world a miserable place in more ways than can be counted.
Writing this piece isn’t going to change the debt money system because it is intricately interwoven into every aspect of modern life, and the time for God to step in and destroy it is not yet. Our mission here is to arouse a few people to cognizance of the insanity of a world controlled by usurers who use their power to create debt from nothing as a WEAPON to enslave the world’s people. According to the “Georgia Guidestones”, a monument to the plans of “globalists”, the main goal is to reduce the population of the world down to a half billion people and to enslave the bulk of them to a brutal technocracy, modeled after the communist social credit surveillance state of China. Since the population of the world is close to 8 billion it looks like 7.5 billion will have to be killed in order to reach that wonderful goal of perfect harmony with mother earth. Does the idea of it give you a warm and fuzzy feeling?
Georgia Guidestones minus the graffiti
Graffiti expressing righteous anger over the plans of the murderous globalist elites, the chief of whom are "Jewish" central bankers.
We would ask: Who on earth has the power to implement such a holocaust, and who figures on being alive after the mass culling to sit in the seats of power and be kings over the half billion survivors? Obviously it would be those satanic psychopaths who have had the power to cause death through wars and revolutions for the past three centuries. It would be those who can finance misery through their central banks and political provocateurs. It is those who already have the power to direct their “human resources” to spray toxic chemicals and particulates (like aluminum, barium and coal ash) over cities and fields, to fluoridate water supplies, to generate killer storms with HAARP, to cause cancer through radiation and toxins, to reduce male sperm counts with microwave radiation and estrogens introduced into food, to create financial hardship so that people who should be having babies refrain from doing so and to pull off a global SCAM in order to inject the world's people with a poison that will accelerate the death and trans-humanism process for the masses while further enriching the .01% investment class of conscious-less psychopaths. Indeed, misery is their business model.
What the Guidestones also do not admit is that IF (and God will put an end to it before all of this happens) the “mysterious” constructors of the Guidestones did achieve their half billion goal most of those people would be microwave mind-controlled, micro-gelled slaves who would own no property and spend their lives in service to the “Jew” devils who control the system. It would be, according to one of their Guidestone “commandments” a “diverse” population. This is code for a fully mongrelized, non-white, rootless, compliant, slave race. This plan of conscious-less, child sacrificing, psycho-satanists is couched in benign sounding rhetoric designed to appeal to the naive “tree hugger” mentality, that “WE” must do this in order to save poor mother earth. Who is this “WE”? Be assured that the “we” is probably not going to include “you” or this writer or any idiot who buys into the bogus “commandments” of moneyed madmen. To the ruling “elite” narcissistic psychopaths you are an “expendable asset”, a “resource”. Besides that, the master plan has nothing to do with saving mother earth anyway. The master plan is to keep the same race of devils in charge of it, in perpetuity. The bastards don’t care about the planet and in fact their poison belching corporate monstrosities, GMOs, war machines, oil spills, electromagnetic radiation, industrial pollutants and climate engineering schemes are destroying it. Any attempts to fulfill the “commandments” of the Georgia Guidestone spells “tribulation”, especially for God’s people.
The white race has been decimated by numerous wars designed by “Jews” in which we are cajoled by the sorcery of their political propaganda and “harmonized” mass media into fighting against each other while “Jew” and shabez goy warmongers sit back and laugh at the ignorance of their “human resources”. All the while the perpetrators of evil are raking in great profits off of central bank loans and corporate contracts for war machinery and acouterments with the governments of nations engaging in war. The Bible informs us that there will be a scattered remnant of our people at the tail end of this “tribulation” period and when the time comes, God will quickly relieve us from the grip of satanists and His millennial kingdom will replace the current satanic system. God's eternal kingdom will follow. Yahweh God’s kingdom will NOT include the “Jew”-Canaanite devils who have thrived on misery for over thirty centuries. Are you going to believe their deceptive rhetoric or the Word of God?
Zechariah 14:20-21 In that day shall there be upon the bells of the horses, HOLINESS UNTO THE LORD; and the pots in the LORD’S house shall be like the bowls before the altar. Yea, every pot in Jerusalem and in Judah shall be holiness unto the LORD of hosts: and all they that sacrifice shall come and take of them, and seethe therein: and in that day there shall be no more the Canaanite (the cursed Canaanite bloodline is found in abundance in today's "Jews" and to varying degrees in other mixed bloodlines) in the house of the LORD of hosts.
What the Guidestones also do not admit is that IF (and God will put an end to it before all of this happens) the “mysterious” constructors of the Guidestones did achieve their half billion goal most of those people would be microwave mind-controlled, micro-gelled slaves who would own no property and spend their lives in service to the “Jew” devils who control the system. It would be, according to one of their Guidestone “commandments” a “diverse” population. This is code for a fully mongrelized, non-white, rootless, compliant, slave race. This plan of conscious-less, child sacrificing, psycho-satanists is couched in benign sounding rhetoric designed to appeal to the naive “tree hugger” mentality, that “WE” must do this in order to save poor mother earth. Who is this “WE”? Be assured that the “we” is probably not going to include “you” or this writer or any idiot who buys into the bogus “commandments” of moneyed madmen. To the ruling “elite” narcissistic psychopaths you are an “expendable asset”, a “resource”. Besides that, the master plan has nothing to do with saving mother earth anyway. The master plan is to keep the same race of devils in charge of it, in perpetuity. The bastards don’t care about the planet and in fact their poison belching corporate monstrosities, GMOs, war machines, oil spills, electromagnetic radiation, industrial pollutants and climate engineering schemes are destroying it. Any attempts to fulfill the “commandments” of the Georgia Guidestone spells “tribulation”, especially for God’s people.
The white race has been decimated by numerous wars designed by “Jews” in which we are cajoled by the sorcery of their political propaganda and “harmonized” mass media into fighting against each other while “Jew” and shabez goy warmongers sit back and laugh at the ignorance of their “human resources”. All the while the perpetrators of evil are raking in great profits off of central bank loans and corporate contracts for war machinery and acouterments with the governments of nations engaging in war. The Bible informs us that there will be a scattered remnant of our people at the tail end of this “tribulation” period and when the time comes, God will quickly relieve us from the grip of satanists and His millennial kingdom will replace the current satanic system. God's eternal kingdom will follow. Yahweh God’s kingdom will NOT include the “Jew”-Canaanite devils who have thrived on misery for over thirty centuries. Are you going to believe their deceptive rhetoric or the Word of God?
Zechariah 14:20-21 In that day shall there be upon the bells of the horses, HOLINESS UNTO THE LORD; and the pots in the LORD’S house shall be like the bowls before the altar. Yea, every pot in Jerusalem and in Judah shall be holiness unto the LORD of hosts: and all they that sacrifice shall come and take of them, and seethe therein: and in that day there shall be no more the Canaanite (the cursed Canaanite bloodline is found in abundance in today's "Jews" and to varying degrees in other mixed bloodlines) in the house of the LORD of hosts.
Adam Weishaupt, Rothschild agent who instigated the
French Revolution through the Masonic Lodges |
The "Jew" Adam Weishaupt, an agent for Meyer Amschel Rothschild, instigated the “French” Revolution in 1776 through the Masonic lodges. Masonry at the lower levels is basically Judiasm for “the goyim” (non-“Jews”) – but it masquerades as anything that will hook and retain members, presenting a face of benevolence, fraternal companionship, community service and even Christianity if it can be used as a smokescreen. Masonic rituals are drawn from the Kaballah, which is compilation of “Jewish” mysticism and a component of the massive Talmud, the “spiritual” basis of Judaism. The Babylonian Talmud in turn is based upon the “tradition of the elders” which was practiced by the Scribes and Pharisees of Jesus’ day. Jesus soundly condemned them all to hell:
Matthew 5:20 For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.
At the top levels of the Masonic order a “Cabalistic” form of Luciferianism/Satanism is practiced. The premier Masonic lodge in America and the one to which all other lodges are subservient is the B’nai B’rith. Its membership is entirely “Jewish” – no “goyim” (other races) allowed. Thus, any non-“Jew” who becomes a Mason is serving the “Jewish” globalist-Zionist-communist agenda and working against his own people. That would make him a traitor, whether he knows it or not.
[Our comments are in parentheses – ed.] In all corners of the earth the words "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity," (this is the catchphrase and slogan of Masonry) brought to our ranks, thanks to our blind agents, (they didn’t know they were, and are even now being used to usher in a dark era of “Jewish” tyranny – a “tribulation” for God’s people) whole legions who bore our banners with enthusiasm. And all the time these words were canker-worms at work boring into the well-being of the GOYIM, putting an end everywhere to peace, quiet, solidarity and destroying all the foundations of the GOYA States. As you will see later, this helped us to our triumph: it gave us the possibility, among other things, of getting into our hands the master card (isn’t it revealing that this is the name of a credit card!) - the destruction of the privileges, or in other words of the very existence of the aristocracy of the GOYIM, (the natural leadership of an aristocratic class of the same race as the middle and lower classes) that class which was the only defense peoples and countries had against us (the satanic, alien “Jew” collective). On the ruins of the eternal and genealogical aristocracy of the GOYIM we have set up the aristocracy of our educated class headed by the aristocracy of money. (the usury based, fractional reserve counterfeiting scheme of “Jewish” central bankers) The qualifications for this aristocracy we have established in wealth, which is dependent upon us, (because they create money from nothing through what amounts to sorcery and dispense it at very low interest rates, or even simply give it to THEIR agents in the banking and corporate sectors) and in knowledge, for which our learned elders provide the motive force. From Protocol No. 1, Item 26, Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion.
The war strategy of the “Jewish” “canker worms” in the Rothschild orbit beginning in the late 1700s was to eliminate the Caucasian ruling dynasties of Europe. This was the “genealogical aristocracy”, as stated above in Protocol 1:26. This natural and generally benevolent leadership of whites under their own blood kin was to be replaced with the miserable and calculating “aristocracy of money”, i.e. the ALIEN “JEWISH money power” which is the system the world is suffering under today. There was much more freedom and free enterprise in Caucasian nations under the former system. There were far less laws and an absence of “Jewish” parasitism at all levels of the economic chain.
The first step in this "alien" takeover was the “French” Revolution, a bloodbath in which millions of white French people died at the hands of agents directed by the “Jewish” Satanist Adam Weishaupt. In his youth Weishaupt was schooled to be a rabbi, learning precepts which he by no means abandoned. His subversive activities were financed by cabalistic Satanist Meyer Amschel Rothschild, founder of the Rothschild dynasty and the richest man in the world at that time. The collective wealth of the Rothschild dynasty can only have increased in the past two and a half centuries as their banks are the majority stockholders in the central banks of the world. They are also the majority owners of many huge businesses such as Pacific Gas and Electric PG&E), Rio Tinto, United Parcel Service (UPS), and Reuters news service, to name a few.
Cabalism is the “mystical” arm of Judaism, codified in the Kaballah (also spelled Cabala). The word “cabal”, pronounced ka-bal, is derived from Cabala, and is defined as “a number of persons secretly united to bring about an overturn or usurpation especially in public affairs” (Webster’s dictionary definition).
At the top levels of the Masonic order a “Cabalistic” form of Luciferianism/Satanism is practiced. The premier Masonic lodge in America and the one to which all other lodges are subservient is the B’nai B’rith. Its membership is entirely “Jewish” – no “goyim” (other races) allowed. Thus, any non-“Jew” who becomes a Mason is serving the “Jewish” globalist-Zionist-communist agenda and working against his own people. That would make him a traitor, whether he knows it or not.
[Our comments are in parentheses – ed.] In all corners of the earth the words "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity," (this is the catchphrase and slogan of Masonry) brought to our ranks, thanks to our blind agents, (they didn’t know they were, and are even now being used to usher in a dark era of “Jewish” tyranny – a “tribulation” for God’s people) whole legions who bore our banners with enthusiasm. And all the time these words were canker-worms at work boring into the well-being of the GOYIM, putting an end everywhere to peace, quiet, solidarity and destroying all the foundations of the GOYA States. As you will see later, this helped us to our triumph: it gave us the possibility, among other things, of getting into our hands the master card (isn’t it revealing that this is the name of a credit card!) - the destruction of the privileges, or in other words of the very existence of the aristocracy of the GOYIM, (the natural leadership of an aristocratic class of the same race as the middle and lower classes) that class which was the only defense peoples and countries had against us (the satanic, alien “Jew” collective). On the ruins of the eternal and genealogical aristocracy of the GOYIM we have set up the aristocracy of our educated class headed by the aristocracy of money. (the usury based, fractional reserve counterfeiting scheme of “Jewish” central bankers) The qualifications for this aristocracy we have established in wealth, which is dependent upon us, (because they create money from nothing through what amounts to sorcery and dispense it at very low interest rates, or even simply give it to THEIR agents in the banking and corporate sectors) and in knowledge, for which our learned elders provide the motive force. From Protocol No. 1, Item 26, Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion.
The war strategy of the “Jewish” “canker worms” in the Rothschild orbit beginning in the late 1700s was to eliminate the Caucasian ruling dynasties of Europe. This was the “genealogical aristocracy”, as stated above in Protocol 1:26. This natural and generally benevolent leadership of whites under their own blood kin was to be replaced with the miserable and calculating “aristocracy of money”, i.e. the ALIEN “JEWISH money power” which is the system the world is suffering under today. There was much more freedom and free enterprise in Caucasian nations under the former system. There were far less laws and an absence of “Jewish” parasitism at all levels of the economic chain.
The first step in this "alien" takeover was the “French” Revolution, a bloodbath in which millions of white French people died at the hands of agents directed by the “Jewish” Satanist Adam Weishaupt. In his youth Weishaupt was schooled to be a rabbi, learning precepts which he by no means abandoned. His subversive activities were financed by cabalistic Satanist Meyer Amschel Rothschild, founder of the Rothschild dynasty and the richest man in the world at that time. The collective wealth of the Rothschild dynasty can only have increased in the past two and a half centuries as their banks are the majority stockholders in the central banks of the world. They are also the majority owners of many huge businesses such as Pacific Gas and Electric PG&E), Rio Tinto, United Parcel Service (UPS), and Reuters news service, to name a few.
Cabalism is the “mystical” arm of Judaism, codified in the Kaballah (also spelled Cabala). The word “cabal”, pronounced ka-bal, is derived from Cabala, and is defined as “a number of persons secretly united to bring about an overturn or usurpation especially in public affairs” (Webster’s dictionary definition).
Weishaupt’s “cabal” of traitors skillfully infiltrated the Masonic lodges of France and used them as a fuse to ignite the revolution. The end result of this so-called “French” Revolution -- which wasn’t “French”, it was “Jewish” -- was that the “aristocracy of money” controlled by the “Jewish” oligarchy of central bankers under Rothschild, became the supreme power over the nation of France. A little over a century later the Russian Czar Nicholas and his entire family were all brutally murdered by “communists” (“Jewish” agents). Afterward, the government of Russia and its satellites were controlled by the same miserable “Jewish” aristocracy of money, under the Rothschild umbrella. 95% of top government posts in the U.S.S.R. were promptly filled by murderous “Jew” psychopaths whose goal was to utterly crush Caucasian Russia, deprive the people of all their wealth and kill as many whites as possible, but not before torturing them in the most agonizing ways conceivable in sick minds steeped in spiritual darkness. Death statistics from various accounts of this bloodbath, the worst in human history, range from 60 to 150 million. This genocide of the Russian people continued from 1917 to 1945. It was completely ignored by the world’s “Jewish” controlled mass media. This incredible holocaust is still virtually unknown to the American people. It was blacked out and replaced by the holohoax myth in order to protect the "Jewish" perpetrators from justly deserved prosecution and retaliation. Personal accounts of the atrocities committed by hate driven “Jewish” communist psychopaths against the Russian people are heart wrenching and sickening. Here are four such accounts:
Meyer Amschel Rothschild (Bauer)
Founder of the Rothschild banking dynasty, a Kabbalistic satanist with a loathing of Christianity |
Soon these hordes of returning Jews (referring to Trotsky and his band of lower east side N.Y. revolutionaries who returned to Russia to foment the revolution) would exercise the power of life and death over 150 million Christian Russians. Soon every factor and every government bureau, every school district, and every army unit would function under the gimlet eye of a Jewish Commissar. Soon the blood of human beings would be oozing from under the doors of communist execution chambers as tens of thousands of Christian men and women were butchered like cattle in a slaughterhouse. Soon five million land owners would be deliberately starved to death as part of the gentile leader class of the entire nation by murdering every Christian factory owner, and lawyer, and government leader, and army leader. Soon the standing population of the slave-labor camps would exceed 15 million. Soon every church and cathedral would be gutted, and every priest and preacher would become a criminal in his own community. Soon Russia would have a zombie-proletariat, docile, willing to work, easily controlled, incapable of revolt … such is the “romance” of the Bolshevik revolution.
Behind Communism, Frank L. Britton, 1953, published by Criminal Politics Magazine, P.O. Box 37432, Cincinnati, Ohio 45222, www.criminalpolitics.com, Sixth Printing, 2003, page 3.
Quote 059 (see reference below)
The Jews were now free to indulge in their most fervent fantasies of mass murder of helpless victims. Christians were dragged from their beds, tortured and killed. Some were actually sliced to pieces, bit by bit, while others were branded with hot irons, their eyes poked out to induce unbearable pain. Others were placed in boxes with only their heads, hands and legs sticking out. Then hungry rats were placed in the boxes to gnaw upon their bodies. Some were nailed to the ceiling by their fingers or by their feet, and left hanging until they died of exhaustion. Others were chained to the floor and hot lead poured into their mouths. Many were tied to horses and dragged through the streets of the city, while Jewish mobs attacked them with rocks and kicked them to death. Christian mothers were taken to the public square and their babies snatched from their arms. A red Jewish terrorist would take the baby, hold it by the feet, head downward and demand that the Christian mother deny Christ. If she would not, he would toss the baby into the air, and another member of the mob would rush forward and catch it on the tip of his bayonet.
Pregnant Christian women were chained to trees and their babies cut out of their bodies. There were many places of public execution in Russia during the days of the revolution, one of which was described by the American Rohrbach Commission: “The whole cement floor of the execution hall of the Jewish Cheka of Kiev was flooded with blood; it formed a level of several inches. It was a horrible mixture of blood, brains and pieces of skull. All the walls were bespattered with blood. Pieces of brains and of scalps were sticking to them. A gutter of 25 centimeters wide by 25 centimeters deep and about 10 meters long was along its length full to the top with blood”
Some bodies were disemboweled, others had limbs chopped off, some were literally hacked to pieces. Some had their eyes put out, the head, face and neck and trunk were covered with deep wounds. Further on, we found a corpse with a wedge driven into its chest. Some had no tongues. In a corner we discovered a quantity of dismembered arms and legs belonging to no bodies that we could locate. Defender Magazine, October 1933.
The Red Terror became so wide-spread that it is impossible to give here all the details of the principal means employed by the (Jewish) Cheka(s) to master resistance; one of the most important is that of hostages, taken among all social classes. These are held responsible for any anti-Bolshevist movements (revolts, the White Army, strikes, refusal of a village to give its harvest etc.) and are immediately executed. Thus, for the assassination of the Jew Ouritzky, member of the Extraordinary Commission of Petrograd, several thousands of them were put to death, and many of these unfortunate men and women suffered before death various tortures inflicted by cold-blooded cruelty in the prisons of the Cheka.
I have in front of me photographs taken at Kharkoff, in the presence of the Allied Missions, immediately after the Reds had abandoned the town; they consist of a series of ghastly reproductions such as: Bodies of three workmen taken as hostages from a factory which went on strike. One had his eyes burnt, his lips and nose cut off; the other two had their hands cut off.
The bodies of hostages, S. Afaniasouk and P. Prokpovitch, small landed proprietors, who were scalped by their executioners; S. Afaniasouk shows numerous burns caused by a white hot sword blade. The body of M. Bobroff, a former officer, who had his tongue and one hand cut off and the skin torn off from his left leg.
Human skin torn from the hands of several victims by means of a metallic comb. This sinister find was the result of a careful inspection of the cellar of the Extraordinary Commission of Kharkoff. The retired general Pontiafa, a hostage who had the skin of his right hand torn off and the genital parts mutilated.
Mutilated bodies of women hostages: S. Ivanovna, owner of a drapery business, Mme. A.L. Carolshaja, wife of a colonel, Mmo. Khlopova, a property owner. They had their breasts slit and emptied and the genital parts burnt and having trace of coal.
Bodies of four peasant hostages, Bondarenko, Pookhikle, Sevenetry, and Sidorfehouk, with atrociously mutilated faces, the genital parts having been operated upon by Chinese torturers in a manner unknown to European doctors in whose opinion the agony caused to the victims must have been dreadful.
It is impossible to enumerate all the forms of savagery which the Red Terror took. A volume would not contain them. The Cheka of Kharkoff, for example, in which Saenko operated, had the specialty of scalping victims and taking off the skin of their hands as one takes off a glove ... At Voronege the victims were shut up naked in a barrel studded with nails which was then rolled about. Their foreheads were branded with a red hot iron FIVE POINTED STAR. At Tsaritsin and at Kamishin their bones were sawed...At Keif the victim was shut up in a chest containing decomposing corpses; after firing shots above his head his torturers told him that he would be buried alive. The chest was buried and opened again half an hour later when the interrogation of the victim was proceeded with. The scene was repeated several times over. It is not surprising that many victims went mad. S.P. Melgounov, p. 164-166; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, p. 151-153.
From: James Stenzel Presents. Scholarly Library of Facts about Domestic & Worldwide Zionist Criminality, 900 Quotes by and About Jews, Compiled by Willie Martin
Behind Communism, Frank L. Britton, 1953, published by Criminal Politics Magazine, P.O. Box 37432, Cincinnati, Ohio 45222, www.criminalpolitics.com, Sixth Printing, 2003, page 3.
Quote 059 (see reference below)
The Jews were now free to indulge in their most fervent fantasies of mass murder of helpless victims. Christians were dragged from their beds, tortured and killed. Some were actually sliced to pieces, bit by bit, while others were branded with hot irons, their eyes poked out to induce unbearable pain. Others were placed in boxes with only their heads, hands and legs sticking out. Then hungry rats were placed in the boxes to gnaw upon their bodies. Some were nailed to the ceiling by their fingers or by their feet, and left hanging until they died of exhaustion. Others were chained to the floor and hot lead poured into their mouths. Many were tied to horses and dragged through the streets of the city, while Jewish mobs attacked them with rocks and kicked them to death. Christian mothers were taken to the public square and their babies snatched from their arms. A red Jewish terrorist would take the baby, hold it by the feet, head downward and demand that the Christian mother deny Christ. If she would not, he would toss the baby into the air, and another member of the mob would rush forward and catch it on the tip of his bayonet.
Pregnant Christian women were chained to trees and their babies cut out of their bodies. There were many places of public execution in Russia during the days of the revolution, one of which was described by the American Rohrbach Commission: “The whole cement floor of the execution hall of the Jewish Cheka of Kiev was flooded with blood; it formed a level of several inches. It was a horrible mixture of blood, brains and pieces of skull. All the walls were bespattered with blood. Pieces of brains and of scalps were sticking to them. A gutter of 25 centimeters wide by 25 centimeters deep and about 10 meters long was along its length full to the top with blood”
Some bodies were disemboweled, others had limbs chopped off, some were literally hacked to pieces. Some had their eyes put out, the head, face and neck and trunk were covered with deep wounds. Further on, we found a corpse with a wedge driven into its chest. Some had no tongues. In a corner we discovered a quantity of dismembered arms and legs belonging to no bodies that we could locate. Defender Magazine, October 1933.
The Red Terror became so wide-spread that it is impossible to give here all the details of the principal means employed by the (Jewish) Cheka(s) to master resistance; one of the most important is that of hostages, taken among all social classes. These are held responsible for any anti-Bolshevist movements (revolts, the White Army, strikes, refusal of a village to give its harvest etc.) and are immediately executed. Thus, for the assassination of the Jew Ouritzky, member of the Extraordinary Commission of Petrograd, several thousands of them were put to death, and many of these unfortunate men and women suffered before death various tortures inflicted by cold-blooded cruelty in the prisons of the Cheka.
I have in front of me photographs taken at Kharkoff, in the presence of the Allied Missions, immediately after the Reds had abandoned the town; they consist of a series of ghastly reproductions such as: Bodies of three workmen taken as hostages from a factory which went on strike. One had his eyes burnt, his lips and nose cut off; the other two had their hands cut off.
The bodies of hostages, S. Afaniasouk and P. Prokpovitch, small landed proprietors, who were scalped by their executioners; S. Afaniasouk shows numerous burns caused by a white hot sword blade. The body of M. Bobroff, a former officer, who had his tongue and one hand cut off and the skin torn off from his left leg.
Human skin torn from the hands of several victims by means of a metallic comb. This sinister find was the result of a careful inspection of the cellar of the Extraordinary Commission of Kharkoff. The retired general Pontiafa, a hostage who had the skin of his right hand torn off and the genital parts mutilated.
Mutilated bodies of women hostages: S. Ivanovna, owner of a drapery business, Mme. A.L. Carolshaja, wife of a colonel, Mmo. Khlopova, a property owner. They had their breasts slit and emptied and the genital parts burnt and having trace of coal.
Bodies of four peasant hostages, Bondarenko, Pookhikle, Sevenetry, and Sidorfehouk, with atrociously mutilated faces, the genital parts having been operated upon by Chinese torturers in a manner unknown to European doctors in whose opinion the agony caused to the victims must have been dreadful.
It is impossible to enumerate all the forms of savagery which the Red Terror took. A volume would not contain them. The Cheka of Kharkoff, for example, in which Saenko operated, had the specialty of scalping victims and taking off the skin of their hands as one takes off a glove ... At Voronege the victims were shut up naked in a barrel studded with nails which was then rolled about. Their foreheads were branded with a red hot iron FIVE POINTED STAR. At Tsaritsin and at Kamishin their bones were sawed...At Keif the victim was shut up in a chest containing decomposing corpses; after firing shots above his head his torturers told him that he would be buried alive. The chest was buried and opened again half an hour later when the interrogation of the victim was proceeded with. The scene was repeated several times over. It is not surprising that many victims went mad. S.P. Melgounov, p. 164-166; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, p. 151-153.
From: James Stenzel Presents. Scholarly Library of Facts about Domestic & Worldwide Zionist Criminality, 900 Quotes by and About Jews, Compiled by Willie Martin

900_quotes_about_jews.pdf |
Bear in mind that similar atrocities are occurring NOW in the Caucasian nation of South Africa, which has been taken over by the same miserable “Jewish" money power. They are using low I.Q blacks, who have been “programmed” to envy and hate the whites who built the nation from scratch. The ancestors of these blacks had nothing to do with creating the nation, nor were they displaced as "Jewish" communist propaganda proclaims. The land of South Africa was a wilderness when the Dutch pioneers settled it. These black brute beasts are used as a weapon against white farmers and business owners who are the chief productive sectors of the nation. Curiously, “Jewish” businesses and properties remain untouched as did “Jewish” properties during the “Allied” bombings of Dresden, Germany during WWII. News of this horrific massacre has been blacked out from American and European “Jewish” controlled mass media. Continuing with the reports from early 1900s Russia:
The orgy of murder, torture and pillage which followed the Jewish triumph in Russia has never been equaled in the history of the world. For more than a thousand years, the White Russians, descendants of German settlers in Russia, had provided an economic climate in which Russia, the "breadbasket of Europe", had prospered. In a few days, this stable civilization vanished, perhaps never to return.
The orgy of murder, torture and pillage which followed the Jewish triumph in Russia has never been equaled in the history of the world. For more than a thousand years, the White Russians, descendants of German settlers in Russia, had provided an economic climate in which Russia, the "breadbasket of Europe", had prospered. In a few days, this stable civilization vanished, perhaps never to return.
The fortunate ones were those who recognized the peril in time to flee with nothing but the clothes on their backs. Those who dallied or sought to save others were shot down in mass executions persisting through the night, the constant rattle of machine guns muffled by the roar of truck engines raced at full throttle to drown the sound of the shots and the screams of the dying. Had you experienced the high standard of living in feudal Russia, perhaps, you would have a different opinion of this alleged prosperity.
On March 13, 1917, Jacob Schiff (“Jewish” Rothschild Wall Street banking agent) sent Milyukov, new Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Bolshevik Revolutionary Government, and a personal friend of Schiff, a telegram reproduced in the New York Times, April 10, 1917: "Allow me, as the irreconcilable enemy of the tyrannical autocratic government (a gross exaggeration and twisting of the facts. It was the communist replacement government which was tyrannical and autocratic – ed.) which pitilessly persecuted our co-religionaires, (another blatant lie) to congratulate through your intermission the Russian people for what they (it was accomplished by “Jew” psychopaths, not Russians) have so brilliantly accomplished, and to wish success to your comrades in government and to yourself." From: The Secret Holocaust by Eustace Mullins, from Four Winds 10 - fourwinds10.com 7/9/09, http://www.fourwinds10.com/siterun_data/history/zionism/news.php?q=1247102782 Page 21 of 59 |
Jacob Schiff of Kuhn, Loeb & Co., a very busy Rothschild agent, who provided financing for the Communist Revolution in Russia, and helped set up the IRS and the NAACP.

the_secret_holocaust_-_mullins.pdf |
In the above account “Jewish” banker and Wall Street Rothschild agent Schiff is unabashedly exaggerating about the “persecution” of the “Jews”. Bear in mind that it is standard practice of “Jewish” hypocrites to whine incessantly about “persecution”. When prosecuted for crimes the “Jewish” mind also interprets it as “persecution”. If we were to take the “Jews’” word for it they are the most “persecuted” people in the history of mankind. The truth is that other races, and particularly the white race, have been “persecuted” horribly, mostly at the hands of “Jew” communist butchers, but whites are not anywhere near as gifted at complaining and broadcasting their woes to the world. In fact, whites generally tend to bear their burdens without complaint. If whites had a fraction of the whining skill of “Jews” then there would be museums and memorials everywhere commemorating the genuine genocide of many tens of millions of white Russians during and after the Communist Revolution. As it stands, the worst genocide in human history is virtually unknown in America. The hysterical “Jew” pseudo-“historians” have seen to it that their Holohoax completely overshadows the genocide their criminal brethren committed in Russia and the Ukraine and are currently committing against our racial brethren in Europe where "Jews" have opened the borders of many white nations wide to an Arab invasion and in South Africa where communist inspired black gangs are killing whites by the most tortuous and gruesome methods possible as did the "Jews" during the "Russian" (Jewish) revolution that began in 1917. Listen to the Patrick Little interview above for news from South Africa, which is NEVER reported on "Jewish"-controlled mass media.
The worst thing that ever happened to “Jews” in Russia under the Czar is that they were required to live in the “Pale of Settlement” -- from which the phrase “beyond the Pale” (meaning “out of bounds”) is derived. This was to protect the white Russians from “Jewish” business monopolies, “Jewish” usury, “Jewish”-only secret networks (called Kehillas), subversive political activities of “Jews” and “Jewish” nepotism which always leads to their domination of business and government bureaucratic posts – exactly as it has here in the United States. This in turn leads to a grim metamorphosis in which the “body” of a nation becomes but a source of “nutrients” to enrich the “Jew” parasite. The “body” thus sickens, becomes increasingly sluggish and eventually “dies” from the infiltration and the parasite merely moves on to its next victim(s). It is the spiritual function of “Jews” to be a negative force on planet Earth – a parasitic collective that brings nothing but crime, perversion, misery, sickness and death wherever it settles. Here is an admission of this, from a member of the tribe:
Our major vice of old, as of today, is parasitism. We are a people of vultures living on the labor and the good nature of the rest of the world ... What a sorry spectacle the “Jews” makes on this continent which he pretends to have enriched! Not only does he fail to contribute any glamor (culture and art) to the scene. He does not even contribute man-power. He does not dig wells, plough fields, forge skyscrapers, lay bricks, cut out trenches, spin wheels, bake dough, fell trees, pack tin cans, sweep streets, heave coal, fire furnaces, weave cloth, dig subways, raise ramparts, wall floods, rivet bridges, hinge gates, or fight fires ... Towards the man-power of America, “Jewry” contributes only that which it catches in its own sweatshops, as in so many rat traps - set by itself. It seems to be part of the “Jew”'s unwritten code that he should never work. Unless something happens to change his vision, I venture to add that he never will, either ... I cannot find anything of value that the “Jews” have created in their 250 years residence on the American continent. Samuel Roth, “Jews” Must Live, The Golden Hind Press, New York (1934), pp. 56, 101, 108.
The Russian Czar’s method of dealing with the “Jewish” problem was unsuccessful because once the parasite injects itself into the “body” it takes an act of God to dislodge it. Edomite-Canaanite “Jews” have perfected their parasitic modus operandi over the course of thousands of years. The act of God the Russian Caucasians so desperately needed was not forthcoming because the Bolsheviks believed the lies of the “Jews” and followed them to their own peril when “Jews” staged their ultimate coup, the Communist, so called “Bolshevik” (working class) Revolution. The “Jew” rabble rousers worked the “Bolsheviks” into a frenzy -- playing on their natural jealousy of the upper classes, but not letting it be known that once the coup was accomplished the “Jew” money power would have mastery over Russia and life for them would be MUCH worse than it was under the natural aristocracy of their own racial kin. In fact, the “revolution” cost millions of the working class dupes their lives. Those remaining suffered far worse deprivations and fear than they had known under the Czars. A “Jewish” tyranny is the worst of all tyrannies because it is a system ruled by satanic criminal psychopaths whose way of thinking is diametrically opposed to anyone who possesses a conscience, empathy and compassion. A similar fate surely awaits America (when the percentage of whites is suffiently low, as it is now in South Africa) if our people do not wake up and realize that “progressivism” is retooled communism, financed and controlled by the “Jew” money power which seeks absolute domination and reduction of American citizens to miserable cashless serfdom under a technocratic tyranny, with China as a role model.
Our major vice of old, as of today, is parasitism. We are a people of vultures living on the labor and the good nature of the rest of the world ... What a sorry spectacle the “Jews” makes on this continent which he pretends to have enriched! Not only does he fail to contribute any glamor (culture and art) to the scene. He does not even contribute man-power. He does not dig wells, plough fields, forge skyscrapers, lay bricks, cut out trenches, spin wheels, bake dough, fell trees, pack tin cans, sweep streets, heave coal, fire furnaces, weave cloth, dig subways, raise ramparts, wall floods, rivet bridges, hinge gates, or fight fires ... Towards the man-power of America, “Jewry” contributes only that which it catches in its own sweatshops, as in so many rat traps - set by itself. It seems to be part of the “Jew”'s unwritten code that he should never work. Unless something happens to change his vision, I venture to add that he never will, either ... I cannot find anything of value that the “Jews” have created in their 250 years residence on the American continent. Samuel Roth, “Jews” Must Live, The Golden Hind Press, New York (1934), pp. 56, 101, 108.
The Russian Czar’s method of dealing with the “Jewish” problem was unsuccessful because once the parasite injects itself into the “body” it takes an act of God to dislodge it. Edomite-Canaanite “Jews” have perfected their parasitic modus operandi over the course of thousands of years. The act of God the Russian Caucasians so desperately needed was not forthcoming because the Bolsheviks believed the lies of the “Jews” and followed them to their own peril when “Jews” staged their ultimate coup, the Communist, so called “Bolshevik” (working class) Revolution. The “Jew” rabble rousers worked the “Bolsheviks” into a frenzy -- playing on their natural jealousy of the upper classes, but not letting it be known that once the coup was accomplished the “Jew” money power would have mastery over Russia and life for them would be MUCH worse than it was under the natural aristocracy of their own racial kin. In fact, the “revolution” cost millions of the working class dupes their lives. Those remaining suffered far worse deprivations and fear than they had known under the Czars. A “Jewish” tyranny is the worst of all tyrannies because it is a system ruled by satanic criminal psychopaths whose way of thinking is diametrically opposed to anyone who possesses a conscience, empathy and compassion. A similar fate surely awaits America (when the percentage of whites is suffiently low, as it is now in South Africa) if our people do not wake up and realize that “progressivism” is retooled communism, financed and controlled by the “Jew” money power which seeks absolute domination and reduction of American citizens to miserable cashless serfdom under a technocratic tyranny, with China as a role model.
Political agents of the "Jewish" money power
plying their trade. "progressive" = communist. ![]()
I Thessalonians 2:14-15 For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which in Judaea are in Christ Jesus: for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews: Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men:
A chief strategy of the money power sorcerers is to create tension between races, classes, sexes, generations, etc. and use that as a means to weaken the “body” of a nation, and ultimately, such as in the case of France and Russia, foment a bloody “revolution”. These are never natural uprisings of the people. They are staged events, instigated by “agent provocateurs” who are given a generous stipend to stand on a street corner and agitate. “Jewish” billionaire George Soros’ “Antifa” serves as a good example of paid agent provocateurs who agitate with all their might to irritate their opponents and stir up violence so that “Jewish” media can dump blame on so called “Neo-Nazis”, “white supremacists” or “white nationalists”. Sometimes those neo-Nazis or “supremacists” are actually “Jews” who are playing the part of the “bad guy” for the purpose of psychological programming against whites. The “Jews” are quite adept at this “role play”. After all, they invented Hollywood and fantasy is their stock in trade. |
Whatever major political events are portrayed on television you can be sure there were behind the scenes machinations taking place and the events were scripted by “Jew” propagandists and designed to make you think or feel a certain way about someone or something. The effect (if you are white) is generally to make you feel bad about yourself and your race while uplifting the darker races. The “man behind the curtain” is never revealed, but it is always the “Jew” programmer at the pinnacle working to advance the causes of the international “Jewish” money power to the detriment of nearly everyone else on the planet.
The masterminds of the “Jew” collective want to “breed out” the white race and engineer a mixed-blood slave race to serve them in perpetuity. The “Jews” behind this scheme are themselves mongrels (broken cisterns – Jeremiah 2:13), who can NEVER possess the Holy Spirit of God and for that reason the net effect of their "work" in this life can only be evil. The overarching plan of the "elites" and the "intellectuals" in the collective is to replace Adamic man with themselves (as a counterfeit) and to lord over a mongrelized slave race in a technocratic neo-feudalistic tyranny. The pitiful slaves, bathed in mind-controlling microwaves and injected with transhumanist DNA altering concoctions to assure their connectivity to the matrix, would be "programmed" to be happy with (or at least not rebel against) their lot in life while the "Jew" masters lay back and bask in their presumed supremacy. The most hard core of "Jewish" supremacists, such as the one quoted below, believe that they should not have to WORK as it is beneath them to have to dirty their hands or exert their muscles. Whites have never, generally as a race, believed or behaved in this fashion as it is not in their nature to do so and whites could never have concocted such a sinister plan for world conquest. Unfortunately, whites get blamed for the activities of the international “Jew” because most races cannot tell the difference between whites and "Jews" and “Jewish” propaganda deflects blame for atrocities committed by “Jews” onto whites. The following quote illustrates the thinking of these Zionist “Jew” bullies and their magnanimous “entitlement complex”:
JERUSALEM (JTA) — Israeli Sephardic leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef in his weekly Saturday night sermon said that non-Jews exist to serve Jews. “Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world; only to serve the People of Israel,” (This is a lie. They are descended from Canaanites and are not true Israel) he said during a public discussion of what kind of work non-Jews are allowed to perform on Shabbat. "Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi (rich man) and eat," he said to some laughter. Yosef, the spiritual leader of the Shas Party and the former chief Sephardi rabbi of Israel, also said that the lives of non-Jews are protected in order to prevent financial loss to Jews. "With gentiles, it will be like any person: They need to die, but God will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money. This is his servant. That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew,” said the rabbi, who recently turned 90.
Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, quoted in Jewish Telegraphic Agency article by Marcy Oster, October 18, 2010.
History has proven time and time again that the “Jew” money power collective gives nothing good back to the nations that it conquers. It only takes. Like a malignant slow growing cancer it perverts and rots everything it infiltrates. It prospers in a climate of corruption, chaos, poverty, starvation, misery, sickness and death, which it creates. Behind the death march of “Jewish”-Canaanite evil lies the power of gold (according to the Protocols) which we now call “financing” and “capital investment”.
The French Revolution for example was financed by Meyer Rothschild and his associates. Likewise, the Marxist-Communist revolution in Russia was financed by “Jew” capitalists, such as Rothschild agent Jacob Schiff of the Wall Street firm Kuhn, Loeb and Company who gave Leon Trotsky $20,000,000 in GOLD in 1917 and dispatched him to Russia along with a trainload of wicked NYC Lower East Side "Jewish" thugs to jump start the revolution. Today, Trotsky's gold allotment would be worth at least a half billion dollars, which is sufficient filthy lucre to motivate a trainload of scheming, vengeful agent provocateurs.
The masterminds of the “Jew” collective want to “breed out” the white race and engineer a mixed-blood slave race to serve them in perpetuity. The “Jews” behind this scheme are themselves mongrels (broken cisterns – Jeremiah 2:13), who can NEVER possess the Holy Spirit of God and for that reason the net effect of their "work" in this life can only be evil. The overarching plan of the "elites" and the "intellectuals" in the collective is to replace Adamic man with themselves (as a counterfeit) and to lord over a mongrelized slave race in a technocratic neo-feudalistic tyranny. The pitiful slaves, bathed in mind-controlling microwaves and injected with transhumanist DNA altering concoctions to assure their connectivity to the matrix, would be "programmed" to be happy with (or at least not rebel against) their lot in life while the "Jew" masters lay back and bask in their presumed supremacy. The most hard core of "Jewish" supremacists, such as the one quoted below, believe that they should not have to WORK as it is beneath them to have to dirty their hands or exert their muscles. Whites have never, generally as a race, believed or behaved in this fashion as it is not in their nature to do so and whites could never have concocted such a sinister plan for world conquest. Unfortunately, whites get blamed for the activities of the international “Jew” because most races cannot tell the difference between whites and "Jews" and “Jewish” propaganda deflects blame for atrocities committed by “Jews” onto whites. The following quote illustrates the thinking of these Zionist “Jew” bullies and their magnanimous “entitlement complex”:
JERUSALEM (JTA) — Israeli Sephardic leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef in his weekly Saturday night sermon said that non-Jews exist to serve Jews. “Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world; only to serve the People of Israel,” (This is a lie. They are descended from Canaanites and are not true Israel) he said during a public discussion of what kind of work non-Jews are allowed to perform on Shabbat. "Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi (rich man) and eat," he said to some laughter. Yosef, the spiritual leader of the Shas Party and the former chief Sephardi rabbi of Israel, also said that the lives of non-Jews are protected in order to prevent financial loss to Jews. "With gentiles, it will be like any person: They need to die, but God will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money. This is his servant. That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew,” said the rabbi, who recently turned 90.
Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, quoted in Jewish Telegraphic Agency article by Marcy Oster, October 18, 2010.
History has proven time and time again that the “Jew” money power collective gives nothing good back to the nations that it conquers. It only takes. Like a malignant slow growing cancer it perverts and rots everything it infiltrates. It prospers in a climate of corruption, chaos, poverty, starvation, misery, sickness and death, which it creates. Behind the death march of “Jewish”-Canaanite evil lies the power of gold (according to the Protocols) which we now call “financing” and “capital investment”.
The French Revolution for example was financed by Meyer Rothschild and his associates. Likewise, the Marxist-Communist revolution in Russia was financed by “Jew” capitalists, such as Rothschild agent Jacob Schiff of the Wall Street firm Kuhn, Loeb and Company who gave Leon Trotsky $20,000,000 in GOLD in 1917 and dispatched him to Russia along with a trainload of wicked NYC Lower East Side "Jewish" thugs to jump start the revolution. Today, Trotsky's gold allotment would be worth at least a half billion dollars, which is sufficient filthy lucre to motivate a trainload of scheming, vengeful agent provocateurs.
Trotsky’s real name was Lev Bronstein. He changed his name to Trotsky in order to disguise his “Jewishness” for if the Russians had known from the beginning that he was a “Jew” the Russians may have smelled a rat. “Jews” often change their names in order to avoid detection or suspicion, or to advance their careers in the “host” nation (see PDF below). It is but one of a plethora of tactics the "Jew" uses to infiltrate and overcome the host. In the advanced stages of the so-called “Bolshevik” Revolution the beaten and bedraggled white Russians began to realize that it had a distinctly Yiddish flavor as it appeared that all of the key players were “Jews” and most of the government posts after the revolution were henceforth occupied by “Jews”.
Yiddish was the mother tongue of the Khazars and it subsequently became the international language of the “Jews”. A long term tactic and clever deception of the rabbinical establishment was to employ the Hebrew alphabet for the written form of the Yiddish tongue. Prior to this development (which took place sometime around eighth century in Khazaria) Yiddish had no alphabet and therefore no written form. The use of the Hebrew alphabet for Yiddish has fooled many a Christian into thinking that Ashkenazi “Jews” are Judahites (descended from the tribe of Judah, and/or "the lost tribes") and thus the “chosen people” of God. A long-range strategy of a million cuts by deception is the modus operandi for the seed of the serpent. |
Lev Bronstein
He changed his name to Leon Trotsky so as not to appear obviously "Jewish" to the Bolshevik Russians he was misleading into destroying themselves. |

jews_who_changed_their_names.pdf |
The Communist Revolution in Russia was the worst mass murder in all human history. In fact, the phony “Holocaust” had to be invented and incessantly vomited from “Jewish” global mass media in order to make the world forget about the TRUE Holocaust perpetrated by “Jewish” communist homicidal butchers against the white Russian people. The same breed of psychopaths would implement that program in America if they could, because as Martin Luther said “the ready will is not lacking with them if they could only transform it into deeds, in secret or openly”. One thing preventing such a bloodbath in the United States is that many of our white citizens have GUNS and if frustrated enough may begin to use them. It is also a blessing that we have the Internet as an anecdote to “Jewish” controlled mainstream media and “educational” indoctrination, but unfortunately the Internet is awash in decoy sites, corporate crap, misinformed ax-grinding bloggers, and “limited hangouts” that avoid mentioning the RACE of the perpetrators of treachery against us. It is impossible to get to the root of the paradigm of evil without an understanding of the racial component. Materials laying the whole truth on the table circulate slowly – mostly by peer to peer reference. You must do you part in this fight. Our aim on this site is to tell you the absolute truth (as much as humanly possible) in reference to Biblical prophecy. There is no financial incentive for doing this. The motive comes from the Holy Spirit of God, a love of the truth and a desire to help our racial kin survive the coming tribulation.
And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand? … The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If … if … We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation. … We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, from The Gulag Archipelago (on the horrors of the Bolshevik Revolution)
Let the communist mass murder of Russia be a big lesson. “Jewish” propagandists of that era convinced many law abiding naive citizens to give up their guns and they were promptly shot. This was the precursor to a reign of terror that lasted at least three decades. We would advise anyone who is reading this NOT to give up your guns. Government gun confiscation schemes are NOT to preserve lives. They are a stepping stone to absolute tyranny. We are not suggesting the instigation of violence but what we ARE saying is don’t fall for leftist "progressive" LIES that “guns are evil” and guns jump up and kill people all by themselves and banning guns will make the world a better place. All of that reasoning is a mental “Trojan horse” and is placed in people’s brains by “Jewish” propagandists who wish to remove all opposition to their sinister plans for the world. People kill people and a gun is but a tool, just like a knife or a hammer. If guns are banned by a communist, neo-feudalist technocratic global slave state (a.k.a. biblical "beast" system) criminals will still be able to obtain guns through the black market, and of course the criminal government will be stocked to the gills with guns, amo and every other form of weaponry imaginable.
Do some research on how the Department of Homeland Security under Obama purchased enough guns and bullets to kill every American two or three times over. What are the blood thirsty bureaucrats planning for us down the road? You must be able to protect yourself and your family, although the best protection is to known the truth and protect your MIND from deception. The government is not likely to get any less evil considering the putrid cream that tends to rise to the top. God’s word advises us to “be wise as serpents” – not be LIKE serpents, but be aware of what serpents are plotting and act accordingly. Educate your racial brethren on the reality of this usurious, corporate monopolistic system we are laboring under. There may come a time in the not too distant future when you will need something more than words as a last resort against the genocidal tyranny of satanic “Jew” Zionists who already control the U.S. government and are using it to wage war against our race and particularly against true God-fearing Bible believing Christians. “Judeo-Christians”, a.k.a. “Christian Zionists” have already sided with the enemy.
Matthew 10:16 Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.
It is the central bank (the Federal Reserve) that gives orders to the Federal government because MONEY is the “master card” and all of the money for government operations flows from "The Fed", not tax revenue. Our federal tax tribute only pays the INTEREST on the loans the Fed has made to all of its “customers”, chief of which is the U.S. Federal Government. No matter who the money goes to, it always becomes a national debt obligation. The interest for the trillions of dollars worth of nefarious loans goes into the pockets of the plutocrats who own the system. Despite claims that it is a quasi-federal entity, all of its stock is owned by banks which in turn are owned by "Jewish" dynasties.
Josef Stalin once said that nine-tenths of the communization of a nation was in the establishment of a central bank. This is why the first order of business for Rothschild agents was to implant one in the U.S. They failed twice, with the first and second banks of the U.S. (squashed by Presidents Jefferson and Jackson respectively) but they finally succeeded in 1913 with the “Federal Reserve Act”, under Sephardic “Jew” Woodrow Wilson – name changed from Wolfson. Wilson was a puppet for one "Colonel" Edwin Mandell House, also a "Jew" and an agent for the Rothschilds. The act was the worst piece of legislation ever foisted on America. The War of 1812 was instigated by the Rothschilds as retaliation for Thomas Jefferson refusing to renew the charter of the first central bank of the United States. A half century later Andrew Jackson withdrew all Federal deposits from the second central bank of the U.S. and it too shriveled up and died. He considered it the greatest achievement of his presidency. “I killed the bank” is reputedly written on his tombstone. He also managed to avoid two assassination attempts by banker agents. Jackson should be hailed as one of the greatest presidents for that reason alone, but it will never be mentioned in school history courses, because all textbook and mainstream “history” has been scrubbed to support the criminal central banking cartel. Mention of the RACE of the owners and masters of this usurious system is completely and utterly forbidden. No author who crosses that line would be able to obtain a lucrative publishing contract. Andrew Jackson would be aghast at how the U.S. has devolved into near tyranny since his noble fight against the City of London, Rothschild-Ashkenazi money power.
And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand? … The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If … if … We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation. … We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, from The Gulag Archipelago (on the horrors of the Bolshevik Revolution)
Let the communist mass murder of Russia be a big lesson. “Jewish” propagandists of that era convinced many law abiding naive citizens to give up their guns and they were promptly shot. This was the precursor to a reign of terror that lasted at least three decades. We would advise anyone who is reading this NOT to give up your guns. Government gun confiscation schemes are NOT to preserve lives. They are a stepping stone to absolute tyranny. We are not suggesting the instigation of violence but what we ARE saying is don’t fall for leftist "progressive" LIES that “guns are evil” and guns jump up and kill people all by themselves and banning guns will make the world a better place. All of that reasoning is a mental “Trojan horse” and is placed in people’s brains by “Jewish” propagandists who wish to remove all opposition to their sinister plans for the world. People kill people and a gun is but a tool, just like a knife or a hammer. If guns are banned by a communist, neo-feudalist technocratic global slave state (a.k.a. biblical "beast" system) criminals will still be able to obtain guns through the black market, and of course the criminal government will be stocked to the gills with guns, amo and every other form of weaponry imaginable.
Do some research on how the Department of Homeland Security under Obama purchased enough guns and bullets to kill every American two or three times over. What are the blood thirsty bureaucrats planning for us down the road? You must be able to protect yourself and your family, although the best protection is to known the truth and protect your MIND from deception. The government is not likely to get any less evil considering the putrid cream that tends to rise to the top. God’s word advises us to “be wise as serpents” – not be LIKE serpents, but be aware of what serpents are plotting and act accordingly. Educate your racial brethren on the reality of this usurious, corporate monopolistic system we are laboring under. There may come a time in the not too distant future when you will need something more than words as a last resort against the genocidal tyranny of satanic “Jew” Zionists who already control the U.S. government and are using it to wage war against our race and particularly against true God-fearing Bible believing Christians. “Judeo-Christians”, a.k.a. “Christian Zionists” have already sided with the enemy.
Matthew 10:16 Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.
It is the central bank (the Federal Reserve) that gives orders to the Federal government because MONEY is the “master card” and all of the money for government operations flows from "The Fed", not tax revenue. Our federal tax tribute only pays the INTEREST on the loans the Fed has made to all of its “customers”, chief of which is the U.S. Federal Government. No matter who the money goes to, it always becomes a national debt obligation. The interest for the trillions of dollars worth of nefarious loans goes into the pockets of the plutocrats who own the system. Despite claims that it is a quasi-federal entity, all of its stock is owned by banks which in turn are owned by "Jewish" dynasties.
Josef Stalin once said that nine-tenths of the communization of a nation was in the establishment of a central bank. This is why the first order of business for Rothschild agents was to implant one in the U.S. They failed twice, with the first and second banks of the U.S. (squashed by Presidents Jefferson and Jackson respectively) but they finally succeeded in 1913 with the “Federal Reserve Act”, under Sephardic “Jew” Woodrow Wilson – name changed from Wolfson. Wilson was a puppet for one "Colonel" Edwin Mandell House, also a "Jew" and an agent for the Rothschilds. The act was the worst piece of legislation ever foisted on America. The War of 1812 was instigated by the Rothschilds as retaliation for Thomas Jefferson refusing to renew the charter of the first central bank of the United States. A half century later Andrew Jackson withdrew all Federal deposits from the second central bank of the U.S. and it too shriveled up and died. He considered it the greatest achievement of his presidency. “I killed the bank” is reputedly written on his tombstone. He also managed to avoid two assassination attempts by banker agents. Jackson should be hailed as one of the greatest presidents for that reason alone, but it will never be mentioned in school history courses, because all textbook and mainstream “history” has been scrubbed to support the criminal central banking cartel. Mention of the RACE of the owners and masters of this usurious system is completely and utterly forbidden. No author who crosses that line would be able to obtain a lucrative publishing contract. Andrew Jackson would be aghast at how the U.S. has devolved into near tyranny since his noble fight against the City of London, Rothschild-Ashkenazi money power.
Photos of pages from a school history textbook. The viewpoint is pointedly leftist-Marxist and anti-white.
Though students are routinely taught that we live in a “democracy”, as if that is the best of all systems, the truth is that “democracy” is “pre-communism” and communism is a tyranny of “state sponsored” totalitarianism employed by the “Jewish” money power to achieve absolute control over the victim-host nation, rob it of its sovereignty and make it a cog in the global slave state. As we can see from the quotes (several paragraphs above) of the horrors suffered by Russians a century ago it is a worst case scenario when “Ashkenazi Jewish” psychopaths (who constitute modern-day biblical Esau-Edom) reign supreme and are allowed to unleash their full pent up satanic fury against white Christians (biblical Jacob-Israel). After taking over the government of Russia, these “Jewish” communists proceeded to murder as many as 150,000,000 Caucasian Orthodox Christian Russians over the decades from 1917 to the 1940s. This was the greatest mass murder in ALL of human history and the gruesome manner in which it was carried out eclipses a thousand times over anything the Nazis ever did to the “Jews”, all of which is incredibly exaggerated or simply fabricated.
The things that the “Jews” CLAIM the Nazis did to them are utterly inconceivable, except to a mind infused with the spirit of Satan. All of those stories about the skin of “Jews” being used for book covers and the mass executions in gas chambers are outright lies fabricated and perpetrated non-stop by “Jewish” propagandists for 70 years running to this point, to convince the world of their “suffering”, promote the “persecution” myth and generate undeserved reparations payment from the German government, which is utterly controlled by "Jews". The "Jewish" persecution myth also serves to overshadow the mass murder of many millions and the satanic torture techniques such as those employed against white Russians by “Jews” in the Communist-Bolshevik Revolution and such as are taking place now in South Africa. Go back up and reread what the “Jews” did to OUR people, the Caucasians of Russia, and realize how they have turned history upside down, claiming that this is what WE (whites) did to them when in fact it is what THEY did to us in Russia and are directing now in the nations founded by our white ancestors. The “hutzpah” (brazen hypocrisy) of it is remarkable.
The Russian ("Jewish") Revolution, the current torturous situation for whites in communist controlled South Africa, the ongoing genocide perpetrated by Israeli “Jews” against the Palestinians and “Jewish” treachery against our white brethren in Europe barely receive mention in our public “schools” and “colleges” (indoctrination centers) and NO mention whatsoever on mainstream media. Meanwhile, the phony “Holocaust” is played up as the greatest human tragedy of all time if not the primary ontological event of the modern era, imbued with an ethereal aura of religiosity. This is proof positive of a “Jewish” tyranny and psychological warfare directed against OUR people (the descendants of Jacob-Israel) in the United States of America and everywhere else that the “Jew” money power reigns supreme. Other races are programmed to jump on the "hate whitey" train and “blame US for all of the ills of the world caused by THEM, the seed of the serpent. This, again constitutes all the more the hypocrisy of the “Jews” who are masters at twisting the truth around 180 degrees so as to refashion themselves as the “chosen people” who can do no wrong, and to make empathetic, charitable, good God-fearing white Christian people out to be intolerant, bigoted, small minded, backward thinking, obstructionist, xenophobic, homophobic, un-progressive, anti-Semitic and so on and on and on with a never-ending parade of irritating buzzwords that bore into the brain and bring on fear, delusion and illogical thinking. Because of “Jewish” mass propaganda the thinking of the many programmed zombies of the modern world may be summed up as follows, from Yahweh’s perspective:
Isaiah 5:20-24 Woe (condemnation) unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight! Woe unto them that are mighty to drink wine, and men of strength to mingle strong drink: Which justify the wicked for reward, and take away the righteousness of the righteous from him! Therefore as the fire devoureth the stubble, and the flame consumeth the chaff, so their root shall be as rottenness, and their blossom shall go up as dust: because they have cast away the law of the LORD of hosts, and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel.
II Thessalonians 2:10-11 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
The things that the “Jews” CLAIM the Nazis did to them are utterly inconceivable, except to a mind infused with the spirit of Satan. All of those stories about the skin of “Jews” being used for book covers and the mass executions in gas chambers are outright lies fabricated and perpetrated non-stop by “Jewish” propagandists for 70 years running to this point, to convince the world of their “suffering”, promote the “persecution” myth and generate undeserved reparations payment from the German government, which is utterly controlled by "Jews". The "Jewish" persecution myth also serves to overshadow the mass murder of many millions and the satanic torture techniques such as those employed against white Russians by “Jews” in the Communist-Bolshevik Revolution and such as are taking place now in South Africa. Go back up and reread what the “Jews” did to OUR people, the Caucasians of Russia, and realize how they have turned history upside down, claiming that this is what WE (whites) did to them when in fact it is what THEY did to us in Russia and are directing now in the nations founded by our white ancestors. The “hutzpah” (brazen hypocrisy) of it is remarkable.
The Russian ("Jewish") Revolution, the current torturous situation for whites in communist controlled South Africa, the ongoing genocide perpetrated by Israeli “Jews” against the Palestinians and “Jewish” treachery against our white brethren in Europe barely receive mention in our public “schools” and “colleges” (indoctrination centers) and NO mention whatsoever on mainstream media. Meanwhile, the phony “Holocaust” is played up as the greatest human tragedy of all time if not the primary ontological event of the modern era, imbued with an ethereal aura of religiosity. This is proof positive of a “Jewish” tyranny and psychological warfare directed against OUR people (the descendants of Jacob-Israel) in the United States of America and everywhere else that the “Jew” money power reigns supreme. Other races are programmed to jump on the "hate whitey" train and “blame US for all of the ills of the world caused by THEM, the seed of the serpent. This, again constitutes all the more the hypocrisy of the “Jews” who are masters at twisting the truth around 180 degrees so as to refashion themselves as the “chosen people” who can do no wrong, and to make empathetic, charitable, good God-fearing white Christian people out to be intolerant, bigoted, small minded, backward thinking, obstructionist, xenophobic, homophobic, un-progressive, anti-Semitic and so on and on and on with a never-ending parade of irritating buzzwords that bore into the brain and bring on fear, delusion and illogical thinking. Because of “Jewish” mass propaganda the thinking of the many programmed zombies of the modern world may be summed up as follows, from Yahweh’s perspective:
Isaiah 5:20-24 Woe (condemnation) unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight! Woe unto them that are mighty to drink wine, and men of strength to mingle strong drink: Which justify the wicked for reward, and take away the righteousness of the righteous from him! Therefore as the fire devoureth the stubble, and the flame consumeth the chaff, so their root shall be as rottenness, and their blossom shall go up as dust: because they have cast away the law of the LORD of hosts, and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel.
II Thessalonians 2:10-11 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
Contrary to “Jewish” mass propaganda, the “Jews” of Nazi Germany were not forced to endure brutal satanic tortures as did our white racial kin in Russia at the hand of Ashkenazi “Jews” and the number of deaths claimed for the Holohoax is 20 times the number of actual deaths. In fact, a study of World Almanac statistics from that period reveal that there were a proportional number of white casualties in WWII but whites don’t persistently moan and complain about it, nor do we receive any reparations payments for dying in wars instigated by THEM. We do not have memorials and special professorial chairs in colleges to advertise the extreme mass killing perpetrated by the Ashkenazi “Bolsheviks” against Caucasian Russians. This is because a memorialization of white genocide may call attention to the fact that ALL wars are instigated by the “Jewish” money power, for profit, control and blood sacrifice to their god and progenitor, Satan.
We would wager that the vast majority of “Jews” who have received reparations payments from Germany suffered not one discomfort from presumed Nazi atrocities and are despicable phonies, as are their sniveling sympathy mongers like the late millionaire sad faced clown Elie Weisel, who turned the Holohoax into a cash cow for himself. There are many more like him.
Hitler held the “Jews” in concentration camps as a “bargaining chip”. He had no intention of killing them – much less committing mass murders with dreadful gas chambers. Knowing that the war was not going well for Germany, his plan was to release the “Jews” held in concentration camps IF he and his top ranking military personnel were spared. What happened was that Allied planes bombed supply lines to some of the camps and many POWs held in them (not just “Jews”) died of starvation. This bombing was part of the master plan to paint Hitler as a homicidal monster and to garner world sympathy through the Holocaust myth. Many German “Jews” had been already been allowed to immigrate elsewhere and to take their money with them. Some went to Palestine to be a part of the Zionist land grab and many others found their way to the United States of America, particularly New York City, where they joined their brethren in taking over the country. They continued setting up business combines and eventually dominated and monopolized all major lines of trade in America. This process was already well underway as early as the 1890s.
Monopolization of trade by “Jews” killed many smaller “gentile” owned businesses and banks. “Jewish” owned or controlled banks turned on the money taps in order to support and build “Jewish”-owned businesses in particular. The Rockefeller oil monopoly is a case in point. In the early to mid 1800s, prior to John D. Rockefeller’s coup (which was financed by Rothschild banking agents) there were many small Caucasian-owned oil companies, all in competition with each other. By the late 1890s, the crypto-“Jew” John D. had ruthlessly seized 90% of the oil wells in America. He could never have done this without generous financing from the Rothschilds through their front, the National City Bank of Cleveland. This same process of monopolization by “Jews” occurred in most other lines of trade. Many ruthless speculators (a large percentage of them “Jews”) became millionaires virtually overnight and almost no one suspected that they were serving as “agents” of the City of London, Rothschild “Jewish” money power. The phenomenon of “Jewish” monopolization of trade in America is agonizingly documented in the 1890s book “The Great Red Dragon”, by Baptist preacher, L.B. Woolfolk.
Hitler held the “Jews” in concentration camps as a “bargaining chip”. He had no intention of killing them – much less committing mass murders with dreadful gas chambers. Knowing that the war was not going well for Germany, his plan was to release the “Jews” held in concentration camps IF he and his top ranking military personnel were spared. What happened was that Allied planes bombed supply lines to some of the camps and many POWs held in them (not just “Jews”) died of starvation. This bombing was part of the master plan to paint Hitler as a homicidal monster and to garner world sympathy through the Holocaust myth. Many German “Jews” had been already been allowed to immigrate elsewhere and to take their money with them. Some went to Palestine to be a part of the Zionist land grab and many others found their way to the United States of America, particularly New York City, where they joined their brethren in taking over the country. They continued setting up business combines and eventually dominated and monopolized all major lines of trade in America. This process was already well underway as early as the 1890s.
Monopolization of trade by “Jews” killed many smaller “gentile” owned businesses and banks. “Jewish” owned or controlled banks turned on the money taps in order to support and build “Jewish”-owned businesses in particular. The Rockefeller oil monopoly is a case in point. In the early to mid 1800s, prior to John D. Rockefeller’s coup (which was financed by Rothschild banking agents) there were many small Caucasian-owned oil companies, all in competition with each other. By the late 1890s, the crypto-“Jew” John D. had ruthlessly seized 90% of the oil wells in America. He could never have done this without generous financing from the Rothschilds through their front, the National City Bank of Cleveland. This same process of monopolization by “Jews” occurred in most other lines of trade. Many ruthless speculators (a large percentage of them “Jews”) became millionaires virtually overnight and almost no one suspected that they were serving as “agents” of the City of London, Rothschild “Jewish” money power. The phenomenon of “Jewish” monopolization of trade in America is agonizingly documented in the 1890s book “The Great Red Dragon”, by Baptist preacher, L.B. Woolfolk.

the_great_red_dragon_-_woolfolk.pdf |
National City Bank of Cleveland provided John D. with the money needed to embark upon his monopolization of the US oil industry. The bank was identified in Congressional hearings as being one of three Rothschild-owned banks in the US during the 1870’s, when Rockefeller first incorporated as Standard Oil of Ohio. The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Eight Families, (Part one of a four-part series) Dean Henderson, Infowars.com, Global Research, June 1, 2011, quoting from: Rule by Secrecy: The Hidden History that Connects the Trilateral Commission, the Freemasons and the Great Pyramids. Jim Marrs. Harper Collins Publishers. New York. 2000. p. 45
Here we are, over a hundred years later experiencing a “Jewish” tyranny so pervasive that the very flow of “information” reaching the eyes and ears of our people is all meticulously filtered and controlled (except for exposés like this, which are only read by a small scattered group of people that we pray are seeking the truth). Since the bulk of our own people are steeped in “Jewish” programming, many cannot help but parrot and thus reinforce the lies implanted in their brains. Because they genuinely believe they already know "the truth" there is zero incentive to seek it. This mass of TV-addicted dullards only reinforces the lies and anti-human agendas of the sinister controllers at the top of the financial hierarchy. We cringe almost daily hearing our racial brethren who couldn’t think themselves out of a cardboard box refer to certain other whites as “supremacists”, without even bothering to consider the matter, but only taking the easy road of agreement with “public opinion”, which isn’t “opinion” at all. It is a toxic fog of “Jewish”-Zionist programming reinforced by government mandates, corporate policy, media propaganda and finally, peer pressure.
Luke 9:4-5 And whatsoever house ye enter into, there abide, and thence depart. And whosoever will not receive you, when ye go out of that city, shake off the very dust from your feet for a testimony against them.
It is no use attempting to explain anything to the fully programmed zombie because he or she is trained to reject information contrary to the programming and/or will accuse you of being a “conspiracy theorist”. They may even call YOU a “white supremacist” simply for standing up for your own race or pointing out that Jesus was not of the same race as today’s “Jews”. Not one book, magazine, newspaper, television program, news show or movie in the 2000s will receive promotion without the “kosher” seal of approval which is why our people are wallowing in lies that work against us. “Jews” control ALL of the mainstream media and publishing houses. Whites in particular are deprived of information essential to our very survival. All of the information pushed by “Jewish” media outlets is filtered through a “Jewish”-supremacist strainer so as to contain nothing that would point to supremacist “Jews” as being THE number one enemy to America and in particular, our scattered white brethren.
The information from the “mainstream” is a slow poison dulling the minds of our people who are being taught that RACE (and in particular the white race) is irrelevant so we should all have a rip roaring multicultural orgy and embrace our own genocide. We are also being taught with “Jewish” propaganda that the white race is the cause of all the world’s problems, when in fact the white race, more than any other, has uplifted the world with its inventiveness, representative governments, Christian morality, missionary work and continuing natural charity to all other races. The “Jews” on the other hand have done nothing but beat down the nations of the world with usury, taxes, wars, corporate monopolization, communism, perversion, and outright Satanism pushed with ever LESS subtlety by THEIR media propaganda, mandates and jackboot laws. When there is a prime time TV show entitled “Lucifer” – which there happens to be right NOW -- you know there is a serious problem with America and that this is no longer a “Christian” nation due to the satanic “Jew” collective’s proverbial boot on our necks.
Jeremiah 2:13 For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water (symbolic of mixed race offspring that cannot "hold" the Holy Spirit of God).
If you can endure it, just sit in front of the television for a couple hours and note that practically every single commercial has an unnatural cast of black men paired with white women (or vice versa), mixed race families, or various other mixed race multicultural scenarios far exceeding what is likely to be found in real life. However, the more of this propaganda people are exposed to the more it will become “normalized”, which is exactly the intention of “Jews” who control the media and set its agenda. What it amounts to is blatant PROGRAMMING designed to turn YOU against your own precious RACE and to remove any stigma against race mixing because the “Jew” Canaanite-Edomite devil wants more than anything to eliminate the pure-blooded white race. We are the last impediment to the completion of their “New World Order” global slave state.
I John 2:15-19 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever. Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist (the specific end-times satanic figurehead) shall come, even now are there many antichrists; (some of whom are infiltrators into denominational religious establishments) whereby we know that it is the last time. (the end times of this earth age) They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us (referring to Edomite-Canaanites, mixed breed apostates and other “tares” within the early church of the prophet John’s day).
Mixed race and homosexual unions were unheard of a century ago when preachers were preaching what the Bible says, and not what they’ve been trained to preach by seminaries that have succumbed to “the world” according to the “Jew” antichrists. Mark our words. Unfettered immigration, race mixing and the acceptance of sodomy and pedophilia will only contribute to the complete communization and DEATH of this once free nation. The church establishment will only continue degenerating into the end times “mystery Babylon” religion (the whore riding the beast) in which everyone whose name is not written in the “book of life” will worship Satan by default. The world will be populated by “broken cisterns”, incapable of containing the Holy Spirit of God. At the tail end of this age pureblooded descendants of Jacob/Israel will be few and far between, a scattered “remnant” according to scripture. Once God annihilates the satanic system this remnant will be gathered together in the land promised our forefathers. The gathering of “Jews” in the Israeli state is a decoy and a massive deception that unfortunately has 99% of churchgoing “Judeo-Christians” utterly bamboozled. If they knew the truth they would simply be “Christians”.
Jeremiah 30:10-11 Therefore fear thou not, O my servant Jacob, saith the LORD; neither be dismayed, O Israel: (This does not refer to the Israeli state. It is another name for Jacob’s WHITE bloodline) for, lo, I will save thee from afar, and thy seed from the land of their captivity; and Jacob shall return, and shall be in rest, and be quiet, and none shall make him afraid. For I am with thee, saith the LORD, to save thee: though I make a full end of all nations whither I have scattered thee, yet will I not make a full end of thee: but I will correct thee in measure, and will not leave thee altogether unpunished.
In Europe, over the past several centuries “Jews” managed to worm their way into Caucasian dynasties that they didn’t murder outright (such as the Romanovs). Thus the British royal family is now infused with “Jewish” blood through marriage. Princess Diana, for instance, was part “Jewish”. Her first major sin was that, in rebellion to Prince Charles and his mother, she had a child out of wedlock – Prince Harry, which wasn’t SO bad in their eyes, but it was the second big sin that cost her her life. She was due to have another child by Dodi Faid, her Muslim lover. This was too much for the queen to stomach and therefore a fatal traffic accident had to be arranged. Can we definitively prove that it was a setup? Of course we can’t prove it to the satisfaction of someone who must have every single piece of the puzzle snapped in place before seeing the image, or someone who prefers to believe that all of history is a series of random events. We can’t provide you with the name of her assassin any more than we can name the exact perpetrators behind the JFK assassination. For those who are on board with us and comprehend that history is SCRIPTED by the powers that be, we assure you that whoever arranged for Kennedy’s assassination was an AGENT of the central bankers, carrying out orders. According to Mullins’ research there were FIVE assassination crews to make absolutely sure the job got done.
The “Jewish” central bankers wanted JFK killed because he threatened their Federal Reserve counterfeiting scam. Kennedy dared to bypass the Federal Reserve by using the U.S. Treasury to print interest free dollars and he had said that he wanted to abolish the Fed and the CIA, which he called a “rogue agency”. That was when he signed his death warrant. The CIA happens to be the intelligence gathering agency of the Federal Reserve central bankers. It does not work for the American people. BIG money and political clout are extremely effective in appointing the “investigators” and judges required to cover up the dirty deeds of powerful “elites” and their criminal agents, and provide absolute assurance that no punishment or damning exposure of the perpetrators is forthcoming.
Here we are, over a hundred years later experiencing a “Jewish” tyranny so pervasive that the very flow of “information” reaching the eyes and ears of our people is all meticulously filtered and controlled (except for exposés like this, which are only read by a small scattered group of people that we pray are seeking the truth). Since the bulk of our own people are steeped in “Jewish” programming, many cannot help but parrot and thus reinforce the lies implanted in their brains. Because they genuinely believe they already know "the truth" there is zero incentive to seek it. This mass of TV-addicted dullards only reinforces the lies and anti-human agendas of the sinister controllers at the top of the financial hierarchy. We cringe almost daily hearing our racial brethren who couldn’t think themselves out of a cardboard box refer to certain other whites as “supremacists”, without even bothering to consider the matter, but only taking the easy road of agreement with “public opinion”, which isn’t “opinion” at all. It is a toxic fog of “Jewish”-Zionist programming reinforced by government mandates, corporate policy, media propaganda and finally, peer pressure.
Luke 9:4-5 And whatsoever house ye enter into, there abide, and thence depart. And whosoever will not receive you, when ye go out of that city, shake off the very dust from your feet for a testimony against them.
It is no use attempting to explain anything to the fully programmed zombie because he or she is trained to reject information contrary to the programming and/or will accuse you of being a “conspiracy theorist”. They may even call YOU a “white supremacist” simply for standing up for your own race or pointing out that Jesus was not of the same race as today’s “Jews”. Not one book, magazine, newspaper, television program, news show or movie in the 2000s will receive promotion without the “kosher” seal of approval which is why our people are wallowing in lies that work against us. “Jews” control ALL of the mainstream media and publishing houses. Whites in particular are deprived of information essential to our very survival. All of the information pushed by “Jewish” media outlets is filtered through a “Jewish”-supremacist strainer so as to contain nothing that would point to supremacist “Jews” as being THE number one enemy to America and in particular, our scattered white brethren.
The information from the “mainstream” is a slow poison dulling the minds of our people who are being taught that RACE (and in particular the white race) is irrelevant so we should all have a rip roaring multicultural orgy and embrace our own genocide. We are also being taught with “Jewish” propaganda that the white race is the cause of all the world’s problems, when in fact the white race, more than any other, has uplifted the world with its inventiveness, representative governments, Christian morality, missionary work and continuing natural charity to all other races. The “Jews” on the other hand have done nothing but beat down the nations of the world with usury, taxes, wars, corporate monopolization, communism, perversion, and outright Satanism pushed with ever LESS subtlety by THEIR media propaganda, mandates and jackboot laws. When there is a prime time TV show entitled “Lucifer” – which there happens to be right NOW -- you know there is a serious problem with America and that this is no longer a “Christian” nation due to the satanic “Jew” collective’s proverbial boot on our necks.
Jeremiah 2:13 For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water (symbolic of mixed race offspring that cannot "hold" the Holy Spirit of God).
If you can endure it, just sit in front of the television for a couple hours and note that practically every single commercial has an unnatural cast of black men paired with white women (or vice versa), mixed race families, or various other mixed race multicultural scenarios far exceeding what is likely to be found in real life. However, the more of this propaganda people are exposed to the more it will become “normalized”, which is exactly the intention of “Jews” who control the media and set its agenda. What it amounts to is blatant PROGRAMMING designed to turn YOU against your own precious RACE and to remove any stigma against race mixing because the “Jew” Canaanite-Edomite devil wants more than anything to eliminate the pure-blooded white race. We are the last impediment to the completion of their “New World Order” global slave state.
I John 2:15-19 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever. Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist (the specific end-times satanic figurehead) shall come, even now are there many antichrists; (some of whom are infiltrators into denominational religious establishments) whereby we know that it is the last time. (the end times of this earth age) They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us (referring to Edomite-Canaanites, mixed breed apostates and other “tares” within the early church of the prophet John’s day).
Mixed race and homosexual unions were unheard of a century ago when preachers were preaching what the Bible says, and not what they’ve been trained to preach by seminaries that have succumbed to “the world” according to the “Jew” antichrists. Mark our words. Unfettered immigration, race mixing and the acceptance of sodomy and pedophilia will only contribute to the complete communization and DEATH of this once free nation. The church establishment will only continue degenerating into the end times “mystery Babylon” religion (the whore riding the beast) in which everyone whose name is not written in the “book of life” will worship Satan by default. The world will be populated by “broken cisterns”, incapable of containing the Holy Spirit of God. At the tail end of this age pureblooded descendants of Jacob/Israel will be few and far between, a scattered “remnant” according to scripture. Once God annihilates the satanic system this remnant will be gathered together in the land promised our forefathers. The gathering of “Jews” in the Israeli state is a decoy and a massive deception that unfortunately has 99% of churchgoing “Judeo-Christians” utterly bamboozled. If they knew the truth they would simply be “Christians”.
Jeremiah 30:10-11 Therefore fear thou not, O my servant Jacob, saith the LORD; neither be dismayed, O Israel: (This does not refer to the Israeli state. It is another name for Jacob’s WHITE bloodline) for, lo, I will save thee from afar, and thy seed from the land of their captivity; and Jacob shall return, and shall be in rest, and be quiet, and none shall make him afraid. For I am with thee, saith the LORD, to save thee: though I make a full end of all nations whither I have scattered thee, yet will I not make a full end of thee: but I will correct thee in measure, and will not leave thee altogether unpunished.
In Europe, over the past several centuries “Jews” managed to worm their way into Caucasian dynasties that they didn’t murder outright (such as the Romanovs). Thus the British royal family is now infused with “Jewish” blood through marriage. Princess Diana, for instance, was part “Jewish”. Her first major sin was that, in rebellion to Prince Charles and his mother, she had a child out of wedlock – Prince Harry, which wasn’t SO bad in their eyes, but it was the second big sin that cost her her life. She was due to have another child by Dodi Faid, her Muslim lover. This was too much for the queen to stomach and therefore a fatal traffic accident had to be arranged. Can we definitively prove that it was a setup? Of course we can’t prove it to the satisfaction of someone who must have every single piece of the puzzle snapped in place before seeing the image, or someone who prefers to believe that all of history is a series of random events. We can’t provide you with the name of her assassin any more than we can name the exact perpetrators behind the JFK assassination. For those who are on board with us and comprehend that history is SCRIPTED by the powers that be, we assure you that whoever arranged for Kennedy’s assassination was an AGENT of the central bankers, carrying out orders. According to Mullins’ research there were FIVE assassination crews to make absolutely sure the job got done.
The “Jewish” central bankers wanted JFK killed because he threatened their Federal Reserve counterfeiting scam. Kennedy dared to bypass the Federal Reserve by using the U.S. Treasury to print interest free dollars and he had said that he wanted to abolish the Fed and the CIA, which he called a “rogue agency”. That was when he signed his death warrant. The CIA happens to be the intelligence gathering agency of the Federal Reserve central bankers. It does not work for the American people. BIG money and political clout are extremely effective in appointing the “investigators” and judges required to cover up the dirty deeds of powerful “elites” and their criminal agents, and provide absolute assurance that no punishment or damning exposure of the perpetrators is forthcoming.
Saul Alinsky, mentor to Hillary Clinton and avowed satanist & an overview of his political philosophy.
Take a look, for example at Hillary Rodham Clinton and how much damage this one vile woman has done to America and the fact that she is still strutting around FREE and not in a jail cell. It’s hard to tell how many people have been murdered in order that the Clinton train of evil could continue chugging down the tracks. For more on this research “the Clinton body count”. When her husband was running for governor of Arkansas Hillary once showed up to a promotional event wearing a CPUSA (Communist Party) pin, showing her true colors. (Listen to the recording to the right.) It is a blessing that she did not become president.
An early Clinton staffer reveals what it was like working for the Clintons
during Bill Clinton's first bid for governor. Very revealing. |
Hillary Clinton was a student and protegé of the communist “Jew” Saul Alinsky who wrote “THE book” on how to take over a neighborhood or a nation with infiltration, incendiary tactics, political agitation and violence, if required. His book “Rules for Radicals” was actually dedicated to Satan, his god! Clinton did her college thesis on Alinsky. These few details should give one reason to believe such people are toxic and dangerous and do not have the best interests of America in mind. What they truly want is power, control and wealth and they will do anything and step on anyone in order to get it. In fact, satanic “Jews” want ALL of the wealth. They want to own the entire planet and relegate their “human resources” to absolute, lifelong slavery. Nevertheless, many pampered liberal minded “academics” celebrate Alinsky as if he were a saint. Clinton and her serial philanderer husband have been protected from prosecution because they are both part “Jewish” and they are powerful TOOLS of the Zionist “Jewish” money power. If the outcomes of certain Federal investigations do not seem fair or right just determine who profits, or whose hindquarters are protected because they are agents of “Jewish” banking and corporate oligarchs and therein lies the explanation. It’s not rocket science. Follow the money, and follow “Jewish” power and you will know the basic “why” of events and outcomes that keep everyone else baffled and befuddled.

is_clinton_a_rockefeller.pdf |
The “black nobility” of Europe, which has been infused with Canaanite-Edomite-Ashkenazi blood, works hand in hand with and is a component of the Rothschild “City of London” international banking cartel which grew up around the Bank of England, the first Rothschild controlled central bank. The “Bank of International Settlements” in Basel, Switzerland is THE central bank over all national central banks. It is also controlled by the Rothschild cartel. The top layer of this heap of usurers is almost exclusively Ashkenazi (Edomite-Canaanite) “Jewish”. These financial entities in turn control the Federal Reserve central bank of the U.S. and dictate to it when to raise or lower interest rates at its “discount window” -- the funnel through which very low rate loans are passed to its member banks. Meanwhile, these banks turn around and lend the money to businesses and consumers at higher rates. The mathematics of it assures a steady flow of wealth from lower rungs of the econmic ladder to the top. Read our essay "The Pyramid Scheme of Debt" for more insight.
Though much effort is expended in obscuring it, the Rothschild dynasty remains the most powerful of all dynasties, worth trillions of dollars, and having a controlling interest in the global central banking system, which in turn controls the governments of almost every nation on earth through government loans (created from nothing) the charging of interest to the nation for this money creation and taxation of the nation’s citizens to pay the interest on these government loans. The principle is then added to the “national debt”, which SHOULD (if this were a sane world) be repudiated, since it is all based on fraud. The Fed oligarchy turns on the money tap for things IT wants, like imperialistic wars (while 90% of the people do not want war), loans to foreign governments, loans to overextended "Jewish" controlled investment houses, promotion of all things "progressive" (communist) and a steaming garbage barge worth of other evils.
The primary function of “intelligence” and alphabet agencies and allied government contractors is to carry out the will of the financier-globalists at the top of the pyramid, whose orders pass through mole tunnels of the “deep state” bureaucracy. “Jews” with ties to the Israeli state are often found embedded in primary positions. Some of them are “dual citizens” of the Israeli state and America. There is virtually no other type of dual citizen to be found in U.S. government. Suspicious partnerships, such as the ADL working hand in hand with the FBI, exist to ferret out “haters” (which would be anyone in disagreement with “Jewish” world conquest). These schemer-parasites are always busy creating problems (like Covid 19 or a myriad of computer hacks and ransomware) and then providing “solutions”, (like a vaccine loaded with poisons and tracking capabilities or a cyber-security system) thus enriching themselves by the most heinous of methods at the expense of what little remains of white, Christian America, which has gone from being a Christian republic under God to a Zionist corporate fascist war machine devolving into a sick technocratic-satanic tyranny. China is ostensibly a U.S. rival, but in actuality a role model for control freak technocrats such as Ray Kurzweil (Jewish), Elon Musk (Jewish), Bill Gates (related to Nelson Rockefeller, a Sephardic Jew -- see family tree below) and Eric Schmidt, who Henry Kissinger (super Jew) says is his “best friend”. This says a lot about Schmidt’s character and motives. With creepy trans-humanists like this in charge of American policy and direction it is clear that the most formidable enemy of the people is well within the gates, but goes largely undetected because most attempts at exposure of this beast are summarily branded as “conspiracy theory”, “fake news” or, horror of horrors, “anti-Semitic”, bearing in mind that as always throughout history a large percentage of these canker worms are “Jews”.
Though much effort is expended in obscuring it, the Rothschild dynasty remains the most powerful of all dynasties, worth trillions of dollars, and having a controlling interest in the global central banking system, which in turn controls the governments of almost every nation on earth through government loans (created from nothing) the charging of interest to the nation for this money creation and taxation of the nation’s citizens to pay the interest on these government loans. The principle is then added to the “national debt”, which SHOULD (if this were a sane world) be repudiated, since it is all based on fraud. The Fed oligarchy turns on the money tap for things IT wants, like imperialistic wars (while 90% of the people do not want war), loans to foreign governments, loans to overextended "Jewish" controlled investment houses, promotion of all things "progressive" (communist) and a steaming garbage barge worth of other evils.
The primary function of “intelligence” and alphabet agencies and allied government contractors is to carry out the will of the financier-globalists at the top of the pyramid, whose orders pass through mole tunnels of the “deep state” bureaucracy. “Jews” with ties to the Israeli state are often found embedded in primary positions. Some of them are “dual citizens” of the Israeli state and America. There is virtually no other type of dual citizen to be found in U.S. government. Suspicious partnerships, such as the ADL working hand in hand with the FBI, exist to ferret out “haters” (which would be anyone in disagreement with “Jewish” world conquest). These schemer-parasites are always busy creating problems (like Covid 19 or a myriad of computer hacks and ransomware) and then providing “solutions”, (like a vaccine loaded with poisons and tracking capabilities or a cyber-security system) thus enriching themselves by the most heinous of methods at the expense of what little remains of white, Christian America, which has gone from being a Christian republic under God to a Zionist corporate fascist war machine devolving into a sick technocratic-satanic tyranny. China is ostensibly a U.S. rival, but in actuality a role model for control freak technocrats such as Ray Kurzweil (Jewish), Elon Musk (Jewish), Bill Gates (related to Nelson Rockefeller, a Sephardic Jew -- see family tree below) and Eric Schmidt, who Henry Kissinger (super Jew) says is his “best friend”. This says a lot about Schmidt’s character and motives. With creepy trans-humanists like this in charge of American policy and direction it is clear that the most formidable enemy of the people is well within the gates, but goes largely undetected because most attempts at exposure of this beast are summarily branded as “conspiracy theory”, “fake news” or, horror of horrors, “anti-Semitic”, bearing in mind that as always throughout history a large percentage of these canker worms are “Jews”.

relationship_of_bill_gates_to_nelson_rockefeller_via_stephen_gifford.pdf |
Birds of a feather ... George Soros, David Rockefeller, Bill Gates' father, and Ted Turner, all eugenicists.
We advise you to download as much of this information as possible, before “they” clamp a lid on the Internet, which is in the globalist plan. All communist regimes have put a premium on controlling the thoughts of the masses. Let us not forget who has controlled media and academia in America for well over a century. J.P. Morgan, an agent of the “money power” purchased the editorial rights of the twenty-five biggest newspapers in the country around 1910 so as to make sure that the coming Federal Reserve scam was portrayed in the best possible light. “Jews” have controlled all “mainstream” media ever since. Consider their skill at portraying lies as truth and preventing truth from reaching the eyes and ears of the masses. Consider what race above all others has the superpower to create trillions and trillions of dollars from nothing and uses it to gobble up the real wealth of the world and enslave everyone who is not in their “tribe” or a shabez goy servant thereof .
Some specific details, drilling down into the Zionist network, but being careful not to define it as such (letting the listener make his own conclusions). Identifying it would probably result in these brave researcher-reporters being censored from the Internet by agents of the zio-corporatocracy.
The name “Rothschild” does not include all branches of the extensive family tree. Other branches go by the names Loeb, Schiff, Muhlstein, Lambert, Sassoon, Levi, Montafiore, Cohen, Gramprecht, Isaac, Meyer, Oppenheim, Goldschmidt, and it is even alleged that Adolf Hitler was related by blood to the Rothschild clan through his father, Alois Hitler, who was the illegitimate son of Lionel Rothschild, son of Nathan Meyer, son of Meyer Amschel (dynasty founder). A tactic of that dynasty (and other dynasties) has been to sire illegitimate children in unlikely places and from lower class women in order to assure that political power remains in their hands, to carry out clandestine missions and to promulgate the myth of the wholly “self made man” – a “man of the people” who rose from “rags to riches” by his own effort. There are actually very few, if any, “self-made” men in politics. Those who appear to be self-made always have hidden benefactors. This is but part of the glue that holds the dark empire together.
Though it is for certain that a major force behind the “New World Order” “Mystery Babylon” global tyranny is Rothschild and the apex of their control is the mother of all central banks: The Bank of International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, we would be remiss in saying that ALL power resides with the Rothschild financial syndicate because there are other key components in the loose globalist-satanic beast system. The rabbinical establishment, a modern day global manifestation of the ancient Pharisaic establishment plays a large part, as does the scripture mangling, ritualistic Catholic (Universalist) church which is behind much of the unwanted mass immigration taking place in white nations. The Catholic Church, which has been infiltrated by “crypto-Jews” for at least seventeen centuries, is not Christian and is attempting to gather the world’s religions under “one roof” toward the hidden goal of a “one world” satanic religion, which sets the stage for the final scene before Christ: the Antichrist (Satan) sweeping away the “whore on the beast” and proclaiming himself to be God:
II Thessalonians 2:3-4 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
The Catholic church embraces many precepts that run contrary to God’s commandments such as worship of the Virgin Mary (she is not God – see Exodus 20:2), belief that the Pope is infallible (He is not. He is merely a man.), encouragement and financing of mass immigration of non-whites to white nations (acting as an “agent” for the dragon’s flood against God’s people – Rev. 12:15), and its latest affront to God, a declaration by the pope that homosexual marriage is now condoned by the church. This is in direct contradiction to biblical commandments, such as in Romans 1:27 and Leviticus 18:22. Control and direction of the Catholic church is charted by the Jesuit order, which was from the beginning infiltrated by “Jews”. The Jesuits have embraced usury since the 1200s (usury against a brother is forbidden—Leviticus 25:26-36). The Vatican even has a bank, which is managed by Rothschild agents, so clearly the “fox” is guarding that big “henhouse”.
The “military-industrial complex”, the third component of global control has guns, bullets, bombs, tanks, nuclear submarines, battleships, airplanes, high tech flesh sizzling lasers, HAARP, and an array of other very effective tools for use in “persuading” nations that would prefer to be left alone to embrace “democracy”, which is a code word for “pre-communism”, which means life under the boot of a “Jewish” central bank and a smothering blanket of “Jewish”-owned corporate monopolies. Though this third New World Order component is very powerful it must be fueled with money, and lots of it, which flows from the central banks and their member banks. This means that military forces tend to take orders from the central bankers, via their Zionist puppet politicians, bureaucrats and intelligence agents placed in their positions for the purpose of serving the money power.
Surely there are some upright and intelligent military men who rose to their positions by merit and who know exactly what is going on. Some of them would love to rid the world of the satanic menace that has our western nations under its iron boot. In their hearts they probably despise the “Jewish” cabal that gets to create money from nothing and then send troops off to fight wars that work only to benefit “Jewish” usurers, while average citizens must suffer lives of scarcity, depravation and forced servitude. This author was told of one incident a couple decades ago where some military generals had planned a coup on the U.S. government. This noble plan was suddenly thwarted when the plane several of these men were on crashed. They eyes and ears of the evil empire are everywhere. Privacy is a luxury of the past.
Modern technology makes it possible to spy on almost anyone, anywhere at any time, using tracking devices, cell phones, debit and credit cards, the internet and a "back door" built into the operating system of personal computers so spooks can comb through your computer files for information. And then there are satellites, implantable microchips and various other “smart” technologies that probably would not be developed except for government contracts doled out to big tech in "public-private" partnerships -- code for corporate fascism. It is even possible to monitor citizens through their television sets as small scale digital technology coupled with cable or microwave connections or monitored through the electrical system and transmitted through "smart" meters certainly makes that possible. With an acronym that means Secret Militarized Armaments for Residential Technology we might be justified having some suspicion. We would not put it past the evil “military-industrial complex” to mass manufacture refrigerators, toasters and other home appliances equipped with such capabilities, for your safety and protection, of course.
Though it is for certain that a major force behind the “New World Order” “Mystery Babylon” global tyranny is Rothschild and the apex of their control is the mother of all central banks: The Bank of International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, we would be remiss in saying that ALL power resides with the Rothschild financial syndicate because there are other key components in the loose globalist-satanic beast system. The rabbinical establishment, a modern day global manifestation of the ancient Pharisaic establishment plays a large part, as does the scripture mangling, ritualistic Catholic (Universalist) church which is behind much of the unwanted mass immigration taking place in white nations. The Catholic Church, which has been infiltrated by “crypto-Jews” for at least seventeen centuries, is not Christian and is attempting to gather the world’s religions under “one roof” toward the hidden goal of a “one world” satanic religion, which sets the stage for the final scene before Christ: the Antichrist (Satan) sweeping away the “whore on the beast” and proclaiming himself to be God:
II Thessalonians 2:3-4 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
The Catholic church embraces many precepts that run contrary to God’s commandments such as worship of the Virgin Mary (she is not God – see Exodus 20:2), belief that the Pope is infallible (He is not. He is merely a man.), encouragement and financing of mass immigration of non-whites to white nations (acting as an “agent” for the dragon’s flood against God’s people – Rev. 12:15), and its latest affront to God, a declaration by the pope that homosexual marriage is now condoned by the church. This is in direct contradiction to biblical commandments, such as in Romans 1:27 and Leviticus 18:22. Control and direction of the Catholic church is charted by the Jesuit order, which was from the beginning infiltrated by “Jews”. The Jesuits have embraced usury since the 1200s (usury against a brother is forbidden—Leviticus 25:26-36). The Vatican even has a bank, which is managed by Rothschild agents, so clearly the “fox” is guarding that big “henhouse”.
The “military-industrial complex”, the third component of global control has guns, bullets, bombs, tanks, nuclear submarines, battleships, airplanes, high tech flesh sizzling lasers, HAARP, and an array of other very effective tools for use in “persuading” nations that would prefer to be left alone to embrace “democracy”, which is a code word for “pre-communism”, which means life under the boot of a “Jewish” central bank and a smothering blanket of “Jewish”-owned corporate monopolies. Though this third New World Order component is very powerful it must be fueled with money, and lots of it, which flows from the central banks and their member banks. This means that military forces tend to take orders from the central bankers, via their Zionist puppet politicians, bureaucrats and intelligence agents placed in their positions for the purpose of serving the money power.
Surely there are some upright and intelligent military men who rose to their positions by merit and who know exactly what is going on. Some of them would love to rid the world of the satanic menace that has our western nations under its iron boot. In their hearts they probably despise the “Jewish” cabal that gets to create money from nothing and then send troops off to fight wars that work only to benefit “Jewish” usurers, while average citizens must suffer lives of scarcity, depravation and forced servitude. This author was told of one incident a couple decades ago where some military generals had planned a coup on the U.S. government. This noble plan was suddenly thwarted when the plane several of these men were on crashed. They eyes and ears of the evil empire are everywhere. Privacy is a luxury of the past.
Modern technology makes it possible to spy on almost anyone, anywhere at any time, using tracking devices, cell phones, debit and credit cards, the internet and a "back door" built into the operating system of personal computers so spooks can comb through your computer files for information. And then there are satellites, implantable microchips and various other “smart” technologies that probably would not be developed except for government contracts doled out to big tech in "public-private" partnerships -- code for corporate fascism. It is even possible to monitor citizens through their television sets as small scale digital technology coupled with cable or microwave connections or monitored through the electrical system and transmitted through "smart" meters certainly makes that possible. With an acronym that means Secret Militarized Armaments for Residential Technology we might be justified having some suspicion. We would not put it past the evil “military-industrial complex” to mass manufacture refrigerators, toasters and other home appliances equipped with such capabilities, for your safety and protection, of course.

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In the book “Confessions of an Economic Hitman” John Perkins goes into detail describing the “mutant capitalism” which FORCES third world nations to obtain loans from the Rothschild-controlled World Bank. The money must then be used by the recipient nation to purchase “infrastructure” that will invariably be built by foreign contractors employed by the bankers and this infrastructure will be of almost no benefit to the people of the nation who will remain just as poor as they were before the infrastructure “improvements” were made. Then, when the victim nation, run by some self-serving puppet dictatorial regime, cannot pay back the loan (which always happens) the economic hit men will put forth an “offer they can’t refuse” which is to permit the bankers and allied corporate monopolist interests to rape the land of its natural resources, and install military bases so as to expand their global empire of usury. If the offer is refused, the central bankers’ agents will arrange for troops from the military arm of the empire (which at this current time is the U.S. military or United Nations “peacekeeping” forces) to be sent in to guarantee that the capitalistic imperialism project proceeds apace. Anyone who cannot perceive that this form of “capitalism” is EVIL simply lacks a conscience. We might add that someone has to PAY the salaries of the generals and propagandized cannon fodder who think they are fighting to end oppression and spread “democracy”, which they have been trained to believe is the greatest system of government ever.
Paying an army of any size is no problem for a central bank money machine that can create trillions of dollars OUT OF THIN AIR, which is “backed” (in secret, but in FACT) by the “human resources” of the nation which are routinely USED for military campaigns desired by the central bankers and their corporate kin. The bogus war scenario is a perfect example of what exactly is meant by the term “human resources”. It is not as if the average soldier has any choice as to which war he must engage in. He is merely a “resource”, albeit one that walks and talks and can take orders. Further, these wars are NOT fought for “defense” – as the evening “news” propaganda agents are wont to proclaim. Modern wars are ALL designed to support the goals of international Zionist “Jewry”, i.e. the money power. For specific examples read the short, insightful book “War Is A Racket” by WWI era General Smedley Butler. He reveals that the military campaigns he engaged in were always in service to investment bankers and corporations whose principles profited magnificently off of the carnage while the soldiers who did the actual fighting only got a paycheck. Those who survived often went home minus a leg, arm or eye and/or suffering from debilitating post traumatic stress. Many children were left fatherless and many our fittest young men who would have been a great asset to the nation if allowed to live, died for no reason other than to enrich a vile predatory class of greedy vampire capitalists. General Butler specifically mentions Brown Brothers, Harriman, which employed Prescott Bush, and was the original source of the Bush family millions. Prescott was the father of George Bush Sr., a Skull and Bonesman (like his father) who became U.S. President and served as a lap dog of the “Jewish” international banking cartel. Poppy Bush was an ardent Zionist who peppered his speeches with the phrase “New World Order” at least 300 times, adding that it was a “really BIG idea” but failing to explain exactly what the hell he was talking about. In a droll, sleep inducing tone of voice he spoke of a mysterious “thousand points of light”, a phrase which, to the general public went in one ear and out the other but no doubt had occult significance. Washington D.C. is home to a nest of Satanists. This author has been there several times and can literally feel the evil.
Paying an army of any size is no problem for a central bank money machine that can create trillions of dollars OUT OF THIN AIR, which is “backed” (in secret, but in FACT) by the “human resources” of the nation which are routinely USED for military campaigns desired by the central bankers and their corporate kin. The bogus war scenario is a perfect example of what exactly is meant by the term “human resources”. It is not as if the average soldier has any choice as to which war he must engage in. He is merely a “resource”, albeit one that walks and talks and can take orders. Further, these wars are NOT fought for “defense” – as the evening “news” propaganda agents are wont to proclaim. Modern wars are ALL designed to support the goals of international Zionist “Jewry”, i.e. the money power. For specific examples read the short, insightful book “War Is A Racket” by WWI era General Smedley Butler. He reveals that the military campaigns he engaged in were always in service to investment bankers and corporations whose principles profited magnificently off of the carnage while the soldiers who did the actual fighting only got a paycheck. Those who survived often went home minus a leg, arm or eye and/or suffering from debilitating post traumatic stress. Many children were left fatherless and many our fittest young men who would have been a great asset to the nation if allowed to live, died for no reason other than to enrich a vile predatory class of greedy vampire capitalists. General Butler specifically mentions Brown Brothers, Harriman, which employed Prescott Bush, and was the original source of the Bush family millions. Prescott was the father of George Bush Sr., a Skull and Bonesman (like his father) who became U.S. President and served as a lap dog of the “Jewish” international banking cartel. Poppy Bush was an ardent Zionist who peppered his speeches with the phrase “New World Order” at least 300 times, adding that it was a “really BIG idea” but failing to explain exactly what the hell he was talking about. In a droll, sleep inducing tone of voice he spoke of a mysterious “thousand points of light”, a phrase which, to the general public went in one ear and out the other but no doubt had occult significance. Washington D.C. is home to a nest of Satanists. This author has been there several times and can literally feel the evil.

war_is_a_racket_-_butler.pdf |
The modern soldier is a wage slave, who must risk life and limb so as to benefit a core group of "elite" psychopaths – monsters wearing human skin who are so wicked that they rape and abuse young children and even sacrifice them in satanic rituals that have been practiced through the centuries in secret by their ancestors whose blood was tainted with the genetics of their father the devil. They are protected from prosecution by legal and political systems which they have rigged by staffing them with a network of fellow Zionists, Kabbalists, Masons, Luciferians, Bohemian Grovesmen, Bonesmen, Jesuits, etc. who protect their own kind and kin at the expense of everyone else. This is the dark side of the modern world, which is spiritually speaking the same as the ancient world. It is a reality which almost no one understands because wickedness has been whitewashed with psychobabble and “institutionalized” by academia and media so that denial of the EVIL is a knee jerk reaction.
Matthew 7:15-20 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
If the average media saturated, “scholastically” brainwashed citizen believes the wars of the last century were for “defense” and the spread of some wonderful system of liberty and freedom which is going to make the planet a better place, they are SURE to believe THE Antichrist when he struts onto the world stage claiming to be God. The same slick propaganda that paints war as “good for the economy” and for the spreading of wonderful “democracy” will portray the Antichrist as the “Messiah” who will solve all of the world’s problems, end hunger, end war, bring about peace and safety and make every “global citizen” a happy camper. Every bit of it will be a BIG LIE for as scripture warns: For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. (I Thessalonians 5:3) The Antichrist (a man fully imbued with the spirit of Satan) will be the ultimate “wolf in sheep’s clothing”, smiling, saccharine dripping DECEIVER propped up with all of the “programming” power of the toxic, collective “Jewish”-owned and operated network of satanic mainstream propaganda. In the face of that future it is a wonderful relief to know that Jesus Christ is going to utterly obliterate the ENTIRE rotten, wicked system erected by Satan’s children and their corrupted souls will be dispatched to HELL, along with everyone else who loves lies more than truth. The only ones who will remain to populate the new earth will be those whose names were written in the “book of life”, both those of the “remnant” who remain alive at the end of the age and those who have died the “first death” and are resurrected for the kingdom of God.
Revelation 21:1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. (note how the word “sea” is used in the next verses)
Revelation 20:12-15 And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; (the physically dead) and death and hell delivered up the dead (both physically and spiritually dead) which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.
Revelation 13:1-18 (A detailed prophecy looking back from the future, to the tail end of this earth age. We will attempt to unravel it.) And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a (the first) beast rise up out of the sea (of humanity), having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. (a satanic political system with 10 divisions and 7 kings/chief administrators). And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: (it has characteristics of each previous Western political empire, namely the Babylonian, Media-Persian, Greek, Roman and revived Roman) and the dragon (Satan) gave him (the beast with 7 heads …) his power, and his seat, and great authority. And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; (this could refer to the rejuvenation of so-called “Israel” [which is a fake] as a powerful political entity) and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered (was astounded, astonished, bewitched, insane – from Strong’s) after the beast. And they (the delusional people of the world, those who embrace lies more than the truth) worshipped the dragon (“that old dragon” Satan) which gave power unto the beast: (Satan gives power to the “Jewish”-Edomite-Canaanite New World Order comprehensive tyranny, which is financial, bureaucratic, spiritual and military in nature) and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? (All of the world’s armies are controlled and financed by “Jewish” central banks. It is not possible to “make war” without lots of money. This “beast” has in “his” hands the power of collective “Jewry”. The beast IS their New World Order system) And there was given unto him (now speaking of The Antichrist figurehead, who is possessed with the spirit of Satan) a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. (3-1/2 years during the great tribulation) And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven (because he hates God). And it was given unto him (the collective “beast” with figurehead) to make war with the saints, (as with “hate laws”, harassment, false accusations, trials etc. designed to gag Christians and imprison them for telling the truth) and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, (The delusional people of the world, the “broken cisterns” will worship the collective beast system and the figurehead Antichrist, who they will believe to be their “messiah”. “Judeo-Christians”, i.e. Zionists who believe they are Christians will think he is Jesus Christ) whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. (Those written in the book of life are the “elect” of God, who are predestined for salvation) If any man have an ear, let him hear. He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints. And I beheld another beast (this is the second beast) coming up out of the earth; (“the earth” is symbolic of the worldwide entrenched system of things) and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. (This apparently refers to the false prophet who represents the sum total of the world’s false religions which were formed by the whore who rides on the beast, comprising the great apostate church system. It has, over two millennia, become fully “universalist” and “ecumenical” and does not put Jesus Christ and God at the center but rather brings ALL religions, no matter how vile and anti-God, under one roof for an apostate church thoroughly infused with Satanism) And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, (world leader of the “Jewish”-pharisaic-Zionist-Talmudic global system of evil) whose deadly wound was healed (This “deadly wound” could be a reference to the final sacking of the Satanic-Pharisaic-Canaanite stronghold, Jerusalem, by the Romans in 70 AD. Bear in mind that not all prophecy has been revealed so we can only make an educated guess) And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, (This is already possible with HAARP, Tesla inspired technology, so it is not necessarily supernatural) And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; (in the presence of The Antichrist figurehead and the first beast system) saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an *image (It could be some high-tech holographic manifestation, but we can only speculate) to the (first) beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live. And he had power to give life unto the image of the (first) beast, that the image of the (first) beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. (People will be forced to worship this manifestation of the figurehead of the “beast” or die) And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, (This is the cashless monetary system designed by the criminal “Jewish” banking oligarchy and already well on its way to completion**. In order to participate in this cashless system one would, at that tail end of the age, be compelled to worship Satan, or they will do so willingly out of convenience) save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; (again referring to the figurehead Antichrist, the first beast) and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. (The significance of this number has not yet been revealed though there are a plethora of theories.)
*Image – i-kone; a likeness, i.e. (lit.) statue, profile, or (fig.) representation, resemblance … Strong’s Concordance
**The phony "pandemic" was "think tanked" over a decade in advance, as can be seen in a 2010 report from the Rockefeller Foundation, in the section entitled "Lockstep" (download report below). Its purpose is multifaceted. It serves as a red herring to mask the debilitating effects of microwave radiation, such as damage to the lungs and immune system. It is also a ploy to crush small business, further consolidate wealth in the hands of plutocrats, to implement medical marshal law and contact tracing, to usher in "the new normal" neo-feudalistic technocratic highly invasive surveillance state where every purchase, every move and every thought of the citizen slaves is tracked, recorded and sifted through A.I. algorithms to detect non-compliance, to remove cash and make it inconvenient and then impossible to buy and sell (in the very end) without worshipping Satan. Satan is the author of this progression of wickedness through his demonically inspired "agents" -- bankers, scientists, politicians, technocrats, generals, academics, media moguls, "talking-head" newscasters, presstitutes, executives, and so on. Their reward for serving the devil is to feel the withering wrath of God, and then to suffer everlasting death in hell. See Rev. 6:14-17 and Rev. Chapter 18.
Matthew 7:15-20 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
If the average media saturated, “scholastically” brainwashed citizen believes the wars of the last century were for “defense” and the spread of some wonderful system of liberty and freedom which is going to make the planet a better place, they are SURE to believe THE Antichrist when he struts onto the world stage claiming to be God. The same slick propaganda that paints war as “good for the economy” and for the spreading of wonderful “democracy” will portray the Antichrist as the “Messiah” who will solve all of the world’s problems, end hunger, end war, bring about peace and safety and make every “global citizen” a happy camper. Every bit of it will be a BIG LIE for as scripture warns: For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. (I Thessalonians 5:3) The Antichrist (a man fully imbued with the spirit of Satan) will be the ultimate “wolf in sheep’s clothing”, smiling, saccharine dripping DECEIVER propped up with all of the “programming” power of the toxic, collective “Jewish”-owned and operated network of satanic mainstream propaganda. In the face of that future it is a wonderful relief to know that Jesus Christ is going to utterly obliterate the ENTIRE rotten, wicked system erected by Satan’s children and their corrupted souls will be dispatched to HELL, along with everyone else who loves lies more than truth. The only ones who will remain to populate the new earth will be those whose names were written in the “book of life”, both those of the “remnant” who remain alive at the end of the age and those who have died the “first death” and are resurrected for the kingdom of God.
Revelation 21:1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. (note how the word “sea” is used in the next verses)
Revelation 20:12-15 And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; (the physically dead) and death and hell delivered up the dead (both physically and spiritually dead) which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.
Revelation 13:1-18 (A detailed prophecy looking back from the future, to the tail end of this earth age. We will attempt to unravel it.) And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a (the first) beast rise up out of the sea (of humanity), having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. (a satanic political system with 10 divisions and 7 kings/chief administrators). And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: (it has characteristics of each previous Western political empire, namely the Babylonian, Media-Persian, Greek, Roman and revived Roman) and the dragon (Satan) gave him (the beast with 7 heads …) his power, and his seat, and great authority. And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; (this could refer to the rejuvenation of so-called “Israel” [which is a fake] as a powerful political entity) and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered (was astounded, astonished, bewitched, insane – from Strong’s) after the beast. And they (the delusional people of the world, those who embrace lies more than the truth) worshipped the dragon (“that old dragon” Satan) which gave power unto the beast: (Satan gives power to the “Jewish”-Edomite-Canaanite New World Order comprehensive tyranny, which is financial, bureaucratic, spiritual and military in nature) and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? (All of the world’s armies are controlled and financed by “Jewish” central banks. It is not possible to “make war” without lots of money. This “beast” has in “his” hands the power of collective “Jewry”. The beast IS their New World Order system) And there was given unto him (now speaking of The Antichrist figurehead, who is possessed with the spirit of Satan) a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. (3-1/2 years during the great tribulation) And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven (because he hates God). And it was given unto him (the collective “beast” with figurehead) to make war with the saints, (as with “hate laws”, harassment, false accusations, trials etc. designed to gag Christians and imprison them for telling the truth) and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, (The delusional people of the world, the “broken cisterns” will worship the collective beast system and the figurehead Antichrist, who they will believe to be their “messiah”. “Judeo-Christians”, i.e. Zionists who believe they are Christians will think he is Jesus Christ) whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. (Those written in the book of life are the “elect” of God, who are predestined for salvation) If any man have an ear, let him hear. He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints. And I beheld another beast (this is the second beast) coming up out of the earth; (“the earth” is symbolic of the worldwide entrenched system of things) and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. (This apparently refers to the false prophet who represents the sum total of the world’s false religions which were formed by the whore who rides on the beast, comprising the great apostate church system. It has, over two millennia, become fully “universalist” and “ecumenical” and does not put Jesus Christ and God at the center but rather brings ALL religions, no matter how vile and anti-God, under one roof for an apostate church thoroughly infused with Satanism) And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, (world leader of the “Jewish”-pharisaic-Zionist-Talmudic global system of evil) whose deadly wound was healed (This “deadly wound” could be a reference to the final sacking of the Satanic-Pharisaic-Canaanite stronghold, Jerusalem, by the Romans in 70 AD. Bear in mind that not all prophecy has been revealed so we can only make an educated guess) And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, (This is already possible with HAARP, Tesla inspired technology, so it is not necessarily supernatural) And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; (in the presence of The Antichrist figurehead and the first beast system) saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an *image (It could be some high-tech holographic manifestation, but we can only speculate) to the (first) beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live. And he had power to give life unto the image of the (first) beast, that the image of the (first) beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. (People will be forced to worship this manifestation of the figurehead of the “beast” or die) And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, (This is the cashless monetary system designed by the criminal “Jewish” banking oligarchy and already well on its way to completion**. In order to participate in this cashless system one would, at that tail end of the age, be compelled to worship Satan, or they will do so willingly out of convenience) save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; (again referring to the figurehead Antichrist, the first beast) and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. (The significance of this number has not yet been revealed though there are a plethora of theories.)
*Image – i-kone; a likeness, i.e. (lit.) statue, profile, or (fig.) representation, resemblance … Strong’s Concordance
**The phony "pandemic" was "think tanked" over a decade in advance, as can be seen in a 2010 report from the Rockefeller Foundation, in the section entitled "Lockstep" (download report below). Its purpose is multifaceted. It serves as a red herring to mask the debilitating effects of microwave radiation, such as damage to the lungs and immune system. It is also a ploy to crush small business, further consolidate wealth in the hands of plutocrats, to implement medical marshal law and contact tracing, to usher in "the new normal" neo-feudalistic technocratic highly invasive surveillance state where every purchase, every move and every thought of the citizen slaves is tracked, recorded and sifted through A.I. algorithms to detect non-compliance, to remove cash and make it inconvenient and then impossible to buy and sell (in the very end) without worshipping Satan. Satan is the author of this progression of wickedness through his demonically inspired "agents" -- bankers, scientists, politicians, technocrats, generals, academics, media moguls, "talking-head" newscasters, presstitutes, executives, and so on. Their reward for serving the devil is to feel the withering wrath of God, and then to suffer everlasting death in hell. See Rev. 6:14-17 and Rev. Chapter 18.

rockefeller_foundation_-_scenarios_for_the_future_of_technology_and_international_development.pdf |
Satan is the ultimate narcissist and psychopath, who cannot know love but can only know lust and has no problem in compelling the world’s people into compliance with his dream through deception, lies, persecution and stifling control mechanisms. Whether the “Jew” central bankers and their brethren are aware of it or not, this constitutes the spiritual reason behind their long sought after cashless money system. It is but a tool of Satan, their “father the devil” and they are Satan’s chief puppets as well as literal descendants of him by blood. Non-compliance and survival under this cashless system would be nearly impossible. Only those children of God living in “the wilderness” (figuratively and/or literally) will not succumb to the temptation to take the easy way out and receive the mark. If one needs something to compare it with, just imagine how difficult your life would be without a national ID number (such as the SSN), or a proposed "vaccine passport" universal ID placed IN the body, neither of which constitutes blasphemy (thank God!), but certainly they are precursors to the “mark of the beast”. Tyranny achieves its objectives step by step until the victims are fully imprisoned in a web of lies.
The atomic engine powering this final world gone mad scenario prophesied in the Book of Revelation is the “modern” rehashed Babylonian-inspired global central banking system which forces all money to be LENT into existence with USURY attached rather than being created debt free through a national treasury, which was the way the American money system worked before the 1913 coup by the “Jewish” banking oligarchy. The "Jewish" banker Paul Warburg was sent to America on a mission to set up this Trojan Horse. His family had stock in the German central bank (the Reichbank) and he also had tight ties with the Rothschilds. Warburg wrote the Federal Reserve Act. Prior to the Federal Reserve commandeering our money system the American Federal Government was debt free and new currency was issued by the U.S. Treasury. Because of the coup by the money power the national debt is now tens of trillions of dollars and we American citizens are forced to pay interest on it through the IRS which was also established in 1913 as a means to collect interest on the national debt. American taxpayers receive no value whatsoever from this as the interest payments go directly to the banks which have stock in the Federal Reserve, which in turn are all owned by “Jewish” plutocrats. All government activities and services are funded with even more loans from the Federal Reserve and thus the Federal Debt only grows larger and wealth flows inexorably upward as the people are defrauded.
Though incessantly reviled by “Jewish” controlled media, Adolph Hitler got Germany back on its feet after WWI by instituting a highly successful “social credit” system (not anything like the draconian Chinese communist system) in which new money came into existence through work contracts backed by the German government. Men and women would make a promise to work which would be recorded in a written contract. These work contracts could then be redeemed for cash issued by the government. Thus, new money came into existence through production and not through usury. This logical, intelligent and benign money system succeeded quickly in getting Germany out of a severe slump and it got the German people back to work. When one studies photos taken during that time it is obvious that it was a joyous, though short lived era for Germany. Had Hitler won the war it would have been a major setback for the money power. Some military men of the era have lamented that America fought against the wrong side, not to mention that we fought against our own racial kin, decimating each other in the process. Meanwhile, the warmongers made a great deal of profit and those international bankers who set up the war laughed at the carnage and our ignorance and gullibility.
The atomic engine powering this final world gone mad scenario prophesied in the Book of Revelation is the “modern” rehashed Babylonian-inspired global central banking system which forces all money to be LENT into existence with USURY attached rather than being created debt free through a national treasury, which was the way the American money system worked before the 1913 coup by the “Jewish” banking oligarchy. The "Jewish" banker Paul Warburg was sent to America on a mission to set up this Trojan Horse. His family had stock in the German central bank (the Reichbank) and he also had tight ties with the Rothschilds. Warburg wrote the Federal Reserve Act. Prior to the Federal Reserve commandeering our money system the American Federal Government was debt free and new currency was issued by the U.S. Treasury. Because of the coup by the money power the national debt is now tens of trillions of dollars and we American citizens are forced to pay interest on it through the IRS which was also established in 1913 as a means to collect interest on the national debt. American taxpayers receive no value whatsoever from this as the interest payments go directly to the banks which have stock in the Federal Reserve, which in turn are all owned by “Jewish” plutocrats. All government activities and services are funded with even more loans from the Federal Reserve and thus the Federal Debt only grows larger and wealth flows inexorably upward as the people are defrauded.
Though incessantly reviled by “Jewish” controlled media, Adolph Hitler got Germany back on its feet after WWI by instituting a highly successful “social credit” system (not anything like the draconian Chinese communist system) in which new money came into existence through work contracts backed by the German government. Men and women would make a promise to work which would be recorded in a written contract. These work contracts could then be redeemed for cash issued by the government. Thus, new money came into existence through production and not through usury. This logical, intelligent and benign money system succeeded quickly in getting Germany out of a severe slump and it got the German people back to work. When one studies photos taken during that time it is obvious that it was a joyous, though short lived era for Germany. Had Hitler won the war it would have been a major setback for the money power. Some military men of the era have lamented that America fought against the wrong side, not to mention that we fought against our own racial kin, decimating each other in the process. Meanwhile, the warmongers made a great deal of profit and those international bankers who set up the war laughed at the carnage and our ignorance and gullibility.
In his heyday he had a near 100% approval rating from the German working people, a feat which NO other politician in the modern era has ever achieved. The problem with Hitler’s social credit system was that it also took the blood sucking “Jewish” central banking parasites out of the loop.
The “Jew” Shylocks in control of the evil central banking debt money system absolutely INSIST that all money come into existence through THEIR fractional reserve usury system, which guarantees THEM perpetual profit with no work while also guaranteeing a progressively lower standard of living for everyone else who is forced to use their counterfeited money which continuously loses value through “inflation”. This was not so with the system implemented by Hitler: National income in Germany rose by 43.8% from RM45.2 billion to RM65 billion between 1932 to 1937, while between 1932 and June 1939 the index of producers goods increased by 219.6% from 46 to 147; yet the cost of living advanced by only 4% or less than 1% per annum, a rate which would be achieved throughout the 12 years of state banking under national socialism. |
This picture says it all. Hitler was not the total monster that mainstream history claims he was. He was a NATIONALIST, as opposed to internationalist, and further he recognized the "Jewish" problem in Germany, but he did not set out to kill millions of "Jews" and never did. He only wanted them out of the country. The "holocaust" is a foul myth as we explain and a cover up for the mass murder committed by "Jews" in Russia during the Bolshevik Revolution. Nevertheless, Hitler is incessantly and perpetually vilified in mainstream historical records, all utterly bogus on this matter.
The German monetary policy was non-inflationary because government expenditures, which increased the level of consumer demand, could in turn elicit correspondingly increase quantity of disposable consumer goods.” [Goodson is quoting R.E. Elleston, Monetary Parapometrics: A Case Study of the Third Reich, Christian International Publications, Wilson, Wyoming, 1982, p. 60.]
By 1939 Germany had become the most powerful country in the history of Europe. Its Gross Domestic Product at an annual growth rate of 11% per annum had doubled in the short space of six years of quasi-state banking. The Germans were now the happiest and most prosperous people in the world, fully employed and enjoying one of the highest standards of living. This success was achieved by the hand work of the German people and with the support of an honest money system not based on usury or the gold standard.
A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind, Stephen Mitford Goodson, 2017, page 146, Black House Publishing Ltd., Kemp House, 152 City Road, London, United Kingdom, EC1V 2NX, email: info@blackhousepublishing.com
By 1939 Germany had become the most powerful country in the history of Europe. Its Gross Domestic Product at an annual growth rate of 11% per annum had doubled in the short space of six years of quasi-state banking. The Germans were now the happiest and most prosperous people in the world, fully employed and enjoying one of the highest standards of living. This success was achieved by the hand work of the German people and with the support of an honest money system not based on usury or the gold standard.
A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind, Stephen Mitford Goodson, 2017, page 146, Black House Publishing Ltd., Kemp House, 152 City Road, London, United Kingdom, EC1V 2NX, email: info@blackhousepublishing.com
Inflation occurs when more dollars are injected into the pool of available dollars. The same principle holds true for any other monetary unit whether it be Euros, Yen, Lire, Kronar, Marks, etc. The more dollars there are in existence, whether electronic or in the form of currency, the less each one of them is worth compared to a more stable unit of value such as gold. Because of the Federal Reserve counterfeiting scam and continuous injection of more dollars created out of NOTHING into the overall pool of dollars (but each dollar amounting to an IOU to the Fed, for which interest is demanded) the value of one American dollar is less than 1/25th what it was in 1913 when “Jewish” international bankers seized the U.S. money system from the U.S. national Treasury. Gold, on the other hand, has maintained a relatively constant value during that same 100+ year period except for when the gold market is manipulated by the central bankers. Gold should be worth much more than it is, but if the bankers want to lower the price of gold all they need to do is dump some of their massive gold heap on the market which they have been doing in recent years in order to prop up the value of the ever weakening dollar. The more gold that is on the open market, as opposed to being locked up in the vaults of central bankers, the less each unit is worth. Conversely, when gold is scarce, the value of it rises. Despite that, gold is still a far more stable unit of value than the dollar.
Because of inflationary trends the dollar you hold in your hand today will probably be worth around 90 cents (compared to itself) one year from now. Thus it will take approximately $111.11 at today's date next year to buy the same amount of groceries that can be bought for $100.00 today. This is one compelling reason why the middle class keeps getting squeezed by slow degrees into poverty. Another reason is ever increasing local, state and federal taxes. Review the videos on California in Part II above for a worst case scenario of how the “progressive” (communist) government is destroying the middle class of that state and causing many citizens to flee to other states to escape economic slavery.
Adolf Hitler’s astute recognition of the problem with a debt based currency controlled by aliens who care nothing for the people of the nation and his valiant attempt to solve it are the reason why he, above all other historical figures, is continuously and outrageously vilified on “Jewish” mass media – which will NEVER EVER tell the truth about him and the worthwhile things he did for the German people. Don’t look to “professors” who “profess” to give an accurate record of history because they cannot tell the truth about Hitler. If a non-tenured professor steps out on a limb and tells the truth he’ll be out of job, and quickly because our universities are controlled with money that comes largely from the foundations of same alien collective. These grant contributions give the alien the power to mold the university in their image and retool history in support of their central banking scam. The only reason why someone like Dr. Kevin McDonald, author of "The Culture of Critique" could get away with poking the bear is because he was tenured and they couldn't get rid of him. He is now retired. Anyone like him who steps out on a limb to tell the truth about the "Jews" is automatically branded as an "anti-Semite". It is amazing that such an accusation has such power to vilify, considering that whites are the true semites (descended from Shem) and "Jews" are Hamite-Canaanites. Their only power lies in gross disinformation and a smothering blanket of deception. Most college “professors” are but pampered wage slaves whose job is to obfuscate and repackage history, economics, sociology, psychology, anthropology, and other lines of study so as to hide the “Jewish” tyranny that has us firmly under its Orwellian boot.
The controllers of this world system of usury, slow, painful communization and corporate monopolization are mostly invisible and unknown, hiding in their corporate lairs and multi-million dollar compounds and feeling no remorse and much less any shame for the suffering they impose on “the little people” who are systematically robbed of wealth, health, sanity and happiness. Many of our people have been killed in bogus wars for profit and honest research reveals that it is always “Jewish” central bankers who are behind every war. These wars are invariably waged to protect and advance the debt-based central banking tyranny.
Glib professional “front men” are used to do a large part of the dirty work of making the oppression of usury, taxes and constantly rising prices of necessities palatable to the public. Many of these “front men” are sleazy, “shabez goy” psychopath-traitors. “Shabez goy” is a term used by “Jews” for someone who is willing to serve their alien collective and work against his or her own people for material advantage – the average ladder climbing politician, or self-centered bureaucrat, for instance. There have been several movies made with the general theme of aliens from another planet posing a dire threat to “earthlings”, with “bad guy” characters who join with the alien forces against their own fellow humans. Such smiling, pontificating liars are the lowest of the low, morally speaking -- greedy, fawning self-centered slugs who will do anything to pad their own pockets and live “the good life” at the expense of the people they are supposed to be serving. Washington, D.C. is full of them. It is virtually impossible to rise to the highest positions in American politics without deference to Jewish" power. These photos illustrate the depth of the problem:
Because of inflationary trends the dollar you hold in your hand today will probably be worth around 90 cents (compared to itself) one year from now. Thus it will take approximately $111.11 at today's date next year to buy the same amount of groceries that can be bought for $100.00 today. This is one compelling reason why the middle class keeps getting squeezed by slow degrees into poverty. Another reason is ever increasing local, state and federal taxes. Review the videos on California in Part II above for a worst case scenario of how the “progressive” (communist) government is destroying the middle class of that state and causing many citizens to flee to other states to escape economic slavery.
Adolf Hitler’s astute recognition of the problem with a debt based currency controlled by aliens who care nothing for the people of the nation and his valiant attempt to solve it are the reason why he, above all other historical figures, is continuously and outrageously vilified on “Jewish” mass media – which will NEVER EVER tell the truth about him and the worthwhile things he did for the German people. Don’t look to “professors” who “profess” to give an accurate record of history because they cannot tell the truth about Hitler. If a non-tenured professor steps out on a limb and tells the truth he’ll be out of job, and quickly because our universities are controlled with money that comes largely from the foundations of same alien collective. These grant contributions give the alien the power to mold the university in their image and retool history in support of their central banking scam. The only reason why someone like Dr. Kevin McDonald, author of "The Culture of Critique" could get away with poking the bear is because he was tenured and they couldn't get rid of him. He is now retired. Anyone like him who steps out on a limb to tell the truth about the "Jews" is automatically branded as an "anti-Semite". It is amazing that such an accusation has such power to vilify, considering that whites are the true semites (descended from Shem) and "Jews" are Hamite-Canaanites. Their only power lies in gross disinformation and a smothering blanket of deception. Most college “professors” are but pampered wage slaves whose job is to obfuscate and repackage history, economics, sociology, psychology, anthropology, and other lines of study so as to hide the “Jewish” tyranny that has us firmly under its Orwellian boot.
The controllers of this world system of usury, slow, painful communization and corporate monopolization are mostly invisible and unknown, hiding in their corporate lairs and multi-million dollar compounds and feeling no remorse and much less any shame for the suffering they impose on “the little people” who are systematically robbed of wealth, health, sanity and happiness. Many of our people have been killed in bogus wars for profit and honest research reveals that it is always “Jewish” central bankers who are behind every war. These wars are invariably waged to protect and advance the debt-based central banking tyranny.
Glib professional “front men” are used to do a large part of the dirty work of making the oppression of usury, taxes and constantly rising prices of necessities palatable to the public. Many of these “front men” are sleazy, “shabez goy” psychopath-traitors. “Shabez goy” is a term used by “Jews” for someone who is willing to serve their alien collective and work against his or her own people for material advantage – the average ladder climbing politician, or self-centered bureaucrat, for instance. There have been several movies made with the general theme of aliens from another planet posing a dire threat to “earthlings”, with “bad guy” characters who join with the alien forces against their own fellow humans. Such smiling, pontificating liars are the lowest of the low, morally speaking -- greedy, fawning self-centered slugs who will do anything to pad their own pockets and live “the good life” at the expense of the people they are supposed to be serving. Washington, D.C. is full of them. It is virtually impossible to rise to the highest positions in American politics without deference to Jewish" power. These photos illustrate the depth of the problem:
Many of our so-called “leaders” are also, in their spare time, sexual perverts, pedophiles, homosexuals, philanderers of one slimy sort or another, and that’s all the better as far as their financial sponsors are concerned because those “skeletons in closet” make them easier to control and dispose of should they step out of line with the zio-globalist agenda. These politicians comprise a quilted assortment of Weeping Wall kissing, yarmulke wearing, Israel first traitors. We see them celebrated regularly on the covers of establishment (“Jewish”-controlled) propaganda rags like Time, Newsweek, Fortune, the Wall Street Journal, the New Yorker, Parade and so on. Unfortunately, the “Judeo-Christian” crowd goes right along with the Zio-“program”, thinking that the phony Israeli State perfectly fulfills biblical prophecy and is the re-gathering of “God’s chosen people”. It is a re-gathering of the descendants of Canaanites, NOT God’s “chosen people”, and this is clearly revealed in scripture, for those who are willing to STUDY without preconceived notions -- such as the mammoth, constantly reinforced misconception that “Jesus was a Jew”. Jesus was absolutely NOT of the same bloodline, spirituality or mindset of today’s “Jew”. He was exactly the opposite. The only prophecy these Synagogue of Satan “Jews” in the Israeli state will fulfill is that of many anti-Christs (I John 2:18) who will roll out the red carpet for THE Antichrist figurehead when he comes on the scene in Jerusalem proclaiming to be God and promising to solve ALL the world’s problems -- before he causes all hell to break loose (“when they say peace and safety … then sudden destruction” -- I Thessalonians 5:3). We are certain that this charming, charismatic, blaspheming devil will be a “Jew”, and a direct descendant of Cain. He may have been born already and is now being “groomed” by co-religionaires, waiting patiently to be placed upon a global pedestal by “Jewish” controlled governments and “Jewish” mass media conglomerates.
Daniel 11:36-37 And the king (the Antichrist figurehead) shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done. Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.
At the very top of the financial pyramid are the directors of madness on planet earth, a reclusive, exclusive “Jews” ONLY nest of master parasites. This oligarchy owns and controls the global central banking system. It has parlayed its power over money into a financial black hole, a multi-faceted ever-grasping hydra that has almost, at this late date in human history, absorbed all of the wealth of the world. It continuously extracts the maximum in “tribute” from its victims, the so-called “goyim” of planet earth. It IS just like some grim “science fiction” story, as if some alien species from a dark planet landed here 6,000 years ago and has been sucking the life out of the working people of planet earth ever since. The “human resource” trudges through his empty life unaware of the menace that has him in bondage because a propaganda virus attacks and reprograms his brain in the formative years. It takes an act of God for him to be released from this zombie state of mind. Why do you think there is such a fascination with zombies among the youth of today? Perhaps this is how they think of themselves, but of course they do not know why because systemic propaganda surely is not going to tell them.
The alien parasite does not possess what we would call a conscience, because it is driven by demons. It has no use for “weak” notions such as goodwill, charity, empathy and love. Everything the parasite does is calculated for advantage, power and profit. Nor does the parasite have anything resembling a “work ethic”. The parasitic collective absolutely hates physical work and considers anyone who has to engage in it to be inferior, like a bug scuttling across a sidewalk, fit to be stomped. Their Talmud, which codifies the philosophy and methods of the alien species, proclaims for instance, that “agriculture is the lowest of professions”. This is something any Christian would have to vehemently disagree with since tending a garden or a farm brings the great joy of seeing God’s miracle of life first hand, unfolding day by day. The soil is prepared, seeds are planted and plants grow which after a time bear fruit. The handiwork of Yahweh God is absolutely amazing to behold. It is a miracle! The “Jew” parasite despises God’s creation and prefers decay and death. The manifestation of this can be seen daily on their “Talmudvision”, the “the programming” of which is increasingly filled with violence, murder, depravity and filth.
The alien cares nothing for the miracles of God and in fact HATES life. It hates the creations of God, as hypocritical as it may seem, because without God the alien would not exist, because God created all things. However, God did not directly create the alien. Without God’s creation, Satan (once chief of the angels) would not exist and hence he would not have been able to procreate a race of his own through Cain. The fallen angels who disobeyed God and sired “alien” children also contributed to this “serpent-seed” bloodline. (Genesis 6:4) This serpent RACE has worked against the legitimate creation of God ever since. Whereas those who are OF God love life, and provide nurture and caring, the “alien” thrives on all of the negatives: perversion, corruption, misery, decay, disease and mass murder. The wars that the alien collective foments actually constitute mass sacrifices to their father and god, Satan who is greatly pleased especially when God’s children can be eliminated. The fact that mass murders such as the Communist Revolution of Russia, the Holodomor, and white genocide in South Africa and Europe can be kept secret and unrevealed to the world is all the better as far as the alien is concerned, because he MUST operate in the dark and in secret in order to be successful. Otherwise he risks righteous retaliation.
In the stratosphere of high finance, one finds a preponderance of satanic creatures who are imbued with a magnanimous “entitlement complex” just like their role model and forefather by blood, Satan. The entire race of parasites and psychopaths sired by Satan through the loins of Eve (through Cain) and through the fallen angels is slated for utter destruction at the hand of God. Only the “house of Jacob” will be permitted entry into the kingdom of God. For more details on how the satanic bloodline came to manifest itself in this day and age refer to the essays “Did Cain’s Descendants Survive the Great Flood” and “Esau-Edom In Jewry”.
Amos 9:8-10 Behold, the eyes of the Lord GOD are upon the sinful kingdom, and I will destroy it from off the face of the earth; saving that I will not utterly destroy the house of Jacob, (comprised of Caucasians) saith the LORD. For, lo, I will command, and I will sift the house of Israel (This is NOT the “Jews”. It refers to certain Caucasians, those who belong to God) among all nations, like as corn is sifted in a sieve, yet shall not the least grain fall upon the earth. All the sinners of my people shall die by the sword, which say, The evil shall not overtake nor prevent us. (Some of us will be remaining, but only a scattered “remnant”.)
Revelation 11:18 And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth. (Usurers, corporate monopolists, warmongers and the like are only concerned with power and profit and do not care about the health of the planet. They are in fact destroying it. God will destroy them in due time. “Mystery Babylon” will fall.)
Mortgagees by the millions all across our nations must work and work and work, year after year after year so that the shylock bankers can get their “pound of flesh”, which is the principal (for the most part created out of nothing) AND the interest, which was not created at all. The effect of usury is so pervasive that the modern world system is entirely “money driven”. Average people must work harder and harder over time to survive because their money is continually losing value. The inventor Thomas Edison once rightly opined that “usury is an invention of the devil.” The Bible does not outright condemn usury, but it does forbid it against a “brother”, which means that if a nation were wholly Christian, racially homogeneous (white) and following God’s commandments to the letter, there would be no usury.
If the overall effects of usury and the fractional reserve mechanism don’t seem fair or right to YOU, then your heart is in the right place. Just drive around your town or city and note which buildings are the biggest, best kept and most ornate in town. We bet they are bank buildings. Bankers are the richest people on the planet because they, unlike the rest of us have a “money tree” which gives them an overwhelming advantage over the other 99.9% of humanity who do not have the power to conjure money out of THIN AIR. The modern banking business, when you clear away the multiple layers of propaganda and blow away the thick air of “respectability”, is institutionalized counterfeiting, the “service” of which is to relieve the masses of their hard earned money while pretending to do them a favor. Unfortunately, due to steadily eroding savings and disposable income (an effect of the absorbtion of wealth by the upper classes) there is not much choice for the middle class and poor other than to borrow, at least in order to buy big ticket items such as a house, vehicle or a major appliance or in case of an emergency. For those folks – the lower 80% of the economic pyramid, money is scarce. The upper tier, however, sits on a hoard of it. The system therefore perpetuates itself and becomes ever more oppressive for those who must borrow in order to survive. As we explain in the “Pyramid Scheme of Debt” the money flows inexorably upward and the imbalance between the rich and poor increases and the once great middle class shrinks to nothing.
Usury is the primary reason why there is a 1%er class and an even more ominous .01%er world paradigm changing class.. For the most part "they" did not “earn” their vast wealth by actual work. They got wealthy and stay wealthy through various forms of a “sorcery” (to use biblical terminology), which amounts to the receipt of something for nothing or the gravity to use existing money to accumulate more money through deception. This parasite class uses their financial advantage to buy up things of real value and to craft their own special little “heaven on earth” while at the same time slowly crafting “hell on earth” for those who have been relegated to debt slavery. Why should anyone be allowed to create money from nothing, or earn more money simply because they already possess more money than can be spent in 10,000 lifetimes? Does anyone even bother to ask this question anymore? Does anyone ask why 80% of humanity must give up a large percentage of their income to sorcerers who produce nothing but debt and yet accumulate more profit than even the best of producers? The whole gamut of financial JUNK that makes the modern world HELL is a vast spider’s web of money shifting schemes made to seem like necessities and yet they function as a cancer on humanity. If all of the financial junk were a necessity why was humanity able to survive and thrive for thousands of years without the benefit of a mutated tyrannical “capitalistic” system driven by usury and an assortment of arcane “investment” schemes designed to drain the common people of their wealth and further enrich those who already have more than enough? This form of “capitalism” is anything but “free enterprise”. It constitutes a building block of communism and/or a neo-feudal technocracy, whichever you prefer. Nine-tenths of the communization of a nation is the central bank – so said Stalin – and the central bank is at the center of the money madness. The "great reset", "build back better", blather of politicians and globalist front-man creeps like Klaus Schwab is simply a retooling of the old wicked system, to keep the wealth of the world consolidated in the SAME hands and assure that the "human resources" are kept in order, so as not to threaten the hegemony of the "elite" world controllers.
“Fractional reserve” banking and rampant capitalistic speculation has made this planet into a prison for the working wage slaves and a luxurious material paradise for the lords of finance and their top tier agents in government and the corporate world. These golden psychopaths simply shift gobs of money here and there in order to make more money and then stash their hoards away in monstrous investment accounts that can be used time and time again as “motivation” toward goals desired by the satanic collective, and even as a WEAPON against those “human resources” that they wish to marginalize and eliminate. The following scripture applies to these wicked “financiers” perfectly, and quite obviously it means that their souls are slated for hell. It is not possible to worship God and mammon simultaneously. Herein lies the proof that so-called “prosperity doctrines” are falsifications of scripture:
James 5:1-6 (and now) Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you. Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten. Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days. Behold, the hire of the labourers who have reaped down your fields, which is of you kept back by fraud, (the workers are deprived of a fair wage and defrauded in various ways) crieth: and the cries of them which have reaped are entered into the ears of the Lord of sabaoth. Ye have lived in pleasure on the earth, and been wanton; ye have nourished your hearts, as in a day of slaughter. Ye have condemned and killed the just; (such as the creation of wars and sickness for profit) and he doth not resist you.(because the average person is so busy trying to keep his head above water he has no time or energy to resist)
The main focus of this essay is on those who enjoy inflicting misery on others for profit. These alien creatures are “of their father the devil” (John 8:44) and are doing the bidding of Satan, whether they realize it or not. The main vehicle by which they are able to accomplish this is MONEY. God has informed us that “the love of money is the root of ALL evil” (I Timothy 6:10). Do we mean to imply that your friendly local banker is a conscious-less psychopath-Satanist like the ones at the top of the worldwide pyramid scheme of debt? No, we would presume that he is not anywhere near THAT bad, though he (and other bigger fish in smaller local ponds) could be a Mason. The order of Masonry, another tool in the bag of globalists, confers benefits to its members and often helps them rise up the corporate and financial ladder, if they show aptitude and intelligence, though most Masons are just regular guys looking for something to do or a way to spice up their lives, or get away from their wives. It is when they rise to the higher degrees that they become acid eating away at the fabric of the nation.
The big problem with Masonry is that it is controlled at the top by the same species of devils as those running the global system of fractional reserve usury. The top Masonic lodge in the world is the B’nai B’rith. Its membership is entirely “Jewish” – no other races allowed! This alone is a huge red (and we truly mean red) flag. These are the ones who chart the direction for ALL of Masonry and control it in a top down, bureaucratic, “need to know” fashion. The basic agenda of Masonry agrees completely with the plans of the Zionist, international “Jewish” central banking cartel. The members of the inferior “blue lodges” are kept in the dark about the more nefarious functions of the order. If you have read this far you probably know more about how the world system operates than most of them. These dupes act as a source of income to the order, through their dues. They also act as a SHIELD for the higher degrees, unwittingly engaging in smokescreens of “plausible deniability” (in the form of charity work) which effectively obscures the overarching goals of the order. The vastly more populous lower levels of Masonry consist of chummy lodges which practice “Judaism light” for “gentiles” and enough community service to make anyone think twice about criticizing them. If you are a Mason we would simply say GET OUT. You cannot be a child of Yahweh God and be a Mason. If you rise up the ranks you will absolutely move AWAY from God and toward Satan. You have been duly warned.
Daniel 11:36-37 And the king (the Antichrist figurehead) shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done. Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.
At the very top of the financial pyramid are the directors of madness on planet earth, a reclusive, exclusive “Jews” ONLY nest of master parasites. This oligarchy owns and controls the global central banking system. It has parlayed its power over money into a financial black hole, a multi-faceted ever-grasping hydra that has almost, at this late date in human history, absorbed all of the wealth of the world. It continuously extracts the maximum in “tribute” from its victims, the so-called “goyim” of planet earth. It IS just like some grim “science fiction” story, as if some alien species from a dark planet landed here 6,000 years ago and has been sucking the life out of the working people of planet earth ever since. The “human resource” trudges through his empty life unaware of the menace that has him in bondage because a propaganda virus attacks and reprograms his brain in the formative years. It takes an act of God for him to be released from this zombie state of mind. Why do you think there is such a fascination with zombies among the youth of today? Perhaps this is how they think of themselves, but of course they do not know why because systemic propaganda surely is not going to tell them.
The alien parasite does not possess what we would call a conscience, because it is driven by demons. It has no use for “weak” notions such as goodwill, charity, empathy and love. Everything the parasite does is calculated for advantage, power and profit. Nor does the parasite have anything resembling a “work ethic”. The parasitic collective absolutely hates physical work and considers anyone who has to engage in it to be inferior, like a bug scuttling across a sidewalk, fit to be stomped. Their Talmud, which codifies the philosophy and methods of the alien species, proclaims for instance, that “agriculture is the lowest of professions”. This is something any Christian would have to vehemently disagree with since tending a garden or a farm brings the great joy of seeing God’s miracle of life first hand, unfolding day by day. The soil is prepared, seeds are planted and plants grow which after a time bear fruit. The handiwork of Yahweh God is absolutely amazing to behold. It is a miracle! The “Jew” parasite despises God’s creation and prefers decay and death. The manifestation of this can be seen daily on their “Talmudvision”, the “the programming” of which is increasingly filled with violence, murder, depravity and filth.
The alien cares nothing for the miracles of God and in fact HATES life. It hates the creations of God, as hypocritical as it may seem, because without God the alien would not exist, because God created all things. However, God did not directly create the alien. Without God’s creation, Satan (once chief of the angels) would not exist and hence he would not have been able to procreate a race of his own through Cain. The fallen angels who disobeyed God and sired “alien” children also contributed to this “serpent-seed” bloodline. (Genesis 6:4) This serpent RACE has worked against the legitimate creation of God ever since. Whereas those who are OF God love life, and provide nurture and caring, the “alien” thrives on all of the negatives: perversion, corruption, misery, decay, disease and mass murder. The wars that the alien collective foments actually constitute mass sacrifices to their father and god, Satan who is greatly pleased especially when God’s children can be eliminated. The fact that mass murders such as the Communist Revolution of Russia, the Holodomor, and white genocide in South Africa and Europe can be kept secret and unrevealed to the world is all the better as far as the alien is concerned, because he MUST operate in the dark and in secret in order to be successful. Otherwise he risks righteous retaliation.
In the stratosphere of high finance, one finds a preponderance of satanic creatures who are imbued with a magnanimous “entitlement complex” just like their role model and forefather by blood, Satan. The entire race of parasites and psychopaths sired by Satan through the loins of Eve (through Cain) and through the fallen angels is slated for utter destruction at the hand of God. Only the “house of Jacob” will be permitted entry into the kingdom of God. For more details on how the satanic bloodline came to manifest itself in this day and age refer to the essays “Did Cain’s Descendants Survive the Great Flood” and “Esau-Edom In Jewry”.
Amos 9:8-10 Behold, the eyes of the Lord GOD are upon the sinful kingdom, and I will destroy it from off the face of the earth; saving that I will not utterly destroy the house of Jacob, (comprised of Caucasians) saith the LORD. For, lo, I will command, and I will sift the house of Israel (This is NOT the “Jews”. It refers to certain Caucasians, those who belong to God) among all nations, like as corn is sifted in a sieve, yet shall not the least grain fall upon the earth. All the sinners of my people shall die by the sword, which say, The evil shall not overtake nor prevent us. (Some of us will be remaining, but only a scattered “remnant”.)
Revelation 11:18 And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth. (Usurers, corporate monopolists, warmongers and the like are only concerned with power and profit and do not care about the health of the planet. They are in fact destroying it. God will destroy them in due time. “Mystery Babylon” will fall.)
Mortgagees by the millions all across our nations must work and work and work, year after year after year so that the shylock bankers can get their “pound of flesh”, which is the principal (for the most part created out of nothing) AND the interest, which was not created at all. The effect of usury is so pervasive that the modern world system is entirely “money driven”. Average people must work harder and harder over time to survive because their money is continually losing value. The inventor Thomas Edison once rightly opined that “usury is an invention of the devil.” The Bible does not outright condemn usury, but it does forbid it against a “brother”, which means that if a nation were wholly Christian, racially homogeneous (white) and following God’s commandments to the letter, there would be no usury.
If the overall effects of usury and the fractional reserve mechanism don’t seem fair or right to YOU, then your heart is in the right place. Just drive around your town or city and note which buildings are the biggest, best kept and most ornate in town. We bet they are bank buildings. Bankers are the richest people on the planet because they, unlike the rest of us have a “money tree” which gives them an overwhelming advantage over the other 99.9% of humanity who do not have the power to conjure money out of THIN AIR. The modern banking business, when you clear away the multiple layers of propaganda and blow away the thick air of “respectability”, is institutionalized counterfeiting, the “service” of which is to relieve the masses of their hard earned money while pretending to do them a favor. Unfortunately, due to steadily eroding savings and disposable income (an effect of the absorbtion of wealth by the upper classes) there is not much choice for the middle class and poor other than to borrow, at least in order to buy big ticket items such as a house, vehicle or a major appliance or in case of an emergency. For those folks – the lower 80% of the economic pyramid, money is scarce. The upper tier, however, sits on a hoard of it. The system therefore perpetuates itself and becomes ever more oppressive for those who must borrow in order to survive. As we explain in the “Pyramid Scheme of Debt” the money flows inexorably upward and the imbalance between the rich and poor increases and the once great middle class shrinks to nothing.
Usury is the primary reason why there is a 1%er class and an even more ominous .01%er world paradigm changing class.. For the most part "they" did not “earn” their vast wealth by actual work. They got wealthy and stay wealthy through various forms of a “sorcery” (to use biblical terminology), which amounts to the receipt of something for nothing or the gravity to use existing money to accumulate more money through deception. This parasite class uses their financial advantage to buy up things of real value and to craft their own special little “heaven on earth” while at the same time slowly crafting “hell on earth” for those who have been relegated to debt slavery. Why should anyone be allowed to create money from nothing, or earn more money simply because they already possess more money than can be spent in 10,000 lifetimes? Does anyone even bother to ask this question anymore? Does anyone ask why 80% of humanity must give up a large percentage of their income to sorcerers who produce nothing but debt and yet accumulate more profit than even the best of producers? The whole gamut of financial JUNK that makes the modern world HELL is a vast spider’s web of money shifting schemes made to seem like necessities and yet they function as a cancer on humanity. If all of the financial junk were a necessity why was humanity able to survive and thrive for thousands of years without the benefit of a mutated tyrannical “capitalistic” system driven by usury and an assortment of arcane “investment” schemes designed to drain the common people of their wealth and further enrich those who already have more than enough? This form of “capitalism” is anything but “free enterprise”. It constitutes a building block of communism and/or a neo-feudal technocracy, whichever you prefer. Nine-tenths of the communization of a nation is the central bank – so said Stalin – and the central bank is at the center of the money madness. The "great reset", "build back better", blather of politicians and globalist front-man creeps like Klaus Schwab is simply a retooling of the old wicked system, to keep the wealth of the world consolidated in the SAME hands and assure that the "human resources" are kept in order, so as not to threaten the hegemony of the "elite" world controllers.
“Fractional reserve” banking and rampant capitalistic speculation has made this planet into a prison for the working wage slaves and a luxurious material paradise for the lords of finance and their top tier agents in government and the corporate world. These golden psychopaths simply shift gobs of money here and there in order to make more money and then stash their hoards away in monstrous investment accounts that can be used time and time again as “motivation” toward goals desired by the satanic collective, and even as a WEAPON against those “human resources” that they wish to marginalize and eliminate. The following scripture applies to these wicked “financiers” perfectly, and quite obviously it means that their souls are slated for hell. It is not possible to worship God and mammon simultaneously. Herein lies the proof that so-called “prosperity doctrines” are falsifications of scripture:
James 5:1-6 (and now) Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you. Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten. Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days. Behold, the hire of the labourers who have reaped down your fields, which is of you kept back by fraud, (the workers are deprived of a fair wage and defrauded in various ways) crieth: and the cries of them which have reaped are entered into the ears of the Lord of sabaoth. Ye have lived in pleasure on the earth, and been wanton; ye have nourished your hearts, as in a day of slaughter. Ye have condemned and killed the just; (such as the creation of wars and sickness for profit) and he doth not resist you.(because the average person is so busy trying to keep his head above water he has no time or energy to resist)
The main focus of this essay is on those who enjoy inflicting misery on others for profit. These alien creatures are “of their father the devil” (John 8:44) and are doing the bidding of Satan, whether they realize it or not. The main vehicle by which they are able to accomplish this is MONEY. God has informed us that “the love of money is the root of ALL evil” (I Timothy 6:10). Do we mean to imply that your friendly local banker is a conscious-less psychopath-Satanist like the ones at the top of the worldwide pyramid scheme of debt? No, we would presume that he is not anywhere near THAT bad, though he (and other bigger fish in smaller local ponds) could be a Mason. The order of Masonry, another tool in the bag of globalists, confers benefits to its members and often helps them rise up the corporate and financial ladder, if they show aptitude and intelligence, though most Masons are just regular guys looking for something to do or a way to spice up their lives, or get away from their wives. It is when they rise to the higher degrees that they become acid eating away at the fabric of the nation.
The big problem with Masonry is that it is controlled at the top by the same species of devils as those running the global system of fractional reserve usury. The top Masonic lodge in the world is the B’nai B’rith. Its membership is entirely “Jewish” – no other races allowed! This alone is a huge red (and we truly mean red) flag. These are the ones who chart the direction for ALL of Masonry and control it in a top down, bureaucratic, “need to know” fashion. The basic agenda of Masonry agrees completely with the plans of the Zionist, international “Jewish” central banking cartel. The members of the inferior “blue lodges” are kept in the dark about the more nefarious functions of the order. If you have read this far you probably know more about how the world system operates than most of them. These dupes act as a source of income to the order, through their dues. They also act as a SHIELD for the higher degrees, unwittingly engaging in smokescreens of “plausible deniability” (in the form of charity work) which effectively obscures the overarching goals of the order. The vastly more populous lower levels of Masonry consist of chummy lodges which practice “Judaism light” for “gentiles” and enough community service to make anyone think twice about criticizing them. If you are a Mason we would simply say GET OUT. You cannot be a child of Yahweh God and be a Mason. If you rise up the ranks you will absolutely move AWAY from God and toward Satan. You have been duly warned.
Though it may entice neophytes with an aura of goodwill, community service, clowns spicing up parades, circling around in scooters and a presumed Christian outreach, Masonry is not at all Christian. At the upper level – the 30th degree and above what is being practiced is former grand commander Albert Pike’s “Luciferianism” which is another name for “Satanism”. The name “Lucifer” is explained in the following scripture as he can and does often pass himself off as an “angel of light”. The word “lucid” means “suffused with light; luminous” (from Webster’s), hence the derivation of the name.
II Corinthians 11:13-15 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works. Pike, author of the “bible” of Masonry, a tome entitled “Morals and Dogma” was a “Luciferian” who, according to historian Eustace Mullins, often made week-long jaunts into the country with his friends and a wagonload of prostitutes and booze. The portly “Sovereign Grand Commander” Mr. Pike didn’t have to work at a regular job since he had generous benefactors and we have a pretty good idea who those folks were. He sets the example for all Masons of how life is to be lived. If you agree with his philosophy then so be it, but bear in mind that you will eventually be judged by Yahweh God and then, in the worst case scenario, join YOUR god in the pit with Pike -- for eternal damnation. That is the risk you take. |
With grand visions and star studded inspirations from his god, Lucifer/Satan, Pike came up with a master plan for world government which was to be built on the rubble of three world wars, each of which would serve a specific purpose. In a letter dated August 15, 1871 sent to 33rd degree Mason and Mafia founder Guisseppe Mazzini, Pike outlined his grand scheme for modern history. It is as follows and is remarkable in its accuracy:
1. WWI would destroy czarist Russia and put that vast land under the control of international banker controlled “Illuminati” agents (as it was, by Trotsky, Lenin, Stalin and a squirming nest of “Jews”). It would also create “communism” which the international bankers, particularly Rothschild and their City of London international banking cartel, could use to further their aims around the world – namely to bring about world government under central bankers. Communism is the ultimate monopoly as the “government” (controlled by central bankers) owns everything and the people are sentenced to a lifetime of slavery under the system. Albert Pike was undoubtedly a Rothschild agent, which would explain how he could afford an extravagant, reprobate lifestyle. |
F.D.R. with Wall Street whiz Bernard Baruch who was a multi-millionaire at 30
and an expert at "insider trading" as well as an "advisor" to presidents. |
2. WWII would manipulate the differences between German nationalists (Hitler was a nationalist at heart, not an internationalist) and political Zionists. The “Allied” powers were directed by Zionist agents like “Jewish” Wall Street banker-investor and master parasite Bernard Baruch and of course the traitorous Sephardic “Jew” Franklin Delano Roosevelt, whose family name formerly had been Rosenvelt. Let’s not forget the shabez goy “gentile” Harry Truman who was a 33rd degree Mason, which means he had swallowed hook line and sinker the Zionist-“Jewish”-satanic philosophy.
Harry S. Truman, 33rd degree Mason and Zionist
Truman once boasted that achieving the 33rd degree in Masonry was “the greatest honor of (his) life”. Being president was apparently only secondary in his personal list of achievements. He would have achieved next to nothing had it not been for his Zionist leanings and generous backers. That is the way politics in America works.
Pike’s grand vision for WWII was to expand ostensibly Russian (actually “Jewish”-communist) influence and it would be also be a tool to create the fake “Israel” which would serve as the focal point of a mercenary force for the “Jewish” international bankers. Despite having little interest in transplanting to a desert many “lesser brethren Jews” were “motivated” to move to the Israeli state because of the political climate in Europe during the war. They could then be used by Zionist masterminds to build the political seat of “mystery Babylon” as they have been doing for over seven decades. Further, WWII and the creation of the Israeli state serves to protect the Middle East interests of the Rothschild and Rockefeller oil monopolies. Bear in mind that almost all of the wars the U.S. engages in are for the benefit of this phony “Israel” and to serve its chief benefactors, the Rothschild dynasty, which bought up much of the land in the 1800s and financed its creation as a political entity. |
In particular, the Rothschilds also financed construction of the Israeli Supreme Court building, the “Knesset”, which is intended to be headquarters for their world government. It is saturated with Masonic anti-Christian symbolism -- such as the pyramid on the roof that looks exactly like the pyramid on the back of the dollar bill. In the Knesset one will find atriums that look like vaginas, phallic obelisks and a staircase that descends to a marbled floor with a cross embedded in the walking surface so that visitors are obliged to walk on it -- to symbolically trample on Christ. When you wipe away the high-blown, vaunted veneer of secretiveness, it is childishly impish and of course Satanic, because the Rothschilds and their chief agents are Satanists as was commander Pike.
3. Pike’s vision for WWIII is that it would result from differences exacerbated by “Illuminati” (banker controlled) agents who would pit Arabs against Zionists, the end result being completion of the “New World Order” which would be controlled by international bankers and their secret societies. This conflict, according to Pike, is to spread worldwide. We see fulfillment of this strategy with the influx of Arab Muslims into white Europe. This mass migration is being engineered by international bankers, to foment such a conflict. Europe is fast becoming a powder keg of political unrest, but the average American knows nothing of it because of the tightly controlled "Jewish"-owned mass media. It’s all a big game of chess to the Zionist psychopaths and the world’s people are just pieces on their global chessboard.
In his letter to Guisseppe Mazzini, Pike (who we believe was demonically possessed and a tool of Satan) goes into some detail as to the level of absolute misery that must be brought about to achieve the grand “luciferian” goal of a “New World Order”. All of his dark pontification just so happens to parallel biblical prophecy regarding the great “tribulation” and the advent of the “Antichrist”, (Satan) who will be worshiped by most of the world’s people as if he were God. Pike illuminates thusly:
We must provoke a social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass (direction), anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, (the nations have gone mad, as it says in Jeremiah 51:7) brought finally out in the public view, a manifestation which will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.
When this "manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer" is unveiled, the few remaining with the ability to understand will know that the following prophecy is being realized:
Mark 13:14-23 But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not, (let him that readeth understand,) then let them that be in Judaea flee to the mountains: And let him that is on the housetop not go down into the house, neither enter therein, to take any thing out of his house: And let him that is in the field not turn back again for to take up his garment. But woe to them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days! And pray ye that your flight be not in the winter. For in those days shall be affliction, such as was not from the beginning of the creation which God created unto this time, neither shall be. And except that the Lord had shortened those days, no flesh should be saved: but for the elect’s sake, whom he hath chosen, he hath shortened the days. And then if any man shall say to you, Lo, here is Christ; or, lo, he is there; believe him not: For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect. But take ye heed: behold, I have foretold you all things.
The Old Testament speaks of the condition of the world in this tribulation period:
Jeremiah 51:7 Babylon (the world system, epitomized by the chief city of sin, which will be Jerusalem, NOT Rome) hath been a golden cup in the LORD’S hand, that made all the earth drunken: the nations have drunken of her wine; therefore the nations are mad.
And at last, the global bloodfest would culminate in a “New World Order”, "Great Global Reset", "Fourth Industrian Revolution", "Built Back Better" fascist elitist monstrosity being constructed NOW by the end-times "merchants" of the book of Revelation, the owners and masters of colossal corporate entities, advocates of United Nations syle globalization embedded in all levels of government and the creme de la rotten creme, the central bankers supplying trillions of dollars created out of thin air to enable these merchants of misery to squash independent business and consolidate all wealth and control in THEIR hands. Slaves of this New World Order global plantation would have no choice but to work for the gargantuan corporate monopolies, for world government entities, world military forces or succumb to a subsistence “Universal Basic Income” (UBI). In any event, being a slave to the system means being dependent upon it for survival. It means giving up body, mind and eventually SOUL to it – receiving their poisonous vaccines, being constantly tracked and surveilled, giving up cash, being "one" with a cell phone, and in the very end of the age, submitting to trans-humanist re-engineering to merge flesh with machine, and being forced to embrace Pike’s “pure doctrine of Lucifer”. The prophetic “tribulation”, engineered by the serpent seed (descendants of Canaanite-Edomites in particular) intends to rob all “global citizens” of their individuality, any trace of personal autonomy, any thoughts that are not implanted in their minds by agents of the satanic oligarchy. It is the most massive consolidation of resources ever -- a global Tower of Babel that the world’s first dictator, Nimrod, would have admired and envied, carried out by some of the most evil, deceptive, despicable and manipulative of human beings ever to walk the face of the earth.
The world will finally be devolved to the way it was in the days of Noah, when man’s every thought was “wicked continually” (Genesis 6:5, Matthew 24:36). The anti-Christ system will be in place and the world made ready for the advent of a man who will proclaim himself to be God. Masses of "global citizens" in strong delusion will believe him to be the long-awaited messiah, and he will blaspheme Yahweh God most dramatically (Revelation 13:6). This will be THE anti-Christ. Thus, the false Christ/messiah comes FIRST and Jesus Christ will come AFTERWARD to gather the scant remnant of His people.
3. Pike’s vision for WWIII is that it would result from differences exacerbated by “Illuminati” (banker controlled) agents who would pit Arabs against Zionists, the end result being completion of the “New World Order” which would be controlled by international bankers and their secret societies. This conflict, according to Pike, is to spread worldwide. We see fulfillment of this strategy with the influx of Arab Muslims into white Europe. This mass migration is being engineered by international bankers, to foment such a conflict. Europe is fast becoming a powder keg of political unrest, but the average American knows nothing of it because of the tightly controlled "Jewish"-owned mass media. It’s all a big game of chess to the Zionist psychopaths and the world’s people are just pieces on their global chessboard.
In his letter to Guisseppe Mazzini, Pike (who we believe was demonically possessed and a tool of Satan) goes into some detail as to the level of absolute misery that must be brought about to achieve the grand “luciferian” goal of a “New World Order”. All of his dark pontification just so happens to parallel biblical prophecy regarding the great “tribulation” and the advent of the “Antichrist”, (Satan) who will be worshiped by most of the world’s people as if he were God. Pike illuminates thusly:
We must provoke a social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass (direction), anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, (the nations have gone mad, as it says in Jeremiah 51:7) brought finally out in the public view, a manifestation which will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.
When this "manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer" is unveiled, the few remaining with the ability to understand will know that the following prophecy is being realized:
Mark 13:14-23 But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not, (let him that readeth understand,) then let them that be in Judaea flee to the mountains: And let him that is on the housetop not go down into the house, neither enter therein, to take any thing out of his house: And let him that is in the field not turn back again for to take up his garment. But woe to them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days! And pray ye that your flight be not in the winter. For in those days shall be affliction, such as was not from the beginning of the creation which God created unto this time, neither shall be. And except that the Lord had shortened those days, no flesh should be saved: but for the elect’s sake, whom he hath chosen, he hath shortened the days. And then if any man shall say to you, Lo, here is Christ; or, lo, he is there; believe him not: For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect. But take ye heed: behold, I have foretold you all things.
The Old Testament speaks of the condition of the world in this tribulation period:
Jeremiah 51:7 Babylon (the world system, epitomized by the chief city of sin, which will be Jerusalem, NOT Rome) hath been a golden cup in the LORD’S hand, that made all the earth drunken: the nations have drunken of her wine; therefore the nations are mad.
And at last, the global bloodfest would culminate in a “New World Order”, "Great Global Reset", "Fourth Industrian Revolution", "Built Back Better" fascist elitist monstrosity being constructed NOW by the end-times "merchants" of the book of Revelation, the owners and masters of colossal corporate entities, advocates of United Nations syle globalization embedded in all levels of government and the creme de la rotten creme, the central bankers supplying trillions of dollars created out of thin air to enable these merchants of misery to squash independent business and consolidate all wealth and control in THEIR hands. Slaves of this New World Order global plantation would have no choice but to work for the gargantuan corporate monopolies, for world government entities, world military forces or succumb to a subsistence “Universal Basic Income” (UBI). In any event, being a slave to the system means being dependent upon it for survival. It means giving up body, mind and eventually SOUL to it – receiving their poisonous vaccines, being constantly tracked and surveilled, giving up cash, being "one" with a cell phone, and in the very end of the age, submitting to trans-humanist re-engineering to merge flesh with machine, and being forced to embrace Pike’s “pure doctrine of Lucifer”. The prophetic “tribulation”, engineered by the serpent seed (descendants of Canaanite-Edomites in particular) intends to rob all “global citizens” of their individuality, any trace of personal autonomy, any thoughts that are not implanted in their minds by agents of the satanic oligarchy. It is the most massive consolidation of resources ever -- a global Tower of Babel that the world’s first dictator, Nimrod, would have admired and envied, carried out by some of the most evil, deceptive, despicable and manipulative of human beings ever to walk the face of the earth.
The world will finally be devolved to the way it was in the days of Noah, when man’s every thought was “wicked continually” (Genesis 6:5, Matthew 24:36). The anti-Christ system will be in place and the world made ready for the advent of a man who will proclaim himself to be God. Masses of "global citizens" in strong delusion will believe him to be the long-awaited messiah, and he will blaspheme Yahweh God most dramatically (Revelation 13:6). This will be THE anti-Christ. Thus, the false Christ/messiah comes FIRST and Jesus Christ will come AFTERWARD to gather the scant remnant of His people.
Part IV
Most of what Albert Pike “prophesied” is coming to pass perhaps, we will speculate, because he was parroting the desires of his benefactors, who are trying their best to mimic biblical prophecy so as to trick Judeo-Christians who do not understand the who’s who of the Bible. These lost sheep believe that Zionist agendas are “prophetic” such as the “regathering” of the false “Jews” to the Israeli state, which is in reality a re-gathering of Canaanites. The “Jews” are not descended from the ancient Judeans, or any other tribe of ancient Israel. This is what Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 is telling us. The gathering of God’s scattered “remnant” does not happen until AFTER Jesus Christ returns. An oligarchy of liars having in its possession most of the wealth of the world, a network of subversive secret societies, an endless supply of bought politicians and near total media control has the means, the motive and the opportunity to carry out a comprehensive worldwide plan of deception. Their “globalization” is a cancer which the world believes is some sort of natural “evolutionary” process. It is not. One may ask, “But WHY, why do wealthy ‘Jews’ bother with such a far reaching, tiresome plan when they can live lives of ease while the great mass of humanity does all of the real work for them?” They do it because they are driven by genetic programming to do the will of their father the devil. That is their purpose for existence, as “vessels of wrath”. They must fulfill the negative part of God’s plan and cannot help but do so.
The creatures at the top of the global empire of usury are a criminal-minded “collective” possessing an unusual proclivity for acquisitiveness which is always at the expense of any “host” nation which finds itself infected by them. They cannot be assimilated into the host culture, as the Czars of Russia learned quite well, nor can they withhold from any and all methods aimed the absorption of all assets of the host nation, which is inevitably scammed, degraded and ruined in the process. History has shown over and over that when the “Jew” infiltrates “he” will eventually end up owning all of the businesses and property and controlling the government. This is because the “Jew” does not abide by a beneficent Christian moral code. Their Talmud encourages defrauding, stealing from and debauching the “gentiles”. It proclaims that “even the best of gentiles deserve to be killed.” With this as a “moral” basis it is easy to see why the "Jews" have been a problem for many nations in which they have settled en-masse. The methods of the “Jewish” collective cannot help but be criminal and nepotistic in nature. A government controlled by “Jews” will inevitably be communist, which is “utopia” for the supremacist “Jew” and misery for all other races which must live under its boot.
The “Jewish” racial collective is not known for extending a helping hand of brotherly love, charity, good will and empathy. What the “Jew” feels toward the “host” nation which they are raping without mercy is hate, anger, lust, and greed in an “endless loop” which only leads to greater lust for power, control and material possessions. They hate the host because they can never BE the host. Their destiny is to be parasites who can only hope to mimic the self-determination, creativity and drive of the host. Enough is never enough for a “Jew”. If he cannot be in control of everything then he must act as a “revolutionary” force against the host nation. According to the founder of Zionism, Theodore Herzl “When we sink we become a revolutionary proletariat; when we rise there rises the terrible power of our purse". Consider the effect of the “Jew” in the “incubator” of what was to become the Soviet Union. In the 18th century, when the bulk of the world’s “Jewish” population was resident in Russia it became obvious to the ruling class that if something was not done about the “Jewish problem” all of the business and property would eventually end up in their hands.
Jewry settled on the Russian economy like a swarm of locusts in a field of new corn. Very quickly they achieved a monopoly over Russia’s liquor, tobacco, and retail industries. Later they dominated the professions as well.
Behind Communism, Frank L. Britton, page 15, circa 1953, sixth printing, 2003, reprinted by Criminal Politics Magazine, www.criminalpolitics.com
This was no isolated event. Baptist preacher J.B. Woolfolk noticed the same phenomenon in England in the late 1800s. He defined it as “the money power” and attributed it solely to “Jew” capitalists:
An Imperialism of Capital has grown up within the last two centuries from small beginnings, until it is now the mightiest power that has ever existed on the earth. It is an Imperialism mightier than the empire of the Caesars, grander than the empire of Napoleon in the hour of his highest glory. In comparison with it all other empires sink into comparative insignificance. This titanic power is the Imperialism of Capital, which I call, by way of distinction, the Money Power.
The Money Power Defined: I do not mean by the Money Power to include any persons possessed of property, who are engaged in independent business enterprise. I do not mean any American business men, or business Companies engaged in independent business enterprise, whether they be farmers, merchants, manufacturers, bankers, miners, builders, or persons engaged in any department of business enterprise. The Imperialism of Capital to which I allude is a knot of capitalists--Jews almost to a man—who have their headquarters in the Money Quarter of London, in Threadneedle street, Lombard, and other streets in that vicinity, where bankers have their habitat. These Jew capitalists have succeeded in centralizing in their own hands the industry and commerce of the earth. They own almost all the debts of the world,—the debts of nations, states, counties, municipalities, corporations and individuals,—amounting in the aggregate, it is estimated, to seventy-five billion dollars, (this is in 1890s dollars – ed.) on which they are annually receiving about four billion dollars of interest.—They own the manufactories, the shipping, and the commerce of Great Britain, and most of the manufactures, shipping and commerce of the whole world.—They have attained control of the industry and trade of the whole earth; and are rapidly centralizing all business in their own hands. They hold possession of all the great lines of trade and business of all kinds, and they regulate all prices by their own arbitrary methods.—These Jew Money Kings have established a grand Imperialism of industry, commerce and wealth, which is thoroughly organized, and rules in the sphere of industry and trade with autocratic sway.
In our age, capital is king. This Money Power of the Money Quarter of London is the only grand preeminent Imperialism existing on the earth. Monarchs severally rule their own dominions, and no one of them has preeminent power. The Imperialism of Capital, in our time, stretches the arms of its power over the whole earth; it alone sways the nations with preeminent rule. It buys all the products of the earth: it fixes all prices of all commodities without regard to the law of supply and demand, by its own arbitrary will. It is Imperial over industry and trade, and none can resist it. It is rapidly progressing toward its ultimate aim, of possessing itself of all the world's wealth and all the world's property. If things remain as they are, these Jew money kings will, at no distant day, have achieved their aim, and will own the earth in fee simple.
The Great Red Dragon or London Money Power, L. B. Woolfolk, Cincinnati, George E. Stevens publishing, 39 W. Fourt St., 1890, from the introduction
The creatures at the top of the global empire of usury are a criminal-minded “collective” possessing an unusual proclivity for acquisitiveness which is always at the expense of any “host” nation which finds itself infected by them. They cannot be assimilated into the host culture, as the Czars of Russia learned quite well, nor can they withhold from any and all methods aimed the absorption of all assets of the host nation, which is inevitably scammed, degraded and ruined in the process. History has shown over and over that when the “Jew” infiltrates “he” will eventually end up owning all of the businesses and property and controlling the government. This is because the “Jew” does not abide by a beneficent Christian moral code. Their Talmud encourages defrauding, stealing from and debauching the “gentiles”. It proclaims that “even the best of gentiles deserve to be killed.” With this as a “moral” basis it is easy to see why the "Jews" have been a problem for many nations in which they have settled en-masse. The methods of the “Jewish” collective cannot help but be criminal and nepotistic in nature. A government controlled by “Jews” will inevitably be communist, which is “utopia” for the supremacist “Jew” and misery for all other races which must live under its boot.
The “Jewish” racial collective is not known for extending a helping hand of brotherly love, charity, good will and empathy. What the “Jew” feels toward the “host” nation which they are raping without mercy is hate, anger, lust, and greed in an “endless loop” which only leads to greater lust for power, control and material possessions. They hate the host because they can never BE the host. Their destiny is to be parasites who can only hope to mimic the self-determination, creativity and drive of the host. Enough is never enough for a “Jew”. If he cannot be in control of everything then he must act as a “revolutionary” force against the host nation. According to the founder of Zionism, Theodore Herzl “When we sink we become a revolutionary proletariat; when we rise there rises the terrible power of our purse". Consider the effect of the “Jew” in the “incubator” of what was to become the Soviet Union. In the 18th century, when the bulk of the world’s “Jewish” population was resident in Russia it became obvious to the ruling class that if something was not done about the “Jewish problem” all of the business and property would eventually end up in their hands.
Jewry settled on the Russian economy like a swarm of locusts in a field of new corn. Very quickly they achieved a monopoly over Russia’s liquor, tobacco, and retail industries. Later they dominated the professions as well.
Behind Communism, Frank L. Britton, page 15, circa 1953, sixth printing, 2003, reprinted by Criminal Politics Magazine, www.criminalpolitics.com
This was no isolated event. Baptist preacher J.B. Woolfolk noticed the same phenomenon in England in the late 1800s. He defined it as “the money power” and attributed it solely to “Jew” capitalists:
An Imperialism of Capital has grown up within the last two centuries from small beginnings, until it is now the mightiest power that has ever existed on the earth. It is an Imperialism mightier than the empire of the Caesars, grander than the empire of Napoleon in the hour of his highest glory. In comparison with it all other empires sink into comparative insignificance. This titanic power is the Imperialism of Capital, which I call, by way of distinction, the Money Power.
The Money Power Defined: I do not mean by the Money Power to include any persons possessed of property, who are engaged in independent business enterprise. I do not mean any American business men, or business Companies engaged in independent business enterprise, whether they be farmers, merchants, manufacturers, bankers, miners, builders, or persons engaged in any department of business enterprise. The Imperialism of Capital to which I allude is a knot of capitalists--Jews almost to a man—who have their headquarters in the Money Quarter of London, in Threadneedle street, Lombard, and other streets in that vicinity, where bankers have their habitat. These Jew capitalists have succeeded in centralizing in their own hands the industry and commerce of the earth. They own almost all the debts of the world,—the debts of nations, states, counties, municipalities, corporations and individuals,—amounting in the aggregate, it is estimated, to seventy-five billion dollars, (this is in 1890s dollars – ed.) on which they are annually receiving about four billion dollars of interest.—They own the manufactories, the shipping, and the commerce of Great Britain, and most of the manufactures, shipping and commerce of the whole world.—They have attained control of the industry and trade of the whole earth; and are rapidly centralizing all business in their own hands. They hold possession of all the great lines of trade and business of all kinds, and they regulate all prices by their own arbitrary methods.—These Jew Money Kings have established a grand Imperialism of industry, commerce and wealth, which is thoroughly organized, and rules in the sphere of industry and trade with autocratic sway.
In our age, capital is king. This Money Power of the Money Quarter of London is the only grand preeminent Imperialism existing on the earth. Monarchs severally rule their own dominions, and no one of them has preeminent power. The Imperialism of Capital, in our time, stretches the arms of its power over the whole earth; it alone sways the nations with preeminent rule. It buys all the products of the earth: it fixes all prices of all commodities without regard to the law of supply and demand, by its own arbitrary will. It is Imperial over industry and trade, and none can resist it. It is rapidly progressing toward its ultimate aim, of possessing itself of all the world's wealth and all the world's property. If things remain as they are, these Jew money kings will, at no distant day, have achieved their aim, and will own the earth in fee simple.
The Great Red Dragon or London Money Power, L. B. Woolfolk, Cincinnati, George E. Stevens publishing, 39 W. Fourt St., 1890, from the introduction

the_great_red_dragon_-_woolfolk.pdf |
In the later years of the 18th century, in a last desperate attempt to prevent the “Jews” from taking over Russia the Tsarist government decreed that they were to be confined to a special region called the “Pale of Settlement”. This rather substantial area was about half the size of Western Europe. “Jews” were henceforth not allowed to engage in any business activities outside of the Pale. The plan, born of a need to preserve the white Russian nation against “Jewish” aggression and parasitism on all fronts only enraged them all the more against Christian Russia and this righteous attempt at curbing their appetite was deemed “persecution” in the opinion of “Jewish” world media. Even worse, the “Jews” evolved twin philosophies designed to bore even deeper into Christian nations and slowly rot and destroy them from within while bringing all wealth into their ever grasping hands:
Here within a single and contiguous area the greater part of Jewry had gathered, and was to remain, for something like 125 years. For the first time Jewry was subjected to a common environment and a common ground of experience. |
The Pale of Settlement
Out of this common experience and environment there evolved the Yiddish speaking Jew of the 20th century. Here too were born the great movements of Zionism and Communism. Britton, page 13.
The situation in Russia had become so dire for the increasingly impoverished Christian population that Tsar Alexander III issued an edict, part of which is quoted here:
For some time the government has given its attention to the Jews and to their relations to the rest of the inhabitants of the empire, with a view of ascertaining the sad condition of the Christian inhabitants brought about by the conduct of the Jews in business matters …
During the last twenty years the Jews have gradually possessed themselves of not only every trade and business in all its branches, but also of a great part of the land by buying or farming it. With few exceptions, they have as a body devoted their attention, not to enriching or benefitting the country, but to defrauding by their wiles its inhabitants, and particularly its poor inhabitants. This conduct of theirs has called forth protests on the part of the people, as manifested in doing its best to put down the disturbances, and to deliver the Jews from oppression and slaughter, have also, on the other hand, thought it a matter of urgency and justice to adopt stringent measures in order to put an end o the oppression practiced by the Jews on the inhabitants, and to free the country from their malpractices, which were, as it is known, the cause of these agitations.
Britton, page 19.
Zipping forward to the 21st century we find that the Zionism and Communism of the 18th and 19th century Russian “Jew” is now a “global” phenomenon. Globalization is a business and political movement spearheaded by despotic “Jews” who believe that they are “entitled” to own the entire world (as Woolfolk predicted) and to subjugate all other races to their utter and complete scientifically engineered tyranny, because every other race, according to their Talmud, is “subhuman”. According to this “scriptural” code, only “Jews” are counted as “human beings”. The Talmud, which is a compilation of the opinions of the ancient Edomite-Canaanite scribes and Pharisees and some later rabbis with regard to biblical scripture, negates all of God’s commandments with convoluted loopholes, illogical argumentation and self-righteous bluster and is for all intents and purposes the work of “the adversary”, Satan. On the material plane, Satan is urging his collective, the “Jews”, to obtain world hegemony, which would allow him to step onto the stage as The “messiah” and world leader. The fact that the ever acquisitive “Jew” parasite is adept at the “wiles” (of the devil) and perfectly equipped to accomplish this is evidence of their genetic propensities, as an actual race spawned by “their father the devil” as proclaimed by Jesus Christ in John 8:43. Regarding Satan’s advent as the anti-Christ, the Bible tells us (from a future perspective):
Revelation 13:5-8 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
The chief power driving this scenario is the usury based, fractional reserve Babylonian money system and the worldwide corporate monopolization of the end times “merchants”, who are mostly “Jews”. All of the “isms” (communism, socialism, Zionism, feminism, multiculturalism, etc.) are but tools toward this end. The global central banking system developed by the “Jews” is the driving force behind the evil which intends to eliminate cash so as to make it impossible for anyone to buy or sell without committing their very soul to Satan. If this seems unlikely consider this:
Revelation 13:16-18 (from a future perspective) And he (the Antichrist) causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save (except that) he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
This would pave the way to the final act of this long and agonizing play: The Antichrist proclaiming that he IS God. It is a perfectly fitting outcome since banking was “conceived in iniquity and born in sin”, according to Sir Josiah Stamp, the second richest man in Britain and president of the Bank of England in the 1920s, who certainly knew what he was talking about. William Paterson who created the Bank of England in 1694 along with his British aristocrat-associates admitted “The bank hath the benefit of interest on all monies which it creates from nothing”. How could anything good ever come from a system in which certain people are allowed to create money from nothing and use it for whatever they so desire? Are these counterfeiters going to use the money for anything good? We think not.
The Rothschild City of London “Jewish” money power has instigated many miserable wars and revolutions and carried out assassinations by the thousands in order to rule the modern world with an iron fist and make everyone a slave to their heinous debt money system. Banker agents like Jacob Schiff of Kuhn Loeb and Company, an American branch of the Rothschild empire of usury, largely financed the Russian Revolution which led to the death of over 60,000,000 white Russians from mass murders and the aftershock of having families ripped apart, peasants having their land stolen from them by the government, disease, starvation, and banishment of many thousands to desolate Siberia. Schiff also gave us the IRS, the NAACP and the ADL of B’nai B’rith and was instrumental in saddling America with the Federal Reserve System. He was a stellar agent of the money power.
The real government of the United States now consists of the Federal Reserve in partnership with private foundations such as Rockefeller, Ford, Carnegie, Gates, etc. which craft legislation beneficial to their owners and agents and have it promptly passed into law. These foundations are invariably controlled by “Jews”. Henry Ford was a white Christian and most definitely an expert on the activities of "Jews" in America. He wrote extensively about them in his remarkable work "the International Jew, the World's Foremost Problem", but years ago Ford family members quit their own foundation in disgust and now it works in lockstep with all of the other multi-million dollar, "Jewish"-controlled, tax-exempt foundations. All of these foundations are pro-globalization, anti-nationalist, pro- “free” trade and pro-immigration.
Money to implement the anti-nationalist policies of Zionist globalists also comes from Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the chief branch of the system, which takes its orders from the Rothschild controlled “City of London” financial center, which in turn answers to the Bank of International Settlements, the mother of all central banks. Every time the “Fed” conjures up money and gives it to a corporate “customer” at a low interest rate this loan is then, through the black magic of the “Federal Reserve Act”, added to the U.S. National Debt. Of course, this massive multi-trillion dollar debt will never be paid off, but YOU, dear citizen, are still required to pay the interest on it. That is the function of the IRS. It is the collection agency for the Federal Reserve central bank. Jacob Schiff (who gave us the IRS) was a deplorable traitor to America, but a great asset to the “Jewish” money power and a century later he is almost completely unknown. That in itself is an amazing testament to the efficiency of mass historical whitewashing to bury "Jewish" treachery and crime.
Few folks can perceive that such a system of things, with bankers of all people ruling the world, is insane, unnatural and unsustainable. It is just plain wrong that the average American, European, Australian, etc. has to spend the better part of his or her life paying double or triple the purchase price of a home so that the compound interest of the usurious blood-suckers may be satisfied and before the dubious end of the rainbow of home “ownership” is achieved. Even when the aging and worn out runner finishes this race to pay off his mortgage he still doesn’t have “allodial title” (completely free and unfettered ownership) because the devious high level banker agents, politicians, entrenched bureaucrats and legal eagles would deem that he is still only a “tenant in the entirety”.
Take a look at your deed. It’s probably right up there at the top but you never paid much attention to it. What does this phrase “tenant in the entirety” mean? It means that should push come to shove, the government has the right to take your property, if the powers that be decide to build a road, establish a wildlife habitat, expand a state park, give the property to a favored "Jewish"-run corporate monopoly or whatever. Of course, hopefully, they will pay you a “fair price” for it, but if your house can be taken from you for a “higher good” which you may not agree with, then it isn’t really YOUR house. All of the real property in America was pledged a long time ago by corrupt politicians at the Federal level as COLLATERAL for the Federal Debt which was conjured out of nothing by the bankers who own and control the parasitic Federal Reserve System and its network of member banks. The controlled media mouthpieces, bought politicians and professorial “academic” class proclaim that the U.S. is a “democracy”. A “democracy” is not a “republic”. “Democracies” according to President Jefferson are “ever contentious” and tend to devolve into tyranny of the few over the many. “Democracy” may be defined as “rule by bankers”. This is why the founding fathers gave us a “republic” which means “rule by law”. There is little remaining of the republic of the United States of America. The “Jew” parasite has achieved a stranglehold on the U.S. similar to what they achieved in Russia a century ago.
America was a republic, at least until 1913 when the City of London (Rothschild syndicate) bankers staged a coup and took over the entire monetary system of the nation. You are a “tenant” on their “plantation” which means that your very body and brain is also collateral, because at birth you were assigned a Social Security Number, which has very little to do with YOUR own personal security, and everything to do with the “security” of the central bankers and their bordello of government, corporate and secret agents who have stolen most of the wealth of America through fractional reserve usury and created a utopia for themselves at the expense of the working people which they view as “human resources” -- a formal way of saying “wage slave”. Who would you imagine came up with the term “human resource” which replaced the more human sounding word “personnel”. Herein we see one example of the psycho-linguistic warfare waged against working Americans. Words can be weapons and lies repeated often enough are eventually perceived as truth. All mainstream media works in lockstep to cement the lies into place and thus it is becoming ever more difficult for a mind saturated with propaganda to get a grasp on reality. This video exposé shows that all television newscasters are literally reading from the same script!! Newscasters are paid puppets for the “Jewish” oligarchy which owns the networks:
The situation in Russia had become so dire for the increasingly impoverished Christian population that Tsar Alexander III issued an edict, part of which is quoted here:
For some time the government has given its attention to the Jews and to their relations to the rest of the inhabitants of the empire, with a view of ascertaining the sad condition of the Christian inhabitants brought about by the conduct of the Jews in business matters …
During the last twenty years the Jews have gradually possessed themselves of not only every trade and business in all its branches, but also of a great part of the land by buying or farming it. With few exceptions, they have as a body devoted their attention, not to enriching or benefitting the country, but to defrauding by their wiles its inhabitants, and particularly its poor inhabitants. This conduct of theirs has called forth protests on the part of the people, as manifested in doing its best to put down the disturbances, and to deliver the Jews from oppression and slaughter, have also, on the other hand, thought it a matter of urgency and justice to adopt stringent measures in order to put an end o the oppression practiced by the Jews on the inhabitants, and to free the country from their malpractices, which were, as it is known, the cause of these agitations.
Britton, page 19.
Zipping forward to the 21st century we find that the Zionism and Communism of the 18th and 19th century Russian “Jew” is now a “global” phenomenon. Globalization is a business and political movement spearheaded by despotic “Jews” who believe that they are “entitled” to own the entire world (as Woolfolk predicted) and to subjugate all other races to their utter and complete scientifically engineered tyranny, because every other race, according to their Talmud, is “subhuman”. According to this “scriptural” code, only “Jews” are counted as “human beings”. The Talmud, which is a compilation of the opinions of the ancient Edomite-Canaanite scribes and Pharisees and some later rabbis with regard to biblical scripture, negates all of God’s commandments with convoluted loopholes, illogical argumentation and self-righteous bluster and is for all intents and purposes the work of “the adversary”, Satan. On the material plane, Satan is urging his collective, the “Jews”, to obtain world hegemony, which would allow him to step onto the stage as The “messiah” and world leader. The fact that the ever acquisitive “Jew” parasite is adept at the “wiles” (of the devil) and perfectly equipped to accomplish this is evidence of their genetic propensities, as an actual race spawned by “their father the devil” as proclaimed by Jesus Christ in John 8:43. Regarding Satan’s advent as the anti-Christ, the Bible tells us (from a future perspective):
Revelation 13:5-8 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
The chief power driving this scenario is the usury based, fractional reserve Babylonian money system and the worldwide corporate monopolization of the end times “merchants”, who are mostly “Jews”. All of the “isms” (communism, socialism, Zionism, feminism, multiculturalism, etc.) are but tools toward this end. The global central banking system developed by the “Jews” is the driving force behind the evil which intends to eliminate cash so as to make it impossible for anyone to buy or sell without committing their very soul to Satan. If this seems unlikely consider this:
Revelation 13:16-18 (from a future perspective) And he (the Antichrist) causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save (except that) he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
This would pave the way to the final act of this long and agonizing play: The Antichrist proclaiming that he IS God. It is a perfectly fitting outcome since banking was “conceived in iniquity and born in sin”, according to Sir Josiah Stamp, the second richest man in Britain and president of the Bank of England in the 1920s, who certainly knew what he was talking about. William Paterson who created the Bank of England in 1694 along with his British aristocrat-associates admitted “The bank hath the benefit of interest on all monies which it creates from nothing”. How could anything good ever come from a system in which certain people are allowed to create money from nothing and use it for whatever they so desire? Are these counterfeiters going to use the money for anything good? We think not.
The Rothschild City of London “Jewish” money power has instigated many miserable wars and revolutions and carried out assassinations by the thousands in order to rule the modern world with an iron fist and make everyone a slave to their heinous debt money system. Banker agents like Jacob Schiff of Kuhn Loeb and Company, an American branch of the Rothschild empire of usury, largely financed the Russian Revolution which led to the death of over 60,000,000 white Russians from mass murders and the aftershock of having families ripped apart, peasants having their land stolen from them by the government, disease, starvation, and banishment of many thousands to desolate Siberia. Schiff also gave us the IRS, the NAACP and the ADL of B’nai B’rith and was instrumental in saddling America with the Federal Reserve System. He was a stellar agent of the money power.
The real government of the United States now consists of the Federal Reserve in partnership with private foundations such as Rockefeller, Ford, Carnegie, Gates, etc. which craft legislation beneficial to their owners and agents and have it promptly passed into law. These foundations are invariably controlled by “Jews”. Henry Ford was a white Christian and most definitely an expert on the activities of "Jews" in America. He wrote extensively about them in his remarkable work "the International Jew, the World's Foremost Problem", but years ago Ford family members quit their own foundation in disgust and now it works in lockstep with all of the other multi-million dollar, "Jewish"-controlled, tax-exempt foundations. All of these foundations are pro-globalization, anti-nationalist, pro- “free” trade and pro-immigration.
Money to implement the anti-nationalist policies of Zionist globalists also comes from Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the chief branch of the system, which takes its orders from the Rothschild controlled “City of London” financial center, which in turn answers to the Bank of International Settlements, the mother of all central banks. Every time the “Fed” conjures up money and gives it to a corporate “customer” at a low interest rate this loan is then, through the black magic of the “Federal Reserve Act”, added to the U.S. National Debt. Of course, this massive multi-trillion dollar debt will never be paid off, but YOU, dear citizen, are still required to pay the interest on it. That is the function of the IRS. It is the collection agency for the Federal Reserve central bank. Jacob Schiff (who gave us the IRS) was a deplorable traitor to America, but a great asset to the “Jewish” money power and a century later he is almost completely unknown. That in itself is an amazing testament to the efficiency of mass historical whitewashing to bury "Jewish" treachery and crime.
Few folks can perceive that such a system of things, with bankers of all people ruling the world, is insane, unnatural and unsustainable. It is just plain wrong that the average American, European, Australian, etc. has to spend the better part of his or her life paying double or triple the purchase price of a home so that the compound interest of the usurious blood-suckers may be satisfied and before the dubious end of the rainbow of home “ownership” is achieved. Even when the aging and worn out runner finishes this race to pay off his mortgage he still doesn’t have “allodial title” (completely free and unfettered ownership) because the devious high level banker agents, politicians, entrenched bureaucrats and legal eagles would deem that he is still only a “tenant in the entirety”.
Take a look at your deed. It’s probably right up there at the top but you never paid much attention to it. What does this phrase “tenant in the entirety” mean? It means that should push come to shove, the government has the right to take your property, if the powers that be decide to build a road, establish a wildlife habitat, expand a state park, give the property to a favored "Jewish"-run corporate monopoly or whatever. Of course, hopefully, they will pay you a “fair price” for it, but if your house can be taken from you for a “higher good” which you may not agree with, then it isn’t really YOUR house. All of the real property in America was pledged a long time ago by corrupt politicians at the Federal level as COLLATERAL for the Federal Debt which was conjured out of nothing by the bankers who own and control the parasitic Federal Reserve System and its network of member banks. The controlled media mouthpieces, bought politicians and professorial “academic” class proclaim that the U.S. is a “democracy”. A “democracy” is not a “republic”. “Democracies” according to President Jefferson are “ever contentious” and tend to devolve into tyranny of the few over the many. “Democracy” may be defined as “rule by bankers”. This is why the founding fathers gave us a “republic” which means “rule by law”. There is little remaining of the republic of the United States of America. The “Jew” parasite has achieved a stranglehold on the U.S. similar to what they achieved in Russia a century ago.
America was a republic, at least until 1913 when the City of London (Rothschild syndicate) bankers staged a coup and took over the entire monetary system of the nation. You are a “tenant” on their “plantation” which means that your very body and brain is also collateral, because at birth you were assigned a Social Security Number, which has very little to do with YOUR own personal security, and everything to do with the “security” of the central bankers and their bordello of government, corporate and secret agents who have stolen most of the wealth of America through fractional reserve usury and created a utopia for themselves at the expense of the working people which they view as “human resources” -- a formal way of saying “wage slave”. Who would you imagine came up with the term “human resource” which replaced the more human sounding word “personnel”. Herein we see one example of the psycho-linguistic warfare waged against working Americans. Words can be weapons and lies repeated often enough are eventually perceived as truth. All mainstream media works in lockstep to cement the lies into place and thus it is becoming ever more difficult for a mind saturated with propaganda to get a grasp on reality. This video exposé shows that all television newscasters are literally reading from the same script!! Newscasters are paid puppets for the “Jewish” oligarchy which owns the networks:
This Social “Security” Numbers assigned to citizens gives the “Jewish” central bankers who control the government the legal authority to use your body, or the bodies of your sons (and in recent years daughters) as cannon fodder in wars that they design for the purpose of destroying any regime that threatens the supremacy of the dollar. The “Jewish” central bankers get to create trillions of dollars from nothing and they will do literally anything to protect this counterfeiting scheme. War also allows them and their capitalist corporate brethren to amass even more filthy lucre, which is promptly traded for real assets and used to force the nations of the world into submission to the money power.
In the “modern” world bankers use the sorcery of money creation to rule as gods and have the power of life and death over their “human resources”. This system of things is a disease, a cancer on the world. Aside from Grand Commander Pike’s “Luciferian” vision the satanic plan and specific tactics thereof are laid out in appalling detail in the “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion”. The “Protocols” is the product of diabolical minds, most likely commissioned by the ubiquitous Rothschild dynasty and quite possibly written by Asher Ginzberg, a sad looking “Jewish” intellectual.
The Protocols will be an agonizing read for any good soul, because everything it espouses is pure evil. It provides the precise methods by which its sponsors, the international “Jewish” money power, intend to attain world government, through the use of tactics that violate to the greatest degree possible every commandment of the Bible. Propagandists will claim that the “Protocols” should be discounted because the work is a “forgery”, but the claim is ridiculous. A “forgery” is a perfect copy of something.
Unlike a “forged” check, which anyone except a criminal would assume to be no good, a “forgery” of a document is every bit as good for reading purposes as the original, and thus the claim that the Protocols is a “forgery” does not diminish the content of the document nor its obvious role in shaping modern history. The plan outlined therein is very real and history proves that the Protocols agenda has been taking place, without deviation since 1905, when published by Nilus:
Of the Protocols themselves little need be said in the way of introduction. The book in which they are embodied was published by Sergyei Nilus in Russia in 1905. A copy of this is in the British Museum bearing the date of its reception, August 10, 1906. All copies that were known to exist in Russia were destroyed in the Kerensky regime, and under his successors the possession of a copy by anyone in Soviet land was a crime sufficient to ensure the owner's of being shot on sight. The fact is in itself sufficient proof of the genuineness of the Protocols. The Jewish journals, of course, say that they are a forgery, leaving it to be understood that Professor Nilus, who embodied them in a work of his own, had concocted them for his own purposes. Mr. Henry Ford, in an interview published in the New York WORLD, February 17th, 1921, put the case for Nilus tersely and convincingly thus: "The only statement I care to make about the PROTOCOLS is that they fit in with what is going on. They are sixteen years old, and they have fitted the world situation up to this time. THEY FIT IT NOW." Indeed they do!
From the introduction translated by Victor E. Marsden (news reporter fluent in Russian and English) in the preceding PDF file
It would not be possible to develop a more ungodly system than what the “Jewish” money power has devised to dominate and rule the world. Few people are aware of it because their minds are steeped in disinformation from a lifetime of exposure to and unrelenting barrage of “Jewish” propaganda. Primary and secondary “education” and “higher education” largely amounts to indoctrination on how to function as a compliant slave to their system. Absolute TRUTH comes from God and His Word which is usually the very last place anyone goes for information. The enemies of God have conditioned many to think the Bible is old-fashioned and not applicable to today’s world, but God’s word is timeless, it is an instruction manual for His people, and as you have read in these essays the prophecy is applicable now and in the future.
The “Jews” in particular do everything in their power to turn people against the Bible and God. They do this as a survival mechanism. If Caucasians were fully adhering to God’s commandments the enemies of God would be immediately doomed. On this site we frequently quote scripture to show how God has been keeping His people informed all along, if only they would read His word and pray for understanding. Mostly they can’t be bothered with it because they would rather fit in with the world, because they cannot accept that there is an “absolute truth”, because they love their sins and cannot adhere to God’s commandments, because they believe they know better than their own Maker, because they invent their own god in their mind, because they believe they are their own god, because they are humanists, agnostics, atheists … The reasons that many are on the “broad way” to hell are endless, but Jesus said:
Matthew 7:13-15 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
The fact that so many old churches have dwindling congregations, and yet modern day Baal temples with a thin veneer of Christianity are bursting at the seams is evidence of the following. We are living in the era of the great “falling away”:
II Thessalonians 2:2-3 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
With literally trillions of dollars at their disposal the enemies of God have plenty of funding for a “worldwide web” of propaganda and to make our people work against their own best interests. Even the majority of so-called “scholars” who “profess” to know “the truth” are like glue helping to hold the anti-God, anti-Christ system together. They love mammon more than God and can only attain status and six figure salaries through agreement with the philosophy of those with the “power of the purse”, which would be the “Jews” who run the system. Professors are paid to promote evolution over creationism, globalization over nationalism, Zionism-Judaism over Christianity, multiculturalism over racial homogeneity, sexual deviancy over biblical commandments regarding sexuality and marriage and central planning over self-determination. Failure to advance the satanic paradigms of the New World Order could result in a lack of employment. Communism seeks to obliterate all boundaries established by God. Meanwhile, newsmen and women simply read the scripts they are given, or else. These dis-information specialists get paid quite well for upholding lies but certainly it takes a toll on the psyche to be forced to sugar coat information that one knows in their heart to be wrong. No wonder there are so many alcoholics and drug addicts among these “professional” classes.
Psychology experts, such as those at the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations in England, provide “training” for television network presidents and executives on how to use TV for propaganda. It is a key component in the psychological warfare being waged against us. Television “programming” inserts “memes” (psychological scripts) into the brain designed to make people react “emotionally” and illogically to issues that have great bearing on our lives, what little is left of political freedom, and national self-determination. For example: when immigrants from Mexico cross the southern American border without permission and thus break the law and the President of the United States proclaims that they must be quarantined according to OUR existing laws and sent back from whence they came, the “Jewish” controlled mass media goes into a wild frenzy, broadcasting heart-wrenching stories about families being torn apart and story after story of suffering children. On the other hand, no mention is made of how these immigrants were attempting to cross the border into the U.S. ILLEGALLY. The knee-jerk reaction (fueled by “Jewish” television “programming”) is for churches and city administrators and other “do good” agencies to provide “relief” and all kinds of financial and resettlement assistance to the lawbreakers and thus our land is flooded with more and more aliens, who because of their inborn nature will unwittingly bring the very problems they were escaping from to our doorstep. Once they reach sufficient numbers they will demand, with a childish “entitlement complex” and the assistance and prodding of leftist communist agitators, that our culture be changed to accommodate them in preference over us, the descendants of the people who established this nation.
The major cities in the United States are overcome with crime, poverty and a host of other problems because they are no longer white. The more brown and black they become, the more they will resemble those cities in non-white nations. In fact, the only way white culture can survive is through separation from other races and the “Jew” devil knows this quite well. They are using immigration as a weapon against OUR race and culture, not because they care about the negro, the Hispanic, the Arab or any other mongrelized race they are swamping us with. They figure on being able to rule over a browned and mongrelized world through the power of their financial tyranny, infiltration into the key positions of power and presumed “superior intelligence”, as outlined in the Protocols of the “Learned” Elders of Zion. When it comes to diabolical schemes we must admit that the “Jews” have no rivals.
Of the Protocols themselves little need be said in the way of introduction. The book in which they are embodied was published by Sergyei Nilus in Russia in 1905. A copy of this is in the British Museum bearing the date of its reception, August 10, 1906. All copies that were known to exist in Russia were destroyed in the Kerensky regime, and under his successors the possession of a copy by anyone in Soviet land was a crime sufficient to ensure the owner's of being shot on sight. The fact is in itself sufficient proof of the genuineness of the Protocols. The Jewish journals, of course, say that they are a forgery, leaving it to be understood that Professor Nilus, who embodied them in a work of his own, had concocted them for his own purposes. Mr. Henry Ford, in an interview published in the New York WORLD, February 17th, 1921, put the case for Nilus tersely and convincingly thus: "The only statement I care to make about the PROTOCOLS is that they fit in with what is going on. They are sixteen years old, and they have fitted the world situation up to this time. THEY FIT IT NOW." Indeed they do!
From the introduction translated by Victor E. Marsden (news reporter fluent in Russian and English) in the preceding PDF file
It would not be possible to develop a more ungodly system than what the “Jewish” money power has devised to dominate and rule the world. Few people are aware of it because their minds are steeped in disinformation from a lifetime of exposure to and unrelenting barrage of “Jewish” propaganda. Primary and secondary “education” and “higher education” largely amounts to indoctrination on how to function as a compliant slave to their system. Absolute TRUTH comes from God and His Word which is usually the very last place anyone goes for information. The enemies of God have conditioned many to think the Bible is old-fashioned and not applicable to today’s world, but God’s word is timeless, it is an instruction manual for His people, and as you have read in these essays the prophecy is applicable now and in the future.
The “Jews” in particular do everything in their power to turn people against the Bible and God. They do this as a survival mechanism. If Caucasians were fully adhering to God’s commandments the enemies of God would be immediately doomed. On this site we frequently quote scripture to show how God has been keeping His people informed all along, if only they would read His word and pray for understanding. Mostly they can’t be bothered with it because they would rather fit in with the world, because they cannot accept that there is an “absolute truth”, because they love their sins and cannot adhere to God’s commandments, because they believe they know better than their own Maker, because they invent their own god in their mind, because they believe they are their own god, because they are humanists, agnostics, atheists … The reasons that many are on the “broad way” to hell are endless, but Jesus said:
Matthew 7:13-15 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
The fact that so many old churches have dwindling congregations, and yet modern day Baal temples with a thin veneer of Christianity are bursting at the seams is evidence of the following. We are living in the era of the great “falling away”:
II Thessalonians 2:2-3 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
With literally trillions of dollars at their disposal the enemies of God have plenty of funding for a “worldwide web” of propaganda and to make our people work against their own best interests. Even the majority of so-called “scholars” who “profess” to know “the truth” are like glue helping to hold the anti-God, anti-Christ system together. They love mammon more than God and can only attain status and six figure salaries through agreement with the philosophy of those with the “power of the purse”, which would be the “Jews” who run the system. Professors are paid to promote evolution over creationism, globalization over nationalism, Zionism-Judaism over Christianity, multiculturalism over racial homogeneity, sexual deviancy over biblical commandments regarding sexuality and marriage and central planning over self-determination. Failure to advance the satanic paradigms of the New World Order could result in a lack of employment. Communism seeks to obliterate all boundaries established by God. Meanwhile, newsmen and women simply read the scripts they are given, or else. These dis-information specialists get paid quite well for upholding lies but certainly it takes a toll on the psyche to be forced to sugar coat information that one knows in their heart to be wrong. No wonder there are so many alcoholics and drug addicts among these “professional” classes.
Psychology experts, such as those at the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations in England, provide “training” for television network presidents and executives on how to use TV for propaganda. It is a key component in the psychological warfare being waged against us. Television “programming” inserts “memes” (psychological scripts) into the brain designed to make people react “emotionally” and illogically to issues that have great bearing on our lives, what little is left of political freedom, and national self-determination. For example: when immigrants from Mexico cross the southern American border without permission and thus break the law and the President of the United States proclaims that they must be quarantined according to OUR existing laws and sent back from whence they came, the “Jewish” controlled mass media goes into a wild frenzy, broadcasting heart-wrenching stories about families being torn apart and story after story of suffering children. On the other hand, no mention is made of how these immigrants were attempting to cross the border into the U.S. ILLEGALLY. The knee-jerk reaction (fueled by “Jewish” television “programming”) is for churches and city administrators and other “do good” agencies to provide “relief” and all kinds of financial and resettlement assistance to the lawbreakers and thus our land is flooded with more and more aliens, who because of their inborn nature will unwittingly bring the very problems they were escaping from to our doorstep. Once they reach sufficient numbers they will demand, with a childish “entitlement complex” and the assistance and prodding of leftist communist agitators, that our culture be changed to accommodate them in preference over us, the descendants of the people who established this nation.
The major cities in the United States are overcome with crime, poverty and a host of other problems because they are no longer white. The more brown and black they become, the more they will resemble those cities in non-white nations. In fact, the only way white culture can survive is through separation from other races and the “Jew” devil knows this quite well. They are using immigration as a weapon against OUR race and culture, not because they care about the negro, the Hispanic, the Arab or any other mongrelized race they are swamping us with. They figure on being able to rule over a browned and mongrelized world through the power of their financial tyranny, infiltration into the key positions of power and presumed “superior intelligence”, as outlined in the Protocols of the “Learned” Elders of Zion. When it comes to diabolical schemes we must admit that the “Jews” have no rivals.
I can state with assurance that the last generation of white children is now being born. Our Control Commission will, in the interests of peace and wiping out interracial tensions, forbid the whites to mate with whites. The white woman must cohabit with members of the dark races, and the white men with black women. Thus the white race will disappear, for mixing the dark with the white means the end of the white man, and our most dangerous enemy will only become a memory. We shall embark upon an era of ten thousand years of peace and plenty, the Pax Judaica, and our race will rule undisputed over the earth. Our superior intelligence will easily enable us to retain mastery over the world of dark peoples. Rabbi Emanuel Rabinovich, before a special meeting of the Emergency Council of European Rabbis in Budapest, Hungary, January 12, 1952, quoted from: New History of the Jews, Eustace Mullins, The International Institute of Jewish Studies, 1968, pages 147-9; also in: Who Is Esau-Edom?, Charles A. Weisman, Weisman Publications, 1996, ISBN 1-929205-00-7.
The reason for an “open borders” policy and unfettered immigration of non-whites into white nations has been buried under layer upon layer of propaganda. We see the problems daily and yet the minds of our people are closed because we are told time and time again that “diversity is our strength”. The truth is that no “multicultural” nation has ever survived the test of time. With arrogance and hutzpah the Israeli state proclaims that it is a “Jewish” nation and virtually no immigration is allowed THERE except for more “Jews”. Since the U.S. government donates billions of dollars in “aid” every year to this phony parasite state we must say that the “Jews” who support the racially homogeneous Israeli state and yet want “open borders” in the U.S. and other western nations are the most despicable of hypocrites. Obviously racial homogeneity is a strength for them. Why would it not be for our WHITE nation?
Once in a while the media censors miss a beat, such as in a recent evening news report when the half-breed anchorman (who are slowly replacing white anchormen) admitted that the murder rate in Mexico is four times what it is in the United States. Based on that statistic, we can be certain that the more Hispanics are admitted into the U.S., the more murders will occur. The murder rate of all non-white races is higher than whites. It is a fact as sure as the more dogs or cats you allow to live in your house, sleep on your couch and bed, rummage through your garbage and eat from your table, the more of a stinking mess your house is going to be. You cannot change the nature of dogs and cats and the general nature of a race of people cannot be changed. The races are different and that is a FACT. The statistics do not lie!
Once in a while the media censors miss a beat, such as in a recent evening news report when the half-breed anchorman (who are slowly replacing white anchormen) admitted that the murder rate in Mexico is four times what it is in the United States. Based on that statistic, we can be certain that the more Hispanics are admitted into the U.S., the more murders will occur. The murder rate of all non-white races is higher than whites. It is a fact as sure as the more dogs or cats you allow to live in your house, sleep on your couch and bed, rummage through your garbage and eat from your table, the more of a stinking mess your house is going to be. You cannot change the nature of dogs and cats and the general nature of a race of people cannot be changed. The races are different and that is a FACT. The statistics do not lie!
To the right: Major findings from the book "The Color of Crime", which can be downloaded above.
Jeremiah 13:23-24 Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil. Therefore will I scatter them as the stubble that passeth away by the wind of the wilderness. (as the “Jews” have been scattered throughout the world like weed seed, only to disrupt those nations infested by them and their ideas) |
- If New York City were all white, the murder rate would drop by 91 percent, the robbery rate by 81 percent, and the shootings rate by 97 percent.
- In an all-white Chicago, murder would decline 90 percent, rape by 81 percent, and robbery by 90 percent.
- In 2015, a black person was 2.45 times more likely than a white person to be shot and killed by the police. A Hispanic person was 1.21 times more likely. These figures are well within what would be expected given race differences in crime rates and likelihood to resist arrest.
- In 2015, police killings of blacks accounted for approximately 4 percent of homicides of blacks. Police killings of unarmed blacks accounted for approximately 0.6 percent of homicides of blacks. The overwhelming majority of black homicide victims (93 percent from 1980 to 2008) were killed by blacks.
- Both violent and non-violent crime has been declining in the United States since a high in 1993. 2015 saw a disturbing rise in murder in major American cities that some observers associated with “depolicing” in response to intense media and public scrutiny of police activity.
Regarding the “Jews”, who are the chief proponents of unfettered immigration, multiculturalism, diversity, affirmative action, and the notion that "all races are the same" which all contributes to white genocide:
Jeremiah 24:9 And I will deliver them to be removed into all the kingdoms of the earth for their hurt, to be a reproach and a proverb, a taunt and a curse, in all places whither I shall drive them.
The “multiculturalism” and “diversity” agendas are a powerful tool used by the “Jewish” money power to reduce America and other white nations to mixed multitudes of rootless, compliant slaves who cannot think for themselves, much less understand or work their way out of a neo-feudalist, technocratic, global slave state -- i.e. the "beast" system of Revelation. Logarithmic gravity toward this grim paradigm is exactly what one can expect at the “tipping point”, when they outnumber us in what were once our white nations. Given current events, we are probably already there. Notwithstanding the resort areas or enclaves where “ex-patriots” live, are third world countries places where YOU would want to live? Would you want to live in Lagos, Nigeria or Haiti? How about Calcutta, India or Cairo Egypt? Why is the Catholic Church importing so many of these low IQ savages into America? What is to be gained from this? Answer: nothing, if you happen to be white. The agenda of the Catholic Church is being directed by crypto-“Jews” working to destroy America, from within.
The propagandists for the “multiculturalism” agenda want whites to swallow the lie that “all races are the same”, except for skin color while at the same time, if they are “Jewish”, which most of them are, insisting on homogeneity for their own race. All one has to do is look at how the various races live in THEIR native lands to know what environment we will be subjected to should those races overtake our race in our own land. The average white American citizen knows little to nothing about the living conditions in the third world nations these immigrants are fleeing from. If those nations were great places to live they would not want to leave and come to America. Those conditions of filth, poverty, disease, crime, political unrest and murder are not a fluke. They are not due to any factors other than the inborn NATURE of the predominant race of those nations. In no way, shape or form are Caucasians to be blamed for the living conditions in third world nations, though we are ALWAYS blamed, by leftist-Marxist propagandists for the conditions in non-white neighborhoods in OUR nation, just as Afrikaners (white South Africans) are blamed for “oppression” of the black Africans that now drastically outnumber them in the nation established by their ancestors. These blacks had thousands of years to develop a working civilization of their own and failed to advance beyond tribal status until allowed to piggyback off of the advanced civilization created by whites. Now, they are rapidly bringing South Africa to ruin. It is in their nature to do so. This process is being encouraged every step of the way by “Jewish” Marxist-Communist agitators whose goal is destruction of yet another white Christian nation and its absorption into their satanic “New World Order” “Jewish” global gulag.
Consider the current condition of the state of California. Now that the state is predominantly Hispanic and middle class whites are fleeing en masse the Democratic (Socialist-Communist) party can be assured of victory in every election. Thus, the principle players within the de facto Communist party can be assured of their own high standard of living while the non-white masses grovel at their feet and vote the same criminals into office time and time again. The agencies in California and elsewhere that are supposed to be combatting homelessness are in fact promoting it by encouraging an ever growing influx of un-employables who are cluttering up streets with their tents, trash and feces. These areas are dangerous because of disease, drugs and crime. Why does this happen? Because these “do-good” agencies receive federal grants and the people running them are pocketing much of the money. They have no interest in solving problems. If the problems disappear they will be out of a job! The knee-jerk agendas of our day always have an ulterior motive, which is to keep the same less than useless people in power, even if it brings an entire state or nation down into the gutter. What “Jews” in particular want is bigger, more powerful government and the masters of such governments are always going to be those with the “power of the purse”, namely the “Jewish” central bankers and their willing agents -- a large percentage of them (in comparison to their percentage in the general population) tending to be "Jews". The tribe is not known for an aversion to nepotism.
Jeremiah 24:9 And I will deliver them to be removed into all the kingdoms of the earth for their hurt, to be a reproach and a proverb, a taunt and a curse, in all places whither I shall drive them.
The “multiculturalism” and “diversity” agendas are a powerful tool used by the “Jewish” money power to reduce America and other white nations to mixed multitudes of rootless, compliant slaves who cannot think for themselves, much less understand or work their way out of a neo-feudalist, technocratic, global slave state -- i.e. the "beast" system of Revelation. Logarithmic gravity toward this grim paradigm is exactly what one can expect at the “tipping point”, when they outnumber us in what were once our white nations. Given current events, we are probably already there. Notwithstanding the resort areas or enclaves where “ex-patriots” live, are third world countries places where YOU would want to live? Would you want to live in Lagos, Nigeria or Haiti? How about Calcutta, India or Cairo Egypt? Why is the Catholic Church importing so many of these low IQ savages into America? What is to be gained from this? Answer: nothing, if you happen to be white. The agenda of the Catholic Church is being directed by crypto-“Jews” working to destroy America, from within.
The propagandists for the “multiculturalism” agenda want whites to swallow the lie that “all races are the same”, except for skin color while at the same time, if they are “Jewish”, which most of them are, insisting on homogeneity for their own race. All one has to do is look at how the various races live in THEIR native lands to know what environment we will be subjected to should those races overtake our race in our own land. The average white American citizen knows little to nothing about the living conditions in the third world nations these immigrants are fleeing from. If those nations were great places to live they would not want to leave and come to America. Those conditions of filth, poverty, disease, crime, political unrest and murder are not a fluke. They are not due to any factors other than the inborn NATURE of the predominant race of those nations. In no way, shape or form are Caucasians to be blamed for the living conditions in third world nations, though we are ALWAYS blamed, by leftist-Marxist propagandists for the conditions in non-white neighborhoods in OUR nation, just as Afrikaners (white South Africans) are blamed for “oppression” of the black Africans that now drastically outnumber them in the nation established by their ancestors. These blacks had thousands of years to develop a working civilization of their own and failed to advance beyond tribal status until allowed to piggyback off of the advanced civilization created by whites. Now, they are rapidly bringing South Africa to ruin. It is in their nature to do so. This process is being encouraged every step of the way by “Jewish” Marxist-Communist agitators whose goal is destruction of yet another white Christian nation and its absorption into their satanic “New World Order” “Jewish” global gulag.
Consider the current condition of the state of California. Now that the state is predominantly Hispanic and middle class whites are fleeing en masse the Democratic (Socialist-Communist) party can be assured of victory in every election. Thus, the principle players within the de facto Communist party can be assured of their own high standard of living while the non-white masses grovel at their feet and vote the same criminals into office time and time again. The agencies in California and elsewhere that are supposed to be combatting homelessness are in fact promoting it by encouraging an ever growing influx of un-employables who are cluttering up streets with their tents, trash and feces. These areas are dangerous because of disease, drugs and crime. Why does this happen? Because these “do-good” agencies receive federal grants and the people running them are pocketing much of the money. They have no interest in solving problems. If the problems disappear they will be out of a job! The knee-jerk agendas of our day always have an ulterior motive, which is to keep the same less than useless people in power, even if it brings an entire state or nation down into the gutter. What “Jews” in particular want is bigger, more powerful government and the masters of such governments are always going to be those with the “power of the purse”, namely the “Jewish” central bankers and their willing agents -- a large percentage of them (in comparison to their percentage in the general population) tending to be "Jews". The tribe is not known for an aversion to nepotism.

the_billion_dollar_homeless_scam.pdf |
In the early 1960s, once he realized the anti-American agenda of the C.I.A. President John F. Kennedy intended to dismantle it. He proclaimed that it was a “rogue agency”. Perhaps this is because the main function of the C.I.A. is to gather intelligence for the central bankers at the Federal Reserve, which is the apex of power in the U.S., because it has control of the MONEY! Because he was a serious threat to the central banking oligarchy he signed his own death warrant. Agents of the banking oligarchy were dispatched and the job was done. According to historian Eustace Mullins there were five assassination squads! The purpose of the Warren Commission was not to determine who killed Kennedy, but rather to provide cover for the criminals who killed him. The “front men”, Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby (real name Rubenstein) were patsies. The idea of a “lone gunman” is a modern day myth played over and over as there are always rich and powerful figures behind the scenes who finance and direct political assassinations. Any powerful public figure who dares to go against the empire of usury is routinely killed or if allowed to live has their career ruined.
6. The people, under our guidance, have annihilated the aristocracy, who were their one and only defense and foster- mother for the sake of their own advantage which is inseparably bound up with the well-being of the people. Nowadays, with the destruction of the aristocracy, the people have fallen into the grips of merciless money-grinding scoundrels who have laid a pitiless and cruel yoke upon the necks of the workers. Protocol Number 3
The Rothschild dynasty and their political and revolutionary agents accomplished a major political coup over a century ago with the murdering of the Czar of Russia and his entire family. Over several centuries, up to the present, “Jews” wormed their way into other European aristocracies through marriage which resulted in the so-called “black nobility”. The roots of the cursed Edomite-Canaanite bloodline encircle the earth and have tapped into all dynasties, wherever big money and power is to be found. They all form a loose alliance with the “City of London” Rothschild-controlled financial complex and the central bank of central banks, the B.I.S. (Bank of International Settlements). It, in turn, controls the central banks of the world, such as the Federal Reserve System of the U.S., the most powerful of these central banks. This is the power behind the “New World Order”. The “Jews” and crypto-“Jews” affiliated with these banks and their agents in government and the private sector are the authors and financiers of global tyranny. The political systems of democracy, socialism and communism are but symptoms of the overarching scheme of these master parasites:
7. We appear on the scene as alleged saviours of the worker from this oppression when we propose to him to enter the ranks of our fighting forces - Socialists, Anarchists, Communists - to whom we always give support in accordance with an alleged brotherly rule (of the solidarity of all humanity) of our SOCIAL MASONRY. [today’s “liberal” and “progressive” philosophy – ed.] The aristocracy, which enjoyed by law the labor of the workers, was interested in seeing that the workers were well fed, healthy, and strong. We are interested in just the opposite - in the diminution, the KILLING OUT OF THE GOYIM [as they intend to accomplish with the Covid vaccine scheme - ed]. Our power is in the chronic shortness of food and physical weakness of the worker [which is the reason for chem trails, water fluoridation, toxic pharmaceuticals, invasive medical procedures, food loaded with poisonous additives, electromagnetic radiation, wars, revolutions, mass migrations of non-whites into white nations etc. – ed.] because by all that this implies he is made the slave of our will, and he will not find in his own authorities either strength or energy to set against our will. Hunger creates the right of capital to rule the worker more surely than it was given to the aristocracy by the legal authority of kings [thus, capital is king, he who has the capital rules, which means that the Federal Reserve, owned solely by Jewish dynasties, trumps the Federal Government. Incidentally, ot of the last five Federal Reserve chairmen, four of them were "Jews". - ed].
8. By want and the envy and hatred which it engenders we shall move the mobs [specifically agitation groups like B.L.M. and Antifa - ed]. and with their hands we shall wipe out all those who hinder us on our way. [the purpose of assassinations, revolutions, wars – ed.]
9. When the hour strikes for our sovereign lord of all the world to be crowned [this is the biblical Antichrist, Satan in the flesh, a “Jew” elevated to messianic status by the power of Zionist-Communist “Jewry” – ed.] It is these same hands which will sweep away everything that might be a hindrance thereto. [the anti-Christ blaspheming God, proclaiming his global kingdom, claiming that he is God, managing to get the world’s mongrelized masses to worship him]
Excerpts are from Protocol No.3, Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
The last institution with the wherewithal to restrain the “money power” was the Catholic Church, which caved in over eight centuries ago under pressure from the Jesuit order, which desired to get into the banking business. These “Catholic” crypto-“Jew” bankers were known as the “Knights Templar”. The Bible forbids usury among “brothers”, a commandment for God’s people, Jacob-Israel. Since “Jews” are not white, but rather a diverse mixture of Canaanite, Asiatic, Caucasian, Negroid, Mongoloid and other bloodlines, and further because they generally hate the Bible, God’s commandments against usury means nothing to them. A critical mass of “converso Jew” Jesuits (Spanish Marranos in particular) pretending to be good Catholics infiltrated the church and corrupted it to suit their agenda. In secret they practiced Kabbalism, and in particular the “alchemy” of creating “something from nothing”, which is the essence of modern banking. “Fractional reserve” banking allows bankers to create “paper” money in the form of debt and then charge interest on it. Of course, the vast majority of this money is nothing more than numbers in a computer blockchain network. Only a tiny fraction of the debt is actually backed by something of value, like gold.
The Talmud does not condemn usury but rather encourages it, particularly against the “goy” (non-“Jewish” races). It also promotes any other scheme that will reduce the wealth of and physically decimate the goy, with whites being the number one target. The Catholic Church of today is overwhelmingly more Talmudic and pagan in philosophy than it is Christian. The church officials with their ornate robes and white yarmulke-ish head gear appear more like ancient Pharisees than Christian preachers. The typical Catholic service is heavy on rote and ritual and offers little to no genuine “preaching” against sin, as do at least a few remaining independent protestant churches. Regretfully, Protestantism has mostly gone the way of Catholicism and has “fallen away” into false doctrine, such as the same “universalism” that has been embraced by the Catholic Church for centuries. Mainstream denominational religion retains but a thin veneer of the teachings of Jesus Christ who emphatically spoke against empty ritualism and philosophical chicanery devoid of true worship:
Matthew 23:23-25 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone. Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel. Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess.
The “Jewish” bankers had accumulated so much filthy lucre by the late 1700s that they have been able to buy politicians and control western governments ever since. As founder of the Rothschild dynasty Meyer Amschel bragged “Give me control of the money and I care not what puppet sits on the throne of England”. The United States caved in to the Rothschild banking cartel in 1913 and has been ruled by it ever since. This is why the government never seems to work for the people and becomes increasingly oppressive and “inefficient” (from our perspective) as time goes on. From the perspective of the “Jewish” oligarchy the government is functioning quite well and is carrying out their goals, which will culminate in the fulfillment of this prophecy from the book of Revelation:
Revelation 13:4 And they worshipped the dragon (Satan) which gave power unto the beast: (this could either refer to a system or a being of some sort) and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?
Nobody can take on the money power UNLESS it is the will of Yahweh God because this satanic oligarchy has seized control of almost all governments and thus all military forces of the world. The top tier of this empire of usury have accepted the very “offer” that Jesus Christ refused when the devil took him up on a high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world (present and future) and the glory of them. Satan told Jesus that if He would fall down and worship him all of those kingdoms could be His. Jesus of course refused the offer, but Satan’s own offspring were more than happy to accept it, and so they have:
Matthew 4:8-11 Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. Then the devil leaveth him, and, behold, angels came and ministered unto him.
The “Jewish” international bankers have the ability through their control of “the kingdoms of the world” to create wars for profit and to kill off millions in bloody sacrifices to their god, Satan. It is through the “sorceries” of these “merchants” that the world is being deceived, as foretold in prophecy:
Revelation 18:23-24 (looking back from the end of the age) … for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived. And in her was found the (this group is to be blamed for) blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.
It’s not just the men fighting the “Jews’” wars who die. It is civilians in cities that get bombed; it is people who die from starvation or dehydration because food and water is no longer available. Even more people die from radiation and poisoning. Soldiers die early deaths because of toxic vaccines they are forced to receive upon entering military service. “Wars are the Jews’ harvests” goes the old saying.
Genesis 3:15 And I will put enmity (extreme opposition) between thee (the satanic seed line) and the woman, (the “bride of Christ”, the descendants of Jacob) and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
Modern wars are never natural uprisings of one group of disgruntled people against another because “the people” simply do not have the financial resources or the organizational skills to perpetrate a war against another nation. Modern wars are always drummed up on false pretences, usually with some trigger event -- the torpedoing of the Lusitania (WWI), the bombing of Pearl Harbor (WWII), “weapons of mass destruction” (the Gulf War), or the massive “refugee resettlement” program making a mess of Europe which may lead to war. These “trigger events” are always financed by the "Jewish" money power and concocted by their "think tanks".
6. The people, under our guidance, have annihilated the aristocracy, who were their one and only defense and foster- mother for the sake of their own advantage which is inseparably bound up with the well-being of the people. Nowadays, with the destruction of the aristocracy, the people have fallen into the grips of merciless money-grinding scoundrels who have laid a pitiless and cruel yoke upon the necks of the workers. Protocol Number 3
The Rothschild dynasty and their political and revolutionary agents accomplished a major political coup over a century ago with the murdering of the Czar of Russia and his entire family. Over several centuries, up to the present, “Jews” wormed their way into other European aristocracies through marriage which resulted in the so-called “black nobility”. The roots of the cursed Edomite-Canaanite bloodline encircle the earth and have tapped into all dynasties, wherever big money and power is to be found. They all form a loose alliance with the “City of London” Rothschild-controlled financial complex and the central bank of central banks, the B.I.S. (Bank of International Settlements). It, in turn, controls the central banks of the world, such as the Federal Reserve System of the U.S., the most powerful of these central banks. This is the power behind the “New World Order”. The “Jews” and crypto-“Jews” affiliated with these banks and their agents in government and the private sector are the authors and financiers of global tyranny. The political systems of democracy, socialism and communism are but symptoms of the overarching scheme of these master parasites:
7. We appear on the scene as alleged saviours of the worker from this oppression when we propose to him to enter the ranks of our fighting forces - Socialists, Anarchists, Communists - to whom we always give support in accordance with an alleged brotherly rule (of the solidarity of all humanity) of our SOCIAL MASONRY. [today’s “liberal” and “progressive” philosophy – ed.] The aristocracy, which enjoyed by law the labor of the workers, was interested in seeing that the workers were well fed, healthy, and strong. We are interested in just the opposite - in the diminution, the KILLING OUT OF THE GOYIM [as they intend to accomplish with the Covid vaccine scheme - ed]. Our power is in the chronic shortness of food and physical weakness of the worker [which is the reason for chem trails, water fluoridation, toxic pharmaceuticals, invasive medical procedures, food loaded with poisonous additives, electromagnetic radiation, wars, revolutions, mass migrations of non-whites into white nations etc. – ed.] because by all that this implies he is made the slave of our will, and he will not find in his own authorities either strength or energy to set against our will. Hunger creates the right of capital to rule the worker more surely than it was given to the aristocracy by the legal authority of kings [thus, capital is king, he who has the capital rules, which means that the Federal Reserve, owned solely by Jewish dynasties, trumps the Federal Government. Incidentally, ot of the last five Federal Reserve chairmen, four of them were "Jews". - ed].
8. By want and the envy and hatred which it engenders we shall move the mobs [specifically agitation groups like B.L.M. and Antifa - ed]. and with their hands we shall wipe out all those who hinder us on our way. [the purpose of assassinations, revolutions, wars – ed.]
9. When the hour strikes for our sovereign lord of all the world to be crowned [this is the biblical Antichrist, Satan in the flesh, a “Jew” elevated to messianic status by the power of Zionist-Communist “Jewry” – ed.] It is these same hands which will sweep away everything that might be a hindrance thereto. [the anti-Christ blaspheming God, proclaiming his global kingdom, claiming that he is God, managing to get the world’s mongrelized masses to worship him]
Excerpts are from Protocol No.3, Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
The last institution with the wherewithal to restrain the “money power” was the Catholic Church, which caved in over eight centuries ago under pressure from the Jesuit order, which desired to get into the banking business. These “Catholic” crypto-“Jew” bankers were known as the “Knights Templar”. The Bible forbids usury among “brothers”, a commandment for God’s people, Jacob-Israel. Since “Jews” are not white, but rather a diverse mixture of Canaanite, Asiatic, Caucasian, Negroid, Mongoloid and other bloodlines, and further because they generally hate the Bible, God’s commandments against usury means nothing to them. A critical mass of “converso Jew” Jesuits (Spanish Marranos in particular) pretending to be good Catholics infiltrated the church and corrupted it to suit their agenda. In secret they practiced Kabbalism, and in particular the “alchemy” of creating “something from nothing”, which is the essence of modern banking. “Fractional reserve” banking allows bankers to create “paper” money in the form of debt and then charge interest on it. Of course, the vast majority of this money is nothing more than numbers in a computer blockchain network. Only a tiny fraction of the debt is actually backed by something of value, like gold.
The Talmud does not condemn usury but rather encourages it, particularly against the “goy” (non-“Jewish” races). It also promotes any other scheme that will reduce the wealth of and physically decimate the goy, with whites being the number one target. The Catholic Church of today is overwhelmingly more Talmudic and pagan in philosophy than it is Christian. The church officials with their ornate robes and white yarmulke-ish head gear appear more like ancient Pharisees than Christian preachers. The typical Catholic service is heavy on rote and ritual and offers little to no genuine “preaching” against sin, as do at least a few remaining independent protestant churches. Regretfully, Protestantism has mostly gone the way of Catholicism and has “fallen away” into false doctrine, such as the same “universalism” that has been embraced by the Catholic Church for centuries. Mainstream denominational religion retains but a thin veneer of the teachings of Jesus Christ who emphatically spoke against empty ritualism and philosophical chicanery devoid of true worship:
Matthew 23:23-25 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone. Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel. Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess.
The “Jewish” bankers had accumulated so much filthy lucre by the late 1700s that they have been able to buy politicians and control western governments ever since. As founder of the Rothschild dynasty Meyer Amschel bragged “Give me control of the money and I care not what puppet sits on the throne of England”. The United States caved in to the Rothschild banking cartel in 1913 and has been ruled by it ever since. This is why the government never seems to work for the people and becomes increasingly oppressive and “inefficient” (from our perspective) as time goes on. From the perspective of the “Jewish” oligarchy the government is functioning quite well and is carrying out their goals, which will culminate in the fulfillment of this prophecy from the book of Revelation:
Revelation 13:4 And they worshipped the dragon (Satan) which gave power unto the beast: (this could either refer to a system or a being of some sort) and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?
Nobody can take on the money power UNLESS it is the will of Yahweh God because this satanic oligarchy has seized control of almost all governments and thus all military forces of the world. The top tier of this empire of usury have accepted the very “offer” that Jesus Christ refused when the devil took him up on a high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world (present and future) and the glory of them. Satan told Jesus that if He would fall down and worship him all of those kingdoms could be His. Jesus of course refused the offer, but Satan’s own offspring were more than happy to accept it, and so they have:
Matthew 4:8-11 Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. Then the devil leaveth him, and, behold, angels came and ministered unto him.
The “Jewish” international bankers have the ability through their control of “the kingdoms of the world” to create wars for profit and to kill off millions in bloody sacrifices to their god, Satan. It is through the “sorceries” of these “merchants” that the world is being deceived, as foretold in prophecy:
Revelation 18:23-24 (looking back from the end of the age) … for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived. And in her was found the (this group is to be blamed for) blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.
It’s not just the men fighting the “Jews’” wars who die. It is civilians in cities that get bombed; it is people who die from starvation or dehydration because food and water is no longer available. Even more people die from radiation and poisoning. Soldiers die early deaths because of toxic vaccines they are forced to receive upon entering military service. “Wars are the Jews’ harvests” goes the old saying.
Genesis 3:15 And I will put enmity (extreme opposition) between thee (the satanic seed line) and the woman, (the “bride of Christ”, the descendants of Jacob) and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
Modern wars are never natural uprisings of one group of disgruntled people against another because “the people” simply do not have the financial resources or the organizational skills to perpetrate a war against another nation. Modern wars are always drummed up on false pretences, usually with some trigger event -- the torpedoing of the Lusitania (WWI), the bombing of Pearl Harbor (WWII), “weapons of mass destruction” (the Gulf War), or the massive “refugee resettlement” program making a mess of Europe which may lead to war. These “trigger events” are always financed by the "Jewish" money power and concocted by their "think tanks".
Interest Paid to the Federal Reserve
Since passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913, the secretive coup which put the entire money system of the United States in the hands of the Federal Reserve cartel of “Jewish” central bankers, the Federal government of the U.S. has been funded with borrowed money. The effects of this borrowing are far less obvious to taxpayers than if the money for the ever growing bureaucracy were extracted by direct taxation. If this were the case a revolution may have occurred a long time ago. The cause of inflation is something that most people cannot comprehend. Public “education” does a marvelous job at befuddling the student on the matter of how new money comes into existence. They presume that the national treasury creates the money, but it does not. New money is created out of nothing by the Federal Reserve and its member banks. This new money constitutes a DEBT to the privately owned Federal Reserve and it carries the weight of an INTEREST obligation. Taxes, which can only go UP are extracted from citizens to pay the INTEREST on the debt. Inflation results when the money supply is unnaturally increased which in turn dilutes the value of each dollar in existence. Inflation is thus a hidden tax that steadily erodes the buying power of the dollar. The fact that so few people understand the mechanics of money creation contributes to the success of the central banking scam. Why should it be necessary to pay interest to private banker-oligarchs when the government should, according to the Constitution, have the power to create money interest free through the U.S. Treasury? This is the multi-million dollar question that John F. Kennedy was asking just before he got assassinated. It is a question that everyone in America should be asking, but the central bankers have seen to it that the topic is not breached during the “education” process, or by their controlled media.
According to Eustace Mullins the oligarchy succeeded in “mobilizing the credit of the United States”. They installed their agents in key bureaucratic positions a century ago and bribed a sufficient number of traitorous and/or stupid and greedy congressmen to go along with their central banking plan, which had already been implemented a century earlier in most of Europe. The original legislation, called the “Aldrich Plan” was opposed by the American people so it was repackaged and called the “Federal Reserve” plan which was touted by the media of the day as being an alternative to the Aldrich plan. Little did the newspaper readers know that Rothschild agent J.P. Morgan had bought the editorial rights to the twenty-five biggest newspapers in America so as to assure that the Federal Reserve Act proposal received no bad press. The Aldrich plan was denigrated by the press as being the “banker plan”. It turns out that both plans were the SAME plan under different names! As always, the people were duped. The bribed congressmen voted the Federal Reserve Act into law at the eleventh hour, just before Christmas Eve of 1913. The patriotic congressmen who would have voted against this economic Trojan horse had all gone home for the Christmas holiday season.
Since this secret financial coup of 1913 the dollar has lost so much value due to “inflation” that it is now only worth less than 4/100ths of its 1913 value! Had more dollars been introduced into the system only in response to rising population the dollar would still have the same value as it did 100 years ago. Inflation is institutionalized theft or a hidden tax (whichever you prefer) since first use of new dollars goes to the bankers who create the money from nothing and add the tab to the “national debt”. They routinely use this money to install politicians and bureaucrats favorable to the system, and to squash those candidates who are adverse to it. They use these dollars to implement programs that work against the American people, and toward goals of the oligarchy. As these new dollars filter into the economy by use and re-use they lose value, and cause all other dollars in the system to lose value as well. Visualize letting a drop of black ink fall into a cup of water. At first the ink drop will retain its color but very rapidly it will dissipate and lose its original color while slightly discoloring the entire glass of water. This is what happens when new dollars are “dropped” into the system. At first, they retain their color (value) but the color quickly dissipates as it dissolves into the water (overall pool of dollars).
The first order of business for the Federal Reserve was to provide the funds needed so that the U.S. could be pulled into World War I. The true purpose of this war is outlined below. President Woodrow Wilson (family name changed from Wolfson and Wohlson) had promised the American people that he would keep the nation out of war, but he lied, which is par for the course for a "Jew". Wilson was a Marrano, i.e. Spanish "Jew". His "alter ego", the sly, shady "Colonel" Edwin Mandell House, also a "Jew", and not actually a colonel, ran the White House. Wilson only did what he was told to do. House was an agent for the Rothschilds. If the people had only known -- but they never do. Real news is always a "national security secret". The Federal Reserve also made a loan to Germany so that it had the necessary funds to participate in the war. If the American people had been told that they would be taxed directly for the cost of this disastrous war then most certainly they would have vehemently opposed it. Nevertheless, when a central bank lends money to a government the effects of the robbery are felt indirectly through slow but steady currency devaluation. The monetary unit loses value in proportion to the amount of wealth the bankers are robbing from the people. In other words, rather than being directly taxed, the nation is being indirectly “taxed” by being forced to work for and use money that persistently loses value, unlike precious metals which generally retain their value because of intrinsic worth, though the central bankers will occasionally "dump" gold and silver on the market to depress the price so as to give the illusion that the dollar is worth more.
As a general rule, the more of any particular commodity is thrown on the market, the less each individual unit of that commodity is worth. This rule also applies to fiat (paper/electronic) money. The more dollars there are in the global monetary system, in general the less each one of them is worth. Since taking over the U.S. money supply, the diabolical "Jewish" banking cartel has managed to “inflate” the supply of dollars to over 25 times what it was in 1913. Consequently, it now takes approximately $25.00 to buy what could have been purchased for only $1 in 1913 and as you are reading this the value of the dollar continues to drop. The U.S. currency used to be the best in the world, rock solid and even redeemable on par for gold and silver coin! Though it is still the world’s “reserve currency” there are nations that would prefer NOT to trade in U.S. dollars. Wars are arranged and funded by the Federal Reserve so as to prevent any new currencies from achieving dominance over the dollar.
Historian Eustace Mullins determined that the original purpose for the Federal Reserve was to get the U.S. into WWI. This view is echoed in Stephen M. Goodson’s book A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind. On page 103 of the book we read:
… in 1921 … it was recorded that “Full responsibility for the First World War lies on the shoulders of the International Jewish Bankers. They are responsible for Millions of dead and dying.” [the footnote for this refers to US Congress Record, 67th Congress, 4th Sitting, Senate Document no. 346,, 1921. The footnote also refers to a 1928 quote from the “Jewish” writer Marcus Eli Ravage:
You have not begun to appreciate the real depth of our guilt. We are intruders. We are disturbers. We are subverters. We have taken your natural world, your ideals, your destiny, and played havoc with them. We have been at the bottom not merely of the latest great war (referring to WWI) but of nearly all your wars, not only of the Russian (referring to the 1917 “Jewish” financed Bolshevik revolution) but of every other major revolution in your history. We have brought discord and confusion and frustration into your personal and public life. We are still doing it. No one can tell how long we shall go on doing it. From: A Real Case Against the Jews, Marcus Eli Ravage, Century Magazine, January 1928, Vol. 115, No. 3, pp. 346-350. Mr. Ravage was the Rothschilds’ approved biographer.
Goodson continues:
In late October 1926 further confirmation of these incontrovertible facts was revealed in a conversation between British parliamentarian Victor H. Cazalet and Henry Ford (1863-1947). When the former asked who the international Jewish financiers were, Ford replied: “I have several books which will tell you who they are. They were responsible for the last war, and will in the future always be capable of creating a war when they feel their pockets need one”. [Gutelle Schnapper, the wife of Mayer Amschel Rothschild once boasted “If my sons did not want war there would be none.” – ed.]
Trade rivalry, competing alliances and misunderstood mobilizations are often proferred as being the primary causes of World War I. However, the real reasons in order of importance are as follows:
Since this secret financial coup of 1913 the dollar has lost so much value due to “inflation” that it is now only worth less than 4/100ths of its 1913 value! Had more dollars been introduced into the system only in response to rising population the dollar would still have the same value as it did 100 years ago. Inflation is institutionalized theft or a hidden tax (whichever you prefer) since first use of new dollars goes to the bankers who create the money from nothing and add the tab to the “national debt”. They routinely use this money to install politicians and bureaucrats favorable to the system, and to squash those candidates who are adverse to it. They use these dollars to implement programs that work against the American people, and toward goals of the oligarchy. As these new dollars filter into the economy by use and re-use they lose value, and cause all other dollars in the system to lose value as well. Visualize letting a drop of black ink fall into a cup of water. At first the ink drop will retain its color but very rapidly it will dissipate and lose its original color while slightly discoloring the entire glass of water. This is what happens when new dollars are “dropped” into the system. At first, they retain their color (value) but the color quickly dissipates as it dissolves into the water (overall pool of dollars).
The first order of business for the Federal Reserve was to provide the funds needed so that the U.S. could be pulled into World War I. The true purpose of this war is outlined below. President Woodrow Wilson (family name changed from Wolfson and Wohlson) had promised the American people that he would keep the nation out of war, but he lied, which is par for the course for a "Jew". Wilson was a Marrano, i.e. Spanish "Jew". His "alter ego", the sly, shady "Colonel" Edwin Mandell House, also a "Jew", and not actually a colonel, ran the White House. Wilson only did what he was told to do. House was an agent for the Rothschilds. If the people had only known -- but they never do. Real news is always a "national security secret". The Federal Reserve also made a loan to Germany so that it had the necessary funds to participate in the war. If the American people had been told that they would be taxed directly for the cost of this disastrous war then most certainly they would have vehemently opposed it. Nevertheless, when a central bank lends money to a government the effects of the robbery are felt indirectly through slow but steady currency devaluation. The monetary unit loses value in proportion to the amount of wealth the bankers are robbing from the people. In other words, rather than being directly taxed, the nation is being indirectly “taxed” by being forced to work for and use money that persistently loses value, unlike precious metals which generally retain their value because of intrinsic worth, though the central bankers will occasionally "dump" gold and silver on the market to depress the price so as to give the illusion that the dollar is worth more.
As a general rule, the more of any particular commodity is thrown on the market, the less each individual unit of that commodity is worth. This rule also applies to fiat (paper/electronic) money. The more dollars there are in the global monetary system, in general the less each one of them is worth. Since taking over the U.S. money supply, the diabolical "Jewish" banking cartel has managed to “inflate” the supply of dollars to over 25 times what it was in 1913. Consequently, it now takes approximately $25.00 to buy what could have been purchased for only $1 in 1913 and as you are reading this the value of the dollar continues to drop. The U.S. currency used to be the best in the world, rock solid and even redeemable on par for gold and silver coin! Though it is still the world’s “reserve currency” there are nations that would prefer NOT to trade in U.S. dollars. Wars are arranged and funded by the Federal Reserve so as to prevent any new currencies from achieving dominance over the dollar.
Historian Eustace Mullins determined that the original purpose for the Federal Reserve was to get the U.S. into WWI. This view is echoed in Stephen M. Goodson’s book A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind. On page 103 of the book we read:
… in 1921 … it was recorded that “Full responsibility for the First World War lies on the shoulders of the International Jewish Bankers. They are responsible for Millions of dead and dying.” [the footnote for this refers to US Congress Record, 67th Congress, 4th Sitting, Senate Document no. 346,, 1921. The footnote also refers to a 1928 quote from the “Jewish” writer Marcus Eli Ravage:
You have not begun to appreciate the real depth of our guilt. We are intruders. We are disturbers. We are subverters. We have taken your natural world, your ideals, your destiny, and played havoc with them. We have been at the bottom not merely of the latest great war (referring to WWI) but of nearly all your wars, not only of the Russian (referring to the 1917 “Jewish” financed Bolshevik revolution) but of every other major revolution in your history. We have brought discord and confusion and frustration into your personal and public life. We are still doing it. No one can tell how long we shall go on doing it. From: A Real Case Against the Jews, Marcus Eli Ravage, Century Magazine, January 1928, Vol. 115, No. 3, pp. 346-350. Mr. Ravage was the Rothschilds’ approved biographer.
Goodson continues:
In late October 1926 further confirmation of these incontrovertible facts was revealed in a conversation between British parliamentarian Victor H. Cazalet and Henry Ford (1863-1947). When the former asked who the international Jewish financiers were, Ford replied: “I have several books which will tell you who they are. They were responsible for the last war, and will in the future always be capable of creating a war when they feel their pockets need one”. [Gutelle Schnapper, the wife of Mayer Amschel Rothschild once boasted “If my sons did not want war there would be none.” – ed.]
Trade rivalry, competing alliances and misunderstood mobilizations are often proferred as being the primary causes of World War I. However, the real reasons in order of importance are as follows:
- To destroy the Caucasian Russian Empire and its State Bank.
- To break up the other Caucasian empires (Austro-Hungarian, German and Ottoman) into smaller states, which could then be exploited more efficiently through the establishment of central banks.
- The theft of Palestine and the creation of a Zionist puppet state under the direct control of the Rothschilds [the footnote for this refers to N. Ferguson, The House of Rothschild, The World’s Banker 1849-1999, Vol. 2, Penguin Books, London, 1999, 449.]
As we can see, the primary purpose for war is to destroy national state banks so as to replace them with central banks controlled by the Rothschild/"Jewish" “money power”. In 2009, for instance, the U.S. Military waged war against Libya for the benefit of the banker plutocrats. At the time Libya had its own independent national bank and Ghaddafi was attempting to make the Libyan Dinar the reserve currency for all of northern Africa. The Libyan bank had the gold backing to accomplish it. To prevent this competition to the Federal Reserve/City of London banking cartel the American military was employed to squash Ghaddafi and his political regime. The reasons proffered by mainstream sources for this war were entirely bogus. The war was instigated simply to retain the supremacy of the dollar in the region.
Muammar Ghaddafi in 1987
Ghaddafi was murdered, like JFK and Lincoln, because he understood that a "Jewish"-controlled central bank was a money sucking leech that would only impoverish his nation. In 41 years he had brought Libya to debt-free status, a great accomplishment reminiscent of American President Andrew Jackson, who rightfully proclaimed that the “Jewish” central bankers were a “den of vipers” and that he would “rout them out by the eternal God”.
NOT having a “Jewish” controlled central bank was a wonderful boon to the economy of Libya. Under the Ghadaffi “regime”, always described in negative terms on “Jewish” controlled western media, healthcare was free and pharmacies and hospitals were comparable to high grade European facilities. Each Libyan received $500 deposited into his or her bank account each month. When Libyans married the couple received a gift equivalent to $60,000 from the government. Free land and seeds were given to anyone who wanted to be a farmer. It appears that Ghadaffi had instituted a benign form of National Socialism, similar to what Hitler had implemented in Germany, before being squashed in like manner by the Rothschild banking cartel, which used the U.S. military to do its dirty work. At the time of Ghadaffi's death the price of gas in Libya was a mere .14/gallon. All of this was possible because new money was being created by the Libyan government with NO interest attached and thus there was no skimming by central bank parasites. What a difference between that system and the financial slavery we find ourselves laboring under in the U.S., which is firmly under the boot of the Rothschild controlled Federal Reserve central bank. It is sucking the lifeblood out of the middle class, in particualr, every hour of every day. Needless to say, the citizens of Libya were quite happy with their leader and the replacement of his benign “regime” with yet another “Jewish” central bank was a terrible blow to the Libyan nation.
French President Nicolas Sarkozy, a "Jew" and a Rothschild agent, reportedly called Libya a "threat to the financial security of the world” because it had the potential to bring down the dollar as the world’s reserve currency. This is akin to saying that the FBI is a “threat” to organized crime. Had Ghadaffi been successful it would have been damaging to the U.S. economy because the American people are slaves of the Federal Reserve, Rothschild-controlled central banking scam. Average Americans have no choice but to use the dollar for trade, even though every dollar comes into existence as an IOU to the Fed (or its member banks) and demands interest payments, which are extracted from American citizens by the Internal Revenue “Service” (to the "Jew" bankers). This is not the way the original constitutional republic of the United States of America was designed to operate. New money was supposed to come into existence through the U.S. Treasury, not be lent to the government by a private cartel of banker parasites. The Federal Reserve System should be abolished and the owners and agents of it need to be charged with treason – and better yet, hung. These money leeches are in control of the government. Their agents are everywhere. They surround every president (regardless of party affiliation) and they are embedded in every department and level of government -- federal, state and local. Some of our state governors are crypto-"Jews" (such as Gavin Newsome and Gretchen Wilson). They delight in destroying small businesses with their draconian Covid lockdowns, toward the end goal of concentrating the entire wealth of the world into the hands of their collective. It truly is amazing that these traitorous, vindictive, anti-white, anti-nationalist psychopaths keep getting voted into office, but again, it is no wonder because the masses have been rendered STUPID by academic indoctrination and mass media propaganda, all controlled by "Jews" who remain in the shadows, untouched by the misery and madness they are creating.
Six months before U.S. troops stormed into Iraq to take down Saddam Hussein his nation had decided to accept euros instead of dollars for oil, thus becoming another threat to global dominance of the Rothschild-controlled central banking cartel. This is the reason Hussein was killed. With these examples we see a pattern emerging, which is that ALL modern wars are banker wars, and they are for the purpose of protecting the Ashkenazi "Jewish" monopoly on the creation of money through debt. It is sickening that millions of innocent people have had to die to satisfy the insatiable greed and lust for power of these central bankers.
NOT having a “Jewish” controlled central bank was a wonderful boon to the economy of Libya. Under the Ghadaffi “regime”, always described in negative terms on “Jewish” controlled western media, healthcare was free and pharmacies and hospitals were comparable to high grade European facilities. Each Libyan received $500 deposited into his or her bank account each month. When Libyans married the couple received a gift equivalent to $60,000 from the government. Free land and seeds were given to anyone who wanted to be a farmer. It appears that Ghadaffi had instituted a benign form of National Socialism, similar to what Hitler had implemented in Germany, before being squashed in like manner by the Rothschild banking cartel, which used the U.S. military to do its dirty work. At the time of Ghadaffi's death the price of gas in Libya was a mere .14/gallon. All of this was possible because new money was being created by the Libyan government with NO interest attached and thus there was no skimming by central bank parasites. What a difference between that system and the financial slavery we find ourselves laboring under in the U.S., which is firmly under the boot of the Rothschild controlled Federal Reserve central bank. It is sucking the lifeblood out of the middle class, in particualr, every hour of every day. Needless to say, the citizens of Libya were quite happy with their leader and the replacement of his benign “regime” with yet another “Jewish” central bank was a terrible blow to the Libyan nation.
French President Nicolas Sarkozy, a "Jew" and a Rothschild agent, reportedly called Libya a "threat to the financial security of the world” because it had the potential to bring down the dollar as the world’s reserve currency. This is akin to saying that the FBI is a “threat” to organized crime. Had Ghadaffi been successful it would have been damaging to the U.S. economy because the American people are slaves of the Federal Reserve, Rothschild-controlled central banking scam. Average Americans have no choice but to use the dollar for trade, even though every dollar comes into existence as an IOU to the Fed (or its member banks) and demands interest payments, which are extracted from American citizens by the Internal Revenue “Service” (to the "Jew" bankers). This is not the way the original constitutional republic of the United States of America was designed to operate. New money was supposed to come into existence through the U.S. Treasury, not be lent to the government by a private cartel of banker parasites. The Federal Reserve System should be abolished and the owners and agents of it need to be charged with treason – and better yet, hung. These money leeches are in control of the government. Their agents are everywhere. They surround every president (regardless of party affiliation) and they are embedded in every department and level of government -- federal, state and local. Some of our state governors are crypto-"Jews" (such as Gavin Newsome and Gretchen Wilson). They delight in destroying small businesses with their draconian Covid lockdowns, toward the end goal of concentrating the entire wealth of the world into the hands of their collective. It truly is amazing that these traitorous, vindictive, anti-white, anti-nationalist psychopaths keep getting voted into office, but again, it is no wonder because the masses have been rendered STUPID by academic indoctrination and mass media propaganda, all controlled by "Jews" who remain in the shadows, untouched by the misery and madness they are creating.
Six months before U.S. troops stormed into Iraq to take down Saddam Hussein his nation had decided to accept euros instead of dollars for oil, thus becoming another threat to global dominance of the Rothschild-controlled central banking cartel. This is the reason Hussein was killed. With these examples we see a pattern emerging, which is that ALL modern wars are banker wars, and they are for the purpose of protecting the Ashkenazi "Jewish" monopoly on the creation of money through debt. It is sickening that millions of innocent people have had to die to satisfy the insatiable greed and lust for power of these central bankers.
Netanyahu points to land the Israeli State intends to appropriate, with the assistance of the U.S. Military. We don't know if this photo was "photoshopped" or not, but it doesn't matter because what it portrays is indeed "the plan". The Israeli state does plan to take over all of the land shown in the map, with the assistance of the U.S. Military "golem" (clueless monster harnassed as a servant).
All mid-east wars have been waged by the U.S. puppet military, and financed by Rothschild central banks, to force the region to trade in dollars controlled by the Rothschild central banking syndicate. Currently Syria, Lebanon, Somalia, Sudan, Venezuela, Cuba and North Korea are not listed among the 56 member banks of the Bank of International Settlements, the mother of all central banks, which is controlled by the Rothschild dynasty. This is why these countries are painted as “terrorist nations” by “Jewish” controlled media and are natural targets for the U.S. military, which has been harnessed as the enforcement arm of the “Jewish” banking syndicate. Another ulterior motive for these Zionist wars is to build Eretz (expanded) Israel by removing its political rivals.
The U.S. was officially taken off of the gold standard under President Nixon in the 1970s, though for all intents and purposes as soon as the Rothschild cartel got control of the U.S. money system gold backing went out the window. Since the Federal Reserve coup in 1913 the central bankers have been steadily debauching the currency and the Federal Government has picked up the tab, to the tune of over 20 trillion dollars of federal debt. The honeymoon with the dollar abruptly ended in the 1930s when banker puppet and Marrano “Jew” Franklin Delano Roosevelt (derived from Rosenvelt) declared that America’s citizens MUST exchange their gold coins for paper dollars and that the hoarding of gold by citizens (but of course not bankers) was henceforth illegal. The good, patriotic American citizens of that naïve era actually trusted the wheelchair bound two-faced politician and many of them promptly trotted to their banks and turned in their valuable coins for fiat paper dollars. What a tragedy for the American middle class.
Once this gold was in the hands of the “Jewish” bankers its value promptly went sky high while the value of the paper dollar plummeted. The law abiding people of the U.S. had been horribly duped and the Rothschild cartel now had even more of America’s gold in its vaults. It is likely by now that almost all of the gold formerly stored at Fort Knox is in the vaults of the Rothschild syndicate. Besides that, even if all of the gold in the world were stored at Fort Knox it could only “back” a fraction of the trillions of dollars that have been conjured into existence out of nothing through the “fractional reserve” sorcery of the Federal Reserve central bank and its member banks. Contrary to former presidential candidate Ron Paul’s urgings, gold “backing” is by no means a panacea that would solve the economic problems of the U.S. The lack of gold backing isn’t the problem. The problem is that our money comes into existence through DEBT to a private cartel of banker-parasites, who then charge INTEREST on the money created from NOTHING. If all new money came into existence through the national treasury in response to increases in population, “inflation” and a host of other problems, such as senseless wars fought for the benefit of central bankers, would not exist.
The number one problem with this world system and overwhelming evidence that “the love of money is” indeed at “the root of all evil” is that diabolical, satanically inspired CRIMINALS have by deception, fraud, bribery, assassination and war secured and retained the ability to lend money into existence from absolutely NOTHING, without limit and then, adding “insult to injury” charge interest on this money (whether it be dollars, rubles, dinar, euros, pesos, etc.) which is forcibly extracted from working people. The advantages of this massive counterfeiting scheme to the criminal cartel of bankers should be obvious. As Mullins said, “They rob everybody all of the time!” The scheme cannot fail to make them the richest people on the planet as it most surely has. All stock for the Federal Reserve System is privately held. The principle shareholders are: Rothschild Banks of London and Berlin, Lazard Brothers Banks of Paris, Israel Moses Sieff Banks of Italy, Warburg Bank of Hamburg and Amsterdam, Shearson American Express, Goldman Sachs of New York and JP Morgan Chase Bank, institutions in which ALL of the stock has been held solely by “Jewish” dynasties for well over a century.
Within this top tier of banking resides a tribe with a belief system so alien to anyone with even a whiff of Christian morality that the crimes they have perpetrated against humanity and particularly against the white race, are almost incomprehensible. Without patient step by step revelation of their methods most people simply wouldn’t believe it, which is one reason why these despicable, generational, parasitic anti-humans can pull off a multi-trillion dollar scam and be so successful. How is it possible to convey to the average citizen that almost all major politicians and bureaucrats are only “agents” for the banking oligarchy, when the same oligarchy controls the edu-indoctrinational process through its bureaucratic agents? How is it possible for people to learn the truth if all major media is also under the control of the same serpents who are running the largest counterfeiting scheme in the history of mankind? If you can even understand what we are revealing to you up to this point you are in a very small minority, but our number is growing. Meanwhile, these "Jews" are using their stolen hoards of wealth to tighten their tyranny so as to cement the master-slave relationship and render themselves king despots ruling over a planet of wage slaves condemned to lives of grueling, unremitting debt or even worse, a sinister technocratic tyranny that invades body, mind and SOUL – that is, until Yahweh God abruptly puts an end to it.
Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Here is their parallel satanic-materialistic philosophy of the "Jews" as revealed in the Protocols:
… we have got the GOLD in our hands, notwithstanding that we have had to gather it out of the oceans of blood and tears. [wars and revolutions – ed.] But it has paid us, though we have sacrificed many of our people. [the “Jew” masterminds are so evil that they have no problem sacrificing the poorer people or “lesser brethren” of their own race to fulfill the “higher goals” of the oligarchy – ed.] Each victim on our side is worth in the sight of God a thousand GOYIM. [of course, their god is Satan – ed.] from: Protocol II, Item 5.
6. PER ME REGES REGNANT. "It is through me that Kings reign." And it was said by the prophets that we were chosen by God Himself [not Yahweh God, but by their father the devil] to rule over the whole earth. God [for them this would be Satan] has endowed us with genius that we may be equal to our task. Were genius in the opposite camp it would still struggle against us, but even so, a newcomer is no match for the old-established settler: the struggle would be merciless between us, such a fight as the world has never seen. Aye, and the genius on their side would have arrived too late. All the wheels of the machinery of all States go by the force of the engine, which is in our hands, and that engine of the machinery of States is - Gold. The science of political economy invented by our learned elders has for long past been giving royal prestige to capital. [Canaanite (Jew) merchants invented usurious, fractional reserve banking in ancient Babylon] Protocol V, Item 6
Of course, the “Jews” who embrace this philosophy may think they are entitled to rule the world but this worldly wisdom will not save them from condemnation by God because their methods are EVIL, and they are “vessels of wrath” fit for destruction at the hand of God:
Isaiah 5:20-21 Woe (condemnation) unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, (think highly of themselves) and prudent in their own sight!
Honest statesmen have occasionally declared that paper money is the money of slaves. Electronic money is even worse! The potential for manipulation and theft by those who control the computer algorithms is limitless. Bankers would then have absolute power over every dollar in existence and could mete out punishment at will simply by docking or even cutting off someone’s access to their own money. We see this happening NOW in the communist-technocratic social credit system of China, where citizen slaves are constantly monitored for any infraction of a plethora of rules, and whose digital money accounts can be debited or frozen at will by the government. Traitorous American technocrats, the chief of whom are "Jews", are working to bring the same nightmarish system to America.
You can be sure the end of this wicked age is very near when the central bankers manage to eliminate cash, thereby making electronic transactions the ONLY way to conduct business with THEIR counterfeit money. The bankers will also make sure that governments rigidly enforce laws forbidding the use of any other medium of exchange. This scenario is not very far away, since most transactions are already done electronically and the amount of cash and coin in the world is exceeded many times over by digitized money. The propaganda circling around this point is heavy, with the convenience of electronic transfer being stressed incessantly. Citizen are even willing to be tattooed or implanted with chips in order to make life in the 21st century even more convenient, but this will come at a price. Life will be really “convenient” when the “global citizen” finally wakes up and realizes that he has been completely enslaved, has zero freedom and is living under a full blown Communist tyranny. Meanwhile, people continue absorbing the propaganda, which will inevitably lead to the cashless society the bankers have been dreaming of and the fulfillment of this prophecy:
Revelation 13:15-17 (from a future perspective, looking back) And he (the supreme world government figurehead Antichrist) had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
The criminal oligarchy, the .001%ers, those satanists at the top of the pyramid of control, intend to use their cashless system as a WEAPON to intimidate the world’s people into literally worshiping their beast system and the “Antichrist” (Satan himself as a man). Acceptance of this final “mark” of compliance will have a grim SPIRITUAL significance and the system will be rigged so that it will become impossible to use THEIR money without accepting the mark of the beast. This is not something to be taken lightly. It is major. Can you imagine how difficult life would be if you were deprived of the use of money? This is yet another misery that the spawn of Satan will put upon the world’s people with an eye toward beating the Christian remnant into submission. Until Jesus Christ returns to gather His remnant these steadfast Christians will be scattered throughout the planet in “the wilderness” (this is both figurative and literal). They will have to devise some sort of alternative to the money of “the beast” system because they will no longer be able to use it. They will have to learn to survive by self-sufficiency, barter, by storing up provisions, etc. in a world gone completely mad, but with the joyful knowledge that their savior, Jesus Christ, is returning VERY SOON to put an end to it. Satan and his spawn cannot win. Though the remnant may suffer great hardship, submitting to the “mark of the beast” simply is not an option. Some will be beheaded for their faith in Jesus. These will be kings and administrators during the millennial reign of Christ:
Revelation 20:4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
Lest anyone doubt this end time prophecy consider that the Talmudic “Noahide Laws” were adopted as public law by puppet President George Bush Sr. for use by criminal Zionists when their full power is realized and the veil comes off. For now, behind their various facades bloodthirsty “Jews” are anxiously anticipating sacrifices to their god – the same kind of sacrifices made during and after the Bolshevik Revolution of Russia and occurring now in South Africa with the genocide of whites. Under these bizarre laws, which mock the Ten Commandments, Christians could be charged with “blasphemy” simply for worshiping Jesus Christ! The Talmud proscribes beheading as a punishment for this unforgivable “sin”. This twisting and mangling of scripture is not surprising since the Talmud constitutes a complete negation of everything God and His Word, the Bible, stands for. Whereas the Bible is God’s word recorded by His prophets, The Talmud was concocted by born deceivers and is custom made for those souls that are irredeemable. Here is a prophetic description of them:
Psalm 58:2-3 Yea, in heart ye work wickedness; ye weigh the violence of your hands in the earth. The wicked are estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies.
Each generation produces a fresh crop of narcissists, psychopaths and money grubbers who willingly serve the “Jewish”-Zionist beast for riches, power and fame. The mainstream “news” sources are full of proof though you must often read between the lines and remember that those persons celebrated by big media are invariably full-fledged servants of the New World Order satanic system. Let’s briefly consider multi-millionaire Senator John McCain, whose recent funeral was an extravaganza that went on for a couple days, featuring a star studded lineup of speakers, all singing his praises as a “war hero” and great man. Among those speakers was Zionist-“Jewish” arch criminal and warmonger Henry Kissinger, who once stated that military men are “dumb, stupid animals to be used” as pawns for foreign policy. The quote can be found in the book “The Final Days”, by Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, second Touchstone paperback edition, 1994, Chapter 14, pages 194-195. (The authors state that nothing in the book was reconstructed without accounts from at least two people). See http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2003/06/266114.shtml for more details. None of these speakers at the McCain funeral had anything negative to say about him, and the controlled media was not interested in testimonies from people who knew the dark side of McCain:
A small amount of research will reveal that "war hero" John McCain was a lackluster student whose rise to prominence was due to the fact that his father and grandfather were both admirals in the Navy. His father, it turns out, did what he could to cover up the Israeli attack on the U.S.S. Liberty in the mid-1960s. To go against the “Jews” is political suicide and such a revelation may have cost him his job, therefore he took the easy way out.
During his tour of duty on the U.S.S. Forrestal McCain was responsible for the death of 134 sailers and blindness and burns to another 161 sailers by doing a "wet start" of a jet in order to make it produce a large flame. This stunt, in which he was attempting to show off, torched a rocket behind the plane. The rocket shot across the deck hitting some parked planes loaded with explosives. The subsequent explosion and firestorm from this went several decks below and almost sunk the ship. Because McCain was the son of an Admiral, and to avoid bad publicity he was simply moved to another ship, and never punished. Any other sailor would have been imprisoned. As a POW McCain was dubbed “songbird McCain” by his captors, as he was more than willing to give up information. He was never tortured during captivity. It is claimed that he made 32 propaganda videos for the North Vietnamese in which he blamed the United States for targeting schools, temples, orphanages, and hospitals, which was not true.
McCain could have been released to go home early but chose to stay in Vietnam, knowing that he would receive preferential treatment from the Vietnamese, and to go home early would have ruined his chances at a political career due to obvious favoritism of him over fellow POWs who had no choice but endure their captivity. Thus his stint as a POW was used to paint him as a “war hero”. Once secure in his post as a senator McCain did everything in his power to prevent the disclosure of information that may have helped to bring other POWs home. Again, this cost the lives of hundreds of American servicemen who died in captivity. McCain did this to protect Zionist bureaucrats and also to protect his own career as there are many military men who despise McCain. Getting these POWs released simply would have added to the roles of those who could tell the truth about him. How much do they despise him? Consider this quote from Theodore Shoebat, Communications Director for Rescue Christians, an organization that is on the ground in Muslim lands, rescuing Christians from persecution, and the author of two books, For God or For Tyranny and In Satan’s Footsteps: The Source and Interconnections of all Evil. https://freedomoutpost.com/the-truth-is-that-john-songbird-mccain-was-a-traitor/ :
"John McCain is a giant bag of scum; his mouth is a continual sewer of bile, his heart is a decayed rot of dung, his mind a river of filth, and his soul is amongst the damned. He is nothing but a murderous scumbag. His evils are so great, that the words of Trump don't even bother me. McCain is a demon incarnate. His service in Vietnam does nothing to justify the evils he has supported and pushed for."
Once this gold was in the hands of the “Jewish” bankers its value promptly went sky high while the value of the paper dollar plummeted. The law abiding people of the U.S. had been horribly duped and the Rothschild cartel now had even more of America’s gold in its vaults. It is likely by now that almost all of the gold formerly stored at Fort Knox is in the vaults of the Rothschild syndicate. Besides that, even if all of the gold in the world were stored at Fort Knox it could only “back” a fraction of the trillions of dollars that have been conjured into existence out of nothing through the “fractional reserve” sorcery of the Federal Reserve central bank and its member banks. Contrary to former presidential candidate Ron Paul’s urgings, gold “backing” is by no means a panacea that would solve the economic problems of the U.S. The lack of gold backing isn’t the problem. The problem is that our money comes into existence through DEBT to a private cartel of banker-parasites, who then charge INTEREST on the money created from NOTHING. If all new money came into existence through the national treasury in response to increases in population, “inflation” and a host of other problems, such as senseless wars fought for the benefit of central bankers, would not exist.
The number one problem with this world system and overwhelming evidence that “the love of money is” indeed at “the root of all evil” is that diabolical, satanically inspired CRIMINALS have by deception, fraud, bribery, assassination and war secured and retained the ability to lend money into existence from absolutely NOTHING, without limit and then, adding “insult to injury” charge interest on this money (whether it be dollars, rubles, dinar, euros, pesos, etc.) which is forcibly extracted from working people. The advantages of this massive counterfeiting scheme to the criminal cartel of bankers should be obvious. As Mullins said, “They rob everybody all of the time!” The scheme cannot fail to make them the richest people on the planet as it most surely has. All stock for the Federal Reserve System is privately held. The principle shareholders are: Rothschild Banks of London and Berlin, Lazard Brothers Banks of Paris, Israel Moses Sieff Banks of Italy, Warburg Bank of Hamburg and Amsterdam, Shearson American Express, Goldman Sachs of New York and JP Morgan Chase Bank, institutions in which ALL of the stock has been held solely by “Jewish” dynasties for well over a century.
Within this top tier of banking resides a tribe with a belief system so alien to anyone with even a whiff of Christian morality that the crimes they have perpetrated against humanity and particularly against the white race, are almost incomprehensible. Without patient step by step revelation of their methods most people simply wouldn’t believe it, which is one reason why these despicable, generational, parasitic anti-humans can pull off a multi-trillion dollar scam and be so successful. How is it possible to convey to the average citizen that almost all major politicians and bureaucrats are only “agents” for the banking oligarchy, when the same oligarchy controls the edu-indoctrinational process through its bureaucratic agents? How is it possible for people to learn the truth if all major media is also under the control of the same serpents who are running the largest counterfeiting scheme in the history of mankind? If you can even understand what we are revealing to you up to this point you are in a very small minority, but our number is growing. Meanwhile, these "Jews" are using their stolen hoards of wealth to tighten their tyranny so as to cement the master-slave relationship and render themselves king despots ruling over a planet of wage slaves condemned to lives of grueling, unremitting debt or even worse, a sinister technocratic tyranny that invades body, mind and SOUL – that is, until Yahweh God abruptly puts an end to it.
Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Here is their parallel satanic-materialistic philosophy of the "Jews" as revealed in the Protocols:
… we have got the GOLD in our hands, notwithstanding that we have had to gather it out of the oceans of blood and tears. [wars and revolutions – ed.] But it has paid us, though we have sacrificed many of our people. [the “Jew” masterminds are so evil that they have no problem sacrificing the poorer people or “lesser brethren” of their own race to fulfill the “higher goals” of the oligarchy – ed.] Each victim on our side is worth in the sight of God a thousand GOYIM. [of course, their god is Satan – ed.] from: Protocol II, Item 5.
6. PER ME REGES REGNANT. "It is through me that Kings reign." And it was said by the prophets that we were chosen by God Himself [not Yahweh God, but by their father the devil] to rule over the whole earth. God [for them this would be Satan] has endowed us with genius that we may be equal to our task. Were genius in the opposite camp it would still struggle against us, but even so, a newcomer is no match for the old-established settler: the struggle would be merciless between us, such a fight as the world has never seen. Aye, and the genius on their side would have arrived too late. All the wheels of the machinery of all States go by the force of the engine, which is in our hands, and that engine of the machinery of States is - Gold. The science of political economy invented by our learned elders has for long past been giving royal prestige to capital. [Canaanite (Jew) merchants invented usurious, fractional reserve banking in ancient Babylon] Protocol V, Item 6
Of course, the “Jews” who embrace this philosophy may think they are entitled to rule the world but this worldly wisdom will not save them from condemnation by God because their methods are EVIL, and they are “vessels of wrath” fit for destruction at the hand of God:
Isaiah 5:20-21 Woe (condemnation) unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, (think highly of themselves) and prudent in their own sight!
Honest statesmen have occasionally declared that paper money is the money of slaves. Electronic money is even worse! The potential for manipulation and theft by those who control the computer algorithms is limitless. Bankers would then have absolute power over every dollar in existence and could mete out punishment at will simply by docking or even cutting off someone’s access to their own money. We see this happening NOW in the communist-technocratic social credit system of China, where citizen slaves are constantly monitored for any infraction of a plethora of rules, and whose digital money accounts can be debited or frozen at will by the government. Traitorous American technocrats, the chief of whom are "Jews", are working to bring the same nightmarish system to America.
You can be sure the end of this wicked age is very near when the central bankers manage to eliminate cash, thereby making electronic transactions the ONLY way to conduct business with THEIR counterfeit money. The bankers will also make sure that governments rigidly enforce laws forbidding the use of any other medium of exchange. This scenario is not very far away, since most transactions are already done electronically and the amount of cash and coin in the world is exceeded many times over by digitized money. The propaganda circling around this point is heavy, with the convenience of electronic transfer being stressed incessantly. Citizen are even willing to be tattooed or implanted with chips in order to make life in the 21st century even more convenient, but this will come at a price. Life will be really “convenient” when the “global citizen” finally wakes up and realizes that he has been completely enslaved, has zero freedom and is living under a full blown Communist tyranny. Meanwhile, people continue absorbing the propaganda, which will inevitably lead to the cashless society the bankers have been dreaming of and the fulfillment of this prophecy:
Revelation 13:15-17 (from a future perspective, looking back) And he (the supreme world government figurehead Antichrist) had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
The criminal oligarchy, the .001%ers, those satanists at the top of the pyramid of control, intend to use their cashless system as a WEAPON to intimidate the world’s people into literally worshiping their beast system and the “Antichrist” (Satan himself as a man). Acceptance of this final “mark” of compliance will have a grim SPIRITUAL significance and the system will be rigged so that it will become impossible to use THEIR money without accepting the mark of the beast. This is not something to be taken lightly. It is major. Can you imagine how difficult life would be if you were deprived of the use of money? This is yet another misery that the spawn of Satan will put upon the world’s people with an eye toward beating the Christian remnant into submission. Until Jesus Christ returns to gather His remnant these steadfast Christians will be scattered throughout the planet in “the wilderness” (this is both figurative and literal). They will have to devise some sort of alternative to the money of “the beast” system because they will no longer be able to use it. They will have to learn to survive by self-sufficiency, barter, by storing up provisions, etc. in a world gone completely mad, but with the joyful knowledge that their savior, Jesus Christ, is returning VERY SOON to put an end to it. Satan and his spawn cannot win. Though the remnant may suffer great hardship, submitting to the “mark of the beast” simply is not an option. Some will be beheaded for their faith in Jesus. These will be kings and administrators during the millennial reign of Christ:
Revelation 20:4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
Lest anyone doubt this end time prophecy consider that the Talmudic “Noahide Laws” were adopted as public law by puppet President George Bush Sr. for use by criminal Zionists when their full power is realized and the veil comes off. For now, behind their various facades bloodthirsty “Jews” are anxiously anticipating sacrifices to their god – the same kind of sacrifices made during and after the Bolshevik Revolution of Russia and occurring now in South Africa with the genocide of whites. Under these bizarre laws, which mock the Ten Commandments, Christians could be charged with “blasphemy” simply for worshiping Jesus Christ! The Talmud proscribes beheading as a punishment for this unforgivable “sin”. This twisting and mangling of scripture is not surprising since the Talmud constitutes a complete negation of everything God and His Word, the Bible, stands for. Whereas the Bible is God’s word recorded by His prophets, The Talmud was concocted by born deceivers and is custom made for those souls that are irredeemable. Here is a prophetic description of them:
Psalm 58:2-3 Yea, in heart ye work wickedness; ye weigh the violence of your hands in the earth. The wicked are estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies.
Each generation produces a fresh crop of narcissists, psychopaths and money grubbers who willingly serve the “Jewish”-Zionist beast for riches, power and fame. The mainstream “news” sources are full of proof though you must often read between the lines and remember that those persons celebrated by big media are invariably full-fledged servants of the New World Order satanic system. Let’s briefly consider multi-millionaire Senator John McCain, whose recent funeral was an extravaganza that went on for a couple days, featuring a star studded lineup of speakers, all singing his praises as a “war hero” and great man. Among those speakers was Zionist-“Jewish” arch criminal and warmonger Henry Kissinger, who once stated that military men are “dumb, stupid animals to be used” as pawns for foreign policy. The quote can be found in the book “The Final Days”, by Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, second Touchstone paperback edition, 1994, Chapter 14, pages 194-195. (The authors state that nothing in the book was reconstructed without accounts from at least two people). See http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2003/06/266114.shtml for more details. None of these speakers at the McCain funeral had anything negative to say about him, and the controlled media was not interested in testimonies from people who knew the dark side of McCain:
A small amount of research will reveal that "war hero" John McCain was a lackluster student whose rise to prominence was due to the fact that his father and grandfather were both admirals in the Navy. His father, it turns out, did what he could to cover up the Israeli attack on the U.S.S. Liberty in the mid-1960s. To go against the “Jews” is political suicide and such a revelation may have cost him his job, therefore he took the easy way out.
During his tour of duty on the U.S.S. Forrestal McCain was responsible for the death of 134 sailers and blindness and burns to another 161 sailers by doing a "wet start" of a jet in order to make it produce a large flame. This stunt, in which he was attempting to show off, torched a rocket behind the plane. The rocket shot across the deck hitting some parked planes loaded with explosives. The subsequent explosion and firestorm from this went several decks below and almost sunk the ship. Because McCain was the son of an Admiral, and to avoid bad publicity he was simply moved to another ship, and never punished. Any other sailor would have been imprisoned. As a POW McCain was dubbed “songbird McCain” by his captors, as he was more than willing to give up information. He was never tortured during captivity. It is claimed that he made 32 propaganda videos for the North Vietnamese in which he blamed the United States for targeting schools, temples, orphanages, and hospitals, which was not true.
McCain could have been released to go home early but chose to stay in Vietnam, knowing that he would receive preferential treatment from the Vietnamese, and to go home early would have ruined his chances at a political career due to obvious favoritism of him over fellow POWs who had no choice but endure their captivity. Thus his stint as a POW was used to paint him as a “war hero”. Once secure in his post as a senator McCain did everything in his power to prevent the disclosure of information that may have helped to bring other POWs home. Again, this cost the lives of hundreds of American servicemen who died in captivity. McCain did this to protect Zionist bureaucrats and also to protect his own career as there are many military men who despise McCain. Getting these POWs released simply would have added to the roles of those who could tell the truth about him. How much do they despise him? Consider this quote from Theodore Shoebat, Communications Director for Rescue Christians, an organization that is on the ground in Muslim lands, rescuing Christians from persecution, and the author of two books, For God or For Tyranny and In Satan’s Footsteps: The Source and Interconnections of all Evil. https://freedomoutpost.com/the-truth-is-that-john-songbird-mccain-was-a-traitor/ :
"John McCain is a giant bag of scum; his mouth is a continual sewer of bile, his heart is a decayed rot of dung, his mind a river of filth, and his soul is amongst the damned. He is nothing but a murderous scumbag. His evils are so great, that the words of Trump don't even bother me. McCain is a demon incarnate. His service in Vietnam does nothing to justify the evils he has supported and pushed for."

john_mccain_liberal_socialist_hero.pdf |
The simple reason that John McCain was celebrated as a “war hero” and great man was because he was an ardent supporter of every single Zionist war desired by the “Jewish” central bankers to protect their empire of usury. He was also opposed to any effort to rescue Christians from persecution, as that would have angered his “Jewish” benefactors. He consistently voted against any government programs that would have been beneficial to veterans. Even though he had been a POW he seemed to have absolutely no sympathy for POWs left behind in Vietnam and did everything in his power to prevent their release. After all, servicemen are simply “dumb stupid animals to be used for foreign policy” to put it in the “Jew” war criminal Henry Kissinger’s terms. Kissinger, a lifelong servant of the Rockefellers and the money power was a speaker at McCain’s funeral as was Joseph Lieberman and many other high profile Zionist "Jews".
Celebrated servants of the “Jews” come and go like coal cars on an endless freight train to hell. Many of them have “skeletons in their closets” which makes them easy to control, expendable “human resource” assets. The incessantly celebrated idol Martin Luther King was a serial womanizer who went so far as to insist that members of his staff participate in late night orgies that he had arranged to satisfy his chronic lust. His famous “I have a dream” speech was plagiarized as were most of his college papers for which he received his doctorial degree. The reason King was pushed to the political forefront is because he had charisma and could be used as a tool to advance communism in America.
Communism is an invention of the “Jewish” central bankers. It is the ultimate business monopoly and big bankers love corporate monopolies because they are consolidations that are easier to control than diverse, independent small businesses. Communist governments have never had any aversion to money and can be controlled by the money power just like almost everything else on this dismal planet. Alas, King’s liabilities threatened to overshadow his assets and his “Jewish” benefactors decided to relieve him of his duty. A calculation was made and it was determined that he would be worth more dead than alive as a “martyr” for the cause of elevating the negro, the flip side of which was to beat down the white man -- the only knowledgeable and capable opponent of the “Jewish” money power.
Celebrated servants of the “Jews” come and go like coal cars on an endless freight train to hell. Many of them have “skeletons in their closets” which makes them easy to control, expendable “human resource” assets. The incessantly celebrated idol Martin Luther King was a serial womanizer who went so far as to insist that members of his staff participate in late night orgies that he had arranged to satisfy his chronic lust. His famous “I have a dream” speech was plagiarized as were most of his college papers for which he received his doctorial degree. The reason King was pushed to the political forefront is because he had charisma and could be used as a tool to advance communism in America.
Communism is an invention of the “Jewish” central bankers. It is the ultimate business monopoly and big bankers love corporate monopolies because they are consolidations that are easier to control than diverse, independent small businesses. Communist governments have never had any aversion to money and can be controlled by the money power just like almost everything else on this dismal planet. Alas, King’s liabilities threatened to overshadow his assets and his “Jewish” benefactors decided to relieve him of his duty. A calculation was made and it was determined that he would be worth more dead than alive as a “martyr” for the cause of elevating the negro, the flip side of which was to beat down the white man -- the only knowledgeable and capable opponent of the “Jewish” money power.
Older citizens may remember a day before MLK when mixed race unions were taboo. In that simpler, Christian past whites and blacks usually didn’t mix. Blacks had their own communities, churches and businesses and whites had theirs and nobody had a problem with this natural order of things. That natural order has been destroyed by the “Jew”. First came the carpetbagger armies of agent provocateurs, “city planners” and bulldozers pushing “urban renewal” projects in which entire black neighborhoods were razed. Then corporate monopolies owned by “Jews” and “Jewish”-controlled federal agencies like HUD took over the valuable land and built “projects” to house the black man who was deprived of a job because his community and all of the black owned businesses within it had been eliminated. Because he could not find a job the black man was forced to rely on the federal government for a handout or he had to go into a more dangerous type of “business” such as drug dealing or pimping poor white women. Black families were torn apart and the “welfare culture” was born due to Federal government tampering, all of which was directed by “Jews” behind the scenes who had a long range plan. They wanted to build a huge block of voters trained in Pavlov fashion to vote for Democratic candidates, come hell or high water, because the Democratic Party is perceived to be “the poor man’s party” or the “minority party”. What it is in reality is the Marxist-Communist party, but don’t expect 90% of Democratic voters to comprehend this because they have been so heavily saturated with propaganda that they cannot possibly think for themselves or realize as Jefferson said “the government that is big enough to provide for all of your needs is big enough to take everything from you.”
The second phase of the subversion agenda was to foist “affirmative action” mandates on schools and businesses -- not because of merit or even out of good will toward the "disadvantaged", but because the "Jewish" oligarchy has determined that blacks must mix with whites to implement the Kalergi plan, which is to ultimately create a mulatto colored slave race to serve the "Jews" in perpetuity. The third phase of the plan was to elevate the black man in sports, entertainment, politics and business which gave black men, in particular, more access to white women. Sports heroes like O.J. Simpson, were thrust into the public eye as an example of what a black man could achieve. Isn’t it interesting that many of these black “heroes” chose white woman as their mates (abandoning their own women), thus serving as inspiration for millions of wannabes. Unfortunately, no matter how much popularity, multi-million dollar salaries and awards are showered on these idols the nature of the beast remains the same. Just ask O.J.’s wife – oh, but she’s dead.
Many white women have fallen for the same deception, and many of them end up as victims of physical abuse and sometimes early death. Many of these unions are not happy ones despite the rosy picture painted by “Jewish” propaganda. In the majority of these black-white mixed race unions the white woman is the breadwinner. But then the “Jew” would have whites believe that “all races are the same” and that mixed race unions are every bit as successful as same race unions, and that blacks are superior athletes. None of this is true. The sports conglomerates (mostly owned by “Jews”) are determined to elevate the black man in order to beat down the white man. Further, there are many, many superior white athletes that are passed over by professional sports in order to push the multicultural agenda. This is blatant discrimination but according to the “Jew” zeitgeist “discrimination” is only possible when directed against “minorities”. According to the “Jew” whites are fair game. Do you believe the poppycock that “all races are the same”? Check the statistics. Consider the facts. Take a good hard look at the differences in the neighborhoods of your own city or town. Download and read "The Color of Crime" report below for the truth:
Many white women have fallen for the same deception, and many of them end up as victims of physical abuse and sometimes early death. Many of these unions are not happy ones despite the rosy picture painted by “Jewish” propaganda. In the majority of these black-white mixed race unions the white woman is the breadwinner. But then the “Jew” would have whites believe that “all races are the same” and that mixed race unions are every bit as successful as same race unions, and that blacks are superior athletes. None of this is true. The sports conglomerates (mostly owned by “Jews”) are determined to elevate the black man in order to beat down the white man. Further, there are many, many superior white athletes that are passed over by professional sports in order to push the multicultural agenda. This is blatant discrimination but according to the “Jew” zeitgeist “discrimination” is only possible when directed against “minorities”. According to the “Jew” whites are fair game. Do you believe the poppycock that “all races are the same”? Check the statistics. Consider the facts. Take a good hard look at the differences in the neighborhoods of your own city or town. Download and read "The Color of Crime" report below for the truth:
Blacks riot at a golf tournament. When was the last
time whites ever rioted at a golf tournament? Are all races the same? |
The effect of “urban planning” can be seen in many of our big cities, one case in point being Detroit. It is hard to believe now, but in the early 1900s the city of Detroit had the highest per capita income of any city in the United States! This is because the automobile manufacturing business was booming and Detroit at that time was predominantly white. It had not yet been decimated by cluster bombs of Marxist-Communist planning, “free trade” and an explosion of the black welfare population. Thanks to N.A.F.T.A. much of the automobile manufacturing business moved out of the U.S., which hit Detroit very hard.
“Free trade” is a symptom of globalization, the chief proponents of which are “Jews”. Meanwhile, the socialist-communists in government, whose goal is to never solve a problem, figured out ways to profit from the ruination of the city. They could be assured, in perpetuity, of being voted into office due to the constituency they had created and the myth that the Democratic party is the “poor man’s party”. Here is a list of the ten poorest Cities in America (over 250,000 population) and the percent of people below the poverty level. Look at the left column first and cover the right column. Can you guess what these top ten cities with the highest poverty rate all have in common?
1. Detroit, MI 32.5%
2. Buffalo, NY 29.9% 3. Cincinnati, OH 27.8% 4. Cleveland, OH 27.0% 5. Miami, FL 26.9% 6. St. Louis, MO 26.8% 7. El Paso, TX 26.4% 8. Milwaukee, WI 26.2% 9. Philadelphia, PA 25.1% 10. Newark, NJ 24.2% |
Detroit, MI - (1st on poverty list) hasn't elected a Republican mayor since 1961
Buffalo, NY - (2nd) hasn't elected one since 1954 Cincinnati, OH - (3rd) not since 1984 Cleveland, OH - (4th) not since 1989 Miami, FL - (5th) has never had a Republican mayor St. Louis, MO - (6th) not since 1949 El Paso, TX - (7th) has never had a Republican mayor Milwaukee, WI - (8th) not since 1908 Philadelphia, PA - (9th) not since 1952 Newark, NJ - (10th) has not had a Republican mayor since 1907 |
In Detroit and the other top ten poorest cities, where minorities outnumber whites, Democrats will invariably be elected to office. They will be sure to push even more of the Marxist-Communist prosperity killing boondoggles that do nothing but destroy neighborhoods and make people dependent upon government handouts for survival. Most of the whites moved out of inner city Detroit a long time ago because it was becoming a dangerous place to live. What was formerly a crown jewel of American ingenuity has been degraded to third world status, with block after block of derelict, abandoned buildings and thousands upon thousands of vagrants, illegal drugs, prostitution, property crime, disease etc. An exorbitant amount of money goes into public education. In fact, more money is invested per student in Detroit than just about any other American city and yet student academic performance remains lackluster. If the orchestra can’t play their instruments don’t expect a stellar performance, no matter how great the “conductor” and the “promotion” is, if you get the analogy. There are small pockets of promising activity like an urban farm run by some whites but Detroit will never be as prosperous as it was in its heyday. The “Jews” have destroyed it as they have most other large American cities and this is but one facet of the WAR they have been waging against white America for over two centuries. “Jews” like Marcus Eli Ravage, quoted above, have admitted to it.

jewish_ad_agencies_promote_white_genocide.pdf |
The forced mixing of black and white populations together through integration of schools and neighborhoods (through agencies like HUD) is sure to result in miscegenation. The problem is exacerbated through blatant, “in your face” propaganda, as we see in the advertisements pictured above and in all but a few television advertisements and shows. These ads are ALL produced by “Jewish”-run firms. Evidence that the “programming” is having an effect is increasingly obvious on city streets where mixed race couples and children are becoming more common -- even in small cities and towns.
The “whitewashing” of Negros and other “minority” groups has not been done out of any sympathy that “Jews” have for them, because they have NONE. The “Jews” behind the "inclusion" agenda ONLY care about themselves. Rather, elevation of the black man and other “minorities” has been for the purpose disturbing the natural order of things in white nations, and more specifically, forcefully throwing whites and non-white races into a racial blender which will produce a burgeoning population of mixed race children who will make good slaves to the Jew World Order. All of these “symptoms” trace back up to the original problem, which is “Jewish” control of the money supply, which they have weaponized it against the white race. They will only use their ill-gotten hoards to promote everything that is antithetical to our race and culture. The “Jews” are waging a WAR against us – but WHO knows it? Certainly not the average TV, cell phone and computer addicted American.
John F. Kennedy, who was originally groomed to be a “liberal”, found his conscience while president and decided at the suggestion of some advisors that he would make a great splash in history, and be loved by the people, if he were to abolish the Federal Reserve. He also intended to eliminate the CIA which he called a “rogue agency”. Incidentally, the CIA was created under President Harry Truman and even that 33rd degree closet Mason admitted that he wished he had never established the agency -- and this was a mere two years after its creation! In other words, it only took two years for the CIA to “go rogue”. This is because the CIA operates as an intelligence gathering agency and mercenary force for the international bankers at the Federal Reserve who run the government from behind the scenes. This is why much of what the government does is declared “top secret”. When any banker agent is threatened with exposure, records of his activities are put under lock and key “for national security purposes”, when in reality it is only the “security” of the “Jewish” banking oligarchy that is being protected. The people, as always, are getting screwed and denied access to the truth. Kennedy had to be “martyrized” (as was MLK) because he was too much of a threat to the “Jewish” central bankers.
Men who are known to be Christians are eschewed in politics because they cannot easily be bought and controlled and if in office they cannot be counted on to follow the “Jewish” supremacist communist program of subversion. Such men are not going to receive significant funding for their political campaigns. The majority of political contributions come from wealthy “Jews”. If a Christian-leaning politician happens to slip through the Zio-spider’s web he may subsequently be ruined with “bad press”, framed, scandalized and/or imprisoned on false charges (like Congressman James Traficant), shot at (like desegregation foe and Alabama governor George Wallace) or poisoned (like 1930s Federal Reserve opponent Congressman Louis McFadden). The assassins may very well be working for one of the banker-controlled “intelligence” and “national security” agencies. Look what happened to Judge Roy Moore, a viable Supreme Court candidate, who fought to retain a posting of the Ten Commandments in an Alabama courthouse. All of a sudden several women went public with accusations against Judge Moore of sexual harassment decades after the alleged occurrences! Why didn’t these women come forward with their allegations sooner? Could they have been bribed? The controlled media will provide the usual excuses and lies but the real reason is that there was no need to attack Judge Roy Moore until he became a threat to the “Jewish” oligarchy. As an arch conservative senator he would have been a major impediment to the Zionist tyranny as he would be sure to vote against each and every “Jewish” Marxist-Communist-globalist encroachment on America’s sovereignty. The “Jews” are paranoid and hypersensitive to anything and anyone who could put a dent in their power.
Leviticus 25:35-38 And if thy brother be waxen poor, and fallen in decay with thee; then thou shalt relieve him: yea, though he be a stranger, or a sojourner; that he may live with thee. Take thou no usury of him, or increase: but fear thy God; that thy brother may live with thee. Thou shalt not give him thy money upon usury, nor lend him thy victuals for increase. I am the LORD your God, which brought you forth out of the land of Egypt, to give you the land of Canaan, and to be your God.
“Jews” have always considered themselves exempt from biblical prohibitions of usury, such as the one quoted above, and no wonder, because they are not descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the people for whom the Bible was recorded. They are the descendants of Canaanite bloodlines, mixed with Asiatic bloodlines largely from the kingdom of Khazaria (90-95% - the Ashkenazi) and to a lesser extent descendants of Canaanites from the ancient empire of Carthage (the Sephardim). The Ashkenazi, in particular, migrated to Eastern Europe from the kingdom of Khazaria, particularly during its decline in the 9th through 13th centuries. Europe then descended into the “medieval” period, also referred to as the “dark ages” due to the fact that the “Jewish” collectives were coming to dominate all trade and banking at the expense of Christian merchants whose businesses were systematically being destroyed. When the “Jews” were expelled a “renaissance” occurred. Statesman Benjamin Franklin was quite aware of the wiles of the “Jews”, which he refers to as a “race” (not simply a religion, as “Jews” sometimes claim) and warned of what they would do to America if permitted entry into the then young nation. Certainly, this “prophecy” uttered two centuries ago has come to pass in our time:
I fully agree with General Washington, that we must protect this young nation from an insidious influence and impenetration. That menace, gentlemen, is the Jews. In whatever country Jews have settled in any great number, they have lowered its moral tone; depreciated its commercial integrity, have segregated themselves and have not been assimilated; have sneered at and tried to undermine the Christian religion upon which that nation was founded by objecting to its restrictions; have built up a state within a state; and when opposed have tried to strangle that country to death financially … they are vampires, and vampires do not live on vampires. They cannot live only amongst themselves. They must subsist on Christians and other people not of their race. If you do not exclude them from these United States in the Constitution, in less than 200 years they will have swarmed here in such great numbers that they will dominate and devour the land, and change our form of government, for which we Americans have shed our blood, given our lives, our substance, and jeopardized our liberty.
[Our form of government has been changed from a REPUBLIC to a DEMOCRACY (pre-communism) by the “Jews” – ed.]
If you do not exclude them, in less than 200 years our descendants will be working in the fields to furnish them substance, while they will be in the counting houses rubbing their hands. [“Jews” own all of the major banks, which are “counting houses” – ed.] I warn you, gentlemen, if you do not exclude the Jews for all time, your children will curse you in your graves. Jews, gentlemen are Asiatics, let them be born where they will or how many generations they are away from Asia, they will never be otherwise. Their ideas do not conform to an American’s, and will not even though they live among us ten generations. A leopard cannot change its spots. Jews are Asiatics, are a menace to this country if permitted entrance, and should be excluded by this Constitutional Convention.
Source: Maxims of George Washington, A.A. Appleton & Co., a quote from Benjamin Franklin, recorded in “Chit Chat Around the Table During Intermissions” from the Diary of Charles Cotesworth Pickney (1746-1825) of South Carolina. He attended the convention as a delegate and recorded some of the outstanding addresses and discourses which he published in his diary.
The Bible makes it clear in Leviticus 25:35-38 (quoted above) and in several other passages that usury is mostly to be avoided and is only to be used against someone who is not a “brother”. This commandment was taken seriously by the church for many centuries. The Catholic Church forbade usury until its infiltration by “Jews”. Unlike Christians, “Jews” typically have had no qualms about engaging in usury against anyone and everyone who could be fleeced -- even their own “lesser brethren”. In the 1200s the “Knights Templar” of the Catholic Church, lobbied, cajoled and changed the church’s position on usury, establishing the “Vatican Bank” which is now controlled by the Rothschilds. Then along came the “Venetian banking system” which made “Jewish” bankers the merchant princes of their era. The “Jew” merchant Aaron of Lincoln was the richest man in England in the 13th century -- richer than any prince. The success of these rapacious merchants was at the expense of honest Christian businessmen, to the point that in the “dark ages” of Europe (prior to the Renaissance, when “Jews” were evicted from one European nation after another) virtually all commerce came under control of the “Jews” and whites found themselves defrauded of their wealth, businesses and land. This problem has been repeating itself over and over for not just centuries, but millennia. In ancient times the word “Canaanite” was synonymous with “merchant”. “Jewish” combines began to dominate American businesses the 19th century, a phenomenon that is well documented in J.B. Woolfolks’s book “The Great Red Dragon”.
The “whitewashing” of Negros and other “minority” groups has not been done out of any sympathy that “Jews” have for them, because they have NONE. The “Jews” behind the "inclusion" agenda ONLY care about themselves. Rather, elevation of the black man and other “minorities” has been for the purpose disturbing the natural order of things in white nations, and more specifically, forcefully throwing whites and non-white races into a racial blender which will produce a burgeoning population of mixed race children who will make good slaves to the Jew World Order. All of these “symptoms” trace back up to the original problem, which is “Jewish” control of the money supply, which they have weaponized it against the white race. They will only use their ill-gotten hoards to promote everything that is antithetical to our race and culture. The “Jews” are waging a WAR against us – but WHO knows it? Certainly not the average TV, cell phone and computer addicted American.
John F. Kennedy, who was originally groomed to be a “liberal”, found his conscience while president and decided at the suggestion of some advisors that he would make a great splash in history, and be loved by the people, if he were to abolish the Federal Reserve. He also intended to eliminate the CIA which he called a “rogue agency”. Incidentally, the CIA was created under President Harry Truman and even that 33rd degree closet Mason admitted that he wished he had never established the agency -- and this was a mere two years after its creation! In other words, it only took two years for the CIA to “go rogue”. This is because the CIA operates as an intelligence gathering agency and mercenary force for the international bankers at the Federal Reserve who run the government from behind the scenes. This is why much of what the government does is declared “top secret”. When any banker agent is threatened with exposure, records of his activities are put under lock and key “for national security purposes”, when in reality it is only the “security” of the “Jewish” banking oligarchy that is being protected. The people, as always, are getting screwed and denied access to the truth. Kennedy had to be “martyrized” (as was MLK) because he was too much of a threat to the “Jewish” central bankers.
Men who are known to be Christians are eschewed in politics because they cannot easily be bought and controlled and if in office they cannot be counted on to follow the “Jewish” supremacist communist program of subversion. Such men are not going to receive significant funding for their political campaigns. The majority of political contributions come from wealthy “Jews”. If a Christian-leaning politician happens to slip through the Zio-spider’s web he may subsequently be ruined with “bad press”, framed, scandalized and/or imprisoned on false charges (like Congressman James Traficant), shot at (like desegregation foe and Alabama governor George Wallace) or poisoned (like 1930s Federal Reserve opponent Congressman Louis McFadden). The assassins may very well be working for one of the banker-controlled “intelligence” and “national security” agencies. Look what happened to Judge Roy Moore, a viable Supreme Court candidate, who fought to retain a posting of the Ten Commandments in an Alabama courthouse. All of a sudden several women went public with accusations against Judge Moore of sexual harassment decades after the alleged occurrences! Why didn’t these women come forward with their allegations sooner? Could they have been bribed? The controlled media will provide the usual excuses and lies but the real reason is that there was no need to attack Judge Roy Moore until he became a threat to the “Jewish” oligarchy. As an arch conservative senator he would have been a major impediment to the Zionist tyranny as he would be sure to vote against each and every “Jewish” Marxist-Communist-globalist encroachment on America’s sovereignty. The “Jews” are paranoid and hypersensitive to anything and anyone who could put a dent in their power.
Leviticus 25:35-38 And if thy brother be waxen poor, and fallen in decay with thee; then thou shalt relieve him: yea, though he be a stranger, or a sojourner; that he may live with thee. Take thou no usury of him, or increase: but fear thy God; that thy brother may live with thee. Thou shalt not give him thy money upon usury, nor lend him thy victuals for increase. I am the LORD your God, which brought you forth out of the land of Egypt, to give you the land of Canaan, and to be your God.
“Jews” have always considered themselves exempt from biblical prohibitions of usury, such as the one quoted above, and no wonder, because they are not descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the people for whom the Bible was recorded. They are the descendants of Canaanite bloodlines, mixed with Asiatic bloodlines largely from the kingdom of Khazaria (90-95% - the Ashkenazi) and to a lesser extent descendants of Canaanites from the ancient empire of Carthage (the Sephardim). The Ashkenazi, in particular, migrated to Eastern Europe from the kingdom of Khazaria, particularly during its decline in the 9th through 13th centuries. Europe then descended into the “medieval” period, also referred to as the “dark ages” due to the fact that the “Jewish” collectives were coming to dominate all trade and banking at the expense of Christian merchants whose businesses were systematically being destroyed. When the “Jews” were expelled a “renaissance” occurred. Statesman Benjamin Franklin was quite aware of the wiles of the “Jews”, which he refers to as a “race” (not simply a religion, as “Jews” sometimes claim) and warned of what they would do to America if permitted entry into the then young nation. Certainly, this “prophecy” uttered two centuries ago has come to pass in our time:
I fully agree with General Washington, that we must protect this young nation from an insidious influence and impenetration. That menace, gentlemen, is the Jews. In whatever country Jews have settled in any great number, they have lowered its moral tone; depreciated its commercial integrity, have segregated themselves and have not been assimilated; have sneered at and tried to undermine the Christian religion upon which that nation was founded by objecting to its restrictions; have built up a state within a state; and when opposed have tried to strangle that country to death financially … they are vampires, and vampires do not live on vampires. They cannot live only amongst themselves. They must subsist on Christians and other people not of their race. If you do not exclude them from these United States in the Constitution, in less than 200 years they will have swarmed here in such great numbers that they will dominate and devour the land, and change our form of government, for which we Americans have shed our blood, given our lives, our substance, and jeopardized our liberty.
[Our form of government has been changed from a REPUBLIC to a DEMOCRACY (pre-communism) by the “Jews” – ed.]
If you do not exclude them, in less than 200 years our descendants will be working in the fields to furnish them substance, while they will be in the counting houses rubbing their hands. [“Jews” own all of the major banks, which are “counting houses” – ed.] I warn you, gentlemen, if you do not exclude the Jews for all time, your children will curse you in your graves. Jews, gentlemen are Asiatics, let them be born where they will or how many generations they are away from Asia, they will never be otherwise. Their ideas do not conform to an American’s, and will not even though they live among us ten generations. A leopard cannot change its spots. Jews are Asiatics, are a menace to this country if permitted entrance, and should be excluded by this Constitutional Convention.
Source: Maxims of George Washington, A.A. Appleton & Co., a quote from Benjamin Franklin, recorded in “Chit Chat Around the Table During Intermissions” from the Diary of Charles Cotesworth Pickney (1746-1825) of South Carolina. He attended the convention as a delegate and recorded some of the outstanding addresses and discourses which he published in his diary.
The Bible makes it clear in Leviticus 25:35-38 (quoted above) and in several other passages that usury is mostly to be avoided and is only to be used against someone who is not a “brother”. This commandment was taken seriously by the church for many centuries. The Catholic Church forbade usury until its infiltration by “Jews”. Unlike Christians, “Jews” typically have had no qualms about engaging in usury against anyone and everyone who could be fleeced -- even their own “lesser brethren”. In the 1200s the “Knights Templar” of the Catholic Church, lobbied, cajoled and changed the church’s position on usury, establishing the “Vatican Bank” which is now controlled by the Rothschilds. Then along came the “Venetian banking system” which made “Jewish” bankers the merchant princes of their era. The “Jew” merchant Aaron of Lincoln was the richest man in England in the 13th century -- richer than any prince. The success of these rapacious merchants was at the expense of honest Christian businessmen, to the point that in the “dark ages” of Europe (prior to the Renaissance, when “Jews” were evicted from one European nation after another) virtually all commerce came under control of the “Jews” and whites found themselves defrauded of their wealth, businesses and land. This problem has been repeating itself over and over for not just centuries, but millennia. In ancient times the word “Canaanite” was synonymous with “merchant”. “Jewish” combines began to dominate American businesses the 19th century, a phenomenon that is well documented in J.B. Woolfolks’s book “The Great Red Dragon”.

woolfolk_the_great_red_dragon_or_the_london_money_power.pdf |
There used to be tens of thousands of productive small family farms in America but “Jewish” usury has eliminated all but a handful of them and replaced them with mammoth “agribusiness” corporate farms which produce most of the food consumed in the U.S. American business is now controlled by huge “Jewish”-owned mega-corporations. All mainstream media is controlled by “Jews”. The U.S. government is controlled by “Jewish” money and few politicians can hope to rise to prominent positions without their backing. The U.S. military is but a tool of Zionist, warmongering “Jews” who use it to defend and advancetheir worldwide empire of usury. It is too bad that we cannot deal with the problem as did the white medieval Europeans, but not one person in 1,000 is aware of the menace against our race and culture because the “Jews” are adept at gaining control of the channels of information and blotting out their crimes. We must return to God because only He can remedy the problem:
Throughout the Medieval period, which lasted from 500 A.D. to 1300 A.D., the Jew merchant was dominant all over Europe (except Scandanavia, where he was never permitted to enter) and this dominance included control over the eastern trade routes to the Levant. There was to be no relief from this situation until the Jews were evicted from Europe in the century directly preceding the Renaissance. Behind Communism, Frank L. Britton, 1953, published by Criminal Politics Magazine, www.criminalpolitics.com, Sixth Printing, 2003, page 3.
Throughout the Medieval period, which lasted from 500 A.D. to 1300 A.D., the Jew merchant was dominant all over Europe (except Scandanavia, where he was never permitted to enter) and this dominance included control over the eastern trade routes to the Levant. There was to be no relief from this situation until the Jews were evicted from Europe in the century directly preceding the Renaissance. Behind Communism, Frank L. Britton, 1953, published by Criminal Politics Magazine, www.criminalpolitics.com, Sixth Printing, 2003, page 3.

expulsions_of_jews_since_250_ad.pdf |
After the Venetian banking system “crashed” from the sheer weight of greed and overextension of fiat paper money and upon various evictions of the “Jews” Europe experienced a happy “renaissance”. This is because the “Jews” who had impoverished Christian populations with their usury and monopolization of trade were evicted. This respite lasted a couple centuries until “Jews” were allowed to re-enter and their usurious system rose again from the grave in late 1700s with the Rothschilds at the helm of the Bank of England and the “City of London” banking cartel. Once again, the “Jews” embarked upon monopolization of all lines of trade and impoverishing of the people with usury. The so-called “dark ages” of Europe was directly the result of “Jewish” infiltration and dominance, and the “renaissance” was a rebirth of white Christian art, culture and business free from the grip of the “Jew” parasite. Since the late 1700s a new “dark ages” has slowly settled over western nations due to “Jewish” commercial domination. The effects are seen in the slow, steady decimation of the middle class and the rise of a millionaire and billionaire class of “Jewish” “merchants”. All of the money seems to flow out of our pockets into theirs just as it did in ancient times, and in medieval Europe.
The Covid 19 global scam and all of the ham fisted government-mandated shutdowns represents a golden opportunity, largely for “Jewish” merchants in command of huge corporate conglomerates, to destroy small, homegrown businesses by at worse declaring them as “non-essential” (just WHO gets to decide what is “essential”?) and at best saddling them with nagging “social distancing” rules to reduce the number of available customers. Further (according to Catherine Austin Fitts in the following video – beginning at 44:00) the BLM and Antifa riots, vandalism and fires suffered by several cities are likely to be a ploy instigated by private equity firms to further destroy small, independent businesses and depress the price of real estate in key areas so as to make way for large scale corporate development. You cannot put it past “them” to cheat in any way possible in order to “win” profit and property, because as Woolfolk informed us 130 years ago, the goal of the “Jews” is to “own the world in fee simple”. It is no wonder that a “renaissance” occurred when they were expelled from a long string of European countries in the 12th through 16th centuries (see PDF above for a list of these expulsions).
The Covid 19 global scam and all of the ham fisted government-mandated shutdowns represents a golden opportunity, largely for “Jewish” merchants in command of huge corporate conglomerates, to destroy small, homegrown businesses by at worse declaring them as “non-essential” (just WHO gets to decide what is “essential”?) and at best saddling them with nagging “social distancing” rules to reduce the number of available customers. Further (according to Catherine Austin Fitts in the following video – beginning at 44:00) the BLM and Antifa riots, vandalism and fires suffered by several cities are likely to be a ploy instigated by private equity firms to further destroy small, independent businesses and depress the price of real estate in key areas so as to make way for large scale corporate development. You cannot put it past “them” to cheat in any way possible in order to “win” profit and property, because as Woolfolk informed us 130 years ago, the goal of the “Jews” is to “own the world in fee simple”. It is no wonder that a “renaissance” occurred when they were expelled from a long string of European countries in the 12th through 16th centuries (see PDF above for a list of these expulsions).
Discussion on various topics from state of the currency to robotics and transhumanism. We suggest listening to all of it.
We live in a world where treachery is applauded, where traitors and perverts are elevated to positions of power, where the wealthy and successful are idolized, despite their generally reprobate morality, and where oppression and genocide of Christians is the main order of business. All of this is an effect of the “Jewish” invasion of our lands. World Wars I and II were civil wars designed by “Jew” plotters to protect their empire of usury and to pit one branch of the white race against another in what were in effect genocidal civil wars. All wars and revolutions are plotted by the “Jewish” central banking oligarchy, and their government, military and corporate agents, as are boom-bust cycles, painful financial “depressions” and this latest assault on humanity, a phony "pandemic" which is being used to cause economic misery and a "great reset" into a cashless system of total control by the central bankers, which cannot help but lead to fulfillment of the following prophecy:
Revelation 13:16-18 And he (the Antichrist) causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save (except/unless) he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
The wicked “Jewish”-Talmudic system of things is so all encompassing that scarcely anyone can imagine anything other than a regime in which ALL “money” comes into existence through instruments of DEBT and all outcomes are driven by greed. This certainly is not the Christian way of doing business and our nations have suffered horribly as the Christian paradigm has been replaced by “Jewish” hyper commercialization and top down bureaucracy. The end goal of the Davos, Bilderberg "elite" core group of globalist psychopatbhs is to automate as much business as possible which will cause many more millions to lose their jobs, which in turn will throw them into a cashless “Universal Basic Income” (UBI) grinder of total economic slavery and nasty, invasive, boot on your face, TOTAL surveillance such as what exists now in communist China. America's technocrats, like Musk, Kurzweil, Zuckerberg, Gates, Bloomberg, Ellison, Brin (a high percentage of them "Jews") and others in their orbit are completely on board with this and in fact have assisted the Chinese in implementing their technocracy. It will be even worse when this spawn of Satan rolls out their trans-humanist agenda. In fact, it is reputed that the coming Covid vaccine will contain RNA components designed to literally alter human DNA. We suggest that you do not take it. At the very least it is likely to make you sick and reduce your lifespan. All vaccines, even if they "work" for whatever disease they are supposed to prevent, wreak havoc on the immune system, making the net gain way less than zero. The incidence of childhood diseases (autism, asthma, multiple sclerosis, etc.) has risen in direct proportion to the number of CDC mandated vaccines. Corporations only care about profit. They do not care about life. Satan HATES God’s creation and has always done everything possible to corrupt and destroy us. The coming nightmare, the great tribulation, is a devil’s cauldron of fascism, communism and anti-human technocracy. It is primarily the brainchild of demonically inspired “Jewish” international bankers, corporate-monopolists and grim technocrats who lust after world government, massive population reduction, and total control of all “human resources” outside of their “elite” group at the top of the economic pyramid. All of this will result in an end-times slave population, corralled into miserable mega-city regions, primed and programmed to receive “the mark of the beast”. You must fight against this whatever way you can and try to wake up whoever will listen.
Meanwhile at present, the average working person must spend his life swimming upstream against a rigged system of institutionalized mass theft that encourages debt at every level. The U.S. government carries an ever-growing “national” debt (around 20 trillion dollars in 2018) and most citizens of the western world are heavily in personal debt to mortgages, car loans, credit cards, student loans etc. Go back up and read how the Libyan system operated under Ghadaffi, who managed for four decades to keep the “Jewish” central banking parasites “out of the loop”. Getting the central bankers off of our backs would be like being relieved of a terminal disease. It would result in a happy “renaissance” and rebirth of small business and art similar to the Renaissance which would be a far cry from the money grinding corporate monopolization of this age which threatens to “evolve” into pure communism. The rabbi Stephen Wise once said “Communism is Judaism”.
“Jewish” central banker despots have crafted for themselves the legal “right” to counterfeit money without penalty. Their mass counterfeiting operation was backed by the good faith of governments run on bribery and this was parlayed into complete control of those governments that had granted them their exclusive franchise to create money from nothing. The money generated from this counterfeiting was used to finance the corporate monopolization of all lines of trade so that all business would fall into the hands of the “Jews”. This in turn was parlayed into complete control of all other systems -- education, media, the military, intelligence, agricultural, research, etc. A scientific tyranny was imposed where citizens are “programmed” to function as slaves to the system, so thoroughly “brainwashed” that they have no idea that they are living under a progressively communist system, which ironically is termed “progressivism”. If this is “progress” then we suppose the advance of a terminal illness would be a “progression” toward good health.
Intelligence agencies like the CIA, FBI, NSA, Google, and their sister “intelligence” agencies like the Mossad, MI6, the KGB etc. exist primarily for protection of the global central banking system. Do not expect to hear this from any media source that is controlled by “Jews”, which unfortunately is most of them. At this late date in human history the banking mafia has affixed itself to most nations and military action will inevitably be used to force those nations that are not under the Rothschild central banking system to submit. We can be sure that the usurers have many enemies. This is why they want every citizen under surveillance and microchipped (see the Aaron Russo interview) and desire to eliminate cash so as to tighten the screws of control. We can scarcely imagine this cancerous evil will be brought down solely by any human agency which is why we insist that YOU must pray fervently to Yahweh God that he put an end to it. Our people need to come out of their mental slumber and realize that God is allowing this evil to overtake us because our people have abandoned Him. We offer this and other essays for informational purposes only and are not suggesting that you grab a gun and go out and assassinate someone because it won’t do any good, any more than stomping one cockroach in a kitchen overrun with roaches will alleviate the roach problem. It is going to take divine intervention by God to solve the problem, and rest assured that He will, in due time, but ONLY when the remnant of HIS people repent and pray fervently for relief. If you are alive at the time you will know for sure when God plays His hand.
It is out of an underlying fear of God’s coming vengeance against them that the “spiritual” component of the “beast” system (this would be the rabbinical establishment) looks for a way out of the ultimate doom for themselves and their kind. Jesus said (in Matthew 5:20) “For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven”. The rabbinical establishment constitutes the modern day equivalent of the Pharisees of Jesus’ day. Because biblical prophecy states that there will be a “remnant” of God’s people alive until the very end of this earth age and that this remnant will be gathered when Jesus returns it is their top priority to eliminate Christianity and white Christians in particular. A program of white genocide has been implemented in all white nations. Nevertheless, the “Jews” will not be able to eliminate all of us and biblical prophecy shall be fulfilled. There will be a remnant of the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob up until the return of Jesus Christ. At that time, our people will be “scattered” amidst a mongrelized “sea” of humanity and Jesus Christ will gather them. The gathering of “Jews” in the Israeli state is a counterfeit which by no means fulfills this and other like prophecies:
Jeremiah 23:3-4 And I will gather the remnant of my flock out of all countries whither I have driven them, and will bring them again to their folds; and they shall be fruitful and increase. And I will set up shepherds over them which shall feed them: and they shall fear no more, nor be dismayed, neither shall they be lacking, saith the LORD.
The philosophies of “multiculturalism”, “diversity”, “tolerance” and “inclusion” are all tools used by “Jews” to destroy our race and culture. If the “Jew” can eradicate all pure-blooded Christian descendants of Jacob through wars, revolutions, the importing of aliens into our lands, and forced race mixing, so they think, then they will have proven God to be a liar and if God can fail in that one point, they reason, then He can fail in any other point and may decide to preserve them and free them from their coming perdition. This is where they place their false hope. Nevertheless, Yahweh God cannot fail, and His prophecies must be fulfilled, including the one regarding the “vessels of wrath”, which would apply perfectly to the anti-Christ “Jew”.
Romans 9:20-23 Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus? Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour? What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction: And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he had afore prepared unto glory.
Christians, on the other hand, are the “salt of the earth”. Salt is white and this is an allegory for the race it represents. This “salt” is now getting “trodden under foot” which means that it is losing its effect as being a “light of the world”.
Matthew 5:13-14 Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men. Ye are the light of the world.
Thus, the less of this “salt” there is, the more the world descends into spiritual darkness as it was in the days of Noah just prior to the great flood. At that time the world was fully mongrelized except for Noah and his family. The naturally benign systems, inventiveness and mediating effect of the white race once again is becoming a thing of the past because of our decimation by our enemy, biblical “Edom”, those who call themselves “Jews” (implying descent from the tribe of Judah) and are NOT. See Revelation 2:9 and 3:9. White people ARE the “Jacob/Israel” of the Bible and the so-called “Jews” who often claim to be “God’s chosen people” are NOT and can never be because they are mixed race bastards, the descendants of Canaanites, a cursed people whose lineage traces all the way back to Cain and the pre-Adamites. The “Jews” are biblical “Edom”.
The wicked “Jewish”-Talmudic system of things is so all encompassing that scarcely anyone can imagine anything other than a regime in which ALL “money” comes into existence through instruments of DEBT and all outcomes are driven by greed. This certainly is not the Christian way of doing business and our nations have suffered horribly as the Christian paradigm has been replaced by “Jewish” hyper commercialization and top down bureaucracy. The end goal of the Davos, Bilderberg "elite" core group of globalist psychopatbhs is to automate as much business as possible which will cause many more millions to lose their jobs, which in turn will throw them into a cashless “Universal Basic Income” (UBI) grinder of total economic slavery and nasty, invasive, boot on your face, TOTAL surveillance such as what exists now in communist China. America's technocrats, like Musk, Kurzweil, Zuckerberg, Gates, Bloomberg, Ellison, Brin (a high percentage of them "Jews") and others in their orbit are completely on board with this and in fact have assisted the Chinese in implementing their technocracy. It will be even worse when this spawn of Satan rolls out their trans-humanist agenda. In fact, it is reputed that the coming Covid vaccine will contain RNA components designed to literally alter human DNA. We suggest that you do not take it. At the very least it is likely to make you sick and reduce your lifespan. All vaccines, even if they "work" for whatever disease they are supposed to prevent, wreak havoc on the immune system, making the net gain way less than zero. The incidence of childhood diseases (autism, asthma, multiple sclerosis, etc.) has risen in direct proportion to the number of CDC mandated vaccines. Corporations only care about profit. They do not care about life. Satan HATES God’s creation and has always done everything possible to corrupt and destroy us. The coming nightmare, the great tribulation, is a devil’s cauldron of fascism, communism and anti-human technocracy. It is primarily the brainchild of demonically inspired “Jewish” international bankers, corporate-monopolists and grim technocrats who lust after world government, massive population reduction, and total control of all “human resources” outside of their “elite” group at the top of the economic pyramid. All of this will result in an end-times slave population, corralled into miserable mega-city regions, primed and programmed to receive “the mark of the beast”. You must fight against this whatever way you can and try to wake up whoever will listen.
Meanwhile at present, the average working person must spend his life swimming upstream against a rigged system of institutionalized mass theft that encourages debt at every level. The U.S. government carries an ever-growing “national” debt (around 20 trillion dollars in 2018) and most citizens of the western world are heavily in personal debt to mortgages, car loans, credit cards, student loans etc. Go back up and read how the Libyan system operated under Ghadaffi, who managed for four decades to keep the “Jewish” central banking parasites “out of the loop”. Getting the central bankers off of our backs would be like being relieved of a terminal disease. It would result in a happy “renaissance” and rebirth of small business and art similar to the Renaissance which would be a far cry from the money grinding corporate monopolization of this age which threatens to “evolve” into pure communism. The rabbi Stephen Wise once said “Communism is Judaism”.
“Jewish” central banker despots have crafted for themselves the legal “right” to counterfeit money without penalty. Their mass counterfeiting operation was backed by the good faith of governments run on bribery and this was parlayed into complete control of those governments that had granted them their exclusive franchise to create money from nothing. The money generated from this counterfeiting was used to finance the corporate monopolization of all lines of trade so that all business would fall into the hands of the “Jews”. This in turn was parlayed into complete control of all other systems -- education, media, the military, intelligence, agricultural, research, etc. A scientific tyranny was imposed where citizens are “programmed” to function as slaves to the system, so thoroughly “brainwashed” that they have no idea that they are living under a progressively communist system, which ironically is termed “progressivism”. If this is “progress” then we suppose the advance of a terminal illness would be a “progression” toward good health.
Intelligence agencies like the CIA, FBI, NSA, Google, and their sister “intelligence” agencies like the Mossad, MI6, the KGB etc. exist primarily for protection of the global central banking system. Do not expect to hear this from any media source that is controlled by “Jews”, which unfortunately is most of them. At this late date in human history the banking mafia has affixed itself to most nations and military action will inevitably be used to force those nations that are not under the Rothschild central banking system to submit. We can be sure that the usurers have many enemies. This is why they want every citizen under surveillance and microchipped (see the Aaron Russo interview) and desire to eliminate cash so as to tighten the screws of control. We can scarcely imagine this cancerous evil will be brought down solely by any human agency which is why we insist that YOU must pray fervently to Yahweh God that he put an end to it. Our people need to come out of their mental slumber and realize that God is allowing this evil to overtake us because our people have abandoned Him. We offer this and other essays for informational purposes only and are not suggesting that you grab a gun and go out and assassinate someone because it won’t do any good, any more than stomping one cockroach in a kitchen overrun with roaches will alleviate the roach problem. It is going to take divine intervention by God to solve the problem, and rest assured that He will, in due time, but ONLY when the remnant of HIS people repent and pray fervently for relief. If you are alive at the time you will know for sure when God plays His hand.
It is out of an underlying fear of God’s coming vengeance against them that the “spiritual” component of the “beast” system (this would be the rabbinical establishment) looks for a way out of the ultimate doom for themselves and their kind. Jesus said (in Matthew 5:20) “For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven”. The rabbinical establishment constitutes the modern day equivalent of the Pharisees of Jesus’ day. Because biblical prophecy states that there will be a “remnant” of God’s people alive until the very end of this earth age and that this remnant will be gathered when Jesus returns it is their top priority to eliminate Christianity and white Christians in particular. A program of white genocide has been implemented in all white nations. Nevertheless, the “Jews” will not be able to eliminate all of us and biblical prophecy shall be fulfilled. There will be a remnant of the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob up until the return of Jesus Christ. At that time, our people will be “scattered” amidst a mongrelized “sea” of humanity and Jesus Christ will gather them. The gathering of “Jews” in the Israeli state is a counterfeit which by no means fulfills this and other like prophecies:
Jeremiah 23:3-4 And I will gather the remnant of my flock out of all countries whither I have driven them, and will bring them again to their folds; and they shall be fruitful and increase. And I will set up shepherds over them which shall feed them: and they shall fear no more, nor be dismayed, neither shall they be lacking, saith the LORD.
The philosophies of “multiculturalism”, “diversity”, “tolerance” and “inclusion” are all tools used by “Jews” to destroy our race and culture. If the “Jew” can eradicate all pure-blooded Christian descendants of Jacob through wars, revolutions, the importing of aliens into our lands, and forced race mixing, so they think, then they will have proven God to be a liar and if God can fail in that one point, they reason, then He can fail in any other point and may decide to preserve them and free them from their coming perdition. This is where they place their false hope. Nevertheless, Yahweh God cannot fail, and His prophecies must be fulfilled, including the one regarding the “vessels of wrath”, which would apply perfectly to the anti-Christ “Jew”.
Romans 9:20-23 Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus? Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour? What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction: And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he had afore prepared unto glory.
Christians, on the other hand, are the “salt of the earth”. Salt is white and this is an allegory for the race it represents. This “salt” is now getting “trodden under foot” which means that it is losing its effect as being a “light of the world”.
Matthew 5:13-14 Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men. Ye are the light of the world.
Thus, the less of this “salt” there is, the more the world descends into spiritual darkness as it was in the days of Noah just prior to the great flood. At that time the world was fully mongrelized except for Noah and his family. The naturally benign systems, inventiveness and mediating effect of the white race once again is becoming a thing of the past because of our decimation by our enemy, biblical “Edom”, those who call themselves “Jews” (implying descent from the tribe of Judah) and are NOT. See Revelation 2:9 and 3:9. White people ARE the “Jacob/Israel” of the Bible and the so-called “Jews” who often claim to be “God’s chosen people” are NOT and can never be because they are mixed race bastards, the descendants of Canaanites, a cursed people whose lineage traces all the way back to Cain and the pre-Adamites. The “Jews” are biblical “Edom”.
Deuteronomy 23:2 A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the LORD.
“Judeo-Christians” put “Jews” on a pedestal to their own peril. If they believe the “Jews” are “God’s chosen people” then surely they will have to answer for it when they are judged. Failure to truly repent of sins such as this will result in “strong delusion” put upon them by God because they love lies more than the truth. The concept of “Judeo-Christianity” is ridiculous. Oil and water cannot be mixed, nor can Judaism be successfully mixed with Christianity, as the two religions are in utter opposition to each other. The “Jew” imposters have hijacked OUR identity and are not going to be admitted to the Kingdom of God no matter what they do. They are the “vessels of wrath” fitted to absorb the wrath of God when he puts an end to their New World Order, the “beast” of the book of Revelation. They are “of their father the devil” and have been working for him since the days of Cain and Abel. |
Canada's Justin Trudeau, who recently
"discovered" that he is "Jewish" |
John 8:43-44 Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word. Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, (referring to the forefather of the Canaanites, Cain) and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
When Jesus was with his disciples he was asked, “Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?” (Matthew 24:3). He replied with a list of signs to look for. Among these signs was the following:
Matthew 24:36-37 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
When Jesus was with his disciples he was asked, “Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?” (Matthew 24:3). He replied with a list of signs to look for. Among these signs was the following:
Matthew 24:36-37 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
In the days of Noah the world was fully mongrelized except for Noah and his immediate family. Noah was “perfect in his generations” which means that he was a pure-blooded Adamite as were his three sons, their mother and his son’s wives. They were the very last of the Adamites on planet earth at that time!
Genesis 6:9 These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah
walked with God.
The world is headed to a similar scenario in the not too distant future. Pure blooded Adamites, the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and carriers of the torch of God, will be drastically outnumbered. In those ancient days just before the flood Noah was mocked for building the ark. No one believed him and man’s every thought was evil continually, (Genesis 6:5) and so it shall be at the end of this age. As pure Christianity is being abandoned in proportion to the “salt of the earth” being “trodden under foot” the end of this age is near. Though no one knows the exact date of Jesus’ return we offer the following data as a yardstick:
At the turn of the twentieth century the White population of the world numbered 590 million or 36% of its (the world’s) 1.65 billion total. In 2016 although that number had increased absolutely to 1 billion, its relative share of the world’s population of 7.5 billion has shrunk to 13.3%. Two fratricidal and pointless world wars over the maintenance of the usury system set this catastrophic decline in motion. The following table (which the author provides in his book) of fertility rates reveals the inevitability and the near mathematical certainty that by 2100 most of the Whites and a large portion of the Asian peoples of north east Asia will have died out.
A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind, Stephen Mitford Goodson, Copyright 2017, page 172, Black House Publishing Ltd., Kemp House, 152 City Road, London, United Kingdom, EC1V2NX, email: info@blackhousepublishing.com
One must remember that many people who pass as white are mixed race so the figures stated above are probably low. How long will it be until whites are down to 10% of the world’s population, then 5%, then 1% then a mere fraction. Most of the world’s people, the mongrelized masses, will go along with the “Jewish”-satanic globalization paradigm because they won’t know any better. They are the “broken cisterns” who cannot contain the Holy Spirit of God and therefore will suffer from strong delusion, that they would worship Satan when he comes on the scene promising to solve the problems of the world.
Jeremiah 2:13 For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water (symbolic of mixed race offspring).
The mongrelized masses can only be expected to corrupt Christianity as they have to a large extent already. Catholicism has been severely corrupted as has most modern Protestant denominationalism. The masses love their materialist philosophies, idols, games, comforts, their “god that loves everybody”, no matter what – all of the manifestations of “mammon”, but God’s word says “Ye cannot worship God and mammon” (simultaneously).
II Thessalonians 2:11b-12 … God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
A prevailing thought in “Judeo-Christianity” is that God loves everybody and He is just waiting for them to “choose” Him. The truth is that He does not love those who do not love Him and he does not love the children of the adversary, Satan, also known as “Edom”. We are instructed not to help the ungodly, nor to love them that hate the Lord.
Malachi 1:1-5 The burden of the word of the LORD to Israel by Malachi. I have loved you, (referring to the descendants of Jacob) saith the LORD. Yet ye say, Wherein hast thou loved us? Was not Esau Jacob’s brother? (both Jacob and Esau came from the same womb but were destined to procreate nations in opposition to each other – Gen. 25-21-23) saith the LORD: yet I loved Jacob, And I hated Esau, and laid his mountains and his heritage waste for the dragons of the wilderness. Whereas Edom saith, We are impoverished, but we will return and build the desolate places; thus saith the LORD of hosts, They shall build, but I will throw down; and they shall call them, The border of wickedness, and, The people against whom the LORD hath indignation for ever. And your eyes shall see, and ye shall say, The LORD will be magnified from the border of Israel (prophecy of Jesus’ return at the end of this age).
Genesis 25:21-23 And Isaac intreated the LORD for his wife, because she was barren: and the LORD was intreated of him, and Rebekah his wife conceived. And the children struggled together within her; and she said, If it be so, why am I thus? And she went to enquire of the LORD. And the LORD said unto her, Two nations are in thy womb, … (these two nations are represented by todays Caucasians and the “Jews”)
II Chronicles 19:2b … Shouldest thou help the ungodly, and love them that hate the LORD? therefore is wrath upon thee from before the LORD.
In these last days the enemies of God have reduced much of the middle class of America and the West to poverty and have stolen most of the wealth of the world through their usury, institutionalized scams and injurious speculations. Risking his life to speak the truth Martin Luther stated the problem 500 years ago in his book “The Jews and their Lies”. Today, it’s the same cursed breed committing the same crimes and injustices – only more so. They ungodly “Jews” lie, cheat, steal, deceive and weave propaganda with great facility and without guilt. They are engaging in genocide of the white race and almost none of our people are aware of it! According to prophecy:
Jeremiah 2:13 For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water (symbolic of mixed race offspring).
The mongrelized masses can only be expected to corrupt Christianity as they have to a large extent already. Catholicism has been severely corrupted as has most modern Protestant denominationalism. The masses love their materialist philosophies, idols, games, comforts, their “god that loves everybody”, no matter what – all of the manifestations of “mammon”, but God’s word says “Ye cannot worship God and mammon” (simultaneously).
II Thessalonians 2:11b-12 … God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
A prevailing thought in “Judeo-Christianity” is that God loves everybody and He is just waiting for them to “choose” Him. The truth is that He does not love those who do not love Him and he does not love the children of the adversary, Satan, also known as “Edom”. We are instructed not to help the ungodly, nor to love them that hate the Lord.
Malachi 1:1-5 The burden of the word of the LORD to Israel by Malachi. I have loved you, (referring to the descendants of Jacob) saith the LORD. Yet ye say, Wherein hast thou loved us? Was not Esau Jacob’s brother? (both Jacob and Esau came from the same womb but were destined to procreate nations in opposition to each other – Gen. 25-21-23) saith the LORD: yet I loved Jacob, And I hated Esau, and laid his mountains and his heritage waste for the dragons of the wilderness. Whereas Edom saith, We are impoverished, but we will return and build the desolate places; thus saith the LORD of hosts, They shall build, but I will throw down; and they shall call them, The border of wickedness, and, The people against whom the LORD hath indignation for ever. And your eyes shall see, and ye shall say, The LORD will be magnified from the border of Israel (prophecy of Jesus’ return at the end of this age).
Genesis 25:21-23 And Isaac intreated the LORD for his wife, because she was barren: and the LORD was intreated of him, and Rebekah his wife conceived. And the children struggled together within her; and she said, If it be so, why am I thus? And she went to enquire of the LORD. And the LORD said unto her, Two nations are in thy womb, … (these two nations are represented by todays Caucasians and the “Jews”)
II Chronicles 19:2b … Shouldest thou help the ungodly, and love them that hate the LORD? therefore is wrath upon thee from before the LORD.
In these last days the enemies of God have reduced much of the middle class of America and the West to poverty and have stolen most of the wealth of the world through their usury, institutionalized scams and injurious speculations. Risking his life to speak the truth Martin Luther stated the problem 500 years ago in his book “The Jews and their Lies”. Today, it’s the same cursed breed committing the same crimes and injustices – only more so. They ungodly “Jews” lie, cheat, steal, deceive and weave propaganda with great facility and without guilt. They are engaging in genocide of the white race and almost none of our people are aware of it! According to prophecy:
God has spoken. "The writing is on the wall"
Isaiah 3:9 The shew of their countenance doth witness against them; and they declare their sin as Sodom, they hide it not. Woe unto their soul! for they have rewarded evil unto themselves.
Isaiah 5:18 Woe unto them that draw iniquity with cords of vanity, and sin as it were with a cart rope: Isaiah 5:20-21 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight! |
“Jew” intellectuals state in Protocol #3 “We are interested … in the diminution, the KILLING OUT OF THE GOYIM. Our power is in the chronic shortness of food and physical weakness of the worker”. These are rather startling words.
The satanic “Jew” does not care about the health and welfare of the victims they are bleeding dry and they will always push their schemes to maximum profitability no matter how much misery and death it causes. At the top of this heap of parasites we find the central bankers, who are the instigators and financiers of ALL modern wars and revolutions. The purpose of these wars is always the same: to protect and advance their empire of usury and to decimate the white race, which they hate, because they are “Edom”, the natural opponent of “Jacob”. Napolean once said that “Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency; their sole object is gain.” The agenda of the top tier financiers is to conquer the world through the use of every conceivable evil to be financed with their hoard of ill-gotten gain. If you have ever wondered how characters like Trotsky, Lenin, Stalin, Bela Kuhn, Pol Pot, Anna Poulker, Fidel Castro, the Clintons and the like accumulate large personal fortunes, it is very simple: They are all the agents of international bankers, placed in their positions to assist in bringing about the “New World Order” which is utopia for the satanic “Jew” but tribulation for God’s people, “Jacob-Israel”.
The propaganda arm of the puppet government, mainstream media and controlled academia would have the compliant citizen-slave reject any “non-approved” information (such as this) or eschew anyone who thinks or lives life “outside of the box” or “off the grid”. In full-fledged communist regimes citizens are programmed by fear to turn in neighbors that they suspect are engaging in “anti-government” activities. People living under such regimes are afraid to speak their minds for fear of imprisonment or death. Whites who simply want to preserve themselves and their culture are labeled with thought interrupting buzzwords concocted in the brains of “Jew” propagandists to prevent logical discourse on matters of great importance. These days to be called a “hater”, “homophobe”, “white supremacist”, “white nationalist”, “neo-Nazi”, “xenophobe”, “prepper” and especially an “anti-Semite” is akin to having been called a “witch” in the Middle Ages. The purpose of those labels is to marginalize anyone who dares to think and act outside of the Jewish-supremacist paradigm. There is a huge war being waged against Caucasians the world over by “Edom”, the “Jew” who hates God and hates God’s people (while amazingly claiming to be “God’s chosen people”). This war against whites is largely a psychological war, and the “bullets” of thought control are being fired at us unremittingly.
It is not difficult to see where this is going. Genuine patriots and especially Christians have been defined by leftist-Marxist “Jewish” propaganda as potential “terrorists” and the enforcement arm of the “Jewish” oligarchy is being primed to kill us – the salt of the earth -- and even think they are doing the work of God! The ranks of today’s armies and police forces are increasingly being filled with non-whites, who will feel no allegiance toward white Christians. Jesus Christ prophesied this end times scenario in His Olivet Discourse:
Matthew 24:3-14 And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows. Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake. And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.
Is any of this not true at this time?
Yahweh (God’s proper name) has declared that the time will come when Jesus Christ will return and those who have repented of their sins and acknowledge Him as their Lord and Savior will be gathered up to Him (Yeshua - Jesus, the Son of Yahweh) and then join Him in utterly crushing the oppressive “beast” system constructed over several millennia by Satan’s spawn. Repentance, more than anything, is what OUR people need to do. Nothing else is going to work. There is no political solution, only temporary “fixes”. Politicians of all stripes cannot be trusted. All governments are captive because all of the “kingdoms” of this earth age are Satan’s to do with as he pleases, exactly as Jesus has admitted. Jesus did not argue with the devil when he offered Him all the kingdoms of the world in return for worship. Therefore, they are all Satan’s, including the federal and state governments of the United States of America. We believe the foregoing essay has proven beyond any doubt that there is wickedness in high places (Ephesians 6:12). If anyone thinks that solutions can be found in government (which is a form of kingdom) think again:
Matthew 4:8-11 Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. Then the devil leaveth him, and, behold, angels came and ministered unto him.
Here and there our racial kin, from farmers to preppers to intellectuals, talk about what must be done to take back our nation, but what really is their plan? Who is in charge? Who is going to finance it? If there’s one thing the devil’s people are good at it is secretive advance planning, cohesion and decisive action, always masked with a blanket of deception so that massive changes can be made under the cover of darkness. Satan has given them the MONEY to implement his plans and almost all of that money has come from usury, fraud and outright criminal activity. These conscious-less bastards (in the biblical sense) are the authors and instigators of tribulation. According to scripture God will preserve some of us, “the seed of the woman” through the tribulation, but it will be in the “wilderness” – that is, wherever one can survive without submitting to the mark of the beast (Revelation 12:14) .The reason there is no political solution is because the world is devolving into the same sorry condition it was in before the great flood, when “man’s every thought was evil continually” (Genesis 6:5). Masses of mixed breed “global citizens” whose minds have been saturated with Marxist-Communist-technocratic propaganda are willing tools of the devil. They will buy and “vote” themselves and our nation into slavery. Look at the nations they came from. This is what they cannot help but bring to America. On the other hand, those who loathe and despise this world system and are doing everything possible NOT to be a part of it need to admit to themselves that while “all things are possible with God” (Matthew 19:26) nothing is possible that does not fit into Yahweh/God’s plan. He is still in control and always has been. Never forget that. Satan is only a character in His play. Do you doubt that? Consider this verse:
Isaiah 45:5-7 I am the LORD, and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me: That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that [there is] none beside me. I am the LORD, and there is none else. I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.
What our people need to do is repent and pray fervently to God to give them direction, so they can personally get in line with God’s plan. In turn, the Holy Spirit will show them the way to survive the coming hardships. Those who don’t believe in God or who think the Bible is a fairy tale have already lost and are headed for hell, to put it bluntly. Every time the white race drifts away from God we lose everything. Look at our history. Look at us NOW. However, it is a surety that WE, as the “bride of Christ” will win in the end, but be forwarned: nothing good is going to happen UNTIL there is genuine repentance of our remnant. Then, and only then, will the tables turn – and this miserable globalist-satanic system of things will be replaced first with the millennial kingdom of Jesus Christ! This will happen very quickly (Revelation 3:11, I Thessalonians, Chapter 5). Afterward comes the eternal kingdom of God.
Revelation 3:9-13 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; [because they are Cainite-Edomite-Canaanites, not true descendants of the tribe of Judah] behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, [the white, Christian descendants of Jacob] and to know that I have loved thee. Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, [to take the mark of the beast and worship Satan] which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. [let no one convince you otherwise] Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.
More supporting verses:
Matthew 10:16-17 Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. But beware of men: for they will deliver you up to the councils, and they will scourge you in their synagogues; (a modern-day “synagogue can ONLY be “Jewish”)
Luke 6:22-23 Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man’s sake. Rejoice ye in that day, and leap for
joy: for, behold, your reward is great in heaven: …
John 15:19 If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.
Apparently, we are nearing the end of this age and the second coming of Jesus.
Matthew 24:21-22 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.
And after the end of this, the age of wickeness:
Hebrews 8:10-12 For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, (after the end of this age) saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people: And they shall not teach every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for all shall know me, from the least to the greatest. For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more.
The satanic “Jew” does not care about the health and welfare of the victims they are bleeding dry and they will always push their schemes to maximum profitability no matter how much misery and death it causes. At the top of this heap of parasites we find the central bankers, who are the instigators and financiers of ALL modern wars and revolutions. The purpose of these wars is always the same: to protect and advance their empire of usury and to decimate the white race, which they hate, because they are “Edom”, the natural opponent of “Jacob”. Napolean once said that “Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency; their sole object is gain.” The agenda of the top tier financiers is to conquer the world through the use of every conceivable evil to be financed with their hoard of ill-gotten gain. If you have ever wondered how characters like Trotsky, Lenin, Stalin, Bela Kuhn, Pol Pot, Anna Poulker, Fidel Castro, the Clintons and the like accumulate large personal fortunes, it is very simple: They are all the agents of international bankers, placed in their positions to assist in bringing about the “New World Order” which is utopia for the satanic “Jew” but tribulation for God’s people, “Jacob-Israel”.
The propaganda arm of the puppet government, mainstream media and controlled academia would have the compliant citizen-slave reject any “non-approved” information (such as this) or eschew anyone who thinks or lives life “outside of the box” or “off the grid”. In full-fledged communist regimes citizens are programmed by fear to turn in neighbors that they suspect are engaging in “anti-government” activities. People living under such regimes are afraid to speak their minds for fear of imprisonment or death. Whites who simply want to preserve themselves and their culture are labeled with thought interrupting buzzwords concocted in the brains of “Jew” propagandists to prevent logical discourse on matters of great importance. These days to be called a “hater”, “homophobe”, “white supremacist”, “white nationalist”, “neo-Nazi”, “xenophobe”, “prepper” and especially an “anti-Semite” is akin to having been called a “witch” in the Middle Ages. The purpose of those labels is to marginalize anyone who dares to think and act outside of the Jewish-supremacist paradigm. There is a huge war being waged against Caucasians the world over by “Edom”, the “Jew” who hates God and hates God’s people (while amazingly claiming to be “God’s chosen people”). This war against whites is largely a psychological war, and the “bullets” of thought control are being fired at us unremittingly.
It is not difficult to see where this is going. Genuine patriots and especially Christians have been defined by leftist-Marxist “Jewish” propaganda as potential “terrorists” and the enforcement arm of the “Jewish” oligarchy is being primed to kill us – the salt of the earth -- and even think they are doing the work of God! The ranks of today’s armies and police forces are increasingly being filled with non-whites, who will feel no allegiance toward white Christians. Jesus Christ prophesied this end times scenario in His Olivet Discourse:
Matthew 24:3-14 And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows. Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake. And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.
Is any of this not true at this time?
- Nations are engaged in war
- There are famines, pestilences, earthquakes in diverse places
- Christians are hated and even being killed for their faith
- Many are claiming to be “offended”
- There is much betrayal and hatred in the world
- There are false prophets
- Love is waxing cold – more psychopaths, narcissists, etc.
- The gospel has been preached throughout the world
Yahweh (God’s proper name) has declared that the time will come when Jesus Christ will return and those who have repented of their sins and acknowledge Him as their Lord and Savior will be gathered up to Him (Yeshua - Jesus, the Son of Yahweh) and then join Him in utterly crushing the oppressive “beast” system constructed over several millennia by Satan’s spawn. Repentance, more than anything, is what OUR people need to do. Nothing else is going to work. There is no political solution, only temporary “fixes”. Politicians of all stripes cannot be trusted. All governments are captive because all of the “kingdoms” of this earth age are Satan’s to do with as he pleases, exactly as Jesus has admitted. Jesus did not argue with the devil when he offered Him all the kingdoms of the world in return for worship. Therefore, they are all Satan’s, including the federal and state governments of the United States of America. We believe the foregoing essay has proven beyond any doubt that there is wickedness in high places (Ephesians 6:12). If anyone thinks that solutions can be found in government (which is a form of kingdom) think again:
Matthew 4:8-11 Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. Then the devil leaveth him, and, behold, angels came and ministered unto him.
Here and there our racial kin, from farmers to preppers to intellectuals, talk about what must be done to take back our nation, but what really is their plan? Who is in charge? Who is going to finance it? If there’s one thing the devil’s people are good at it is secretive advance planning, cohesion and decisive action, always masked with a blanket of deception so that massive changes can be made under the cover of darkness. Satan has given them the MONEY to implement his plans and almost all of that money has come from usury, fraud and outright criminal activity. These conscious-less bastards (in the biblical sense) are the authors and instigators of tribulation. According to scripture God will preserve some of us, “the seed of the woman” through the tribulation, but it will be in the “wilderness” – that is, wherever one can survive without submitting to the mark of the beast (Revelation 12:14) .The reason there is no political solution is because the world is devolving into the same sorry condition it was in before the great flood, when “man’s every thought was evil continually” (Genesis 6:5). Masses of mixed breed “global citizens” whose minds have been saturated with Marxist-Communist-technocratic propaganda are willing tools of the devil. They will buy and “vote” themselves and our nation into slavery. Look at the nations they came from. This is what they cannot help but bring to America. On the other hand, those who loathe and despise this world system and are doing everything possible NOT to be a part of it need to admit to themselves that while “all things are possible with God” (Matthew 19:26) nothing is possible that does not fit into Yahweh/God’s plan. He is still in control and always has been. Never forget that. Satan is only a character in His play. Do you doubt that? Consider this verse:
Isaiah 45:5-7 I am the LORD, and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me: That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that [there is] none beside me. I am the LORD, and there is none else. I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.
What our people need to do is repent and pray fervently to God to give them direction, so they can personally get in line with God’s plan. In turn, the Holy Spirit will show them the way to survive the coming hardships. Those who don’t believe in God or who think the Bible is a fairy tale have already lost and are headed for hell, to put it bluntly. Every time the white race drifts away from God we lose everything. Look at our history. Look at us NOW. However, it is a surety that WE, as the “bride of Christ” will win in the end, but be forwarned: nothing good is going to happen UNTIL there is genuine repentance of our remnant. Then, and only then, will the tables turn – and this miserable globalist-satanic system of things will be replaced first with the millennial kingdom of Jesus Christ! This will happen very quickly (Revelation 3:11, I Thessalonians, Chapter 5). Afterward comes the eternal kingdom of God.
Revelation 3:9-13 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; [because they are Cainite-Edomite-Canaanites, not true descendants of the tribe of Judah] behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, [the white, Christian descendants of Jacob] and to know that I have loved thee. Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, [to take the mark of the beast and worship Satan] which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. [let no one convince you otherwise] Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.
More supporting verses:
Matthew 10:16-17 Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. But beware of men: for they will deliver you up to the councils, and they will scourge you in their synagogues; (a modern-day “synagogue can ONLY be “Jewish”)
Luke 6:22-23 Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man’s sake. Rejoice ye in that day, and leap for
joy: for, behold, your reward is great in heaven: …
John 15:19 If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.
Apparently, we are nearing the end of this age and the second coming of Jesus.
Matthew 24:21-22 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.
And after the end of this, the age of wickeness:
Hebrews 8:10-12 For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, (after the end of this age) saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people: And they shall not teach every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for all shall know me, from the least to the greatest. For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more.

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